VOLUME 16: 4

VOLUME 16: 4
Good afternoon, and welcome, everyone, to the 2023 Commencement Exercises of the Roeper City and Country School My name is Christopher Federico, my pronouns are he/him, and I am honoured and privileged to be Roeper’s Head of School
Honoured, privileged, and a little apprehensive, for while this is the 55th such ceremony for The Roeper School, it is obviously the first one for me as its Head That is daunting in itself, but to add to that, in typical Roeper fashion, I have been given a great deal of autonomy, and rather little guidance, in composing my remarks for today
This is, rightly, an incredibly important day for everyone here; it’s a one-shot deal, and you are all wondering whether the new guy is going to get it right while I am wondering if I am going to use some arcane Canadian expression that none of you will understand And then there’s the fact that more than one member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees is here today to see their own children graduate, as is my own indispensable assistant who has on more than one occasion admonished me that, “I’d better not to blow it,” and you see why I might be feeling just a little pressure
Two things, however, have helped relieve that pressure First is that, again this being Roeper, I knew that if push came to shove, I could always just cancel the whole thing and take everyone out for ice cream The second is that in my researches, I came across the speech George gave at that firstever 12th Grade graduation 54 years ago and was reassured — as will you be — that his speech ran only slightly over two double-spaced typewritten pages So now I had some direction: keep it short and avoid talking about Toonies, Tim Horton’s, or toques, and you’ll be fine
If obscure Canadian references are off limits, however, a little Latin never is
So, a true (if nerdy) fact gleaned from my own many years of independent school Latin that the word student isn’t really connected to schooling, but is actually the present participle of the verb studeo, studére, studui, studitum, meaning “to be eager,” which seems like the right descriptor for this group For although I have not been in a position to see all the things that these students have done on over their many collective years at
Roeper — in fact I have only really had the opportunity to get to know them over the past 10 months — I have been in this business long enough to know that they didn’t get to where they are now and do all the things about which we are about to hear without being eager to do lot of work, seek out a wide and varied array of experiences, take risks, and build friendships and connections, and that their parents, family, friends, and teachers were eager to support them in doing it
To graduate, on the other hand, means to take a step, to proceed upwards or forwards, away from something and towards something else Although a graduation is a time to celebrate, it is also a moment of unease, as, in taking that step, we leave behind us what is familiar to advance into the unknown It is an occasion for us both to reflect on an investment of time and to contemplate its future returns
And we indeed have a group in front of us who have been, and I have no doubt will continue to be, eager to take steps From those first tentative, wobbly literal steps that carried some of them through the doors of the Domes or the Hill House, to the steps they have taken to advance their own knowledge by navigating a course through the unique educational experience that is Roeper, and from the steps they have taken to re-build community and spirit to the steps they are about to take into college and that part of the world that lies beyond the Roeper campus
Graduates, in looking back on your time at Roeper and in contemplating your next steps, I offer you the same thought that George did to that first Roeper graduating class Although it is more than 50 years old, it is no less apropos today:
You may be immensely successful. You may have failed. Regardless, you will have an outlook towards life that is open-minded, progressive, more understanding and accepting of differences among human beings. You will be intolerant of ruthless, inhuman cruelty, and I hope intolerant of violence
Graduation is an occasion for us both to reflect on an investment of time and to contemplate its future returns
of any kind. You will feel passionate about justice and rights of the individual and fight injustices, racism, and narrow-minded bigotry.
Roeper families, I thank you for trusting us with your children Roeper graduates of the Class of
2023, I congratulate you; I thank you for enriching the ever-evolving community that is Roeper; and I wish you every success in your endeavours to come
Just keep your sticks on the ice F
Thank you for inviting me as a member of the Roeper family to your graduation ceremony
It is fitting for this occasion to occur in a synagogue, as my mother, Annemarie Roeper, was from a secular Jewish family, and my father went to the school run by her parents Her family had a complicated relationship with their Jewish past As was the case with many German-Jewish families, my mother’s family preferred to minimize their Jewish heritage; my mother learned that she was Jewish only in her teens This heritage, however, played a role in my parents’ thinking about the world and education
My parents were principally humanists, a philosophic approach to life, which includes many Jewish values
Humanism sees human beings as having dignity, individuality, and agency, and being the central source of values, ethics, and justice From these views flows a commitment to an equitable, diverse society, based on human rights
Humanism is an optimistic view that with the combination of individual and collective human capabilities, the world’s problems can be addressed For my parents, humanism is a secular perspective that does not rely on religion, miracles, mystical thinking, or blindly following a charismatic leader What it does rely on is the human capacity for rational critical thinking: the ability to look at the world logically and with reason to make decisions based on facts and evidence One faces facts, one does not make them up
Developing critical thinking skills, as my parents understood, is essential to learning and can provide you with a sense of wonderment about the world and a style of thinking that is of lifelong benefit
Critical thinking is central to humanism and seeing the world clearly with a firm basis for one’s perspective Such thinking is not just a technique that one applies to solve problems or issues of science, but also an approach to life: a style of always wondering why, always asking questions, always seeking more answers, and relying on our intellect to interpret the world
Critical thinking is also essential to working through the many ethical issues we face today and guiding one to a strong ethical foundation Critical thinking, however, is not just a method to try to reach
certainty, it is also crucial to understanding how the same event can be seen and experienced in many different, even opposite ways
In fact, critical thinking helps us understand and appreciate that each of us has complex, changing, often inconsistent emotional lives As we live through different experiences and emotions, we are often confronted with ambivalence, ambiguity, and confusion, which can lead to anger, self-doubt, and distrust Thinking can help us manage our way through our emotional lives and understand the emotional lives of others Also, when we begin to grasp how other people think and feel, we foster the crucial ability to empathize and develop humility
These ideas, humanism, critical rational thinking, ethics, and understanding of human psychology are central to the way my parents designed the school Mostly they wanted a school that respected people and appreciated the uniqueness of every child They wanted their students to become citizens of the world and have fulfilling emotional and intellectual lives
Hopefully, as you move into adulthood, you are comfortable with this humanistic perspective, which will enrich your own lives and the world around you
Hopefully, you will use your critical thinking skills to resist our culture’s old and new shibboleths or assumptions and see the world in new ways
Hopefully, you will proceed with both an ethical foundation and a willingness to permit those ethical views to change and grow based on your life experiences
And hopefully, you will use the experiences in the school to understand that people see and feel the world in many different ways, and arrogance or sanctimony is less appropriate than understanding
Thank you for listening F
When we begin to grasp how other people think and feel, we foster the crucial ability to empathize and develop humility
K: Success is not a one-person job We’d like to start by thanking the teachers and staff members who have poured countless invaluable hours into our academic and individual endeavors
J: Thank you to all the parents, guardians, and family in the audience today We are immensely grateful for your guidance — you are a huge part of our accomplishments today and will be a part of them for many more milestones to come
K: As an aside, we’d like to thank our own moms and dads There is no perfect way to ever express how thankful we are for your love and support
J: You are our biggest cheerleaders, our north stars, and the people we aspire to become
K: Class of 2023, we all have one key thing in common, which is why we’re here today: we’re #Gifted I know, saying #gifted sounds like a Roeper facebook post But being gifted is something we cherish because it’s something that brings us together When we walk off this stage, we’re not leaving that trait behind Many students we’ll meet in college can identify as gifted, but only we are lucky enough to say that we’re Roeper kids Well, what we mean to say is that we’re #RoeperKids
J: Roeper is where we’ve intersected before we embark on our individual walks of life Even though we’re going our separate ways, I would caution you to never lose the Roeper Kid in you When we go off to college, I hope we all get to make friends with the people who would’ve fit in well with our grade
J: So, Katelyn and I came up with a list of ways to characterize the Roeper Class of ‘23, we call it: How To Spot A Roeper Kid
K: 1 They want to continue to learn beyond the structure of college Don’t get me wrong, higher education will greatly contribute to your success But learning doesn’t stop when you get your degree — just like it doesn’t stop today Roeper kids are lifelong learners You are all motivated to learn for more than just a good grade
J: 2 They have eclectic and encompassing passions From poetry to car repair to philosophy to dance, the Class of ‘23 has proven that once we gain an interest, we pursue it relentlessly As someone who avidly reads the Roeper Record, I
am constantly in awe of the things you accomplish within your passions Roeper kids put in the time and effort to achieve their desired results without fail We’ve seen this firsthand by watching our friends build award-winning robots, take action for their beliefs, and outrace their opponents to the finish line
K: 3 They’re open-minded and non-judgmental We are taught at Roeper to listen to each other That has led to productive conversations, and it has contributed to our growth as citizens of the world I’ve found that whether you’re interested in the history of Valentine’s Day or in literary techniques of surrealist poetry, you can find someone here to talk about it with you That’s the thing about Roeper kids, they’ll engage in conversations with you as if they were experts in the field
J: 4 They’re caring Roeper students react with compassion and empathy We are all trying to help each other succeed I know that any one of you would take a few minutes of your time to help explain a math problem, a question on a lab report, or proofread a college essay You care about the world beyond the walls of our school You take action for the causes you care about, instead of remaining complacent — you’ve done work ranging from fundraising for disease research to writing advocacy letters to Michigan Senators I hope this active attitude towards justice sticks with you; the world of tomorrow needs it
J: There you have it; your guide on How To Spot a Roeper Kid Now that our future as graduates has gone from being an out-there concept into a pressing reality, we can say we’re profoundly grateful for the privilege of growing up here
K: All the positive memories we’ve created, the photos we’ve taken, and the videos that make us cringe, will never truly leave us To quote John Green, who I’m sure we’re all familiar with from late-night cramming Crash Course videos before an exam … “We’re on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friends ”
J: If you went on Shivering Timbers on the senior trip, it sure felt that way! But I take this quote to remember to live life on the bright side We’re saying goodbye today, but there are great things behind us as well as ahead, and that is something to be grateful for
K + J: Congratulations Roeper Class of 2023! F
Now that our future as graduates has gone from being an out-there concept into a pressing reality, we can say we’re profoundly grateful for the privilege of growing up here
As Roeper’s Alumni Director, I am honored to be the first to welcome you all into the Roeper alumni family!
