Realm of the Senses

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Intensive purification – relief from stress – improving the efficiency of your performance Intensive purification and regeneration with Ayurveda 5 Pancha Karma – Special Ayurveda Intensive 5

Panta-Rhei-sound massage Holistic Pulsing

Individual Ayurvedic treatments given by therapists from Kerala/India Spiritual Healing & Body-Balance-Massage Spiritual Healing Ayurveda IT-Special Udvartana – Full Body Peeling Massage Spiritedness-Balance Body-Massage Abhyanga – Ayurvedic Full Body Massage Full Body Marma-Massage Spinal treatment with Ayurvedic medicine


6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8

Indian Healing tradition Kansu – (Ayurvedic Foot sole Massage with Metal Bowl) 8 Pindaswed – (dry full-body massage) 8 Snehana – (Ayurvedic full-body oil massage) 8 Mukabhyanga – Ayurvedic facial 8 Shirodhara 9 Netra Basti – (eye bath) 9 Nasya – (nasal inhalation therapy) 9 Combinations Snehana and Shirodhara Kansu – Nasya (combined)

9 9

FAR – EASTERN HEALING THERAPIES Music Oriented Sound Therapy 10 Shiatsu 11 Cupping 11 Acupunctural Massage 11

13 13

Qi Gong 14 Tai Chi 14 Chinese head massage 15 Yoga 15

OUR MASSAGE TREATMENTS Classic massages Partial- or full body massage


Special massages Hot Stone 16 Massage with scented massage oil 16 Massage for couples 16 Reflexology 16 Lymphatic Drainage 16 Anti-Cellulite Massage 16 Combined Massage 16 Head-, shoulder-, neck massage 17 Energy Balaning Massage 17 Craniosacral Therapy 17 Dorn-Breuss-Massage 17 Packs Mud Pack Hay Flower Pack

17 17

Nourishing Body Wraps Oil Wrap 18 Paierl’s crème package – expedition of the senses 18 Bad Waltersdorf Salt Wrap 18 Full-Body Peeling 18 EXIMIA Bodyforming 19 Metabolism evaluating-detoxicating treatments Algae-treatment „Poudre Océanique“ Aroma wrap – Beauty Line

19 19

Exotic Relaxation Ritual Hanakasumi – exotic treatment Detoxifying Cocktail

21 21

Oxygen Baths Goat’s Milk Bath Romantic bath for two

21 21

OUR BEAUTY TREATMENTS Facial for people with sensetive skin Facials for Men only „Sothys“ Classic Facial„Sothys“ Special Facial treatments Luxurious Secrets facial „Sothys“ Hydradvance – very effective moisturizing treatment for the skin Eye treatment „Sothys“ Hand, nail-, footcare Additional Beauty Treatments Anti Aging Therapy Intensive Care „Sothys“ collagen hyaluronique Facial by Cosmeceutics Diamond Microdermabrasion for skin rejuvenation through restoring cells Brand new tanning salon

Reservations at the health-reception: Monday – Saturday from 9 am – 6 pm / massages are carried out according to the appointment arrangement also on Sunday. With the appearance of this price-list all preceding price-lists lose their validity. Misprints and sentence mistakes reserve.

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23


Shiva-Ayurveda Center THE GENTLE INDIAN HEALING TRADITION This project is for human beings, who want to get rid of stress, tensed nerves or want to improve their efficiencies and abilities. These features are all supervised by a medical direction. Medical Wellness This expression describes an expression which is a combination of wellness and medical applications.

ded with all features of life. However, the one and only distinction between man and his environment is summarized in the expression Chaithanya which subscibes consciousness, vital spark, esprit or soul. These elements are manifested in our body known as Tridoshas. This aspect paraphrases three basic powers and has its seeds in Sanskrit: Vatha, Pitha and Kapha.

This is the way in which Ayurvedic-medicine and – wellness which have been in use since five thousand years in India are offered in the Hotel Thermenhof, exactly in the Shiva-Ayurveda Centre.

Vatha, Pitha and Kapha: The Pancha Maha Bhoothas and the Tridoshas are invisible for the human eye, but the can be identified because of their physical structures and physiological functions. Especially in psychosomatic conditioned diseases and chronic problems which are subscribed as mental existential orientation in terms of Ayurveda sustained success can be achieved. Because of the implementation of oil, warmth, individual methods, medical herbs, special Chakra-healingcontacts by mantras, Ayurvedic nourishment with the chance of attending cookery courses, well directed movements – Yoga – breathing exercises – Pranayama spare Doshas are siphoned out of the body.

