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1 FEATURES ACCOUNTABILITY AND ASPIRATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Clay Thomas, Chair/Board of Trustees IN FAREWELL TO DAVID FELDMAN 3 Denita Banks-Sims, Director of Development & Publications THANK YOU, MIKE RUDDY 4 Patrick O’Connor, Alumnus, Class of 1978 DEPARTING STAFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FOUNDERS DAY 2022 PHOTO ESSAY 8 ALUMNI UPDATES 9 Juliette Olejnik, Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Fund PASSINGS 15 PARTING THOUGHTS 17 Denita Banks-Sims, Director of Development & Publications COVER ART Study of Leaves acrylic painting by Jude Bojaj, Grade 9 KITTABLE OF CONTENTS David Fluent Associate Head for Operations Denita Banks-Sims Director of Development Keeping in Touch Editorial Committee Katie Buchmann Editor Bonnie Schemm Art Director Contributors Denita Banks-Sims Katie PatrickSusannahMichellePatrickBuchmannHarrisCarolynLettMcEvoyPaulineNagleNicholsO’Connor1978JulietteOlejnikAlexPedicaMarciaRuffClayThomasReanneYoung THE ROEPER SCHOOL 41190 WoodwardMichiganBloomfieldAvenueHills48304 coeducationalThewww.roeper.org248/203-7300RoeperSchoolisanindependentdayschool for gifted and talented students preschool through grade 12 and an equal-opportunity institution EDUCATING AND INSPIRING GIFTED STUDENTS TO THINK AS INDIVIDUALS AND TO ENGAGE AS A COMMUNITY WITH COMPASSION FOR EACH OTHER AND THIS WORLD

Clay Thomas Chair/Board of Trustees

• A long history of multi-cultural curriculum and extra-curriculum, with the establishment of important traditions like the annual MLK, Jr Day observance, honoring local and national civil rights and justice leaders through the Roeper Gala and Golden Apple Awards, hosting conferences on equity in gifted education, and developing communitywide anti-racism educational events, like the Juneteenth anti-Black racism forum

• Creating and maintaining the country’s longest-running implementation of the nationally recognized SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) program for teachers, while expanding the opportunity to staff, parents, trustees, and students


None of the above excuses individual or institutional accountability for recent or past failings to live up to our community’s values   We also know that no one asks harder questions about itself or demands more from itself than the Roeper community does about itself As we strive toward our continuing aspirations to manifest George and Annemarie Roeper’s vision, we will continue to work to earn your support and commitment Your partnership is essential F

• Roeper was the first integrated independent school in Michigan


• We have sought to serve all socio-economic backgrounds, regardless of ability to pay, with a robust financial aid program


We want to start by making very clear that Roeper takes full responsibility for and deeply regrets the racist incident that occurred when a recent classroom lesson included insidious and hurtful racist tropes — tropes that are irreconcilable with the Roeper Philosophy and our community’s core Itvalueswas inexcusable

• Using our camp facilities and staff to host Make-a-Splash, a week-long summer program for Black and Hispanic children to learn lifesaving swim lessons

• Developing and funding A Matter of Equity, a long-term private/public partnership with Detroit Public Schools Community District designed to educate and train Detroit public school and Roeper teachers, psychologists, and counselors on serving gifted students from underserved populations

We know there is much work to do to take full accountability for it and to regain the trust of everyone affiliated with the school — most especially, our current students and parents We want to reassure you that in a world that is still plagued by systemic racism, it is our full intention and commitment to do the work internally to address how that shows up in the Roeper community We have fallen short of our founding, our mission, and our philosophy, but those will undergird us as we move forward We plan to demonstrate this by our future actions — including our commitment to educational equity in Southeast Michigan and beyond A Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) audit was recently completed, and this exhaustive investment was designed to help us move closer to our aspirations and was more than a year in the making While we wouldn’t have ever wished this crisis at any level, we are grateful for the counsel and guidance that is now available for our implementation as we move forward

While moving forward, we will be keeping in mind the ways the school has prioritized the practice of racial and social justice throughout its history, so we can enlarge our commitment to building a more inclusive, more just, and kinder world

Denita Banks-Sims Director of Development &


• Leading the vision for the Dennis Naas Learning Commons in the center of the Birmingham Campus, a robust intersection of academic and social space with the Jimmy and Vi Kitchen, Café, new Library, a soon-tobe-completed Learning Resource Suite (Sara’s Room), and a much-needed Faculty Lounge

• Successfully navigating the unprecedented three-year challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic through his ability to adjust, pivot and create new models of learning and safety protocols We are grateful for David’s leadership over the years, and we wish him and Elane well as they move on to their next chapter F David’s work at accomplish-andmeaningfulwasRoepertrulyseveralmentsdeservespecialmention.