Just as you all made Roeper a better place, now it’s time for you to go out and make the world a better place I’m here to remind you that you’re not venturing out alone You will forever share a bond with the people in this room and can always lean on each other The people in this room will always be your people And whether you realize it now or not, you also share a bond with over 2,500 Roeper alums who have come before you
The Roeper alumni community welcomes you with open arms, and I encourage you to use your new Alumni network because your Roeper connections may prove to be invaluable To make it even easier, we’ve just launched a networking and mentoring platform just for Roeper alums, and I hope you will join It’s called AlumniFire, and it’s an easy way to connect with alumni who went to the university or college you’re attending in the fall or to seek out a mentor who works in a field that interests you
Alumni are eager to help and to serve as a resource because that’s what our community does — we support each other, within these walls and also outside of them We hope that as a Roeper alum, you will do the same for those who come after you
I know you’re ready to move on to the next chapter of your lives, but I want you to know that all of us want to keep in touch with you We invite you to come back and visit during school events and participate in alumni reunions We want to keep in touch with you and celebrate your milestones because you are, and always will be, a part of the Roeper family And parents, that includes you too You‘re all a part of our alumni family now Roeper will forever be a piece of you, and you will forever be a piece of Roeper
On that note, once again, Congratulations Class of 2023, and welcome to the Roeper alumni family!
* Delivered at the 2023 Junior/Senior Dinner
We want to keep in touch with you and celebrate your milestones because you are, and always will be, a part of the Roeper family
graduate presenter
Sara Mendez
Sara Mendez
Alex Pedica
Matt Vallus
Kelly McDowell
Kevin Kildea
Patrick Harris
Matt Vallus
Kelly McDowell
Natalie Abbott
Natalie Abbott
Brian Hewitt
Kelly McDowell
Michal McConville
ISABEL LILY POPPER No Speaker Preferred
Relationships are important at Roeper. Each senior chooses an adult member of the Roeper community to present him or her at commencement. Speeches are factual, humorous and poignant, with words drawn from student records, friends, family and staff members.
Historically, George Roeper spoke a few minutes about each graduate, and upon his retirement, the Upper School Director assumed that commitment.
Patrick Harris
Eric Ambrose
Dan Jacobs
Michelle Stamler
Natalie Abbott
Brian Hewitt
Michal McConville
Eric Ambrose
Amy Cova
Kevin Kildea
Sara Mendez
Susannah Nichols
Matt Vallus
Michelle Stamler
Barb Lasecki-Webb
Dan Jacobs
Wendy Mayer
Scott Vartanian
Dan Jacobs
Kelly McDowell
Eric Ambrose
Laura Sobieralski
Amy Cova
Amy Cova
As the classes grew larger, it became a daunting task for one person to undertake, so in the mid-’80s a group of five or six teachers was designated by each graduating class from which the seniors could choose. In the early ’90s the choice was widened to include any current or former staff member. It is considered an honor to be invited to present.
Graduation order is determined by the student’s length of time at The Roeper School. The newest student to Roeper graduates first; the student who has attended the longest is presented last.
GWEN: artistic, creative, intelligent
BIANCA NOEL BOJAJ, daughter Gjyste and Anton Bojaj of Clinton Township and sister of Jude ‘25, attended Roeper for four years In her speech for Bianca, Sara Mendez said, “Bianca moves through the world with a sense of wonder and openness to new experiences and ideas, and with a great love for her people, who are, luckily for us, an evergrowing group due to Bianca’s kind and accepting nature ” Michal McConville shared that Bianca is curious and inquisitive, and adds that “The quest is much too exciting and fulfilling for her to worry about something as banal as the final grade ” Bianca’s mother Gjyste highlighted Bianca’s “love for working to create beautiful things,” and Sara added that this could be extended to Bianca’s ability to create beautiful relationships with all kinds of people She mentioned that Bianca has many family gatherings where Bianca “happily creates programming for her 14 younger cousins when they all camp out in the basement, playing scary games in the dark and roasting marshmallows together ” Bianca’s brother Jude said, “Bianca is a big role model for me I often find myself thinking if I will ever live up to the great legend of Bianca Her kindness, and her willingness to learn and grow, are all things that define Bianca’s character and makes me want to follow her example of love ” Bianca will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
I would like to thank the entire Roeper community, especially all of the wonderful faculty and staff, for making my high school years so special and memorable. As my time as a student here comes to a close, I would like to wish everyone the best of luck on their own journeys. This is not goodbye forever!
GWENHWYVAR HASLETT, daughter of Shannon Weidemann and Jim Haslett of Royal Oak, attended Roeper for four years In her speech for Gwen, Sara Mendez stated, “Gwen sometimes shows the world a shy demeanor, but behind it lies a sharp intellect and a dry sense of humor that people who know her
well adore ” Friend Katelyn Teetsel stated, “People would be surprised to know that Gwen is a very talkative person From the outside, she appears shy, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth! The best part about her jokes is the delivery: Gwen will drop the funniest one-liners monotone and straight-faced ” Friend Peyton Keffer shared, “I think Gwen’s best quality is her creativity Ever since I met [her]… she has always had some creative hobby that she occupies herself with Whether it be making scrunchies, crocheting, sewing, or sculpture-making, she always is doing something fun or creative in her free time ” When asked to share her favorite memory of Gwen, teacher Kelly McDowell shared, “Definitely the Surrealist scarf that she knitted for her final project in Modern Lit! Beyond brilliantly applying the complex aesthetics and form that we studied all year, it was, quite simply, one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen! This is what I mean when I say that Gwen has a creative vision, all her own ” Sara concluded that Gwen “will be so much more than just fine — she will show all what a badass she really is and will be incredible ” Gwen will be attending Michigan State University in the fall
Thank you to all of the teachers who have helped make my Roeper experience so great!
PEYTON RUBY KEFFER, daughter of Jeannine Caesar and Tim Keffer of Royal Oak, attended Roeper for four years In his speech for Peyton, Alex Pedica stated, “When I first met Peyton, I met a fellow musical theatre nerd She would find a way to fit theatre into any conversation and a number of her school assignments I asked her why she enjoyed theatre so much and she told me she loved it because you get to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand how they think I was surprised to hear that she wasn’t going to pursue theatre in college But Peyton is more than just a lover of musicals ” Alex went on to describe Peyton’s artistic side, quoting teacher Michelle Stamler, who stated, “I had the pleasure of teaching Peyton in her first year at Roeper in my darkroom photography class and again now in her senior year in journalism Peyton is such a dedicated
PEYTON: artistic, friendly, understanding
BIANCA: loving, curious, kind
student and really is motivated to learn as much as possible She is committed and creative and while I know this is not probably the best thing to put into somebody’s speech, she is always smiling and such a positive presence, always looking on the bright side, except when the traffic is horrible on Woodward ” Teacher Kelly McDowell shared, “When I was a new mom, I would put Rocco into the stroller and head to the park each day Along the way, we would often encounter a sweet little girl playing in her yard She would smile and greet us with a friendly ‘hello ’ That sweet little girl was Peyton, who lived right around the corner from us I should’ve known because the kindness and light that I saw in that little girl are the same that I see in the older Peyton I now know and treasure ” Alex concluded by stating of her plans to major in Psychology, “Her interest in understanding people, her creativity, and her compassion, are perfectly suited to this important work ” Peyton will be attending Michigan State University in the fall
Thank you to the Roeper community for being a positive driving force during my high school years.
KLEIN, son of Jessica and Daniel Klein of Novi, attended Roeper for four years Matt Vallus called Andrew “the official Roeper ‘hype man,’” and pointed out his dedication and resilience These characteristics are ones that have become clear as Andrew continued to push himself beyond his comfort zone and embrace new challenges Andrew’s coach, Ed Sack, highlighted Andrew’s dedication to teamwork and how he always puts the needs of his teammates above his own Michal McConville noted Andrew’s tremendous growth during his time at Roeper, especially in his confidence and ability to empathize with others Matt added that “Andrew’s involvement in Model UN has played a significant role in bolstering his self-assurance, providing him with a platform to express himself and engage in meaningful discussions with his peers It is through Model UN that Andrew found his voice, fearlessly speaking up and contributing
his unique perspective ” Andrew’s sister, Abby, highlighted Andrew’s excellent sense of humor, happiness, and caring nature — a sentiment that friend Evan Broad echoed by pointing out how Andrew consistently takes time out of his day to check on his friends and offer support during difficult times Matt continued that Andrew’s “desire to make a difference in the lives of those around him is a testament to his character and the values instilled in him throughout his time at Roeper ” Andrew will be attending Michigan State University in the fall
Thank you for all the memories. I will remember my experience here for the rest of my life.
