Today’s Community Foundation Working with You Serving our Nevada Communities Through Tomorrow and Beyond
Our mission is to strengthen our community through philanthropy and leadership by connecting people who care with causes that matter. Letter from Board Chair and President / CEO..........................2 You Can Make a Difference......................................................4 May Arboretum Endowment...................................................6 Northern Sierra Partnership Grant.........................................8 Legacy Tribute......................................................................10 Legacy Society.....................................................................12 Phil and Jennifer Satre Scholarship......................................14 Board of Trustees.................................................................16 Funds...................................................................................20 Donors.................................................................................25 Grantees..............................................................................29 Partnership Grant Program..................................................34 Community Endowment......................................................36 Caregiver Support Initiative.................................................38 Youth Network Initiative (You’N-I)........................................40 Community Foundation of Elko County................................42 Professional Advisor Council................................................44 Financial Statements...........................................................45 Business Relationships.........................................................48 1
Welcome! Care, Connect, Engage‌ these words are our marching orders, in accordance with our mission. In 2015 and early 2016 we completed a comprehensive strategic planning process that engaged people throughout northern Nevada in a conversation about the role of the Foundation. Whether talking with individuals or groups, urban or rural, the themes and consensus were striking. Northern Nevadans would like to see the Community Foundation focus on helping the underserved, on taking a holistic approach to addressing community needs, on increasing economic diversity, and on helping bring continuity and stability to nonprofits. People we talked with believe the Community Foundation is an effective neutral convener. We hear you! The Community Foundation strategic plan includes tactics that will increase our engagement with the community at all levels. Tactics address expanding and directing resources and building collaborations and partnerships. We will look at ever increasing needs in the region and helping to expand capacity for our charity partners. We are excited to welcome new board members from urban and rural Nevada. We have made changes in our organizational structure and staff to reach our goals in philanthropy, stewardship, and leadership. The Community Foundation is devoting its strengths to complement and support larger regional initiatives. This is your Community Foundation. Join us for personal philanthropy and community improvement. We are professional and serious (not to mention enthusiastic, caring, accepting, supportive, creative, and realistic) about getting results that we measure. In this report you will learn about the people who make up the Community Foundation staff and board. Most importantly, you can learn about the donors and leaders who are caring, connecting, and engaging in and through the Community Foundation to bring about positive change in the region. We are an organization made up of people who, through the generosity of their time, treasure, and ideas, are making all of our lives better. You can make the Foundation even stronger and more impactful by joining with us. You will be heard!
Jim Pfrommer Chair, Board of Trustees 2
Chris Askin, CSPG, CFRE, President and CEO
Jim Pfrommer, Chair, Board of Trustees and Chris Askin, CSPG, CFRE, President and CEO
Tactic 1c
Strategy 2a gement ublic enga hip p e s a re c In ers e and lead in initiativ activities.
Utilize metrics internally/ externally to measure individual engagement.
Tactic 3c t focus tions tha a iz n a g r n and ho Align wit cluded in our visio in ugh on issues sed support thro nt. e ea involvem offer incr and staff g in g a s s me Promo te suppor and t comm unity philant hropy. Strateg y 4a
Address persisten t community issue s and increase individu al engagement thro ugh leadership and in itiatives, using community indicators to measure results . T Prom actic 2f volu ote cor p n and teerism orate givin com mun g in the ity.
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Lead and involve the community in our Community Leadership work.
Tactic 2b
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Objective 3
Strategic Plan Sample Objectives, Strategies and Tactics
Each Day People Like You Step Forward to Make a Difference Ginny Harding-Davis, Chief Advancement Officer It is fantastic to be part of the organization in northern Nevada that advances social change through grant making, advocacy, and capacity development. As leaders, conveners, grantmakers and concierges of philanthropy, we are a foundation built on fostering regional change with evolving community needs. We embrace change by empowering our fundholders and grantee organizations to ensure social, economic and environmental justice. Don’t miss your opportunity to have impact on your community by leaving a legacy. It doesn’t get much better than this!
Through the Community Foundation You Can: CREATE a donor advised fund to support your favorite charities. JOIN a pool of funds to invest in programs that offer local social and economic benefit.
BUILD philanthropy in rural Nevada. SUPPORT critical community initiatives. ENJOY reduced administrative costs compared to a private
Imagine the good you can do. Tell your story through philanthropy.
Good Works. Forever. Ambitious goals will be accomplished through your community investment. We Are Your Charitable Giving Resource
We work with your professional advisor.
We offer a free estate planning series twice each year.
You make your gift with: Cash $
Appreciated stock
Appreciated real property and tangible property
Business interests
Your gift can provide an income stream to you or a beneficiary.
We can answer your questions about charities.
The Reno Little Theater Endowment doubled in 2016 after a bequest gift from an actor and volunteer. As the longest-running theater in Nevada, RLT is proud of the legacy of the past 82 years of performances for the community, by the community. The RLT Endowment will generate an annual stream of income that will help RLT continue to shine the spotlight on local artists for years to come. Photo credit: Dana NĂ–llsch PhotoZen
May Arboretum Endowment Cultivating Connections with Community Spring Has Sprung! One spring morning, two members of the May Arboretum Society walked into the May Arboretum office and said, “We have good news for you!” During the recent recession the Arboretum budget was cut by 60%. Instead of getting discouraged and pulling inward, the Arboretum reached out to the community of Reno and Sparks and encouraged citizen volunteers to help with planting, weeding, planning, and fundraising. As volunteers worked in the dirt, planted thousands of daffodil bulbs, and led tours through the gardens and groves, they grew to love the place and to treasure its exceptional value. The May Arboretum Society, a charitable nonprofit organization, whose members raise funds, offer plant sales, tours, and events, made the initial gift to start the endowment with the Community Foundation in 2013. The Arboretum, currently 13 planted acres at Rancho San Rafael Park, is a living plant museum. One can see over 4,000 native and adaptive plant species on display in 93 distinct gardens and groves while strolling 2 miles of trails. It is dedicated to the unique flora of the high desert. The Arboretum is owned and operated by Washoe County Community Services Park Division. It is a public/private partnership between the Wilbur D. May Foundation and Washoe County. Collaboration with community nonprofit organizations like Job Corps and the Children’s Cabinet help maintain the park and teach job skills to the program clients. 6
The enthusiastic advocacy of a May Arboretum Society member resulted in a $5 million gift to their endowment.
It was a day to remember. The good news mentioned above came from a dedicated Society member who announced that a close family member was interested in giving the Arboretum Endowment a $5 million boost. As the endowment grows and flourishes the Society will be able to reap larger and larger annual grants for arboretum maintenance and expansion. The May Arboretum attributes the jaw-dropping gift to the level of volunteer engagement that the Arboretum embraces. It stirred the interest of their benefactor who they hope will be gratified with the plans for future growth and community participation, including a matching-gift campaign. The May Arboretum Society is proud of their 30 years of active support. As they continue to involve the community, the endowment will grow. Bill Carlos, May Arboretum Director, talks about immediate and future plans that will create a regional jewel. The May Arboretum will flourish, spreading its roots deep within our community and offering an oasis of natural peace and beauty. Becky Conrad, another devoted volunteer and Society member, says, “For 9 years I have enjoyed working as a volunteer at the Wilbur D. May Arboretum. My efforts to keep the gardens neat and tidy are a way to give back to the community and enhance the visitors’ experience. I enjoy my fellow volunteers and love working outdoors. The Arboretum raises my spirit!� 7
Together We Accomplish What Nobody Can Do Alone A Donor Partnership to Fund a Nonprofit Partnership - Sierra Valley Challenge Tracy Turner, PhD, Chief Philanthropy Officer Community Foundation work is different every day; we interact with different people who have different interests— and we get to participate in those interests in exciting ways like the Sierra Valley Challenge. It’s rewarding to connect with the region’s nonprofit organizations and to work with our donors and fundholders; they are thoughtful, intelligent people who value our community and enjoy supporting the place they love.
