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The Roanoke Star-Sentinel Community | News | Per spective
November 7, 2008
New Warner
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Lines to vote form early in Roanoke
Change sweeps country City goes for Obama, County supports McCain
Goodlatte retains seat with convincing win over Rasoul
P2– Mark Warner becomes Virginia’s newest U.S. Senator with a strong win over former Gov. Jim GIlmore.
Photo by Valerie Garner
Bob Goodlatte, with daughter Jennifer, gives his gracious victory speech.
Photo by Valerie Garner
Anticipation was high at Ruffner Middle School, as people began arriving at 4:30 a.m.
Hayden Hollingsworth
The Day After P4– Regardless of what we may face in life, Hayden Hollingsworth says there is always reason to hope.
If any Peters Creek precinct voters thought they could arrive on Tuesday before the polls opened and beat the crowd they were certainly mistaken. At 6:00 AM the line to the Ruffner Voting Middle School
door snaked down Ferncliff Drive to the dead end just across from the Residence Inn Marriott. The line then started to circle back up the street. Number one and two in line were Joe and his wife (reluctant to give their last name), who both arrived at 4:30 AM. Sixth in line was Dan Hale, with his folding chair, who until recently was President of the Roanoke Chapter of the NAACP. Parking was scare as people resorted to using
Photo by Stuart Revercomb
Barack Obama carried both Roanoke City and the state of Virginia on his way to the White House on Tuesday night. Roanoke County overwhelmingly supported John McCain as did the vast majority of Southwest Virginia, but heavy democratic support in the northeast part of the state (as well as the country) fueled a strong electoral college win for the Senator from Illinois. (Above) Barack Obama makes his case for “change� to Roanokers on October 16th, just two weeks before his historic win.
he atmosphere inside downtown Roanoke’s 202 Market St. bistro on Tuesday night resembled one found where people might gather to watch football games: there was chanting, cheering and booing all night long, with a buzz that grew as Barack Obama built his lead in electoral votes over John McCain. Local Democrats and others who had supported Obama’s
> CONTINUED P2: Ruffner
bid for the presidency gathered in the loft upstairs at 202 Market, keeping one eye on the big screen TV as states closed their polls and election results tumbled in. Looking on was Lee Graves Jr., a Roanoke resident and African-American who was just taking in the moment. “I’m 64 years old and > CONTINUED P2: Change
Long and winding road for local Fleming Advances artist, James Edward Jones, Jr. P7– The Colonels clinch a playoff berth in the Northwest Region with a tough win over E.C. Glass.
Taubman Premiere P11– Ready in every way, the Taubman Museum of Art opens to the public this weekend.
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When James Edward Jones, Jr. was eight years old he remembers perching on his bed in the evening to watch his father, Ed Senior, sketch horses in pencil on a heavy, white drawing pad. “I thought that my father’s horses were awesome, but then I realized that mine were better,� said Jones, “and of course that was even more awesome. I’d also realized that I had discovered the magic of art and that I had the power to create it.� Jones, 54, has been making the magic for about forty-six years now as an artist, and on the evening of November 7th he will suit up in a tux to dance with his daughter Karen at the “A Temple� by James Edward Jones, Jr. is one of many Taubman Gallery Gala before varied works by the artist, who is the father of Taubman its much heralded opening ceremonies on the 8th. Karen Gallery Volunteer Director, Karen Jones. Jones, 34, is Director of Volun- like Batman and classic figures tomatoes like we’d seen on T.V., teers at the Taubman Gallery. such as the protagonist in Alice but all of the white students “It’s a dream come true to see in Wonderland,� said Jones. “By were already in their seats when my oldest daughter becoming the time I moved to landscapes, we were met by one person in part of the art world that I love portraits and the still life, my a dark hallway� said Jones. “It so much,� said James Jones. aunts had begun encouraging was very anti-climactic.� The tall, soft-spoken me by actually framing However, art class was anyartist has four daughters my paintings to display thing but anti-climactic acArts and five grandchildren, prominently in their liv- cording to Jones. all of whom are passioning rooms.� “I discovered a lady named ate art lovers who also share When the schools were put Jean Wonderly (the name of “Daddy James’� enthusiasm for under court order for manda- the femme fatal in The Malmultiple genres such as con- tory integration in Christians- tese Falcon,)� said Jones. “Ms. temporary painting, sculpture burg, Jones and his best friend Wonderly was an accomplished and comics. N.L. Bishop were the first two artist in her own right, and she “As a boy I quickly moved black students to enter Chris- was my teacher. She probably beyond equestrian subjects tiansburg Middle School. and began sketching comic “We expected dogs, hoses, > CONTINUED book and cartoon characters racial slurs, and maybe a few P3: Jones
Sixth District Congressman Bob Goodlatte will get a chance to construct a “balanced budget amendment� as he takes his seat for a 9th term in Congress. A balanced budget is a votervoiced number one priority according to Goodlatte. The Republican incumbent beat DemoElection 2008 cratic challenger Sam Rasoul handily but was gracious to both his opponents on Tuesday, commending Rasoul and independent challenger Janice Allen on a long and positive campaign. Rasoul had been running for the 6th District seat for the better part of two years. With his wife Maryellen and daughter Jennifer by his side Goodlatte thanked the voters of the 6th District for letting him represent their values in Wash-
> CONTINUED P2: Goodlatte
Roanoke Citizens cut City budget during eyeopening workshop
While some Roanoke citizens were giving their grass a final cut last weekend others struggled to make city budget cuts. Though it was only an exercise, they took it seriously. At the invitation of Bob Clement, Neighborhood Services Coordinator, twenty citizens received a lesson in how to develop a Roanoke City budget. Sherman Stovall, Director of Management and Budget, Amelia Merchant, Budget AdminisPhoto by Valerie Garner trator, and Brian Townsend, Assistant Manager of Community (L-R) Roanoke City’s Bob Development, demonstrated Clement, Brian Townsend, and the yearly challenges faced by Sherman Stovall (standing) – the budget committee. Partici- work with citizens during a pants learned what funds com- budget cutting exercise. prise the budget structure and listened as Stovall explained the its hands out of the cookie jar. Workshop attendees were procedures each department must follow to justify their own presented with a budget exercise where expenditures exceeded yearly budgets. revenue growth Asked what hapby $4 million. The pens to any money Citizens Workshop class was then broleft over Stovall said ken into “Budget it goes into a “rainy day� fund. Rating agencies like Committee� groups; citizens to see a healthy rainy day fund, were presented with a list of especially in economically chal- options and told to balance the lenging times. Stovall said the budget. The list of options inagencies have advised Roanoke cluded areas for reduction, ways City that the Budget Stabiliza- to increase revenue, expenditure tion Fund (rainy day fund) > CONTINUED needs to be “more stable.� SimP3: Budget ply put: the city needs to keep