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Community | News | Per spective
June 5 - June 11, 2009
[Arts & Culture]
Rock Symphony Cirque! Lucky Garvin
Burcham to Retire March 2010
PeeWee’s Legacy P4– As a wildlife rescuer Lucky Garvin shares his story about PeeWee’s “final gift.”
Darlene Burcham
Big Buzz
P6– Cave Spring high schoolers lose locks to raise money for cancer research in honor of teacher.
Strong Finish P7– The PH boys soccer team bow out of the state playoffs finishing the season at 20-2.
Moving Forward P10– Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine receives accreditation for its Doctor of Medicine program.
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RSO Conductor David Wiley does a double take as performers sail above the stage during last week’s “Rock Symphony Cirque” at the Salem Civic Center. In only its second season, the show has already become a big fund raiser for the symphony and was nearly sold out this year as word has spread about its unique combination of symphony-backed rock music and high flying acrobatic performances. This year’s theme celebrated “50 Years of Motown” with the fast paced accompaniment of “Jeans and Classics.” Read more about the performance in Stuart Revercomb’s review on page 11.
Raleigh Court and Ruffner Write Final Chapter Teachers, retirees, students, been a joy to be here.” Bova parents and anyone else with called the closing of Raleigh a fondness for Raleigh Court Court “very sad. I wish they Elementary or Ruffner Middle had kept it up.” School gathered last Sunday Principal Babette Cribbs for a trip down memory lane. wasn’t sure last Sunday where Students will be sent to other she would wind up after five city schools this fall; declinyears at the helm. “The posiing attendance and a budget tive energy that goes around crunch helped hasten the dethe Raleigh Court area,” is mise the schools. something she will rememOpen houses at both soonber. The school has done well to-be-closed schools featured on SOL testing every year and old yearbooks, faded phoCribbs is treating students tos, slide shows and plenty to a day at Smith Mountain of memories, not to mention Lake before the end comes more than a few hugs from old next week. “We’re going to friends that hadn’t seen each have it be positive,” she vows. Photos by Gene Marrano other in some time. Meanwhile, at Ruffner Most seemed resigned to The sign at Raleigh Court Elementary School said it all. Middle School, Roanoke City their school’s fate and ready Councilwoman Anita Price to move on. At Raleigh Court, several them to other schools. was among those looking through old While a kitchen at Raleigh Court may scrapbooks. Price would like to see Ruffpeople mentioned that the 49-year-old be used for a culinary program, Bishop ner continue in some fashion as a comoutdated facility had outlived its usefulcan envision part of that space being munity center, with the gym and auditoness, although the school’s function as a turned back into parkland. “Perpetual rium perhaps used by local groups and community center will be a loss. Roanoke City Schools superintendent roof leaks” and “bad buildings” made recreation leagues. Dr. Rita Bishop said she had “not received patching up Raleigh Court unfeasible. Despite being 39 years old, Ruffner apa single nasty e-mail,” about the closings Roanoke City, not the school system, pears to be in decent shape (there were from those that worked at Raleigh Court. owns the buildings. some renovations made along the way), Ruth Bova taught at Raleigh Court for and has been considered as a possible “They have been real professional from the first moment they heard about it. 33 years and has volunteered for the past 14 after retirement. Bova said she will reThese are great teachers.” > CONTINUED Bishop also said students have been member, “the families, the students and P2: School Closings “great” about the changes that will send the neighborhood camaraderie. It’s just
Roanoke’s Bike Culture to be Focus at New CarLess Brit Museum
River Laker has turned selling his old Volvo station wagon into the “CarLess Brit” franchise over the past six months – all because the Roanoke City Libraries development coordinator is going without a car. Laker has chronicled his new life on bike and foot via his Facebook and Tumblr pages,and has been the subject of several media stories, spawning a legion of admirers along the way. The CarLess Brit even sports a new logo, courtesy of John Reburn (Roanoke Valley Printworks), and as of June 10 will unveil the CarLess Brit Museum at 310 2nd Street SW in the old
Angler’s Café space (across from the courthouse complex). Laker, who expects to be in the space for about six months, will cover utilities, but pay no rent. The native of England isn’t quite sure what will fill up that space, but said there will be a connection to biking and alternative transportation. “The oddities and wonders of the Roanoke bike culture – and anything else of interest. I’m very open to suggestions,” Laker said.
> CONTINUED P2: CarLess Brit
Photo by Gene Marrano
River Laker in his new downtown museum space.
Darlene Burcham may have been just the ticket when she was hired away from the city of Norfolk nine years ago to replace the laid-back Bob Herbert as City Manager, but her aggressive management style has apparently worn thin with Roanoke City Council. In a closed session Monday, council members made it clear they would not renew her contract later this year, and Burcham will retire as of March 1, 2010. Ironically, Mayor David Bowers, who did not vote to hire Burcham in 1999, and later issued a promise to fire her during his then-unsuccessful bid for mayor, told members of the media he had worked well with Burcham over the past year. Nevertheless, “it was clear that council wanted to move in a new direction,” Burcham said once the closed session was over, “[and] that’s the role of Council.” Burcham “offered” to retire, said councilwoman Gwen Ma> CONTINUED P2: Burcham
Tough Decisions for ThoseVoting Next Week From News Editor Gene Marrano
Roanoke area voters may have some tough decisions to make June 9, for those who venture out to their polling place. Historically, voter turnout for primaries in Roanoke City has been very low, percentage wise, and in many cases, winning depends on turning out voters in home districts. There are three Our Take men running for Roanoke City Sheriff against incumbent Republican Octavia Johnson, with two of them – Frank Garrett and Joe Bush vying for the Democratic nomination that will be decided June 9. Brian Keenum is running this November as an independent candidate. All three have been careful not to criticize fellow law enforcement officers (Keenum is currently out of the business), while criticiz-
> CONTINUED P3: Our Take