Love, Shirley Temple: Take Two - More From Her Personal Archives

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© Copyright 2015 Theriault’s Gold Horse Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information retrieval system, without permission, in writing, from the author or the publisher.

To order additional copies contact: Florence & George PO Box 2319, Annapolis, MD 21404 Tel. 800-966-3655 Fax 410-571-9605

Acknowledgements Melissa Tonnessen for her diligent research and knowledge on all-things Shirley and to the entire crew of Shirley’s Army for their helpful input. Woolsey Ackerman, Hollywood historian, for his learned information on film history. John Baghdadlian of La Belle Cezanne for his jewelry assessment. The entire staff of Theriault’s for their dogged perseverance in caring for and presenting these cherished objects. And, most of all, the family of Shirley Temple Black, for their guidance and participation.

This book is based upon Shirley Temple’s childhood collection auctioned by Theriault’s of Annapolis, Maryland. Design: Travis Hammond Photography: Gerald Nelson Conservator: Meredith DuPree

$75 ISBN: 1-931503-96-6 Printed in Hong Kong

F OREWORD | FROM HER FAMILY As a child actor, Mom famously filmed her

into a creamy-skinned, clear-eyed beauty

were enchanted beings, and so indeed was

scenes in just one take. However, as we

whose chestnut hair often cascades softly

Shirley Temple. Throughout the ‘50s, her

contemplated the artifacts and memories

about her shoulders, much to the delight of

popularity enjoyed a marked resurgence. Her

yet preserved in our archives of Mom’s

photographers and would-be boyfriends.

Ideal dolls evoked the charm of the originals,

extraordinary young life beyond the

and a new line of lovely Rosenau dresses

“childhood” of the original Love, Shirley

Though movies still play a large role in her

enchanted another generation of mothers and

Temple collaboration with Theriault’s, our

life, they now have competition. In addition to

daughters. On Saturday mornings, television

family found itself needing a second take.

personal appearances, and always mindful of

offered up her iconic films to viewers both

How better to share Mom’s early days at

her own brothers in military service, she has

old and new. “Shirley Temple Storybook” and

the Westlake School for Girls, her polished

wartime radio broadcasts and war-bond rallies

“The Shirley Temple Show” just seemed like a

acting skills in more grown-up film roles, her

to attend to. Work commitments as an actor

natural next step. As in her childhood movies,

steadfast support of her country’s troops

seek to find a balance with schoolwork. There

those Sunday evening telecasts featured

during World War II, and her first foray into

is, indeed, now much more to Miss Shirley

classic tales, top actors, beautiful costumes,

romance, marriage, and motherhood? How

Temple than movies.

first-quality productions, and the opportunity

better to highlight her resurgent popularity in the ‘50s and her “Storybook”?

for Mom not only to appear as the glamorous And then, of course, there is romance. Though

hostess but to have fun, once again, doing the

casual flirtation has been fun, a young Air-

craft she loved.

Photographs of the early ‘40s show a young

Corp Sergeant steals her heart for real. An

lady at her desk, the shelves behind her filled

engagement before high school graduation

Our family’s mission in each of these two Love,

more with books now than toys. A telephone

and a lovely September wedding soon follow.

Shirley Temple collaborations with Theriault’s

sits nearby, should impulse strike to call a

What an exquisite bride and handsome groom,

has been straightforward. In bringing Mom’s

girlfriend with a question about homework or

with all the world, it seems, wishing them well!

treasures into the light and entrusting them

just to chat and share a joke or two just like

But some fairy tales don’t have happy endings.

to the care of others, we have aimed for

any teenager would.

Though there is a baby daughter, her chubby

widespread and enduring public reminders of

hands can’t hold unhappy hearts together, and

her loving spirit, talent, and optimism. We are

the marriage falls apart.

so pleased, therefore, to note that the “red

There’s also a new maturity in her artwork. The colorful sketches now show evidence of

polka-dot dress” and other important artifacts

instruction and refinement, and range from

Marriage, movies, and the ‘40s end at pretty

have found their way to The Santa Monica

still life to figure study to fashion design.

much the same time. Now what? A trip to

History Museum, also a gracious host of the

There are still flashes of humor and fun to be

paradise, of course. Hawaii had been such a

multi-city Love, Shirley Temple exhibit earlier

sure, but also introspection and mystery. What

loving and magical place ever since that first

this year. Such a good example of what we’ve

can the girls in the drawing she entitled We

visit in 1935. And so it is again. Mom meets

hoped might happen.

Three be talking about?

the love of her life, lucky for us, and shortly reprises (this time for keeps) one of the roles

In that same spirit, we have completed this

Her personal style is changing as well.

she cherished most in her life, that of wife and

month a charitable process initiated in 2012

Pinafore-style dresses are giving way to


with our mom’s blessing in support of the

up-to-the-minute styles of the day, hair


new Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in

sometimes piled high in an elegant up-do. And

Now, that could be the end of the tale. But

Los Angeles. Included in their public exhibits

always, favorite rings and bracelets are worn

what of the “Storybook” we mentioned way

will be her little Oscar, the tap shoes and

along with other well-loved accessories. The

back at the beginning? What of “Gumpus

wooden practice steps given to her by ”Uncle

gawky adolescent blooms almost effortlessly

Ozus” and “Winnie the Pooh”? Well, these

Billy”, her first Fox set-chair, a life-sized

standee from War Babies, and her Fox bungalow school desk. In addition, as a particularly appropriate acknowledgement of Mom’s legendary childhood contribution to screen entertainment, the Academy Museum’s dynamic education program, a vital component of their overall mission, will be centered in The Shirley Temple Education Studio. A wonderful honor! Schoolkids to experts, and all of us in between, will be able to witness the magic that makes dreams and imagination, and storybooks come to life. And here, as elsewhere, Mom’s legacy of talent, optimism, good humor, and above all, love, may live forever. Shirley Temple Black Family October 2015


I NTRODUCTION | Love, Shirley Temple “ I met her once.”

and captured an entire new generation of loving fans who were often the children and

In the eight months since Theriault’s voyage

grandchildren of her original fans. To them

with the treasures of Shirley Temple’s life

she offered not only her guiding spirit in

began, those words have been repeated to us

NBC’s Shirley Temple’s Storybook, but also an

over and over again. And the stories continue.

entirely new line of Shirley Temple dolls, and a new release of children’s costumes that were

“And she didn’t just smile and say hello. She

remarkably reminiscent of the pretty dresses

actually talked to me, asked about me and my

she wore in her 1930s films.

life. How incredible is that?” It is the objects which Shirley Temple preserved One person related that she had stood in line

from this era, 1940-1960, that are presented

for hours at a book signing and when her

in this volume, along with some additional

turn came, Shirley, seeing her fatigue, invited

memorabilia from her early years, unexpectedly

her to come and sit next to her for the entire

uncovered by the Shirley Temple Black family

afternoon. The woman added “And who was

while sorting the later treasures. Of particular

I? Just a nobody.” Others wrote of the long

remark are the number of objects – jewelry,

and personal inscriptions she would write in

books, photographs, artwork – with loving

their copy of Child Star. Still others told of

inscriptions to or from Shirley, memories of

correspondence that began and continued for

time spent together, or gratitude statements

years, and even of an invitation to visit her at

for her generous spirit.

home. It is my hope that after absorbing this book, In the early 1940s, Shirley, the child striving

each reader will also be able to say “Yes, now I

to be grown-up and independent, edged into

have met her, too.”

a private life. Real school rather than private tutoring. Friends outside of the film world.

Florence Theriault

Actual boyfriends! Yet still Hollywood claimed

October 2015

her, casting her in roles such as “Kathleen” that reprised her omnipresent past theme of a single-parent child conspiring, in amusing ways, to marry Dad to the woman of her choice. The 1940s held so many changes for Shirley Temple, from graduation to marriage to motherhood, from filmmaking to fundraising for WWII bond-rallies, and eventually by the early 1950s to a new private life in the San Francisco area. Then, in the late 1950s, Shirley Temple returned to the entertainment world


articles in magazines and newspapers at the time. Circa 1940. The pearls appear in several scenes in the 1941 film “Kathleen”. $800+

2. 14 Kt Gold Ring with Moonstone and Diamonds Worn by Shirley Temple as a Young Lady Of fine 14 Kt gold, the ring is set with a large moonstone held by four prongs, and flanked by two matching round 1.

diamonds in gold mounting. The band is

1. Strand of Pearls Worn by Shirley Temple as a Young Lady 17” (43 cm.) l. The strand of graduatedsize pearls with silver clasp was worn by Shirley Temple as a young lady, as seen in the vintage photograph which is included, and was preserved by her in impeccable condition throughout her entire life. The necklace is visible in many publicity

marked M14K and 167. Excellent condition. Circa 1940. $1800+

3. Two Baby Rings Inherited by Shirley Temple from Her Grandmother One marked 14 Kt gold, size 2 ½, centered by a round-cut diamond; and the other 10 Kt silver-plated gold with a centered square-cut ruby, size 4, flanked by a yellow gold embellishment. The rings had originally belonged to the grandmother of Shirley Temple, and were later bequeathed to the child star. Late 19th century. $500+

4. Shirley Temple’s Alphabet Die-Cut ID Bracelet 2.



7 ½” (19 cm.) l. The bracelet is formed of

stylized cut-out letters in brass and gold-plated finish, spelling the name Shirley Temple. Suspended from the clasp is a brass circular plate inscribed “Shirley Temple” on one side, and “227 N. Rockingham Rd., West Los Angeles” on the other. Included is a photograph of Shirley Temple wearing the bracelet which was a favorite of hers while a young lady. Circa 1940. $800+

5. Gold Link Bracelet with Semi-Precious Stones Worn by Young Shirley Temple


7” (18 cm.) The 14 Kt gold chain link bracelet is decorated with eight various semi-precious stones, including amethyst, pink tourmaline, light blue topaz. citrine, having rich prismatic cuts and edged with fine gold-filled rims. Circa 1940. $600+

6. Miniature Swiss Travel Clock Inscribed Shirley Temple 1 ¼” (3 cm.) The silver-


framed case with alligator cover has a silver plate on

6 closed

the cover which is inscribed “Shirley Temple”. The case opens to reveal a miniature clock (needs adjustment), marked S012905 Eterna Watch of Swiss. With hanging loop. Circa 1940. 5.




7. Black Velvet Dress Worn at Publicity Events by Shirley Temple as a Young Lady Of soft silky velvet in rich midnight black, the dress features full sleeves decorated with white silk cord stripes, and eight decorative buttons, with flared skirt, attached belt, and zipper back. The dress was worn by Shirley Temple as a young lady during various publicity events (see 1941 newspaper article), such as the announcement that she was making a “come-back� after retirement at the age of 11. Circa 1941. $600+

8. Silk Faille Pink Dress with Interwoven Accents Worn by Shirley Temple Of fine shrimp-pink color, the silk faille dress has self-covered buttons with embroidered trim, cutouts at the yoke and sleeves with interwoven accents, linen collar with lace edging, with pleated skirt and attached sash. The dress was worn by Shirley Temple on various social and publicity occasions. Circa 1940. $400+

9. Coral Silk Crepe Best Dress for Publicity Occasions Of coral silk crepe, the slightly high-waisted dress has stitched-down tucks, short puffed sleeves, pleated all around, attached sash, selfcovered buttons at the back and an oversized dimity collar with constructed tucks and double lace edging. Circa 1940. $400+


8 back




11. Shirley Temple’s Hat, Armband and Ceremonial Necklace from Campfire Girls Including black felt beanie cap with 10.

embroidered campfire logo, matching armband with embroidered logo, and a set of carved colorful wooden beads

10. Shirley Temple’s Personal “Westlake School Scrap Book”, 1940 11 ½” (29 cm.) x 9”. The wooden loosely bound scrapbook has inscribed name “Westlake School for Girls” on the lid, along with inscribed names of various schoolmates, and a brass plate reading “Shirley Temple, Beverly Hills, California”. Inside are ephemera from the young student’s 1940 school year including a program for a school variety show in which Shirley played the role of Minikin, a report card, letters of recommendation from various teachers, tickets to various events, and more. $600+


with leather strap. In her autobiography, Child Star, Shirley Temple wrote of an event on April 1, 1940 at the Philharmonic Auditorium in Los Angeles for which Eleanor Roosevelt was invited to speak. “To honor her as national chairman of the Campfire Girls, our local Oki-Hi chapter had delegated three of us to greet her 11.

onstage. Donning Campfire beanies, we trooped up bearing broad smiles, long-stemmed roses, and a giant corsage.” $400+

12. Watercolor by Shirley Temple Depicting Child on Carousel Horse, 1941 17” (43 cm.) x 14”. 22” x 18” framed. Drawn on heavy stock art paper is a spotted carousel horse with magenta harness and blue saddle, below a striped umbrella and being ridden by a young boy with lollipop. Signed and dated “Shirley Temple 1941”. $500+

13. Child’s Book Julie, Daughter of Liberty by Carol Mills with Inscription to Shirley Temple The hardbound book, published by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard in 1958, was written by Carol Mills, headmistress at Westlake School for Girls during the time of Shirley Temple’s studies. The book is inscribed on the frontispiece “To my goddaughter Shirley for whom the story was written in the first place. Carol Mills”. According to a chapter in her autobiography, Child Star, Shirley Temple’s mother had cajoled the headmistress into teaching Shirley “ladylike deportment”. $100+ 12.

14. Pottery Animals Made by Shirley Temple, Along with Her Paperweight Including two stylized pottery animals with yellow or white heavy glazed finish, stored in an early box that is labeled “Clay animals, glazed made by ST 1938”,


and 3” glass 13.

paperweight with colorful striping and the painted label “Shirley Temple 1937”. $500+


15. Striped Silk Pajamas Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1941 Film “Kathleen” The ecru silk pajamas are printed with colorful stripes in blue, green and red in varying widths, comprising a shirt top with eight pearl buttons, attached belt with decorative matching buttons, short sleeves; along with a pair of matching pants with side zipper. There is some minor spotting at the pant ankles. The ensemble was worn by Shirley Temple for her title role as the 12-year-old Kathleen in the 1941 film. The film signified her return from “retirement”, and was the only film she made for MGM. Included is a vintage photograph of Shirley wearing the costume. $1500+

16. Embroidered Blouse Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1941 Film “Kathleen” Of creamy silk, with pointed collar tips and pearl button closure, the blouse has short sleeves with turn-up cuffs and colorful floral wreath embroidery on each sleeve. There are a few light spots. The blouse was worn by Shirley Temple in her title role in the 1941 film “Kathleen”, and was evidently so favored by the young star that she wore it on numerous publicity occasions such as the 1942 announcement that she would be




reading “Junior Miss” stories by Sally Benson on a syndicated radio series (see #82 for bound copies of Shirley Temple’s personal radio scripts). Included is a vintage photograph of Shirley Temple wearing the costume. $300+

17. Shirley Temple’s Red-Haired Lady Mannequin from the 1941 Film “Kathleen” 30” (76 cm.) A highly stylized slender lady mannequin with painted complexion and facial features including heavily lidded eyes with dark blue eye shadow, shaded full lips, and with red flossed hair in arranged looped bangs and bob, with shapely torso and limbs, painted black heels, detachable arms, and with original wooden stand which is stamped “Rubber Products Inc, Genuine Rubberlite, New York”. The doll is wearing original nylon full slip with zipper back, and fitted ivory crinkle-cloth gown with fitted bodice trimmed with double tiers of lace and black velvet. The mannequin was a featured prop in the 1941 film “Kathleen”, and appeared in numerous publicity photographs with Shirley that promoted the film; one feature in a September 1941 article of the Chicago Herald Tribune noted that the doll actually belonged to Shirley and “being a smart business girl Shirley rents it to the studio”. Included with the mannequin are two vintage photographs depicting Shirley sewing fashionable costumes for the mannequin and five McCall patterns for Margit Nilsen mannequin doll. $1200+



18. Red Polka Dot Pajamas Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1941 Film “Kathleen” Of fine ivory silk printed with red polka dots, the twopiece pajama set includes a top with pointy collar, 19 pearl buttons, faux flap pockets, and red silk crepe sash; along with matching pants. The ensemble was worn by Shirley Temple in the role of Kathleen Davis in the 1941 film “Kathleen”. Included is a large-format photograph of Shirley wearing the ensemble. $1200+

19. Lilac Silk Crepe Dress with Silk Organza Collar Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1941 Film “Kathleen” Of silk crepe in a rich lilac collar, the two-piece dress with hidden snaps below the matching sash features short sleeves and a row of selfcovered buttons that extend down the entire front, and with double-layered white silk organza collar and bow. The dress was worn by petite Shirley Temple during the 1941 film “Kathleen”. Included is a vintage large format photograph of Shirley Temple wearing the dress. $900+



20. Shirley Temple’s Ensemble from the 1941 Film “Kathleen” The three-piece ensemble includes a sleeveless dress with heavy silk crepe navy blue pleated skirt (some light age darkening on cream crepe bodice), a longsleeved matching jacket with set-in yoke in red, blue and ivory stripes, and a matching sleeveless cape with sewn-on inventory number of 2638. The costume was worn by Shirley Temple in the 1941 film “Kathleen”. Included is a large-format vintage photograph of Shirley wearing the costume. $800+

20. 19.


23 back

23. Outstanding Costume from the Fantasy Broadway Scene of the 1941 Film “Kathleen” The extraordinary multi-layered gown of soft rose features a satin-fitted bodice with elaborate center panel decorated with sequins, rhinestones and metallic braid, above a multi-layered skirt including three layers of richly gathered tulle with sequins on the top layer, rose sateen petticoat, and still more multi-layered cotton petticoats with layered skirt ruffles, all above a hooped frame with wide panniers that gives form to the skirts. Feathered corsages decorate the skirt all around, and match the feathered fan that she holds as well as her fan headdress. Included are dyed-to-match kid shoes by Capezio, decorated with faux jewels including large “rubies”. The gown was worn by Shirley Temple in her role of Kathleen, in the 1941 MGM film of that name, during the fantasy scene, as Kathleen imagines she is a star on Broadway and performs a remarkable descending-the-staircase dance. $5000+


23 detail



25. Small Silver Ring with Intertwined Emblem of ST The tiny silver ring with Art Deco styling has intertwined initials of ST on the seal. Circa 1940. $200+

26. Sterling and Pearl Brooch and Earrings Worn by Shirley Temple


A silver floral and leaf design, marked Sterling, is set with a cluster of six pearls. Along with a similar pair of silver earrings, each set with nine pearls. Circa 1940s. $500+


24. Outstanding Diamond Watch by Girard Perregaux Presented to Shirley Temple by Her Father, Christmas 1939 5 ½” (14 cm.) A dainty white gold wrist watch with 24.

porcelain face, encircled by a wreath of channel set

diamonds, has narrow matching strap also set with diamonds. The total weight of the diamonds is 2 Ct. The watch face is marked Girard Perregaux, and the back of the watch is inscribed “To Shirley from Daddy Xmas ‘39”. $5000+


27. Strand of Mikimoto Pearls Often Worn by Shirley Temple 17” (43 cm.) l. The lustrous pearls in graduated size were worn by young lady Shirley Temple on many occasions, and appear in publicity photographs as well as film scenes. The strand is missing the clasp. Circa 1940. $800+


29. Swiss Watch Belonging to Shirley Temple with 1934 Inscription from Jimmy Dunn 4 ½” (11 cm.) l. The 14 Kt gold watch has a 28.

porcelain face with stylized gold lettering

28. Gold Ring with Cutout Name “Shirley” Often Worn by the Young Star


and black cord straps. The watch is signed


E. Mathey-Tissot & Co. The reverse of the watch is inscribed “Shirley from Jimmy Xmas ‘34”. The watch was a gift from

The marked 14 Kt gold ring has an

James (Jimmy) Dunn celebrating the three important films made

inset banner of cutout letters spelling

by Temple and Dunn during that year, and despite its tiny size,

“Shirley” and is inscribed on the

which Shirley Temple quickly outgrew, she cherished the gift her

interior “4/23/41” which was her 13th

entire life. $1800+

birthday. Until this birthday, Shirley had believed she’s turning 12. Her mother surprised her by revealing she

30. Bracelet Worn by Young Shirley Temple with 12 California Gold Coins

was actually 13. A particular favorite of

5” (13 cm.) The gold link bracelet has 12 suspending California

hers, Shirley Temple wore the ring on

gold coins in graduated sizes, the two largest bearing 1853

many occasions, as seen in the vintage

date. $500+

photograph which is included with the ring. $600+



31. Ensemble Worn by 13-Year-Old Shirley in Promotional Photographs


32. Cutwork Pique Blouse and Yellow Linen Skirt Worn by Teenager Shirley Temple

Comprising an ivory rayon crepe blouse with puffed sleeves and full

The ensemble comprises a white pique puffed sleeve blouse with

bodice, Peter Pan collar and red velvet bow, along with black and

embroidered cutwork detail and crochet lace edging on collar and

white houndstooth plaid flared skirt with wide suspenders and two

cuffs, along with a fully lined yellow linen flared skirt with set-in

sets of box pleats at the front sides. The ensemble was a particular

pleated panels, and having wide suspender straps with cutwork

favorite of 13-year-old Shirley Temple, worn on a number of occasions,

embroidery on both suspenders and waist band. The ensemble was

including her publicity photograph in December 1941 as she directed

worn by Shirley Temple for various publicity photographs during the

the fundraising of the Community Chest Junior Brigade. $500+

early 1940s. $300+

33. Shirley Temple’s Blue Plaid Jumper with White Batiste Blouse Comprising a loosely woven blue plaid jumper of finely draped

34. Silk Crepe Dress with Embroidered Detail Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1940 film “Young People”

material with stitched-down tucks at the bodice above narrow freely

Of richly draped fine silk crepe having center ecru panel flanked by

swinging knife pleats, and with four narrow shoulder straps held by

sienna crepe, with gathered short sleeves, and attached belt that ties at

self-covered buttons. Along with fine white batiste blouse with narrow

the back. The dress is decorated with richly embroidered flowers and

tucks, capelet sleeves and fine lace edging. The blouse has original

vines that are repeated on the sleeves, and there is a silk ribbon lacing

label “Custom Made I. Magnin & Co”. The ensemble was worn by

with embroidered grommets at the front bodice. The dress has original

Shirley Temple as a young teenager. $300+

handwritten label “Temple 24509” on inside seam. The dress was worn by Shirley Temple in the 1940 film “Young People” during the town meeting scene. $600+


35. Glass Powder Jar with Sterling Lid Monogrammed S.T. 3 ½” (9 cm.) diam. The ribbed pattern glass jar has marked sterling lid with garland design around the rim, shadowed pattern, center oval medallion with incised Gothicstyle initials S.T. Included is a vintage photograph of teenager Shirley Temple seated at her dressing table with this and various other toiletry articles. Circa 1940. $300+ 37.

37. Silver Charm Bracelet with Asian Theme from Shirley Temple’s Personal Collection 6” (15 cm.) The chain link bracelet features 26 charms with Asian themes including abacus, lanterns, shell, pagoda, Buddha, drums, and more. Circa late 1930s. $400+


36. Sterling Silver Hand Mirror with SJT Monogram 14” (36 cm.) Sterling hand mirror in the Art Deco style with shadowed ribbed pattern, repousse design on handle, beveled glass mirror, with monogrammed script initials of SJT in center medallion. Circa late 1930s. $300+



38. Silver Charm Bracelet with Enamel Medallion of New York City 6” (15 cm.) The chain link bracelet has 13 various charms including a stop sign, roller, bell, and others 38.

as well as a silverbacked

cobalt blue medallion with figure of Statue of Liberty and lettering New York City. Late 1930s. $500+

39. Shirley Temple’s Silver Charm Bracelet with Hawaiian Theme 6” (15 cm.) The delicate chain link


40. Marble Pen-Set Base with Silver Plaque Inscribed “Shirley Temple”


4” (10 cm.) The white marble base has

has 14 silver

silver medallion plaque with incised


label “Shirley Temple”, designed


for use as a pen holder (pen and

marked Sterling, related to Hawaiian themes including pineapple,

sheath missing). Included is a vintage

surf board, flowers, fish, hula dancer and more. The charms were

photograph of Shirley Temple at her

collected and worn by young Shirley Temple during her visits to

desk, on which complete pen-set as

Hawaii in the late 1930s. $500+

used by Shirley can be seen. Circa


1940. $100+


magic accessories, and with a plethora of other accessories and instructions for performing magic tricks. $400+

43. White Plush Bunny Soldier Owned by Shirley Temple 17” (43 cm.) not including ears. Of lustrous white plush, the standing bunny with floppy ears with blue oilcloth lining, black pom-pom eyes, whiskers, felt tongue, and sewn-on oilcloth ceremonial soldier’s costume. Circa 1935. $100+ 41. 42.

41. Grand-Sized “Animal Crackers” Display Box, a Favored Treasure of Shirley Temple 22” (56 cm.) x 13”h. Of sturdy cardboard with varnished overlay, the display box of Animal Crackers was gifted to Shirley Temple as a memory of her performance “Animal Crackers in My Soup” in the 1935 film “Curly Top”. Some darkening at bottom corners, overall very sturdy and vibrant. The date and occasion of the gift is unknown, possibly her early adult years, but what is certain, according to the Black family, is its cherished place in Shirley Temple’s archives. $300+

42. Magic Tricks and Toys Belonging to Shirley Temple Along with Monogrammed Black Velvet Cloth 34” (86 cm.) x 43”. Comprising a black velvet cloth with gilt metallic braid edging and gilt metallic script words “Shirley Temple”, along with a burgundy velvet sack with tassel ties containing various


44. Ivory Satin Clown Suit Worn by Shirley Temple Of luxuriously draped ivory satin, the clown suit has red felt circle appliques and ruffled sheer collar, cuffs and pom-poms edged with red ribbon. There is a matching clown hat. The costume was worn by Shirley Temple at a mid-1930s birthday party for Darrilyn 43.

