Bread & Roses - Marquis Antique Doll Auction

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This book is based upon an antique doll collection auctioned by Theriault’s of Annapolis, Maryland.

Design: Travis Hammond Photography: Gerald Nelson Senior Conservator: Terry Lanford Conservators: Meredith Dupree, Hana Holbrook $75 ISBN: 1-931503-87-7 Printed in Hong Kong

Sometimes things come together — a perfect serendipity. In 1983 Theriault’s presented an auction of antique dolls titled Bread and Roses. The title was inspired by the rallying cry “bread and roses” of a group of New England women. Life, felt these ardent thinkers, must be more than a grinding daily existence, which although, like bread, was sustaining, yet somehow was unfulfilling to the imagination. Roses were needed, too. For the doll lover, these “roses” are dolls. Haunting faces of timeless wisdom, or naughty expressions of universal childhood, the doll blooms in a season-less garden of special and private meanings, stated the introduction to that catalog. In that same year, 1983, across the ocean, unknown one to the other, Ursula Brecht was completing the English edition of her book Precious Dolls. This photographic tribute to her favorite dolls featured garden settings, most often of her beloved roses, of which she noted “...they provided the perfect setting for particular dolls. The play of colors against the dolls’ pale complexions seemed a perfect expression of their incandescent beauty.” Were these 1983 events pure happenstance? Perhaps, perhaps not. It, nevertheless, seems fitting that this title be restored, a third of a century later. A further note. Again, pure happenstance, as this book was going to print, a letter arrived in Annapolis from Nancy Jo Schroeder of California which enclosed a copy of this 1983 brochure from Theriault’s, along with a little note “I’ve been going through some old things, and found this...thought you might enjoy the nostalgia.” The world of collecting is so large...and so close.



In the early 1980s, Ursula Brecht authored Precious Dolls and photographed many of the dolls appearing in this collection. The book was first published in German as Kostbare Puppen.

In 1983, the legendary German collector, Ursula Brecht, wrote this in her book, Precious Dolls, published that year in English: “During my childhood, before World War II, I was allowed to rummage through the attic in our house. I was fascinated by all the old boxes and trunks. They held so many mysteries that going through them was always an adventure. One day, I found a trunk filled with silk-and-lace dresses from my grandmother’s childhood. As I took out the dresses I found an old, jointed doll lying among them. She had a delicate, finely molded porcelain head, expressive glass eyes and a disheveled, curly wig. Her trousseau was in a small wicker hamper. It was filled with beautiful, hand-sewn dresses, lace shirts, frilly stockings and ankle-length boots. They were items that a mother would have used 50 years earlier to dress up her daughter. The doll was a dream from a bygone era, and she filled me with wonder. She became the center of my fantasies. I spent hours inventing stories about her. Sadly, these games ended with the war. Our house was destroyed during a bombing raid. Along with everything else. I lost the doll. But I never lost hope of finding another like her...” The book had originally been published three years earlier in a German edition, Kostbare Puppen, and its stunning photographs of antique dolls took the doll world by storm. Few full color books that showcased these splendid beauties were available at the time, and it would be fair to state that the Ursula Brecht book was the inspiration for many a new and budding collector. 4

“All collectors lead existences around the search for particular pieces. As they begin looking for something they want, they are tormented with uncertainty. Will they be able to find this special item? If they find it, will they be able to buy it? As the search continues they become obstinate, willing to put up with any inconvenience to acquire the object of their dreams. They become experts at accomplishing the impossible.” Ursula Brecht continued her story: “When the war was over, my family and I had a difficult time. Years passed, and I didn’t have an opportunity to look for a doll. Then, shortly after my wedding day, my husband and I visited a flea market in Paris. As I looked through a pile of antiques, I saw her. She had threadbare, dusty clothes, a moth-eaten wig and a lovely porcelain face. Immediately the old fascination returned. I wanted more than anything to buy that doll and take her home. But I could not. There were other more important things to buy. In the ensuing years, I was busy caring for our children and the house. I had no chance to resume my search for a doll. But the desire to find one remained strong.” Then some years later, about 1965, her family now raised, and with more possibility to pursue her own interests, Ursula Brecht was strolling though a street in Cologne and spotted a shop window which displayed more than 20 dolls. “I stared at the window, then entered the shop. I picked up the dolls one by one. I moved their arms and legs and rotated their heads. Once again I fell under the spell cast by my playmate so many years before. I felt like a child standing in front of a Christmas tree. One doll appealed to me more than the others. She was small, dainty and dressed in a light-blue original frock. She had a sensitive face with a lovely expression. She became the first doll in my collection.”

Every collector reading this knows how the story continues. Beginning with one doll, returning to the shop for another, and then another, and so the story goes. She began to travel far afield, to other cities in Europe and to the then famous flea markets of London and Paris, and her collection grew into one of the most landmark of all Europe. Her favorites, she says and her collection confirms, were the French dolls with their “serious contemplative expressions and a noble quality”. “I learned quickly. I began examining dolls very closely, as an expert collector would. I lifted their hair to examine their markings. I removed their clothing to check the condition of their bodies. But I looked most carefully at their faces. I kept searching for the expression of my childhood doll, an expression I had kept in my heart all those years...I will never forget the moment I held my first Jumeau.” During the preparation of of her book, Precious Dolls (Kostbare Puppen), Ursula Brecht reflected on collecting, with words that ring true to every yearning collector. “Collecting is a passion that exists independently of what is being collected. People can lose themselves in the objects they covet, whether those be paintings or postcards, stamps or sculpture. All collectors lead existences around the search for particular pieces. As they begin looking for something they want, they are tormented with uncertainty. Will they be able to find this special item? If they find it, will they be able to buy it? As the search continues they become obstinate, willing to put up with any inconvenience to acquire the object of their dreams. They become experts at accomplishing the impossible.

Finally, they experience the exhilaration of holding that rare item for the first time, or the grief of discovering they cannot possess it after all. They are intensely happy or deeply depressed. But regardless of the outcome of a particular search, collectors are basically contented people. They are full of fantasies and hope. They are never bored. Their lives are full of surprises. Each day is different.” In the early 1980s, Ursula Brecht determined to share her collection with others. Drawing upon another love - that of roses - and schooling herself in yet a third interest, that of photography (a “slow, painstaking education” she wrote), she was determined to photograph her dolls in artful settings that would capture their spirit. These photographs were later chosen for a series of art calendars and, finally published in her 1980 book, Kostbare Puppen (translated and published in English in 1983 as Precious Dolls. Even while her book inspired new generations of collectors for whom even the mention of her name was reverential, Ursula Brecht continued to search for exceptional dolls, and during the next quarter century carefully gathered some of the world’s finest doll treasures, with particular emphasis on her favorite French dolls. Her collection encompasses virtually every significant doll maker from the golden years of the Parisian doll scene, with examples of both Huret bébés and poupées, superb examples by Leon Casimir Bru, Schmitt et Fils, Mothereau, and early Jumeau. Poupées parade the scene with very fine original costumes, and rare body models. And everywhere are divine furnishings, accessories, and those rare little “special touches” that have become nearly impossible for today’s collectors to find. We invite you to enter the very special world of the Ursula Brecht collection. x 5


31. 17” French Bisque Poupée by Adelaide Huret, Elegant Costume and Signed Shoes 36. 14” French Bisque Bébé, Series C, by Jules Steiner with Lovely Antique Costume 42. 16” French Brown-Complexioned Bisque Bébé, Leon Casimir Bru, Original Costume

Only the most special items are worthy of the Gold Horse

47. 23” Gorgeous French Bisque Bébé A.T. by Thuillier with Superb Costume

designation. Items in this category with the Gold Horse seal

51. 14” French Bisque Poupée, “E”, by Leon Casimir Bru, Deposed Wooden Body

deserve your special consideration. Theriault’s will guarantee

52. 10” Superb All-Original French Bisque Bébé Steiner, Series C, in Petite Size

to the original purchaser of any Gold Horse lot a credit toward

53. 12” French Bisque Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier with Tiny All-Bisque Mignonette

future purchases for the hammer price of that lot (after thirty-

54. 11” French Gilt Wooden Salon Chair with Tufted Silk Seat

six months). Specific conditions governing this guarantee are

55. 30” Splendid French Bisque Bébé Triste by Emile Jumeau in Superb Costume

cited in the “Terms of Sale”. The buyer shall receive a Gold Horse certificate tag to such effect at the time of purchase and the Gold Horse lot will be permanently registered in our gallery.

56. 32” All-Original French Musical Automaton “Pifferari” by Jean Roullet 61. 18” French Bisque Poupée in Original Costume from Au Paradis des Enfants 66. 13” French Bisque Poupée by Leon Casimir Bru with Original Costume 68. 16” French Bisque Smiling Poupée, Articulated Wooden Body, by Leon Casimir Bru 69. 18” French Bisque “Bébé Modele” by Leon Casimir Bru with Articulated Body


1. 13” Dainty French Bisque Poupée with Bisque Arms and Very Fine Antique Costume

76. 8” Tiny German Bisque “Mein Liebling”, 117 Model, by Kammer and Reinhardt

2. 18” Beautiful French Bisque Poupée by Adelaide Huret with Signed Huret Shoes

80. 8” Pair, French Bisque Googly Dolls, 245, by SFBJ in Original Brittany Costumes

7. 12” Petite French Bisque Bébé by Gaultier with Rare Body Variation, Signed A.T. Shoes

81. 22” Gorgeous French Bisque Bébé A.T. by Thuillier in Original Ivory Silk Costume

10. 25” Beautiful French Bisque Bébé Jumeau with Rare Incised Depose Mark

84. 17” French Bisque Bébé by Pierre-Victor Clement, Deposed Hollow Leather Body

11. 9 ½” All-Original French Bisque Bébé E.J. by Jumeau, Size 1, Signed Jumeau Shoes

87. 12” Petite Brown-Eyed French Bisque Bébé Brevete, Size 5/0, by Leon Casimir Bru

12. 12” Petite French Bisque Bébé Jumeau, Incised Depose Mark and Original Dress

88. 24” French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru, Painted Teeth and Body Label

13. 17” French Bisque Poupée by Barrois with Bisque Arms, Rare Neck Swivel

92. 16” French Bisque Bébé Bru Jne with Splendid Eyes and Signed Bru Shoes

14. 17” Superb French Bisque Wooden-Bodied Poupée by Leon Casimir Bru

94. 21” Early French Bisque Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier, Ball-Jointed Body

16. 42” Exhibition Model French Bisque Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier in Size 16

100. 17” French Bisque Poupée with Unique Body by Radiquet and Cordonnier

17. 28” Extremely Rare French Bisque Art Character, 221, by Emile Jumeau

126. 17” Beautiful French Bisque Portrait Poupée with Dehors Neck Articulation

18. 20” French Bisque Art Character, Model 217, by Emile Jumeau, “Series Fantastique”

127. 17” French Bisque Poupée by Emile Jumeau with Antique Costume

19. 20” French Bisque Character, Model 208, from “Series Fantastique” by Jumeau

128. 34” French Bisque Bébé in Grand Size 13 by Leon Casimir Bru, Bisque Hands

26. 18” French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru, Original Costume and Signed Shoes

131. 9 ½” Petite French Bisque Premiere Bébé Jumeau in Rare Size 2/0

27. 22” French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru with Original Costume and Shoes

134. 13” Earliest Period French Bisque Bébé, 3/0, by Emile Jumeau, “Wrap-Around” Eyes

135. 18” French Bisque Bébé in the Huret Manner by Mystery Maker 136. 17” French Bisque Wooden-Bodied Poupée “Lily”, Madame Lavalle-Peronne 137. 39” French Bisque Bébé Steiner, Figure B, by Jules Steiner with Original Body 138. 16” Gentle-Featured French Bisque Bébé, Series C, by Jules Steiner 139. 15” French Bisque Bébé By Leon Casimir Bru with Original Signed Shoes 144. 11” Large German All-Bisque Doll with Beautiful Costume and Blue Shoes 145. 15” All-Original French Bisque Poupée with Cobalt Blue Eyes and Folklore Costume 149. 13” Wonderful French Bisque Googly, 245, by SFBJ with Original Toddler Body 152. 14” German Bisque Googly, 221, by Kestner with Toddler Body 153. 15” German Bisque Googly, 131, by Kammer and Reinhardt with Toddler Body 158. 10” German Bisque Glass-Eyed Kewpie with Composition Body by Kestner 180. 25” Beautiful French Bisque Bébé Triste by Emile Jumeau with Original Early Body 181. 17” Very Beautiful French Bisque Bébé by Schmitt et Fils, Size 2 187. 28” Fine French Bisque Block-Letter Bébé by Gaultier with Original Gesland Body 192. 19” French Bisque Bébé E.J., Size 8, in Lovely Antique Costume 194. 22” Beautiful French Bisque Portrait Bébé by Emile Jumeau with Toy Poupard 197. 22” French Bisque Brown-Eyed Bébé “Mascotte” by May Freres 203. 39” Grand French Bisque Bébé with Gentle Smile, Figure C, by Jules Steiner 224. 23” Beautiful French Bisque Brown-Eyed Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru 226. 35” Very Rare Early French Bisque Bébé by Mothereau in Grand Exhibition Size 227. 15” French Bisque Bébé E.J. Jumeau, Original Costume, Early Signed Jumeau Shoes

274. 15” German Bisque “Mein Liebling”, Model 117/A, by Kammer and Reinhardt

249. 10” Petite French Bisque Bébé, Series C 3/0, Jules Steiner, Original Boutique Label

310. 18” French Bisque Brown-Eyed Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier with Lovely Costume

251. 24” Beautiful French Bisque Bébé by Petit & Dumoutier with Lovely Costume

340. 14” Petite French Bisque Premiere Bébé by Emile Jumeau in Original Costume

255. 28” Gorgeous French Bisque Bébé by Schmitt et Fils with Original Boutique Label

341. 17” German Bisque Portrait of Chinese Baby, 243, by Kestner

256. 12” Petite French Bisque Bébé E.J. by Emile Jumeau

346. 16” Beautiful French Bisque Bébé by Petit et Dumoutier with Splendid Eyes

258. 9 ½” Petite French Bisque Bébé by Emile Jumeau, Size 1, Unusual Undergarment

351. 14” Beautiful French Bisque Premiere Bébé Jumeau with Wonderful Costume

260. 14” French Bisque Bébé by Emile Jumeau with Original Signed Shoes and Box

365. 22” Beautiful French Bisque Bébé, Series C, by Jules Steiner

273. 16 ½” German “Mein Liebling”, 117/A, Kammer and Reinhardt, Folklore Costume

378. 25” Beautiful German Bisque Brown-Eyed Child, 949, by Simon and Halbig




1. Dainty French Bisque Poupée with Bisque Arms and Very Fine Antique Costume 13” (33 cm.) Pale bisque shoulder head with very plump face, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, very daintilypainted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, unpierced ears, blonde mohair wig with braided coiffure, shapely kid poupée body with tiny waist, well-rounded derriere, gusset-jointing at hips and knees, kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque arms to above the elbows, well-sculpted bisque hands with defined knuckles and nails. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, Barrois, circa 1860. Value Points: beautiful early poupée with desirable petite size, brilliant eyes, rare bisque arms, wearing fine antique costume of ice blue silk two-piece gown with hand-made lace trim, undergarments including wired hoop skirt, stockings, with rare blue garters having ormolu clasps, leather heeled boots, leather purse, and blue velvet and woven bonnet. $2700/3500

2. Beautiful French Bisque Poupée by Adelaide Huret with Signed Huret Shoes 18” (46 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, plump cheeks and bulbous throat, painted blue eyes with darker blue outer irises, down-glancing pupils, heavily-modeled eyelids, dark upper eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips and center accent line, unpierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, allwooden poupée body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles, swivel waist and thighs. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: A La Poupée de Nuremberg, (partial label on chest). Comments: Adelaide Huret, circa 1857, the original gutta percha body was likely replaced with the present articulated wooden body at the prestige Parisian doll shop of A La Poupée de Nuremberg, circa 1865, as indicated by the body label. Value Points: the beautiful poupée with exquisite painting of eyes enhanced by rich glaze, has deluxe articulation of wooden body, and is wearing fine original antique costume including bonehandled parasol and aqua kidskin heeled shoes signed Huret. $14,000/18,000

3. French Bisque Poupée with Wooden Articulated Body and Boutique Label



17 ½” (44 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, deluxe neck articulation allowing head to tilt forward and back, lean side to side, as well as classic swivel, narrow cobalt blue glass enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, fringed arched brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, ears pierced into head, blonde human hair over cork pate, all-wooden body with voluptuous shaping, dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and knees, and extra swivel-jointing at waist and thighs. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (original illegible green stamp on kid collarette). Comments: Paris, circa 1865, with original deluxe wooden articulated body by Anqueulle, commissioned by luxury Parisian doll boutique. Value Points: the beautiful wooden-bodied poupée wears original costume with multi-layered undergarments, white lawn summer dress with blue silk tasseled sash, luxury folding fan, lace cap with ruffles and blue velvet bows, stockings, bronze-green kidskin hand-stitched slippers. $4000/6500




5. French All-Bisque Mignonette with Fine Fashionable Costume and Painted Brown Ankle Boots 6” (15 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass inset eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line between the very full lips, long hip-length mohair wig, pegjointed bisque arms and legs, painted white socks and brown ankle boots with little heels. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1880. Value Points: the beautiful doll is wearing original brown silk faille dress with lace and ivory silk faille trim, original undergarments and fancy bonnet. $900/1200

6. French All-Bisque Mignonette with Viennese Enamel Miniature Furniture

4. French All-Bisque Mignonette with Superb Original Marquis Costume 6” (15 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head, brown glass inset eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with full lips, white mohair periwig, peg-jointing at shoulders and hips, painted white stockings, two strap brown heeled shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1880. Value Points: especially exquisite painting of face, the mignonette wears original silk and velvet Marquis costume including tri-corn hat. $1000/1400 6.

5” (13 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on bisque torso, bright blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, single stroke brows, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white socks and black two-strap heeled shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1885. Value Points: the little Marquis wears original silk costume; included are two miniature gilded bronze furnishings with enamel French court scenes. $900/1300

7. Petite French Bisque Bébé by Gaultier with Rare Body Variation, Signed A.T. Shoes 12” (30 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, very plump face, blue glass paperweight inset eyes with spiral threading, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with heart-shaped upper lip, accent line between the lips, dimpled chin, pierced ears, blonde lambswool wig over cork pate, French kid bébé body with square-cut collarette, gusset-jointing at elbows, hips and knees, bisque forearms with curly fingers and well-defined knuckles and nails. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F. 3 G. (block letters, head and shoulders). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1878. Value Points: the first period bébé with rare body, beautifully-shaped hands, expressive features, fine antique costume incuding leather shoes signed A.T. (for Thuillier). $4500/6500

8. Superb Pair of French Miniature Dolls in Elaborate Original Court Costumes 6 ½” (17 cm.) Bisque socket head, dark blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, closed mouth, accented nostrils, carton torso and lower legs, wire upper arms and legs, bisque hands. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 1. Comments: French, circa 1885. Value Points: the exquisite miniature pair are wearing elaborate original court costumes of silk and lace, with gilt paper trim, applied silk ankle boots, he with bicorn hat. $2000/3000



8. 8.


excellent, music and mechanism function well. Marks: L.B, (key) Depose Tete Jumeau 4 (head). Comments: Leopold Lambert, circa 1890, the little girl holds a woven basket of flowers and berries, and when wound, music plays, the little girl turns her head side to side, and alternately lifts her hands, her left hand lifting the lid of the basket to reveal a little all-bisque doll that twirls around and around. Value Points: the beautiful doll wears her original silk costume and bonnet, socks and shoes, presenting a delightful vignette, and has original paper tune label indicating the music is “Cendrillonette”. $7000/9500

10. Beautiful French Bisque Bébé Jumeau with Rare Incised Depose Mark 25” (64 cm.) Bisque socket head with very plump cheeks, narrow blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, mauve blushed eye shadow, brushstroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with very full shaded and outlined lips, dimpled chin and philtrum, separately modeled pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose Jumeau 11 (incised). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1882. Value Points: beautiful rare model that is nicely costumed in vintage coral silk French dress, undergarments, woven bonnet, Jumeau socks, and early leather shoes signed “J.Bonnet Paris” indicating the doll was sold at the shop of Jules Bonnet, A La Providence at 74 Rue de Rivoli in Paris. $4500/6500

11. All-Original French Bisque Bébé E.J. by Jumeau, Size 1, with Gold-Lettered Signed Jumeau Shoes 9 ½” (24 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose E. 1 J. (and artist checkmarks on head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1885. Value Points: rare little size 1 E.J. bébé has original body and body finish, and wears original Jumeau rose silk costume, bonnet, undergarments, and rose silk shoes signed “Bébé Jumeau Med. d’Or Paris Depose” in gilt lettering and “1”. $3500/4500

12. Petite French Bisque Bébé Jumeau with Rare Incised Depose Mark and Original Couturier Dress

9. All Original French Bisque Musical Automaton “Girl with Surprise Basket” by Leopold Lambert 18” (46 cm.) Standing upon a burgundy velvet-covered base is a bisque-head doll with brown glass paperweight eyes, painted long curly lashes, brush-stroked brows, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, carton torso and legs, wire upper arms, bisque forearms. Condition: generally


12” (30 cm.) Bisque socket head, dark brown glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, original brunette mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose Jumeau (large incised letters) 3 (and artist’s checkmarks on head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1884, the model was made for two years only. Value Points: very beautiful bébé with entrancing eyes, finest bisque, original body and body finish, original Jumeau couturier dress of ivory silk with lace trim, ruffled bonnet, knit stockings and leather shoes. $3500/4200






13. Outstanding French Bisque Poupée by Barrois with Bisque Arms, Rare Neck Swivel, and Superb Costume 17” (43 cm.) Pale bisque swivel head with flat-cut neck socket, plump face, cobalt blue glass enamel inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, unpierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, very firm kid poupée body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, bisque arms to above the elbows, separately-sculpted fingers, gusset-jointing at hips and knees. Condition:


generally excellent. Marks: E. 4 B. Comments: Eugene Constant Barrois, circa 1860. Value Points: exceptional state of preservation of the luxury kid body, superb bisque hands, rare neck swivel, and wearing outstanding costume with multi-layered undergarments, rose silk skirt with black lace trim, black velvet fitted jacket, gloves, silk bonnet with lace trim, very fancy leather boots, wooden-handled parasol with bone tips, and jewelry including coral necklace and bracelet, tiny brooch, and pearl-trimmed hairpin. $3500/4500


14. Superb French Bisque Wooden-Bodied Poupée by Leon Casimir Bru with Deposed Body 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head with kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass inset eyes with darker blue outer iris rims, dark painted eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with slightly-upturned lip corners, accented lips, ears pierced into head, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, all-wooden body with doweljointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles, and with swivel

ball-joint at waist, scalloped kid collarette. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (faint letter, illegible). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1869, the distinctive body was deposed in that year. Value Points: earliest version of the “smiling” model of Bru poupée has finest bisque, sculpting and painting, original body with original finish, original wig, and wearing very beautiful early rose silk gown with fine Alencon lace, silk and velvet bonnet, undergarments, ivory silk slippers with wooden heels in the Huret style, beaded purse, and antique ormolu chatelaine with watch. $5000/7500


15. Trio Of French Miniature Vitrines with Superb Decorations 7” (18 cm.) -10”. Each has wooden frame that is completely covered with decorative finish, and includes two glass-front cabinets with bow-doors, curved glass windows and bombe-shaped sides, and a small vitrine in the shape of a sedan chair and having beveled glass windows. Included is a leather-covered cabinet with elaborate gold tooling; a cabinet with tin surface with having rich lithographed designs and images, and with mauve velvet and silk roof and lining; and the sedan chair with lithographed tin side panels depicting cherubs and garlands, and with bronze-green velvet roof and lining. The burgundy cabinet has original label “Procede Brevete SGDG Modele Depose”. Excellent condition. French, circa 1880s. $1200/1800

16. Exhibition Model French Bisque Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier in Grand Size 16 with Superb Costume 42” (107 cm.) Pressed bisque socket head with deeply-defined features and delicate complexion, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with beautifully-sculpted and shaded lips, dimpled chin, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F. 16 G. Comments: Gaultier, circa 1882, the grand size 16 model was created as an exhibition model. Value Points: few examples of the grand size 16 are known to exist, this model complemented by finest bisque, painting, and sculpting, original body and body finish, and superb original rose silk costume, bonnet, undergarments, slippers. $16,000/22,000



17. Extremely Rare French Bisque Art Character, 221, from “Series Fantastique”, by Emile Jumeau with Regal Presence 28” (71 cm.) Bisque socket head with angular features accentuated by welldefined chin and nose, elongated throat, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted curled lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with wide outlined lips, separately modeled pierced ears, brunette human hair over cork pate, French composition lady body with very shapely torso and shapely elongated limbs, jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. Condition: generally excellent, tiny flakes on bottom of neck socket. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau 211 11 (head) E. D.B. Paris La Patricienne (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, late 1890s with appropriately-fitted 1905 lady body by Daspres, from the “Series Fantastique” by Jumeau, described in The Jumeau Book by Theimer/Theriault as “depicting an adult woman”, the only model of that series to do so and being an abrupt departure from the other “Series Fantastique” which were of children. So rare is the model that no quantity at all was listed as remaining in the 1899 Jumeau inventory. Value Points: extremely rare portrait lady with regal, yet gentle presence, very fine quality of bisque and painting designed to accentuate the sculpted adult face with smaller eyecuts and defined cheek and jaw lines, and wearing superb antique costume that may be original. $40,000/60,000



18. The Extraordinary French Bisque Art Character, Model 217, by Emile Jumeau from “Series Fantastique” 20” (51 cm.) Bisque socket head with highly-characterized expression of child exuberantly sticking out her tongue, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, painted long lashes, brush-stroked and multi-feathered brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth modeled as though widely open and with “sticking-out” tongue in a sassy manner, row of sculpted teeth, separately sculpted pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent, original body and body finish. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG 9 (head, and artist checkmarks) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (torso). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1890s, the model 211 from his “Series Fantastique”; very few examples of this extraordinary doll were ever made as indicated by the 1899 Jumeau inventory which stated that only 11 examples of the character remained in this size 9. Value Points: extremely rare character with fine luminous bisque enhancing the intricatelysculpted facial planes, original wig, pate, body, body finish, original silk costume, straw and velvet bonnet, and signed Jumeau shoes. The doll bears a blue ribbon award from the 1980 UFDC convention held in Washington, D.C. $80,000/120,000


19. The Very Wonderful French Bisque Character, Model 208, from “Series Fantastique” by Jumeau with Family Provenance 20” (51 cm.) Bisque socket head, very narrow eye sockets designed as though the eyes are crinkled in laughter, blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, long painted curly lashes, thick brush-stroked and feathered brows, rounded nose tip, shaded nostrils, sculpted-closed mouth modeled as though open in a hearty laugh, two rows of sculpted teeth, defined tongue, separately-modeled pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent.Marks: 208 (incised) Depose Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG 9 (and artist checkmarks, on head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, from his 1890’s “Series Fantastique”, only 17 examples of this model in size 9 remained in the 1899 Jumeau inventory indicating how very rare the doll is. Value Points: the very dramatic laughing expression is compelling yet curiously charming, enhanced by very choice quality of sculpting, bisque and painting, original wig, pate, body, body finish, fine antique costume, bonnet and accessories. Provenance: about 1903, the original owner, Ann Dore spotted the amazing doll in the display window of the famous White House department store in San Francisco and purchased it for her cousin who was a doll collector. Years later, as the cousin was moving to France, she returned the doll to Ann Dore, who preserved it her entire life; on one occasion, once in 1930 she entered the doll in a competition promoted by Meir and Frank department store of Portland, Oregon where she was awarded the Grand Prize. The doll has remained in the family and is now being sold by the great granddaughter of Ann Dore. $50,000/65,000




20. Large German All-Bisque Mignonette, 886, by Simon and Halbig with High Blue Stockings 9” (23 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, outlined lips, four porcelain teeth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted ribbed blue stockings to above the knees, black two-strap heeled shoes with little bows. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 886 S 5 H . Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: rare large size and blue stockings, especially beautiful face, original aqua silk and lace dress, woven bonnet. $1100/1500

21. Very Dear German All-Bisque Miniature Doll by Kling with Original Costume and Opera Glasses



5 ½” (14 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on bisque torso, large brown glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner,


painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accent line between the lips, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings with blue rims and black one-strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent, chip on upper torso, chip on right leg rim. Marks: 31.14. Comments: C.F. Kling, circa 1885. Value Points: beautiful gentle expression, the doll wears original silk dress with lace trim, matching bonnet, undergarments, and carries bone-framed opera glasses with Stanhope scenes of the Pyrenees. $400/600

22. Large German All-Bisque Miniature Doll, 886, by Simon and Halbig with Square-Cut Teeth 9” (23 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, two square cut upper teeth and one square cut lower tooth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted blue abovethe-knee stockings, black two-strap heeled shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 886 S 5 H. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: rare large size, with square-cut teeth, original costume and bonnet, blue painted stockings, and carrying tiny all-bisque miniature doll. $1100/1500

23. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll by Kestner with Her Own Tiny Doll 5” (13 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, plump cheeks, brown glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, arched brows, accented nostrils of tiny rounded nose, closed mouth with center accent line, blonde mohair wig over plaster pate, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, sculpted bent elbows, left hand clasped closed, shapely legs with tiny ankles. Condition: generally excellent, tiny flakes on top of right toe, silk dress. Marks: 1.


