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July 27 - August 2, 2012
[Roanoke Valley EMS]
Supervisors Weigh Future Of Prayer At Public Meetings
Proud New Truck Takes Hit
Exploring History P3– The Civil War came to life recently at Explore Park with an encampment of Confederate forces of the 60th Virginia Infantry Company K.
Photo by Stuart Revercomb
Her Best Work
P9– If you’re heading to Floyd Fest this weekend don’t miss Brandi Carlile’s set on Saturday at 5:45pm on the Dreaming Creek main stage.
Roanoke City’s new ladder truck No. 1 saw its first big fire Saturday night along with the three other Roanoke City Fire Department ladder trucks. The almost $1 million dollar beauty came out of its first battle unscathed but it wasn’t so lucky the night of the big storm that was dubbed “The Derecho.” According to Aisha Johnson, police spokeswoman, officers responded on the night of the storm June 29, at 10:23 p.m. to a two-vehicle wreck involving a citizen’s vehicle and a City of Roanoke fire truck at the intersection of 10th Street and Orange Avenue. The fire truck, with emergency lights activated, and the citizen vehicle, a Chevrolet Malibu, were both traveling east on Orange Avenue. Lt. Chris Decker, 41, was driving the ladder truck and said in a phone call they were making a left turn onto 10th Street when > CONTINUED P2: Fire Truck
Officials with the Roanoke Valley SPCA and the Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection (RCACP) are conducting an internal investigation following allegations of neglect and cruelty to animals at the Animal Control Center. SPCA Board President Barbara Dalhouse hopes to have the results within the next two weeks. “You’ll see some major improvements,” she said. Dalhouse gave no specific timeline, “because we want to do it right.” The special committee is comprised of members of the executive committee,
board of directors and outside consul- for the SPCA and it doesn’t do any good tants. They’re already busy interview- for the animals. So we’re anxious to get ing staff, volunteers, and local elected this out. We will look at everything [so officials. we] can move forward, after we’ve taken According to Dalhouse, the commit- the necessary steps to make it a better tee members will go back in facility.” time as far as is needed to The internal investigation Valley News get answers. “If a locality comes on the heels of an anhas specific allegations that nouncement that the City they are making, we will go back to all Auditor is beginning an investigation of them. And so there’s nothing that into the Center’s (also known as the we’re going to hide. We want this to be pound) finances. Roanoke City Police as open [and] transparent as possible. are also looking specifically into the welBecause really, this does not do any good fare of a dog known as Trinity, whose
> CONTINUED P2: Prayer
leg had to be amputated, allegedly because of a lack of care during its stay at the Center. Dalhouse said she can’t comment on the allegations but did say she’s “anxiously awaiting the report” and that police told her they only had one more interview to conduct before they finished their investigation. Two volunteers were recently suspended, one after she reportedly put pictures on a Facebook page of cats due to > CONTINUED P2: Animal
Carilion Uses Team Approach To get Through Power Outage
P6– Members of the Roanoke Community Animal Response Team opened the first ever emergency animal shelter in the Star City during the recent derecho storm.
Photo by Melvin Mathews
Ssuuny Shaw (far right) with local dignitaries at a recent hotel ribbon cutting.
It’s Always “Ssunny” In Roanoke For Hotelier P4– Hayden Hollingsworth offers some timely thoughts on violence in America and the only way it can ultimately be overcome.
Animal Control Center Operations Being Investigated
Just In Time
Love Wins
Facing the possibility of defending a costly lawsuit if it does not end the practice of starting public meetings with a sectarian prayer, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors decided on Tuesday to look at other options. County Govt. That decision came at the end of the evening meeting, after a number of speakers had spoken on the prayer issue. Most urged the supervisors to fight complaints from the Wisconsinbased “Freedom From Religion” group and the “Secular Humanists of Roanoke”, who want to end the opening prayers that are led by invited pastors. Freedom from Religion, with support from the ACLU, has sued Pittsylvania County over similar practices. A non-sectarian prayer – one that does not invoke the name of Jesus for example – may be one option the Board of Supervisors considers, with legal advice from the Roanoke County staff. No vote was taken at the meeting on whether to end or amend the opening prayer but Chairman Richard Flora said that could come within the next few months. “I feel in my heart we’re going to lose [if the matter goes to court],” said Vinton supervisor Mike Altizer, “We’re fighting the 4th Circuit Court and the U.S. Supreme Court.” Both have
When he first came to America in 1990, Ssunny Shah (yes, he spells his first name with two S’s) had only $400 in his pocket. Born in Bombay, India, Shah’s father owned a successful textile business and family tradition directed that the son continue in that business. Shah had other ambitions. “Instead, I decided to come to America because I heard a lot about ‘the land of opportunity’, and I wanted to do something of my own rather than under the shadow of my Dad,” recalled Shah, “ because …everybody knew me because of him.” After completing his bachelor’s degree in commerce and accounting, Shah arrived in the United States at Virginia Beach in June 1990. His sister, who was already here when he came, was in the hotel industry. “So I wound up getting attracted to the business. I came as a tourist and then looked at the country and I thought it would be great for my daughter if I brought her up here rather than in India. That’s why I decided to > CONTINUED P3: Ssunny
First, “The Derecho” blew Roe was working in operathrough the valley late in the tions at the same time. Ironievening on June 29, knocking cally, Davenport had been at out power to thousands, some Carilion Roanoke Memorial of whom had serious mediHospital with his family viscal issues. Then the extreme iting a patient when he was heat made matters that much called into action that Friday worse. night. Employees worked exBut Carilion Clinic, worktra hours all weekend; CEO ing with local public safety Paul Davenport is Nancy Agee came to the agencies, responded swiftly the Vice President command center to offer her and worked out some innova- of Operations for support. tive strategies during the criti- Emergency Services The morning following cal period just after the storm. for Carilion the storm, “the community Assessing how it transpired was assessing itself,” recalled weeks later, Paul Davenport, the Vice Davenport. That meant no power in President of Operations for Emergency some cases and traffic lights that didn’t Services and Kim Roe, Senior Director work. “The damage was there.” At Carof Emergency Medicine Operations, said ilion Roanoke Memorial they started to they were pleased with the outcome. hear updates through a regional Disaster Roe also works with the Task Force. “The chatter beVelocity Care outpatient gan to increase,” said DavStorm Recovery clinics on Electric Road enport, about issues like the and in Botetourt County. number of people requiring Davenport, an ex-firefighter, was the oxygen at home who might have to be first incident commander on the Fri- temporarily located elsewhere due to a day night that the Derecho brought lack of electricity. hurricane-force winds to the Roanoke “InfrastrucValley, knocking down trees and limbs ture problems” > CONTINUED P3: Outage and leading to extensive power outages. at some area
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Isolated to scattered showers and storms are possible during the afternoon hours Thursday and Friday as we get hot again. Temperatures rise into the mid to upper 90s. Isolated showers and storms are possible for the weekend. Cooler air moves in with highs in the upper 80s. Showers and storms are possible again Monday and Tuesday with highs near 90.