According to Ayurveda all and everything, which exists on this planet, is a combination of the five elements, which are called Pancha Maha Bhoothas. Even the human body is variously composed of these five elements. Therefore each cell of our body is provi-

These make Pancha Karma to a veritable fountain of youth for the body, esprit and soul. Of course, these therapies have a very positive impact on our state of health: balance – harmony – deep internal peace and the feeling of being perfectly executed.

The principles are: • medical history • individual advisory service • coaching, • movements – mental development • rest and reaction • well balanced nutrition • beauty which comes from the inside out

INTENSIVE PURIFICATION – RELIEF FROM STRESS – IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR PERFORMANCE Intensive purification and regeneration with Ayurveda from € 1.674,– p.h. / d.r. incl. individual advice everyday 7 overnight stays incl. Paierl’s spa offer 5 x energy balance full body massage 3 x pindaswed (pudding made of herbs) 2 x shirodhara (a flush onto the forehead) 2 x snehana 2 x nasya incl. head-, shoulders- and neck massage

Pancha Karma – Special Ayurveda IntensiveRegimen from India from € 2.838,– p.h. / d.r. incl. individual advice everyday 14 overnight stays incl. Paierl’s spa offer and very special Ayurvedic food Anamnesis by Dr. G. Gopakumar (Ayurveda specialist) 3 x Ghee – purification 1 x Snehana 9 x energy balance massage 3 x Pindaswed (pudding made of herbs) 2 x Shirodhara 3 x Nasya, incl. head-, shoulders- and neck massage (30 min.) 2 x Udvartana (full body – synchronous – peeling massage) 2 x Svedana – steam bath with herbs 1 x Basti – clysters This very special Ayurvedic therapy causes: • Decrease in weight • Recovery of multiple sclerosis • Anti-aging • Helps accelerating the healing process of any disease which weakens the immune system of the body This therapy is especially designed for people who simply do not have the time to travel to India in order to get an Ayurvedic cure.

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.



e 90,–

Spiritual Healing aims at the abolishment of psychosomatic disorders (stress, burn out syndrom…) and serious agony. In addition, it helps to exonerate the whole body from inflammations and aids the recovery of patients suffering from cancer. Next, the Body Balance Massage is aimed at people, who spend much time in front of the computer and are quite top-heavy. It releases the deep brain cells, especially if the patient suffers from disturbance of the nervous system, headache, emotional unbalance, nervousness, stress… . Additionally, it helps to relax the esprit and the mind – equilibrates both hemispheres and leads to deep silence. Because of the warm stream the patient is able to experience his selfconsciousness and selftranscendence. Duration: 90 Min.

Spiritual Healing

€ 60,–

Spiritedness Balance Body Massage

1x Netra Basti (Ayurvedic eye bath) Only bookable in combination with 3 or more overnight stays

Udvartana – Full Body Peeling Massage

e 90,–

This massage will trim your figure and has a purifying effect. After using oil a variety of herbs will be gently massaged into your skin. This treatment will smoothen your body and will free your skin from waste products. Duration: 45 Min.

€ 80,–

This subscibes a full body massage by using a variety of oils from India to open the channels. It starts with a pleasant head massage which animates the whole nervous system. It helps to circulate the lymphoid flow and to balance the Tridoshas as well as to relieve stresses which leads to a deep relaxation, regeneration and offers the patient the chance to interact with his soul. Duration: 60 Min.

Abhyange Ayurvedic Full Body Massage

€ 110,–

Given by 2 therapists. This ayurvedic full body massage is a gentle treatment in which warm sesamum oil enriched with herbs is massaged in your skin. By stimulating the head zones of your skin your inner organs will be activated and waste products will be reduced. As a consequence, you will experience a deep and transient relaxation. Due to the fact that two therapists give you a massage synchronously it will be easier for you to indulge yourself. Duration: 50 Min.

