The Rock River Times | September 14-20, 2016

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Rockford, Illinois | September 14-20, 2016 | Vol. 23, No. 48

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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

In Brief | Nation Trump presidency could cost US economy $1 trillion: report

September 14, 2016 | Vol. 23 | No. 48

Index News Headlines — 4-13 Commentary — 20-21 Auto & Home — 42-46 Sports — 47-48 Death Notices — 22

Classifieds & Legals Classifieds — 38-41 Government Notices — 26 Public Notices — 26-33 Real Estate Notices — 34-37

Vibe Entertainment Vibe News — 14-15 Vibe Calendars — 16-19 Crosswords/Sudoku — 23 & 37 Horoscopes — 22 ABOUT US The Rock River Times has a circulation of 22,000 free newspapers in the Rockford, Ill., metropolitan area by Third Class mail and through more than 2,900 commercial outlets. The weekly newspaper is distributed every Wednesday. First-class delivery is $55 for 26 weeks or $88 for 52 weeks; home delivery is $45 for 26 weeks or $78 for 52 weeks. CONTACT US Mail: The Rock River Times, 128 N. Church St., Rockford, IL 61101 | Phone: 815964-9767 | Fax: 815-964-9825 | E-mail: | Online: | Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, CST COPYRIGHT NOTICE All material herein is the sole property of The Rock River Times. No reprint, reproduction or other use of any of the materials contained herein is permitted without the consent of the publisher or his duly appointed representative. THE ROCK RIVER TIMES is a proud member/affiliate of:

On the Cover: Organizers and volunteers pitched up along the waterway last weekend as part of the annual Rock River Sweep. More than 125 volunteers helped clean up more than 50 miles of the Rock River, removing thousands of pounds of trash. See Page 4 for more.

Inside this issue

Rauner pumps millions into elections COMMENTARY Page 20

Editor & Publisher Frank Schier Managing Editor Shane Nicholson Copy & Legals Editor Josh Johnson Sales Manager Donna George Circulation manager Joe Schlickman Illustrator Derek Droessler

How big sugar hid heart risks HEALTH Page 43

The U.S. economy could be $1 trillion smaller than otherwise expected in 2021 if Republican candidate Donald Trump wins the presidential election in November, economics research firm Oxford Economics said on Tuesday. While the firm said Trump’s policies – including more protectionist trade measures, tax cuts and mass deportation of illegal immigrants – may be watered down in negotiations with Congress, they could have “adverse” consequences. “Should Mr. Trump prove more successful in achieving adoption of his policies, the consequences could be far-reaching – knocking 5 percent off the level of U.S. GDP relative to baseline and undermining the anticipated recovery in global growth,” it said. Oxford Economics describes itself as an independent global advisory firm. It is headquartered in Oxford, England, but has offices around the world, including in Chicago, Miami, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington. The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the research. At a campaign event in Clive, Iowa, on Tuesday, however, Trump reasserted that he would grow the U.S. economy.

Trump closes in on Clinton’s projected electoral lead: poll

Republican Donald Trump appears to have carved out a wider path to the White House as a number of states including Florida and Ohio are no longer considered likely wins for Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project released on Saturday. The project, which combines opinion polls with an analysis of voting patterns under different election scenarios, still shows Clinton would have the best chance of winning the presidency if the Nov. 8 election were held today. Yet Trump has caught up to her level of support in several states. Clinton now has an 83 percent chance of winning the election by an average of 47 votes in the Electoral College, the body that ultimately selects the president. In late August, the States of the Nation estimated that Clinton had a 95 percent chance of winning by an average of 108 electoral votes. Over the past few weeks, Clinton’s lead in the national polls has slipped considerably. Polls tend to narrow as Election Day nears, and the Clinton campaign has struggled to overcome controversy about how she handled classified information while serving as secretary of state. Clinton is still favored to win 17 states, including many with large, urban populations such as New York, New Jersey and California that heavily influence the outcome of the election. Trump would likely win 23 states, many of them with smaller populations.

–Wire reports

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |



| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

River Currents

SWEEP STEADY By Loren Floto, Frank Schier & Steve Rypkema

The 7th Annual Rock River Sweep has come and gone, and with it another successful year of cleaning up the region’s main waterway. Along with the Screw City Beer Fest and Greek Fest, the Saturday morning rain, plus the unavailability of several large groups that help the Roscoe to Bryon Sweep held down the attendance of volunteers to 27 in Rockford – but they were a magnificent 27. Mary Smith and the Native American Council’s Juanita and Mac MacVenn did extra duty contributing prizes and setting up for the awards ceremony. A tremendous amount of prizes were provided by the Rockford Park District and the Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. Thanks to all who contributed prizes; you rewarded good people for doing good and made them very happy. Even though the majority of the Ski Broncs went to Wisconsin Rapids for the World Ski Show Tournament, the Andersons and Jakubiens cleaned from Latham to Riverside Bridge. Steve Lucas of Rock River Enterprises and Barge, LLC even had his eye on a picnic table to be pulled out this week. Continuing the battle below the Fordam Dam, Pete Riggs and Dale Kallebach made a strong dent in the Kent Creek trash level, but that area also needs to be worked on a regular basis. Mandyand Ryan Raether did special dutyatHerbWuerful’ssloughjustnorth of Byron at Meridian Road. That area also needs to be worked more often. A significant move was made by the local sweep to continue a cleanup of the Blackhawk Island shoreline. Rocktown Adventure’s Kevin Versino lead his crew to picked up three TVs and about 12 bags of garbage. For the second year, the Muscleman family and friends allowed their property on the island to be an access point. If

you drive the road around the island, the road and the properties are very clean. The strainers on the shoreline are the problem. Winnebago County Sheriff Gary Caruana amazingly answered a last minute call and provided three community-service inmates, two deputy sheriffs, Bob Redman and Russel Kirby, complete with van and trailer. They worked the northern tip of the island, and Kirby said he’d continue to work the shoreline in the future. They were our first rain warriors, More to do next year. Up in Rockton, volunteers collected a ton-and-a-half of trash, including 25 tires; patio furniture sets; rolls of carpet; steel pipes; and an 8-foot wide canopy with the frame still attached. Further downstream in Oregon, Mayor Ken Williams; City Councilman Terry Schuster; Grant Afflerbaugh and Rick O’Neil from the IDNR; the Oregon and Batavia Boy Scouts and the Oregon High School National Honor Society showed up to help clean the Rock. “The Rock River Sweep Organization would also like to thank the Oregon Area sponsors, because without your generosity and help, we could never make this possible,” said the organizers in Ogle County. In the meantime, if you see litter, go after it. If you see litterers, call them in. Every Fall, the folks from Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful and The Great American Cleanup cannot believe the reoccurring trash they pick up. This is how the law reads: “Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 415, §105/1 et seq.First conviction: class B misdemeanor, fine up to $1,500. Second conviction: class A misdemeanor, fine up to $1,500. Subsequent convictions: class 4 felony, fine of $25,000 and imprisonment between one and three years (ch. 415, §5/5-8-1). If convicted of littering on a public highway, the violator may, in addition to other penalties, be required to maintain litter control for 30 days over a portion of that highway.”

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The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |













HELP CLEAN UP THE ROCK RIVER! Volunteer for the Rock River Sweep Sat., Sept. 7, 2013 from Rockton to Castle Rock State Park:

It’s time to make plans to join in the annual Rock River Sweep Saturday, Sept. 7, with volunteers neededchesney in Rockton, Park,Roscoe, Loves Park, Ma Rockford, Byron and Oregon, Illinois. Have a great time and perform a valuable community service by cleaning up trash from the beautiful shore. Rock River and its


In Rockton

Volunteers will gather from 9 a.m. to noon at the gazebo at Settlers Park off Blackhawk Boulevard. Refreshments will be included and dooraround prizes noon. Volunteers should wear eded Volunteers on foot and willinbe boats, ne kayaks and canoes. Last year’s long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and bring plastic shopping bags to hold recyclable cans, if possible. volunteers ranged from age 4 to older than 70. Organizers of the event will provide garbage bags, gloves, ectwater, repellent. snacks Questions? and ins Contact Loren Floto at (815) 624for more about the Rockton event. 7622

In Machesne ar k, Lo k, and Roc kf or ordd ark, Lovves PPar ark, ockf kfor hesney PPar ar

Registration will be at 9:30 a.m. and meet at Tad’s on the Rock, 10 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park. by, Rock River Trail, Tad’s on the Rock, Rock River TheSponsored Rock River Times Enterprises, Rockford Homeowners Association, WTVO Channel 17 and WQRF FOX 39. Put in either at Rockford portcore Marina,I. Martin We willPark, cleanSthe stretch from Fordham Dam up to the Roscoe Shallows and leave trash at Sportscore I and Martin Park. More announcements may be f ports. madePlan for trash to bedrop-of off the river no later than 3 p.m., and meet at Tad’s on the Rock, 10 E. Riverside Blvd., Park, Loves for prizes from JR Kortman Center for Design, District, he Rock, TadsThe on Rock t , and some surprises! Questions? River Times Call Frank Schier at 815-964-9767, or e-mail frank.schier@rockrivertimes.comto confirm your participation.






In south Rockford

From the Fordham Dam to Hinchcliff Forest Preserve at the mouth of the Kishwaukee River, the Prairie State ois Paddling Canoeists, Council, The are coTheIllin Rock River Times sponsoring the cleanup of the south Rockford reach of the Rock. Registration at 9:30 a.m. at Blackhawk Park cleanup in Rockford, assignments wherewill be made. Car shuttle at 10 a.m. Put in either at Blackhawk Park or at South Park behind La Famiglia. Reach: We will clean the stretch from Fordham end of Dam Blackhawk down Island to the for sure with the goal being to reach the mouth of the Kishwaukee. Trash bins will be placed at Blackhawk Park, and at the former Ace ofhe Diamonds southwest property end of Blackhawk on t Island. Plan to be off the river no later than 3 p.m. Questions? Call Tom Lindblade at 630-207-9500 or e-mail lobal to confirm your participation. For all Machesney Park, Loves Park, and Rockford lindbladet@sbcg and south Rockford participants, meet at 4 p.m. at Tad’s on the Rock, 10 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park, awarded for cool prizes for thetoweirdest be garbage item, the most garbage picked up, and the biggest water garbage team. It will be fun! Rockton, Oregon, and Byron participants are invited, too!


As assisted by the Byron Forest Preserve in past years, this is the first time a cleanup has been attempted m the formouth the section of thefro Kishwaukee through Byron to Oregon. Sponsors and more information will be announced next week. However, a trash bin will be located at the Shirley residence Wuerfel, of Herbert 11647and N. Illinois Route 2. Registration at 9:30 a.m., and another trash bin will be located at the Byron Boat Ramp, just north of Byron on Illinois Route ll Frank2.Schier Questions? at 815-964-9767, Ca or e-mail frank.schier@rockrivertimes.comto confirm your participation.

The cleanup will take place from Lowden State Park to Castle Rock State Park. The Oregon-area cleanup will on, Saturday, be from 8Sept. a.m. to 7. Check-in no will begin at 7:30 a.m. at the intersection of North Street and Franklin Street (Kiwanis Park) behind Conover Square. Cleanup begins p fromat the8 a.m. OgleWith County hel Solid Waste Management Department, the Oregon Park District, the Ogle County Sheriff’s Department and American Rivers, the Oregon Area supply Rocka limited River Sweep number willof gloves, trash bags, bug spray and T-shirts. Water and snacks will be available as well. ent, water which bottle can to bethe refilled ev to reduce waste. Boaters, river All participants are encouraged to wear long sleeves, long pants, and old shoes, and to bring a reusable land owners, Scout groups and other service organizations are needed to help pick up trash, as well as sort lables. theAdditionally, waste and recyc student organizations can earn community service hours. This year, event planners are encouraging more motor boat, canoe and kayak owners to eyparticipate have betterbecause access to thareas of the river that cannot be reached from the shoreline. Last year, more than 40 volunteers participated in the Oregon Area Sweep and a ton collected of waste, around whichhalf was sorted and recycled or disposed of properly. Questions? Contact Steve Rypkema, Ogle County Solid Waste Management Department, at e(815) 732-4020 or. srypk ma@o glecounty .org Mark Nehrkorn, section coordinator for the Oregon area, noted: “With the flooding that took place earlier ckthis River, summer there will on the be aRo lot of trash that was left when the water receded. It is important that we remove as much debris as possible.” Nehrkorn is calling on as ossible many area to help boaters withasthat p task. “The Rock River is such a beautiful asset that makes Ogle County and the Oregon area unique,” Nehrkorn added. “We need to do what reserve we The protect Rock River and pSweep is a perfect opportunity to bring people together to do just that.” is one trails. of the It flows national through Wisconsin and into northern Illinois The Rock River is an approximately 320-mile-long tributary of the Mississippi, and the Rock River Trailwater before joining the Mississippi in Rock Island, Illinois. In addition to keeping the river clean, this event ad awareness will also of help how spre important a healthy Rock River is to local communities. The Rock River Sweep was founded by Oregon’s Frank Masterman.


IN TOTAL PRIZES DONATED Rockton Friends of the Rock Loren Floto at 815-624-7622 or




| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

State Roundup


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Gambling expansion continues

Illinois’ casinos and riverboats may be feeling down on their luck lately, but a new report from the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) finds that the state’s gambling industry as a whole is booming. Riverboat revenues are down 2.1 percent. Horse racing revenues have also declined. However, overall wagers across all gambling platforms are up 8 percent. COGFA Senior Analyst Eric Noggle said one of the major reasons for the mixed numbers is the expansion of video gambling. “In downstate Illinois, that’s where our growth has come,” Noggle said. “Video gam-

bling revenues have allowed us to have an 8 percent overall increase in the State of Illinois.” That translates to nearly 4 percent increased gambling revenue for the state. Noggle said that while more options in downstate Illinois have helped boost gambling revenues, there are indications that areas around Chicago may be reaching a saturation point, even with the continued expansion of video gambling terminals. While Illinois may not be quite on par with big gambling states, Noggle said the Land of Lincoln is getting close. When combining Illinois gambling receipts with riverboats and video gambling, Noggle said Illinois scores $2.3 billion annually.

“That would be larger than Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, states like that surrounding us.” And while Illinois still trails Nevada’s $11 billion in wagers, it’s catching up to other big gambling states “like Pennsylvania with $3.2 billion, New Jersey is at $2.4 billion. So we’re close to New Jersey.” Noggle said that while Illinois riverboats and horse-racing tracks are seeing less revenue, the expansion of video gambling across the state has increased Illinois’ gambling revenue to $1.2 billion, making it roughly 3.8 percent of the total revenue for the state. –Illinois News Network

Illinois man charged with sexual abuse of Nepali boys

Sex trafficking concerns on the rise as nation rebuilds after quake By Gopal Sharma Thomson Reuters Foundation

KATHMANDU – Police in Nepal have charged a southern Illinois man of luring boys from villages and taking them to the capital for sex, an official said on Monday, amid concerns that last year’s devastating earthquakes have caused a spike in human trafficking. The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) official said Kenneth Joseph Coombs, 48, was arrested on Friday at a hotel in Thamel, a popular tourist district in Kathmandu, where eight boys aged between 12 and 16 were with him. Nawaraj Silwal, CBI Deputy Inspector General, said police rescued the children from a hotel in the centre of the city after their parents reported them as missing. “He (Coombs) has been charged with child sex abuse and a court has remanded him to police custody,” Silwal told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “He would force (the children) to do everything a paedophile does.” A Nepali associate was also arrested and charged under similar crimes, said police, who seized a laptop, camera and mobile phone at the scene. Child welfare officials they were not surprised by the arrests as there has been a surge in human trafficking cases following devastating earthquakes in April and May last year that killed almost 9,000 people in the Himalayan nation. Silwal said Coombs and his Nepali associate had allegedly lured the children from impoverished villages around Kathmandu with the promise of good jobs, clothes and food, but instead they were enslaved, exploited and raped.

Lawyers representing the two men were not immediately available for comment. An official at the U.S. Embassy said the embassy could not provide details due to issues related to privacy. Coombs, described as an app developer from Illinois, was a frequent visitor to Nepal, said Silwal. Last year’s earthquakes left hundreds of thousands of families homeless and raised concerns among rights groups that trafficking rings would take advantage of the vulnerable.

Nepali officials say more than 40,000 children either lost their parents, were injured, or were placed in a precarious situation following the disaster. “There were increased incidences of trafficking in children after the earthquake last year, but we do not know many cases of sexual abuse like this,” said Tarak Dhital, head of the government’s Central Child Welfare Board. “Disasters like earthquakes make children vulnerable to such crimes. We have to be alert against this.”

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The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |


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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Energy & Environment

An ecologist’s perspective on climate change By Drs. Robert & Sonia Vogl

President and Vice President, Illinois Renewable Energy Association

We were first introduced to the internationally prominent ecologist George Woodwell by the late Doug Wade who was Woodwell’s instructor at Dartmouth. A few years later we visited a former professor of ours who was identifying plants for a Woodwell-inspired experiment. Cesium 137 was injected into trees to determine its pathways in the ecological web of the forest. Recently, we were surprised to learn Woodwell is still active and has published a book, A World to Live In. Woodwell is alarmed by the accelerated rate of global environmental deterioration and the lack of an appropriate level of response on the part of government and industry to the concerns expressed by the scientific community. While many environmental problems need to be addressed, Woodwell considers climate change and environmental chemistry in need of urgent action. His interest in environmental chemistry was stimulated by the radioactive fallout from testing nuclear weapons. In response he set up his woodland experiments exposing

plants to a chronic level of cesium 137 to assess the impacts these particles would have on a healthy, stable woodland ecosystem. He concluded that chronic exposure caused a predictable sequence of destruction which he called a gradient of impoverishment, progressing from trees to tall shrubs, lower shrubs, herbaceous plants, mosses and lichens. From additional studies he concluded that acute chronic disturbances in the global environment will produce systemic increments of impoverishment no matter what the cause. It suggests that the statement, “the solution to pollution is dilution,” is a myth. Nothing escapes impoverishment – not forests, nature preserves, parks, farms or gardens. They are all vulnerable as the environment departs from the long term stability under which normal, natural communities developed. For Woodwell, research clearly establishes that chronic chemical releases have changed the global biosphere. The most extreme global chemical change is the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. By burning fossil fuels we have transferred substantial amounts of carbon buried underground for centuries into the air. For 800,000

years until 1880, CO2 levels in the atmosphere did not exceed 280 ppm. Today they are slightly above 400 ppm. For over 40 years scientific reports have documented changes occurring on the planet resulting from rising levels of CO2 and related greenhouse gases. Until now, the global response to the problem has been limited although some actions have been taken. For Woodwell the international goal of accepting a 2oC temperature rise is not safe nor is the goal of lowering carbon emissions to 350 ppm. He advocates a return to atmospheric carbon emissions of 280 to 300 ppm characteristic of the early 1900s. He indicates that the trees and soils of

global forests, given their large size, are the most effective means available to quickly increase carbon storage. In some cases cutover portions of the forests could be left to expand through the natural process of succession. In other cases, large scale ecological restoration projects using native tree species could accelerate reforestation. While critics will express concern over the economic costs of such a global project, it could prove far more cost effective than repairing the ever rising costs of damages from storms, floods, droughts and crop losses associated with increasing climate disruptions. Visit


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The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |









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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Protests wage on as pipeline paused

Energy & Environment

By Jon McGinty Contributor

Photos, Jon McGinty

More than 100 environmental activists staged a colorful march in downtown Rockford last Friday to protest the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), whose planned route crosses four states (including Illinois) and goes under the Missouri River upstream from the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. Local activists David Stocker (middle, left) and Jim Roberts organized the Rockford event, which drew members from several groups, including Forest City, Elgin and Kishwaukee, as well as members from Represent Us and the Northern Illinois Justice League. That same day, a federal court denied an injunction to halt construction on the pipeline, but almost immediately after, the U.S. Corps of Engineers, Department of Interior and Department of Justice asked for a “temporary pause” in construction near the Sioux Nation to facilitate further study. The move came shortly after a federal judge in Washington rejected a request from Native Americans for a court order to block the project. The government’s action reflected the success of growing protests over the proposed $3.7 billion pipeline crossing four states which have sparked a renewal of Native American activism. The Standing Rock Sioux, whose tribal lands are a half-mile south of the proposed route, say the pipeline would desecrate sacred burial and prayer sites, and could leak oil into the Missouri and Cannon Ball rivers, on which the tribe relies for water. On Saturday, many activists in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, touted the latest victory, but said its temporary nature meant they would not end their protests, echoing Friday statements by Standing Rock Sioux leaders. The planned pipeline would cross through both Boone and DeKalb counties in northern Illinois. More nationwide protests were held Tuesday, including events in DeKalb and Elgin. –Additional reporting by Shane Nicholson

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |



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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

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The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |



NIU EIGERlab welcomes final FastPitch ideas VOICES OF THE

COMMUNITY It’s “Shark Tank,” Rockford-style! This year marks the 10th anniversary of NIU EIGERlab’s FastPitch Competition. Because the competition has been so successful year after year, attracting upward of more than 40 presenters, organizers can only venture to guess that’s why ABC started “Shark Tank,” a reality television series, that is very similar in scope. Local innovators and entrepreneurs are invited to share their products, service or “ideas on a napkin” for a chance to win a $5,000 first prize in addition to outstanding mentoring and exposure. This year’s FastPitch Competition will be held Wednesday, Sept. 28, at NIU-Rockford. Planning for the 10th annual FastPitch Competition is well under way. NIU EIGERlab is coordinating and promoting FastPitch, which offers entrepreneurs, inventors, startups, pre-startups, existing business owners and students (high school seniors and college) the opportunity to “pitch” their business idea or innovative business to a panel of esteemed judges from the business and investment community. Winners take home not only a cash prize, but in addition, receive exposure to investors, business leaders, media and potential mentors. FastPitch presentation training sessions are scheduled from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, and Thursday, Sept. 22, at the NIU EIGERlab. Training to assist applicants with fine-tuning their presentations is strongly suggested (preferably Tuesday). The cost is $15 for both sessions; past winners have stated that the presentation training has proven invaluable. For more information or to register visit –EIGERlab

Ethnic Heritage Museum marks history of HBCUs

It’s back to school time and the African American Gallery will showcase its newest exhibit “Celebrating the History of HBCUs” on Sunday, Sept. 18. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African American community. Most HBCUs were established after the

Students from the Music Academy in Rockford perform under the guidance of instructor Rachel Handlin (right), Sunday at Smega Foundation’s Indian Hill Manor. Frank Schier

American Civil War, often with the assistance of northern religious missionary organizations. Howard University, Tuskegee University and Morehouse University are some of the more familiar schools. However, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania (1837) and Lincoln University in Pennsylvania (1854) , Wilberforce University in Ohio (1856) were established for blacks before the American Civil War. Established in 1865, Shaw University was the first HBCU in the South to be established after the Civil War. Of the 107 HBCU institutions in the United States today, 27 offer doctoral programs and 52 provide graduate degree programs at the Master’s level. At the undergraduate level, 83 of the HBCUs offer a bachelor’s degree program and 38 of these schools offer associate degrees. HBCUs are distinctive institutions in that they make up only 3 percent of the nation’s institutions of higher learning. Along with spotlighting the history of HBCUs, the exhibit will enlighten high school age students and their parents of some of the benefits of attending HBCUs. In addition, it spotlights some of Rockford’s residents who have attended a HBCU. Also included in the exhibit is archival information and photos of Rockfordians who attend Tuskegee University in the 1920s. The African American Gallery of the Ethnic Heritage Museum will host a special program on Sunday, Sept. 18 at 3 p.m. This program is designed to give students and parents information needed to attend a HBCU. Tiana McCall (Cooper), an educational enthusiast and community energizer will discuss field trip opportunities for local students to visit some of these beautiful campuses. The Ethnic Heritage Museum located at 1129 S. Main St. is unique in its blend of ethnic groups: African-American, Hispanic, Irish, Ital-

ian, Lithuanian and Polish. A visit to each gallery will enlighten visitors to their cultural history and their contributions to life in Rockford. “Celebrating the History of HBCUs” exhibit will be on display every Sunday from 2-4 p.m. until mid-November. Bring your whole family to view this amazing exhibit. The exhibit is perfect for high school juniors and senior interested in furthering their education. Admission to the Museum is $5 individual, $3 student or $10 for families or free to EHM members. Tours can be arranged by contacting the museum at 815-962-7402. Parking for the Ethnic Heritage Museum is available in the parking lot on the corner of Morgan and Main Streets next to the Graham-Ginestra House, entrance thru the alley next to EHM. For more information visit our website at or email us at or phone 815-9627402. The museum is handicap accessible. –Ethnic Heritage Museum

Rockford lands collegiate lacrosse tourney for 2017

The all new Intercollegiate Women’s Lacrosse Coaches Association (IWLCA) JUNK Brands Midwest Cup is coming to Rockford July 8-9, 2017, at the Mercy Sportscore 2 complex. The Midwest Cup is another great win for the Rockford region, says the Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (RACVB), with more than 120 teams expected to compete. The Midwest Cup event is a combination of the IWLCA and Corrigan Sports Enterprises (CSE) Midwest and Western Cup recruiting tournaments and features student-athletes from the graduating classes of 2018-2020. “The Rockford region is honored to welcome the IWLCA in July 2017 for another highly-regarded girls lacrosse tournament,” said Nick Povalitis, Sports Destination and Sales Manager at the RACVB. “Alongside the operations staff at Mercy Sportscore 2, the

RACVB team will craft a memorable experience for all players, coaches and guests. Our team’s pride in its hospitality and facilities will serve as the foundation for our partnership with Corrigan Sports.” Alicia Groveston, IWLCA President and head coach at Grand Valley State University, said, “By condensing our tournaments in those regions we feel the IWLCA can offer a more diverse and competitive event at a brand new location with outstanding playing conditions. Mercy Sportscore 2 boasts 26 fields, including six turf fields, and has already garnered national recognition for hosting numerous tournaments across multiple sports.” For more information about the tournament, visit –RACVB

Arc gives big winner 10,000 reasons to smile

The Arc of Winnebago, Boone and Ogle Counties is pleased to announce that Susan Swanson of Caledonia is the $10,000 winner of the 5th Annual Great Dream Machine Sweepstakes drawing. Last week during WTVO’s Eyewitness News, First Warn Weather meteorologist Tyler Sebree presided over the official drawing, as Sean Kelly from Rockford’s Q98.5 drew the lucky name. Swanson now has the opportunity to win up to an additional $100,000. She will play the Lucky Envelope Game live on WTVO’s Eyewitness News Morning Show with Matt Rodewald on Wednesday, September 21. Swanson, a neonatal nurse practitioner, has supported The Arc for over 10 years through the Great Home Giveaway and the Great Dream Machine and is excited to be this year’s winner. The Arc would like to thank everyone who made a donation to the Great Dream Machine Sweepstakes, which evolved from the Great Home Giveaway. Sweepstakes proceeds help families raise children diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability at home, and assist adults with disabilities by allowing them to live in their communities as independently as possible, participating in work, worship, and activities with family and friends. Who will be The Arc’s next lucky winner? Beginning in April, 2017, we will begin accepting donations at greatdreammachine. com for next year’s Great Dream Machine Sweepstakes and another winner will be drawn in the fall. –The Arc Let us know what your organization is up to. Send your submission to


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Tube Talk: Documentary Now!

