KIT Spring '24 Updated

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In June 1956, George and Annemarie Roeper brought together a group of experts in gifted education to advise them on the design of “an educational program for gifted children ” Relying on that advice:

The following criteria were set up for eligibility to the [Roeper] City and Country School: I.Q. of 130 or above; or, possession of non-intellectual talents, such as in music or art, and in others (but primarily these two); and residents of the metropolitan area of Detroit.

Even with this early emphasis on the use of IQ test scores, they recognized that “children should be admitted on the basis of the combination of criteria,” and acknowledged that giftedness, or at least the school’s mandate, extended to those who demonstrated abilities and talents beyond those traditionally considered academic or intellectual By 1966, after 10 years of educating gifted children, George and Annemarie had come to realize the limitations of IQ testing in identifying the kind of students that they sought to serve Writing in the February issue of Minerva’s Children, George noted that:

The intelligence test helped to identify the child who conformed to accepted standards, but failed to identify the one with new and different ideas who would try a speculative, innovative, or inventive answer.

George further expanded on these ideas in a December 1971 manuscript:

We [have] become more and more aware over the last 15 years that a rigid definition of the gifted person and our method of quantitative measurements (I.Q. test) represents a limitation indicating an inadequate understanding of the many facets of giftedness.

Perhaps more well known to the Roeper community are Annemarie’s writings on the qualitative assessment of giftedness, based in the idea that the “human psyche is one of enormous complexity, not fully measurable by standardized psychometric examinations ”

The Roepers’ views about the multi-faceted nature of giftedness are also supported by the work of other experts in the field, especially recent scholarship on the subject of transformational giftedness

Considering all the foregoing in the context of Roeper’s unique mission and history, in particular its commitment to both social justice and the support of the gifted child as a whole person, we now define a gifted student as one who demonstrates exceptional ability and/or potential across the following six interrelated traits or behaviours:

1 Capability Performing at a high standard and demonstrating curiosity and ability in knowledge acquisition and metacognitive processes

2 Communication Conveying and processing information and ideas effectively through oral, written, graphic, and/or other media

3 Collaboration Interacting and working productively with others toward the achievement of shared goals

4 Creativity Generating novel works, ideas, and solutions to problems

5 Commitment Dedicating sustained attention to a specific task or undertaking

6 Connection Feeling and showing empathy and understanding for the unique lived experience of others and applying that empathy and understanding to work towards the good of the community

As we continue to lead as the preeminent school for gifted learners in the United States, we are looking forward to incorporating this new, more equitable, inclusive, and holistic approach to defining and identifying giftedness into our admissions processes for the coming academic year F

1 Summary of the Proceedings of the Gifted Child Institute, held at the City and Country School of Bloomfield Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan (June 18-22, 1956), n p

2 Ibid

3 Ibid

4 George A Roeper, “Intelligence and Creativity,” Minerva’s Children (February 1966), 2 Italics in original

5 George A Roeper, An Answer to the Question: “How to Describe the Gifted Student for whom the School is Designed,” unpublished manuscript (December 1971), 1

6 Annemarie Roeper, “The Annemarie Roeper Method of Qualitative Assessment,” Gifted Education Communicator (Fall 2004), 3

7 See Robert J Sternberg, Don Ambrose, and Sareh Karimi, eds , The Palgrave Handbook of Transformational Giftedness for Education (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022)

… we now define a gifted student as one who demonstrates exceptional ability and/or potential across six interrelated traits or

behaviours: capability, communication, collaboration, creativity, commitment, connection

Christopher Federico Head of School



Conversations and, especially, observations tend to a better job of illuminating student mastery of process — these kinds of assessment data are often gathered before the product is completed

The traditional approach to assessing student achievement in schools has often involved teachers’ relying on a relatively small number of tests or essays, or in some cases a single final exam, to assign a grade for months of learning, potentially overlooking many other valuable forms of evidence

If we want our students to be as successful as possible, however, then we need to come to conclusions about their learning and achievement that are as accurate as possible Assessment and evaluation, the processes for coming to those conclusions about student learning, are not at all dissimilar to what is done by the detective and the judge: gathering evidence and then making a finding Thinking differently about how we do that was the topic of a recent full-day workshop attended by Middle and Upper School teachers and led by grading expert Ken O’Connor

