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!!!!!Music!!!!!!!!! !






!!The Rhythmic Lounge



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAR/APR!2015! volume!15! !

Chantel Atkins (CEO/Owner) I started The Rhythmic Lounge in December 2010. At its start, it was a fairly simple website with the purpose of giving people a place to promote their talents and network. I had no idea that less than two years later it would transform into something much bigger. The website then underwent a complete revamp in July 2011, with a brand new look and the addition of many new features, including the creation of The Rhythmic Lounge Radio. Following suit, the radio started out as merely a 24/7 stream of hand-picked music submitted by talented musicians from the website but is now an integral part of the company. Listeners from all over the world tune in regularly to hear the wide variety of music, as well as the educational, musical and talk-radio shows that we now host. The radio’s success has only made me realize The Rhythmic Lounge could take me in new directions everyday rather than the other way around, which is why a digital magazine seemed like the next step. I’m incredibly proud to present to you hardworking artists and entertainers in this magazine and on the site, so enjoy! Be sure to go to www.therhythm to see the profiles for the great talent displayed in this issue and take a look at our new magazine site at http://w w w .trlm Thanks for the support, and happy reading!

Contributors Special thanks to the individuals who have contributed to this issue of The Rhythmic Lounge Magazine! Sankofa, Writer

!!! Bronx

Monet, Columnist Paperback book

Bishop, W riter

Andreea Nica, W riter ! W ebsite: Blog:

Amanda Craig, Writer

Patrick Ross, W riter !

Ross Guity, W riter Blog:

K.P. Spright, W riter

Essince, Interviewer Http://

W andalyn Thomas, Movie Reviewer ! #1 #2

William Kryjak, Writer

Aaron Wilson, Writer !

The Rhythmic Lounge website, radio and magazine are always looking to promote new talent, so don’t forget to join at and please take a look at our new magazine page at

If you would like to be in the magazine, contact the email below.

The Rhythmic Lounge Magazine

2 DJ Chemo


“Music scene”

6 Ron Handy



8 Essince


Allan Louvre


Snail Juice Records

12 Adam Santana

Ron Handy !

The!multi*instrumentalist,!Ron!Handy,!was!born!and!reared!in! Montgomery,!Alabama.!He!began!playing!guitar!in!grade!school.!In!junior!and! senior!high!school,!Ron!began!to!concentrate!primarily!on!Alto!Saxophone!and!he! participated!in!various!county!and!state!honor!bands.!During!high!school,!Ron!not! only!played!in!the!marching,!symphonic,!and!jazz!bands,!but!he!also!arranged!and! composed!music!for!these!bands.!This!pivotal!period!in!his!life!influenced!Ron’s! decision!to!pursue!a!career!in!music.! After!high!school!graduation,!Ron!enrolled!in!college!at!Alabama!State!University,! where!he!earned!a!music!degree!with!honors.!Presently,!Ron!is!employed!at! Alabama!State!University!in!the!Department!of!Music.!Ron!has!been!the!recipient!of! the!ASU!President’s!Excellence!Award!and!he!was!inducted!into!the!Lanier!High! School!Hall!of!Fame!(his!high!school!alma!mater)!for!creative!musicianship!and! service!to!the!community.!He!has!also!received!numerous!other!awards!for!music! and!for!community!service.! !!!!!!!!!!!Throughout!his!professional!career,!Ron!has!performed!with!or!as!the!opening! act!for!various!jazz,!pop/R&B!and!gospel!stars!including:!Grammy!Award!winning! saxophonist!Kirk!Whalum;!Grammy!Award!winning!vocalist!Chrisette!Michele;! Outstanding!a!cappella!group!and!10!time!Grammy!Award!winners!Take!6;9!time! Grammy!Award!winner!Alicia!Keys;!Platinum!selling!R&B!vocalist!Avant;!jazz!group! Pieces!of!a!Dream;!vibraphonist!Roy!Ayers;!vocalist!Phyllis!Hyman;!trumpeter!Tom!! Browne;!saxophonist!Najee;!9!time!Grammy!Award!winner!and!Pulitzer!Prize! recipient!Wynton!Marsalis;!super!producer/keyboardist!George!Duke;!saxophonist! George!Howard;!vocalist!Rachelle!Ferrell;!vocal!sensation!and!2!time!Grammy! Award!winner!Patti!Labelle;!jazz!keyboardist!Joe!Sample;!5!time!Grammy!Award! winner!and!pop/rock/country/gospel!hitmaker!B.J.!Thomas;!producer/drummer! Norman!Connors;!gospel!vocalist!Lisa!McClendon;!gospel/jazz!guitarist!Roland! Grissum;!smooth!jazz!violinist!Jerald!Daemyon;!Hit!r&b/pop!vocalist!Peabo!Bryson;! father/son!recording!artists!Eddie!Levert!(O’jays)!&!Gerald!Levert!and!gospel!recording!star!John!P.!Kee.!Ron!has!also!performed!with!and!composed! music!for!actress!Bernadette!Stanis!(formerly!known!as!“Thelma”!from!the!hit!TV!show!“Good!Times”),!who!is!also!skilled!at!writing!poetry.! !!!!!!!!!!A!versatile!musician!with!a!love!for!different!genres!of!music,!Ron!Handy!has!played!gospel,!classical,!jazz!and!pop/R&B!extensively.!He!has! served!as!the!musical!director!and/or!woodwind/keyboard!player!for!many!theatrical!!productions!including:!“The!Wiz”;!“Dreamgirls”;!“Don’t!Bother! Me,!I!Can’t!Cope”;!“Purlie”;!“Ain’t!Misbehavin’;!“The!Meeting”!and!many!others.! !!!!!!!!!!Ron!has!been!featured!on!both!local!and!national!television,!along!with!local!and!international!radio.!He!has!been!featured!on!CNN!and!he!was! the!“Artist!of!the!Week”!on!the!international!radio!program!“Jazz!From!The!City,”!hosted!by!renowned!jazz!DJ!Ken!“Spider”!Webb.!Ron!Handy!has! produced!and!performed!on!numerous!recordings!over!the!years.!He!has!worked!as!a!studio!musician!and!engineer,!as!well!as!producer!and!arranger! for!several!recording!projects,!including!television!theme!songs!and!commercial!jingles.!Ron!has!released!his!own!CDs,!which!include!smooth!jazz! “covers”!of!the!R&B!group!Jodeci’s!“Forever!My!Lady”!and!jazz!vocalist!Dianne!Reeves’!“Come!In.”!He!has!also!recorded!smooth!jazz!versions!of! other!pop/R&B!hits,!including!Brian!McKnight’s!“The!Only!One!For!Me”.! !!!!!!!!!!Being!a!spiritual!person!who!loves!to!give!honor!and!praise!to!God,!Ron!released!a!CD!of!gospel!favorites!titled!“Sign!Me!Up,”!which!has! received!heavy!rotation!and!acclaim!from!radio!stations!and!listeners!alike.!Gospel!and!“smooth!jazz”!stations!also!embraced!a!CD!single!titled!“He’s! Worthy”.! Despite!maintaining!a!demanding!professional!career,!Ron!enjoys!taking!the!time!to!visit!schools!and!churches!to!perform!and!talk!to!young!people! about!music,!life!and!career!goals.! !!!!!!!!!!!Throughout!the!years,!Ron!has!been!blessed!to!perform!for!wide!and!diverse!audiences.!His!versatility!has!allowed!him!to!become!one!of!the! most!sought!after!musicians!in!the!southeast.!Having!been!given!the!gift!of!music,!Ron!Handy!thanks!God!and!considers!it!a!privilege!and!an!honor!to! be!able!to!share!his!music!with!others.!