Duration: 45 Min

Ayurveda „IT Special“

€ 270,–

This highly special treatment is intended for those who have to work an awful lot on their computers and, consequently, suffer from backache, fitful sleep and ophthalmitis. Our treatment “IT Special” focuses exactly on the foresaid complaints. 2x Energy Body Balance full body massage 1x Shirodhara (forehead anointment)


Full Body Marma Massage

€ 80,–

This massage has positive effects on organic diseases, sexual problems, insomnia, spinal injuries, tinnitus and chronic arthritis. You will immediately relax and feel sheer sensual pleasure. Additionally, blocks will be overcome and the efficiency of your performance will be improved. Duration: 60 Min.

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.

uced, leaving the body in a state of deep relaxation and regeneration. The digestive organs are activated, the senses aroused, enhancing physical consciousness and perception. Description: Warm sesame oil is applied to the entire body and thoroughly massaged. Duration: 50 Min.

Mukabhyanga – Ayurvedic Facial

Spinal treatment with Ayurvedic medicine

e 90,–

Highly effective in relieving special complaints, such as scoliosis, problems with the lumbar spine, spinal disc, ilia sacral and sciatic pain syndrome. This special treatment focuses on the tonicity and effectively reduces pain. Additionally, it stimulates blood circulation and increases its the oxygen consumption. Duration: 75 Min.

INDIAN HEALING TRADITION KANSU (Ayurvedic Foot Sole Massage with Metal Bowl)

e 42,–

The focus is on a balanced and harmonized digestive fire Agni and emotional harmony. Description: The feet soles


are coated with Ghee (clarified butter) and intensely massaged with a bowl made of special alloys. Duration: 25 Min.

PINDASWED (dry full-body massage)

e 99,–

Treatment for: cellulite, edemas and swellings, weakened circulation, bronchitis; loosens persistent tissue deposits Description: Full-body massage with 2 heated herb packs (with ginger and ajowan powder in cotton packs). Duration: 50 Min.

SNEHANA (Ayurvedic full-body oil massage) e 80,– Treatment: encourages lymphatic flow. The head massage stimulates the entire nervous system. Stress is red-

e 65,–

The ingredients of this facial are entirely natural products. It has a cooling and revitalising effect and regenerates your skin. As a result, your skin will become soft and velvet. The first step of this facial is an entire purification with various products, such as rose water, sugar, orange and lemon, depending on the type of your skin followed by a facial with papaya. The face mask again contains a variety of ingredients, such as sandalwood, orange, cucumber and rose water. Finally, a gentle massage with papaya cream will complete this exotic facial. Duration: 60 Min.


e 120,–

Treatment: Effective in the treatment of high blood pressure, emotional imbalance, stress, migraine, chronic headaches, cleansing both the mind and the senses and activating the “third eye”. Description: This is a procedure in which warm herbal oil or milk is dripped in a steady stream on the forehead followed by a gentle head massage. A combination with the full-body oil massage is highly recommended and enhances the healing effects. Duration: 50 Min.

Netra Basti (eye bath)

NASYA (nasal inhalation therapy) e 38,– Anwendung bei Erkältungen, Stirn- & Nebenhöhlenentzündungen, Kopfschmerzen, Nervosität, Mundtrockenheit. Die Stirn und das Gesicht werden mit Sesamöl massiert, dann werden die Sinushöhlen mit warmen Tüchern aufgewärmt. Danach wird ein spezielles Kräuter-Öl in die Nase eingeträufelt. Dauer: 25 Min.

e 38,–

Treatment: Used to reduce eye strain and stress, ease tensions, soothe dry, tired eyes and improve vision. Description: Special treatment in which the eyes are bathed in a warm herbal milk blend. Duration: 25 Min.

COMBINATIONS Snehana and Shirodhara Duration: 105 Min. #

Kansu and Nasya

e 179,– e 70,–

Treatment: effective for neck and shoulder problems Duration: 50 Min.

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.


Far-Eastern Healing Therapies ACHIEVING A NEW AWARENESS OF LIFE WITH FAR-EASTERN (CHINESE AND JAPANESE) HEALING THERAPIES The roots of Far-Eastern healing tradition go back more than 4000 years. Focus is on understanding the human being as an entity. Posture, skin texture or lifestyle of a person are reliable factors pointing to certain “patterns of disharmony”. Far-Eastern treatments focus on re-establishing a person’s inner balance. The holistic approach of Eastern medicine is based on the premise that increased physical well-being accompanies a change in psychological attitude. Unity and harmony of body and mind is attained in all spheres.