Since we cannot actually see into the brains of our students to know what is going on there, we need them to do things that demonstrate what and how they are learning Tests, essays, and projects — what we refer to as products — are certainly one important way that this can be done, but they alone cannot provide sufficient evidence Consequently, at Roeper we are making changes to our assessment processes in order to make greater and greater use of two other important sources of information about student learning: observations of students as they work and conversations with them about their learning This is referred to as triangulation of evidence and, like triangulation in many other fields of endeavour, offers us a much more accurate picture of where students are in their learning than does reliance on only one type of data

The inclusion of assessment data from observations and conversations is not meant to replace or alter the results of a test or other product Nor is it simply a way, as is sometimes cynically suggested, for those who have done poorly on an assignment to improve their marks after the fact On the contrary, since conversations and, especially, observations tend to a better job of illuminating student mastery of process, these kinds of assessment data are often gathered before the product is completed By drawing upon a wider range of different types of evidence, we can avoid the blind spots that are created by relying on only a single source and improve the validity and reliability of assessment

And better assessment and evaluation leads to better learning F



The Roeper Institute continues our important work with Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD), now in year two of a $2 5 million federal Jacob K Javits Grant to address inequity in gifted identification and services As just one of the exciting initiatives stemming from the partnership with DPSCD’s Gifted & Talented Education (GATE) Department, we hosted our first Super Saturday event in March

The Super Saturday event showcased DPSCD’s commitment to the growth of the district’s Gifted and Talented programming by providing both teacher training and engaging academic and social-emotional learning opportunities for GATE students Over 75 third- through fifth-graders from the first four GATE pilot schools gathered for a day of deep connection and exploration through a wide range of interests Students spent the day exploring topics outside the typical school curriculum by participating in dynamic sessions designed to appeal to high-ability students through advanced content, higher level thinking, interdisciplinary connections, and authentic, interactive, hands-on experiences Former Roeper teacher and current Roeper Institute Board Member, Dianne O’Connor, was one of the presenters, bringing her love for science to rooms full of enthralled, budding scientists in a session on “mystery powders!”

Walking into each room, the rapt attention of gifted students soaking up new content was palpable In fact, the most common refrain heard from students leaving Super Saturday was, “When can we do this again?” and we hope to oblige their enthusiasm and interest! The 2024/2025 school year will see the grant project expand to five additional DPSCD elementary schools The hope is to offer two Super Saturday events next year with increased capacity to accommodate gifted students at all nine schools

Knowing we cannot bring all children who would benefit from it to Roeper, the Roeper Institute has a vested interest in equality by bringing “Roeper to more children ” Our first Super Saturday event did just that and was a perfect illustration of how gifted students can thrive when given opportunities for curiosity, challenge and enrichment F

“My kids are still talking about Super Saturday and how excited they are for the next one!”
~ Cassidy Loridon, DPSCD Teacher
Sarah Miller
Associate Director
The Roeper Institute


Ray has been a consummate steward of Roeper’s buildings and grounds, all while employing the remarkable congeniality that defined his tenure

Ray Boyl, long-serving Maintenance Director, retired after 29 years of dedicated service He joined the community in 1995 and has been a consummate steward of Roeper’s buildings and grounds, all while employing the remarkable congeniality that defined his tenure

Following a distinguished career with Bloomfield Hills Schools, Ray joined the Maintenance Department under the guidance of former Supervisor Bill McNees and he soon absorbed the particular characteristics of the Roeper campuses — 13 acres and multiple structures in Bloomfield Hills and a 1917 converted elementary school in Birmingham

In addition to maintaining the existing facilities, Ray would eventually oversee one the largest expansions of bricks and mortar growth in the history of the school — from the construction of the Steward and Community Center Buildings; new pools and swim complex; the Naas Commons interior courtyard infill, and countless events, special projects and Roeper Summer Day Camps

He has been an integral part of the fabric of the community and the literal embodiment of an adage that directs us to “take care of this place ” According to colleague and close family friend, Tonia O’Rourke Hoose, “When you work with someone for almost 24 years, you become more than just colleagues, you become more like family I remember all the kiddos loved seeing him It always amazed me how he was able to get his work done because his office had a window right next to the sidewalk, and he had to wave and say hi to every student who walked by The kids loved him; and Ray loved what he did, and he did it for the kids And that, too, has been passed down to Ryan ”

We are deeply grateful for his expert management and for ensuring that his legacy continues in the capable watchfulness of his son, Ryan Boyl — who for a decade has followed a similar path of expertly maintaining Roeper’s buildings and grounds