The!Rhythmic!Lounge:!Please!give!us!a!quick!background!for!those!who!aren’t!familiar!with! who!you!are!! Ron$Handy:$Ok!$I$am$Ron$Handy,$a$multi4instrumentalist$who$was$born$in$Montgomery,$Alabama.$I$have$studied$woodwinds$(saxophone,$flute,$clarinet,$ etc.),$guitar,$piano$&$bass$guitar.$I$have$performed$and$served$as$a$solo$artist,$teacher,$producer,$music$director,$composer,$arranger$and$recording$ engineer$at$different$times$throughout$my$musical$career.$I$currently$serve$as$the$“Music$Media$Specialist”$at$Alabama$State$University$(alma$mater),$ where$I’ve$also$taught$applied$woodwinds$and$music$industry$classes.$I’ve$also$served$as$the$University’s$jazz$band$and$jazz$combo$director$in$the$past.$I$ also$serve$as$a$church$musician$along$with$performing$for$numerous$special$events$in$and$out$of$the$city/state.$My$passion$and$purpose$as$a$musician$is$ to$always$provide$high$quality$music$that$is$inspirational.$I’m$drawn$to$music$that$is$uplifting$and$positive.$$$$$$$ $ $


$ $ TRL:!Growing!up!in!Montgomery,!Alabama!how!was!the!music!scene!and!was!it!easy!and!inviting!for!you!as!you!developed!as!an!artist?$ RH:$That’s$a$great$question.$Actually,$growing$up$in$Montgomery,$Alabama$was$a$great$experience.$My$family$is$very$musical$and$there$was$music$“all$ the$time”$at$home.$My$father$plays$the$sax$and$my$mother$plays$the$piano.$Mom$also$sings.$She$started$me$and$my$siblings$(5$kids)$out$in$the$church$ choir,$which$was$always$fun.$Unlike$many$of$the$artists$today,$I$didn’t$think$much$about$the$music$business$because$Montgomery$was$not$a$music$ center,$like$Los$Angeles$or$New$York,$and$I$didn’t$know$of$anyone$who$was$making$a$living$just$playing$music.$I$saw$many$musicians$who$had$“real”$jobs$ (smile)$by$day$and$played$music$on$the$“side”$after$work.$My$main$goal$as$a$young,$eager$musician$was$to$become$really$good.$Being$the$best$musician$ that$I$could$be$was,$and$still$is,$my$main$goal.$I$was$given$many$opportunities$to$grow$musically$from$grade$school$through$college$and$beyond.$I$was$ always$performing$at$a$church,$school$band,$special$event$or$club/restaurant$“back$in$the$day”.$Each$of$my$brothers$and$sisters$played$an$instrument$so$ I$had$the$pleasure$of$having$a$lot$of$“hands$on”$experience$with$their$instruments.$During$my$high$school$years,$older$musicians$in$the$city$and$ surrounding$areas$began$to$notice$me$as$an$up$and$coming$musician$who$was$“serious”$about$my$craft.$These$older$“cats”$took$me$under$their$wings$ and$would$allow$me$sit4in$with$them$on$their$gigs.$They$would$give$me$really$helpful$advice$and$encouragement$to$inspire$me$to$continue$on$my$ musical$journey.$Their$contribution$to$my$growth$was$invaluable$and$I$will$forever$owe$them$a$debt$of$gratitude.$So$you$see,$I$had$the$formal$training$ from$school$under$amazing$band$directors$and$the$“street$education”$from$the$older$(gigging)$musicians.$I$loved$it!$$$$ $ $ TRL:!Who!are!your!musical!influences?$ RH:$My$musical$influences$are$truly$varied.$Wow.$I’ve$studied$classical$but$I$love$all$styles.$I$listen$to$everything$and$try$to$understand$the$objectives$of$ the$composer/performer$as$I$listen$to$the$composition$or$style.$I’m$also$called$upon$to$DJ$sometimes,$so$I$have$to$stay$up$on$the$current$trends$in$music.$ With$that$being$said,$I$would$say$my$influences$range$from$Prince,$Michael$Jackson$and$Stevie$Wonder$to$Miles$Davis,$Grover$Washington,$Jr.,$Charlie$ Parker,$etc.$I$have$great$respect$for$all$music$as$long$as$it’s$not$used$as$a$negative$tool$for$the$listener.$I’m$also$a$fan$of$the$bands$of$the$‘70’s,$‘80’s,$‘90’s$ and$beyond.$From$Earth,$Wind$&$Fire$to$the$Commodores$to$Mint$Condition…I$love$it.$Ethnic$music$and$ethnic$sounds$are$also$favorites$of$mine.$I$truly$ love$all$gospel$music$and$jazz$styles.$I$like$positive$rap$and$country$music.$There’s$not$enough$room$or$time$for$me$to$list$all$of$my$influences.$It$also$ wouldn’t$be$fair$because$I$would$leave$someone$out$whom$I$didn’t$think$of.$Wow!$Because$I$have$listened$to$so$much$music$for$different$reasons,$it$is$ extremely$hard$to$list$them$(influences)$all.$That$is,$I$may$be$influenced$by$the$piano$player$on$a$particular$track,$then$a$riff$by$the$guitarist$on$another$ track.$As$I$stated,$I$listen$to$so$much$music$and$love$it$all.$I’m$constantly$listening$and$studying.$$$ $ $ TRL:!Have!you!ever!considered!expanding!your!creative!talent!and!also!getting!involved!in!other!aspects!of!music,!such!as!producing,!writing,!or! vocals?$ RH:$Absolutely!$In$fact,$I’ve$done$quite$a$bit$of$producing$and$writing.$I$do$have$a$pretty$deep$vault$of$songs$that$I’ve$written$and$recorded$over$the$ years.$I’m$constantly$experimenting$with$different$ideas$for$compositions.$I’ve$had$to$produce,$arrange$and$compose$jingles$and$theme$songs$for$ television,$radio$and$business$programs.$It$is$quite$a$challenge$to$do$all$of$the$production$chores,$but$I$love$it$and$look$forward$to$continuing$to$produce$ more$music.$The$art$of$producing$has$always$intrigued$me$and$I’ve$spent$many$hours$studying$the$production$techniques$of$some$of$the$great$ producers$of$“yesterday”.$There$are$many$wonderful$producers$on$the$music$scene$today$who$effectively$blend$the$“old”$with$the$“new”$and$deliver$ great$finished$products.$Yes,$I$will$be$continuing$to$do$more$writing$and$producing.$Stay$tuned$(smile)!$I$totally$enjoy$producing$vocal$tracks,$but$not$ actually$singing$myself.$I$leave$that$to$the$“real”$singer.$Vocalist$Christina$Mims$always$delivers$a$great$vocal$performance$over$my$tracks$and$it’s$fun$to$ add$effects$here$and$there$to$the$vocal$tracks$after$they$are$laid.$Although$I$have$the$capability,$I’ve$never$used$the$popular$“auto4tune”$effect$because$ she$doesn’t$need$it.$I$know$that$many$producers$use$it$for$effect,$and$that’s$fine,$but$I’m$still$“old$school”$I$guess$(Lol).$In$fact,$some$record$companies$ want$the$“auto4tune”$effect$on$the$vocals$simply$because$it’s$popular,$and$that’s$fine.$Let’s$not$forget,$the$music$industry$is$a$business$(smile)!$$ $ $ TRL:!What!can!we!look!forward!to!from!you!in!2015?$ RH:$I$have$been$blessed$to$be$able$to$do$what$I$truly$enjoy$doing,$so$my$initial$answer$is$“more$of$the$same”.$I’m$working$on$a$joint$production$project$ with$inspirational$vocalist,$Christina$Mims.$You$can$hear$her$on$the$“Killing$Me$Softly”$(Christina$Mims,$Ron$Handy)$video$on$YouTube.$She’s$an$ awesome$vocalist$and$you$will$be$hearing$more$from$her$in$the$near$future.$She$also$does$great$vocal$arranging.$Aside$from$that,$I$will$be$continuing$my$ duties$at$Alabama$State$University$and$at$my$church$(Mt.$Zion$A.M.E.$Zion$Church),$where$I$perform$on$various$instruments$and$assist$the$editor$ (Christina)$of$the$monthly$church$newsletter.$Because$of$some$jingle$work,$I’ve$had$to$sing$from$time$to$time.$I’ve$enjoyed$“dabbing”$into$it$somewhat,$ but$it$needs$work$(smile).$Be$on$the$lookout$for$an$instrumental$jazz/gospel$project$from$me,$also.$There$are$also$plans$for$more$traveling$and$“live”$ performing.$Several$years$ago,$I$started$work$on$a$music$method$book.$I$am$continuing$to$add$exercises$to$it$as$I$compose$and$practice$these$techniques$ myself.$Along$with$the$method$book,$I$am$in$the$beginning$stage$of$writing$a$book$about$my$journey$as$a$solo$performer$and$life$lessons$that$I’ve$ learned$along$the$way.$My$career$has$spanned$over$20$years$and$I’ve$had$the$privilege$of$performing$for$wide$audiences.$I$feel$there’s$much$more$to$ come,$but$I$have$been$asked$to$present$the$journey$thus$far$in$a$book.$Thank$you$so$much!$