Zanuck. $900+



45. Silver Excalibur as “A Memento from Shirley’s Films” 4” (10 cm.) The silver excalibur with elaborately scrolled grip has a mounted silver medallion which is inscribed “A Memento from Shirley’s Films Jan. 1, 1939”. $400+


45 detail


46. Gold Brooch with Torah and Inscription to Shirley Temple 1 ¼” (3 cm.) A marked 14 Kt gold brooch with silver and ruby accents depicts a Torah page, and on the reverse is inscribed

47 back

47. 1935 Silver Screen Gold Medal Award to Shirley Temple

“Presented to Shirley

1 ¾” (4 cm.) The gold-plated medallion has

Temple by Junior Aux.

a raised profile of Shirley Temple and the

JHPA 6-2-43”. $400+

words “Silver Screen Gold Medal” and “Shirley Temple” on one side. On the reverse, a raised


garland encircles the accolade “The Readers of Silver Screen Vote Shirley Temple the Most Popular Player of the Screen 1935”. $500+


48 detail

48. Presentation Tank Watch by Elgin with Inscribed Message to Shirley Temple 6” (15 cm.) A 14 Kt gold watch frame with tank window has luxury accents of 12 square-cut rubies and six round-cut diamonds (total Ct weight 0.10) flanking both sides of the frame, with 14Kt gold bracelet. The watch is signed Elgin, and the backside is inscribed “Shirley Temple” (in script) and “Time from the Stars to a Star” in small block letters. A favorite watch of Shirley Temple, the watch appears in many publicity photographs of the early 1940s, albeit with an alternate band. The watch was likely presented to her about 1941 during her performances on the Elgin Watch radio show. $1500+ 48.

49 back


49. The Look Achievement Medallion Award Presented to Shirley Temple in 1945 1 ½” (4 cm.) A gilded bronze medal with raised profile of a woman symbolizing the Look Magazine award has raised lettering on the back “Shirley Temple Look 1945 Film Achievement Award”. Included is a presentation booklet for February 20, 1945 events at the Cathay Circle Theatre in which Shirley Temple is cited for her 49 booklet

performance in the 1945 film “Since You Went Away”. $500+


overall, excepting mended moth holes in playsuit. The costumes were worn by Shirley Temple during the mid-1930s. $1000+

51. Caricature Sketch of Shirley Temple with Inscription by Feg Murray 62” (157 cm.) x 22” full length. 31” x 22” Shirley image. Thick-ink drawing on paper is a caricature of young Shirley Temple in tap dancing pose, her dimples and curls well expressed. Pencil signed at the bottom is “To Shirley Love from Feg Murray (see you in the funny papers)”. The back side is a caricature sketch of a gentleman in suit and hat. Feg Murray (1907-1962) studied art at Stanford 50.

50. Costumes Worn by Young Shirley Temple


University and became known as an artist, writer, and syndicated columnist, mostly for his series “Seein’ Stars” which combined sketches of stars with pithy trivia related to the sketch. This sketch

Including a brown and pink checkered dress with zipper front and flared skirt (with original

was a personal tribute to the young star who

label “Prissy Missy Dalia’s Re. US Pat. Off”); high-waisted yellow coat with white pique

appeared in his columns over and over again.

collar; two white cotton under-dresses (one with original label “Slip-B-Low Little Mistress”);

Some darkening, overall excellent, unframed,

and aqua knit one-piece playsuit with white pique collar, and embroidered “S.T.” Very good

original crease folds. Early 1930s. $300+

51 detail





52. Shirley Temple’s Collection of Tea Cup Gifts, Late 1930s During her late childhood years and into teenage years, it became

53. Two Early Hand-Tinted Images of Shirley Temple Cherished by Gertrude Temple

a custom for Gertrude Temple, Shirley Temple’s mother, to present

5” (13 cm.) x 4”. Each is an image of young Shirley Temple, hand

her with tea cups and saucers on her birthday or other special

drawn or color enhanced, with emphasis on her soft blonde curly

occasions. These were especially prized by her, including works by

locks. One is a profile view set in an embossed frame with gold velvet

important French, English and German porcelain firms including Royal

matting and oval brass inner frame, with easel back. The other is a

Worcester, Royal Crown Derby, Staffordshire, Copeland Spode, Sevres,

firm-sided brown leather travel case which hinges open to dark green

Royal Doulton, Wedgwood, and more. A beautiful and diversified

velvet lining into which is laid the oval portrait of Shirley, having brass

collection, two tiny flakes, otherwise excellent with finely preserved

embossed frame and hanging loop. Circa 1930s, an arrangement of

colors and decoration. $1000+

these exquisite miniature portraits graced the vanity table and desk of Shirley’s mother, Gertrude Temple. $400+




54. Three Hand-Painted Wood Blocks by Shirley Temple, Gifted to Her Father, 1938 11” (28 cm.) x 7 ½” largest. Including a smaller wood block depicting George Washington incised on the back “To Daddy Love Shirley Temple”; a tall wood block depicting Shirley standing by a closed door, an envelope lettered “To Daddy” hidden behind the back, and the message “Happy Father’s Day, Shirley 1938”; and an amusing wood block depicting a moonlit scene of cottage, well-laden picnic table and jolly bunny, with the carved message “From the Easter Bunny, To Daddy Love Shirley 4-17-38”. $300+

55. 1941 Letter Artwork from Shirley Temple to Her Father 7” (18 cm.) x 5” letter. Handwritten by Shirley to “Daddy Dear” on Father’s Day, June 1941, in which Shirley expresses all the things she wants to be (along with her hand-drawn whimsical sketches), and concludes “But most of all I want to do/The things you mostly want me to” along with a sketch of herself with the note “I’m smiling now”. Included is artwork signed by Shirley to her father. $300+

56. Two Sterling Jewelry Gifts from Dad to Shirley 54.

2” (5 cm.) shoe length. Including “good luck” sterling brooch composed with silver horseshoe with pin-back and suspended silver boot sculpted to appear much worn, with missing laces, marked “sterling handmade B”, and is inscribed “To Shirley From Dad 4-23-47”. Along with a marked sterling silver medallion with a raised design of baby seated on chamberpot along with the amusing message “The only one in Washington who knows what he’s doing”, and inscribed on the reverse “To Shirley, of course you are the exception, Dad”. $400+




57. Letter and Valentine from Shirley Temple to Her Mother 8” (20 cm.) x 8” valentine. Including a handmade valentine with cutout hearts and designs, lettered “I Love you Mother from Shirley Temple”, along with an amusing little note “dear mother, I hope you like this letter Shirley Temple”. $300+


58. A Poem to Her Mother by Shirley Temple


9” (23 cm.) x 6” each. Titled “Mother’s Day”, the poem relates “Far up in the deep blue sky/ Great white clouds are floating by/All the world is dressed in green/Many happy birds are seen. Roses bright and sunshine clear/To show that Mother’s Day is here”, with a springtime drawing and the note “To Mother/Love Shirley”. Along with a ribbon-tied booklet with a picture of pansies on the cover, and a handwritten note in the interior “Dear Mother, I wish you a very happy new year. I love you. Shirley Temple 1936”. $300+

59. Two Springtime Drawings from Shirley Temple to Her Mother 12” (30 cm.) Including a watercolor of two frolicking bunnies in a garden of colorful flowers, with the message “Happy Easter to Mother, Love Shirley Temple”, with envelope dated 1941; with a colorful sketch of vibrant springtime flowers. $300+ 59.


60. Shirley Temple’s Diamond and Ruby Victory Pin from WWII 1 ½” (4 cm.) Formed as the letter “V” for Victory, the famous symbol of the Allied Forces during WWII, the 14Kt pin has incised initials of S T, and a crossbar decorated with three round-cut rubies and a 0.10 diamond baguette which are the letter “v” in morse code. A favorite pin of Shirley Temple during the early 1940s. Included is a largeformat vintage photograph of Shirley wearing the pin. $600+


61. A Miniature Signed Portrait of Shirley Temple, Along with Inscribed Brass Service Wings Shown in Portrait 1 ½” (4 cm.) 4” h. frame. An oval brass frame enclosing a portrait photograph of Shirley Temple with color-enhanced detail, signed M.S. Alberts. Maxwell Sergis Alberts was a Hollywood photographer of the stars during the 1930s and 1940s; a signed miniature color-enhanced photograph from him is quite rare. (Also see #72 this book.) Along with a vibrant brass service wings pin which is inscribed on the reverse side “To Shirley from Bill Miller”; the wings appear to be those depicted in the miniature portrait. $300+

61. 61.


62. Certificate of Honor to Shirley Temple from the Servicemen’s Morale Corps 11” (28 cm.) x 9”. The parchment paper Certificate of Honor is issued to Shirley Temple from the Masquers Servicemen’s Morale Corps for “Meritorious Service toward the functions of this Corps in entertaining the Servicemen of the United Nations”, dated August 1943, and with gold seal and silk ribbons. 62.

An article in the Deseret News of October 11, 1943

described the program. Actors, directors and stars served as waiters for a delicious dinner prepared for soldiers who were bussed to the Hollywood headquarters, and then treated to a 10-act show. Among


the celebrities listed as sponsoring the program were Shirley Temple, Cary Grant, Edgar Bergen, Claudette Colbert and scores of others. $100+

63. Gold Pendant Swiss Watch with Inscription to Shirley Temple from Marine Fighting Squadron 113 ¾” watch face. 2” brooch. The gold case pendant watch with beveled glass front, and gilt numbers and dials is attached by its hanging loop with a gold trumpet 63 detail

brooch. The watch is inscribed on the reverse “To Shirley Marine Fighting

Squadron 113”. A favorite commemorative jewelry item, it was worn often by Shirley Temple during the war years, as seen in the vintage photograph which is included. $400+

64. Commemorative Plaque from Australia to Shirley Temple with Inscribed Message from the Prime Minister


4 ½” (11 cm.) x 3”. Attached to the marbleized board are two silver

is inscribed “Miss Shirley Temple, With thanks from Australia for your

plaques, one being the crest of Australia, flanked by a kangaroo and

help in our Victory loan” and with the inscribed autograph of John

an Australian crane, and surmounted by a crown. The lower plaque

Curtin, Prime Minister (1941-1945). $300+



65. Sterling Box Presented by Canada to Shirley Temple with Inscription, Along with Scrapbook Relating to Her War Bonds Drive in Canada 4 ½” (11 cm.) The circular lidded box has impressed garland


edging, four arched legs, and a highly defined crest of Canada on the lid which

66. Souvenir Program for 1940 Red Cross Benefit for War Relief, with Shirley Temple’s Personal Script

hinges open to the inscription “Shirley Temple Canada Thanks You for your Generous Help October 1944”. The box, made by Birks, is marked sterling. The inscribed box was presented to her in

12” (30 cm.) x 9”. The

appreciation for her appearances in Montreal

program describes the

and other Canadian cities promoting

events of the June 22,

Canada’s WWII War-Bonds Drive. Included

1940 performance at

is a handmade scrapbook of that trip, with

Stage 6 of the Warner

newspaper clippings, and notably with 14

Bros. Sunset Studios,

original photographs of her on that trip, each

designed to raise funds for

documented on the reverse side. $500+ 66.


the Red Cross’ war relief efforts. The performance was broadcast across America, Europe and South America, with performers ranging from Orson Welles to Burns and Allen, Bing Crosby to Gene Autry and dozens more. Heading the second half of the program was a dialogue “The Loudest Voice” performed by Shirley Temple and Paul Muni. Included is Shirley’s typewritten script with pencil additions in which she pleads that people remember the lost children of the wars, as “nobody can ever get used to the sound of children crying, who are lost, hungry and looking for one friendly face (pauses...almost crying). Please don’t tune out your hearts”. $300+

67. Letters of Commendation and Medals to “Honorary Colonel” Shirley Temple of Illinois 108th Medical Regiment 12” (30 cm.) x 10” leather folio. A soft leather folio with gold leaf edging and inscription “Colonel Shirley Temple” folds open to blue velvet lined interior containing a number of brass and silver buttons, badges and pins, among which is the Medal of the 108th Medical Shirley Temple as an Honorary Colonel, as well as a letter of March

68. Two Large Format Vintage Photographs of Shirley Temple as a Young Lady

15, 1938 noting “Colonel Shirley Temple having, far beyond the call

14” (36 cm.) x 11” Printed with rich black and white shades on heavy matte

of duty, given to the world more hours of pleasure than any other

paper, the photographs depict two smiling views of Shirley Temple. The

human since the dawn of history, has been decorated with the

photo on the left was taken by Clarence S. Bull; another photo from that

medal of the 108th Medical Regiment...” $400+

series appeared on the cover of Life Magazine, March 1942. $200+

Regiment. Included is a document dated April 6, 1938 naming




69. Pair of Large-Format Art Photographs of Young Shirley Temple by Lansdowne 14” (36 cm.) x 11” photographs. 20” x 15” folios. The matched pair of art photographs depicts a young teenage Shirley Temple wearing a dotted Swiss blouse with short puffed sleeves and ruched bodice, her side-parted hair in short curls. In one photograph she is holding two beloved Pekinese dogs. She is wearing a strand of pearls (#1 in this catalog), a bracelet with die-cut letters of her name (#4 of this catalog) as well as a watch and a ring. Each is pencil signed “Lansdowne ‘41” and each is mounted on original backing and preserved in original folio labeled “Portrait by Lansdowne Hollywood”. Circa 1941. $500+

70. Large Studio Photograph of Shirley Temple by Ted Allen 19” (48 cm.) x 16”. 26” x 20” framed. The studio photograph of Shirley Temple as a young lady features flowing curls with hair ornament, wide smile with deeply impressed dimples, wearing white angora sweater. The photograph is mounted on heavy stock mat board. Although no signature is visible, the photograph is a match to #92, which bears the photographer’s signature of Ted Allen. Circa mid-1940s. The Hollywood photographer, known as “Rembrandt” at MGM, was famed for his work with famous stars from Carole Lombard to Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra to Shirley Temple. His work was shown at the New York MOMA, National Gallery of Art and Los Angeles County Museum of Art where 70.


it was noted that he “adhered to the portrait photographer’s mandate, to make mere men and women into objects of fantasy...with poses and dramatic lighting...and retouching”. $300+

71. Pair of Art Photographs of Shirley Temple by Mortensey 13” (33 cm.) x 10”. 18” x 15” framed. Vintage black and white photos depict teenager Shirley Temple in two different poses, one broadly smiling with well-defined dimples, the other with a far-away gaze and tentative smile. Photographed as a set, she is wearing a white blouse with a single piece of jewelry, and with white daisies in her hair with long flowing curls. Each has the studio mark “Mortensey”. Circa 1942. $300+


72. Art Photograph of Shirley Temple by M. Sergis Alberts 9” (23 cm.) x 8” photograph. 17” x 12” matte. Shirley Temple as a young lady with her teenage re-styled hair in long flowing brunette curls, is posed seated on a garden bench, wearing a full-length party dress decorated with loop garlands at the yoke and hips. The photograph is originally mounted on heavy stock paper and is pencil 72.

signed “M. Sergis Alberts”. Presented in original grey folio with silver foil medallion

“Sergis Alberts Portraits”. Maxwell Sergis Alberts was a celebrated photographer of the stars during the 1930s and 1940s, known for artistic poses and lighting. Circa 1940. $400+

73. Delicate Pastel Portrait of Shirley Temple by Helen Cyr 12” (30 cm.) x 8”. On heavy art paper, the portrait depicts Shirley Temple as a young lady, in semi-profile with special attention to color details of hair and hazel eyes, and with pastel coloring on the original sketch. Signed Helen Cyr in lower right corner, framed under glass. Possibly Helen Cyr, who had been inspired in her painting endeavors by Arthur Small, a famed New Bedford artist and lighthouse keeper; this may provide a clue to their connection with Shirley Temple, although this is not substantiated at this time. $200+ 73.



74. Shirley Temple’s 14 Kt Gold Ring with Raised Lettering “Shirley” The 14 Kt gold ring has raised lettering spelling the name “Shirley”. Late 1930s. Another of her favored “Shirley” gold rings (see also #28), this version has raised lettering spelling out her name. Late 1930s. $400+


77. Three Brass-Cased Glass Perfume Bottles Inscribed “Shirley” 2” (6 cm.) The flat-sided circular brass cases open at the center to reveal interior glass perfume bottles with vial stoppers. Each is inscribed “Shirley” in different styles of script writing, and were 75.

used by the young woman for identifying and carrying her favored scents. Circa 1940s. $200+

75. Shirley Temple’s Diamond and Ruby Baby Ring The tiny gold ring is decorated with a faceted ruby flanked by two small diamonds. The size indicates that the ring was worn by Shirley Temple as a very young child. $400+


76. 14 Kt Gold Ring Worn by Shirley Temple

78. Shirley Temple’s Brass Locket with Family Photographs 1” (3 cm.) The brass locket in the shape of a family album hinges open to reveal interior brass pages

The gold ring, marked 14 Kt, is accented

with oval cutouts in which are presented photographs of Shirley, her parents and her brothers.

with a .25 oval-cut ruby with elaborately-

Obviously a favorite of young Shirley, the locket was worn constantly by her in younger years. Mid-

detailed prongs. The ring was worn by

1930s. $100+

a young Shirley Temple and treasured throughout her lifetime. $300+



79. Shirley Temple’s New York City Detective Badge and Membership 1 ¼” (3 cm.) badge. The polished brass badge with emblem of New York encircled by blue enamel frame which is labeled “City of New York Police Detective”, and surmounts a die-cut medallion enclosing the initials S.T. The badge is inscribed on the reverse side “Pres. by Det. Stephen J. 79.

Brady & James E. Furcy to The

World’s Sweetheart”. The pin is attached to a leather wallet and includes a membership card for Shirley Temple to the Detectives Endowment Association. Circa 1938. $500+

80. Shirley Temple’s 14 Kt Gold Charm Bracelet from the Waldorf-Astoria Jewelry Store in New York


6” (15 cm.) The gold link charm bracelet has 7 charms, each marked 14 Kt, including a compass, church with steeple, hourglass, mesh coin purse that opens and closes, camera, Victrola in case, and Punch and Judy in toy theatre. An account on the family’s 1938 cross-country trip to New York noted “one afternoon she went shopping in the Waldorf Astoria jewelry shop of Roy W. Johnson, which merited a press release informing Shirley-watchers that she chose six gold charms for her bracelet” (The Shirley Temple Story by Lester and Irene David), and listed six of these seven very charms. The bracelet remained a cherished memento throughout her life. $700+

81. Brass Paperweight Inscribed “Shirl” 2 ½” (6 cm.) Heavy cast brass paperweight in the shape of a heart has inscribed “Shirl” in flowing letters. The use of the informal nickname suggests the paperweight was a gift of Gertrude Temple to her daughter, according to family notes. $150+




82. Three Southern California Badges Awarded to Shirley Temple Each is cast with richly embellished brass plating embellished with a cobalt blue and gilt medallion, including 2” shield with surmounting eagle and blue lettered “Junior Los Angeles Policewoman” and number “1”; and smaller shield of the same design lettered “Deputy U.S. Marshall So. Dist. Cal. 30” which is inscribed on the reverse “Presented to Shirley Temple from R.E. Clark”; and a 3” x 2” plaque with raised lettering “Official Greetings from Los Angeles - Shirley 82.

Temple - You are hereby extended the courtesy of the City of Los Angeles”. 1930s. $500+

83. Two Tiny Police Badges Presented to Shirley Temple Each about ¾” shield-shaped and brilliantly gold-plated, including one that is labeled “Captain Santa Monica Police”, with chain-attached pearl-accented letter “S”, marked 10 Kt.; and another marked “Detective Los Angeles Police” with her initials “S.T., which is embedded with a small diamond and inscribed on the reverse “Tom Young, Chief Police, 2-137”. 1930s. $500+

84. A Birthday Gift of Gold Police Badge with Diamond from Hayden Ellicott to Shirley Temple 1 ¾” (4 cm.) A shield-shaped badge framed by a spread-eagle and garland wreath, has black lettering “Shirley Temple Police” and is inscribed on the reverse “Shirley Temple April 23 Sincerely Hayden Ellicott”. The badge, marked 14 Kt, is centered by a .40 Ct European-cut diamond. Mid83.


1930s. $1200+


85. Honorary Civic Badges Presented to Shirley Temple 2 ½” (6 cm.) h. largest. Including brilliant brassplated badge “Chief


Wauseon, Ohio Fire Dept” and with her blue-inscribed name “Shirley Temple”. Along with a badge lettered “Shirley Temple Deputy Sheriff Jackson County, Mo.” 1930s. $500+

86. Shirley Temple’s Charm Bracelet with Rare Symbolic Charms 6” (15 cm.) Eight charms (several marked 14 kt) dangle from the chain link bracelet, including bird cage with bird; cabinet labeled “My Secrets”; telephone; penknife; rickshaw; blackboard labeled “Teacher” on one side and “I Love You” on the other; dairy trunk incised “Milk”; and a flashlight with moonstone “bulb”. Late 1930s/early 1940s. $600+

87. 26 Bound Master Scripts from the Radio Broadcast “Junior Miss” Starring Shirley Temple, and Original Book 11” (28 cm.) x 9”. Two hardbound books include the complete 26 master scripts for the 1942 radio series, “Junior Miss”, starring Shirley Temple as 13-year-old Judy Graves, with original pencil annotations of minor script changes. Script One opens with the announcer’s words “If you’ve any doubts about the Awkward Age, well, that’s when a girl’s not allowed to use lipstick and she can’t have dates, but she’s good and tired of playing with dolls, and she’s just sitting around anxiously waiting for LIFE to begin”. Also included is an original copy of the book, Junior Miss, by Sally Benson, with Myron Selznick & Company label on 86.

frontispiece, Random House, 1941, first printing. $400+


88. Three 1940s Record Albums “From the Record Library of Shirley Temple” from Famous Broadway Musicals Including “Oklahoma” by Decca Records No. 359, 12” x 10” album, complete with six 78 records, dated 1943; “Carousel” by Decca Records, No. DA-400, 14” x 12” album, complete with five 78 records, dated 1945; and “Favorite Songs from Famous Musicals” by Victor Musical Smart Set, 12” x 10” album. Each is complete, excellent condition, with some rubs on album covers. The albums were enjoyed by teenager Shirley Temple and each has original leatherette spine binding with gold lettering “From the Record Library of Shirley Temple”. A news clipping of 1944 related that Shirley saw “Oklahoma” during her trip to New York. $200+

89. Four Record Albums from Teenager Shirley Temple’s Personal Library Including “Favorite Rhumbas” performed by Xavier Cugat and his Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra, Columbia Records, 12” x 10” album, Set C-110, with four 78 records, 1945; “South of the Border” performed by Morton Gould, Columbia Records, 88.