7/27/12- 8/2/12
> Fire Truck
From page 1
the right rear of the new truck struck the Follow an emergency vehicle responding Malibu. to an emergency closer than 500 feet. It’s Johnson said that Tamera Arness Pitzer, against the law! age 51 of Roanoke had stopped her car in Stop on a bridge, curve or crest of a hill, the intersection which was then struck by instead, activate your turn signal and prothe fire truck. Pitzer was charged with failceed forward until you can safely pull over ing to yield to an emergency vehicle. The and come to a complete stop. estimate of the damage on the police report Slam on your brakes or stop directly in was $4,000 “however that is just an estimate front of an emergency vehicle. Large trucks and did not come from any vehicle repair require more stopping distance than a pascompany.” she said. senger car. Stopping abruptly in front of any The investigation determined that Lt. large vehicle can have deadly consequences. Decker was not at fault. Pitzer was the only -Code of Virginia section 46.2-829 occupant in the vehicle. She was transportstates in part: ed to the hospital. Upon the approach of any emergency veLt. Decker said they rendered aid to Pitzer hicle as defined in 46.2-920 giving audible before she was transported by a medic unit. signal by siren, exhaust whistle, or airhorn The extent of her injuries, however, is not designed to give automatically intermittent known. When asked how well the rear drivsignals, and displaying a flashing, blinking, er of a ladder truck can see he said, “fairly or alternating emergency light or lights as well for the most part.” provided in 46.2-1022 through 46.2-1024, The right rear back door was manually The damage on Ladder Truck No. 1. the driver of every other vehicle shall, as adjusted so it could continue to open and quickly as traffic and other highway condiPull to the nearest edge of the roadway close. There was not a specific timeframe tions permit, drive to the nearest edge of the and come to a complete stop until all emerroadway, clear of any intersection of highscheduled for repair according to Deputy gency vehicles have passed. ways, and stop and remain there, unless Chief Ralph Tartaglia. Be alert to the approach of more than one directed by a law-enforcement officer, until The $2 million cost of the new ladder emergency vehicle. Be sure to check your the emergency vehicle has passed. truck already in service and the two new enrearview mirror before pulling back on the Violation of this section shall constitute gines that were purchased at the same time travel lane. failure to yield the right of way; however, was a budgeted priority under fleet replaceKeep the volume !of your radio to a level any violation of this section that involves ment. The two engines will be placed in serthat will not interfere with your ability to overtaking or passing a moving emergency vice as soon as they are outfitted. Lt. Decker hear approaching emergency vehicles. vehicle giving an audible signal and displaysaid that all four of the city’s ladder trucks your turn signal when pulling off the Professional HouseUse Cleaning ing activated warning lights as provided for were dispatched to the General Truck and road. This sends a message to the emergen! General Repairs in thisHome section shall constitute reckless drivTire Company fire Saturday night July 21. cy vehicle operator that you are aware of his Complete Bathroom Remodeling • Tile Work Tiffany Bradbury, Fire-EMS spokesing. 1618 Roanoke Blvd presence. woman, said that there will soon be an open Interior/exterior Carpentry • Plumbing Suite A-DON’T do this… house so citizens and fire truck enthusiasts Window/door installation • Hardwood Flooring any intersection. Blocking interSalem, VirginiaBlock 24153 By Valerie Garner can see the new state of the art fire trucks. sections, even when attempting to yield For a FreetoEstimate Call or email James 540-389-5252 -What to do when approached by an an emergency vehicle is dangerous. 725-7343 emergency vehicle: Licensed/insured with 24 years experience
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> Prayer
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From page 1
“The you tool[onI prayer]. recommend most? ” Windsor
held in the past that prayer has the practice to stop. Hills Supervisor no place at venues like local “We hope to find a Linda LaPrade Ed Elswick said the idea of government meetings and pub- way to do this that said it was,“past time Roanoke County being sued by Use it to to call Mr. Handyman. lic schools. does not involve the to listen those that Freedom from Religion over the Catawba District• Deadwooding Supervi- courts,”•said Mange. elected you, [not] practice “may be purely [about] Tree Removal Gutter Cleaning sor Butch Church a • Overseeding “Our beliefs were listen and follow money… simply to pay their Springseemed Aeration bit more defiant: “We are suc- founded in the God what outside groups salaries.” He wasn’t buying an Mulch toDelivered andjust Spread Cleanups cumbing a very few…it of the• Spring Bible,” counwant you to do.” That alternative that is now used in Fully Linda InsuredOlistarts a roller Free coasterEstimates that gains •tered was the case said localities like Botetourt County: 540-977-4444 speed.” Still Church didn’t rel- ver, one of several LaPrade, on is- “A moment of silence is a cowRICHARD KARN TV star out. and “home ish the possibility of defending speakers to contend Catawba Supervisor sues like the recent ard’s way ” improvement guru.” the practice in court. “It’s your that the country and Butch Church worried large wind turbine Flora, who said he often gives [taxpayer] money that we could the Constitution about taxpayer dollars ordinance. the invocation at family gathlose,” he noted. were based on that spent to defend prayer Cave Spring erings, appeared to choke up Scott Mange, representing principle. “I’m firm- in court. supervisor Char- at times as he summed up the the Secular Humanists of Roa- ly convinced that lotte Moore was issue at the end of the night. noke, told the Board during our founding fathers intended open to the idea of changing There will be sectarian prayer the afternoon public comment for God to have some type of the traditional opening to pub- “until the Board makes a decisegment that he represented constitutional relevance in our lic meetings. “Non-sectarian sion – this will be continued,” he “60 non-believers” in Roanoke government,” said Mike Bailey. prayer is a start,” said Moore; “it said. By Gene Marrano County, contending it wasn’t Charles Beck also urged su- would be unfair to ask our just an outside group like Free- pervisors to stand firm: “Many zens to pay thousands of dollars dom from Religion that wants more are with you than against [for court costs].”
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> Animal
The telephone.”
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From page 1
be euthanized because of a lack of space. Dalhouse said while she can’t comment specifically on personnel issues, guidelines for using social media were violated. Botetourt County officials then pulled about 23 cats from the pound earlier this month, saying they feared they would be euthanized even though there was space available. According to Dalhouse, there must be space available for incoming animals to the Center. BotetourtCounty is one of four localities that contracts with the RCACP to bring in their stray animals and animals relinquished by their owners. The others are Roanoke City, Roanoke County, and Vinton. Dalhouse said members of the executive committee are meeting with Botetourt-
County officials to address their concerns. When asked if one outcome of the report might be to separate the RCACP and the SPCA (which operate out of the same building), Dalhouse replied, “When this was all set up back in 2004, it was difficult to get four municipalities together to work this out and it was decided that the shelter would be a no-kill facility. The municipalities decided that the people that were most capable of managing the pound would be people like us that have the experience and the knowledge of dealing with animals. They wanted it to be that way.” The RCACP reopened this week after closing for several days following threats made against staff. “We have had threats
made at the Center and inappropriate communications and we’ve reported those to the police and they are looking into them.” She says the threats were made by phone and email. The Center is open “and we’ve put some additional security in place.” Following Monday’s news conference, Lisa O’Neill, a spokeswoman for theRoanoke rescue group, Angels of Assisi was taking a wait-and-see approach to the announcement of the internal investigation. “I’m not sure we have a whole lot of answers yet. I guess time will tell and [we’ll] see what their internal reviews come up with. But I’m not sure we got a lot of answers today. We’ll just have to wait and see.”
By Beverly Amsler
Roanoke County Names New Police Chief
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At a morning press conference in the Roanoke County Public Safety Center on Cove Road, County Administrator Clay Goodman named Howard B. Hall the next Chief of the Roanoke County Police Department. Hall, 47, will begin serving as Chief of Police on August 13. Roanoke County conducted a nationwide search to fill the Chief of Police position. Hall, who was selected from a pool of 65 applicants, received the approval of an interview committee led by the County Administrator. “We are extremely pleased to make this announcement,” said Goodman, adding, “Howard’s years of experience in a leadership capacity with a large suburban agency coupled with his education and personality were impressive. We are confident he is the right person for this highly visible and important job.” Hall comes to Roanoke County after 25 years of service with the Baltimore County
Police Police Department. Baltimore County, MD, is part of the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area, with a population exceeding 800,000 and a land mass more than twice the size of Roanoke County. He joined the Baltimore County Police Department in 1986 upon graduation from the University of Maryland, where he received a B.A. in Government and Politics. He spent 20 years with the department as a commander and gained experience in the areas of patrol, traffic, special operations, training,
administration, accreditation compliance, and human resources. In addition to receiving a Master of Public Administration from the University of Baltimore in 1995, Hall attended the FBI National Academy and holds a Graduate Certificate in Police Administration. During his career, Hall has had the opportunity to manage critical incidents and large events, as well as assignments which included providing security for both the President and the Pope. In addition to his work in Baltimore County, Hall is also a certified instructor and nationally recognized expert in data-driven policing – where data and analysis are used to guide police operations and solve issues. He is an active member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and serves on the organization’s Highway Safety Committee. Hall says his first priority will be meeting the staff and learn-
ing about the department’s operations, community, and challenges. “I am approaching my new position with only one preconceived notion: That the overwhelming majority of things being done in the Roanoke County Police Department are positive and our responsibilities are being carried out by dedicated employees. After I start, we’ll spend more time talking about my approach to policing and our future.” Hall is only the third person to lead the Roanoke County Police Department since it was formed in 1990. As chief of the department, Hall will direct the activities of the Police Department, which consists of approximately 155 employees, of which 140 are sworn law enforcement officers. He will earn an annual salary of $115,000. Hall has been married for 25 years. He and his wife have one son, who is entering his senior year at the University of Maryland.
7/27/12- 8/2/12
> Ssunny settle in America.” Twenty-two years later, Shah embodies the American Dream as the owner of several area hotels, as well as being involved in the Democratic Party and serving on several Roanoke City and County boards. Despite the current hard times, Shah still has faith in the promise of America. “I still believe it is a great country—great traditions we have here, great culture we have. And it is still a land of opportunity. I know the economic conditions [are tough]. Every businessman is struggling right now to survive this economy, [but] I think down the road in the long run it is a great country and the people will be happy – but people have to work hard for that.” Shah’s own progression in America was a reflection of the latter. “When I came here, to survive we had to work hard. I had my wife with me, my daughter was with me—she was just eighteen-months-old. And I worked fourteen hour, fifteen hours [a day].” His wife was also attending nursing school. “So we both worked very hard initially for five years and put our daughter into a day care center for four hours or five hours a day. We couldn’t afford more than five hours of day care. So that is how we struggled, when I was working for several hotel companies.” In 1994 Shah made his move to make a name for himself when, with the help of his family and a lender, he secured
From page 1 the funds to buy the Ramada Inn on Franklin Road in Roanoke. From there Shah went on to build two hotels on Peter’s Creek Road, acquired Howard Johnson properties in Roanoke, Daleville, and Salem, and with partners, recently acquired a Days Inn on Orange Avenue. Shah currently owns and manages four hotels in Roanoke, encompassing close to 600 rooms in the Roanoke Valley. He ticks off the names of some of his other ventures: “I still have one convenience store next to the Ramada. I own the store property but I leased it. I had 6-7 convenience stores between 2004 and 2008 but then I got out of it. I also own an office leasing business. I have an office complex behind the Ramada on Franklin Square. But I have no intention of going away from the hotel [business]. I would like to develop more hotels in Roanoke down the road when the economy improves.” As to what attracted him to the hotel business, Shah cites his sales background. “We used to be in the sales business, in textiles. Now I’m selling rooms. I love people, enjoy talking to people, and that’s why this is the best business you can have if you enjoy people.” Active in the Democratic Party (his office complex on Franklin Road, adjacent to the greenway, houses a Democratic regional headquarters), Shah became politically involved as a way to make a difference in what he calls “the day-to-day problems of people. I want to
get involved in everything. I met a lot of Democrats who influenced me in the city. I started going more toward Democrats [philosophically].” He’s also a member of the Democratic Party Committee for Roanoke County. Shah doesn’t rule out a run for political office himself. “Down the road, when the hotels are set and I get more time from my business and family, I would love to go into office and do something for the City or the County.” (No, he was the not the mystery donor who gave Roanoke mayor David Bowers two five-figure checks during his recent campaign.) Shah plans to stay in the Roanoke Valley. “Circumstances brought me here and I think it happened for a good reason. So I will never leave the Roanoke Valley. People are very nice. People always help me [and are] generous.” He’s not certain his daughter will follow him into the field, since she is pursuing a master’s in Literature and Human Resources. “But right now she’s doing an internship with the Wyndham Corporation, so she might get tempted to join the hotel industry.” Shah’s wife, an RN, enjoys her job at a Carilion hospital. Ever the optimist, Ssunny Shah declares, “I will be still in the hotel industry and I want to grow [the business] in Roanoke.” By Melvin E. Matthews, Jr.