Music Oriented Sound Therapy A very gentle treatment of rhythmic sound sequences and melodies on the path to finding overall health; „Tibetan singing bowls“ used for their soothing sounds, are placed on (foot soles, lower vertebra, chest) or next to (head) different body parts and are made to sing by continuously rubbing the rim with soft movements. The sound enables a state of deep relaxation, breathing becomes deeper and deeper, the mind slips into a kind of „alpha condition“ leaving you in a wonderful state of letting go before falling asleep. The sublimely harmonious sound of a singing bowl is a true tonic, cells and molecules dance and swing and energy flows. Music oriented sound therapy loosens tight blockades caused by stress, daily troubles or negative experiences in one’s youth which are now painfully perceptible in the form of muscle tensions, joint and organ problems. Duration: 25 Min. Duration: 50 Min. Duration: 90 Min.


€ 45,– € 65,– € 95,–


e 65,–

Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning finger pressure. The abdomen or belly is called “Hara” in Japanese, our energy source which, via meridians, supports bones, muscles and organs for vital functions such as metabolism, excretion and reproduction.

Treatment: Encourages improved function of certain organs: for gastro-intestinal problems, high blood pressure, head, neck, shoulder and back tensions, stress disorders; Duration: 25 Min.

In a shiatsu session pressure is applied to these meridians with fingers, hands and feet to loosen blockades and tensions in the energy flow. Particular points on the body which may ease pain aches or tension when pressed, are called Tsubos. Shiatsu work is usually done on a mattress on the floor. Treatment: Beneficial for headaches, stress related disorders, neck, shoulder, back, pregnancy, digestive and menstruation problems, fatigue, after injuries etc. Duration: 50 Min.


Acupunctural Massage

e 40,–

e 40,–

Cupping refers to an ancient Chinese practice in which glass cups (so-called suction cups) ) are applied to specific points on the back or the chest. Pressure in the cup is altered by using a small flame or a pump to suction out air prior to placement. The suction cups are left in place for about 10 to 30 minutes while invigorating the skin’s reflex zones which transmit the stimulus to the corresponding inner organs. Cupping is considered to be a stimulus treatment and a draining method focused on energizing the body’s immune system.

A traditional Chinese treatment method according to acupuncture philosophy; Meridians are stimulated with a rod, invigorating both energy flow and the entire organism. By harmonizing the energetic circle, APM is used to treat general fatigue, disharmony, lack of energy and other problems caused by energetic imbalance. Especially recommended for improved scar healing; Duration: 25 min.

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.


Well-Being Massages REGAIN YOUR STRENGTH BY BEING GENTLY TOUCHED Panta Rhei sound massage

€ 65,–

Lying on a vibroacoustic bed with 54 strings and feeling the Panta Rhei harp on your body means becoming a vibrating body of tones through the close contact with the instrument. Body, mind and soul are surrounded by a sea of sound and harmonize with the different vibration. The aim of a music massage is to release physical and psychological energy disturbances in the body.

Holistic Pulsing The tones are not only heard by the ears but are experienced by the whole body. From a therapeutical point of view this has a very relaxing, tension-relieving effect on the body, e.g. for stress-induced backache and headaches, it increases blood circulation to the limbs and has a balancing effect on the autonomic nervous system. It produces a feeling of floating. The tone vibrations reach every cell and thus achieve harmony and balance throughout the entire organism. Duration: 40 Min.

€ 65,–

This holistic relaxation technique causes the body to vibrate gently through deep, vibratory movements. All you have to do is lie completely still. Everything else takes place entirely on its own. Thoughts become calm, problems of everyday life drift away and all troubles disappear. This allows the energy in your body to flow again as emotional and physical blockades begin to loosen up. Duration: 50 min

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.


Far-Eastern Relaxation Techniques UNITY OF HEART AND SOUL STRENGTHENS THE BODY AND PRESERVES HEALTH As the life energy “Qi” or “Ki” is rooted in harmony, the balance between mind and body is the prerequisite for a healthy life.

A disturbed energy flow leads to imbalance between “Yin” representing peace and “Yang” representing activity. Thus, we need to maintain our “Qi” or “Ki” flow.