We wish Ray all the best We are delighted to also extend our warmest wishes to his lovely wife Annemarie … and promise no more 3am snow day or boiler-problem phone calls! F



The Rev Up for Roeper Mariann Hoag Scholarship Dinner, held on April 20 at the M1 Concourse in Pontiac, was a resounding success, uniting our community for racing-themed fun and a great cause

The evening kicked off with a red-carpet racecar photo-op entrance, champagne, and the Mariann’s Garden signature mocktail, Andiamo-style raceday snacks, race simulators, and the ever-popular student projects silent auction

After inspirational comments from our guest speakers, including alumnus Chloe Rybicki-Kler ‘13, our generous attendees raised their paddles, and combined with sponsorships, donations, and the silent auction winnings, raised an impressive $50,000 for scholarship and financial aid

Dinner locations were revealed, and the green flag waved as guests made their way to host sites for delicious themed dinners, including Southern Hospitality, An Italian Celebration of Ferrari, Made in Michigan, A Night in Buenos Aires, Journey Through India, and Taco Fiesta Our hosts truly outdid themselves!

The event not only raised crucial funds, but also cultivated community engagement and joy among all who attended New friendships were formed, connections were strengthened, and laughter filled the air throughout the evening

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dinner hosts, committee members, volunteers, and those who contributed financially All made this event a memorable and impactful one

Well done, Roeper! F

Jennifer Irvine Events Coordinator & Community Outreach Associate
Above: Jennifer Irvine waves the green flag to send the guests out to their dinner locations.
Below: Head of School Christopher Federico and his wife Ljiljana Stanic arrive at the event.
Left above: Guests drive the race simulator.
Far left: Chloe Rybicki-Kler ’13 delivers the keynote.
Adjacent, counterclockwise from right: Sharon and David White, Ajit Sharma, Catherine Gofrank and Curtis Bagne enjoy their time together at Kellie & Stephon Bagne’s dinner.


Classroom visits fostered connections between generations and showcased the dedication of our excellent faculty


Grandparents & Special Persons Day is a community highlight on the Lower School calendar every year This year, on May 10, grandparents and special guests were welcomed and celebrated throughout the morning, creating an atmosphere of joy and togetherness Guests enjoyed coffee, pastries, and the opportunity to complete a Six Word Story reflecting their perspective of Roeper

During the morning’s program, student performers delighted an adoring and captivated audience with their talents, including singing, playing in the band, dancing, and plenty of joyful waving! Guests also enjoyed taking photos at Selfie Spots, shopping for Roeper gear at the Shops@Roeper, and purchasing and dedicating books to the Children’s Library at the Library Book Sale

Classroom visits provided guests with a firsthand glimpse into the daily activities and learning experiences of our students These interactive sessions fostered connections between generations and showcased the dedication of our excellent faculty

Special thanks to the Development Office for leading this iconic program and to the Maintenance crew, marketing team, tech staff, faculty, and administration for making this event memorable for grandparents and special persons Many guests left feeling honored, appreciated, and a vital part of our community Mission accomplished! F




This year, I’ve had the honor of working as Student Life Coordinator Although so many of our teachers and community members contribute significantly to student activities, I’m delighted to see this role return in order to offer consistency and support for events and traditions that our students cherish each year

So far, I have been blown away by the student leadership making these events enormously successful The Middle School particularly impressed me with their committee work to plan a Valentine’s dance that was unique and special for their peers As a team they created artwork, advertised, made food, created decor, made a playlist, and even DJed the event

The Upper Schoolers also planned two incredible dances: Homecoming at the Scarab Club in Detroit and Prom at the Community House in Birmingham Fundraising efforts proved successful as tutu-clad and bejeweled Seniors delivered candygrams Each event was widely attended, and a raucous (but not too raucous!) time was had by all

Spirit Week was a massive success this year thanks almost entirely to the student committee, spearheaded by Ivana Thomas, who organized every theme and competition Seniors won with a most impressive showing, but Super Bonus, banners, and karaoke were all particularly creative and fun this year

Other student-led efforts have benefited numerous charities including a Homeroom fundraiser for Everytown for Gun Safety, a sizable donation from the Student Government coat drive, countless bake sales for organizations supported by Senior Projects, and an impressive can drive during Spirit Week

I frequently think of Linda Vernon who was the Student Life Coordinator for my first decade at Roeper and from whom I learned so much One thing I always admired was her way of honoring students’ individual talents while steering them toward leadership roles that would benefit the community at large I strive to recreate that magic in my work with these amazing kids, and I look forward to honing that craft in the years to come F

Michal McConville Student Life Coordinator
Upper: Sixth grader Drexil Lanivich DJs the Middle School dance.
Lower: Seniors celebrate their Spirit Week victory.


