Keeping In Touch - Senior Edition 2024

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VOLUME 17: 4


Christopher Federico Head of School

Denita Banks-Sims

Director of Development & Constituency Relations

Keeping in Touch

Editorial Committee

Jennifer Irvine Editor

Bonnie Schemm Art Director


Denita Banks-Sims

Patricia Bostwick

Scott Carmona

Christopher Federico

Jennifer Irvine

Jason McIntosh

Susannah Nichols

Laine Ostheimer ’24

Karen Roeper ’66* Marcia Ruff

Ed Sack

Sandra Smith-Johnson ’24

Hale Williams ’08

Shani Yapa-Kimpson ’08


41190 Woodward Avenue Bloomfield Hills Michigan 48304 248/203.7300

The Roeper School is an independent coeducational day school for gifted and talented students preschool through grade 12 and an equal-opportunity institution.




Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to our 2024 Commencement Ceremonies

My name is Christopher Federico, my pronouns are he/him, and I am privileged to be the Head of The Roeper School

We are here today to celebrate the achievements of, and say one final farewell to, our graduating seniors before sending them off into the next stage of the real world that is life after high school

And although we are justifiably proud of their accomplishments and confident in their ability to apply what they have learned here to that next stage of their lives, we are also conscious that the world into which we are sending them is one riven with conflict and confrontation

While that frightens us, we also remember that that was no less true back in 1941 when George and Annemarie founded the school, not simply against the backdrop of the Second World War, but because of it They believed that the best way to resolve conflicts was not to ignore them and to hope they would go away, as so many had in the 1930s, but to teach students to investigate, understand, and intervene to solve the world’s great, messy, wicked problems

I myself have some experience of real, messy, violent conflict In 2006, the year our graduates were born, I was serving in the Sudan After 20 years of civil war (one of several that had plagued the country since formal independence), the warring factions had arrived at a comprehensive peace agreement and invited the United Nations to help support them in maintaining it As an observer, I lived with others from around the world committed to the cause of peacekeeping

We were unarmed and unarmoured We spent our days in the villages, talking to local teachers, leaders, merchants, and children, supporting immunization and disarmament programs, and marking unexploded bombs for disposal We lived in and with the community, local and international, of our little fracture zone on what is now the border between Sudan and South Sudan We ate at local coffee shops and restaurants, most of which were nothing more than mud huts with a hibachi and a few plastic garden chairs (In fact, a young boy from across what passed for the street used to store the sliced potatoes his mother would use for French fries in our fridge at the UN camp ) I crunched on caterpillars with my Zambian

colleagues one night, and on deep-fried Nile Perch with Sudanese aid workers the next We drank Ukrainian vodka with the Russians, Ugandan gin with the Greeks, and Indian beer with the Australians I may even have smoked a Kenyan cigarette or two In an environment where literally everyone but us went about with a gun, we intentionally made ourselves vulnerable to demonstrate and gain trust and understanding I returned from that experience with new insights, new relationships, and a newfound humility

At the same time, many of my peers were serving in Afghanistan along with our American allies They had a very different mission They lived in bases fortified by high walls and guarded by machine guns, in the company of westerners who already shared their views of the world and how to solve its problems Their food was imported from Canada — there was even a Tim Horton’s set up in the camp so they could drink (bad) Canadian coffee They went nowhere without helmets on their heads, flak vests on their chests, and weapons in their hands They were never far from trained medics and a short flight time to the best hospitals in the world They did everything to keep themselves safe and relied on superior force to settle confrontations They returned from that experience with the same friends, the same prejudices, the same tastes, and the same conviction that might makes right

Graduates, I am going to suggest that this is your choice when you leave Roeper for your next step in the real world You can choose to go about entrenched in your beliefs, your arguments at the ready to bludgeon into submission those with whom you disagree and, when challenged, retreat into the safe company of those who already think like you You will undeniably feel safer, but that armour and those weapons will weigh you down1 and close you off from the learning that is only possible, and the beauty that is only visible, when you are willing to immerse yourself in it, rather than regard it from a safe distance

Or you can be willing to make yourself vulnerable, exposing yourself to the unknown and the different, finding insight and clarity in the compelling diversity of our world You will most assuredly suffer bumps and bruises and bites along the way, but you will not find justice unless you hear the other side

[George and Annemarie] believed that the best way to resolve conflicts was not to ignore them and to hope they would go away, … but to teach students to investigate, understand, and intervene to solve the world’s great, messy, wicked problems
Christopher Federico Head of School
As you travel through the world, you may not change your mind about everything, or indeed anything, but what you must ask is which of your beliefs are true convictions, and which are mere conveniences

It is also likely the case that, as Bertrand Russell notes, “If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do ” This is in nowise an exhortation to give up your core values or beliefs, or an assertion that every view is morally equivalent There is ample injustice and inequity in the world, and we have an obligation to fight it As you travel through the world, you may not change your mind about everything, or indeed anything, but what you must ask is which of your beliefs are true convictions, and which are mere conveniences I hope your time at Roeper has furnished you with some of the tools to do just that

I wish to leave you with some advice on how to use those tools It is advice that was given to me long ago, and it is advice I have shared with some of you before, but I think it bears repeating:

1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered Love them anyway.

