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The Roanoke Star-Sentinel Community | News | Per spective
August 29, 2008
[Local Theatre]
Children of Eden returns to Roanoke Symphonic Sounds P3–The Winds of the Blue Ridge held their premiere concert at Hollins University.
Virginia Tech establishes new Fralin Life Science Institute
The Fralin Biotechnology Center and the Institute for Biomedical and Public Health Sciences (IBPHS) have been administratively merged to form the Fralin Life Science Institute at Virginia Tech (Fralin). Dennis Dean, the Stroobants Professor of Biotechnology, will direct the new institute. The Fralin Biotechnology Center was established Virginia Tech in 1995 to promote research, education, and outreach related to the life sciences at Virginia Tech and throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Institute for Biomedical and Public Health Sciences was created in 2003 to provide strategic support to enhance biomedical research at Virginia Tech. Dean has held the leadership role in both institutes, having been director of the Fralin Center since 2002 and the interim director of the Institute for Biomedical and Public Health Sci-
Diane Kelly
Double Pedaling P5– Diane Kelly describes her first experience on a tandem bicycle.
Mountain Kids P7– KIVA holds an outing on Mill Mountain with special guest Mayor David Bowers
Preseason Football P8– NC running back Tyler Caveness breaks into the open for a TD.
Photo submitted
With a cast of over 50 people from local families - moms and dads and their children, sisters and brothers, Godparents and grandparents – Children of Eden is a unique production that returns to the Roanoke Stage via Logos Theatricus. The play is written by Stephen Schwartz, the famous creator of WICKED, GODSPELL, PIPPIN and a host of other animated musicals.
Proceeds will benefit the West End Center and the Rescue Mission Some 3000 people saw people who needed to see Children of Eden at the this show,” said Keeley of William Fleming High one major motivation for School Auditorium last bringing it back. Most of year but those behind a last year’s cast was able to Roanoke version of the return for the encore. Stephen Schwartz work Schwartz has a good figured it still had some track record – Pippin, legs. That’s why the muGodspell and the current sical, based on the Book Broadway hit Wicked are of Genesis in the Bible, among his other works will reappear at Jefferson – but Van Deventer Center in downtown Roasaid “he kind of rushed noke for three shows on it,” when writing Eden. September 5, 6 and 7. A Ironically one of the first local troupe known as Lovenues it came back to for gos Theatricus (Theatre of some reworking was Mill Photo submitted the Word), an ecumeni- Children of Eden tells the creation story as found in the Book of Mountain Theatre in Rocal theatre company, will Genesis - the story of Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel, as well as the stories anoke, where the Ameriagain perform Children of of Noah, his wife and three sons and their perseverance through the can premiere took place Eden to raise money for the great flood. Performances are one weekend only: Friday and Saturday, in 1992. “[Schwartz] came West End Center and the September 5th & 6th at 7:30 PM and Sunday, September 7th at 2:30 with the production and Roanoke Rescue Mission. PM in the Shaftman Performance Hall at the Jefferson Center. did a lot of tweaking here,” Last fall’s debut also raised said Van Deventer. Since tends OLN, is director of the Colonels money for local non-profits. that time Children of Eden, “has been Theater Company at William Fleming. Dan Keeley and Larry Van Deven- Children of Eden, retooled after its less one of the most sought-after titles for ter are the prime forces behind Logos than successful debut in London’s West different amateur groups, churches and Theatricus, which they say will pro- End almost two decades ago, may be community groups.” Keeley attributes duce other works using local talent af- bound for Broadway within the next that to the family-oriented production, ter a break. Keeley is the music direc- few years. The musical features Van with an intertor at Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Deventer’s favorite score. ge ne r at i on a l > CONTINUED P2: Eden Church, while Van Deventer, who at“We felt like there were still a lot of cast that ranges
RCPS hosts “Back to School Extravaganza”
Roanoke City Public Schools’ Back-to-School Extravaganza drew students and their parents to Patrick Henry High School on Saturday. Only receiving The seventh annual giving promotional copies of away of school supplies was aimed to encourage parents to become more involved with their child’s learning. Get it delivered to This was part of the goal of RCPS Superintendent Rita your doorstep Bishop, according to Tiffany EVERY week for only Woods, Director for Public Relations. $44 a year! Bags of supplies, including notebooks, folders, pencils, 400-0990 subscribe@theroanokestar.com pens, and glue--depending PO Box 8338 Roanoke,VA 24014 on the grade level of the
The Star-Sentinel?
student--were given to elementary and middle school students. Students and their parents seemed to enjoy the event. Boothes with representatives from a variety of organizations were there with information to share. “It’s cool,” said Sarah Reed, an eighth grader at Breckenridge Middle School, eating an apple from the big bowl of apples from the RCPS Department of Foods and Nutrition booth. Her friend, Sarah Mill> CONTINUED P3: Extravaganza
> CONTINUED P2: Fralin Institute
Bowers optimistic in State of the City Address
Photo by Valerie Garner
Roanoke City Mayor David Bowers speaks last Monday.
Mayor David Bowers in his first State of The City Address since returning to office Bowers has a little more gray hair this time around and a lot more wisdom according to some in the audience. His address to the Chamber of Commerce, Roanoke dignitaries, former office holders and neighborhood presidents was largely centered on the “Clean and Green Campaign” spearheaded by Councilwoman Gwen Mason. On September 23 Roanoke will host the first ever Clean and Green Environmental
Photo submitted
The line for free school supplies flowed out of the doors of Patrick Henry High School and into the parking lot.
> CONTINUED P3: City Address