By Paula Hendrickson Contributor


aybe I’m in the minority, but I love watching documentaries. Whether they explore a specific topic or focus on interesting individuals, I love how documentaries introduce viewers to people, times, places, or events unknown to them. Last year, about two minutes into the episode of IFC’s “mockumentary” series, Documentary Now! it became clear that the creative collective behind it loves documentaries even more than I do. Brought to you by former Saturday Night Live standouts Bill Hader, Fred Armisen, and Seth Meyers, each episode of this brilliant homage to the genre focuses on a different style of documentary filmmaking. Not only are the scripts on point, each episode uses production techniques specific to the type of documentary being parodied, which adds yet another level of perfection to the series. The show proves that Hader and Armisen really are human chameleons. They disappear into such well-drawn characters that you can forget you’re watching such familiar faces. (During one episode I found myself wondering where Hader was when he was actually on screen.) In its first season, there was a pitch-perfect spoof of Gray Gardens, with Armisen and Ha-

der playing the dysfunctional co-dependent mother-daughter duo to perfection. Other episodes from that season took on investigative reporting, real-crime stories, quirky human interest pieces, behind-the-music sagas, and making-of documentaries. Each piece has a specific visual style, and even the smallest of details matter. But perhaps the real stroke of genius was casting Academy Award winner Helen Mirren – who plays herself – as the host who introduces each new “film”. She brings such gravitas that a casual viewer might think the documentaries that follow are real. If you missed the first season of Documentary Now!, have no fear. Each of the seven episodes stands on its own, so there’s nothing to catch up on before tuning in to the documentary parody series when it returns to IFC this week (that said, you can see some past episodes on IFC’s website: documentary-now#episodes). Personally, I can’t wait for the first episode of the new season, “The Bunker,” which parodies the classic 1993 political documentary, The War Room.

Programming Note

Documentary Now! airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on IFC.

How ‘Star Tre By Stephen Benedict Dyson


The Conversation

ifty years ago – on Sept. 8, 1966 – TV viewers were transfixed by the appearance on screen of a green-hued, pointy-eared alien called Spock. But beneath the makeup, actor Leonard Nimoy fretted that this would be the end of his promising career. “How can I play a character without emotion?” he asked his boss, Gene Roddenberry. “I’m going to be on one note throughout the entire series.” Nimoy thought he looked silly wearing the prosthetics that turned him into a Vulcan, at one point issuing an ultimatum: “It’s me or the ears.” Nimoy’s misgivings were just one of many problems the writers, producers and cast faced during “Star Trek”’s troubled journey to the screen. Culled from their recollections, this is the story of how “Star Trek”’s mission to explore strange new worlds was almost over before it began.

Seeds of inspiration

The ingredients of “Star Trek” had been slow-cooking in creator Gene Roddenberry’s brain for years. At first he wanted to write a show about a 19th-century blimp that journeyed from place to place, making contact with distant peoples. Deciding instead to set the show in the future, Roddenberry drew upon his youthful immersion in science fiction magazines like Astounding Stories. Also important was his experience as a World War II bomber pilot, which caused him to ruminate on human nature: Would we ever outgrow our obsession with violence? And from C.S. Forester’s Horatio Hornblower novels, Roddenberry borrowed the idea of a courageous captain burdened by the duties of command. With tiny Desilu Studios interested in making the show, Roddenberry pitched “Star Trek” to the networks. CBS passed after Roddenberry botched the pitch. But NBC bit and ordered a pilot episode, which was eventually titled “The Cage.”

NBC responds to the pilot

Watching “The Cage” now is a disorientating experience. In the captain’s chair is a sullen man called Pike, played by star Jeff Hunter. There is no sign of future series regulars McCoy, Scotty, Sulu, Uhura, Checkov. Spock is there, but not quite the inscrutable Spock we would come to know. He shouts and, more than once, breaks into a wide grin. The role of chilly logician and second in command is instead taken by “Number One,” a character played by actress Majel Barrett. “Number One” wouldn’t make it past this trial run. In tests, some men and a surprisingly large number of women objected to her stridency, which was out of touch with the gender norms of the time. NBC doubted that Barrett could carry such a prominent role (and even thought Roddenberry had cast her because she was his mistress). “The Cage” – a complicated story about alien mind-control – was an ambitious pilot. When Roddenberry presented it to NBC, the programming executives were blown away. But the sales and marketing department wasn’t convinced. Not enough action, they thought. It would be hard to promote. Pass. “Star Trek,” it seemed, was dead.

Striking gold with Shatner

Roddenberry pleaded with NBC for another chance. He assured them he could make it action-driven, that it didn’t need to be high concept. A television miracle happened when NBC commissioned that rarest of things: a second pilot. Roddenberry wanted Jeff Hunter to return as Captain Pike, and arranged to screen “The Cage” for him, reserving Desilu’s projection room for March 25, 1965. But Hunter was a no-show, sending his wife in his stead. “This is not the kind of show Jeff wants to do,” she told Roddenberry. “Jeff Hunter is a movie star.” Pike relinquished command. The ebullient Canadian actor William Shatner was hired to play the ship’s captain, now named James R. (later James T.) Kirk. For Leonard Nimoy, the casting of Shatner, a stage actor accustomed to playing scenes big and loud, was the key to unlocking Spock. “Jeff [Hunter] was playing Captain Pike as a very thoughtful, kind of worried, kind of angst-ridden nice guy,” Nimoy later told

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |


ek’ almost failed to launch

Above:‘StarTrek’creatorGeneRoddenberry in the early 1960s. Mutual of New York (MONY)/Wikimedia Commons Left: William Shatner as Captain Kirk. NBC Television/Wikimedia Commons

space and acquiring godlike powers. NBC liked it and commissioned a full season of “Star Trek.”

Righting the ship after a stormy start

Shatner, in an interview for Shatner’s book “Star Trek Memories.” “Pike didn’t have the clarity or precision of character against which you could measure yourself.” Shatner’s clear-cut performance carved out space for Nimoy to shape his saturnine Spock. “For lack of a better metaphor, on a bright sunny day, the shadows get very clear.” The second pilot, bolstered by the Shatner/ Nimoy tandem, was a winner. “Where No Man Has Gone Before” was a rollicking story about crew members irradiated in deep

Triumph quickly turned to panic for Roddenberry and for Desilu studios. Roddenberry needed scripts for the series – fast. He solicited stories from veteran TV writers, from sci-fi magazine and novel authors, and even from his office staff. His secretary Dorothy Fontana went on to become perhaps the most celebrated and prolific writer for the show. But script problems would dog the young series. Veteran TV writers, unused to sci-fi, struggled to work within the universe Roddenberry had created. Sci-fi luminaries had boundless imaginations but little grasp of the practicalities of writing for television. Their scripts often called for casting and staging that would consume the budget for a feature film, let alone a fledgling TV series. Roddenberry also wasn’t the best at managing the fragile egos of his writers. He took it upon himself to rewrite every script that made it on-screen, and his pages were often

slow to arrive on set. Scripting was a constant source of tension and delay. For Desilu, the elation of getting “Star Trek” picked up was dampened by the financial reality of producing the show. Network policy was to pay a set amount for each episode, calculated at something like 80 percent of the cost of production. For a small outfit like Desilu, deficit-financing both “Star Trek” and their other new show, “Mission Impossible,” required some accounting wizardry. Both were budgeted at $200,000 per episode, with NBC kicking in $160,000. Any over-budget costs were born by the studio alone. Tiny Desilu kept its head above water into the second season of “Star Trek” before finally drowning in debt. Studio owner and “I Love Lucy” star Lucille Ball was forced to sell to Paramount. Had she been able to hold on a few months more, she would have seen “Star Trek” picked up in 60 countries. Had she retained the rights long-term, Desilu would have benefited financially from endless reruns of the show’s 79 episodes. Network-friendly deals also ensured it would be many years before the cast would gain financial security from their iconic roles. With the premiere date rapidly approaching, NBC chose an episode titled “The Man Trap” to be the first to air. It is, in truth, a run-of-the-mill “Star Trek” episode. The network liked that it featured a creature – a shape-shifting, salt-guzzling monster – with which the show’s heroes could do battle.

Although NBC’s marketing team had not initially seen the potential of “Star Trek,” by the time “The Man Trap” aired, they were able to trumpet the show in a glossy, multipage promotional brochure: “As the Apollo moon shot moves steadily from the drawing board to the launching pad, STAR TREK takes TV viewers beyond our time and solar system to the unexplored interstellar deeps … the STAR TREK storylines will stimulate the imagination without bypassing the intellect. While speculating in a fascinating way about the future, the series also will have much to say that is meaningful to us today.” A half-century later, we are on the cusp of a new CBS series set in the universe Roddenberry created. (CBS acquired the rights to “Star Trek” some years ago following a complicated series of corporate maneuverings.) Titled “Star Trek: Discovery” and scheduled for release in January 2017, the new series has no doubt had to contend with its own casting controversies, script problems and budget constraints. The writers of the new show certainly know enough about Trek’s turbulent beginnings to temper expectations: “If you go in with open minds and open hearts, you may be rewarded,” they told a crowd eager for news at the Star Trek: Mission New York convention held over Labor Day weekend. “Whereas if you go with a set of impossible-to-realize expectations, which even you cannot specifically define, then we’re bound to fail.”

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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Vibe Calendar


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The Rock River Times is also accepting check donations in an effort to continue these local events.

ARTS & THEATER Ongoing Attractions

The ARC - 1222 E. State St., Beadware Mondays 1-4 p.m.; Open Studio Wednesdays & Thursdays 1-4 p.m. The Art Box – 308 E. Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Info: 815-758-0313. Artists’ Ensemble Theatre – Rockford University, 5050 E. State St. Info: 815394-5004. ArtSpace West Gallery – 1426 N. Main St. Wed.-Sat., noon-6 p.m. Info: 815-963-1894. Beloit Fine Arts Incubator – 520 E. Grand Ave., Beloit, Wis. Gallery hours: Mon.,10 a.m.-2 p.m. ; Tues.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat.,10 a.m.-3 p.m. Info: 608-3224250. For further information please visit or call the gallery at 608-313-9083. Beloit College – Logan Museum of Anthropology, Shaw Gallery, 700 College St., Beloit, Wis. Tues.-Sun., 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Info: 608-363-2828. Belvidere Performing Arts Center – 1500 E. Ave., Belvidere. Tickets available at or 815332-2205. Byron Civic Theatre – 850 N. Colfax, Byron. Info: 815-312-3000 or Cadillac Palace Theatre – 151 W. Randolph St., Chicago. The Castle - The Castle Performing Arts Center at 501 Prospect St. is Beloit’s newest home for the arts. For information visit or call 608-346-3114. Coronado Performing Arts Center – 314 N. Main St. 815-968-5222 or DeKalb Area Women’s Center Galleries 1021 State St., DeKalb. Fridays, 7-9 p.m. Info: 815-758-1351. Ingrid Dohm Studio Gallery – 839 N. Perryville Road. Appointments/Info: 815-519-6492. Fireside Dinner Theatre - 1131 Janesville Ave., Fort Atkinson, WI. (800) 477-9505 Freeport Art Museum – 121 N. Harlem Ave., Freeport. Info: 815-235-9755. Gallery C – 900 Jackson St., Suite 113, Dubuque, Iowa. The Gallery At JustGoods – 201 Seventh St. Info: 815-965-8903. Grace Performing Arts Center - Festival 56 productions are performed at this location, 316 South Main Street, Princeton. 815-879-5656, ext. 11, Charlotte Hackin Art Studio & Gallery – 6278 Brynwood Drive, Rockford. Info: 815639-1318. Janesville-UW Rock County Theatre – Kirk Denmark Theatre, University of Wisconsin-Rock County, 2909 Kellogg Ave., Janesville, Wis. . Info: 608-758-6565. Kortman Gallery – 107 N. Main St. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Info: 815-968-0123. Main Street Players of Boone County – Community Building Complex, 111 W. First St., Belvidere. Monroe Arts Center – 1315 11th St., Monroe, Wis. Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Info: 608-325-5700. NIU Art Museum – Northern Illinois University, Altgeld, 116, DeKalb. David C. Olson Photography Studio – 7801

Have your free listing in the Thursday preceding our Wednesday publication. Listings can be e-mailed to or called in to 815-964-9767.

E. State St., inside Clock Tower Resort. Wildlife and nature imagery. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday; 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday. Free. Info: 815-873-1777. Pec Playhouse Theatre – 314 Main St., Pecatonica fo: 815-239-1210 or Rockford Art Museum - 711 N. Main St.. For more information visit Rockford Dance Company – Riverfront Museum Park, 711 N. Main St. Info: 815815-963-3341 or 815-968-0595. Rockford University Art Gallery – Clark Arts Center, 5050 E. State St. Info: 815226-4105. Rockford University Performing Arts Department and Maddox & CheekTheatres - 5050 E. State St. For information call 815.226.4100 or visit artslectures/performingartsseason. Stage Coach Theater - 126 S. 5th St., DeKalb. Tickets and information at stagecoachers. com or 815-758-1940. State of the Art – 218 E. State St. Open Tues.Sat., noon-6 p.m. and by appointment. “First Friday” events until 8 p.m. Info: 815-979-1944. 317 Studio and Gallery- 317 Market St. Stop by for Open Studio Thursday and Friday nights from 5-8 p.m. and Saturday afternoon from 12-5 p.m. Our gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday 12-2 p.m., also open during evening hours, check calendar for times or call. or 815-315-7000 Timber Lake Playhouse – 8215 Black Oak Road, Mt. Carroll. Info: 815-244-2035. University of Wisconsin-Rock County – Theodore Robinson Gallery, Wells Cultural Center, 2909 Kellogg Ave., Janesville, Wis. Without Shoes Modern Dance Company – Maddox Theatre, Rockford University, 5050 E. State St. Womanspace – 3333 Maria Linden Drive. Info: 815-877-0118. Woodstock Opera House – 121 E. Van Buren St., Woodstock. Info: 815-338-5300. Woodstock Weavers Guild – Old Courthouse Arts Center, 101 N. Johnson, Woodstock. Info: 815-399-1630. Wright Museum of Art – Beloit College, 700 College St., Beloit, Wis. Free. Info: 608-363-2095.

Auditions Casting Call - Actors needed for new avant garde play, Song of the Universe. Rehearsing Thursday evenings, and Sept 26, 28, 29. Shows 7 p.m. Sept 30 & Oct 1. Venue: Theatre of Forgotten Dreams. Auditions: Aug 25, 26, 27. Contact: David Stocker by call or text at 815-519-7599 or send resume to originsofmusic@

Ongoing Performances The Dixie Swim Club - Performed by the Stage Coach Players. Performances run September 15–17 and 23–24 at 7:30 p.m. and September 18 & 25 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available by calling 815758-1940 or online at stagecoachers. com. Stage Coach Theater is located at 126 South Fifth Street, DeKalb.

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |


Vibe Calendar Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike - Artists’ Ensemble Theater kicks off its season with the 2013 Tony Award winning comedy Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike by Christopher Durang. Vanya and Sonia live a quiet life in Bucks County Pennsylvania. But then their sister movie star Masha arrives with her young protege, Spike and old resentments boil up. Soon they are awash in voodoo prophesies from their housekeeper, and fights over Snow White party costumes. Rockford natives Margaret Raether, Alex J. Smith and Maya Hopkins play Sonia, Spike and the neighbor Nina respectively. Elgin resident Susan Anderson play Cassandra the housekeeper and Chicago actors Mark Ulrich and Laurie Carter Rose play Vanya and Masha. The production is directed by AE artistic director Richard Raether. Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike performs in the intimate Cheek Theatre at Rockford University September 9-25. Performances are on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 4 and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Thursday tickets are $19. All other performances are $30, $28 for seniors, and $10 for students. Purchase tickets at or call the box office at 815-394-5004. This production is recommended for high school age and up.

MUSIC Ongoing Events Open Stage at Mandalay Lounge - Monday-Sunday beginning at 5 p.m. 200 North Church Street.

Saturday, September 17 Denny Diamond & The Jewels - “Beautiful Noise” A Neil Diamond Tribute. 7:30 p.m. at Woodstock Opera House, 121 W. Van Buren St., Woodstock. 815-338-5300. Tickets are $28-38. Trinadora - Trinadora’s Celtic Frolic at Mulligan’s Half-Way to St. Patrick’s Day Party, 2212 N Main St. 2-5 p.m. Free Admission Trinadora - Trinadora’s Latin Link at Taste of Mexico, The Victory Mexican Restaurant & Cantina, 7003 N. Alpine Rd, Loves Park. 7-8 p.m. Admission $5. Details:

Friday, September 23 Prime Time Live Band - Big Al’s Bar at Giovanni’s, 610 N. Bell School Rd. 9 p.m.–1 a.m. Free admission.

Saturday, September 24 Trinadora Rocks - Line Dance Party at Betty’s Western Wear, 6202 Forest Hills Rd., Loves Park. 7-9 p.m. Suggested donation $5.

Sunday, September 25 Trinadora - Roy Orbison’s Ring at Concerts On The Creek, 4500 Spring Creek Road. Free-Will Offering. Special end-of-the-season concert featuring Barb City Stompers Dixieland music and Roy Orbison’s music by the Trinadora Rocks band. Free ice cream provided by Spring Creek Church. Dance - VFW, 2018 Windsor Road, Loves Park, across from Sunrise Restaurant.7 p.m. Admission is $7.

Saturday, October 1 Prime Time Live Band - Green House Bar & Grill/Garden Hotel, 200 Dearborn Ave., South Beloit. 8:30 p.m.–12:30 a.m. Free admission.

Friday, October 7 Prime Time Live Band - Shooters East / Cherry Bowl, 7171 Cherryvale North Blvd. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Free admission.

Tuesday, October 11 Denny Diamond & The Jewels - “Beautiful Noise” A Neil Diamond Tribute. Noon Lunch and Performance at Sam’s Ristorante, 6075 E. Riverside Blvd. 815-8939202. Tickets are $38.

Saturday, October 15 Prime Time Live Band - Shooters North / Forest Hills Lanes, 7742 Forest Hills Rd., Loves Park. 9 p.m.–1 a.m. Free admission.

COMMUNITY Alcoholics Anonymous – Call for locations/ times: 815-227-4633 or 815-968-0333. All Species Fishing Club - Rock Valley Anglers. For upcoming events, visit or email Atwood Environmental Center – 2685 New Milford School Road, Rockford. Now open Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. with feeding time for Birds of Prey at 1 p.m.. 815-874-7576. Beckman Mill - Mill, museum and gift shop open for guided tours every Sat. and Sun. from 1-4 from May-October. Call 608-7511551 for more info. Admission by donation. Burpee Museum of Natural History – 737 N. Main St. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission: $8 for ages 13 & older, $7 for ages 3-12, free for children younger than 4 and members; additional fee for traveling exhibits. 815-965-3433. Camp Grant Museum - 1004 Samuelson Road. Open Tues-Fri 7 a.m.-2 p.m., Sat 7 a.m.–1 p.m. Sun 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Closed Mondays. Military Camp from 1918 to 1948 in Rockford. Group Special hours available & tour with lecture. Restaurant on premises, make a day of it. Check out website & Facebook Camp Grant Museum. 815-395-0679 Cherry Valley Public Library District - 755 E. State St., Cherry Valley. Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Friday-Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 1-5 p.m. (Sept.May) 815-332-5161. Discovery Center Museum – 711 N. Main St. Hours: Sun.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $8 public, free for members. Children 1 and under are also free. 815-963-6769. Ethnic Heritage Museum – 1129 S. Main St. Sun., 2-4 p.m. Admission $5 adults, $3 student, $10 family. 815-962-7402. Celebrating 100 Years of Booker Washington Community Center exhibit will be on display every Sunday from 2-4 p.m. until September. Bring your family to view this amazing exhibit and relive its unique history. This exhibit is perfect for students. Grace Performing Arts Center - The Grace Performing Arts Center (Home of Festival 56), hosts a weekly Friday evening

board-gaming night from 7-9:30 p.m.(ish). This is a free event and families are welcome (but be aware that the lobby bar will be open for cash beverage—beer, wine, and sodas— and snack service). Featured game for the evening will be Sushi Go! (an easy-to-learn card passing game appropriate for ages 8 and up), but a good selection of designer board games will also available; attendees are welcome to bring their own games as well. The Grace Performing Arts Center is located at 316 S. Main Street in Princeton. Healing Pathways Cancer Resource Center – 3921 East State St., Rockford. Classes in yoga, strength training, Qigong, and support groups. 815-977-4123 or Memorial Hall – 211 N. Main St. 9 a.m.4 p.m. Mon-Fri., or by appointment. 815-969-1999. Midway Village – 6799 Guilford Road. Open Tuesday-Friday (May-August) 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Closed Monday. 815-397-9112. Narcotics Anonymous - Call the 24-hour local Helpline for specific locations/times in Rockford and northern Illinois, including Beloit, WI, or to speak with a recovering addict. 815-964-5959. NAR-ANON Family Group - For Family and Friends of addicts. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. at One Spirit Center, 1801 Charles St. For more information call 815-668-6983 or visit Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens – 1354 N. Second St. Open Tues.-Sat. (closed Mon.): hours vary, check website or call. Admission: $6 resident, $8 non-resident, free for children 4 and younger. Water features, seating areas and sculptures, all in a tropical plant setting. Changing seasonal floral displays, special events, educational programs, workshops, lecture series. Rentals of meeting/event room available. Gift shop. Info: or 815-987-8800. Pine Tree Pistol Club – 5454 11th St. Info about club & classes: 815-874-7399. Rock Hollow Hunt Club - Bingo and pulltabs the last Tuesday of every month at Rock Hollow Hunt Club, 1931 IL Route 75 East in Freeport. Buy cards beginning at 6 p.m. games start at 6:30 p.m. sharp. Benefits the US Sportsmen’s Youth Foundation. Rockford Park District – Various programs available throughout the year. Program Guides now available at Customer Service locations. Info: 815-987-8800 or Rockford Public Library Hours – Main Library, 215 N. Wyman St.: Sunday CLOSED, Mon.-Thurs. 12-8 p.m., Fri.-Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; East Branch, 6685 E. State St. (New Hours): Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri.Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday CLOSED; Montague Branch, 1238 S. Winnebago St.: Monday CLOSED, Tues.-Thurs. 12-8 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat.‑Sun. CLOSED; Rock River Branch, 3128 11th St.: Monday CLOSED, Tues.-Thurs. 12-8 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat.-Sun. CLOSED; Rockton Centre Branch, 3112 N. Rockton Ave. (New Hours): Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat.-Sun. CLOSED; Main Library Used Book Shop, 215 N. Wyman St.: Monday-Thursday 12–6 p.m., Friday 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Saturday-Sunday:

Have your free listing in the Thursday preceding our Wednesday publication. Listings can be e-mailed to or called in to 815-964-9767.

CLOSED; East Branch Used Book Shop, 6685 E. State St.: Monday–Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sunday CLOSED Spiritualist Chapel in the Woods - 8002 Service Rd., Cherry Valley, IL. Sunday Lyceum at 10:00 a.m., Service at 11:00 a.m. Support Groups/Youth Drop-in Hours – Diversity of Rockford, 117 S. Third St. Free. Weekly. Call for specific meetings/ dates/info: 815-964-2639. Tinker Swiss Cottage – 411 Kent St. Tours 1 and 3 p.m., Tues.-Sun. 815-964-2424. Womanspace – 3333 Maria Linden Drive. Yoga every Thursday, 9:30-10:45 a.m. $40/four classes or $12/class. Basic Hatha Yoga. Other activities throughout the year. Info: 815-877-0118. Registration for Classes at The Arc – The Arc of Winnebago, Boone and Ogle Counties, 1222 E. State St. Info: 815-965-3455. Rockford Area Coin Club - Meets on the third Thursday of each month at the North Suburban Women’s Club at 6 p.m. 6320 N. Second St. in Loves Park. Ostende Dance Club looking for Couples who Love to Dance – Rockford’s oldest ballroom dance club invites couples to join the 2016-17 dance season. Ostende Dance Club hosts seven ballroom dances from Oct.-May. Yearly fee is $90 per couple. Info: 815-519-3330. Registration for “Putting Wellness to Work” – University of Illinois Extension, Boone County, 205 Cadillac Court, Unit 3, Belvidere. Date: Your choice. Lessons on practical skills to help workers live healthy lives. Call Judy Hodge, Program Coordinator, at 815-544-3710 or hodg@ to schedule lessons. Salvage Too, Rockford’s ReUse Center Opening Thursdays and Fridays from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Complete sets of windows and many doors. Door and window prices begin at $10. Most casements are $30 & $35. Also, much reclaimed lumber and building materials from deconstruction projects. Info: 815-963-6236. Klehm Arboretum & Botanic Garden – 2715 S. Main St. Tues.-Sat., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission $6 adults, $3 seniors & students, children younger than 3 and Klehm members, free. Donation Day is first Tuesday of each month. Admission free, donations of any amount welcome. Call 815-965-8146 or visit for more information. RockValleyCollegePitchingInstruction – Fusion Sports Complex, 7135 Clinton Road, Loves Park. By pitching coach Zac Wolf. Info: 815481-1757 or Recycling - Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful Recycling Centers. 9 a.m.-noon every Saturday. 815-637-1343 Rockford Friends & Newcomers - Rockford Friends & Newcomers is a social organization that welcomes both long-time residents and newcomers who want to meet other people through social events for couples and singles. Activities & events include: Book Club, Movies & Dinner, Designing Women , Mug Morning, Golf Scrabble, Happy Fun Day, Special Events, Hand & Foot Cards, TGIF, Lunch Bunch, Wilderness Walkers. You are invited to join us for Mug Morn every first Tuesday of the month at: Mary’s Market, 2636 McFarland Road, from 10-11:30 a.m. For more information e-mail


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Vibe Calendar Community Grief Support - “Spouse Partner Loss” takes place on Mondays, 9/12/2016 - 10/24/2016, from 3-5 p.m. at St. Mary’s Hospital Janesville (3400 E. Racine St, Janesville WI). A series for those grieving the loss of a spouse/partner, exploring the unique issues specific to this type of loss. This group is intended for adults, and prior registration is required. A minimum number must be registered for the group to take place. Attendance at all sessions is highly recommended. Please contact Home Health United-Hospice at 877-356-4514 or RUsherwood@hhuvns. org to register or for more information. A complete listing of our grief support offerings can be found on our website. Care ‘n Share self-help cancer support group - Care ‘n Share self-help cancer support group for anyone (age 18+) affected by cancer. Second and fourth Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Riverside Community Church, 6816 N. Second St., Machesney Park (just north of Windsor Rd.). For more information, call Valerie at 815-227-4988.

