EXT. GRAVEYARD- EVENING It is raining. A huddle of people, all dressed in black, stand around a group of coffins. One of the people; HORATIO walks from the coffins.
EXT. CITY STREETS- EVENING Horatio walks home, moving through a muddy/ rainy city.
EXT. APARTMENT BULIDING- EVENING Horatio stands for a moment before entering the building.
INT. APATMENT BUILDING- EVENING Horatio climbs two flights of stairs and then continues to his apartment. Horatio fumbles with his keys a moment before finally finding the right key. He opens the door to the apartment.
INT. HORATIO’S APARTMENT- EVENING The apartment is dark. The apartment is small. Everything is neat, except for the couch, which has a blanket and pillows arranged on it. Horatio doesn’t bother to turn on the lights. He walks to his small kitchen and pours himself a glass of whiskey. Horatio takes his glass and sits on the couch. This is the first good look at Horatio we get. He is in his mid to late 20’s, he looks extremely tired. Horatio looks at the blanket a moment before taking another sip of whiskey.
HORATIO (He talks at the blanket) Well friend, you told me to tell your story.
Horatio picks up a piece of paper and starts writing on it.