Civil War Re-enactors Put on Demonstration at Explore Park The Civil War came to life Saturday, July 14th with an encampment of Confederate forces of the 60th Virginia Infantry Company K at Explore Park. The living history participants showed the movie, “Hunter’s Raid: The Battle for Lynchburg.” They also performed roll call, the posting of colors, and held drill and rifle demonstrations. People walked to the encampment across from the Brugh Tavern to ask questions of the re-enactors and see various artifacts. Doug Kemper spoke in his character’s voice, keeping with the time period. “Well, we’re stationed up here in Big Lick. Some of us are convalessin’ from wounds that we received in the earlier campaigns and in the battles of Piedmont and Cloyd’s Mountain. And we are stationed here in the aftermath of General Hunter’s raid, and trying to help people get stuff back together. We have just received word that we have won the battle of Monocacy over in Maryland and the Yankee capital is within view and we’re goin’ to be goin’ home very soon.” When asked why he portrays a Civil War soldier, Kemper said, “It’s a part of history that does not get taught. And it’s very important [for] people to learn about the history. People will come up to the Roanoke area and they’re like, ‘What happened here?’ And if you walk into Roanoke City and ask people about the war, they are absolutely clueless. They do not
know that there was anything that happened. We’re less than three miles away from where General Hunter came into the Roanoke Valley. He came in on the Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike which is modern-day Orange Avenue.” As Kemper explains, General David Hunter and his Federal forces came down from the Staunton/Harrisonburg area by way of the Blue Ridge Parkway. “And unfortunately, the unit that I portray, the 60th Virginia, was part of the units that he routed off the field.” Kemper goes on to say General Hunter stayed in Salem for a day, waiting to strike Lynchburg, which was a major supply hub for this area of Virginia. Kemper says if Hunter had been successful in delaying food and supplies to General Robert E. Lee by one day, it would have caused great harm to the Confederate Army. Sometimes Kemper portrays a Federal soldier. He and the other re-enactors try to portray as
many battles in which the actual unit was involved. As for his uniform, Kemper says it’s very easy to put together but you need to be wary of where you buy the clothes. He suggests that those thinking of joining a re-enactment group check with the leaders to see if they have uniform standards, “because there are a lot of folks that sell some cheap uniforms and they’re not the most authentic.” Joseph Owens, Jr. from Roanoke was dressed as a Sergeant and handed his rifle to a little boy to hold and get a picture. “What I have on here is what you would have for your summer attire in the infantry. . . I have my canteen, habersack, bayonet, and my bowie knife on the back, ammunition pouch. I still got my rifle strapped to my side.” Fifteen-year-old Curtis Anderson is the youngest member of the group. He says dressing up in Civil War-era clothing is something his mom does, “but it’s also pretty fun to do, too.” He was wearing a civilian uniform, a mix and match of clothes he’s found. “This jacket doesn’t match with the pants and these pants, I think, are Union pants.” He says being a part of the living history makes the period in history more real to him. “You learn a lot from the other reenactors, the big Generals -you learn a lot from them.” By Beverly Amsler
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> Outage nursing homes also meant residents would wind up in emergency rooms or at the hospital. A “gentle rise,” in the number of patients being seen began that Saturday afternoon, according to Davenport, and some patients ready to be discharged couldn’t go home or to their nursing facility due to the lack of power. That slowed Carilion’s “through put” and the turnover of beds, said Davenport. The situation triggered Carilion’s incident command team, an on-call group that sprang into action. ER physician Dr. Kevin Broyles first made the decision to call up the team, according to Davenport. Carilion’s incident command team members train for just such an incident and the power outage was a chance to put theory to work. A formal structure of operations was established, similar to one that might be used for a large scale fire, with a commander, an incident commander, and people responsible for planning, logistics and overall operations. A power loss at certain Carilion facilities (including hospitals in Giles and Franklin Counties) just made it more of a challenge. Generators helped keep vital functions working at those hospitals as well as keeping Roanoke Memorial Hospital up and running. Roe went to work as the operations officer for the incident command team, making sure the resources were in place to deal with any emergencies, and that there was good coordination with outside agencies like police, security, public information and local fire/EMS companies. “My job was really to assess the needs of the system,” said Roe; “its amazing in times of extreme stress and disaster [that] our staff always rises to the top level of commitment. Getting people to participate was no issue.” The Carilion team helped ensure that the cooling stations set up around the valley could handle people coming in with oxygen – keeping them out of emergency rooms – and worked with clinics like Velocity Care
From page 1 to make sure that for patients could be seen without delay. Alternative clinic sites were also established within 24 hours when the power failed at one Carilion outpatient facility. Spokesman Eric Earnhart praised the plant engineering and maintenance staff that kept backup generators in good working condition. “I don’t believe we had any generator failures [that weekend],” said Earnhart. Roe said the technology services division coordinated with her team, AEP and Verizon to get Carilion facilities operational again. “Everybody did an outstanding job.” In her 27 years at Carilion, Roe can’t recall a similar incident. Some of the information coming in was inaccurate; that’s where working with local public service agencies to get the real story was key. “I’m really thankful for all of the months we trained,” said Roe, noting that the incident command team routinely goes through some type of exercise. As AEP worked to reconnect electrical power at Carilion hospitals they would also shut off generators temporarily. “It was like a roller coaster,” said Roe. Davenport said the dedicated incident command team, trained and in place for years, demonstrated its value this time, terming the operation “exquisitely run.” Never before, he said, had there been an emergency situation,“that speaks to the longevity and fullness that we had to use our team [for this time]. If it did escalate we needed to be prepared for that.” It turned out to be “a great coordinated effort by many members of the Carilion health
system and many outside agencies that pulled together,” said Roe. There was perhaps a five percent increase in the number of people admitted at Carilion Roanoke Memorial during that post-Derecho weekend. The extreme heat, foodborne illnesses (perhaps related to spoiled food at powerless homes) and even minor injuries from car accidents, where the lack of traffic lights might have been a factor, led to the increase. The Velocity Care location on Electric Road (Daleville was closed due to the outage) and extended hours at the community care clinic inside Carilion Community Hospital helped keep people from jamming the ER at Roanoke Memorial. Carilion also saw more laceration wounds, some from people who were trying to remove downed trees with their own chain saws. One clinic location (Westlake) ran out of sterile gloves before the Carilion materials management group came to the rescue. “The incident command team [which shut down on the Monday following the storm] at Carilion really did a fantastic job of being able to forecast ahead,” said Davenport. “Whatever the end was going to be, it wasn’t going to trump our resources. It was an excellent validation of what people think of their role in serving the community.” Roe said a post-incident review uncovered “some things we would do a little bit different, but all in all we were very pleased with how we managed multiple incidents. It really touched every facet of our operations.”