Qi Gong

€ 69,–

Qi Gong, a gentle form of concentrated movement technique providing peace and relaxation, is believed to be at least 4,000 years old. People regularly practicing Qi Gong experience the energy flow in the body. Duration: 55 min.

Tai Chi - private class

€ 69,–

In pursuit of new ways of physical combat styles with and without weapons a new form of “boxing” originated in China at the end of the Ming dynasty. The beginning of Tai Chi is characterized by explosive and dynamic movements whereas later soft and even techniques prevail, enhancing physical strength by focusing on muscle power, mobility and breathing. Tai Chi positively influences the ability to relax (relieve stress), develops strength and flexibility and enhances emotional well-being. You will feel the center of your body called “Hara” with its core “Tantien” where “Chi“ is stored. Duration: 55 Min


Chinese head massage

€ 69,–

With its head, neck and shoulder massages this treatment is an effective therapy, which will open the meridians in your head and release muscle tension caused by stress. Blocks will be released, negative energy will be reduced and the balance will be regained. Additionally, the blood circulation in your head will be stimulated and, as a consequence, will generously supply the hair follicles with blood. Duration: 55 min.

Yoga - private class

€ 69,–

Particularly beneficial for digestion, excretion and the hormone system; Pranayama are breathing techniques that incorporate the complete yoga style of breathing. This style of breathing controls, collects and distributes the Prana (life energy). When doing this you take your soul and your entire life in your own hands and can resolve blockages and illnesses at their roots. This has a very positive effect on your well-being • Balance • Harmony • Deep, inner calm • A feeling of completeness. Duration: 55 Min.

This philosophy says that there is a higher meaning to life. Self-discipline – simply live and have pure thoughts! „The body is the temple or the carrier of the soul on its journey to perfection.“ The powerful effects of YOGA are found in the five main principles: Correct physical exercises – Asanas correct breathing – Pranayama correct relaxation – Savasana correct nutrition – vegetarian positive thinking and meditation During physical exercises, the Asanas – translated as „calm position“, the calm retention of the position slows down internal turmoil and turns attention and concentration towards the inner self, so that our soul may be calm. In addition, muscles, joints and spine are mobilized, stretched and strengthened.

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.


Our Massage Treatments PARTIAL- OR FULL BODY MASSAGE Full body treatments

Massage with scented massage oil

The deeply relaxing effects of this traditional massage provide a feeling of well-being. The massage also relieves soreness, activates the blood-flow and metabolism.

Partial- of full body massages with a composition of natural and ethereal oils; flavoursome flowers, herbs and timber;

Duration: 25 Min. Duration: 50 Min.

Duration: 25 Min. Duration: 50 Min.

€ 33,– € 55,–

Massage for Couples per head e 65,–

SPECIAL MASSAGES Hot Stone • Controlled changes in temperature are combined with a full-body massage and energetic balance. Positive effects of Hot Stone treatment: • Deep, beneficial relaxation • Reduction of stress and nervousness • Increase in the mobility of the locomotory system • Stabilisation of muscle tissue • Stimulation of the metabolism • Stimulation of digestive process • Detoxification • Highly effective against insomnia and female disorders • Stimulates blood circulation Duration: 50 Min.


€ 38,– € 58,–

€ 65,–

Give yourself and your loved one an unforgettable charming gift. The ideal solution for you and your partner to reconnect, de-stress and experience a truly unifying event. Feel free to enjoy this massage with your partner in a relaxed atmosphere. Indulge yourself in this massage with aromatic oils given to you and your partner by two therapists in the very same room. Duration: 50 min


e 33,–

Is based on the principle that there are reflex zones in feet and hands which correspond to each part of the body. A perfect additional curative treatment which loosens blockades by stimulating the reflex zones. Duration: 25 Min.

Lymphatic Drainage

According to Dr. Vodder; gentle method of activating lymph circulation and releasing fluid accumulations in the connective tissue. Especially recommended for edema, heavy legs, post surgery or accident therapy or as a treat to the nervous system. Duration: 25 Min. Duration: 50 Min.

Anti-Cellulite Massage

€ 38,– € 55,–

e 40,–

A specialized massage to stimulate blood vessels in the areas where cellulite is most prevalent. It eliminates the toxic fatty deposits and promotes metabolism. Duration: 25 min.

Combined Massage

e 58,–

Combination of partial massage and reflexology Duration: 50 min.