Comments: Kestner, circa 1885. Value Points: very beautiful face, bisque and painting, all original body with welldefined musculature, the little girl is holding her own tiny all-bisque doll. $600/900


24. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll by Kestner with Fancy Boots, Along with Pup on Pillow 7 ½” (19 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kidedged bisque torso, brown glass set eyes, painted lashes, arched brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, curled hands with defined fingers, painted white socks with purple ties, blue heeled ankle boots with black tassels, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent, tiny hidden flake at bottom of neck socket. Marks: 2. Comments: Kestner, circa 1885. Value Points: very dear gentle expression, rare painted boots, original wig, including a curly mohair seated pup with black bead eyes, seated on a velvet cushion with fringed border. $1200/1600

25. Fine Vignette of All-Bisque Dolls with Original Costumes, with Wheeled Flower Cart 7” (18 cm.) larger doll. Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass sleep eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, outlined lips, two square cut upper teeth and one lower, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted blue ribbed stockings to above the knees, black one-strap


heeled shoes with little bows. Along with 5” all bisque doll with swivel head, blue glass eyes, closed mouth, painted features, jointed bisque arms and legs, painted shoes and socks. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 886 2 (larger). Comments: Simon and Halbig (larger). Value Points: the charming vignette features a blue-stocking girl in original lace costume and with original wig, with her smaller companion in original costume including flannel bunny-hooded coat and with woven basket of flowers at her back; and with a woven cart with two metal spoked wheels carrying bouquet of silk flowers. $1800/2500


26. Beautiful French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru with Original Costume and Signed Bru Shoes 18” (46 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulder blades, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, brush-stroked brows with feathered details, mauve blushed eye shadow, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with tiny defined tongue tip, outlined heart-shaped upper lip, dimpled philtrum and chin, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, slender kid bébé body, Chevrot hinged hips, wooden lower legs, kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque forearms with separately-sculpted hands. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Bru Jne 6 (head and shoulders) Bébé Bru Bte SGDG (original paper label on chest). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1884. Value Points: superb example from the Golden Age of Bru, with finest bisque, sculpting and painting, very sturdy and fresh original body, perfect hands, and wearing original rose silk dress and bonnet, undergarments, stockings, and leather shoes with silver buckles marked “Bru Jne Paris 6”. $15,000/21,000


27. Gorgeous French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru with Original Costume and Signed Bru Shoes 22” (56 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with sculpted bosom and shoulder blades, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes with darker blue outer irises, pronounced thick black eyeliner, painted curly lashes, slightly-modeled brush-stroked brows with feathering, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with well-defined tongue tip between the outlined lips, impressed dimples at philtrum and chin, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, kid bébé body with gusset-jointing at hips and knees, kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque forearms with separately-sculpted fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Bru Jne 8 (head and shoulder plate). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1882. Value Points: an especially beautiful Bru bébé especially of painting of eyes and mouth, finest bisque and painting, original very sturdy body, perfect bisque hands, wearing original coral silk dress, with undergarments, ruffled bonnet, and leather shoes signed “Bru Jne Paris”. $17,000/25,000


29. French Mechanical Goat Cart by Theroude with Carved Wooden Man and Woman 16” (41 cm.) l. A woven cart with four metal-spoked wheels has double facing seating and is upholstered with tufted and pleated coral silk; the cart is being pulled by a paper mache goat with thick brown/cream fur cover, horns, ears, and hinged legs; and hidden beneath the carriage is a simple mechanism which, when wound, causes the goat to “walk” forward, thus pulling the carriage forward. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, Theroude, circa 1860. Value Points: rare early toy with fine luxury details, and including two carved wooden dolls depicting man and woman, having thick gesso-sculpted facial features and hair, painted features, wooden articulated arms and legs with dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, and each wearing original costume. $2500/3500

29.1. Early Boxed Paper Doll “The English Doll”

28. Early 19th Century Valentine Shadowbox 13” (33 cm.) x 13”. A deeply-set boxed arrangement with gilt frame, protected under fine old glass displays, two wax dolls, man and woman, in an elaborately-arranged bower with flowers and birds created of traganth, shells and paper mache. The fantastical arrangement was created as a commemorative “valentine” for a notable occasion. Good condition, some typical age wear. Early 1800s, probably French. $500/800


10” (25 cm.) x 6 ½”. The 7” paper doll owns seven costumes, each designed with integral activities (with one, holding a doll; with another having her dog alongside, for examples), along with five bonnets or differing coiffures. The set is preserved in original box labeled “The New English Doll” (and in three additional languages to also serve the German, French and Spanish markets). A luxury toy as indicated by the touches of enhancing varnish on cover engraving and costumes. Good condition with some play wear. $300/500

30. 18th Century English Wooden Doll with Fine Original Costume and Provenance 18” (46 cm.) One-piece wooden head and torso, egg-shaped head, flat-back, painted complexion and facial features, black enamel eyes, “dot” lashes, single stroke brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, tiny closed mouth, rosy cheeks, black beauty spot, original brunette human hair wig in tiny ringlets, cloth upper arms, wooden lower arms, simplistically-carved upper legs, dowel-jointing at hips and knees, shapely legs. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: English, late 18th century. Value Points: the doll has well-preserved original costume including blue silk quilted petticoat, separate coin pockets, hand-stitched stays, three undergarments, blouse with embroidered collar, ruffled bonnet, apron, transfer-printed robe with exotic bird design, and an early ink-script paper note indicating “this doll belonged to Mary Wilson, Tranby Croft 1772”. $12,000/16,000


31. Fine French Bisque Poupée by Adelaide Huret with Elegant Costume and Signed Huret Shoes 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, very plump face with defined double chin, painted facial features, painted blue eyes with darker blue iris rims and decorative glaze at the lower edge, heavily modeled eyelids, black upper eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blushed cheeks, unpierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, all-wooden body with dowel-jointing at the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, defined fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Huret (kid collarette with original medallion stamp). Comments: Adelaide Huret, circa 1860, with 1867 wooden body having original Huret stamp which indicates 1867-era restoration at the Huret studios. Value Points: especially beautiful Huret poupée with swivel head, beautifullypainted features and complexion, articulated wooden body, antique blue velvet suit, matching bonnet, undergarments, and with accessories including tiny beaded bag, beaded floral bouquet, decorative watch, and leather boots signed “Huret a Paris”. $12,000/16,000

32. English Wedgwood Miniature Wash Bowl and Pitcher 4” (10 cm.) Of creamy softpaste, the wash bowl and pitcher are decorated with pastel floral designs and with green borders. Signed Groups Wedgwood Etruria England with impressed numbers. Excellent condition. Late 19th century. $200/400

33. French Rosewood Cabinet with Bronze Mounts and Marble Top 10” (25 cm.) h. 12” l. The solid wooden two drawer chest has rosewood veneers bordered with checkerboard banding, bombe-shaped sides and front, and arched apron, with onyx marble top and with very elaborate bronze mounts and drawer pulls. Excellent condition. French, late 19th century, especially fine luxury detail of ornamentation and trim. $1200/1800

34. French Bisque Poupée by Adelaide Huret with Fine Antique Costume and Signed Huret Shoes 17” (43 cm.) Bisque shoulder head, very plump face and throat, painted facial features, painted blue eyes with darker blue iris rims and decorative glaze at the lower edge, heavily modeled eyelids, black upper eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, unpierced ears, brunette human hair over cork pate, all-wooden body with dowel-jointing at the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles, swivel waist, defined fingers. Condition:


generally excellent, paint wear to body finish. Marks: Huret (kid collarette with original medallion stamp). Comments: Adelaide Huret, circa 1860, with 1867 wooden body having original Huret stamp which indicates 1867-era restoration at the Huret studios. Value Points: very delicate pale complexion complemented by dreamy eyelids, finest quality of bisque, fully-articulated wooden body allowing infinite posing, wearing antique costume of mauve faille with black Alencon lace, undergarments, beadwork purse, fancy bonnet, amethyst brooch, and leather boots signed “Huret a Paris�. $9000/13,000


Bte SGDG (red lettering on rim). Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1884. Value Points: lovely shy-faced bébé with beautiful blush detail, original body and body finish, antique cutwork dress, undergarments, pantalets, woven stockings, leather shoes signed “Paris Bébé 4”, bonnet, and carrying a little all-bisque doll with blue glass eyes, closed mouth, and antique costume. $3800/4500

37. Very Rare French Musical Automaton “Pierrot Serenading the Crescent Moon” by Lambert

35. French Paper Mache Pull Toy Bull Dog with Growler and Glass Eyes 16” (41 cm.) The paper mache bull dog has rough-textured painted finish in cream and black, with up standing ears, painted nose, hinged jaw with painted and sculpted teeth, leather diamond-point collar, hidden wheels under feet, and metal link chain. When pulled along, his mouth opens and closes, displaying a ferocious expression, and he growls in a menacing manner. Generally excellent. French, circa 1885. $1200/1800

36. French Bisque Bébé, Series C, by Jules Steiner with Lovely Antique Costume 14” (36 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, painted lashes with “dot” highlights, rose blushed eye shadow, brush-fringed brows, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined shaded lips, pierced ears, auburn mohair wig over Steiner pate, French composition fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Sie C 0. (incised) J. Steiner Bourgouin


21” (53 cm.) A slenderbodied paper-mache Pierrot with painted white complexion and clown decorations, brown glass eyes, open mouth, and brunette wig is posed seated on the tip of a crescent moon, holding a wooden mandolin and wearing original costume comprising silk jacket and shirt, ruffled collar, fitted knit leggings and pointed blue slippers. The moon has a sculpted profile of moon face, with brown glass eye and an open mouth with hinged jaw. The arrangement is set upon a foundation of paper-mache clouds which open at the back for access to the music and mechanical movements. Condition: generally excellent, music and mechanism function well. Comments: Leopold Lambert, circa 1890. The amusing automaton, named “Aubade a la Lune” (Ballad to the Moon) had first been created by Vichy about 1885 when his workshop was under the direction of Leopold Lambert. Lambert later left Vichy, formed his own automaton studio, and created this nearly identical version of “Aubade a la Lune”. Vichy sued for counterfeiting, but the Tribunal held that he had not filed his design in a timely manner, and Lambert won the case. The story of the lawsuit is told in The Encyclopedia of French Dolls by Theimer, pp 334338. Value Points: very rare and delightful automaton with six animations and two tunes “Le Derby Galop” and “La Valse des Chefines (?)”. When wound, music plays, Pierrot nods and turns his head while strumming the lute, then sassily sticks out his tongue at the moon; the moon cheerily responds by winking his eye and opening and closing his mouth. The piece combines two of the most popular and evocative symbols of French 19th century popular culture, Pierrot and the moon, into a single scene where they appear to be communicating. $20,000/30,000



38. Petite French Bisque Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier, with Wonderful Accessories

39. All-Original French Mechanical Cyclist in Rare Grand Size and with Portrait Face by Vichy

12” (30 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with well-defined heart-shaped upper lip, outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists, well costumed in velvet and silk dress and bonnet, undergarments, burgundy socks, leather shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F. 5 G, Comments: Gaultier, circa 1882. Value Points: beautifully-painted features on the petite bébé who is accompanied by a miniature toy Cavalier King Charles spaniel, and a beaded basket containing three small all-bisque dolls. $4500/6500

16” (41 cm.) A cast metal tricycle with unusual curved wheel spokes has a fancily curved front design, bone-tipped handle grips, with original red and gold finish, and brass framed lantern. Seated upon the tricycle is a bisque-headed doll with oval-shaped face, blue glass eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with accent line, blonde mohair wig, carton torso, wire upper arms and legs, paper mache boots, carved wooden hands, wearing original silk and black velvet costume with matching velvet toque and lorgnette. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: attributed to Vichy, circa 1870, a mechanism is hidden beneath the rider, and when wound, the tricycle propels forward and in circles while the rider turns her head, arms and

appears to “pedal”. Value Points: luxury all-original toy is beautifully-preserved, in rare grand size, and having superb portrait like face. $6500/8500

40. Petite French Mechanical Cyclist with Original Costume by Vichy 12” (30 cm.) Seated upon a cast metal tricycle with spoked wheels, bone-tipped handle grips, and original red and gold finish is a bisque-headed doll with blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with accent line, blonde mohair wig, carton torso, wire upper arms and legs, paper mache boots, carved wooden hands, in original silk and black velvet costume with matching bonnet. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: attributed to Vichy, circa 1870, a mechanism hidden beneath the rider, causes the tricycle to propel forward and in circles while the rider turns her head, arms and appears to “pedal”. Value Points: having beautiful face, the petite variation of the beloved toy wears her totally original costume, and functions well. $4500/6500 39 detail


41. Superb All-Original French Musical Automaton “Moorish Harpist” by Vichy 30” (76 cm.) Seated upon a wooden taboret that is decorated with inset “jewels” of various colors is a paper mache woman with rich brown complexion, brown glass eyes, finely sculpted facial features, open mouth with row of teeth, black mohair wig, carton torso with shapely female form, elegantly posed slender legs crossed at her knees, and paper mache lower arms with fingers posed to pluck the harp which she holds. The mechanism and music are hidden beneath the taboret seat and are activated by winding key and lever at the taboret side. Condition: generally excellent, original overall with some craquelure on finish of legs, music and mechanism function well. Comments: Vichy, circa 1867, when wound, music plays, and she turns her head as though in time to the music, blinks her eyes open and closed, and plucks the strings of the harp. The automaton was presented in the Vichy catalog as “Harpiste Mauresque” and was likely part of the series presented at the 1867 Paris International Exposition, designed to appeal to traveling international aristocracy. Value Points:


rare automaton whose luxury details include finely decorated taboret, well-crafted original wooden harp with figural lady’s head on frame, original costume of rich silks and tapestry, elaborate gold and turquoise jewelry and hair ornaments, and with beautiful refined movements and music. $12,000/17,000

42. Extremely Rare French BrownComplexioned Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru in Original Costume 16” (41 cm.) Bisque swivel head with golden-brown (“cafe-au-lait”) complexion, on kid-edged matching bisque shoulder plate, dark brown paperweight glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, black painted curly lashes, black brush-stroked and feathered brows with decorative glaze, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with heart-shaped upper lip, pierced ears, black fleecy wig over cork pate, plump kid bébé body with gusset-jointing at hips and knees, brown-complexioned bisque lower arms and hands. Condition: generally excellent, body very sturdy. Marks: (circle/dot symbol at back of head) 5 (shoulder plate). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1880. Value Points: extremely rare model whose exceptional quality of gleaming complexion is enhanced by highlydefined sculpting especially around the eyes, original sturdy body, perfect hands, and wearing original silk dress, and antique undergarments, woven stockings, leather shoes, enamel watch and fob, and velvet bonnet. $14,000/21,000


43. French Bisque Poupée with Rare Body Style and Fine Early Costume 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass spiral-threaded eyes, thick dark eyeliner, delicately-painted lashes and brows, mauve-blushed eye shadow, accented nostrils, closed mouth with pale outlined lips, ears pierced into head, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, stretched-kid-over wooden torso, lower legs and upper arms, “baggy” kid upper legs over wooden forms, bisque forearms and hands. Condition: generally excellent, one finger broken at knuckle. Comments: French, circa 1867, the doll was presented in luxury Parisian doll shops including that of Terrene. Value Points: beautiful doll with rare body style, wearing fine antique costume of ice blue silk skirt with demi-train, fitted matching hip-length jacket with patterned silk faille, leather boots with signature, undergarments, woven reticule, and with earrings and decorative hair comb. $4000/6500

44. Early German Bisque Doll by Simon and Halbig with Rare Body 15” (38 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, bright blue inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with outlined lips, ears pierced into head, brunette hand-tied human hair wig, stretched kid over wooden body with bisque forearms, dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, and with swivel waist, antique undergarments included. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1880. Value Points: lovely face and complexion, rare body with unusual swivel waist feature. Included is antique cane-seat wooden chair. $2200/2800


45. German Bisque Doll with Articulated Twill/Wooden Body by Simon and Halbig 11� (28 cm.) Bisque socket head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass inset eyes, dark upper eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, twill-over-wooden body, bisque lower arms, doweljointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1880, the doll varies from #46 which has a solid dome head and bisque lower limbs. Value Points: rare and beautiful doll with lovely complexion, original wig, wearing fine antique gown and undergarments, and with (frail) silk parasol with bone handle. $1800/2500



46. German Bisque Twill-Bodied Early Bisque Doll by Simon and Halbig 10� (25 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, dark painted upper eyeliner, painted lashes and feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blonde mohair wig, stretched-twill over wooden body with bisque forearms and lower legs, jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. Condition: generally excellent, flake on underside of left foot. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1880. Value Points: especially beautiful gentle expression, finest bisque, rare body, original costume. $1800/2500


47. Gorgeous French Bisque Bébé A.T. by Thuillier with Superb Costume 23” (58 cm.) Bisque socket head with very plump cheeks, large blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, mauve blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and multi-feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the outlined lips, heart-shaped upper lip, pierced ears, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists, blonde hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: A. 10 T. Comments: Andre Thuillier, circa 1885. Value Points: gorgeous example of the rare bébé with enthralling expression and eyes enhanced by finest painting of features and complexion, original body and body finish, fine antique rose silk and lace dress, lace and silk bonnet with frou-frou ruffles, undergarments (including original muslin chemise, see detail photo), knit stockings, rose silk shoes signed Bébé Jumeau Depose 10, and with fine beadwork reticule. The doll was featured on the cover of Ursula Brecht’s book, Precious Dolls, of which a copy of the book is included. $20,000/27,000

48. German All-Bisque Mignonette with Especially Beautiful Expression 7” (18 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass sleep eyes, dark eyeliner, delicately-painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with center accent line, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted blue socks and black one-strap heeled shoes, lovely antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, attributed to Simon and Halbig, circa 1885, Value Points: the larger all-bisque has especially beautiful gentle expression, finest bisque. $1100/1500

49. Most Endearing Tiny German Bisque Child with Rare Body Attributed to Kling 6 ½” (17 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blonde mohair wig, composition and wooden body with peg-jointing at arms, loose-ball joints at hips and knees, painted stockings and four-lace heeled boots. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, attributed to C.F. Kling, circa 1885. Value Points: very beautiful face on the tiny doll, with rare body, beautiful hip-length wig with curls and braid, original costume. $800/1100

50. Maitrise Model Walnut Spiral Staircase 14” (36 cm.) h. 18”w. Of finely-grained wood, the gracefully-curved 13step spiral staircase terminates in a platform dias with parquet flooring. Excellent condition. Probably late 19th century, maitrise model. $800/1200








51. French Bisque Poupée “E”, by Leon Casimir Bru with Original Deposed Wooden Articulated Body 14” (36 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass enamel inset eyes with spiral threading, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with accented lips, ears pierced into head, blonde mohair waist-length wig, allwooden fully-articulated body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles, and ball-swivel waist. Condition: generally excellent, original body finish albeit finish is rubbed. Marks: E (head and shoulders). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, his deposed “smiling” model, and with original Bru wooden body, circa 1867. Value Points: rare smiling model with original matched head and body, original body, gorgeous lush original wig, antique dotted Swiss gown, undergarments, and carrying bisque headed taufling baby with blue glass eyes, blonde mohair wig, paper mache body and original ribbon-trimmed bunting. $3500/3900

52. Superb All-Original French Bisque Bébé Steiner, Series C, in Petite Size 10” (25 cm.) Bisque socket head with plump face, blue glass sleep eyes which operate from wire lever at back of head, dark painted lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with hint of smile on the accented lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over original skin cap and carton pate, French composition fully-jointed body with straight wrists and curled fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Steiner SGDG Bourgouin Series C 3/0 (head) (caduceus stamp on torso) J. Steiner (eyes). Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1882. Value Points: the wonderfully-preserved petite bébé with original head, eyes and body, original body finish, beautiful bisque, and wig, is wearing original blue silk dress with lace trim, undergarments, leather shoes, and blue velvet bonnet with feather and floral trim. $3500/4200




53. Very Dear French Bisque Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier with Tiny All-Bisque Mignonette 12” (30 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, painted lashes, rose-blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with very full outlined and shaded lips, defined chin, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F.3 G. (incised block letters). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1882. Value Points: especially fine quality of sculpting and bisque on the endearing petite bébé, original body and body finish, beautiful original blue velvet and lace dress

and matching bonnet, undergarments, stockings, leather shoes signed C.P. 3, and carrying her own little all-bisque mignonette with swivel head and cobalt blue eyes. $3300/3800

54. French Gilt Wooden Salon Chair with Tufted Silk Seat 11” (28 cm.) The carved chair in faux-bamboo styling has fancy spindles, arms, and curved front, original rich gilt painted finish, and blue silk upholstered seat with deep tufting. Excellent condition. French, circa 1885. $500/800


hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists, plump limbs. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 14 (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1882, the model known as Bébé Triste, the original model was sculpted by Parisian Carrier-Belleuse under special commission by Jumeau. Value Points: finest bisque with ivory-like complexion enhanced by delicate blushing, original body and body finish, and wearing superb multi-layered antique costume with embroidered cashmere dress and matching cape with silk-tasseled fringe, matching cutwork undergarments, curly mohair collar and muff, silk bonnet and bone-handled silk parasol with silk fringe. $13,000/17,000

56. Outstanding and All-Original French Musical Automaton “Pifferari” by Jean Roullet

55. Splendid French Bisque Bébé Triste by Emile Jumeau in Superb Costume 30” (76 cm.) Bisque socket head with elongated facial shape and very full cheeks, large blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and multi-feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the shaded and accented lips, dimpled chin and philtrum, separately-applied pierced ears, brunette


32” (81 cm.) Standing upon a velvet-covered base is a bisque-head man with portraitlike regal, yet serene, expression, brown glass paperweight eyes, richly-painted lashes and brows, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with exquisitely shaded and outlined lips, separately modeled ears, brunette mohair wig, carton torso and legs, and paper mache hands which are posed to pluck the strings of the grand Celtic harp which he stands behind. Condition: generally excellent, mechanism and music function well. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau 10 Bte SGDG (head). Comments: Jean Roullet, circa 1875, the automaton, named Pifferari, appeared as number 191, in the early Roullet catalog. It was priced in the luxury class at 125 francs. Pifferari, Italian performers of bagpipes and Celtic harp, were romanticized in 19th century France, ranging from an 1861 piano solo by Charles Gounod to this fantastical musical automaton. When wound, the man turns his head in nodding and circular motions as though in tune with the music, while his hands, independently of each other, roam up and down the strings; there are four movements and two musical tunes. Value Points: a very rare luxury automaton in wonderfully-preserved all-original condition, the performer is wearing an elaborate traditional Pifferari costume of ivory satin baggy pants and shirt, rose silk vest with matching capelet each trimmed with gold braid, matching coin purse, ruffled lace cuffs and collar, aqua silk cap with feathered detail and gold braid, a long aqua satin cape, and wonderful knee-high laced leather boots. The superb portrait face, very detailed original costume and accessory pieces, and its large size were further indications of its upscale status and its rarity. $17,000/25,000



57. French Mechanical Toy “Little Girl Walking Her Doll” by Vichy 12” (30 cm.) A bisque swivel-head doll depicting a young lady with bisque shoulder plate, blue enamel eyes, closed mouth, painted lashes and brows, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig, carton torso and hinged legs, and bisque hands is pushing a three-wheeled fancy metal doll carriage with spoked wheels and sunshade. Inside the carriage is an all-bisque mignonette with blue glass eyes, swivel head, jointed limbs, and blonde mohair wig. Condition: bisque, structure and presentation excellent, mechanism needs adjustment. Comments: Vichy, Paris, circa 1875, when the attached Vichy key is wound, the girl is designed to walk briskly along, thus pushing the carriage. Value Points: the rare toy presents a charming scene, each doll wearing its original well-detailed silk costume, with beautiful faces, perfect bisque hands on lady. $4000/5500

58. All-Original French Bisque Mechanical “Flower Seller with Basket of Fruits and Flowers” by Vichy 12” (30 cm.) A bisque swivel-head young lad with bisque shoulder plate, blue glass enamel inset eyes, painted lashes and feathered brows, closed mouth with accented lips, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, carton torso, wire upper arms and legs, bisque forearms, and paper mache lower legs, is standing behind a cart with three metal spoked wheels which supports a French woven hotte basket laden generously with silk fruits and flowers that the lad is offering for sale; the doll is attached to the cart by a metal rod into his body. When wound, the young man walks briskly along, pushing his cart, his head turning side to side. Condition: generally



excellent. Comments: Gustav Vichy, circa 1870. Value Points: delightful mechanical doll functions well, and is all original with superb original elaborate silk costume, cap, and basket of goodies. $4000/6000

59. French Musical Automaton “Seated Lady with Guitar” by Vichy 13” (33 cm.) Seated upon a velvet-covered base with wooden ball feet is a bisque head lady with swivel neck on bisque shoulder plate, blue glass eyes with spiral threading, dark eyeliner, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, carton torso and legs in seated pose, wire upper arms, bisque forearms. Condition: generally excellent, little chip on left earlobe, music and mechanism function well. Marks: 2 (head). Comments: Vichy, circa 1882, when wound, the lady turns her head side to side, and moves her right arm up and down as though strumming the guitar. Value Points: beautiful vignette, the lady with original silk costume, and original wooden guitar; having paper tune label on underside listing two tunes, “La Princesse des Carraire Mazurka” and “Gilette de Narbonne Valse”; the internationally acclaimed operetta. Gillette de Narbonne, was first presented in 1882. $6000/8500

60. Grand French Bisque Poupée by Gaultier in Silk and Brocade Gown, Size 12 35” (89 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and

feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with shaded lips, pierced ears, blonde hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate, French kid poupĂŠe body with gusset-jointing at elbows, hips and knees, stitched and separated fingers and toes, lovely antique silk and brocade gown, undergarments, lavish bonnet, stockings, and cream kidskin shoes. Condition: generally excellent, some patching to kid at joints. Marks: 12 (head and shoulders) F.G. Comments: Gaultier, circa 1870. Value Points: rare grand exhibition size poupĂŠe with original matched signed head and shoulder plate, original body, lovely pale complexion and painted features. $4500/6500




62. Very Fine French Miniature Sewing Machine, Probably Maitrise Model 9” (23 cm.) h. 7”l. The cast brass framed sewing machine with mahogany table top has brass sewing machine and parts, and brass treadle with die-cut initials GD. With miniature scissors and pearl-handled folding knife. Excellent condition. French, late 19th century, the superb and detailed workmanship indicates their production as salesman’s samples of the human-sized models. $1100/1500

63. Three 19th Century Miniature Sewing Articles 3” (8 cm.) bear. Including cast brass teddy bear with jointed arms and legs, and velvet pincushion on its back; brass birdcage with hidden tape measure; when lever on the base is turned to re-wind the measure, the little bird revolves around and around; and with a miniature scissors and pearlhandled penknife. Excellent condition. Late 19th century. $300/500

64. Fine Cabinetmaker’s Miniature Desk with Elaborate Marquetry 25” (64 cm.) overall h. 12”h. desk. 16” l. desk. Of fine maple woods with cherry and rosewood marquetry designs depicting garlands and floral urns, the furniture features a lower cabinet desk with slant front, opening to a well-fitted interior with further marquetry work, and two lower drawers. The cabinet/desk is topped by a detachable bracketed mirror with further marquetry work. Excellent condition. Late 19th century. $1200/1700

65. French Bisque Bébé Known as Circle Dot Model by Leon Casimir Bru 61. French Bisque Poupée in Fine Original Costume with Accessories from Au Paradis des Enfants 18” (46 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, cobalt blue glass enamel eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with pale accented lips, ears pierced into head, blonde mohair wig in original elaborate braid over cork pate, very firm French kid poupée body with gusset-jointing at elbows, hips and knees, stitched and separated fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Au Paradis des Enfants (stamp on front torso. Comments: the luxury Parisian doll boutique, of Perreau Fils located on Rue de Rivoli was noted for their fine quality of dolls and costuming; the dolls were commissioned from various doll firms and were presented in exclusive costumes and accessories created for that store. Value Points: pristine condition, with beautiful face and complexion, the poupée has near mint body, and is wearing her original black woolen walking suit with attached cape, detachable lace overlay collar, black snood with silk ribbons, undergarments, stockings, leather shoes signed L.I. $3000/4000


21” (53 cm.) Bisque swivel head with very plump cheeks and throat, on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulder blades, deep brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with well-defined space between the outlined lips, defined painted teeth, sculpted pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, very plump kid bébé body with bisque forearms and hands. Condition: generally excellent albeit restored left thumb and pointer finger. Marks: Bte SGDG (forehead) (circle crescent dot symbol on head) 8 (shoulder). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1880, the model known as “circle dot”, this being rare early example with Bte SGDG markings on forehead rim. Value Points: beautiful early Bru bébé with superb definition of sculpting, finest quality of bisque and painting, original body and bisque hands, and wearing lovely antique costume with accessories including beaded purse and enamel-back watch and fob. $9000/14,000








66. All-Original French Bisque Poupée by Leon Casimir Bru with Wooden Articulated Body, and with All-Bisque Taufling Baby

67. Very Fine Cabinetmaker’s Miniature Chest with Marquetry Floral Design

13” (33 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, pale blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, lushly-painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with accented lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig, all-wooden poupée body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles and with ball-swivel waist. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: C (head and shoulders). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, his deposed smiling face poupée, on original deposed wooden articulated body, circa 1872. Value Points: very fine all-original rare smiling doll wearing elaborate silk dress with matching bonnet, undergarments, stockings, leather boots, and with little antique necessaire, and holding an all-bisque mignonette with brown glass eyes, peg-jointed limbs, brunette mohair wig, and wearing all-original white pique taufling ensemble. $5000/7500

20” (51 cm.) The rosewood and mahogany furnishing in the shape of an early desk has gracefully-curved drawers and door front, a faux slantfront desk which actually pulls open as a drawer, eight small drawers and a door at the top and three curved front drawers in the base, with ogee carved crest and apron, and button wooden feet. The cupboard door is enhanced with inlay marquetry depicting a flower in pot, and there are bronzed drawer pulls and ornamentation. The drawers are each lined with original decorative papers. At the back, behind the crest, is a secret drawer. Excellent condition. Late 19th century. $3000/4500

68. French Bisque Smiling Poupée with Rare Articulated Wooden Body by Leon Casimir Bru 16” (41 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass spiral-threaded eyes with darker blue outer iris rims, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with slightly-upturned lip corners in an enigmatic smiling


expression, accented lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, original wooden articulated body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles, and with ball swivel waist, scalloped-edge kid collarette. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: E (head and shoulder). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, both the head and the body models were deposed by him, circa 1872, sometimes known as the Empress Eugenie model. Value Points: especially beautiful face with fine bisque and painting, original wig and snood, body and body finish, and wearing (frail) original costume, undergarments, leather ankle bootlets. $3500/5500

69. Beautiful French Bisque “Bébé Modele” by Leon Casimir Bru with Wooden Articulated Body 18” (46 cm.) Bisque socket head with plump cheeks and chin, brown glass paperweight inset eyes with spiral threading, very rich dark eyeliner, mauve blushed eye shadow, dark painted curly lashes, feathered brows, shaded nostrils, accented eye corners, closed mouth with very full outlined lips, pierced ears, soft lambswool wig over cork pate, allwooden body with shapely derriere, dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles, defined carving of fingers and toes, a pretty silk costume is included. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Bru Jne 6 (head) 30-34 (back of wooden torso). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, his distinctive Bébé Modele, inspired by his earlier deposed poupée wooden body, was made from 1879 to 1883 only and in extremely limited numbers as extant examples indicate. Value Points: the very rare Bébé Modele with wonderfully-articulated original-finish wooden body has beautiful bisque and painting, well-defined features such as impressed chin dimples and brow furrows. $15,000/18,000


two-strap heeled shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1885. Value Points: beautiful gentle expression on the all original mignonette, with original long blonde braids, and wearing silk folklore costume with embroidered apron, bonnet, and undergarments. $800/1100

71. All-Original French All-Bisque Mignonette with Silk Costume and Blue Painted Boots 7” (18 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, pegjointed slender bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and blue ankle boots. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1885. Value Points: beautiful gentle expression on the all original mignonette, with original hip-length blonde braids, and wearing silk folklore costume with velvet laced vest, coiffe and undergarments. $800/1100

72. 19th Century French Poupée Accessories


70. All-Original French All-Bisque Mignonette with Silk Folklore Costume 6” (15 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on kidedged bisque torso, brown glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, peg-jointed slender bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and black

4” (10 cm.) Including green leather covered traveling valise with red silk interior, pearl trim, brass pin closure, containing four bone-handled toiletry articles, circa 1885; green leather covered domed case with two silk covered panels on the inside to which are attached a collection of small gold and ormulu jewelries including lorgnette and enamel-back watch on fob and chain, circa 1885. And with an early 1800s bellows-shaped purse with urnshaped wooden panel sides having two hand-painted scenes. Excellent condition. French, 19th century. $700/900

73. Fine European Metal and Brass Parlor Stove with 1904 Medallion 19” (48 cm.) including chimney. Of unusual design the heavy metal stove has circular base for capturing ashes, with scalloped edge brass door, bulbous-shaped center and angled-side upper section with brass door for insertion of fuel, and with one upper brass hot plate for warming the teapot. There are brass side racks for warming mittens or towels, a copper chimney, brass claw feet, and a brass plate with incised numbers “1904”. Excellent condition, and of such intricate and realistic construction to indicate that the miniature parlor stove was created as a salesman’s sample. Circa 1904. $1100/1500

74. French Bisque Poupée by Gaultier with Original Wooden Articulated Body and Original Costume



18” (46 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass inset eyes with darker blue outer rims, dark eyeliner, painted lashes and arched brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with pale outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French wooden poupée body with gracefully-shaped slender torso, dowel-jointing at shoulders, pin-hinged jointing at elbows, hips and knees, separately-sculpted fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 4 (head) F.G. 4 (shoulders). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1875. Value Points: lovely bisque and expression, rare original wooden body, and wearing original green silk folklore costume with black velvet trim, matching velvet bonnet with rosebuds, undergarments, leather shoes with silk rosettes. $4000/5500







76. Rare Tiny German Bisque “Mein Liebling”, 117 Model, by Kammer and Reinhardt 8” (19 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, one-stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with solemn expression, brunette mohair wig with braids, composition and wooden ball-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K*R S&H 117/A 19. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, their model marketed as Mein Liebling (my sweetheart). Value Points: rare size of the soughtafter model, with fine bisque, original body and body finish, original wig and costume. $1100/1500

77. German Lithographed Tin Candy Dispenser “Victoria”

75. German Lithographed Tin Carousel with Original Miniature Bisque Dolls 17” (43 cm.) The pressed tin toy three-seat carousel is surmounted by a tin roof with colorful lithographed scenes and a flag stand with two waving flags; above a center lattice pedestal with revolving wheel hidden below, and having three metal swings, each with its attached 5” bisque doll with painted features and original costumes. When the hidden wheel is manually turned, the swings revolve merrily about. Generally excellent, slight wear on tin finish. Circa 1900. $1200/1700


12” (30 cm.) The lithographed tin dispenser has scenes of an old woman peeking out her upstairs window, another woman feeding chickens, and dancing frolicking children. There are glass front windows and the lithographed label “Stollwerck”, “Victoria” and “Spar-Automat”. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Circa 1890, the Stollwerck’s tin dispenser was a miniature version of the actual human-size store candy dispensers of the German chocolate firm of Stollwerck; this miniature version was designed as a take-home candy container, aimed at teaching children thrifty habits. It came filled with candy and in order to have a candy, children were required to place a coin in the roof slot. Value Points: great state of preservation with vibrant original colors on the very imaginative color scenes. $500/700

78. German Tin Doll Carriage with Maker’s Mark 8” (20 cm.) The tinplate doll carriage with original dark green painted finish decorated with pale green scrolling, beaded edging, yellow painted interior, four metal spoked wheels, metal handle with wooden carved hand grip, double seated interior, folding sunshade with original (frail) silk cover. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (CH intertwined letters within shield mark, raised design). Comments: Germany, circa 1900. Value Points: rare model with fine original finish, with German all-bisque baby with jointed arms and legs. $600/900

79. 78.

79. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll with Rare Stockings and SquareCut Teeth 8 ½” (22 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kidedged bisque torso, brown glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, two square cut upper teeth and one lower, mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted rust-brown ribbed stockings and black two-strap shoes with little bows, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: rarity factors of the beautiful doll include square cut teeth, stocking color, and fine larger size. $800/1200

80. Pair, All-Original French Bisque Googly Dolls, 245, by SFBJ in Brittany Costumes 8” (20 cm.) Each has bisque socket head with very plump cheeks, blue glass googly side-glancing eyes, painted long curly upper lashes, pug nose, closed mouth with modeled teeth, mohair wig, fivepiece paper mache body with painted grey socks and brown shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: SFBJ 245 Paris 0. Comments: SFBJ, circa 1915. Value Points: the impish pair with brilliant blue googly eyes are all-original, each wearing its well-detailed elaborate folklore costume of Brittany. $3000/4500



81. Gorgeous French Bisque Bébé A.T. by Thuillier in Original Ivory Silk Costume

82. Petite French Mechanical Singing Bird in a Cage Attributed to Bontems

22” (56 cm.) Bisque socket head, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners and shaded nostrils, closed mouth with very full outlined lips, impressed dimples at lip corners and philtrum, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: A 11 T. Comments: Andre Florent Thuillier, circa 1884. Value Points: very beautiful bébé with serene expression achieved by delicate complexion and artistically-painted features, original body and body finish, and wearing (frail) original ivory silk dress with matching bonnet, undergarments including original chemise, socks, ivory kidskin shoes with impressed greyhound symbol, and wooden handled parasol with carved bird head grip. $25,000/32,000

11” (28 cm.) A beautifully detailed bird cage with sculpted detail and gold leaf finish on the base, and gilded brass cage rods (including spiral rods at the corners), brass ball finial and carrying ring, and interior perch upon which is resting a feathered bird. When wound on the underside, and lever released, the bird turns side to side, flits tail feathers, and merrily chirps a bird song. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1875, attributed to Bontems. Value Points: appealing petite size with luxury details of construction, well-functioning movements and bird song. $1800/2500

83. Maitrise Miniature Three-Drawer Cabinet with Marble Top 13” (33 cm.) Of fine mahogany with rosewood inlays and pencil striping, the curved front cabinet has cabriole legs, with gilded claw feet and mounts, brass pulls, gilt ormolu trim, and agate marbled top. Excellent condition. Late 19th century, fine quality of craftsmanship on the fine maitrise model, perfectly sized for display with dolls. $600/900





mohair wig over cork pate, molded hollow (“blown”) leather body in classic bébé proportions with dowel jointing at shoulders, elbows, side hips and side knees, well-defined fingers and toes, impressed knuckles. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Pierre-Victor Clement, who deposed the body for his hollow-leather body poupée in 1867; the body for this bébé model is constructed in the same method as the poupée body only having childlike proportions rather than the taller and more slender lady body. Clement, a shoemaker by original trade, conceived the idea of creating a “blown out” or hollow leather doll body, created in a manner similar to shoe production. Circa 1875. Value Points: extremely rare, only one other model of this bébé is known to exist. Condition: superb original condition with perfectly-preserved unique body, beautiful expression and bisque, lovely antique costume including cream cashmere dress with lace trim, undergarments, woven stockings, cream kidskin shoes with silk rosettes, woven bonnet with silk lining, and carrying a woven basket with attached silk flowers and ferns. $20,000/27,000

85. Fine German Tinplate Doll Carriage by Maerklin and German AllBisque Doll


12” (30 cm.) l. carriage. The tinplate carriage has rose and cream painted exterior with gold stenciled trim, rose painted interior, gold edging and decorative crest at the front, double spoked painted wheels, metal scrolled handle with wooden hand grip, folding sunshade. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Maerklin, Germany, circa 1890. Value Points: well-preserved original finish on the larger carriage; along with 6” all-bisque doll with bright blue eyes, swivel head, open mouth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed arms and legs, painted blue stockings and black onestrap shoes, wearing nice antique costume. $2000/2500

86. French Mechanical Bulldog with Glass Eyes by Roullet & Decamps

84. Extremely Rare French Bisque Bébé by Pierre-Victor Clement with Deposed Hollow Leather Body 17” (43 cm.) Pressed bisque socket head with very distinctive portrait-like expression, very high domed forehead, plump cheeks and chin, blue glass spiral-threaded eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve-blushed eye shadow, cheek and chin blush, aquilineshaped nose with defined pointy tip, shaded nostrils, closed mouth, outlined lips, impressed dimples at lip corners, pierced ears, blonde


7” (18 cm.) Firmsided toy bulldog with kid-leather stretched over paper mache form has metal wheels hidden in feet, amber glass eyes, black nose, ears, and having original leather harness and name plate, with leather leash held in its mouth. A clockwork mechanism hidden inside the torso, when wound, should cause the dog to move along. Condition: very good, age darkening of finish, key missing so unknown if working. Comments: Roullet et Decamps, circa 1900. Value Points: wonderful presence and great display size with original accessories. $600/900





88. Splendid and Extremely Rare French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru with Rare Painted Teeth and Rare Body Label

87. Petite Brown-Eyed French Bisque Bébé Brevete, Size 5/0, by Leon Casimir Bru 12” (30 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with beautifully shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, kid bébé body with gusset-jointing at elbows, hips and knees, bisque forearms. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 5/0. Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, his premiere bébé, circa 1878. Value Points: rare petite size with lovely bisque and painting, original sturdy body, perfect bisque hands, and wearing fine antique white pique gown with soutache embroidery, undergarments, leather shoes signed L.D. and carrying miniature bisque doll in ivory silk gown. $12,000/16,000


24” (61 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, very plump cheeks and throat, sculpted bosom and shoulder blades, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, painted eyeliner, painted lashes, brushstroked brows with fringed detail, rose-blushed eye shadow, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined shaded lips, defined space between the lips with painted row of teeth, pierced ears, blonde human hair wig over cork pate, French kid bébé body with scallopededge collarette, plump torso, gussetjointing at hips and knees, bisque forearms and hands. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (circle/dot symbol at back of head) Bte SGDG (forehead) Exposant pour la premier fois en 1878 Medaille d’argent (original paper label on torso). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1878, the early model bébé was advertised in 1879 as “bébé en peau” (referring to the kid body, of which Bru was extremely proud) and his advertising of that year noted that the doll had first been displayed at the Paris International Exposition of 1878 where it had won a silver medal; that same promotion is what is repeated on this bébé body label. Value Points: very rare earliest presentation of this bébé with rare body label, fine and very sturdy body and perfect bisque hands, superb bisque and modeling with finest painting including delicate blush on eyelids, earlobes, cheeks and chin, and with very rare painted teeth, wearing fine antique silk dress, undergarments, woven bourrelet cap and leather shoes. $17,000/23,000


90. A Trio of Very Fine 19th Century Baby Rattles 5 ½” (14 cm.) - 6 ½”. Each is of very fine ornamental silver, including butterfly figural with two dangling bells and mother-of-pearl handle; sun-shaped form with beading edge and inscribed flowers (slight dent) with four silver bells and carved bone handle; and richly embossed flame-shaped rattle with two bells and bone handle. Excellent condition except as noted. Mid-1800s. $900/1400

91. A Trio of 19th Century “Coral and Bells” Baby Rattles 4” (10 cm.) -5”. Each is silver with elaborate detailing, one with three seated cherubs in arched niches, each holding a bell; another with eight dangling bells, and a third with cherub heads on an urn-shaped frame. Two of the rattles have coral handles and one a pearl-shaped ring, each with whistle. Generally excellent. Mid-1800s. $900/1300

92. French Bisque Bébé Bru Jne with Splendid Eyes and Signed Bru Shoes

89. Fine 19th Century Miniature Painting “Little Girl with Doll” by Seibert, 1862 2 ½” (6 cm.) h. painting. 6” x 5” frame. An oval miniature painting depicts a young girl with blonde ringlet curls tied with red ribbon, wearing a ruffled white dress, and holding a little doll wearing a rose gown in her arms. The painting is presented in a gilt frame which is centered in a velvet-covered outer frame signed on the backside with Paris shop. The painting is signed Seibert, 1862. Excellent condition. Exquisite detail of painting especially of expressive features on young girl. $1100/1500




16” (41 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kidedged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulder blades, cornflower blue glass paperweight inset eyes with darker blue iris rims, thick dark eyeliner, painted dark curly eyelashes, brush-stroked brows with feathered detail, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined tiny tongue tip, shaded and outlined lips, dimpled chin, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, French slender kid bébé body with scalloped-edge collarette, kidover-wooden upper arms, bisque lower arms with well-sculpted bisque fingers, kid over Chevrot metal hinged hips, wooden lower legs. Condition: generally excellent, faint firing line on left thumb. Marks: Bru Jne 5 (head and shoulders) Bébé Bru Bte SGDG (original paper label on torso). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1884. Value Points: splendid eyes highlight the lovely bisque, complexion, and painting of features, original sturdy body, and wearing early brocade and silk costume, bi-color woven bonnet, undergarments, socks, and leather shoes signed “Bru Jne Paris 5”. Included is a blue silk costume in which the bébé was photographed in Precious Dolls. $16,000/21,000






93. Gorgeous Grand-Size French Bisque Block Letter Bébé, Size 15, by Gaultier

94. Early French Bisque Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier with Eight-Loose-Ball-Jointed Body

34” (86 cm.) Bisque socket head with very full cheeks, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with very full shaded and outlined lips, heart-shaped upper lip, dimpled chin, pierced ears, brunette hand-tied human hair wig, cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F. 15 G. Comments: Gaultier, circa 1885. Value Points: rare grand size of the beautiful brown-eyed bébé, finest quality of painting, original body, wearing lovely green silk and velvet dress, undergarments, stockings, shoes, bonnet. $7000/9500

21” (53 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, heart-shaped upper lip, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eightloose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists, antique school girl costume and leather shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F. 9 G. (block letters). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1880. Value Points: beautiful bébé with dramatic brown eyes that vividly complement the pale complexion, original early body and body finish. $4000/5500

95. 19th Century French Woven Cart and Horse Toy 49” (124 cm.) overall. The woven cart with upholstered seat and spoked wheels has cast iron rods which attach to the sides of the hide-covered horse with glass eyes and elaborate harness and fittings. Excellent condition. French, circa 1880. $1200/1600


96. French Musical Automaton “Mexicain Joueur de Mandeline� by Roullet et Decamps in Original Costume 29� (74 cm.) Standing upon a red velvetcovered platform is a handsome man representing a Mexican troubadour or mariachi performer, with rich browncomplexioned leather-covered paper-mache head, brown glass eyes, articulated leather eyelids, painted features, open mouth with painted double row of teeth, black fleecy hair, carton torso and legs, and paper-mache hands, wearing original silk fitted shirt and pants with rich metallic decoration and lace cuffs and bow, silk shawl, rose silk tie, and gilt metallic fringed brown sombrero, and carrying a uniquely-shaped seven-string Africanstyle double-necked mandolin. Condition: generally excellent, original facial painting, original costume (albeit with some frailty). Comments: Roullet & Decamps, circa 1890. When wound, he moves his head in a circular side-to-side motion as well as nodding, blinks his eyes, and strums the mandolin in a realistic manner while moving his lips as though crooning along to the music; two tunes play. The rare model appeared in the Roullet & Decamps catalog as model #190, and was surely designed to appeal to the fashionable international clientele traveling to the 1889 Paris International Exposition. It was offered in two sizes, this the larger luxury model. Value Points: among the rarest of the Vichy golden age luxury automaton, with superb detail of costuming, original complexion. $12,000/16,000





98. Very Rare Petite German Bisque Doll with Articulated Wooden Body and Original Costume 8 ½” (22 cm.) Solid domed bisque shoulder head with unusual yellow painted pate under original blonde mohair wig, painted facial features, blue painted eyes with upper eyeliner and painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with center accented lips, stretched-kid-over-wooden body, shapely waist, dowel-jointing at shoulders, hips and knees, bisque forearms and hands. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1865. Value Points: the rare dreamy-eyed model with beautiful expression has original rare articulated wooden body and bisque hands, and is wearing her original mauve silk gown, undergarments, leather slippers. $1800/2500

97. French Bisque Poupée with All-Wooden Articulated Deposed Body by Leon Casimir Bru 15” (38 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, dark upper eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with center accent line, ears pierced into head, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, original wooden poupée body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles, and with swivel ball waist. Condition: generally excellent, old repaint on wood of lower arms and hands. Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1867, with his distinctively-modeled deposed wooden body of that year. Value Points: fine quality of bisque and painting, wooden articulated body, beautiful early mauve gown with black velvet ribbons, undergarments, stockings, black kidskin slippers. $3500/4500


99. German All-Bisque Doll by Kestner Known as “French Wrestler” 8 ½” (22 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass inset eyes, delicately-painted eyeliner and lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth with outlined lips, two square cut upper teeth and one lower, pierced ears, original blonde mohair wig over plaster pate, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs in very muscular defined sculpting, modeled bent left elbow, painted ribbed stockings and blue upper rims, black five-strap ankle boots



with little heels. Condition: generally excellent, professional retouch to both hands is virtually imperceptible. Marks: 102 0. Comments: Kestner, circa 1880. Value Points: distinctive model with beautiful face, highly-sculpted body detail including blushed accents and plump dimpled knees, original early silk dress. $800/1100

100. Very Rare French Bisque Poupée with Unique Body by Radiquet and Cordonnier 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with voluptuously-modeled bosom, blue glass enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered arched brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, mohair wig, very-firmly stuffed kid torso, upper arms and legs, bisque forearms with expressivelyposed fingers, bisque lower legs, sculpted heeled shoes with aqua applied kid cover. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 3. Comments: Radiquet & Cordonnier, who deposed the model as “poupée-statuette” in 1880, with the notion of creating a fashionable mannequin for the presentation of theatrical costumes, which thus, according to The Encyclopedia of French Dolls by Theimer, “fused the world of the doll and the world of art”. The model was created for a few years only. Value Points: very rare doll with superbly modeled statuesque body, beautiful face, fine antique silk costume. $8000/12,000



hen, in 2010, the Hanne Büktas Collection of fine antique dollhouses and miniaturia was presented by Theriault’s in the memorable auction, Echoes of Remembered Rooms, the collector kept privately in her Vienna, Austria home ten of her most cherished rooms. Over several decades of researching and careful collecting, she had furnished these rooms with extraordinary miniature pieces and the rarest of dollhouse people. These ten rooms range from a fine early Maerklin grocery store to two Viennese rooms (one attributed to Hans Makart), to extraordinary rooms from the Biedermeier and Victorian era. At the collector’s request, the rooms are being sold intact, each with an extraordinary bounty of rare miniaturia, ephemera, and doll people.


101. Early German Richly Furnished Dollhouse Rooms of the Biedermeier Era 40” (102 cm.) l. x 18”h. 18”d. The two-room Biedermeier era dollhouse has original wall and floor coverings, three full-length windows at the back wall with draperies and gilt ormolu valences, and a paneled door between the rooms. The salon features rare larger-scale Boulle furnishings including a piano with printed musical design on the inside hinged key lid, as well as very rare bead-covered parlor stove, glass dome with floral arrangement, tin jardiniere with wooden potted plants, beaded carpet, collection of tiny-sized bone furnishing, elaborate chandelier, beaded cradle, and various wall hangings. The smaller library room is furnished with more larger Boulle furnishings and the exterior wall is lined with book shelves which contain 34 miniature leather bound books with printed pages and images, 5 miniature leather bound albums with early tintypes, painted metal chair by Evans and

Cartwright, leather valise lettered “New York�, a trio of Viennese bronze pug dogs, rare porcelain miniatures, many framed images, beaded carpet, ceramic fireplace, chandelier, and handpainted metal figures of emperor with two period ladies. The rooms are inhabited by nine Grodnertal wooden dolls, two early paper mache dolls, and three bisque dolls with sculpted hair, in additional to several tiny doll’s dolls. The rooms and their furnishings and dolls are truly remarkable. Germany, circa 1850. $6500/9500

101 details


102. All-Original Pair, German Bisque Lady and Gentleman with Sculpted Hair and Glass Eyes in Brittany Costumes 9” (23 cm.) Each has bisque shoulder head with sculpted short blonde hair waved across her forehead, brilliant cobalt blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, feathered brows, muslin body, bisque lower limbs. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1870. Value Points: very beautiful and all-original pair wearing elaborate Brittany costumes, the woman with especially fine detailed coiffe. $1600/2300

103. Outstanding Mid-19th Century Miniature Store with Housewares, Toys, Dolls and Notions 20” (51 cm.) l. x 16”h. x 11”d. The wooden-framed store with three-glass sides and roof, and with wooden back and floor fitted with shelving, cabinets, and a room-length long counter on original wall and floor papers is lavishly filled to over-flowing with exceptional miniature objects including a pair of early paper mache dolls with sculpted bonnets and original costumes, wooden Grodnertal dolls, miniature porcelain figurines, carved bone toys and accessories, painted miniature wooden dishes, books, sewing basket with notions, squeak toy kitten, glass dome arrangement, candies, miniature room and more. An early paper mache lady with black sculpted hair, painted features, kid body, wooden limbs and antique costume stands in attendance behind the counter. Excellent condition. Germany, mid19th century. $4000/6000




104. Outstanding Early Victorian Room With Notable Wall Coverings and Furnishings 44� (112 cm.) The three-walled grand salon is papered with original gilt relief hardboard wainscoating, and 18th century patterned silk up to the ceiling, finished with ornate gilt stucco ceiling molding. The room is furnished with exceptional Biedermeier furnishings including two corners cabinets, and a spectacular period chandelier centers the arrangement. There is a fireplace with gilded mantel and fireplace screen, and three carpets. The salon is accessorized with Erhard & Sohne gilt ormolu objects, 15 miniature porcelain figures, Viennese bronze miniature toys, two tabletop lamps in rare designs, a spectacular relief wall decoration in carved bone, glass domed arrangement, birdcage, hooded early cradle with porcelain baby, and very fine wall paintings or images. Residing in the house are four wax doll children in original costumes (one with two tiny dolls), and two bisque ladies with sculpted hair and antique costumes. Excellent condition. Circa 1860. $9000/13,000


105. Outstanding Viennese Furnished Dollhouse Room of the Art Nouveau Era 22” (56 cm.) l. x 23”h. x 16”d. The five-sided open-front dollhouse room with distinctive original wall and ceiling decorations, including the design of the crown at the room exterior, the unusual color combinations of mauve, grey, red, gold and green on the walls, and the designs of birds along with fantasy plant leaves on the ceiling are all indicative of the decorative elements inspired by Koloman Moser, one of the main members of the Vienna Secession Movement of the Art Nouveau era. Notable among the furnishings are the beaded carpet, the bust of Emperor Franz Joseph, the feather Christmas tree decoration with “traganth”, the Erhard & Sohne gilt silver coffee service, and the very rare Art Nouveau table lamp with shade and “Japanese” design vase with flowers. Occupying the room are three dollhouse dolls including moustached General in uniform. Excellent condition. Austria, Art Nouveau era, c. 1890, inspired by the designs of Koloman Moser. $5500/8500


105 detail

106. Viennese Dollhouse Room Attributed to Hans Makart with Rare Furnishings 24� (61 cm.) l. x 20�h. x 15�d. The uniquely-shaped arch-covered room with curved ceilings has indigo and white exterior trim with gold accents, and original wall and floor papers. The salon is furnished with fine upholstered seating pieces with green textured velvet original covers, which blend with the silvered tea table, Boulle secretarire, and exceptionally ornamental silvered fireplace with cherubic pillars. Ornamenting the furnishings are a beaded chandelier, numerous wall hangings, tea service pair of gilded urns, porcelain busts of a young girl and young boy, hand-woven carpet, pure silver candleholder, and a wonderful mantel pair of silvered figures of kittens seated on chairs. Inhabiting the room are seven occupants including the bride and groom (he with exceptional detail of modeled beard). Excellent condition. Viennese, attributed to Hans Makart, circa 1880s. $6000/8500 106 detail

106 detail


107 details

107. Very Rare Late 1880s German Grocery Store by Maerklin with Exceptional Furnishings 28” (71 cm.) l. x 20”h. x 23”l. The ebony-finished wooden store with original wall and floor papers is accented with gilt pencil stripes, and features 22 drawers against the back wall, flanked by arched niches and centered by a wide shelved display. On one side is the cashier’s office which is separated from the room by hand-colored metal walls and on the alternate side is a large glass-front display window which opens to the


exterior (on the exterior there is matching cabinetry to the interior walls along with gilt lettered sign). There is a matching curved counter with drawers. The cashier’s office is furnished with a rare double-sided clerk’s desk, hand press for printing, and two safe boxes (one labeled “cassa”). The store has original wooden barrels, a multitude of boxes and glass and metal jars, weighing scales with complete assortment of weights. There is a silver trophy, mirror, candlesticks, cake-laden dishes, beaded carpet, and a fine silver-plated birdcage on a matching bird stand. A lady with sculpted

hair and original folklore costume stands behind the counter. Excellent condition. Germany, Maerklin, circa 1880. $7500/9500

108. European Miniature Presentation Castle 7� (18 cm.) x 7� x 7�. Preserved under its original glass sided display cabinet is an elaborate architectural traganth model with elaborate moat. The design includes Renaissance style living quarters which are attached to an elaborately-constructed cathedral, all surrounded by a fence and resting atop of faux-stone pediment. Late 19th century. $900/1300



109. Petite French Bisque Poupée with Superb Original Costume

110. German Wooden Dollhouse Rooms with Rare Furnishings

9” (23 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, dark eyeliner, delicately-feathered brows, closed mouth, ears pierced into head, blonde mohair wig, shapely carton torso, wire upper arms and legs, bisque hands, paper mache lower legs with applied stockings and mauve silk shoes with gilt paper banding. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1865. Value Points: rare model with especially pretty face, wearing beautiful original ice blue silk gown, lace trimmed apron, ribbon-trimmed coiffe, and carrying basket of silk flowers. $1800/2800

33” (84 cm.) l. x 16”h. x 15”. The wooden-framed open front two-room dollhouse has three windows at the back wall and a paneled door between the rooms, with original wall and floor papers, wooden valances and curtains. The salon is furnished generously with Boulle furnishings including a rare secretaire, and upholstered pieces with gilt-paper edged blue covers, ceramic grey parlor stove (identical to a life-size one in the Emperor’s palace in Vienna). Accessories by Erhard and Sohne include chandelier, green and gilt table, bird cage, and great oil lamp; and other accessories include miniature porcelain dogs, bust of child, immensely rare two person tea service with

beautiful hand painted landscape, carpets, and framed wall images and paintings including baby painting on bone. The bedroom features furnishings by Rock and Graner including piano with “snake� legs, handwoven carpet, miniature iron toys, metal flowers, gilt metal chair, wall hangings, and chandelier. There are two bisque dolls. Excellent condition. Germany, circa 1890. $6500/8500

110 details


111. 19th Century Porcelain Decorative Objects 7” (18 cm.) Comprising a thick porcelain figural depicting two young girls seated near their mama’s dressing table, arranging flowers in their hair; the figural separates to reveal two porcelain inkwells. Along with two English porcelain trinket boxes (3”l.) each designed as a toilette table with mirror and various attached accessories. Excellent condition. Mid-1800s. $600/900

112. Early Dollhouse Salon with Rare Furnishings and Accessories 26” (66 cm.) l. x 22”h. x 17”d. The three-sided room with open front, slanted ceiling, and arched front frame decorated with gilt papers has period wallpaper and floor papers and is furnished with rare Biedermeier furnishings including an exceptional chest with carved-bone pillars and knobs and a very rare flower etagere with complete set of flower pots. Accessories include carved bone nude statue on bone-edged pedestal base, Erhard & Sohne gilt ormolu cage with parrot, unusual gilt inkwell with attached scale, bone clock, glass beaded chandelier, toy baby carriage being pulled by porcelain pug, revolving tabletop gilt ormolu frames with lithographs, hand-woven carpet, wall-hanging tapestries with metallic thread embroidery and various wall images. A porcelain lady and a bisque lady, each with sculpted hair, are in attendance as is an all-bisque doll with original elaborate costume. Excellent condition. Mid-1800s. $5500/8500

112 details




113. Richly-Furnished Victorian Mansion with Rare Ephemera and Decorative Accessories 50� (127 cm.) l. x 40�h. x 20�d. The wooden house with opening front panels to access the six interior rooms and foyers has painted finish with defined details of stone and brickwork, mansard roof and double chimneys. The interior walls and floors have original papers and finish, and there is unusual painted detail on two ceilings. The middle foyer features a winding staircase which leads to the second floor, and is furnished with an early mid-18th century chair, green ceramic stove with utensils, ballspenden screen with raised design, umbrella stand, hat rack, carpet, chandelier, and bust with stand. The dining room furnishings are mid-1800s and highlighted by very rare Rock & Graner piano with snake formed feet and early Rock and Graner chairs with metal feet and lacquered paper mache bodies. There is a fireplace with fitted metal screen, very fine miniature silver piece, handmade and beaded carpet, wall hanging and tablecloth, chandelier, barometer, and various wall prints and images. In the kitchen are wooden furnishings and a fine set of wooden tools, tin pie safe, and two wax ladies with swivel heads. The bedroom is furnished with rare Rock and Graner and Boulle furnishings including rare recamier, piano and floor mirror, along with numerous wall hangings, beaded carpets, and porcelain miniature pieces. The tea room is richly filled with assembled early furniture including a spinning wheel, and accented with decorative hanging beaded lamps, a bust of Queen Victoria, dishes, poodle, silver toys and numerous framed wall images. Overall excellent. Mid to late 1800s. $14,000/19,000


114. German Pressed Tin Parlor Stove by Maerklin 7 ½” (19 cm.) The large pressed tin parlor stove is accented by three brass bands and two brass screens, one being a hinged door, with cutwork grill around the upper rim and brown lid. Generally excellent. Germany, Maerklin, circa 1900. $500/700

115. German All-Bisque Blue Stocking Doll, 886, by Simon and Halbig 7” (18 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, four porcelain teeth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms

and legs, painted blue knee-high stockings, black one-strap heeled shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 886. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: pretty brown-eyed blue stocking girl wears original lace dress with matching wide-brimmed bonnet. $800/1100

116. French Miniature Folding Dollhouse Room with Furnishings and Candy Container Dolls 12” (30 cm.) l. 6” h. 4” dolls. The heavy cardstock three-sided room has two windows at the back wall with original wooden valances and silk and lace curtains, gold-stamped wall paper with pressed gold paper edging, original gilt framed mirror, and furnished with fireplace, and an ensemble of soft-metal filigree furnishings with blue silk upholstery, comprising, corner cabinet, chaise lounge, unusual three-seater, two chairs, doll bed and parlor stove. Along with four bisque shoulder head dolls with painted features, and having decorated crepe paper costumes whose skirt disguise the hollow lower body “candy containers”. Generally excellent. original box with base of room is not included. Circa 1890. $800/1200

117. Fine Silver-Framed TriFold Mirror and German Bisque Miniature Doll 6 ½” (17 cm.) screen. 5” doll. The silver-framed three-part mirror has center panel with beveled mirror, silk backings, and two panels with handpainted romantic scenes of gentlemen and ladies. Along with a miniature doll with bisque head, brown glass sleep eyes, painted lashes and brows,


slightly-parted lips, four tiny teeth, blonde mohair wig, paper mache body with jointed arms and legs, painted black socks and brown twostrap shoes, pretty antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: circa 1900. Value Points: beautiful detail of luxury miniature screen and fine original condition of doll including waist-length mohair wig. $900/1300

118. Outstanding 19th Century Toy Shop Crammed with Rare Miniature Toys and Delights 17” (43 cm.) l. by 11”h. x 9”d. The early toy shop with original painting, shelves, counters and display cabinet contains hundreds of early toys and miniatures, including basket of tiny dolls, carved bone tops and balls, horses, parlor games, bird cage, jewelery, sewing machine, jump ropes, miniature doll furniture, cabinet of tiny shells, wooden dishes, doll shoes, fans and opera glasses, and much more. The shop is tended by two bisque dollhouse people with sculpted hair and original costumes. Excellent condition. Germany, circa 1885. $5500/9500


120. German Bisque Lady with Sculpted Hair by Simon and Halbig, with Furnishings 8 ½” (22 cm.) Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulder plate, sculpted brown hair with rolled curl at the nape, sculpted brown hair ribbon, painted blue eyes, thick black eyeliner, painted lashes and brows accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, muslin stitch-jointed body, bisque lower arms and legs, painted stockings and brown ankle boots, wearing lovely original gown. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, Simon and Halbig, circa 1874. Value Points: rare model with serene expression, included is an ormolu-framed chair and stool, each with embroidered or hand-painted detail, the stool with handpainted courtly scene. $1200/1500

119. French Bisque Poupée with Superb Embroidered Silk Costume and Bisque Arms 14” (36 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, delicately-painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with center accent line, ears pierced into head, white/blonde original mohair wig, kid poupée body with gusset-jointing, kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque lower arms with separately-sculpted fingers. Condition: generally excellent, one finger restored. Comments: French, Eugene Barrois, circa 1860. Value Points: beautiful bisque dramatized by brilliant blue eyes, very sturdy original body with bisque hands, wearing fine silk gown with woven and embroidered designs, and with leather ankle boots, chatelaine with purse, and bone-handled parasol. $2500/3200


121. French Folding Dollhouse Room with Rich Gilt Furnishings 20” (51 cm.) l. x 11”h. x 12”. Of heavy stock, the room is composed of three folding walls designed to fit flat into the “floor” box base, or unfold to form a room; the walls are covered with luxurious gilt papers on indigo blue walls and decorated with applique images in gilt paper frames; and the room is furnished with a collection of heavy gilded metal and brass furnishings with velvet covers, brass fireplace beneath a country altar, velvet carpet and wooden easel with elaborate plaque. Excellent condition. Late 1800s. $2500/3500

122. Pair, German All-Bisque Miniature Bride and Groom, with Decorative Screen 5” (13 cm.) doll. 8”h. screen. Each of the dolls is all-bisque with swivel head, cobalt blue glass enamel eyes, painted features, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted shoes and socks (the girl with peach ankle boots). Condition: generally excellent, Comments: French, circa 1880. Value Points: the mignonettes are wearing antique wedding costumes, and are posed alongside brass-framed screen with hand-painted porcelain panel. $1100/1600


123. German Bisque Doll by Simon and Halbig with Rare Twill-Covered Body 11” (28 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, cobalt blue glass enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accented lips, unpierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, stretched-twill over wooden articulated body, dowel jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, bisque lower arms. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1875. Value Points: very beautiful face on the rare-bodied doll with perfect bisque hands that are exquisitely-sculpted, antique costume and bonnet. $1800/2600

124. French Miniature Grocery Store with Supplies 18” (46 cm.) h. x 17”h. x 8”d. A wooden store front with architectural details has original green paint with gilt accents and marble-like painted base. The interior is fitted with four labeled drawers, shelves and counters, and the store is elaborately fitted with miniature food cans, sacks, tin penny toy telephone, and other store materials. Very good condition. French, circa 1900. $1100/1500



125. German Furnished Dollhouse Rooms with Rare Dolls and Accessories of the Biedermeier Era 31” (79 cm.) l. x 10”h x 15”d. The open-front dollhouse rooms, made in the late Biedermeier era, and with original wall and floor papers have three glass windows at the rear and an opening double door between the rooms. The house is richly-filled, curtained and carpeted. Notable objects in the smaller room include the house altar in the back corner, the glass bead chandelier which matches the glass bead dress on china doll, and wooden cradle. The larger room is furnished with a superb early Biedemeier parlor set including a fine center table with image design on the top; along with a firescreen with printed linen cover, rare wall images including decoupage shadowbox with “Glaube Liebe Hoffnung” (faith, love, hope) message; gilded paper tray with cordial set, wax vignette under glass dome, and various opera glasses, albums, folios and painted tin velocipede on which is posed an all-bisque doll with original costume and a tiny porcelain baby with glass bottle. There are eight dolls in the rooms, plus smaller doll’s dolls, notably a rare and fine lady with sculpted grey bonnet. Excellent condition. Germany, circa 1865. $3500/5500

125 details


body, and wearing fine blue silk and velvet costume with undergarments, woven bonnet, wooden-handled parasol, leather boots, and silk purse. $3500/5000