When Tracy Turner learned about the proposed Sierra Valley Challenge, a project to create the Sierra Valley Preserve, she knew it would be a great fit for fundholders interested in conserving local important open spaces and landscapes. The 120,000-acre Sierra Valley rivals Lake Tahoe in size and beauty but remains one of California’s best-kept secrets. Ranch families, many of whom have lived in the Sierra Valley since the late 19th century, own virtually all of the land on the valley floor while most of the forested uplands lie within the Tahoe National Forest or the Plumas National Forest. The Northern Sierra Partnership (NSP) consists of five conservation organizations that have come together to conserve large connected landscapes across the northern Sierra for water quality, wildlife, and recreation. Two Community Foundation donor advised funds, the Satre Family fund and the Bingham Family fund, supported the collaborative project. Grants from the Community Foundation, along with grants from the Fairweather Foundation in Minden, Nevada, and the Morgan Family Foundation in Los Altos, California, totaling more than $3 million, were used to encourage matching gifts to NSP. The Northern Sierra 8
you saved this
The Northern Sierra Partnership is a collaboration between The Nature Conservancy, Feather River Land Trust, Truckee Donner Land Trust, The Trust for Public Land and the Sierra Business Council. Together Community Foundation fundholders, two private foundations, and the Northern Sierra Partnership accomplished what nobody could do alone. The long-awaited Sierra Valley Preserve is a reality.
Partnership is working with landowners and public agencies to protect over 50,000 acres of private ranchland in the Sierra Valley from conversion to residential or commercial uses. Much of the southern end of the Sierra Valley is now conserved with easements, as are two of the three largest ranches in the Sierra Valley. These easements preserve wildlife habitat, help put the Sierra Valley’s ranching economy on a more stable, long-term footing, and provide new financial options to ranching families. Sierra Valley’s wetlands support more than 100 bird species including cranes, bald eagles, white-faced ibis, and an impressive variety of waterfowl and raptor species. Restoration measures such as fencing, reducing livestock numbers, and adjusting the season of use have proven remarkably successful; at least eight wetland-associated bird species not present at the time of acquisition now breed on the property. The Community Foundation staff and our fundholders are proud to be able to work alongside other major funders to accomplish this important and lasting gift to the region. 9
Legacy Gift Completes Life Story Margaret Stewart, Communications Director Behind every fund is a story and usually a face or two. I love getting to know these people and telling their stories. They inspire me and make walking through the doors into work each morning an adventure.
Betty was born Betty Jean Fisher in Oklahoma in 1936. When Betty was six, her mother was sent to prison and Betty was sent by the authorities to a boarding school for girls. After her mother was released from prison, she married a man who sexually and violently abused Betty. Her mother ignored Betty’s suffering and would not confront her new husband, so nine-year-old Betty ran away to Louisiana to find her father. She made her way by hitching rides and spending nights sleeping in ditches hiding from the police. When she turned up at the restaurant where her father cooked, he fed her well and allowed her to spend one night with him before calling the police who drove Betty back to Oklahoma. As a child she worked her first paying job picking cotton with bleeding, ungloved hands, for 10 cents a pound. Betty ran away to her father five times—always to be returned after a good meal and a night together until he was put in prison for murdering a man with his chef’s knife. When Betty was 12, she stole a Model T and began a journey to visit her father in prison. She made it to the prison but wasn’t allowed to see her father because her name was not on the approved visitor list. Betty believes her dad did not include her on the list because he could not imagine how she would ever find a way to travel from Arkansas to Louisiana to the prison. Marriage to an Air Force man passing through town on his way to California was 15-year-old Betty’s ticket away from her stepfather’s abuse. 10
Betty’s designated charities help people dealing with the difficult experiences Betty survived.
Motherhood at 17 found her single, living in San Francisco, and raising a son. She found a job as an exotic dancer at a burlesque club on Market Street. Her stage name was Solita. She shared a bill with Gypsy Rose Lee and Tempest Storm, learned her craft, and kept her pasties firmly in place. For a brief time she was a Playboy Bunny cocktail waitress. Eventually she met Gene Kopfhammer, her third husband and “the love of her life.” Gene and Betty enjoyed their lives together. Gene worked as a petrochemical engineer in the oil industry. Together they traveled the world, living in Holland and Saudi Arabia for his career. Teasing, joking, and loving Betty as she cared for him until his last day, Gene died of cancer in 1995. Betty appreciated that she was in a position to help people. Working with Jennifer Rust, her Edward Jones financial advisor and the Community Foundation, Betty created her Legacy fund. In 2012 Betty suffered four heart attacks and was grateful for the care she received at the Carson Tahoe Hospital. She left a generous bequest through the Community Foundation for training of staff and scholarships. The Gene and Betty Kopfhammer Legacy Fund supports the Carson Tahoe Hospital, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society and organizations that work to end domestic violence and help children and the poor in Carson City.
Legacy Society Anonymous
Shayne Del Cohen
Gary Aldax
Arthur and Shirley DiSalvo
Elaine Alexander and Robert Moore
Robert and Judy Dreiling
Chris and Ann Askin
Conrad and Kathy Evans
Peter and Theresa Bachstadt Mike and Marie Baxter Jane Kimberly Becker
Karen Y. Foissotte Robert and Monica Hemsath
James Bell
Judy Humphrey and Marc Whitten
Roger A. Bergmann
Bruce and Nora James
Dave and Janet Bingham
David and Deedee Jenson
Mary Bisoni
Beverly Johnson and Curt Frank
Doug and Deborah Blackman
Lawrie Kirkham
David E. Book and Lucy A. Moreton-Hall
Gray and Terri Levy
Fred and Jane Boyd Robert Broili Bill Brooks Ralph and Barbara Buscher Wayne and Sheilah Ann Capurro Cameron Clarkson Von and Kathleen Clemence Jim and Suzy Davenport
Regina L. Dunbar
Photo courtesy of Beau Rogers
Janet Laxalt Tommy Livoti Connie Mantini Sheri L. Masini Janice McCauley Mary McGrath Sue McIntosh and Steve Jones Dieter and Hetty Meun John Miller Maureen Mullarkey
Jim and Enid Oliver
Bruce and Nancy Shipman
Fred and Cheryl Olson
Patti Snyder
Alfred and Lola Ouska
Larry D. Struve
Park Family
George A. and Arlene Summerhill Jr.
Frank and Kay Partlow Susanne Pennington Jim and Gail Pfrommer Janet Phillips Rosalie K. Quesnoy Alice Ramlow Jack Randall Julia Ratti and James Cavanaugh Phil and Jennifer Satre
Lilli Trinchero Jeff and Tracy Turner Henry and Stephanie Vanderleest Maurice White Roger and Kathy Williams Jill M. Winter William and Vivian Lee Wright Linda Wyckoff
Remembered Dr. Robin S. Ballantyne
Rachel L. Mould
Betty Kopfhammer
John Snyder
Paul M. Laxalt
Jeff and Geneva Springmeyer
Beth Miramon Elizabeth Mollath
Nadine Stegelmeyer
Thank you Legacy Society members for including a bequest to the Community Foundation in your will or trust. You are catalysts for Community Foundation growth and impact. We appreciate your willingness to add your name to this list. By doing so we are able to thank you personally, talk with you about your charitable goals, and invite you to Community Foundation events. Your actions will inspire others! It is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Phil and Jennifer Satre Scholarship Creates Impressive Returns Lauren Renda, Program Associate In addition to working with fundholders and nonprofits throughout the grantmaking process, I also work with the 36 scholarship funds we administer. I really enjoy working with scholarships because I can see the difference being made in the lives of every student I talk to. Helping the youth to pursue their educational and career goals is truly inspiring.
When the Satres invested nearly $1 million dollars with the Community Foundation in 2002 to create a scholarship for the children of Harrah’s employees, they made a prudent investment in the future. The selected students were frequently from families facing difficult struggles, often immigrants or children of immigrants, all intelligent and excellent students. As these young people realize their potential, they will contribute much more to our world than the scholarship monetary investment. A quick check on LinkedIn for some of the earlier graduates proves the point. Yoo Nieh Ahn graduated from Boston University in 2006 and, after clerking for the Superior Court of New Jersey, is now an attorney with Jacobs and Barbone in New Jersey. Kevin Gotrik graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 2008 and went to graduate school at MIT. He is a Senior Research Engineer with 3M with extensive research experience at the nano-scale. Charisse Sy graduated from Loyola-Marymount and is a Project Manager at MediData Solutions. Adam Scavette won a scholarship to Villanova University and works as an Economic Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Maung Aung graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 2015 and is a Software Developer with Epic in Madison, Wisconsin. 14
2016 Winners of the Phil and Jennifer Satre Scholarship, Trenton Sorge (University of Nevada, Reno) and Daniel Sandborn (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo) with Jennifer and Phil Satre at this year’s annual Scholarship Social.