where creativity lives

MAR/APR / / 7

JJ Appleby Croydon, United Kingdom

JJ Appleby Is a natural singer, whom is multitalented and sings Reggae, Soul, Soft Rock, Gospel Reggae, Ballads and more. His track “What’s your name” won him an award for best soul album! Listen out for JJ this year, album coming in September, and be sure to read more info by going to… !



Michael Karr

by Patrick Ross

Manhattan, New York

Musician Michael Karr is one of those rare instances of humble musical genius. I spoke with Michael over the phone recently to talk with him about what inspired the music from his latest album entitled “Think It Over” on which he is the sole instrumentalist on all the cuts with one exception, the vocals sung by the late Izzy Rivera. A very warm and soft-spoken individual, it is through his music that Michael finds his best expression I believe. Inspired by his father a multi-instrumental musician who took him everywhere as a child and exposing him to various musical settings, he began his voyage through music at the tender age of eleven on his first recording dates with the Pittsburg Youth Symphony as a soloist. His ability and talent recognized by Trombonist Randy Purcell earned him a scholarship to Carnegie Mellon University. After completing his education and receiving two Bachelors degrees by age 19, he began playing and touring nationally and in Europe. Playing with a veritable who’s who of musical groups and artist, a list of which would go beyond the scope of this article, suffice it to say he has earned the respect of many great and talented musicians over the course of his career. Equally talented on both piano and trumpet, he is also an arranger, lyricist, composer, engineer, and producer. Having been signed to various labels during his career and producing a top ten hit on Billboards R&B charts with Stanley Fields cover of “You, Me & He” on the 3C label. It is the women in his life that have most inspired him, as is the case with his daughter after whom the track “Sarina (Sarah)” on his latest album is named. A resident musician in many notable jazz venues throughout New York City, and almost every club east of the Rockies – from after hours clubs, stadiums, and two Presidential Inaugural Balls. He is the leader of Michael’s Karrtet™, which features the musicianship of Ron Affif, Victor Jones, John Benitez, Randy Johnston, Alex Blake, and Essiet O. Essiet. Jazz Improv magazine has him listed as “Noteworthy Performance”. Michael Karr is the genuine, real deal, personally and musically.!

!!!Black!Nevada! !!!!!!!!North!East!England! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!Jordan!Bailey-!vocals!/!George!Tait!-!lead!guitar!/!back!vox!/!Anthony!Fish!-!Bass!/!back!vox!!/!Joe!Metcalfe-!rhythm!guitar!/"Sarah!Davies-!drums! ! ! !

Black!Nevada!are!a!five!piece!alternative!rock!band!hailing!from!the!North!East!of!England,!formed! 20th!January!2012.!Unleashing!music!that!is!filled!with!high!octane!energy,!heavy!breakdowns,! catchy!riffs!and!hooks!that!will!get!you!singing!in!no!time!!! Writing!and!performing!our!own!material!is!what!we!have!believed!in!since!forming!the!band,!with! each!member!having!different!influences!and!input!into!the!music!we!play.!This!allows!us!to!be! diverse!and!create!a!style!that!is!quite!specific!to!ourselves.!! Within!the!first!2!years,!we!have!signed!to!Red!Dragon!Records,!which!we!feel!is!a!massive! achievement!and!gives!us!great!expectations!of!what!we!can!accomplish!in!the!future.!We!have!also! played!venues/!events!such!as!the!02!Academy!main!stage,!02!Academy!2!and!Make!a!Scene! festival.!Within!these!events,!we!have!played!alongside!I!Divide,!Mallory!Knox,!Bury!Tomorrow,!Blitz! Kids,!Neck!Deep,!Hacktivist!and!many!more.!All!of!which!are!a!massive!influence!on!us.!! !


Rising!Evolution!E.P-!March!1st!2013! Standing!On!The!Edge!-!August!2014! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(under!construction)! ! !