128. Gorgeous French Bisque Bébé in Grand Size 13, by Leon Casimir Bru with Perfect Bisque Hands

126. Very Beautiful French Bisque Portrait Poupée with Dehors Neck Articulation 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, with additional head movements including tilting head side-to-side and leaning forward, blue glass inset eyes with darker blue outer irises, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented eye corners, and nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, kid body with shapely torso, gusset-jointing at hips and knees, kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque arms to above the elbows, bisque hands with separately-sculpted fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 4. Comments: French, circa 1867, the doll has rare original neck articulation deposed by Dehors in that year, allowing for realistic movements of the head. Value Points: portrait like modeling of face enhanced by finest bisque and painting, near mint original deluxe body with bisque lower arms, and wearing lovely antique costume of blue silk, with blouse, undergarments, accessories and leather boots. $4000/6500

34” (86 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with defined bosom and shoulderblades, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted curly dark lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, brushstroked and multi-feathered brows with sculpting detail, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined tongue tip between the shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate, slender kid bébé body with Chevrot-hinged hips, wooden lower legs, kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque forearms with separatelysculpted hands, antique dress, undergarments, bonnet, stockings, and shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (original paper label on front torso). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1885. Value Points: gorgeous and grand-sized bébé with finest quality of bisque, sculpting and painting, with very fine details such as impressed chin dimple and philtrum, perfect bisque hands with fine detail of knuckles and nails. $22,000/28,000

127. French Bisque Poupée by Emile Jumeau with FinelyAppointed Antique Costume 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, large blue/grey enamel inset eyes with darker blue outer rims, dark eyeliner, dark painted lashes and feathered brows, accented nostrils and accent line between the lips, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, kid poupée body with shapely waist, gusset-jointing at elbows, hips and knees, stitched and separated fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 4. Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1877, the wide-eyed poupée model evolved into the premiere bébé model by Jumeau. Value Points: very beautiful poupée with near mint





129. Fine Ensemble of Miniature Hand-Painted Furnishings 10” (25 cm.) l. of bed. 8”h. armoire. Of pinewood with painted moss-green finish decorated with gold scrolls and garlands and red flowers, and with painted tin fretwork trim, comprising bed with original mattress and bed cover, armoire with mirrored door, toilette table with bracketed mirror, night stand, and three chairs. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1890, the furniture is sized for display with 6”-8” dolls. Value Points: rare furnishings with fine original finish. $1100/1500

130. Two German Bisque Miniature Black-Stocking Dolls 5” (13 cm.) One has bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, black glass sleep eyes, brunette mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs. And other with bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, open mouth, four teeth, blonde mohair wig, composition torso and legs, peg-jointed bisque arms. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1910. Value Points: each doll is all-original, with painted black stockings, and wearing pretty original silk dresses. $700/900


131. Petite French Bisque Premiere Bébé Jumeau in Rare Size 2/0 9 ½” (24 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight eyes with spiral threading in hand-cut eye sockets, dark upper eyeliner, delicately painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils of tiny nose, closed mouth with pale accented lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 2/0 (head). Comments: Emile Jumeau, his earliest bébé, circa 1877. Value Points: rare tiny bébé with dear gentle expression, original Jumeau dress, undergarments, leather shoes. $4500/6500

132. French Sac du Voyage for Poupée 4” (10 cm.) The firm-bottomed valise with faux leather cover and paper lining, has an upper sack of transfer-printed fabric, metal clasp, spiral rope handle. Generally excellent. French, circa 1870, a rare accessory for poupées. $800/1300

133. French Gilt Wooden Salon Chair with Tufted Silk Seat 11” (28 cm.) The carved chair in faux-bamboo styling has fancy spindles, arms, and curved front, original rich gilt painted finish, and blue silk upholstered seat with deep tufting. Excellent condition. French, circa 1885. $500/800

134. Very Rare Earliest Period French Bisque Portrait Bébé, 3/0, by Emile Jumeau with So-Called “Wrap-Around” Eyes 13” (33 cm.) Pressed bisque socket head with very pale bisque, very large wide blue glass paperweight inset eyes with spiral threading, dark eyeliner,

delicately-painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with primly-set pale and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde lambswool wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-balljointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent, little chip at right pierced ear lobe hole, original body with some minor wear. Marks: 3/0. Comments: Emile Jumeau, his premiere bébé, circa 1877. Value Points: stunningly beautiful petite and very rare bébé with dramatic eyes contrasting the delicate complexion, original wig, body, body finish, antique green woolen and blue velvet dress, undergarments, leather shoes. $6500/8500


135. French Bisque BÊbÊ in the Huret Manner by Mystery Maker 18� (46 cm.) Bisque socket head with very plump cheeks and bulbousshaped throat, almond-shaped brown glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, early composition fully-jointed body with straight wrists, with original chemise dress and bonnet. Condition: generally excellent, original body finish, body may not be original. Comments: French, mystery maker, circa 1875. Value Points: very fine modeling including rounded petite nose, impressed dimples at lip corners and chin, original body finish. $6000/9000



136. Rare French Bisque WoodenBodied Poupée “Lily” from Madame Lavalle-Peronne 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kidedged bisque shoulder plate, pale blue glass enamel eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth, accented lips, ears pierced into head, original blonde mohair wig over cork pate, kid-over wooden poupée body with shapely torso, dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and knees, and with bisque lower arms and cupped hands with defined nails and knuckles, wooden lower legs, Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 4 (head) A La Poupée de Nuremberg...Lavallee-Peronne Paris...(original paper label). Comments: the poupée was presented in the doll boutique “A La Poupée de Nuremberg” owned by Madame Lavalle-Peronne, described in La Poupée Modele as a “dollmaker of exquisite taste”; she presented her poupée as “Lily”, defining the doll as her signature work. Value Points: beautiful portrait like model with rare to find boutique label, superb condition of body with perfect bisque hands, fine antique frock, undergarments, kidskin slippers, corset, bone handled parasol, and coronet of silk flowers. $7500/9500




137. Grand French Bisque Bébé Steiner, Figure B, by Jules Steiner with Beautiful Costume and Original Body 39” (99 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, mauve blushed eye shadow, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, slightly-parted lips, two rows of tiny teeth, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over Steiner pate, French composition fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Figure B No 8 J. Steiner Bte SGDG Paris (head) Le Petit Parisien Bébé Steiner. Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1884. Value Points: grand size of the rare model, original body and body finish, lovely bisque. $9000/14,000

138. Gentle-Featured French Bisque Bébé, Series C, by Jules Steiner 16” (41 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes with spiral


threading, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose-blushed eye shadow, brushstroked and fringed brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and accented lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig, French composition fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent.Marks: Sie C 1. Comments: Jules Steiner, Series C, circa 1885. Value Points: the gentle-featured bébé has finest bisque and painting with beautiful blushing, original body and body finish, original antique costume. $3500/4500

139. Fine French Bisque Bébé By Leon Casimir Bru with Original Signed Shoes 15” (38 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with sculpted bosom and shoulder blades, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose-blushed eyeshadow, brush-stroked and




feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with slightly downcast expression, shaded and accented lips modeled as though slightly parted and row of painted teeth, pierced ears, blonde lambswool wig over cork pate, kid bébé body with scalloped-edge collarette, gusset-jointing at hips and knees, bisque lower arms and hands with separately-sculpted fingers. Condition: generally excellent, one thumb restored. Marks: (circle dot symbol on head) Bébé Brevete SGDG... (label on body). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1880. Value Points: finest painting of facial features on the deeply-sculpted features, delicate blushing on chin, eyelids and cheeks, original wig, very sturdy original body, original (a bit frail) silk dress, undergarments, bonnet, woven socks, and leather shoes with silver buckles and marked with script “B” in oval. $13,000/16,000

140. French All-Bisque Mignonette in Original Gown and Bonnet 5” (13 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, cobalt blue glass eyes, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and blue ankle boots. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 1. Comments: French, circa 1885. Value Points: the wideeyed little doll wearing original elaborate batiste gown with layers of lace and matching petticoat. $500/700


141. 19th Century English Oil Painting “Young Girl with Doll” by Kate Grey 23” (58 cm.) x 21” framed. (14”x 11” painting). Portraying a young girl seated on a high back chair, having short curly hair peeking from beneath her ruffled cap, and with green shawl wrapped around her shoulders. She clasps her favorite doll in rose gown in her arms. Excellent condition. Signed by the British artist Kate Grey, circa 1875. The artist whose genre was woman and children in homey settings is displayed in museums throughout Britain including Oxford Brookes University and Lancaster City Museum, and exhibited seven paintings at the Royal Society of British Artists $2500/3500

142. French Bisque Bébé by Schmitt et Fils with Well-Modeled Pear-Shaped Face 14” (36 cm.) Bisque socket head with pear-shaped modeling, very full cheeks, almond-shaped blue glass inset eyes with spiral threading, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve blushed eye shadow, feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the shaded and outlined lips, dimpled chin, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, composition and wooden eight loose-ball-jointed body with flat-cut derriere, straight wrists. Condition: bisque excellent, body is original albeit overall craquelure. Marks: Sch (in shield on base and derriere) 0 (head). Comments: Schmitt et Fils, circa 1882. Value Points: beautiful face with deep modeling and finely-painted features, wearing lovely (frail) antique silk costume and bonnet. $7000/9500

143. Tiny German Bisque Closed Mouth Doll, Model 949, by Simon and Halbig 7” (18 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, brunette mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed body, nicely costumed. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: S&H 949. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: rare tiniest size of the sought-after model, with unexpectedly-fine quality of sculpting, choice bisque. $700/900


144. Very Rare Large German All-Bisque Doll with Beautiful Costume and Fancily-Painted Blue Shoes 11” (28 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with very full lips, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed long slender bisque arms and legs, painted ribbed stockings and blue two-strap heeled shoes with blue bows. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: very rare large size of the all-bisque, with beautiful painting and bisque, fancy shoes, and wearing original dress, undergarments, ruffled lace collar. $2200/2800

145. All-Original French Bisque Poupée with Cobalt Blue Eyes and Folklore Costume 15” (38 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, very pale complexion, cobalt blue glass eyes, painted lashes, lightly-feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with pale accented lips, ears pierced into head, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French kid poupée body with shapely torso, gusset-jointing at elbows, hips and knees, stitched and separated fingers. Condition: generally excellent, body especially sturdy. Comments: French, circa 1860, Barrois. Value Points: beautiful poupée with finest quality of bisque, original wig, original very fine body, and wearing well-detailed folklore costume including coiffure, jewelry, and bonehandled parasol. $3000/4000


147. French Paper Mache Clown with Amusingly Painted Face and Original Costume 18” (46 cm.) Paper mache socket head, blue glass inset eyes, painted white clown complexion with three painted bees and bugs, and red clown accents, open mouth, row of teeth, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1890. Value Points: fine original finish with delightfully-imaginative painting, and wearing original magenta and ivory silk costume with embroidered details. $1200/1800


148. A Trio of German Mechanical Monkeys by Schuco


4 ½” (11 cm.) Each is tin with mechanism enclosed within torso, having tin mask face with painted features encircled by mohair “fur”, the bodies with attached bright felt costumes, and each with large tin feet; one is holding a blue mug, one a tumbling animal, and the third a violin and bow. When wound, they pivot about while either drinking, strumming the violin or flipping the little animal. Condition: generally excellent, functions well. Marks: Schuco (keys). Comments: Schuco, Germany, circa 1930s. Value Points: the amusing toys are preserved with vibrant original costumes. $700/900

149. Wonderful French Bisque Googly, 245, by SFBJ with Original Toddler Body 13” (33 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep and side-glancing googly eyes, long painted curly upper lashes, brush-stroked brows, rounded nose with accented nostrils, closed mouth with beaming smile, sculpted teeth, incised dimples at lip corners, brunette mohair wig, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with side-hip jointing, pretty antique dress, bonnet, undergarments, shoes and socks. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: SFBJ245 Paris 4. Comments: SFBJ, circa 1915. Value Points: rare model with wonderful expression, rosy complexion with luminous dewy patina accentuates the deeply modeled laughter finishes. $5000/7500

146. Delightful French Pull-Toy “Polichinelle Riding an Exotic Bird” with Bisque Doll by Gaultier 21” (53 cm.) h. 11”l. Arranged upon a wooden wheeled base is a paper mache bird with very fancily-painted feathers and glass eyes, upon which is seated a bisque-headed doll with blue glass enamel eyes, painted features, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, carton torso with classic chest and back humps, wooden hands, paper mache legs with painted shoes, and wearing a silk ivory and coral Polichinelle costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F.G. (mark). Comments: French, circa 1890, the maker of the imaginative pull-toy series remains a mystery; when pulled along, Polichinelle turns his head side to side and waves his baton up and down. Value Points: rare toy in fine all-original condition with delightful presentation and imaginative movements. $3500/5500



149. 150.

150. Early Painted Tin Mechanical “Polichinelle” Toy 9” (17 cm.) Painted tin Polichinelle with colorful yellow and red tin bell-tipped cap, hook nose and chin, painted features with wide smiling expression, tin torso, painted stockings and blue shoes, and wearing original costume. When wound, he leans to and fro, waving his baton. Condition: very good, mechanism functions spottily. Comments: circa 1900. Value Points: rare early toy with original painting and delightful theme. $500/800

151. All-Original French Musical Automaton “Crying Child with Broken Polichinelle” by Leopold Lambert 20” (51 cm.) Standing upon a velvet-covered wooden base is a bisque-headed doll with dramatized crying features, very narrow blue glass eyes, dark eyeliner, brush-stroked brows, long painted lashes, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth modeled as though open in crying expression, shaded lips, row of painted teeth, sculpted tongue, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, carton torso and legs, wire upper arms, bisque forearms. The doll is holding a bisque doll head with blue glass eyes and original silk Polichinelle hat in her right hand while her left hand holds its dangling body and hankie. Condition: generally excellent, mechanism and music function well. Marks: 211 (head) L.B. (key), original paper tune label with LB insignia. Comments: Leopold Lambert, circa 1892, with art character bisque head especially commissioned from Emile Jumeau; when wound, the doll sequentially turns her head, lifts the “broken” doll parts up and down, and then lifts her hankie as though to wipe away her tears. Value Points: luxury presentation of the wonderful doll-themed automaton, with (somewhat frail) original costume on both doll and Polichinelle, original paper tune label, especially melodious tune, and rare original “tear” on face. $11,000/14,000


152. German Bisque Googly, 221, by Kestner with Toddler Body 14” (36 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass side-glancing googly eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly upper lashes, angled brows with ochre shading, button-shaped nose with accented nostrils, closed mouth with watermelon-slice-shaped smile, brunette mohair wig over plaster pate, composition and wooden ball-jointed toddler body with side-hip jointing. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: G made in Germany 11 JDK 221 Ges Gesch. Comments: Kestner, circa 1912. Value Points: fine gleaming patina of complexion accentuates the impish expression, original body and body finish, antique costume. $4500/6500

153. Rare German Bisque Googly, 131, by Kammer and Reinhardt with Toddler Body 15” (38 cm.) Bisque socket head, inset blue glass side-glancing googly eyes, dark eyeliner, brush-stroked and feathered brows, rounded nose with accented nostrils, closed mouth with impish smile, deeply-impressed dimples at lip corners, brunette mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed toddler body with side-hip jointing. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K*R Simon & Halbig 131. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, circa 1915. Value Points: enchanting impish expression on the wide-eyed googly, original body and body finish, wearing antique costume and shoes. $5500/7500


154. A Trio of German All-Bisque Figurines by Hertwig 3 ½” (9 cm.) Each is all bisque with sculpted hair and painted side-glancing eyes, impish smile, including type with sculpted flocked great-coat and hat, brown belt and shoes, with attached basket (tiny flake); a similar model but without cap and side basket and a pair of googlies, glancing at each other, with sculpted flocked caps, jointed outer arms, and attached to a bisque basket. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Hertwig, circa 1915. Value Points: amusing urchins with well-modeled details. $300/500

155. Rare German All-Bisque Kewpie with Baby and Baby Bottle 3 ½” (9 cm.) One-piece all-bisque Kewpie with topknot, forelock curl, side curls, blue wings, painted side-glancing googly eyes, impish smile, is holding a large baby bottle in his right hand and clasps a little baby Kewpie at his side. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Kewpie Germany (red paper shield on chest). Comments: Kewpie, Germany, circa 1915. Value Points: very rare novelty Kewpie with amusing over-sized bottle for the tiny baby Kewpie, original paper label. $4000/5000


156. German All-Bisque Kewpie Fireman with Fire Helmet 4 ½” (11 cm.) Onepiece bisque head, torso and legs, loopjointed arms with starfish-modeled hands, sculpted black fireman’s helmet from station 206, painted black sideglancing googly eyes, curly upper lashes, dot brows, closed mouth, blue wings. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Kewpie Germany (shield on chest). Comments: from original designs by Rose O’Neill, Germany, circa 1915. Value Points: the rare model has well-modeled helmet and original paper label. $1800/2500

157. Rare German Bisque Vignette “Kewpie on Bench with Doodledog” 3 ¼” (8 cm.) One-piece allbisque figurine depicting a seated Kewpie feeding a baby bottle to delighted side-glancing Doodledog, both Kewpie and Doodledog with blue wings, and each with side-glancing googly eyes gazing at each other, Doodledog with generous freckles. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: c (in circle). Comments: Germany, circa

1915, from original Rose O’Neill designs. Value Points: very rare delightful scene with fine detail of design. $2800/3500

158. German Bisque Glass-Eyed Kewpie with Composition Body by Kestner 10” (25 cm.) Solid domed bisque socket head with blonde sculpted topknot, forelock curl, and side curls, large brown glass side-glancing googly eyes, dark eyeliner with short curly lashes, dash brows, rounded nose, closed mouth with thin smiling lips, impressed dimples at corners of lips, composition toddler body with chubby torso, jointing at shoulders and hips, starfish-shaped hands. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: ges gesch JDK O’Neill 10. Comments: Kewpie, designed by Rose O’Neill, rare glass-eyed model by Kestner, circa 1910. Value Points: wonderful expression on the impish Kewpie, with classic features including fine detail of blonde glazed topknot and forelock, original body and body finish. $3800/4800


160. Italian Felt Character “Pan” by Lenci, Early Version with Mohair Legs 8 ½” (22 cm.) Felt swivel head with highlycharacterized pressed and painted features, brown painted eyes, painted curly upper lashes, wide grinning expression with row of beaded teeth, orange felt cap with knotted edging and floral coronet, felt horns, jointed arms and legs, mohair “fur” on upper legs, felt brown lower legs and wooden hooves. Condition: generally excellent, some jacket fading. Comments: Lenci, the model “Pan”, #297, appearing in the 1929 catalog, representing half man/ half goat mythological figure. Value Points: rare figure with original fantasy costume, and accessories. The actual figure appears in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 161. $1000/1500

161. Very Rare Italian BlackComplexioned Felt Clown by Lenci

159. All-Original Beautiful French Cloth Doll by La Nicette in Original Box 21” (53 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted complexion and facial features, narrow blue side-glancing eyes, grey eyeshadow, painted curly lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, blushed cheeks, blonde hair in long ringlet curls, cloth body, jointing at shoulders and hips, celluloid hands. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, La Nicette, early 1930s. Value Points: in pristine condition, with flawless complexion and painting, the doll wears original organdy dress with eight tiers of ruffles, undergarments, socks, and shoes, and is preserved in original box. The doll appeared on the cover of Antique Doll Collector, Jan/Feb 1999. $1100/1600


13” (33 cm.) Black felt swivel head, oil-painted facial features, googly-shaped blue painted side-glancing eyes, tiny nose with accented nostrils, heart-shaped lips, black fleecy hair, felt body with stitch-attached clown costume in orange, teal blue and cream felt, orange felt shoes with upturned toes trimmed in blue felt tassels, teal blue cap. Condition: good, few moth holes in costume. Comments: Lenci, early 1920s. Value Points: very rare early model with well-preserved colors and characterization. $800/1100

162. Ensemble, Seven French Cloth Dolls as Jazz Band by Larrea of Biarritz 11” (28 cm.) Each has black sateen pressed face with painted facial features, large “O” shaped brown eyes in down or side-glancing expression, closed mouth with wide beaming smile and painted teeth, or “O” shaped to accommodate to trumpet, firmly-shaped torso, wrapped wire armature arms and legs for posing, black curly yarn hair. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Creations Larrea Biarritz Made in France (cloth label on each). Comments: French, 1950s, the septet portrays a lively jazz band. Value Points: vibrant presentation with red felt and satin jackets, included are five original musical instruments. $500/800

162 detail

163. Rare Early Italian Felt Doll, Series 111, by Lenci in Original Unusual Box 12” (30 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, large brown side-glancing eyes, grey eye shadow, painted side lashes, dot brows, tiny closed mouth, brunette mohair fleecy-curled wig, jointed at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, 1922. Value Points: remarkable state of preservation for this early model, wearing original red felt romper suit with matching shoes, white felt applique trim, and with original unusual blue/grey print box with label “Lenci, Made in Italy, N 111”. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Doll by Nancy Lazenby, page 54. $800/1100



series 164/B, the doll is known as “Anili” after Madame Lenci’s baby daughter, shown in early Lenci catalog, circa 1923. Value Points: very rare early doll wearing original pink felt baby dress and Dutch style cap decorated with colorful felt appliques, pink slippers, organdy slip and panties. Included is portion of original early Lenci box. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 139. $2000/3000

166. Especially Beautiful Italian Felt Boudoir Lady, Style 15, by Lenci 20” (51 cm.) Felt swivel head with slender heart-shaped face and elongated throat, painted facial features, heavy-modeled eyelids, blue painted eyes with decorative glaze, white eyedots, arched brows, painted upper lashes, accented nostrils, closed mouth with full lips, blushed cheeks, blonde mohair wig with soft curls, decorative felt roses in hair, elongated slender body and limbs with jointing at shoulders and hips, feet posed for high heels. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, style 15, 1933. Value Points: an especially beautiful doll with exquisite painting and modeling, superb state of preservation including original pink organdy ruffled gown with felt applique roses, organdy petticoat, pantalets, pink felt slippers. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls by Nancy Lazenby, page 62. $1500/2100

167. Italian Felt Boudoir Doll by Lenci in Very Rare Petite Size 15” (38 cm.) Felt swivel head with perfectly oval face and elongated throat, heavy-modeled eyelids, narrow painted blue eyes, dark eyeshadow, arched brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig with ringlet curls, slender elongated torso and limbs, feet posed for high heels. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, circa 1933. Value Points: in very rare size, the sensuous lady wears original organdy gown with ruffled trim, and felt applique roses, felt bonnet, roses in hair, ruffled organdy petticoats, pantalets, and pink felt shoes, pearls. $1500/2000


164. Very Rare Italian Felt Child Doll, Series 149, by Lenci with Original Important Box 16” (41 cm.) Felt swivel head with elongated oval face, pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, grey eyeshadow, brown fringed brows, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accented lips, brunette mohair wig with long ringlet curls, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: excellent. Comments: Lenci, series 149, model 3, the doll was marketed as “Emma” in the 1926 catalog, yet appears in her original box labeled 110/53; Lazenby discusses this anomaly in her book, Lenci, The History and the Doll, in which the doll is shown on page 106. Value Points: in superblypreserved condition, the doll has wonderful expression and wig with stitch-attached curls, and wears original pale green organdy dress with green felt edging, and felt applique flowers, organdy petticoat and ruffled pants, socks, green felt shoes. $1100/1500

165. Early and Very Rare Italian Felt Character Baby, Series 164/B, “Anili” by Lenci 16” (41 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and oil-painted facial features, large brown side-glancing eyes, white eyedots, grey eyeshadow, curvy brows, rounded nose with accent dots, plump cheeks, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, felt baby body with jointed arms and legs in bent baby pose. Condition: generally excellent with slight fading on felt costume, few spots on arms. Comments: Lenci,






168. Italian Felt Miniature Doll, Rare Series XX, by Lenci 6 ½” (17 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, pale blue side-glancing eyes, fringed upper lashes, arched brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig in ringlet curls, stitch-jointed arms, felt legs modeled with slight bend at the knees. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (Produzione Originale label). Comments: Lenci, the distinctive XX model was made for one year only, 1931. Value Points: the wide-eyed doll wears original multi-tiered ruffled organdy dress with organdy petticoat and panties, felt shoes, green felt bonnet with pink felt lining and pink plume. $600/900


169. Beautiful Italian Felt Child Doll, Series 110, by Lenci in Dainty Organdy Dress and Bonnet 19” (48 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, grey lower eye shadow, fringed curly upper lashes, fringed brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accented lower lips, blonde mohair wig with long ringlet curls, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (cloth label and Produzione Originale paper label). Comments: Lenci, series 110, model 72, circa 1929. Value Points: an especially expressive doll whose solemn mood is softened by her impeccable original organdy dress in pale blue/cream and rose colors, with felt rose at her waist, organdy bonnet with petalshaped brim and felt rose applique, linen onesie, organdy petticoat, panties, socks, and blue felt shoes. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 83. $1400/1900

170. Italian Felt Girl, Series 1500, in Organdy Pajamas with Felt Appliques by Lenci 17” (43 cm.) Felt swivel head with very plump cheeks and chin, narrow brown painted eyes, grey eye shadow, feathered brows, rounded nose with accented nostrils, closed mouth with accent dots on lower lip, blonde mohair wig with forelock curl and fluffy curls, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent, candlestick handle missing. Marks: Lenci (signature on both feet). Comments: Italiy, Lenci, model J from their series

1500, 1930. Value Points: especially wonderful grumpy expression on plump features, beautiful hair and original organdy pajamas with felt appliques, and carrying wooden candle stick. The actual doll is shown in Lenci, The History and the Dolls by Nancy Lazenby, page 93. $1200/1700

171. Gorgeous Italian Felt Doll, Series 300, in Rare Costume and with Original Box, by Lenci



17� (43 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, painted upper and side lashes, fringed brows, pronounced grey eye shadow, closed mouth with accent dots on lower lips, blonde mohair wig with soft curls, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci E 79 (label on box). Comments: Lenci, from the 300s series, 1931. Value Points: preserved in her original labeled box, with Italian boutique label, the doll wears rare costume of peach/pink organdy with petal-shaped scallops, and with a border of intricate felt flower and black ribbon appliques, matching petticoat and pantalets, white pleated shawl collar, pink felt shoes, and wide-brimmed yellow felt bonnet with black velvet ribbons. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls by Nancy Lazenby, page 92. $2500/3500

172. Italian Felt Doll, Series 149, in Original Organdy Dress, by Lenci



16� (41 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, grey eyeshadow, fringed curly upper lashes, closed mouth with accented bottom lip, brunette mohair bobbed wig, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci 149/23 (paper label). Comments: Lenci, Italy, from the 1929 series. Value Points: the wistfulfaced child wears pink organdy dress with ruffled hem and applique felt posies, organdy pantalets, original onesie, socks, and blue felt shoes, with blue felt-brimmed organdy bonnet with felt daisy at the ruffled cap-back. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 104. $900/1300




173. Italian Felt Character, Series 450, by Lenci 12” (30 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and oil-painted features, brown side-glancing eyes, painted curly upper lashes, brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, short blonde mohair bobbed wig, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: very good, two small moth holes on costume. Comments: Lenci, series 111, model Q, late 1920s. Value Points: the little tyke wears original diamond-pieced felt romper suit, socks, green felt shoes, felt brimmed cap. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 111. $600/900

174. Italian Felt Miniature Doll with Rare Floppy Legs by Lenci



8” (20 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, large blue painted googly-like eyes, thick curly lashes, brows, “O” shaped mouth, black scalloped-edge “hair”, cloth body with floppy stitch-jointed legs and arms. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (cloth and paper labels). Comments: Lenci, late 1930s. Value Points: rare model with floppy legs in well-preserved condition, wearing original teal blue felt coat and matching cap over blue cotton plaid dress, felt ankle boots. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Doll, by Nancy Lazenby, page 132. $300/500

175. Italian Felt Boudoir Lady Doll, Series 165, by Lenci 25” (64 cm.) Felt swivel head with oval-shaped lady face and elongated throat, pressed and painted facial features, blue side-glancing eyes, brown upper eyeshadow, lushlypainted lashes, high brows, accented nostrils, heart-shaped lips, long mohair wig in long ringlet curls, felt arms, cloth elongated legs with stitch-jointing at hips and knees, high heel posed feet. Condition: very good, face is excellent, felt jacket and bonnet are faded and one small moth hole at back of jacket. Comments: Lenci, series 165, with so-called “Gish” face modeling, early 1930s. Value Points: beautiful and well-preserved facial painting, original costume comprising organdy skirt with tiered ruffes, hooped petticoat, pantalets, stockings, blue felt heels, blue felt fitted jacket and widebrimmed bonnet, felt flower corsage and felt flowers in bonnet. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 59. $800/1100

176. Rare and Early Italian Felt Advertising Novelty by Lenci 5” (13 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, side-glancing blue googly-shaped eyes, closed mouth, attached felt Dutch cap, firmly-stuffed upper torso, stitch-jointed arms, hollow skirt designed for use as egg cover. Condition: very good/excellent. Marks: Lenci (original cloth tag). Comments: Lenci, circa 1927. Value Points: the early novelty has original felt costume including very ornate apron with stamped label “Ye Olde Tyme Comfort Shoes” advertising slogan, and is preserved in original (frail) box. $300/500

177. Beautiful Italian Felt Boudoir Lady Doll, Series 165, by Lenci in Extravagant Costume


24” (61 cm.) Felt swivel head with oval face and elongated throat, pressed and oilpainted facial features, large blue painted eyes, grey eyeshadow, painted curly lashes, high arched brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with heart-shaped upper lip, blonde mohair wig with formed ringlet curls, slender torso, stitch-jointed elongated arms and legs, feet posed for high heels. Condition: generally excellent, facial painting and coiffure near perfect, few small repairs in gown. Marks: Lenci (cloth tag in dress). Comments: Lenci, series 165 with distinctive face known as “Gish” model, circa 1930s. Value Points: the beautiful doll wears her original organdy gown with green and blue banding and applique felt roses, fancy feathered bonnet, undergarments, blue felt shoes. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, The History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 63. $900/1300



in their catalog of that era as model 303, identified as “Cuisiniere”, made in this one size only. When wound, music plays and the girl turns her head from side to side and plucks the iron grill she holds in her arms, as though the grill was a violin. Value Points: all original and well-functioning with lovely music, the girl wears original silk and velvet “scullery maid” costume and coiffe, as she dreams of a life outside the drudgery of her own. $5500/7500

179. Two All-Bisque Mignonettes with Original Costumes, with Framed Prints 4 ½” (11 cm.) Each is all-bisque with swivel head on kid torso, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and black or blue shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: for the French market, circa 1895. Value Points: the little dolls wear their original costumes, including the lad as Marquis with tri-corn hat; included are four colorful lithographs of romantic childhood scenes with gilt ormolu frames. $1200/1500

180. Beautiful French Bisque Bébé Triste by Emile Jumeau with Original Early Body and Signed Jumeau Shoes

178. All-Original French Musical Automaton “Cuisiniere” by Roullet et Decamps 16” (41 cm.) Standing upon a velvet-covered base is a bisque-headed girl with blue glass paperweight insets eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth, shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, carton torso and legs, wire upper arms, bisque forearms. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG 2. Comments: Roullet et Decamps, circa 1890, the automaton appeared


25” (64 cm.) Bisque socket head with elongated face and full cheeks, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the shaded and outlined lips, heart-shaped upper lip, separately-applied pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists, lovely antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 12 (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1882, from the original sculpted model by Parisian artist Carrier-Belleuse. Value Points: finest quality of bisque and sculpting with soft complexion, elongated original wig, and early original eight-loose-ball-jointed body with original finish, signed Jumeau shoes. $11,000/16,000







181. Very Beautiful French Bisque Bébé by Schmitt et Fils, Size 2

182. French Gilt Wooden Salon Chair with Tufted Silk Seat

17” (43 cm.) Bisque socket head with very round plump face and pale complexion, blue glass inset eyes with spiral threading and darker blue iris rims, thick dark eyeliner, painted short curly lashes, feathered arched brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with pertly-shaped outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over original plaster pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with flatcut derriere and straight wrists, pretty antique costume, undergarments, leather boots. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Bte SGDG 2 (head) SCH (in shield, on bottom of derriere). Comments: Schmitt et Fils, circa 1882. Value Points: beautiful bébé whose pale complexion pleasingly contrasts with her plump facial shape, finest bisque and painting, original signed body and body finish, rare original pate. $8500/12,000

11” (28 cm.) The carved chair in faux-bamboo styling has fancy spindles, arms, and curved front, original rich gilt painted finish, and blue silk upholstered seat with deep tufting. Excellent condition. French, circa 1885. $500/800

183. French Mechanical Keywind Toy Dog by Roullet et Decamps 11” (28 cm.) The firm-sided dachshund dog with kidskin cover has hinged legs with tiny hidden wheels below the feet, amber glass eyes, defined ears, painted black nose and mouth, and with original leather collar with chain. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Roullet et Decamps, circa 1890, when wound, the dog walks perkily forward, turning its head. Value Points: delightful mechanical toy, especially appealing as accessory for doll display. $1100/1500