ZELIA KAY NEWHARD, daughter of Evelyn Gerson and Jon Newhard of Birmingham, sister of Noah ’21, attended Roeper for six years In her speech for Zizi, Kelly McDowell stated, “Zizi is, without question, tough Her demeanor is stoic and self-controlled And, even while one can easily sense her enormously powerful skills, she is never quick to jump into the fray Instead, she prefers to use her skills when and where they matter and can make a difference She is fine to wait and to strategize and bide her time for the moment that will surely be hers ” Kelly continued, “It might seem a little odd to refer to Zizi as ‘tough,’ only because she is also kind, gentle, and sweet She is the first to greet others with a smile, and she does not take herself too seriously Humanity and empathy radiate from her But I think this is exactly what ‘toughness’ is … being brave enough to allow oneself to truly feel for others and tap into deep thoughts and emotions ” Parents Evelyn and Jon shared, “Zizi has always been a unique blend of sweetness and fearlessness ” Teacher Hasan Humadi wrote in a poem, “To my great Zizi … Congratulations on your graduation day/ Your hard work has truly paid off in every way/ You’ve studied and learned with dedication/And now you’re ready for your next destination. You’ve gained knowledge, skills, and experience/ And now you’re ready to make a difference. So take a moment to celebrate/ And enjoy this special day/ For you have accomplished something great/And we’re proud of you in every way.” Zizi will be attending Duke University in the fall
Thank you to all of the amazing Roeper teachers, and good luck for the future to the rest of the Class of ‘23!
ZIZI: powerful, fearless, kind
ANDREW: dedicated, caring, team-player
LILIANA: academic, intellectual, brilliant
KESSONGA: enthusiastic, collaborative, intelligent
YASIR WARDFORDAHMED YUHAS, son of Huda Ahmed and Damon Yuhas of Grosse Pointe Woods and brother of Ayman ’25, attended Roeper for four years In Kevin Kildea’s speech for Yasir, he said, “Although Yasir has a fun-loving outward persona, his superpower is his ability to know people, make them feel at ease, and share his light with us all ” Sara Mendez shared that “Yasir is a selfidentified ‘floater‘ — someone who isn’t confined to one social group He seeks to be kind and a friend to all Yasir will bounce from a group of friends, boisterously socializing … to go and have a conversation with someone whom he noticed was sitting alone ” Kevin echoed this by saying, “Yasir wants everyone to have fun and achieve a healthy balance in their lives ” Because of this connection to the student body, Yasir earned the honor of being knighted as this year’s Fighting Tuna Kevin continued, “Yasir also has an inner strength that pushes him to do his best He always is challenging himself and putting himself out of his comfort zone Yasir loves to learn He took three science classes this year just because he loves science His grades were good but that was irrelevant … his motivation was knowledge ” Yasir will be attending the University of Toronto in the fall
Fun times, some stress, over now, Tuna out
HEATHER LILIANA SCHECHTER, child of Laura Castleman and Daniel Schechter of Birmingham, sibling of Nathan ’21, attended Roeper for four years In his speech for Liliana, Patrick Harris stated, “Liliana not only delves deep into the subject matter of a class but she resurfaces, making it
entirely her own See, many people might just applaud your final assignment in our class, which was a podcast-like project that detailed the history and implications of The Globalization of Hip Hop culture in China through a critical lens We had spent many free blocks, outside of class, attempting to narrow down your ideas for this project We spent time just talking and reflecting on our lives and nerding out over theories, and it was here that I saw you as more than a natural academic, but as someone who deeply cares and strives to use your strengths to start conversations to push the world forward ” Teacher Kelly McDowell reflected, “I have had such fun with Liliana and so many laughs I love that we can discuss post-structuralist theory and absurd aspects of modern life all in the same conversation! I have no doubt that I’ve learned as much from her as she has from me ” Kevin Kildea, her AP Calculus teacher, shared, “I was glad to help Liliana in Calculus, though at times it felt like she was guiding me ” Patrick concluded, “Today, we acknowledge your extraordinary achievements and recognize the infinite possibilities she repre-sents May your brilliance continue to shine brightly, illuminating the path to a future filled with boundless discoveries We will eagerly anticipate the theories you will develop and how you will challenge us to change ourselves and the world around us ” Liliana will be attending Stanford University in the fall
Goodbye, and thank you for everything.
KESSONGA M. ALLEN, son of Abayomi Allen and Jannel Lee-Allen, brother of sophomore Asajj, attended Roeper for four years In his speech for Kessonga, Matt Vallus stated, “Over the years, I have come to appreciate Kessonga’s support for others the most Kessonga understands his audience and tailors his approach to fit them He not only cares for the underdog; he advocates for them ” Matt shared, “Several years ago, Kessonga noticed some students were not treating each other appropriately This inspired Kessonga to develop a senior project where he created an advocacy group and taught a class for Upper School students that was rooted in mentorship, restorative practices, and hard but healthy conversations surrounding masculinity His enthusiasm and focus on social justice has made him a leader for many other students (and adults)
YASIR : friendly, motivated, loving
to look up to ” Matt shared that teacher Barb Lasecki-Webb praised [Kessonga’s] dedication to academic rigor and admired the high expectations he has for himself and for others Barb goes on to mention that Kessonga is the kind of student who would be disappointed if a test were opennote because he understands the importance of holding oneself accountable Matt continued, “Kessonga’s achievements speak volumes about his character and his refusal to conform to mediocrity He embraces challenges and is always able to pivot when necessary, while also developing an open-mindedness to new ideas and working collaboratively with others ” Matt concluded, “He will not just be one agent of change, but he will inspire others to become agents of change who will impact the world ” Kessonga will be attending Howard University in the fall
EVAN MATTHEW BROAD, son of Ashley and Jordan Broad of Bloomfield Hills, attended Roeper for five years In Kelly McDowell’s speech for Evan, she said that “Evan’s passion for flying makes sense because he is one of the most determined students I have encountered Never content with remaining in place, he wants to improve, to keep moving If he were to have a mantra (and my guess is that he does), I could see it being: Keep moving forward, keep aspiring to new heights, and change course when necessary ” Ashley and Jordan
shared, “If there is one thing we have learned from Evan, it’s that life is short, and that we should enjoy every minute He has said this to us for as long as we can remember and consistently demonstrated it in his choices and actions ” Evan’s flight instructor, Tim Crawford, said that “Evan’s ability to master the knowledge and skills required to be a successful pilot comes only with the focus and persistence that he has shown throughout his life ” Tim also shared that “Evan has many great qualities, but I would say it’s his poise and calm nature in the cockpit that stands out to me Even under pressure, Evan does not get rattled but rather assesses the situation calmly and makes logical decisions based on what lies in front of him ” Evan will be attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the fall
I will forever appreciate the education and the experiences I have gained from being at Roeper. I come out of Roeper seeing the world from a different viewpoint.
OLIVER MICHAEL McINALLY, child of Leanne and Chris McInally of Washington Township, attended Roeper for five years In Natalie Abbott’s speech for Oliver, she said, “Who brings a camping chair to class? Who was very excited not only about getting a colonoscopy, but watching the video of it? Who likes to make spreadsheets for fun? This is Oliver McInally For the last five years, Oliver has shared with me some of the most uproarious moments in my teaching career ”
Sofia Miliotto stated, “He acts like everything you tell him is the most exciting thing he’s ever heard, and he laughs at every joke, even if it’s objectively bad ”
Liliana Schechter echoed this by stating, “He is hilarious in a generous way Laughing at jokes — at everything I say even when it’s not funny ”
Sofia also noted that Oliver “treats his books like they’re his babies and has a special seat in his car dedicated to them He straps them in with a seatbelt and puts a blanket over them to keep them warm ” Natalie shared, “I don’t think anyone who knows Oliver doesn’t appreciate his witticism
OLIVER: hilarious, generous, sincere
EVAN: determined, passionate, ambitious
and excitement over enjoying some of the smaller things in life ” Oliver will be attending Bowling Green State University in the fall
Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! —
Truman BurbankCAROLINE:
EDWARD JOSEPH PASTERNAK, child of Edward and Susan Pasternak of Troy, attended Roeper for five years Natalie Abbott said in her speech for him, “Dedicated, driven, respectful, and courteous, Eddie is every teacher’s dream Yet Eddie’s most salient quality is not academic excellence and achievements, it is his profound and genuine humanity ” When asked for Eddie’s best quality, friend Julia Raphael stated, “I’d like to mention two, because they both define how I view Eddie: his unending compassion and his vast intelligence ” Friend Peyton Keffer said, “I think Eddie’s best quality is his humor and his kindness Eddie is a really kind person and always makes you feel seen Whenever I hang out with Eddie, I always feel like smiling because he is always cracking a joke or saying something funny I think Eddie also knows himself very well and will follow his heart ” Natalie continued, “Eddie, I don’t think you’ll ever understand the profound impact that you have on people If a person’s character emanated light, you would blind us all Your framework of love and kindness restores my faith in humanity You’ve given me, and I’m sure many others, hope and that’s what heroes do Eddie, you are my hero ” Natalie concluded, “I hope you will always be surrounded by the warmth and compassion that you emit You are cherished by all, and it has been an immense honor to be a part of your life ” Eddie will be attending Kalamazoo College in the fall
Thanks to the Roeper community for a great experience shaping my years growing up!
started off that year not saying much in class, but Brian noted her growing confidence as something that led her to speak more in class Brian continued it wasn’t until Caroline began eating lunch in his classroom that he fully began to see her vibrant and expressive personality Brian shared the time when Caroline and Elyse recreated various scenes from their favorite Disney show, Good Luck Charlie, and added, “Believe it or not, there was actually singing and dancing involved ” Caroline also has a strong relationship with her brother, Jack Brian mentioned the times in his Exercise Science class when “they both would check in daily to see who had the higher overall grade Then, when each one of them had their chance to lead the class in a workout, I’m fairly certain they were both just trying to make the other quit ” Jack described Caroline as “the hardest-working person he has ever met” and says she possesses a work ethic that is unmatched Caroline will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
I came to Roeper seeking a challenge, and I found it. I also gained many new opportunities and made long-lasting friendships — thank you.