Whether in a city or the wilderness, students hone skills of decisionmaking and self-reliance when they are given new measures of independence

At the All-School Assembly that opens each school year, the senior class introduces themselves to the student body and shares, in turn, their favorite memories of their Roeper years Each year, easily half of these treasured memories center on Roeper trips

Some trips connect to an activity like Forensics or Model UN, but the most cited are grade-level trips: shared class experiences designed around a specific educational or developmental purpose

Ten years ago, I worked closely with history teacher Matt Vallus and then-Upper School Director Lisa Baker to launch the Washington D C trip We crafted a trip focused on curiosity, choice, citizenship, and cultivation of relationships with subject-area experts — all hallmarks of Roeper education, but employed in new ways and in new environments

That’s the common thread of all Roeper class trips The experience of being away from home is terrifying and thrilling: whether in a city or the wilderness, students hone skills of decisionmaking and self-reliance when they are given new measures of independence Trips let students encounter the world on authentic terms — whether that’s managing food and water on a long hike, navigating public transportation, or the opportunity to freely wander a museum These are objectives that simply cannot be achieved without leaving the comfortable confines of one’s home and school

Currently, we sequence four trips at the Birmingham campus in sixth, eighth, ninth, and eleventh grades These trips are placed to foster class unity as well as provide a diversity of opportunities for personal growth and reflection While the particulars of trips evolve due to both opportunity and necessity, the common denominator is their ability to foster the growth of Roeper students in new circumstances As we continue to hone this sequence, we’ll know we’ve been successful when we hear recollections of these trips in future assemblies to come! F

Photos from 9th Grade camping trip to the Smoky Mountains.



Ceremonies and traditions are a meaningful part of the Roeper experience — with none more important than the milestones as our students move through the different Stages in the Lower School and onwards to the Middle School

How do we honor these pivotal moments in a student’s experience while honoring the contributions and individuality of our students and their Stage-wide family?

In keeping with our spirit of individuality and self-expression, each Stage has different traditions and approaches for honoring their second-year students

In Stage II, second-year students run through a beautiful arch that signifies the idea of passing onwards to the next Stage in the Lower School experience Some students run through the arch when their names are called Some walk with purpose, and some do cartwheels or somersaults! These traditions honor the individuality of each student at The Roeper School

Stage III shares messages of wisdom that speak to each student and their personal contributions to the Stage The messages are heartfelt and demonstrate the strength of the relationships that teachers develop with their students To close the ceremony, students walk from the Stage III classrooms in the Steward building towards the Stage IV classrooms at the back of campus During this walk, students from other Stages line the pathway and clap for Stage III as they make the transition to the next Stage

The importance of family and relationshipbuilding is evident in the Stage IV moving up experience Students, families and teachers gather on the lawn to hear words of wisdom and advice from the Lower School Counselor and Director These messages underline the importance and impact of acting as leaders in a community — our hope for all of these students as they prepare to continue their journey, whether on Roeper’s Middle School campus or beyond it F

In keeping with our spirit of individuality and selfexpression, each Stage has different traditions and approaches for honoring their second-year students
Meghan Stott
Lower School Director



Alex Pedica, Director

We were so excited to bring Shakespeare back to the Acheson Theatre with the Middle School Production of Twelfth Night! This was a community effort with help of Roz Giroux and the Middle School team, as well as Dan Jacobs, Laura Moore, and the Forensics Department With themes of gender-nonconformity and mistaken identity, and a script all in verse, Twelfth Night was a great bookend to our Fall Upper School musical, Head Over Heels

Stage IV went under the sea this year with their production of Finding Nemo Jr After a successful run of Annie Kids last year, the Stage IV musical is back and better than ever and we’re EXTRA EXTRA excited for what’s in store next year!

We finished off our season with a student-directed production of Ghost Quartet as part of Audrey Polk and Gabriela Nielsen’s Senior Project!