Thursday, September 15 MELD On the Rock - Rockford MELD is hosting their 3rd Annual MELD On the Rock from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Prairie Street Brew House, 200 Prairie St. Event will be held rain or shine. Meld On the Rock is a fun evening for casual dining and enjoying some great music by 3 Good Men. Evening includes: Dinner, 50/50 Cash Raffle, A chance to win a “ROCK and Setting” donated by Mincemoyer Jewelry, an optional Specialty Beer Tasting and Vote for your favorite Beer with chance to win a prize. Ticket price is $20 a person or Table of 8 for $150 in advance or $25 a person at the door. Purchase tickets

at: Mincemoyer Jewelry, 6585 Lexus Dr.; First Northern Credit Union, 104 N. Show Place Dr.; 5th 3rd Bank locations, 3936 W Riverside Blvd. and 3154 McFarland Rd.; or make reservations online at rockfordmeld. org. All proceeds from MELD On the Rock will benefit MELD programs for young families in our community. For more information call MELD at 815-963-6353 x10. Hometown Habitat: Stories of Bringing Nature Home - Wild Ones Rock River Valley Chapter presentation at Rock Valley College, 3301 N. Mulford Road, in room PEC0110, lower level. Presentation begins at 7 p.m. Join us for a viewing of the recently released 90-minute video produced by Catherine Zimmerman. Hometown Habitat features renowned entomologist Dr. Douglas Tallamy, whose research, books, and lectures on the use of non-native plants in landscaping, sound the alarm about habitat and species loss. Tallamy provides the narrative thread that challenges the notion that humans are here and nature is someplace else. “It doesn’t have to, and shouldn’t be that way.” Inspiring stories of community commitment to conservation landscaping illustrate Tallamy’s vision by showing how humans and nature can co-exist with mutual benefits. The message: All of us have the power to support habitat for wildlife and bring natural beauty to our patch of the earth. The goal: Build a new army of habitat heroes, For more information about the video, go to themeadowproject. com. This program is free and open to the public. Come early and browse the library, merchandise, and refreshment tables. For further information call (815) 332.3343 or visit our website at

Thursday, September 15

Lifescape Senior Expo - The 53rd Annual Lifescape Senior Expo takes place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Mercy Indoor Sports Center, 8800 E. Riverside Blvd. in Loves Park. Lifescape is honored to welcome special guest, Dr. Patch Adams to the Senior Expo stage at 1 p.m. The Lifescape Senior Expo will host nearly 100 vendors, health screenings, healthy cooking demonstrations, and a full schedule of presentations throughout the event. This year’s Expo theme is “Laughter is the Best Medicine.” Be sure to join us for this unique opportunity to laugh and learn with the real man behind the hit Hollywood film Patch Adams. There is no admission charge for the expo.

Friday, September 16 Winnebago County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Fall Conference - Winnebago County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) will present its annual seminar, “Starting the Conversation: Understanding Diversity to Build Trust, an interactive workshop on cultural competency, led by LaDonna Wattley, LCSW. Wattley will provide tools needed to examine biases and confront cultural myths. Barriers to building rapport will be addressed. Attendees will be given tips on how to work with those from different backgrounds. For more information and to register, visit WinnebagoCountyCasa. org. PDC’s and 4.25 CEU’s available. Event will take place at Tebala Event Center, 7910 Newburg Road, from 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Cost is $40 per person which includes lunch. Lifescape Senior Expo - The 53rd Annual Lifescape Senior Expo takes place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Mercy Indoor Sports Center, 8800 E. Riverside Blvd. in Loves Park. The Lifescape Senior Expo will host nearly 100 vendors, health screenings, healthy cooking demonstrations, and a full schedule of presentations throughout the event. There is no admission charge for the expo.

Saturday, September 17 Autumn on the Prairie - The Nature Conservancy’s Nachusa Grasslands Preserve presents its annual Autumn On the Prairie festival from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The day’s activities include 40 steward guided tours of prairie and savannas, bison, educational exhibits, butterfly hikes, self–guided prairie plant exploration hikes and rides through the prairie. Additional activities include local artists at work, a children’s tent, and a live raptor display. This event is free and open to the public. Oliver’s will be on site with food and beverages for purchase. This event is held rain or shine. The preserve is located 3 miles northwest of Franklin Grove, at 2075 S Lowden Road. Directional signs will be posted. Franklin Grove is two hours west of Chicago. To learn more visit illinoisEvents or Rock Swap - The Rock River Valley Gem and Mineral Society are hosting their annual Rock Swap from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. The public is invited to come look at, buy, sell, or swap rocks, minerals, fossils, and jewelry at the Odd Fellows Hall 6219 Forest Hills Rd. Rockford, IL. Stop by and see some Have your free listing in the Thursday preceding our Wednesday publication. Listings can be e-mailed to or called in to 815-964-9767.

amazing rocks, minerals, and fossils from around the world. You can buy from several regional vendors and local club members, show off and sell rocks of your own, or even swap rocks with other rock-hounds. Everyone is welcome to come and look at everything displayed, ask questions and learn about the collections. If you are interested in joining the Rock River Gem and Mineral society, they will have membership information available at the show. There is no admission fee and it is open to the public. Questions, or for more information email or find us on Facebook.

Tuesday, September 20 Ladies Night Out - Ladies Night Out is coming to Grace Lutheran Church, 343 Grand Ave. in Loves Park, for an evening of food, fun and learning! The event will be hosted by Upper Cervical Care Center – Rockford and will feature for four presentations: “Three Health Tips NOT to Follow” by Dr. Hannah Orem, a live kitchen demonstration by Chef Diana Kramer, “Essential Oils for Abundant Health” by Wellness Coach Lauria Johnson, and learn how to make easy, personable greeting cards with Christine Schmidt and Mary Flynn. No charge for attendance, but RSVP is required at 815-398-4500.

Thursday, September 22 Legal and Financial Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease - The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease makes planning for the future more important than ever. Legal and Financial Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease is an interactive program where you will have a chance to learn about important legal and financial issues to consider, how to put plans in place, and how to access legal and financial resources near you. Event takes place from 6-8 p.m. at Dorion Gray Wealth Management, 2602 IL RT 176, Crystal Lake.

Friday, September 23 Visual MAGnetism 11 opening reception - For the 11 year, members of the Momentum Art Guild of Northwest Illinois will exhibit their artwork at the Stephenson County/Freeport Visitor Center located at 4596 US Hwy 20 East, Freeport. The event will open with a reception from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Artwork will be available for viewing until November 6, Monday-Sunday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Attendance is free. Pieces of artwork on display will be for sale. A “Can You Find It” game will be featured at the reception. Attendees who participate will look for an image, shape, color scheme, pattern, or mood that is not perfectly obvious but which can be found in one of the pieces of artwork on display. The winner will receive a prize. The Momentum Art Guild was formed in 2004 and its members work in media that spans realistic and abstract work, ceramics, photography, and fiber art. The Guild holds monthly meetings on the third Monday evening of the month at Parkview, 1234 S. Park Boulevard, Freeport, IL. Information about exhibits and meeting schedule can be found on its website at For more information on the Visual MAGnetism 11 event, contact the Stephenson County/Freeport Visitor’s Center at (815) 233-1357.

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |


Vibe Calendar

Time to Retire Your Flag? Bring it to Us

• Memorial Hall • Boy Scouts Office (McFarland Rd) • These City Halls: Loves Park, Rockford, Machesney Park, Belvidere, Cherry Valley, Roscoe Contact Paul, 815.871.3801 Saturday, September 24

Willow Glen Farm Open House - Willow Glen Farm will once again open their barn doors to the public from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Come out and meet our herd of 40+ alpacas. Feel how soft their fiber is. Maybe you’ll even get to hear them hum! We will have alpaca items for sale - from rugs to socks to teddy bears. And natural and naturally dyed yarn. No admission fee and we’re just a few minutes from Edwards Apple Orchard at 21000 Leroy Center Rd. 7th Annual Fall Harvest Festival - Designed to celebrate the fruits of their labor, Galena Cellars Vineyard & Winery has set noon-6 p.m. for their Annual Harvest Festival. The event will take place at the vineyard, 4746 North Ford Road, Galena, with a full day of family friendly activities. The Fever River String Band will provide live music all afternoon as the perfect backdrop to wine tastings and vineyard tours, horse-drawn wagon rides and much more. Selected area artists in many diverse genres will also be showing and selling their wares. Unique food options are being made available by Holliberri Icelandics (lamb) and the Galena Elks Club. Highlighting the day is the festival’s grape stomp which draws a multitude of contestants of all ages and some very creative grape stomping techniques. Professional bag piper Bill Spivey of Apple River, Illinois, will also be providing a very distinctive accompaniment to the contest

fun. Pre-registration for the grape stomp begins at 1 p.m., with the stomp scheduled for 2 p.m. Participation fee is $5 for adults; children stomp for free. Open invitations are always extended to previous winners of the stomp for defending their title. Prizes will be awarded. Admission to the general event is free. Vineyard tours are $7.50. The event also features wine tastings all day and a keepsake glass for an added fee. For more information, visit Tour de Freeport - The first Tour de Freeport Family Bicycle Ride, presented by PHK Bicycles in cooperation with Freeport Downtown Development Foundation and Freeport/Stephenson County Visitors Bureau, will be held beginning at Tutty’s Crossing Trailhead, 250 E. Stephenson Street, downtown Freeport at 9 a.m. The Tour de Freeport is a 10-mile bicycle ride appropriate for adults and children which follows a route through the City of Freeport. Along the way, there will be seven interactive art installations to enjoy. There is no cost to participate in the ride. The Tour begins at Tutty’s Crossing Trailhead in downtown Freeport on the Jane Addams Trail. Registration for the tour begins at 9 a.m. There will be face painting, free bike decorations for the kids, a display by Friends of the Pecatonica River Foundation, and the first two interactive art installations. The tour begins at 10 am. Riders may ride at their own pace over the 10-mile route. With stops, it is anticipated the ride will take approximately two hours. More information about the Tour de Freeport is available by contacting the Freeport/ Stephenson County Visitors Bureau at 815-233-1357.

Sunday, September 25 Willow Glen Farm Open House - Willow Glen Farm will once again open their barn doors to the public from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Come out and meet our herd of 40+ alpacas. Feel how soft their fiber is. Maybe you’ll even get to hear them hum! We will have alpaca items for sale - from rugs to socks to teddy bears. And natural and naturally dyed yarn. No admission fee and we’re just a few minutes from Edwards Apple Orchard at 21000 Leroy Center Rd.

Thursday, September 29 Ethnic Heritage Museum Fundraiser - The Ethnic Heritage Museum will be hosting its “Celebrate Our Heritage” Fundraiser from 5-9 p.m. at Tebala Shrine Center. Tickets are $50 for Adults, $25 for Students and $15 for Children, or $400 for a reserved table of 8. We will be celebrating a path from the past with music, dancing and a spotlight on the growth of Rockford with the African-American, Hispanic, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, and Polish pioneers who were the first to ford the Rock River.

Saturday, October 1 Bring a Buddy Day: Kids Anti Bullying Seminar - 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Team Haanpaa Martial Arts, 25 Airport Rd. This is a free event with opportunity to get information about ongoing classes. For more information, contact Darby Haanpaa at 815-451-9376.

Thursday, October 6 Sinnissippi Quilters Show - Sinnissippi Quilters’ October Speaker is Kim Schaefer. Kim is well known for her colorful applique quilts. She will have a lecture and trunk show. 1 p.m. – Quilt As Desired & Trunk Show, 7 p.m. – From A Small Town Girl to Designer & Show. Show takes place at Bethesda Covenant Church, 2010 E. State Street. Cost is $10, but free to

members. Winnebago County Association of Legal Administrative Professionals’ monthly dinner meeting - The Winnebago County Association of Legal Administrative Professionals’ monthly dinner meeting will be held Thursday, October 6, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., at The District, 205 W. State Street, Rockford. Dinner will be a choice of: Classic Cheese Burger, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Italian Beef Sandwich, Grilled Chicken Garden Salad, or Cobb Salad. Price is $12 and includes tax and tip. Beverages are not included. Your check is your reservation confirmation. Reservation deadline is September 22, 2016. Program will be Rockford Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. Hostesses are Danita Heaney and Theresa Holifield. Please send reservations to: Danita Heaney, c/o Hinshaw & Culbertson, 100 Park Avenue, Rockford, IL 61101.

Sunday, October 16 Chicago Baseball Day - David Junction United Methodist Church (Pastor Keith Kelsey-Powell), 201 E. Chicago Ave. in Davis Junction, will be hosting a family day at Davis Community Park, 101 Lincoln Avenue, Davis Junction. We’re looking for a mixture of all ages who would like to participate in an afternoon of Old Chicago Baseball (Softball). NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY... just a day of fun. Watch for more details, menu, etc.



TOLL FREE 1-888-769-STOP (7867)



The fugitives in this bulletin may be dangerous. Never confront them. Call Crime Stoppers or your local police.

Kimberly Thompson Theft County—29 years old

Armond Davis Criminal Damage City— 44 years old

David Rodriguez Narcotics Violation County—34 years old


Your call is confidential; we never ask your name, and our phones do not have caller I.D. If your information leads to an arrest or solves a crime, you will be paid up to $1000.00. This bulletin is an official publication compiled by the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office, Rockford Police Department and Rockford Area Crime Stoppers.

Christine Brown Aggravated Battery City—45 years old

Shelby Crossen Criminal Damage County—51 years old

Tyler Curran Aggravated D.U.I. County—24 years old

Leo King Jr. Burglary City—52 years old

Have your free listing in the Thursday preceding our Wednesday publication. Listings can be e-mailed to or called in to 815-964-9767.

William Crowe Domestic Battery City—30 years old

Rose Reedy Mob Action County—28 years old

All individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

CRIME DOESN’T PAY – WE DO No Taxpayer money is ever used for a CrimeStoppers reward. CrimeStoppers is 100% funded by donations. You can help by sending a donation to: Rockford Area CrimeStoppers, P.O. Box 4535 Rockford, IL 61110 Bulletins may be downloaded from


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016


Putting Rauner’s millions into perspective

By Rich Miller Capitol Fax


he Washington Post published a story the other day entitled “Meet the wealthy donors who are pouring millions into the 2016 elections.” The paper listed the top ten national donors to so-called “super PACS.” The list is topped by wealthy San Francisco Democrat Tom Steyer at $38 million. Second place went to “New York-based hedge-fund magnate” Robert Mercer, at $20.2 million. Keep in mind that these are national-minded donors who are giving to super PACs that focus on the presidential race and U.S. Senate and congressional campaigns throughout the country. Now, take a look at the money contributed by Gov. Bruce Rauner. His personal campaign committee has contributed over $16 million to the Illinois Republican Party alone this year, accounting for 95 percent of all the money the party has raised. The party has, in turn, used that Rauner money to fund television and radio ads, direct mail, polling, staff, etc. for state House and Senate campaigns. In June, Rauner gave another $2.5 million to Dan Proft’s Liberty Principles PAC, which is heavily involved in legislative contests. And the governor contributed $2 million to the Turnaround Illinois PAC, which describes its mission thusly: “To support state legislative candidates who support Gov. Rauner’s bold and needed reforms, and to oppose those who stand in the way.” That’s roughly $20.5 million, enough for second place in the aforementioned Washington Post list. The difference is, here in Illinois, it’s one guy focusing on only one state. There are some definite apples and oranges when making this comparison. Not every dime of Rauner’s campaign fund came from Rauner himself. But the total doesn’t include $2.2 million that Rauner gave to his own campaign fund this year, in order to avoid any possible double-counting as money is passed through. What it does show you, though, is how one person is dominating the money race here

far more than individual wealthy people are influencing the national races. Yes, the Democrats have raised plenty of money as well this year. At the end of June, all Democrats (including the legislative leaders, the state party, rank and file legislators and Democratic challengers) actually had $3.4 million more cash on hand than all similar Republicans, including Rauner. But Scott Kennedy at Illinois Election Data took a look at legislative funding so far this cycle and, as of 9 pm on September 6th, 16 of the top 20 total contributions to targeted candidates were Republicans. So, if the Democrats had more cash on hand, then why aren’t they spending more of it? Well, the Democrats can raise only so much more money before November. Rauner and his wealthy friends can simply write big checks and completely erase any disadvantage as need be. It’s kind of like how people who

First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

are expecting a large inheritance don’t save much money for retirement. They know lots more cash is in the pipeline, so they often feel free to spend as they wish today. Kennedy also looked at all the money raised this cycle by the Illinois GOP, the House Republican Organization, the Republican State Senate Campaign Committee and the personal campaign funds of the two Republican legislative leaders and found that of the $21.8 million they’ve raked in so far, 73 percent comes from Gov. Rauner. Without that Rauner money, the Republicans would be at a huge cash disadvantage, like they always have in the past. Gov. Rauner is giving Republican legislative candidates a fighting chance in a year which otherwise would be seen as a complete lost cause. Despite her national problems, all polling shows Hillary Clinton with a double-digit lead in Illinois. Without Rauner, Republican legislative

leaders would be bracing for an even further retreat into their tiny minority, and praying that the off-year election of 2018 would give them enough of a boost to regain a seat or two here and there. To make it clear, I’m not saying what Gov. Rauner is doing is a bad thing. House Speaker Michael Madigan has in the past absolutely drowned the House Republicans with his ability to outspend them. The tables are finally being turned on Madigan these days. What goes around comes around, as they say. But if you thought that Rauner exerted a lot of influence on Republican legislators during his first two spring legislative sessions, you probably ain’t seen nothing yet, especially if the GOP does better than would normally be expected. The Republican leaders are going to owe him big. Really big. And, whatever happens in November, they’ll want to keep that money pipeline flowing freely in 2018.

Letters Policy The Rock River Times welcomes your letters and comments. However, to be fair to all writers, we ask that all letters be fewer than 200 words, no more than one letter per month be sent from any one writer, and that letters be signed and include a confirmation phone number. We do not print libelous or illegible letters. Send to: The Rock River Times 128 N. Church St. Rockford, IL 61101

fax to: 815-964-9825 e-mail to:

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |


Native American mascots reinforce stereotypes By Justin Angle The Conversation


or years, many have said that sports teams with Native American mascots – the Cleveland Indians, Chicago Blackhawks and Florida State Seminoles, to name a few – perpetuate stereotypes against Native people. Others have argued that these mascots are harmless; if anything, they symbolize reverence and respect, while honoring the history of Native Americans. At the epicenter of the debate have been the Washington Redskins, a football team worth nearly $3 billion. But as the Redskins kicked off their season on Monday, there was hardly a mention of the name controversy that has, in recent years, elicited boycotts, lawsuits and protests. Perhaps it’s due to the Washington Post survey from last spring finding that 90 percent of the Native Americans polled weren’t offended by the Redskins name. Since then, defenders of the name – including team owner Daniel Snyder – have considered the controversy over and done with. The “sticks and stones” argument suggested by the poll makes complete sense from a self-preservation standpoint; after all, Native Americans have had to persevere through worse offenses than mascots. But that stance ignores the dangerous possibility that such ethnic names and imagery affect how other people view Native Americans – possibly in subtle and damaging ways. Our research has shown that incidental exposure to Native American sports mascots can reinforce stereotypes in people. Perhaps more disturbingly, people aren’t even aware that this subtle reinforcement is taking place.

Letters to the Editor State reps should simply do their job in first place This fall voters will make a choice on the ballot whether to support a constitutional amendment which would create a “lockbox” to prevent Illinois government from raiding transportation funds. Praised by politicians from both sides of the isle as a way to prevent them from raising taxes again, the amendment would guarantee all revenue raised for transportation funding will not be diverted to fund other purposes. This amendment does not protect funding for roads as our snake oil salesmen politicians

A name strengthens bias

In our lab, we showed participants an unfamiliar mascot; some were shown a Native American image, while others were shown an image of an animal. We then measured how strongly all participants associated Native Americans with “warlike,” a stereotype leveraged by many sports teams that use Native mascots (“Braves,” “Warriors”). When asked directly, participants, regardless of the mascot they saw, reported no differences in how warlike they thought Native Americans were. But when participants completed an indirect – or implicit – stereotype measure, those who’d viewed the Native American mascot were more likely to associate warlike qualities with Native Americans. This difference in results represents something called implicit bias, which often takes place when asking people about socially sensitive subjects such as race or gender. Our participants were either unwilling to admit or unaware of the mascot’s influence on their views of Native Americans; their bias was implicit, either hidden or incognizant. Implicit bias can influence decisions ranging from hiring practices to jury preferences and criminal sentencing. And it’s all the more pernicious because the people making these biased decisions are unlikely to be aware that they’re doing so. Interestingly, the liberal participants in our studies were more affected by Native American mascots than were their conservative peers. Because liberals often think of themselves as being less susceptible to racial bias, this might seem counterintuitive. But liberals also have been shown to have more malleable worldviews and be more open to new

would like you to believe. Monies from the lockbox will also be spent on government waste, planning, salaries, and any “necessary” projects our leaders choose. Illinois wouldn’t need a “lockbox” amendment if politicians in Springfield would do their jobs and provide a truly balanced budget. This amendment will do nothing to help Illinois’ dire financial woes. What is also worrisome to me is supporters of the amendment: The Illinois Chamber of Commerce, construction groups, and unions have raised $1.2 million for an awareness campaign to educate voters on the “correct way” to vote.

information. And in our study, we found a stereotypical mascot could significantly degrade liberals’ attitudes toward Native Americans.

real-world demonstration of the adverse effects of incidental exposure to Native American sports mascots in the general population.

Some mascots more damaging than others

The perils of stereotypes

These lab results prompted us to try to replicate our findings in a real world setting. If the media market you live in determines how often you’re exposed to a Native American sports mascot, we would expect to see differences in attitudes toward Native Americans between people who live in cities with Native American-themed sports franchises and people who don’t. Indeed, our results showed that people living in cities with Native American mascots were more likely to think of Native Americans as warlike. We decided to focus on the Cleveland and Atlanta media markets because the Native American mascots of their baseball teams – the Indians and the Braves – were considered the most and least offensive examples, respectively, according to a pre-experiment survey. (Detroit, home of the Tigers, and Miami, which houses the Marlins, were used as control cities.) Using the same implicit measures as our earlier study, residents of Cleveland were more likely to associate Native Americans with warlike traits than residents of Atlanta, Detroit and Miami. In other words, the more offensive the mascot, the greater the effect. And just like in our lab, liberal participants were particularly sensitive to the influence of the Native American mascot. The study represents perhaps the first

I will be voting “no” on the binding “lockbox” referendum this fall. Public pensions are guaranteed by the Illinois Constitution. How it that working out for us? Kelly Libermann Wonder Lake

Schnuck’s owes more to this community

The recent announcement by Schnuck’s to ban Salvation Army bell ringers and Girl Scout cookie sales at their locations is yet another slap in the face of the Rockford community.

Some might wonder what the problem is with being seen as warlike. After all, isn’t that associated with bravery and toughness? But studies have shown how stereotypes of any kind – even positive ones – carry consequences. They can lead to performance anxiety, as Sapna Cheryan and her colleagues found when looking at stereotypes concerning Asian Americans’ math ability. Subsequent studies have shown how experiencing a positive stereotype can make people expect future prejudicial treatment. Despite these findings, defenders of Native American mascots continue to argue that the mascots honor Native Americans and improve perceptions of Native people. Furthermore, stereotypical representations of minority groups aren’t just relegated to Native American team mascots. Many prominent brands, such as Aunt Jemimah, Uncle Ben’s and Land-O-Lakes Butter, actively promote certain stereotypes. And as our study showed, these representations can change how we think about the actual members of those groups – often without us even knowing it. So when it comes to the Washington Redskins – despite the results of the spring poll – the evidence is clear: The presence of the name subconsciously causes people to stereotype Native Americans. Even President Obama has weighed in, recommending a new name. He’s right. It’s high time for change.