Head-, Shoulders-, & Neck Massage e 25,– In the tradition of full body treatments a very special holistic type of treatment, the focussed massage, is perfectly suited to grant relief from headache, or perhaps from tension in the shoulders or the lower back. Regardless of the problem with a focussed massage we can work more deeply in a particular area and offer concentrated relief. Duration: 15 min

Energy-Balancing Massage

e 65,–

Combination of partial massage and ear-acupunct massage acc. to Penzel. The technique is administered by pressing and stimulating painful points which loosens blockades in joints and vertebrae to relieve pain. The range of symptoms for which this treatment has been developed also include malfunction of the inner organs and psychological disorders. Duration: 50 min.

Craniosacral Therapy

e 65,–

The practitioner gently palpates the meninx with a very light touch to enhance general relaxation of head, muscles, organs, glands and restore psychological balance. It is commonly used to treat tinnitus, sciatica, illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, migraine etc. Duration: 50 min.

Dorn Breuss Massage Correction of spinal positioning. This massage differs from chiropractic treatment in its gentle stroking movements. It is particularly beneficial for those suffering from sciatica pains, shoulder aches, muscle tension, knee problems etc. Duration: 50 Min. Duration: 90 Min.

€ 65,– € 92,–

PACKS Mud Pack (2 pcs.)

€ 27,–

Containing the valuable Leopoldskron mud with essential organic substances such as humin acids, extract bitumina and lignin components. Used for bones, lower abdomen and joint problems (arthritis, etc.). Duration: approx. 50 min.

Hay Flower Pack (2 pcs.)

€ 27,–

Natural blend of grass and herbs release their active ingredients in warm water and develop curative powers, providing alleviation in the case of illnesses to the gastrointestinal tract, urogenital, respiratory and musculatory system. The hay flower treatment also loosens cramps and tensions. Duration: 50 min.

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.


Paierl’s crème package – expedition of the senses

€ 39,–

Has a cooling, regenerating, perfusing, very nourishing and moisturising effect. Added to this it rejuvenates the skin, leads to more elasticity and a fresher appearance. The essence of chamomile eases sensitive skin. Ingredients: mask out of camphor, maidenhair tree, royal, orange and jojoba. Duration: ca. 50 min.

Bad Waltersdorf Salt Wrap

€ 39,–

Feel your body tanking up on long-lasting freshness as you lie covered with dissolved Bad Waltersdorf salt and wrapped in fragrant warm cloths. With cleansing effects. Duration: 50 Min.

Full-Body Peeling


€ 39,–

With olive, jojoba and wheat germ oil: Helps prevent and smooth wrinkles , has demonstrated regenerating and vitalizing effects in case of rheumatic and vein problems and activates tissue cells.


Vitamin bombs: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, E or with St. John‘s wort, almond-, avocado and sesame oil Counteracts loss of humidity, is very beneficial to dry and stressed skin, soothes psoriasis, neurodermitis and muscle tensions, promotes blood circulation, contains vitamin A + B, calcium, phosphor, magnesium, sulphur and iron. Duration: 50 min.

A gentle peeling frees the skin of excessive dry and dead skin cells to achieve thorough cleansing and to enable the subsequent care products to develop their full effect. • Full-Body peeling combined with oil wrap. Duration: 75 Min. € 58,– • Full-Body peeling combined with cream pack. Duration: 75 Min. € 58,– • Full-Body peeling with Himalaya-Salt and moisturizer. Duration: 25 Min. € 39,–


EXIMIA Bodyforming Eximia Body Concept will help you to redesign your body by effectively treating imperfections such as cellulite, venolymphatic stasis, localized fatty tissue, sagging skin, loss of elasticity, stretch marks, aging skin, and wrinkles. Using this scientific method, which has treated thousands of people around the world, personalkized medical treatment is provided in order to help you to create the body you want. Thanks to Eximia, which is based on much more than just a patented technology, you can replace your negative habits with positive ones, and create a new lifestyle that will help you on your journey towards your goals. With the Eximia method, the more you apply yourself to these changes, the faster you will obtain real and lasting results.

Algae-treatment „Poudre Océanique“

€ 79,–

Everybody treatment begins with a sea salt-algae oil peeling. The metabolism will be evaluated with high quality brown-green- and red algae. This mask out of algae has a body’s self purifying, detoxicating effect. Subsequent treatments, therefore, have a more intensive effect. Added to this the adipolysis will be activated, which has a positve effect on an accumulation of lymphs. Duration: 60 min.

