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[Greenways Benefit]


Candidate says he may take legal action against paper

Gallop 4 the Greenways WF - PH At bat P8– Crosstown rivals Patrick Henry and William Fleming went head to head with the Patriots coming out on top 13-4

Photo by Lawson Koeppel

Brian Wishneff holds a reproduction of the ‘Joe Smith’ ad, critical of Court Rosen, as it ran in the Roanoke Times.

Wishneff accuses Roanoke Times of election manipulation Photo by Bill Turner

Families and competitive runners gathered for the 2008 Gallop 4 the Greenways.

Doyle Honored P7– Stephanie Doyle was honored as Roanoke City Schools’ Teacher of the Year. The honor came with a $1,000 award from sponsor Shenandoah Life.

Patriots Sweep P9– Patrick Henry swept E.C. Glass in lacrosse on Tuesday with varsity boys, girtls and the JV team winning all three match-ups.

Keno’s Keynote P9– Keno Shepherd has one final shot to address his dream of being an Olympic Champion.This week he’s taking his best game to the mat in Colorado, Springs, Colo.

Roanokers pound the pavement for local Greenways Valley Forward hosted Gallop 4 the Greenways last Saturday in downtown Roanoke. The proceeds from the event are used for greenway maintenance and preservation. This was the second year for the race which raised $35,000 in 2007. Gallop 4 the Greenways promotes a family atmosphere, and even if you didn’t run, you could still raise money and qualify for some prizes including a weekend stay at the Hotel Roanoke. Gretchen Weinning, a spokesperson for Valley Forward, said, “we want to create a family atmosphere and get corporate teams involved.” This year’s race was dedicated to Tom Farrell, an avid runner who was killed in January while completing his morning run. His family was present and there was a moment of silence in his memory. A total of 583 runners covered the downtown streets, almost 300 more runners than last year, according to Weinning. “We had 400 runners sign up the last week

prior to the race,’ Weinning said. With excellent weather conditions for the race, Weinning expects to exceed last year’s total dollars raised, although a final is yet to be determined. At least 1200 attended the after-race party and there were more than 100 walkers. The 5K race (3.1 miles) started behind Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital and ended in Elmwood Park. The overall winner was Jeremy Bartley with a time of 17:27, almost one minute better than runner-up Matthew Storie who was timed at 18:11. Interesting enough, the overall third place finisher was 14 year old Jordan Bazak. Bazak finished a half a minute behind Storie with a time of 18:43. First place for the women was Pennsylvania resident, Lisa Horney, who covered the course with a time of 20:06. She was followed by Shannon Summerlin with a time of 20:30 and Pam Gaborski > CONTINUED P2: Greenways taking third at

TAP Receives grant and honors In response to the record number of home foreclosures and evictions, TAP opened its Housing Loss Prevention and Education Center at 141-A Campbell Avenue on February 20. The Center was the brainchild of TAP’s CEO, Ted Edlich. His vision was that there would be one single place, a “One Stop Shop,” where those experiencing foreclosure or eviction concerns could come to receive counseling or direct financial assistance. On April 14 the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) announced that TAP would be awarded a grant of $22,287 to assist in operating the Center. During a recent meeting of the Virginia Association of Housing Counselors TAP was awarded the prestigious Housing Counseling Empowerment Award. In making the award, the Associations Awards Committee Chairperson, Shelita Adams of Loudoun County Family Services, emphasized TAP’s innovation and creativity as an agency and TAP’s history of going the extra



2007 City budget falls short

Photo Couresy TAP

From left to right, are Charlotte Davis, Sonya Cooper, Earl Reynolds, Antoinette Brown, and Aldith Ellis. mile to help those in need. Attending the conference to represent TAP were, Charlotte Davis, Sonya Cooper, Antoinette Brown, and Aldith Ellis. Earl Reynolds, director of TAP’s Housing and Community Development component, submitted the nomination which won TAP the Top Honors. While at the

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Brian Wishneff is taking a final swing at one of his old opponents, The Roanoke Times, by accusing them of trying to influence the outcome of last week’s elections. Wishneff lost his seat to newcomer Court Rosen by just over one percent of the vote May 6. In a press conference held May 9, Wishneff outlined what he said was intentional manipulation of information that included: attacks from the Times’ editorial page based on information the paper knew was inconsistent, withholding stories that would benefit his candidacy and rushing stories into print without verification. “In my humble opinion [their actions were inElection 2008 tended] to influence the outcome of the election and to maim my character,” Wishneff said. “The accusation that is being made by the newspaper and by the editorial page today [May 9] is that I purposely placed the name Joe Smith on a paid advertisement in order to fool the public about the real people behind the Court Rosen ad,” Wishneff said. “That is a complete lie. A total complete fabrication.” Wisheff said it was the Times’ own internal policy, and the suggestion from their staff to make up a name, that led to the placement of Joe Smith on the ad. At the press conference Wishneff handed out a packet of information that contained what he said was the original ad sent to both the Roanoke Times and to the Roanoke Star-Sentinel. The original material had, at the bottom, “Paid for by Citizens for Sensible Decisions,” without a mention of Joe Smith. He showed that the ad ran without that name in the Roanoke Star-Sentinel. “So the obvious question is how did we get from an original ad sent to the Roanoke Times with no Joe Smith,” Wishneff said, “to a Roanoke Sentinel ad that was run with no Joe Smith, to one that we had to have Joe Smith’s name in the ad.” Wishneff said Suzanne Osborne is chair of Citizens for Sensible Decisions, and it was Osborne who called to place the ads with her credit card. He said a few hours after the ad was placed his office received a call from the Times’ advertising department. The advertising representative said > CONTINUED P2: Wishneff he had problems with the ad that needed to be

conference Charlotte Davis and Aldith Ellis obtained CEU credits needed to maintain their Certified Comprehensive Housing Counselor Certifications. Sonya Cooper obtained her Certified Housing Counselor certification and Antoinette Brown passed the Certified Comprehensive Housing Counselor’s exam.

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For the past several weeks this sign has hung on the front door of Roanoke’s Social Services department advising that no more funds were available for emergency services for the most needy of families in our community. Social workers advised that the funds controlled by the city usually do run out just before the city budget renews in July, but they could not remember ever running out over two months before that date. On Wednesday, May 14 some extra monies were made available for families with children only, but aid workers said it was very limited and would only last for a short window of time. The City Council approved a $260 million budget Monday, but the budget isn’t effective until July 1, 2008.

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