• Extending a vital expression of interdependence through community alliances like Make a Splash, American Promise and Matter of Equity

• Celebrating the school’s 75th Anniversary with a multitude of events where we reconnected to our history and the people who make the philosophy come to life

• Guiding the documentation of The Educational Statement of Purpose that illustrates how the Roeper Philosophy specifically applies to the work of teaching and learning throughout the program

David’s work at Roeper was truly meaningful and several accomplishments deserve special mention They include:


While in the midst of an extremely difficult time for our community, David H Feldman separated from the community as Head of School Though we firmly believe that this decision was best for the institution, we remain grateful for his significant, distinguished, and pioneering contributions over his 10-year tenure As David has noted about his time at Roeper: From the start, I have been a student of Roeper history and traditions. The story of George and Annemarie Roeper provided me with an amazing study in the resilience of the human spirit and a clarity of purpose in trying to make our work together meaningful.

• Strengthening our best business practices and engaging in master-planning, strategic planning, audits and protocols

• Partnering with the Board of Trustees and school leaders to enhance fundraising performance at all levels – from the Annual Fund, Endowment, the Mariann Hoag Scholarship Dinner, Alumni relations and more


If you have never seen Mike Ruddy talk to a child under 10, you have missed one of the clearest examples of the Roeper philosophy brought to life


O’Connor ’78 Mike’s Colleague & Friend


next contributions to the global citizenry of the world included a turn as a Stage III teacher, under the tutelage of Roeper legend Kristin Casey

It is a remarkable dance of the child taking on adult qualities they didn’t know they had, as a result of Mike’s speaking to the student with an honest sense of wonder and imagination that takes them to some other world, that is somehow grounded in this world The ability to do this is yet another part of Mike’s genius It took great genius for Mike to pull off his work as Roeper’s Athletic Director In charge of a sports and Phys Ed program at a school with no gym, Mike coordinated classes and athletic events with myriad facilities in and around Oakland County

This not only meant Mike had to teach most of the PE classes; he also had to get the students there by driving them in either a regular school bus, or in the short red bus reverently known as the Killer Tomato Making this work took creative logistical skills; making it work with humor and engagement took the lightning-quick banter skills Mike is known and loved for Mike gave up Athletic Director duties in 1982, making a gradual return to the academic classroom, where his love for sharing the ideas of the world is always in full bloom Hands down, in Mike’s philosophically rich classroom, the flags of the world take full possession of the room’s décor Combined with trips all over the globe — including a trip to Russia (lovingly referred to as the “Bill Rudy Tour”) — and blended with Mike’s study as a Fulbright Scholar in Africa, Mike brought a level of depth and perspective to every lecture that gave every student the sense they were hearing inside information on how the world worked Small wonder that Roeper’s Model UN trophy shelf had to be extended again and again and again

The work of a citizen of the world is never done, and when it’s combined with the joy, wisdom, and innovation Mike brings to everything he does, it truly does make the world a better place I can’t wait to see what’s next for Mike, since he’s already changed the world so much, and in so many ways F The work of a citizen of the world is never done, and when it’s betterworldmaketrulyhetoMikeinnovationwisdom,withcombinedthejoy,andbringseverythingdoes,itdoestheaplace.