The emotional returns that are intrinsic to a scholarship are important to the Satres and to the students. Community Foundation staff receive heart-felt thank you notes to forward to donors like the one here from Trenton Sorge, a 2016 winner. “I realize that I am simply another stranger, but your scholarship will change my life for the better. You have given a kid with a tough break a second chance and for that I have much appreciation. The next part of my life will continue with less worry and I owe it all to you. Thank you. ” – Trenton Sorge Community Foundation investment returns mean you have more to give. Scholarship funds at the Community Foundation are endowed and invested for the long-term. The Investment Committee members include local financial planners, CPAs and attorneys. They devote their expertise to overseeing the management of fund assets. After granting $866,000 in four-year scholarships to 87 students since 2003, the fund balance remains well over $980,000. The Phil and Jennifer Satre Scholarship illustrates the yield you receive when you invest in the future by investing in people with the Community Foundation of Western Nevada. 15
Board of Trustees Lyndsey Crossley, Executive Assistant I enjoy working for the Foundation because I believe in our mission statement and the importance of philanthropy. More specifically, I enjoy working with our 45 board members. We are very fortunate to have such a diverse, well respected, and professional group of people serving as volunteers. I also love seeing the many philanthropic individuals in our community that truly want to make a difference; it is encouraging to know that there are people who care about making lasting positive impacts.
Jim Pfrommer
Teresa Mentzer
Gail Humphreys
Matthew Gray
Vice Chair
“Life’s persistent and most urgent question is “What are you doing for others?” — Martin Luther King Jr.
Butch Anderson Trustee
Audit Committee Chair 16
Rebecca Dickson Trustee
Nominating Committee Chair
Barbara Drake Trustee
Ray Gonzalez Trustee
Thomas J. Hall Trustee
Program Committee
Investment Committee Chair
Immediate Past Chair, Executive and Nominating Committees
Nora James Trustee
Craig King Trustee
Cary Lurie Trustee
Marketing Committee
Development Committee Chair
Susanne Pennington Trustee Program Committee
Alicia Reban Trustee
Program Committee Chair
Janice Rude-Willson Trustee
Elizabeth (Beth) Schuler Trustee
Linda Smith Trustee
Lilli Trinchero Trustee
Development and Marketing Committees
Marketing Committee Chair Development Committee
Program Committee
Program Committee
Program Committee 17
Advisory Board
Carina Black
Investment Committee
Steve Carrick
William Creekbaum
Finance Committee
Leslie Daane, CPA Finance Committee
Devere Dressler
Program Committee
David Gamble, Jr.
Nancy Brown
Development and Program Committees
Community Leadership Committee
Investment Committee
Debbie Day
Program Committee
Edward Estipona
Marketing Committee
David Geddes
Investment Committee
Steven Brown
Investment Committee
Tyson Cross
Investment Committee
Oscar Delgado
Community Leadership Committee
Steve Frank
Development and Investment Committees
Kelly Glenn
Marketing Committee
Caesar Ibarra
Finance Committee
Kevin Melcher
Program Committee
Nancy Rodriguez Program Committee
Don Sefton
Development Committee
Investment Committee
Lance McKenzie
Development Committee
Michaelle Rafferty
Development Committee
Michael Salogga
Community Leadership and Investment Committees
Dave Stockman
Community Leadership Committee
Bonnie Read
Community Leadership Committee
Jennifer Satre
Community Leadership Committee
Sig Wawdo
Marketing Committee
Emeritus Board Robert Armstrong
Mendy Elliott
David Turner
Sallie Armstrong
Nancy Fennell
Jim Webster, III
Richard Barnard
Brian Kennedy
Norma Webster
Fred Boyd
Mark Knobel
Ronald Zurek
Kathie Dees
John Mulligan 19
Funds of the Community Foundation These funds, established by the Board of Trustees, support Community Foundation programs and initiatives. Community Endowment and Community Fund Support our mission to meet the various needs of people in northern Nevada. If you want to help today, give to the Community Fund. If you want to help forever give to the Community Endowment. See page 36.
Community Foundation Operating Supports all core expenses including community leadership activities.
Partnership Grantmaking Supports the Community Foundation’s annual competitive grant program. Grants are given to a wide variety of charitable organizations doing vital and often unrecognized work. See page 34.
Be Instrumental Arts Endowment Provides a permanent source of revenue for operating support, capital improvements, creation of new works and continued access to the arts by all residents and visitors.
Gifts in any amount to these funds are used to strengthen our region and are always appreciated.
ASSETS BY FUND CLASS $76,800,000 6%
1% 10%
Donor Advised Designated Endowments Funds Held for Others Scholarships Area of Interest
$ 35,200,000 $ 26,200,000 $ 7,400,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 2,000,000
46% 34% 10% 1% 6% 3%
Donor Advised Funds Funds established by individuals, families, and organizations offer flexibility, tax benefits and convenience. Donor Advisors decide where and when to recommend grants. Families may name children and grandchildren as successor advisors. Robert and Sallie Armstrong Charitable Fund Chris and Ann Askin Charitable Fund AVANZAR Charitable Foundation Fund * Jack and Jane Becker Charitable Foundation Bergmann Family Fund Berry Family Charitable Fund Charles E. Bertolina Charitable Trust Bingham Charitable Fund Charney 1996 Trust Charitable Fund Shari Chase Fund Barbara B. Clarke Family Fund Coast to Coast Foundation Cork Navillus Family Foundation * Cristoforo Colombo Lodge 1534 Reno
Dees Family Charitable Fund Shayne Del Cohen Charitable Fund Denzler Family Charitable Fund Lash F. & Gigi Dermody Turville Foundation DLL Charitable Fund * EWB Fund Fredricksen Green Foundation Freedom Charitable Fund Mark and Clemencia Glenn Foundation Great Basin Exploration Center K&K Grimm Family Fund Hall-Prescott Family Fund Hinderks Family Foundation *New Fund 21 21
Donor Advised Funds continued
Bruce and Nora James Family Fund Kassity Family School Fund Brian and Nancy Kennedy Foundation Jack and Shanaz Langson Fund Laurenson Family Fund Legacy of Grace Foundation* Terri & Gray Levy Charitable Fund Richard P. Lewis Family Foundation* Lucille Nelson Lindsay Charitable Fund* Lurie and Vogelsong Charitable Fund* Lurieland Foundation Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Capital Campaign Fund Make a Difference Fund* Robert and Gloria McDonald Family Fund Muhonen Charitable Fund NEWT Christian Fund Nichols Family Charitable Fund Obscure Destinies Charitable Fund Fred and Cheryl Olson Charitable Fund* Ozmen Foundation Edwin and Judith Pereyra Charitable Foundation Douglas and Cynthia Petersen Charitable Fund Steve and Stephanie Petersen Charitable Fund Patrick D. Pettinari Family Foundation* Thomas Pfrommer Family Fund* Pokroy Family Reno Fund Roger B. Primm Family Charitable Fund Professoressa Charitable Fund Senator William J. Raggio Charitable Fund Rebecca’s Fund RGJ/YPN Twenty Under 40 Initiative Fund Tappan Family Memorial Fund Lilli Trinchero Celebrate Diversity Fund Lilli Trinchero Charitable Fund Satre Family Fund BJ and NL Shipman Family Foundation Ron and Linda Smith Donor Advised Fund Michael and Karren Smith Family Fund Sullivan and Taylor Charitable Fund Sullivan and Taylor Family Foundation Vanderleest Family Donor Advised Fund Adam Webster Charitable Fund Jim and Karlene Webster Family Fund Ranson and Norma Webster Foundation Western Nevada Supply Charitable Fund *New Fund 22