Adam Santana TRL: What first got you interested in art at such a young age? Adam Santana: Disney. When I was a little kid I use to watch the Disney channel a lot. I loved Mickey Mouse and all the Disney characters. That was the spark that started it all. Plus during elementary school, art activities were my favorite. I wanted to create my own characters and let my imagination roll. So I grabbed the art supplies and began. TRL: Were there people around you who encouraged and influenced you to really pursue your talent? AS: My mom is actually the one who encouraged me. Till this day I remember when I showed her my drawings when I was little. She told me I could make a career with my art. She said I could be a cartoonist. She also told me to pick a career that has something to do with what I love. I loved art and drawing. Also I loved cartoons the most. In the classroom, there were other students that loved drawing, so they also inspired me as well. From that point on, I knew what I wanted to do for my career. TRL: Have you considered expanding your talent into other areas of art and design? If so, which? AS:I have actually expanded over the years. I went from drawing, to painting, to animation, 3D, Movie Effects, Airbrushing etc. I was always looking to learn all the traits. But I learned the most when I went to college. After High School, I wanted to be limitless. More like a jack of all traits. This year I'm getting more involved with film. That is something I would like to expand on more. TRL: What do we have to look forward to from you in the near future? AS: Over the years, I have seen an experienced a lot in this journey of mine. One thing that I was always fascinated by was the Disney "FANTASIA". It’s a great work of art and musical. I would like to and will be creating a short animated film. Using my own style of art and bringing it to life with great-composed music. Also I will be be expanding my artwork on merchandise. I have a big passion and drive for art, so there really is no telling what I will be doing next.

Amagiri Young Long Island, New York

Real geez Association birthed as a sub group of elite men with roots to DPG and flame unit. !Flame unit was the next generation of youth that was birthed by the DPG docs path gentleman !Flame unit was a rap super group of childhood friends and friends of friends, it got so big that it was technically uncontrollable !from their real gz was started by young as a sub group of enlightened ones w more dedication to our roots. !We chose the color green as our color to symbolize growth, money, weed and Mother Earth, we use the Geez to symbolize - Gangstaz, gentleman, girls, greatness, gratitude, God, green, global growth !Real geez association records was born July 5th 2004 !Rappers consist of Amagiri Young, Bang'em , YoungGod Imperial, Shadloc, Hooly, 730Li, Young Junez nu-B, Singers - Lady Eve . president/manager Rickspitta !Associated with- music money empire, loyalty money music, def squad, real geez south, woodblock, 1017 Bricksquad and young money. !In memory of Jazmine Jackson, headman, Preston gamble, lee Trent !Gump, Big Pete, Dre Goff. Twitter - @youngmulafree Website -

14 !

Christina)Mims) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Vocalist))))))))))Vocal)Arranger))))))))))Songwriter) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Equipped)with)a)voice)that)mesmerizes)her) listeners,)Christina)Mims)has)brought) audiences)to)their)feet)and)moved)many)to) tears.)As)she)pours)her)heart)and)soul)into) each)note,)Christina)pulls)from)the)very) depths)of)her)“being”)to)give)her)listeners) the)best)that)she)has)to)offer.)This)lovely) lady)understands)how)to)“deliver”)a)song!) ) Christina)Mims)became)interested)in)music) as)an)infant)born)into)a)large)family)that) sang)gospel)in)church)and)at)home.))As)the) daughter)of)a)minister,)Christina) remembers)not)being)able)to)contain) herself)as)an)eightEyearEold)watching)a)choir) rehearsal.))As)the)choir)members)“brought) the)spirit)in”,)she)began)to)“belt”)high)notes)along)with)them)from)her)pew.)“Everyone)stopped)to)see)where)that)loud,) spirited)voice)was)coming)from,”)Christina)recalls.)“Everyone)laughed)and)I’ve)been)singing)ever)since.)I)guess)that)was)my) start”,)chuckles)Christina.)She)also)remembers)spending)many)hours)practicing)to)the)radio)or)along)with)a)cassette)tape) player)during)her)early)years.) ) Since)that)time,)Christina)Mims)has)made)a)lasting)impression)on)her)listeners)whenever)and)wherever)she)has)performed.) She)was)a)“standout”)vocalist)in)high)school)and)even)directed)the)church)choir)as)well)as)her)high)school)choir)on)different) occasions.)With)the)understanding)that)a)vocalist)has)to)be)versatile,)Christina)began)to)lend)an)ear)to)any)music)that)came) her)way,)embracing)a)variety)of)musical)styles)that)included)jazz)and)classical.))While)completing)her)studies)as)a)business) major)at)Alabama)State)University)where)she)graduated)with)honors,)Christina)remained)active)in)the)University)and)Gospel) choirs.))She)also)studied)classical)voice,)and)she)was)called)upon)numerous)times)to)sing)solo)selections)at)various)University) functions.))Her)vocal)skills)quickly)became)heralded)by)the)University)and)the)communityEatElarge.))) ) Christina)Mims’)professional)career)as)a)vocalist/songwriter/arranger)has)taken)her)throughout)the)southern)region)of)the) United)States,)along)with)performances)in)the)Washington,)DC)area,)Martha’s)Vineyard)and)abroad)for)special)performances) in)Bermuda)and)the)island)of)Barbados.)She)can)be)heard)singing)regularly)with)popular)saxophonist/multiEinstrumentalist) Ron)Handy)and)she)has)also)performed)a)duet)“live)in)concert”)with)GrammyEwinning)saxophonist)Kirk)Whalum.))Her)studio) recordings)have)found)an)enthusiastic)audience)both)on)the)radio)and)the)internet.)Her)covers)of)CeCe)Winans’)“What)About) You”,)Michelle)Williams’)“Heard)A)Word”,)John)P.)Kee’s)“Survive”)and)Roberta)Flack’s)“Killing)Me)Softly”)have)been)met)with) “exhilarating”)enthusiasm.)In)a)moment)of)divine)inspiration,)Christina)collaborated)with)Ron)Handy)to)pen)the)lyrics)and) perform)all)the)vocal)parts)to)an)uplifting)song)titled)“HE’s)Worthy”.)))) ) A)lady)who)believes)in)being)a)positive)role)model)and)mentor)to)both)the)young)and)old)alike,)Christina)regularly)gives) generously)of)her)time)with)performances)at)area)schools,)nursing)homes)and)the)local)YMCA.))She)takes)great)pride)in)being) able)to)inspire)others)to)be)the)best)that)they)can)be.)“Making)a)positive)impact)on)the)lives)of)others)is)a)goal)that)anyone) can)achieve”,)says)Christina.) ) Whether)she’s)recording)in)the)studio)or)performing)in)an)electrifying)“live”)performance,)Christina)Mims)commits)herself)to) performing)at)the)“highest”)possible)level.))Blessed)with)an)infectious)positive)spirit)and)an)extraordinary)vocal)ability)that) captivates)her)audiences,)she)enjoys)being)able)to)share)her)musical)gifts)and)life)experiences)with)others.) ) Upon)listening)to)her,)you’ll)agree...Christina)Mims)knows)how)to)“deliver”)a)song!) ) )

where creativity lives

MAR/APR / / 15

“We aren’t so loud, that you can’t hear us” guides the multilayered vision of LiquidLight. In an age where popular culture pushes to “out extreme” the latest and greatest, LiquidLight pursues balance and clarity with respect to great rock tradition. With a high standard of execution, strong melody and elements of psychedelic and alternative influences, the music conveys a new yet referential optimism.! Support this great band and buy their EP at Bandcamp, Name Your Price: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Glen Allen From Beethoven to Mozart and everything in between, Symphony of Illusion’s sound is gaining international praise and popularity by streaming and selling music worldwide! Creator Glen Allen is a musician/composer that has been active in the Music Industry for over 3 decades. Playing guitar, performing, songwriting and composing have been a major part of his seasoned music career. Glen is a four time ASCAP PLUS aware winner, and was chosen to participate at NAMM (National Association Music Merchants, Nashville 2013. Musical influences include Ludwig van Beethoven, Frédéric Chopin and J.S. BACH.