The closing of the Rural Street and Prospect Avenue store, after assuring everyone that they were NOT closing any of the former Hilander stores, hurt thousands of area residents. Their subsequent refusal to sell that facility to another grocer yet again demonstrated the extent of their lack of concern for our community. I personally would not buy a stick of gum from any company exhibiting such a lack of concern for the community in which they make their money. P.J. Timmerman Rockford


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Obituary Notices Charles Reynolds 74 Rockford 9/5/2016 Jason Winans 41 Rockford 9/5/2016 Joseph Ferguson 61 Rockford 9/5/2016 Paul Meyer 85 Rockford 9/5/2016 Eldon Sarber 81 Rockford 9/5/2016 Gordon Wait 81 Rockford 9/5/2016 Thomas Woods 23 Rockford 9/5/2016 Jeffrey Bronson 62 Rockford 9/5/2016 Maryann Godla 64 Rockford 9/5/2016 Virginia Salser 81 Rockford 9/6/2016 Sharon Hodges 44 Rockford 9/6/2016 John Regotti 85 Rockford 9/6/2016 Delta Lawrence 83 Rockford 9/6/2016 William Johannes 74 Rockford 9/6/2016 Virginia Schnidt 94 Rockford 9/6/2016 Judy Fuller 75 Rockford 9/6/2016 Gloria Vines 80 Rockford 9/6/2016 Robert Swick 80 Rockford 9/6/2016 Thomas McNeany 81 Rockford 9/7/2016 Raymond Bartosik 48 Rockford 9/7/2016 Reba Bliss 73 Rockford 9/7/2016 John Rungren 83 Rockford 9/7/2016 Larry Stewart 82 Rockford 9/7/2016 Gordon Anderson 67 Rockford 9/8/2016 Lillie Stover 77 Rockford 9/8/2016 Sherryl Schulz 67 Rockford 9/8/2016 Cathy Harris 54 Rockford 9/8/2016 William Miller 89 Rockford 9/8/2016 Mark Anderson 60 Rockford 9/8/2016 Sharon Bailey-James 49 Rockford 9/8/2016 David Olmsted 61 Rockford 9/8/2016 Rose Portelli 88 Rockford 9/9/2016 James Harrison 61 South Beloit 9/9/2016 Bernadine Fasula 91 Rockford 9/9/2016 Wayne Skorburg 85 Rockford 9/9/2016 Lashawn Lancaster 44 Rockford 9/9/2016 Jules Mairson 68 Rockford 9/9/2016 Richard Walker 67 Rockford 9/9/2016 Shirley Jaskot 79 Rockford 9/9/2016 Douglas Schneiderman 62 Rockford 9/10/2016 Gina Valenti 57 Rockford 9/10/2016 Harry Skurski 86 Rockford 9/10/2016 Russell Coulman 60 Rockford 9/10/2016 Doris Shull 79 Rockford 9/10/2016 Russell Conley 85 Rockford 9/10/2016 John Christopher 73 Rockford 9/11/2016 Susan Milner 67 Rockford 9/11/2016 John Baldock 65 Machesney Park 9/11/2016 Gregory Brown 47 Rockford 9/11/2016 Robert Hartung 81 Rockford 9/11/2016 Velma Penney 96 Rockford 9/11/2016 Jordan Johnson 26 Rockford 9/11/2016 Constance Becker 54 Rockford 9/11/2016 Joyce Foss 83 South Beloit 9/11/2016 Philicia Butler 22 Rockford 9/11/2016 Dennis Christophersen 63 South Beloit 9/11/2016 Bruce Ballard 64 Rockford 9/12/2016

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Your Horoscope By Denise Guzzardo

This Week: The full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces is packed with information, and hidden influences will come to light. This is a great time to re-evaluate your goals and put a little fire under them. Mercury will resume its status and go direct on September 22. Remember, the after shadow will continue until October 6; however we will begin to see some relief in the weeks to come. Enjoy! Aries (March 21 to April 19) — Don’t nitpick over finances during this lunar cycle. If you start dissecting out every penny you may lose the opportunity to hit it big in the near future. Someone was very generous with their time and energy recently, take a step back and make sure that you acknowledge their kindness. If you don’t, it will be a cold day in hell before you see this aspect return, Aries. Taurus (April 20 to May 20)­— A Gemini, Aquarius or Libra female provides you with a referral or lead that will improve the quality of your life in the weeks to come. Follow up on all options and be open for change during this lunar cycle. An estranged friend or family member will resurface at this time. Take the time to hear them out, you may be surprised with the outcome, Taurus. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) — Past relationship issues could come to the surface this week. However, it appears to bring some closure or validation for you at this time. You have the clarity to move forward now knowing that this was what the universe intended. Finances are on the upswing and it appears that you do not have to draw blood to obtain it these days. Working smarter not harder is the name of the game. You have finally figured this out, Gemini. Cancer (June 21 to July 22) — News you receive this week will bring a tremendous relief for you and your family. Even though you have kept the faith, fear and doubt may have occasionally crept in. Your worries are finally over. Try not to look under rocks for new ones now, take a break from it all. Midweek offers a job opportunity or a career change for some of you. Follow up on leads and expect the unexpected at this time, Taurus. Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22) — Love relationships require some attention at this time. You can no longer overlook a problem that has been a reoccurring issue. This will not go away on its own; confronting this situation head on will give you the best results. It is a make it or break it time frame for love. Shoving your head in the sand is not going to help matters any. However, if you have found your relationship is being negatively affected by alcohol or drugs you may need to

leave it behind for good. The substance or the relationship, Leo. Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) — You’re beginning to see a romantic shift come into view. Nothing but lessons and more lessons have been on the table regarding love the past two years. Now there are options as well as the opportunity to fix what was once broken. You may have looked back recently and said “what was I thinking?” during that time. A positive mental attitude is obvious to those around you, all eyes are on you at this time, Virgo. Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) — You will find yourself favored and backed by an unexpected source at this time. Someone has taken a shine to you and wants you to grow and develop beyond your wildest dreams. You present yourself well and those in the know recognize your tenacity and charisma. The sky is the limit now, be open for the love and respect that is available to you at this time, Libra. Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) — You have a secret admirer at this time. Their life may be a little bit complicated and they are working diligently to straighten it out. As summer rolls into fall you will find that they have cleared the slate to make room for you. Be conscious and aware of those around you now. You’re in a position to improve the quality of your life immensely. Finances improve by week’s end, Scorpio. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) — You are being observed as a humanitarian as well as an affectionate creature at this time. Try to be aware of your surroundings. All eyes are on you now, pay attention! You’re back to a

balanced, peaceful existence. Too much activity last week may have gotten on your last nerve. This is a great time to spend a night alone with your significant other. Enjoy, Sag. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) — You are very aware of the negativity that has been surrounding you for a while now. The question is, what to do with it? You’re extremely sensitive to what others are bringing voice to and are watching how this may affect your life. After a while, enough is enough with the excuses you have in your head for another’s ill-bred behavior. Love yourself first, Capricorn. Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) — A new career or project in your work environment will put a spring in your step at this time. Listen carefully and look for signs that will gently point you in the right direction. It is obvious that you require a change of pace, possibly a brand new area to promote growth emotionally. Now is the time that this will align. Pay close attention to detail, Aquarius. Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20) — With some people you just can’t go by the book. Take each case scenario and put your own personal spin on this issue. If you try to put everyone in a box you will only sell yourself short in the long run. Some people may have the characteristics of one personality and yet they do not fit the criteria of the textbook analysis. Feel free to allow some flexibility when you’re working with others; trust your gut and throw out the book, Pisces. For an extended astrological forecast or psychic consultation, contact Denise at 815398-3983.

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The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |

Games Crossword by Myles Mellor 1


























21 23











37 39

Last week’s solutions:
















Across 1. Recedes 5. Manitoba native 9. “Doctor ___” (BBC series) 12. “Groovy!” 13. Camera part 14. “Say what?” 15. Sandwich bar 16. Computer menu option 17. Distinctive doctrine 18. Photos of color waves for example 21. Beer dispenser 22. Colorful flower, for short 23. Football shirt 26. Jellies 30. Indian nursemaid 31. Case for sewing gear 32. Time in power 35. Storage spot 37. Kind of paper 38. Spleen 39. Get to the point 46. Middle East title 47. Train track 48. Pass away notice (abbr.) 49. ___ start with your performance..... 50. ____ nesia 51. Long bone 52. “Occupy” location for a while 53. Simmer 54. Some whiskeys

Down 1. Quashes 2. Alerting message 3. Bundle 4. Gear change feature 5. Men of the cloth 6. Paint the walls, again 7. “Sadeness” singers 8. Mating time 9. Jockey tool 10. Silence 11. Current measures 19. Golf driving area 20. Unit of charge equal to 3600 coulombs 23. Pickle container 24. Needle hole 25. Cleaning need 27. Would contraction 28. Actor’s come-on 29. Male aristocrat 33. Relatives of Tahitians 34. Not destroyed 35. Bide one’s time 36. Math term 39. Biblical son 40. “Coyote ___” movie 41. Perfumed powder 42. Take cover 43. With competence 44. Trig figure 45. Sorority letters

9. Jockey tool 10. Silence 11. Current measures 19. Golf driving area 20. Unit of charge equal to 3600 coulombs 23. Pickle container 24. Needle hole 25. Cleaning need 27. Would contraction 28. Actor's come-on 29. Male aristocrat 33. Relatives of Tahitians 34. Not destroyed 35. Bide one's time Check out Page 37 for another crossword 36. Math term 39. Biblical son 40. "Coyote ___" movie

Crossword puzzle creator Myles Mellor, of Lake View Terrace, Calif., has been creating puzzles of various styles for multiple publications for more than eight years.

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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Government Notices n n n LEGAL NOTICE The Rockford Park District is seeking proposals from qualified Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firms interested in auditing its financial statements for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2016, 2017, and 2018 with the option of two (2) one year renewals after the initial three year term. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope showing the proposal number, date and time of opening in the lower left-hand corner of the return envelope. Responses should include an original proposal, two (2) copies and a thumb drive to Jacki Minnihan, Purchasing Manager, Rockford Park District, 401 South Main Street, Rockford, Illinois 61101. The District must receive the proposal by Thursday September 29, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. The proposal shall consist of at a minimum the documents outlined within this request, the Proposal Offer Form and Signature Sheet and any other pertinent information that will help with the selection of the firm. Failure to include the Proposal Offer Form and signature sheet properly completed and signed will result in the submission being rejected. The Park District welcomes the opportunity to assist guests with disabilities to enjoy ALL facilities, programs, and services. Please direct questions to Jacki Minnihan, Purchasing Manager, at (815) 969-4094 or jackiminnihan@ 6400R TRRT 9/14

Public Notices n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE PRIMESTAR-H FUND I TRUST Plaintiff, -v.SCOTT I. COUNTS AKA SCOTT COUNTS, TWYLA M. COUNTS AKA TWYLA COUNTS, DONNA M. BOSS AKA DONNA BOSS, LAURA A. EPSTEIN & ASSOCIATES, LLC Defendant 15 CH 198 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 8, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT 68 AND THE NORTHWESTERLY 1/2 OF LOT 67 AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 2 OF COLLINS SUBDIVISION, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 7 AND 12 OF THE SUBDIVISION OF GAYTON FARM, THE PLAT OF WHICH RESUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 23 OF PLATS ON PAGE 141 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 438 COLLINS DRIVE, South Beloit, IL 61080 Property Index No. 04-07376-013. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $71,091.94. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at

the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in AS IS condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, or a unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). In accordance with 735 ILCS 5/151507(c)(1)(h-1) and (h-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), and 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), you are hereby notified that the purchaser of the property, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and legal fees required by subsections (g)(1) and (g)(4) of section 9 and the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of section 18.5 of the Illinois Condominium Property Act. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact the sales department, ANSELMO LINDBERG OLIVER LLC, 1771 W. Diehl Road, Suite 150, NAPERVILLE, IL 60563, (630) 453-6960 For bidding instructions, visit www. Please refer to file number F14100190. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc. com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. ANSELMO LINDBERG OLIVER LLC 1771 W. Diehl Road, Suite 150 NAPERVILLE, IL 60563 (630) 453-6960 E-Mail: foreclosurenotice@ Attorney File No. F14100190 Attorney ARDC No. 3126232 Attorney Code. 3802 Case Number: 15 CH 198 TJSC#: 36-8769 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. S6330R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN CHANCERY FRED WILLIAMS, Plaintiff, vs. NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY ACQUISITIONS, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, NEFTALI C. SEAGRAVES, an individual, MARCOS L. REYES, an individual, SIEPERT & CO., LLP, a Wisconsin limited liability partnership a/k/a SEIPERT & CO., LLC, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, and unknown owners and non-record claimants, Defendants. No. 2016 CH 366 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE (A) the name, address and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate: Attorney James M. DiVerde, Jr. HOWARD & HARDYMAN, LLP 124 N. Water St., Suite 100 Rockford, IL 61107 (815)964-8888 (B) the common address and other common description (other than legal description), if any, of the real estate: 418 Foster Street Rockford, IL 61102 (C) a legal description of the real estate sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty: Lot Ten (10) in Block Nineteen (19) as designated upon the Plat of Kellogg and Sheldon’s Subdivision of Blocks 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 of Rockford Wesleyan Seminary Association’s Addition to the City of Rockford, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 4 of Plats on Page 10 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. P.I.N.: 11-21-402-005 (D) a description of the improvements on the real estate: Single Family Residential Home (E) the times specified in the judgment, if any, when the real estate may be inspected prior to sale: None (F) the time and place of the sale: September 22, 2016 at 11:00 am Winnebago County Justice Center 650 W. State Street Rockford, IL 61102 (G) the terms of the sale: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. (H) the case title, case number and the court in which the foreclosure was filed:

Fred Williams, Plaintiff vs. Northern Illinois Realty Acquisitions, LLC, et. al. 17th Judicial Circuit, State of Illinois, Winnebago County Case No. 2016 CH 366 FRED WILLIAMS, Plaintiff, HOWARD & HARDYMAN, LLP, His Attorneys By: James M. DiVerde, Jr. James M. DiVerde, Jr. - 6312675 HOWARD & HARDYMAN, LLP 124 N. Water St., Suite 100 Rockford, IL 61107 815-964-8888 6359R TRRT 9/14 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RANDALL L. ESPY, Deceased. Case No. 16 P 380 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of RANDALL L. ESPY. Letters of Office were issued on August 17, 2016 to WILLIAM L. ESPY, who is the legal representative of the Estate. The attorney for the estate is David L. Davitt, 4023 Charles Street, Rockford, IL 61108. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before February 28, 2017, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk-Probate Division at th eWinnebago County Courthouse, Rockford, IL 61101, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office--Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. DATED: August 25, 2016. /s/ David L. Davitt David L. Davitt David L. Davitt #6206402 Attorney for Estate 4023 Charles Street Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 229-5333 6331R TRRT 9/14 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY IN RE THE ESTATE OF DORIS R. DUNN 16 P 369 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION – UNKNOWN HEIRS AND CLAIMS NOTICE is given of the death of DORIS R. DUNN. Letters of Office were issued on August 22, 2016 to JOHANNA KOSLOFSKI, 4761 Bluestem Road, Roscoe, Illinois 61073, who is the legal executrix of the estate. The attorney for the estate is JACK R. COOK, JR. 113 West Main Street, Rockton, Illinois 61072. Date of death was July 13, 2016. Notice is given to unknown heirs whose names or addresses are not stated in the petition that an order was entered by the court on August 22, 2016 appointing said executrix. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before March 14, 2017, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever

date is later. Any claim not field by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk–Probate Division—at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, IL 61101, or with the representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office—Probate Division—must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal executrix and to the attorney within ten (10) days after filing. DATED: August 30 , 2016 /s/ JOHANNA KOSLOFSKI, Petitioner 6357R TRRT 9/14 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF Melissa Thorson-Hanson Current Name Case No. 16 MR 826 NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE Notice is hereby given, that on October 20, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., in Room #412, Melissa Thorson-Hanson, will present a Petition requesting that the Court change his/her present name of Melissa Jettie Thorson-Hanson to the name of Melissa Jettie Grayson. The hearing will take place at Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 W. State St. in Rockford, Illinois. /s/ Melissa Thorson-Hanson Date: 8/25/16 6332R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Spiritual-Marketing business in said County and State under the name of Spiritual Places & More at the following post office addresses: 4457 Auburn St., Rockford, IL 61101; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Jerri Lynn Cole, 779-537-4257 SIGNED: Jerri Lynn Cole 8/30/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 30th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Angela Reina, DEPUTY 6358R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.HELEN M. BREWINGTON, et al Defendant 16 CH 00370 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 17, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on September 29, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT FIFTEEN AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 4 OF GARDEN HILLS SUBDIVISION, PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 32 OF PLATS ON PAGE 161 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, SITUATED IN WINNEBAGO COUNTY IN

THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1709 IRIS AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61102 Property Index No. 11-33255-005. The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-04957. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-16-04957 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00370 TJSC#: 36-10359 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to

collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702551 P6335R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a essential oils and essential oil products, whole health consulting business in said County and State under the name of Abby Lain Organics at the following post office addresses: 13909 Beaver Drive, Roscoe, IL 61073; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Melissa D. Curtis SIGNED: Melissa D. Curtis 9/8/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 8th day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Idella Blakely, DEPUTY 6408R TRRT 9/28 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a We Teach the Message of Jesus to the Lost business in said County and State under the name of Day Break Ministry at the following post office addresses: 1215 24th Street, Rockford, IL 61108; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Jahmah Taylor SIGNED: Jahmah Taylor 9/8/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 8th day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Pamela Johnson, DEPUTY 6409R TRRT 9/28 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a esthetics i.e.: facials/ waxing business in said County and State under the name of Beauty Boss at the following post office addresses: 316 North Alpine, Rockford, IL 61107; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Gabriella Calvanese SIGNED: Gabriella Calvanese 8/12/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 12th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6410R TRRT 9/28 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN RE THE ESTATE OF: DANIEL L. VAN FLEET, Deceased. No. 2015 P 491 NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL REPORT Notice is given that the Final Report of the Independent Executor, MATTHEW G. VAN FLEET, in the above-referenced estate was filed with the Office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk-Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 W. State Street, Rockford, Illinois 61101 on September 12, 2016. If no objection is filed within forty-two (42) days after the filing of the Final Report, the Independent Executor will be discharged and the estate closed. DATED: September 12, 2016 MATTHEW G. VAN FLEET Independent Executor

Prepared by: Jeffrey E. Hardyman ARDC# 6201356 HOWARD & HARDYMAN, LLP 124 N. Water Street, Suite 100 Rockford, Illinois 61107 (815) 964-8888 jhardyman@howardhardyman. com 6411R TRRT 9/28 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Plumbing, Heating & Air Condition service and installation business in said County and State under the name of Ian Hubbard Mechanical Services at the following post office addresses: 5674 Vienna Dr., Rockford, IL 61109; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Ian Hubbard SIGNED: Ian Hubbard 9/13/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 13th day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Pamela Johnson, DEPUTY 6413R TRRT 9/28 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF Blanche Francine Jones Current Name Case No. 13 MR 288 NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE Notice is hereby given, that on October 26, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., Blanche Francine Jones, will present a Petition requesting that the Court change his/her present name of Blanche Francine Jones to the name of Blanche Francine Neblock. The hearing will take place at Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 W. State St. in Rockford, Illinois. /s/ Blanche Francine Jones 6334R TRRT 9/14 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO PUBLICATION NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: TATIANA CHUJKO, Deceased. NO. 16 P 401 Notice is given to creditors of the death of TATIANA CHUJKO. Letters of Office were issued on September 12, 2016 to MARK CHUJKO, as Executor, whose attorney is SASHA S. JONIC. Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Winnebago County, 404 W. State Street, Rockford, IL 61101, or with the representative, or both on or before, March 20, 2017. Any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the representative and to the representative’s attorney within ten days after it has been filed. Date: August 31, 2016, Rockford, Illinois Attorney Sasha S. Jonic ARDC#: 6203224 4615 E. State Street, Suite 101 Rockford, IL 61108 815.226.3461 6336R TRRT 9/14

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 | n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, -v.ALVIN D TIDWELL, et al Defendant 15 CH 1033 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 15, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 18, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT TWENTY-TWO (22) IN BLOCK SIX (6) AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 3 OF JEFFERSON HEIGHTS, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 26 OF PLATS ON PAGE 28 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 3307 CONSTANCE DRIVE, Rockford, IL 61108 Property Index No. 12-31453-009. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act,

765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information: Visit our website at between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number 251880. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 251880 Case Number: 15 CH 1033 TJSC#: 36-9387 I701221 P6360R TRRT 9/21 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Plaintiff, -v.DAVID HOLDER, et al Defendant 15 CH 761 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 15, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 18, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT TWELVE (12) IN BLOCK FOUR (4) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF BANKS & BAKERS SUBDIVISION BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (1/4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 4 OF PLATS ON PAGE 12 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 402 SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE, Rockford, IL 61104 Property Index No. 11-25208-007. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring

the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information: Visit our website at between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number 8444. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 8444 Case Number: 15 CH 761 TJSC#: 36-9390 I701222 P6361R TRRT 9/21 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION A/K/A PHH MORTGAGE SERVICES Plaintiff, -v.JOBY J. HOLDEN, et al Defendant 15 CH 00553 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 13, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 17, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT THREE (3) IN BLOCK EIGHT (8) AS

DESIGNATED UPON THE REPLAT OF ROLLING GREEN, A RESIDENTIAL PARK, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH REPLAT IS RECORDED IN BOOK 18 OF PLATS ON PAGE 35 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ALSO THAT PART OF LOT FOUR (4) IN SAID BLOCK EIGHT (8) LYING WESTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN FROM A POINT IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT AND DISTANT TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, WHICH LAST MENTIONED POINT IS DISTANT TWENTY (20) FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 3111 MINNESOTA DRIVE, ROCKFORD, IL 61108 Property Index No. 12-31-207003 (175A253). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo iden-

tification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-08865. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-08865 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00553 TJSC#: 36-9078 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I701558 P6362R TRRT 9/21 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION A/K/A PHH MORTGAGE SERVICES Plaintiff, -v.TOMMY W. BUSBY, et al Defendant 15 CH 00588 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 13, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 17, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: PA R T O F T H E NORTHWEST FRACTIONAL QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP FORTY-SIX (46) NORTH, RANGE TWO (2) EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH EIGHTY-NINE (89) DEGREES, TWENTY-TWO (22) MINUTES EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO AND SEVEN HUNDREDTHS (427.07) FEET; THENCE SOUTH NINETEEN (19) DEGREES EAST, FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE A N D E I G H T Y- T H R E E HUNDREDTHS (553.83) FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF STATE AID ROUTE NO. 45; THENCE SOUTH SEVENTY-EIGHT (78) DEGREES TWENTY-FIVE (25) MINUTES WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF STATE AID ROUTE NO. 45, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN AND THIRTY-THREE HUNDREDTHS (127.33) FEET TO AN IRON PIPE AT AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF STATE AID ROUTE NO. 45; THENCE SOUTH THIRTY-NINE (39) DEGREES, TWENTY-THREE

(23) MINUTES WEST, THIRTY AND FIFTY-EIGHT HUNDREDTHS (30.58) FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE PREMISES CONVEYED BY RAYMOND C. OLDS AND WIFE TO CLARENCE J. GRIFFITHS AND LILLIAN H. GRIFFITHS, HIS WIFE, BY WARRANTY DEED DATED AUGUST 31, 1959 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1178 OF RECORDER’S RECORDS ON PAGE 506 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; THENCE NORTH FIFTY (50) DEGREES TWENTY-FOUR (24) MINUTES WEST, SIX HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE AND THIRTY-NINE HUNDREDTHS (659.39) FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE, ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN AND FIFTY-ONE HUNDREDTHS (147.51) FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 15402 S. BLUFF STREET, SOUTH BELOIT, IL 61080 Property Index No. 04-07-101005 (007B306). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo iden-

tification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-09630. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-09630 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00588 TJSC#: 36-9074 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I701561 P6363R TRRT 9/21 n n n 15-014954 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC; Plaintiff, vs. BEATRICE GULLEY; WINTRUST WEALTH MANAGEMENT; Defendants, 15 CH 617 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: The Easterly 44 feet in width of Lot 3 in Block 2 as designated upon the Plat of Rockford Wesleyan Seminary Association’s Addition to the City of Rockford, the plat of which addition is recorded in Book 42 of Deeds on page 4 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois, the Westerly line of said tract being parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot, in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Save and Except Therefrom: A part of the east 44.00 feet of Lot 3 of Block 2 as designated upon the Plat of Rockford Wesleyan Seminary Association Addition to the City of Rockford, a subdivision of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 44 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of said Addition is recorded in Book 42 of Plats at Page 4 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, State of Illinois, described as follows: Commencing at a 3/4” iron pin at the northeast corner of lot 2 in said Block 2 thence North 87 degrees 04 minutes 34 seconds West, 65.94 feet (Bearings assumed for description purposes


only) on the north line of said Lot 2 to the northeast corner of said Lot 3 and the Point of Beginning. From the Point of Beginning thence South 3 degrees 13 minutes 59 seconds West, 17.87 feet on the east line of said Lot 3; thence North 89 degrees 23 minutes 23 seconds West, 43.76 feet, to the west line of the east 44.00 feet of said Lot 3; thence North 3 degrees 20 minutes 13 seconds East, 19.63 feet on the west line of the east 44.00 feet of said Lot 3, to the north line of said Lot 3; thence South 87 degrees 04 minutes 34 seconds East, 43.68 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 819 square feet, more or less. Commonly known as 1816 West State Street, Rockford, IL 61102. P.I.N. 11-21-281-022. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 15-014954 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I702437 P6364R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Credit Repair business in said County and State under the name of B & B Credit Repair at the following post office addresses: 518 North Court Street, Rockford, IL 61103; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Shelia Brown, 815-299-0134 SIGNED: Shelia Brown 9/6/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 6th day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6386R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Food Service business in said County and State under the name of Enderta - Ethiopian Food at the following post office addresses: 7131 Farmhome Lane, Cherry Valley, IL 61016; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Haile T. Kahsay SIGNED: Haile T. Kahsay 8/25/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 25th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6350R TRRT 9/14


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC Plaintiff, -v.MARK ROCKWELL, et al Defendant 16 CH 00194 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 4, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: THE WEST ONE-HALF OF LOT FOUR (4) IN BLOCK THIRTEEN (13) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF NORTH PARK EAST THIRD SUBDIVISION PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 23 OF PLATS, PAGE 98 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ALSO THE EAST HALF (1/2) OF THE VACATED FIFTH STREET LYING WEST OF AND ADJACENT TO LOT FOUR (4); SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1001 KINGSLEY DRIVE, MACHESNEY PARK, IL 61115 Property Index No. 08-31-402017 (139D079A). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclo-

sure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-02039. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-16-02039 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00194 TJSC#: 36-6172 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I697541 P6322R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION Plaintiff, -v.TRACY L. BENNEY, et al Defendant 16 CH 00069 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 6, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT TWELVE (12) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF S.B. LETT’S RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS ONE (1), TWO (2), THREE (3), FOUR (4), FIVE (5), SIX (6) AND SEVEN (7) OF BLOCK THIRTY (30), HARLEM PARK SUBDIVISION, THE PLAT OF WHICH RESUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 14 OF PLATS ON PAGE 7 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. ALSO, ALL OF THAT PART OF LOT ELEVEN (11) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF S.B. LETT’S RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS ONE (1), TWO (2), THREE(3), FOUR (4), FIVE (5), SIX (6) AND SEVEN (7) OF BLOCK THIRTY (30), HARLEM PARK SUB-

DIVISION, THE PLAT OF WHICH RESUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 14 OF PLATS ON PAGE 7 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WHICH IS BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT ELEVEN (11), PROCEEDING SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ELEVEN (11), TWENTY-ONE AND ONE-TENTH (21.1) FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ELEVEN (11) TWO AND ONE-HALF INCHES TO A POINT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT ELEVEN (11) TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT ELEVEN (11) AND THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1832 CLINTON STREET, ROCKFORD, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-13-253014 (193A513). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If

this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-14904. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc. com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-14904 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00069 TJSC#: 36-8753 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I700608 P6323R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.NATASHA PEARSON, et al Defendant 15 CH 00678 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 6, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT TWENTY-FIVE (25) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF LARSON SUBDIVISION, PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 14 OF PLATS ON PAGE 235 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 723

GLENDALE AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61108 Property Index No. 12-30-404023 (174D095). The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-11633. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc. com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-11633 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00678 TJSC#: 36-8754

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I700749 P6324R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR NOVASTAR MORTGAGE FUNDING TRUST, SERIES 2006-1, NOVASTAR HOME EQUITY LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-1 Plaintiff, -v.EARL ANDERSEN A/K/A EARL JOHN ANDERSEN A/K/A EARL J. ANDERSEN, et al Defendant 15 CH 00600 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 11, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on September 27, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT THREE (3) AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 1 OF MILLVIEW HEIGHTS, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST HALF (1/2) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 31 OF PLATS OF PAGE 48 IN RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 2073 S. BEND ROAD, ROCKFORD, IL 61109 Property Index No. 15-25102-002. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff

makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-09463. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-09463 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00600 TJSC#: 36-10255 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702189 P6325R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.; Plaintiff, vs. ZACHARY M. PERCELL AKA ZACHARY PERCELL; JOHN P. PERCELL, JR. AKA JOHN PERCELL; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 15 CH 622 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 6, 2016, at the hour of 1:00 p.m., Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: LOT TWENTY (20) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF BOHLIN AND JOHNSON’S HIGHLAND SUBDIVISION, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN BOOK 16, OF PLATS ON PAGE 37 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS.