184. All-Original Early French Mechanical Toy “The Flower Seller” 10” (25 cm.) Standing upon a tinplate base with three soft-metal spoked wheels is a bisque-headed doll with blonde sculpted curls, painted brown eyes, painted upper eyeliner and brows, closed mouth, carton torso and lower legs, wire upper arms and legs, bisque forearms. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, in the manner of Theroude, circa 1860, when wound the lady bustles forward and in circles, moving her head and arms as though peddling flowers from the basket which she holds. Value Points: delightful little toy is all original, wearing ice blue silk gown with lace trim, matching coiffe, and holding little woven basket with silk flowers and ferns. $1700/2100

185. French All-Bisque Mignonette with Bare Feet 5 ½” (14 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque slender torso, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs in elongated slender shape, bare feet. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1882, this model of mignonette was first offered in Parisian department store catalogs of that year, described as “poupées de poche” (pocket dolls). Value Points: beautiful face and fine quality of bisque, bare feet, original muslin undergarments. $800/1200

186. French Bisque Poupée with Original Signed Body by Leontine Rohmer 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head with flat-cut neck socket, with metal pin articulation at the cork, very pale complexion with plump cheeks, brilliant cobalt blue glass inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, unpierced ears, blonde mohair wig, cork pate, softly-stuffed kid body with dowel-jointing at shoulders and kid-over- wooden ball-jointing at knees, bisque arms to above the elbows with separately-sculpted fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (original Rohmer oval stamp on torso). Comments: Leontine Rohmer, circa 1860. Value Points: rich cobalt eyes dramatically contrast the pale complexion with matching hands, maker’s signature, lovely antique costume includes, blue silk gown, blouse, undergarments, coiffe, and fancy heeled boots. $5500/7500


188. German All-Bisque Blue Stocking Mignonette with Silver Carriage and Baby 5” (13 cm.) h. doll, 5”l. carriage. Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, open mouth, two square-cut upper teeth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted thighhigh blue ribbed stockings, black one-strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: beautiful little girl, wearing original lace dress and bonnet, along with a filigree silver doll carriage with workable spoked wheels, containing a tiny all-bisque baby with lace and silk bunting. $1200/1600

189. Petite French Bisque Baby in Lavish Gown by SFBJ, Size 1 7” (18 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, single stroke brows, closed mouth, brunette mohair wig, composition bent limb baby body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: SFBJ Paris 1. Comments: SFBJ, circa 1910. Value Points: petite size 1 bébé wears lavish lace trimmed gown. $400/600

187. Very Fine French Bisque Block-Letter Bébé by Gaultier with Original Gesland Body 28” (71 cm.) Pale bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose-blushed eyeshadow, brush-stroked and multi-feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, impressed chin and philtrum, dimples, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, padded stockinette body over metal armature form allowing infinite articulation, carved wooden lower arms and legs. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F. 11 G (block letters, head and shoulder plate). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1884. Value Points: dramatic eye decoration and very deep paperweight eyes are enhanced by beautiful pale complexion and fine shading of lips, lovely antique costume including cream kidskin boots with impressed figure of doll and “11”. $5500/7500





190. French Bisque Poupée by Gaultier with Fully-Articulated Wooden Body

191. French Bisque Poupée by Gaultier with Original Signed Gesland Body

15” (38 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with accented lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, all-wooden fully-articulated body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and knees, and with swivel waist. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 2 (head and shoulders) F.G. (shoulders). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1875. Value Points: fine quality of bisque and painting, rare fully-articulated wooden body, wearing fine antique costume, cape, bonnet, feathered muff, undergarments, stockings, shoes, and carrying a miniature porcelain doll with original costume. $3800/5200

20” (51 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass paperweight inset yes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accented pale bisque, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, padded stockinette over metal armature body which allows infinite posing, shapely torso, bisque lower arms and well-sculpted hands with separated fingers, bisque lower legs with bare feet, wearing antique silk costume, undergarments, black velvet bonnet, beaded purse, leather boots. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 5 (head and shoulders) F.G. (head) (Gesland stamp on body). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1872, with original deposed body by Gesland from early registered design by Pannier. Value Points: lovely lady doll with finely sculpted hands and feet of bisque. $3000/4000




192. French Bisque Bébé E.J., Size 8, in Lovely Antique Costume 19” (48 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, rose-blushed eye shadow, dark brush-stroked brows with decorative glaze, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the shaded and outlined lips, separately-applied pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose E 8 J (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (torso). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1884. Value Points: finest quality of bisque and painting, the brows and lips enhanced with decorative glaze, original body and body finish, beautiful silk costume with metallic flora appliques, lace bonnet, undergarments, fancy leather shoes. $3500/4700

193. Petite Sonneberg Bisque Closed Mouth Doll 10” (25 cm.) Solid domed bisque socket head, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with pale outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig, Sonneberg composition and wooden six-loose-ball jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 137. Comments: Sonneberg, mystery maker, circa 1885, the bébé was designed to emulate the sought-after French bébé and capture its market. Value Points: very dear petite closed mouth doll, wearing lovely antique blue silk dress, undergarments, bonnets, leather shoes. $800/1300


194. Beautiful French Bisque Portrait Bébé by Emile Jumeau with Toy Poupard 22” (56 cm.) Bisque socket head with plump lower face, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve blushed eyeshadow, brush-stroked brows with feathered details, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined shaded lips, separately-applied pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists, pretty antique silk

and lace costume, undergarments, stocks, and leather boots. Condition: generally excellent, original early body and body finish. Marks: 10 (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, the early period luxury bébé known as “portrait”. Value Points: exquisite beauty of the delicately-blushed bébé with impressed dimples at lip corners, chin, and philtrum, finest quality of bisque and painting; the bébé holds a fine beaded bag, and a bone-handled French poupard with bisque head, blue glass eyes, and original silk costume. $6000/8500


197. French Bisque Brown-Eyed Bébé “Mascotte” by May Freres 22” (56 cm.) Bisque socket head, very deep brown glass paperweight inset eyes, lushly-painted lashes, rich rose-blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked brows with enhancing decorative glaze, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with richly-shaded lips, heartshaped upper lip, dimpled blushed chin, pierced ears, brunette wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Mascotte (impressed on back of head). Comments: May Freres, circa 1890. Value Points: beautiful doll with dramatic eyes and facial features, original body and body finish, original silk costume, undergarments, stockings, shoes, and carrying a delightful early paper mache monkey with brown glass eyes, and bellows torso which, when squeezed, causes the monkey to stick his tongue in and out. $3900/4500

198. Wonderful Large Paper Mache Pinocchio with Wooden Body and Original Costume

195. Grand French Bisque Bébé by Jules Steiner, Figure A, with Original Signed Steiner Eyes 38” (97 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes which operate from wire lever at the back of head, painted dark eyeliner, curly eyelashes and brush-stroked brows, with accented eye corners and shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and accented lips, dimpled chin, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over Steiner pate, French composition fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Figure A-8 Steiner Bte SGDG (head) Steiner (eyes) Le Parisien (body). Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1885. Value Points: large doll with fine original finish, wearing pretty antique burgundy woolen costume, woven bonnet, undergarments, socks, and shoes. $9000/13,000

196. French Musical Automaton “Seated Jester with Mandolin” by Vichy 16” (41 cm.) Seated with crossed knees, upon a green velvet-covered base is a paper mache jester with theatrical white complexion dramatized by rich decoration of eyes and lips, brown glass eyes, open mouth, two rows of teeth, brunette mohair wig, slender carton torso and legs, and bisque forearms. Condition: generally excellent, mechanism and music function well. Comments: Vichy, circa 1880, when wound, he turns his head side to side and strums the mandolin, while music plays. Value Points: wearing original costume and with original facial painting, charming movements and music, original unusual paper tune label. $5500/7500


25” (64 cm.) Paper mache socket head with exaggerated sculpting of long pointed nose, large ears and wide beaming smile, painted complexion with clown features, painted brown side-glancing eyes, two rows of teeth, pronounced lips, all-wooden body with articulation at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles, over-sized feet with painted green shoes, antique cotton romper suit. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: circa 1890, maker unknown. Value Points: fine original condition with delightful painting of features, wooden articulated body, and original costume. $800/1200

199. Early Painted Tin Mechanical Cat Drummer 6” (15 cm.) Painted tin figure of tabby cat, posed standing with drum at its front and drumsticks in the paws of his hinged arms, with hinged legs, and having painted red jacket. When wound, the cat vigorously beats the drum. Good condition, some wear to original painted finish, movement functions spottily. Circa 1900. $500/700






201. French Mechanical Pull Toy Carriage with Bisque Doll 7” (18 cm.) A pressed tin threewheeled carriage has wire-framed sunshade with silk cover and silk tufted lining with lace edging, in which is seated a bisque-headed doll with blue glass eyes, closed mouth and painted features, with metal body and arms, wearing original costume. Condition: generally excellent, some frailty of silk. Comments: French, circa 1890, when the carriage is pulled along the little doll claps its hands. Value Points: charming rare little toy with original costume. $1100/1500

202. French Miniature Coin Purse from Paris 1878 Exposition 3” (8 cm.) l. The metal purse with bronze-like finish on the repousse detailing has a silk ribbon center strip and oval medallion with a colorful image of a pavilion with French waving flags below the words “Exposition of 1878”. Excellent condition. French, 1878. $200/300

203. Grand French Bisque Bébé with Gentle Smile, Figure C, by Jules Steiner 200. Lovely French Bisque Poupée by Jumeau with Bisque Hands 16” (41 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth, pale outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, firmly-stuffed kid body with gusset-jointing at hips and knees, kid-over-wooden upper arms with doweljointing at shoulders and elbows, bisque lower arms with sculpted hands. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 4 (head and shoulders). Comments: Pierre-François Jumeau, circa 1870. Value Points: entrancing expression with loveliest bisque and painting, rare body and bisque arms, and wearing antique gown, blouse, black velvet bonnet, undergarments, leather boots signed C.P. and carrying red leather folio. $3000/4000


39” (99 cm.) Bisque socket head with rounded facial shape, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, dimpled chin, blonde mohair wig over original Steiner pate, French composition fully jointed body, fine antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Figure C J. Steiner Bte SGDG Paris. Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1885. Value Points: rare grand size of the elusive model with lovely bisque and personality, original Steiner body and body finish. $8000/10,000


204. Grand Italian Felt Character Girl “Frida” with Red Taffeta Dress and Parasol, by Lenci


23” (58 cm.) Felt swivel head with very plump cheeks on rounded face, pressed and painted facial features, large rounded blue upper glancing eyes, side painted lashes, high arched brows, rounded pug nose, tiny closed mouth, blonde mohair wig with ringlet curls, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (original paper label ink labeled Frida/13), (also original label on box reads “Frida 13”). Comments: Lenci, circa 1945. Value Points: pristine condition of the wonderfullymodeled doll with beautiful blush and facial painting, wearing original crisp red taffeta gown with ruffled organdy sleeves, ruffled organdy bonnet with taffeta streamers and a cascade





206. Italian Felt Gentleman, Model 174, by Lenci

of felt flowers, carrying wooden handled organdy parasol, and with organdy hooped petticoat, pantalets, undergarments, socks, shoes and original box. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 172. $2000/3000

205. Italian Felt Miniature Doll in Vibrant Original Costume by Lenci 9 ½” (24 cm.) Felt swivel head, pressed and painted facial features, blue side-glancing googly eyes, painted features, “O” shaped mouth, blonde mohair curly wig, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (original cloth label). Comments: Lenci, 1930s. Value Points: pristine condition of the beautiful little girl with vibrant red felt bonnet and cape, white mohair muff with felt rose, black and white checkered skirt. $400/500

24” (61 cm.) Felt swivel head with oval face and elongated throat, pressed and oil-painted facial features, blue side-glancing eyes, white eyedots, dark eyeshadow, fringed lashes and high arched brows, closed mouth with accented lower lip, brunette mohair wig, elongated slender torso, jointed arms and legs. Condition: very good, some aged darkening, few tiny moth holes. Marks: Lenci (cloth tag). Comments: Lenci, model 174, circa 1924. Value Points: rare doll with fine original costume, brown fitted jacket, taupe pants, gloves, top hat, tie, shirt, spats, shoes, and carrying original walking stick. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 58. $800/1100

207. Beautiful and All-Original Italian Felt Doll in Red Felt Trimmed Gown by Lenci 19” (48 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, painted blue sideglancing eyes, grey eye shadow, fringed brows and lashes, accented nostrils, closed mouth, brunette mohair wig in soft curls, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (paper label, with ink script BH-55). Comments: Lenci, circa 1945, the classic 300 series face was introduced on a taller body at this time. Value Points: in pristine condition, the doll wears original organdy gown with red felt lattice trim, felt applique roses and leaves, red felt bonnet with feathers and roses, organdy petticoat, hoop and pantalets, socks, and black felt shoes. $1800/2300




209. Italian Felt Miniature Doll, Series 300, known as “Little Annie Rooney” by Lenci 9 ½” (24 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing googly-like eyes, rosy cheeks, painted lashes and brows, “O” shaped mouth, brunette mohair wig with curly forelock, and three braided curled pigtails, jointing at shoulders and arms. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, series 300, model 15, the doll is known as “Little Annie Rooney” by collectors although it was likely not marketed with this name. Value Points: pristine condition of the wide-eyed girl with beautiful facial painting, fabulous coiffure, and vibrant original white felt dress with red lattice appliques, matching apron and pantalets, red felt shoes. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 134. $300/500

210. Pair, 9 ½” Italian Felt Miniature Boy and Girl Carrying Original Wooden Pigs by Lenci 208. Italian Felt Girl in Elaborate Traditional Costume by Lenci, with Original Box 19” (48 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, fringed lashes and brows, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, jointed arms and legs. Condition: generally excellent, restoration to apron taffeta. Marks: Lenci (original parchment label “Breuil” and ink-lettered “Cervinia Valle d’Aosta”) Lenci BH/04 (original paper label on box). Comments: Lenci, model BH/4, 1940s, wearing costume of the Breuil-Cervinia region of Italy. Value Points: beautifully-preserved doll with black felt skirt and coiffe decorated with die-cut flowers, carrying crook with felt flowers, and preserved in original labeled box. $1200/1600



9 ½” (24 cm.) Each has felt swivel head, pressed and oil-painted facial features, jointed arms and legs, the girl with large blue side-glancing eyes, auburn mohair wig, “O”-shaped lips, wearing red felt dress with burgundy dots, organdy petticoat and pantalets with red felt trim, scarf; and boy has large brown sideglancing eyes with curly lashes, arched brows, “O” shaped lips, brunette mohair side-parted hair, and wearing original felt costume of blue tunic and black pants with red felt trim,



with wooden shoes and red cap. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (girl has original foil label, boy has original labeled box). Comments: Lenci, 1930s. Value Points: in superb near mint condition, each carries its original carved wooden pig with blue polka dots. $600/900

211. Beautifully-Preserved Italian Felt Purse in the Shape of a Jester 9 ½” (24 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, narrow brown painted eyes with dark eyeliner, high arched brows, closed mouth with wide beaming smile, row of teeth, with long blue felt stocking cap with red stripes and green fringe, having hollow red felt “purse” body with zipper back, mitten hands, yellow felt collar and cuffs, blue felt shoes, and red felt handle. Condition: generally excellent, one tiny moth hole. Marks: Lenci (original cloth label). Comments: Lenci, late 1930s, imaginative costume accessory with Centaur character face detail as used for the rare Lenci doll, Pan. Value Points: brilliant colors in original design are superbly preserved in this rare accessory. The actual jester appears in a full page photograph in the book, Lenci, the History and the Doll, by Nancy Lazenby, page 159. $400/600

212. Italian Felt Tyrolean Girl, Series 300, by Lenci in Superbly-Detailed Costume 17” (43 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, fringed lashes and brows, grey eyeshadow, closed mouth with accented lower lip, blonde mohair wig with braided chignon, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent, few small holes on hat and back side of apron.

Comments: Italian, Lenci, series 300, model 12, 1930. Value Points: the pouty-faced girl wears an extraordinary vibrant costume of multi-colored felt, comprising purple felt skirt, teal blue apron with applique dots, green jacket with embroidered detail, yellow hat with blue felt underbrim and colorful cluster of felt flowers, original undergarments, stockings, rare shoes of black and red felt with leather heels, earrings, and carrying colorful woven market basket. The actual doll appeared on the cover of Antique Doll Collector, September 1998, and in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 90. $1200/1600


213. Handsome Italian Felt Character Boy Doll, Series 300, by Lenci 17” (43 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown sideglancing eyes, grey eyeshadow, fringed lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, brunette side-parted mohair wig, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, series 300, model 10, early version of the School Boy having the characteristic small yarns used on the sweater and leggings of the 1927 era model. Value Points: the handsome solemnfaced boy is wearing original three-color knit sweater with matching leggings, 213. brown shorts, shirt, tie, leather shoes. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 88. $1100/1500


214. Rare Italian Felt Character Boy, Series XX. by Lenci in Superb Condition 6 ½” (17 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and oil-painted facial features, round blue eyes, painted lashes, arched brows, closed mouth, blonde mohair fleecy curls, stitch-jointed left arm, right arm attached to body, disc-jointed legs. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, series XX, model 17, representing Tyrolean Boy, the model was made for one year only, 1931. Value Points: the very rare doll is in near mint condition, and wears vibrant original Tyrolean costume with intricate detail that is especially notable for this size doll. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Doll, by Nancy Lazenby, page 127. $700/1000

215. Pair, Italian Felt Miniature Tyrolean-Costumed Dolls by Lenci 9 ½” (24 cm.) Each has felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, large brown side-glancing googly-like eyes, painted lashes and brows, “O” shaped mouth, original felt “hair” (hers in long blonde braids), jointed arms and legs. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (tag on girl). Comments: Lenci, 1940s. Value Points: the endearing pair wear their original vibrant and welldetailed felt costumes with felt floral appliques, the boy with studded-sole leather boots. $500/800



216. Italian Felt Miniature Doll as “Becassine” by Lenci 9 ½” (24 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, round brown side-glancing googlylike eyes, “O” shaped mouth, blonde mohair wig in long braids, jointed at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (original silver foil tag) penciled “miniature 64” on reverse. Comments: Lenci, circa mid-1930s, the model is sometimes labeled Becassine, in reference to the French storybook figure. Value 216. Points: pristine condition, the little doll wears original green felt costume with muslin apron and coiffe, pantalets with green scalloped felt trim, wooden shoes and is carrying a large felt cabbage. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls by Nancy Lazenby, page 131. $400/700


217. Italian Felt Miniature Doll in Military Costume by Lenci 9 ½” (24 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, large blue down-glancing googly-like eyes, “O” shaped mouth, blonde mohair wig, jointed arms and legs. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, 1940s. Value Points: rare model wearing well-preserved original costume comprising blue felt jacket with yellow appliques, white felt pants, blue felt cap with yellow felt eagle insignia, black felt shoes. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 129. $400/600


218. Italian Felt Miniature Doll in Blue Plaid Taffeta Gown by Lenci


9 ½” (24 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, blue side-glancing googlyshaped eyes, painted curly upper lashes, arched brows, closed mouth with “O” shaped lips, blonde mohair wig with ringlet curls, jointing at shoulders

and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (cloth and paper tags). Comments: Lenci, late 1930s. Value Points: beautifully-preserved condition, wearing original taffeta gown with blue felt scalloped edging, blue felt bonnet with wide brim, organdy petticoat, sous-sleeves, pantalets, and black felt shoes. $300/500

219. Italian Felt Stylish Young Girl, Series 450, by Lenci 12” (30 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, white eyedots, fringed lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accented lower lip, brunette mohair wig, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, series 450, model L, 1927. Value Points: the stylish young lady is wearing original vibrant costume of teal green felt dress and cloche, orange felt coat with capelet collar and yellow felt edging, cream leggings, black shoes. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 113. $1100/1500



220.1. Very Rare and All-Original Italian Cloth “Prosperity Baby” by Lenci

220. Early Period Italian Felt Child Doll, Series 109, by Lenci in Original Box 23” (58 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, grey eyeshadow, fringed upper lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accent dots on lower lip, blonde mohair wig in fleecy curls, jointing at shoulders and hips, mitten hands. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Lenci, Series 109, model 25, the early model appeared in the 1925 Lenci catalog. Value Points: the rare early doll is in pristine condition, wearing pink organdy dress with overlapping bright pink bands and collar, matching ruffled bonnet with pink streamers, felt applique yellow and white flowers, linen undergarment, pink felt shoes, and preserved in original labeled Lenci box. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Doll, by Nancy Lazenby, page 72. $1500/2200


15” (38 cm.) Molded cloth head with multi-layered oil-painted complexion, hair and features, short tan curls with modeled details, large rounded pale blue eyes with encircling lashes, dash brows, rounded nose with accented nostrils, rosebud-shaped lips, firmly-stuffed torso, jointed toddler-style arms and legs of oil-painted sculpted cloth, Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (original paper label). Comments: Lenci, the model, marked as “Prosperity Baby”, was introduced by Lenci in 1929. Value Points: very rare doll, few examples exist today especially in this superb original condition, and wearing original pink organdy dress with felt flower accents, matching petticoat and booties, linen diaper with pink scalloped edging. The actual doll appears in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 143. $1200/1500

221. Italian Felt Doll in Yellow Flowered Dress, Series 111, by Lenci 12” (30 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, brown side-glancing eyes, grey eyeshadow, painted curly upper lashes, closed mouth with accent dots on lower lip, brunette mohair wig with ringlet curls, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (original cloth label), Comments: Lenci, model 29 from the 111 series, circa 1929. Value Points: the wide-eyed little girl wears original


vibrant costume of yellow and white organdy with applique yellow felt flowers, felt shoes, bonnet with yellow felt brim and applique flowers, onesie undergarment, organdy pantalets. The actual doll is shown in Lenci, The History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazenby, page 111. $1100/1500


222. Italian Felt Miniature Doll, Skier, with Skis and Poles, by Lenci 9 ½” (24 cm.) Felt swivel head, pressed and painted facial features, blue side-glancing googly eyes, painted lashes and brows, “O” shaped mouth, long blonde mohair curls, jointed arms and legs. Condition: generally excellent, tip broken on one ski, damage to one pole. Comments: Lenci, series 300, model 13, 1933. Value Points: rare model with vibrant original yellow felt ski costume, orange and brown felt shirt and cuffs, yellow felt cap, white felt gloves, leather boots, and with skies and poles. The actual doll is shown in the book, Lenci, the History and the Dolls, by Nancy Lazemby, page 137. $300/500

223. Italian Felt Child Doll, Rita Series, in Original Costume with Sunflowers by Lenci


15” (38 cm.) Felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features, blue side-glancing eyes with decorative glaze, grey eyeshadow, painted brown curly lashes, single stroke brows, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig in coiled braided chignon, jointing at shoulders and hips. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Lenci (paper label, with pencil notation “Rita 24”). Comments: Lenci, late 1930s. Value Points: the vibrantly color costume and bonnet are well preserved as is the original coiffure, clasping a bouquet of sunflowers. $500/800


224. Beautiful French Bisque Brown-Eyed Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru 23” (58 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with sculpted bosom and shoulderblades, amber brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, brushstroked and multi-feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with well-defined tongue tip between the shaped and outlined lips, dimpled chin and philtrum, pierced ears, brunette hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate, French kid bébé body with kid-over-wooden upper arms, wooden lower arms and hands, Chevrot hinged kid-over-wooden hips, jointing at knees, wooden lower legs. Condition: generally excellent, hands scuffed and two fingers broken. Marks: Bru Jne 8 (head and shoulders). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1886, from the Chevrot era, the wooden lower arms were introduced in 1885 advertising by the firm although their rarity suggests that few were made. Value Points: very beautiful face with sensuous quality enhanced by choicest bisque and splendid eyes, original body, and wearing gorgeous antique lace dress (likely original) along with undergarments, bonnet, woven stockings, and shoes. $11,000/15,000

225. French Musical Automaton “Clown a la Guitar” by Leopold Lambert 24” (60 cm.) Posed seated upon a wooden pedastal stool is a paper mache head clown with painted white complexion, red tipped nose and clown decorations, brown glass eyes, leather eyelids, open mouth with painted row of teeth, tongue, mohair wig, carton torso and legs, metal hinge at hips, bisque hands. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: L.B. (key). Comments: Leopold Lambert, the piece appeared in the firm’s catalog of that era described as “Clown a la Guitare”, #43, at 60 cm and playing two tunes, circa 1885; when wound, the clown turns his head side to side, nods, eyelids open and close and tongue sticks in and out, while he strums the guitar with his right hand, and taps his right leg in time to the music which plays. Value Points: intricate and well-functioning movements are enhanced by his original silk costume with elaborate rhinestone detail, and original decorated wooden guitar. $9000/13,000

226. Very Rare Early French Bisque Bébé by Mothereau in Grand Exhibition Size 35” (89 cm.) Pressed bisque socket head with very highlydefined expressive features, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, delicately-painted lashes and brows, shaded nostrils, accented eye corners, closed mouth with well-shaded lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, original French composition body with very plump limbs, jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, beautiful antique costume. Condition: bisque excellent, body is original albeit with craquelure to the finish. Comments: Alexandre Mothereau, from his earliest period of production, circa 1880, having the original body as shown in his 1880 patent. Value Points: extraordinary sculpting detail of the face with defined crinkles and facial planes, choice bisque and painting, and grand exhibition size of the very rare model. $11,000/14,000


225. 226.


strap shoes, pretty antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 890 1. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: with rare painted brown shoes and socks, the little girl carries two all-bisque dark brown complexioned mignonettes with original costumes. $1100/1500

229. Highly Expressive French Bisque Paris Bébé by Emile Jumeau with Two All-Original Play Dolls

227. Beautiful French Bisque Bébé E.J. by Jumeau with Original Costume and Early Signed Jumeau Shoes 15” (38 cm.) Bisque socket head, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, very thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with shaded outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose E 6 J (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body) 6 (inside wig). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1883. Value Points lovely bisque and splendid eyes, with near mint original body, original signed wig, original Jumeau chemise, velvet and (frail) silk dress and matching bonnet, and original shoes signed “E. Jumeau Med d’Or 1878 Paris Depose 5”. $4500/6500

228. German All-Bisque Brown Stocking Miniature Doll, 890, by S&H with Two Tiny All-Bisque Dolls 5 ½” (14 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass eyes, painted lashes and brows, slightly-parted lips with row of teeth, auburn mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted above-the-knees brown stockings with textured detail, brown one-



21” (53 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, painted dark curly lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette handtied human hair over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: bisque excellent, body is original and with original finish, albeit scuffed. Marks: Paris Bébé Tete Depose 10 (red stamp) 10 (incised) Paris Bébé (stamp and Eiffel Tower stamp, on torso). Comments: Emile Jumeau, his landmark doll created after winning his infringement lawsuit against Danel et Cie in 1890 which earned him the right to uniquely use the Paris Bébé trade name; to signify that victory; Emile Jumeau commissioned a completely new bébé facial model. Value Points: rare doll with very expressive features, fine original complexion and painting, antique costume including dress, undergarments, lace ruffled bonnet, socks, wooden handled silk parasol, and leather shoes marked “Bébé Jumeau Depose 10”; and carrying a pair of little bisque head German dolls with matching original silk costumes. $5000/8000


231. Early 19th Century Carved Wooden Mechanical Scene 8” (20 cm.) x 5” platform. 5” wooden figures. Posed upon a wooden base of exotic rosewood with gilded finish are five carved wooden figures, each with welldetailed facial features, hair and costumes and having jointed arms. The figures are attached to wires beneath the platform, and when the push/pull knob at the front is worked, the figures play their musical instruments or march about. Generally excellent, painted finishes on figures (few rubs), mechanism functions well. Early 1800s, probably French, a rare early toy with simple yet charming mechanism. $1200/1800

232. German Carved Wooden Winged Cherub


230. Super Set of English Mahogany Miniature Furniture in the Chippendale Manner

230 detail


8” (20 cm.) h. desk. Of very fine wood with burled mahogany detailing, the set comprising secretary-desk with elaboratelyfitted cupboard section, tall chest of drawers, drop-leaf table, two credenaza tables, glass-door cupboard, and a settee with two matching side chairs and two matching arm chairs with upholstered needlework seats. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Soldiers Embroidery Industry 42 Ebury St. Made by the Totally Disabled (original label on underside of needlework seats). Comments: English, the Soldiers Embroidery Industry was organized after WWI to provide a means of livelihood to injured soldiers returning from that warfront. Also included with the set is a letter of documentation from a London antique shop. Value Points: superb workmanship on the miniature furnishings, and sought-after original label. 231. $900/1400

5” (13 cm.) Carved wooden figure of cherub with sculpted hair and painted facial features, with attached wooden wings. Condition: generally excellent, three finger tips chipped. Comments: Germany, early 1800s. Value Points: fine detail of carving and lustrous original finish on the cherubic figure. $400/600



233. Tiny Grodnertal Wooden Articulated Doll 2” (5 cm.) All-wooden doll iwth one-piece head and torso, painted facial complexion and tiny features, black painted hair with spit curls, dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, painted green shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Grodnertal, circa 1830, the doll is preserved in (not-original) early German wooden box with label. Value Points: very fine state of preservation with detailed articulation on the tiny green-shoe doll. $300/500

234. Petite Neopolitan Lad with Expressive Features and Original Costume 7” (18 cm.) Sculpted head with tilted pose, very plump cheeks and chin, enamel eyes, sculpted short curly hair, closed mouth, hempwrapped body, carved wooden hands and feet, sculpted brown ankle boots. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Neopolitan, early 1800s. Value Points: rare child model in diminutive size, superb original painting, original silk and velvet costume, perfect fingers on expressively-posed hands. $600/900

235. Early Grodnertal Wooden Doll with Full Articulated Body and Superbly Painted Hair 14” (36 cm.) One-piece carved wooden figure of lady with elegantly shaped head, elongated throat, modeled bosom, black painted pate with squiggled curls onto her forehead and sides of face, sculpted ears, painted complexion and facial features, dark-rimmed green eyes, black upper eyeliner, fringe-dot lower lashes, single stroke brows, closed mouth, well-defined chin, blushed cheeks, shapely lady torso, dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, defined fingers, painted stockings and red shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Grodnertal, circa 1820. Value Points: wonderfully-preserved condition with exceptional painted detail of hair, and wearing original early costume, undergarments, handmade necklace with “diamond” brooch, and hand-woven bonnet. $1700/2500


236. German Porcelain Lady with Extensive Original Trousseau 12� (30 cm.) Solid domed porcelain shoulder head of lady, elongated throat, painted facial features, blue eyes, red and black upper eyeliner, single stroke brows, closed mouth, muslin stitch-jointed body, porcelain lower limbs, painted flat black shoes with red lacing. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1865. Value Points: the lady owns an extensive trousseau of original costumes, comprising ten undergarments, seven various gowns or ensembles, black silk jacket, black silk tablier, jacket, and day pinafore. $1200/1700


237. 19th Century Porcelain Doll as FortuneTeller with Original Costume 10” (25 cm.) Porcelain shoulder with black painted hair enhanced by stippling lines at the forehead, painted blue side-glancing eyes, closed mouth, rosy cheeks, wooden arms, skirt-covered lower body which is formed a hundreds of folded papers, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: for the French market, circa 1865. Value Points: wonderfully preserved “fortunetelling” doll whose skirt is formed of papers, each having an amusing hand-written French language fortune. $1100/1700

238. Early American Mechanical Patented “Autoperipatetikous” Walking Doll 10” (25 cm.) Porcelain shoulder head with sculpted short black curly hair, painted facial features, blue eyes, closed mouth, on original carton body with floor-length “skirt” which encloses the mechanism, brass feet, leather arms, antique silk and lace original costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Patented July 15th, 1862, also in Europe 20 Dec. 1862. Comments: Enoch Morrison’s patented walking doll marketed as “Autoperipatetikous”, 1862. Value Points: all-original early American patented doll. $1100/1500

239. Early German Porcelain Doll with Superbly Sculpted Features 23” (58 cm.) Thick paste porcelain shoulder head with black sculpted side-parted hair swept casually across his forehead, and with stippled detailing, sculpted ears, deeply-defined eye sockets with painted blue eyes, red and black upper eyeliner, single stroke brows, accented eye corners, circle accented nostrils, closed mouth, muslin stitch-jointed body with early thick-paste porcelain lower arms and legs, fingers sculpted as though semi-closed, antique costume. Condition: head excellent, left leg has restoration, one baby finger broken. Comments: Germany, circa 1860. Value Points: exceptional quality of sculpting especially around eyes and mouth. $700/1000