Geoff and Sally White Charitable Fund Emily Jane Wilbanks Memorial Fund Zonta Club of Greater Reno Master Fund Zurek Charitable Fund
Designated Funds These funds, which may be set up by individuals or organizations, support a specific nonprofit organization or mission. Dixie Bradshaw’s Principal Fund City of Reno, Charitable Foundation Community Aquatics Fund Arthur F. and Shirley S. Di Salvo Charitable Remainder Unitrust Dream Tags Charitable Fund Family Court Judicial Benevolent Fund Family Estate Planning Series Fund First United Methodist Foundation of Reno Great Basin Observatory Fund Chantal Claire Hager Charitable Foundation Immunize Nevada Fund La Caridad, A Valmonte Foundation Inc. Fund Last Chance Joe Fund Gwenevere F. Leonard C.R.U.T. Tom and Bennie Livoti Wellness Charitable Fund Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Charitable Gift Annuity Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Non Agency Fund Mary’s Foundation for Caring Mortensen Nevada Historical Trust Fund Mustang Heritage Foundation Nevada Discovery Museum Fund Maison Ortiz Fund Maison T. Ortiz Family Charitable Fund Alfred J. & Lola M. Ouska Charitable Gift Annuity Alice Ramlow Charitable Gift Annuity Reno Central Rotary Club Foundation Reno Philharmonic Fund Reno Police Foundation Retrac Lids Plaza Fund Raymond C. Rude Designated Fund to Benefit the US Diving Foundation Raymond C. Rude Supporting Foundation David Shaw-Kennedy, III Fund Sierra Nevada Water Polo, Inc. Fund Senior Support Fund Sons of Italy Organizational Fund
Soroptimist International of Truckee Meadows IGU- Nepal Project Fund Tahoe Rim Trail Reserve Fund Tahoe Rim Trail Stewardship Fund Tonopah Community Fund Tonopah Historic Mining Park Fund Tonopah Library Fund Vanderleest Family Charitable Fund David Wallace Legacy Fund Susanne & Gloria Young Foundation Fund
Endowments Funds that are endowed last forever. Endowment funds may be established to support an area of interest or favorite charity, or as a memorial to a loved one. Dora De Anderson Endowment Frank Bender Charitable Endowment Jack Montrose Bobbitt Endowment for Children Brewery Arts Center Endowment CARE Chest Endowment Community Foundation of Elko County Endowed Fund Community Nutrition Education Endowment Crone’s Coin Charitable Fund Dangberg Home Ranch Endowment Fourth Ward School Endowment Robert E. Kendall Fourth Ward School Endowment Friends of Nevada Wilderness Endowment Evangeline Grant Memorial Music Endowment Great Basin Outdoor School Endowment Bruce R. James Foundation Endowment Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful Endowment KNPB Endowment Mansfield Endowment for the Benefit of the Humane Society May Arboretum Endowment Marilyn R. Melton Endowment for the Humanities Eugene Mortara Memorial Endowment Nevada Land Trust Endowment Note-Able Music Therapy Services Endowment Margaret E. Oser Endowment for Women Reno Chamber Orchestra Endowment Reno Family Shelter Endowment
Reno Little Theater Endowment Reno Philharmonic Endowment Restart Endowment SAFE Endowment Sage Ridge School Endowment Sparks Heritage Museum Endowment Springmeyer Charitable Endowment St. Paul’s Church Berlin, Maryland Fund Tahoe Rim Trail Agency Endowment Lilli Trinchero Celebrate Diversity Endowment Twentieth Century Club Legacy Endowment United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra Endowment Veterans Guest House Endowment Washoe ARC Endowment Jim and Karlene Webster Family Endowment Trinity Episcopal Church Endowment Zonta Club of Greater Reno Endowment
Area of Interest Supports a general area of charitable work or population. Dream Tags Fund Monroe Youth at Risk Family Fund Nevada Animal Fund Truckee River Fund
Nonprofit Organization Funds The Community Foundation manages the money for these organizations’ funds. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Agency Endowed Fund Kidview, Inc. Foundation Agency Fund Nevada Humane Society Endowed Agency Fund Nevada Humanities Committee Agency Endowment Fund Nevada Military Support Alliance Fund Nevada Museum of Art Agency Fund RenoCares Fund Ronald McDonald House Charities, Northern Nevada Trinity Episcopal Church Endowed Agency Fund United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra Donor Designated Agency Endowment
Scholarship Funds Help students from pre-school to med-school and everything in-between. Alan G. Bain Initiative in Science or Math Matt Bartlett Memorial Foundation Jack and Jane Becker College Scholarship Orville Belding Memorial Scholarship Peggy Bowker Memorial Scholarship for Women in Engineering Kendyl Ruth Williams Depoali Memorial Scholarship Robert and Judy Dreiling Scholarship Ezzysgift Foster Children Education Foundation Hispanic Heritage Day Nursing Scholarship Clarence “CJ” Jones Memorial Scholarship William and Martha Karraker Scholarship Kennedy Scholarship Tom and Bennie Livoti Saint Teresa of Avila Endowed Scholarship Gordon Lymbery PhD Memorial Scholarship Dieter and Hedwig Meun Endowed Scholarship General Fred Michel Scholarship Nevada Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship Northern Nevada Youth Scholarship
NV Energy Powerful Partnerships Scholarship Diane Olds Memorial Education Scholarship Reno and Gloria Quilici Scholarship Read With Me Scholarship Reno Central Rotary Scholarship Reno Pops Orchestra Scholarship Philip & Jennifer Satre Scholarship Officer Mike Scofield Memorial Scholarship Serendipity Scholarship Ron and Linda Smith Family Scholarship Nicole Snyder Memorial Scholarship Eugene F. and Nadine G. Stegelmeyer Endowed Scholarship John R. Stockman Scholarship Systems Consultants Scholarship Tonopah Community Endowment Emily Jane Wilbanks Memorial Scholarship Claudine Williams Harrah’s Las Vegas Employee Scholarship Zonta of Greater Reno Scholarship
Charitable Gift Annuities Your Community Foundation administers gift annuities that will benefit children in Carson City, Reno Philharmonic, May Arboretum, and the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. A Charitable Gift Annuity can be established with a gift of $10,000. You can receive annual income and the remainder will benefit a permanent fund at the Community Foundation.
Volunteers make the annual Scholarship Ice Cream and Awards Social a sweet time for students, their families, and Community Foundation donors. 24
Thank you to our Donors who gave a gift to a fund or a donation to a Community Foundation program. Gay Brown, Accountant In processing the receipt of gifts and mailing out corresponding gift acknowledgment letters, I get a glimpse into the concerns of our many donors and fundholders. It is inspiring to witness their passionate commitment to such a variety of philanthropic interests. Their generosity impacts so many.