12 incredible senior singers in solos and duets sprinkled throughout the program

Roeper’s M/US Vocal Music Department finished out the 2023/24 school year with two performances In mid-April, we joined with the Instrumental and Dance departments for our Upper School Showcase in the Acheson Theater Both Concert Choir and Small Choir shared a piece, and they joined together for our annual performance of Farewell, Dear Friend, arranged by beloved former vocal music teacher Abha Dearing The evening featured

Our beautifully varied Spring Choir Concert featured solo songs from Middle School and nonsenior US students mixed in with a wide array of choral arrangements The MS choirs sang arrangements taken from Broadway hits, jazz standards, Spanish poetry, and an animated movie US Concert Choir sang two selections in Latin (one secular and one sacred), and continued with a modern “lakeside lullaby”, a gospel number with text by Maya Angelou, and the lesser-known Michael Jackson song, Heal the World US Small Choir’s 12 auditioned members offered Bob Dylan’s The Times They Are A-Changin’, a song about mental health, a 60s’ Broadway bop, and a new arrangement of Over the Rainbow featuring MS violinist Ohad Wong We sent the audience home with ABBA’s Dancing Queen The concert was held at St John’s Episcopal Church in Royal Oak and was our first time performing off-campus in many years!

Twelfth Night
Finding Nemo Jr.
Alex Pedica
Twelfth Night
VOCAL MUSIC, Steven McGhee, Director
Steven McGhee


Throughout the Spring semester, The Roeper Dance Department students engaged in several robust creative processes and performances Stage II students embodied flying creatures as they danced to Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite in the culminating event for their interdisciplinary study of flight Special thanks to Roeper alumni teacher Jennifer Evenson and current Lower School PE teacher Deb Veillette for making the most beautiful wing costumes for our tiniest dancers

At their Family Night Celebration of Learning, Stage III dancers performed a work in which they embodied their own unique identities to Michael Giacchino’s score, Bundle of Joy, as well as another upbeat work that was inspired by a sense of community and belonging, the Civil Rights anthem Dancing in the Streets by Martha and the Vandellas

Stage IV, Middle and Upper School dancers performed in their culminating concerts on May 8th and April 24th, respectively The small group dances were choreographed entirely by the students who accumulated movement phrases through compositional tasks that focused on space, time, motif, and theme The dancers created and refined movement, selected music, lighting, and costumes to communicate a fully formed idea to a live audience in the Acheson Theater

The US Dance Ensemble performed a Congolese Dance, Awakening to Malaia by Studio Bros that was choreographed by Guest Artist, Karen Prall, Associate Professor at Wayne State University/Director of To Sagana, the African Dance Company

Spring Dance performances concluded on Founder’s Day when more than 50 dancers, Stage III through Upper School performed an upbeat ensemble dance that served as a call to action to take responsibility to help make the future a more equitable place for all

Amy Cova


Eric Ambrose, Middle/Upper School Director

Hans Muer, Lower School Director

This Spring, the Instrumental Music program at Roeper continued traditions while also bringing back a newer tradition that had been halted due to Covid

Both Beginning and Advanced Bands from the Lower School had the great opportunity to collaborate with the Middle School Bands, playing at their Spring Concert on May 22 in the CCB gymnasium Pieces included, Jurassic Park, Birthplace of Kings, and Royal Parade We are so very proud of the kids’ efforts this year in Band!

The Upper School Concert Band performed at the annual MLK celebration in January, this year combining with the Concert Choir and special guest performer Christopher Federico on the bagpipes for a moving rendition of Amazing Grace

In April, the Middle School Bands brought back a new performance that began a few years before Covid — the Clinic Concert This

concert format brings in another band director from the area to listen to the Middle School Bands perform, then give a 15-minute clinic in front of the audience This format allows students to hear a different perspective on how they can continue to develop, as well as giving parents a “sneak peak” at what it looks like to rehearse a band Both the 6/7 Concert Band and Jazz Bands performed

One week later, the Upper School Instrumental, Choir, and Dance programs came together for our annual Showcase Concert This features all the Upper School performing ensembles as well as senior soloists and small ensembles Some notable performances were Caleb Hoover on his Double Bass, and a surprise cameo from physics teacher Andrew Blechmann singing with a senior duet!