12” x 10” album, Set M-593, four 78 records, 1940s; “Melodies of the Twenties” played by Emile Petti and his Savoy-Plaza Orchestra, Liberty Music Shops, five 78 records, 10” x 12”,


1929; and “Melodies of the Thirties” played by Emile Petti and his Savoy-Plaza Orchestra, Liberty Music Shops, five 78 recordings, 10” x 12”, 1940. Excellent condition and complete with some minor rubs to album covers. Each has original leatherette spine binding with gold lettering “From the Record Library of Shirley Temple”. $200+

90. Three Record Albums “From the Record Library of Shirley Temple” Featuring Popular Tunes of the Early 1940s Including “Going My Way” by Bing Crosby, Decca Album No. A-405 with three 78 records, 12” x 10” album; “Music for Dreaming” played by Paul Weston and his Orchestra, Capitol Records, two 78 records (two missing), 12” x 10” album; and “Kostelanetz Conducts”, from Columbia Masterworks Set M-574 with four 78 recordings of popular classics including St. Louis Blues, Sophisticated Lady, and Stardust, 12” x 14” album. Early 1940s, the music was popular for its time, and particularly favored by teenager Shirley Temple. Each has original leatherette spine binding with gold lettering “From the Record Library of Shirley Temple”. $200+


91. Six Record Albums “From the Personal Library of Shirley Temple” with Favorite Songs from Her Teen Years Including “The Music of Johann Strauss”


conducted by Eugene Ormandy, with three records (two missing) from Victor Red Seal Records; “Sibelius 75th Anniversary Album” conducted by Eugene Ormandy for the Philadelphia Orchestra, with three records; Tchaikovsky Concerto No. 1 in B Flat Minor” conducted by Horowitz, Toscanini and the NBC Symphony Orchestra from RCA Musical Masterpiece Series, M-800, with four 78 recordings, 14” x 12” album; “Operetta Potpourri” played by Marek Weber and his orchestra, Columbia Records, Set MC-180, with four 78 records, 10” x 12” album; “Songs of Devotion” played by the Fred Waring Glee Club and Orchestra, Decca Records No. A-383-18M series, with five records, 12” x 10” album; and “The Music of Victor Herbert” played by Andre Kostelanetz and his Orchestra, Set M-415, with one record (three records missing). Excellent condition except as noted, and with minor rubs on album


covers. Each has original leatherette spine binding with gold lettering “From the Record Library of Shirley Temple”. $300+



92. Two Studio Platinum-Print Art Photographs of Shirley Temple as a Young Woman by Ted Allen 14” (36 cm.) x 11” photographs. 19” x 16” framed. Printed on heavy paper with rich platinum finish, the two photographs depict Shirley Temple as a young woman. In one photo, a solemn-faced Shirley Temple wears a classic black dress with ruffle at the bodice, and in the other (the cover photograph of this book), her classic dimples are deeply defined in a smiling pose, wearing white angora sweater. Both photos are stamped “Photo by Ted Allen” on the reverse, and signed Ted Allen in white ink on the bottom edge. Circa mid-1940s. A large format of the smiling photograph is #70 of this book. $400+

93. Signed Portrait Photograph of Shirley Temple in Costume of 1942 Film “Miss Annie Rooney” by George Hurrell The art photograph with artistic shadowed nuance depicts Shirley Temple as a young lady, in elegant party dress, worn in the birthday party scene of the 1942 film “Miss Annie Rooney”, and wearing the letter bracelet (#4 of this book) and a ring. The photograph is mounted on original heavy stock paper and is pencil signed Hurrell ‘41. The art studio of George Hurrell was noted for its highly artistic portrayal of stars; in a newspaper article of the time, Hurrell noted his ten most favored subjects to photograph, among which was Shirley Temple. $400+

94. Triple Strand Coral Necklace with 14 Kt Gold Clasp and ST Monogram, with Coral Bracelet 15” (38 cm.) Triple-graduated strands of coral form a necklace with very elaborate medallion clasp (marked 14 Kt) designed to suspend at the center 93.


front and monogrammed in elaborate Gothic lettering ST. Along with a 6” long double strand coral bracelet with 10 Kt gold clasp. The jewelry was worn by Shirley Temple and remained favorites of hers for many years. Late 1930s. $1500+

95. Two Studio Art Photographs of Shirley Temple as a Young Woman 14” (36 cm.) x 11”. Printed on heavy art stock, the photographs depict Shirley with an upswept coiffe, the head turned to the side; and Shirley in unusual leaning pose, her hair windblown, wearing splendid gown. Early 1940s. $300+

96. Portrait Oil Painting of Shirley Temple by Sig Arno


26” (66 cm.) x 21” painting. 31” x 26” framed. Highly

a captioned photograph appeared in the New

stylized painting on canvas depicts Shirley as a young

York News, and February 1950, visitors were

woman, with period-style costume having fitted

viewing the painting at a Hollywood art exhibit.

bonnet with ruffled lace edging, matching blouse

The Berlin-born artist/actor came to Hollywood

with double-tiered lace jabot collar and cuffs with

in 1939 after a career in cabaret, and notably

interwoven blue ribbons, her hands held in her lap

undertook a series of paintings of the world’s

with needlework. The painting is signed Arno. Two

most beautiful women as well as maintaining

newspaper clippings in Shirley Temple scrapbooks

his acting career. The painting has remained in

depict celebrities visiting a museum exhibit which

Shirley Temple’s personal archives throughout her

featured this painting by Arno; on January 22, 1950,

lifetime. $5000+


97. Shirley Temple’s Personal Copy of the “Debutante Register” Book, 1945 11” (28 cm.) x 9”. The 2” thick hardbound, leather-covered 1065-page book is a register of American debutantes of 1945, each having a devoted page with photograph and biographical information, and reference to their debut ball. Notable are the number of debutantes whose debut reference is “cancelled due to war”, including that of Miss Shirley Jane Temple of Brentwood Park, page 104, who is cited as a member of Assistance League of Hollywood, Flower Guild, Nightingales, Silverspoons, Bel-Air Country Club and Bel-Air Bay Club. The cover has gold lettering “1945 Shirley Temple The Debutante Register”. Some scuffs and rubs on leather cover, otherwise excellent. 1945. $300+



98. Shirley Temple’s Personal Yearbooks of Westlake School for Girls, 1939-1945, Filled with Autographs 11” (28 cm.) x 8”. Six bound copies of the yearbook of Westlake School for Girls, Vox Puellarum, 1939/40-1945, corresponding to Shirley Temple’s attendance at the school, and each with Shirley Temple’s name embossed on the cover. Each is filled with photographs, class pictures, and various memorabilia in classic yearbook style, and notably each has many inscribed autographs to Shirley from her classmates and teachers. The motto of Shirley Temple’s 1945 graduating class was “Wisdom is better than weapons of war”. $500+

99. Shirley Temple’s Graduation Dress from Westlake School for Girls, 1945 Having a bodice of embroidered tulle over satin accented by a row of silk-covered buttons, elbow-length sheer lace sleeves and hip ruffle, and a floor-length tulle skirt over satin underskirt. The dress was worn by Shirley Temple at her graduation ceremonies from the Westlake School for Girls in 1945. Included is a vintage photograph of Shirley wearing the gown, as she holds her diploma and celebratory bouquets of American Beauty roses and gardenia. 1945. $1800+



100. Shirley Temple’s Wedding Gown, Wedding Album and Various Ephemera Related to Marriage to John Agar, 1945 The ivory satin wedding gown, designed by Howard Greer, is decorated with applique scrolls composed of tiny pearls edging the bodice, tiny pearls dotting the bodice, a row of silk-covered buttons at the back which disguise the zipper closure, slightly dropped waist and long flowing skirt with very extended train. Along with a firm wired loop-shaped coronet with very extended tulle veil and train, ivory satin pearlencrusted gloves and an Alencon lace handkerchief. The designer, Howard Greer, a 1920s costume designer for Paramount, opened his own couture studio in 1927, specializing in fine personal couture for actresses and society women, including this wedding gown for Shirley Temple which encompassed his favored look of fitted torsos with stunning accents. Also included is a wedding book with certificate of marriage, two vintage photographs of Shirley in her wedding gown, and the 19” x 15” wedding album with gold lettered cover “Shirley Temple - John Agar September 19, 1945”, containing 12 largeformat 15” x 11” photographs of Shirley in various wedding scenes including the entire wedding party. The photographs

100 details



are each ink signed Curtis, and the album bears the symbol of Curtis Studios, Los Angeles which was founded in the 1930s by Edward Curtis, famed for his photographic studies of Native Americans. $2000+



101. 14 Kt Gold Link Bracelet, a Favorite of Young Woman Shirley Temple 7” (18 cm.) The heavy weight gold-plated bracelet is marked 14 Kt. Included is a vintage photograph of Shirley, about the age of 17, wearing the bracelet. Mid-1940s. $500+

102. Shirley Temple’s Pearl and Gold Brooches and Earrings


2” (5 cm.) Including a marked 14 Kt starburst brooch with center cluster of seven pearls; a safety pin-shaped brooch with five dangling teardrop pearls at one end and a set pearl at the other, each pearl with tiny gold bead tips; and a pair of marked silver earrings, each with large double pearls. 1940s. $700+

103. Unusual “Hidden Name” 14 Kt Gold Brooch from Shirley Temple’s Collection 1 ¼” (3 cm.) Designed in the shape of flowers and leaves on a stem, the brooch, marked 14 102.

Kt, has the letters S H I R L E Y hidden among the leaves. Late 1930s. $200+

104. Two Jewelry Gifts from John Agar to Shirley Temple with Inscribed Messages 6 ½” (17 cm.) l. bracelet. Including a double chain link bracelet with medallion having design of an astrological bull and word “Taurus” on one side, and the message “To ‘Red’, Love Jack, 4-23-45”. And a heart-shaped lock necklace medallion containing a hidden magnifying glass and with the inscribed message “To Shirley from JA, Feb 14th, 1945” on one side and “I’d do anything for you, Corliss. You know I would”, on the other, referencing a line from the 1949 film “A Kiss From Corliss”. $400+



105. Carved Bone Jewelry from Shirley Temple’s Personal Archives 1 ½” (4 cm.) brooch. Each artistically carved in rich dimensional detail, including a multi-petaled flower with speckled center, and a pair of 105.

earrings carved as multi-petaled roses. 1940s. $200+

106. LargeFormat Color Press Photograph of Shirley Temple by Harry Warnecke Wearing Favorite Jewelry 16 ½” (42 cm.) x 13 ½” photograph. 22” x 18” framed. Against an abstract turquoise background, teenage Shirley Temple sits on a bench, her head turned smiling to the side, her

the National Portrait Gallery in 2012. This photograph is notable not only

arms folded above her waist, wearing

for its Shirley Temple portraiture, including storied jewelry, but also for its

unusual medallion print dress, and

place in photographic history. $300+

wearing two of her favorite jewelry objects including the treasured tank watch (#48, this book) presented to

107. Large Omnicolor Photograph of Shirley Temple as Young Woman with Wedding Ring and Diamond Watch

her by Elgin during her 1941 radio show which they sponsored.

16” (41 cm.) x 13” photograph. 24” x 20” mounted. A vibrant color

The photograph is pencil signed on the reverse “Shirley Temple

photograph of Shirley Temple in semi-side pose, her head inclined back

by Warnecke & Elkins N.Y. Daily News press exhibit 1945”.

with flowing long curls, side-glancing eyes, wide smile with defined dimples, her left hand held to her chin. Her engagement and wedding

Harry Warnecke is notable for bringing vibrant dynamic color

rings are evident on her ring finger, and on that same wrist she wears

photography to newsprint, notably The New York Daily News

the diamond wrist watch gifted to her by her father in 1939 (#24 of this

Sunday magazine, at a time when other newspapers only offered

catalog). The photograph is signed Omnicolor; that process system had

muddied black and whites. His work, once forgotten, was brought

been patented in 1940, its aim to achieve depth of color in photography.

to the public’s attention once again at a one-man exhibition at

Circa 1945. $300+


108. Spanish Film Poster “La Pequena Rebelde” for Shirley Temple’s 1935 Film “The Littlest Rebel” 43” (109 cm.) x 29”. In vibrant pastel pink and blue colors, young curly haired Shirley with blue bows and dress is shown in an oval medallion as she salutes, with a scene of soldiers on horseback below. Her name appears in bold letters at the top with John Boles, Jack Holt, Karen Morley and Bill Robinson listed below. The poster was released for Spanish-speaking markets by 20th Century Fox, printed by Sisto & Lemme, #1611. Excellent condition except some crinkling at the left lower side, beautiful strong colors, placed unmounted under plexiglass on acid-free foam board. Circa 1935. $700+


109. Spanish Film Poster “La Pequena Coronela” for Shirley Temple’s 1935 Film “The Little Colonel” 43” (109 cm.) x 29”. A beautifully drawn, illustrated and printed poster depicts Shirley Temple in her classic film costume saluting her grandfather, played by Lionel Barrymore (the two receive equal billing in the poster although she is listed first). The poster is set against a rich turquoise background with yellow, red, white and black lettering, Fox Studios. Sisto & Lemme printers. Rich dramatic colors with well-rendered character expressions of the lead players. Excellent condition, placed unmounted under plexiglass on acid-free foam board. 1935, the poster was designed for promotion of “The Little Colonel” in Spanish-speaking markets. $700+


110. Spanish Film Poster “La Estrellita del Faro” for Shirley Temple’s 1936 Film “Captain January” 43” (109 cm.) x 29”. Shirley Temple, in yellow rain slicker and hat, poses smiling, against a stormy background with seatossed ship. Her name, in bold red letters, highlights the poster, with names of other actors listed below. The poster was released by 20th Century Fox. Excellent condition, placed unmounted under plexiglass on acid-free foam board. 1936, the poster was designed for promotion of “Captain January” in Spanish-speaking markets. The film title translates to “star of the lighthouse” in reference to her name “Star”. $700+


111. Spanish Film Poster “La Estrellita del Faro” for Shirley Temple’s 1936 Film “Captain January” 43” (109 cm.) x 29”. Vibrant rich colors dominate in the scene-active poster depicting Shirley Temple in rain slicker and hat standing worriedly behind a ship’s wheel. Alongside is another view of her in the classic pose of her dancing scene with Buddy Ebsen. The Shirley Temple name is given top billing in rich blue letters along with red lettered film title. Excellent condition, placed unmounted under plexiglass on acid-free foam board. 1936, the poster was designed for promotion of “Captain January” in Spanish-speaking markets. $700+


112. Spanish Film Poster “Ricitos de Oro” for Shirley Temple’s 1935 Film “Curly Top” 43” (109 cm.) x 29”. The richly color printed poster depicts Shirley urging her pony to s-h-h lest the headmistress realizes she is hiding under the staircase. Credits are given to Shirley Temple in large letters at the top, along with John Boles, Rochelle Hudson. Winfield Sheehan and Irving Cummings. The poster was printed by Sisto & Lemme, Uspalla la 4060. Excellent condition, rich colors well preserved, placed unmounted under plexiglass on acid-free foam board. Circa 1935, for distribution to Spanish-speaking markets. $700+


113. Heavy Cast Brass Medallion Presented to Shirley Temple for “Curly Top” 2 ½” (6 cm.) x 1 ½”. The heavy cast brass plaque with lustrous gold finish depicts a circular medallion of a seated woman with 112.


flowing gown, framed by the leaves of a gnarled tree. An inscription at the base reads “A Radio UJSAG Filmversenye/A 20th Century Fox Film...1935...”, and on the back side is the inscription “To Shirley Temple for “Curly Top”, The Prize Winner of the Picture Contest Arranged by Radio UJSAG”. The plaque was presented to Shirley Temple from Hungarian Radio for her performance in “Curly Top”. $300+

114. The Costume with Velvet Duck Bolero Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1935 Film “Curly Top” A short black velvet bolero top is embroidered with yellow ducklings on the bodice and sleeves, with a border of green leaves and flowers, and has a black silk lining. The bolero is worn over a sleeveless dress with pleated skirt. The bolero has studio tag 5943 and the dress has studio tag 4759. The costume was worn by Shirley Temple in the 1935 film “Curly Top” upon leaving the orphanage and arriving at her new home. In various studio promotional photographs of the film, the under-dress appears to have a collar and different pleats, suggesting that this dress was likely an alternate. In 1945 Shirley Temple sponsored a clothing drive for the United Nations, and in a publicity photograph shown here, she is shown evaluating which of her film costumes she might donate to the drive. The dress she holds up, in fact, is the dress shown here, indicating that she could not part with this memory of one of her favorite roles. $2500+




115. Three Color-Tinted Vintage Photographs of Shirley Temple in Costume from the 1935 Film “Curly Top”


28” (71 cm.) x 14” framed. Three sequential photographs of Shirley Temple in the dance atop the piano scene from the 1935 film “Curly Top”, wearing pink pleated dress against a pastel background, the photographs are delicate color-tint enhanced. Circa 1935. $300+

116. Shirley Temple’s Spectacles from the “When I Grow Up” Sequence of the 1935 Film “Curly Top”

117. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music from the 1935 Film “Curly Top” 11 ½” (29 cm.) x 9”. Including the songs “Animal Crackers

The owl-eyed gold rim

in My Soup” and “When I Grow Up”, each labeled

spectacles are presented in their original black leather



“Registered for copyright as unpublished music by

case bearing the label of Dr.

Movietone Music Corporation, 1935.” Along with each

Bartle Tallman, Optometrist, Beverly Hills, along with a handwritten note “Shirley’s

complete sheet music is an attached segment that is

specs worn in Curly Top”. The spectacles were worn by Shirley Temple during the

hand-lettered “Shirley’s Key”, and indicating that “Animal

dream sequence of “When I Grow Up” in the 1935 film “Curly Top” as she portrays

Crackers” would be sung by Shirley in the key of F, and

herself as an old woman and in another scene. $400+

“When I Grow Up” in the key of D. The sheet music

was used by Shirley during her performance in the 1935 film “Curly Top”. $200+

118. Three Color-Tinted Vintage Photographs of Shirley Temple in Hula Costume from the 1935 film “Curly Top” 28” (71 cm.) x 14” framed. Three sequential photographs of Shirley Temple performing her hula in the flashback sequence from the 1935 film “Curly Top”, wearing hula skirt with generous floral leis, garlands and ankle bracelets, against a pastel background, the photographs are beautifully colortint enhanced. Circa 1935. $300+



119. Three Color-Tinted Vintage Photographs of John Boles from the 1935 Film “Curly Top”

Boles stands in his richly furnished study in evening wear; gazing at the famous portraits which have been transformed, in his mind, with

28” (71 cm.) x 14” framed. Three sequential photographs of John

Shirley as the portrayed. The photographs are richly color-tinted.

Boles in a fantasy sequence as he imagines Shirley Temple in a series

Circa 1935. $300+

of historical portrait paintings from the 1935 film “Curly Top”, John



120. Shirley Temple’s Honorary Colonel Medallion and Cap for Hollywood American Legion 11” (28 cm.) The black wool cap with yellow piping is embroidered “Hollywood 43” on one side and “California” with state emblem on the other, and has an attached medallion reading “Honorary Colonel Post 43 Shirley Temple” with center cameo star pin of the American Legion. The reverse of the medallion is inscribed “From Your Big Brothers Hollywood Post 43 1-21-35”. Included with the cap are two vintage photographs. $300+

density to create different tones. Its designer was Clair Omar Musser, marimba virtuoso, conductor, inventor and engineer, whose co-interests of music and astronomy inspired him in the gifting of two of Shirley Temple’s most unusual memorabilia (also see #122). The instrument is labeled “Deagan No. 55 Vibra-Harp Re. U.S. Pat. Off.” and “J.C. Deagan, Inc. Chicago Made in USA”. It has been preserved in its four original cases, each with the Deagan label on the case. The VibraHarp has a strong beautiful sound, is in excellent structural condition, and with some minor rubs on frame and light oxidation on a few brass keys. No reference appears to exist concerning

121. Shirley Temple’s VibraHarp Gifted to Her by Its Designer, Clair Omar Musser 54” (137 cm.) w. x 29” d. x 33” h. The percussion instrument with brass bars and tubes that are paired with motor-driven butterfly valve which creates rich tremolo or vibrato resonance, bears the label of its 121 label


maker J.C. Deagan of Chicago. Included are ten mallets with padded heads of various

the relationship of Shirley Temple with Clair Omar Musser, except his homage to her in meteorite documents (see the following item #122) and a photograph of Shirley and Musser taken in 1938. It is likely that the two met in 1937 at the time of the filming of “Wee Willie Winkie”. As Musser was an acclaimed instructor for various Bengal Guards Drum and Bugle Corps, it is possible that he was involved in the training of that Corps for its Shirley Temple with Clair Omar Musser, circa 1938.

121 detail

121 front prominent role in “Wee Willie Winkie”. This is likely the very time that he made the acquaintance of young Shirley who was playing its leading role. In May 1942, an article was published in Movie-Radio Guide about “Shirley’s Secret Hobby” which read “Digging into this deep, dark secret, it developed that La Temple has a full-size vibraphone in her special quarters at home which she plays a good deal”. $6000+

121 back


to Miss Shirley Temple, Musser consented to bestow the Cedros meteorite in appreciation of her interest in astronomy and meteoric phenomena”. As part of the gift, Musser had a special cross necklace made for Shirley of the meteorite so “every time she sees a falling star (meteor) she can clutch her cross and dream over the millions of years that Biela’s Comet may have been traversing space, and the millions of billions of miles it travelled”. A special custom wooden box to hold the meteorite and cross were constructed, in which the gift was posted to Shirley Temple. Also included are notarized 1939 photographs of the meteorite and the cross, as well as a detailed chemical analysis. The meteorite remains well-preserved, the cross necklace no longer exists. Clair Omar Musser, an almost forgotten inventor and scientist, was as obsessed with the study of astronomy 122.

as with percussion. His two fascinations melded at one

122. The “Cedros Meteorite” with Provenance, a Gift to Shirley Temple from Clair Omar Musser


point into his creation of the Musser from the original family who had found the

one-of-a-kind Celestaphone

specimen, according to Musser’s included signed

which was made of 670

4” (10 cm.) meteorite. 9” x 4” box. The three-pound

affidavit. Writing in the third person he says, “It

pounds of meteors from his

meteorite landed on November 27, 1885 in the

became a treasured specimen among his wide

collection. The background of

vicinity of Cedros, Mexico, according to notarized

collection of meteorites which now numbers eighty-

his acquaintance with Shirley

documents that accompany the meteorite. The

eight fragments from seventeen falls”. Musser then

Temple, beginning about 1937,

meteorite was obtained in 1924 by Clair Omar

went on in this affidavit, “As a token of friendship

is discussed in #121. $1800+

122 details


123. Silk Empire-Style Nightgown for Child Shirley Temple Of soft ivory silk crepe with daintily patterned rosebuds, the empirestyle high waist fulllength nightgown is fully lined with crepe, and is trimmed with rose silk ribbon interwoven lace at the neckline, bodice and edges of short puffed sleeves. Circa 1936. $200+

124. Rose Silk Crepe AsianStyle Nightgown for Child Shirley Temple Of heavy weight silk crepe with beautiful draping, the simple-styled nightgown has a very wide hem to enhance the draping effect, and is decorated with padded silk rolls in blue and magenta at the neckline, yoke and sleeves, with soutache closures on blue silk-covered buttons. Circa 1936. The costume was originally designed by Rene Hubert for the film “Our Little Girl� (see Love, Shirley Temple, number 268) but unused in the final film. $500+




125. Silk TwoPiece Asian-Style Pajamas Worn by Child Shirley Temple in the 1936 film “Stowaway” Of very delicate silk with interwoven floral design, the 126 back

pale green silk pajama set features a sleeveless jacket top with lapel collar, pale pink cording at all the edges and pink bows hiding the hook and eye closures. With suspender strap wide-leg pants having set-in waist, and pink cord edging and bows at the ankles. In the final Christmas morning scene of the 1936 film “Stowaway”. Circa 1936. $600+


126. Batiste Gown with Lavender Ribbons and Embroidery Worn by Child Shirley Temple Of finest sheer batiste over pink

taffeta under-dress, the high-waisted dress has short puffed sleeves, double scalloped edge bodice, scalloped edge floorlength hem, and is trimmed with trailing garlands of embroidered pink and lavender flowers and vines, with lavender silk sash and shoulder straps decorated with lavender bows, and with selfcovered buttons at the back. Circa 1936. $500+



127. Along with a 12”x 15” still-life mounted on original backing and set in original wooden frame, the vibrant watercolor depicting a candle holder, a vase of vibrant red poppies, and a decorated bowl filled with luscious grapes, bananas, and other fruits. Signed “Shirley Temple 1937”. $500+



127. Three Vibrant Still Life Watercolors Painted by Shirley Temple


128. Collection of German Wooden Carved Miniature Children 3” (8 cm.) -4”. Nine various figures include a set of four varnished

18” (46 cm.) x 24”. The larger pair is drawn and water colored

children with delicately painted costumes and accessories, one

in brilliant vibrant colors, one depicting a still life of a tray

reading a book, one feeding birds; along with five figures having

with decanter and fruit, the other a vase of lavender and blue

matte finished painting, including children sledding. Germany, circa

lilies in a blue vase. Each is signed Shirley Temple, late 1930s.

1935 from the playroom of young Shirley Temple. $200+

129. Children’s Book Folk Tales Children Love To Shirley Temple from Her Father 12” (30 cm.) x 129 detail

10”. The book, titled Folk

Tales Children Love, edited by Watty Piper, published by Platt and Munk in 1934, is filled with rich and colorful illustrations of the famous folk tales ranging from “The Old Woman Who Wanted All the Cakes” to “The Little Turtle That Could Not Stop Talking”. A personal inscription on the frontispiece reads “To Shirley from Daddy 3-19-37”. 129.

Excellent condition. $100+

130. Two Art Books of Child Shirley Temple, One Inscribed to Her Mother


131. The Picture Story Book of Peter Pan, an Early Childhood Book of Shirley Temple, 1931 13” (33 cm.) x 10”. With story based on the play by Sir. J.M.

10” (25 cm.) x 13”

Barrie, and wonderful color

coloring book.

illustrations by Roy Best, and

Including Shirley

including bound-in music sheets

Temple Coloring

for several songs, published by

Book, hardbound,

Whitman, 1931. Roy Best, more

with color image

known for his sketches of pin-

of Shirley as

up girls, was commissioned by

an artist on the

Whitman to illustrate this book.

cover, published

The book was owned by young

by Saalfield in

child Shirley Temple. The story

1935, with several

remained a favorite of hers, and

colored-in images,

during her late teen years she

and inscribed on

auditioned for the role of Peter

the inside cover

Pan in a Broadway production.

“To my mother,


love Shirley Temple”. Along with Flowers, A Paint Book, published by Whitman, with numerous colored-in sketches, and autographed in orange crayon by Shirley Temple on the cover. And with a vintage photograph of young Shirley and her mother, Gertrude Temple. Early 1930s. $100+


132. Seven-Volume Set Lands and People with Custom Presentation by Sidney Rosenau 9 ½” (24 cm.) x 6”. The set of seven hard-bound books with purple leatherette covers, each featuring a stylized impressed illustration, was published by the Grolier Society in 1932. The set was presented to young child Shirley Temple by Sidney Rosenau with a boundin gilt lettered presentation page at the front of Volume I (see photograph). Excellent condition. The set is shown in a private photograph (see above) featuring the bookshelves in young Shirley’s bedroom at the time. Shortly thereafter, in 1934, Rosenau acquired the rights to use Shirley’s name in the manufacture of a line of children’s clothing under the Cinderella Frocks brand; this wildly successful clothing was produced throughout the 1930s and again in the 1950s. The friendship between the Rosenau family and Shirley Temple continued throughout this time. $200+

133. Shirley Temple’s Childhood Book, East of the Sun and West of the Moon, with Inscription From Her Mother 9” (23 cm.) x 6 ½”. With vividly color-illustrated cover, the 204page hardbound book, published by Garden City (undated), is filled with “Old Tales from the North”, various folk and fairy tales, with illustrations by Kay Nielsen. Contents complete and excellent with some paper age darkening at edges, stain on front cover. On the frontispiece is an ink inscription “To Shirley Dear from ‘Mommy’, Apr. 23, ‘35”, indicated it as a birthday gift on her seventh birthday. $200+


132 detail




Published by Shepard & Lawrence, 1928. Excellent condition. The set is shown in a private photograph (see opposite page) featuring the bookshelves in young Shirley’s bedroom at the time. $300+

135. Four Books from the Little Maid Series by Alice Turner Curtis, Christmas Gift to Shirley Temple by Her Brother George in 1936 8” (20 cm.) x 6”. Including A Little Maid

134. Sixteen-Volume Set, Book Trails, Owned by Shirley Temple as a Young Child

of Lexington (1932), A Little Maid of Connecticut (1918), A Little Maid of Maryland (1923), and A Little Maid of New Orleans (1930), each by Alice Turner Curtis, with illustrations

10” (25 cm.) x 7”. The first edition 1928 set is presented in original

by Hattie Longstreet Price, Penn Publishing. Very good condition,

binding of two books for each volume, each with ornate deeply

some age darkening of pages, no dust jackets. Three of the volumes

embossed cover. The volumes are arranged according to the growing

have inscription “To Shirley from Junior Dec. 25, 1936”, indicating a

age of the child, Volume I being named “Baby Feet” and Volume 8

1936 holiday gift from her brother George. $50+

being “The Trail Blazers”. Each is filled with wonderful stories, poems,

136. Birthday Gift Book “Children of Other Lands” to Shirley Temple with Inscription

folk tales, and accompanied by beautiful artwork by noted artists.