240. German Wax Over Paper Mache Doll in Original Costume and Wig 15” (38 cm.) Wax over paper mache shoulder head, pale blue glass inset eyes, outlined eyes, tinted facial features, closed mouth, original blonde mohair wig in elaborate coiffure, muslin stitch-jointed body with paper mache lower arms and legs, painted fancy boots. Condition: generally excellent, nose tip flaked. Comments: Germany, circa 1875. Value Points: fine original coiffure and well-detailed original costume. $300/500

241. All-Original Paper Mache Doll with Maker’s Stamp and Labeled Elaborate Costume 242.


19” (48 cm.) (including coiffe). Paper mache shoulder head with amber complexion, blue glass eyes, painted features, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, twill stitch-jointed body, paper mache lower arms and lower legs, painted lower legs with black knee-high boots

trimmed in red. Condition: generally excellent, line across nose bridge. Marks: MNP (Russian symbols translate to M.I.F.) 15.12.93 (and circle logo mark of bird head). Comments: circa 1890. Value Points: the doll is all-original with elaborate gown embellished with silver metallic embroidery, silver buttons, beads, and silk coiffe with pearl ornamentation, fancily painted boots. A paper label at the bottom of the gown reads “ Katinka (Russian) Named by Princess Usupoff Pahlin”. $900/1500

242. A Trio of 19th Century Baby Rattles 5” (13 cm.) Including elaborate silver rattle with repousse and having eight dangling silver bells, whistle tip and bone ring handle; a double-tiered rattle, with each tier having six silver bells; and a coral-tipped silver rattle with three silver bells and a whistle tip. Excellent condition. Mid-1800s. $800/1200

243. All-Original French Paper Mache Lady by Andreas Voit, with Original Wooden Pedestal 19” (48 cm.) Paper mache shoulder head with oval face, elongated throat, black enamel eyes, dark eyeliner, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, double row of tiny teeth, mohair wig in elaborate coiffure of the late 18th century, kid body with very shapely torso. Condition: in unrestored original condition, with original finish, very dusty wig and frailty of costume. Comments: French, attributed to Andreas Voit, circa 1840. Value Points: wearing original very elaborate costume, bonnet and kidskin slippers, and posed upon original wooden pedestal stand. $1200/1800



244. German Musical Vignette “Children in the Garden Tea Party” by Zinner and Sohne 11” (28 cm.) l. 12”h. Posed upon a wooden base with colorful paper lithography are three bisque-head children at a tea party; they sit under a flower-decorated arbor, two seated in bentwood chairs and holding tea cups, while the third doll holds the tea pot in her hands. An oval tea table is set with further dishes and pastries. When the handle at the front is turned, music plays merrily, and all three dolls move: the standing lady revolves from one to the other offering more tea, and the two seated dolls lift their heads up and down as though sipping, in synchronization with their arms lifting up and down. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: attributed to Zinner and Sohne, Germany, circa 1890. Value Points: charming presentation vignette enhanced further by lovely music and movement. $1800/2700

245. Two German Bisque Miniature Dolls with Wooden Toys 3 ½” (9 cm.) Each has bisque head and torso, painted facial features, closed mouth, mohair wig, pin-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted socks and shoes, and is wearing antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1910. Value Points: the little girls play with


245. their wooden toys including ferris wheel with passengers, and a dappled rocking horse. $300/500

246. French Mechanical Toy “Lady Flower Seller with Cart” by Vichy 17” (43 cm.) Bisque-head lady with blue glass eyes, painted lashes and lightly-feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with outlined

lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, carton torso, metal-hinged legs and metal hands is standing behind an iron two-wheeled cart with woven basket that is filled with colorful silk flowers. When wound, the lady walks forward, turning her head side to side, lifting her right hand in greeting, as though offering her flowers. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: attributed to Vichy, circa 1865. Value Points: rare mechanical toy enhanced by elegantly-costumed lady, and with charming movements. $5000/7500

247. French Bisque Miniature Doll with Carriage and Two Tiny Dolls 5� (13 cm.) Bisque socket head, painted facial features, brown eyes, closed mouth, brunette mohair wig, five-piece paper mache body with painted green boots, wearing antique lace dress and bonnet. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: SFBJ 301. Comments: French, circa 1915. Value Points: included with the little doll is a soft metal doll carriage and two small bisque dollhouse dolls with sculpted hair. $300/500



248. French Bisque Bébé, Series C, by Jules Steiner with Original Signed Steiner Eyes 18” (46 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass eyes which open and close from wire lever at back of head, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, mauve blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth shaded and outlined lips, heart-shaped upper lip, pierced ears, French composition fullyjointed body with straight wrists, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Sie C 2 (incised) J. Steiner Bte SDGD Bourgouin (red ink lettering) Steiner (eyes). Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1884. Value Points: original head and body, original body finish, original signed eyes, wig and Steiner pate, lovely bisque and painting. $3800/4400



249. Petite French Bisque Bébé, Series C 3/0, by Jules Steiner with Au Nain Bleu Original Boutique Label 10” (25 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes with darker blue iris rims, painted lashes, rose-blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked brows with feathered detail, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with richly-accented lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig, French composition fullyjointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Sie C 3/0 (head) (original caduceus stamp on torso). Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1882. Value Points: with original (albeit frail) silk costume and hat, undergarments shoes, the petite bébé with original body and body finish has original paper label from the luxury Parisian doll shop of Au Nain Bleu. $5500/7500


250. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll, 949, by Simon and Halbig, with Toilette Stand 7 ½” (19 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, brushstroked brows with feathered detail, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accent line between the downcast lips, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, above-the-knee painted blue stockings with ribbed designs, painted fivestrap heeled shoes with decorative bows, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: SH 1 949. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: larger all-bisque doll, rare model with very beautiful face; included is a toilette stand with mirror and porcelain trays. $1200/1500

251. Beautiful French Bisque Bébé by Petit & Dumoutier with Lovely Costume 24” (61 cm.) Bisque socket head with very plump face, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and multi-feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded outlined lips, well-defined chin, pierced ears, mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight loose-ball-jointed body with pewter hands, pull-string “mama” crier. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: P. 4 D. Comments: Petit & Dumoutier, circa 1885, the firm was unique in creating bébés with distinctive complexion-painted pewter hands. Value Points: very beautiful bébé with superbly-sculpted and painted features, very lovely antique costume. $9000/14,000


252. Large German All-Bisque Doll, Model 886, by Simon and Halbig with Rare Stockings 8 ½” (22 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass sleep eyes, painted lower lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, two square cut upper teeth and one lower, brunette mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted russet stockings and brown two-strap heeled shoes with little bows. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 886 S 5 H. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1880. Value Points: rare large all-bisque with beautiful face, rare painting of stockings, antique silk dress and undergarments. $1100/1500

252. 253.

253. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll for the French Market by Simon and Halbig 7” (18 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with center accent line, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted brown ankle boots, blonde mohair wig. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Simon and Halbig for the French market, circa 1885. Value Points: especially fine bisque and expression, all original body, rare painted ankle boots, antique costume. $1100/1600

254. Two French All-Bisque Mignonettes with Salon Dog 4” (10 cm.) and 4 ½”. Each is all-bisque with swivel head on bisque torso, blue glass eyes, painted lashes and brows, mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1890, one with open mouth and original knit costume; the other with closed mouth, silk costume and painted blue shoes. Value Points: very fine painting of facial details on the little pair, and included is a paper mache fur-covered salon dog with amber glass eyes. $700/900

255. Gorgeous French Bisque Bébé by Schmitt et Fils with Original Boutique Label



28” (71 cm.) Bisque socket head with pear-shaped modeling of face, very full lower cheeks, large blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted dark curly lashes, mauve blushed eye shadow, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the outlined and shaped lips, dimpled chin and philtrum, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over original pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists and flat-cut derriere. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Sch (shield on head and derriere) 7 (head). A La Mignonette Poupées et Bébés Costumes et Trousseaux Mon. Guigue... (original paper label). Comments: Schmitt et Fils, circa 1882, the bébé was presented in the luxury Parisian doll shop of A La Mignonette. Value Points: gorgeous bébé with superior modeling, bisque and painting, original body with original finish, beautiful antique costume and bonnet. $11,000/16,000




258. generally excellent. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG 1 (and artist checkmarks) Bébé Jumeau Depose (body stamp). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1888. Value Points: dramatic wide-eyed expression enhanced by beautiful painting, original wig, pate, body, body finish, earrings, and wearing unusual muslin undergarment that is original. $3000/4200

258.1. Collection of Eleven Victorian Fold-Out Cards 256. Petite French Bisque Bébé E.J. by Emile Jumeau 12” (30 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, dark eyeliner, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists, pretty lace best dress, undergarments. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose E. 4 J (and artist checkmarks on head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1883. Value Points: Emile Jumeau, circa 1884. Value Points: beautiful doll with splendid eyes, very fine complexion, original body and body finish. $3500/4500

257. Pair, French All-Bisque Mignonettes in Antique Mariner Costumes 4 ½” (11 cm.) Each has bisque swivel head on bisque torso, bright blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and brown two-strap heeled shoes, white stockings. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1885. Value Points: wonderful pert-faced little boy and girl wear original matching blue mariner costumes. $800/1100

258. Petite French Bisque Bébé by Emile Jumeau, Size 1, with Unusual Undergarment 9 ½” (24 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, brush-stroked brows, shade nostrils, closed mouth with richly shaded lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition:


10” (25 cm.) h. largest. Of heavy stock, with meticulous die-cut design and lithographed decorations, the eleven cards celebrate Valentine’s Day and Friendship, among others.The cards fold flat, but when “opened”, they create a multi-dimensional effect with elaborate scenes. Very good/excellent, a few with small tears. Circa 1890. $600/900

259. Pretty French Bisque Bébé by Gaultier Freres with Elaborate Antique Costume 19” (48 cm.) Bisque socket head, dark blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted dark curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows with decorative glaze, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with tiny tongue tip, shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent, original body finish albeit scuffed. Marks: F.G. (in scroll) 5. Comments: Gaultier Freres, circa 1886. Value Points: dramatically painted features enhanced by decorative glaze and soft blushing, lovely aqua silk dress, cape, and bonnet, undergarments, leather shoes, socks. $3500/4200




Jumeau Bte SGDG 6 (head) Bébé Jumeau Diplome d’Honneur (torso). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1888. Value Points: large dramatic eyes enhance the fine creamy bisque on the dimpled chin bébé, original wig, pate, body, body finish, (frail) original silk costume, original leather shoes signed “Bébé Jumeau 6” and original Jumeau box. $3000/4200

261. French Bisque Bébé Brevete by Leon Casimir Bru 260. French Bisque Bébé by Emile Jumeau with Original Signed Shoes and Box 14” (36 cm.) Bisque socket head, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, lushly painted lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, auburn mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fullyjointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose Tete


22” (56 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulderblades, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, dimpled philtrum, welldefined chin, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig, kid bébé body with gussetjointing at hips and knees, bisque lower arms and hands, lovely antique costume. Condition: bisque head and shoulder plate excellent, kid body is worn and has repairs, bisque hands excellent except left baby finger broken at knuckle. Marks: Bru Jne 8 (head and shoulders). Leon Casimir Bru, the first period bébé from that firm, circa 1878. Value Points: gentle expression on the early period Bru bébé is enhanced by delicate complexion and blush, beautiful spiral threaded eyes. $7000/9000

262. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll, 886, by Simon and Halbig 9” (23 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, large blue glass sleep eyes dark painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, four porcelain teeth, brunette mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted abovethe-knee blue ribbed stockings and two-strap heeled shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 886 SH5. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: large all-bisque child with very pretty face and fine quality of bisque. $1200/1700

263. 262.

263. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll, 886, by Simon and Halbig, with Tin Carriage by Maerklin 9” (23 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes and brows accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, four porcelain teeth, brunette mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted blue ribbed stockings, black two-strap heeled shoes with decorative bows. Condition: doll is excellent, carriage has original finish albeit with rubs. Marks: 886 S 5 H. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: large size of the all-bisque doll; included is a pressed tin doll carriage by Maerklin with double-sided spoked wheels and wooden hand grip. $1800/2300


264. German All-Bisque Bye-Lo Baby in Original Wicker Layette with Costumes 6” (15 cm.) Bisque swivel head on bisque torso, tiny blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, tinted brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, brunette mohair bobbed wig, loop-jointed bisque arms and legs in bent baby pose. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 16 15 (head) 20 15 (arms and legs). Comments: Bye-lo, designed by Grace S. Putnam, made in Germany, circa 1925. Value Points: rare model with swivel head, sleep eyes, and wig, the baby is in original wicker basket that is fitted with a number of additional costumes, toiletries and accessories. $700/900





265. French Bisque Glass-Eyed Smiling Lad, Model 226, by SFBJ

266. Sonneberg Bisque Jester Toy and French Boxed Parlor Game

19” (48 cm.) Solid domed bisque socket head, painted brown hair, blue glass inset eyes in half-moon shape, brown eyeliner, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with well-defined space between the shaded lips, deeply-impressed dimples and laughter lines, dimpled chin, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body, antique sailor costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: SFBJ 226 Paris 8. Comments: SFBJ, circa 1912. Value Points: very fine quality of sculpting with deeply-defined features, fine luminous bisque, original body and body finish. $1200/1500

13” (33 cm.) doll with handle. A bisque head doll with blue glass inset eyes, painted features, open mouth, four teeth, blonde mohair wig on original body, coil-spring torso, wooden arms and legs, and attached to wooden handle which when pushed up and down should cause the doll to squeak. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Sonneberg, circa 1890. Value Points: the toy wears original costume; included is a boxed French parlor game “Eureka” by K.B. Paris, having brilliant color lithography, designed to teach children their arithmetic lessons. $700/900

267. French Bisque Pouting Character, 252, by SFBJ with Original Toddler Body 19” (48 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lower lashes with dot highlights, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with very fretful expression, brunette hand-tied human hair wig, French composition and wooden fully-jointed toddler body with side-hip jointing, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: SFBJ 252 Paris 11. Comments: SFBJ, circa 1912. Value Points: wonderful sculpting on the pouting character with fine luminous bisque $2500/3500

268. Seven German All-Bisque Miniature Dolls in Factory-Original Costumes 3 ½” (9 cm.) Each has one-piece bisque head and torso, blue or brown glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, closed mouth, mohair wig, jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and black one-strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1910. Value Points: each of the little dolls wears its factory-original folklore or school child costume. $500/800



271. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll, 939, by Simon and Halbig with Puppet Toy 269. Delightful German Bisque Googly, 131, by Kammer and Reinhardt 10 ½” (28 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep and side-glancing googly eyes, painted curly lashes, feathered brows, pug-shaped nose with accented nostrils, closed mouth with impish hint of smile, dimpled lip corners, brunette mohair wig, composition five-piece toddler body with side-hip jointing, starfish-shaped hands, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K*R Simon & Halbig 131-28 Germany. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, circa 1918. Value Points: rare googly with distinctive modeling of nose and smile, original body and body finish. $900/1300

270. Petite Sonneberg Bisque Child Doll with Woven Cart, Tiny Dolls and Toy Lambs 9” (23 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 1. Comments: Sonneberg, the model was created to compete with the popular French bébé and closely copied its look, circa 1885. Value Points: rare little doll with wonderful presence, antique costume; along with a twowheeled wicker cart being pulled by two paper mache and fleeced lambs, and containing two tiny all-bisque dolls. $1200/1600


9” (23 cm.) Bisque socket head, large brown glass sleep eyes, dark painted lashes, brush-stroked brows accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, two square cut upper 271. teeth and one lower, brunette mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted above-the-knee blue ribbed stockings, black two-strap heeled shoes, wearing antique costume and flannel cap. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: S 2 H 939. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: rare size and model, with wonderful expression and bisque, with her own little paper mache puppet toy. $1200/1600

272. German Bisque Pouting Character, 115A, Known as “Phillip”, by K*R 12” (30 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, short feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with downcast pouting lips, brunette mohair bobbed wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed toddler body with side-hip jointing, nicely costumed. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K*R S&H 115/A 30. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, circa 1912, their model marketed as “Phillip”. Value Points: most appealing petite size of the wistful-faced character, with fine bisque and painting, original body and body finish. $1200/1500

273. German Bisque “Mein Liebling”, 117/A, by Kammer and Reinhardt in Folklore Costume 16 ½” (43 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted dark curly lashes, short brush-stroked brows, closed mouth with shaded lips, brunette mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K*R Simon & Halbig 117/A 43. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, circa 1912, the model marketed as Mein Liebling. Value Points: superb matte bisque with enhancing touches of dewy patina especially lips and impressed crinkles around the mouth, original body finish, wearing original folklore costume, shoes and socks. $2500/3500

274. German Bisque “Mein Liebling”, Model 117/A, by Kammer and Reinhardt 15” (39 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted dark curly lashes, short brush-stroked brows, closed mouth with shaded lips, brunette mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K*R Simon & Halbig 117/A 39. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, circa 1912, the model marketed as Mein Liebling. Value Points: the beloved model has fine quality of bisque, original body finish, and is wearing antique costume including red cotton dress, undergarments, blue woolen coat, stockings, ankle boots, and knit cap. $2500/3200




276. 277.

275. Rare German Bisque Googly, 208, by Walther & Sohn in Original Costume 9” (23 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass side-glancing googly eyes, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, brunette mohair wig, five-piece paper-mache body with painted socks and shoes. Marks: 208 SW (intertwined) Germany. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Walther & Sohn, circa 1920. Value Points: rarely found model with appealing impish expression, original body and folklore costume. $600/900

276. German All-Bisque Googly in Original Costume 6” (15 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep googly eyes, painted long curly lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils of pug nose, closed mouth with impish smile, brunette mohair bobbed wig, loop-jointed bisque arms and legs, bright blue painted socks and black one-strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 189 2/0 (head) 2/0 (limbs). Comments: Germany, mystery maker, circa 1915. Value Points: the wideeyed imp wearing original folklore costume. $600/900

277. Pair, German All-Bisque Googly Dolls in Folklore Costumes 5” (13 cm.) Each has bisque swivel head on bisque torso, blue glass googly side-glancing eyes, painted curly lashes, single stroke brows, pug nose, tiny impish smile, blonde mohair wig, loop-jointed bisque arms and legs,



painted blue ribbed socks and brown one-strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 292. Comments: Germany, mystery maker, circa 1915. Value Points: the impish pair are wearing their original folklore costumes. $800/1100

278. German Cloth Character, Series I, by Kathe Kruse 16” (41 cm.) All cloth doll with pressed and oil-painted facial features, brown hair with defined forelock curl, shaded green eyes, white eyedots, black and brown upper eyeliner, accented nostrils, closed mouth with downcast lips, shaped ears, stitch-jointed arms, separately-stitched thumbs, hip-jointed legs, antique costume. Condition: very good/excellent, some light scuffing. Marks: Kathe Kruse 19588 (stamp on foot). Comments: Kathe Kruse, Germany, circa 1915. Value Points: pleasing wistful expression, the early model has original signature on foot. $1100/1400

279. Six All-Original German Cloth Caricature Dolls from Kammer and Reinhardt 12” (30 cm.) Each is of padded stockinette over wire armature and with wooden feet, having stitched and painted facial features, yarn hair, some with yarn beards or sideburns, and each is wearing factory original costume. Condition: good/very good, all original albeit dusty. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, the caricature series were presented in the firm’s 1012 catalog. Value Points: depicted are old man in rocking chair, aged gentleman with top hat, maestro with baton, polo player, hustler with cigar, and man with checkered pants and cap. $800/1200


280. Nine German Cloth Caricature Dolls from Kammer and Reinhardt 12” (30 cm.) Each is of padded stockinette over wire armature and with wooden feet, having stitched and painted facial features, yarn hair, some with yarn beads or sideburns, and each is wearing factory original costume. Condition: good/very good, all original albeit dusty. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, the caricature series were presented in the firm’s 1012 catalog. Value Points: depicted are occupational men in amusing poses, including shoe cobbler, preacher, beggar, painter, mountain hiker, and more, each different. $1200/1700

281. American Wooden Character Doll with Sculpted Braids by Schoenhut 16” (41 cm.) Carved wooden socket head, sculpted hair with defined braids that are captured at the back of her head in a blue bow, sculpted facial features, intaglio blue painted eyes with white eyedots, black upper eyeliner,





painted nostrils, closed mouth, wooden spring-jointed limbs. Condition: generally excellent, original finish overall albeit some scuffing on hair. Marks: Schoenhut Doll Pat. Jan.17,’11 USA and Foreign Countries. Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1912. Value Points: most winning expression with excellent sculpting, antique costume includes original knit teddy and original Schoenhut shoes. $1100/1400

282. American Carved Wooden Character “Schnickelfritz” by Schoenhut 15” (38 cm.) Carved wooden socket head with sculpted short curly hair having pronounced forelock curl, welldefined carved and painted features, narrow blue eyes, tinted brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth modeled as though open with laughing expression, two beaded upper teeth and two beaded lower teeth, all-wooden spring-jointed body. Condition: very good, original finish albeit rubs and scuffing. Marks: Schoenhut Doll. Pat. Jan. 17, ˜11 USA & Foreign Countries. Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1911, one of the earliest models by the firm, known as “Schnickelfritz”, a term of teasing endearment. Value Points: rare model whose welldefined sculpting creates an endearing art character. $1100/1600

283. Swiss Art Character Studio Doll by Sasha Morgenthaler, with Swiss Wooden Doll 19” (48 cm.) Socket head with light brown complexion, painted brown eyes with dark iris rims and white threading, black painted curly upper lashes, white and brown upper eyeliner, curved one-stroke brows, defined nostrils, closed mouth with petulantly-shaped lips, brunette human hair wig, original fabric body with disc-jointing at shoulders and lips. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Sasha Morgenthaler, from the studio series, circa 1950s. Value Points: the brown-eyed girl has original undershirt and shirt, each with Sasha label, and fine original painting. Included is a carved wooden doll with natural finish and painted facial features, comb-marked chiseled hair in two side braids, wooden body with jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, and wearing original costume, by Huggler. $1200/1800


284. American Wooden Brown-Eyed Character Doll by Schoenhut 284. 285.

16” (41 cm.) Carved wooden socket head, intaglio brown painted eyes, white eyedots, painted black upper eyeliner, accented nostrils, closed mouth with very full lips, plump cheeks, defined chin, brunette mohair tacked-on wig, wooden springjointed body, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Schoenhut Doll, Pat. Jan 17,’11 USA and Foreign Countries. Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1912. Value Points: most artistic sculpting lending a very expressive demeanor, fine original finish, original wig. $700/900

285. American Wooden Blue-Eyed Character Doll by Schoenhut 14” (36 cm.) Carved socket head with defined facial features, intaglio blue painted eyes, white eyedots, black upper eyeliner, tinted brows, closed mouth with solemn expression, brunette mohair wig, wooden spring-jointed body, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent, nose tip rub, one thumb broken. Marks: Schoenhut Doll (oval paper label). Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1912. Value Points: intelligent expression is artfully portrayed in this smaller model, with original finish. $500/700

286. American Wooden Sleep-Eyed “Miss Dolly” by Schoenhut with Original Shoes 286. 287.

17” (43 cm.) Carved wooden socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with painted teeth, outlined lips, brunette mohair tacked-on wig, spring-jointed all wooden body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Schoenhut Doll Pat. Jan 17,’11 USA. Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1918, the doll was marketed as “Miss Dolly”. Value Points: fine original finish, full lush original wig, antique costume, original Schoenhut shoes. $800/1100

287. American Wooden Child Doll by Schoenhut 15” (38 cm.) Carved wooden socket head, decal/painted eyes, painted all-around lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth with beaded teeth, brunette bobbed wig, all-wooden body with spring-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles, nicely costumed. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Schoenhut Doll Pat. Jan 17’11 USA and Foreign Countries. Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1918. Value Points: original finish on the little child, with painted row of teeth. $500/700


288. Collection of Twelve Hand-Carved American Wooden Folk Dolls by Avis Lee

288 detail

9” (23 cm.) -12”. Each has hand-carved wooden head, hands and feet, with unique facial features on each creating a wealth of personalities and moods, some tinting of facial features to enhance the carving, carved hair or mohair wig, firmly-stuffed cloth bodies, artist-made original costumes. Condition: generally excellent, some surface dustiness. Marks: Avis Lee (ink lettered on feet, with date) (original paper labels on ten dolls describing the name and theme of the doll). Comments: the American artist worked from her Chicago home “ten or twelve hours a day, six days a week”, according to an article in the Chicago Tribune on October 22, 1944, carving each doll by hand; her work spanned the 1941 to 1951 according to the labels on this series of dolls. Value Points: included in the rare group are historical figures such as Carrie Nation and Chicago street people such as Pigeon Annie who “roams the Chicago Loop daily feeding the pigeons from a heavy shopping bag” according to the Avis Lee 1941 note attached. $800/1200


289. Collection of Nine Hand-Carved American Wooden Folk Dolls by Avis Lee 10” (25 cm.) Each has carved wooden head with highly-characterized features depicting a child from a holiday chorus, with carved details of open mouth as though singing or playing trumpet, or solemn closed mouth as a candle-bearer, some tinted detail of features, yarn hair, cloth body. Condition: generally excellent, some dustiness. Marks: (several have original paper label “an Original Avis Lee doll 1941”). Comments: Avis Lee, the Chicago dollmaker, from her series of Christmas carolers, and also including Rose Greenhow, with original partial label. Value Points: the seldom-found sought-after American wood carver has created a series of highly-distinctive characters, each with original artist-made costume. $800/1100

290. American Wooden Toddler by Schoenhut 14” (36 cm.) Carved wooden socket head, decal/painted blue eyes, tinted brows, closed mouth with downcast outlined lips, original tacked-on brunette mohair bobbed wig, all-wooden spring-jointed body with jointing at shoulders, elbows wrists, hips, knees and ankles, nicely dressed. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Schoenhut Doll Pat. Jan 17, ‘11 USA and Foreign Countries. Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1915. Value Points: petite toddler with very chubby face has fine original finish and original wig. $700/900


290. 291.



291. American Wooden Pouting Character Baby with Cloth Body by Schoenhut 14” (36 cm.) Carved wooden swivel head on wooden shoulder plate, plump face, blue decal/painted eyes, accented nostrils, closed mouth with outlined pouting lips, original brunette mohair tacked-on wig, muslin body with stitch-jointing at shoulders and hips, wooden hands. Condition: fine original finish on head, hands repainted, some spotting on cloth body. Marks: H.E. Schoenhut c. (head). Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1924. Value Points: rare baby model by Schoenhut has fine original finish and original wig. $400/500

292. American Wooden Character Baby by Schoenhut 16” (41 cm.) Carved wooden socket head, decal/painted blue eyes, tinted brows and nostrils, closed mouth with pouting lips, tack-on brunette mohair wig, composition bent limb baby body, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: H.E. Schoenhut 1913 (paper label on head). Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1913. Value Points: the pouting plump-faced baby has fine original finish and original wig. $500/800

294. American Wooden Doll by Schoenhut with Fine Original Finish 293. German Wooden Lithographed “Noah’s Ark” with Extensive Animal Parade 18” (46 cm.) l. The wooden house boat with painted and lithographed architectual details, and having hinged roof, is designed as a “Noah’s Ark” and is presented with a bounty of animal and bird pairs, and five people. Condition: very good/excellent, original finish with some light rubs. Comments: Germany, circa 1880s. Value Points: rare-to-find toy has 26 pairs of handcarved and hand-painted animals, 14 pairs of birds, 15 single animals, and five people, presumably including Noah and his wife. $1100/1600

19” (48 cm.) Carved wooden socket head, decal/painted blue eyes with especially well-defined irises, black upper eyeliner, painted lashes, fringed brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with outlined lips and a row of painted teeth, blonde mohair wig with soft curls, all-wooden springjointed body, nicely costumed. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Schoenhut Doll Pat. Jan.17,’11 USA. Comments: Schoenhut, circa 1915. Value Points: fine original finish on the well-painted child. $800/1100


295. Pair, German Brown-Complexioned Character Boys by Gebruder Heubach 6” (15 cm.) Each is one-piece bisque depicting a brown-complexioned seated boy, having black deeply-textured hair, intaglio painted brown eyes, black painted brows, closed mouth, and sculpted striped costume; one is seated with a spilled bowl of porridge in his lap, and the other is kneeling, with his fingers held to his ears. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (Heubach sunburst mark). Comments: Gebruder Heubach, circa 1912. Value Points: very fine detail of sculpting and painting on the amusing pair. $400/600

297. each has sculpted hair with defined curls, intaglio sculpted blue eyes, white eyedots, wavy brows, downcast pouty expression on closed mouth, including seated baby, and standing boy with painted tan socks and brown shoes. Condition: generally excellent, standing boy has original line at back torso. Comments: Gebruder Heubach, circa 1915. Value Points: wonderful characterization, the little pair forming an amusing scene. $300/500

297. German Bisque Art Character, “Marie”, Model 101, by Kammer and Reinhardt

296. Two German All-Bisque Amusing Pugilists by Gebruder Heubach 6 ½” (17 cm.) standing. Each is one piece bisque, posed as naked baby with folded fists and scowling expression as though in a pugilistic stance,


12” (30 cm.) Bisque socket head, painted facial features, slightly rightglancing painted blue eyes, black upper eyeliner, one-stroke tapered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with pensive expression, shaded lips, brunette mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Halbig K*R 101 30. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, circa 1910, the model “Marie” from the firm’s art character series. Value Points: fine unplayed with condition, with original side-coiled braided wig, original Scottish costume. $1200/1500



298. German Bisque Painted Eye Character by Marseille 11” (28 cm.) Solid domed bisque socket head, painted brown boyish hair, painted facial features, intaglio blue upper-glancing eyes, black upper eyeliner, one short stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with downcast lips, five-piece paper mache body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: AM 2/0 DRGM. Comments: Marseille, circa 1912, from their art character painted eye series. Value

Points: rare model with fine quality of bisque, appealing pouting expression, original body and great original romper suit. $400/600

299. German All-Bisque Characters by Gebruder Heubach 5” (13 cm.) A pair of naked children are modeled together, as though one child tries to kiss the other who is trying to escape, each with painted facial features, intaglio eyes posed to accentuate the scene, puckered or “O” shaped lips, mohair wig, painted white socks and brown shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 10308 (incised on feet). Comments: Gebruder Heubach, circa 1915. Value Points: the amusing scene is enhanced by fine detail of modeling. $300/500

300. German All-Bisque “Baby in Basket” by Goebel 6” (15 cm.) The one-piece bisque figurine depicts a baby hiding in a bisque woven basket, the baby with sculpted blonde curly hair, sculpted scowling expression, painted blue side-glancing eyes, “O” shaped mouth, his right hand held to his cheek in wonderment. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (Goebel mark). Comments: Goebel, circa 1912. Value Points: charming vignette with well-rendered details. $300/500

301. German Bisque Art Character, 526, by Kley and Hahn


19” (48 cm.) Bisque socket head, painted facial features, defined eye sockets, painted pale blue eyes, white eyedots, black upper eyeliner with tiny fringed lashes, short stroke brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with accent line between the lips, blonde mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed body, nice antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K&H (in banner) Germany 526. Comments: Kley and Hahn, circa 1910. Value Points: very fine quality of bisque and painting, antique costume includes ink lettered name, Leslie A. Bartlett, on the stockings edge, indicating the likely original child owner. $2200/2800


302. Wonderful Pair of German Cloth Character Dolls by Else Hecht 19” (48 cm.) Each has felt swivel head with pressed and painted facial features in highly stylized manner, black bead pupils on painted outlined eyes, blushed eye shadow and cheeks, upturned nose, closed mouth beaming smile, frizzy hair, felt and muslin body. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: created by the Munich doll artist, Else Hecht, 1930s, and exhibited at the Leipzig Toy Fairs. Value Points: seldom-found dolls, especially in this larger size and with remarkablypreserved original folklore costumes with vibrant details such as felt flower bouquets, embroidered garters, jewelry. $800/1200

303. Five Belgian Hand-Painted Cloth Folk Dolls 9” (23 cm.) Each is all cloth of firmlywoven muslin, and with flat-dimensional face except stitch-shaped nose, painted complexion and facial features, silk floss hair, muslin and sateen bodies with simple stitch-jointing, sewn-on shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Belgian, early 1900s. Value Points: artisticallypainted faces with distinctive portraiture, each is wearing its original country costume. $400/600

304. English Cloth Character Doll with Amusing Expression


11” (28 cm.) All cloth doll with pressed and painted facial features, black bead eyes, painted lashes and nostrils, closed mouth with wide beaming smile, brunette cropped





short hair with little tuft at the side of forehead, stitch-jointing at shoulders and hips, large feet. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: English, 1930s. Value Points: wonderful expression on the seldom-found little tyke, wearing original costume. $300/500