And finally, our Spring All-School Concert held in May featured all instrumentalists from Stage IV up through the Upper School Notable highlights included Stage IV combining with the 6/7 Concert Band to perform music from Jurassic Park, the “small but mighty” six-member Middle School Jazz Band performing Pink Panther, and the Upper School Concert Band closing the show with an energetic performance of Omar Thomas’s Caribana Afterparty, a piece that celebrates the music of the Caribbean We are looking forward to continuing our tradition of musical excellence next year! F

Eric Ambrose
Hans Muer



SILVER MOORE ’09 was awarded the prestigious Skillman Visionary Award! Each year, the Skillman Foundation honors up to 10 exceptional individuals who are transforming the education system into a more equitable model for all This year’s Visionaries include a diverse group of educators, organizers, policy movers, and other essential leaders dedicated to improving education across Detroit

MICHAEL DINWIDDIE ’73* has been elected president of the August Wilson Society The August Wilson Society (AWS) is an interdisciplinary learning community dedicated to promoting the study, teaching, performance, research, and safeguarding of the rich legacy left by August Wilson Wilson’s profound contributions include 10 plays that chronicle the stories of African Americans from 1904 to 1997, capturing the essence of their experiences and history

WILLIAM HOOVER ’21 was recognized as an RIT (Rochester Institute of Technolopgy) Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar, and as part of the award was given the opportunity to honor a high school teacher who had a profound impact on his academic development Will selected Andrew Blechman, Upper School Science Teacher

CHLOE RYBICKI-KLER ’13 returned to Roeper, as the alumni keynote speaker at this year’s Mariann Hoag Scholarship Dinner With passion and gratitude, she illuminated the transformative power of philanthropy, recounting how generous donors made her Roeper journey possible Chloe’s inspiring journey from Roeper to Neuroscience Doctoral Candidate at the University of Michigan Medical School Program in Biomedical Sciences, where she works in the prestigious Omar J Ahmed Lab, serves as a testament to the enduring impact of educational support

ANIKA KUMAR ’02 has joined forces with a team of esteemed physicians to pen a groundbreaking book on pediatric hospital medicine Leveraging her expertise and passion for improving child healthcare, Anika’s collaboration offers invaluable insights and innovations to the medical community

JESSICA TEHLIRIAN ’07 has been honored as one of the Top Personal Injury Lawyers of Los Angeles and has also earned a spot on the prestigious 40 Lawyers Under 40 list These accolades highlight her exceptional legal expertise and dedication to her clients, distinguishing her as a leading figure in the legal community

JOHN TALPOS ’96, Division Director at the FDA, spearheaded the innovative BrainMixTox project, delving into the realm of neurotoxicity and individual susceptibility using human brain organoids This ground-breaking endeavor promises to revolutionize our understanding of neurological health and pave the way for safer, more personalized approaches to neurotoxicity assessment


’08> were our featured alumni presenters at the annual Alex Frank Poetry Collective held in the Dean Acheson Theater on May 1, 2024

AMY VOIGT ’85 was recognized as Teacher of the Year for Birmingham Public Schools! With over 32 years of experience in public education, Amy is renowned for her expertise in English and AP English Language Her dedication shines through in her 23-year tenure co-sponsoring the Gender Sexuality Alliance at Wylie E Groves High School, where she has left an indelible mark on countless students’ lives Amy’s passion for teaching and commitment to fostering inclusive communities make her a truly deserving recipient of this prestigious honor

ANN MARSH SENIC ‘89 was recently honored by USA Fencing in celebration of Women’s History Month F



It is with profound sadness and a heavy heart that we announce the passing of former Stage IV Teacher, ELEANOR “NAN” GRIFFITH

Nan passed away on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, in Riverview, Michigan She leaves her daughter Jane, son-in-law Phillp Davanzo, two granddaughters, Katie and Cara Davanzo, and son Peter Griffith The passing of her beloved husband, Rev Richard Griffith, preceded hers and followed a long — and often shared — pastoral vocation

Nan was an exceptional teacher and embodied a rare and deep commitment to gifted pedagogy and the Roeper philosophy Her unfailing warmth permeated her classrooms with delighted, self-actualized learners, and excerpts of Shakespeare on nearly every surface

Longtime colleague and good friend Jarie Ruddy (retired Faculty and Alumni Parent) reflected, “Nan’s quiet, unassuming patience was often exactly what kids needed — she was always there to listen and had a special way of making them feel valued and understood She embodied a commitment to social justice and activism, modeling the importance of these values into the daily life of her classroom I will particularly remember how much she loved words and literature — sharing her passion for Shakespeare with a multitude of Stage IV students and teachers over the years — convincing us that Shakespeare held the key to all we needed to know about life She treasured her trips to Stratford each summer and especially enjoyed a good Shakespearean insult We’ll miss you, dear Nan ”