12” (30 cm.) x 10”. The hardbound book with colorful illustration on the cover, five fullpage color illustrations inside, numerous black and white illustrations, features children from many lands. Written by Watty Piper, illustrated by Lucille W. and H.C. Holling, published by Platt & Munk. Excellent condition. The frontispiece has a flourishing 135.

inked inscription “Greetings to Shirley Temple on her seventh birthday from her friend Jo Crail”. $100+


137. Pencil Sketch of Young Shirley Temple 14” (36 cm.) x 10”. Drawn on heavy artist paper, the shaded pencil sketch depicts a smiling young Shirley looking to the side as she clasps one of her beloved bunnies in her arms. The drawing is unsigned. Some light spotting. Circa 1938. $200+

138. Wooden Spinning Wheel Owned by Young Shirley Temple a Gift from a British Fan 26” (66 cm.) h. 26” w. The child-sized maple wood spinning wheel with fancy wheel spindles was featured in Shirley Temple’s childhood bedroom and preserved by her throughout her lifetime as a cherished memorabilia. Circa 1930. The spinning wheel is shown in a private photograph (seen at left). $800+

139. Vintage Photograph in Folio Cover of Shirley Temple as Toddler 9 ½” (24 cm.) x 7” photograph. 14” x 11” folio. A studio photograph of Shirley Temple as a very young toddler about the age of 2, posed in side-looking expression, holding a basket, and with artistic shadowed detail. On original mounting, with parchment sheet and heavy folio cover. The folio and the photograph are marked “Portrait by G. Edwin Williams, 715 So. Bonnie Brae, near 7th, L.A.” Excellent condition. Circa 1930. The Los Angeles

138. 137.


139. 140.

photographer noted from 1913 onward, photographed Shirley during her early years; another photograph of her by Williams is shown in Love, Shirley Temple (volume 1, #2) along with her favorite doll, Mary Lou. $200+

140. Antique Canary Birdcage Gifted to Shirley Temple by Her Mother, 1935

141. Three Early Framed ColorTinted Photographs of Shirley Temple 15” (38 cm.) x 12” framed. Including side-profile of a smiling Shirley as a

22” h. x 19” w. x 10” d. Of fine

young child with bonnet and blue coat,

mahogany wood, the elegantly

attributed to Otto Dyar, early 1935, in

shaped birdcage with finial trim,

original mounting and frame; along with

shaped column sides, arched crests

two framed table-top photographs,

on all four sides that frame the

each 4” x 3”, one depicting Shirley

curved metal pediment which is

as a very young toddler with pink-

surmounted by a wooden acorn-shaped finial with heavy

tinted dress, and the other a face view

brass hanging loop. Four wooden perches and original

of curly-locked Shirley about 1938.

feeding tray are inside. Excellent condition, one finial missing.

Excellent condition. The photographs

The canary birdcage, circa 1900, was gifted to Shirley Temple

were displayed in the boudoir of Shirley Temple’s mother, and later

by her mother, Gertrude Temple, in 1935. $400+

cherished by Shirley as a memory of her mother. $300+




in original silver plate frame with easel back, signed by the photographer “D’Gaggeri Beverly Hills”. The photograph graced the vanity of Gertrude Temple and later Shirley Temple herself, and was a favored image. Excellent condition. Circa 1937. The prestigious photography studio of D’Gaggeri was

142. Silver-Framed Color-Tinted Photograph of Shirley Temple by D’Gaggeri 14” (36 cm.) x 11”. The color-tinted photograph of Shirley

located at 9397 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills during the 1920s and 1930s. $200+

143. Silver Cup Inscribed to Shirley Temple, December 1936

Temple in yellow dress with darker side-parted hair of the

4” (10 cm.) The heavy silver cup with elegantly scrolled handle and bearing

1937 era, has very fine color-tinted detail, and is presented

silver hallmarks on the base is inscribed in fine script “Shirley Temple December 1936”. Excellent condition. $200+

144. Sterling Silver Bunny Sweater Clips Worn by Shirley Temple 1 ¼” (3 cm.) The figural bunny clips are presented in side profile, each in haunch seated pose, and connected by a short silver chain. Each is signed sterling. The clips were worn by young Shirley Temple, symbolizing her love for real bunnies, of which she had an entire family in her studio bungalow’s (and later, family’s) yard. $200+

145. Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet Featuring the Seven Hawaiian Islands Worn by Shirley Temple 6” (15 cm.) The silver chain link bracelet has seven dangling die-cut charms, symbolizing the seven Hawaiian Islands, each identified. The bracelet, likely 143.




obtained by Shirley during her 1937 visit to the Islands, was a favorite reminder of her most cherished location. Excellent condition, each of the charms is marked sterling. $200+

146. Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet of Disney Characters Worn by Shirley Temple 6 ½” (17 cm.) The chain link charm bracelet dangles 11 sterling silver figural charms, each depicting a beloved 1930s/40s Disney character including

147. Mickey and Minnie, Donald, Pinocchio, Bambi, and others. $500+

147. Sterling Silver Bosun Whistle Gifted to Shirley Temple on 1935 Visit to Hawaii, with Photographs 5 ½” (14 cm.) The silver bosun whistle was presented to seven-year-old Shirley Temple as she visited the USS Gamble in Pearl Harbor during the family visit in 1935. It is inscribed “Shirley Temple from USS Gamble 7 August 1935”. Included are two vintage large-format photographs, one depicting young Shirley in white middy costume blowing the whistle, and the other in 1941, as she embarks on her new contract with MGM, in navy blue sailor costume with the whistle tucked into her pocket. Excellent condition. 1935. $400+



148. Six-Year-Old Shirley Temple’s Scrapbook of Penmanship Lessons 11” (28 cm.) x 10” The cord-bound scrapbook with blue leather embossed cover contains scrapbook pages with Shirley’s penmanship papers from her first year at studio-schooling. The opening page features a photograph of Shirley with her written note “The Author Shirley”, and following are a large number of pages with hand-colored illustrations above Shirley’s written sentences, and with some arithmetic pages worked by Shirley at the back. The final page offers the teacher’s scoring results which were “Mental age 9 years 7 mo. Intelligence quotient 155. Grade Norm...4”. $200+

149. Brown Toy Monkey from Shirley Temple’s Playroom 19” (48 cm.) Brown silky plush monkey with felt face, ears, and paws having painted detail, amber glass eyes, white plush beard, and elongated tail. Excellent condition. The monkey was a favorite stuffed animal from Shirley’s collection and carefully cherished, it remains in crisp fresh condition. Circa 1935. $200+

150. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music for “Good Ship Lollipop” from the 1934 Film “Bright Eyes” 12” (30 cm.) The five-page accordion-folded sheet music, with subtitle “Sung by Shirley Temple and Boys in ‘Bright Eyes’ ” has music and lyrics written by Richard Whiting along with various musical directions, some handwritten on the sheets. 1934. $200+

151. American Composition Doll of Shirley Temple in Exclusive Ensemble Inspired by the 1934 Film “Bright Eyes” 149.


25” (64 cm.) All-composition doll with socket head, hazel sleep and “flirting” eyes, human hair lashes, open mouth, row of teeth, impressed

150. cheek dimples, blonde mohair ringlet curls, jointing at shoulders and hips. The doll is wearing a pink silk pleated dress over factoryoriginal undergarment, socks and shoes, and has white fur coat with extended cape collar and foxtail trim, muff, and velvet hat with more foxtail trim. Generally excellent condition. The doll is marked Shirley Temple Cop Ideal N & T and the coat is labeled “Willard H. George Los Angeles”. The costume was a unique creation, a symbol of her costume in the final scene of the 1934 film “Bright Eyes”. Created for a charity raffle, the 1935 Children’s Hospital Doll Fair; at the raffle Shirley actually pulled her own name from the hat, a story she wrote about in her autobiography Child Star. Included is a vintage photograph of Shirley holding this doll (with variant dress under the coat). $600+ 151.


152. German Wooden Angel Figures Given to Shirley Temple on her 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Birthdays 3 ½” (9 cm.) The matching four wooden sculptures with brilliantly colorful painting depict a young angel child with curly


blonde hair posed in playful scenes, one with her doll, one with a deer, the third as she chases

or, felicitously found with their blonde curly locks in a luxury gift shop that carried

away a willful goose, and the forth as she plays a

the German wooden art, and then gifted to Shirley by family or friend, is unknown.

violin. The scenes are arranged on wooden bases

Whichever, the early birthday gifts were cherished by Shirley Temple throughout her

which bear the stamp of the prestigious German

life. Germany, 1930s. $300+

firm of Steinbach, and each has a large carved number, which indicated Shirley’s birthday age. Each

153. Pair, Carved Wooden Dolls Owned by Shirley Temple as a Child

ensuing birthday, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th, Shirley was

11” (28 cm.) Each is all carved wood with natural finish and painted facial features, egg-

presented the matching sculpture. Whether the

shaped head, wooden block torso and limbs, matching costumes; the girl with blonde

pieces were especially commissioned from Steinbach

yarn hair and painted blue eyes, and the boy with brown yarn hair and brown eyes. The dolls appear in many photographs of Shirley Temple’s childhood bedroom, and were obvious favorites. Circa 1930s. $200+

154. Set of Ten Children’s Books Gifted to Shirley Temple in 1937, with Inscription 9” (23 cm.) The ten matching children’s books feature stories of children in various lands including The Little Dutch Tulip Girl, Little Jeanne from France, Little Anne of Canada and so forth. Each has a red and black illustration on the pale blue cover, and the interior pages feature actual photographs of children in story settings. Written by Madeline Brandeis, who had produced films in the late 1920s and 1930s featuring these books. The frontispiece of a book bears the inscription “To dear little Shirley Temple from Shirley Domay 1937” which is the year that Brandeis published her book Adventures in Hollywood (not included here). Published by Grosset & Dunlap. Excellent condition except Little Phillippe of Belgium 153.


with cover stains. $100+


155. Two Children’s Books, Giant Otto, and Otto at Sea, by William Pene Du Bois 6” (15 cm.) x 6”. Featuring the adventures of the very giant dog Otto, written and illustrated by William Pene Du Bois, and published by Viking in 1936. These were the first books published by the celebrated artist/author who later won the Newberry Medal in 1948 and the Caldecott Medal in 1952 for children’s literature. Some slight rubs on cover, contents excellent. $200+


156. Pair of Tiny Doll Pins Owned by Shirley Temple 156.

157. German Musical Wooden Clock Gifted to Shirley Temple by Her Mother in 1933

½” figures. Two tiny clothed

14” (36 cm.) The wooden-framed clock with painted nighttime scenes

metal figures depicting girl

has a border of carved wooden stars and moon slices. Posed at the

and boy in colorful traditional

top is a carved wooden doll who is leading the chorus of six little

costumes are mounted on

carved wooden children seated on the moon slices; a carved wooden

the tips of stickpins, and are

winged bird perches below. When wound, with original attached key,

preserved in an old envelope

the clock also serves as a music box. Includes key, the music and clock

with return address of “Shirley

mechanisms need adjustment, one wooden child has missing arm, few

Temple/Beverly Hills, Cal.”

wings missing. Germany, attributed to Steinbach, circa 1933. The clock

Circa 1935. $50+

was gifted to Shirley Temple by her mother, Gertrude Temple, in 1933, and hung in Shirley’s bedroom in their Santa Monica home. $500+


160. Five Color Tinted Photographs of Young Shirley Temple 34” (86 cm.) x 20”. Five vintage photographs of young Shirley Temple with hand-color tinting, includes Shirley in “Captain January” rain gear, Shirley in farm outfit from “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” and three others, each with classic smiling expression, dimples, curly locks,

158. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music for the 1935 Film “Captain January” 12” (30 cm.) Five accordion-folded sheets of music and lyrics from the 1934 film include “At the Codfish Ball” (labeled Shirley Temple’s key), “Sextette from Lucia”, “The Right Somebody to Love” (labeled Shirley Temple’s key). “Malihini Mele” (which was written in 1934 by R. Alex Anderson, but was deleted from the final film), and “Early Bird”. Circa 1936. $200+

and each with bonnet or hat. Framed. Circa 1935. $200+

161. Three Early Copies of Captain January Books by Laura Richardson, One with Gift Inscription Three different editions of the children’s book originally published in 1890, includes

159. Woolen ThreePiece Sailor Suit Worn by Very Young Shirley Temple

two copies of the 1927 edition

Of thickly woven

Shirley Temple in anticipation

cream wool, the

of her role in the 1936 version of the film. The book was gifted by family friend Marian

set comprises

E. Bates who ink-inscribed the message “To Shirley - with the sincere wish she will be

a middy jacket

able to portray ‘Starbright’ for her many friends, old and young.” $100+

inspired by the Baby Peggy role in the 1924 version of that film, and a 1932 edition gifted to


with front pocket, sleeveless tank top, and a pair of flat-front bell bottom pants. From the personal costumes of very young Shirley Temple. Very good overall excepting moth holes. Early 1930s. $200+ 159. 161.


162. Rare Rehearsal Recordings of Shirley Temple from Mid1930s Films 10” (25 cm.) diam. Nine original rehearsal recordings of Shirley Temple include “An Old Straw Hat”(5715), “An Old Straw Hat, 2nd Version” (5779), “A Dreamland Choo Choo to Lullaby Town” (5790), “Broadcast Medley” (5813), “The Toy Trumpet” (5820) from Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm,


“We Should be Together” from Little Miss Broadway, “I’ll Always Be Lucky with You” (6798), “I Love to Walk in the Rain” with Bill Robinson from Lucky Penny (re-named “Just Around the Corner”), and “This is a Happy Little Ditty” (6800). The recordings are one-sided only, the back side with raised lettering for Allied Phonograph & Record Mfg Co., Radio Disc, Hollywood, California. The nine records are presetned in a record album labeled “From The Record Library of Shirley Temple”. $500+


163. Two Early Editions of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Owned by Shirley Temple


164. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music for the 1938 Film “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” 11” (28 cm.) x 9”. Eight sheets of music, each labeled “Shirley Temple’s key” or “for Shirley Temple” include “Broadcasting Medley”, “Crackley Cornflakes” (later changed to “Crackley Grainflakes”), “Alone with You”, “An Old Straw Hat”, “Happy Ending”, “Come and Get Your Happiness”, “A Dreamland Choo-Choo to Lullaby Town”, and “The Toy Trumpet”. 1938. The “Dreamland Choo-Choo” song remains a mystery

Each written by Kate Douglas Wiggin, including 1903 first edition by

as it did not appear in the final film and according to some historical

Houghton, Mifflin and 1931 edition by Houghton Mifflin Riverside Press.

sources, may have been intended for “Stowaway” (but in which it also

The books were read and cherished by Shirley Temple. $100+

did not appear). $200+


167. felt decorative strap with painted wooden mushroom cap. The basket was owned and used by Shirley Temple, a favorite accompaniment to her beloved Lenci dolls. Generally excellent, light spotting on one side of bag. Circa 1938. $300+

166. Set of Six German Wooden Bunnies from Young Shirley Temple’s Playroom 3” (8 cm.) The carved wooden standing bunnies have painted band member uniforms, including bandleader, trumpet player, accordion player, drummer, cymbal player, and horn player, each stamped Germany. Excellent condition. The bunnies, inspired by young Shirley’s 165.

love of her live bunnies, were displayed in her playroom. Early 1930s. $200+

165. Shirley Temple’s Sewing Basket by Lenci, Late 1930s

167. Very Rare Early Children’s Book Denslow’s Mother Goose, 1901, From Shirley Temple’s Personal Childhood Collection

11” (28 cm.) h. The red-painted woven basket with handle has a colorful red/burgundy/cream checkered drawstring bag that is

11” (28 cm.) x 8 ½”. The 94-page book is filled with extraordinary

decorated with a bevy of colorful felt flowers of all varieties. There is a

illustrations of popular nursery rhymes, edited and illustrated by W.W. Denslow, 1901 for McClure, Phillips & Company. The extreme rarity of the book is enhanced further by its imaginative and vibrant illustrations, offering clever renditions of the popular classic rhymes. The condition is extremely worn, the book is complete albeit binding is completely loose, some wear at ends of many pages. The book was a particular favorite of young Shirley Temple, its early publication date suggesting it may have come to her already well-appreciated by unknown previous owners. $1000+

168. Shirley Temple’s Childhood Wooden Pied Piper and Children, Along with Book 4” (10 cm.) Pied Piper. Comprising a set of 12 carved wooden German 166.


characters, each with finely painted costumes, depicting the Pied Piper of Hamelin and his procession of children, including boy on a


mountain goat, girl with tall flowers, boy with hobby horse, girl with baby carriage, and others. Each is marked Germany. Circa 1933. Along with a children’s book The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Grosset and Dunlap, 1936, with ink inscription “Happy Birthday Shirley, Love Mr. & Mrs. Griffith”. The wooden figures were favorites of Shirley, likely a gift from her early bodyguard, John “Grif” 170.

Griffin and his wife and are seen in many early photographs of her playroom shelves. $300+

169. A Trio of Framed Vintage Color-Tinted Photographs 28” (71 cm.) x 14” framed. Three vintage color-tinted photographs depict young

along with the book The Land of the Little

Shirley Temple

Colonel, Reminiscence and Autobiography,

in smiling and pensive poses

by Annie Fellows Johnston, published by L.C, 169.

wearing a dress from the 1936 film “Poor Little Rich Girl”. $100+

170. Rehearsal Sheet Music and Three Books Owned by Shirley Temple Relating to the 1935 Film “The Little Colonel” 9 ½” (24 cm.) x 6 ½”. Including Shirley Temple’s rehearsal sheet music for “Love’s Young Dream”

Page, 1929, with vintage photographs of the author and the original Little Colonel. And two copies of The Little Colonel in variant bindings, both published by Grosset & Dunlap, copyright 1895 by L.C.Page and 1923 by Annie Fellows Johnston. $200+


with unique polka dot wings, pushing and pulling a well-laden peddler’s cart. Along with seven additional wooden children with similar wings, with musical instruments, one a sled, or with sheet music. Signed Germany, circa 1933. The figures were displayed by young Shirley Temple in the bookcases of her playroom. $200+

173. Children’s Book, Swiss Family Robinson, Birthday Gifted to Shirley Temple by Marilyn Granas 9” (23 cm.) x 6”. Written by J.D. Wyss, with color

171. Sketch “Sergeant Temple Office” and Hand-Drawn Book “Cat-Tale One! Published by Shirley Temple

illustrations including cover, by T.H. Robinson, published by Garden City, 1930s. The book bears 171.

an ink inscription “To Shirley, wishing you many many happy birthdays from Marilyn Granas 1935”.

12” (30 cm.) x 14”. The sign, drawn and

Excellent condition. Marilyn Granas served as

colored on sketch paper, reads “Sergeant

Shirley Temple’s early stand-in, notably for the

Temple Office” accented by a floral still life. Along with a ribbon-bound booklet with a

1935 film “The Little Colonel”. $100+

cover sketch of a kitten hiding in a cattail, amusingly titled “Cat-Tale One!”, and with pencil inscription “published by Shirley Temple”, and with six crayon-colored interior story pages. Mid-1930s. $200+

172. Miniature German Wooden Figures from Shirley Temple’s Playroom 2 ½” (6 cm.) Arranged upon a wooden platform are two carved wooden angel children


172. 173 detail



175. Shirley Temple Childhood Memorabilia Related to Disneyana 174.

Including Shirley Temple’s membership certificate in the Alabama Theatre Mickey Mouse Club, May 1935; a sketch of Donald Duck

174. “Shirley at Palm Springs” Photo Album, Birthday Gifted to Her in 1936

signed D. Duck Temple; and a handmade 8”

6” (15 cm.) x 9”. The leatherette cord-bound photo album contains 37 photographs of

x 5” parchment booklet with rose silk ribbon

young Shirley at play during family vacations in Palm Springs in 1936. The photographs

binding, having colored sketches of favorite

include Shirley at croquet, tuning in the radio, bike riding, in her cowgirl gear riding a

Disney characters on the cover and throughout,

horse, and with her favorite pup. The album cover is gold lettered “Shirley at Palm Springs”

titled “Happy Birthday Dear Shirley”, and with

and “From Jackie Smalley, April 23, 1936”. Excellent condition, photos loose in album. A

a handwritten message inside from Laurence

wonderful presentation with rare photographs. $500+

Hipkiss of Grundstone, Pa, dated April 19, 1937, reading “Well, another year has gone skipping past...” and signed “Your best friend”. $200+

176. Two Jewelry Gifts to Young Shirley Temple from Fan Michael Blake Including a ¾”h. gold-plated locket on chain which opens to reveal small photos of Shirley Temple’s mother and father, and is inscribed on the reverse “To Shirley Temple of Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, California from Michael J. Blake of Dorchester, Massachusetts, Her Loyal Fan, Jan 1938.” Along with a 1 ¼” French silver medallion celebrating WWI, enclosed in a gold frame and inscribed “From Michael J. Blake of 175.

Dorchester, Massachusetts to Shirley Temple Beverly Hills, California”. $500+



177. Complete Set of The Book of Knowledge with Inspirational Inscriptions from Irving Cummings 9 ½” (24 cm.) x 6”. The twenty volume set, 1937 edition by the Grolier Society, is filled with historical information, trivia, scientific lore, and wonderful curiosities. The complete set was gifted to Shirley Temple for her tenth birthday by Irving Cummings, who enhanced the gift by writing a unique inscription within each volume, viz, “To Shirley. This is volume number one/I’m sure you’ll find it lots of fun. Irving Cummings, April 23, 1938”, and finally “Shirley - with love. Volume twenty is the key of splendid endeavor/To fill your young mind with fine things forever. Irving Cummings, April 23rd, 1938”. Irving Cummings was the director of Shirley Temple’s films, “Curly Top”, “Poor Little Rich Girl”, and in 1938, the year of this gift, “Little Miss Broadway” and “Just Around the Corner”. The set of books is shown on the bottom bookcase shelf of the photograph on opposite page. $300+

178. Art Deco Glass Figure From the Teenage Collection of Shirley Temple 12” (30 cm.) The highly stylized Art Deco figure with shaded coloring in cream, gold, and green was prized by teenage Shirley Temple who displayed it on the shelves of her study room. The figure is seen in the vintage photograph on the opposite page. Excellent condition. Circa 1938. $300+

179. Pair of Earthenware Figures of Balloon Peddler and Sailor Signed GMT, Displayed in Shirley Temple’s Teenage Study Room 15” (38 cm.) The heavy plaster figures depict a jauntily posed sailor with wooden shoes, beret, striped shirt under middy shirt, and an old woman peddler, her head and back stooped as she



carries her large assortment of colorful balloons and sales box. Each is attached to original base which is marked GMT. Mid1930s, the figures were prized by Shirley Temple and appear in a place of honor on the top shelf of 179.

her teenage library. The vintage

photograph depicting the figures is included with the figures. $300+

180. English Porcelain Figure “This Little Pig” by Royal Doulton, Especially Favored Artwork by Young Shirley Temple 4” (10 cm.) The porcelain figure depicts a smiling young boy wrapped in a blanket with his feet sticking out. Marked “This Little Pig” with Royal Doulton stamp and registration number. Excellent condition. Mid-1930s. Included is a vintage photograph of teenage Shirley Temple in her study, the figurine shown on the shelf behind her. The figurine remained one of Shirley’s favorites throughout 180.

her entire life, kept always on display. $300+



183. Two First Edition Books of Heidi by Johanna Spyri 7” (18 cm.) x 4”. Including original German edition, Heidi’s Lehr-und Wanderjahre, published by Friedeich Andreas Perthes, Gotha, 1880, hardcover, with glued-on 181.

181. Pair of Color-Tinted Photographs of Shirley Temple in “Our Little Wooden Shoes” Costume from 1937 Film “Heidi”

paper inside the front cover inscribed “To Miss Shirley Temple, From Prof. E.I. Wooley, Indiana University, October 19, 1937, With best wishes!” Along with a French edition of

14” (36 cm.) x 20” framed. The beautifully color-tinted photographs depict Shirley Temple with

same, third edition, also inscribed to Shirley

long braids, wearing her iconic costume from the fantasy scene “In Our Wooden Shoes”, from

Temple from Prof. Wooley, and dated April

the 1937 film “Heidi”. Circa 1937. $200+

23, 1938 9 PM, intended as a gift for her

182. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music from the 1937 Film “Heidi”

tenth birthday. $150+

12” (30 cm.) x 9”. Including two rehearsal sheets for “In Our Little Wooden Shoes”, one labeled “Possible Shirley Temple Key” and the other labeled “For Shirley Temple”; “Silent Night”; and two copies of “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name”, one labeled “For Shirley” and the other labeled “Shirley Temple”. Circa 1937. $200+ 182.