By Ross 'R.G. Major' Guity

Coming into the calendar year of 2015, there is a dire need for a resurgence of genuinely talented and super-entertaining male R&B vocal groups that are reminiscent of the likes of New Edition, Dru Hill, Boyz II Men, Troop and a few others that have successfully come down the pike over the past couple of decades. Enter Mechie SoCrazy, Kenny Iko and Tre' Anthony, better known collectively as 4EY 'THE FUTURE' three talented, positive-minded, smooth, good-looking, stylish young brothers reppin' the DMV vicinity that are most definitely doing an incredible job of filling that void with their unique, eclectic brand of Urban Pop/R&B musicality. If their recently released singles 'Scoot Ova,' 'Dance,' 'Sugar,' 'Thristy 4 Love' and 'Dolla$' are any indication of their potential for worldwide superstar status on the level of award-winning groups like One Direction and Mindless Behavior, WATCH OUT! Their live performance is of 'one-of-a-kind' excitement - just ask their loyal and ever-growing rabid female fan base. Slick, innovative dance moves, harmonically-tight vocals with each member possessing the ability to sing lead, a strong, tight, brotherly bond and wellproduced up-tempo and ballad soundtracks will all amount to BIGTIME GLOBAL SUCCESS for 4EY 'THE FUTURE!' For all things happening with the electrifying trio, log on to!

Damion Young The Rhythmic Lounge: At age 12 you landed a position at a local radio station. How did that come about? Damion Young: Michael Newman was doing nights at KHTY in Santa Barbara (my hometown station) and I would call and bug the heck out of him so he put me to work in the music closet at 12 years old, to keep me off his phone (laughs) and that’s honestly the story…lol TRL: You’ve been involved in many things, including breaking huge artists, being program and music director, and even being somewhat of a “peacemaker.” What would you say has been the most rewarding aspect of what you have accomplished? DY: Anytime you can make a difference in any aspect of the human cause, it’s rewarding. Working with these young people to teach the craft of making music or being a mediator to make a positive outcome of a tense situation is always rewarding…nothing feels like it! TRL: What advice do you have for those trying to build a career in entertainment? DY: Have touch skin. This biz is not only the hardest, but it is worse than the crack game, so be touch and persistent. The key to all life is “consistency & repetition breeds familiarity…familiarity breeds relationship…relationship breeds teamwork…teamwork wins games!!!” TRL: Since leaving radio, you have taken a much different direction with your work. Can you tell us a little more about that? DY: I’m a firm believer in let life lead you and all will fall into place. I’ve never made a decision in life. I just follow the music and love where life takes me. I’ve seen beautiful things in my life and I’m thankful that God has let me shine, so I’ll just continue to let the light lead the way…


Kerry James Rogers Jr. By Ross 'R.G. Major' Guity Born in the Windy City of Chicago, Illinois and raised in Gary, Indiana - the same city that birthed one of the most historic musical families of all-time, the Jacksons, talented and promising young vocalist/songwriter/acoustic guitarist Kerry James Rogers, Jr. has what it takes to forge his own legacy with a unique and inspiring style of musicality. The 22-year-old Rogers' flow reminds me of legendary artists Bob Dylan and Richie Havens - that soulful acoustic brand of Indie-Folk that's enjoyable and refreshing for today's ears of music fans worldwide. Look out for Kerry's new music here in 2015 and beyond! TRL (RG): Your acoustic guitar-playing is a nice combination of Folk and Soul. Which recording artists would you say are your musical influences? KJR: Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake. TRL: What types of messages do you bring to your style of R&B/Soul music? KJR: I bring messages of inspiration, and I will always have a story to tell. If you can discover yourself in your music, you can be an idol to people all around the world. We absolutely need a lot more positive messages in our music today - especially for your young boys and girls. TRL: Your mom - Wendy M. Sanders-Johnson, is a huge part in all that you are doing with your life - naturally. KJR: My mother is my biggest No. 1 fan...An inspiration to everything that I've accomplished in my life so far of doing music, and is a super-woman and a hero to me. She is spectacularly gifted and inspires other women with all that she's experienced in her own life. My mom wants to publish her own book in the near future. As far as my siblings go, I have two sisters (Crystal Nicole Conway; Kelly Jo Rogers) and one older brother. (Robert Sanders) TRL: I hear you have a specific favorite type of footwear! KJR: I love Moxies! To me, they are quality-styled house shoes. Facebook: Kerry James Junior

where creativity lives

MAR/APR / / 23

William BISHIP Graves, born December 12, 1973 in Harrisonburg, VA, is an underground artist with much love and respect for music and this game. His drive and love of the craft, sets him apart from other artists and his goals and visions are like no other. BISHIP's family is musically inclined, so it was only natural that music as always been a part of BISHIP's life and instilled in him. At the age of 11, BISHIP knew he was going to be an artist and even more so, have a huge part of the music industry. Today, BISHIP is working hard and seeks every opportunity and steps necessary to move to the next level. The passion for music is his life and will not go down without fighting. He is very creative and is constantly looking outside the box. BISHIP has and will be coming up with something everyone will enjoy, tap their toes to and bob their heads. BISHIP is filled with words of wisdom that flow through his music and touches the hearts of listeners. BISHIP has come a long way, but that is only because he believes in himself and strives for the best and will not give up on what he He gets a mental focus, plants both feet on the ground and gets it in. Be on the look out for what BISHIP has to show the world. BISHIP will become a household name! The Rhythmic Lounge: There has always seemed to be a level of competition between underground and signed artists! How do feel they compare to one another,seeing as though you have been on both sides? William Biship Graves: Honestly to ME being independent is the best way to go if you want to be William Biship Graves fully in control. I don't see much of a comparison between the two. The business level is just about the same minus the advancement check from the "BIG" labels. The independent grind means more to me as well as the freedom to create is sooo much better.


TRL: You were exposed to musical talent at a young age. Tell us a little about that! WBG: I come from a musical background... Momz was in the choir (top of her class with a few other ladies) Popz had a band ( Our Style).. So I've always had music around me at a early age. I grew up with the classics in my ears that's why still to this day when I hear a old school beat I'm immediately drawn to it lol but seriously I started singing at first until I was introduced to the 5 elements of HIP HOP I was hooked and the rest is history. TRL: In 2010, you started your own record label and officially became an entrepreneur. Did you always have plans to work "behind the mic" in addition to being in front of the mic? WBG: Good question- Funny thing is this..Even though I came from a musical background I never got supported.. crazy huh.. If anything I was discouraged and told rappers come a dime a dozen so I made it a point to not be just a static and to continue to push until I made a solid statement. Now that I've learned more of the business aspect of the game I try to give back by helping serious artists who are willing to learn to build their own brand.. I see alot of greed and artists in the game because of what they see in movies and videos think that the game is about being flashy and no REAL talent needed.. So I lead by example and Reach1Teach1.. that way I've got the best of both worlds.. I can still do what I love and help other talent get on the right track with they're career. TRL: There will always be those who will not give the credit that is due to others and constantly put down the work and progression of others. How do you personally deal with that type of negativity being in the entertainment business? WBG: That's easy... Hate=Motivate oh and believe me I stay hahaha... I've gotten threats.. a diss track done about me Fb Thugs looking for attention to help boost their careers goes on and so do I.. I don't concern myself with what the I'm too busy doing ME and building for my kids.. that's my

motivated that I laughed at.. oh boi the list next man do because ONLY focus.