2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives Do good anyway.

3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies Succeed anyway.

4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow Do good anyway.

5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable Be honest and frank anyway.

6. The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds Think big anyway.

7. People say they favour underdogs but follow only top dogs Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight Build anyway

9. People really need help but may resent you if you do help them Help people anyway.

10. Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth Give the world the best you have anyway.2

Congratulations, Roeper graduates, you are the best we have, and we now give you to the world F

1 I am indebted to my Chief of Staff, Emily Wine, for contributing this additional dimension to my metaphor: the burden that wearing that weighty body armour day in and day out imposes on the wearer.

2 Excerpted, with minor updates to make the language more inclusive, from Kent M. Keith, The Silent Revolution in the Seventies: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council (National Association of Secondary School Principals; Washington, D.C., 1972), 8.


I am grateful to be here today with all of you, and congratulations to the Roeper Class of 2024

I want to talk about love — not as a platitude or nice lyrics in a pop song — rather, as the most important and powerful strategy for leading a meaningful, healthy, and satisfying life Our hearts can be our guide and reference point

Spiritual leaders and respected people throughout human history always come back to love and the importance of the power of love I just heard an interview with US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy He was asked, “If you could change one thing as Surgeon General that would be immutable for the long haul, what would it be?” He responded: “If I could change one thing, it would be this: I would want us to very explicitly, and unapologetically place love at the center of our lives as a galvanizing force in our society ” I was very touched by this, especially since he is a scientist and someone in our government

So, then there are two questions to explore: 1) What is love?, and 2) how do we access and cultivate it? What is it? Thich Nat Han, a Vietnamese Buddhist Teacher, refers to the Sanskrit texts that say: the state of true love is made of four elements: kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity (balance or peacefulness of mind — even in the face of difficulty) He goes on to say that this true love has the power to heal and transform any situation and bring deep meaning to our lives

Love is inherent in the mission of the school As my mother said in the 2007 commencement speech: “If you really love yourself, then you will love life itself, and you won’t want to hurt or harm others ”

The second question is: “How do we access and cultivate love?” We were born with love as our essential state When you see a newborn baby and they gaze at you, it’s from that fundamental state of love A teacher of mine, Jack Kornfield, shared a practice: “When you are walking around the world, see every person as once having been a newborn child ” I have found that to be very helpful for me, especially if I encounter someone who is triggering and difficult for me It helps me to remember that they were once a newborn child Even your parents were once newborn children

So, our capacity for love is inherent when we’re born But then life happens, and we get injured, hurt — and sometimes we can lose touch with our capacity for love We need to nurture ourselves and take care of our hearts It is essential to

remember to treat ourselves with kindness and compassion The Buddha says, “You can search the world over for someone that is more deserving of your love, than you yourself And you will find no one who is more deserving than you yourself ”

I have a wonderful French teacher named Gilles He says, with a very French accent, “Do what you love and know that you are loving it ” That’s the key To do what you love and know so that you sense that loving place in your body

Think of something right now — an activity you love Notice what happens in your body Another way to access your heart is to think of an act of kindness that someone has done towards you or that you have extended to someone else What comes to me right now is something my father did that touched my heart When I was 12 years old, I was very sick with measles, he came and sat with me and brought me a Bird of Paradise flower To this day, my heart melts when I see those flowers

Let’s take a moment right now If you are comfortable, you can close your eyes or just let your attention go inward Bring to mind something or someone that you love, or an animal that you love, or something that you love doing or feel passionate about Just take a moment to really be there with that experience and let yourself feel it physically in your body PAUSE That sensation is your reference point From there, open your eyes, look up and see everyone who’s here Your classmates, your family, your teachers See them from that place in your heart Look out through that filter The more you use your heart as a guide as you move through the world, that reference place can help you even in challenging situations

I’m going to come back to Vivek Murthy, US Surgeon General He ended his interview with a question that he asks himself daily: “What would love do in a given circumstance as opposed to fear ” He says, “It’s a question you want to ask yourself throughout life ”

As you meet the challenges that life presents remember to ask the question: What would love do? What would be a loving way for me to move forward? That’s what I want to leave you with As you navigate your choices use the feelings and sensations in your heart as a guide and reference point