CAROLINE MARY LAMBERT, daughter of Mike and Monica Lambert of Rochester Hills and sister of Jack ‘21, attended Roeper for six years In his speech for her, Brian Hewitt said that in about October of Caroline’s first year of Roeper, he started noticing an “increased amount of chatter and giggling coming from the back of the room” from Caroline and Elyse Kane Caroline
ALEX JOSEPH FLEMING, son of Jim and Angela Fleming of Troy, attended Roeper for six years In Kelly McDowell’s speech for Alex, she shared, “Alex has a way of expressing wonderfully simple, direct, to-the-point insights He cuts to the chase! In a world with a lot of noise, Alex’s grounded, reasonable, rational approach to life is imminently refreshing ” Jim Fleming said, “Alex has taught us so much He has plenty of strengths, but his curiosity is paramount His standard mode of
compassionate, genuine, kind
curious, compassionate, team-player
hard-working, fun, vibrant
living is … BE CURIOUS ” Kelly echoed this sentiment by saying that even though his love for tennis takes up a large part of his life, it is only one part of the whole She said that Alex’s “range of interests is rich and diverse, and he is unafraid to go where his mind leads, knowing full well that this is the territory of true learning And true learning is what he values most Susannah Nichols noted that “Alex knows what it is to work hard and not always be sure of the outcome — this results in a quiet compassion for others and their own strivings ” Kelly continued by sharing, “Alex said that even while tennis tends to be viewed as an individual sport, he sees himself as a team player I can’t think of a more simultaneously simple and profound way of putting it of expressing his intrinsic curiosity about life and the world and his abiding sense of humanity ” Alex will be attending Kalamazoo College in the fall
As I bid farewell to the Roeper community, I am filled with gratitude for the unforgettable experiences, lifelong friendships, and invaluable lessons that I have gained during my time here. I will cherish the memories and carry the spirit of this community with me as I embark on new adventures.
ELYSE MADELINE KANE, daughter of Amy and Neil Kane of Novi, attended Roeper for six years In her speech for Elyse, Michal McConville stated, “When Elyse became my student as an 8th grader, I had the good sense to know that although I was the teacher, she would be the one teaching me many lessons during our time together ” Michal continued, “When Elyse determined that she would need to continue learning virtually, she did not despair Instead, she leaned on her organizational prowess, set up study sessions with friends, listened to countless online lectures, and excelled beyond our wildest
imaginations ” Teacher Barb Lasecki-Webb shared that “Elyse did a generous portion of AP Chem virtually Doing this in person is hard enough, managing this virtually while the rest of the class is in person is exceptionally difficult Of course, she not only managed it, she mastered it!” Friend Audrey DeGuia stated, “Even though Elyse had to do virtual learning for so much longer than her peers, I rarely heard her complain about it I think one of her greatest strengths is how she can make the best of any circumstance she’s in No matter what, she’s always motivated and hardworking Even when life isn’t ideal ” Michal concluded that Elyse “can anticipate people’s needs in a way that is uncommon and reveals just how deeply empathetic she is Then, once everything is set in place, Elyse even puts on the entertainment, like playing the harp, which she has practiced for over a decade Elyse has taught me grace under pressure ” Elyse will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
Roeper, thank you for being my second home. I will always cherish the memories I made here. I miss everyone so much and look forward to visiting in the future!
ISABEL LILY POPPER, child of Lori and Kenneth Popper of West Bloomfield, attended Roeper for six years While at Roeper, Isen participated in Robotics and Soccer They will attend Oakland University in the fall
I LOVE my tire stem valves.
TERRYN MICHELLE HUSBAND, daughter of Michelle Husband of Detroit, attended Roeper for seven years In his speech for Terryn, Patrick Harris stated, ”You cannot place Terryn Husband in a box In a society that pressures young people to pick a side, to stay in a lane, to select a single identity, Terryn pushes back: shattering every stereotype and breaking every barrier that stands in her way Terryn is the beacon of hope that our world craves simply because she brings a refreshing authenticity and individuality to every role she takes and every path she chooses ” Teacher Kelly McDowell shared, “What I love about Terryn is that while there is no doubt that
TERRYN: committed, successful, scientist
ELYSE: resilient, motivated, confident
she is a formidable scholar, she is equal parts fun, funny, and engaging I believe this is because Terryn ‘gets it ’ The true power of intelligence is in its sharing with the world to make the world brighter and better ” Teacher Barb Lasecki-Webb stated that Terryn “demonstrates commitment and has a strong work ethic while keeping a smile on [her] face ” Barb said that she is “grateful her own daughter attends Roeper and [has a] role model like Terryn to look up to as a successful young woman who loves science ” Patrick continued, “Despite the many roles Terryn takes on, we must refrain from placing a label on her Whether Terryn’s experimenting in the lab, serving on the volleyball court, or leading an organization, she consistently shows us that greatness lies not in fitting neatly in a box but in breaking free from them ” Patrick concluded by stating, “On your quest to change the world, Terryn, I will leave you with your mom’s greatest hope for you It’s quite simple She says she just wants you to be happy, in whatever you do ” Terryn will be attending Wellesley College in the fall
Thank you so much for everything I’ve received and learned from this community.
JACK DAVID SCHWARTZ, child of Lance and Traci Schwartz of Romeo, attended Roeper for seven years In Eric Ambrose’s speech for Jack, he said when he first met Jack as a 6th grader, “I could tell instantly that this was a bright and quirky young person Jack is someone who keeps to themselves a lot, but if asked, they will give you all of themself and more ” Katelyn Teetsel said, “Jack is always willing to help someone with anything, no matter what time it is During midterms, Jack spent six straight hours helping me with math corrections My favorite memory is driving with them It could be the middle of February, and Jack is driving with all the windows down and music blasting ” Eric added, “Jack is an individual who is intense with their passions, so they take the time to dig a little deeper and seek out things that really speak to them, and I admire that ” Jack loves seeking challenges, and they view these challenges from the perspective of “it’s the destination, not the journey ” Eric shared that Jack “elaborated that when they are struggling, when they are in that self-sought-after turmoil, they envision the destination They imagine the pride and the satisfaction they know is on the way from completing a difficult task, and it helps them push through ”
Thank you to all the teachers who have pushed me to be successful and helped me when I needed. Special thanks to Eric Ambrose, Andrew Blechman, Kevin Kildea, and Todd Dunfield.
RUBY AMELIA Mc KEEVER, daughter of Perry and Darin McKeever of Birmingham, attended Roeper for eight years Dan Jacobs began his speech for her by stating, “We only have three minutes, so we have to pick the single most important facet of Ruby McKeever’s life, which is musical composition The roots of this singular obsession go back to the age of three, when Ruby’s mother took her to see the musical Into the Woods This set her on a path of fascination with the magic of musicals, the works of Steven Sondheim, and musical composition and arrangement in general It led to her being Stage Manager for three Roeper musicals ” Dan continued, “Of course, some things are stable across the multiverse Forensics Coach Laura Moore points out that, in all universes, all Rubys categorically stand by their perspectives and opinions And everything went through the Ruby Test — an extensive process where counter suggestions were challenged like we were defending our doctoral dissertations She would try what we suggested and then come up with a better way of doing it … All Rubys become 9th grade Class President, a few Student Rep to the Board, all brought homemade baked goods to every forensics tournament, created a wonderful Stone Circle experience as their Senior Project, and have had no appreciation whatsoever for my dad jokes for the past seven years ” To conclude, Dan quoted Ruby’s mom, who shared that “Ruby learns the separate parts of things until they merge into a single piece — be it an essay, a performance, or the musicals she will likely create ” Ruby will be attending Oberlin College & Conservatory in the fall
Thank you for eight entertaining years of education! I’m grateful to have learned a lot about myself and the world.
JACK: passionate, ambitious, genuine
RUBY: talented, performer, outgoing
said, “Hayden is a cool guy; if you know Hayden, you know this
That cool guy who spent last summer as a volunteer with a Mobile Health Unit vaccinating underserved communities against Covid 19 That cool guy who helps students with homework or devises gym workout plans; that cool guy who reads Russian literature in his spare time and was raised to believe more for others, less for me ” Amare McElwee said that Hayden is always there to help his friends, and Aristide Gardette sees him as a “Renaissance man with innumerable niche interests who taught himself how ski and how to play the guitar ” Kelly McDowell shared, “While we were virtual, Hayden added a welcomed bit of humanity by playing intro music on his guitar at the start of every class,” and Dan Jacobs pointed out Hayden’s “comedic timing and his willingness to commit to anything ” Michelle echoed this statement and said, “Commitment drives most things in Hayden’s life The task may be insignificant, but the commitment will always be 100% ” Hayden will be attending Michigan State University in the fall
Thank you for some good memories. It was pretty fun.