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PPerspective erspective
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Violence vs. Love
o attempt to write pened to be caught in the line about such a broad of fire of a drug deal. I intensely topic is probably point- dislike the phrase so often seen, less but given the events in Colo- “. . . a drug deal gone bad,” as if rado it seems impossible not to there were ever a good drug deal. offer a few observations. There In the soccer field shootings the will likely be no new insights community was horrified that but we should think about why a public park was turned into a mass violence gets such press killing field of children. Will that and compassion is seen only as outrage change anything? the property of the few. AccordWhere do we learn to be such ing to news reports great bravery violent people? Turn on any TV was shown by many in trying to crime show and see how long it is protect others, surely acts of love before the gunfire erupts. I have in the face of terror. heard estimates that by the time The Virginia Tech murders, a child reaches the age of 18 they the Fort Hood shootings, and will have seen thousands of killnow, the Aurora killings ings on television. Is it are the easiest to explain: possible that such conThe perpetrators were tinued exposure desenall drastically deranged. sitizes our brains to vioThere is no protection lence? A recent issue of against insanity. There Newsweek cites studies are warning signs that, that show constant use though subtle, cannot of electronic technolbe ignored but once the ogy, including video demons seize control games, does re-wire Hayden Hollingsworth we are all stunned. cerebral circuitry in A handful of famithe areas where adlies will have their lives changed dictive behavior resides. forever but for the vast majority This is not a rant about gun we will soon move on with our control or the drug problem, lives. about poverty or poor educaI spent this past weekend in tional opportunity. What is it a major northeastern city where that motivates one person to be shootings are an almost daily oc- compassionate and gentle, one currence. This type of violence that can handle anger in an apdoes not have its roots in psycho- propriate way while another will sis but in hostility that is often fed reach for an assault rifle? The anby drugs. Just last week innocent swers are certainly multifactorial victims were gunned down at and complex. a soccer game when they hapI received a blog today that Community | News | Perspective 540-400-0990 Publisher | Stuart Revercomb | News Editor | Gene Marrano | Senior Writer |Valerie Garner| Production Editor | Aaron Kelderhouse | Technical Webmaster | Don Waterfield | Advertising Director | Vickie Henderson |
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1 Electric light 5 Anger 8 Stings only contribution to the song 'Money for Nothing' was 'I want my ---' 11 Opposed 12 Playing cards with single spots on them 13 Before, poetically 14 What they call officers who have their chest full of medals 15 Deep mountain corn cake 16 Negative 17 You can get one of these specialties at Texas Steakhouse in Roanoke 19 Mike salvages this on shenandoah in roanoke 20 Stellar 23 Reporter's question 25 Inner floral leaves of flower 27 365.2425 mean solar days
31 33 35 37 39 41 42 45 47 48 49 53 54 55 56
57 Seed bread 58 Family athletic club on Kirk Avenue in downtown Roanoke
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One of the specialties of the K&W Cafeteria Chest Salton area of California, now a ghosttown. Comedian Jay Which local rock had a skirmish during the Civil War? Thanksgiving vegetable You learn this along with some respect at Boo Dog's Den in Salem Little Mermaid's love White poplar Sward Skin Southwest virginia hunterjumper org in salem Crony Some people get around on these at smith mountain lake, but not too many Prod Compass point
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7/27/12- 8/2/12
Critter Tales
36 39
15 17
science museum special instrument, fed him ran short of fund- until he learned. ing. A number Despite the little one’s bad of their dead, taxidermied luck, he has ended up in the birds had to be destroyed by second-best place he could fire, the method prescribed be: Sabrina’s house. We set by law. Having obtained ap- ‘little’ in the same cage as proval and permission, the ‘big.’ ‘Big’ will act as surrogate staff began their sorparent, and, through rowful task. As the mimicrywatchsmoke rose, one of ing ‘mom’ peck, and the volunteers looked preen and flap wings, upwards, and pointshe will learn how to ed. “Look! Is that do so herself. Rehaba hawk? Why is he bing might well be flying above us; why impossible without doesn’t he leave?” such mimicry and Lucky Garvin Indeed it was a surrogacy. hawk which circled … lazily on high drafts far above A tree was cut down; the smoke until the burning momma squirrel fled in terwas done. Was he sent there, ror leaving two surviving Heaven’s emissary, to guide offspring. They were bought the souls of his fellows below to Sabrina. She checked them to a far better place? You say. over. They were fat, healthy, … and without disease. Sabrina A battered Mourning Dove then said softly to wherever was bought to us missing the mom might be: You done most of the feathers neces- good; real good. They consary for flight. He was an tinued to gain weight, and adult who ate well, seemed become active. But, sadly, we otherwise uninjured; just heard from the rescuer that couldn’t fly. So he sat for a full-grown female squirrel some days in his solitary cage comes out everyday to the waiting for his flight feathers stump of the tree searchto regrow [a process which ing for her lost ones. We ran takes months.] Being social through all the scenarios for birds, it seemed to Sabrina re-uniting the family, but uland I that he was becoming timately, the ever-presence depressed, so Sabrina set a of cats in the neighborhood mirror near him. Now at last, turned that possibility from he had a friend. Birds don’t heart-warming to potentially know themselves from re- fatal for her babies. flections and it did seem to Not long thereafter, Sabrina brighten him up some. was bought an orphan squirThen, early this March, rel who had not fared so well, a three week old fledgling under-weight, poorly nourMourning Dove was bought ished, and flea-ridden [this to us. March is too early for causes anemia over time.] mating and babies, but be- Despite his desperate plight, cause the winter had been so My Lady patiently worked mild, procreation got a jump her magic. Soon the fleas start and thus the new dove were gone, his weight was up, on our doorstep. his energy improved, and he Now, a ‘fledge’ is akin to a was put into the cage with teenager; they leave the nest, the two older baby squirrels mom or dad flies down to who adopted him on sight. them on the ground periodi- But the two olders did somecally to feed them, check on thing else: remember I told them, and teach them about you about mimicry? One day what is involved in being a as I watched, I saw one of the dove. This one had gotten biggies eating a peanut, and, separated from his parents although I don’t speak ‘squirsomehow, so many of his sur- rel’, I can imagine the convervival lessons had remained sation: Contact Hayden at untaught. Little: What’s that you’re He, like all immature eating? Doves, was unable to feed Big: Peanut. It’s good for himself, so Sabrina, using a us. Also, check out those
addresses some of these questions. It is from Steve GarnassHolmes, a Methodist minister in the greater Boston area. Check him out at www.unfoldinglight. net. He wrote the following on July 23, 2012: “When someone walks into a crowd and sprays death and suffering around, the news media will spend hours telling us about a deranged shooter, but only mention in passing someone who gives their life in shielding a loved one from the bullets. Why is this? It’s because we are transfixed by the nature of violence. We are fascinated, in both fear and wonder, with violence as a form of power. Held back by our belief in the apparent power of violence, we have yet to come to realize that love is an even greater power. “Do not doubt the power that a person can have by spreading love through a crowd. It may not ever be known, and will certainly never make the news, but a person can exercise great power in spraying forgiveness and compassion around a room. One can make one’s home a nest of goodwill and loving kindness, from which one goes forth surreptitiously to cast their love upon unsuspecting and undeserving strangers. One can fearlessly display tenderness and forgiveness in public places, to the bewilderment of onlookers. Who could gauge how much suffering has been averted by the secret, unknowable prayers of people whose obsession is to spread love throughout the world? There are some who dedicate their lives to this work alone. “In fact, I recommend it. Become as single-minded in compassion as others may be in fear, hate, violence or hard-heartedness. Grant love and blessing without regard either to people’s deserving or to your own fate. Love indiscriminately, and people will witness a truly worldchanging power. It’s happened before. It can happen again. Even in your own town. “May love surround you. May grace abound. May healing and new life flow through you all of your days. And may you be fearlessly, relentlessly gentle. Peace.” Perhaps it’s not as simple as he makes it sound, but who can argue that it’s a better philosophy than hatred and violence?
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Pouch Card game Old Ford type Hilltop restaurant in Vinton Roanoke texas tavern To overhaul your drivers license at the dmv. Vane direction Table 50 has this online Ride a horse Vote against Deity A dance you can learn along with the Jitterbug Stroll and Shim Sham at BodyWorks fitness. Yes American College of Physicians (abbr.) Dirty What grew in the middle of carolina ave., came down in a storm, and was replanted? A book of songs at the First Baptist Church Fire remains Land mass Lacerated The local funeral service which has served Roanoke for over 100 years. Stage of life This abbreviated city is 460 miles from Roanoke Fatty Thailand's Peninsula Hokies football tv channel
By Don Waterfield
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sweet taters.” Little: I like milk.. Big: Milk is for babies; get over it. Here, try this. Little: [Chomping tentatively] CRICKEY! This ain’t bad! At night, they roll up together and sleep the sleep of the warm, well-fed, and unafraid, and who knows, maybe Sabrina will figure a way to get all three back to the faithful momma. [Hmmm, I thought I only lost two, now there’s three, but they all have the same smell, so maybe I was wrong. [Ed. Note: squirrels don’t count all that well, but their sense of smell rocks!] Even if we cannot find and release them to mom, they will be kept in out-cages here as they strengthen, then released, and begin their life anew. A second chance, courtesy of my Sabrina. … It must also be said that rehabbing accompanies you to hearts warmer than you might suspect: A vagrant man found an injured squirrel. He took it up and found the phone number of one of our rehabbers. Could she come get it? [We typically don’t retrieve.] He spent his last twenty dollars to pay for a cab. Now, with no way, save walking, to get home, she gave the Good Samaritan twenty dollars. Two good hearts there. In a neighborhood lived a woman who rehabilitated birds. One day, she heard a knock on her door. There stood a homeless man she had sometimes seen about the neighborhood. He thrust out a small bird to her. “I found her fluttering in the road. I couldn’t bear the thought of her being hit by a car. Can you take care of her, missus?” You see, he had learned through the ‘grapevine’ that this lady not only helped the injured, but knew how to do it. Homeless maybe; but not heartless. Such deeds set a smile on the face of Heaven. Look for Lucky’s books locally and on-line: The Oath of Hippocrates; The Cotillian; A Journey Long Delayed.