Aroma wrap – Beauty Line

€ 39,–

Works purify and extent-reducing for the whole body. It improves the skin structure. Ideally for using at home, after your stay. The wrap looks purifying, against cellulite, against fat aggregations, against water aggregation, they are waterpropelling and skin-maintaining and adjust the metabolism of the skin. Duration: 60 Min.

Apply at: cellulite, stretch marks, concrete hoses, fibrous connective tissue, slackness, drainage and wrinkles… You can choose which body areas you want: EXIMIA Body treatment Duration: 50 Min.

€ 99,–

EXIMIA Body treatment Duration: 90 Min.

€ 139,–

EXIMIA treatment for face and cleavage Duration: 25 Min.

€ 45,–

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.


EXOTIC RELAXATION RITUAL Hanakasumi – exotic treatment from the land of the cherry blossom € 75,–

Romantic, erotic bath for two

A highly agreeable and regenerating treatment… Following a Japanese ritual, a preheated peeling combined with cherry blossoms and rice powder is massaged into your skin. A very special exfoliation, an energetic foot massage and a relaxing body massage round off this wonderful treatment and guide you to the land of the cherry blossom. Duration: 60 Min.

Detoxifying Cocktail

€ 79,–

This program is a delightful cure for the whole body – purifying, cleansing and draining, leaving the skin with new smoothness and vitality. The salt peeling simultaneously removes dry and dead skin cells and nurtures the body with minerals and trace elements. The massage with aromatic oils (20 min) helps absorb essential oils via skin and mucous membranes into the blood stream thus favoring the removal of blocked liquids and allowing the essential oils to unfold completely. Afterwards, a goat milk bath provides gentle cleansing and care, before a nourishing body lotion is applied. The extracts of the Mimosa Tenuiflora tree have moisturizing, repairing and toning properties – the reason why this bush is called “tree of the skin“ in its native country Mexico. Duration: 90 min.

OXYGEN BATHS Goat’s-Milk Bath with Honey, Calendula, Nut and Almond Oil € 35,–

e 79,–

There is no more seductive place at Thermenhof Paierl than our Asiatic bathroom “Aquamarine”. The interior truly fits together with the materials of high quality, the Indian cosy corner, the candle light, a bottle of sparkling wine and a plate with fresh fruit. Indeed, our bathroom “Aquamarine” is definitely the perfect place for an unforgettable experience for two. Gentle music substantially adds to this highly romantic atmosphere. The custom-built whirlpool for two creates a warm and relaxed atmosphere. After having enjoyed this unforgettable and incomparable romantic bath for two we would like to invite you to feel at ease in our Indian cosy corner. Feel free to be enchanted with this indescribable experience for two. duration: 60 min

Essential goat butter combined with the natural benefits of mango and avocado lipids complete this perfect cleansing and nourishing program leaving dry and sensitive skin smooth and vitalized. Contains vital minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, natrium, vitamins and panthenol. Duration: 20 min.

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.


Our Beauty Treatments INDULGE YOURSELF, YOUR BODY AND YOUR SOUL Facial for people with sensitive skin e 65,– Cleaning, peeling, steam, cleaning of the pores, high frequency, mask. Duration: 55 Min.

Facials for men only “Sothys”

e 63,–

Anti-stress treatment for the face – has a highly moisturizing effect on the skin, detoxifies, purifies and deacidifies. (shoulders and neck) Duration 50 Min.

Classic Facial „Sothys“

e 85,–

Thorough cleansing, skin analysis, peeling with brush massage, herbal steam (to open up the skin pores), removing of impurities, relaxing massage, personalized mask and day cream including product information. with special grooming-ampoule € 99,– Duration: 75 Min.

SPECIAL FACIAL TREATMENTS Luxurious Secrets facial „Sothys“

€ 119,–

The sensual anti-aging facial against mental pressure;The process of catharsis consists of a purifying, warm crystal gel and a pleasant milk lotion enriched with water of lilies. Next in two phases a peeling, which consists of particles of pebble and acacia, will immediatey smooth the skin. The anti-aging facial massage will consist of an excellent crème of oil of the evening primrose and Gelee Royal. In the course of stimulation endorphins will be released in the cells, which will lead to a relaxation of the facial features. After this process the treatment with an essence of almonds will smooth the skin. Finally a mask out of wax, which is sweet with ylang-ylang and majoram, will lift the face. Duration: 80 Min.