MIA JUNE KYSIA, daughter of Kalee Georgescu of Birmingham and Brian Kysia of Pleasant Ridge, attended Roeper for 11 years In Natalie Abbott’s speech for Mia, she said, “From impish to contemplative but always considerate and accepting, Mia is so many things packaged inside an unassuming young woman Responsible, silly, thoughtful, and creative, Mia forges her own path while helping others along the way ” Kelly McDowell shared, “Mia is one of the wisest students I have encountered She exudes a groundedness and maturity that is far beyond her years She is just so comfortably authentic And her impressive creativity originates from this place,
which is why it is so good ” Katelyn Teetsel said, “Every time I see Mia, she always gives me a hug Mia gives really great hugs, and it shows how much love she pours into others Mia’s best quality is how loving she is Mia is so genuine and acts like herself no matter who she’s around Mia is unique because she’s not afraid to tell other people how she feels ” Julia Raphael added, “Mia is fiercely independent in a way that has left me consistently inspired and in awe She is sure of herself, and she has been my role model for many years ” Mia will be attending Mount Holyoke College in the fall
Silly geese, beware: the sludge in the pipes is real!
AIDEN JACOB SONG, son of Thomas and Julie Song of Novi, attended Roeper for 11 years Brian Hewitt wrote in his speech for him, “These past six years have presented you and your classmates with numerous obstacles, but I have enjoyed watching you overcome those obstacles and become the well-rounded young man you are today ” He continued, “In addition to being a standout student, Aiden was also very accomplished on the athletic field, specifically the soccer pitch ” Brian described a story given to him by Coach Ed Sack, “Ed described how he would make Aiden take penalty kicks as a freshman because he was the best option they had; but Aiden was very reluctant Fast forward to his senior year, and Ed never had to say a word to Aiden, as soon as a penalty was called, Aiden grabbed the ball because he knew he was the best option to take the kick This confidence led Aiden to be one of the best finishers in the history of Roeper soccer and multiple All-State selections ” Brian concluded, “Aiden, I know I can speak for all your teachers and coaches here at Roeper when I say, best of luck moving forward Your work at Roeper has laid the foundation for a successful future ” Aiden will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
Thank you to all of my classmates and teachers, this place wouldn’t be the same without you!
MIA: kind, creative, authentic
HAYDEN: committed, caring, musical AIDEN: accomplished, confident, athletic
MICHAEL ANDREW TALBOTT, son of Lori and Ryan Talbott of Rochester Hills and brother of 6th grader Mia, attended Roeper for 11 years In Michal McConville’s speech for Michael, she shared, “A Scout since first grade, Michael has demonstrated many of the key qualities presented in Scout Law throughout his career at Roeper Scouts are asked to be ‘mentally awake ’ Michael is not simply smart; he is introspective, thoughtful, and inquisitive His teachers note his strong ability to problemsolve and openness to constructive criticism A Scout must also be trustworthy and helpful, which Michael demonstrates through his job, cooking at an Italian restaurant Not only does he maintain his busy work schedule while managing academics, but Michael has been recognized as one of the most capable and dynamic employees ” Yasir Yuhas said that one of Michael’s most special characteristics is “the compassion he shows to his friends He’s always ready to do something for any of us ” Amare McElwee shared about time spent in what is supposed to be a group-study room but would instead be filled with laughter and smiles Alex Fleming added, “Michael can always make me laugh ” Michal continued and said that Michael’s “love for something can become allconsuming, like when he worked for hours on mastering one tricky scale for a midterm in Band Michael lives life with his whole heart ” Michael will be attending Michigan State University in the fall
It’s been a long time coming, and on one side, I’m sad to leave, but on the other, it couldn’t have come a minute too soon. Thanks to all of the friends, teachers and anyone else who has helped me become the person I am today.
ANNABEL JANE WILSON, child of Kari and Jeff Wilson of Royal Oak, sibling of Tristan Wilson ’20, attended Roeper for 11 years In his speech for Annabel, Eric Ambrose stated, “Annabel is a fiercely independent, incredibly creative person with intense passions for their interests, but also an incredible friend and deeply loyal sibling I will greatly miss Annabel’s sarcasm, which is always so perfectly timed, you’d think they have a team of writers working for them ” Annabel’s brother, Tristan, said, “As Annabel’s brother, I’ve seen them mature into a person fiercely involved in their own
interests ” Annabel volunteered at New Beginnings
Animal Rescue Brett Norman, Volunteer Coordinator, stated, “Do you know what makes a good volunteer? Conviction You have to want to come in and give up your time for the betterment of others Many volunteers come and go like the wind, but not Annabel They have the conviction I admire in a person It also doesn’t hurt that they’re a natural cat whisperer ” Eric concluded, “I will always admire their tenacity in the face of struggle, as evidenced by their solo performance at the Showcase concert in front of a standing-room only crowd And I know that wherever life takes them, they will make the world better for their presence in it ” Annabel will be attending Bowling Green State University in the fall
To my teachers, thank you for always supporting me, especially when I was struggling. I can’t convey enough appreciation for the constant guidance and care.
RACHEL EVE WINE, daughter of Emily and Larry Wine of Royal Oak and sister of Emma ’20, attended Roeper for 11 years In Amy Cova’s speech for Rachel, she shared that Rachel has “grown from a seemingly shy, introverted student into a captivating performer, a quiet but strong and hilarious leader in our school community and beyond Rachel has always followed her strong moral compass with empathy and compassion ” Emma Wine recalled that Rachel would draw what she called a “magic rainbow” whenever someone in their family was feeling down, conveying her pure love and care Emma also shared that Rachel is “as firm in her values and unwavering sense of right and wrong as she is in her compassion for others ” Kendra McKenzie said she was impressed with the way “Rachel took the time to observe and absorb, to make independent choices in her
MICHAEL: problemsolver, inquisitive, enthusiastic
ANNABEL: creative, loyal, passionate
thoughtful care of the Roeper campers ” Amy noted that Rachel is “gifted in both performing and fine arts She is an unassuming leader in the Roeper Dance Department, embodying strength, confidence, and dedication to her craft and her community ” Amy continued, saying, “I am impressed by Rachel in so many ways I am overwhelmed by her poised leadership and her active presence in the Roeper community ” Rachel will be attending Butler University in the fall
Roeper has been a huge part of my life, and I am really going to miss it. Thank you to all the teachers who have given me so much support along the way, and thank you to all the incredible friends I’ve made through Roeper. The Roeper community is truly special, and I’m so thankful I got to be a part of it for the past 11 years.
JACOB JOHN BRODY, son of Erin Hill-Brody of Farmington, attended Roeper for 12 years In his speech for him, Kevin Kildea stated, “Outwardly, it is easy to see Jake’s kindness and empathy to others But, inwardly, he is fiercely determined and shows great perseverance ” Kevin said, “Jake entered Roeper as a Youngling in first grade I met him during his freshman year in high school as a member of my homeroom with Hale It did not take long to discover Jake’s love of Star Wars During the first two years, rarely a homeroom went by where we didn’t talk about Star Wars ” Kevin continued, “Believe in yourself You are more talented than
you know, braver than you imagine and more determined than you realize I believe in you, Jake Brody I am proud of all that you have accomplished, and I am glad that I got to know you If it was in my power, I would grant you the title of Jedi Knight ” Teacher Eric Ambrose shared of Jake, “Seeing his improvements on bass over the past six years has been a wonderful thing to see I remember him back in Middle School, struggling to read the notes, and now he’s able to handle anything I toss his way ” Kevin concluded, “Go … study … continue to grow … pass on what you have learned ” Jake will be attending Michigan State University in the fall
My time at Roeper has been the best school experience I could have asked for. I have learned so much, made many long-lasting friends, and now it’s coming to an end. I will miss the time at this school, but I’ll be back to visit. Don’t miss me too much.
SOFIA LUCIANA MILIOTTO, daughter of Beth Taylor and Mark Miliotto of Royal Oak and sister of Gianni ’20, attended Roeper for 12 years In Sara Mendez’s speech for Sofia, she said that Sofia is an “empathetic, quiet leader who can be counted on to be honest, supportive, and can look out for people’s needs without them even realizing that she is ” Annabel Wilson shared that Sofia is “willing to do things to help other people, even if it’s not something that is really important to her ” Susannah Nichols noted, “Sofia has a grace and authenticity that allows anyone to be more comfortable and empowered in her presence Even at the height of COVID, when many of our homeroom meetings were virtual, she was always present and engaged, her calm demeanor helped create a stable space in a turbulent time ” Li Harris said Sofia’s best quality is her “humanity Most humans lack it, but Sofia genuinely cares about other people ” Ben Shepard described Sofia as a “quiet conductor of sorts She is very conscious of the needs of other students, and she works quietly to ensure those needs are met Sofia chooses her words carefully She doesn’t want to steal the spotlight from others She never makes a scene, but she always makes an impact And it’s always a tremendously positive
RACHEL: empathetic, caring, creative
JAKE: determined, talented, empathetic
SOFIA: caring, supportive, impactful
one ” Sofia will be attending Loyola University Chicago in the fall
Grateful for the memories I made and the things I learned here. Thank you, Roeper!