Anonymous Abel, Haley A-Carlisle Adams, David, M. Alpine Insurance Associates American Wealth Management Andersen, Faye I. Anderson, Grant Askin, Chris and Ann Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. AT&T Nevada AVA Logistics, LLC Azad, Joseph and Roxie Bachstadt, Peter and Theresa Bancroft-Clair Foundation Barar, Rana Barnard, Richard and Ann Bartlett, Kathie Baum, Paula Becker, Jane Kimberly Bella Italia Restaurant Bennett, Michael Bergmann, Roger A. Bessiere, Maurice and Patricia Bingham, Dave and Janet Blach, Patrick and Jodie Black, Greg and Carina Blair, Robert E. and Jana Blue Whale Coffee Company Booth, Heather Borda, Roger and Pam Bowers, Diane Bowers, Gayle Bowker, Elizabeth Boyd, Fred and Jane
Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows Bradley, Drendel & Jeanney Brett and Karen Coleman Foundation Bretzlaff Foundation Brewers Cabinet Brewery Arts Center Broili, Eric Brown, Nancy Brown, Steven Buhlig, Lynda Bully’s Sports Bar & Grill Bunn, Matthew O. Bush, Michael Butcher Boy Meat Market Butler, Katharine Bybee, Charlene Cafferata, Elisa P. California Sierra Express, Inc. Cani, LLC Cardenas, Raymond and Nancy Carey, Jane Carleton, Galeta M. Carrick, Steve Carroll, Dana Cashman Family Foundation Caterino, Karen Champion Chevrolet Chapman, Bonnie Charles Schwab Foundation Charleston, Elinor J. Chicago Title Company Children’s Cabinet Inc. Clark, Darl F. and Lorraine Clark, Geré 25
Donors Clark, Laurel Clarke, Barbara B. CoBank Community Coalition for Victims Rights Confidence Foundation Creekbaum, William A. CFP Crites, Rev. Karry D. Cronk, Gary Crowell, Robert Curtis, Mark Daane, Leslie, CPA and Don Dapra, Dave and Joycette Dare, Philip, Estate of Daughters Cafe Dear, Elizabeth Del Cohen, Shayne Denzler, Mark H. and Maria Depoali, Kathleen Dermody Properties Foundation Dermody, Paula Desert Research Institute Di Salvo, Art and Shirley Dickson, Rebecca Dimmitt, Doris Downtown Improvement Association Inc. Drake, Ralph and Barbara Drakulich, John Draper Family Foundation Drendel, Thomas Dressler, Devere Drew, Randy and Lori Dudley, Duane Duerr, Naomi Dunbar, Regina L. Duncan, Jean Duraflex International Corporation E.L. Cord Foundation Earl, Janet Eddy House Edward D. Jones, LP - Maryland El Adobe Cafe Ely Shoshone Tribe Eppler, Davide Estipona, Edward Ferris, JoAllan Fey, Christine Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Centennial Title Company of Nevada Flowing Tide Pub Food Bank of Northern Nevada Foster, George Foster, Heidi Frank, Steve 26
Frehner, Garth Gamble, David, Jr. Geddes, David George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation Gianoli, John C. and Julie Gilbert Family Trust Gilbert, Michael Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Glenn, Kelly Glynn, Thomas Gompf, Thomas Gonzalez, Raymond and Kelly Gordon, Jody Gordon, Valerie Grand Chapter of Nevada Order of the Eastern Star Gray, Matthew Great Basin Beverage, LLC Great Basin National Park Foundation Greb, Jeffrey S. and Elizabeth Grimm, Klaus and Kristin Hall, Maureen Hall, Thomas J. and Peggy Hambsch, Greta Harwell, Cheri Haws, Kathleen Hebert, Carl Hendricks, Daylene Henneberg, Susan Hill, Richard Hinderks, Larry and Stacy Hines, Karol Holmes, Dorothy Horan, Mary Ellen and Allan Reinap Howell, Thomas J. Hull, Steve Humphreys, Gail and Rob Ibarra, Caesar Isaeff, Bill and Carol Beth It’s My Community Store, LLC Jack Van Sickle Foundation James, Bruce and Nora Jewish Community Foundation of Orange County Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Legacies and Endowments John Ascuaga’s Nugget Casino Resort Johnson, President Marc A. and Karen Penner Johnson Jones, Michelle Jonsson, Jeff Joseph, James, CPA K&K Grimm Family Fund Kafoury, Armstrong & Co. Kennedy, Brian and Nancy Kern, Diana
King, Craig Klos, Patricia F. Korn, Benjamin E. CSPG Koyle, Denys M. and Gary Perea Ladera Ranch Group, LLC Lakeside Bar and Grill Lamke, Linda Larrieu, James A. Leising, Norma I. Lent, Tom Lerude, Warren and Janet Levy, Robert Lilley, Tom and Joan Livoti, Tommy Lofrese, Daniel L., Jr. Lopez-Contreras, Roberto Lorton, George Loy, Brian and Georgia Lura, Clifford Lurie, Cary Lurie, Mr. Alexander and Ms. Kristin Vogelsong Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Lynn, Susan Maiss, Alan and Nancy Manning, Winona Mark Twain, LLC Marks, Charles Marlowe, Marjorie B. Martini, Mayor Geno and Ruth Mary’s Medicinal Mason, Flora E. Maupin, Ernest and Catherine Mayer, Steven McCubbins, Janis B. McCulloch, Stacie W. McKenzie, Lance and Tracy McLeod, Carolyn McNiven, Lisa Melcher, Kevin and Ann Marie Mentzer, Stan and Teresa Meun, Dieter and Hetty Micromanipulator Company, LLC Miller, John Mills, Rebecca Mix Cupcake Co. Mohrman, Michael P. Monroe, Charles Monroe-Schuler Foundation Moore, Steven Morgan, Rita M. and Lisa L. Cardinal Morrey Distributing Co. Morrill, Robert B. and Emily Morris, Christine Morris, Tom and Jody
Mortara, Pam A. Moy, Virginia M. Mt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation Mt. Wheeler Power Naan & Kabab Nappe, Tina National Business Furniture, LLC Nebel, Daria Nevada Humane Society, Inc. Nevada Land Trust Nicoll, Linda Nordgren, Tyler Nork, Mary Note-Able Music Therapy Services NV Energy NV Energy Charitable Foundation Nye County, Nevada O’Bryant, Eathan and Lidia Ole Bridge Pub Olson, Fred and Cheryl Olson, Ronald L. Patrick D. Pettinari Family Foundation Pearce, Jessica Pereyra, Edwin and Judith Perkins Linsmeier, Carmela Pfrommer, James and Gail Phelps, Doris Philadelphia Insurance Companies Phillips, James Pietro’s Famiglia Platz, Wade and Allison Pokroy, Michael and Joan Pollard, Rebecca Powers, Robyn Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Q & D Construction Quilici Living Trust Raney, Antoinette Ratti, Julia and James Cavanaugh Reban, Alicia and John Sherman Reno Air Racing Foundation Reno Chamber Orchestra Reno Dodge Sales, Inc. Reno Pops Orchestra Reno Provisions Reno-Tahoe Young Professionals Network Renown Health Restivo, Norma Richard P. Lewis Family Foundation Robert S. and Dorothy J. Keyser Foundation Roberts, Kenneth Robinson, Pamela Rodriguez, Nancy Rogers, Benjamin and Jill 27
Donors Rotary Club - Reno Central Charter Rude-Willson, Janice and Prentiss Willson Rum Cakes Etc. By Bert Rummel, Earlene Sagel, Lois Salogga, Michael Sass, Charles and Karen Satre, Phil and Jennifer Schuler, Mike and Elizabeth Schultz, Russell C. and Vicki Schultz, Terri Schuster, Barrie Seeliger, Dan Seeliger, Sally Seeliger, Tom and Kris Hestdalen Sefton, Don and Penny Serano, Arminda Seymour, Susan Shaffer, Beverly Shelton, Dana Shipman, Bruce and Nancy Shrake, Anne Shriver, Robert E. and Pamela Sill, Marjorie Sims, Robert Smith, Harvey Smith, Ron L. MD and Linda Snyder, Patti Solari, John and Debby L. Dowty Solari Soroptimist International of Citrus Heights Soroptimist International of Greater Sacramento Soroptimist International of Truckee Meadows IGU - Nepal Project Soroptimist International Placerville Soroptimist International Smith Valley Sparks Heritage Museum Squeeze Inn Standish, Miles Standley, Glenn Starr, James Steinheimer, Connie Steven T. Polikalas, Ltd. Stewart, Lachlan and Margaret Stillwater Foundation Stone House Cafe Strauss, Herbert and Carolyn Struve, Larry D. Sullivan, Casey and Charlotte Susanne & Gloria Young Foundation Fund 28
Sutton, Pamela SWD-Quarry FVS, LLC System Consultants, Inc. (SCI) Tahoe Rim Trail Association Tarble, Earl Telles, Julianne Tenforde, Susan D. Thai Corner Cafe The Depot Reno The Jungle The Nature Conservancy Thompson, James E. and Laura Thornton, William C. and Barbara Thrivent Financial for Lutherans TICOR Title of Nevada, Inc. Tilford, Dave and Edith Tolliver, Jo Marie Trinchero, Lilli Truckee Meadows Community College Foundation Truckee Meadows Water Authority Turner, Jeff and Tracy United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra University of Nevada, Reno University of Nevada, Reno Nevada System of Higher Education Valenzuela, Reginald Valmonte, Father Art Vanderleest, Henry and Stephanie Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Wait, Richard, CPA, CVA and Wendi Waite, Barbara Walker, Brooke Walker, Janeen L. Wallace, James N. Walton, Richard L. and Kathleen Washoe County School District Watts, Howard, III Wawdo, Sig and April Webster, Ranson and Norma Weeden, Peggy Westergard, Tammy A. Whisenand, Michelle Willard L. Eccles Foundation Wilson, Bill and Holly Wilt, Allen and Teresa Wise, John Wisot, Barbara World Acrobatics Society Yamada, Howard and Nette
Grants Community Foundation fundholders and the many fund advisory committees recommend grants to support charitable organizations in our region of Nevada, throughout the Nation, and across the globe. Your generosity touches people and supports charities in ways that are transforming. You are to be counted on to help when needed. You give in strategic ways that make real impact. You are the heart of the Community Foundation.