184. Pen and Ink Sketch of “Grandfather” by Shirley Temple 22” (56 cm.) x 15” framed. The pen and ink drawing on heavy art paper portrays Jean Hersholt as Grandfather in the 1937 film “Heidi”. It is lettered “Grandfather” and signed “Shirley Temple”. The sophistication of the drawing and style of penmanship suggest a date post the film, likely 1940s. $200+

185. Three Editions of the Book Heidi Including Shirley Temple Edition with Film Photographs Each hardbound, including Heidi, Shirley Temple Edition published by Saalfield in 1937, with 12 photographs of scenes from the 1937 film; Heidi Grows Up translated by Charles Tritten, with color illustrations by Jean Oquillot, published by Grosset &

187. Dunlap, 1938; and Heidi, published by Garden City, 1932 with three color illustrations by Maud and Miska Petersham. $200+

186. Two Colored Sketches by Young Shirley Temple 24” (61 cm.) x 15” framed. Sketched on artist paper, one depicting Heidi aside two mountain goats, with the Alps in the background, lettered “Heidi”; and the other a marching scene of palace guards, signed “Shirley Temple”. Circa 1936. $200+

187. Four Color-Tinted Photographs of Shirley Temple from the 1937 Film “Heidi” 24” (61 cm.) x 21” framed. Wearing her blue-laced vest from the final scene of the 1937 film “Heidi”, ShirleyTemple is shown in four various poses, with beautifully accomplished delicate color tinting of photographs. Circa 1937. $300+ 186.


188. Pair of Color Tinted Photographs of Shirley Temple in French Court Costume from the 1937 Film “Heidi” 22” (56 cm.) x 15”. In both photographs Shirley Temple is seen in the lavish 18th century-style French court gown from the fantasy scene in “Heidi”. In one she descends the staircase, and in the other, she leans on her hands against the railing. The photographs are enhanced with color tinting. Circa 1937. $200+

189. Four Color-Tinted Photographs of Young Shirley Temple in Film Costumes 24” (61 cm.) x 22” framed. Four beautifully color-tinted photographs depict young Shirley Temple in seated or standing poses wearing early film costumes, including those from her beloved films “The Little Colonel”, “Captain January”, and “The Littlest Rebel”. Mid-1930s. $300+ 188.


190. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music From the 1938 Film “Little Miss Broadway” 11” (28 cm.) x 9”. A collection of 15 accordion-folded rehearsal sheets includes three versions of “Sing Me an Old Fashioned Song”, one pencil noted “Shirley”, another labeled “Shirley Temple Key-Eb” and the third labeled “Lead line for Shirley Temple”; four versions of “Be Optimistic”, one labeled “Shirley Temple Key - B2”, the second labeled “Shirley Temple and 2 girls” (referencing the Brian Sisters who sang that song with Shirley), a third labeled “Shirley Temple’s Key Bb”, the fourth not specified; two sheets of “How Can I Thank You”, one labeled “Shirley Temple Key - Bb”; one sheet of “We Belong Together” with a pencil note “Mrs. Temple Stage 14”, one sheet of “Little Miss 189.


Broadway” with a pencil note “Murphy sings”; one sheet titled

“Introduction to Court Room Finale”, another sheet titled “Hop, Skip and Jump, New Version, Court Room Finale”; and two sheets of “If All the World Were Paper”, one labeled “Shirley Temple’s Key Bb”. Plus a typewritten sheet labeled “Additional Lyric If All the World Were Paper”. Circa 1938. Certain of the song titles were varied in the final film and “Hop, Skip, and Jump” was actually deleted. $200+

191. A Trio of Color-Tinted Photographs of Shirley Temple in the 1936 Film “Dimples” 30” (76 cm.) x 14”. The three photographs, depicting Shirley in different moods, wearing her classic ragamuffin costume and cap from


the 1936 film, are beautifully color tinted. Circa 1936. $200+



192. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music from the 1936 Film “Poor Little Rich Girl”

(one with added note “chorus” refering to her singing with accent/ dialogue of the dolls); and “Military Man”. Also included is a copy of

11” (28 cm.) x 9”. Ten sheets of accordion-folded rehearsal sheet music

the original 1916 screenplay of “The Poor Little Rich Girl” by Eleanor

for Shirley Temple from the 1936 film includes two sheets of “Spinach”

Gates from which this film was adapted. $200+

(which became “You Gotta Eat Your Spinach”), one labeled “Shirley Temple Ver.” and the second labeled “Reprise for Faye and Haley and Temple”; two sheets of “Oh My Goodness”, both labeled “Shirley

193. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music from the 1936 Film “Dimples”

Temple’s Key”; “When I’m With You” labeled Shirley’s Key D; two

12” (30 cm.) x 9”. Including folded accordion sheet music originally

sheets of “But Definitely”, one labeled Shirley Temple’s Key, and the

written under the film’s first name of “Bowery Princess”, Including

second labeled Shirley Temple (Bing Crosby Chorus and Tag); “Ride a

“Hey, What Did the Blue Jay Say?”, “He Was a Dandy”, “Minstrel

Cock-Horse” labeled for Shirley Temple; “Buy a Bar of Barry’s” labeled

Finale” (known as “Dixie-Ana”), and “De Gospel Train” (which became

for Shirley Temple; “Oh My Goodness” labeled Languages choruses

“Get On Board”). Circa 1936. $200+


figures in Shirley’s life about 1934, with names below, including “Islieb” with a cat and a Lucky Penny, C. Hagan with a holiday ornament and Christmas stockings, and two sketches related to her beloved teacher, Miss Klamt, and signed Shirley Temple in large letters at lower edge. Circa 1937. $200+


194. Collection of Toy Animals from Young Shirley Temple’s Bungalow The eight toy stuffed animals of various sizes,

10” (25 cm.) x 8”. A centered sketch of

bear (glass eyes missing) with original tag by

woman with brown curly hair, and wearing

Knickerbocker, white bunny with pink velvet ears,

a blue blouse with red bow tie, possibly

another bunny, colorful mohair Kiwi bird, mohair

depicting Shirley Temple’s mother. Framed.

bird marked Joy-Toys of Australia, kangaroo and

Signed by Shirley Temple. Circa 1934. $100+

Temple and appear in many photographs of her doll room and bungalow. Early 1930s. $200+

195. Two Amusing Sketches by Young Shirley Temple


196. Colored Portrait Sketch by Shirley Temple

types and materials include a large white teddy

two dogs. The toys were beloved by young Shirley



197. Porcelain Figure of Princess Elizabeth Owned by Young Shirley Temple, with Five Porcelain Pups 7” (18 cm.) Princess Elizabeth is posed daintily seated with clasped hands, the

16” (41 cm.) x 12” and 12” x 8” unframed. Drawn on

figurine marked “H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth

sketch paper, one amusingly depicting a goat butting

H.” and “Wade”. Along with five porcelain

a little boy with the message “Little boys should not

pups in various poses, with marks of various

play around goats. by Shirley Temple”, and the larger

prestigious German and English firms.

being a sketch of symbols relating to important

Excellent condition. Circa 1935. $200+


198. American Composition Toddler with Handmade Costume from Shirley Temple’s Doll Collection 12” (30 cm.) All composition


with socket head, sculpted baby curls, green sleep eyes, human hair lashes, open mouth, two upper teeth, jointing at shoulders and hips, toddler chubby


200. German Character Doll and Steiff Dog with Original Red Label from Shirley Temple’s Playroom

limbs, hand-made costume

10” (25 cm.) Celluloid head

from Shirley Temple’s

character doll with sculpted

doll collection. Generally

short bobbed hair and painted

excellent. American, circa

features, fabric torso and

1930. $100+

jointed legs, jointed celluloid

199. Brown Plush Teddy and Composition Baby Doll Played with by Young Shirley Temple

arms, wearing original country costume, original shoes and knit bag, with original paper

20” (51 cm.) Including a brown plush teddy bear with amber

label. Along with a Steiff pup

eyes, and original label of Knickerbocker Toys, along with an all-

with elaborately curled ruff and

composition baby doll (re-dressed) with sleep eyes and pouty

curled tail, having original red

expression. The bear and doll were favorite playthings of the

cloth label and Steiff underscore

young Shirley Temple. Early 1930s. $200+

metal pin. 1930s. $200+



201. Rose Satin Nightgown Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1940 Film “The Blue Bird” Of soft rose satin, the full-length nightgown has a high waist, double rows of lace ruffles at the rounded neckline trimmed with pink silk roses, puffed sleeves with matching ruffled lace edges, and a wide border of lace with pink ribbon bows at the hemline. The costume is labeled “22007 S. Temple”. The nightgown was worn by Mytyl (Shirley Temple) as she sits sobbing in her lavishly furnished bedroom in the Luxury rich people’s home, in the 1940 film “The Blue Bird”. $2000+


202. Three Volumes of “The Blue Bird”, Two Autographed to Shirley Temple, and Rehearsal Sheet Music 8” (20 cm.) x 5”. Including blue hardbound book, The Blue Bird, by Maurice Maeterlinck, French-autographed to Shirley Temple by the author in 1939; The Blue Bird Souvenir Book, published in 1910 (very worn condition); and a first edition of The Bluebird Tales from The Land of By-lo by Annette Marie Selvage, Vantage Press 1956, autographed by the author “To Shirley Temple with best wishes”. Along with three Shirley Temple rehearsal music sheets from the 1940 film, including two “Lay-De-O”, one labeled “Shirley Temple routine, the other labeled “Shirley Temple Key of D”; “Someday You’ll Find Your Bluebird” labeled “Shirley Temple’s 201.


Key”, and “Someday You’ll Find Your Bluebird” (deleted for final film, but performed on Christmas Eve radio in 1939). $200+


203. Pair of Miniature Porcelain Poodles from Shirley Temple’s Fox Studio Bungalow 3” (8 cm.) The pair of porcelain poodles have grout-flocked coats and tails, porcelain face, standing upon porcelain base with arrangement of Dresden flowers at the back, each carrying a little basket in mouth. Excellent condition. Attached is an old paper tag noting “Poodle Dog from ST bungalow

205 back

20th Century Fox Studio, 1934-1940. $100+

204. Six Boudoir Satin Pillows Belonging to Shirley Temple


15” (38 cm.) x 12”. Of soft rose or coral colors, the silk and satin pillows with various designs originally belonged to Gertrude Temple and later Shirley Temple. Also included is a soft velvet peignoir worn by Shirley Temple, circa 1940s. $200+

205. Coral Satin Robe Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1940 film “The Blue Bird” Of softest coral satin, the intricately constructed fulllength robe is fully lined with blue silk crepe and is decorated with raised emblems of roses and vines on the lapels, cuffs and front of the robe, and edged all around with finest Alencon lace, with attached self-cords. An interior label reads “Temple 22911”. The robe was worn by Shirley Temple in the 1940 film “The


Blue Bird”. $500+


206. Black Silk Strapless Gown with Cutwork Ruffles and Laced Bodice Worn by Shirley Temple, Mid-1940s Of black silk with constructed darts, and cord lacing at the front bodice, full-length net and tulle gathered skirt, decorated with double-tiered cutwork ruffles at the bodice and hips. The dress was worn by Shirley Temple during the mid-1940s, on one occasion during her presentation of the Academy Juvenile Actor Award to Claude Jarman, Jr. in 1946 for his performance in “The Yearling”, an award which Shirley herself had been the first to win in 1934. $500+

207. Shirley Temple’s Evening Purse with Inscribed Name “Shirley” 7” (18 cm.) x 5 ½”. Of densely woven gold beading with gold silk lining and separate coin purse attached with a gold chain, labeled 207.

“Koret”, and with a rhinestone trimmed gold clasp that is monogrammed “Shirley”. Excellent

condition, some beading wear at corners. The evening bag was favored by Shirley Temple 206.


as a young woman during evening occasions. Mid-1940s. $300+

208. Shirley Temple’s Strapless Satin and Tulle Evening Dress


Of crisp taffeta with fitted waist and flared skirt accentuated by an inset flounce of gathers at the bottom skirt, and with fitted silk crepe bodice of dotted Swiss tulle trimmed with elaborate ruffles. A favorite evening dress of Shirley Temple in the mid-1940s, and worn at important occasions. $400+

209. Shirley Temple’s Coral Satin Evening Gown with Sheer Tulle Overlay and Matching Shawl The strapless gown of coral satin has dartshaped bodice and very full skirt both overlaid with draped and gathered tulle and accented at the bottom skirt with draped ruffles, and with attached long shawl for elegant draping around the shoulders. The gown was worn on evening occasions by Shirley Temple during the 1940s. $500+ 209.


was a favorite of Shirley Temple in the mid-1940s for evening events. A film magazine of the time described it as “Adrian dreamed up a misty dress of grey and

210. Wonderful Grey Tulle Strapless Gown with Silk Lavender Flowers, Designed by Adrian for Shirley Temple, Known as the “Grown-Up Little Colonel Dress”


blue net over taffeta...and sprinkled it

Of grey tulle with fitted bodice overlaid with corded tulle, and with tulle draping around the

with posies.”

bodice that is edged with tulle ruffles and rose and lilac silk flowers, and with six tiers of ruffles

Included with the dress is a color transparency

on the floor-length skirt that are trimmed with further silk flowers. The gown, designed by

of Shirley wearing the gown, and another

famed couturier Adrian who had designed all the elaborate costumes in “The Wizard of Oz”,

vintage black and white photograph.

This extremely rare and important gown was designed by Adrian (Adrian Adolph Greenberg, 1902-1959), a couture designer of the elite, first as lead costumer at MGM from 1928-1941 where he designed costumes for more than 100 films, the most noted being “The Wizard of Oz” including the famous ruby slippers; and then, as head of his own couture salon on the Sunset Strip where important celebrities would visit to have a gown designed, draped and fitted. His work is revered by couture collectors and featured in museums. A custom gown for Shirley Temple was homage to her importance in the industry. This gown is a true work of art, an apt interpretation of her famous childhood gown from “The Little Colonel” now transformed into a unique fashion statement for a sophisticated woman. $1500+



211 detail

211. Stunning Black Alencon Lace Gown with Matching Lace Cape Worn by Shirley Temple during the 1940s Of fine black embroidered Alencon lace overlaid on coral silk crepe fitted bodice, accented with tiered lace ruffles at the bosom, having scalloped waist, and floor-length matching lace skirt of very full gathers over black tulle and coral silk crepe underskirts. Along with a matching waist-length cape with scalloped edging and dainty ties at the neckline. The very lavish

gown was worn by Shirley Temple during the 1940s on elegant occasions. $500+

213. Red Strapless Evening Gown with Draped Tulle Bodice Worn by Shirley Temple, 1940s A strapless heart-shaped bodice with horizontal-draped tulle overlay, accented by self-cording at the waist, and with double layer of gathered floor-length tulle over red taffeta underskirt. The skirt back has unusual flounce over a long red velvet bow sash. The gown was worn by Shirley Temple at evening occasions during the 1940s. $500+

214. Outstanding Red Tulle Ruffled Dress Worn by Shirley Temple, 1940s The strapless evening dress comprises a fitted bodice of draped tulle over satin, with fitted skirt of double-layered stitched-down tulle over matching red taffeta underskirt; with seven voluptuous richly gathered ruffles that extend fully around the skirt. The evening dress was worn for special occasions by Shirley Temple during the 1940s. $500+

215. Silver Flask-Shaped Perfume Bottle Monogrammed S.T. 2� (5 cm.) The silver flask-shaped perfume bottle in the Art Deco style has removable lid with silver atomizer, and is monogrammed 211.

S.T. The perfume bottle was carried by Shirley Temple during the 1940s. $100+







216. Collection of Fashion Illustrations and Artwork by Shirley Temple Drawn in 1941

signed Shirley Temple, most are dated 1941. Also included is a vintage

Including one large 11” x 17” watercolor entitled “We Three”; three 11” x

photograph of 13-year-old Shirley Temple as she does some of these

8” colored sketches; six 11” x 8” pencil sketches, some with ink details;

actual drawings. $900+

two miniature colored sketches; and four larger size sketches; pen and


ink silhouette drawing; and large watercolor of nude bathing. All are

217. Unusual Link Bracelet with Heart-Shaped Medallion Having Inscription from Dore Schary 6” (15 cm.) The unusual bracelet of squareshaped links having looped attachment has a suspending brass heartshaped medallion that is inscribed “To Shirley whose


heart will always be sixteen”. The bracelet was gifted to

216.1. Recordings from the Personal Library of Shirley Temple, and Four Children’s Books of Wagner’s Ring

Shirley by Dore Schary who was the producer of her 1940s films including

9 ½” (24 cm.) x 7”

“I’ll be Seeing

books. Including a

You” (1944) and

series of four books

“The Bachelor

for older children

and the Bobby-

featuring Wagner’s

Soxer” (1947).

Ring of Nibelung, the


authorized edition of the Metropolitan Opera Guild, cherished by Shirley Temple. Along with an album of recordings with album label “From the Personal Library of Shirley Temple”, with various recordings that were particular favorites of

218. Silver Enamel Beaded Bracelet Worn by Shirley Temple


Shirley, including Rodger Young by Nelson Eddy, L’Amour, Toujours

6” (15 cm.) l. with extra link. The ornate bracelet is composed

L’Amour and The Jockey of the Carousel sung by Lily Pons, Waltz in A

of elaborate silver links which connect eight wheel-shaped

Major by Andre Kostelanetz, Summertime by Lily Pons, Gypsy Airs and

arrangements of various turquoise, garnet and white beading. The

Dusk Tango by Xavier Cugat, and Love’s Nosturne by Beniamino Gigli.

bracelet, a favorite of Shirley in the late 1930s/early 1940s, was


too large for her petite wrist so one link was removed; that link is included. The bracelet is marked “Made in Hungary”. $300+



219. An Important Silver Satin Gown Worn by Shirley Temple, 1940s, for Publicity Photographs Of very heavy weight silver satin with interwoven grey and white brocade design, the floor-length gown was designed to be worn strapless or with the detachable straps. The fitted bodice has unusual seaming to accentuate the woven flowers, and the flared skirt falls in deep folds to the floor. Included with gown are two vintage photographs, one being a color transparency. The dress was clearly a favorite of Shirley Temple for various social and publicity occasions. Most notably, in January 1949, Shirley wore the gown to the inaugural ball of Harry S. Truman (numerous newspaper clippings of this appear in the 1949 album (#251 of this book). On September 23, 1949 a photograph of Shirley in this gown was featured on the cover of Cine Review magazine, and in a May 1949 issue of Movie Life she is shown gaily dancing a Mexican folk dance at a party for Errol Flynn. $500+



221. Silk Organza Dress Worn by Shirley Temple, 1940s Of pale grey sheer silk organza, the scoop-necked sleeveless party dress features applique grey organza flowers and bicolor soutache on the pink satin-lined bodice, with very full gathered skirt over pink taffeta underskirt. The dress was worn by Shirley Temple for party occasions during the 1940s. $500+

222. Elaborately Draped Sheath Cocktail Dress with Bustle Back The strapless sheath fitted dress has elaborately draped coral satin and grey taffeta fitted bodice, above a fitted skirt with draped arrangement from the front skirt, and elaborate bustles at the back from which peek large pink silk and velvet flowers. The dress was a particular favorite of Shirley Temple, worn on several important social occasions. $500+

220. Large-Format Color Photograph of Shirley Temple in Floral-Decorated Formal Gown 21� (53 cm.) x 18�. framed. Shirley Temple stands alongside a staircase, her hand on the railing, with long flowing reddish/brown curls, wearing a blue gown with an elaborate corsage of silk flowers on the neckline. Circa 1945. $200+


222 back





223. Sterling Silver Hearts Charm Bracelet Worn by Young Shirley Temple 6” (15 cm.) l. A silver link bracelet has 13 heart charms, each of a different design and several decorated with colorful stones. Each of the charms is impressed Sterling. Circa 1940. $400+

224. Teal Woolen Suit with Silver Buttons Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1947 Film “Honeymoon” The two-piece suit includes a silk-lined jacket with dart shaping and long sleeves, ruffled white cuffs and collar, and with 10 silver buttons with chain design; along with



matching skirt. The ensemble was worn by Shirley Temple in the 1947 film “Honeymoon”. $300+

225. Shirley Temple’s Periwinkle Linen Dress with Ruffled Deep Collar and Crystal Dangles, 1940s Of periwinkle color, the linen dress features a V-neckline edged by a scalloped ruffled collar, dart-shaped bodice and

of film scenes and well-annotated director’s instructions to each actor. With ink inscription on opening pages “To Shirley, this souvenir of our first together. May they all turn out as well, Gratefully, (initials), 1944”. The inscription was written by Dore Schary, the producer of that film. $500+

with a cluster of silk violets, and prismatic crystals dangle

227. Shirley Temple’s Bound Leather Script from the 1949 Film “Mr. Belvedere Goes to College”

from the collar. The wonderfully designed dress was worn

11” (28 cm.) x 9”. The 145-page hardbound script with embossed gold lettering

by Shirley Temple during the 1940s. $500+

on the cover “Mr. Belvedere Goes to College” and “Shirley Temple” includes

fitted wide midriff, and flared skirt; the collar is decorated

226. Shirley Temple’s Bound Leather Script from the 1944 Film “Since You Went Away”


Went Away” and “Shirley Temple” includes eight bound-in sepia photographs

25 bound-in black and white photographs of film scenes and well-annotated director’s instructions to each actor, as well as an added three pages of retakes for an alternate ending (dated 1/11/49). With ink inscription on opening pages “To the

11” (28 cm.) x 9”. The 233-page hardbound script with

prettiest ‘college widow’ of them all! Best wishes Sam Engel”. The inscription was

embossed gold lettering on the cover “Since You

written by Samuel Engel, the producer of the film. $500+

228. Shirley Temple’s Bound Leather Script from the 1947 Film “The Bachelor and the BobbySoxer” 11” (28 cm.) x 9”. The 161-page hardbound script with embossed gold lettering on the cover “The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer” and “Shirley Temple” includes thirteen bound-in black and white photographs of film scenes, and well-annotated director’s instructions to each actor. With ink inscription on opening pages “Dear Shirley, The cutest bobby-soxer who ever pulled on a sock, Dore Schary. June 3, 1947”. The inscription was written by Dore Schary, the producer of that film. $500+


229. Shirley Temple’s Bound Leather Script from the 1944 Film “I’ll Be Seeing You”


11” (28 cm.) x 9”. The 103-page hardbound script with embossed gold lettering on the cover “I’ll be Seeing You” and “Shirley Temple” includes seven bound-in black and white photographs of film scenes, and well-annotated director’s instructions to each actor. Included is a typed letter of June 16, 1945 on letterhead of Dore Schary and signed by him, with original envelope, reading “Dear Shirley, This script of I’ll Be Seeing You, which comes from Mr. Selznick and myself, carries with it my gratitude for a difficult job that was done extraordinarily well. Every sincere good wish to you.” Dore Schary was producer of the film, and David Selznick was 227.

executive producer. $500+



230. Shirley Temple’s Rich Brocade Strapless Gown with Asian Theme and Red Silk Lining, 1940s Of very rich silk/gold brocade with elaborately interwoven Asian themes including cranes and peonies, and with red lining, the strapless evening dress has dart-fitted bodice above slightly flared skirt. The sophisticated dress was worn by Shirley Temple. $500+

231. Shirley Temple’s Traveling Vanity Case with Initialed G.T. Cover 8 ½” (22 cm.) x 6”. The firm leather-covered vanity case is initialed in gold G.T. on the lid, and opens to a mirrored interior lid and compartments containing glass bottles, jewelry section, and three goldlidded powder or cream jars. The vanity case, originally used by Gertrude Temple, was later sentimentally used by Shirley Temple. $200+ 231.

232. Evening Dress of Red Silk Satin Worn by Shirley Temple in the 1940s Of very rich Chinese red silk satin, the dress has a gathered bodice with tiny shoulder straps above a dart-fitted midriff which extends into a widely flared skirt. The bodice is offset by a same-silk band that is accented by a wide bow. The skirt has an attached red tulle frou-frou petticoat. $500+

233. Elaborately Constructed Rose Silk Chiffon Evening Dress Worn by Shirley Temple Of sheer rose silk chiffon, the evening dress features an elaborately constructed bodice with horizontal and bias cut arranged pleats at the front and narrow sewn-down pleats at the back, with very full gathered shoulder straps at the shoulders arranged with an intricate knot at one side; the flared skirt features two layers of sheer rose silk chiffon above a rose silk taffeta skirt. Some spotting at sides of bodice. The dress, a favorite of Shirley Temple for its soft yet swishy effect, was worn for evening social events in the mid/late 1940s. $300+ 230.





234. Silk Brocade Strapless Evening Gown with Matching Wrap Worn by Shirley Temple at Formal Occasions The strapless gown of very rich interwoven brocade, has a dartfitted bodice that flares into a widely draped floor-length skirt, with padded hips to enhance the elegant flow of the skirt. Along with an elaborately triangular-cut long shoulder wrap of same material with fuchsia taffeta lining. Slight spotting at side bodice. The gown was worn by Shirley Temple at important formal occasions such as a benefit charity drive in Washington on October 16, 1951, the gown accompanied at the event by a diamond necklace from the Harry Winston collection. $500+

235. Aperitif Glass from Hollywood’s Brown Derby Restaurant from Shirley’s Westlake School Outing, 1942 3” (8 cm.) The glass is decorated with a rim of incised derby hats, and was obtained by Shirley Temple during an outing of her Westlake School classmates including her best friend, Phoebe Hearst, in 1942/43. $200+


236. Shirley Temple’s 14 Kt Gold Necklace and Earrings 13” (33 cm.) Composed of a series of scroll shapes joined by circular rings, and having alternating ribbed sections. Along with a pair of matching earrings. 1940s. $1500+ 234.