Contact Lucky Garvin at
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7/27/12- 8/2/12
Windows of Opportunity
here are any number rounded the lane to the winof opportunities for dow and corrected my order meals in the Roa- to a stern-faced shift manager noke valley. From supermar- who looked for all the world kets to fine dining overlook- like he hadn’t slept since rocks ing magnificent views, one became dirt. can find any taste to suit his Don’t get me wrong. I love or her palate. One only need going through the drive thu. I reference the yellow respect anyone who pages, sweet-talk has to work in fast one’s mate into supfood, having done ping al fresco on a so myself many warm evening, and years ago. But there’s the night is made a source of humor complete with exto be enjoyed when cellent food, drink, one juxtaposes the and close compangrim determination ionship. of serving burgers And then there’s and fries to equally the drive thru. and grittily deterRobert Adcox While waiting to mined drivers who retrieve my order treat the drive-thru from the cashier at the win- as though it’s a pit stop in the dow the other day, I mused Daytona 500. Such certainly about the service at the five seemed the case as the guy star hopeful that had recently in front of me frantically beserved my plate of brussel gan yelling to the cashier that sprouts artistically dribbled he didn’t have time for his with some kind of sauce ap- change and receipt. Peeling parently concocted from away seemed to inspire Mr. honey, Maalox, and pine bark. Move It behind me, who was Aroused from my reverie by now leapfrogging his car forthe guy behind me who intro- ward in an apparent attempt duced himself as “Let’s Move to scare me into doing a burnIt, Son”, I putted around to the out for the next nine or so feet speaker. “Three cheeseburg- necessary to pull astride the ers and a medium French cashier’s window. fry, please” was met with What a time to be a dollar “was that a combo of three short. seasoned fries and a cheeseScrambling to find my atm burger?” Restating my order, card, Move It Son and Mr. I was met with “I have three Stern both apparently were cheeseburger combos and wishing for some psychic a medium fry. Nine eighty- ability to make me miracusix. Please pull around.” Not lously produce the five dollars wanting to hold Mr. Move It and seventy-two cents necesup any longer than I had to, I sary to purchase the meal I’d
soon be eating much to the viewing pleasure of those dining in the views overlooking we mere peasants. Beatrice, two cars behind me, was also harried, taking orders for her fellow office workers. I know this because the dear woman was kind enough to put her phone on speaker so we could all learn that Jocelyn can’t digest onions since her operation last fall. Having calculated the exchange rate between dollars and hamburgers, I pulled away looking forward to enjoying my meal. The rearview mirror told me a story: Mr. Move It Son was still lurching his car, and poor Beatrice looked shaken by the impending lunch orders compiling over her speakerphone. I couldn’t quite make out who was in the Camaro behind Beatrice, but that person evidently loves country music. He certainly didn’t mind sharing it with the rest of us. As it turns out, fast food provides the same degree of intimacy that fine dining offers. It might be defined by someone expressing gastrointestinal issues over a speakerphone, but trust me. It’s there. All you need to experience it is the right window of opportunity.
World Champion in the 10K and the runner-up in the 5K. Plain and simple: he’s now the best long-distance swimmer in the world. And here’s where the story comes full circle, but in reverse. Recently, in Olympia, Greece, at the Temple of Hera, the torch was lit for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. It was then handed to an athlete to begin the torch relay to London, where the Games will be held. And who else could carry it? Spyridon Gianniotis, the Liverpool boy who grew to Olympic greatness on Corfu, became the first athlete to carry the Olympic torch born in Greece on its way to greatness in England. (The story continues on August 10, on Serpentine Lake, Hyde Park, London, with the men’s 10K open water swim.)
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The Preacher’s Corner by Quigg Lawrence Cruise Ship or Battleship? “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:43b-45 Almost 10 years ago, my wife Annette and I went on a cruise. The ship was awesome. We found ourselves in a beautiful, well appointed mega-yacht, folks waited on us hand and foot, a spa was available, as well as an unlimited supply of food and drink. On a cruise, you find yourself somewhere different every day and you visit interesting ports like Aruba, Barbados, Martinique, St. Maarten, Curacao, St. John, etc. Last week I met with some church planters including a young church planter from a different denomination who is planting a new church in Southeast Roanoke. This young pastor made the comment that “a church is made to be like a battleship, not a cruise ship!” Hmmm? He went on to explain what people expect on cruise ships: total pampering, room service, massages, 5 star meals, expensive day trips at the ports of call, entertainment, etc. Then he contrasted that mindset with what our military receives and expects. When you are on a battleship: - you do not get to decide when you eat or what you eat. - no one pulls your fresh bed linens back. - no chocolate is placed on your pillow.
- no balcony view exists. - no concierge or room valet is provided. - you have no ability to determine where you are headed. - you cannot get off the ship every two days. - no relaxing day excursions are planned. He made the application that the church is effective when we are in battleship mode and have a military mentality. To say it another way, church is effective when we view church and our faith as a mission and a service to God and others and not as nice life enhancement activity or a weekly get away. I am thrilled that so many of Church members in Roanoke exemplify that concept. You really understand that “your life is not your own” and you have been “bought with a price.” You embrace your call to glorify and serve the Lord with a grateful heart. Jesus humbled Himself and lived totally for the glory of His Father. No ego, no “self ” and no agenda but His Father’s drove Him. Jesus said that when we lose our life for His sake, we will find it! If you are continually asking what the church can do to serve you or finding fault from the sidelines, you may want to call your travel agent and book a Christian cruise! Dr. R. Quigg Lawrence is the Senior Pastor at Church of the Holy Spirit located at 6011 Merriman Road in Roanoke. Visit them on the web at
Commentary ACLU: Where Are You?
On Friday, July 13, President Obama, U.S. Senator Mark Warner, and U.S. Senate Candidate Tim Kaine spoke at a political rally in downtown Roanoke. According to reporter Valerie Garner, “At Contact Robert Adcox at the start of the event Councilman Sherman Lea gave the invocation.” Why is it perfectly fine for these government leaders to open their meeting with a prayer, but not so for local leaders such as the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors? What about the separation of church & state? What about government leaders showing favoritism to a particular religious faith? Why is the right to exercise freedom of religion not respected for ordinary Americans in the same way that we saw on July 13? How can the simple action of public prayer be such a minefield for the rest of Americans and not for the president, a senator and a former governor? Is freedom of religion just for the political elite now? Gail T. Lambert
Spyros From Liverpool Carries The Torch
ou don’t hear THIS event: the 10K Open Water in the news every Swim. day: “Spyros from A funny sidebar about open Liverpool.” water swimming: it started Here’s where the story with an Englishman. Many starts: a boy named Spyridon enthusiasts mark the beginGianniotis was born in Liv- ning of competitive open erpool in 1980. His water swimming mother’s family was in the year 1810, from there, and she when Lord Byron had met his father famously swam in Greece while on several kilometers holiday. They were across the Dardamarried and set up nelles, a channel house in Liverpool, in Turkey not far where young “Spyfrom, um, Greece. ros” was born and Since then, longlived the first 4 distance swimMike Keeler years of his life. In ming has gone in 1984, the family and out of favor, moved to Corfu, Greece. but has recently seen a huge Here’s the thing about gain in popularity as one of Corfu: it’s an island. As Spy- the three legs of a triathlon. ros grew up, he spent a lot The common race distances of time in the water, and are a 5K and a grueling 10K became a pretty good swim- marathon, which takes almer. So good, in fact, that most 2 hours to complete. in 2000, he made the Greek What did this mean for Olympic team and competed Spyros? He competed at Beiin Sydney. In 2004, when jing in the 10K, and came in the Games came to Athens, 16th out of large field. Then, Spyros finished 7th in the at the 2009 World Champi400 Meter Freestyle and 5th onships, he was second in in the 1,500 Meter Freestyle. the 5K. In 2011, he was the It was becoming apparent that, the longer the race, the stronger Spyros became. And then, as luck would have it, for the 2008 Games in Beijing, the International Olympic Committee added a new |Page 5
Ice Cream Article Brings Back Memories Mr Marrano, I was dumbfounded when I read your article. My Dad & Uncle started Millstream (bought the old paper mill in 1934) serving out the window. Shortly after WWII my Uncle had to leave the business and my Dad and Mom became sole owners. Dad made all the ice cream and Mom did all the short order cooking. My sister, her best friend (now my wife of 55 years), and I worked there until we graduated from college and headed off. Mom and Dad sold it a couple of years after we were gone and the subsequent owners turned it into a restaurant. It burned down several years ago and has now become a town park. If you got an ice cream cone there before 1957, chances are I waited on you. My wife and I drive back every year to visit relatives (we have lived in Georgia for many years) and renew our acquaintance with Newfound Lake. I have never found another lake as clean and pure as Newfound. Peter Fellows | Page 6
7/27/12- 8/2/12
Prevention Council Looks At Gains And Future Challenges