$5,801,000 3%
2% 1%1%
11% 34%
17% 20%
Education Children and Family Environment and Animals Arts and Culture Health Religions Institutions Other Human Services Community Development
$ 1,997,000 $ 1,180,000 $ 999,000 $ 638,000 $ 612,000 $ 147,000 $ 137,000 $ 49,000 $ 42,000
34% 20% 17% 11% 11% 3% 2% 1% 1%
$90,873,000 in grants has been distributed by the Community Foundation since 1998. Note: In addition to Community Foundation funds, this chart combines grants that were awarded by funds held for others. These funds are reclassed for financial statement purposes.
Organizations that Received Grants Alzheimer’s Association Animal Ark Art Director’s Club of Denver Arts for All Nevada Atlas Economic Research Foundation Autism Society of Colorado Awaken. Inc. Bay Area Sports Organizing Committee BMLC Inc. Bordewich Bray Elementary School Boy Scouts of America Nevada Area Council Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows Brown Elementary School Campus House of Christian Campus Ministry, Inc. Canine Rehabilition Center and Sanctuary Casa de Vida Castilleja School Foundation Catamount Fund Catholic Charities CYO of the Archdiocese of San Francisco Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada Caughlin Ranch Elementary School Cause for PAWS Challenged Athletes, Inc. Churchill County Churchill County School District Circle The City Cistercians of the Strict Observance in Massachusetts, Inc. City of Midland Aquatics City of Reno Police Department City of Reno City of Sparks Coach Art Communities in Schools of Nevada Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Inc. Community Health Alliance Conservation Foundation Trust Covenant House New York Department of Juvenile Services Diedrichsen Elementary School Diocese of Reno Doctors Without Borders USA, Inc. Douglas County Community Services Foundation Douglas County Sheriff’s Advisory Council Earthjustice 30
East Bay Community Foundation East Bay Zoological Society El Centrito Family Learning Center Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc. Ellie’s Hats Epilepsy Foundation Northwest Family Support Council of Douglas County Feather River Land Trust Friends of KEXP Radio 90.3 FM Friends of Washoe County Library Galena High School Glenbrook Fireworks, Inc. Global Language Project Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Co. Great Basin National Park Foundation Great Basin Outdoor School Great Grace Ministries Greenpeace Fund, Inc. Hartman Structural Engineering, LLC Heifer Project International HIF Corp Hillel of Northern Nevada Historic Fourth Ward School Foundation Hoag Hospital Foundation Holland Project Reno Homeless to Homes Fund Horizon Christian Church Independent Institute, Inc. Indiana International School of Diving, Inc. Indianapolis Stars Diving Club, Inc. Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund K14KQ Keep Memory Alive Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful Kehillat Israel-Jewish Congregation of Pacific Palisades Kidview, Inc. Foundation Knights of Columbus KUNR FM 88.7 La Caridad, A Valmonte Foundation, Inc. League to Save Lake Tahoe Lemelson Stem Academy Elementary School Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Little Kids Rock, Inc. Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Lyon County School District
Thank you from Channel 14
K14KQ: In 2012, Channel 14, Lovelock’s only local television station moved its studio to the Pershing High School Library. A Partnership Grant helped upgrade all technology in the library so the students working for Channel 14 can do so in one location. Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Mason Valley Conservation District Matt Bartlett Memorial Foundation Fund Mentoring Partnership of New York Mercy Education Project Monterey Bay Aquarium National Automobile Museum National Judicial College National Security Forum of Northern Nevada, Inc. National Trust for the Humanities National Wildlife Federation National World War II Museum Navy League of the United States Nevada Bighorns Unlimited – Reno Chapter Nevada Diabetes Association Nevada Discovery Museum Nevada Land Trust Nevada Outdoor School Nevada Tahoe Conservation District Nevada Women’s Fund Nevada Youth Empowerment Project (NYEP) Northern Nevada Chapter, American Red Cross Northern Nevada H.O.P.E.S. Northern Nevada RAVE Family Foundation - NNRFF NV Energy Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Panthers Booster Club of BHS Pathfinders Children’s Ministry Patients Out of Time Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundation Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura & San Luis Obispo Counties, Inc. Primavera Foundation, Inc. Q & D Construction (for Last Chance Joe repair) Realm of Caring Foundation, Inc. Reno Air Racing Foundation Reno Chamber Orchestra Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality Reno Little Theater Reno Philharmonic Association Reno Rebuild Project Renown Health Renown Health Foundation Restore NYC Richard P. Lewis Family Foundation Ridge House Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms Ronald McDonald House Charities, Northern Nevada Ronald McDonald House of San Francisco Rosies Place, Inc. Roz Carr Imbabazi Fund Rush University Medical Center Safe Horizon, Inc. Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church 31
Organizations that Received Grants Saint Mary’s Medical Center Saint Robert Catholic School Santa Clara University Shades of Blue Sierra Arts Foundation Sierra Association of Foster Families Sierra Bible Church Sierra Music Society Sierra Nevada College Sierra Nevada Community Aquatics Sierra Nevada Journeys Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Snowlands Network Sojourn to the Past Solace Tree, Inc. Sons of Italy Western Foundation Sparks Middle School Special Assistance Fund for Energy Special Operations Warrior Foundation Special Recreation Services, Inc. St. Clare of Assisi St. Elizabeth Health Center Stanford University – Office of Development Step 2 Sun Valley Elementary School Sunrise Elementary School Supportive Housing Network of New York, Inc. Tahoe Pyramid Bikeway Tahoe Resource Conservation District Temple Emanu-El The Children’s Aid Society The Children’s Cabinet, Inc. The Citadel Brigadier Foundation, Inc. The Door - A Center of Alternatives, Inc. The Family Support Council of Douglas County The Hamlin School The Harrah Automobile Foundation
The Nature Conservancy of Nevada The Salvation Army - Reno NV TheatreWorks of Northern Nevada, Inc. Thunderbird Lodge Preservation Society Trebein Parent Teacher Organization Trinity Episcopal Church Truckee Donner Land Trust Turkish Educational Foundation Turkish Philanthropy Funds, Inc. UNICEF United Cerebral Palsy Association of Putnam & Southern Duchess United States Diving Foundation United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra University of California, Berkeley Foundation USAFSS ESC Association Memorial Fund Vietnam Veterans of California, Inc. Veterans Resource Centers of America Washoe County Courts Washoe County Honorary Deputy Sheriff’s Association Washoe County Juvenile Probation Washoe County Library System Washoe County School District Washoe County Senior Services Western Dental Western Folklife Center Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Women’s Foundation for A Greater Memphis Wooster High School World Wildlife Fund, Inc. Wounded Veteran Run Yoga Foster, Inc. YoKid Stretch Your Limits, Inc. Young at Heart Senior Citizens Club, Inc. Youth in Philanthropy Giving Circle Zawadisha Fund Zawadisha Fund of the Sierra
As a public charity, the Community Foundation serves donors, engages the community through dozens of leadership activities, and collaborates with diverse stakeholders to create effective philanthropy, and community impact. 33
GRANTS Donors Pool Gifts to Make Standout Grants 2015 Winners were challenged to match the $121,000 in Partnership Grant funds dollar for dollar. They did so and more! The 12 winning organizations raised $342,468 by leveraging their grant and expanding their donor bases. Partnership Grants are helping to create a larger, more connected and engaged community of caring donors for our region’s charities.