237. Embroidered Organza Strapless Gown with Green Silk Satin Trim Constructed of sheer ivory silk organza that is richly embroidered with flowers and vines, over attached ivory taffeta under-dress, the strapless gown is dart-shaped to snugly fit the bodice and then form into a widely flared skirt. The bodice has unusual fan-shaped edging that is secured by emerald green draped silk satin bands. $500+

238. Emerald Green Satin and Chiffon Evening Dress, a Favorite of Shirley Temple in the 1940s Of vibrant emerald green silk satin, the evening dress features very full chiffon gathers at the bosom, above dart-fitted midriff edged with self-piping, and with a sheath shirt having darts at the sides. An overlay of emerald green silk chiffon in rich full gathers is at the back. $500+




239. Aqua Silk Satin Evening Dress with Eight Rows of Applique Pearls Of rich aqua silk satin, the scooped neck evening dress with cap sleeves has a dart-fitted bodice and widely flared skirt, and is decorated with eight 239 back

rows of pearls that are appliqued to the neckline in elaborate scroll design. Shirley Temple wearing the costume was photographed in the May 1950 issue of Photoplay in the Hollywood Clothesline; the caption noted that the dress was designed by Elois Jenssen, a former classmate (slightly older) at Westlake School, who went on to win an Academy Award for Best Costume Design for “Samson and Delilah� in 1951. $400+




240. Beautifully Bound Unique Script “Shirley, The Children’s Empress” Submitted to Shirley Temple by the Author, 1939 The fabric-bound script with leather applique having gold lettering “Shirley The Children’s Empress” has 91 typewritten pages of a proposed English-language film script sent to Shirley Temple by the Rumanian author, Trajan Teodorescu, with English translation by Harry and Elza Williams. Also included is the original Rumanian language copy of the book. Both script and book have inscribed autograph from Teodorescu to “A la petite Mlle Shirley Temple....” $200+

241. Emerald Green Metallic Evening Dress Of richly woven metallic green fabric, the sheath gown features a high waist with dart-shaped bosom, wide shoulder straps that drape loosely, forming into capelet sleeves, and with an attached floor-length train at the back. $500+ 241.


242. Navy Blue Linen Suit with Red and White Piping Of finely woven navy blue linen, the hip-length fully lined jacket has lapel collar, three-quarter cuffed sleeves, self-covered buttons, and is accented with narrow embroidered red and white stripes, with matching straight skirt. $300+

243. Shirley Temple’s Personal Picnic Set Wooden travel case with blue leather cover opens to reveal well-fitted interior containing celluloid sandwich box, Thermos, two cups, two glasses, two saucers, two plates, and two sets of cutlery which is marked “Coracle, made in England”. The set was often used by Shirley Temple during her young lady era. $400+

244. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music from the 1940 Film “Young People” and Bracelet Gift


12” (30 cm.) x 9”. The actual accordion-folded sheet music (not shown) used by Shirley Temple during rehearsals of “Young People”, including “Young People”, “Tra-La-La-La”, two copies of “I Wouldn’t Take a Million” (one labeled Shirley’s Key), and two copies of “Fifth Avenue” (one labeled Shirley Temple, 2nd chorus of vocal and the other labeled Shirley Temple’s Key). Included is a silver chain link bracelet with medallion “To My Adopted Child “Wendy” From “Mom”, a gift from Charlotte Greenwood who played the 242.

role of Shirley’s (Wendy) mother in the 1940 film. $200+




245. Two Color-Enhanced Promotional Photographs of Shirley Temple, 1945 24” (61 cm.) x 20” framed. Unusual vignette photographs of Shirley with long flowing reddish/brown curls, hazel eyes, and classic dimples, wearing blue and white checkered collar with lace and rosebud trim, and matching hair ribbon. The photographs are nearly identical except in one she is smiling and in the other she is solemn. The photographs appeared in advertisements for Woodbury Facial Powder and declared that Shirley was wearing Windsor Rose powder. The ads were released in 1945 as the film “I’ll Be Seeing You” is mentioned in the copy. $500+

246. Three Blouses and Sweaters Worn by Teenager Shirley Temple Including a navy blue pullover with abstract embroidery of skiing figures; a white cotton blouse with vivid blue embroidery of flowers on the yoke and short sleeves; and a very thick short-sleeved sweater with red braid knitted edging. All were 245.

worn by teenager Shirley Temple. $300+


247. Two Grand Shirley Temple Scrapbooks of Press Clippings and Memorabilia, 1941 & 1942 23” (58 cm.) x 19”. The cram-filled pages tell the story through press clippings and photos, along with personal memorabilia, and handwritten annotations of Shirley’s change from a petite child to a young woman. $1500+

248. Shirley Temple’s Grand Scrapbook of Press Clippings and Memorabilia, 1943 & 1944 23” (58 cm.) x 19”. Carefully gathered and compiled, the scrapbook covers the years at Westlake School and her growing social activities war-bond and charity events. $1000+

249. Shirley Temple’s Grand Scrapbook of Press Clippings and Memorabilia, 1945 23” (58 cm.) x 19”. A momentous year in the life of Shirley Temple as a young woman is reflected here in clippings related to her high school romances, her graduation from Westlake School, her film “Kiss and Tell”, and then her engagement and wedding to John Agar. $1000+



250. Shirley Temple’s Grand Scrapbook of Press Clippings, 1946 23” (58 cm.) x 19”. Clippings continue to relate the fund drive and charity work of the young woman, as well as

254. Angel Sketch by Shirley Temple upon Completion of Filming the 1940 Film “The Blue Bird”

feature stories on her evolving life as a

16” (41 cm.) x 11” framed.

housewife and social maven. $1000+

Sketched on a fragment

251. Two Grand Scrapbooks Filled with Shirley Temple Press Clippings and Memorabilia, 1947 and 1948

of paper from a heavy manila envelope is an angel with curly hair, holding a handbag

23” (58 cm.) x 19”. Three new films

with a design of a bird,

offered in these years fill the pages

signed “Shirley Temple”.

with reviews as well as commentary

An attached note, in her

about the evolving presence of the

mother’s handwriting, on

actress, along with many gossip

a fragment of that envelope reads “11-20-’39. Shirley traced this absentmindedly. Had

columns about the personal and social

just finished making the Blue Bird”. $200+

life. $1000+

252. Shirley Temple’s Grand Scrapbook of Press Clippings and Memorabilia, 1949


255. Large Assortment of Paper Ephemera Related To Foreign Editions of Shirley Temple Films, 1930s Including announcements, brochures and other publicity sheets for international distribution of 1930 era Shirley films ranging from Japan to Columbia, Germany to France, Netherlands, and more. $200+

23” (58 cm.) The scrapbook is filled with articles proclaiming that Shirley is now 21, pages filled with her attendance at various events surrounding the inauguration of Harry S. Truman, announcement of the death of Bill Robinson, and, toward the end of the year, articles pertaining to Shirley Temple seeking a divorce. $1000+

253. Shirley Temple’s Grand Scrapbook of Press Clippings and Memorabilia, 1950/1951 23” (58 cm.) x 19”. Compiled by Shirley Temple’s secretary, the thick scrapbook is filled with news clippings concerning various society events, as well as articles about her child, her divorce and her second marriage. $1000+ 255.


257. Two Copies of The Littlest Rebel with Bound-in Film Scenes, and Rehearsal Sheet Music 9” (23 cm.) Each is the same edition with variation in binding, written by Edward Peple, published by Dodd, Mead in 1935, and each with nine photographs of scenes from the film. One book has inscription “with affectionate admiration for ‘The Littlest Rebel’ from Frank (illegible) January 16th, 1936”. Also included are two copies of sheet music from “The Littlest Rebel” for “Polly-Wolly Doodle”. $200+


256. Two Susannah Books, Holiday Gifts to Shirley Temple from the Author, and Rehearsal Sheet Music 11” (28 cm.) x 9” sheet music. Including Susannah of the Yukon, and Susannah, a Little Girl with the Mounties, both written by Muriel Denison, published by Dodd, Mead & Co, 1937. Each has an inscription on the frontispiece, signed by the author and dated Christmas 1937. One reads “For Shirley Temple, May all your wrinkles come from happy smiles” and the other “For Shirley Temple, To wish you only happy laughter”. Along with rehearsal sheet music from the 1939 movie “Susannah of the Mounties”, “Paddy O’Casey”, the revised version in Shirley Temple key. $200+


258. Two Early Books of A Little Princess and Rehearsal Sheet Music Including a hardbound book, Sara Crewe or What Happened at Miss Minchin’s, by Frances Hodgson Burnett, published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1889, with a Merry Christmas inscription to its original owner “Cousin Ollie” in 1889, and a later inscription “This book will be 52 years old on Christmas and was presented to Shirley from Mrs. Ollie R. Savacool, Rahway, N.J.” (1941). Along with a 1935 edition of the book, subtitled “The Whole of the Story”, with illustrations by Ethel Betts. And with original rehearsal sheet music of “Wot 257.


Cher!” from the 1939 film of “The Little Princess” in Shirley Temple’s key. $200+

259. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music from the 1936 Film “Stowaway” 11” (28 cm.) x 9”. Four accordion-folded rehearsal music sheets including “Goodnight My Love” (labeled Shirley Temple Key 259.

3b), “That’s What I Want for Christmas”

(labeled key of Eb for Shirley Temple), “I Wanna Go To The Zoo” (labeled Shirley Temple Key Bb), and “You’ve Gotta S-M-I-L-E to Be H-A-P-P-Y” (labeled Shirley Temple’s Key -Aa). $200+

260. Shirley Temple’s Rehearsal Sheet Music from the 1938 Film “Just Around the Corner” 11” (28 cm.) x 9”. Six accordion-folded rehearsal music sheets labeled for the 260.

film “Lucky Penny”, later re-named “Just Around the Corner”,

including “This is a Happy Little Ditty” (labeled Key of C for Shirley), two


262. Shirley Temple’s Various Rehearsal Music Sheets from 1930s Films

copies of “I Love to Walk in the Rain” (both labeled Key of “A” for Shirley

11” (28 cm.) x 9”. Including

Temple and one pencil noted “Old copy, see Revised Copy”), “I’ll Always

“Laugh You Son of a

be Lucky With You” (labeled Key of Bb for Shirley Temple), “I Feel Like

Gun” from 1934 “Little

the Blossoms in the Spring (labeled Key of “C” for Shirley Temple), and

Miss Marker”, two copies

“London Bridge is Falling Down” (labeled Key of C for Shirley Temple);

of “Auld Lang Syne (one

these last two songs did not appear in the final film. $200+

labeled “Lead”) from

261. Four Color-Tinted Photographs of Young Shirley Temple in Middy Costume

“Wee Willie Winkie”, and two copies of “Lullaby” (one labeled Shirley

24” (61 cm.) x 20” framed. 9” x 7” each. The four color-tinted

Temple’s Key in C, and

photographs depict young curly-locked Shirley Temple in various

the other labeled Shirley’s

poses, wearing middy costume. Circa 1937. $300+

Key in Bb) from “Our


Little Girl”. $200+


264. Celebration Memorabilia for Shirley Temple on Her 16th Birthday 16” (41 cm.) x 12”. On heavy stock poster board, centered by an attached birthday card, is the message “To Shirley on her 16th Birthday From the Selznick Vanguard 1944 Crew” with signatures of all the film crew, presumably for the 1944 film


“I’ll be Seeing You”, including autograph of Dore Schary, who produced the film. $300+

265. Leather Coin Purse and Jewelry Case Monogrammed “Shirley” 3 ½” (9 cm.) Including a dark brown leather coin purse with accordionfolio interior,

263. Four Large-Format Vintage Photographs of Teenager Shirley Temple

monogrammed “Shirley” and “S”


13” (33 cm.) x 10”. Portraying teenager Shirley Temple in various

in gold on the

fashionable or amusing poses, taken about 1941, mostly as publicity

outer flap; and a

photographs for the 1941 film of “Kathleen”; two are labeled as

tan leather-covered jewelry box with gold lettering “Shirley Temple”.

photographed by Clarence Bull. Three of the photographs are on

Circa 1940s. $200+

heavy matte paper. Circa 1941. $200+


brass clasp and


266. Shirley Temple’s Cast-Autographed Copy of the 1943 Book Since You Went Away


her seventeenth birthday - ‘oh my, they’re cute at that age’. With love from Frank Herbert”. And Kiss and Tell, A Comedy in Three Acts, by

8” (20 cm.) x 6”. The hardbound book, written by Margaret Buell

F. Hugh Herbert, published by Coward-McCann, 1943, autographed

Wilder, published by Whittlesey House, 1943, second printing, was the

“For Shirley - who embodies all the most endearing qualities of my

basis of the 1944 film of the same name. The frontispiece of this book

favorite brain-child Corliss Archer. With love and admiration, from

has autographs of six cast members including Monty Woolley, Hattie

Frank Herbert”. Along with two lobby cards with colorful photographs

McDaniel, Claudette Colbert, Joseph Cotton, Jennifer Jones and

of scenes from the 1945 film “Kiss and Tell”. $200+

Robert Walker. Along with a lobby card from the same film. $200+


268. Memorabilia Presentation Pens and Silver Tray Belonging to Shirley Temple 6” (15 cm.) Including two pens, still wrapped in original packaging and with original paper documentation, and original box, from a series of pens given as gifts by Shirley Temple. Along with a marked sterling pin tray with an elaborate script engraving “S”. 1940s. $200+

269. Brass Medallion Awarded to Shirley Temple by Santa Monica Rotary Club, 1942 4” (10 cm.) x 2”. The honorary membership award was

267. Two Author-Autographed Corliss Books and Two Lobby Cards from the 1945 Film “Kiss and Tell” 8” (20 cm.) x 5 ½” books. Including Meet Corliss Archer, by F. Hugh Herbert, Random House, 1942 (second printing), autographed “For Shirley - by far the most poetic of my Corlisses - in anticipation of

presented to Shirley Temple by the Rotary Club of Santa


Monica “in recognition of distinguished service in Victory Bond Drive, June-1942” as inscribed on the reverse side. $200+


270. Film Poster for the Shirley Temple 1949 Film “The Story of Seabiscuit” and Two Lobby Cards 36” (91 cm.) x 14”. A colorful poster depicting scenes from the 1949 film features three different scenes of Shirley Temple. Along with two lobby cards (not photographed) from the same film. 1949. $400+

271. Two Personal Accessories of Shirley Temple with Her Gilt Embossed Name 10” (25 cm.) x 8” A red leather-covered jewelry box with many interior compartments has gilt embossed lettering “S.J.T.”; rarely seen use of her middle initial. Along with a hardcased personal Swiss


eight-day travel clock marked Brock & Co, with coral leather cover, which, when opened allows the clock to hinge tepee style. The clock has rich brass finish and beveled glass clock face. The exterior is embossed “Shirley Temple” in gilt lettering. 1940s. $200+

272. Book Stowaways in Paradise with Autograph by the Author, and Various Artwork by Shirley Temple Comprising the book Stowaways in Paradise by Don Blanding, published by


Dodd, Mead and Co, 1937 (spine cover is missing at top edge) with an inscription by the author, “To Shirley Temple, Aloha to you and a lei of good wishes from Hawaii, Don Blanding, 1937” with a pencil sketch of Waikiki beach below. Along with a 12” x 9” watercolor of woman surfing titled “The Surf” by Shirley Temple; a pencil sketch of woman in grass skirt with leis; and a sketch of a woman seated on a large stone, peering out to the sea in the background, signed Shirley, 1947. $200+ 270.



273. Three Books from Shirley Temple’s Early Childhood 10” (25 cm.) x 7 ½”. Including The Happy Prince and Other Stories by Oscar Wilde, Duckworth Press, special edition of 1935 with


illustrations by Charles Robinson; The Fairy Shoemaker and Other Fairy Tales, illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff, published by MacMillan, 1928; and A Fairy Garland Being Fairy Tales from the Old French, illustrated by Edmund Dulac, published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1929, with store label from Bullock’s Wilshire. The three books, favorites of young child Shirley Temple, were cherished by her throughout her young life. $100+

274. Two Pencil Sketches “Sweet Sixteen” and “I Love You” by Shirley Temple 12” (30 cm.) x 9”. Sketched on art paper are two scenes; in one a young man with hat in hand is bowing below a young girl, presumably the sweet sixteen birthday girl,


signed “Sweet 16 by Shirley Temple”; in the other a young lad with feathered hat and striped pants offers a basket of flowers with

275. Three Colorful Watercolor Paintings by Shirley Temple, 1941

the words “I Love You” to a young lady who

17” (43 cm.) x 11” and 14” x 10”. Three vibrantly water-colored scenes, each signed “Shirley

is saucily walking in the other direction,

Temple 1941”, the smallest depicting a frolicking blonde-haired child in a forest scene, holding

signed “By Shirley Temple”. 1940s. $200+

vivid flowers. A second scene titled “Sunshine” depicts rays of sunlight on a purple-roofed tropical home and the third scene, titled “Still Life” depicts a green-gowned doll holding an array of colorful flowers. 1941. $200+



276. Blue Leather Folding Writing Set and Jewelry Box, Both Monogrammed


12” (30 cm.) x 10”. A folding firm-sided folio with soft blue kidskin cover has silver hinges and accents, beautifully fitted interior with compartments and writing surface, and is silver-lettered “Shirley Temple” on the exterior; along with a firm-sided traveling jewelry box with lock and key, blue silk and velvet lining, lift-out tray, blue leather cover with gilt lettering “S.T.” Late 1930s. $300+

277. Shirley Temple’s Collection of Wonderful Charms Along with a Half-Filled Charm Bracelet 7” (18 cm.) A double-linked charm bracelet marked 14 Kt. dangles nine

278. Shirley Temple’s Gold Chain Charm Bracelet with Hawaiian Symbols

charms (five marked 14 Kt), and with a folding locket that opens to an

6” (15 cm.) The delicate gold chain link bracelet dangles 12 charms

inscribed message “Happy birthday, April 23, 1938, Love, Alvin” and

with Hawaiian themes, of which six are marked 14 Kt. Late 1930s.

“Shirley Temple’s Story Book”. Also included are 25 various charms, of


which four are marked 14 Kt. $500+



279. Young Shirley Temple’s Petite Charm Bracelet with FilmRelated Charms 5” (13 cm.) The very delicate link bracelet has six charms, each related to young


Shirley’s films, including grand piano from “Bright Eyes”, camera


282. Tiny Presentation Badges to Shirley Temple

on tripod, Bojangles

About ½” to ¾”. Including 14 Kt medallion labeled “ShirleyTemple

on stairs, movie camera, ice truck, and a Western Union telegram

Club Radio Guild, Fox Theatre KFWS”; silver medallion incised “Shirley

with tiny diamond chip incised “Western Union April 23, 1938, Happy

From NEA”; enameled crest incised “Shirley from NEA”; a gold wreath

Birthday to you Shirley. The Kirschners”. $500+

with garland-enclosed star and dangling cross incised “Shirley” on one side and “Valeur” on the other; and a brooch with blue enamel bordering an image of Shirley, and the words “Sunday Referee, Shirley Temple League”. 1930s. $200+


283. Two Custom Bound Autographed Collector Books for Shirley Temple Including brown leather bound copy of Child Star, with gilt embossed lettering and sepia image of Shirley on the cover, and gold page

280. A Charm Bracelet of Young Shirley Temple Spelling “I Love You”

edging, from a limited edition issued in 1996, with Shirley Temple

6” (15 cm.) The very delicate link bracelet has dangling gold letters

Black autograph and letter from the president of Danbury Mint. And

which spell “I Love You”; each letter marked 14 Kt. and each outlined

The Shirley Temple Scrapbook by Loraine Burdick, burgundy leather

with tiny pearls. Mid-1930s. $500+

bound with gold embossed lettering and gold page edging, 2001 edition, signed by Shirley Temple Black. $300+

281. Charm Bracelet Presented by Bojangles to Shirley Temple 6” (15 cm.) A dainty silver bracelet with inset pearls dangles seven charms of which two are Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, and including a pearl-encrusted carousel horse marked 14 Kt. The bracelet was presented to Shirley Temple by Bojangles in 1938 during their work on “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” and remained one of her cherished childhood gifts. $500+




284. Recording “Bambi as Told by Shirley Temple” with Bambi Book The RCA album recording, circa 1949, comprises three 10” 78 records of Shirley reading an adaptation of the Bambi story as produced by Disney in 1942, “with voices from actual sound film, Orchestra and Chorus under the direction of Paul Smith”, as noted on each record. According to the album details, this was the first recording ever made by Shirley Temple. The album is preserved in its original paper packaging. Also included are three additional 12” rehearsal recordings from the Sound Department of Walt Disney Productions, with handpencilled notation “Bambi” and dated 11-17-’47 and Shirley Temple’s 1931 edition of the book Bambi by 284.

Felix Salter. $200+

285. Eight Lobby Cards from Shirley Temple’s 1940s Films 14” (36 cm.) x 11”. Included are three lobby cards from “Kiss and Tell”, three from “Mr. Belvedere Goes to College”, and one each from “Honeymoon”and “That Hagen Girl”. Some display wear, light spotting on each. 1940s. $400+



286. A Selection of Children’s Books Belonging to Young Shirley Temple Including Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, Peter Pauper Press with fine leather spine and corners, and gilt lettering; Wee Gillis by Munro Leaf and illustrated by Robert Lawson, Viking Press, from the first edition limited to 525 copies, autographed by the author and illustrator; The Goose Girl of Nurnberg by Harriet Smith Hawley, published by Suttonhouse, Ltd, 1936; Gaston and Josephine in America by Georges Duplaix, Oxford University Press, 1934; The Blue Elephant by Marion L. McNeil, Saalfield Publishing, 1931, with inscription to “Shirley from Verla and Harry, Christmas 1934”; Little Inch-High People, by Charkes Francis Riesner, Junior Progress, 1937; Miki and Mary, Their Search for Treasures, Viking Press, 1934. Each with wonderfully imaginative stories and illustrations that inspired young child Shirley Temple $200+

287. More Children’s Books from the Bookshelves of Young Shirley Temple


Including Mary Poppins and Mary Poppins Comes Back by P. L. Travers, published by Reynal & Hitchcock, 1937; Important People by J. H. Dowd, with pen sketches by Brenda Spender, published by Country Life, 1936 edition with inscription from Joseph L. Lewis, M.D. on May 4, 1939 “For Shirley - the most important of America’s important people - with every good wish”; Humphrey, One Hundred Years Along the Wayside with a Box Turtle, by Marjorie Flack, Doubleday, Doran & Co, 1934; Real Tales of Real Dogs by Albert Payson Terhune with etchings by Diana Thorne, Saalfield Publishing, 1935; Robinson Crusoe and Other Stories (pages loose); McLoughline Bros, 1897; and Shirley Temple and the Screaming Specter, by Kathryn Heisenfelt, authorized edition by Whitman Publishing, 1946. $300+



289. Personal Copies of Shirley Temple’s Storybook and The Shirley Temple Treasury with Her Autographed Inscription to “Dearest Mom and Dad” 11” (28 cm.) x 8”. Both hardbound, including The Shirley Temple Treasury, Random House, 1959, with capsule versions of her famous childhood films, and having an inked 288.

Dad. This book will bring back a few memories. Love, Shirley, Dec. 25,

288. Large Clippings Album “Shirley Temple’s Story Book”

1959”. Along with Shirley Temple’s

17” (43 cm.) x 15”. The one-of-a-kind firm-sided leather-covered binder

Storybook, Random House, 1958,

with silver lettering “Shirley Temple’s Story Book” is filled with clippings,

with fairytale stories to be featured

announcements, articles and reviews about her return to show business,

on her Storybook TV series. $100+

namely the 1958 TV Story Book series. $500+



inscription, “To Dearest Mom and

290. Stunning Magenta and Pink Evening Gown with Sequined Bodice and Matching Stole, Worn on Special Occasions by Shirley Temple The strapless evening gown with crisscross gathered bodice above a triangular-shaped midriff that is completely overlaid with bands of opalescent sequins, and with sheer pale pink floor-length flared skirt above a similar sheer magenta skirt, and a red taffeta skirt. There is a matching magenta stole with pink taffeta lining and a very large pink taffeta bow with extended wide streamers at the back. A favorite lavish gown worn by Shirley Temple as a young lady on very special occasions and for publicity photographs during the 1950s, such as this article which appeared in McCall’s, December 1958, speaking of her NBC “Storybook” series, her newly re-released dolls, and Cinderella children’s costumes. $500+



291. Pink Sheer Nylon Dress with Lace Trim Richly embroidered bodice, yoke and sleeves, with nylon underskirt, wide tie-back sash and rosebuds at the waist. With Cinderella paper label and Cinderella/ Shirley Temple cloth label, model 3233. Circa 1958. $100+

291. In the 1930s, Shirley Temple’s parents contracted with the Rosenau firm of Philadelphia in the production of a line of clothing for young girls, inspired by the Shirley Temple “look”. Immensely popular at the time, the line gradually lessened in demand during the late 1940s and 1950s, until, in 1958, Shirley Temple reinvigorated the famous “Cinderella, Inspired by Shirley Temple” clothing line, still to be made by Rosenau. The dresses shown on the following pages are from the 1958 era, and each is an actual sample that was sent to Shirley Temple for her approval before manufacturing began. Each is size 4 (not so coincidentally, it seems, the same size as the Shirley Temple Playpal doll also introduced at that time), and each bears the “Cinderella, Inspired by Shirley Temple” label. Many also have the original manufacturer’s work label indicating the model number and the wholesale price per dozen. The dresses, of wonderful fabrics and construction,

292. Amber Ecru Sheer Nylon Dress with Colorful Embroidered Flowers Of very fine sheer nylon in a unique amber ecru color, with lace at the neckline and cuffs, embroidered edelweiss on the bodice, and green velvet sash. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

were designed for presentation in top department and clothing stores. Each of these costumes, now likely oneof-a-kind in its perfectly preserved condition, having been in the cherished Shirley Temple archives for more than half a century.




