The Roanoke Star-Sentinel 3/7/08 edition

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[Grand Opening]

New Save-A-Lot opens Warriors at Nationals P9– With the state championship behind them the Faith Christian Warriors moved on to nationals.

Grandin Honors P7– Grandin Court Elementary was one of 89 schools to win the Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence.

Outside the Box P3– Eli Bishop and Billy Chase discussed their guerilla marketing project with folks at 202 Market.

Photo by Gene Marrano

Miss Virginia, Hannah Keifer, reads to patients in the Carilion Pediatric Clinic.

Miss Virginia helps Carilion Pediatrics Reach Out and Read Photo submitted

Store owner Rett Ward cuts the ribbon with help from Councilwoman Gwen Mason and City Manager Darlene Burcham. A new Save-A-Lot grocery store had its official grand opening on Saturday with a ribbon cutting ceremony attended by city dignitaries and a long line of customers who were on hand for a variety of specials and giveaways. The new store, part of the 1,200 store Save-A-Lot chain is located at 4142 Melrose Avenue and is locally owned and operated by Rett Ward of Roanoke. Sav-A-Lot will be open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. This store is the first Save-A-Lot in Roanoke and brings a new style of grocery retailing to the area. Save-A-Lot said they offer consumers significant savings of up to 40% on high quality foods as compared with more traditional grocery stores and super centers. The store will offer a complete line of groceries including fresh meat and produce, dairy and frozen foods as well as a variety of household goods. Save-A-Lot also said that they have a unique

approach designed to deliver maximum value and quality to shoppers. The company says that by having smaller stores with an edited selection of products reduces operating and inventory costs and that this savings is passed on to the customer. Most products in the store are exclusive brands, made especially for SaveA-Lot, and formulated to meet the company’s high quality and freshness standards. The cost of advertising built into national brand products is also passed along to the customer in savings according to Sav-A-Lot. Local ownership is another unique aspect of the Save-A-Lot formula, offering shoppers friendly service and a locally appropriate range of products. Ward, the owner of the new store, also owns Tinnell’s Finer Foods, a Roanoke institution for over 70 years. Tinnell’s is located on Crystal Spring Ave. For more information about Save-A-Lot, visit

Going to the doctor is usually not something that anyone, much less a child looks forward to, especially when there might be the chance of having blood drawn or a much hated injection. Since March 2005 the Carilion Pediatric Clinic has been supporting a program called “Reach Out and Read.â€? This non-profit venture promotes early literacy by bringing new books and advice about the importance of reading to children, into the pediatric exam room. Their goal? To encourage a love for reading at an early age and also to promote healthy family time in the home. To date, the program has happily distributed over 9,000 books in both English and Spanish to their patients. Currently chaired by Pediatric Office Manager Education Kimberly Robertson and by Donna Deadrick CPN, the program provides the books at no cost through grant funding and donations. Approximately 75% of the clinics patient population participates in the Virginia Medicaid Program. Statistics show that this population typically has fewer resources available for the purchase of books. Additionally, many of these parents may have literacy issues that may hinder reading in the home. Many of these children may tend to fall behind other students when entering the system. This past Monday, the Pediatric Clinic celebrated Dr. Seuss’ Birthday with a Readathon that started at 8 a.m. and lasted until the last few trickled out around 4:30 p.m. Featured guest readers included members of the Blue Ridge Women’s Club, employees from both Roanoke City and Roanoke County Libraries, Dr.Alice Ackerman, Chair of Pediatrics, Wanda Ostrander, RN MBA,Vice President of Carilion Clinic Children’s Hospital and Miss Virginia Hannah Keifer, among many, many others. Hayden Barnes, Sr. Marketing Advisor for Pediatrics and Women stated that she was “very disappointedâ€? that all the spots were full and she did not have a chance to read.â€? Coming into the clinic was definitely a pleasant surprise for the kids as they are usually pretty apprehensive about



Old growth is gone Garner declares; Wishneff, Powell file

last minute paperwork for election bids

Sixty-one and single, Valerie fited from an education program Garner raised kids on her own, that worked with over-aged midgot a two-year technical degree dle school students, something from Virginia Western in the she would like to see strengthmid 1980’s and grew along with ened. Much of Garner’s platform the computer business. Now the can be viewed at her lively blog, vocal and visible opponent of de- garnerforcouncil.blogspot. She velopment at Counwants government tryside Golf Course to become more Election 2008 has set her sights on transparent and City Council, runadvocates posting ning as an independent. Garner numerous public documents on made it official on Monday at the the web. Holiday Inn-Airport, when her “Many believe we have to build Photo by Gene Marrano signatures were declared valid on every square inch [of RoaValerie Garner declared her as well. A “nose to know what’s noke City land],� Garner said, an candidacy for Roanoke City right and what’s wrong,� is one of obvious dig at the current counCouncil. her greatest assets Garner said, cil. Roanoke owns Countryside before reading a prepared state- and has been seeking a developer public facility. ment.  “I think I would bring that would turn it into a revenue “It’s not only the young profesthat to City Council.� producing upscale residential sionals that council should be foThe northwest city resident community. Residents in that cusing on,� Garner said, opening would like to see people stop area near I-581 want Countrycriticizing the school system so side left as open space or a recmuch and focus instead on mak- reation park. Garner would like > CONTINUED ing it better. Her own son bene- the swimming pool there be a P3: Candidates


Prom is in the air P2– Local businesses are gearing up for the prom season. Check out their bargains before you buy.


Nothing remains of the stately old oaks and maples that once lined the Roanoke River along Wiley Drive. The Corps of Engineers with City Council’s approval has cleared a swath along the river to form a bench cut to improve flood control. Many local residents protested that saving the trees and flood control could occur together, but in the end the clear cut won out. Counting the rings of these giants revealed that some were over 100 years old.


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