2 minute read

Ngt ClassIC BedChaIr


thIs lOW Budget BedChaIr Was surprIsINg COmfOrtaBle BOth fOr sleepINg aNd sat up WatChINg the WOrld gO By.


NGT specialises in low-cost fishing gear, with entry level products that perform well whilst protecting the bank balance, we received the Classic Bedchair to take a closer look at. As the name suggests it is both a bed and a chair combined, ideal for lounging by the riverside but equally useful as a sunbed in the garden and single bed for camping and even unexpected guests. It comes in one design, green, helping you to blend into the natural environment, it is rather sizeable at 82cm wide x 206cm long x 38 high. The legs adjust to give you a little extra height where needed and helps you gain a flat surface on bumpy ground, however we found the two in the middle difficult to pull out and needed a good wiggle for releasing; the six wide mud feet sit in a ball joint letting them level out whilst the textured bottoms help to give a secure foundation on wet or muddy terrain. When it comes to portability there are definitely easier things to carry about, a strap or carry case would make the process much easier. It weighs 10kg, not ridiculously heavy but equally you won’t want to be walking it too far from the car and certainly not whilst carrying other gear. Setting it up is fairly straightforward, unfold the legs and push back the feet and head rest, if you want it in the seated position there are two plastic dials that need to be adjusted. These dials could be more robust, they close the gap between two panels with grippy teeth, also made from plastic, which locks the back rest into the desired position, this can be adjusted by tiny increments allowing you to find the perfect angle. The top of the Bedchair is lined with a lovely soft micro fleece fabric comfortable against the skin, there is a removable pillow in the head rest and the adjustable webbing on the back of the mattress adds support. The footrest of the bed doesn’t fold down so when it’s in the chair position your feet aren’t on the floor, its more like a recliner, when fully laid out as a bed, it was surprisingly comfortable even for a slide sleeper like me. The Classic Bedchair could accompany you fishing but it is much more suited to hanging out in your garden, going car camping, glamping or caravanning or putting up that friend at the party who couldn’t get a taxi.

prOs BaCk rest aNgle hIghly VarIaBle adjustaBle WeBBINg ON the BaCk sIx mud feet IN Ball jOINts remOVaBle pIllOW sOft fleeCe lININg sturdy CONs Bulky legs dIffICult tO slIde Out fOOt rest dOesN ’ t drOp dOWN BaCk rest dIals COuld Be mOre rOBust

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