293. Pink Party Dress with Sheer Organza Skirt Having puff sleeves and Peter Pan collar, with pale pink bodice, sheer organza skirt over matching underskirt, and with attached tulle underskirt, with applique garland on skirt and pink sateen sash. With original paper label, model 4463, and original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. Circa 1958. $100+


294. White Percale Dress with Bodice Tucking The sleeveless dress, of white percale with pink lining, has

295, 296.

vertical bands of lace and narrow tucks on the bodice, very full

295. Sheer Nylon Dress with Abstract Flower Print

gathered skirt with pink

Of sheer white nylon with abstract patterned design of yellow and

cotton underskirt, wide

blue flowers, with lined bodice and attached tulle petticoat, the ruffled

sash bow at the back,

short sleeve dress has green satin edging on sleeves and neckline, with

floral sprig at the waist,

matching sash. With original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. Circa

with three original

1958. $100+

paper labels, model Cinderella/Shirley

296. Changeable-Color Sheer Nylon Party Dress with Holiday Berry Accent

Temple cloth label.

Of changeable color (brown/green/coral) the sheer nylon dress has

Circa 1958. $100+

sewn-down tucks on the bodice, puff sleeves, lace edging at neckline

1402, and original

and sleeves, full skirt over underskirt, wide ruched attached sash with large bow at the back, and sprig of holiday berries at the waist. With original paper label, model 3461, and original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. Circa 1958. $100+


297. Pastel Plaid Cotton Dress with Black Velvet Ribbons Of a shadowed plaid print in delicate pastel pink, blue and green, the dress is trimmed with self-piping on the V-shaped waist, and has a black velvet ribbon at neckline and sleeves that is edged with generous ruffled lace, with black button accents, and attached tulle petticoat. With original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label, model 3376. Circa 1958. $100+

298. Pink Cotton Sleeveless Dress with Embroidered Organdy Bodice The pale pink cotton sleeveless dress has lace ruffle at the shoulders and waist, very full gathered skirt with tulle petticoat, wide sash tied at the back, and an organdy bodice overlay with daintily embroidered flowers and flower buds. With original Cinderella/ Shirley Temple label. Circa 1958. $100+



299. Pink Cotton Sleeveless Dress with Narrow Bodice Tucks The sleeveless dress has horizontal bands of narrow tucks captured by vertical ribbons of matching fabric, with pearl buttons, lace edging at neckline and shoulders, matching buckle belt, and full gathered skirt with pink tulle petticoat. With original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. Circa 1958. $100+

300. Pink and White Checkered Dress with Nylon Organdy Accents Of pink and white checkered cotton, the shortsleeved blouse has a sheer nylon organdy collar and sash, with an overlay skirt over checkered cotton. The nylon organdy is trimmed with narrow bands of checkered cotton and applique strawberries. With original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. Circa 1958. $100+





301. Pink and White Cotton Dress with Flocked Detail A luxury woven cotton fabric in white and shades of pink has unusual feathery flocked accent, fitted bodice with short sleeves and Peter Pan collar edged with ruffled lace, very widely flared skirt, pink tulle petticoat, and rose applique at the chest. With original paper label, model 4168, and with original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. Circa 1958. $100+

302. Grey Cotton Dress with Quaker Bib and Rose Applique Of smoky-grey cotton, the dress features a fitted

302, 303.

yoke beneath a white pique Quaker-like bib edged with scalloped embroidery which is repeated at the sleeve edges, row of buttons, very full skirt

303. Cotton Sateen Dress in Abstract Floral Print with Pink Lace Sash

with grey tulle petticoat, applique rose petal. With

Of a lustrous cotton sateen in unusual pattern, the dress has caplet sleeves, very full skirt

original paper label, model 3403, and original

with attached pink tulle petticoat, pink piping at the neckline and sleeves, and a wide

Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. Circa 1958.

sash of lace over pink satin with black velvet accent tie. With original Cinderella/Shirley


Temple cloth label. Circa 1958. $100+


and pin, original undergarments, shoes and socks. Marked ST-19 Ideal Doll Co. Ideal, circa 1958. $100+

306. Pink Sheer Nylon Dress with Embroidered Flowers Of sheer pink nylon, the sleeveless dress has embroidered flowers across the bodice and dainty lace edging at the neckline and shoulders, with full gathered skirt having three wide bands of lace, tulle petticoat, matching detachable sash. With original paper label, model 4385, and with original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

307. Pink Sheer Nylon Dress with Wide Bands of Lace at Bodice Of sheer pink nylon, the dress has short puffed sleeves, fitted bodice that is trimmed with three wide bands of lace, very full skirt with wide lace border, over an attached pink taffeta petticoat with lace edging, with wide sash. With original paper label, model 4460, and with original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

308. Pink Nylon Dress with Cutwork Bodice and Collar Of sheer pink nylon, the dress has an overlay white nylon bodice with elaborate cutwork embroidery which is repeated on the collar, tiny decorative pearl buttons, and with very full gathered skirt over tulle petticoat. With original paper label, model 304, 305.

304. Flirty-Eyed Shirley Temple Doll by Ideal in Original Tagged Costume 19” (48 cm.) Vinyl socket head, hazel sleep and “flirty” eyes, ringlet curls in original

Temple label. Circa 1958. $100+

309. White Sheer Nylon Party Dress with Luxurious Lace Detail

setting, five-piece hard plastic body, wearing original pink and blue sheer nylon dress

Of sheer white nylon over blue taffeta lining and

with lace trim, and with Shirley Temple banner at the waist, original undergarments,

underskirt, the dress has narrow horizontal piping

shoes and socks not original. The doll is marked ST-19 Ideal. Circa 1958. $100+

at the bodice, organdy collar and long sash that

305. Rosy-Cheeked Shirley Temple by Ideal in Original Tagged Costume

ties at the back, pearl buttons, and lavish bands of lace trim at the skirt, bodice and sleeves. With

19” (48 cm.) Vinyl socket head, hazel sleep eyes, well-impressed dimples and smiling

original paper label, model 4424, and original cloth

expression with row of teeth, original ringlet curled coiffure, five-piece hard plastic body,

Cinderella/Shirley Temple label. Circa 1958. $100+

wearing original blue and pink sheer nylon dress with lace trim, with original cloth label


4362, and with original cloth Cinderella/Shirley

306, 307.


310. Shirley Temple Doll by Ideal with Rose Flocked Dress and Original Rare Handbag 17� (43 cm.) Vinyl socket head with very rosy cheeks, hazel sleep eyes, impressed dimples, sparkling teeth, vibrant lips, original ringlet curled coiffure, five-piece hard plastic body, wearing original rose flocked dress (some nylon frailty) with 308, 309.

lace trim, silk name tag, socks, shoes, and black signature purse. Marked Ideal Doll ST-17. Ideal, 1958. $100+


311, 312.

311. Flowered Cotton Dress with Lilac Pinafore

313, 314.

313. Flowered Purple Cotton Dress with Frou-Frou Petticoat

Of polished cotton with abstract flower design in aqua and lavender,

The fabric design of purple flowers and vines on a cream background

the puffed sleeve dress with rounded collar has a lavender pinafore

forms into a dress with rounded neckline, unusual capped sleeves,

dress with pearl buttons, and flower sash. With original paper label,

purple sash and edging on neckline and sleeves, very full skirt with

model 4477B, and cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958.

purple-edged tulle frou-frou petticoat. With original Cinderella/Shirley


Temple label. Circa 1958. $100+

312. Lavender Cotton Dress with Polished Cotton Pinafore A reversal fabric design of #311, this example having lilac dress and

314. Lilac Cotton Dress with Floral Embroidery and Frou-Frou Petticoat

floral-print pinafore, the dress has Peter Pan collar, puffed sleeves,

Of lilac-colored cotton, with short sleeves edged in white bands,

pinafore over-dress with capped sleeves trimmed with self-piping and

rounded white cotton collar, waist sash with embroidered ribbon trim,

pearl buttons. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple.

matching trim on sleeves, very full gathered skirt with white tulle frou-

Circa 1958. $100+

frou petticoat edged with lavender ribbons. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+


315, 316.

315. Lavender Cotton Dress with Tucks in Bodice

317, 318.

317. Plum-Colored Cotton Dress with Embroidered Detail

Of crisp cotton in rich lilac color, the dress has deep bib yoke with

Rich plum-colored cotton dress has overlaid bodice with woven

narrow tucks, short puffed sleeves, rounded white collar, very full

scalloped edging that is repeated at the sleeve edges, white cotton

skirt, attached tulle petticoat, with white piping and ruffled lace at the

collar, very full gathered skirt with tulle petticoat, sash ties. With

bodice edge and skirt. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley

original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. 1958. $100+

Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

316. Polished Cotton Apple-Green Sundress with Lace Trim

318. Cotton Print Dress with Plum Silk Sash and Trim Of tiny abstract print of tipsy-topsy flowers, the simple dress has a

The pale green sundress of fine polished cotton has wide Bretelle

small rounded collar, short sleeves, full gathered skirt with matching

collars with lace edging and darker green piping, double ruffles

overskirt, having plum silk edging at collar, sleeves and overskirt, and

of lace descend the center bodice, unusual set-in waist, very full

with purple sash. With original Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label.

gathered skirt, tulle petticoat with apple-green ribbon edging. The

1958. $100+

dress has Cinderella/Shirley Temple cloth label. Circa 1958. $100+


320, 321.

320. Bronze-Green Cotton Dress with Red Velvet Ribbon Trim 319.

Of bronze-green cotton, the dress has a large square Bertha collar below a round white collar with lace edging, very full skirt, and having red velvet ribbon

319. Rosy-Cheeked Shirley Temple by Ideal in Plaid Taffeta Dress 18� (45 cm.) Vinyl socket head, hazel sleep eyes, impressed


trim on the Bertha collar, sleeve edging and at the hem. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

321. Green Plaid Cotton Dress with Red Bodice Overlay

dimples and wide smile, ringlet-curled original coiffure, five-

Of a rich green/black/red plaid, the dress has a full gathered skirt and pointy

piece hard plastic body, wearing original plaid taffeta dress

collar, and with a red cotton attached long-sleeved jacket which forms a

with attached green bolero jacket, the dress with Shirley

second bodice; with brass buttons on front of bodice and cuffs, and with green

Temple cloth tag, with original undergarments, signature pin,

leatherette belt. The dress has original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple.

rare purse, socks and shoes. Ideal, 1958. $100+

Circa 1960. $100+


322. Red Cotton Dress with Black Velvet Jacket

323, 324.

323. Plaid Dress Shirley Temple Doll by Ideal in Original Box

A cotton dress has a white bodice with tucking,

12� (30 cm.) Vinyl socket head with very rosy cheeks, impressed dimples, ringlet-curled original

Peter pan collar with tatting at the edges, red

coiffure, five-piece body, and wearing original tagged red plaid dress with red banner and beret,

cotton skirt, short sleeves, and a black velvet

original undergarments, socks, shoes, black vinyl signature purse, and gold signature pin. The

short-sleeved jacket with red braid trim. With

doll is preserved, unplayed with, in original labeled box. Ideal, circa 1958. $100+

original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

324. Shirley Temple Doll by Ideal in Heidi Costume 12� (30 cm.) Vinyl socket head with very rosy cheeks, impressed dimples, ringlet-curled original coiffure, five-piece body, and wearing original tagged white organdy blouse with embroidered suspenders and red and white striped skirt, original undergarments, socks, shoes, black vinyl signature purse, and gold signature pin. The doll is preserved, unplayed with. Ideal, circa 1958. $100+


lace and embroidered-edge self-banding, the trim repeated on the sleeves, with ruffled lace cotton, very full gathered skirt with sash loops (sash not included), and with attached tulle petticoat. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

327. Grey Cotton Sateen Dress with Double-Tiered Skirt Of lustrous grey cotton sateen, with tatting edge on Peter Pan collar, puffed sleevelets, doubletiered gathered skirt, green velvet sash with rosebud accent. With original paper label, model 3465, and original cloth label for Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

325, 326.

325. Brown and Coral Cotton Dress with Vibrant Abstract Pattern Of brown cotton with repeated pattern in coral and white, trimmed with coral cording and white tatting at the neckline and short sleeves, and with a wide coral polished cotton sash. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

326. Light Grey Cotton Dress with Fancy Bodice and Sleeves Of light grey cotton, with fitted bodice trimmed with alternate vertical bands of



328. Cream Cotton Dress with Bertha Collar and Rosebud Accent In a charming creamy buttermilk color, the dress has a V-shaped Bertha collar that extends to the waist and is trimmed with vertical sewndown tucks, pearl buttons and ruffled lace edging, very full gathered skirt over tulle petticoat with yellow cord edging, and with fabric rosebud at the waist. With original paper label, model 3405, and original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa


1958. $100+

329. Grey Sheer Nylon Best Dress with Flocked Floral Trim Of sheer nylon in a delicate grey color, the dress has six sewndown tucks at the center bodice, lace edging on the rounded collar and very full three-quarter sleeves, very full gathered skirt with a matched attached underskirt. With original paper label, model 3357, and original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+



Milne, 1934 edition, and a vintage photograph of Shirley Temple with alternate version of the puppet having long lashes and hinged mouth. Circa 1961. $800+

331. Black Satin Dress with Fine Embroidered Lace Collar From Shirley Temple’s Storybook Series Of black silk satin faille, the straight-cut dress has three-quarter sleeves with gathers at the shoulders, hidden snap closures, black silk tie at the neck, and dainty embroidered lace collar with scalloped edging. The costume was worn by Shirley Temple in her NBC “Storybook” series in her role as Phoebe Pyncheon from The House of Seven Gables episode which 330.


aired in December of 1960. $500+

330. Winnie the Pooh Plush Puppet Character in Shirley Temple’s NBC TV show “Storybook”

Of crisp apple-green cotton with ivory cotton yoke trimmed with stitched-down tucks and Swiss-style silk

22” (56 cm.) Depicting the beloved Winnie

embroidered ribbons, with short sleeves over ruffled

the Pooh from the classic tales of A.A.

sleevelets, very full skirt with white rick-rack trim,

Milne, the prop figure was used by Shirley

pearl buttons, wide ties at the back, and attached tulle

Temple in her October 2, 1960 episode of

petticoat with apple-green edging. With original cloth

“Storybook”. Winnie has a hard-core head

label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

and torso, with paper mache face and ears, painted features including bulging eyes, jointing at shoulders and hips, and


332. Apple-Green Cotton Dress with Swiss-Style Trim

333. Golden Polished Cotton Dress with Vibrant Floral Design

unusual elaborate articulation of neck

Of crisp polished cotton in a rich golden umber color,

and waist designed for use as a puppet.

having printed pattern of red, purple and white flowers,

Included is Shirley Temple’s copy of the

with gathered yoke above the wide fitted midriff

book The House at Pooh Corner by A.A.

which forms into long ties at the back, short sleeves,

332, 333.

tatting at neckline and sleeve edges, fabric flower at the waist, with attached net petticoat. With original cloth label of Cinderella/ Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

334. Shirley Temple’s Red Velvet Dress Worn for the Premier of the NBC “Storybook” Series Of rich vibrant red velvet with embroidered roses and vines, the high-waisted dress has eight self-covered buttons at the center bodice, red silk ribbon at the high-waist seam, three-quarter sleeves, and a widely flared skirt. The dress was worn by Shirley Temple in her hostess role in the premier of the acclaimed 1958 NBC program. $1000+ 334.


336, 337.

2. The doll is wearing her original cream/aqua nylon dress with puffed sleeves, lace trim at collar and sleeves, and embroidered flowers on yoke, original undergarments, socks and shoes. The doll was presented in 1959 by Ideal. $400+

336. White Nylon Dress with Lavish Lace Trim Of sheer white nylon, the dress has V-shaped lace with scalloped edge on the bodice, lace-edged round collar and short sleeves, gathered skirt with very wide band of lace, with blue tulle petticoat and blue satin sash. With original paper label, model 4414, and with original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+ 335.

335. Large Shirley Temple Playpal Doll by Ideal in Party Dress


337. Aqua Sheer Nylon Dress with Lace Trim Of aqua sheer nylon, the dress has sewn-down narrow tucks at the midriff edged by a band of lace which is repeated on the pin-point

36� (91 cm.) The rosy-cheeked doll has sleep eyes, lashes, wide-

collar, short puffed sleeves, very full skirt with two bands of lace at the

smiling expression with sculpted teeth, gleaming lips, double-

hem, and with attached aqua tulle petticoat and wide sash ties at the

impressed dimples, original ringlet-curled coiffure, jointing at neck,

back. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958.

shoulders, hips and with swivel wrists. Marked Ideal Doll/ST-35-38-


338, 339.

338. Pale Pink Sheer Nylon Dress with Embroidered Bretelles Of sheer pale pink nylon, the dress has an over-bodice with laceedged and embroidered bretelles, pearl buttons, lace-edged collar and very full skirt with three rows of lace, wide sash ties at the back, and a pink tulle petticoat. With original cloth label of Cinderella/ Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

339. Coral Sheer Nylon Dress with Tucks and Lace Trim Of sheer nylon in a rich shade of coral, having sewn-down tucks at the center bodice edged by wide bands of lace, short puffed sleeves, very full skirt with double row of lace trim, wide sash ties 340.

at the back, and an attached petticoat of coral sheer nylon. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

340. Large Shirley Temple Playpal Doll by Ideal with Wristwatch and Wearing Aqua Nylon Party Dress

shoulders, hips and with swivel wrists. Marked Ideal Doll/ST-35-38-2. The doll is wearing her original sheer nylon aqua dress with wide draped sash, embroidered shaded flowers at the yoke, ruffled pink and aqua

36� (91 cm.) The rosy-cheeked doll has sleep eyes, lashes, wide-

lace trim at collar and sleeves, attached ivory satin petticoat, panties,

smiling expression with sculpted teeth, gleaming lips, double-

shoes and socks, and with original signature pin and rare wristwatch.

impressed dimples, original ringlet-curled coiffure, jointing at neck,

Ideal, 1959. $400+


341. Heidi-Style Ensemble with Green Velvet Vest Comprising a white blouse with embroidered cutwork and lace trim, sleeveless jumper dress with very full beige cotton skirt with wide sash ties at the back, and having attached tulle petticoat, and with fully lined green velvet vest with pearl buttons. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

342. Patterned Brown Cotton Dress with Capelet Collar Of a rich brown cotton fabric with colorful abstract pattern, the dress features a very wide capelet collar below a little Peter Pan collar, short sleeves, pearl buttons, very full gathered skirt with wide sash ties at the back, attached tulle petticoat with brown fabric edging. The dress is trimmed with black cord on the collar and skirt. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

343. Gold and Beige Cotton Dress with Embroidered Starbursts Comprising a beige cotton bodice with embroidered starbursts, having Peter Pan collar and short puffed sleeves, with 341.

gold gathered skirt with attached tulle petticoat having gold fabric edging, and with black velvet sash. With original paper label, model 3403, and with original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+




344. Golden Cotton Dress with Embroidered Detail Rich golden cotton forms a dress whose bodice has matching color embroidery, pearl buttons, tatting at the edges of the white Peter Pan collar and sleeves, matching color embroidery at the hem of the fully gathered skirt, with wide sash ties at the back, and tulle petticoat with gold fabric edging. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

345. Butterscotch Cotton Dress with Black and White Pinstriped Detail


In a rich butterscotch color, the cotton dress has an attached bib front with narrow black and white striped piping that is repeated at puffed sleeve edges and waist, and forms the lower layer of the double collar. The fully 344.

gathered three-quarter length skirt with wide sash ties in the black and

white pinstripe, and has an attached tulle petticoat with 3� band of black and white pinstripe fabric at the hem. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

346. Marigold Cotton Dress with Diagonal Tucks and Lace Trim In brilliant marigold color, the cotton dress has two panels of narrow stitched-down diagonal tucks separated by a vertical band of lace, short puffed sleeves, white cotton collar, full gathered skirt with three rows of lace at the hem, and wide sash ties at the back. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958.




347. Pastel Plaid Cotton Dress with Rose Satin Trim Of shadow plaid in delicate pastel color, the collared dress has pink satin cording and ruffled lace at the neckline and sleeves, and a double band of rose satin, large sash ties at the back, and an attached tulle petticoat with rose satin edging. With original paper label, model 4365, and original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley 347.

Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

348. Blue Cotton Sundress with Embroidered Flowers Of robin’s egg blue cotton, the sundress has a wide Bretelle bodice that is edged with dark blue piping and tatting, and embroidered with a white flower vine with blue flowers, with white collar, gathered skirt trimmed with blue and white tatting, with wide sash ties. Some light fading at hem. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 348.

1958. $100+

349. Pastel Checkered Plaid Dress with Embroidered Braid Pink, blue, green and plum form variations of tiny checkered



350. “Gump” from the NBC Storybook Series Episode of “The Land of Oz”, on Wooden Crest

patterns on the cotton dress,

36” (91 cm.) x 29” crest. Mounted on a shield-shaped wooden

having five vertical bands

crest in the manner of a hunting trophy is the head of Gump,

of pink ribbons with white

a character in the “The Land of Oz” story by L. Frank Baum.

embroidered flowers, pointy

The rubber mask head has woolly-hair beard, wooden antlers,

tip collar, cuffed sleeves,

and well-painted stylized features. Gump appeared in “The

full gathered skirt with tulle

Land of Oz” episode of Shirley Temple’s NBC Storybook

petticoat edged with checkered

series, appearing as the head on the two-sofas-put-together

plaid piping, and with pink

chariot body. So beloved was he by Shirley and her own

cotton long sash. With original

young children that Gump was brought home, affectionately

cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley

renamed Gumpus Ozus, and given a place of honor on the

Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

family-room wall for decades. $1000+



352, 353.

352. White Sheer Nylon Dress with Green Embroidered Bodice Of sheer white nylon, the dress has an over-bodice with scalloped edge and elaborate green flower and vine embroidery, Peter Pan collar and short sleeves with green satin edging, green satin sash, and very full gathered skirt with attached taffeta petticoat. With original cloth label 351.

351. Petite Shirley Temple Doll by Ideal in Original Pink Taffeta Undergarments

353. Sheer Apple-Green Nylon Dress with Lace Trim A vibrant apple-green color forms the dainty dress, having small pointtip collar with applique lace, small puffed sleeves, wide sash gathered

12� (30 cm.) Vinyl socket head, sleep eyes, smiling expression, row

at the front with four pearl buttons, full gathered skirt with two rows of

of teeth, original ringlet-curled coiffure, five-piece body, wearing

scalloped-edge lace, and with attached nylon petticoat. With original

original pink taffeta slip with original Shirley Temple label and

cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

signature pin, panties, shoes and socks, and presented in original box in unplayed with condition. Ideal, 1958. $200+


of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

354, 355.