Commonly known as 18141816 Rural Street, Rockford, Illinois 61107. P.I.N. 11-24-252-023. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call The Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Anselmo Lindberg Oliver LLC, 1771 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (630) 4536960. For Bidding instructions visit 24 hours prior to sale. F15060012 I702440 P6326R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS ROCKFORD BELL CREDIT UNION; Plaintiff, vs. CUSTODIO GARCIA; ROCK RIVER WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT; CITY OF ROCKFORD; TENANTS AND PARTIES IN POSSESSION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 15 CH 1112 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: LOT 4 IN BLOCK 5 AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF GLENNY AND UPSON’S SUBDIVISION BEING A PART OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 44 N.R. 1 E. OF THE 3RD P.M. THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 3 OF PLATS ON PAGE 33 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1620 N. Horsman Street, Rockford, IL 61101. P.I.N. 11-15-278-017. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Ms. Elisa J. Whitman at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Reilly Law Offices, 6801 Spring Creek Road, Rockford, Illinois 61114. (815) 316-8540. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I702452 P6327R TRRT 9/14

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 | n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS CIT BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.FRANCES LAND, et al Defendant 16 CH 00372 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 31, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 12, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT TEN (10), EXCEPT THE WEST 10 FEET THEREOF AND ALL OF LOT ELEVEN (11) IN BLOCK FORTY-FOUR (44) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE MAP OF THE TOWN OF DURAND, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN BOOK 37 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 470 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 310 E. SOUTH STREET, DURAND, IL 61024 Property Index No. 05-10-463008 (334C236C). The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with

respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-04494. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-16-04494 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00372 TJSC#: 36-10810 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I703275 P6397R TRRT 9/28 n n n 15-030415 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.

Plaintiff, vs. DANIEL M. WARLOP; MARTHA C. WARLOP; WINNEBAGO COUNTY SCHOOLS CREDIT UNION; BMO HARRIS BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, FKA AMCORE BANK, N.A.; CITY OF ROCKFORD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION; PAULA B. SKULA; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants, 15CH 958 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Lot 16 as designated upon the Plat of Subdivision of Block 5 of Spafford’s Addition to the City of Rockford, County of Winnebago, and State of Illinois. Commonly known as 1611 Greenwood Avenue, Rockford, IL 61107. P.I.N. 11-24-330-010. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 15-030415 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703400 P6398R TRRT 9/28 n n n 16-005961 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-67CB, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-67CB Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM G. STEINBORN; TRACY LYNN STEINBORN; THE WESTLAKE VILLAGE MASTER HOMEOWNER’S

ASSOCIATION, INC., AN ILLINOIS NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION Defendants, 15CH 1048 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Lot 139 as designated upon plat number 1 of Westlake Village being a Subdivision of part of Section 25 and 36 in Township 27 North, Range 10 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian and part of Section 31 in Township 27 North, Range 11 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, the plat of which subdivision is recorded in Book 41 of plats on page 2A in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, State of Illinois. Commonly known as 13183 Country Meadow Drive, Winnebago, IL 61088. P.I.N. 09-25-128-003. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the condominium Property Act Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 16-005961 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703401 P6399R TRRT 9/28 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO BOARD OF EDUCATION, ROCKFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 205, WINNEBAGO – BOONE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS Plaintiff, v. GULLEY ENTERPRISES, LLC and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendant. Case No. 2016 ED 7 NOTICE TO GULLEY ENTERPRISES, LLC FOR PUBLICATION (304 12th Street, Rockford, Illinois 61104) The requisite Affidavit having

been duly filed in my office, NOTICE is hereby given you, GULLEY ENTERPRISES, LLC, Defendant in the above-entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, by the said Plaintiff, against you the above-named Defendant, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage concerning the premises described as follows, to-wit: Legal description of the mortgage real estate and common address: The West 41.05 feet of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Three (3) as designated upon the Plat of Lindblade and Robertson’s Subdivision of a part of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section 25, Township 44 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian; which Plat is recorded in Book 3 of Plats, Page 36 in the Recorder’s Office of said County; the East line of said tract being parallel with the West lines of said Two lots; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. COMMON ADDRESS: 304 12th Street, Rockford, Illinois 61104 PROPERTY CODE: 11-25130-001 And for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the suit is now pending. NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, the said above-named Defendant, files your Answer to the Complaint of said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois 61101, on or before the 14th day of October, 2016, default may be entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. THOMAS A. KLEIN, Winnebago County Clerk of the Circuit Court, 17th Judicial Circuit, Winnebago County, Illinois PREPARED BY: Yashekia T. Simpkins (ARDC #6307014) Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP 100 Park Avenue P.O. Box 1389 Rockford, IL 61105-1389 Phone: (815) 490-4900 Fax: (815) 490-4901 6401R TRRT 9/28 n n n NOTICE OF SALE The personal property stored by the persons listed below, occupants of storage units located at 2437 N. CENTRAL, ROCKFORD, Illinois, a self-storage facility operated by AAA WINDSOR STORAGE INC. (“OWNER”), shall be sold at public auction at 2437 N. CENTRAL, ROCKFORD, Illinois, on 09/24/16 or after at 9:30 a.m. to enforce the Owners, lien thereon. If there are no bidders, Owner will otherwise dispose of the property. Leticia Linn, #228; Diana Meddelton, #314; Tiffany Hatcher, #103;


RECORDERS OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 5527 FOREST HILLS ROAD, Rockford, IL 61114 Property Index No. 12-07251-001; 12-07-251-022; 12-07251-023. The real estate is improved with a single unit dwelling. The judgment amount was $147,194.18. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in AS IS condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium


unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact Plaintiff s attorney: WEISS MCCLELLAND LLC, 105 WEST ADAMS STREET, SUITE 1850, Chicago, IL 60603, (312) 605-3500 Please refer to file number 11-1859. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc. com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. WEISS MCCLELLAND LLC 105 WEST ADAMS STREET, SUITE 1850 Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 605-3500 Attorney File No. 11-1859 Case Number: 12 CH 471 TJSC#: 36-10818 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. S6404R TRRT 9/28 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Cleaning Service business in said County and State under the name of Star Cleaning Service at the following post office addresses: 1638 N. Horsman St., Rockford, IL 61101; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Ivan S. Garcia, 864-517-8255; Claudina Guzman J. SIGNED: Ivan S. Garcia 9/8/16 SIGNED: Claudina Guzman 9/8/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 8th day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Idella Blakely, DEPUTY 6407R TRRT 9/28


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO SS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: KATHY SUDDARTH, Deceased. CASE NO. 2016-P-94 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of KATHY SUDDARTH. Letters of Office were issued on August 25, 2016, to RUSSELL SUDDARTH, 1506 Muldoon Drive, Rockford, Illinois 61103, who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Peter A. Savitski, 838 North Main Street, Rockford, Illinois 61103. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before March 1, 2017, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date as stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk-Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office-Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. DATED: August 25, 2016 RUSSELL SUDDARTH Administrator Attorney Peter A. Savitski ARDC No. 2463741 838 North Main Street Rockford, Illinois 61103 (815) 963-0370 6338R TRRT 9/14 n n n NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THOMAS DULA and MELODY DULA, Petitioners, vs. ALEXZANDER JACOB PERSINGER, ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES, a Duly Licensed Child Welfare Agency, Respondents. CASE NO: 16 AD 142 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that on the 8th day of August, 2016, a Petition for Adoption was filed in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, Illinois, 17th Judicial Circuit, and that on the second floor of the Winnebago County Juvenile Justice Center, on the 29th day of September, 2016 at the hour of 8:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as this cause may be heard, a hearing will be held upon the Petition for Adoption. Now, unless you appear at the hearing and show cause against the Petition, the Petition may be taken for confessed as against you and an Order, Judgment or Decree entered. Dated at Rockford, Illinois this 25th day of August, 2016. Thomas Klein Clerk of the Circuit Court ERIN L. NASH #6304953 Nash Law Office, P.C. 2425 Charles Street Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 397-7500 6339R TRRT 9/14 n n n NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THOMAS DULA and MELODY DULA, Petitioners, vs. ASHTON BLAKE PERSINGER,

ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES, a Duly Licensed Child Welfare Agency, Respondents. CASE NO: 16 AD 143 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that on the 8th day of August, 2016, a Petition for Adoption was filed in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, Illinois, 17th Judicial Circuit, and that on the second floor of the Winnebago County Juvenile Justice Center, on the 29th day of September, 2016 at the hour of 8:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as this cause may be heard, a hearing will be held upon the Petition for Adoption. Now, unless you appear at the hearing and show cause against the Petition, the Petition may be taken for confessed as against you and an Order, Judgment or Decree entered. Dated at Rockford, Illinois this 25th day of August, 2016. Thomas Klein Clerk of the Circuit Court ERIN L. NASH #6304953 Nash Law Office, P.C. 2425 Charles Street Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 397-7500 6340R TRRT 9/14 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO SS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: RUTH D. YENCSIK, Deceased. CASE NO. 2016-P-384 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of RUTH D. YENCSIK. Letters of Office were issued on August 19, 2016, to CONSTANCE ANN EVANS, 1619 Notre Dame, Rockford, Illinois 61103, who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Peter A. Savitski, 838 North Main Street, Rockford, Illinois 61103. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before March 1, 2017, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date as stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk-Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office-Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. DATED: August 25, 2016 CONSTANCE ANN EVANS Executor Attorney Peter A. Savitski ARDC No. 2463741 838 North Main Street Rockford, Illinois 61103 (815) 963-0370 6341R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a construction business in said County and State under the name of Premier Design Build & Supply at the following post office addresses: 3587 Thyme Dr., Rockford, IL 61114; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or

transacting such business are as follows: Neil Kasicki SIGNED: Neil Kasicki 8/29/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 29th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6342R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a online boutique business in said County and State under the name of ABR Boutique at the following post office addresses: 2324 Winfield Ct., Rockton, IL 61072; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Annie Rabczak SIGNED: Annie Rabczak 8/29/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 29th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6344R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Music group, band or musicians who play shows and put out records business in said County and State under the name of The Last Vegas at the following post office addresses: 6951 Academy Trl., Rockford, IL 61107; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Adam Arling SIGNED: Adam Arling 8/2/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 2nd day of August, A.D. 2016. John Ravara, Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov. 8, 2016 6345R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Beauty and Hair Supply/ Salon business in said County and State under the name of D7 Hair Heaven at the following post office addresses: 1203 Ashland Ave., Rockford, IL 61101; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Keshia Downing, 815-319-1385; Sultaana Muhammad SIGNED: Keshia Downing 8/22/16 SIGNED: Sultaana Muhammad 8/22/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 22nd day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Idella Blakely, DEPUTY 6346R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a real estate buy-sell-rent business in said County and State under the name of RSG Real Estate at the following post office addresses: 1048 Ashdown Pl., Machesney Park, IL 61115; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Robert Lockwood; Patricia Lockwood SIGNED: Robert Lockwood 8/24/16 SIGNED: Patricia Lockwood 8/24/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 24th

day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Angela Reina, DEPUTY 6347R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a glassblowing business in said County and State under the name of Pink Rhino Glass at the following post office addresses: 4306 Glenmore Rd., Rockton, IL 61072; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Ryan Grady SIGNED: Ryan Grady 8/25/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 25th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Angela Reina, DEPUTY 6348R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact an accounting service business in said County and State under the name of Small Business Bookkeeping at the following post office addresses: 7131 Farmhome Lane, Cherry Valley, IL 61016; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Marianne H. Kahsay SIGNED: Marianne H. Kahsay 8/25/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 25th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6349R TRRT 9/14 n n n NOTE: PURSUANT TO THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT, YOU ARE ADVISED THAT THE LAW FIRM OF HINSHAW & CULBERTSON LLP IS DEEMED TO BE A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO BLACKHAWK BANK f/k/a BLACKHAWK STATE BANK, a Wisconsin State Bank, Plaintiff, v. ALPINE BANK & TRUST CO., as Trustee under a Trust Agreement dated June 25, 2010 and known as Trust No. 4029; JUDITH VECCHIO; MEADOWS EDGE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS; UNKNOWN TENANTS; UNKNOWN SPOUSES; UNKNOWN HEIRS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. Case No. 16-CH-684 NOTICE TO UNKNOWN OWNERS; UNKNOWN TENANTS; UNKNOWN SPOUSES; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS FOR PUBLICATION The requisite Affidavit having been duly filed in my office, NOTICE is hereby given you, UNKNOWN OWNERS; UNKNOWN TENANTS; UNKNOWN SPOUSES; UNKNOWN HEIRS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, by the said Plaintiff, against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage concerning the premises described as follows, to-wit: Lot Nine (9) as designated upon the Plat of

Meadows Edge, being a Resubdivision of Lot 70 Plat No. 5 of Winford Estates, and part of the South Half (1/2) of Section 33, Township 45 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of which is recorded in Book 38 of Plats on Page 26A in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. COMMON ADDRESS: 5848 Meadows Edge Close Loves Park, Illinois 61111 PROPERTY CODE: 08-33481-006 And for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the suit is now pending. NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, the said above-named Defendants, file your Answer to the Complaint of said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, 400 W. State Street, Rockford, Illinois, on or before the 30th day of September, 2016, default may be entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. THOMAS A. KLEIN, Clerk of the Circuit Court, 17th Judicial Circuit, Winnebago County, Illinois PREPARED BY: Matthew M. Hevrin (ARDC #6256083) HINSHAW & CULBERTSON LLP 100 Park Avenue P.O. Box 1389 Rockford, IL 61105-1389 PHONE: 815-490-4900 FAX: 815-490-4901 6351R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Restaurant/Family business in said County and State under the name of Granny’s Home Cookin’ at the following post office addresses: 3605 Auburn St., Rockford, IL 61101; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Kelly R. Quinby SIGNED: Kelly R. Quinby 8/29/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 29th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6352R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS MIDWEST COMMUNITY BANK, Plaintiff, vs. MCKISKI-LEWIS, INC., a dissolved Illinois Corporation, THOMAS CORDELL, PATRICIA CORDELL, ROBERT COBB, LORNA COBB, KMK MEDIA GROUP, INC., BMO HARRIS BANK, N.A., formerly known as Harris N.A., as the assignee of the F.D.I.C. as the receiver for Amcore Bank, N.A., JANESVILLE ACQUISITION d/b/a BOBCAT OF ROCKFORD, THE STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, THE CONDOMINIUMS AT VICTORY LANDING HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS & NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. Case No.16 CH 529 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE (FOR PUBLICATION) NOTICE is given to Unknown Owners and Non-record Claimants of the following-described real estate, that the above-entitled

mortgage foreclosure action has been commenced and is now pending, and the day on or after which a default may be entered against said Defendants is October 11, 2016. The title of the court, the title of the case, the name of the first named plaintiff and the first named defendant, and the number of the case are identified above. The names of the title holder of record are: McKiski-Lewis, Inc. A legal description of the real estate sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty is as follows: Unit 6-8644 in the condominiums at victory landing as delineated on a survey of the following described real estate: lots or certain lots as designated upon the plat of victory landing, being a subdivision of lots 1, 6 and 7 presidential court subdivision no. 1 and part of lot 12, presidential court subdivision, no. 2 and part of vacated victory land in part of the northeast quarter of section 25, township 45 north, range 1 east of the plat of which re-subdivision is recorded in book 44 of plats on page 176B in the recorder’s office of Winnebago county, Illinois, which survey is attached as exhibit b to the declaration of condominium recorded September 23, 2005 as document no. 0557480, together with its undivided percentage interest in the common elements as amended from time to time; situated in the county of Winnebago, state of Illinois. Common address or location of mortgaged property is 8644 Victory Lane, Machesney Park, IL 61115; Permanent Index Number is 07-25-299-002. 5) An identification of the mortgage sought to be foreclosed is as follows: a. Name of mortgagee: Midwest Community Bank b. Name of Lien: Mortgage c. Date of mortgage: April 28, 2006 d. Names of mortgagor: McKiski-Lewis, Inc. e. Date and place of recording: November 13, 2006 Winnebago County Recorder’s Office f. Identification of recording: Document No. 0668277 Clerk of the Circuit Court, 17th Judicial Circuit, Winnebago County, Illinois Michael G. Cortina Amber L. Michlig SmithAmundsen, LLC Attorney for Midwest Community Bank 2460 Lake Shore Drive Woodstock, Illinois 60098 (815) 337-4900 Telephone (815) 337-4910 Facsimile ARDC No. 6255782 ARDC No. 6309698 6354R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS ALPINE BANK & TRUST CO., Plaintiff, vs. MATTHEW TAGUE a/k/a MATTHEW A. TAGUE, deceased, JULIE TAGUE a/k/a JULIE A. TAGUE, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF MATTHEW TAGUE a/k/a MATTHEW A. TAGUE, UNKNOWN OWNERS & NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. Case No. 16 L 200 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE (FOR PUBLICATION) NOTICE is given to Matthew Tague a/k/a Matthew A. Tague,

deceased, Unknown Heirs and Legatees of Matthew Tague a/k/a Matthew A. Tague, and Unknown Owners and Non-record Claimants of the following-described real estate, that the above-entitled mortgage foreclosure action has been commenced and is now pending, and the day on or after which a default may be entered against said Defendants is October 11, 2016. The title of the court, the title of the case, the name of the first named plaintiff and the first named defendant, and the number of the case are identified above. The names of the title holders of record are: Matthew A. Tague and Julie A. Tague. A legal description of the real estate sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty is as follows: Lot two (2) in block three (3) as designated upon the plat of river lane subdivision of part of SE (1/4) of section 6 township 44 north, range 2 east of the 3rd principal meridian, the plat of which is recorded in book 22 of plats on page 122 in the recorder’s office of Winnebago county; situated in the county of Winnebago and state of Illinois. Common address or location of mortgaged property is 903 Short St., Loves Park, IL 61111; Permanent Index Number is 1203-452-002. 5) An identification of the mortgage sought to be foreclosed is as follows: a. Name of mortgagee: Alpine Bank & Trust Co. b. Name of Lien: Mortgage c. Date of mortgage: March 29, 2010 d. Names of mortgagors: Matthew and Julie Tague e. Date and place of recording: May 6, 2010 Winnebago County Recorder’s Office f. Identification of recording: Document No. 20101016560 Clerk of the Circuit Court, 17th Judicial Circuit, Winnebago County, Illinois Jeffrey M. Glass - 6206976 Amber L. Michlig - 6309698 SmithAmundsen, LLC Attorneys for Alpine Bank & Trust Co. 2460 Lake Shore Drive, Woodstock, Illinois 60098 (815) 337-4900 Telephone (815) 337-4910 Facsimile 6355R TRRT 9/14 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS ALPINE BANK & TRUST CO., Plaintiff, vs. MATTHEW TAGUE a/k/a MATTHEW A. TAGUE, deceased, JULIE TAGUE a/k/a JULIE A. TAGUE, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF MATTHEW TAGUE a/k/a MATTHEW A. TAGUE, UNKNOWN OWNERS & NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. Case No. 16 L 202 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE (FOR PUBLICATION) NOTICE is given to Matthew Tague a/k/a Matthew A. Tague, deceased, Unknown Heirs and Legatees of Matthew Tague a/k/a Matthew A. Tague, and Unknown Owners and Non-record Claimants of the following-described real estate, that the above-entitled mortgage foreclosure action has been commenced and is now pending, and the day on or after which a default may be entered against said Defendants is October 11, 2016. The title of the court, the title

of the case, the name of the first named plaintiff and the first named defendant, and the number of the case are identified above. The names of the title holders of record are: Matthew A. Tague and Julie A. Tague. A legal description of the real estate sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty is as follows: Lot four (4) in block three (3) as designated upon the plat of river lane subdivision of part of SE (1/4) of section 6 township 44 north, range 2 east of the 3rd principal meridian, the plat of which is recorded in book 22 of plats on page 122 in the recorder’s office of Winnebago county; situated in the county of Winnebago and state of Illinois. Common address or location of mortgaged property is 907 Short St., Loves Park, IL 61111; Permanent Index Number is 1206-452-004. 5) An identification of the mortgage sought to be foreclosed is as follows: a. Name of mortgagee: Alpine Bank & Trust Co. b. Name of Lien: Mortgage c. Date of mortgage: March 29, 2010 d. Names of mortgagors: Matthew and Julie Tague e. Date and place of recording: May 6, 2010 Winnebago County Recorder’s Office f. Identification of recording: Document No. 20101016560 Clerk of the Circuit Court, 17th Judicial Circuit, Winnebago County, Illinois Jeffrey M. Glass - 6206976 Amber L. Michlig - 6309698 SmithAmundsen, LLC Attorneys for Alpine Bank & Trust Co. 2460 Lake Shore Drive, Woodstock, Illinois 60098 (815) 337-4900 Telephone (815) 337-4910 Facsimile 6356R TRRT 9/14 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF Ryan Grady Current Name Case No. 16 MR 825 NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE Notice is hereby given, that on October 20, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., in Room #412, Ryan Grady, will present a Petition requesting that the Court change his/her present name of Ryan Matthew Grady to the name of Ryan Matthew Grady Grayson. The hearing will take place at Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 W. State St. in Rockford, Illinois. /s/ Ryan Grady Date: 8/25/16 6333R TRRT 9/14 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Auto-Mechanic Shop business in said County and State under the name of Wagner’s Complete Auto & Tire at the following post office addresses: 5677 Jensen Dr., Loves Park, IL 61111; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: David M. Wagner SIGNED: David M. Wagner 8/29/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 29th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Pamela Johnson, DEPUTY 6343R TRRT 9/14

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 | n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS SANTANDER BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.RADHIKA VORUGANTI, et al Defendant 14 CH 1082 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 15, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 18, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT 89 AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT NO. 7 OF GRANDRIDGE ESTATES, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5-44-2, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN BOOK 37 OF PLATS ON PAGE 149A IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 4954 INNSBRUCK DRIVE, ROCKFORD, IL 61114 Property Index No. 12-05431-024. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN

ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information: Visit our website at between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number 2661. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 2661 Case Number: 14 CH 1082 TJSC#: 36-9795 I702635 P6366R TRRT 9/21 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.ALMA D. CAMPOS, et al Defendant 16 CH 00496 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 24, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 4, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT TWELVE (12) IN BLOCK TEN (10) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF COLTON’S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, WHICH PLAT IS RECORDED IN BOOK 3 OF PLATS ON PAGE 29 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATES OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 313 MIRIAM AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61101 Property Index No. 11-21208-006. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against

said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-05165. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-16-05165 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00496 TJSC#: 36-10512 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702658 P6367R TRRT 9/21 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.JON C. BADER, et al Defendant 16 CH 00472 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 24, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 4, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT ONE HUNDRED THREE (103) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF SCARDA SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH HALF (1/2) OF THE NORTHEAST

QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 22 OF PLATS ON PAGE 32 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1612 BARTON BLVD., ROCKFORD, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-11257-013. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-01742. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-16-01742 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00472 TJSC#: 36-10588 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702896 P6368R TRRT 9/21 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR GSAA HOME EQUITY TRUST 2007-6, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-6 Plaintiff, -v.MICHAEL N. STONE, et al Defendant 15 CH 01121 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 27, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 6, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: UNIT 16-B IN THE CONDOMINIUMS OF HAWTHORNE RIDGE AS DELINEATED ON THE SURVEY, WHICH SURVEY IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT B TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP FOR HAWTHORNE RIDGE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED MAY 8, 2006 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0626970, AND CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED ON MAY 23, 2006 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0630497, TOGETHER WITH AN AMENDED PERCENTAGE INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS APPURTENANT TO SAID UNIT, AS SET FORTH IN SAID DECLARATION AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 4507 PERRYRIDGE LANE, LOVES PARK, IL 61111 Property Index No. 12-03211-008. The real estate is improved with a condo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to

quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-18743. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc. com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-18743 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 01121 TJSC#: 36-10692 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702920 P6369R TRRT 9/21 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.LORI ANN BRANNING, et al Defendant 15 CH 00658 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 6, 2015, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 6, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT THREE (3) IN BLOCK SIX (6) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE PLAT OF PALMWOOD ADDITION

BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 19 AND PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH ADDITION IS RECORDED IN BOOK 19 OF PLATS ON PAGE 8 IN THE RECORDER’S OFFICE OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 421 HILTON AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61107 Property Index No. 12-19454-003. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN


POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-10470. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc. com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-10470 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00658 TJSC#: 36-10690 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702924 P6370R TRRT 9/21 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GARY L. JOHNSON, DECEASED No. 16 P 400 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of Gary L. Johnson of St. Louis, Missouri. Letters of Office were issued on August 30, 2016 to Mark McGrath, whose address is 4615 Lindell Blvd., Apt. 202, St. Louis, Missouri 63108. The attorney for the estate is Douglas G. Hickel, 8909 Ladue Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63124. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before March 15, 2017, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date as stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk-Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois 61101, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office-Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. DATED: September 14, 2016 Mark McGrath, Personal Representative; Attorney Douglas G. Hickel, ARDC No. 103608, Summers Compton Wells LLC, 8909 Ladue Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63124 (314) 991-4999. 6402R TRRT 9/28


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

n n n 14-021159 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS US BANK TRUST NA AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF8 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST; Plaintiff, vs. JOSE R. BERUMEN; NORA Y. BERUMEN; SPRINGLEAF FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.; Defendants, 15CH 752 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Part of Lot Fourteen (14) in Block Three (3) as designated upon the plat of Randolph-Revell Land Association’s Highland Subdivision, of a part of the East Half of Section 24 Township 44 North, Range 1 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, the Plat of which subdivision is recorded in Book 4 of plats on Page 7 in the recorder’s office of Winnebago County, Illinois, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the South line of said Lot Fourteen (14), Fifty-Seven (57) feet West of the Southeast corner of said Block; thence North, parallel with the East line of Lot Thirteen (13) One Hundred Three (103) feet; thence West, parallel with the South line of said Lot Fourteen (14) to the West line of said Lot Fourteen (14); thence South along said West line, One Hundred Three (103) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot Fourteen (14); thence East along the South line of said Lot Fourteen (14), to the place of beginning, situated in the County of Winnebago, State of Illinois. Commonly known as 2120 East State Street, Rockford, IL 61104. P.I.N. 11-24-481-031. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 14-021159 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703088 P6371R TRRT 9/21 n n n 16-006389 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY; Plaintiff, vs.