When your team sponsor is able to understand Gorbachev’s speeches without a translator, you just get more out of international relations Mike had the exceptional opportunity of making Roeper a family affair, working alongside his swife Jarie as an instructor, and coaching and teaching son Braden ’98 and daughter Fiona ’06 at several points in their own Roeper journeys I had the good fortune of working with the Ruddys as a family when college came calling for both of them, and when it came to setting an example of everything Roeper was all about, Mike did not disappoint as a Roeper dad It isn’t always easy to let your kids drive the bus in building their own futures, but the fatherly pride that appears in Mike’s eyes — Every Single Time — he speaks of one of his kids reveals the mix of head and heart most parents long for For Mike, it’s second nature — and the results speak for themselves I haven’t talked much to Mike about his plans for life after Roeper, but my sense is they involve a move to Detroit and more travel

It may have taken George Roeper until 1992 to make his famous public declaration, “I am a citizen of the world”, but Mike Ruddy had figured that out long before then Mike’s entrance to Roeper occurred with an international flair, as he took what was a fairly meager soccer program and transformed it into something magnificent, in a hurry Before the ’70s were over, Mike had coached a team with a student destined to play top-level college soccer — something that is never easy to do Subsequent teams regularly landed spots in the Top 10 in the state, including a firstever appearance in the State finals Mike went on to earn Coach of the Year awards, including one for his work as the coach of the Troy High Women’s Mike’steam

5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


1–Mike Ruddy addresses the crowd. 2–Alumnae Ewing sisters: Sarah ’07, Lee ’00 & Amy ’02 & her daughter Blake. 3–Joe LoCascio ’11 & Jim Smith ’09 present Mike with a “Global Citizen” award. 4–Chris Bradley ’86. 5–1980 Classmates Cheryl Blau & Herman Marable with Mike. 6–The Ruddy Family: former Art teacher Jarie, Mike, Fiona ’06 & Braden ’98. 7–Lisa Vihos ’77 visits the ice cream truck. 8– Frank Crosby ’85 & friend Julie. 9–Emcees Matteo Papadopoulos ’22 & Rocco Morrow ’26. 10–Organizers, Director of Development Denita Banks-Sims & Constituency Manager Shani Yapa-Kimpson ’08. 11–A number of current students attend Mike’s party. 12–Former teacher Nancy Webster & former Head Chuck Webster with Liz Osberger Denning ’88. 13–Mike takes the pitch for a friendly game. Photos by Dontae Rockymore

PAULINE NAGLE Stage III Head Teacher for two years excerpted from a presentation by Michelle McEvoy

Among other things, Pauline is very humble and did not share widely that she will be the next Head at New Morning School Her multitude of skills and experience will serve her so very well on her next journey, and we wish her the best of luck!

excerpted from a presentation by Pauline Nagle

RTC Technical Director & Audiovisual Technician for 11 years excerpted from a “production” by Alex Pedica


MICHELLE McEVOY Stage III Head Teacher for four years

Michelle is the most caring and loving teacher you could ever meet Her dedication to her students, her colleagues and to the Roeper School is unmatched She loved everyone like family, and we all felt it She also encouraged all of us to think bigger and be better for one another, for our community and for our world She connected deeply to the Roeper philosophy, empowering children to make a difference in their world, like she did We wish Michelle McEvoy the very best as she continues to her next journey in life You will be missed


And so, Honk! would be Ttari’s Swan Song (so to speak) And just as the first production of Honk! was cursed, the final one had its fair share of mishaps as well Ttari again had to face the curse of the “Duckish Play,” pushing through sickness, schedule changes, surgeries, and injuries, all while another wave of Covid loomed on the horizon And again, Ttari worked her magic and pulled off an excellent production We see Ttari standing center stage and the lights around her begin to fade She has come a long way from her days of hot-gluing costumes together for her kids’ productions out on the farm She is ready once again to spread her wings and try something new Fitting, because Ttari’s new dream is to become a flight attendant The rest of the cast enters one last time to wish her farewell Ttari steps downstage and takes her final bow Lights out Curtain


Pauline is known for her educational experience and her wealth of knowledge and expertise in academic content areas and best practice She is also an expert in supporting students with their emotional needs

“No matter what anyone was going through, Reanne was there to support both academically and emotionally,” shares Hannah Wise, class of 2021 “Every time ”


excerpted from presentations by Susannah Nichols & Carolyn Lett

Your great gift to Roeper, Reanne, has been your unceasing effort, care, and love for us all