305. Set of English Cloth Dolls by Liberty of London Depicting Characters from Dickens’ Novels 7” (18 cm.) - 11”. Eac is of firmly-woven muslin with center-seamed stitch-shaped face and ink-drawn features, mohair wig, wrapped armature body allowing for articulation. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Liberty Made in England (cloth label sewn on inside costumes). Comments: Liberty of London, circa 1930s. Value Points: preserved in fine original condition, each doll wears its original felt and woolen costume, with accessories, depicting its character in a Dickens’ novel, including David Copperfield, Mr. and Mrs. McCawber, Little Nell and two others. $800/1200

306. Rare Pair of Paper Mache “Bistro Kids” Promotional Dolls for Bistro Gravy 11” (28 cm.) Each has paper mache shoulder head with uniquely sculpted features, modeled closed eyes, uptilted nose, closed mouth with wide beaming smile, orange or brunette fleecy wig, original simple muslin body and raggedy costume. Condition: good, some rubs on original facial finish. Comments: early 20th century, promotional dolls for English Bistro Gravy, based upon advertising illustrations by Will Owens and designed to convey the notion that the kids were savoring the aroma of Bistro Gravy. Value Points: rarely found urchin dolls with distinctive modeling. $500/800





307. Beautiful Early French Bisque Bébé with Block Letter Markings by Gaultier 24” (61 cm.) Bisque socket head, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark painted eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows with feathered detail, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined tongue tip, shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent, slight scuff on lower arms and legs. Marks: F. 10 G. (block letters). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1882. Value Points: deeplydefined modeling is enhanced by most delicate pale bisque and artistically-


painted features, especially of lips, original body, antique burgundy woolen dress with hand-made lace trim, ruffled bonnet, undergarments, leather boots marked C.M. 10. $3500/4500

308. Charming Carousel with Vienna Bronze Miniature Animals 9” (23 cm.) h. The heavy cast six-sided carousel with center pedestal having painted floral and scenic designs has six suspended chairs, each of which supports a painted bronze miniature animal including dogs, cats and mice. Excellent condition. $400/700

309. Rare German Bisque Character “Pretty Peggy” by Grace Corry Rockwell 20” (51 cm.) Bisque head with flanged neck depicting a wide-eyed young girl, brown glass sleep eyes, mohair lashes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with very full outlined lips, brunette mohair wig ,muslin body with composition lower limbs, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: copr. by Grace C. Rockwell Germany 1392/40. Comments: designed by American artist Grace Corry Rockwell, circa, 1927, made in Germany, and marketed by the George Borgfeldt firm under the name “Pretty Peggy”. Value Points: the gentle doe-eyed expression is enhanced by fine bisque on the rare doll. $1500/2100



310. French Bisque Brown-Eyed Block Letter Bébé by Gaultier with Lovely Costume 18” (46 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose-blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with tiny tongue tip, outlined lips, dimpled chin, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F 7 G (block letters). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1882. Value Points: the very plump modeling of cheeks and chin is contrasted by delicate complexion, beautifully painted lips, original body and body finish, lovely antique costume including leather ankle boots with impressed figure of doll. $3500/4500

311. Two Vintage German Paper Mache Bunnies 10” (25 cm.) Including paper mache bunny sitting on haunches, with upper paws extended, brown glass eyes, ears, original neck bow; and standing spring-jointed nodding head bunny with brown glass eyes and having painted costume. Condition: generally excellent, Comments: Germany, circa 1920s. Value Points: delightful pair of novelty bunnies with glass eyes. $400/600

312. Two All-Bisque Mignonettes for the French Market, with Their Own Tiny Dolls 6” (15 cm.) largest. Each is all bisque with solid domed swivel head, bisque torso, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, the two largest with glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, blonde mohair wig, and with painted shoes and socks, the girl wearing original “petal” costume, and the little boy with silk Marquis costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: for the French market, circa 1890. Value Points: wonderful fantasy costumes on the two large all-bisque dolls, which own a collection of seven tiny allbisque dolls with original costumes $1200/1600




313. Amorette Organette Hand Crank Music Box with Dancing Dolls

314. German Bisque Googly in Original Costume by Recknagel

12” (30 cm.) The wooden organ-shaped box with original ebony finish and gold striping has a sounding board at top with die-cut lyre design, and the lower section features an arched glass window which displays two all-bisque googly dolls with sculpted hair in the Campbell Kid style posed in front of double mirrors. The musical disc attaches to the back wall, and when hand-wound at the side, the dolls dance about, and music plays. Condition: generally excellent, mechanism and music function well, cracks in original mirrored backs. Comments: Amorette Organette, early 20th century. Value Points: delightful musical box which combines festive street organ music and antique dolls; five original discs are included. $1800/2500

6 ½” (17 cm.) Solid domed bisque socket head, blonde painted hair with little side curls tied with a pink bow, painted blue side-glancing googly eyes, onestroke brows, tiny pug nose, “O” shaped mouth, five-piece paper mache body with painted shoes and socks. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: R 50 A. Comments: Recknagel, circa 1918. Value Points: delightful astonished expression, rare sculpted bows, original costume. $300/400

315. German Bisque Blue-Eyed Googly, 221, by Kestner 15” (38 cm.) Bisque socket head, large blue glass sleep and side-glancing googly eyes, dark eyeliner, long curly lashes, side-angled feathered brows with ochre shading, tiny button nose with accented nostrils, closed mouth with watermelonslice-shaped smile, brunette mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed toddler body with side-hip jointing, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F made in Germany 10 JDK 221 Ges Gesch. Comments: Kestner, circa 1915. Value Points: sought-after googly with exuberantly large googly eyes, fine quality of bisque. $2800/3500

316. German Bisque Blue-Eyed “Jubilee Googly”, by Hertel and Schwab 10” (25 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep and side-glancing googly eyes, painted long curly lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with very full impish smile, brunette mohair wig, composition and wooden body, well costumed. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 165-1. Comments: Hertel and Schwab, the model marketed as Jubilee Googly, circa 1917. Value Points: fine bisque and expression on the smallest size, 1, of the delightful googly. $800/1200

317. 316.

317. German Bisque Brown-Eyed “Jubilee Googly”, by Hertel and Schwab 11” (28 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep and side-glancing googly eyes, painted long curly lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with very full impish smile, brunette mohair wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed toddler body, well costumed. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 1651. Comments: Hertel and Schwab, the model marketed as Jubilee Googly, circa 1917. Value Points: excellent bisque and painting on the sought-after googly. $800/1200





318. 19th Century Wooden Grandfather’s Clock with Elaborate Carving 12” (30 cm.) The walnut-cased tall clock has elaborate steeple with finials, carved panel at the front, and a beautifully-designed face; the mechanism (non-functioning) is accessible by removable back panel. A beautiful display furnishing for petite dolls. Late 1800s. $400/600

319. Rare Early German Bisque Lady with Carriage and Baby 9” (23 cm.) Bisque shoulder head with sculpted brown hair in rolled curls waved behind her ears, black sculpted hair bow, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, painted curly lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, muslin stitch-jointed body, bisque lower arms and legs, nicely costumed. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1870, attributed to Simon and Halbig. Value Points: rare brown hair, coiffure, black sculpted bow, cobalt eyes; included is a gilded soft metal carriage containing a little bisque doll wrapped in bunting and bedding. $800/1200

320. Set of 19th Century Doll-Sized Walnut Furnishings



7” (18 cm.) l. dresser. Of fine walnut, the furnishings comprise a three-drawer chest of drawers with decorative brass pulls, shaving mirror with bracket frame, sofa with upholstery, three chairs with upholstered seat, corner etagere with spiral turnings, and tavern table. Generally excellent. Late 1800s. $400/600


321. German Porcelain Figurine “Der Kindlbringer” with Basket of Babies


5” (13 cm.) One-piece porcelain figure of harlequin-costumed man holding a basket of four babies in bunting, along with two other babies tied to his back; with vibrant painting enhanced by gilt accents. Excellent condition. Germany, circa 1850, a rare figurine depicting legendary lore of how babies arrive. $300/500

322. All-Original German Bisque Lady with Sculpted Brown Hair Decorated with Gold Beads 9” (23 cm.) Bisque shoulder head of adult lady with deeply-sculpted brown hair looselywaved from face and decorated at the back with garlands of gold beads, painted facial features, cobalt blue eyes, closed mouth, muslin stitch-jointed body, bisque lower legs, painted ankle boots. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1870. Value Points: superb sculpting of hair on the tiny doll, wearing fine original costume of blue taffeta with lace trim, white lawn blouse, undergarments. $900/1300

323. German Porcelain Miniature “Der Kindlbringer” 3 ½” (9 cm.) The porcelain figurine depicts a gaily-costumed harlequin posed against a garden scene, with his arms clasping four babies in bunting wraps. Excellent condition, except with little flakes on Dresden flowers. Circa 1850, rare figure depicting the traditional lore of “where do babies come from”. $300/500

324. German Bisque Bonnet-Head Doll with Glass Eyes, Model 116, by C.F. Kling 18” (46 cm.) Bisque shoulder head with sculpted blonde wavy short hair under a sculpted grey bonnet with gilt-edged blue band and streamers, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with center accent line, sculpted bodice with gilt edged and pink dotted bow, muslin stitch-jointed body, bisque forearms, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 116-6. Comments: C.F. Kling, circa 1880. Value Points: rare model with beautifullysculpted hair, bodice, and blue glass eyes. $900/1300



325. French Porcelain PoupÊe with Blue Enamel Eyes by Blampoix 21� (53 cm.) Porcelain shoulder head with pink-tinted complexion, blue glass enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner with short fringed lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, brunette mohair


wig over cork pate, kid gusset-jointed body with stitched and separated fingers. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Blampoix, Paris, circa 1860. Value Points: very fine quality of lustrous porcelain with most subtle blushing of complexion and dramatic blue cobalt eyes, original sturdy body, lovely antique costume. $2800/3500

neck articulation on the signed poupée, brilliant cobalt blue eyes. $2800/3500

327. Rare German Porcelain Lady Doll with Sculpted Bonnet

326. Early French Bisque Poupée with Kid-OverWooden Body by Barrois 16” (41 cm.) Bisque swivel head with flat-cut neck, on bisque shoulder plate, cobalt blue glass enamel eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, unpierced ears, blonde lambswool wig over cork pate, stretched-kid over wooden body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, hips and knees, wooden lower legs, bisque arms to above the elbows, well-costumed. Condition: generally excellent, restoration to both hands. Marks: E 3 Depose B (front shoulder plate). Comments: Eugene Barrois, circa 1865. Value Points: rare

13” (33 cm.) Porcelain shoulder head of lady with oval face and elongated throat, black sculpted hair in well-defined scalloped curls around her face and captured under a sculpted white ruffled cap with magenta ribbon, painted blue eyes with red and black upper eyeliner, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blushed cheeks, muslin stitch-jointed body, porcelain limbs. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1870. Value Points: rare model with beautifully-sculpted bonnet and hair, original body. $1200/1700

328. Three German Porcelain Vignettes Featuring Bonnet-Head Dolls 4” (10 cm.) 05”l. Each of thick-paste porcelain featuring a vignette of children, including trinket box with bonneted woman holding child on her lap while another child leans against her legs; a platform depicting two children (one with bonnet) playing with a puppy while a bonnet head baby plays in a cradle; and an inkwell in the shape of a baby bed with bonnet-headed baby having two children looking on. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1860. Value Points: exceptional detail of sculpting, especially of costumes and furnishings on the early pieces. $400/600



329. 330.

329. Petite French Bisque Poupée with Wooden Articulated Body 13” (33 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arched brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with accent line between the lips, ears pierced into head, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, wooden articulated body with dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, shapely torso. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1867. Value Points: very beautiful face on the petite poupée, with fullyarticulated wooden body. $3000/4000

330. Petite French Bisque Poupée by Leon Casimir Bru with Wooden Articulated Body 12” (30 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with outlined pale lips, ears pierced into head, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, wooden body with shapely torso, dowel-jointing at shoulders elbows, hips and knees, square-cut kid collarette. Condition: head excellent, restoration on back of shoulder plate, body finish original. Marks: 0. Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1865. Value Points: well-modeled poupée with especially lovely face, original wig and wooden body, with original finish. $2500/3500


331. French All-Bisque Mignonette with Cobalt Blue Eyes 5” (13 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with accent line between the lips, brunette mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white socks and brown twostrap shoes, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1882. Value Points: brilliant cobalt blue eyes contrast the very pale complexion on the beautiful mignonette. $800/1000 331.

332. 19th Century Bronze Miniature Furnishings with HandPainted Silk Scenes 8” (20 cm.) h. toilette table. Including dressing table with bracketed oval mirror with beveled edge, fancy crest on gilt frame; along with a very fancy salon chair. Each with gilt finish, and each having painted scene in the 18th century romantic genre. Excellent condition, some light wear on silk. French, circa 1875. $700/900


333. German All-Bisque Mignonette with Painted Orange Stockings 5” (13 cm.) Bisque socket head, cobalt blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, pegjointed bisque arms and legs, painted knee-high orange stockings and brown two strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1885. Value Points: rare stocking color, the pretty all-original doll wears original lace-trimmed red silk dress and woven hat. $400/600


334. French Miniature Bronze Lady’s Desk and Chair with Painted Silk Upholstery 4 ½” (11 cm.) h. chair. The bronze framed furnishings finished with gold leaf include a lady’s desk with hinged top and cabrioleshaped legs, and a salon chair with fancy detail of crest and apron. Each has original silk upholstery with handpainted romantic scenes. Generally excellent. French, circa 1875. $700/900


335. French All-Bisque Mignonette with Peach Ankle Boots 5 ½” (14 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, auburn mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted stockings and peach heeled ankle boots, silk costume. Condition: generally excellent, one boot repaired at ankle. Comments: French, circa 1885. Value Points: very delicate bisque contrasts the brilliant eyes. $300/500



336. 19th Century Miniature Folding Screen with Clock and Enamel Panels 7” (18 cm.) h. 8”w. when opened. The bronze-framed three-panel folding screen has six hand-painted porcelain enamel romantic scenes in the 18th century style; the center panel includes an actual porcelain-faced clock, which winds and sets from the backside. Excellent condition, clock not working, French/Viennese, 19th century. Rare luxury miniature screen, the bronze frame enhanced by gold leaf. $800/1200


337. Beautiful All-Original French All-Bisque Mignonette 5” (13 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kidedged bisque torso, cobalt blue enamel inset eyes, pained lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blonde mohair wig with long accent braids, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and blue rim stockings, peach ankle boots with tiny heels, Condition: generally excellent. Comments: for the French market, circa 1882, the doll was presented in Parisian department stores of the era, described as “poupée de poche” (pocket doll). Value Points: all original with beautiful braids, rare boots, original costume and woven bonnet. $700/900


338. French All-Bisque Mignonette with Bronze Salon Settee 5” (13 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass enamel inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted stockings and black two-strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: French, circa 1890. Value Points: the beautiful mignonette is all-original with aqua silk dress and bonnet, along with gilt bronze framed miniature settee with aqua silk upholstery having hand-painted romantic scenes. $1200/1500

339. Rare French Bisque Poupée by Doleac with Boutique Label “Au Paradis des Enfants”



18” (46 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kidedged bisque shoulder plate, cobalt blue enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered arched brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with accented lips, ears pierced into head, blonde lambswool wig over cork

339. pate, kid body with gusset-jointing at hips and knees, bisque arms to above the elbows. Condition: generally excellent, restoration to right hand, one finger missing, tiny flake on right cheek. Marks: L Depose 5 D (shoulder plate) Au Parades des Enfants Mon. Remond, 156 rue de Rivoli (stamp on front torso). Comments: Louis Doleac, circa 1867, presented by the Parisian luxury toy boutique “Au Paradis des Enfants”. Value Points: rare signature model L.D., with Au Paradis des Enfants label, most beautiful face with delicate rose blushing. $1500/2100

340. Petite French Bisque Premiere Bébé by Emile Jumeau in Original Costume 14” (36 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass inset eyes with spiral threading and darker blue outer irises, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined shaded lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 5 (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1878. Value Points: the early period bébé known as premiere, has choice bisque and painting, near mint original body, and wears original burgundy silk and lace dress, matching bonnet with aqua silk lining, undergarments, knit stockings, leather shoes impressed “Bébé Jumeau depose 5”. $4000/5500



341. German Bisque Portrait of Chinese Baby, 243, by Kestner 17” (43 cm.) Bisque socket head with amber-tinted complexion, brown glass sleep eyes in half-moon shape, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, black brush-stroked brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, open mouth, shaded lips, two porcelain upper teeth, tongue, black mohair bobbed wig, amber tinted composition baby body, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F made in Germany 10 JDK 243. Comments: Kestner, circa 1915. Value Points: flawless matte bisque, near perfect body and body finish, original wig. $2500/3200

342. German All-Bisque Asian Child Attributed to Simon and Halbig 7” (18 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head with amber-tinted complexion, matching bisque torso, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white stockings and blue upturned slippers, antique silk costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: attributed to Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: very choice bisque and complexion on the large all-bisque, all original body. $600/900

343. German Amber-Tinted Bisque Chinese Baby 10” (25 cm.) Solid domed bisque socket head, amber-tinted complexion, painted black hair with shaded details, tiny brown glass sleep eyes, tinted brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, amber-tinted composition baby body, antique silk costume.




Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 2/0 Germany. Comments: circa 1915. Value Points: especially deep modeling with fine flawless complexion. $800/1100

344. German Amber-Tinted Miniature Asian Child in Original Costume 5� (13 cm.) Amber-tinted bisque socket head, brown glass inset eyes, painted lashes, black angled brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with downcast lips, black mohair wig, amber composition body with jointing at shoulders and legs, painted slippers. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, attributed to Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: all original doll with elaborate original coiffure, original silk kimono and undergarments. $600/800

345. German Bisque Asian Child, 1329, by Simon and Halbig 21� (53 cm.) Bisque socket head with amber-tinted complexion, brown glass sleep eyes, real lashes, dark painted lashes, black brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, outlined lips, four porcelain teeth, pierced ears, black mohair wig, amber-tinted composition and wooden ball-jointed body, silk costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 1329 Germany S&H Halbig 8. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: especially fine quality of bisque with rich golden amber complexion, original body and body finish. $1200/1800



346. Beautiful French Bisque Bébé by Petit et Dumoutier with Splendid Eyes 16” (41 cm.) Bisque socket head with very plump rounded face, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes with spiral threading and darker blue iris rims, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with pale accented lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with original pewter hands, pretty silk costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: P. 1 D. Comments: Petit et Dumoutier, circa 1882. Value Points: gorgeous eyes enhance the delicatelypainted flawless complexion, original body and body finish. $8000/10,000

347. French Mechanical Toy of Poupée with Perambulator by Vichy 14” (36 cm.) Pushing a three-wheeled metal perambulator with iron spoken wheels and iron handle is a bisque-headed poupée with swivel head, blue glass eyes with spiral threading, accented nostrils, closed mouth with shaded lips, iron hands, carton torso and legs, mechanism hidden in torso, nicely costumed. When wound, the doll walks, pushing the perambulator. Condition: generally excellent, some rubs on metal. Comments: Vichy, circa 1870. Value Points: beautiful presentation of the rare mechanical toy. $6000/8500

348. Pair, German All-Bisque Dolls 6 ½” (17 cm.) and 7”. Each has bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs with painted white stockings and black heeled shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1890. Value Points: seldom found all-bisque dolls with distinctive expressions. $700/1000



349. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll with Peach Ankle Boots by Simon and Halbig 7” (18 cm.) Bisque swivel head on bisque torso, brown glass sleep eyes, dark upper eyeliner, painted lower lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with center accent line, mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs,


painted white stockings with blue rims and five-strap peach ankle boots with tiny heels. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, attributed to Simon and Halbig, circa 1880. Value Points: very beautiful early face model with finest bisque and painting, rare style painted boots. $1100/1500

350. Beautiful French Bisque Brown-Eyed Bébé by Petit et Dumoutier in Wonderful Antique Costume 20” (51 cm.) Bisque socket head with plump facial shape, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, mauve blushed eyeshadow, widely arched feathered brows, accented eye corners shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-balljointed body with pewter hands. Condition: generally excellent, left baby finger broken at knuckle. Marks: P. 2 D. Comments: Petit et Dumoutier, circa 1882. Value Points: the rarely-found bébé has lovely pale bisque contrasting rich brown eyes, and is wearing aqua silk dress, undergarments, aqua velvet coat with faux-ermine trim, matching bonnet, white leather boots impressed with full figure of a doll $9000/13,000




351. Beautiful French Bisque Premiere Bébé Jumeau with Wonderful Costume 14” (36 cm.) Bisque socket head, amber brown glass paperweight inset eyes, delicately-painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 5 (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1878. Value Points: most endearing bébé with very delicate bisque and painting, contrasting the brown eyes, original body and body finish, very beautiful lace-trimmed costume and bonnet, undergarments, cream kidskin shoes. $4000/6500



352. Large German All-Bisque Blue-Stocking Doll, Model 886, by Simon and Halbig 9” (23 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass sleep eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, outlined lips, two square-cut upper teeth and one lower, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, brunette mohair wig, painted above-the-knee blue-ribbed stockings, black two-strapped heeled shoes, lovely lace dress. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: S 5 H 886. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1882. Value Points: large all-bisque with especially beautiful face, blue ribbed stockings. $1100/1500

353. Two 19th Century Luxury French Candy Boxes 6 ½” (17 cm.) Including hinged box with lavish silk cover and bronze and ormolu trim; along with a bisque head doll with painted features and blonde hair, lavish silk costume and fan, posed standing atop a cardboard candy container box. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: for the French market, circa 1890. Value Points: wonderful pair of lavishly appointed candy boxes. $300/500

354. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll, 886, by Simon and Halbig 9” (23 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, two square-cut upper teeth and one lower, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted blue stockings, black two-strap heeled

shoes with little bows, pretty antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 886 S 5 H. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: beautiful all-bisque doll in rare size with all-original body parts. $1100/1500

355. Gorgeous French Bisque Portrait Bébé by Emile Jumeau 16” (41 cm.) Bisque socket head, large brown paperweight inset eyes in so-called “wraparound” manner, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve blushed eye shadow, feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists, rose silk antique dress, undergarments, shoes, stockings. Condition: generally excellent, paint rubs low on neck socket. Marks: Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1878, earliest period bébé. Value Points: gorgeous bébé with splendid large eyes, original body and body finish. $6500/8500


crossed ankles and hands held to mouth as though about to blow a kiss, naked except sculpted sandals with ankle wraps, and having ruffled edge cap with large bow; and a 3 ½” smaller model of the same. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (each has Heubach sunburst mark). Comments: Gebruder Heubach, circa 1912. Value Points: rare models with great characterization and amusing presentation. $600/800

357. French Poured Wax Mannequin Head with Brown Glass Eyes 13” (33 cm.) Poured honey-tinted wax shoulder head on wooden form, well-defined features, small amber brown glass eyes, tinted features, brunette inserted hair in small tendrils. Condition: generally excellent, wax rub above the mouth. Comments: French, late 19th century. Value Points: most expressive features, wearing fine early bonnet. $700/1200

358. A Vignette of German All-Bisque Dolls in Play Scene in Glass Dome

356. Three German All-Bisque Characters by Gebruder Heubach 9” (23 cm.) Each is one-piece all-bisque with sculpted details of face, costume and cap, one depicting a lad with bathing cap seated with hands wrapped around his drawn-up knees, intaglio side-glancing eyes, closed mouth with well-defined grin; another depicting a seated child with



5 ½” (14 cm.) largest doll. Clustered around a mohair puppy with black bead eyes which is posed upon a velvet cushion are three all-bisque dolls and various toys. The largest doll has painted features, blonde mohair wig, jointed limbs, painted yellow ankle boots, and the two smaller have glass inset eyes, with painted features and closed mouths, jointed limbs, and antique costumes. Included is another smaller doll and tin carriage. Condition: overall very good/excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1900. Value Points: delightful scene of playful children arranged on wooden base under glass dome. $400/600



359. German Bisque Character, 116A by Kammer and Reinhardt with Toddler Body 16” (41 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep eyes, painted lower lashes, short feathered brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, shaded lips, two porcelain upper teeth, tongue, brunette mohair bobbed wig, composition and wooden ball-jointed toddler body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K*R Simon & Halbig 116/A 36. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, circa 1912. Value Points: cheerful-faced toddler with deeply-impressed dimples and laughter crinkles, original body and body finish, antique silk and velvet costume. $500/800

360. German Bisque Lady, 1159, by Simon and Halbig with Shapely Lady Body 24” (61 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lower lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, outlined lips with four porcelain teeth, glazed decoration on lips, pierced ears, brunette human hair, composition and wooden ball-jointed body with shapely torso, elongated limbs, beautiful costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 1159 Germany Simon & Halbig S&H 9 ½ (head) Heinrich Handwerck (Germany). Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: regal presence heightened by finest quality of bisque and painting, original lady body, original finish. $1200/1700


361. Collection of Seven 19th Century Silver Rattles 6” (15 cm.) largest. Including ball-shaped rattle with five small bells, whistle tip and mother of pearl handle; a shorter silver rattle with heavy repousse design, six silver bells, whistle tip and bone ring; flat-dimensional lyre-shaped rattle with bells, whistle and bone handle; unusual large bone ring with three silver bells in the shape of baby heads, and three various ballshaped rattles with bone handles. Excellent condition. Late 19th century. $1200/1500

362. French Bisque Bébé, Figure A, Size 3, by Jules Steiner 11” (28 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark painted lashes, fringed brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, pierced ears, brunette human hair with original Steiner pate, French composition fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: J. Steiner Bte SGDG Figure A 3. Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1890. Value Points: pretty bébé with wide-eyed expression, original body and body finish, lovely antique costume. $1700/2300


362. 363.



363. Tiny French Bisque Bébé, Figure A, Size 1, by Jules Steiner 8” (20 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, brushstroked brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with richlyshaded lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig, French composition fullyjointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: J. Steiner Bte SGDG Figure A 1. Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1890. Value Points: rare tiny size, with original body and body finish, fine antique costume. $1700/2100

364. Rare French Bisque Bébé, Series A, by Jules Steiner 16” (41 cm.) Bisque socket head with perfectly-round face, very large blue glass paperweight inset eyes with spiral threading and darker blue outer rims, rose blushed eye shadow, dark painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over Steiner pate, French composition ball-jointed body with straight wrists, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent, two small

flakes on inside rim of head. Marks: Series A 1 (head) Steiner Bte SGDG Bourguoi (red ink). Comments: Jules Steiner, circa 1884. Value Points: rare model with very expressive features, beautifully-painted blush on cheeks and eyelids, splendid eyes, original body and body finish. $6000/8500

365. Beautiful French Bisque Bébé, Series C, by Jules Steiner 22” (56 cm.) Bisque socket head, almond-shaped blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose-blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked fringed brows, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over Steiner pate, French composition fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Sie C 4. Comments: Jules Steiner, series C, circa 1885. Value Points: very choice bisque and painting, beautiful eyes, original body and body finish, with original silk stays, factory muslin chemise, undergarments, silk dress, stockings, leather shoes. $3800/4600


366. Lovely French Bisque Poupée with Bisque Arms 20” (51 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brushstroked brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with pale accented lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig, kid poupée body with gusset-jointed hips and knees, kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque arms to above the elbows, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent, some kid reinforcement on left leg and stomach. Marks: 5 (head and shoulders). Comments: French, circa 1867. Value Points: very beautiful face with fine delicate bisque, rare bisque arms with finely-sculpted hands. $3200/3800

367. Four German Bisque Miniature Dolls and French Salon Dog 6” (15 cm.) dog. 5” doll. Each doll has bisque socket head, glass inset eyes, mohair wig, five-piece body, painted shoes and socks. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1910. Value Points: the delightful quartet wear original costumes; included is a French paper mache dog with white fur coat and amber glass eyes. $500/800

368. Very Beautiful Petite Sonneberg Doll by Gebruder Kuhnlenz as LookAlike Bru 8” (20 cm.) Solid domed bisque socket head, blue glass inset eyes with thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the lips, pierced ears, blonde lambswool wig over cork pate, Sonneberg composition and wooden eight-loose-balljointed body. Condition: generally excellent, original body and body finish albeit fingertips worn away on right hand. Marks: G.K. 39.20. Comments: Kuhnlenz, circa 1880, the model closely resembles the early Bru Brevete whose market it attempted to capture. Value Points: gorgeous small doll with entrancing eyes, antique costume, carrying small all-bisque doll with painted black boots and blue woolen hooded cape. $900/1300

369. German All-Bisque Miniature Doll with Fancy Stockings, and Two Tiny Dolls



7” (18 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass eyes, painted lower lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, four teeth, brunette mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted blue stockings and black five-strap heeled shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 886 S 3 H. Comments:


370. Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: the large all-bisque with fancy shoes is wearing wonderful antique mariner costume and cap, and owns two tiny allbisque dolls wearing mariner costumes. $1100/1400

370. German Bisque “Gibson Girl”, Model 172, by Kestner in Petite Size


12” (30 cm.) Bisque shoulder head with uptilted chin in haughty expression, brown glass sleep eyes with heavy eyelids, painted lashes, single stroke brows, closed mouth with firm expression, blonde mohair wig over plaster pate, slender kid body with pin-jointing at hips and knees, bisque lower arms, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 2/0 172. Comments: Kestner, their model of “Gibson Girl” as designed by American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson. Value Points: wonderful petite size, the society lady model wears her original costume, wig, and bonnet. $1100/1400


372. Two German All-Bisque Dolls by Kestner with Fancy Ankle Boots 6” (15 cm.) Each has bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown or blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with pertly-shaped lips, center accent line, mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs with modeled closed right fist, painted black fourstrap ankle boots with little heels. Condition: generally excellent, one has restoration on back upper torso. Marks: 1. Comments: Kestner circa 1882. Value Points: rare little twins have very fine expressions and bisque, well-detailed bodies. $1200/1500

373. All-Original German Bisque Character “Hilda” by Kestner

371. A Delightful Trio of German All-Bisque Babies 7” (18 cm.) Each has bisque socket head, blue or brown glass eyes, painted lashes, one-stroke brows, closed mouth with shaded lips, well-defined dimples, mohair wig. The larger by Hertel and Schwab is signed “150 4/0” and has loop-jointed bent bisque arms and legs, bare feet, and a superb antique costume. The smaller 5” pair by Kestner have bisque swivel heads on kid-edged bisque torso, loop-jointed bisque arms and legs, bare feet, and are marked “178 4/0”. Excellent condition. A rare little trio of babies with wonderful detail of modeling and bisque. Circa 1915. $800/1300



13” (33 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, outlined lips, two porcelain upper teeth, brunette mohair bobbed wig over plaster pate, composition bent limb baby body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F made in Germany 10 JDK 237 Hilda c. Ges Gesch. Comments: Kestner, their tradenamed doll “Hilda”, 1914. Value Points: all original unplayed with doll, original wig, pate, body, body finish, undergarments. $1100/1500


374. German All-Bisque Doll by Kestner with Bare Feet 7” (18 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kidedged bisque torso, bright blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, arched brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, blushed cheeks, blonde mohair wig, pegjointed bisque arms and legs with modeled bent elbows, cupped hands, bare feet, nice antique silk dress. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 2 1.2. Comments: Kestner,



374. circa 1882. Value Points: wonderful expression on the little closed mouth doll, with all original parts, rare bisque feet. $1100/1700

375. Large German All-Bisque Doll by Kestner Known as “French Wrestler” 10” (25 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, blue glass eyes with painted curly lashes, feathered brows, rose-blushed eye shadow, pierced ears, accented nostrils, open mouth with outlined lips, two square cut upper teeth and one lower, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed arms and legs, painted knee high stockings with blue rims, yellow ankle boots with five-strap lacing and inserts. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 14. Comments: Kestner, circa 1885. Value Points: exquisite painting of blush on the rare all-bisque, with especially muscular detail of torso and legs. $1200/1600

376. German Bisque Child by Kestner with Especially Pretty Face 15” (38 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose-blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils, open mouth with slightly-parted lips, four porcelain teeth, dimpled chin, blonde mohair wig over plaster pate, composition and wooden eight-loose-balljointed body with straight wrists, wearing pretty antique costume and leather shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 10. Comments: Kestner, circa 1885. Value Points: a very choice example of early child doll, with original wig, body, body finish, and costume. $400/600

377. An Amusing German Bisque Figure of Two Laughing Clowns 375.

12” (30 cm.) A bisque figural violin with open top for use as vase is flanked by a pair of laughing clowns with wonderfully-defined faces and hair, colorfully-painted costumes. Excellent condition. Germany, circa 1910. $300/500



378. 380.