JULIA ANNE HOOVER, child of Joshua Hoover of Bloomfield Hills and Allison Hoover of Berkley, sibling of William ’21 and Stage IV student Timothy, attended Roeper for 13 years In her speech for them, Susannah Nichols shared, “During their Lower School years, Julia checked out 1,196 library books That breaks down to about six books per week If that statistic seems unbelievable, you have not yet had the delight of knowing Julia ‘Spaghetti’ Hoover ” Susannah continued, “Beyond an impeccable eye for detail, Julia’s delight in reading — and living — also stems from how they revel in the complexities and quirks of humanity and see interconnections across and within stories ” Teacher Dan Jacobs stated, “selfunderstanding as well as a deeper understanding of each other requires what Julia frequently does but many others find difficult: observing ourselves as objects being studied by other beings ” Friend Ava Bagne sees future Julia “wandering the lands, pulling random objects from pockets, collecting old artifacts and shouting loudly from atop a cliff about their historical importance and terrorizing the hoi polloi, all while on the run after robbing the British Museum and returning the items within to their countries of origin ” Susannah concluded, “A fierce, detail-oriented person in relentless pursuit of truth and the greater good — that sounds exactly right to me ” Julia will be attending Hampshire College in the fall
Thank you for my favorite number of years at Roeper, expecially the odd ones.
HARRISON JOSEPH KLEE, son of Chris and Elizabeth Klee of Lathrup Village and brother of Alexandra ’18, attended Roeper for 13 years In Matt Vallus’s speech for Harrison, he said, “Harrison Klee is the epitome of team spirit A three-season athlete during all four years of his high school career, Harrison has earned the title of ‘Iron athlete ’ Players and coaches alike view Harrison as a leader, especially when it comes to team spirit What sets Harrison apart is his ability to embrace mistakes with humor, injecting
laughter into moments that could have otherwise been filled with frustration ” Matt also pointed out how Harrison “not only strives to do well in his courses, but he creates a fun atmosphere with his positive outlook and commitment to doing the hard work ” Brian Hewitt reflected on Harrison’s selfless nature and shared, “As a coach, he was a guy I could trust to lead the younger individuals on the team and always give encouragement ” Matt also shared, “Harrison’s first block teachers all mention his unreasonable energy levels in the mornings which really started their days on the right path It was also no surprise that most teachers commended Harrison’s collaborative nature and excitement in class discussions ” Harrison will be attending Purdue University in the fall
I want to thank everyone for making Roeper a place for all to enjoy. Everyone that makes up Roeper helps contribute to a wonderful place that is great to be apart of.
LYON, son of Christine Lyon of Clawson and David Lyon of Detroit, brother of Veronica ’20 and Nick ’18, attended Roeper for 13 years In her speech for Alex, Michelle Stamler wrote, “He constantly demonstrated his understanding of the interconnectedness of the Roeper community, someone who was sensitive to others helping others in need ” His friend Amare McElwee said that Alex is “a real go-getter, someone who fits in anywhere, and always knows when to be mature ” Michelle shared that in Stage IV, Alex himself stated, “I think about what my actions do to others For example, if I walk without a coat and
HARRISON: role model, positive, spirited ALEX: respectful, sincere, patient
JULIA: detailoriented, curious, enthusiastic
a smaller kid does this too, they might get hurt; I try to be a good role model ” Michelle continued, “Alex credits Roeper for teaching him how to talk to people, to be respectful and humble and how to fend for himself Roeper instilled in Alex the importance of listening and he tries to learn something from everyone meets ” Alex’s sister Veronica says, “Alex treats everyone he encounters with kindness and patience ” Michelle concluded on that sentiment, “True, yet, I have seen him when he is infuriated at people who are spineless and take the easy way out ” Alex will be attending Oakland University in the fall
Thank you to all of my teachers. I hold you all close in my heart and will never forget the lessons you taught me.
JULIA FAYE RAPHAEL, daughter of Amy Barron and Eric Raphael of Birmingham, sister of Steven Raphael ’20, attended Roeper for 13 years In her speech for Julia, Barb Lasecki-Webb stated, “#Roeperkid — a slogan that’s been around for quite some time at Roeper Admittedly, when I first discovered Roeper about five years ago, I didn’t really know what it meant Engaging with Julia, watching her grow and thrive, create and succeed on so many levels, has helped me to understand ” A friend since kindergarten, Katelyn Teetsel said, “Julia has made a huge impact on my life She has taught me how to be confident and have conviction Julia has a huge heart and would do anything to help others She is independent and is often the first to volunteer Most importantly, Julia has taught me how to be a leader ” Friend Mia Kysia stated, “Julia has not just impacted me, she has quite literally shaped my life ” Barb concluded, “George Roeper stated, ‘The truly gifted person is one who is capable of revising what is known, exploring the unknown and constructing new forms ’ How lucky we all are to have someone like Julia at the helm of future genetics research guiding the balance between biomedical ethics and the likes of gene therapy yet to be seen ” Julia will be attending Washington University in St Louis in the fall
”I was very fond of you, but now I’m so, so tired. I’m not happy to go, but one needn’t be happy to make another start.” —
Albert CamusSIGNE PERRY LEE SMITH, daughter of Jameel and Diallo Smith of Detroit, sister of Josiah Smith, attended Roeper for 13 years In his speech for her, Dan Jacobs stated, “Signe Smith is uncannily nice ” Dan continued to quote her Stage II teachers, who wrote, “Signe is a true peacemaker; she seeks harmony in her world and will often choose to smooth disagreements over rather than negotiate a compromise ” Dan stated of Signe, “When I asked her to talk about the organizations she has been involved in, it was always for a nice reason: helping coordinate Student Government’s donations to the Pakistan Relief Fund; creating new workshops in sync with current student interests on the Student Diversity Advisory Committee; raising awareness through the Black Student Union; implementing a service- learning senior project; and working as a rep to the Board of Trustees to help guide Roeper’s future ” Friend Elyse Kane shared, “She lights up every room she’s in ” Dan concluded, “Signe, when we were chatting the other day, you wondered if you would have a completely different personality if not for Roeper Maybe But everyone I talked with agreed we would have a completely different Roeper if not for you Thank you for everything you’ve given to this community ” Signe will be attending Harvard College in the fall
Thank you to the Roeper community for making me who I am today. They say environment is the most important part of a child’s development, and being at Roeper my whole life has fostered an environment in which I can say more, do more, and be more.
KATELYN OLIVIA TEETSEL, daughter of Derek and Vickie Teetsel of Rochester Hills and sister of sophomore Alivia, attended Roeper for 13 years In Wendy Mayer’s speech for Katelyn, she said that since getting to know her through robotics, “Katelyn’s presence always brought a balance of silliness and organization to our practices, whether it was chasing people around the room with a broom she named Shelly or organizing and adding style and flair to our competition boards ” Gwen
JULIA: #RoeperKid, philosopher, confident
SIGNE: involved, influential, kind
KATELYN: optimistic, leader, cheerful
Haslett shared, “Katelyn is a great friend, and she’s really fun to talk to, whether it’s a deep conversation about life or just her proposing another dumb game show idea ” Julia Raphael added, “I have always seen Katelyn as the ‘main character ’ If life were a TV show, Katelyn would be the star I’ve watched her handle hardships with inspiring grace and optimism She lights up the room I know I can turn to her for anything, be it heartfelt advice, a shoulder to cry on, an answer to a difficult homework problem, or to be cheered up ” Wendy continued, “Katelyn is a natural leader She knows when to jump in and finish tasks that need doing, when to delegate to others, when to give praise to encourage others, and when we need to add some playfulness to give us a break and to keep things fun with some timely infusion of shenanigans ” Katelyn will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
Thank you to my family, friends, and teachers who have helped me both inside and outside my educational journey; I love and appreciate all of you!
AMARE JHALIL Mc ELWEE, son of Latrese Singleton of Pontiac, and brother of Mikaila Singleton ’16, attended Roeper for 14 years In his speech for him, Scott Vartanian stated, “Always thoughtful, always caring, and never the one to need to be heard These are the incredible attributes of Amare, and I can’t think of any better for a young man to carry with him in life ” He continued, “Amare’s time at Roeper was filled with friends I think that is one thing that will always be important to him as moves through life Every teacher or coach I talked to started with the exact same description Amare is unselfish, and there is nothing he wouldn’t do for a friend ” Scott stated that Amare will miss Roeper’s basketball team the most after graduation: “The joy he took learning from Ryan and Brian and the appreciation he had for how hard they worked to make him a better player, the camaraderie of being on a team and the pride he took this last year as he watched his younger teammates begin to take over ” Scott concluded, “Amare, thank you for allowing me the pleasure of being a part of your educational journey ” Amare will be attending North Carolina A&T in the fall
Roeper has transformed me into the young man I am today, and I appreciate all the community has done for me.