REANNE YOUNG Birmingham Campus Psychological Consultant for 14 years

There is so much more to her than she [Karen] allows you see To use the phrase “depth of knowledge” doesn’t begin to describe her She’s the kind of leader who never wants the credit, and she always has your back, even when you think she doesn’t It is also noted by others that “You are kind; you have depth of knowledge beyond compare; you have demonstrated immense growth as a leader; and we benefit from your empathy and personal strength ” Karen possesses “extraordinary intellect, boundless curiosity and uncommon empathy — but Karen’s ability to synthesize information remains a standout ” I cannot express in words how happy I am for you to be moving to Santa Barbara … and I think the chorus in Cheryl Crow’s song, Soak Up the Sun says it best Go get that sun, Karen — the Knox School is fortunate to have you guide them into their future Also leaving Roeper — announced at times when no gatherings were possible — are Lower School World Languages Teacher Maria White, Middle School Social Studies Teacher Reem Abou-Samra, and Middle/Upper School Math Teacher Duy Mo We wish all these folks the best in their future endeavors! F

KAREN JOHNSON Upper School Director & Former Latin Teacher for 14 years

I love working with Reanne because of what a good partner she is in solving problems, in taking apart and rebuilding systems, in helping the people around her be better at what they do But the true reason I love working with her, why I take any opportunity to work more closely with her, why I am going to miss her presence immeasurably, is that she is so fun to be around

excerpted from a presentation by Reanne Young


KITAlumni Updates

Juliette Olejnik Director of Alumni Fund

CHARLIE WHITE ’05, his wife and Olympic Silver Medalist Tanith (Belbin) White, and 2009 World Junior champion Greg Zuerlein have joined forces to create the Michigan Ice Dance Academy (MIDA) at the Arctic Edge Ice Arena in Canton, Michigan “The catalyst for our beginning to coach and starting our own program is that all three of us really just want to be able to support the overall well-being of the athlete — their physical and mental health, their athletic and non-athletic identities,” Tanith explained “We believe that you can be challenged and inspired to match your full capacity on the ice while also nurturing and SAVE THE DATES!

CLYDE GRANZEIER ’21 was featured in the fall edition of Trunk Lines Magazine Now a freshman at the University of Michigan, Clyde’s involvement with The Sanctuary dates back to the seventh grade when a class project challenged him to raise awareness and funds for an organization that garnered his interest “I decided on a system that would become the model for all of my fundraisers over the next few years: the EleGram,” says Clyde People could buy an elephant-themed note and address it to someone else in the school, to be delivered by Clyde and accompanied by a piece of candy It was a hit and was repeated year after year In Clyde’s own words, “I learned that oftentimes, the best way to reach people is through demonstrating why you are passionate about something by showing what makes the topic so special to you ”

alumni reunions & events Classes of 1971, 1972 & 1973 will celebrate their 50year class reunion on The Roeper School campus on Saturday, October 22, 2022 Alumni from all graduation years are invited to join a “Meet and Greet” gathering on the evening of Friday, October 21st Learn more at We’re getting the bands back together!

Sunday, July 31, 2022, 2:00 – 7:00pm Zal Gaz Grotto Club 2070 West Stadium Boulevard, Ann Arbor MI 48103


Relations & Annual

Class of 1980 — Hosted by Cheryl Blau ’80, Class of ‘80 and friends gathered in July to reminisce about their Roeper adventures Look for photos in the fall issue of Keeping In Touch

Hosted by Roeper School Alumni, come reunite with your classmates and dance the night as only a Fighting Tuna could (can tuna dance?) Featuring musical acts from different decades of Roeper! Register to attend at: concert-tickets-326822443727com/e/roeperpalooza-a-roeper-school-fundraising-https://www.eventbrite.

Thank you to Roeper alumni who participated in Roeper’s Philumni Day on March 16th! Philumni Day is a biennial event that connects students with Roeper alumni from a variety of careers while exploring the lifelong impacts of living the Roeper Philosophy It continues to build community and connect Roeper’s past, present, and future Since alumni visited classrooms virtually this year, they Zoomed in from as far away as France and Tunisia!

leaders Scholars were selected through a rigorous application process designed to identify leadership potential, intellect, and strength of character Only about five percent of those who applied were accepted to the yearlong master’s program at Tsinghua University in Beijing The 2023 class represents 33 countries and 106 universities worldwide Serena is the first Hofstra University student accepted to the program

Philosophy + Alumni = Philumni Day!