She was a consummate partner and her tenure of 20 years, from 1988 to 2008, would extend to her generous and faithful participation in a myriad of school events and programs after her retirement F

The life of KATHRYN DENEROFF 2008 was celebrated in an intimate ceremony outside Boston in April, where her mother eloquently reflected on her remarkable daughter After Kathryn’s bone cancer diagnosis in 2019, she never questioned “Why?” Instead, she embodied a fierce, courageous optimism Support enveloped Kathryn, anchored by her parents, Ann and Steven, her brother Michael (a 2015 Roeper alum), her treasured friends, and her beloved Sid, whom she’d met only six months before

Kathryn and Sid savored trips to Greece, Singapore, and Portugal (See his beautiful tribute, linked in the sidebar) Simple joys were important — snuggling with Sid and their dog Willow, family games, pastries, snowshoeing, parrot tulips, and cross-stitching Kathryn found happiness outdoors, delighting in trails, wildlife, and sunsets (She hiked New Hampshire’s 30-mile Pemi Loop in one day )

Her undergraduate degree in Biology and Environmental Science was from Bowdoin; in its gorgeous Maine setting, the atmosphere was intellectual and collaborative She always focused on excellence, competing only with herself, and became a regulatory specialist at an environmental consulting firm in Portland, Maine Her passion for the environment translated into small, everyday actions (recycling, less flushing, and composting)

Kathryn embodied integrity, creativity (her love of color and sparkle), and wordless humor — that eye roll! — with incredible determination While undergoing brutal treatment, she completed her Master of Science (Energy Systems) from Northeastern

Friends sought Kathryn’s pragmatic wisdom, offered after keen listening and observation, including, “This is a later problem ” From preschool to graduation, Kathryn forged lifelong Roeper friends, who are determined to keep her memory burning forever

Condolences may be sent to:

Jane Davanzo 25194 Superior Taylor, MI 48180

Read Sid’s tribute to Kathryn’s life here ~


Nan (far right), pictured here with Sue Williams and the Dunn Family at an Empty Bowls evening in 2004.


It is springtime when Mariann Hoag’s legacy feels in full bloom

I often experience a very fond and profound recall of Mariann Hoag

Her contributions to our school are incalculable, and my Hill House/Main Building Office is where she held court for decades before her unparalleled acumen journeyed south on Woodward Avenue, and she similarly imbued the Birmingham Campus with her distinctive presence for several decades more

Yet, it is springtime when her legacy feels in full bloom

We recently hosted the Mariann Hoag Scholarship Dinner — an event named in her honor to raise funds for the extraordinary financial aid program that she stewarded — and were reminded of the impact that remains in service to thousands of Roeper families

Of course, that achievement alone warrants our unending gratitude, but the bonuses are the now iconic occasions that she inspired and guided including the Junior/Senior Dinner … Commencement festivities … the Senior Gift … Kensington … Founder’s Day … and beyond

In 1992, the entire Roeper community gathered on the front lawn of the Birmingham Campus to celebrate Mariann It was a joyous assembly of the entire body — from Stage I to Grade 12 — joined in unison to applaud her iconic status In commemoration of that special day (pictured below), a plaque was created and placed on the grounds at Birmingham

Well, we have since altered that initial area quite a bit, and Mariann’s sign is not as prominently featured as was originally intended and has also subsequently suffered unsightly damage from the elements As a result, we are delighted that a refurbished plaque at the base of the main entry of the Birmingham Campus is on the way

This new home feels like a perfect fit, as it is a proximate match where Mariann greeted each community member starting at 6:30am sharp! She was the consummate promise for the school day that lay ahead and an embodiment of the Roeper philosophy

Thank you, Mariann … for more than we can remember

Friends, please keep in touch!




Jack Williams Digital Marketing g& Design Specialist

Dear Roeper Community,

We are thrilled to share the wonderful news that we have reached and surpassed our historic Annual Fund goal of $325,000

Over 850 community members joined together to achieve this amazing milestone Your incredible support and generosity have made this possible, and we want to take a moment to extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you

The Annual Fund is the bedrock of all school fundraising and provides an essential vehicle for the community to support the school’s mission Your contributions ensure that we can continue to offer a unique and exceptional educational experience to our students

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and generosity We are so grateful to have such a dedicated and caring community

With deepest gratitude,

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