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Red Cross honors Everyday Heroes Making Waves P6– Todd McGraw has already made a splash in the Roanoke Valley, now he’s setting his sights on the Olympics.

Project Faith P8– Students from Faith Christian partnered with the Rescue Mission to raise $120,000.

Storybook wedding at the library

Easter sunrise services

The Roanoke Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross held its annual Celebration of Heroes breakfast at the Hotel Roanoke on Tuesday, honoring people James Downing from the public service sector and other walks of life. All had been nominated for deeds ‘above and beyond’ during the past year or during their careers; most said they were just ordinary folks doing their jobs. WSLS-10 news anchor Karen McNew Community emceed and quoted something Ronald Reagan once said about heroes: “they are all around us…we don’t have to turn to the history books.” Heroes were honored in the categories of Medical, Firefighter, Law Enforcement, Emergency Responder, Good Samaritan, 9-1-1 Dispatch, Community Impact, Workplace, Military, and Educator. Many live or work in Roanoke City, or like James Downing (a Patrick Henry alum) who grew up in Roanoke.


Couple exchange vows at the public library


> CONTINUED P3: Heroes

Matrimony wasn’t only found in between the L’s and N’s in the downtown stacks of the Roanoke Public Library on Friday, March 14. It was also found at the wedding of Sam Knapp and Christina Owens, which coincidentally took place on the second floor of Library the downtown library. Sam, an artist and sculptor, recently opened his art exhibition at the Roanoke Public Library through the library’s Emerging Artists program. Sam and Christina decided to get married in front of Sam’s exhibition at his opening. When the idea was introduced by his fiance, Sam thought she meant at that precise instant. Sam said, “We had no place in mind that was sentimental, and it’s somewhere different.”


Photos by Stuart Revercomb


embers of Red Hill Baptist Church and others gathered early Sunday morning on Roanoke Mountain to welcome the very first glimmer of the Easter sunrise. Church members have been holding an informal Easter morning worship service

atop the mountain for years that includes the singing of hymns and some short reflections on the Gospel. Temperatures hovered in the low 40’s but the chilly air didn’t take away from the warmth as friends and strangers alike came together in song and praise.


> CONTINUED P3: Wedding

25 years of selling Hogs in the Valley Teens carry crosses

Lewis & Clark P2– The Science Museum of Western Virginia is showing Lewis & Clark through August 31.

When it comes right down to it Loyd Shiffer contends that selling motorcycles and accessories sure beats getting up at four in the morning to feed the chickens. That’s what the exfarmer from Wisconsin said as he reflected on 25 years of owning Roanoke Valley Harley-Davidson, Ltd., which sits on a hill at 1925 Peters Creek Road after being located previously near Shenandoah Avenue. Purchased by Loyd and wife Kathy in 1982 (“she was in on this from the ground floor,” he notes) the couple opened their doors officially in January of 1983 and just celebrated the dealership’s 25th anniversary, in Photo by Gene Marrano part by being recognized at the Harley-Davidson owner, Loyd Shiffer, poses with motorcycles in annual national sales meeting the showroom on Peters Creek. in San Antonio. The Shiffers are actually the ten years to, “another one with now – the general public,” said fourth owners for the dealer- newer features,” notes Loyd, Shiffer, who employs about 30 ship that dates back to 1914. who sees the same custom- people, including three of his ers every so often for sales and children (Travis, Zack and Lib“I was a rider…a service. Consumers by) that have followed him into [Harley] fan,” said Local Buisness will spend between the business. Several have been Loyd about how he $6000 and $30,000 with him since he first purbecame an owner. for the privilege. Most years chased the business and others Then there was that farm thing. he has weathered any ups and have been with the dealership “I just didn’t want to work seven downs in the economy but even longer. days a week [and] its something Roanoke Valley Harley-DaShiff er said sales were a bit slowthat I’m interested in. Not ever than usual until they started vidson has broken ground on a erybody has that luxury.” Ironito pick up again recently due to second location in Christianscally Loyd is from Wisconsin, the warmer weather. burg, where Shiffer expects to where Harleys and another line Over the past two and a half do well, marketing to students he sells, the sportier Buell modecades the demographics have just leaving local colleges with torcycles, are manufactured in changed also: it’s not just the Milwaukee. Harley-Davidson > CONTINUED now owns Buell. Avid bikers tattooed, leather clad, hardP3: Hogs core biker that buys the fabled like to update less than every “hog” these days. “It’s anybody


Hota Kotb P7– The “Today” coanchor will address Virginia Tech graduates this year at Lane Stadium on May 9.

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through Roanoke

Photo by Daniel Vos

Students from Northside, William Fleming, Lord Botetourt, Patrick Henry, carry crosses past River’s Edge during “The Walk to Life” procession. Smiling teenagers in t-shirts spent their Easter weekend carrying wooden crosses along a 13-mile route through south Roanoke. They were part of “The Walk to Life,” an outreach of Life Church in north Roanoke County. “Our purpose is two-fold,” said Josh Bostic, youth pastor of Life Church. “One, to share

our passion for Jesus Christ by remembering what he did. Two, to give students the opportunity to invest in each others’ lives.” Over the course of two days, the student group walked over 26 miles along a route begining

> CONTINUED P3: Crosses

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