TRL: What can we look forward to from you in the near future? ! WBG: I've got a few projects and a few Tours coming soon.. New EP (IN MY ZONE) Album (UNLEASHED) Mixtape (#GOGETTAZ Vol 2 & #WELLCONNECTED Vol 2) along with a few featured projects with Coast2Coast and PTI (Peep The Industry) Mixtapes..I'm just scratching the surface.. MOB OUT GEAR is making a comeback this year as well so people be ready for the new designs and items we will have available.. shoes included (Nike custom designed for MOB OUT ENT).

where creativity lives !

MAR/APR / / 25

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Verbalz is a Brooklyn NY native and rising star on the music scene. A.K.A. Brooklyn's Own, he's a true lover of all genres of music. The Rhythmic Lounge: When did you first realize that you had musical talent and would pursue a career as an artist? Verbalz: I first analyzed I had talent at 14 years old, I wasn't sure I wanted to pursue it as a career until 17 years of age, I use to write lyrics while sitting up in the crack house, I began rapping about my then current lifestyle. TRL: Growing up in New York, Brooklyn specifically, how was the music scene and was it easy and inviting for you as you developed as an artist?


Verbalz: The music scene was vigorous, very competitive and you had to prove you could spit amongst the elite. I would say for me it was easy, inviting and everything nah, for real tho it’s just what I love to do. I lived a street life so the hostile environment never fazes me.


TRL: Describe your creative process when writing music, getting ready for performances and shooting videos! Verbalz: When writing music, I have to be in the mood, all my creative juices have to be flowing. I tend to write several songs at once though, so basically when I get stuck on one instead of completely stopping. I select another beat and begin writing something fresh. For performances I recite lyrics over while performing privately in a mirror, also use rehearsal studios. As far as video's goes I or either I and the producer writes up a treatment if needed or if not we freestyle it. TRL: Who are your musical influences? Verbalz: Honestly, I am my first influence. This is what makes me original; however, I am also influenced by Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, 50 Cent, 2pac, Biggie, Jay Z, Nas, Lauren Hill, Adele and a few others. Basically I listed whom I listen to as my other influences. TRL: What can we look forward to from you throughout the remainder of 2015? Verbalz: You can look forward to constant work from Verbalz. Radio interviews, shows, videos, endorsements and I'm officially dropping my first EP you can stay updated with everything I'm doing by signing up on the mailing list Instagram:@verbalz Twitter: @itsmeverbalz Soundcloud: Verbalz Youtube: Richverbz Tumblr: Verbalzz !


!!!!!!!!!!!PARKABOI!! ! If you’ve been paying attention to southern hiphop for the last few years by now you should know how to snap your fingers and fly like superman; all in your white tee. The question is are you ready for the evolution of southern hiphop? Ready or not, North Carolina native, Parkaboi, is armed with lethal rhymes, confident swagger, and enough versatility to expand the mainstream southern hip-hop genre beyond catchy one-liners and dance instructional lyrics. Hailing from Rocky Mount, NC Parkaboi’s formation as a rapper was shaped by two tragic episodes of violence. At the age of twelve his father was convicted of murder and sentenced to twenty years to life in prison. During this time Parkaboi also became separated from his mother and four siblings, and was placed in a group home. Without the support of a family structure he turned to the streets. Simultaneously he began to pen his hidden frustrations, sorrows, and anger. “I started writing to try and make some sense of what was going on around me. I was without my core, which is my family and I was lost. Writing at that time helped me release all of the emotions that as a child you really can’t understand when they’re left bottled up inside of you.” His influences include the musings on life in the dirty south from such icons as Master P, Three 6 Mafia, UGK, and Lil’ Jon. Drawing from this diverse crop of artists allows Parkaboi to stand apart from the pack, by bringing a much needed multi-faceted lyrical point of view to southern rap. Equally adept at writing radio friendly club anthems as he is at crafting introspective rhymes about street life and relationships, Parkaboi is not only the future of North Carolina’s hip-hop scene; but he’s the greatest hope for the future of southern hip-hop. Ready or not, here comes the evolution of the south.!!!!!!



The Rhythmic Lounge: Please introduce yourself and give the readers a brief background for those who aren’t familiar with you! 1800 ENT CEO: My name is Wayne…the CEO of 1800 entertainment. I was born in Baltimore MD, but raised in Washington DC. We were poor living day by day basic. When my pops died I was really lost. By the age of 13 I was deep into the street life, from then it was no turning back.

TRL: When was 1800 Entertainment started and what are the companies main goals and objectives? 1800 ENT CEO: 1800entertainment was started 3years ago. Our main goal is to help out indie artists in different cities all over. Our objective is to get 16 buildings and 48 tour buses for indie artists only, plus gain their trust because so many people been messed over.

TRL: What gives 1800 Entertainment an edge and sets it apart from other like companies? 1800 ENT CEO: At 1800entertainment you can find everything you need. We focus on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction. We will do everything to meet your needs and expectations, and have a variety of offerings to choose from.

TRL: Are there any upcoming events or projects that you’d like to mention? 1800 ENT CEO: Our up and coming events are… Club Liv - April 10 Baltimore -April 18 Apple chill N.C.-may 3 KOD Miami - may 16 Atlanta - may 28 Hot single out (flex 4 no reason) Mixtape soon - (first go around)!





A Pilgrim aka Double G has titled his first album, TO WHOM SHALL I TURN THE QUESTION? THE ALBUM.THE ANSWER! because as he puts it “before you come into the knowledge of Him, it is important to have knowledge of self.” With that being said his metaphoric approach to the fall of man in THE BEGENDING truly captures the essence of man’s humble beginnings into our downfall. His album uses created words as well as euphoric symbolisms that will leave your mouths speechless and your brains in over drive. His music represents uniqueness and an undeterminable direction, which causes his lyrics to enhance and paint vivid pictures. His label EARTHBOY ENTertainment solidifies his grassroots while CLEARMENTALMUSIC PUBLISHING, a BMI affiliate clearly states the artists mind frame. He has performed in such venues as The Comedy Store along with The Backstreet Poets, Leimert Park in Los Angeles, California, as well as THE SAN MANUEL BAND OF MISSION INDIANS own HAMPTON INN and numerous Community Colleges in the INLAND EMPIRE. He is also an Actor who has performed in numerous plays such as “YOU CANT CALL ME THAT WORD at PICCOLOS BOOKSTORE located in the HOWARD HUGHES PROMENADE in West Los Angeles and LUKEWARM SAINTS at Sony Pictures, Culver City, California. This writer extraordinaire also has penned two books of poetry entitled CAN I GET A WITNESS and PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER; POEMS OF SACRIFICE.