The Prevention Council of Roanoke County held its 8th annual retreat at St. John’s Lutheran Church recently, poring over the data mined from its latest bi-annual survey of middle and high school students in the county. The Prevention Council, which works with students, parents, teachers and other stakeholders, strives to curb abusive behaviors (alcohol and drug use, bullying) in county schools, detailed the gains it had made in curbing those behaviors, and highlighted where there is still work to be done. The student survey, conducted with the approval of Roanoke County school administrators every two years, showed that marijuana use was down in high school students from the previous two-year period. Use of marijuana among middle school students, although much lower than the 20 percent of high schoolers who had tried it (7.4% in middle school), was up slightly. The Prevention Council, which staged programs on the topic earlier this month, also found that 21% of high school students had tried synthetic marijuana like K2 or Spice. Alcohol use among teens continues to trend downward. The biggest battle there? Getting parents to stop allowing their underage children to drink at home. Ten percent of high school students and 2% of middle schoolers said they had used prescription drugs before age 13 in an effort to get high; the use of inhalants (“huffing’) did decrease from two years ago among both groups of students. Thoughts of suicide or even attempts decreased for high schoolers since 2010 but increased for those in middle school that took the anonymous survey. The Prevention Council has asked technology-related questions since 2008. This time more than thirty percent of high school students said they had
sent sexually inappropriate messages via cell phone or computer – down from 2010. But 32% reported texting while driving in the past 30 days, which is now against the law in Virginia. As for bullying, the rates were up slightly since 2010: 51-55% of all middle and high school students said they had been bullied in school. Dr. Dave Sallee from Radford University helped retreat attendees crunch the numbers. He was encouraged that there were “many areas in the high school pattern where I saw a decrease in [risky behaviors].” He said tracking a student’s attitude about risky behaviors isn’t a onesurvey snapshot but needs to be a “ten year process” to be truly effective. Sallee found the 16% of high school students who had reported suicidal thoughts to be “incredible numbers,” as were the 1 in 3 students involved in selfmutilation (burning themselves, cutting, pinching) as a result of depression. More than half of all survey respondents said they use technology more than three hours a day. “Does that have an effect?’ wondered Sallee, a longtime supporter of the Prevention Council. Nancy Hans, director of the federally funded Prevention Council, said it was “known nationally” for its various programs. She also repeated a common theme: “It is never [just] a school issue – it’s a community problem.” Hans was also “extremely concerned” that high schoolers feel it’s better to smoke pot and drive – rather than
drink and drive. Hans recognized Prevention Council partners in attendance like Pat Wilhelms of the Taubman Museum-based Roanoke Children’s Theatre, which will stage a play about depression Eric & Elliott – later this year. Consultant Bryce Jones implored Council members and partners to focus efforts where they would be most effective, saying the “ultimate goal” would be to drive down use of illegal drugs or alcohol in the past 30 days. He urged the Council not to concentrate its attention just on programs at the middle school level, where it hoped to nip risky behaviors in the bud. “There’s a disconnect in continuing the message [in high school],” Jones said he saw in the survey numbers. He did praise the Prevention Council and Roanoke County for its focus on healthy youth development as “extremely important” in the battle to curb risky behaviors, and cited the level of cooperation among various groups and organizations. Jones also asked attendees to consider this question: “What behaviors are happening in this community that are driving the problems?” He implored the Council to be a “change agent” and not just a service provider. “The more change you create in the community,” said Jones, “the more likely you are to see a change at the population level.” (see www. for more on the Roanoke County Prevention Council. By Gene Marrano
Roanoke Animal Response Team Set Up Just in Time
Members of the Roanoke CART (Community Animal Response Team) opened the first emergency animal shelter in the Star City during the recent derecho. It was adjacent to the human shelter in the Roanoke Civic Center and in the aftermath of the storm provided shelter to 19 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 ferrets. The CART was formed in January and has 39 volunteer members. It’s made up of volunteers, animal control officers, and local emergency management officials. Maureen Noftsinger, a veterinarian with Emergency Veterinary Services of Roanoke, heads the CART. She says it’s a vital component to keeping the public safe during an emergency. “So that people have a place to go with their animals, in the event of an emergency and in the event of the need for a mass shelter.” The formation of CARTS was a direct result of Katrina where people didn’t want to leave their animals and stayed in their homes or left, thinking they’d be back in just a day or two. Virginia has eight CARTs, including the one in Roanoke. The Roanoke CART became fully functional as of July 9th and operates under guidelines set up by the State Animal Response Team (SART). Roanoke is the only CART to have a veterinary response team and is the only one in Virginia that can be deployed throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. A Department of Homeland Security grant helped buy a trailer, which was parked outside the Roanoke Civic Center when the emergency animal shelter was activated. The trailer is stocked with crates and other supplies to help get a shelter set up and keep it operational during an emergency. Noftsinger says the team activated the animal shelter because people without electricity were growing concerned about their animals in the heat wave that followed.
Noted Presidential Historian David Barton says:
“Barack Obama is the most Biblically-hostile President of all time!” •• Obama•directs•the•Department•of•Justice•to•STOP•defending•the•• Federal•Defense•of•Marriage•Act• •• Obama’s•Defense•Department•permits•same-sex•marriages•• on•military•bases•in•violation•of•federal•law• •• Obama•attempts•to•control•the•hiring•policies•of•Christian•schools •• Obama•sides•with•Islamists•in•the•UN•to•create•blasphemy•laws,•• the•same•type•of•laws•used•to•jail••and•execute•Christians•in•Pakistan •• Obama•issues•a•mandate•forcing•religious•schools•and•hospitals•• to•pay•for•contraceptives,•“morning•after•pills”•and•sterilizations• •• Obama•orders•Catholic•military•chaplains•not•to•read•a•letter•to•service• members•from•a•Catholic•Archbishop
Religious liberty is in danger! Take action! Contact your Congressman and demand that religious freedom in America be protected. Mention the Military Religious Freedom Protection Act (H.R. 3828) protecting the rights of military chaplains. More information: This is an Advocacy Ad to advise the public of the dangers now facing religious freedom in the United States and does not promote the election of any candidate to public office. Produced and paid for by the Religious Freedom Coalition. PO Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013
By Beverly Amsler
Roanoke Regional Housing Network Sponsors Neighborhood Build Day More than 30 volunteers work to turn a negative into a positive for the community The Roanoke Regional Housing Network and its partners are sponsoring a Mountain View Neighborhood Build Day on Saturday, July 28, 2012. The group will be doing cleanup, general fix-up, and yard work at a home located at 1609 Chapman Ave., SW. The property is a foreclosed home that used to belong to Bill White, a former neo-Nazi leader. The property has been donated to “Rebuilding Together Roanoke” by Wells Fargo Bank. It will be rehabilitated by Rebuilding Together Roanoke using volunteer groups and contractors. The property will eventually be used to provide permanent supportive housing to clients from social service
This is an Advocacy Ad
“We had a lot of phone calls at the emergency clinic (Emergency Veterinary Services) about the pets; heat-related stress in their pets and so we wanted to make a place for the animals to go to stay cool as well as their owners.” They’re still evaluating what went well, what they can improve in the future, etc., but Noftsinger says setting up the shelter, running it, and taking it down went very well. “The first day we were disappointed because we only had two ferrets. But we still made a difference in those ferrets’ day. And over the course of the five days or 120 hours that we were open, I think that we made a good difference in the pets’ lives that came in.” As with most non-profit groups, they’re looking for volunteers. “There are certain requirements set aside for all volunteers to be certified. I can go through those with anybody who’s interested. (They must be) over 18. The big one is not convicted of animal-related crimes.” Anyone who would like more information or to volunteer can contact the group at
agencies in the Roanoke area. The Roanoke Regional Housing Network is sponsoring the clean-up and repair efforts. The Network’s members all actively work to better housing in the region but this is the first time in the Network’s long history that they will volunteer together as a group to work on one house. This represents a turning point for the Network as they continue to strengthen the connections that have been formed by united interests. More than 30 volunteers from across the community will take part in the project on Saturday, July 28, 2012 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Professional, Friendly and Experienced (Anyone can stop by at anytime but 10:00 a.m. to noon is recomExcellent References mended.) Location: 1609 ChapServing the Roanoke Valley man Avenue in Roanoke. For and Surrounding Areas questions or more information, 24 Hour Emergency Service please contact Nicole Pendleton at (540) 378-8967 or by email at Free Estimates
Angel Tarabay
Anchor of Hope Community Center’s
Community Health Promoter Program Meeting every Monday 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM Beginning Monday Sept 10th Thru Tuesday Nov 13th Participants will learn valuable information about health promotion, how to recognize early signs of illness and diseases, and where to find helpful resources for health care and health information. Participants will also learn how use that information to promote their own health and wellness and how to share the information that they learn with others in their This 10 week--30 hour course is offered for $10.00 (to cover cost of printed materials and class supplies) With attendance of at least 80% of class-time, participants will earn a Certificate of Completion as a “Community Health Promoter”. Pre-registration is required (see application form) by Monday, April 23, 2012. To Register Contact: Sabrina Law, Director of Programs Anchor of Hope Community Center 2302 Florida Avenue, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24017 540.563.1444 or
The Anchor of Hope Community Center’s Community Health Promoter Program is based on the Helping Hands Community Health Promoter Program, for more information call 540.362.5158.