SERENA NEWBERRY ’15 has been accepted to the ScholarsSchwarzmanprogram,a highly competitive nextdevelopmentimmersion,coursework,inpost-graduateinternationalfellowshipChinathatcombinesculturalandprofessionaltotrainthegenerationofglobal

LISA VIHOS ’77 is pleased to announce the publication of her novel, The Lone Snake: The Story of Sofonisba Anguissola (Water’s Edge Press, 2022) A historical fiction blending art history, romance, and poetry, this is the story of a woman yearning to be recognized in a world not ready for her One reviewer writes, “Meticulously researched and beautifully written, this novel in the form of a memoir reads as if experienced by the author herself ” More accolades include: “Rich with historical characters real and invented, The Lone Snake champions the transformational power of art ” Look for the book at Water’s Edge Press

10 empowering yourself as an individual, and that’s what we aim to demonstrate with our program ” The school opened its doors on March 1st Visit to learn more

PHILLIP-MICHAEL SCALES ’05 made his national television debut with his single Find a Way on The Ellen DeGeneres Show He has been touring in celebration of the release of his long-awaited LP Sinner-Songwriter, out now via DixieFrog Records Phillip-Michael Scales was inspired by a close family friend, “Uncle” BB King, to forge his musical path It wasn’t until his mentor passed that Scales began incorporating more of King’s influence into his music “These days I’m finding more of my story in the blues,” he explains “A lot has led me here — between politics, my identity, and of course: Legacy ”


KIKI LOUYA ’01* has been selected as a 2022 Game Changer for the Dine Diaspora Black Women in Food Initiative For Women’s History Month, Dine Diaspora honors and amplifies 31 Black women leading in the food and beverage industry Kiki was acknowledged for using her voice and influence to bring about positive change for her community

* Indicates the actual graduation year of alumni who graduated from schoolssecondaryother

^ A 2000-ish Reunion was hosted at Anna Kohn's ’02 home on June 11th A handful of folks joined from out of state, and there was a little zoom going to catch fellow alumni on the west coast Everyone enjoyed a nice bonfire, a rousing game of Euchre, and the best Middleastern (Pita Cafe) in the area to give folks a real Michigan welcome Everyone is doing something impressive and meaningful whether with their families, communities, or jobs Unfortunately, everyone who came and went throughout the day is not captured in the group photo above — missing are Amy Ewing ’02, Sarah Ewing ’07, Kevin Chen ’02, and the zoom crew included Anika Kumar ’02, Gabe Knazik ’02, Dave Kloc ’02, and Nate Jhaveri ’02 F


A list of this year’s presenters includes:  Clara Bird ’14, Ph.D. Student/Grad Research Asst, Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab, Oregon State Univ Aaron Bernard ’13, Third-Year Law Student, Vanderbilt University Law School  Ned Baker ’08, Director and Screenwriter  Trey Villafane ’08, CTO/CoFounder, CoVerified  Megan Buhl Royal ’07, Hydraulic Engineer, U S Army Corps of Engineers   Sam Wolson ’07, Documentary Director, Photographer, Journalist, VR Storytelling  Alex Dickinson ’04, Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff, Beekeeper Group  Anika Kumar, M.D. ’02 , Pediatric Hospitalist, Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital  Brian Kloc ’01, Lead Look Development Artist, Sony Pictures Imageworks  Ryan Davis, M.D. ’97, Psychiatrist and Medical Entrepreneur  Tasir Haque ’87, Director, Medicinal Chemistry, CHDI Foundation  Alvin Hill ’84, DJ, Artistic Director, Media Ensemble LLC, Lecturer & Events and Instructional Technology   John Mollick ’78, Founder, Borderless Partners  Helen Elaine Lee ’77*, Author, Professor, MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing  Hobart Harris, M.D. ’75, Professor, Dept of Surgery at University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine CONNOR WELSH ’10 is currently in the process of completing his second year of Neuro residency with the goal of pursuing stroke and endovascular neurosurgery fellowships afterwards He and his wife, Paige, also just had a daughter, Harper Lynn Welsh, and his band released their fourth fulllength album in February of 2022 It’s been a very busy nine months!