TRL: Please give us a little background for those who aren't familiar with who you are! Curtis Montgomery: I am A Pilgrim because this is not my place of origination, this particular land, Double G simply means Glory to God. I am a poet/author/mc/father/believer in the Most High God.

TRL: Where did the term "HipHopoetry" come from? CM: HipHopoetry stems from my first love of creating poetry/spoken word, which eventually evolved into hip-hop. I have never been a rapper.


TRL: What you do and how you carry yourself goes deeper than words and deeper than entertainment. Can you talk a little about that? CM: I have taken a special notice of my people, first I had to realize who I was to know who my people are. My belief in the Bible is growing daily so I don't live for the things of this world. Don't get me wrong‌money, a home, a vehicle to get around in are all needed in this society, however the knowledge of self and purpose for your fellow man will take much further than material possession ever will. The entertainment aspect is a gift I have been blessed with to address my concerns and share what I have learned.

TRL: Your first album was titled "To Whom Shall I Turn The Question? The Album. The Answer! In what ways do you feel you have grown and expanded since that first release? CM: To me, growth is strictly based on knowledge you acquire and how you utilize it. My style is the same, but my ability to create and paint pictures has enhanced my work as well as my vocabulary. This album is actually mostly poetry from my book coming soon entitled "OLD TESTAMENT NEW:A POETIC CRY FOR ISRAEL".

TRL: What can we look forward to from you in the near future? CM: My next album entitled "THE CONTENT OF GOD" is already written and I have a few tracks for it. I plan to drop it by the end of this year or the beginning of next year God willing. I'm writing another book and working on a movie currently. Whatever and however I am able to get this message of truth out is what I will do. The end of what we know is near, just look around. Thank you for your time and I pray you enjoy my album...Shalom to the Nation Of Israel.... Booking!and!Contact!Information:! Phone:!(909)567<3885!!! Email:!! Twitter!@clearmental!!

where creativity lives

MAR/APR / / 31

Providence, Rhode Island

Y.B.S. is a Hip-Hop duo comprised of members Young Bagz & Young Scholar who are both natives of Providence, RI. Growing up with a love for music, the duo began making and recording music in 2008 while attending the University of Rhode Island. Balancing education, their passion of music and alongside the eccentric college life, Y.B.S. is determined to be successful in their craft, growing every day. Their music contents also consist of enjoying their experiences, as well as their perspective of their hometown. With the influences of Multiplatinum recording artist Jay-Z, Fabolous, Nas, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, and many more of the heavyweights in the industry, Y.B.S. study music day in and day out to continually grow as artists. Be sure to check out their latest project Writer's Anonymous 1: B.L.B.C. Website: Music Outlets: Twitter & I.G.: @YoungScholar_ & @YoungBagzYBS

where creativity lives

MAR/APR / / 33

Marion'Forget' ' Ontario, Canada

My dad who was a draftsman, had an unique and inspiring way to channel the energies of a hyper little girl, he would hand me a huge piece of drawing paper and some pencils so i could draw while he worked on his current project. Since, i cannot remember a time without a pad or lose paper and pencil as my constant companion. Though i did not have any formal art instruction until high school. I was exposed to arts with books and material and crafts, with my mom who designed and made craft ideas from mini Santa's to fancy embroideries. The art and creativity was a big part of my childhood. After starting another art course, the demands and rewards of motherhood saw to it that it was put on the back burner but always simmering. When i wasn't doing art, i was always doing some kind of creative activity from model building to crochet, designing my own patterns. in time, when circumstance allowed, i went back to school. One diploma at Academy of Learning for Pc Support Specialist, then the second at Niagara College For Graphic Fundamentals And Fine Arts. My influences range from Neolithic to 19th century impressionist art on up to present day. You will see i have taken to the impressionist period and can see the influences in many pieces of my work. Little incidents in just living an ordinary life spark a creative drive to a new painting or piece that emerges from that speck of inspiration. The past 4-5 years has been both a blossoming of output on a mooded commercial success. The critical acclaim spurs my creative drive to continuously push back the boundaries of my art. I cannot know where my art will take me but i do aspire to exhibit in places like Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver as well as stepping out of Canada to enter the international art world with a first stop to New York City. My ultimate goal is to become an internationally known artist. Marion was also recently chosen to be included in the Norman Felix Gallery… “Norman Felix Gallery is an independent art gallery located at 445 Adelaide Street. Founded in 2006, Norman Felix Gallery has steadily expanded to represent a variety of over 100 talented Canadian artists. We offer an array of contemporary paintings, photographs, illustrations, and sculptures by both emerging and established independent artists. Our collective showcasing program is ground breaking and focused on Canadian Artist.” For commission, contact me at website facebook linkedin twitter google plus


Rock photographer Nick Elliott has carved out an enviable reputation for producing powerful iconic pieces of photographic art in his own inimitable avant-garde style. Before focusing on the music industry, Nick had a very successful career in Editorial and Advertising photography, commissioned by top London fashion and advertising agencies including; Saatchi & Saatchi, TBWA, Yellow Hammer, O&M, Young & Rubican, GGT, Carlson Direct, MSBK and Publicis, for major above & below-the-line campaigns such as Liberal Democrats, CocaCola, British Telecom, British Airways, Walt Disney, Lloyds TSB Bank, Sheraton Hotels and Jaguar. After winning several awards, Nick specialised in the music industry photographing some of the most iconic artists in the business from rock stars such as Iron Maiden, ZZ Top, Thin Lizzy, Motorhead and Metallica to Country and Folk legends Steve Earle, Emmylou Harris, Rosanne Cash and Nanci Griffith. Nick's images have frequently been featured on album artwork as well as being published extensively across the media for over 20 years. Nick's work is highly respected and his images are in high demand as fine art limited edition prints being a resident exhibitor in over a dozen art galleries in the UK, Europe and USA. Nick was approached by a specialist music book publisher to produce a series of fine art books and released his debut book, TEN-A Decade In Images featuring a collection of the artists that Nick had worked with and had captured performing over the last 10 years at the Cambridge Folk Festival, in 2011. He is currently working on a series of rock books. His genius in the studio is only surpassed by his ability to capture the intensity of the live musical performance and Nick is driven by an incredible passion and the desire to create stunning images of the musical artists who have been his inspiration. Exposing the very essence of the performers' inner most soul in a way that no other photographer can, Nick continues to produce contemporary collections of photographic art that will outlive time itself. To view Nick's portfolio and client list visit: To visit Nick's Press Office and read about his work visit:


15 February 2015

For immediate release

Iconic Photographer Rocks 50 Folk World renowned rock photographer, Nick Elliott, is rocking the folk world with the release of 50Folk, a new limited edition, fine art, photographic book to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Cambridge Folk Festival. 50Folk features a collection of the iconic rock photographer’s favourite images of folk, blues and Americana performers captured during his time working with artists, record labels and major music publications at the legendary festival. The 132 page, hard-backed book, measures 12 inches square and includes over 80 images of 50 artists performing over a ten year period from 2000 to 2010. Strictly limited to only 250 copies worldwide, every copy is personally signed by Nick himself. Talking about why he chose to create the book, Nick said: “The Cambridge Folk Festival holds a very special place in my heart. Although I am, predominantly, known for being a photographer of rock artists, so much of my career started at this great festival and I really wanted to do a celebration of my involvement in only a part of its 50 year history. “Producing a book of ‘folk’ and ‘blues’ artists could be considered to be a bit of a departure for me but there are so many images I love from my time working there that I wanted to share these with lovers of music, photography, and art, alike.” Working in the music industry for over 20 years, Nick has photographed some of the most well-known musical artists in the business and his images have frequently been featured on album artwork as well as being published extensively across the media.