JUANITA ROLLINS; THE STATE OF ILLINOIS; PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 16 CH 244 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Lot Five (5) as designated upon Plat No. 1 of Haley Woods, being a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 20, Township 44 North, Range 1 East of Third Principal Meridian, the Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 32 of Plats on page 194 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Commonly known as 715 Trenton Avenue, Rockford, IL 61102. P.I.N. 11-20-455-018. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 16-006389 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703090 P6372R TRRT 9/21 n n n 16-006487 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY; Plaintiff, vs. JACQULINE R. JOHNSON; DERRICK JOHNSON; THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; Defendants, 16 CH 298 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Lot Nine (9) as designated upon the Plat of Park Village, a Subdivision of a part of the Southeast Fractional Quarter (1/4) of Section 34, Township 44 North, Range 1, East of the Third Principal Meridian, the

Plat of which Subdivision is recorded in Book 23 of Plats on page 22 in the Recorder’s Office of Winnebago County, Illinois; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Commonly known as 2208 Martha Avenue, Rockford, IL 61104. P.I.N. 11-34-427-009. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 16-006487 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703091 P6373R TRRT 9/21 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, successor in interest by purchase from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver of Washington Mutual Bank, f/k/a Washington Mutual Bank, FA, Plaintiff, vs. FLORIAN J. GUSKI, BEVERLY A. GUSKI, FLORIAN J. GUSKI LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT NO. 1, STILLMAN BANCCORP, N.A., and RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY BANK, Defendants. STILLMAN BancCORP, N.A., Counter-Plaintiff, vs. FLORIAN GUSKI, BEVERLY A. GUSKI, FLORIAN J. GUSKI LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT NO. 1, RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY BANK, MIDWEST BANKCENTRE, FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, and BMO HARRIS BANK, N.A., Counter-Defendants. Case No. 2012 CH 1518 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale on Second Amended Counterclaim entered in said Court in the above-entitled cause on January 16, 2015, I, Gary Caruana, Sheriff of Winnebago County, or such other Deputy as may be sitting in my stead, will sell at public venue to the highest and best bidder, the following described lands and premises in said Judgment mentioned or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said Judgment with the terms and conditions set forth herein: A. The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: Jody L. Booher BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA, LLP 6833 Stalter Drive Rockford, Illinois 61108 (815) 962-6611 B. The common address of said property is: 8715 Lovesee Road, Roscoe, Illinois 61073. C. The legal description of the property is: A part of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 1, Township 45 North,

Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian bounded and described as follows to-wit: Beginning at the One­-Eighth (1/8) Section corner of the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence North 89 degrees 29’ 30” East along the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, a distance of 435.22 feet to a point 900.17 feet South 89 degrees 29’ 30” West from the Northeast corner of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence South 00 degrees 29’ 30” East parallel with the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, a distance of 947.10 feet; thence North 76 degrees 13” West a distance of 449.10 feet to a point on the North and South 1/8 Section line, which point is 836.22 feet South 00 degrees 26’ 50” East from the 1/8 Section corner of the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence North on said North and South 1/8 Section line, 325.42 feet; thence South 74 degrees 47’ 25” East, a distance of 53.40 feet; thence North 11 degrees 22’ 37” West, a distance of 534.86 feet to the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence North 89 degrees 29’ 30” East along the North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; a distance of 50.0 feet to the point of beginning; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. D. A description of the improvements on the real estate is: 4 bedroom 4 bathroom 2 story with wraparound deck single family residence (approximately 4881 gross living space) located on approximately 10.06 acres. E. The time and place of the sale are: October 6, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at Winnebago County Justice Center, 650 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois. F. The terms of the sale are: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If the property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW, UNLESS THE PROPERTY HAS BEEN JUDICIALLY FOUND TO BE ABANDONED. Dated at Rockford, Illinois, this

31st day of August, 2016. GARY CARUANA SHERIFF OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY PREPARED BY: Jody L. Booher BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA, LLP 6833 Stalter Drive Rockford, Illinois 61108 (815) 962-6611 6374R TRRT 9/21 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO SS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: DANIEL T. MOE, Deceased. CASE NO. 2016-P-281 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of DANIEL T. MOE. Letters of Office were issued on August 19, 2016, to THOMAS HOFFMAN, 147 Baker Road, Durand, Illinois 61024, who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Peter A. Savitski, 838 North Main Street, Rockford, Illinois 61103. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before March 10, 2017, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date as stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk-Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois, or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office-Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representative and to his/her attorney within ten days after it has been filed. DATED: August 31, 2016 THOMAS HOFFMAN Administrator to Collect Attorney Peter A. Savitski ARDC No. 2463741 838 North Main Street Rockford, Illinois 61103 (815) 963-0370 6379R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a general contracting/ HVAC, electric business in said County and State under the name of Big Kountry at the following post office addresses: 1414 Banks St., Rockford, IL 61102; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Kenneth J. Lucarz Jr. SIGNED: Kenneth J. Lucarz Jr. 9/1/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 1st day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Idella Blakely, DEPUTY 6388R TRRT 9/21 n n n Post Office Self Storage d.b.a. Boxed Up 2685 Sandhutton Ave. Rockford, IL 61109 PUBLIC NOTICE The following is a list of names and unit #’s for an auction which will be held for: Post Office Self Storage d.b.a. Boxed Up, 2685 Sandhutton Ave. Rockford, IL 61109 on September 24, 2016 at 10:00 AM.

List of units being auctioned: Decater Agnew - #728; Daniel Bridges - #742; Dan Brown - #708; Alex Chaires Jr. - #328; Melissa Cremeans - #173; Scott Dabson - #1219; Akemi Debuys - #519; Gregory Deleon - #502; Laetia Hayes - #1127; Sasha Kirchner - #746; Kajuana Landfair - #1226; Steve Martin - #525; Richard McQuitter - #219 (VIN#1FAFP42X72F106877); Richard McQuitter - #325; One Stop Wireless - #1026; Virginia Peterson - #710; Bruce Philip - #333; Sammy Ristick - #1017; Bryan Umfleet - #331; Crystal Williams - #101; Mica Williams - #158. 6380R TRRT 9/14 n n n U Stor 3000 Charles Street Rockford, IL 61108 Notice of Public Sale of Personal Property Notice is hereby given that pursuant to section 4 of the Self Service Storage facility act, in the state of Illinois. The undersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding on September 16th, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. on the premises where said property has been stored and which is located at 3000 Charles Street Rockford Illinois 61108. The personal property described below. 130 – Chaves Randle; 306 – David Shultz; 334 – Marilyn Cordes; 448 – David Shultz; 521 – Maureen McClean; 815 – Carola Willis. Units are auctioned by lot. Purchases must be with cash only and be paid for at the time of sale. All goods must be removed within 24 hours of purchase. Sale is subject to adjournment. 6381R TRRT 9/14 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of: ROGER A. KELLER Deceased. CASE NO. 2016 P 390 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of Roger A. Keller. Letters of Office were issued on August 25, 2016, to Cara Keller who is the Executor of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Timothy F. Horning, 3400 North Rockton Avenue, Rockford, IL 61103. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before March 30, 2017 that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk – Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois, or with the estate legal representatives, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office – Probate Division, must be mailed or delivered to the estate legal representatives and to their attorney within ten days after it has been filed. Dated: August 30, 2016 Cara Keller Executor of the Estate of Roger A. Keller, Deceased Timothy F. Horning (#973) MEYER & HORNING, P.C. 3400 North Rockton Ave. Rockford, IL 61103 (815) 636-9300 6382R TRRT 9/21

n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF GRACE EVETTE DARLEEN BRICK, Minor’s Current Name GAIL Y. BRICK Name of Parent/Guardian filing on behalf of the Minor Case No. 16 MR 750 NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE Notice is hereby given, that on October 5, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 426, I will present a Petition requesting that the Court change his/her present name of Grace Evette Darleen Brick, a minor, to the name of Evette Grace Darleen Brick, The hearing will take place at Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State St. in Rockford, Illinois Grace Evette Darleen Brick, a minor, by, /s/ Gail Y. Brick Date: 8-10-16 6276R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a water utility leak detection, master meter test and pump tests business in said County and State under the name of Watergy at the following post office addresses: 4237 Buggy Whip, Roscoe, IL 61073; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Todd Christman SIGNED: Todd Christman 9/6/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 6th day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Pamela Johnson, DEPUTY 6387R TRRT 9/21 n n n 15-036765 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC; Plaintiff, vs. STANLEY LUNQUIST AKA STANLEY A. LUNQUIST; NANCY LUNQUIST AKA NANCY J. LUNQUIST; Defendants, 16 CH 38 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Part of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 26 North, Range 11 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the West line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 28, 317.50 feet South of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 28, thence N. 89 degrees 22’ 50” E., parallel with the North line of said Section 28 a distance of 686.0 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 28 a distance of 317.49 feet;

thence South 89 degrees 22’ 50” West parallel with the North line of said Section 28 a distance of 686.0 feet to the West line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 28; thence North along the West line of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 28 a distance of 317.49 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.0 acres more or less. Commonly known as 3592 Westfield Road, Winnebago, IL 61088. P.I.N. 14-28-200-002. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 15-036765 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I702456 P6365R TRRT 9/21 n n n STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO PROBATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of: SUSAN C. MOREAU, Deceased. CASE NO. 2016-P-366 CLAIM NOTICE NOTICE is given of the death of SUSAN C. MOREAU, Letters of Office were issued on September 2, 2016 to Karl L. Stevenson, 551 Pearl Ave., Loves Park, IL 61111 who is the legal representative of the estate. The attorney for the estate is Thomas G. Ruud, Thomas G. Ruud & Associations, P.C., 318 N. First St., Rockford, IL 61107. Claims against the estate may be filed on or before March 14, 2017, that date being at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975 as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date as stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk - Probate Division at the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 W. State Street, Rockford, IL, or with the estate’s legal representative, or both. Copies of claims filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office - Probate Division must be mailed or delivered to the estate’s legal representative and to his attorney within ten (10) days after it has been filed. Dated: September 13, 2016 /s/ Karl Stevenson, Executor Prepared by: Thomas G. Ruud #6188190 Thomas G. Ruud & Associates, P.C. Attorney for the Estate 318 North First Street Rockford, IL 61107 (815) 961-9100 6412R TRRT 9/28

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 | n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a non-medical home care business in said County and State under the name of Better Care at Home at the following post office addresses: 3950 Owen Center Rd., Apt. 4, Rockford, IL 61101; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Afftan Flannigan SIGNED: Afftan Flannigan 8/31/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 31st day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Pamela Johnson, DEPUTY 6389R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Investments in real estate properties and other financial endeavors business in said County and State under the name of KCAM Investors at the following post office addresses: 1192 Marigold Cir., Rockford, IL 61107; that the true and real full names of all persons owning,

conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Kim Semmelroth; Meagan Semmelroth; Aaron Semmelroth; A. Chris Semmelroth SIGNED: Kim Semmelroth 9/2/16 SIGNED: Meagan Semmelroth 9/2/16 SIGNED: Aaron Semmelroth 9/2/16 SIGNED: A. Chris Semmelroth 9/2/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 2nd day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6390R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a property maintenance on foreclosed and residential property business in said County and State under the name of Campbell Property Services at the following post office addresses: 967 Brandy Bend Rd., Roscoe, IL 61073; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Craig David Campbell SIGNED: Craig David Campbell 9/2/16 Subscribed and sworn (or

affirmed to) before me, this 2nd day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6391R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Amazon - internet business in said County and State under the name of BodyWerx at the following post office addresses: 6673 Laurel Cherry Dr., Rockford, IL 61108; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Nia Phommavong SIGNED: Nia Phommavong 9/1/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 1st day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Pamela Johnson, DEPUTY 6392R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a construction, handyman business in said County and State under the name of S & S Contracting and

Services at the following post office addresses: 4856 East Lawn Drive, Rockford, IL 61108; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Marta Snyder SIGNED: Marta Snyder 8/30/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 30th day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6393R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Photography and Video business in said County and State under the name of Eye In The Sky Photography and Video at the following post office addresses: 19 Gilbert Terrace, Machesney Park, IL 61115; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Becki Anne Story SIGNED: Becky Anne Story 8/31/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 31st day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6394R TRRT 9/21

n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a fresh produce stand business in said County and State under the name of Lost and Found Farm at the following post office addresses: 6642 Latham Rd., Rockford, IL 61101; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Mark Schandelmeier; Nicole Schandelmeier SIGNED: Mark Schandelmeier 8/31/16 SIGNED: Nicole Schandelmeier Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 31st day of August, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Amy Reininger, DEPUTY 6395R TRRT 9/21 n n n NOTICE BY PUBLICATION PATRICIA BATES and KAWASKI BATES, Petitioners, vs. MALIK BATES, a minor, MYA BATES, a minor and GREGORY JACKSON, father,

Respondents. CASE NO: 16 AD 149 TO GREGORY JACKSON: Take notice that on the 23rd day of August, 2016, a Petition for Adoption was filed in the Circuit Court of Winnebago County, Illinois, 17th Judicial Circuit, and that in Room 459 of the Winnebago County Courthouse, 400 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois, 61101, on the 14th day of October, 2016 at the hour of 8:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as this cause may be heard, a hearing will be held upon the Petition for Adoption. Now, unless you appear at the hearing and show cause against the Petition, the Petition may be taken for confessed as against you and an Order, Judgment or Decree entered. Dated at Rockford, Illinois this 31st day of August, 2016. Thomas Klein Clerk of the Circuit Court Patricia Bates 2010 Eastgate Parkway Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 519-6979 6383R TRRT 9/28 n n n NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Personal Property stored by the following individuals from A Place for Space Self Storage L.L.C. P.O. Box 8116 Rockford, IL 61126, a self service storage facility, operated by A Place for Space Self Storage L.L.C. shall be sold at a public auction at the address listed

below. The Auction will be held on or after 10/21/2016 at 9:00 a.m. to enforce the Owner’s lien thereon. If there are no bidders, the property will be otherwise disposed of by owner. Any vehicles sold will not have a title provided to the buyer. Units Located at: 5112 Linden Rd. Rockford IL 61109 9:00 a.m. Alpha Minneyfield Unit #059; Zandra Fournier Unit #078; Dan Boomer Unit #135; Naru Williams Unit #153; Jennifer Mari Unit #175; Tornisha Lake Unit #183; Terry Watkins Jr Unit #410; Juilius Roundtree Unit #415. Units Located at: 3722 Baxter Rd. Rockford IL 61109 10:30 a.m. Rory Snyder Unit #B061. Units Located at: 5315 Sandy Hollow Road Rockford IL 61109 11:00 a.m. Crystal Sargent Unit #S041; Jessica Brown Unit #S079. Units Located at: 1619 N Meridian Rd Rockford IL 61103 12:00 p.m. Danny Harris Unit #M026; Jennifer Bragg Unit #M073; Lillie Penix Unit #M086. Units Located at: 1821 Chrysler Dr. Belvidere IL 61008 1:00 p.m. Tyler Mabbett Unit #C002; Deborah Brenner Unit #C048; Joanne Bustos Unit #C050; Rebecca Rich Unit #C093; Jacquline Mcgee Unit #C106. If unit is not paid in full by


Friday October 14th 2016 at 4 p.m. your unit will be sold to the highest bidder at public auction on Friday October 21st 2016. To register as a buyer please arrive 15 minutes prior to auction with proper identification and payment. You may also register on Thursday October 20th from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at our office located at 5112 Linden Rd. Rockford IL 61109. A Place for Space Self Storage L.L.C. 6405R TRRT 9/21 n n n ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE OF INTENTION STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO This is to certify that the undersigned intend to conduct and transact a Rental business in said County and State under the name of Aqua-Vite at the following post office addresses: 1115 Broadway, Rockford, IL 61104; that the true and real full names of all persons owning, conducting or transacting such business are as follows: Leeform Xayvandy, 347-712-1731 SIGNED: Leeform Xayvandy 9/9/16 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed to) before me, this 9th day of September, A.D. 2016. Margie M. Mullins, COUNTY CLERK Pamela Johnson, DEPUTY 6406R TRRT 9/28

REALESTATE n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.- NATASHA PEARSON, et al Defendant 15 CH 00678 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 6, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 723 GLENDALE AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61108 Property Index No. 12-30-404-023 (174D095). The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-11633. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-11633 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002

Case Number: 15 CH 00678 TJSC#: 36-8754 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I700749 P6324R TRRT 9/14 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC Plaintiff, -v.- MARK ROCKWELL, et al Defendant 16 CH 00194 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 4, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1001 KINGSLEY DRIVE, MACHESNEY PARK, IL 61115 Property Index No. 08-31-402-017 (139D079A). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-02039. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,

Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-16-02039 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00194 TJSC#: 36-6172 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I697541 P6322R TRRT 9/14 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE 14-021159 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS US BANK TRUST NA AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF8 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST; Plaintiff, vs. JOSE R. BERUMEN; NORA Y. BERUMEN; SPRINGLEAF FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.; Defendants, 15CH 752 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 2120 East State Street, Rockford, IL 61104. P.I.N. 11-24-481-031. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 14-021159 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703088 P6371R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE 16-005961 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-67CB, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-67CB Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM G. STEINBORN; TRACY LYNN STEINBORN; THE WESTLAKE VILLAGE MASTER HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION, INC., AN ILLINOIS NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION Defendants, 15CH 1048 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third

Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 13183 Country Meadow Drive, Winnebago, IL 61088. P.I.N. 09-25-128-003. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the condominium Property Act Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 16-005961 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703401 P6399R TRRT 9/28 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE 15-030415 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, vs. DANIEL M. WARLOP; MARTHA C. WARLOP; WINNEBAGO COUNTY SCHOOLS CREDIT UNION; BMO HARRIS BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, FKA AMCORE BANK, N.A.; CITY OF ROCKFORD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION; PAULA B. SKULA; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants, 15CH 958 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 1611 Greenwood Avenue, Rockford, IL 61107. P.I.N. 11-24-330-010. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 15-030415 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703400 P6398R TRRT 9/28


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, -v.- ALVIN D TIDWELL, et al Defendant 15 CH 1033 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 15, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 18, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 3307 CONSTANCE DRIVE, Rockford, IL 61108 Property Index No. 12-31-453-009. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g) (4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information: Visit our website at between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number 251880. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 251880 Case Number: 15 CH 1033 TJSC#: 36-9387 I701221 P6360R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Plaintiff, -v.- DAVID HOLDER, et al Defendant 15 CH 761 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 15, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 18, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 402 SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE, Rockford, IL 61104 Property Index No. 11-25-208-007. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g) (4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF

POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information: Visit our website at between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number 8444. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 8444 Case Number: 15 CH 761 TJSC#: 36-9390 I701222 P6361R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE 16-006389 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY; Plaintiff, vs. JUANITA ROLLINS; THE STATE OF ILLINOIS; PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 16 CH 244 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 715 Trenton Avenue, Rockford, IL 61102. P.I.N. 11-20-455-018. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 16-006389 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703090 P6372R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION A/K/A PHH MORTGAGE SERVICES Plaintiff, -v.- JOBY J. HOLDEN, et al Defendant 15 CH 00553 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 13, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 17, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 3111 MINNESOTA DRIVE, ROCKFORD, IL 61108 Property Index No. 12-31-207-003 (175A253). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-08865. THE JUDICIAL SALES

CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 14-15-08865 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00553 TJSC#: 36-9078 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I701558 P6362R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION A/K/A PHH MORTGAGE SERVICES Plaintiff, -v.- TOMMY W. BUSBY, et al Defendant15 CH 00588 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 13, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 17, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 15402 S. BLUFF STREET, SOUTH BELOIT, IL 61080 Property Index No. 04-07-101-005 (007B306). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-09630. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 14-15-09630 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00588 TJSC#: 36-9074 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I701561 P6363R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS SANTANDER BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.- RADHIKA VORUGANTI, et al Defendant 14 CH 1082 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 15, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 18, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4954 INNSBRUCK DRIVE, ROCKFORD, IL 61114 Property Index No. 12-05-431-024. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale.

The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information: Visit our website at between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number 2661. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 2661 Case Number: 14 CH 1082 TJSC#: 36-9795 I702635 P6366R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE 15-014954 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC; Plaintiff, vs. BEATRICE GULLEY; WINTRUST WEALTH MANAGEMENT; Defendants, 15 CH 617 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 1816 West State Street, Rockford, IL 61102. P.I.N. 11-21-281-022. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 15-014954 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I702437 P6364R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE 15-036765 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC; Plaintiff, vs. STANLEY LUNQUIST AKA STANLEY A. LUNQUIST; NANCY LUNQUIST AKA NANCY J. LUNQUIST; Defendants, 16 CH 38 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 3592 Westfield Road, Winnebago, IL 61088. P.I.N. 14-28-200-002. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 15-036765 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I702456 P6365R TRRT 9/21

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 | n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.- ALMA D. CAMPOS, et al Defendant 16 CH 00496 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 24, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 4, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 313 MIRIAM AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61101 Property Index No. 11-21-208-006. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-05165. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-16-05165 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00496 TJSC#: 36-10512 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702658 P6367R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.- JON C. BADER, et al Defendant 16 CH 00472 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 24, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 4, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1612 BARTON BLVD., ROCKFORD, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-11-257-013. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE

LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-01742. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-16-01742 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00472 TJSC#: 36-10588 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702896 P6368R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR GSAA HOME EQUITY TRUST 2007-6, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-6 Plaintiff, -v.- MICHAEL N. STONE, et al Defendant 15 CH 01121 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 27, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 6, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4507 PERRYRIDGE LANE, LOVES PARK, IL 61111 Property Index No. 1203-211-008. The real estate is improved with a condo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-18743. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 14-15-18743 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 01121 TJSC#: 36-10692 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702920 P6369R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.- LORI ANN BRANNING, et al Defendant 15 CH 00658 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 6, 2015, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 6, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 421 HILTON AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61107 Property Index No. 12-19-454-003. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee

acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-10470. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 14-15-10470 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00658 TJSC#: 36-10690 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702924 P6370R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE 16-006487 F2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY; Plaintiff, vs. JACQULINE R. JOHNSON; DERRICK JOHNSON; THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; Defendants, 16 CH 298 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 2208 Martha Avenue, Rockford, IL 61104. P.I.N. 11-34-427-009. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information call Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 220-5611. 16-006487 F2 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I703091 P6373R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, successor in interest by purchase from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver of Washington Mutual Bank, f/k/a Washington Mutual Bank, FA, Plaintiff, vs. FLORIAN J. GUSKI, BEVERLY A. GUSKI, FLORIAN J. GUSKI LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT NO. 1, STILLMAN BANCCORP, N.A., and RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY BANK, Defendants. STILLMAN BancCORP, N.A., Counter-Plaintiff, vs. FLORIAN GUSKI, BEVERLY A. GUSKI, FLORIAN J. GUSKI LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT NO. 1, RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY BANK, MIDWEST BANKCENTRE, FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, and BMO HARRIS BANK, N.A., Counter-Defendants. Case No. 2012 CH 1518 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale on Second Amended Counterclaim entered in said Court in the above-entitled cause on January 16, 2015, I, Gary Caruana, Sheriff of Winnebago County, or such other Deputy as may be sitting in my stead, will sell at public venue to the highest and best bidder, the following described lands and premises in said