354. Golden Sunflower Cotton Dress with Green Belt The cotton print of vibrant golden sunflowers has darts at the neckline edged with green cording, sleevelets with overlap detail and green cording, very full pleated skirt with white tulle petticoat with lace edging, and with green firm-sided satin belt with bow at the front and a buckle at the back. With original paper label, model 4378, and original cloth label of


Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

355. Pale Yellow Daisy Dress with Sheer Overskirt

356. Petite Shirley Temple in Yellow Nylon Dress in Original Box

Of pale yellow in dacron/polyester according to the original paper tags,

12� (30 cm.) The rosy-cheeked girl has sleep eyes, smiling

with overlaid bodice edged with embroidered white daisies at both front

expression with sculpted teeth, dimpled cheeks, ringlet-curled

and back bodices, and with sheer white overskirt on the gathered yellow

original coiffure, five-piece body, wearing original yellow nylon

satin skirt, with center bow at the waist. With original label, model 1403,

dress with lace trim, and attached yellow taffeta petticoat, having

two additional paper labels, and with cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley

original label, panties, shoes, socks, purse, and signature pin. With

Temple. Circa 1960. $100+

original starburst box. Circa 1958. $200+


359. Hardbound Book, The Lone Indian, by Robert Callahan with Inscription to Shirley Temple 8” (20 cm.) x 5”. The hardbound book, subtitled

357. Two Books by Osa Johnson with Inscriptions to Shirley Temple

“A Thrilling Story of the

Both by the famed adventuress, Osa Johnson, including 11” x 9”

Poole Caravan and Their Daring Guide, A Historical Novel”, with

book, Pantaloons, Adventures of a Baby Elephant, Random House,

photographs of Native American leaders, published December 1934,

1941, inscribed “To my dear friend Shirley. With love, Osa Johnson”;

with ink sketches and messages on the Dedication page, including an

along with Jungle Pets, published by Putnam, 1934 edition, with the

Indian village, symbols, and message “To Shirley Temple, The juvenile

inscription “To Beloved Shirley Temple, Here are my jungle pets -

sweetheart of the picture world. Good luck “Indian” way. Happy home,

saying hello to you and if they were here they would send you their

health, long life and happiness. Robert E. Callahan 1937”. $100+

affection along with mine. Osa Johnson, July 27/1938”. $300+

358. Book, Stranger Than Fiction by The Voice of Experience with Inscription to Shirley Temple

360. Hardbound Book, Bits of Verse from Hawaii with Inscription to Shirley Temple 7” (18 cm.)

7 ½” (19 cm.) x 5”. The leather-bound

x 5”. The 213-page book contains

book with gilt lettering “Stranger Than

a number of verses collected by

Fiction by The Voice of Experience”

Charles Dana Wright, being the

was published in a limited edition by

“Princess” edition and limited to

Dodd, Mead in 1934 of which this is number 564. The frontispiece is

100 copies of which this is no.

ink-written “Inscribed to Miss Shirley Temple, petite First Lady of the

46. A pencil inscription on the frontispiece reads “1939, A Merry

Screen - with all the admiration a fellow has to give. M. Saylor Taylor,

Christmas to Shirley Temple, a small token of appreciation of the many

Voice of Experience”. $100+

enjoyable hours her clever work has given me. Charles Dana Wright”. $100+


361. Book, The DemiWidow, by Mary Pickford with Inscription to Shirley Temple 8” (20 cm.) x 5”. The 272-page

April 23rd, 1938”. The

hardbound book, published

book, edited by Benson

by Bobbs-Merrill, 1935, First

and Weaver, was published

Edition, has ink inscription on

by The Daily Telegraph and

the frontispiece “To Shirley

Methuen & Co. in 1924, and

Temple with much love, Mary

is an abridged account of

Pickford”. $100+

the elaborate doll house constructed for Her Majesty. A glued-in inscription on the frontispiece is sent from Hong Kong on April 23, 1938 indicating its purpose as a birthday gift, reading “To Shirley, In homage & loving admiration from two English friends, Aileen & Diane Woods, ‘the Twins’ ”. $100+

364. First Edition of Pioneers and Their Children with An Inscription to Shirley Temple

362. Book, The Daughters of the Stars, by Mary Crary with Inscription to Shirley Temple 10” (25 cm.) x 8”. The

8 ½” (22 cm.) x 6”. The 180-

hardbound 190-page

page hardbound book, A Story

book, written by Mary

of Pioneers and Their Children,

Crary, illustrated by Edmund Dulac, was published by Hatchard & Co,

written by Marcelline Flora

London, 1939, is limited to 500 copies of which is No. 2. The book

Myers and Louise Embree,

is inscribed on the frontispiece “For Shirley Temple with love and admiration, Mary Crary, March 3, 1940”. $100+

363. Hardbound Book, The Queen’s Dolls’ House, Special Binding and Inscription for Shirley Temple 10” (25 cm.) x 7” . The 160-page hardbound book has gilt embossed

published by Bobbs-Merrill, 1937, first edition, has an inscription from the author “Dear Little Miss Shirley Temple, an Adorable Little Star. It is with pleasure that I am sending to you this First Edition of Pioneers and Their Children. Marcelline Flora Myers 1937”. $100+

lettering on the cover The Queen’s Dolls’ House and “Shirley Temple



365. Sea-Green Cotton Dress with Matching Cardigan Of fine cotton in a distinctive sea-green color, the button-front dress is decorated with applique leaves and white piping, with very full gathered skirt. Along with a matching-color cardigan sweater with matching applique. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

366. Two Cotton Dresses, One with Unusual Bretelle Bib Including cotton print dress with unusual postal stamp print, each stamp with named floral design, having extended bretelle bib with brown velvet and lace edging, very full gathered skirt with wide sash ties at the back and a brown velvet band at the hem. Along with a tangerine-colored cotton dress with a vertical yoke having stitched-down tucks, wide band of lace at the sleeves and hem of the very full skirt, and a narrow buckle belt. Each with original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+




367, 368.

367. Apple-Green Cotton Dress with Attached Apron Of apple-green cotton, the dress has stitched-down narrow tucks at the center bodice, tatting trim on the white rounded collar and sleeves, very full gathered skirt under a white gathered apron which button-attaches to the dress, has a wide sash tie at the back, and is decorated with green piping and lace tatting. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

368. Green Batiste Sleeveless Dress with Embroidered Bodice Of a very fine batiste cotton, the sleeveless green dress has lace-edged sleeve holes, white rounded collar, an embroidered and cutwork bodice with a center band of pearl buttons, with wide tie sash at the back. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

369. Yellow Cotton Dress with Daisy Applique and Dotted Swiss Skirt The sleeveless yellow cotton dress has soutache embroidery at neckline and sleeves, three pearl buttons, folded sash with an applique of two daisies and wide sash ties at the back, and a double-layer gathered skirt of yellow cotton over a dotted Swiss underskirt. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+


370. Magenta and Blue Flowered Cotton Dress of “Soprano Satin” Of lustrous polished cotton, described by its weaver as “soprano satin” according to the attached tag, with an abstract woven pattern of blue and magenta, the dress has blue piping at the throat and waist, and a wide sash with bow ties at the back. The dress has three original paper labels, model 4431, and original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

371. Blue Cotton Dress with Rows and Rows of Lace Of fine blue batiste, the dress features three rows of narrow scalloped lace arranged in V-pattern and framing narrows rows of tucks, with short puffed sleeves, lace-edged collar, very full skirt with wide bow sash, and decorated with six rows of narrow scalloped lace. With original paper label, model 4462, and with original cloth label 370.


of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

372. Apple-Green Cotton Sleeveless Dress with Elaborate Bodice Of apple-green cotton, the sleeveless dress has tatting at the throat and sleeve openings, an intricately constructed bodice with rows of narrow tucks overlaid with five vertical fabric bands, the center band with six pearl buttons, wide cotton sash with elongated ties, very full gathered skirt over tulle petticoat with green ribbon edging. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

373. Apple-Green Cotton Dress with Ruffled Lace Trim Of fine moss-green cotton, the short sleeve dress has seven stitched-down tucks at the center bodice, rounded collar with ruffled lace-edging that is repeated at the waist, full gathered skirt with wide sash ties. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+ 371.



374, 375.

374. White Cotton-Sateen Dress with Embroidered Blue Flowers

375. Blue Flowered Cotton Sateen Dress with Elaborate Sash

A very fine cotton-sateen in ivory-white has embroidered blue flower

Of fine lustrous cotton sateen, with abstract blue flowers and green

sprigs overall, blue piping at the throat and sleeve edges, and a full

leaves, the dress has scalloped edging at the throat, short sleeves

gathered skirt with attached blue sateen sash in captured loop and

with bow tie edging, full gathered skirt, attached scalloped top

with wide blow at the back. With original cloth label of Cinderella/

waistband above gathered skirt, accented by a narrow blue velvet

Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

ribbon held by tiny loops and tied in the back. The dress has original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+


377, 378.

377. Navy Blue Cotton Dress with Attached Jacket 376.

376. Rosy-Cheeked Shirley Temple in Turquoise Overalls by Ideal 12� (30 cm.) Vinyl socket head, sleep eyes, closed mouth with smiling expression and row of teeth, rosy


Having a white bodice with narrow stitched-down tucks below an attached shortsleeved jacket, rounded collar with red edging, soutache trim attached pleated wide sash above full gathered navy blue skirt that is trimmed with a wide band of crocheted heavy lace. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

378. Wedgewood-Blue Cotton Sleeveless Dress

dimpled cheeks, blonde ringlet curled wig, five-

Of fine cotton in a Wedgwood-blue collar, the sleeveless dress has a bodice formed

piece body, wearing original turquoise and white

of stitched-down tucks and 3� wide midriff band which has cutwork and white

checkered shirt, and turquoise overalls with original

embroidery, trimmed with three pearl buttons and a blue bow, blue gathered skirt,

label, socks, shoes, and preserved in original box.

dainty tatting trim at the throat and skirt. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley

Ideal, circa 1958 $200+

Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

379. Robin’s Egg Blue Cotton Dress with Blue Lace Trim and Tucks Of fine cotton in a robin’s egg blue color, with a bodice center panel of narrow stitcheddown tucks edged by blue lace, short sleeves with turnedup cuffs, gathered skirt with narrow blue buckle belt. With original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+ 379.

380. Navy Blue Cotton Sleeveless Dress with Rick-Rack Trim Of navy blue cotton, the sleeveless dress with very full gathered skirt is trimmed at the waist and skirt with three rows of red rickrack and thick white cotton lace, and single rows of red rick-rack at the throat


and shoulder edges. With original cloth label of Cinderella/ Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

381. Shirley Temple in Turquoise Cotton Dress and Nylon Apron by Ideal 15” (38 cm.) Vinyl socket head, sleep eyes, closed mouth with smiling expression, row of teeth, dimpled rosy cheeks, ringlet curled hair, fivepiece body, wearing lace-trimmed turquoise cotton dress with original label, white nylon pinafore with lace edging and black velvet ribbon,


undergarments, socks, shoes, black vinyl purse and silver signature pin. Ideal, circa 1958. $100+



382. Rosy-Cheeked Shirley Temple by Ideal in Original Lingerie and Box by Ideal

383. Two Cotton Dresses in Blue and Yellow Each with stitched-down tucks at the center panel, and rounded

12� (30 cm.) Vinyl socket head, sleep eyes, closed mouth with

collar with full gathered shirt, the yellow dress with white lace and

dimpled smile, row of teeth, rosy cheeks, original ringlet curls,

embroidered trim, and the blue dress with matching blue lace and pearl

five-piece hard plastic body, wearing pink nylon taffeta slip and

buttons, and original paper label, model 3455. Each with original cloth

socks, gold signature pin, socks, shoes, and preserved in original

label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

box. Ideal, circa 1958. $200+




384. Yellow Dress with Checkerboard Tucks, and Green Jacket Dress Including a bright yellow cotton dress with unusual checkerboard


385. Rosy-Cheeked Shirley Temple by Ideal in Original Lingerie and Box by Ideal

construction on the bodice of tucks alternating with plain, with yellow-

12� (30 cm.) Vinyl socket head, sleep eyes, closed mouth with

lace edged sleeves, very full gathered skirt with yellow satin sash; and

dimpled smile, row of teeth, rosy cheeks, original ringlet curls,

pale green sleeveless dress with center cutwork band that matches the

five-piece hard plastic body, wearing pink nylon taffeta slip and

cutwork edging on the matching jacket. Each with original cloth label of

socks, gold signature pin, socks, shoes, and preserved in original

Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1960. $100+

box. Ideal, circa 1958. $200+


386. Blonde Patti Playpal in Pink Sheer Nylon Dress by Ideal 36� (91 cm.) Vinyl socket head, sleep eyes, closed mouth, rosy cheeks, blonde hair with curly bangs, hard plastic body with jointing at shoulders and hips, swivel wrists, wearing original dress of sheer pale pink nylon with lace and floral embroidery, lace-trimmed panties, shoes and socks. Ideal, circa 1960. $300+

387. Brunette Patti Playpal in Red Cotton Dress by Ideal with Original Box 36� (91 cm.) Vinyl socket head, sleep eyes, closed mouth, rosy cheeks, brunette hair with curly bangs, hard plastic body with jointing at shoulders and hips, wearing original dress of red cotton with white nylon pinafore, tulle petticoat, panties, shoes and socks, with original box and with original wrist tag. Ideal, circa 1960. $300+

386, 387.


389. Two Pretty Cotton Dresses Including a cotton sateen dress with abstract print in shades of pink and blue, with attached tulle petticoat, and with original paper label, model 3416. And cinnamon red cotton dress with white organdy collar, three rows of lace at the sleeves and hem, and pearl buttons on the bodice, with original paper label of 4410. Each with original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+


390. Bright Pink Cotton Dress with Fine Lace Collar and Hem Of bright pink cotton, the dress has a V-shaped bodice with stitched-down tucks, bow at the waist, short sleeves, white cotton 388.

lace collar and a wide band of matching lace at the hem, with wide sash at the

388. Rosy-Cheeked Shirley Temple by Ideal in Plaid Shirt and Blue Pedal Pushers 12� (30 cm.) Vinyl socket head, sleep eyes, closed mouth with dimpled smile, row of teeth, rosy cheeks, original ringlet curls, five-piece hard plastic body,

back, and an attached tulle petticoat with pink-fabric edging. With cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

wearing red plaid cotton shirt, blue cotton pedal pushers with plaid cuffs, socks, shoes. Ideal, circa 1958. $100+



391. Ivory Cotton Dress with a Fruits and Flowers Design The simple dress design is enhanced by a very beautiful printed fabric with a design of fruit and flowers, having short puffed sleeves, green piping at the throat and sleeves, very full gathered skirt with tulle petticoat, green sateen sash with wide bow tie at the back. With original paper label, model 4381, and with original cloth label of Cinderella/ Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+

392. Beige Cotton Sateen Dress with Cutwork Banded Ribbons Of polished cotton in a delicate beige color, the bodice features a center panel decorated with narrow tucks and a white embroidered band, short puffed sleeves, white collar, very full gathered skirt with a wide band of cutwork and embroidery, green velvet sash. With original paper label, model 3420, and with original cloth label of Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+


393. Flower-Print Dress with Brown Velvet Trim In a fine cotton sateen fabric with beautiful printed design of pink flower corsages on a marbled brown background, the sleeveless dress has a white rounded collar, brown piping and ruffled lace at the collar and sleeve openings, brown velvet ribbon at the bodice, and a wide sash bow at the back. With original cloth label of 392.

Cinderella/Shirley Temple. Circa 1958. $100+



395. 394.

394. Vintage Color-Tinted Photograph of Shirley with Stork 14” (36 cm.) x 12” framed. Wonderfully detailed photograph with color tinting enhanced by shadowed lighting, depicting very young Shirley Temple in white coat and cap, standing wide-eyed alongside a stork. Circa 1934. $200+

395. Pair of Vintage Color-Tinted Photographs of Young Shirley Temple 20” (51 cm.) x 14”. Posed against a sepia background are two views of young Shirley Temple with welldetailed curly ringlets, one with smiling face, one pensive, wearing pink party dress with blue bows from “The Little Colonel”. Circa 1935. $300+


396. Two Color-Tinted Photographs of Young Shirley Temple in Party Dress 20” (51 cm.) x 14” framed. A pair of color-tinted photographs depicts very young Shirley Temple with smiling dimpled expression, in white party dress with blue ribbons and pink rosebuds from “The Littlest Rebel”. Circa 1935. $300+


399. Antique Carved Wooden Carousel Horse Beloved by Shirley Temple 52” (132 cm.) l. 56” h. The elaborately carved wooden carousel horse posed as though prancing with rich definition of saddle, parade decorations, and mane was discovered by grown-up Shirley Temple at an antique shop in San Francisco, and served as the inspiration for the design of her carousel-shaped pool house. In an article in “The American Home” magazine of May 1961 featuring the Black home she said, “It may seem a bit fantastic, but it all started when I found that 200-year-old Austrian horse in an antique shop in San Francisco. He was thick with paint and I could hardly wait to get him home and start scraping. I worked for months and removed 30 layers of paint. What I found underneath was worth the effort”. She continued, “I got down to the

397. Three Children’s French Story Books Owned by Young Shirley Temple Including 15” x 11” Babar en Famille by Jean de Brunhoff, Hachette, 1938 (binding loose); Mali Le Jeuner by Henri Clerisse; and L’Ane et Le Cheval by Marcel Ayme, Librairie Gallimard, 1937. Each with wonderful color illustrations. $100+

398. Two Children’s Books of Shirley Temple, Bippy, and Banana Circus, Signed by the Authors Including 9 ½” x 7” book. Banana Circus by Henry Rox, published by Putnam, 1940, with signature autograph by the author in September, 1940; and 8 ½” x 7 ½” Bippy by Elizabeth Downing Barnitz, published by Thomas Nelson, 1940, spine worn away, with autograph by the author “Herbert, hoping our book will be published sometime soon, Bippy. Elizabeth Downing Barnitz”. $200+


bare wood and found this carving...I sealed the saddle and harness and turned him into a pure white horse. His tail was missing but my daughter Susan came up with an idea. She supplied a bright red ostrich feather the studio wardrobe girl had given her.” Included with the horse is a copy of “The American Home” magazine of May 1961. $5000+



400. Czech Poster for the 1935 Film “The Little Colonel” 37” (94 cm.) x 12”. The narrow poster promoting the film “The Little Colonel” depicts the smiling face of Shirley Temple wearing her classic bicorn hat over tumbling golden curls, in saluting pose. The poster was designed for the introduction of the film into the Czech market where the young star had a grand following. The poster is signed Fox Film, and the publisher was Prumyslova Tiskarna Praha. Circa 1935. $300+

401. Large-Format Photograph Print of Shirley Temple Inspecting the Chilean Navy 16” (41 cm.) x 19”. The sepia-toned photograph print in large format is mounted on board with velvet matte, and depicts Shirley in white sailor costume, being saluted by five members of the Chilean Navy, of which Shirley was made an honorary captain. Circa 1935. $100+


402. Correspondence from Marlene Dietrich to Shirley Temple’s Mother 23” (58 cm.) x 17” framed. A typed letter, dated June 9th, 1936, advises Mrs. Temple that she and her daughter would be leaving for Europe and that her daughter’s bodyguard would be available for employment, with Marlene Dietrich’s heartiest recommendation. Along with the original postmarked envelope and a studio photograph previously taken, about 1934, of Marlene 400.


Dietrich and Shirley Temple together. $200+


403. An Important Collection of Autographed Photographs Featuring Shirley Temple Including photograph of Shirley Temple in costume of “Little Miss Marker” with autograph “To Shirley, The greatest actress and the sweetest girl in this world. I love you. I adore you. Your director, Al Hall.”; principals of the film “Stowaway” seated on a sofa with message autographs from Robert Young, Alice Faye and Bill Suter; photograph of Shirley standing on a table alongside seven adults with the message autograph “To Shirley with love from


her friends and advisers (signature indeciperable)”; seated on lap of Gale Yorke with message autograph “To Shirley, When We Were Young, Love Gabe Yorke”; photograph of young Shirley hand-in-hand with ship captain and with message autograph “To Shirley from Captain Bergmann, Master. S.S. Matsonia, August 21, 1935”; photograph of Shirley on October 19, 1944 at Au Lutin restaurant in Montreal, shown cuddling a pet piglet, with seven people whose autographs appear below; and an autographed photograph of Shirley standing with important persons of Dharampur. $500+

404. Collection of 16 Fan-Assembled Scrapbooks 13” (33 cm.) Sixteen scrapbooks featuring image of Shirley Temple on the cover, Saalfield, #1714, 1935, assembled from various film magazines by an adoring fan of the era, and later gifted to Shirley Temple. Along with two additional fan scrapbooks and a Victorian silk dress, all gifted to Shirley Temple by fans. Pages of some scrapbooks are quite dried, and the dress is spotted at the front. $500+



405. Three Vintage Photographs of Shirley Temple as a Young Toddler 14” (36 cm.) x 11”. On heavy stock paper with varnish finish, an amusing photograph of a grimacing Shirley, along with two 10” x 8” photographs of young Shirley wearing her 4th birthday party dress. The photographs are credited to Cooley of Los Angeles. Circa 1930. $100+

406. Shirley Temple Licensed Objects from 1930s Era Including three packages of rose and white satin taffeta ribbon with labels “Shirley Temple Movie Star”; three packages of bridge playing cards and a wooden case with five packs of playing cards, each with a photograph of Shirley Temple; book, Shirley Temple, by Jerome Beatty, Saalfield, 1935, later gifted to Shirley Temple Black, from its original child owner, with a note “Mrs Black, Had this since I was a child. It’s yours with my compliments - Good luck on your political career”; custom holiday cards for Shirley Temple; two original still-life drawings by Shirley Temple at age 6; small photo of teenage Shirley, and 1930s framed photograph of Shirley Temple as a young child. $100+


407. Six Vintage Sepia Photographs of Shirley Temple Along with Original Film Blouse from “Little Miss Broadway” 10” (25 cm.) x 8”. Sepia printed on heavy matte paper are six photographs of Shirley Temple in various poses, wearing original




costume from the 1938 film of “Little Miss Broadway”. Included is the original film blouse worn by Shirley


Temple in that firm. $300+

408. Large Format Photograph of Young Shirley Temple on Bicycle 14” (36 cm.) x 11”. The sepia-toned photograph on heavy art paper depicts a smiling young Shirley Temple proudly showing her first bicycle. Circa 1936. $100+


409. Three Books Related to Will Rogers and Vintage Photograph Including 9” x 6” book, I Loved Him, Too, by Cyr Vita Director, M.S, 1935, with inscription “To Shirley Temple” from the author, by Director; Will Rogers Wit and Wisdom, by Jack Lait, Frederick Stokes, 1936 with photographs and dedicated “To Shirley Temple”, Will’s fellow-worker and confidante who, when she unveiled the plaque of him in Hollywood’s Rogers Memorial Hall, drew the cord, faced the audience, and said “I Loved Him, Too!”; and Will Rogers, Ambassador of Good Will, Prince of Wit and Wisdom, by P.J. O’Brien, 1935. Along with a vintage photograph of Shirley Temple unveiling the Rogers plaque, alongside studio luminaries. $200+

410. Paper Ephemera Related To Foreign Editions of Shirley Temple Films, Along With a Miniature Oil Painting from Danish Fan 11” (28 cm.) x 11” painting. Including announcements, brochures and other publicity sheets for international distribution of 1930s era Shirley films ranging from Japan to Columbia, Germany to France, Netherlands, and more. Including a small framed painting of Shirley Temple signed AJ 1936 in lower right corner, and autographed on the reverse “To Shirley Temple, Hoge Jensen, Jeter Alle 5, Horsen, Danmark Europa”. $200+



411. Rumanian Language Poster of Shirley Temple 39” (99 cm.) x 27” framed. The orangebackground poster features a full photo of young Shirley Temple with beaming smile, her signature printed above and a bevy of toys and animals drawn in child imagery at the sides, with large lettering of “Dimineata Copiilor” (Morning Children) and further details of a gathering organized by the club magazine. Circa 1935. $500+


412. Four Miniature Figures From Young Shirley Temple’s Playroom 3” (8 cm.) -6”. Of porcelain, ceramic or chalk, the figures depict amusing or winsome young girls including Scottish girl resembling young Shirley Temple, white chalk girl with Scottie dog at her feet, funny falling-over roller-skating girl with green beanie, and Hummel-like figure of little curly-top blonde girl holding a bunny and feeding her Scottie dog, stamped “Little Mother”. Each piece appears in various photographs of the bookshelves of Shirley Temple’s playroom, and each has thematic connection with her. Mid-1930s. $200+

413. Four Large-Format Vintage Photographs of Shirley Temple, Late 1930s


14” (36 cm.) x 11”. Each is sepia toned on heavy stock matte paper depicting Shirley Temple as older child, with her “new” sideparted and slightly darker hair, each with brilliant smile accented by deep dimples. Late 1930s. $200+



414. Four Large-Format Vintage Photographs of Young Shirley Temple in Film Costumes 14” (36 cm.) x 12”. The large-format photographs with rich sepia tone depict Shirley Temple in film costumes of her early classic films, including one especially endearing photograph with pensive expression. Early/mid-1930s. $200+

415. Four Large-Format Vintage Photographs of Young Shirley Temple, One with Inscription “To My Dearest Daddy” 14” (36 cm.) x 12”. Each depicting the young star in a costume from one of her classic films, “Wee Willie Winkie”, “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm”, and “Stowaway”, one of the “Stowaway” photographs is framed and inscribed “To My Dearest Daddy, Love Shirley”. Mid-1930s. $300+


416. Unique Ephemera Related to Shirley Temple’s Fundraising for the Motion Picture Relief Fund

as Grandfather in “Heidi”) spearheaded a new program. It was to be a radio show, “The Screen Guild Stars”, which premiered on over

Comprising a folio with blue leather exterior that is gilt-lettered Shirley

61 CBS stations in 1939. The stars were top names in Hollywood,

Temple, and silk lined with a parchment testimonial thanking Shirley

commanding premium salaries, yet for this program they donated all

Temple for her “unselfish service” at the December 24, 1939 broadcast.

of their earnings to the Motion Picture Relief Fund. Among the stars

Along with a record album lettered “Thank You, Shirley Temple” for

who donated many hours to this cause was Shirley Temple, and in

the December 24, 1939 Christmas Eve premiere of “The Screen Guild

1946, she extended her support for the Motion Picture and Television

Show”, starring Shirley Temple, Nelson Eddy and the St. Brendan’s Boys

Country House and Hospital.

Choir, comprising three two-sided records, recorded by Radio Recorders of Hollywood, and with record labels bearing the mark of the Motion

Throughout her

Picture Relief Fund, Inc. Radio with a sketch of the proposed Rest Home

life, Shirley Temple

for the Picture Industry. Also included are three “electrical transcriptions”

recognized that

of the same performance from the Los Angeles Recording Studio, each

although, in fact,

hand-lettered with “Shirley’s First Broadcast”.

she was one of the privileged of the

And with three “Thank You Shirley Temple” albums of subsequent

world, it remained

benefit performances for the Motion Picture Relief Fund: “First Love”

her duty to aid

on May 14, 1945 along with Peter Lawford and Arthur Treacher;

the less fortunate.

“Adorable” on October 26, 1946 with Peter Lawford and Charles

This vision served

Coburn; and “The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer” on May 10, 1946

her throughout

with Cary Grant and Myrna Loy”.

her life, in all of her humanitarian


From the early days of Hollywood film, the need became evident

causes, from

to aid those of the film world who had fallen on hard times. Early

local charitable missions to her international assignments. In all, she

efforts included coin box drops, payroll pledges, and celebrity benefit

remained ardent yet humble, a veritable symbol of a life well-lived.

events. Then, in 1939 Jean Hersholt (known to Shirley Temple fans



It was Thanksgiving Day, 1959. 56 years ago. More than half a century ago. Shirley Temple and her three children, Susan, Charles and Lori were honored on the lead float of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, while more than one million people cheered and applauded. It is appropriate that cherished objects from Shirley Temple’s life, 1940-1960, be exhibited and offered just a few short blocks away, during this same Thanksgiving week of our present time.


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