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The Roanoke Star-Sentinel Community | News | Per spective

August 15, 2008

Roanoke County forced to give “local aid” to Commonwealth of Virginia

Art Work P7– Local arts and cultural organizations came together for the Arts Council of Blue Ridge seminar.

Fight Nite P8– Local contestants Donte King and David Novia duke it out at Fight Nite at the Salem Civic Center.

During meetings with the Virginia Municipal League and Virginia Association of Counties a model resolution was developed to highlight the effects of budget cuts imposed on cities and counties in 2008-2010. To highlight the effect of these acrossthe-board budget cuts a resolution was adopted to record payment to the Commonwealth as “local aid” to the Commonwealth of Virginia. During Roanoke County’s Monday Board of Supervisor’s meeting, Chairman Richard Flora smiling reluctantly said “this is hard to say”. The level of frustration was apparent. Mr. Flora stated that “the General Assembly did not have the intestinal fortitude to raise the money so they shifted

Roanoker Restaurant owner E.C. Warren passes away

Driving the Spike P8– Lord Botetourt High and Northside High gear up for the upcoming volleyball season..



In other Board of Supervisor Business Deborah Pitts Retirement: Deborah Pitts of the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department was honored for her 36 years of service. Ms. Pitts served Roanoke County most recently as Executive Director of Explore Park and was first employed with Roanoke County as a Recreation Supervisor in 1972. Capital Projects Status Report: A briefing on the current status of capital improvement projects by Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget. > CONTINUED P2: County News


Clowers Field dedicated for fallen hero

Professional introductions

Long time Roanoker Restaurant owner E.C. Warren II passed away unexpectedly last Sunday at the age of 62. E.C. Warren or “E” as he was known by friends and family, died of complications from a liver ailment known as “nonalcoholic steatohepatisis.” Roanoker Restaurant co-owner Butch Craft, who began working at the restaurant in 1970 with Warren, said on Tuesday that family and friends E.C. Warren were never told of the seriousness of the disease, “that in keeping with his humble heart and not wanting to be a burden he never let us know how really serious it was.” Ironically, as a Star-Sentinel employee I was picking up advertising information at the Roanoker last Friday and met with Mr. Warren and Butch Craft shortly before he was


it back to localities to do. Thank you County that they were not going to reGeneral Assembly ... so we can help the imburse the state. The level of frustration State of Virginia.” He said all members was apparent for all cities and counties. will have to “swallow hard” to affirm this Mr. McNamara said, “this equates to resolution. $60 of tax per household” and “giving The $100 million will be recorded in the state 1/2 of an elementary school”. two installments for FY 2008-2009 and Mr. Altizer agreed that it “equates to a FY 2009-2010. The reductax increase” for the citizens tion equates to 2/3 of one of Roanoke County. Roanoke County percent on real estate tax Mr. Church said that, “the rate per year and does not state is digging itself into a reflect on the other cuts that were actual- deep, deep, deep dark hole and we are ly imposed by the General Assembly to- given a teaspoon to dig our way out”. wards law enforcement, education, ABC Mr. Church reminded all that this is a profits, and the failure to fund trans- Dillon rule state that stipulates that local portation, water quality standards, etc. government only has the power granted More budget cuts are expected. The City to it by the General Assembly. All relucof Virginia Beach just advised Roanoke tantly voted “yes”.

Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets presents the colors at last Tuesday’s dedication.

Fallen soldier honored


> CONTINUED P3: E.C. Warren

Photo by Pam Rickard


oanoke City Councilwoman Anita Price spoke to children last week at Apple Ridge Farm’s Academic Summer Camp. Approximately 48 professionals from the area will visit Apple Ridge Farm’s middle and high school age campers over a four-week period to share their experience, inspiration and support during the camp’s College and Career curriculum session. Other professions represented include teaching, law enforcement, publishing, real estate, accounting, social services, business entrepreneurship and medicine. Thanks to a grant from The Spetzler Fund of The Foundation for Roanoke Valley, day trips to visit area colleges are also included in the curriculum for the third and fourth sessions.

Tuesday, August 12th, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors designated the main football field at Darrell Shell Park behind Penn Forest Elementary school as Clowers Field. The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Color Guard presented the colors at the ceremony acknowledging the one year anniversary of SSgt Jesse Clowers, Junior’s death. The resolution was passed at the 3:00 PM Board of Supervisors meeting and the public dedication was held at Darrell Shell Park at 6:30 that evening. At the meeting Board member, Charlotte Moore said that > CONTINUED P2: Clowers Field

Floating the Virginia Tech Housing and Dining Service goes medieval Roanoke Medieval Feast and Faire garners national honors

John W. Robinson P5– Johnny Robinson paddles the Roanoke River in search of urban wilderness.

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Virginia Tech’s Housing and Dining Services was recently awarded a 2008 Best Concept award by Food Management Magazine, a gold medal, and the grand prize Loyal E. Horton award for special event catering by the National Association of College and University Food Services for the Medieval Feast and Faire dinner. The Medieval Feast and Faire, held in Owens Banquet Room and Hokie Grill & Co. in March, featured authentic medieval decorations, games, fortune-tellers, and a menu of foods true to the period. The event was held to offer students a fun alternative to the typical collegiate dining experience, as well as to thank the dining plan holders for their loyalty. The best concept awards are presented each year by Food Management Magazine in recognition of outstanding foodservice innovations, with winners selected over a series of

Photo submitted

Students dress the part as they participate in the Medieval Feast and Faire, which brought a top award to Tech’s dining services division. elimination heats by the magazine gas, Oct. 28 through Oct. 30. The grand prize Loyal E. Horton editors. The award will be presented award for special event cato Rick Johnson, director tering, which is designed of Virginia Tech Housing Virginia Tech to recognize exemplary and Dining Services durmenus and special event ing the 2008 Food Management Ideas Conference in Las Ve- planning, was presented at the Na-



tional Association of College and University Food Services 50th national conference, held on July 14 in Washington, D.C. The Loyal E. Horton awards contest, a highly competitive and prestigious peer recognition program, is open to all active members of the association. Loyal E. Horton grand prize-winners for each category are selected from that category’s gold award winners. In addition to the grand prize Loyal E. Horton award, the National Association of College and University Food Services also awarded a silver and a bronze Loyal E. Horton award to housing and dining services for their “Road trip” and “Breakfast at Brennan’s” special events, respectively. Virginia Tech holds numerous special dining events throughout the school year. Learn more about special dining events at www.studentprograms.

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