Judgment mentioned or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said Judgment with the terms and conditions set forth herein: A. The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: Jody L. Booher BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA, LLP 6833 Stalter Drive Rockford, Illinois 61108 (815) 962-6611 B. The common address of said property is: 8715 Lovesee Road, Roscoe, Illinois 61073. D. A description of the improvements on the real estate is: 4 bedroom 4 bathroom 2 story with wraparound deck single family residence (approximately 4881 gross living space) located on approximately 10.06 acres. E. The time and place of the sale are: October 6, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at Winnebago County Justice Center, 650 West State Street, Rockford, Illinois. F. The terms of the sale are: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If the property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW, UNLESS THE PROPERTY HAS BEEN JUDICIALLY FOUND TO BE ABANDONED. Dated at Rockford, Illinois, this 31st day of August, 2016. GARY CARUANA SHERIFF OF WINNEBAGO COUNTY PREPARED BY: Jody L. Booher BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA, LLP 6833 Stalter Drive Rockford, Illinois 61108 (815) 962-6611 6374R TRRT 9/21 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN CHANCERY FRED WILLIAMS, Plaintiff, vs. NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY ACQUISITIONS, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, NEFTALI C. SEAGRAVES, an individual, MARCOS L. REYES, an individual, SIEPERT & CO., LLP, a Wisconsin limited liability partnership a/k/a SEIPERT & CO., LLC, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, and unknown owners and non-record claimants, Defendants. No. 2016 CH 366 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE (A) the name, address and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate: Attorney James M. DiVerde, Jr. HOWARD & HARDYMAN, LLP 124 N. Water St., Suite 100 Rockford, IL 61107 (815)964-8888 (B) the common address and other common description (other than legal description), if any, of the real estate: 418 Foster Street Rockford, IL 61102 (D) a description of the improvements on the real estate: Single Family Residential Home (E) the times specified in the judgment, if any, when the real estate may be inspected prior to sale: None (F) the time and place of the sale: September 22, 2016 at 11:00 am Winnebago County Justice Center 650 W. State Street Rockford, IL 61102 (G) the terms of the sale: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. (H) the case title, case number and the court in which the foreclosure was filed: Fred Williams, Plaintiff vs. Northern Illinois Realty Acquisitions, LLC, et. al. 17th Judicial Circuit, State of Illinois, Winnebago County Case No. 2016 CH 366 FRED WILLIAMS, Plaintiff, HOWARD & HARDYMAN, LLP, His Attorneys By: James M. DiVerde, Jr. James M. DiVerde, Jr. - 6312675 HOWARD & HARDYMAN, LLP 124 N. Water St., Suite 100 Rockford, IL 61107 815-964-8888 6359R TRRT 9/14


| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR NOVASTAR MORTGAGE FUNDING TRUST, SERIES 2006-1, NOVASTAR HOME EQUITY LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-1 Plaintiff, -v.- EARL ANDERSEN A/K/A EARL JOHN ANDERSEN A/K/A EARL J. ANDERSEN, et al Defendant 15 CH 00600 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 11, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on September 27, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 2073 S. BEND ROAD, ROCKFORD, IL 61109 Property Index No. 1525-102-002. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-09463. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 14-15-09463 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 15 CH 00600 TJSC#: 36-10255 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702189 P6325R TRRT 9/14 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE PRIMESTAR-H FUND I TRUST Plaintiff, -v.- SCOTT I. COUNTS AKA SCOTT COUNTS, TWYLA M. COUNTS AKA TWYLA COUNTS, DONNA M. BOSS AKA DONNA BOSS, LAURA A. EPSTEIN & ASSOCIATES, LLC Defendant 15 CH 198 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 8, 2016, an

agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 438 COLLINS DRIVE, South Beloit, IL 61080 Property Index No. 04-07-376-013. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $71,091.94. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in AS IS condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, or a unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). In accordance with 735 ILCS 5/15-1507(c)(1)(h-1) and (h2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), and 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), you are hereby notified that the purchaser of the property, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and legal fees required by subsections (g)(1) and (g)(4) of section 9 and the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of section 18.5 of the Illinois Condominium Property Act. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact the sales department, ANSELMO LINDBERG OLIVER LLC, 1771 W. Diehl Road, Suite 150, NAPERVILLE, IL 60563, (630) 453-6960 For bidding instructions, visit www.fal-illinois. com. Please refer to file number F14100190. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. ANSELMO LINDBERG OLIVER LLC 1771 W. Diehl Road, Suite 150 NAPERVILLE, IL 60563 (630) 453-6960 E-Mail: Attorney File No. F14100190 Attorney ARDC No. 3126232 Attorney Code. 3802 Case Number: 15 CH 198 TJSC#: 36-8769 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. S6330R TRRT 9/14 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.- HELEN M. BREWINGTON, et al Defendant 16 CH 00370 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 17, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on

September 29, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1709 IRIS AVENUE, ROCKFORD, IL 61102 Property Index No. 11-33-255-005. The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-04957. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 14-16-04957 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00370 TJSC#: 36-10359 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I702551 P6335R TRRT 9/14 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION Plaintiff, -v.- TRACY L. BENNEY, et al Defendant 16 CH 00069 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 6, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1832 CLINTON STREET, ROCKFORD, IL 61103 Property Index No. 11-13-253-014 (193A513). The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment

creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-15-14904. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: pleadings@ Attorney File No. 14-15-14904 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00069 TJSC#: 36-8753 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I700608 P6323R TRRT 9/14 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS ROCKFORD BELL CREDIT UNION; Plaintiff, vs. CUSTODIO GARCIA; ROCK RIVER WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT; CITY OF ROCKFORD; TENANTS AND PARTIES IN POSSESSION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 15 CH 1112 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,, Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 1620 N. Horsman Street, Rockford, IL 61101. P.I.N. 11-15-278-017. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Ms. Elisa J. Whitman at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Reilly Law Offices, 6801 Spring Creek Road, Rockford, Illinois 61114. (815) 316-8540. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I702452 P6327R TRRT 9/14

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The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 | n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS CIT BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.- FRANCES LAND, et al Defendant 16 CH 00372 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 31, 2016, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 12, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 310 E. SOUTH STREET, DURAND, IL 61024 Property Index No. 05-10-463-008 (334C236C). The real estate is improved with a residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in \”AS IS\” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 Please refer to file number 14-16-04494. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 14-16-04494 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Case Number: 16 CH 00372 TJSC#: 36-10810 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I703275 P6397R TRRT 9/28 n n n IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY, ILLINOIS THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF CWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2006-OC4, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-OC4 Plaintiff, -v.- UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF LUCINDA BOYER A/K/A LUCINDA MARSHALL, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC. AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICAN BROKERS CONDUIT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UNKNOWN OWNERS-TENANTS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO, GREGG MARSHALL Defendant 12 CH 471 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 27, 2015, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 12:30 PM on October 11, 2016, at the NLT TITLE, LLC., 6885 Vistagreen Way, ROCKFORD, IL, 61107, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5527 FOREST HILLS ROAD, Rockford, IL 61114 Property Index No. 12-07-251-001; 12-07-251-022; 12-07-251-023. The real estate is improved with a single unit dwelling. The judgment amount was $147,194.18.

Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in AS IS condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact Plaintiff s attorney: WEISS MCCLELLAND LLC, 105 WEST ADAMS STREET, SUITE 1850, Chicago, IL 60603, (312) 605-3500 Please refer to file number 11-1859. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. WEISS MCCLELLAND LLC 105 WEST ADAMS STREET, SUITE 1850 Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 605-3500 Attorney File No. 11-1859 Case Number: 12 CH 471 TJSC#: 36-10818 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. S6404R TRRT 9/28 n n n REAL ESTATE NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.; Plaintiff, vs. ZACHARY M. PERCELL AKA ZACHARY PERCELL; JOHN P. PERCELL, JR. AKA JOHN PERCELL; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 15 CH 622 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, October 6, 2016, at the hour of 1:00 p.m., Intercounty’s office, 2990 Perryville Road, Third Floor, Suite 2300,Rockford, Illinois 61107, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 1814-1816 Rural Street, Rockford, Illinois 61107. P.I.N. 11-24-252-023. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call The Sales Department at Plaintiff’s Attorney, Anselmo Lindberg Oliver LLC, 1771 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (630) 453-6960. For Bidding instructions visit 24 hours prior to sale. F15060012 I702440 P6326R TRRT 9/14


StatePoint Crossword


1. Rooster to a farmer 6. “Law & Order” character 9. Wild feline 13. Bipolar disorder phase 14. Santa ____, CA 15. Like a Druid, e.g. 16. Mountain climber’s spike 17. Roulette bet 18. “Bravo! Bravo!” 19. ”A Tale of Two ____” 21. E. L. Doctorow novel 23. Feeling blue 24. Bona fide 25. “Big Brother” network 28. Rubik’s puzzle 30. Real life “Citizen Kane” 35. At the end of one’s what? 37. Wine container 39. Charted record 40. Beauty salon straightener 41. Like unspoken agreement 43. Evening purse 44. ”All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich ____ Remarque 46. Low-cal 47. Surfer’s stop 48. Outdoor stone seating 50. They got their revenge? 52. Dunce 53. Gunk 55. Public Enemy’s music 57. ”Wuthering ____” (E. Brontë) 61. Dreiser’s “Sister ____” or King’s “____” 64. Matter of debate 65. ”On ____ Majesty’s Secret

Service” (Ian Fleming) 67. ”For Whom the Bell ____” (E. Hemingway) 69. Tossed starter 70. E in BCE 71. ”Germinal” author ____ Zola 72. Litigant 73. Dreaming stage of sleep 74. Comedy Central’s public humiliation


1. Band aid 2. Nonclerical 3. Naysayer’s favorite prefix 4. Civil unrest, pl. 5. Newbery Medal winner “____ Magee” 6. New Mexico art colony 7. ”Howards ____” (E. M. Forster) 8. Core of personnel 9. Deal with the devil, e.g. 10. Tangerine grapefruit hybrid 11. “Howdy, ____!” 12. Casino chip 15. Long John Silver’s appendage 20. Something concluded 22. Pleasurable interjection 24. Officially cancel 25. Reason for punishment (F. Dostoyevsky) 26. Laundry booster 27. Mushroom’s reproductive structure 29. Canaanite deity 31. Mars, to the Greeks 32. Fraction, e.g.

33. Plural of sputum 34. ”The Book ____” (M. Zusak) 36. ”The Famous Five” author ____ Blyton 38. ”The _ _ _ _ Runner” (K. Hosseini) 42. _ _ _ _ incognita, a.k.a. unknown land 45. Curved like a foot 49. Creation of the right side of the brain 51. One who darts 54. Theater guide 56. Movie trailer, e.g. 57. Snake’s warning 58. Biblical twin 59. ____ of Man 60. ____ gum, food additive 61. Pack like sardines 62. Pelvic parts 63. Corner pieces 66. Old-fashioned “before” 68. Position


September 14-20, 2016 |



1997 MERCEDESBENZ S320 Page 38 & 40


Page 38


Page 39-40



Page 39

Low miles, 4MATIC, 8 cylinders, good condition, garage kept, all leather, fully loaded, black, must see, asking $4,500 or best offer



Page 38


Page 41


Page 41

• Jaguar, XK-XKE • Porsche 356-911912-914 • Austin Healey • MG “T” Series, MGA • Triumph TR 2-3-4-250 • Mercedes 190-220230-250-280 SL • Karmann Ghia • Ferrari • Alfa Romeo • Volvo P1800 • Ford Mustang 19641967 • Old Trucks • Vintage Motorcycles

1997 MERCEDES-BENZ S320 LOW MILES !!!!!! BULLET PROOF WINDOWS, ELEGANT AND CLASSIC, RWD, 6 CYLINDERS (STRAIGHT), 3.2L (One of the Best Motors Ever Built by Mercedes-Benz), Grey Leather Seats, Heated Seats, All Power, Sunroof, Automatic, Fully Loaded, Excellent Condition, Clear Title, Well Maintained and Awesome. No Pets. No Smoking. No Odors. Still Smells New ! Garage Kept. NEW Other Interesting European PARTS: New Brakes, Synthetic Oil/ & American Cars Filter Change, New Sparkplugs, New Cables, New Air Filter. CASH IN HAND Generous Finders Fee TO TEST DRIVE !!!! PRIVATE SELLER PRICE: $4,900.00 or Best Offer CASH ONLY!! NO TRADES ! (815) 227-7005 630-553-9023 CALL OR TEXT 7am-10pm Every day También Hablo Español. TFN CARS/TRUCKSWANTED!!!AllMake/ Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. 2002 Mercedes Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Benz E430 Call Now: 1-888-416-2330. (NANI)

Call 815-703-4875

Page 39

- FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. 97 Dodge Caravan parts - Front Call 1-8 0 0-24 5-0 398 (N A NI) doors, sliding doors, hatch; $50 a piece. Windshield $150. Front fender, good condition, $60. Call CARS Leo at 815-997-8891 anytime. 9/14 WANTED


We Buy Junk Cars $75 and up

Free Pickup We Sell New & Used Auto Parts


1997 Ford Crown Victoria. Excellent condition, new tires. $2,600 or best offer. Call 815-540-1974. 9/14 Buick 2007 Lucerne CX, gold, full power,18,000 miles. Very Nice, $8,000. Call 815-988-2965. 9/14 2011 Ford F150 XLT 4-door tr uck . W hite w ith 4 - w heel drive. Bed cover and liner with toolbox. 63,500 miles, very clean. $21,500. Call 815-397-1461. 9/21

MOTORCYCLES 2005 Honda Shadow 750 Aero, 15 , 5 0 0 mile s . $ 2 , 2 0 0 O B O Windshield/Saddlebags. Runs Great. Email nicnac71@ Rockton, IL. 9/21 WA NTED OLD JA PA NE SE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI Z1-900 (1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000 (19761982), Z1R, KZ 1000MK2 (1979,80), W1-650, H1-500 (1969-72), H2-750 (1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI-GS400, GT380, HONDA-CB750K (19691976), CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH!! 1-800-772-1142 1-310-721-0726 (NANI)

2235 Kishwaukee St. Rockford, IL DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN)

ADVERTISING To place an ad Statewide or Nationwide,contacttheIllinoisPress Advertising Service 217-241-1700 or visit TFN


FURNITURE Antique, very old, small school chair. $10. 779-770-6184. 9/14 Serta Twin Boxspring mattress (box spr ing only), $ 5 0. 2 721 E l l e n A v e . , Ro c k f o r d . 9/ 14 Lane Sleeper Sofa; queen-sized sleeper. Dark brown, excellent condition. $200. 815-387-9007. 9/14 Round maple table w/ 6 chairs, $175. Small oak table w/ 4 chairs, $75. 815-871-7511 after 5 p.m. 9/14 6-drawer dresser and mirror, $25. Computer desk, $15. Gun cabinet, $25. Call 815-218-0373. 9/14 Sofa, like new, removable covers on pillows and cushions for cleaning. $150. Call 815-494-1979. 9/21 Thomasville dining room table and chairs, seats ten, mint condition. $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 815 - 494 -19 7 9. 9/ 21 Coffee table with bevelled glass top, $125. Couch, $125. Two mirrors, one is $150 other is $100. Call 815-227-5611. 9/28 Light oak bedroom set: dresser and two matching nightstands. E xcellent condition. $500 or best offer. 815-965-3733. 9/28 Queen Anne style 2 end tables; 1 sofa table, 1 oval coffee table. Asking $350. 815-319-0602. 9/28 Re cliner, under $ 5 0. G oo d condition, reasonable price. 815997-8670 or 815-319-8183. 9/28 China cabinet, $300; Nichols/ Stone table & 4 chairs with leafs & pads, $300; computer armoire with pullout shelf & lights, $300. 815-227-5611. 9/28

S elf- p ro p el l e d l aw n m o w er with rear bagger. E xcellent condition. $75. Call 815-4943627 or 815-226-39 35. 9/2 8 1960 Schwinn exercise bike. Mint condition, $100. Also Schwinn 5 - s p e e d D e l u x e Ta n d e m . Nice Bike, had a recent tuneup, $175. 815-218-0373. 9/28 1 power lawn mower, $150. 1 push hand mower, $65. Small electric chainsaw, $70. All excellent condition. 815-877-8183. 9/28 Yard Machine snow blower. Electric star t, 8HP, 2 stage. Good condition. Asking $500 or best offer. 815-335-7675. 9/28 Oak Church Pews for sale. St. Mark Lutheran church in Rockford is selling their oak pews. These solid oak pews are in excellant condition, and come in several different lengths. Each pew has a fabric cushioned seat, and are available in lengths from 7’ to 18’. The pews cost $75 each, regardless of length. Further discounts are avable for multiple item purchase. Send inquires and requests for photos to 9/28

SEWING MACHINE Janome Memory Craft 8000; looking to buy or sell parts. 815-985-9834. 9/21


liturgy ever y Sunday at 10:30 am, 2415 Char les St., Suite 20x. Call 815/520-4374. TFN Duplicate Bridge, Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. at the Golden Agers Center. $1 per person. For information call Sandy at 815-877-9660. TFN Looking for the gentleman with rusty blue pickup truck with the name Travis on the side. Please call me, very important. 224-202-3467. 9/14 R V, S P O R T, R E C & G U N CONSIGNMENT SALE, SAT., OCT. 8, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. Please get gun permits to buy, prior to sale. Consign early by Sept. 23, 2016 for complete advertising. Next Machinery Consignment Sale is Nov. 14, 2016. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, LLC, 641-3982218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218.

THRIFT STORES Brooke road united Methodist church thrift shop 1404 Brooke Rd. Lots of clothes-newborn/ kids, men & women’s small to 3X , shoes, knick knack s and household items. Open Wednesday 9 a.m.-12 p.m. TFN Saint Vincent DePaul 610 4th St., Beloit, WI. Clothing, housewares and more. Mon-Sat TFN FHC Thrift Shop 710 broadway 815299-3615 Open Mon-Sat 9am-5pm Call for emergency after hours. TFN 2ND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH THRIFT SHOP 318 North Church St. Open Tuesday 9am-1pm TFN Rockford Memorial Auxiliary Thrift Shop 2830 Glenwood Ave. Open Mon-Fri 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Clothing, housewares, antiques & more Call 815-971-4156 TFN

Looking for someone to paint a mobile home. Taking estimates. 815-963-1998. 9/28 Cash paid for diabetic test strips. LOCAL . 815 -4 0 8 -9 0 8 8. 9/14 TV, radio, stereo, mono, tube hi-fi, audio equipment. NOT INTERESTED IN TV SETS. 815758-6526/815-757-5999. 9/14 Cash for unexpired DIABETIC GARAGE SALES TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855- Downsizing - Lots of neat stuff. TOOLS 440-4001 www.TestStripSearch. Really! 4 8 2 2 Huxley Dr i ve. com. Habla Espanol. (NANI) September 16 & 17, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 9/14 10-inch compound mitre saw. $25. 815-397-1406 or 815-621-0813. 9/14


CLOTHING Marlboro Countr y authentic jean jacket. Leather quilted inside, size large. E xcellent condition. $10. 779-770-6184. 9/14 W hite cr ystal fox fur. L ike new, ladies size 16, stroller length. Also other coats size 14 -18 . 8 15 - 9 8 6 - 8 9 2 7. 9/ 2 8

BURIAL NEEDS Four plots at Sunset Memorial Gardens, Christus Section. $8,000 for all 4 or $2,000 a piece; will sell individually or all together. Seller pays all fees. 815-520-7602. 9/14 1 plot at Sunset Memor ial Gardens (Luther an section), $1,800 + fees. 941-893-5283 or 9/14 Burial plot for sale in Last Supper section of Sunset Memorial Gardens. $1,500.00. Call 815-708-5407. 9/28

24 & 30” electric stoves, 30” Tappan gas stove, gas dr yer. $75 each. 815-398-3762. TFN MISC. FOR SALE Sears Kenmore deep freeze, about 16 cubic feet, chest high. Very good Four showcases w/ lights. $75 condition. $150. 815-873-1913. 9/28 per showcase, fifth free if you buy all four. Call 815-519-9684. 9/14 Weber gas grill with tank. Like AUTO PARTS new. $150. 815-335-7675. 9/14 AUTOS WANTED Dodge Dakota truck top. Blue. Dayton fan duty A/C motor. 1.6hp. Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! 8’ 1.5” x 5’ 5”. $70. 815-397- 208-230 volt. Shaft pulley. $20. Help and Support our Veterans. Fast 1406 or 815-621-0813. 9/14 815-397-1406 or 815-621-0813. 9/14

COME WORSHIP at Kishwaukee Church of Christ. Open daily. TFN USA dance 4th Saturday of every month. Belvidere Community Center. Lesson7-8p.m.,dancing8-11p.m.TFN Recover Me support group. Every Saturday 10 a.m. Katie’s Cup Rockford. All about healing and recovery! TFN GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS Court St. Methodist, Mondays at 6pm. TFN Looking for answers? Try Bible call. 24-hour service - 815-3162650. (Church of Christ). TFN Spir itualis t Chapel in the Woods 8002 Service Rd., Cherry Valley, IL. Sunday Lyceum at 10 a.m., Service at 11 a.m. TFN Positive Image Church Basic Life Skill s Progr ams. Free. 14 0 8 Elm Street. For information: 815/967-9061. TFN FREE REIKI ENERGY HEALING at RVC, 3350 N. Bell School Rd. on Wednesdays, 6-9pm TFN MAYWOOD EFC, 3621 Samuelson Rd. Sunday services, 9 & 10:45 a.m.TFN Al-Anon, support group for families and friends of alcoholics. Help-line: (815) 399-0456. TFN CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS NEEDED sponsor underprivileged & special needs children & adults. Detail s. 815 / 3 32-2 312. T F N Welcome to St . Sebastian Or thodox Church. Traditional

4514 Yale Drive in Rockford

Friday September 16 10 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday September 17 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. NO CLOTHING Antiques, Victorian, Jewelry, Coke, Tools, Lots of Kitchen Items, Books, Carpets, 1000’s of Beads, Holiday Items, Collectables, Household Items EVERYTHING MUST GO

6777 Crown Ridge in Rockford. Friday, Sept. 16 & Saturday, Sept. 17. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Downsizing. Fur nitur e & mis cell aneous household items for sale. 9/14

MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nation’s Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Any where! Call Now: 1-800-864-5960. (NANI) 19.99/mo. for DIRECTV - HD Channels + Genie HD DVR + 3 months FREE HBO, SHOW, MAX & STARZ + FREE NFL Sunday Ticket! Call Now 1-888-552-7314 (MCN)

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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016



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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 Paid Advertisement


Treating Hep C naturally By Julia Michniewicz, N.D. Imagine being diagnosed with Hepatitis C. A new Hepatitis C drug and has been stated to cure Hepatitis C in just 12 weeks. But at what price? A whopping $84,000. That is $1,000 per day per treatment. Curing Hepatitis C is huge for suffers for it can eventually develop into liver cirrhosis or worse liver cancer. So for everyone who can’t afford $84,000 let’s talk about what you can do naturally which will cost under $100.00 a month. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. The most common cause of Hepatitis is viral Hepatitis. Hepatitis B was the most common type of Hepatitis but Hepatitis C is more prevalent in United States after widespread vaccination of Hepatitis B in the 1980’s. Hepatitis C is an RNA virus transmitted through blood transfusion and body fluids. There are about 3.2 million Americans infected with Hepatitis C and about 20,000 die from Hepatitis C. Viral Hepatitis may last for years without any symptoms but even without symptoms, individuals with the Hepatitis virus can still transmit the virus to others. Early Physical Markers If you have the following symptoms you may have a liver problem: • Increase ALT/AST • Dry mouth

• Bitter/metallic taste • Fatigue • Bloating • Jaundice • Right quadrant abdominal pain • Discomfort or pressure under right rib • No appetite • Loss of taste in mouth If left untreated Hepatitis C can cause liver damage leading to cirrhosis or liver cancer. This virus literally attacks liver cells. Hepatitis C virus replicates and when it is inside the cells the body’s own immune system cannot keep up with this viral replication. The liver support that I carry is a combination of herbs proven to improve liver function and inhibit the Hepatitis virus. It lowers ALT/ AST levels and increases antibody production. Studies shows that this liver support suppresses Hepatitis C virus without any toxic effect. Summary If you are seeking a more cost effective and a natural therapy for Hepatitis, please call my office to make an appointment so I can go over your blood reports and talk to you about your health issues. Julia Michniewicz is a Naturopathic Doctor who is celebrating her 17th year cancer free by not doing chemical therapy and radiation. If she can help you, please call her Rockford office at 815-962-3326.

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The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |



Big sugar downplayed heart risks for decades

Industry promoted risks of fat: study By Kathryn Doyle Reuters

In the 1960’s, before conflict of interest disclosure was required, the sugar industry sponsored research promoting dietary fat as an important cause of coronary heart disease, and downplaying the role of sugar, according to a special report online September 12 in JAMA Internal Medicine. A 1967 literature review in The New England Journal of Medicine pointed to fat and cholesterol as the dietary culprits of heart disease, glossing over evidence from the 1950s that sugar was also linked to heart disease. According to the new report, the NEJM review was sponsored by the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF), which is today the Sugar Association, although its role was not disclosed at the time. In the report, Laura A. Schmidt of the University of California, San Francisco and colleagues point out that Harvard professor of nutrition Dr. Mark Hegsted co-directed the SRF’s first heart disease research project from 1965 to 1966. Schmidt and colleagues say communications between the SRF, Hegsted and another professor, Roger Adams, uncovered from the University of Illinois archives and the Harvard Medical Library reveal that the foundation set the objective for the literature review, funded it and reviewed drafts of the manuscript. “I thought I had seen everything but this one floored me,” said Marion Nestle of New York University, who wrote an editorial on the new findings. “It was so blatant. And the ‘bribe’ was so big.” “Funding research is ethical,” Nestle told Reuters Health by email. “Bribing researchers to produce the evidence you want is not.” The researchers also reviewed symposium proceedings and historical reports. In 1954, they say, foundation president Henry Haas

gave a speech highlighting the potential of reducing American fat intake and recapturing those calories as carbohydrates that would increase the per capita consumption of sugar more than a third. In 1962, an American Medical Association nutrition report indicated that low-fat high-sugar diets may actually encourage the development of cholesterol. Two years later, according to the new report, SRF vice president John Hickson proposed that the SRF embark on a major program to counter “negative attitudes toward sugar.” Increasingly, epidemiological reports suggested that blood sugar, rather than blood cholesterol or high blood pressure, was a better predictor of atherosclerosis. Two days after The New York Herald Tribune ran a full page story on the link to sugar in July 1965, the SRF approved “Project 226,” a literature review on cholesterol metabolism to be led by Hegsted and, among others, Fredrick Stare,

another Harvard nutritionist with industry financial ties. Nine months later, Schmidt and colleagues write, Hegsted explained that the project was delayed to continually rewrite rebuttals to new evidence linking sugar to heart disease that had been published in the interim. By September of 1966, according to the report, Hickson was requesting additional drafts of the literature review from the Harvard researchers, though there is no direct evidence that the Foundation commented on or edited the drafts. By November 2, Hickson had approved the latest draft as “quite what we had in mind.” The two-part review, concluding that the only change necessary to prevent heart disease was to reduce dietary fat intake, was published in the NEJM the following year, with no mention of the SRF’s participation. The journal did not require conflict of interest disclosure until 1984. “The sugar association paid very prestigious

Harvard scientists to publish a review focusing on saturated fat and cholesterol as the main causes of heart disease at the time when studies were starting to accumulate indicating that sugar is a risk factor for heart disease,” Schmidt told Reuters Health by phone. “That has an impact on the whole research community and where it’s going to go.” “For example a lot of the messaging during this period around how to prevent heart disease focused on, why don’t you use margarine rather than butter, which has less saturated fat,” Schmidt said. Now we know that margarine is full of trans fat, which causes heart disease and has been nearly eradicated from the U.S. food supply. “When manufacturers took out fat they added sugar,” she said. “We’ve really lost a lot of time in evaluating how sugar impacts coronary heart disease,” but the actual impact on public health over the last five decades is impossible to measure. Large amounts of sugar and saturated fats are both detrimental to health and their effects are hard to separate, Nestle said, but it seems reasonable to keep sugar intake to about 10 percent of daily calories. Today, industry money still funds plenty of scientific research, but increasingly journals and scientists disclose these funding sources, Schmidt said. “We acknowledge that the Sugar Research Foundation should have exercised greater transparency in all of its research activities, however, when the studies in question were published funding disclosures and transparency standards were not the norm they are today,” the Sugar Association told Reuters Health in a statement. “Beyond this, it is challenging for us to comment on events that allegedly occurred 60 years ago, and on documents we have never seen.” “The Sugar Association is always seeking to further understand the role of sugar and health, but we rely on quality science and facts to drive our assertions,” the statement said.

