Keeping In Touch, Spring 2023

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VOLUME 16: 3


1 FEATURES FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL 2 Christopher Federico, Head of School A FAREWELL TO COLLEEN SHELTON 4 Lori Lutz 1975, Alumnae Parent & Former Board of Trustees Chair A FAREWELL TO BONNIE SCHEMM 5 Marcia Ruff, Alumni Parent & Former School Historian EQUITY IS NOT EASY 6 Sarah Miller, Associate Director/The Roeper Institute ROEPER ON THE COVER: WHAT’S YOUR TAKE? 8 Christopher Federico, Head of School ATHLETIC ROUNDUP 9 Scott Carmona, Assistant to the Athletic Director CELEBRATING OUR LEARNING 10 Lower School Faculty POETRY 13 Denita Banks-Sims, Director of Development & Publications ALUMNI UPDATES 14 Juliette Olejnik, Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Fund MOSAIC: THE AUCTION FOR ROEPER 18 Katie Buchmann, Development Officer PASSINGS 19 Juliette Olejnik, Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Fund DEPARTING STAFF 20 PARTING THOUGHTS 21 Denita Banks-Sims, Director of Development & Publications
ART Watercolor painting by Mira Kolbusz, Grade 8 The project was to paint a motif using implied shape as part of the planning. KITTABLE OF CONTENTS Christopher Federico Head of School Denita Banks-Sims Director of Development Keeping in Touch Editorial Committee Katie Buchmann Editor Bonnie Schemm Art Director Contributors Denita Banks-Sims Rachel Blum-José Carolyn Borman Katie Buchmann Scott Carmona Christopher Federico Lori Lutz ’75 Hans Muer Juliette Olejnik Marcia Ruff Elisabeth Stayer Shani Yapa-Kimpson Jennifer Ziemann THE ROEPER SCHOOL 41190 Woodward Avenue Bloomfield Hills Michigan 48304 248/203-7300 The Roeper School is an independent coeducational day school for gifted and talented students preschool through grade 12 and an equal-opportunity institution EDUCATING AND INSPIRING GIFTED STUDENTS TO THINK AS INDIVIDUALS AND TO ENGAGE AS A COMMUNITY WITH COMPASSION FOR EACH OTHER AND THIS WORLD


Sitting down to write this message in early May, my first step was to look back on the first Keeping In Touch message I wrote back in October What strikes me in rereading it is the cyclical nature of life in school, and how that offers us both reassurance and opportunity Having navigated some rather miserable fall and winter weather including what seemed like well more than our fair share of snow and ice days, the sun has returned to my big window in the Hill House, filtered now by the fresh green leaves of spring (As if on cue, as I am typing I also hear the laughter and chatter of the Stage I students — fresh from releasing newborn butterflies — on the terrace below )

We are reassured by the turn of the school-year wheel because we know that the things that we most enjoy will return, and the things that we most dread will move along While the fall and winter brought us Cabaret and Annie, the spring brings us the choir and dance collaborative and all-school concerts While the fall and winter brought us volleyball and basketball, the spring brings us baseball and golf While the fall and winter brought us back-to-school nights and Stone Circle and new parent road rallies, the spring brings us book launches and poetry nights and Grandparents’ Day Somewhere in there we found time for classes, too

That cycle also brings us opportunities to do more and do better, because there is very little that happens (or must be foregone) in one school year that we will not get the chance to do again in the next On the one hand, this has meant the ability to revisit in-person traditions and celebrations that we had been forced to abandon or at least attenuate over the past couple of years, whether that has been a grade-wide trip to Washington, DC, our MLK celebrations, or a highly successful MOSAIC auction On the other, it has meant the occasion to forge ahead in furthering our mission and strategic goals, including working with partners to continue the work from the DEIJ audit, ongoing professional learning, out-of-state alumni engagement, introducing new curriculum, and hosting visits from internationally renowned guest speakers

While it might slow (slightly) for the summer, one thing the wheel does not do, however, is stop turning, so while this year may be winding down for students, at the leadership level we are well into preparing for the start of the next school year and hiring new faculty and staff; teachers are finalizing their own summer learning, and our administrative staff are busy with everything from painting to financial planning Nor should we forget about our camps and Make-a-Splash, which ramp up almost the moment classes end for the summer

As my first year at the school comes to an end and I roll merrily into a second, I look back with great pride on what we have accomplished as a community and look forward with great excitement to the things to come

Have a great summer, F

As my first year at the school comes to an end and I roll merrily into a second, I look back with great pride on what we have accomplished as a community and look forward with great excitement to the things to come


Over this past year we have been experimenting with a new model of leadership and student services on our Birmingham campus While we value and wish to honour the distinct personalities of the Middle and Upper Schools, we also saw the opportunity to think differently about how we’re providing consistent and sustainable guidance and support to teachers, students, and families sharing space, resources, and faculty and staff That was provided in the form of a single interim Director, assisted by two part-time Deans of Students, one each for the Middle and Upper Schools, a Counselor, a Coordinator of Learning Support, and a Resource Room Teacher