7/27/12- 8/2/12 |Page 7
Wild Bill’s Weekly Sports Roundup Hunnell Wins Roanoke Valley Women’s Golf
All the attention this week has been the penal- with approval. I must admit, I was worried for ties handed down to Penn State after the debacle a couple innings my banana-ringed cowboy hat that occurred there continued to come to light. was getting the laughter. The NCAA took no prisoners on this Thank goodness the Salem left fielder one, with $60 million in fines, lost scholdid not have to encounter a bouncing hit arships, a four-year postseason football down the line after one of the border colban, and the deletion of 111 victories lies that Belle Star was riding decided to dating back to 1998. take a poop in the outfield grass during It will be interesting to see if this is just the stunningly interrupted goat-herding the start of the NCAA getting tough in romps. other areas of major college sports. Upward and onward . . . After the For example, it seems recruiting completion of their six-week regular Bill Turner violations appear more and more in season, swimming action gets serious the news. The question always persists this weekend with the RVAA champiwhether it was ignorance of the rules or sophisti- onship at the Salem YMCA. Stonegate looks to cated cheating by coaches under pressure to win. repeat as RVAA champs, with several other clubs Things only get worse when agents and the ever- poised to drop the cannonball. present deep pocket alumni get their hand in the Congrats to the Roanoke Post 3 American cookie jar. Legion baseball team for going undefeated in And, how about the NCAA and the institu- the West Division regular season and following tions themselves, always touting the student- it up with the tournament title Tuesday night at athlete concept. Typically that can be a bragging Kiwanis Field. point for the well-focused universities. But, it reNow, to the mailbag, where banana hats and mains a fact that many so-called student-athletes TV test patterns get attention this week. only use the college period as a stepping stone to Dear Wild Bill: I saw you at Salem last Friday the pros. night. Did the traveling monkey group talk you In basketball, it can be one year and they’re into wearing that banana cowboy hat? (Frances/ gone. Roanoke) It’s always been interesting to watch and listen No, Frances. The hat was mine. I feel it’s importo student athletes. Most are intelligent, well- tant to be prepared for a monkey rodeo. Sorta like spoken and carry themselves well. Others clearly owning a tuxedo. don’t cut it. Dear Mr. Broadcaster: What happened to I’m often perplexed when I see or hear about you unveiling your TV test pattern for the Mill a student-athlete who has been charged with a Mountain web-cam? Was this just another of crime, only to hear the coach immediately tell your stunts? (John/Bedford) everyone what a great kid he is. Everyone makes Au contraire, John. The official Wild Bill Inmistakes and most everyone deserves a second dian test pattern has been received. I will provide chance to right the ship. But, it’s more important a picture in the next couple weeks – just in time to get lives straightened out than to worry about for high school football predictions. And, yes, my the win-loss column. There are some that simply Ouija Board is all tuned up for another season. don’t have those priorities in order. Until next week, I am cleaning my hands from Next time you hear a student-athlete in an in- the monkey rodeo and getting set to have my terview, listen to what he says and how he says palm read from Madam Zelda. Predictors need it. You’ll either be saying “this guy’s going a long to hit the ground running. way”, or you’ll be asking yourself “how can this person possibly complete a college-level course?” Send your questions to: info@theroanokestar. Now, off the soapbox, and on to the lighter side com of local sports. The Monkey Rodeo (you knew I was going to head there) gets a clear five-star thumbs up from the Wild Bill entertainment review. Sam and By Bill Turner Belle Star were popular bronco-busters for sure, with many of the fans at the ballpark howling
Association City-County Championship
Sixteen year old Lyndsey Hunnell fired a three-round total of 212 (-3) to capture the RVWGA City-County Championship by five shots over 16time winner Dot Bolling. Hunnell held off Bolling in the third and final round at Ashley Plantation after Bolling had closed to within two shots heading to the final nine. A birdie at the par-5 tenth and eagle at the par-6 fourteenth were the deciding factors as Hunnell securred her first area women’s major. “She’s a very good player and it made it hard for me to beat her,” Bolling noted of Hunnell in the Ashley Plantation clubhouse afterward. “I got close, then she knew how to turn it on. That’s a great trait to have. (L) Lindsey Hunnell won Not many players can do that the RVWGA City- County on command. I think Lyndsey is the best player ever in the valley at Ashley Plantation with a three-round total of 3-under, 212 at her age.” Hunnell was all smiles after (R) Dot Bolling finished second in the City-County, falling just her impressive three-day show- short of her 17th victory in the event. ing that saw her shoot under par I knew if I played my game there were holes on twice. “I knew Dot would put pressure on me, and I the back nine that I could make birdie on.” “It’s the best three rounds I’ve ever had back-towas concerned at the turn,” Hunnell noted. “But, back-to-back,” Hunnell pointed out. “I’m very excited.” When asked if this was the start of chasing Bolling’s phenominal career numbers, Hunnel said with a laugh, “I hope so.” Sue Smith carded a final round 77 to take third, Leigh Lacy took fourth, while Hidden Valley grad and Washington & Lee-bound Sara Moir finished in fifth place. Peggy Miller nabbed the 70-and-over super senior title with a final round 83 to better Faye Stewart.
Hunnell blasts from a greenside trap on the 17th hole on her way to a five-shot win over Dot Bolling.
By Bill Turner
Matt Chandler Wins Monkey Rodeo Big Hit for Salem Red Sox Roanoke Valley Match Play Championship
It’s definitely a case of you gotta see it to believe it. The Monkey Rodeo took center stage at Salem Memorial Stadium, playing before over 6,000 cheering and howling fans in the much-anticipated two-night stand during the Salem Red Sox homestand against the Wilmington Blue Rocks. Sam got everyone’s attention when he threw out the first pitch. He was later joined by Belle Star as the two galloped across Lewis Gale Field before the start of the fifth inning. In case you haven’t caught on, Sam Sam, a capuchin monkey, heads across the Lewis Gale and Belle Star are capuchin monkeys Field during Friday night’s edition of the Monkey Rodeo appropriately clad in chaps and tassels. The pair of bronco-busters ride on saddled border collies, herding a group of wandering goats that ramble around the field, much akin to an Old-West roundup. The monkeys took to the field after the fourth and seventh innings, and made the requisite encore gallop after the game’s final out. Sam and Belle Star rode past the edge of the grandstands for photo-ops by the Red Sox fans who lined the field. Team Ghost Riders are led by Tim Lepard and his 7-year-old daughter Lakelynn. They have appeared at a Denver Broncos football game, commercials and have been on ESPN’s play of the day. They will appear in the movie “Gambit” starring Cameron Diaz and Colin Firth, which comes out in October. By Bill Turner
Matt Chandler put on a clinic Sunday afternoon at Hidden Valley Country Club as the one-time professional won the RVMPC 6 and 5 over Brandon LaCroix. By Bill Turner (R) Matt Chandler hits his tee shot on the 13th hole Sunday in what would be the clinching hole in his 6 and 5 victory
Shane Beamer to Address Roanoke Valley Sports Club
Shane Beamer, assistant head football coach at Virginia Tech, will be the guest speaker at the Roanoke Valley Sports Club meeting Monday evening, August 1st, at the Salem Civic Center. Beamer will talk about the upcoming Hokie season at the 6:15 dinner meeting. The event begins with a 5:45 social. Beamer will answer questions from the audience after his initial comments. Guests are invited to attend, as well as join the club which meets monthly with an assortment of guest speakers from all areas of the sports world. For more information, or to reserve a spot, contact Tom Marchi at 540-588-0919. By Bill Turner
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SSports ports
Page 8 |
Roanoke Post 3 Sweeps American Legion West Playoffs
Roanoke Post 3 jumped out to a 7-1 lead after four innings and rolled to the 13-6 win over Salem Post 3 Tuesday night in the American Legion West Senior playoffs at Kiwanis Field in Salem. Roanoke followed its 8-0 regular season with a sweep of the playoffs to advance to Legion state play. Salem, which moved into the finals after edging Vinton 4-3 earlier in the evening, was faced with the daunting task of having to beat Roanoke twice in the double elimiRoanoke batter Hayden Smith waits for his pitch nation format. A rested Roanoke squad in Roanoke’s 13-6 clincher Tuesday night. had too many weapons. Roanoke struck first in the opening frame after Griffin Stanley (Cave Spring) was hit by a pitch, stole second and third, and scored on a single by Chris Ferguson (Hidden Valley). Salem responded in their half of the second after a single and sacrifice attempt by Cory Lewis saw the throw to first plug Lewis in the back, giving Salem runners at first and third. Salem scored when Lewis tried to steal second and the throw sailed into center, allowing the runner on third to advance. Salem first baseman Cam Crawford waits for the Roanoke scored four times in the third, throw as Salem executes a pickoff of a Roanoke the key blows being a two-run homer deep baserunner. over the left field wall by Andrew Peterson (Cave Spring), and a bases loaded RBI single by Sam Lawrence (North Cross). Roanoke tacked on two more runs in the fourth after Steve Klaiber’s (Cave Spring) triple to the right-center field wall plated Ferguson. Klaiber later scored to make it 7-1. Roanoke coasted the rest of the way. Austin Gregory (Hidden Valley) picked up the win for Roanoke by mastering an efficient strike/ball ratio throughout the early innings, which began to take its toll on a Salem staff which was pushed to the limit in the back-to-back games. By Bill Turner
7/27/12- 8/2/12
Washington Redskins 80th Anniv. Thank You Tour Opens 23rd Commonwealth Games
(Above) Redskins great Dexter Manley (pointing) shows his appreciation to the large crowd Friday night, along with Redskins Ken Harvey (left,white shirt). (R) A Washington Redskins cheerleader entertains fans Friday night at the Tailgate Party.
“like” us on (Above) Roanoke’s Andrew Peterson heads to the plate afer his third inning homer to deep left.
Redskins Players, Alumni to Hold Dinner at Roanoke Country Club
(R) Salem Post 3’s Chris Stocki gives a high leg kick before connecting Tuesday night.