JAMESON PATRICK GERRITS, son of Peter and Charlotte Gerrits of Birmingham, brother of sophomore Andrew Gerrits, attended Roeper for 15 years In his speech for him, Dan Jacobs said, “In the past, Jameson Gerrits was a troublemaker Looking back over the trail Jameson has blazed for himself over the past 15 years at Roeper, it’s clear that the core of what looked like ‘troublemaking’ was actually rooted in his boundless energy to explore and learn everything as quickly and thoroughly as possible ”
Teacher Matt Vallus shared that, in Model UN,
“Jameson brought the focus clearly onto human rights, showing not only that he has a tremendous heart … but also that he understands what it means to be a citizen of the world ” Friend Ruby McKeever stated, “Jameson always does the right thing In fact, he makes it an important part of his identity to do the right thing ” Dan continued, “Jameson’s senior project focused on modeling how to carry out a community service project, and he leaves a literal living legacy in the form of the garden he created in front of the Birmingham campus ” Dan quoted teacher Paula Romano to conclude that “Jameson embodies the Roeper Philosophy: he values diversity, seeks harmony, and cherishes learning He thrills at the prospect of sharing his wealth of knowledge It has been a pleasure being part of his educational journey His daily presence in the classroom will be missed I wish him all the best as he continues his journey!” Jameson will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
I’ve had a great time here and really appreciate all of this. Thanks to everyone who has supported me.
caring, unselfish, leader
JAMESON: intelligent, compassionate, empathetic
Krzok of White Lake, attended Roeper for 15 years In her speech for Aristide, Kelly McDowell stated, “I cannot think of someone with a more grounded, secure, realized sense of self than Aristide He is the consummate thinker, always aware of himself, his presence in the world, and his place among others ” Teacher Susannah Nichols shared, “Aristide is easily one of the most thoughtful students I’ve worked with — not only in his approach to academic material, but also in his approach to life I loved reading his writing for the authenticity and care he brought to his subjects He also inspired me to listen to a 20-episode podcast on Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp a Butterfly, and I am a better scholar and person for it ” Friend Amare McElwee stated, “Aristide has always given me advice when needed Always non-biased and logical advice This is very useful when there are many emotions involved He is also a person who will always be there for you when you need it, no matter what the situation is ” Friend Kessonga Allen said, “Aristide is an innovator with many ideas that would benefit the whole of humanity He is already doing so when it comes to integrating technology into daily life ” Kelly concluded by quoting Alex Fleming, who shared, “Aristide has so much to offer the world I know this because of two qualities: his high ambition and his genuine desire to help people Put these qualities together, and you can change the world ” Aristide will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
Through all the good memories, happy faces, trials and tribulations, and bittersweet farewells, I have loved, and will always appreciate, my time here at Roeper.
ADAM WALTHOUR HUNEKE, son of Thomas Huneke of Beverly Hills and Tricia Ruby of Bloomfield Hills, brother of Cameron ’20 and Griffin ’21, attended Roeper for 15 years In his speech for him, Eric Ambrose wrote, “Adam is clearly a creative, intelligent and thoughtful young man ” Eric continued by describing Adam’s senior project, “an entire fictional universe that others could use as setting for their games of D&D ” Adam’s brother, Griffin, stated, “Adam has a strong creative vision and definitely loves sharing [it] and his ideas ” Eric continued, “It’s no wonder Adam will be majoring in interactive media and game development next year ” Adam’s friend Jack Schwartz shared, “I think he’s one of the most accepting and comforting people I’ve ever met without exaggeration I always feel safe around him, and he works like a beacon of happiness for me, seemingly always knowing the right thing to say, the right discussion to bring up, when to give silence and when to distract I owe him so much for giving me one of the best friends I can ask for ” Eric concluded, “Adam most definitely has the head to think his vision and the hands to make it real, but most importantly, it’s quite obvious from the words of Adam’s friends, that he has the heart to shape his vision with compassion and kindness I’m very excited to someday play a game developed by this young man ” Adam will be attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the fall
I’ll never forget all the memories and friends I made at Roeper, but the time has come to move on. Thank you for everything, and goodbye.
CLAIRE ELIZABETH AMIEL MARTIN, daughter of Clarence and Shannon Martin of Bloomfield Township and sister of 8th grader Chase, attended Roeper for 15 years In Laura Sobieralski’s speech for Claire, she said Claire is “an activist, athlete, Lego extraordinaire, musician, a leader, and at one point was even a Speed Cuber ” Laura also pointed out Claire’s gifts in basketball for “seeing the big picture to offer coaching suggestions,” as well as listening to her inner voice and believing in herself as an athlete Laura continued, “As a student, Claire has remained a hard worker She was incredibly dedicated throughout her journey at Roeper ” Laura recalled a time during Claire’s first week of Stage IV when she “turned to me and said, ‘you
ARISTIDE: innovative, logical, thoughtful
know I have been at this school longer than you have?’ Now anyone who knows Claire, knows this was not her issuing some form of a check (as would be the case for many stage IV students), instead it was her way of saying ‘don’t worry we’ve got this ’ And we did ” Claire shared that her time at Roeper best prepared her for engaging with the world in a responsible and ethical way, and she noted that Roeper has also helped her to identify problems and become empowered to do something about them Claire will be attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ADAM: creative, visionary, thoughtful
I am eternally grateful for all the people I’ve met and the lessons I’ve learned from my 15 years at Roeper. I will carry all that I’ve learned forward into the next chapters of my life!
Roeper community over the past 15 years ” Ava will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
Thank you to the Roeper community for the past 15 years! I am incredibly grateful to all my amazing teachers and friends for making my time here so special. Roeper will always have a special place in my heart!
CLAIRE: leader, dedicated, thoughtful
AVA: selfless, empathetic, compassionate
IRENA: kind, generous, insightful
AVA D THOMAS, daughter of Bessy Despotis and Clay Thomas of Bloomfield Hills and sister of Irena ’23 and sophomore Ivana, attended Roeper for 15 years In Amy Cova’s speech for Ava, she said, “Ava is the kindest, most compassionate young person I have had the honor of knowing She is my heart I am in awe of her empathy and her authentic desire to support and positively impact not only her nuclear community, but the world at large ” Amy also called Ava “a natural teacher, a mentor to many peers and younger students in the community ” Carolyn Lett shared that Ava is “selfless, all-giving, intuitive, a friend to everyone she meets ” Riley Cova recalled the time when her duet partner was unable to perform in the Stage IV Dance concert this year, and Ava learned the dance during her lunch period and came straight from her soccer game that evening so that Riley wouldn’t miss her final Stage IV dance concert Riley shared that Ava is “selfless, and no matter where we are together, you light up the room ” Amy continued, “In the final moments of Ava’s last official Roeper Dance class, all the dancers surrounded Ava in a giant group hug This 12-person embrace was the physical representation of the love and care Ava has given to her beloved
IRENA D THOMAS, daughter of Bessy Despotis and Clay Thomas of Bloomfield Hills and sister of Ava ’23 and Ivana ’25, attended Roeper for 15 years In Amy Cova’s speech for Irena, she said, “When I first met Irena, she was the most confident, articulate 13-year-old I had ever been in discussion with She gave me my first taste of how profound and complex a conversation could be with an 8th grade Roeperian Irena is quick-witted, with a clever sense of humor that never misses a beat She is a deep thinker, generous with her insightful perspective on topics from mental health to Greek culture It is this generosity that has impacted the Roeper community for almost 15 years ” Amy also shared that one of her goals for her senior project, which was creating a Greek dance class for Stage III, was to “create connections with the Lower School students Wow, was she successful! What a joy to see her walk down the hallway as 14 young dancers sprint to her for a hug She has become a legend, a hero, a star to those kiddos who were lucky enough to learn from and be in community with THE Irena Thomas ” The Stage III dancers said that not only did they enjoy learning the dances, but they were especially taken by Irena’s kind, clever, and patient ways of interacting with them Irena will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall
Thank you for the past 15 years and everything this school has given me. F
Forty-four months ago, Seniors, you began your time in the Upper School, each with your own dreams and ambitions Some of these have no doubt flourished and seen success beyond what you’d hoped for Others have perhaps been re-imagined, or dashed entirely
But each of you leaves here today ready for whatever comes next in your lives For while you have faced troubles and triumphs, pandemics and proms, fulfillment and failure, you have also stood tall, again and again, and found ways to thrive, extending compassion and love not only to your friends, but also to our broader school community and even the world beyond
And that is indeed the point of a great education — to learn from success and challenge alike in order to use your gifts to build a better life for yourself and those around you
This year, in particular, you have helped us find our post-pandemic legs — and more importantly, our post-pandemic heart — as a campus community My colleagues, your peers, and I will always owe you a deep debt of gratitude for those efforts
On an occasion such as this, it’s tempting to think in terms of ends and beginnings, but in truth, you are in the midst of the journey You always have been, and you always will be You walked in here today as intrepid voyagers, and my hope is that you leave today with a modicum of greater appreciation for the folks who have shared the road with you so far — and of the folks with whom you will share the road in the future
And no matter how your paths diverge from here, my beloved Seniors, I wish you joy and adventure, challenge and serendipity, as you continue to traverse this grand high road
You are seniors no more, you are graduates of The Roeper School
Class of 2023, you did it
And that is indeed the point of a great education — to learn from success and challenge alike in order to use your gifts to build a better life for yourself and those around you
The George A. Roeper Senior Projects are designed to allow students to follow their personal passions and extend their learning beyond the classroom. These projects represent skill sets that students have developed over time. The students have managed at least one semester of independent, self-directed learning. They have been supported by mentors within our walls as well as professionals in their respective areas of interest outside the Roeper Community.
It would be easy to focus solely on the results these students have produced; however, the process they employed and relationships they developed are likely what will impact them most in the years to come.
