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Roanoke Valley YMCA keeps growing
Contact us: (540) 400-0990 info@theroanokestar.com
A New Chapter P7– Faith Christian seniors happily anticipate await commencement at graduation.
Odyssey of the Mind P7– Crystal Spring Elementary students compete in the world ďŹ nals of Odyssey of the Mind.
They say the numbers never lie. For the YMCA of the Roanoke Valley, all numbers add up to unprecedented growth and the need to expand - again. The ‘Y’ is celebrating its 125th year in Roanoke by renovating and expanding its Family Center YMCA (off Orange Ave.), Kirk Family YMCA (downtown) and Salem Family YMCA. YMCA leaders and volunteers have launched the “Grow the Y� campaign, seeking to raise $2.5 million towards the
NAACP honors citizens of the year
> CONTINUED P3: Citizen
will also include additional Wellness Center space, as well as areas dedicated to enhancing children’s programs, summer camps, youth and teen activities, group exercise, cycling studios and multi purpose/ meeting rooms. When it comes to raising donated money in today’s economy, only four years after wrapping up a $10.5 million campaign to > CONTINUED P3: YMCA
Director Art invades Roanoke’s sidewalks of Finance retires
Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall retires after 33 years of service
When Jesse Hall graduated from Virginia Tech in 1975 he had three job offers. “Two of them were in far away places and one was with the city,� Hall said. “I wasn’t anxious to go off way away.� He stayed close to his Service roots and took the position with the City of Roanoke as an internal auditor and he’s been with city ever since. June 30, 33 years and five job titles later, he will retire as Roanoke City’s Director of Finance. The date isn’t coinci-
Photo by Gene Marrano
here was no doubt about it: the annual Art Museum of Western Virginia “Sidewalk Art Show� was a red-hot experience this past weekend, as vendors and patrons braved temperatures that approached 100 degrees on the pavement surrounding the City Market building. The booth space fees charged go to support
Art Museum outreach programs and participating artists keep all proceeds from the sale of their work. How long browsers wanted to linger and look at art on Saturday and Sunday was debatable because of the heat wave. The Sidewalk Art Show dates back to 1959 > CONTINUED P2: Art
> CONTINUED P3: Jesse Hall
DePaul Family Services brings foster families together
Perfect Prize P6– Lucy Addison Middle School students were awarded a chance to win a bike for perfect attendance
P9– Yankees Connor O’Donnell bends the tee as he connects for a hit.
$4 million needed to complete the proj- and strength training equipment, comects. The remainder of the funds will come plete locker room facilities and updated from operating revenues. space and equipment specifically for chilConstruction at the Family dren and teens. Center YMCA is already underAt the Kirk Family Y, plans Lifestyle way. Built in 1953, the Family include doubling the size of the Center serves some 3,000 kids Wellness Center, as well as renofrom surrounding neighborhoods, as well vating and expanding the Teen Center, as more than 400 senior citizens and 350 group exercise areas, youth activity rooms families. Renovations for the Family Cen- and adding a fourth handball/racquetball ter include new space dedicated to health court. and wellness activities, additional cardio The Salem Family YMCA’s expansion
[Art Show]
The Roanoke Branch of the NAACP welcomed more than 500 supporters to the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center on Friday, June 6. The occasion was the 10th annual Citizen of the Year Awards Banquet. Sponsors and supporters were treated to a wonderful evening of acknowledgement, praise in song, and encouragement. Internationally acclaimed, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, Leonard Pitts, spoke to the throng of civil rights advocates and urged them to “begin talking about talking about race�. His message was one of continuing the fight for equality. Pitts alluded to the history of African NAACP Americans in the USA. In referring to the history of Blacks since slavery, he pleaded that, “we should not get over it as has been suggested by media and legislators. It is part of our motivation.� Roanoke NAACP President,
Grand Slam
When Pam and Randy Mitchell’s four children grew up and moved out, there was emptiness in their home. Randy, who was working at a local printing company, saw a DePaul Family Services “Become a Foster Parent� brochure. “The idea of becoming a foster parent appealed to us because we felt we had more to give children and enjoyed being parents. We thought and prayed about the decision and then we made the call to DePaul Family Services,� Randy said. “Being a foster parent isn’t always easy. The key to being a good foster parent is being flexible and being willing to accept change. You never know what may be coming but it is all worth it in the end when you see a child have pride in himself and to see him have a sense of self-worth,� Randy said. Children deserve to be happy, to be safe and to have a home. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. In Virginia, more than 8,000 children are in the foster care system. Many of these children are victims of abuse and neglect, which can result in behavioral and emotional problems, according to Sue Bentley, DePaul Family Services Executive Director.
Over the past two years, the Mitchells have helped Cindy grow into a confident and happy child. “Today, Cindy will gladly tell you she is a princess and when we ask her the same question, Cindy says: ‘I want to be a doctor and a ballerina’.� Being foster parents has not been without heartaches as well. However, when times are difficult, the Social Work staff at DePaul Family Services is there to help. “The staff at DePaul is always available. They have met me at the emergency room in the middle of the night. They have been there in the good times and the bad,� Pam said. One of these times was when the Mitchells had to explain to their foster child that his birth mother had passed away unexPhoto submitted pectedly. “This was so hard but our social worker Brandon and Jean Dudley were brought together by DePaul Family Services. was right there with us through the whole Over the past three years, the Mitchells When Cindy came to their home she was event,� Pam said. have opened their home to sixteen foster only three and “she was a scared little girl,� “Helping foster parents to help foster chilchildren, ranging in age from two to teens. Pam said. dren is critical to the success and happiness Some are there for a few days, “When we asked her what of the foster family. DePaul has a very atwhile others have been there for she wanted to be when she Foster Care weeks, months, and even years. grew up, Cindy replied: ‘I can’t > CONTINUED Today, they are the foster parbe anything because I am ugly P2: DePaul ents to a five-year old girl named Cindy*. and mean’.�
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