While of course there are some adjustments that need to occur whenever we introduce something new, based on our experience this year, we have not only decided to continue with the structure in Birmingham to extend it to the Lower School as well Consequently, we will be adding a full-time Dean of Students at the Lower School to work alongside our current Director, Learning Specialist, and Counselor Please join me in thanking the incumbents, and congratulating the incoming members of this inspiring team for 2023/2024:

Director of the Lower School

Meghan Stott

Dean of Students, Lower School

Cynthia Harris


Micah Brown

Learning Specialist

Karrie Chagnon

Director of the Middle and Upper Schools

Susannah Nichols

Dean of Students, Middle School

(and 6th Grade English Teacher)

Patrick Harris

Dean of Students, Upper School

(and Director of College Counseling)

Patti Bostwick


Angie Mann-Williams

Learning Support Coordinator

Marie Halpin

Resource Room Teacher

Alyse Belkin

I look forward to working with them in the coming year to help ensure the success of each and every student at Roeper F

Join me
in congratulating the incoming members of this inspiring team


There is a picture in my Roeper senior yearbook of a classroom with happy young children and their teachers, the loving and incomparably beloved Hattie Wyatt, and her assistant, Colleen Eldridge

That (very fortunate) apprentice, now Colleen Shelton, is retiring from her position as Stage I Head Teacher in June Here’s the crazy thing The year of that senior yearbook? 1975! Colleen Shelton has taught (with one or two very brief interruptions) at The Roeper School for nearly 49 years Whether it was called Stage II or Nursery School or Pre-School or Stage I, somewhere north of 1000 three-, four-, and five-year olds (and their parents and guardians) have been launched into lives of learning about who they are and how they fit into this world by Colleen Shelton (and her secret powers fueled in large part by a constant flow of Diet Coke)

Two of those lucky children were our own

Our elder daughter, Clara Gamalski ‘07, joined Colleen’s nursery class at age 2½ in the winter of 1992 Clara’s dad, Greg, was responsible for the drop-off (supposedly on account of her mom’s having to be at work very early in the morning, conveniently arranged to preclude that same mom from transmitting her drop-off anxiety to her sensitive little one) Colleen, witnessing young Clara’s tears as she prepared to part from her dad, took Clara’s hand and accompanied her to the top of the Birmingham campus classroom loft so that Clara could look out the window and wave good-bye to her dad as her dad waved back to her It worked like magic! And remarkably, Colleen, sensing the comfort routine provided to little Clara, personally repeated that ritual each and every morning until the end of the school year!

Colleen’s gifts were not limited to an extraordinary capacity for intuiting and responding to children’s social/emotional needs, but also to the needs of their deeply growing minds Clara was originally supposed to (graduate from what was then the nursery school) and enter Stage I the September before turning five in December In August of that summer, I received a call from Colleen She had been thinking about Clara and came to the conclusion that she should be placed into Stage II (instead of Stage I) when school began in September While there might be a small period of adjustment, in the long run, Clara would be better served by the “more challenging level” of Stage II Colleen had already devised a plan to acclimate Clara to the idea (knowing again that the change in plan would create anxiety for Clara

and her mother) Colleen arranged to meet Clara and me the following week to personally tour us around the Domes and talk with Clara about the idea Day One of the new school year arrived Clara (dropped off by Greg, of course (as opposed to her nervous wreck of a mother)), went off to her Stage II classroom, had a marvelous time, sticking with that awesome class of kids through their graduation in 2007 And by the way, who showed up at the end of the day to check on Clara’s first day of Stage II (notwithstanding that she had just finished a very long first day of her own with a whole new crop of nursery school kids)? Colleen Shelton, of course!

Here’s the thing There are more than 2000 moms and dads and guardians who could all relate equally astounding stories of the way Colleen personalized the nurturing and care for their children I am just the lucky one who gets to tell our story Colleen, having been mentored by the foremost educators of our youngest students like Hattie Wyatt, Sally Booth, and Annemarie Roeper, epitomized the foundation of The Roeper Philosophy which is a profound respect for the uniqueness of each child as the person they are rather than simply as an adult-in-the-making (or who the world wants them to be)

I once commented that were every child to begin their education in Colleen Shelton’s classroom, we would have world peace Naive? Perhaps But I am certain that all those children who had Colleen as their first teacher fully experienced the mission of The Roeper School of “educating and inspiring gifted students to think as individuals and to engage as a community with compassion for each other and this world ”

Colleen, we raise our cans of Diet Coke and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you, we love you, and we wish you, Scott, Mac ’94, and Maggie Mae ‘12, continued joy and meaning as you embark on this new chapter F

Lori Lutz ’75
Alumnae Parent
I am certain that all those children who had Colleen as their first teacher fully experienced the mission of The Roeper School
Lori ’75, alumna, alumnae parent, former Board Chair


If ever someone lived their personal motto every day, it’s Bonnie Schemm, the school’s Publications Associate From her jam-packed office on the second floor of Hill House, Bonnie has spent decades shaping Roeper’s image Whether it is an impeccably accurate program, Keeping in Touch magazine, an elegant invitation, or the plaques adorning our walls with history, directions, or donor names, Bonnie has developed an aesthetic that presents the school as both substantive and playful

“My job is to make the school look good in print,” Bonnie says And while she has done that — over and over and over — what’s important is that her understanding of what “good” is for Roeper is rooted in 41 years of working for Roeper in ways that have touched almost every part of the school