^ Top row, L to R: Laura Beth Scales Ashlock ‘02, Asa Watten ‘03, Alex Gatti ‘02*, Corray Lett ‘02, DeAndra (Riki) Mack ‘02, Erin Wolson ‘02, Bobby Wayne ‘02, Carra Payne ‘00. Middle row: Sara Barcus ’01, Liz Mirer ’01, Alexandra Maxwell ’03 underneath Liz, Christina DeAngelo ’02, Caroline Gersch ’02. Bottom row: Jen Martin Moore ‘03, MaryLaura Barkley-Mau ‘02*, Ben Schottenfels ‘02, Anna Kohn ‘02, Ben Shepard ‘03. Guest of honor in the bottom row: Tilly Schottenfels (the dog).


13 Michael Cruz ’02 married Dayle McLeod JUNE 3, 2022 michael has a bachelor’s degree in business from alma college ’07, currently works as market coordinator for aeg prents. dayle holds a bachelor’s of science in family and child development from western michigan ’17. she is currently employed as a private educator in metro detroit. Amy Romano ’ 13 & Jacob Turner JUNE 18, 2022 INDIANWOOD COUNTRY CLUB lake orion, michigan < FRIENDS IN ATTENDANCE L to R: MIA & LORI TALBOTT, MICHELLE MCEVOY, CYNTHIA HARRIS, CIARAN McQUISTON, PAULINE NAGLE & NICOLE WEIBEL roeper friends not pictured: amy’s mother paula, her brother andrew ’11, friend chris andrews ’04 and others! VeilletteJordan’12&AllieWoodburne were married JUNE 25, 2022 BOULDER, COLORADO < members of the wedding party included jordan’s family members, parents deb & steve (respectively, pe teacher & former volleyball coach) & brother david ’13 Congratulationstoall! please share your good news by sending photo(s) and info juliette.olejnik@roeper.orgto

14 BABIES Braden ’98 & Robin Ruddy & Very Proud Big Sister Luna are happy to announce the birth of SOFIA ELLEN MASAKO RUDDY January 5, 2022 New York City Sofia’s middle names honor Robin’s late parents, Ellen Blosvern & Masatoshi Noguchi Christine Curry ’05 & AlfredwelcomedAsante TRUCE OSEI-ADJEIMARVELASANTEJanuary11,2022 8lb 2oz • 21” Nathan Wilmers ’06 & Lex welcomedFraser IRIS FAYE WILMERS March 16, 2022 We’re living in East Boston & enjoying the dawn of spring with the little one. She’s quite engaged & happy with everything around her. Her only real dislike is long sleeps. Connor Welsh ’10 & Paige Fratamico announce the birth of HARPER LYNN WELSH April 7, 2022 • 5:39pm 7lbs 6oz • 20” Byron ’96 & Catherine Pink & Big Sister welcomedFiona CONNOR JOHN PINK June 23, 2022 • 2:43am 7lbs 1oz • 21”

On his 64th birthday the pandemic gave his friends from Roeper an opportunity to show that having a TBI didn’t destroy friendships Margo Williams Downes ’74 organized a Zoom party with Dick Halsey, Tim Teasley ’72 , Mark Zbikowski ’70, Rick Shapero ’74, and Lisa Portnoy ’74 In Hugh’s succinct way he called this, A Happy Day “It was more like THE Happy Day”, said his sister Anne ’70, who also participated Hugh died February 5, 2022 in Santa Rosa, California, after a year-long battle that began with COVID-19 He leaves behind sister Anne ’70 and brother Peter ’73 His flute will return to The Roeper School

MITCHELL LEVIN ‘74* passed away unexpectedly in Los Angeles on November 19, 2021 He received his BFA in Film from Columbia College, Chicago, and his MFA in Dramatic Writing from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts He began his career as a Story Analyst at 20 th Century Fox in Los Angeles, and as a development executive there worked with Arthur Miller on his screen adaptation of The Crucible Mitchell worked, at one time or another, for almost every major Hollywood studio and recently retired from Steven Spielberg’s DreamWorks after 20 years as their Senior Story Analyst At DreamWorks, he worked on films ranging from Gladiator to Road to Perdition, The Ring, Catch Me If You Can, The Help, Bridge of Spies, and more After retiring, Mitchell worked as a freelance script consultant for film and television Mitchell had many wonderful memories of The Roeper School and last visited in July 2019 He will be remembered for his abiding intelligence, his wit and humor, his strong opinions, his kindness and generosity, and his love of family and friends