Relaxing – smoothing – hydrating „Sothys“ € 85,– Highly innovative concept of regenerating the skin moisture – Hydradvance helps your skin to reactivate its own natural mechanisms to provide itself with moisture. Duration: 75 Min. with special grooming-ampoule € 99,–


Eye Treatment „Sothys“

€ 45,–

Cleansing with milk and lotion followed by a peeling which improves micro blood circulation and gently removes dead epithelium cells. A fresh eye gel helps prevent skin aging and a subsequent mask with arnica, ginseng and cornflower extracts refreshes and relaxes the tender skin. The treatment is concluded by a firming and soothing serum enriched with wheat proteins. Duration: 30 Min

Hand – Nail – Foot Care • manicure without polish € 35,– • pedicure with herbal foot bath without polish Duration: 50 Min. € 37,– • paraffin pack Duration: 15 Min. € 15,–

Additional Beauty Treatments Coloring of eye lashes Coloring and correction of eye brows Ampoule Facial depilation, underarm Leg depilation (shin bone) Leg depilation (complete)

€ 15,– € 16,– € 15,– € 15,– € 30,– € 49,–

ANTI AGING THERAPY Intensive care “Sothys” collagen hyaluronique € 129,– The patented concept of anti-aging: Environmental pollution destabilise the skin daily and, thus, accelerate the aging process of the skin. In order to be able to find an inner balance a variety of intensive cares are required over the years. This intensive care by “Sothys” consisting of collagen hyaluronique will significantly and permanently decelerate the aging process of the skin. After giving an individual diagnosis about the state of your skin our cosmeticians will give you individual advices about your skin care and will recommend special beauty products to you. The five steps of our intensive care by “Sothys” 1st step: peeling with mineral dermabrasion 2nd step: smooth out wrinkles by using a hyaluronic booster 3rd step: restructuring the skin by using elastin 4th step: push up the skin by using an omega-H2CR balm 5th step: creating a facelift effect by using collagen Finally the intensive care ends with a treatment with your individual serum. Duration: 90 Minuten

Facial by Cosmeceutics

€ 99,–

Enhance your personal appearance without using needle or scalpel. A new formula developed by the aesthetic surgery – SurgicTouch – developed by Cosmeceutics from Italy. Dauer: 60 Min.

Diamond Microdermabrasion for skin rejuvenation through restoring cells € 129,– Facial with diamond Microdermabrasion for skin rejuvenation through restoring cells, also highly recommended for impure- or combination skins; This highly special treatment with real diamonds is considered as the state-of-art development concerning Microdermabrasion. In this course the epidermis (horny layer) will be cleared slowly by making use of several diamonds sections with varying fineness. As a consequence, the natural regeneration of the skin is stimulated and the result is a fresh and smooth complexion. The effects: a fresh and smooth complexion, a greater elasticity of the skin, a better skin-compatibility with cosmetics and an immediate “facelift-effect”; purification, intensive exfoliation, diamondbrasion, massage with hyaluronic acid combined with water, ultrasound treatment, facial mask and skin care products Duration: 90 Min.

Brand new tanning salon Innovative and exclusive, from the 2nd of July onwards. Outstanding beauty at our brand new tanning salon significantly reducing the aging process. The skin sensor automatically analyses the sensitivity of your skin and adapts the electronically controlled UVlamps in order to prevent you from sunburn. Additionally, a variety of comfortable equipment will help you to indulge yourself on a luxurious level. We would kindly ask you to buy chips at the information desk or at the reception in the foyer. Duration: 20 Min. € 20,–

Our tip: “ultrasound”: An ultrasound treatment has a highly positive effect on the restoration of cells. Hence, active substances can be ideally massaged into the skin. As a consequence, in combination with a facial, an ultrasound treatment leads to perfect results. ultrasound treatment and hyaluronan-ampoule Duration: 20 Min. € 29,–

If you cannot keep your agreed upon treatment date, we ask to cancellation you these twelve hours before it. Otherwise we must you the treatment at the full price charged.




Photos © by Maxum Wiesenhofer

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