Like so many others, Bonnie started at the school as a volunteer, helping her friend Ann Sachs, who was the Lower School Music Teacher, and making good use of Bonnie’s Masters in Instrumental Music Bonnie decided she wanted to bring her two sons here and was hired as the school’s first Admissions Secretary in 1982 She greeted prospective families with warmth, and her meticulousness brought a new order and consistency to Admissions procedures and record-keeping

Bonnie has also been an early adopter who has helped kickstart the school’s use of new technology Spotting an Apple IIe computer sitting untouched in the corner of the tech-reluctant Head’s office, she asked if she could take a crack at it Bonnie figured out how to hook it up to an IBM Selectric typewriter and thereby advanced the Admissions department past hand-typed letters and 3x5 index card record-keeping

After eight and a half years in Admissions, Bonnie moved over to the Development department, where she and Denita Banks-Sims have enjoyed a highly productive 34-year partnership and friendship The Head of School at the time, Chuck Webster, told Bonnie to buy more of “that modern stuff” for the department, and Bonnie proceeded to push the school’s publications and materials into a new era

And there was plenty of room to push to The early 1990s was still an age of press-on letters and glued-down copy blocks, with a gallon jug of rubber cement dominating Bonnie’s desk As


computers and design software like PageMaker and Freehand emerged, she took the initiative to learn them and began to generate materials more professionally and efficiently

After all the school’s name changes over the years (from Roeper Grade School & Editha Sterba Nursery School to City & Country School to Roeper City & Country School to The Roeper School), it was also finally time in the 1990s to settle on a consistent name and logo The upper and lowercase logo at the time — ROePER — particularly irritated the teachers, and Bonnie and long-time Roeper supporters Doug and Mary Beth Winkworth took on the project Bonnie identified Copperplate as a classy and versatile typeface “It looked good in all sizes, from the side of an airplane to a baseball cap,” said Bonnie of its appeal They then developed the straight and stacked The Roeper School logo, with its red underline, and a classic was born

Bonnie has shaped the look of the school in ways you probably don’t even notice — but would if it weren’t there Anyone who has worked with her over the years knows that she will help you make anything you need, and make it right, no matter how late you get the materials to her and what shape they’re in She doesn’t just pour copy into a design but fact-checks it, copy-edits it, and, most extraordinarily, always keeps in mind whether the words and images reflect the school she knows so well

On a personal level, Bonnie is an amazing cook and has a prodigious memory, a huge laugh, a passion for sports and cats and music, an astonishing collection of art brooches to match every outfit — and would do anything for a Roeper kid She has also brought a wonderful family to Roeper, including her two sons, Jeremy ’92 and Nicolas ’96, and grandson Cameron ’21 Her husband, Leonard, a now-retired high school band director, has been a stalwart volunteer at the school for years, and in retirement has taken second jobs at Roeper teaching music, organizing bulk mailings, and more

To call Bonnie the institutional memory of the school is to acknowledge that perhaps no one other than Heads of School have been involved with as many parts of the school as Bonnie: classroom activities, alumni, athletics, fine arts, fund-raising, marketing, admissions, camp — there’s not an area she hasn’t helped burnish Roeper and all of us have been the lucky recipients for 41 years of Bonnie’s tireless and good-humored talent, ingenuity, and determination We are grateful (and a little anxious) F

Marcia Ruff, alumnae parent, former School Historian
What’s important is that her understanding of what “good” is for Roeper is rooted in 41 years of working for Roeper in ways that have touched almost every part of the school



As the Roeper school year winds down, our collaborative work on the Matter of Equity 2.0 Javits Grant is busier than ever In August of 2022, we received the shocking but exciting news that The Roeper Institute, along with several university partners, had received a five-year, $2 5 million grant to continue our work with DPSCD to address equitable access to gifted education in SE Michigan We were overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement that we could extend the scope and depth of our work in Detroit, and also overwhelmed with the monumental task of bringing our proposal to fruition This first school year has proven that both feelings were warranted! What has come easy thus far is the passion and commitment of everyone involved on the project, in particular our DPSCD partners who have invited us to be part of the incredible work they are doing Our group of invested stakeholders lean on this dedication daily as we continue to pursue educational equity for underrepresented gifted and talented students The work is tireless, but our team inspires hope; hope that we believe will impart meaningful change for those counting on us to persevere

We know there are gifted children in every zip code, including children of all races, income levels, religions, genders and sexual orientations

The Roeper community also knows acutely how important it is to meet gifted young people’s social, emotional and educational needs so they can thrive and self-actualize The current landscape for ensuring all students have this opportunity is bleak Across the nation, true equity in gifted identification and services is incredibly rare In Michigan broadly, and Southeast Michigan more specifically, this reality comes into sharp focus In 2016, the Fordham Institute assessed each state for how they attend to any accountability measures for high-achieving students Only five states earned zero stars out of four, meaning they explicitly or implicitly discourage schools from focusing on their brightest students Michigan was one of those five (Petrilli et al , 2016) Even more pressing is the need for concentrated investment in educational equity for students in Detroit, Michigan A fervent wealth gap plays out in a city where 77 1% of the population is Black and another 7 7 % is Hispanic-Latino In such a racially and economically divided area, and with a state legislature offering no support for gifted education, it is unsurprising that little to no attention has been

paid to gifted and talented children in Southeast Michigan While 69 1% of high-poverty schools in the country offer gifted programming, in the whole state of Michigan, only 4 8% of high-poverty schools offer a gifted and talented program (Yaluma & Tyner, 2018) Furthering the complexity of this situation is the storied history of the largest school district in the state, DPSCD, which continues to persevere despite not only neglect, but also direct harm This has created a near perfect storm — an incredibly clear need paired with extremely complicated and elusive potential solutions