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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Farm & Ag

Soybean use exceeded projections; did corn fall short? By Debra Levey Larson U of I News Bureau

URBANA – The 2015-16 marketing year for corn and soybeans ended August 31. The USDA’s quarterly Grain Stocks report to be released on Sept. 30 will reveal the magnitude of the total consumption of those two crops during the year and the magnitude of stocks available for use duringthe2016-17marketingyear.Accordingtoa UniversityofIllinoisagriculturaleconomist,based on data currently available, soybean consumption exceeded the forecast of 3.889 billion bushels contained in the USDA’s August World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report. “There is more uncertainty about the magnitude of corn consumption because feed and residual use during the final quarter of the year is never known until the Sept.1 stocks estimate is released,” says Darrel Good. Good reports that soybean consumption has exceeded the USDA August projection due to a very strong pace of exports. The USDA has projected marketing-year exports at 1.88 billion bushels. Cumulative export inspections for the year totaled 1.886 billion bushels. However, cumulative Census Bureau export estimates through the first 11 months of the year exceeded inspections by 53 million bushels. “Assuming that margin persisted through August, marketing-year exports totaled 1.939 billion bushels, 59 million bushels more than projected and

97 million bushels more than the record-large exports of the previous year.” The USDA projected the marketing-year domestic soybean crush at 1.9 billion bushels. Based on the USDA’s monthly Fats and Oils: Oilseed Crushings,Production,ConsumptionandStocks report, the crush during the first 11 months of the year totaled 1.746 billion bushels. Good says that to reach 1.9 billion bushels for the year, the crush during August needed to be 154 million bushels. That is 9.4 million bushels, or 6.5 percent, larger than the crush during August 2015. The combined crush in June and July this year was 2.5 percent larger than the crush in those two months last year. “It appears that the marketing-year crush may have fallen 5 million bushels or so short of the USDA projection,” Good says. The National Oilseed Processors Association estimate of the August crush by its members will be released on Sept.15. Good says that report will provide a reasonable estimate of the total crush for the month. For the first 11 months of the year, the USDA crush estimate averaged 6.4 percent larger than the NOPA estimate. The USDA’s estimate of the August crush will be released on Oct. 3. For corn, the USDA’s August WASDE report projected 2015-16 marketing-year exports at 1.925 billion bushels. Cumulative export inspections for the year totaled 1.841 billion bushels.

However, cumulative Census Bureau export estimates through the first 11 months of the year exceeded inspections by 67 million bushels. Assuming that margin persisted through August, marketing-year exports totaled only 1.908 billion bushels, 17 million bushels short of the projection. The USDA has projected corn used for production of ethanol and co-products during the 2015-16 marketing year at 5.2 billion bushels. Based on the USDA’s monthly Grain Crushings and Co-Products Production report, use during the first 11 months of the year totaled 4.748 billion bushels. “To reach 5.2 billion bushels for the year, the crush during August needed to be 452 million bushels,” Good says. “Based on weekly ethanol production estimates provided by the U.S. Energy Information Agency, ethanol production during August 2016 was 1.04 percent larger than in July 2016. If the mix of feedstocks and the ethanol yield per bushel of feedstock was the same in August as in July, corn use would have totaled 460 million bushels. It appears that use for the year may have been 5.208 billion bushels, slightly larger than the USDA projection.” The USDA’s estimate of the August corn crush will be released on Oct. 3. The USDA has projected feed and residual use of corn during the 2015-16 marketing year at 5.2 billion bushels. Based on the quarterly

Grain Stocks reports released in January, March, and June of this year, use during the first three quarters of the year totaled 4.552 billion bushels. “To reach 5.2 billion bushels for the year, use during the last quarter needed to be 648 million bushels,” Good says. “That would be 110 million bushels larger than use during the same quarter last year and the largest use for the quarter in seven years. Use at that level would be somewhat surprising given the level of livestock and poultry inventories during the quarter and the widely expected increase in wheat feeding during the summer months. However, because revealed use varies substantially from quarter to quarter, use at that higher level cannot be ruled out.” Good concludes that the magnitude of soybean and corn inventories carried into the 2016-17 marketing year is of some importance given the large crops expected this year. “Based on currently available consumption information for the 2015-16 marketing year, it appears that stocks of soybeans at the end of the year may have totaled about 200 million bushels, 55 million bushels less than projected in the August WASDE report,” Good says. “Stocks of corn may have been larger than the projection of 1.706 billion bushels based on expectations of smaller than projected feed and residual use during the summer. For both crops, however, the USDA’s Sept. 1 stocks estimate has often differed from expectations.”

Why every bushel of corn matters for US balance sheet By Karen Braun Reuters


he United States will certainly harvest a huge corn crop in 2016, so it hardly matters if yield falls by a couple of bushels, right? Actually, it does. Without dissecting the balance sheet and crunching the numbers, it might be hard to understand why slight variations in yield make a big difference in domestic supply. Last month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture projected that domestic farmers will harvest 15.15 billion bushels of corn over the next couple of months, which would easily set a new record for the world’s leading corn supplier. USDA also penciled in 2.409 billion bushels of corn carryover at the end of the 2016/17 marketing year, which began on Sept. 1. This would be the largest such volume since the late 1980s. Since the rest of the world thinks in metric tons (tonnes), it is helpful to think of 2.409 billion bushels as 61.2 million tonnes. For comparison’s sake, Brazil, the world’s No. 3 corn producer, is slated to grow 80 million tonnes of corn in its upcoming season. USDA’s current U.S. corn yield of 175.1 bushels per acre is propping up domestic supply

projections in a big way, but what if yield falls short of that target? And how much would we have to lose to flip market sentiment? All components of the 2016/17 U.S. corn balance sheet are subject to potentially drastic changes as the marketing year is just hours old, but let us assume that all variables remain constant except for yield in order to see how variations affect the supply. Under the same 86.55 million harvested acres, trimming yield by 1 bushel to 174.1 bushels per acre removes 85 million bushels, or 2.2 million tonnes, from the harvest. This is a relatively negligible difference if demand does not change, but 174.1 bushels per acre may be an optimistic estimate. If final corn yield, which will be revealed in January, ends up at USDA’s original 2016 trend value of 168 bushels per acre, this would reduce production by 613 million bushels. This converts to about 15.6 million tonnes – a few percentage points lower than the volume of corn shipped last season by the world’s No. 4 supplier, Ukraine. The 168 bushel-per-acre figure is now on the low end of industry estimates, but based on summer weather patterns and recent field observations, this number may be just as much

in the mix as 175.1 bushels per acre. And replacing 175.1 with 168 on the current U.S. corn balance sheet would bring the 2016/17 carryout of 2.409 billion bushels to 1.796 billion bushels. This is much closer to the previous two seasons, 1.731 billion (2014/15) and 1.706 billion (2015/16). ( Corn yield would have to come in at or below the 170.2 bushels per acre projected by farm advisory service Pro Farmer for a carryout below the 2 billion-bushel mark. Even though it is not entirely logical, simply seeing a “1” instead of a “2” in front of carryout could curb some of the corn market’s bearish momentum of late. In the last two seasons, corn harvested area fell on average about half a million acres from the August estimate to the January final number after all land registrations to the Farm Service Agency (FSA) were counted and considered. Many analysts believed that the economics this year did not favor as many corn acres as USDA reported in its June 30 acreage report, so area could be on its way down again. Let us see what would happen if the current 86.55 million harvested acres became 86.0 million instead. If USDA’s optimistic 175.1 bushel-per-acre

yield proves true, the new harvested area assumptions remove only 94 million bushels from production. But if yield were reduced to the 168 bushel-per-acre trend, this would remove 700 million bushels from production, cutting ending stocks to 1.704 billion bushels. In January, the actual production – harvested area and yield – will be the first piece cemented into the 2016/17 balance sheet. But the demand side of the ledger is subject to large changes for at least another year from today, so it is a bit difficult to pick out numbers and draw up scenarios right away. Either way it is clear that very moderate and reasonable changes to area and yield can easily cut supply right back down to last year’s levels, so even slight bumps in demand can send carryout even lower throughout the next year. And increasing demand is not a terrible assumption. Domestic ethanol production has been very strong this summer and major competitor Brazil is coming off a disappointing harvest, to mention just two factors. So if you find yourself wondering, “Do I really need to nitpick over 1 bushel per acre?” Yes, you probably should.

The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |

Autumn weed control and management By Grant McCarty Local Foods and Small Farms Educator, University of Illinois Extension

With shutting down of the garden, now is a great time to refocus on weed management and think about better weed control strategies for next year. As a reminder, a weed is an unwanted plant. It has the ability to colonize the soil quickly, produce many weed seeds, and outcompete your crops. Our main goal at the end of the season is to prevent weed seeds from entering the weed seed bank. The weed seed bank is the soil our plants are growing in. If any weed seeds enter the soil, they may germinate this season before the first frost in our area or overwinter until next season when we till our soil. Some seeds can even spend years in the soil waiting for the right time to germinate and grow. Removing dead vegetable plants from your garden will see some weed plants removed as well. Try to keep any weed seeds from entering the garden as you shut the garden down. If your garden is finished for the season, remove the plants sooner than later as any extra weeks the garden goes

“native” could result in seeds entering this weed seed bank. It is also important to catalog what weeds you saw this season. While you might not have been able to control them, take photos of different growth stages and have these properly identified. In my garden, I dealt with Pennsylvania Smartweed for numerous years and by having it properly identified, I knew what would work and what wouldn’t work to control it. Crop rotation can be planned in the fall as it is the perfect time to sit down and make sure your garden plan was what you actually planted. Cover crops can still be planted, particularly rye and wheat, that will outcompete weeds this next month and cover the soil for over the winter. The winter is also a good time to look at your tools and equipment for weed management. You might find that you need to replace some of these that just are not doing a good job during the season. Grant McCarty’s tips and tricks for local eating and your at-home garden appear every week in The Rock River Times.

Ma Schier & Aunt Millie’s Recipe of the Week By Frank Schier Editor & Publisher

The Dearly Departed Sisters were big on picnics when we were young. Sinnissippi Park plus our famous picnic basket full of cookery, skewers, a table cloth, hot dogs, a can of beans and marshmallows, combined into a quick meal after school in the

spring or fall when Ma was not attending night courses at Rockford College, unless she planned in advance, which was her trademark. Usually, more complicated dishes like Ma’s cherry, olive, and walnut jello salad, sweet potatoes with brown sugar or this potato salad were for combined family dinners on holidays or Sundays.

Ma Schier and Aunt Millie’s Recipe of the Week

Armenian Dilled Picnic Potato Salad 2 1/2 lbs 1C 6 2 1/4 C 2T 3T

boiled potatoes olive oil scallions onions minced mint leaves snipped dill salt and pepper lemon juice

Prep: 2 1/2 lbs, boiled potatoes, cook, peeled, and cubed, in a large bowl while still warm, Add 1 cup olive oil, 6 scallions, 2 onions, both thin sliced, and 1/4 cup minced mint leaves. Add two table spoons snipped dill, and salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with 3 tablespoons lemon juice and toss. Cecile Schier and Mildred McCartney, Gourmet Magazine, 7-70; printed 9-14-16.

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| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Mr. Green Car

Celebrating National Drive Electric Week

By Allen Penticoff Contributor


nce again, National Drive Electric week is here. Join Mr. Green Car and other electric car owners at the Unitarian Universalist Church lower parking lot on Thursday from 3-7 p.m. The church address is 4848 Turner Street, northeast of the intersection of State St. & Alpine Rd. Last year was our first Rockford area celebration, we had a number of electric cars, plug-in hybrids, an electric bicycle and a fast electric motorcycle – ridden by a little ol’ lady no less. Stop by and talk to owners about their experiences with electric vehicles. There are events like this all over the country and the world this week – most are far grander than the Rockford area event from the accounts I get from Plug-In America’s event captain list-serve. Everyone is very enthusiastic. There are now a dozen electric cars on the market. Many used EVs are available at bargain prices. The auto manufacturing business is not making these cars as a fluke – they see

the writing on the wall and that writing says that sustainably produced electric energy is to be our future. Driving around in dinosaur powered vehicles will be unfathomable in the not too distant future – actually, most of us won’t be driving at all – the vehicle will do all the driving and we won’t have to own it. In the meanwhile, us “early adopters” love driving around in our very practical electric cars. Few worry about running out of battery power as the range available to most is well within their everyday needs without recharging at a destination (Rockford is still woefully lacking charging points). Driving an EV means clean, quiet, fast transportation that costs far less to operate than a conventional car with gasoline power. Tesla and Chevrolet will soon have two groundbreaking EV automobiles on the market – the Tesla Model 3 and the Chevrolet Bolt. Both will be priced at about $35,000 before tax credits and both will have 200 miles of all-electric range – with no backup engine. My wife and I are moving out of Rockford to a nice quiet house on the Sugar River near

Brodhead, Wisconsin. She will be commuting to work for a few years yet and it is our plan to replace her 2013 Chevy Volt with a new Chevy Bolt when it becomes available. With the Bolt’s 200 mile range, she should easily be able to make a pollution-free round trip to work of about 110 miles and do some errands. Presently the Volt would only be able to do the first 40 miles on electricity alone – with the possibility that some days she can recharge at work and get 40 miles on the way home. But with the Bolt – no problem with having an all-electric daily commute. Why the Bolt and not the Tesla? Simply – there are

two Chevrolet dealerships within a few miles of our new home. Have a problem? Easy to resolve. Is the Tesla Model 3 better? Perhaps, but I’ve yet to see one, I have sat in a Bolt and know it will do what we need it to do. Besides, I’m sort of a “Chevy guy.” Anyway. Come join the EV crowd at our event on Thursday. I hope we can even make some test drives available. National Drive Electric Week Rockford is sponsored by: Plug-In American, Sierra Club, Electric Auto Association, Nissan – Leaf, and the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church.

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The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016 |



Cubs’ Hendricks flirts with history By Cat Garcia Contributor


s the regular season rapidly approaches its final act, the Chicago Cubs are proving that there is simply no shortage of exciting moments to revel in despite holding a strong 17 game lead over the St. Louis Cardinals and quickly approaching a division clincher. Monday evening, MLB ERA leader and Cubs starting pitcher Kyle Hendricks stunned a crowd of 43,397 Cardinals and Cubs fans in attendance at Busch Stadium with an almost no-hitter. Hendricks took the no-no into the bottom of the ninth inning before surrendering the only run of the game for St. Louis, a home run to Cardinals outfielder Jeremy Hazelbaker. Hendricks was then pulled from the game and replaced with closer Aroldis Chapman to finish out the victory and preserve Hendricks’ outstanding start. Questions continue to loom around Cubs starter Jason Hammel, who has put together a more convincing second half than he has in past seasons with an ERA of 3.58 in the second half – not far off from his 3.48 mark from the first half. But after giving up 31 hits over his last four starts while allowing 18 earned runs over just 16.4 innings, folks are beginning to feel comfortable with the idea of Hammel not making the starting roster in October. But speaking of October rosters, fans need not concern themselves with thoughts about that just yet, according to Cubs General Manager Jed Hoyer. “As we get into that last week to 10 days, those will be important conversations. But right now it seems premature to talk about that, in part because we have 20 more games left. There’s plenty of time to

line those things us.” Hoyer told the media in St. Louis. So sit tight Cubs fans, there’s still plenty of regular season baseball to focus on, and as Hendricks and the likes have proven recently, it’s surely to be nothing short of entertaining. The Cubs will finish out their series in St. Louis on Wednesday afternoon before traveling back home to Chicago for the last homestand of the regular season. They will face the Brewers for a four-game set beginning on Thursday night at Wrigley Field. • On the South Side, the season continues to wind down, but in less of an anticipatory fashion that it has on the north side. However, just as the starting staff on the north side has given Cubs fans something to occupy them, one could say that the White Sox staff is doing the same. Friday night against the Kansas City Royals, White Sox starter Carlos Rodon shined. Rodon pitched six solid innings while giving up just one earned run, walking two, and striking out six. Rodon has increased his changeup usage in the second half of the season, which has been a key part of his recent success. “I didn’t know it was that good until I started throwing it. Then I built confidence with it,” Rodon said of the pitch. Rodon is currently posting a 3.80 ERA on the season. The bad luck has continued for starter Chris Sale however, who pitched his third consecutive gem while still getting the loss. Sale took the mound Sunday afternoon against the Kansas City Royals, going eight innings while allowing just one walk with 12 strikeouts. Sale did give up two home runs on the afternoon, and continues to struggle against Royals first baseman Eric Hosmer. On Sunday, during the sixth inning, Hosmer


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smacked a solo home run off Sale to give the Royals a 2-0 lead. Hosmer is now the only left-handed batter who has three career home runs against Sale. Starting pitcher Miguel Gonzalez, who had been on the 15-day DL with a groin strain, is now back in the rotation and has had two successful starts since his return to action. Gonzalez went 6.1 and 6.2 innings respectively in each of his starts since his return from the DL, and struck out four in each outing. Gonzalez has now lowered his ERA to an


From Back Cover

from the second half on Sunday won’t be the team they are two months from now. It isn’t time to be bearish or bullish on any stock of this team. Time will tell whether an investment is worthy of being made.

Week 2 vs. Eagles The Bears didn’t win a home game until October in their only victory at Soldier Field last season. A prime time matchup at home against a rookie quarterback in Philadelphia must feel like a godsend. When the Bears are on defense: The Eagles are a step down from all of the explosiveness the Texans offered. While rookie quarterback, Carson Wentz, propelled the Eagles to a 29-10 win against the Browns – setting or tying several rookie records – it’s a different animal to go on the road on national television against a competent defense. No one’s going to confuse Cleveland’s defense for last year’s Broncos, so a front seven that is dramatically more talented in Chicago under the tutelage of one of the league’s best coordinators in Vic Fangio, figures to have fun. The key here will be to rattle Wentz. No quarterback can play well under constant duress and that’s magnified when said player is only playing his second professional game. You can expect the Bears to throw the book at Wentz, mixing up coverages, zone blitzes, etc. The Bears will also likely be the aggressor in the trenches this time around. The Eagles do have some talent at the skill positions in receiver Jordan Matthews and tight end Zach Ertz, but with Kyle Fuller’s return and Trevathan’s skill in covering tight ends, both don’t present matchup problems for Philadelphia to exploit. When the Bears are on offense: The Bears

efficient 3.82 on the season. The White Sox will continue their series against the Cleveland Indians at U.S. Cellular Field before heading out on the road to face the Kansas City Royals again this weekend, the teams last meeting with the Royals in 2016. Cat is a Staff Writer for BP Wrigleyville and BP Southside, Baseball Prospectus’ blogs covering Chicago baseball, and a Contributor for Follow her on Twitter: @TheBaseballGirl. won’t face a team with as talented a defense like the Texans until Minnesota at home on Halloween. That being said, the Eagles have some lynchpins on a rebuilding defense. Defensive tackle Fletcher Cox is one of the best defensive linemen in football. The 25-year-old is a matchup problem on the interior for almost every offensive line, except these Bears. Given the interior trio of Pro Bowlers Josh Sitton, Kyle Long, and the young Whitehair, it’s hard to see Cox making much of an impact, provided the Bears’ trio plays up to expectations. Cox can transcend individual blocks though, so you have to double team him and watch for stunts and twists. This is something the Bears struggled with against Houston given their lack of chemistry, but they had to deal with more pass rush threats there. On the outside, former Texan Connor Barwin is another of the game’s best edge defenders. After right tackle Bobby Massie consistently had Whitney Mercilus and JJ Watt run by him, Barwin presents a new concern. It’s fair to expect Philadelphia to line Barwin up against Massie as much as possible given his pass protection struggles. Loggains needs to be conscientious and have guys like tight end Zach Miller and fullback Paul Lasike offer chip blocks to slow Barwin down. A ground game that saw just 18 carries last week also needs to get going and take pressure off of Chicago’s tackles. Expect a better commitment to the committee approach between Jeremy Langford, Ka’Deem Carey, and Jordan Howard. There’s no reason the Bears can’t run against the Eagles’ relatively weaker linebacker core of Mychal Kendricks and company. Early pick: Bears 30 Eagles 17 Robert Zeglinski is a staff writer for SB Nation and managing editor at No Coast Bias. Follow Robert on Twitter:@RobertZeglinski.

| The Rock River Times | | September 14-20, 2016

Bears turn ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ in Houston loss By Robert Zeglinski



et’s be honest. As expected, the dominance of the ’85 Bears did not make a re-appearance on Sunday. Everyone expected the modern Bears to fall as they did, 23-14 against the Texans, the reigning AFC South champions.

Of course, there aren’t moral victories since they came up short, but believe, that in spots, the Bears actually resembled a good football team. Good teams don’t play well selectively though, so the Bears are far from quality, at least yet. A team that has 18 new starters on both sides of the ball is going to have stretches where everything looks discombobulated. Chicago has upgraded many positions, but a lot of that talent is still green, and most of that talent, has never played together. In two halves on Sunday, we saw this stark contrast. Jay Cutler carried over his efficient play from a season ago against a monstrous Houston defense and finished the first half with a blistering 141.8 passer rating. When given time, Cutler will pick any defense apart. A new look offensive line seemed to be giving him just that.

Complimented by a defense that took the ball away on a Tracey Porter interception, the Bears held a 14-10 lead at the half, but the warning signs were present. A lot of the success the Bears offense enjoyed early stemmed from simply throwing the ball up to your best and really only consistent playmaker in Alshon Jeffery. Jeffery is a tremendous talent (four receptions, 105 yards) that showcased his ability to high point the ball on two dimes from Cutler, setting up both of the Bears’ scores, but you can game plan around an offense with just one guy to truly worry about. Jeffery was held without a catch in the second half, as the Texans bracketed him and dared Cutler to test other options, which he couldn’t successfully do. If the formula on offense is based on jump balls to your number one receiver, this offense will have deeper set issues. And simply put, Houston’s offensive line pushed the Bears front seven around. Houston routinely worked its way to the second level, getting plenty of movement on the Bears’ defensive line. Chicago needs to anchor better in the future as this team is built around the defense. The Texans were among the teams that were the worst possible matchup for the new-look Bears in the first week. Houston was well equipped to take advantage of all of the new moving parts on the offensive line, on the

back end, and the general lack of continuity. They’re just decisively a better team right now. The Texans dominated the time of possession – 36:19 to the Bears’ 23:41 – and both of their fronts corralled the Bears’ offensive and defensive lines, the recipe for success in this league. But the Bears didn’t do themselves any favors either. If Cutler doesn’t fumble a snap from rookie center Cody Whitehair on fourth and short in Texans’ territory late in the first quarter, maybe the Bears build a daunting 14-0 lead. If rookie receiver Kevin White doesn’t stop running his route on a miscommunication with Cutler on the Bears’ first possession of the second half – where Cutler threw the ball to an area he believed White would be – perhaps the Bears offense isn’t thrown out of sync. When you gain just three first downs in 30 minutes though, it’s fair to blame it on more than one play. Momentum is a fickle concept. If John Fox challenges the spot on Texans quarterback Brock Osweiler’s sneak on third and one in the third quarter, where the Bears appeared to stand him straight up, perhaps the Texans kick a field goal, and the Bears maintain striking distance. Yet, if you’re playing hypotheticals in this league, you won’t come out on top. It’s just rationalizing. The disparity in talent and experience between teams will be on display as the deciding factor in most cases, as it was on Sunday. But the former “what-ifs” can and likely will improve. Whitehair and White are two young, potentially dynamic but inexperienced building blocks. The latter is in-game-decision making we’ve seen before from Fox. Stay tuned. With Whitehair’s gaffe, both men accepted

the blame for the play’s execution but Whitehair was at fault, given he engaged his block too early. He even said, “It was on me, I just got to hike it a little bit higher.” The rookie had a fine debut on short notice considering he had 10 meaningful snaps at center in the preseason. But he’s going to have to improve on the finer details. As noted, even Cutler, who was sacked five times and hit 13, understands the process for Whitehair and the rest of the offensive line. “I’d say it’s just time and experience.” For perspective, the Bears would do well to set up two to three step drops in a quicker passing game while the guys up front gel. First year offensive coordinator Dowell Loggains needs to dial up a more manageable game plan while everything settles, otherwise the fine wine of the aging Cutler won’t last long. That ideal extends to White too. White looked lost on the field, as a technical raw rookie should in his first action in 16 months. Cutler did take the blame on his interception, “It left my hand, it’s my responsibility”, but that’s just leadership covering up for the clearly uncomfortable White. Getting the ball to White on short patterns in space early and often needs to be a priority to give the rookie a measure of comfort as he grows. The 2016 Bears are better than last year’s iteration. The defense featuring inside linebackers Danny Trevathan and Jerrell Freeman – who combined for 28 tackles – along with nose Eddie Goldman and rookie outside linebacker, Leonard Floyd, is noticeably more athletic and talented. As a whole, the Bears See BEARS on Page 47

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