2015 Partnership Grant Winners ARTS AND CULTURE Good Luck MacBeth Theatre Company Reno Little Theater Sierra Arts Foundation TheatreWorks of Northern Nevada, Inc.
TheatreWorks Artown Family Series production of Alice in Wonderland performed at Wingfield park for an audience of more than 1,000 at this free performance. Additionally it was presented at Renown Hospital Mack Auditorium for patients, their families, and staff. The Partnership Grant also supports outreach theater classes to the Kid’s Kottage (emergency foster care) and the Volunteers of America Reno Family Shelter.
EDUCATION K14KQ Public Television from Pershing County High School Sierra Nevada Journeys HUMAN SERVICES Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows Family Support Council of Douglas County Nevada Youth Empowerment Project Ridge House At Ridge House ex-offenders receive help with resume building, job searching and job placement.
NATURAL RESOURCES AND ANIMALS Great Basin National Park Foundation Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway
Tahoe Pyramid Bikeway grant supported construction of a 1.9 mile trail segment near Farad along the Truckee River.
Community Endowment We have no way of knowing what challenges our children and grandchildren will be faced with 50 years from now, but the Community Endowment will always be relevant, important to our region, and most of all available when needed. Think of your community as one of your heirs, and leave 5% of your estate to the Community Endowment. Together your gift, combined over time with your neighbors’ and friends’ gifts, will grow to a deep and unending resource. Your gift will make it possible to really help in times of crisis and will address the persistent problems that take effort, time, and money to change. The Community Foundation is working for all of us, every day. You’N-I (the Youth Network Initiative) is addressing the needs of homeless youth in the Truckee Meadows. The Senior Caregiver initiative is gathering information from the countless families who are taking care of aging loved ones. Working together, family caregivers, service providers, philanthropic funders, and government officials will decide and act upon ways to make caregiving a less overwhelming and more rewarding responsibility. Your gift to the Community Endowment will ensure that community-wide initiatives remain a vital part of our work. Include a bequest to the Community Endowment in your will or Trust. It is simple to do. Ask your legal counsel to include the following statement: I give (percent of the estate, amount, or description of property) to the Community Endowment at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada. The time is right. The goal is ambitious. Our community is ready and waiting for you—and for us—to step up. Give to the Community Endowment today.
You can help create the community where your grandchildren will want to live. When you give to the Community Endowment you are giving a gift to the future generations of Nevadans. Where will your great-grandchildren live? What kind of community do you want them to grow up in? What values will you pass on to your children and grandchildren?
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ― Mother Teresa 37
Caregiver Support Initiative Nick Tscheekar, Director of Community Leadership I love working with a variety of stakeholders to address the most pressing needs facing our community. From conducting outreach surveys with vulnerable youth living on the streets, to planning community convenings to address the needs of family caregivers to senior citizens, my work at the Community Foundation has allowed me to collaborate with some of the most caring members of our region toward achieving the shared goal of strengthening our community.
Caregiving to aging loved ones will touch every family some day in some way. There are almost 100,000 seniors Washoe County. You probably know a few who are caregivers. Are you a caregiver yourself? If so, you know that it can be an overwhelming responsibility. Helping family caregivers to seniors is a critical challenge that also presents the community with a great opportunity for significant impact. Powerful things happen when people come together. You can join with the Community Foundation as we begin a second community-wide initiative. We are holding a series of community convenings to listen to caregivers and to learn their top needs and find ways we can help. Join us. When we come together to listen to and learn from each other, we have the power to make a lasting impact to caregivers and throughout our community. That is what the Caregiver Support Initiative is all about. Call the Community Foundation at 775-3335499 or visit to learn more.
“It is extremely stressful and pretty isolating for the two of us, because we had been peers, and friends, and a married couple. That has completely shifted, because it’s becoming more and more like I am in charge of his world. I am becoming more like his mother than his wife.” 38
– Anonymous local caregiver
Caregiver Insights Honor Jones cares for her husband who lives with ALS. On hiring caregivers, “You are talking about $20 an hour depending on experience – that mounts up real fast. When you are planning on trying to get away on a trip, there is no way that I could have anybody else except my trained caregivers there.” Nettie Olivero cares for her husband Tony, age 90, who lives with vascular dementia. “Part of my challenge was finding out what we were dealing with…I found it really difficult in our area to get a full holistic assessment of what is going on with him.” Tod Sherman suffered a heart attack while providing full-time care for his wife who was subjected to Agent Orange in the military and has many serious physical issues and 100% PTSD. “[Caregiving] has humbled me to be more loving and enabled me to be the best human being that I could be…to provide the care that I do and love her the way I do.” Lorna Tobaisson cares for her mother who is 92 and challenged by hearing loss and macular degeneration. “Sometimes I feel isolated… I feel like I missed out on stuff between 2005 and 2016. I’m still an active person, but I’d like to go out on a date, have someone take me to dinner, or go dancing, but I just don’t do that because that means too much time away. I think all caregivers need to have their own space in the day.” 39
Youth Network Initiative Addressing the challenges facing youth who are homeless or at risk. These pages are a snapshot of the activities and achievements of You’N-I during the last year. This initiative brought new attention and community collaboration around youth homelessness at a level that has never been seen before in Reno and Sparks. Over 500 people were engaged in the initiative process. Most importantly the progress was driven by the engagement and feedback of youth in danger of or actually living on the streets. Want to learn more? Call the Community Foundation, 775-333-5499, and ask for the YOU’N-I Evaluation report.
Check out our signs inside Regional Transportation Commission buses.
The Eddy House YOUth Resource Center Opened in March 2015, The YOU provides services and respite from the streets to an average 150 youth weekly at this drop-in day center. 40
A go-to, up-to-date, online directory of available local help for homeless youth. is seen and used by an average of 240 people a month.
Nevada Mentors Nevada Mentors is a collaboration between local mentoring agencies. Our goal is to match more mentors with kids who need them. Please visit to learn more.
Streetsmart 4 Youth is a restaurant fundraiser to benefit youth at risk. Diners add $1.00 or more to their meal checks. Streetsmart 4 Youth 2015 raised $14,196.06 for the Children’s Cabinet, the Eddy House, Planned Parenthood MarMonte, Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality (RISE), and the Sierra Association of Foster Families (SAAF). The funding made possible:
5 high quality bunk beds for the Children’s Cabinet Transitional Living Center for Youth
132 youth connected to comfort services and care at the Eddy House YOU in January 2016
97 young people received clothing and winter gear from RISE
39 impoverished youth in foster care received in-home after school tutoring and financial literacy education and coaching from SAAF
Outreach interventions and education classes on reproductive health
Streetsmart 4 Youth 2016 will run during the month of October. Look for the posters and table tents in local restaurants. Add $1.00 or more to your check for our community’s young people who are trying to find their place in the world without family help. 41
of Elko County Pam Borda, Co-Chair, Fund Advisory Committee The Community Foundation of Elko County is the greatest gift we can give to future community leaders faced with ever increasing costs and never enough revenue to go around. I am totally committed to ensuring the Community Foundation of Elko County gets off to a great start and continues growing from this point forward. We will grow with our communities and fill the needs of important projects and work that would otherwise not get done.
The Community Foundation of Elko County became a reality in December 2015. It began by taking advantage of the Community Foundation of Western Nevada’s infrastructure, which afforded a fast, economical start — with low overhead. As an affiliate fund, the Community Foundation of Elko County will have the responsibility to fundraise and to make grants without thkle burden of investing and managing the funds and with the advantage of the Community Foundation of Western Nevada’s excellent management structure. The fund has its own local board with knowledge of local needs. Small towns in rural areas have precarious economies dependent upon weather patterns and natural resource availability. Frequently, towns depend on a few businesses for most of the jobs. The advantages for Elko County are clear. The citizens of Elko and the surrounding communities have much to gain from an unrestricted charitable endowment. The USDA has estimated that the transfer of wealth between generations in the coming decades is a clear opportunity to prepare small communities for the future. No one knows what the future holds, but we do know the Elko region will have a relevant, available charitable resource to help meet its needs. For information on how to join the Community Foundation of Elko County, call Pam Borda at 775-738-2100. For information on starting your own regional community foundation, call Tracy Turner, Chief Philanthropy Officer at 775-333-5499. 42
Community Foundation of Elko County Legacy Society
Robert and Kerry Aguirre believe in the Community Foundation of Elko County and included a gift of 5% of their estate to support the future of Elko.