When it was announced that the federal Javits grant would be funded for the first time in several years, there were a multitude of reasons why it did not make good sense for us to apply Although we had the momentum of the original Matter of Equity grant and had proven the work to be both necessary and effective, conversations were just beginning about how to fully integrate equitable gifted identification and education into DPSCD in a systemic way We would be designing the program while we crafted an argument for why it should be funded There had been turnover with several partners, including the GATE Director position in DPSCD which had not been filled for the six months prior Amongst the team that assembled to write the grant, none of us had written a federal grant, let alone one with the complexity and demands of the Javits grant With a void of gifted education training in Michigan’s higher ed landscape, there was no obvious university to act as lead applicant And perhaps most concerning, the Javits grant had never been given to a district or state without an already established gifted mandate, as typically the grant is awarded to address inequities within already existing programs and systems Clearly the list of reasons that could have deterred us

was long

The reason to do it anyway was very short — the gifted and talented students in Detroit needed more people to show up for them, perhaps before they were ready, even with the odds stacked against them Two questions propelled us through that stage If not us, who? If not now, when?

As we embarked on this first year of the grant, we quickly realized that as difficult as we anticipated the work was going to be, we had still underestimated the degree Moving any

If not us, who?

If not now, when?


institution is difficult, moving one with mistrust and safeguards in place to protect itself from further harm increases the difficulty Asking for attention for a subset of students that are widely believed to achieve success regardless of their educational setting is difficult, doing it in a state where educators, administrators, and parents first have to be convinced that giftedness does indeed exist and has real implications increases the difficulty Requesting resources for students who are not behind grade level is difficult, doing it in an underfunded, predominantly low income, urban school district in a state with no funding for gifted education increases the difficulty Designing a gifted identification and education plan from scratch with no state mandates or guidelines is difficult; doing it with fidelity to equity at the very core increases the difficulty Despite this long list of challenges, hope is what lies at the heart of this story The new mantra that propels us forward centers around the mountain that must be moved to do right by the gifted and talented students in Detroit We now look at what we do every day as moving pebbles, with regular intervals of those pebbles getting thrown back and needing to find a new way to move them! Many days the mountain looms over us inviting despair but each and every pebble is indicative of positive change and momentum If no one is willing to move the pebbles because the mountain looks too big, it is the students who are left in a system that is not built for their success

I am pleased to report that as we near the end of the first school year, those pebbles are making a difference! The extra support and resources the grant provides has allowed the extremely dedicated, tenacious and brilliant DPSCD administrators to begin implementing their ambitious plans This Spring, four elementary schools are piloting a carefully crafted, equitable identification process to identify gifted students in second, third and fourth grades We expect close to 50 educators, administrators, social workers and psychologists from those school communities to attend our week long, intensive professional development opportunity at the end of June This will truly

change the landscape for how identified students will be supported and educated next school year

DPSCD is also stepping into a role as a statewide leader in the effort to gain legislative support for gifted and talented students in every school district in Michigan The work is just beginning, and there is much work left to do, but the momentum is headed in the right direction Even when we felt like we were not ready, even when the hurdles were high, this incredible Matter of Equity team has chosen hope — hope fueled by the belief that all children with high abilities deserve an education commensurate with their potential The Roeper Institute, along with all our partners, persists forward in our commitment to this work because while equity may not come easily, seeking it remains the right thing to do

Petrilli, M , Griffith, D , Wright, B , & Kim, A (2016) High stakes for high achievers: State accountability in the age of ESSA Washington, D C : Thomas B Fordham Institute

Yaluma, C , & Tyner, A (2018) Is there a gifted gap? Gifted education in high-poverty schools

The Roeper Institute, along with all our partners, persists forward in our commitment to this work because, while equity may not come easily, seeking it remains the right thing to do
L to R: Dr. Kelly Margot, GVSU Professor and Javits Grant Principal Investigator; David Bailey, DPSCD Bates Academy Principal; Dr. Valeria Jackson, DPSCD Senior Director, Gifted and Talented Education; Kimberly Phillips, President Michigan Association of Gifted Children (& former Roeper Teacher!); Dr. Chandra Floyd, Kennesaw State Professor and Javits Grant Principal Investigator; Lohren Nzoma, DPSCD Assistant Superintendent Exceptional Student Education.