Listed here are the Class of 2023 participants and the titles of their projects
Kessonga Allen “That’s What He Said” — Understanding Masculinity
Jake Brody Teaching a Class about Music in Visual Media
Aristide Gardette 1991 Nissan 300ZX Restoration
Jameson Gerrits . . . . . . . Community Service as a Learning Opportunity
Adam Huneke In the Beginning, There Was Choice: Making My Own Dungeons and Dragons Setting
Terryn Husband Memories
Peyton Keffer My Heart Is a Mosaic: Collecting the Past
Claire Martin Empowering Women in STEM: Nurturing STEM Interest within the Roeper Community
Ruby McKeever Stone Circle and Understandings of Storytelling
Julia Raphael Bringing Philosophy to Roeper Students
Signe Smith Service-Based Learning at Roeper
Ava Thomas Girls Mentoring
Irena Thomas Stage III Greek Dance Class
Annabel Wilson . . . . . . . . Creating an Original Video Game Concept through Writing and Design
Adelphi University
Alabama A&M University
Albion College
Arizona State University
Bard College
Baylor University
Berklee College of Music
Berry College
Bowling Green State University
Brandeis University
Butler University
Calvin University
California Institute of Technology
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University
Central Michigan University
Claremont McKenna College
Clark University
Clark Atlanta University
Clarkson University
College For Creative Studies
College of Charleston
Depaul University
Duke University
Eastern Michigan University
Elizabeth City State University
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Fisk University
Florida Institute of Technology
Furman University
Georgetown University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Grambling University
Grand Valley State University
Grinnell College
Hampshire College
Harris Stowe State University
Harvard University
Haverford College
Hofstra University
Hope College
Howard University
Illinois State University
Indiana University
Indiana State University
Jackson State University
Johns Hopkins University
Kalamazoo College
Kent State University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Maryland
Marquette University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Miami University
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
Miles College
Morehouse College
Morgan State University
Mount Holyoke College
New York University
North Carolina A&T State University
Northwestern University
Oakland University
Oberlin College of Arts & Sciences
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Purdue University
Reed College
Rensselaer Polytechnic University
Saginaw Valley State University
Saint Louis University
Saint Michael’s College
Sarah Lawrence College
Shaw University
Stanford University
(Suny) Binghamton University
Tennessee State University
The College of New Jersey
The George Washington University
The Ohio State University
University of California Berkeley
University of California Los Angeles
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Dayton
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Illinois Chicago
Univrersity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Michigan
University of Michigan Dearborn
University of Michigan Flint
University of North Dakota
University of Notre Dame
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of San Francisco
University of Southern California
University of Toronto
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology
Vassar College
Villanova University
Wayne State University
Washington University in St. Louis
Wellesley College
Western Michigan University
Wilberforce University
Winston-Salem State University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Of the 39 members of the Class of 2023, all 39 will go on to college immediately
Three students were National Merit Finalists, one of whom was a National Merit Scholar, and four students were Commended by the National Merit Scholarship Program
Four students received recognition in the College Board Recognition Program Two students will be participating in collegiate varsity athletics, one fencing at Duke University and one playing tennis at Kalamazoo College Other students received valuable scholarship recognition from their chosen schools totalling more than $4 5 million
Class members from 2023 were admitted to the institutions listed at left and enrolled in the colleges and universities in Bold red print
In 1975, David Jaffe ’74 proposed the creation of a new award to recognize exceptional Upper School students George accepted the proposal, and each year since, the school has awarded individuals who, by virtue of their extraordinary sharing of time, effort and self, made outstanding contributions to the Upper School community Remarkable achievements alone do not qualify a student for the award Contributing to the community is most important Richard B Morris ’72 coined the term “Order of the Roeperian Empire” for the award, and designed the official crest
Each year the reigning Knight or Dame Commander of the Order of the Fighting Tuna appoints a successor from the Junior Class The Order of the Fighting Tuna was established in 1985 to “protect the honor of the members of the community of the Roeper City and Country School ” Each year, the new member of the Order is knighted during a ceremony befitting the mock-seriousness of the occasion
9 th Dame of the Order
George A. Roeper Athletes
Roeper students are not simply products of the curriculum; they are an integral part of the learning process and are encouraged to be fully engaged community participants by uncovering their passions in a myriad of venues. This important dimension allows students to experience the special rewards and self-awareness that come from exploration and mastering.
Here is a snapshot of the Class of 2023… journey:
Gwen Haslett
Katelyn Teetsel
Zizi Newhard
Alex Fleming
Andrew Klein
Alex Fleming
Terryn Husband
Andrew Klein
Hayden Levy
Claire Martin
Amare McElwee
Sofia Miliotto
Signe Smith
Michael Talbott
Ava Thomas
Irena Thomas
Bianca Bojaj
Jake Brody
Gwen Hackett
Peyton Keffer
Zizi Newhard
Katelyn Teetsel
Aristide Gardette
Terryn Husband
Claire Martin
Amaree McElwee
Signe Smith
Yasir Yuhas
Elyse Kane
Mia Kysia
Julia Raphael
Katelyn Teetsel
Kessonga Allen
Jake Brody
Bianca Bojaj
Hayden Levy
Aiden Song
Rachel Wine
Irena Thomas
Ava Thomas
Kessonga Allen
Ruby McKeever
Heather Schechter
Signe Smith
Ava Thomas
Alex Fleming
Andrew Klein
Amare McElwee
Aiden Song
Yasir Yuhas
Caroline Lambert
Eddie Pasternak
Julia Raphael
Katelyn Teetsel
Terryn Husband
Claire Martin
Sofia Miliotto
Signe Smith
Ava Thomas
Irena Thomas
Jake Brody
Alex Fleming
Adam Huneke
Hayden Levy
Bianca Bojaj
Jake Brody
Andrew Klein
Claire Martin
Ruby McKeever
Sofia Miliotto
Zizi Newhard
Julia Raphael
Signe Smith
Michael Talbott
Katelyn Teetsel
Annabel Wilson
Evan Broad
Andrew Klein
Hayden Levy
Liliana Schechter
Aiden Song
Rachel Wine
Yasir Yuhas
Kessonga Allen
Jake Brody
Jameson Gerrits
Andrew Klein
Claire Martin
Signe Smith
Rachel Wine
Sofia Miliotto
Liliana Schechter
Jameson Gerrits
Julia Hoover
Liliana Schechter
Eddie Pasternak
Kessonga Allen
Evan Broad
Jameson Gerrits
Claire Martin
Isen Popper
Katelyn Teetsel
Ava Thomas
Irena Thomas
Rachel Wine
Bianca Bojaj
Jake Brody
Julia Hoover
Peyton Keffer
Ruby McKeever
Liliana Schechter
Peyton Keffer
Mia Kysia
Elyse Kane
Caroline Lambert
Aristide Gardette
Terryn Husband
Andrew Klein
Hayden Levy
Isen Popper
Aiden Song
Ava Thomas
Irena Thomas
Rachel Wine
Yasir Yuhas
Alex Fleming
Kessonga Allen
Alex Fleming
Terryn Husband
Elyse Kane
Hayden Levy
Sofia Miliotto
Irena Thomas
Terryn Husband
Elyse Kane
Claire Martin
Sofia Miliotto
Liliana Schechter
Signe Smith
Ava Thomas
Irena Thomas
Rachel Wine
Yasir Yuhas
Evan Broad
Jake Brody
Alex Fleming
Claire Martin
Julia Raphael
Signe Smith
Katelyn Teetsel
Ava Thomas
Peyton Keffer
Oliver McInally
Sofia Miliotto
Liliana Schechter
Annabel Wilson
Kessonga Allen
Evan Broad
Elyse Kane
Michael Talbott
Rachel Wine
Yasir Yuhas
Alex Fleming
Andrew Klein
Hayden Levy
Julia Raphael
Evan Broad
Peyton Keffer
Irena Thomas
Yasir Yuhas
Evan Broad
Jake Brody
Irena Thomas
Terryn Husband
Signe Smith
Ava Thomas
Irena Thomas
Rachel Wine
Andrew Klein
Aiden Song
Yasir Yuhas
Bianca Bojaj
Gwen Haslett
Julia Hoover
Andrew Klein
Caroline Lambert
Hayden Levy
Julia Raphael
Signe Smith
Katelyn Teetsel
Ava Thomas
Irena Thomas
Alex Lyon
Change is inevitable How we learn, grow, and innovate in response is essential to embracing the inevitability We are reminded of the principal purpose when presenting Roeper Commencement
In my 35 years as a member of this community, I have attended every commencement exercise of The Roeper School It is a privilege I do not take for granted
My earliest memory is of witnessing the maestro — Mariann Hoag — skillfully orchestrating each element of Commencement and imbuing the event with her characteristic grace and understated elegance And even though we gathered on the lawn by the large pines at the center of the Bloomfield Hills Campus, the setting was reverent and guests — whether seated in the front in folding chairs or huddled on a blanket with fellow alumni on the hill — were all purposefully eager to celebrate our amazing students!
In these intervening 35 years, Roeper Commencement has ventured beyond that iconic tree line at the Bloomfield Hills Campus and journeyed to various neighboring venues From the Birmingham Masonic Temple to Temple Shir Shalom to the Shriners Silver Garden Events Center to the Lake Orion Amphitheatre, this meaningful passage has found an evocative setting
This most recent graduation site — the stunning Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Hills — marked a return engagement as the location for the Class of 2023 festivities (Temple Beth El was designed by the late Minoru Yamasaki, a Roeper grandparent Mr Yamasaki was one of the most prominent architects of the 20 th century )
The settings have been wide-ranging, but the response to change has been striking in purposeful innovation It reached a notable peak when the school created a “Commencement Car Procession” for the Class of 2020 and revved up our response to the pandemic
Yes, change is inevitable, but we have come to know that any site that is chosen becomes the very thing that is sought
Congratulations to the remarkable Roeperians of the Class of 2023
Denita Banks-Sims Director of Development & PublicationsChange is inevitable
How we learn, grow, and innovate in response is essential to embracing the inevitability We are reminded of the principal purposeClass of 2020 “Commencement Car Procession.”