“Leaving a bequest to the Community Foundation of Elko County does not change who or how I give to nonprofits now. The Community Foundation of Elko County supports community effort. It is not another piece from the pie; a community foundation creates a bigger pie! Our estate’s taxable assets are planned to be donated directly to charity. We want to support the community that has supported us and set an example for our children and their children by investing in their future.” – Kerry Aguirre
Legacy Society
Robert and Kerry Aguirre Reece and Tami Keener
Ben and Susan Reed William and Vivian Wright
Community Foundation of Elko County Advisory Council Pam Borda Co-chair
Kerry Aguirre
Katie Neddenriep Co-chair
Kevin Melcher
Ben Reed
John Patrick Rice
Vivian Wright 43
Professional Advisor Council Thank you. This year, because of YOU: A woman’s wishes about her final gifts were respected. Unwanted pets in rural Nevada were comforted, cared for, and given new homes. Beautiful and wild Nevada Land is preserved for generations. We work as a team. You can count on our discretion and expertise. Have confidence that you will remain in control of the client relationship and that your clients will be treated with respect and integrity. Call Chris Askin, CEO, and Certified Planned Giving Specialist or Ginny Harding-Davis, Chief Advancement Officer, (775-333-5499) to confidentially discuss your client’s planned giving opportunities. Thank you for your trust in us. We value your partnership.
ACCOUNTANTS Elaine Alexander Certified Public Accountant Butch Anderson Eide Bailly Joe Lane, CPA Eide Bailly, Fallon Edwin M. Pereyra Certified Public Accountant James L. Pfrommer Pfrommer & McCune, Ltd. David Turner Turner Loy and Company Richard E. Wait, CPA, CVA RS Wait, Chtd.
Ms. Soraya Tabibi Aguirre Holland & Hart Linda A. Bowman Law Office of Linda A. Bowman, Ltd. Gerald M. Dorn Anderson, Dorn & Rader, Ltd. Julia S. Gold Esq. Law Office of Julia S. Gold Thomas J. Hall Law Office of Thomas J. Hall Cassandra Jones Heritage Law Group Ernest J. Maupin Maupin, Cox & LeGoy Lance N. McKenzie McDonald Carano Wilson Gordon R. Muir Hawkins, Folsom & Muir John Mulligan McDonald Carano Wilson
Todd A. Plimpton Belanger & Plimpton Tim Riley Holland & Hart Don Ross Woodburn and Wedge F. DeArmond Sharp Robison Belaustegui Sharp & Low Sandra O. Wilson Law Office of Sandra O. Wilson
FINANCIAL PLANNERS Thomas Barcia Edward Jones John E. Boyd Edward Jones Bruce E. Brugler Presidio Financial Partners, LLC John Dooley Edward Jones Craig Libler Charles Schwab James Marren, CFP Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Enid Oliver Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Jennifer Rust Edward Jones Vicki P. Schultz MBA, CFP Schultz Financial Group, Inc.
OTHER PROFESSIONALS Rebecca A. Dickson Dickson Realty Pete Parker NPcatalyst
Financial Statements Melissa Tschanz, Controller As the Controller, I feel a responsibility to our Community and Fundholders to carefully manage charitable assets and accurately report their fund activities. I work closely with Audit, Finance and Investment Committees to create accountability and quality financial reports while planning for the future of the Foundation.
ASSETS IN TOTAL $90 $80 $70
$60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $ 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2015 The Community Foundation of Western Nevada, a 501 (c) 3 organization established in Nevada to strengthen our communities through philanthropy and leadership. Your gift may be tax deductible to the full extent of law.
“The Investment Committee oversees the Community Foundation’s investable assets, making sure that we follow the Investment Policy guidelines. Members are experienced in finance, portfolio management, wealth management, financial consulting and accounting. Our committee goal is to have members who understand how the complex world of portfolios should be managed for our donors. No committee member is directly involved as the Advisor or the Manager of those monies. We make no exception. Decisions are made with a nonbiased approach that enhances portfolio returns and mitigates potential risks. Our due diligence is extensive and meticulous. We interview the mangers twice a year looking at intricate features of their investment portfolio such as fees, risk, potential returns, historical returns, asset allocation, economic and financial trends, investment liquidity, and the stability of the managers and firms holding our investments. The Investment committee, as an advisory committee to the Community Foundation Board of Trustees, provides peace of mind that all monies are handled appropriately so that donors can fulfill their charitable desires.” – Ray Gonzalez, Trustee, Investment Committee Chair 45
Financial Statements COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF WESTERN NEVADA, INCORPORATED AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2015 and 2014
$ 11,128,089
$ 13,606,084
Cash and cash equivalents
Other assets
Contributions receivable
Property and equipment, net
Investments held for split-interest agreements
Total Assets
$ 76,698,925 76,212,562
Accounts payable
Split-interest agreements
Accrued payroll
Grants payable
Funds held for others
Total Liabilities
14,831,786 16,115,077
Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
61,867,139 60,097,485
$ 76,698,925
$ 76,212,562
A complete copy of the audited financial statements is available at our office: 50 Washington Street, Suite 300 // Reno, NV 89503 or from our website: 46
COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF WESTERN NEVADA, INCORPORATED AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014
Public support, revenue and transfers
Rental income
Investment income, net
Change in the value of split-interest trusts
Miscellaneous income
$ 10,029,210
Total public support, revenue and transfers
$ 9,967,588
8,557,535 12,378,278
Program services and grants
General and administrative
Total expenses
Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year
60,097,485 57,652,604
$ 61,867,139
$ 60,097,485
A complete copy of the audited financial statements is available at our office: 50 Washington Street, Suite 300 // Reno, NV 89503 or from our website: 47
Business Relationships Legal Counsel
Audit Firm
McDonald, Carano, Wilson
Kohn & Company, LLP
Banking and Investment Advisors Bernstein Global Wealth Management
Morgan Stanley
1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2150 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.
6502 South McCarran Blvd., Suite E Reno, NV 89509
5390 Kietzke Lane, Suite 200 Reno, NV 89511
Presidio Capital Advisors, LLC 101 California Street, Suite 1200 San Francisco, CA 94111
TIFF The Investment Fund for Foundations
Edward Jones
4795 Caughlin Parkway, Suite 210 Reno, NV 89509
200 Bar Harbor Drive, Suite 100 West Consho Hocken, PA 19428
Fortney Investment Advisors
Wells Fargo & Company
229 Saint Lawrence Avenue Reno, NV 89509
Merrill Lynch & Co.
101 California Street, Suite 2100 San Francisco, CA 94111
5340 Kietzke Lane, Suite 200 Reno, NV 89511 Copies of the Audited Financial Statements, Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, IRS form 990 or IRS form 1023 are available by request and on our website.
Connecting People Who Care with Causes that Matter 50 Washington Street, Suite 300 // Reno, NV 89503 775-333-5499 fax: 775-333-5487 email: Credits
Writer/editor, Photography: Margaret Stewart Design: Julie Melton, The Right Type Graphics Printed by: A Carlisle and Company Photography courtesy of: Cover Reno Cityscape: Lee Molof Photography Page 5: Dana NÖllsch PhotoZen Page 7: Child labor committee, Lewis Hine Photographs, US Library of Congress Pages 24, 36-37: Jesse Ghisletta Stewart Page 12-13 ©Beau Rogers, Reno, Nevada’s New Virginia Street Bridge, April 22, 2016
We listen to you. Community is the big investment.
When financial advisors partner with the Community Foundation, big gifts happen.
We volunteer on boards, with initiatives, and in nonprofit collaborations around big ideas.
Open Your Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2015!
Connecting People Who Care with Causes that Matter
phone 775-333-5499 //
50 Washington Street, Suite 300 Reno, NV 89503-5660
Reno, Nevada
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