A year ago, we shared with the community the results of the diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) audit that the school undertook over the preceding two years Although I was still six weeks out from officially assuming the role of Head of School, I took the opportunity to meet with Carolyn Lett and Sarah Miller to review the data gathered from that process and to begin to discuss the next steps In the year since the release of the results, we have implemented a number of important DEIJ initiatives in the school to continue to advance the important work of making our community more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just Among them:

• In the fall, we integrated specific anti-racism and anti-bias language, crafted with parent input, into our community guidelines

• We rolled out a new bias incident reporting protocol and online form

• We expanded and reinvigorated our community affinity groups with support and leadership from all of you

• We supported four members of our faculty to attend the annual NAIS People of Color Conference to advance their individual, and our collective, capacity in the many facets of DEIJ work

• We continued our ongoing work with the Eton-Hartmann Center for Teaching and Learning, the current phase of which wraps up this month

• We hosted visits by nationally renowned speakers Curtis Chin and Jonathan Mooney including pre- and post-work for families, students, and teachers

• We delivered school- and division-wide professional development, including a review of the DEIJ audit feedback and recommendations for next steps in each of the curricular and administrative departments of the school, designing for cultural diversity, restorative practices, and culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy, including a particular focus on meeting the needs of gifted Black boys

• We introduced an anti-bias/anti-racism curriculum framework for Stage I through 12th Grade

• The DEIJ committee of the Board of Trustees completed the work of developing Roeperspecific definitions of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, which was a key recommendation coming out of the audit

Finally, we partnered with Jacinta Williams and Kori McMillion from CultureEd Collective to synthesize the findings of the DEIJ audit, identify priorities, define our institutional aspiration, and build capacity to implement our campaign plan

As part of this process, Kori visited us on campus last week to engage with families, faculty, staff, and students to gather their perspectives as we develop the equity aspiration that will orient the next phase of our work when we return to school in September Community members who were not able to attend one of the in-person sessions were able to share their voices by completing an online version of the Roeper on the Cover activity (See the graphic we worked with in groups below )

CultureEd will curate all responses and present a draft of the aspiration statement at the next meeting of our Multicultural Leadership Team on June 8

Thank you for your ongoing contribution to this mission-critical work at Roeper F

KIT Christopher Federico Head of School
Reprinted from The Roeper Record, May 23, 2023 Top: A group of parents meet with Kori from CultureEd and (below) work on the Roeper “cover story.”
We have implemented a number of important DEIJ initiatives to continue to advance the important work of making our community more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just


At the heart of a Roeper Education beats Roeper Athletics Teamwork and determination are classroom values that also go beyond the walls of Roeper and onto the athletic field Offering 13 varsity sports gives students the opportunity to participate in high school athletics The Michigan Independent Athletic Conference (MIAC), of which Roeper is a proud member, offers competition and sportsmanship The Roeper School is a leader in the MIAC for setting standards for code of conduct and community outreach Roughrider Athletics is proud of its no-cut, fee-free program, allowing all students the chance to compete This year saw coaches and athletes achieve numerous milestones and school records, along with several All State and All District honors Roeper Athletics is an active partner in producing complete citizens


This year’s special traditions saw renewal and growth as we returned to packed gyms and full crowds The annual Spooky Volleyball game saw a packed house, including the pep band under the direction of Roeper Fine Arts teacher Eric Ambrose This Halloween-themed night included refreshments for all spectators, custom jerseys and warm-up shirts for the team and a Roeper victory As we progressed into winter sports, Hall of Fame night saw The Roeper School induct living legend Ernie Righetti Roeper alumni were out in force at the presentation for Ernie and his more than 33 years of service as a coach and Athletic Director Many shared the impact Ernie had on their lives The tradition of Senior Night continued to serve as a way to congratulate the athletes and their parents for the efforts they put forward making Roeper Athletics the best it can be Spring saw the third annual Jimmy John’s field baseball game Playing

baseball on a minor league field gives our athletes a life-long memory Roeper Athletics’ newest tradition, “Picnic on the Pitch,” is a Booster Clubsupported event with free hot dogs and refreshments for the community at a Girls’ Soccer game

All of these efforts are done to recognize the hard work and time management our student athletes learn by participation in Roughrider sports The culmination of these efforts is the end-of-year Sports Banquet This special evening brings together the entire athletics community to summarize the year and present special honors Scholar Athletes, Iron Athletes, Athletes of the Year and Sportsmanship Athletes are the major awards handed out that night, along with individual team awards for most valuable, most improved and coach’s award Another new tradition, added last year, was presenting each varsity athlete with their letter Roeper Athletics is proud to support and honor our students and families whose participation in sports makes Roeper Athletics the special program that it is


The Booster Club, led by co-presidents Stephon & Kellie Bagne, impacts the experience for all Roeper athletes Their ability to fundraise and sponsor our beloved traditions enhances the experiences of all Roeper athletes Thank you to all the members and team reps for their assistance in Booster Club events The Booster Club meets once a month, and all are welcome to join We hope the community will once again join us in supporting the Booster Club at this year’s Roeper Golf Outing, being held on Friday, August 18th at 10:00am at WestWynd Golf Club. For information about how to participate go to https://roepergolfouting. F

Scott Carmona Assistant to the Athletic Director Roeper Athletics is an active partner in producing complete citizens Above: Varsity athletes with their letters at the Sports Banquet Below: Alumni pose with Hall of Famer Ernie Righetti


Below: To celebrate their learning this year, Jennifer Z’s Stage I Class decided to create a Colorful Festival Museum that documented many topics and inquiries they explored throughout the year The children planned each exhibit, creating a bat cave, making a galaxy, creating art inspired by artists Alma Thomas and Yayoi Kusama

