Hi, I’m Christian Watson, )J * N $ISJTUJBO 8BUTPO I’m nine and* N OJOF BOE HPJOH JOUP UIF GPVSUI going into the fourth grade. I’mHSBEF * N HPJOH UP QMBZ GPPUCBMM BU UIF going to play football at the Y, I’m trying out for fullback, and : * N USZJOH PVU GPS GVMMCBDL BOE * SFBMMZ I really like just about all sports. MJLF KVTU BCPVU BMM TQPSUT ymcaroanoke.org
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The Roanoke Star-Sentinel POSTMASTER: Dated material, please deliver by publication date
Happy Halloween!
October 31, 2008
[Election 2008]
A “groundbreaking year� in tough times says Roanoke County chairman
Palin crowd sets record
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors chairman Richard Flora said he had never seen a year like the past one during a career in local government and school administration that dates back more than four decades. Flora made those remarks during County News the annual State of the County address on Tuesday morning at the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood. Flora spoke about the approval of construction for new county facilities (four total) that includes the new multigenerational fitness center in North County. A water line connection project that will link Roanoke and Franklin counties is also underway. Delayed somewhat when the original bids came in higher than expected, Flora said the new south Roanoke County library building would indeed get underway in 2009. The county’s bond rating is also one of the highest in the Commonwealth noted Flora, who retired from Roanoke County Schools last year. Fu-
New Leader P2– North Cross School recently inducted its new headmaster, Tim Seeley.
Finding Peace
P5– Columnist John Robinson escapes the rain to ďŹ nd grace in a small church in Wisconsin.
Tough Rivalry
P8– Cave Spring tops Hidden Valley in the opening round of the River Ridge District volleyball tournament
Photo by Stuart Revercomb
Sarah Palin energized a crowd of over 16,000 people Monday night at Salem Stadium. Flanked by husband Todd Palin and Greg Ferguson, a small business owner from Blacksburg who introduced her, Palin made a strong case for a McCain Presidency and vowed that, the ticket would “shake things up� once they reach Washington. As the race draws closer many have to wonder whether Virginia could be the “Florida� of 2004. Polls will be open from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Tuesday. Be sure to cast your vote!
Sarah Palin brings Republican message to valley
Sarah Palin told the ed the race for president 16,000 or so gathered on “would come down to a cold and blustery Monthe wire,� despite pollday night in Salem that ing that continues to she liked the weather, show Obama with a lead because it reminded her in most cases. of home. Then the GovPalin said “It’s not ernor of Alaska and Renegative campaigning,� publican Vice Presidento call out Obama on tial candidate spent the his record, or his past next half hour building associations with peoup running mate John ple like William Ayers, McCain, while questionformer member of The ing many of the policies Weathermen anarchist of his opponent Demogroup. Obama also becrat Barack Obama. lieves in “bigger, more Monday’s campaign controlling government, stop was evidence that and wants to wave the the Republicans still white flag of surrender Photo by Stuart Revercomb consider Virginia to be Sarah and Todd Palin wave to an enthusiastic crowd as they enter in Iraq,� said Palin. Rein play as Election Day Salem Stadium Monday night. Strong winds and rapidly dropping tem- calling McCain’s 22 draws near on November peratures didn’t keep the attendance or the excitement down as some years of military service 4. Palin, very much on her supporters arrived as early as 10:00 AM for the rally. and five-plus years in a game during the stump North Vietnam prison, programs that help the challenged. speech, was greeted with Palin said “only one man enthusiastic cheers and homemade “I can’t wait to get to work on this,� has every really fought for you. That signs when she and husband Todd she exclaimed. man is John McCain.� Obama has Palin stayed on message, claim- never served in the military. Palin took to the stage just before ing she and John McCain had the 7pm. A McCain-Palin administration There were “Joe the Plumber� best plan to reform government, cut would balance the federal budget by signs in the stand - even a “Jane the taxes, grow jobs, win the wars in Af- the end of its first term she vowed. Plumber� and “Cindy the Citizen� - ghanistan and Iraq, clean up Wall Palin said that in Alaska she had and references to special needs chil- Street greed and use all available en- “put the veto dren. Palin has a small child with ergy resources. That last issue stirred pen,� to waste- > CONTINUED Down’s Syndrome and drew loud up a chant of “drill, baby, drill,� ful spending P2: Palin cheers when she vowed to fight for which Palin led briefly. She predict- bills. She also
> CONTINUED P3: Roanoke County
General Clark rallies the troops for Obama
Photo by Valerie Garner
Retired General Wesley Clark speaks in Roanoke
Retired General Wesley Clark spoke for Barack Obama at downtown Roanoke’s Jefferson Center last week, one day after Virginia first lady Anne Holton (Governor Tim Kaine’s wife) spent time with local campaign workers and less then a week after Rallies Obama himself appeared at the Civic Center. During his appearance Clark urged about 70 of the Democratic Party faithful to march door to door for the Democratic presidential candidate. Virginia State Senator John Edwards (D-Roanoke) warmed up the crowd by stating that not since President John Kennedy has anyone inspired so many. Edwards also praised Republican Colin Powell’s endorsement of
Festival Returns Citizen’s Coalition airs more concerns about healthcare, Carilion’s dominance P11– Alex Lucas (Left) and Phillip Hatter are the men behind the puppets in “Bull: A Puppet Musical.�
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The Citizens Coalition for Responsible Healthcare held a second public forum Tuesday night at the Franklin Road Ramada Inn and although attendance didn’t come close to the 400 that showed up last month, the 75 or so that did attend were very focused on the issue of affordable health care. The Coalition has undergone a transition in recent weeks, with founders like Dr. Frank Cotter handing it off to “civilians� like attorney Ken King (Chairman, President) and other board members. Its stated mission is
“to assure accessible, affordable, high quality healthcare for all citizens.� In an attempt to broaden its scope beyond airing gripes about Carilion Clinic and some of its practices regarding referrals, pricing and itemization, the Coalition debuted a list of six initial goals at Tuesday’s meeting. “[Are we] simply an antagonist of Carilion Clinic, or are there other items we want to be involved in?’ asked King, noting > CONTINUED P3: Carilion
Photo by Gene Marrano
Citizen’s Coalition for Responsible Healthcare president Ken King makes a point at Tuesday’s public forum.
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