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The Roanoke Star-Sentinel 7/11/08
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Carvins Cove fees “flattened” by Water Authority
[Getting Outdoors]
KIVA: Kids in the Valley Adventuring Art School P2– Scoper-Harbinger Fund creates art scholarship for RCPS art students.
The City of Roanoke and the Western Virginia Water Authority have relaxed restrictions on who can use Carvins Cove Reservoir and how much it Carvins Cove will cost to do so. The second-largest municipal park in the country, the watershed is managed by the regional water authority, but above the 1200-foot elevation mark the City of Roanoke o w n s the land. In most y e a r s the Aut hor ity’s Photo submitted boundaries have extended to about 30 feet above full pond. Effective as of July 1 any person, regardless of residency, can purchase a land use permit for the flat rate of $2 per day or $20 annually. Previously there had been one rate for Roanoke Valley residents and another for those that traveled to Carvins Cove from other regional localities. Passes can be purchased at the public boat landing or at Just the Right Gear on Route 311, near the Bennett Springs entrance favored by hikers. There are some 40 miles of hiking and mountain bike trails at Carvins Cove and the potential for more, ac-
ID3 Races on
P7– Rev. Warren Carswell competes in the Mill Mountain Time Trial with a little help from his seven-year-old son.
Going Deep P8– Hunting Hills’ Katie Wolfe leaves the platform in Monday’s meet against RCC.
Photo by Jon Beard
A crew from NBC’s Today Show joined KIVA members on a recent outing to film for a segment to run in the 8 a.m. hour of the morning show on Wednesday, July 16.
“Last Child in the Woods” inspires KIVA Family bonding, free entertainment, healthy exercise, laughing kids, getting into the great outdoors, learning that work can feel like play, making new friends, enhancing the community… Sounds great, but what’s the catch? Well, there seems to be none with a local group recently formed called “Kids In the Valley, Adventuring!”, or KIVA. Chip and Ashley Donahue founded KIVA last January with the vision of bringing families together to learn about and participate in the scores of things to do in our area that are healthy, kid-friendly, fun, and best of all, free. After reading Richard Louv’s book, “Last Child in the Woods,” the Donahues felt challenged to “give back” to their community by finding a way to encourage more families to get outside into local parks and utilize more of our natural resources. What began with one family now involves more than 175 families. KIVA schedules meetings and outings for families who accompany each other on outdoor adventures or nature reclamation projects. In addition, KIVA
LASRV: Practicing Law, Bettering Lives Emergency Planning P12– Local college was the site for a planning seminar about weapons of mass destruction.
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Imagine a law firm with over 35,000 potential clients—spread across five counties— and only five lawyers, and you might begin to understand the sheer enormity of the task facing the Valley’s oldest poverty law firm, the Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley Photo submitted (LASRV). LASRV General According to 2006 projections taken from Counsel Henry the 2000 Census, approximately 35,200 peoWoodward teachple throughout Bedford, Botetourt, Craig, ing a class in Franklin and Roanoke Counties as well as the Cities of Salem and Roanoke earn an annual debt management income below the current poverty threshold. In 2007, the poverty threshold for a single person under 65 was $10,787; the threshold for a family of four with two children was $21,027. These are the clients of LASRV. Last year, LASRV attorneys helped over 2800 people and handled almost 1250 cases, a phenomenal amount for an office with a yearly budget of Legal Aid less than $500,000. These clients were assisted with matters ranging from landlordtenant disputes to consumer protection; from defending victims of family violence to representing parents in custody hearings.
sends out a monthly e-mail newsletter that lists ideas for local places for families to play as well as recommendations for books, and other resources. “These outings have really helped to increase our awareness of the natural resources right here in the Roanoke Valley,” Chip Donahue explained. “For example, most people don’t know that there are more than 100 parks in Roanoke alone.” “Our motto is really simple: ‘Play, Learn, Volunteer’,” Donahue said. In addition to experiencing fun, cost effective activities as a family, KIVA promotes giving back to the community. Some of the scheduled meetings, or outings, have included a volunteer opportunity, such as trail clean up along the river at Fishburn Park. While the nature outings and newsletter are free, “The only thing we ask is that folks consider joining us on volunteer days or finding another volunteer opportunity,” says Donahue. “There are so many > CONTINUED beautiful free things to do outside.” He emphasizes one absolute require- P3: KIVA
> CONTINUED P3: Carvins Cove
War memorial breaks ground on the 4th of July The band played, the flag waved and the dirt flew Friday night during the 4th of July celebration at the Vinton War Memorial as 12 golden shovels were put to use in a groundbreaking ceremony that officially presented the plans for the War Memorial Monument to the citizens of the Roanoke Valley. The event kicked off the fundraising campaign that provides the opportunity for the public to become a permanent part of the monument. Photo by Carol Kirtley “The monument will be A scale model of the future Vinton War Memorial. named High Ground and it “High Ground will be the where we can enjoy our freewill be built adjacent to the main building.” said “Bootie” people’s monument. It will dom and revel in the pride we be the people’s have for our veterans and our Chewning, Chairway to honor and country,” Chewning said. person for the VinWar Memorial thank all the men The monument will be built ton Vision Comand women who mittee that started > CONTINUED the project more than two and served America militarily. The monument will be a quiet place P2: War Memorial half years ago.
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