Above and right, Stage I: Amber & Karen’s Class studied jellyfish,

urchins, the coral reef, ocean zones, cleaning up the oceans, and other environmental issues They invited their parents to join them on May 11 for an Under the Sea tour

There was an exhibit on mythological creatures to connect with their passion for unicorns and chupacabras They also wanted to display artifacts depicting many of the holidays and festivals around the world They were also passioned about using their "Voice for Change" when they learned about the lives of Martin Luther King Jr, and Rosa Parks Each child created a poster displaying how they wanted to impact their world using their own voice


Stage II embarked on an interdisciplinary study of water that had our learners singing about the water cycle with Hans, exploring water-inspired movement with Amy, glazing gorgeous vessels to hold water with Shoshanna, and investigating the forces of buoyancy and gravity in science with Sosha As a Stage, we used picture books to nurture thoughtful discussions around the topics of water scarcity and equity Andi & Angela’s class learned about Atlantis which led them to discover Greek water mythology and culminated in the construction of Poseidon’s Temple out of recycled materials Sarah & Jesie’s class read a variety of books about water and wrote water poems Sarah & Elisabeth’s class had a multitude of wonderings about water that they researched with Carmen and filled the classroom with a deluge of facts about water The whole Stage (and a special guest) participated in a regatta on the creek

Students in Stage III started the Passion Projects unit by selecting a topic they were interested in and didn't already know a lot about They came up with a "burning question" that drove their research (for example: How do Black Holes form?) They used videos, articles, books, and interviews to fuel their research, and presented their findings to their classmates in a format of their choosing They created PowerPoints, puppet shows, posters, e-books, and even a weather forecast! Our units on Michigan/Detroit history and the Industrial Revolution culminated in a trip to Greenfield Village at the Henry Ford Museum in May Students rode in a steam locomotive or Model T, watched the art of glass-pulling, visited working farms, and stepped through Thomas Edison's lab in this historic open-air museum


From blueprint to model, Stage IV students took on a Tiny House project full of a wide range of learning opportunities for creativity, teamwork, problem-solving, decision-making, and managing a long-term project Teams of students chose from a variety of diverse clients — a retired couple who own a dog and have a fixed income, a single parent with two kids on a budget, and a differently abled person, among others — to collaborate on designing homes They needed to learn about area and perimeter and consider what spatial awareness is and how space and measurement affect design Michael Prentis, retired architect, visited and talked with students about the process of going from a 2D plan to a 3D model, making revisions as they went along

Stage IV Band (below) had their first spring concert in quite a while, along with the Middle and Upper School Bands, on May 24th I’m so very proud of everyone in the Lower School Stage IV Bands for their hard work this year!  They sounded amazing!

Stage II (left) learned the song Water is Water from the book by the same name, a science-related song on how water changes They performed the song at Grandparents Day Stage III also performed at Grandparents Day, singing the song Peace Like a River.


Placing poetry at the crossroads of language exploration


Poetry is an integral feature of instruction at Roeper, and following a series of conversations with school leadership, faculty, and enthusiastic alumni and benefactors, a deliberate effort was made to place poetry at the crossroads of language exploration


The intersection of poetry in classrooms, special events, Fine Arts, and a performance of original material by Head of School Christopher Federico at the Alex Frank Poetry Collective, was a symbolic moment of celebration

From Stage II Haiku (as part of their water study) to the visit of distinguished poet and Roeper Alumna Lisa Vihos ’77, who worked with Roz Giroux’s and Kelly McDowell’s English classes (right), sustainable momentum for the future has been created F

Alex Frank Poetry Collective Performers photos by Kristen Lynnae Stage II Poetry Slam Performers Stage II Water Haiku Examples

KIT Alumni Updates


Alumni are invited to join The Roeper School’s Alumnifire, a powerful networking platform designed to unlock the value of our alumni community Alumnifire is a way for you to offer personal and professional expertise with fellow alums, make connections in your field, share career opportunities, support alumni businesses, and more

Whether you’re looking to mentor a recent graduate or student, seeking a mentor, or navigating your career search, Alumnifire can connect you to Roeperians who want to help you succeed  Signing up only takes a minute! Join by visiting


We had a fantastic turnout for Cocktails and Conversations with Christopher in New York City on January 30! Alumni spanning five decades came out to meet Christopher and catch up with each other It was so much fun that many stayed until the restaurant closed!

^ Clockwise from top left of the New York gathering: Christopher Federico, Taylor Hartley ‘10, Bruce Fleischer ‘78, & Alana Glass ‘97. Maggie Badore ‘06 & Hannah Lawrence ‘06. Adela Jaffe ‘09 & David Glazek ‘95. Roscoe Boyd II ‘98 & Christopher Federico. Hillary Burnett ‘72 & Emily Cohen ‘76.