RON CLARK was a Homeroom and Art Teacher at the Lower School in the 1970s He began his higher education at Michigan Technical College before transferring to Northern Michigan University, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Education, with specialties in Art, History and Psychology He also earned a Master’s degree in Math Education from the University of Detroit Ron taught a variety of subjects from kindergarten through high school for over 40 years, including Art, English, and History When he left teaching, Ron took on his favorite role — full-time dad to Kit while the family lived in Jackson, Michigan Ron respected people as individuals, did not judge others, and was a staunch defender of human and civil rights for people of all ethnicities, races, and nationalities as well as sexual orientation and gender identity Most of all, he loved his family unconditionally and was with his family on the day of his passing, April 23, 2022 He is survived by his wife of 33 years, Janet Harvey-Clark, and children, Kit, Bill, and Jared



HUGH McKINLEY PETERSON ’74* lived his life at its most unbroken at Roeper, loving his teachers (especially Mr Halsey), his classes and playing his flute His classmates remembered him for his pranks and sense of humor In 1972, shortly after leaving Roeper, he sustained a serious traumatic brain injury while studying in El Escorial, Spain With his own wisdom and courage he lived with its physical and psychological repercussions for 50 years Hugh never wanted to be seen as a victim He did his utmost to continue with his life goals, speaking Spanish, traveling and receiving an AA degree from Foothill College where he received a standing ovation from his classmates for his poetry Nevertheless, he resigned himself often but never gave up: when he could no longer play the flute, he started playing the harmonica


PETER “PETE” DAVID PIERCE, of Grand Blanc, Michigan, died at age 54 on June 10, 2022 Pete was a beloved community member who ran the Chartwells Lunch Cart at the Birmingham Campus for years — long before the Naas Commons and Café were constructed He knew every student by name and legend has it, he would regularly have the food choice in hand before it was requested, because of his gracious familiarity and kindness

BRADLEY REED, passed away on May 28, 2021   His wife, Mary Hudson, said he always spoke fondly of the years he worked as a teacher’s assistant at Roeper in the 1970s F

DARCY RICHIE ‘00* passed away on April 26, 2022 She is survived by her parents, Roy & Julia Richie (former Roeper Board Member), sister and Roeper alumna Brooke Richie ‘95

Denita Banks-Sims

A considerable pride emerged, and many reveled in Roeper’s pioneering and distinguished status — while also tapping into a very intimate, grateful and indebted sense of belonging to this treasured Wecommunityareaprideful bunch


The outcry from many mimicked my own, and I began to recognize a persistent and emphatic theme


Educating and inspiring gifted students to think as individuals and to engage as community with compassion for each other and this world.

Director of Development & Publications

How that pride manifests is up to us The Roeper Philosophy will be our faithful guidepost as we all settle in to a profound resolve and a reaffirmed pride in service of …

When historians archive this moment in The Roeper School story, I feel assured that they will discover that the community took account of an egregious error and faithfully invested in a reconciliation that fortified the institution and our continuing pride Please keep in touch! Yours, F

A resolve born out of a confidence that is woven into our foundation and mission but heartened and bolstered by the hundreds of responses recently received by Roeperians in the wake of the incident

The aresolveaPhilosophyRoeperwillbeourfaithfulguidepostasweallsettleintoprofoundandreaffirmedpride.

Maybe like you, my views about the devastating events acknowledged in the opening letter from Chair of the Board and current parent Clay Thomas continue to ebb and flow My emotions have ranged from astonishment, to disappointment, to anger … but they are now firmly settled in resolve


41190 WOODWARD AVENUE BLOOMFIELD HILLS • MI 48304-5020 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SCHOOLROEPERTHE NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 16 BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48304 Many ThanksROEPER COMMUNITY! THE ROEPER SCHOOL ANNUAL FUND 2021/2022 goal: $270,000 Exceeded! Difference GOAL: NAAS COMMONS PROJECT COMPLETED BY FALL 2022! Learning Commons, Sara’s Room plus Faculty/Staff Lounge & Quiet Study Area! The Mariann HoagScholarship Dinner goal: $65,000 Exceeded! P H A S E I I

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