378. Beautiful German Bisque Brown-Eyed Child, 949, by Simon and Halbig 25” (64 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with outlined and shaded lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig, Sonneberg composition and wooden fully-jointed body with attached ball-joints and straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: S 15 H 949. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1885. Value Points: finest lustrous patina of complexion enhanced the deeply-sculpted details such as notable chin dimple, original body and body finish, lovely antique costume. $1200/1700


379. American Toy “Baby Cabinet” Phonograph with Records 17” (44 cm.) The mahogany-finished upright cabinet with phonograph mechanism and tin speaker horn winds at the side to play one of the five included recordings. The phonograph is labeled “Baby Cabinet, The General Phonograph MFG Co, Elyria, Ohio”. Excellent condition, wellfunctioning. American, early 1900s. $300/500





380. Grand Sonneberg Bisque Doll by Mystery Maker for the French Market 26” (66 cm.) Bisque socket head with flattened solid dome, large amber brown glass inset eyes with spiral threading and darker iris rims, dark eyeliner, painted dark curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the pale outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette hand-tied human hair wig, Sonneberg composition and wooden fully-jointed body, straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Sonneberg, mystery maker, circa 1884, the doll was made to compete with the French market explaining its look-alike resemblance to French bébés of that era. Value Points: wonderful size with deeply-sculpted features, rare color eyes, fine quality of bisque, original body and body finish. $1200/1800

381. German Bisque Doll by Schoneau and Hoffmeister in Original Nun’s Habit 15” (38 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep eyes, mohair lashes, painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, open mouth, four teeth, composition and wooden ball-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: S (pb in star) H Germany

1 1909. Comments: Schoneau and Hoffmeister, circa 1900. Value Points: excellent bisque, mohair lashes, and wearing original brown serge nun’s habit with all appropriate accessories. $300/500

382. German Bisque Googly, 323, by Marseille in Original Nun’s Habit 12” (30 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass googly sleep eyes, painted facial features, closed mouth with impish smile, composition and wooden ball-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent, little paint flakes at side of face (under attached veil). Marks: Germany 323 A 4/0 M. Comments: Marseille, circa 1917. Value Points: charming presentation of the beloved googly in original nun’s habit. $300/500

383. Pair, German Bisque Doll in Original Factory Costumes 8 ½” (22 cm.) Each has bisque socket head, blue glass eyes, painted lashes and brows, open mouth, four teeth, blonde mohair wig, five-piece paper mache body, painted shoes and stockings. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 1904 8/0 AM Germany. Comments: Marseille, circa 1900. Value Points: the pair wear factoryoriginal rose flannel matching sailor costumes and caps. $400/600






384. Gorgeous French Bisque Portrait Poupée with Articulated Wooden Body 21” (53 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, large brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, rose-blushed eyeshadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate, wooden articulated body with very shapely torso, dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, swivel wrists, deluxe pivot at upper arms and legs, included is costume with antique undergarments vintage silk gown, stockings, shoes. Condition: generally excellent, some rubs at lower neck socket and lower breastplate. Marks: 6 (head and shoulder plate). Comments: Pierre-François Jumeau, circa 1870. Value Points: gorgeous face with finest bisque and painting, original rare wooden articulated body. $8500/11,000

385. Petite French Bisque Poupée, Size 0, by Gaultier with Superb Costume 11” (28 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass inset eyes with darker blue iris rims, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, slender kid body with shapely torso, gusset-jointing at hips and knees. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 0 (head and shoulders) F.G. (shoulders). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1878. Value Points: petite size 0 poupée with original mohair wig, and wearing beautiful original brown linen gown with handmade lace and blue ribbon trim, and carrying small bisque doll in original bunting. $1800/2600

386. Petite French Bisque Bébé with Bisque Hands by Emile Jumeau, with Miniature Wax Arrangement 9.5” (24 cm.) Bisque socket head, large brown glass paperweight inset eyes, painted lashes, thick brushstroked brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, shaded and outlined lips, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with bisque hands, separately sculpted bisque fingers, nicely costumed. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (artist checkmarks on head). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1888. Value Points: beautiful wide-eyed petite bébé with rare body, bisque hands, carrying little glass dome with original wax vignette of child and bird in a flower garden $2200/2700

387. Miniature Wooden Lady’s Desk with HandPainted Scene 10” (25 cm.) h. 8”l. The wooden mahogany desk with pull-out drawer and desk supports has cabriole legs, slanted top front desk with painted castle scene, pencil stripe accent, leather writing surface and niches on interior. Excellent condition. Maitrise model, age uncertain. $300/500

388. French Bisque Poupée by Gaultier with Rare Gesland Body with Bisque hands and Feet 16” (41 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque

shoulder plate, brown glass inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with accented lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, padded stockinette over metal armature with infinite articulation, bisque hands, bisque lower legs and bare feet, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 3. Comments: Gaultier, with deposed Gesland body, circa 1875. Value Points: especially lovely model with dramatic brown eyes, rare body, perfect bisque limbs. $3000/3800





389. French Bisque Block Letter Bébé with Bisque Hands by Gaultier, with Antique Chair 17” (43 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted dark curly lashes, arched feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with sculpted tongue tip, shaded outlined lips, dimpled chin, pierced ears, brunette hand-tied human hair over cork pate, plump kid bébé body with gusset-jointing at elbows, hips and knees, bisque forearms with separately-sculpted fingers, cupped hands, wearing lovely antique rose silk dress with lace overlay, undergarments, rose silk shoes, lace-edged bonnet. Condition: generally excellent, old faint hairline on chin from ear to ear. Marks: F. 6 G. (block letters, head and shoulders). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1882. Value Points: beautiful early bébé with delicate complexion, beautifully-painted lips, original body, perfect bisque hands, posed seated in antique wooden chair which is included with the doll. $2000/2600

390. Petite French Bisque Bébé with Bisque Hands 12” (30 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulder blades, dark brown glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner and painted lashes, roseblushed eye shadow, brush-stroked brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, kid bébé body with gusset-jointing at hips and knees, bisque forearms and hands, nice antique costume, posed seated on chair which is included. Condition: generally excellent, body is not original to head although is appropriately-sized and of the same era. Comments: bisque head by Gaultier, kid body with bisque hands and bisque shoulder plate by Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1880. Value Points: very beautiful petite bébé, sturdy rare body with perfect bisque hands. $2800/3500

391. Collection of French Miniature Poupée Accessories and Rare Signed Huret Boots Comprising linen and leather ankle boots with little heels stamped on sole “Huret a Paris”, leather valise with gold lettering “Gants de ma Poupée” which opens to reveal three pairs of fine antique kid leather poupée gloves; miniature violin with mother-of-pearl accents, pair of black glass perfume bottles with enamel floral decorations; two woven purses, bone rattle, and velvet thimble holder (no thimble) in the shape of a purse for poupée. Excellent condition. French, circa 1860s. $1000/1400

392. French Bisque Bébé Teteur by Leon Casimir Bru with Original Costume, and with Coral and Bell Rattle and Maple High Chair 17” (43 cm.) Pressed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulder blades, brown glass paperweight inset eyes with darker iris rims, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, mauve-blushed eye shadow, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, metal screw at back of head for operation of “nursing” system, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French kid bébé body with scalloped edge collarette, gusset jointing at hips and knees, curved upper arms, bisque forearms with separately sculpted fingers. Condition: generally excellent, tiniest pinflake at bottom left eye rim. Marks: 5 t (and circle dot impression on head) 1 t (shoulder). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, early model of his signature Bébé Teteur, circa 1880. Value Points: gorgeous model with especially sturdy body, finest bisque, beautiful perfect bisque hands, original gown, and with needlework bonnet, early miniature coral and bell silver rattle, and posed in maple high chair with beautiful turnings and cane seat. $8000/12,000


393. Five German Porcelain Trinket Boxes Depicting Baby in Basket or Bunting 5” (13 cm.) -8”, Each is of thick soft paste or fine porcelain, each depicting a baby or smal child with elaborate detail of costuming and bed fittings; two are curly-haired youngsters seated upright in a woven baby bed, holding toy trumpet in hand and with a Polichinelle toy at its feet; two portray babies with ruffled bonnets, holding rattles, and ensconced in ribbon-tied bunting laid in ruffle-edged bed; the fifth portrays a pair of babies wrapped in a single blue ribbon-tied bunting and lying on a ruffled pillow and blanket. The top removes on each for access to the trinket box interior. Excellent condition. Germany, mid1800s. $700/1100

394. Vienna Porcelain and Mahogany Mirrored Cabinet 15” (38 cm.) h. x 17”l. The wooden-framed open-front display shelving has scalloped edge shelving supported by porcelain pillars with hand-painted Romantic era scenes that are enhanced by gilded and garlanded accents, and with beveled mirror backing, and original cast iron hanging loops. Excellent condition. Mid-1880s. $800/1200

395. A Trio of German Porcelain Vignettes of Children



6 ½” (17 cm.) largest. Each is of fine thick paste porcelain with richly painted and gilt-accented details of costume and accessories; the largest depicting a mother seated at a table while her young brown-

395. haired child stands on a nearby chair, a pup at her feet, and the message “Erstbreten” below (the lid removes for access to inkwell interior). In the second a group of three children are leaning over a schoolbook as though studying their lessons (the lid removes for access to the interior inkwells); and in the third, a chubby faced girl with brown painted hair is trying to tie a bonnet onto the head of her unhappy pet. Excellent condition, candle restored on larger piece. Germany, mid-1800s. $500/700

396. A Trio of German Porcelain Vignettes of Mothers and Children 6 ½” (17 cm.) h. largest. Each is fine thick paste porcelain depicting a homey scene of mother and child, the largest portraying a mother seated on chair, a child clasping a cat seated on her lap, and young boy standing alongside as he teases a brown dog; along with a mother seated at a small table with bowl of porridge that she is trying to feed to a young toddler who, in turn, is feeding the dog at his feet; and a small vignette of a seated child tying a bonnet on her grey tabby cat. Each piece is richly painted to enhance the charming scene. Germany, mid1800s. $400/600



397. Pretty French Bisque Poupée by Gaultier with Charming Antique Costume 15” (38 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass enamel inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with accented lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French kid poupée body with gusset-jointing at hips and knees, stitched and separated fingers. Condition: generally excellent, repair to kid lower leg. Marks: 2 (head and shoulder plate). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1875. Value Points: pretty maiden with original wig, cotton dress and tablier, undergarments, leather ankle boots. $2200/2700

398. Collection of 12 Small 19th Century Beaded and Crocheted Purses 2” (5 cm.) -6”. The beautifully handmade small purses include 5 beaded examples (one with gilded frame), 2 beaded “miser” purses, 2 crochet purses, and 3 tiny beaded purses (2 with gilded frames. Excellent condition, superb workmanship. 19th century. $600/1100

399. Four 19th Century French Doll Parasols


8” (20 cm.) -15”. Including two bone-handled parasols (both with fine original silk covers, one lacking tip), brass handled parasol with original (worn) ivory silk fringed cover and bone hand grip; and larger wooden handled parasol with figural dog head hand grip and original fabric cover with lace edged. Excellent but as noted. French, late 1800s. $800/1200

400. Petite French Bisque Poupée by Gaultier with Gesland Body and Bisque Limbs



13” (33 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass inset eyes with darker blue iris rims, feathered brows, long painted lashes, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, padded stockinette over metal armature body, bisque hands and lower legs and feet. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 0 F.G. Comments: Gaultier, with deposed Gesland body, circa 1875. Value Points: charming petite size poupée with rare body and perfect bisque limbs, carrying miniature Mass book. $1800/2700


401. French Bisque Poupée by Gaultier with Original Coiffure and Near Mint Body 21” (53 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth with shaded outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig with braided coronet over cork pate, French kid poupée body with shapely torso, gusset-jointing at elbows, hips and knees, stitched and separated fingers and toes, original muslin chemise and ruffled lace cap. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 5 (head and shoulders) F.G. (shoulders). Comments: Gaultier, circa 1875. Value Points: beautiful large poupée in pristine condition with sturdy body, original wig, lovely bisque. $3000/3800



405. German Bisque Toddler with Wonderful Original Costume and Body, 126, by Kammer and Reinhardt 403.


402. A Trio of German Bisque Pups with Caps and Bibs by Gebruder Heubach 8” (20 cm.) h. 10”l. Each is one-piece bisque figure of white puppy with brown mask face, seated on four paws, and having deeply textured “fur”, brown intaglio eyes, and sculpted lace cap and bib tied with blue ribbons and bows. Excellent condition. Germany, Gebruder Heubach, circa 1910. $600/900

403. Delightful Little German Bisque Toddler, 1294, by Franz Schmidt 7 ½” (19 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, open mouth, two porcelain upper teeth, brunette mohair bobbed wig, fivepiece composition toddler body with side-hip jointing. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 1294. Comments: Franz Schmidt circa 1915. Value Points: the little character has wonderful original toddler body, original undergarments and costume. $400/600

8 ½” (21 cm.) Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, outlined lips, two porcelain upper teeth, brunette mohair bobbed wig, composition five-piece toddler body with side-hip jointing and starfish-shaped hands. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: K*R Simon & Halbig Germany 126-21. Comments: Kammer and Reinhardt, circa 1915. Value Points: sought-after delightful toddler with rarer original body and wearing original costume and shoes. $400/600

406. German All-Bisque Baby in Painted Tin High-Chair 7” (18 cm.) high chair. An all-bisque baby with painted facial features and hair, jointed bisque arms and legs, antique baby gown, is seated in a painted tin high chair with adjustable base allowing the chair to turn into a wheeled baby chair and table; there are colorful play beads at the tray edge. Very good condition, some paint flakes on high chair. Germany, early 1900s. $300/500

404. An Amusing German Bisque Candy Container by Gebruder Heubach 8” (20 cm.) The fantasy bisque object features an egg supported by tree branches, with browncomplexioned boy holding a squirming piglet bursting from the egg top; the boy with especially fine detail of characterization including side-glancing intaglio eyes, laughing expression, frizzy hair, and the white piglet with pink painted snout. The top of egg removes for access to the candy container jar. The base has blue stamp and impressed marks of Gebruder Heubach. Germany, circa 1910. $300/500

405. 404.







407. German All-Bisque Bye-Lo Baby with Original Paper Label 6 ½” (17 cm.) Solid domed bisque swivel head on bisque torso, blue glass sleep eyes, painted baby hair and brows, painted lashes accented nostrils, closed mouth with center accent line, loop-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted white socks and blue one-strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: copr. by Grace S. Putnam. Comments: Byelo Baby, designed by Grace Putnam, made in Germany. Value Points: very appealing example of the beloved baby, with Bye-lo paper label, and wearing fancy antique baby costume. $400/600

408. Sonneberg Bisque Doll with Closed Mouth by Mystery Maker 10.5” (27 cm.) Bisque socket head with flattened solid dome, blue glass inset eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed

mouth with space between the outlined lips, pierced ears, wig, Sonneberg composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists, nicely costumed. Condition: generally excellent, tiny flake at bottom of neck socket . Comments: Sonneberg, circa 1884, mystery maker, the doll was designed to appeal to the French market. Value Points: pretty cabinet size bébé with lovely bisque and original body. $700/1100

409. Two German Tin Carriages by Maerklin 9” (23 cm.) The tin carriages each have four double-spoked wheels, curved handles and wooden handgrips, and sunshade metal forms (shades missing). One has pressed tin design to simulate wicker with rose and cream paint and gold applique accents; the other with printed lithographed tin in shades of aqua, cream and gold with floral and scroll designs. Good condition, some rubs and wear on each. Germany, Maerklin, circa 1900. $600/900




410. Collection of Nine American Hand-Carved Wooden Dolls by Avis Lee 8” (20 cm.) -10”. Each has hand-carved wooden head with unique facial features on each creating a wealth of personalities and moods, some tinting of facial features to enhance the carving, yarn hair, firmly-stuffed cloth body, artist-made original costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: (some with original paper label describing the name and theme of the doll). Comments: Avis Lee, the folk artist created this series in the 1940s; see lot 288 of this catalog for more details about her. Value Points: included in the rare group are Pilgrim pair, “Jerry the Spirit of ‘44”, gap-toothed girl with wide smile, “Larry, A Little Newsie” newspaper boy, and others. $700/900

411. Rare American Cloth Doll of Brown-Haired Lady with Rare Coiffure by Martha Chase 15” (38 cm.) All-cloth doll with pressed and oil-painted facial features, slender-shaped face, brown sculpted hair drawn from her face into a coiled chignon at the back, painted large brown eyes, red eyeliner, curly upper lashes, single stroke brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, closed mouth in very solemn expression, all oil-painted torso and limbs with stitchjointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, separately-stitched thumbs, Condition: near mint. Marks: (Chase logo stamp on leg) The Chase Hospital Doll (label on back torso). Comments: Martha Chase, circa 1910, from her series of storybook characters; this example likely designed for study by nursing students as indicated by body style and label markings. Value Points: perfectly-preserved doll with rare hair style and rare brown eyes. $1100/1500



412. American Cloth Doll “Sweets” Designed by Maud Tousey Fangel for Georgene Novelties 12” (30 cm.) All peach muslin cloth doll with flat-dimensional face, lithographed brown curly hair locks and facial features with shaded brown eyes, curly lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, mitten-shaped hands, baby-shaped body, original costume. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: designed by the American artist Maud Tousey Fangel, 1936, for Georgene Novelties. Value Points: rare doll with most artfully executed facial features that are a virtual canvas of expression. $500/700

413. All-Original German Bisque Doll, Model 174, by Kestner in Original Costume 10” (25 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, brows, accented nostrils, open mouth, four teeth, brunette mohair bobbed wig, composition and wooden fullyjointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 174 1 Germany. Comments: Kestner, circa 1915. Value Points: the little doll wears elaborate and all-original factory costume, cap, and shoes. $400/600

414. 19th Century Rare American Patented Toy by William Goodwin


11” (28 cm.) A bisque head doll with blonde sculpted hair and painted facial features has wooden block torso, metal hands looped to hold carriage handle bar, metal legs, metal feet, original red woolen gown, and is attached to a tin and cast iron three-wheeled carriage which, when wound, causes the girl to lift her feet up and down moving the carriage along. Condition: generally excellent, carriage finish original albeit a tad worn. Comments: from the original patent design of William Goodwin, circa 1875. Value Points: good early toy, the doll with original costume. $600/800


415. brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, muslin stitchjointed body, bisque lower arms. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1880. Value Points: the doll is wearing her original well-detailed folklore costume. $500/800

415. All-Original German Bisque Doll with Elaborate Folklore Costume

416. Two Tiny All-Bisque Dolls and Miniature Books

13” (33 cm.) Bisque shoulder head, blonde sculpted short curly hair, painted blue eyes, black and red upper eyeliner, single stroke

2” (5 cm.) books. Including two all-bisque dolls with painted hair and facial features, and having original knit costumes, in original box. Along with three miniature leather bound German-language books with gilt-edged pages, including Romeo and Juliet. Excellent condition. Germany, 1880-1910. $200/400


Comments: from original designs by Grace Drayton, the dolls were made in Japan and marketed by Ideal, circa 1916. Value Points: rare googlies with well-rendered characterization, glass eyes. $600/900

418. An Important Study Collection Concerning 1950s Italian Fashion Doll “Christina”

417. Four Composition Dolly Dingle and Bobby Blake Dolls from Grace Drayton Illustrations 6” (15 cm.) -10” Each is all hard-composition doll with swivel head, jointed arms, one-piece body, legs posed as though walking, sculpted hair in classic style, she with topknot and short bobbed curls, he with side-parted bobbed hair, each with glass googly eyes glancing at each other, chubby dimpled cheeks, sculpted painted costumes. Condition: generally excellent.


19” (48 cm.) The collection includes six dolls of which two are wearing original costumes; each doll has socket head and five piece slender elongated body of older child, with jointing at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, and with glass sleep and flirty eyes, real lashes, and artistically painted features. Various hair style are featured, and there are three different faces (wide smile with teeth, solemn, and slight smile) each with closed mouth. Condition: generally excellent, with few minor paint rubs, one with slight wear to lashes. Marks: Christina Brevettate (original paper label on back torso of each). Comments: “Christina” was designed by Italian Countess Mariuccia De Lord Rinaldi of Italy in the late 1940s, and prototype models were made under her direction at this time. From Italian magazine articles of the time, it appears that the doll was introduced in the European market, although the extent of the sales is not known. In 1950, the Countess began a campaign to present the doll to the American market, and the laborious efforts to that goal are detailed with the voluminous documents that are included with these dolls. Of particular interest are the typed notes sent to the Countess from various American retailers including Marshall Fields, Lord & Taylor and Neimann-Marcus, as well as the Brooklyn Museum and Toy Associates of America, all included with this study collection. Also included is an inventory of the dolls, costumes, furnishings and accessories which were proposed with

the line, as well as brochures about the dolls, original studio photographs, and snapshots of the real Christina (the Countess’ daughter) playing with Christina dolls. Working as an American agent for the Countess was Helen Mitchell Rogers who had carefully preserved the dolls and all the

correspondence, photographs and documents. The collection is being sold by the family of Helen Rogers, and offers an extraordinary glimpse inside the world of doll design, production, and marketing in post-WWII America. $1200/1600



420. Two German All-Bisque Miniature Dolls with Yellow Ankle Boots 4.5” (11 cm.) Each has one piece bisque head and torso, brown glass inset eyes, painted lashes and brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, mohair wig, peg-jointed arms and legs, painted white stockings with blue rims and painted yellow ankle boots with little heels. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Kestner, circa 1890. Value Points: dear little pair of twin dolls with yellow ankle boots. $400/600

421. French Bisque Marotte with Silk Costume and Bells

419. French Bisque Brown-Eyed Bébé by Emile Jumeau with Rare Incised Brevete Markings 22” (56 cm.) Bisque socket head, amber brown glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve-blushed eye shadow, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, dimpled chin, separately-modeled pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: generally excellent, old hairline at right forehead, Marks: Brevete SGDG Jumeau 10 (large incised letters) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body stamp). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1884, the very rare markings indicate the model had been patented in French courts. Value Points: the beautiful bébé has original Jumeau blonde mohair wig, original body and body finish, and wears original silk flowered dress, antique undergarments, leather shoes, and bonnet. $2800/3200


13” (33 cm.) excluding hat. Bisque shoulder head with blue glass inset eyes, long painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig, attached to ballshaped torso with whistle-tip bone handle, and having lavish silk and lace costume with brass bells. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: F.G. (in scroll). Comments; French, circa 1885, the marotte was designed for merry play at parties for, when twirled, music is created from the hidden music box in torso. Value Points: well-preserved luxury toy with beautiful costume $400/600

422. French Bisque Brown-Eyed Bébé by Jumeau 14” (36 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body, antique costume. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Depose Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG 4 (head). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1888. Value Points: pretty brown-eyed bébé with lovely complexion. $2200/2800


423. Three German All-Bisque Miniature Dolls 4.5” (11 cm.) -7” . Each is all bisque with swivel head on bisque torso, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, blue glass eyes, painted lashes, accented nostrils, closed mouth, mohair wig, painted shoes and socks. Condition: generally excellent, few pin flakes at stringing holes. Comments: Germany, circa 1900. Value Points: swivel heads, glass eyes, dear expressions. $500/700

424. French Bisque Bébé by Emile Jumeau with Original Flowered Chemise and Signed Jumeau Shoes 23” (58 cm.) Bisque socket head, brown glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, widely-arched brush-stroked brows,


shaded nostrils, open mouth, shaded and outlined lips, row of porcelain teeth, pierced ears, brunette hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden fully-jointed body. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 10 (incised) Tete Jumeau (red stamp) Bébé Jumeau Diplome d’Honneur (body). Comments” Emile Jumeau, circa 1895. Value Points: pretty bébé with original wig, body, Jumeau flowered chemise and Jumeau leather shoes signed “Paris Depose 10” with bee symbol. $2800/3500


head) 1 T (shoulder) (original Bru paper label and original boutique label on torso). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, the “Bébé Gourmand” was first advertised by him in 1882, described as “delicieux bébé a surprise”. The bébé has two hollow tin tubes or funnels leading from the upper torso into each leg through which the biscuit could be “digested”, then finally falling through the trap door of the unique shoes custom-designed by Bru to accommodate the “surprise”. Value Points: exceptionally rare Bru bébé model with perfect bisque shoulder plate and superbly sculpted perfect bisque legs and feet, very sturdy kid with original Bru paper label and original shop label of Delathuilerie located at 355 Rue St. Honore, and with well-preserved original leather “trap-door” Bru shoes labeled with script oval insignia “B”. $6000/9000

425. Extremely Rare French Bisque “Bébé Gourmand” by Leon Casimir Bru with Original Custom Bru Shoes 18” (46 cm.) Pressed bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulder blades, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose blushed eye shadow, painted lashes, brush-stroked and multi-feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, slightly-parted richly shaded lips, firmly-stuffed kid bébé body with kidover-wood upper arms, bisque forearms with separately sculpted fingers, bisque lower legs from the knees, bisque bare feet sculpted with hole at bottom for food to fall through trap-door shoes. Condition: restoration to the throat onto right cheek and to hands, tongue missing that allows biscuit to slide into torso metal funnel. Marks: (circle dot symbol on



426. Outstanding French Bisque Blue-Eyed Bébé “H” by Aristide Halopeau in Superb Original Costume 24” (61 cm.) Bisque socket head, deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, mauve-blushed eyeshadow, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists. Condition: very faint hairline from below the chin to neck opening. Marks: 5 - H. Comments: Aristide Halopeau, circa 1880, the prestige doll firm created a very limited number of dolls with specially commissioned bisque heads from the porcelain firm of Frayon. Value Points: spectacular bébé with very fine bisque, complexion and painting, splendid eyes, original body, and wearing superb original burgundy velvet dress with embroidered lace detail, undergarments, leather shoes. $9500/14,000


427. French Bisque Bébé with Especially Beautiful Face by Schmitt et Fils 16” (41 cm.) Bisque socket head with pear-shaped modeling, grey glass enamel inset eyes with spiral threading and darker grey outer rims, dark eyeliner, brush-stroked and feathered brows, rose-blushed eye shadow, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth, defined space between the shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette human hair wig over original plaster pate, composition and wooden eightloose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists and flat-cut derriere. Condition: bisque excellent, body has original finish with limbs scuffed and torso severely crackled. Marks: Sch (in shield, on head and derriere base) 1 (head). Comments: Schmitt et Fils, circa 1882. Value Points: especially beautiful face with finest bisque, complexion and painting, nice antique costume including woven bonnet and leather ankle boots marked L.I. $6500/8500

428. Very Rare Gorgeous French Bisque Portrait Bébé by Emile Jumeau 24” (61 cm.) Pressed bisque socket head with very full elongated cheeks, blue glass spiral-threaded eyes with darker blue outer irises, thick dark eyeliner, rose blushed eyeshadow, painted lashes, arched feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined space between the subtlyshaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, original blonde mohair wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with very plump limbs, straight wrists, pretty ivory silk dress. Condition: two faint hairlines on forehead from crown rim to brow. Marks: 4 (head) Jumeau Medaille d’Or Paris (body). Comments: Emile Jumeau, circa 1878. Value Points: very rare model with gorgeous face with most beautiful pale complexion enhanced by artistically-blushed complexion on eyelids, cheeks, chin and lips, original body and body finish. $6000/8500

429. Fine 19th Century Bisque Figure of Brown-Eyed Dog 8” (20 cm.) h. The heavy bisque figure of a brown and white dog with long flowing tail and ears, has sculpted open mouth having defined fangs and tongue, brown painted eyes, heavily textured fur. Generally excellent, nearly imperceptible reglue to tail. Mid-1800s. $300/500






430. Petite French Bisque Bébé, Size 000, by Schmitt et Fils in Wonderful Antique Costume 12” (30 cm.) Bisque socket head with pear-shaped modeling, blue glass inset eyes with spiral threading, dark eyeliner, painted lashes and brows, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented nostrils and eye corners, very pale heart-shaped lips with shading and accent lines, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig. French composition and wooden eight-loose-ball-jointed body with straight wrists and flat-cut derriere. Condition: generally excellent, very faint hairline on forehead. Marks: Sch (in shield, on head and bottom of derriere) 000 (head). Comments: Schmitt et Fils, circa 1884. Value Points: especially beautiful example in desirable petite size, original body and body finish, finest bisque and painting, wonderful antique costume. $4000/6000

431. Gorgeous Early French Bisque Portrait Bébé by Emile Jumeau 15” (38 cm.) Bisque socket head, wide eye sockets with grey glass enamel inset eyes with spiral threading and pronounced black pupils, dark eyeliner,


painted lashes and brows, rose blushed eye shadow, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with pale accented lips, pierced ears, blonde lambswool wig over cork pate, French composition and wooden eight-looseball-jointed body with straight wrists, costume included with wonderful antique undergarments and black leather shoes signed with impressed figure of doll (Alart). Condition: generally excellent, chip at center forehead rim with 1 ¼” emanating faint hairline, original body and body finish. Comments: Emile Jumeau, his earliest period bébé with splendid eyes, very beautiful complexion and painting of features, original earliest Jumeau bébé body with original finish. $2800/3500

432. Superb English Burled Walnut Desk 17” (43 cm.) l. , 14”h. desk, 32”h. with mirror. Of superb woods, the front finished with finest curly walnut veneers, the slant front desk has bombe-shaped drawer fronts fitted with bronze hardware. The desk hinges open to reveal a wellfitted interior with niches, drawers and decorative pillars, and a bracket people-sized mirror attached to the top suggests its original purpose as a dressing mirror, although the scale of the desk is ideal for display with poupées. Very fine condition. Early 1800s. $900/1300

433. French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru with Rose Satin Dress


19” (48 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulder blades, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, rose blushed eyeshadow, brush-stroked brows with decorative glaze, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, pierced ears, brunette human hand-tied hair over cork pate, slender kid body with kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque forearms, Chevrot hinged hips with kid cover, wooden hinged lower legs. Condition: bisque head and shoulder plate excellent, bisque hands restored, left front foot broken off. Marks: Bru Jne 7 (head and shoulder plate). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1886. Value Points: very fine bisque, complexion and painting, lovely antique costume. $8000/10,000



434. French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru, Size 9, with Original Signed Body 20” (51 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with modeled bosom and shoulder blades, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, dark brush-stroked brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with shaded and outlined lips, pierced ears, auburn mohair wig over cork pate, slender kid body with kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque forearms, Chevrot hinged hips with kid cover, wooden hinged lower legs. Condition: bisque head and shoulder plate excellent, bisque hands restored. Marks: Bru Jne 9 (head)(remnants of original paper label on torso). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1886. Value Points: beautifully painted lips, fine bisque and complexion, original body, wearing very fine antique costume that may be original, and with curly mohair cap and beaded purse. $9000/13,000

435. A Victorian Tea Party Vignette with Mignonettes 3” (8 cm.) -5” dolls. Arranged under a glass dome is a vignette comprising three all-bisque dolls with swivel head, glass eyes, closed mouth,and mohair wig one being rare brown complexioned child, which are posed around a wooden miniature tea table set with a fine porcelain tea service in cobalt blue and white with floral trim. Generally excellent. Germany, circa 1890. $700/900

436. German All-Bisque Black Stocking Girl, 890, by Simon and Halbig 7” (18 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque torso, brown glass sleep eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, open mouth, row of tiny teeth, blonde mohair wig, peg-jointed bisque arms and legs, painted above-the-knees black stockings and brown one-strap shoes. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: 890 3. Comments: Simon and Halbig, circa 1890. Value Points: beautiful black stocking girl with original braided wig and wearing original black velvet dress with aqua silk buttons and lace trim. $800/1100



437. Very Beautiful French Bisque Bébé by Leon Casimir Bru with Splendid Eyes and Signed Bru Shoes 26” (66 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulder plate with sculpted bosom and shoulder blades, very deep blue glass paperweight inset eyes, thick dark eyeliner, painted curly lashes, widely arched brushstroked brows, rose blushed eyeshadow, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with defined tongue tip between the shaded lips pierced ears, blonde hand-tied human hair wig over cork pate, kid bébé body with kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque forearms, Chevrot hinged hips, wooden lower legs. Condition: bisque head excellent, back shoulder plate and right hand restored, left baby finger reglued at knuckle. Marks: Bru Jne 10. Comments: gorgeous face with splendid eyes and wonderfully sculpted tongue tip, finest complexion and painting, fine costume of aqua silk dress, undergarments, lace bonnet, cream kidskin shoes impressed “Bru Jne Paris” in oval. $8000/12,000


Play Play is a dream, a fantasy, a way to lose oneself. It is a creative event that originates in the subconscious and unfolds freely. Play is not restricted by age. The blissful state a child sinks into can be experienced by grown-ups. It can be very soothing to adults who have kept a little of the child within themselves. Ursula Brecht (Excerpt from the end-piece “Play� written by Ursula Brecht in her book, Precious Dolls)


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