What a great joy it was to return to middle and high school for a day in May when I had the opportunity to serve as Poet-in-Residence at Roeper Although I graduated 46 years ago, I am happy to report that all the goodness I remember of the Roeper spirit is alive and well

Much to my delight, I learned that this spirit is not tied to a building, because I graduated way before the Birmingham campus was a thing But as I walked into the building on Adams, there it was The students were open and welcoming

< L to R at the New York gathering: Bruce Fleischer ‘78, Hillary Burnett ‘72, Juliette Olejnik, Hannah Lawrence ‘06, Adela Jaffe ‘09, Dan Rubin ‘00, David Glazek ‘95, Denita Banks-Sims, Eric Peterson ‘95, Christopher Federico, Taylor Hartley ‘10, Maggie Badore ‘06, Alana Glass ‘97, Emily Cohen ‘76

Juliette Olejnik Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Fund Lisa Vihos ’77 with Upper School English teacher Kelly McDowell (See Lisa working with students on previous page )

In our workshop sessions, whether I was talking to 6th graders or seniors, they listened attentively, asked great questions about the writing process, and jumped into the prompts I shared with visible enthusiasm I was impressed with the way they listened to each other when they shared their freshly crafted poems, expressing a kind of supportiveness that only comes by having experienced such support oneself

The experience for me was like returning home to a family I had never met before, and yet somehow, we were indeed family I remember a song lyric from summer camp days, “I’ve got that Roeper spirit deep in my heart, deep in my heart, deep in my heart …” Yup Being at my alma mater for a day reminded me of my origins Thank you, Roeper students, teachers, and staff for reminding me of the learning community that I am blessed to call home


Roeper reinstated its annual class trip to Washington, DC Traditionally a 9th grade adventure, this year’s 11th grade class made the trek since their 9th grade opportunity was canceled due to the pandemic Alumni welcomed students into their workplaces, served on a panel discussion at

the Capitol, and joined students for small group dinners to build community and make connections

Special thanks to Roeper alums

who took the time to connect with students: Brielle Ashford ‘16, Zoe Demko ‘13, Alexandra Dickinson ‘04 (fourth from left in middle photo above), Brian Forest ‘03, Joshua Mandlebaum ‘00, Erika West ‘96, Olacoy Odessa Robinson Lawyer ‘95 (left, top photo), Ari Schartman Ben’Aissa ‘89 (bottom photo with Juliette Olejnik), Miranda Beebe ‘84*, and Steven Scott ‘74


Helen Elaine Lee ‘77* is happy to share the news of her new novel Pomegranate, a humane, unflinching, and hopeful portrait of the devastating and interconnected effects of addiction, incarcera-tion, racism, and misogyny and of one woman’s deter-mination to own and tell her story Order your copy at https://www.

Anita Fox ‘77 was recently named Chair of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Health Insurance and Managed Care Committee, which ensures Michigan has a strong voice in determining health insurance policy on the national level The Committee serves as the NAIC’s health insurance liaison to the U S Congress, the White House, and federal agencies and considers issues relating to all aspects of health insurance, including examining factors contributing to rising healthcare costs and insurance premiums It is also tasked with emphasizing equity considerations and the potential impact of health policy decisions on underserved populations Anita was also elected Vice Chair of the Midwest Zone, which represents 13 states and is part of the NAIC Executive Committee, as well as she serves on other committees with the NAIC

Kristin Clark Taylor ‘77*, awardwinning journalist, author, and editor, joins UExpress with a new advice column, Take My Hand ( take-my-hand )

The weekly column offers old-school wisdom through a modern-day sensibility and a gentle spiritual grounding It answers specific reader questions and provides a more expansive, solution-driven exploration of the issues and challenges readers face in today’s complex world

“It is my hope that my words — sometimes inspired by poignant childhood memories and

musings, other times informed by how I cope with the joys and challenges in my own life, but always rooted in the simple beauty of truth and light — will offer an outstretched hand of comfort, compassion, and emotional companionship,” says Taylor

The column is available for digital syndication and appears weekly on the UExpress website

Brad Rourke ‘83 has been promoted at the Kettering Foundation to the newly created role of Director of External Affairs and DC Operations “Democracy, now under threat from so many quarters, needs defenders such as Kettering more than it ever has, both in the U S and globally As Kettering reassesses how best to meet these threats, I am thrilled to be tasked with raising the impact and profile in DC and beyond ” This move is part of a larger set of promotions that are designed to position Kettering to move quickly as they complete a comprehensive strategic planning process Brad has been on staff at Kettering for 10 years, serving primarily as executive editor of issue guides

The Kettering Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 1927 “to sponsor and carry out scientific research for the benefit of humanity ” Inspired by the open-mindedness and creative philosophy of its founder, the American inventor Charles F Kettering, the foundation’s research has gradually shifted to focus on democracy, particularly the role of citizens

On a recent visit to the area, former Stage II teacher and alumni parent Annette See (with able photographer Dan See), joined a few longtime staff for tours of both campuses and time to catch up over lunch

Maxine Gardner stopped by in April to visit with faculty and staff and see recent changes to Roeper’s campus Maxine lives in Colorado and is the parent of two alumni, Adam ‘00 and Matthew ‘03 F

From left to right: Annette See, Bonnie Schemm, Deb Veillette, and Denita Banks-Sims


Kyle Vens '14* & RaeAnne Hankla

were married

AUGUST 14, 2022



I am beyond grateful to have served as the Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund at Roeper for the last seven years. As many of you know, I have been working remotely after relocating to Montana for my husband’s career. Although I have greatly enjoyed my job and love this incredible community, I know the school will be better served by someone who can be physically present and immersed in school life. Please know that I cherish my years at the school and treasure the friendships I have made. Even though June 30 is my last day working for Roeper, I will remain a part of this community forever! I invite you to stay in touch through my personal email address at

With heartfelt thanks for everything,

Juliette Olejnik My husband Thomas and I near our home in Montana.