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Rekindle the memories. Join close to a dozen members of the Washington Redskins player alumni for a special evening at the Roanoke Country Club on Wednesday, August 8th as previous Redskins rekindle memories of prior seasons at a “Rally Around the Redskins” dinner. Proceeds will benefit the Chance Harman Foundation, which focuses on pediatric brain tumor research in conjuntion with Duke University. The dinner takes place the day before the Redskins play their first exhibition game of 2012, so grab the opportunity to hear players such as Mark Mosley, Ron Saul, Pat Fischer, Ron McDole, Ravin Caldwell, Bill Brundige, Mike Bragg, Roy Jefferson, Mike Nelms, Darryl Grant and Gary Clark talk not only about teams of the past, but their thoughts on this year’s team. Tickets for the event are only $75, but space is limited to only 200 participants. Arrival and a reception begin at 6:30 PM, dinner begins at 7:30, with the presentation and program to start at 8:30. A raffle and silent auction results follow at 9:30. So make plans to come out, enjoy a great dinner, and get up close and personal with some of your favorite stars from Redskins fame. For information and to reserve tickets for this unique event, contact Jerry Olsen, Executive Director of the Washington Redskins Alumni at 703-726-7488. Please stop by to meet our great team, tour our hospital, and find out why we offer the best compresensive wellness care for you pet. Cinthia L. Honeycutt, DVM
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By Bill Turner
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Arts & Culture |Page 9
7/27/12- 8/2/12
Her Best Work (For Now) For Floyd Fest Performer
Brandi Carlile
If you’re among the hundreds (thousands?) of Roanokers headed up the mountain to Floyd Fest 11 this weekend, co-founder Kris Hodges says you don’t want to miss Brandi Carlile’s set on Saturday (5:45pm on the Dreaming Creek main stage.) Her newest album, “Bear Creek” was recently released. It is Carlile’s fifth and it debuted at number 10 on the Billboard chart. Is it her best work to date? “At the moment I would say yes, but I typically feel that way every time I finish a record. This record definitely feels the most innocent and it was the most fun,” said Carlile in an interview last week. She recorded Bear Creek with her touring band, which includes twin brothers Tim and Phil Hanseroth. It was a stripped down production – and a change from working with notable producers like T-Bone Burnett. “Making a record on our own was always a goal and always something we were talking about and aspiring towards,” said Carlile, who has performed on The Tonight Show and was featured on National Public Radio. “I probably would make a record with a big producer again at some point in the future – but I’ll probably do this a few more times first.” Carlile, who has recorded a duet with Kris Kristofferson and has deep country roots (despite her Seattle-area upbringing)
tries to describe her style of music: “I was sitting next to a guy on the plane yesterday and he asked me what kind of music I played; I said rock and roll and he started hysterically laughing. Seriously, to the point where it became embarrassing and he had to cover his face.” She asked what had come over him; the man shrugged his shoulders and said he’d never heard music described that way before, that he expected some kind of description like alternative folk rock or emo prog. “Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that the trend of compartmentalizing music into a [specific] genre seems as strange to me as a 30-something woman in a baseball cap singing rock and roll seemed to him.” Carlile has been involved with a number of musical collaborations – like recording with Elton John – and has opened for top names. Did she ever imagine when starting out it would come to that point? “No, I don’t think anyone ever thinks that they’ll get a chance to meet or work with their heroes,” noted Carlile, “but I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t one of my favorite parts about being a musician.” Performing at the original home of the Grand Ole Opry, the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville was, “totally nostalgic. It was incredible to meet Little Jimmy Dickens and
Local Artists Give Piano Makeover at Second Helpings
Renowned Author and Theologian, Fleming Rutledge To Be Dodson Lecturer
On Saturday, July 28, from 2 -4pm, Second Helpings will hold a special reception to celebrate the creative painting of their baby grand piano by six local artists known as the Double Line Painters of the Blue Ridge. “Recently, the Rescue Mission was given a baby grand piano to replace the larger grand we had in the gallery which was becoming increasingly difficult to tune,” said Kelli Brown, General Manager at Second Helpings. “However, Local artist works on the piano makeover. the finish on the piano was rather distressed, so we proposed an idea to our gallery artists to have the piano painted. Having our artists paint the instrument would make it another work of art to be enjoyed by all who come to our gallery.” The special reception will feature the six artists as the piano is officially dedicated. The newly painted baby grand will be used at all monthly artist receptions as well as at other events held at Second Helpings. The Double Line Painters of the Blue Ridge is a group of local women artists who seek the unique beauty of Western Virginia by exploring the backroads, recreation areas and neighborhoods of our community. Some work in traditional oil painting methods, others in watercolor and others in mixed media. Their work is realistic or abstract, contemporary or in the style of the old masters or serious and somber or playful and fun. “We enjoy the company as much as the activity of painting outdoors (plein air),” said Sue Furrow, a member of the Double Line Painters. “We bounce ideas off each other, share interesting books or magazine articles, offer critique and suggestions as well as a cheering section for support and remain consistent in our desire to improve as artists and learn to see what this beautiful region has to show us.” Members of the Double Line Painters who contributed to the project include: Bonnie Mason, Mary Anne Meador, Judy Lochbrunner, Midge McCoy Ovenshire, Linda Schaar, Sue Furrow To learn more about the group, visit their blog at To learn more about how your patronage helps those in poverty or how to volunteer at 2nd Helpings Shop, Gallery, or Café, call 540.491.9405 or visit our website,
Fleming Rutledge, a renowned author and theologian will be the featured speaker as St. John’s Episcopal Church hosts its annual Dodson Lecture on Monday October 8th at 7:30. The title of her evening lecture will be: “Jesus Christ and the New Skepticism”. Having spent twenty-two years in parish ministry, Rutledge now has an international preaching vocation. Her three sermon collections, The Bible and New York Times, Help My Unbelief, and The Undoing of Fleming Rutledge Death (Eerdmans) have met with wide acclaim across denominational lines. Her most recent books are The Battle for Middle-earth: Tolkien’s Divine Design in the Lord of the Rings and The Seven Last Words. She has received a grant from the Louisville Institute to finish her book-length treatment of the meaning of the Crucifixion for today’s world. The Dodson Lecture is made possible by the Grif and Molly Dodson Distinguished Speaker Series. The fund is perpetuated by donations made in honor of the memory of Grif and Molly Dodson, who supported education and lifelong learning throughout their lives as members of St. John’s Episcopal Church. The Dodson Lecture will be held in St. John’s church located at the corner of Jefferson St. and Elm Avenue. The public is welcome to attend. A voluntary collection will be taken at the lecture to assist in underwriting the cost of the lecture. A reception and dinner with Fleming Rutledge for sponsors of the Dodson Lecture begins at 5:30 p.m. To become a sponsor, call St. John’s Church at (540) 343-9341 or email: Reservations are required by October 1.
even more special to know that my family was in the audience.” As for appearing at Floyd Fest for the first time, “I’ve heard it’s a great time, I’ve heard it brings people together and I can’t wait to see it for myself.” Carlile has appeared at venues large and small, and on other outdoor concert stages like Red Rocks outside of Denver. Carlile is also involved with her Looking Out Foundation and an anti-violence campaign. “We founded The Looking Out Foundation in 2008 as a way to support, through music, humanitarian outreach efforts. The ‘Fight The Fear Campaign’ was one of our most successful projects to date and we hope to re-launch this campaign at some point in the near future.” Carlile isn’t saying that all artists have some obligation to be socially conscious and engaged in causes, adding that, “I do, however, I feel like it’s much more of an honor than an obligation – it’s not a burden.” This weekend it’s all about the music however, as Brandi Carlile gears up for her Saturday afternoon performance at Floyd Fest. “I can’t wait! See you there.” (Some tickets remained for Floyd Fest 11 as of earlier this week. See By Gene Marrano
Darrell Scott to Perform at Floyd Fest Songwriter-musician Darrell Scott is among the 100 or so performers on the schedule at Floyd Fest this week- Darrell Scott end. Even as a teen, Darrell Scott, now 52, told the Roanoke Star earlier this year that he couldn’t envision doing anything else but writing and singing songs. “I thought this would be it. It’s a good little road and its still going.” By Gene Marrano Computer Repair • Free Diagnosis • New & Used Computers & Laptops
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7/27/12- 8/2/12 |Page 10
Councilman and President Roanoke Ranks Among Nation’s Top Ten Digital Counties
Councilman Sherman Lea Sr. will have a picture to remember from President Barack Obama’s visit on July 13, 2012. Lea who gave the invocation was the first one on the stage following entertainment by The Church Sisters bluegrass band. He gave the invocation as President Obama, U.S. Senator Mark Warner and former Virginia governor and now U.S. Senate candidate Tim Kaine prepared to address 3000 supporters in front of the historic Fire Station No. 1. By Valerie Garner
Roanoke Ranks Among Nation’s Top Ten Digital Counties Posted by stuart on Jul 24th, 2012 and filed under Business. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry Edit This Entry For the tenth time in as many years Roanoke bested most other counties in the entire country in information and communications technology use, according to the results of a survey the National Association of Counties announced this week. Roanoke County ranked third nationwide among counties with a population under 150,000. Each survey sheds light on the direction digital technology is taking across the country and 2011 left little doubt operational efficiency is guiding decisions in Roanoke and county IT offices everywhere. “Counties across the country are aligning technology initiatives with executive strategic priorities to provide vital cost savings and administrative efficiencies,” said NACo Executive Director Larry E. Naake. “The Digital Counties Survey identifies best practices and innovative uses of technology crucial with today’s constrained budgets to maintaining and even improving service levels.” Shared Services are among the most popular of those best practices, according to the survey, which found 78% of the counties that responded are pursuing joint service delivery. Among the most popular of shared services in county IT offices is enterprise content management, according to Kimberly Samuelson, Director of Government Strategy at Laserfiche Document Management which has 20 customers among those recognized in the four population categories in this year’s survey—including Roanoke. “Laserfiche extends its congratulations to Roanoke for its con-
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tinued ranking among the nation’s top ten digital counties,” Samuelson says. “Roughly one in three counties use Laserfiche and the survey results reflect exactly what we’re seeing with Roanoke and all our county customers. Increasingly cities and counties are teaming up to implement enterprise content management as a shared service to minimize IT support and maintenance costs.” For the complete list of the 2011 Top Ten Digital Counties please see: If you would like to learn more about shared services in IT offices or Roanoke’s use of Laserfiche, Kimberly Samuelson can be reached at: 562-988-1688 or
American Life in Poetry In Childhood
Sarah A. Chavez is a California poet, and here she writes about the yearning of children to find, amidst the clutter of adult life, places they can call their own. In childhood Christy and I played in the dumpster across the street from Pickett & Sons Construction. When we found bricks, it was best. Bricks were most useful. We drug them to our empty backyard and stacked them in the shape of a room. For months we collected bricks, one on top another. When the walls reached as high as my younger sister’s head, we laid down. Hiding in the middle of our room, we watched the cycle of the sun, gazed at the stars, clutched hands and felt at home.
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