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Known for his unique ability to capture the true essence of the artists’ live performance, Nick’s work is also in demand as fine art and has exhibited in galleries across the UK and Europe, and is currently in discussion to show his images in the USA. The Cambridge Folk Festival celebrated 50 years in 2014 and is renowned for its eclectic mix of music and a wide definition of what might be considered folk. The best traditional folk artists from the UK and Ireland rub shoulders with more contemporary acts, the finest American country, blues and roots artists, acclaimed singer songwriters and even the odd pop star. Featured within the pages of the book is a unique selection of high profile artists including Joan Baez, Robert Plant, Steve Earle, Seasick Steve, Seth Lakeman, Cara Dillon, Levellers, Nanci Griffith, Eddi Reader, Cerys Matthews, Imelda May, Julian Cope and Billy Bragg amongst others. Early numbers of limited edition books are well sought-after and 50Folk is available to buy at £125 (plus delivery) at Further information about Nick and his work can be found at


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Notes to Editor: Rock photographer Nick Elliott has carved out an enviable reputation for producing powerful iconic pieces of photographic art in his own inimitable avant-garde style. Nick’s online gallery is: and Press Office is: More information about 50Folk can be found at:

Contact: For further media information please contact Allison Thomas, CAT, on 0780 3623662 or


Allan Louvre Lubbock, Texas

This story of mine began in September 1996,when I listened to my first ever rap song, 2Pac’s “Life Goes On”, the day after he died in a Las Vegas hospital. Rap music was my love for many years. The late nights listening to the radio, videotaping BET’s “Rap City”, hiding my CDs from my dad because they had a sticker on them, hell, the first time I heard a Biggie song with curse words, those are moments Ill never forget. Anytime life got me down, music (often with a beer and/or blunt !) was there to lift me up, or keep me sane. My struggle with depression, loneliness and addiction got the best of me, landing me in a jail cell broke and alone, with an uncertain future. Here I turned to writing verses as my solace. I still keep them in a pile of notebooks in a drawer, memories of who I was then and all the places I’ve been. Although being a rap superstar might be too daunting a task right now, since there’s a million rappers on the Internet, I am a lot more confident and realistic in my ability to produce. My ear for music is well refined and pretty unique if I say so myself, and I try to reflect it in my work. I incorporate rap, EDM and other styles into my production, a reflection of my repertoire of musical tastes I’ve acquired through the years. I listen to everything from Daft Punk to 2 Chainz to Led Zeppelin to Texas Country to Byzantine Chant- I try to adapt to all situations and all people, and I look forward to seeing new places and making new fans from all walks of life. Music is just the beginning for my creativity. I want to use it as a platform to reach people across the world with my perspective on life, from all the years of struggle I’ve endured. Do we seek to be remembered in life, because we never endured? If you’re on the same wavelength, check out my music and hit me up, on any of my pages, I’ve got them all…#allanlouvre. Because the rest of my life will be full of masterpieces !!!! For more information about Allan, please visit

Lynx Unruly Brooklyn, New York The island of Jamaica has produced some of the most talented and versatile performers music has ever known. Dancehall, a musical art form in Jamaica, boasts a plethora of entertainers who are now gaining prominence within the pop and hip-hop genres. From the Kingston/St Andrew region of the island, currently residing in Brooklyn, New York, comes an artist who is versatile in all areas of entertainment. Lynx Unruly, has been performing and recording for over a decade. As an actor, Lynx wowed audiences with his portrayal of Sammy in the movie "Krosses", as well as playing himself in the smash movie drama, "Bashment" in 2004. Musically, his lyrics are humorous and in point, the fan favorite "Fire Escape" track, an answer to Kiprich' "Telephone". "Fire Escape" spent weeks on the US charts, and this propelled Lynx' career full throttle. t's no accident that Lynx would be involved in the music industry, as music flows through his veins. Being a blood relative to dancehall's Billboard chart topper Mad Cobra, sealed his fate. Entertaining is what this artist knew he had to do. This was his niche and where he belonged. Lynx says he is "in love with music. I proposed to music and I am waiting for the date to put the ring on it." He is not just a performer and writer, he is also a producer who produced the "Good Hope" riddim featuring new talents. He also co-produced the "River Bed" riddim, which featured prominent members of the dancehall such as, Beenie Man, Mad Cobra, Anthony B, Hawk Eye and others. Lynx can hardly be considered a dancehall artist only, however, as he delves in other genres, and is presently fine tuning a project which will enable fans to see his prowess as a pop artist as well. Lynx is also currently working with famed producer Jerome Felix, aka Jerry Dawg, so fans already know that they have a lot to look forward to musically. At the moment, the Unruly one is promoting his brand new single, "Throw My Heart Away", which features Maxwell Collins on vocals. The remainder of 2014 and the future, looks bright for this artist who has experience, knowledge and wit. His determination and demeanor ensures his success, and fans can rest assured that what's to come from Lynx is greater than what has been.


YouTube: Lynx Unruly Facebook: lynunruly Twitter: Lynx_unruly Instagram: Lynx _unruly

Album Reviews Verbalz- Brooklyns Own by William Kryjak


★ ★ ★ 1/2

The cover of Verbalz's latest mix tape is plastered with pictures of some of the greats: Biggie, Jordan, and then there's Verbalz himself. Some might consider this cocky – but this confidence is necessary when coming up as independent artist. Combined with a solid flow and some decent rhymes, “Brooklyn's Own” is the ambitious mix tape it sets out to be. For someone who claims to have grown up in a very musical household it definitely shows. While the beats and samples are more traditional, his approach to songwriting definitely has the polished feel of someone with musical experience. This is something a lot of emerging rappers struggle with. Even if you have the goods, you have to sound good, and Verbalz has this down. That being said some of the beats could be improved a bit. I think as he gets his name out and starts to work with more people this will improve, but a few of the tracks sound a little dated. Overall “Brooklyn's Own” is a solid effort, but there are a few songs that stand out. “Devil is a Lie” hits hard and sticks in your head. “It Ain't the Same” is another great one, lamenting the good old days of hip-hop when lyrics mattered over money. The only problem is that these tracks share a bill with songs like “Dead Presidents”, which is actually all about getting money (and ironically has some of the best rhymes on the mix tape). Hip-hop is a very powerful art form. It is a way to tell a story, to make people listen, a combination of music, poetry and raw emotion. The problem is that when you hear the same stories over and over again they start to lose their meaning. Verbalz has the talent, but if he really wants to go to the next level he needs to go deeper inside himself and tell his own, personal story. They don't call it a hustle for no reason, and as long as Verbalz keeps working hard I think we have some great stuff to look forward to.


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