We are pleased to share that the MOSAIC Auction 2023 — Better Together – was a stunning success! Your generosity propelled us to one of the highest net profits for a Roeper Auction in the last 10 years! We raised more than $125,000 toward the Mariann Hoag Financial Aid Grant Award Program and Professional Development for Faculty and Staff It is an exciting time to be a part of the Roeper community and your investment in current and future Roeperians ensures an even brighter future!

Most especially, we depend on many hands and many variables to present the MOSAIC Auction: the inimitable creativity of our students, faculty and staff, the remarkable support of our Steering Committee, honorary hosts, our corporate sponsors and the generosity of our bidders and donors In part and whole, they made a significant impact, and the sum combines for a triumphant achievement for The Roeper School!

Best wishes and our continuing thanks, The MOSAIC Auction Committee

Katie Buchmann Development Officer & KIT Editor



Sharon “Sha” Buikema, 78, was the longtime Business Manager of The Roeper School We are sad to share her passing on April 17, 2023 Sha was also a beloved alumni parent and alumni grandparent, and her steadfast fiscal leadership made a significant contribution to the school

Sha is survived by her sons, Jeffrey Buikema (Sulie Tyler) and Eric Buikema 1988; her grandchildren, Indigo 2017, Jarrett, Keir, Clay, Emma Buikema and Isabella Bernstein; her siblings, Diane Kargula (Curt), Kaye Pasica (Gary) and Mary Fowler (Fred); her brother-in-law Donald; and her sibling Avalina Buikema


Former Stage IV Team Teacher Terri Lynn Jerue Wagner passed away peacefully at her home on May 30, 2023, at the age of 65 surrounded by her loving family Terri was a kind and loving soul who touched the hearts of those around her She is survived by her devoted husband of 18 years, Steven; her two sons, Ben, Class of 2006 (Celia) and Kevin, Class of 2008; her sisters, Carol and Linda (Carlos); four stepsons Geoff (Malinda), Philip, Peter and William; as well as her grandchildren, Pablo, Félix, Isla and Luca

A memorial service will be held at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, 5631 North Adams Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304, on Saturday, August 19, 2023 with visitation at 10:00am, memorial at 11:00am, inurnment at 11:45am, with a luncheon to follow

Terri’s full obituary can be found at by searching her name

Memorial tributes suggested to Beautiful Savior Care Ministries



annemarie roeper once said, “children need their dreams before they need their skills.” we know that the caretakers of the vision are roeper faculty and staff, and they have expertly managed to provide both.

we offer our heartfelt gratitude to the following community members for their individual and collective contributions to the roeper community:

ED BIRD RAY BOYL transportation staff maintenance supervisor

SARAH FULLER CAT GALLIGAN lower school faculty lower school faculty

TOWELA OKWUDIRE JULIETTE OLEJNIK middle/upper school faculty alumni relations/annual fund director


LORI TALBOTT lower school faculty

You Will Be Missed.



“Don’t Grow Up … It’s a Trap ”

On a recent trip to the Los Angeles area, I was the backseat passenger for a long and sunlit stretch driving on Santa Monica Boulevard I had a delightful view — like when I was child playing Eye Spy on marathon road trips — to observe and survey West Coast property frontage

The “Don’t Grow Up … It’s a Trap” caution was on full display of an independent toy store and the clever admonition was both an enticement to stave away the inevitable with child-like pursuits offered in their retail space, as well as a knowing nod to the immeasurable gift of childhood

Roeper Alumni Parents share a particular awareness of the critical partnership that is demanded of rearing a good human As has been the case since the founding of the school, Roeper Faculty and Staff contribute brilliant and nuanced guidance, coupled with a generous helping of affection and care to this vital alliance

On May 9, Alumni Parents gathered at the Birmingham Campus for a “Coming Home” event to simply reconnect and strengthen the integral role alumni parents play in The Roeper School community More than 70 folks attended, and all were treated to a performance by the Middle/Upper School Small Choir, remarks from Head of School Christopher Federico, followed by a moving history and philosophy presentation by Campus Director Susannah Nichols

Among the assemblage were alumni parents from 1981 to 2022!

The event culminated in an interactive exercise that was revealing and created a one-word portrayal that was the essence of their child’s Roeper experience Here is the spectacular portrait that was painted:













If you must “grow up,” take a Roeper teacher with you!







As has been the case since the founding of the school, Roeper Faculty and Staff provide brilliant and nuanced guidance, coupled with a generous helping of affection and care

On behalf of The Shops@Roeper, we would like to thank everyone for their support this school year. With every purchase, you make a difference by contributing to our Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs.

We want to remind everyone that you can continue to purchase great personalized Roeper items on our website by visiting all summer long.

We look forward to seeing everyone for our next in-person sale in August.

Happy Summer!

Best, Shani


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