And — do what you love, and know that you’re loving it F

As you navigate your choices, use the feelings and sensations in your heart as a guide and reference point
Karen Roeper ’66* Daughter of the Founders

We would never get the typical high school experience at Roeper, and that is what we love the most about it


Good afternoon, Roeper community

My name is Sandra Smith-Johnson, and my name is Laine Ostheimer, and we are the co-Presidents of the senior class

While this event may prompt us to think about the future, let’s take a moment to reflect on the past

For some of us, our Roeper journey began in the Hill House, where we would create quirky art projects and end the day aimlessly tumbling down the hill, excited for our next adventure tomorrow Before we knew it, those tomorrows added up, and we were sitting in our Stage IV homerooms with our peeps, researching for our passion projects and hoping we would end the day with outdoor dismissal at the playground

For others here, our journey began in Middle School, and regardless of whether you came from another school, or from Stage IV, this was a new world for us all Roeper Middle School brought us experiences we could have never imagined Whether that was a flash mob during our lunch block, a fondly remembered cooking class with Mike Ruddy, or a newly found feeling of security and belonging, we learned together how to care for ourselves, care for each other, and care for this place

That place suddenly became our home in 2020 when all of us entered the 9th grade on a laptop Questions and fears circulated as we wondered what our high school experience would look like Once we closed our laptops and excitedly returned to the building, we discovered that our high school experience was far from typical Not only because of COVID, but because that is the essence of what Roeper is Atypical Unique Special Pandemic or not, we would never get the typical high school experience at Roeper, and that is what we love the most about it

It’s atypical to have no-cut sports teams, allowing everyone in the school to have a chance to explore their passions for athletics It’s atypical to have such variety in the curriculum that you can take classes like Star Trek and Social Justice or History Through Fashion It’s atypical to have three days of school after graduation, but those are some of the best days of the year It’s atypical to be on a first-name basis with your teachers It prompts questions from those outside Roeper like, “Are you talking about your friend or a teacher?” to which we reply “Yes ”

It’s these quirks, experiences, and adventures that make Roeper what it is, a remarkable community

Regardless of when you began your Roeper journey, we all sit here at the finish line, surrounded by the community that empowered us to grow into the changemakers we are today

We would like to take the time to acknowledge the people that supported us along our journeys Thank you to our parents, teachers, friends, coaches, and loved ones for being there every step of the way

Roeper Seniors, now that we have reflected on our past, it is time for us to look toward our futures

As we immerse ourselves in new opportunities, keep in mind that while the world may not be like Roeper, we can each do our part to bring a bit of Roeper into the world

Thank you F

The Class of 2024 KIT INTRODUCING

1-Char Schultz 2-Reese Stevens 3-Claudia Carbonell 4-Clara Calderwood 5-Gabriela Nielsen 6-Eli Miller 7-Zoe Fleischer 8-Edoni Haziri 9-Graycin Bleiberg 10-Oscar Vartanian 11-Leo Dietz 12-Lily Stafeil 13-Grace Adams 14-Alyssa Fracasso 15-Vijval Nandigala 16-Grace Jarman 17-Sandra Smith-Johnson 18-Vee Roycraft 19-Audrey Polk 20-Lennon Ragland 21-Marin Akkashian 22-Laine Ostheimer 23-Montgomery McIntosh 24-Maddie Francis 25-Melissa Olney 26-Johnathan Dinneweth 27-Conor Field 28- Sam Kimball 29-Finn Axelarris 30-AJ Owen 31-Griffin Akkashian 32-Luke Stibor 33-Nick Olson 34-Caleb Hoover 35-Alexi Simecek 36-Ben Postula-Stein 37-James Drake 38-Trevor Rogers 39-Jacob Petrycia 40-Lucas Bagne 41-Christopher Bonde

Not pictured: Alli Margolis, Van Saroukhanian and Tina Yuan


Know that no matter where your path may lead, you will always have a home here at Roeper, and a family of fellow alumni cheering you on every step of the way

Dear Seniors,

Today marks a pivotal moment in your lives as you transition from students to esteemed members of the Roeper alumni community As you stand on the threshold of this new chapter, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome

Your time at Roeper may feel like it’s coming to a close, but let me assure you, it’s only just beginning The journey you’ve embarked upon within these walls has equipped you with more than just knowledge and skills; it’s instilled in you a spirit of inquiry, a thirst for knowledge, and a commitment to excellence that will serve as your guiding light in the years to come

As you step out into the world beyond these familiar grounds, remember you are now part of a global network of Roeper alumni who are making their mark in every field imaginable, from the arts to the sciences, from business to public service Draw upon the collective wisdom and support of this vibrant community as you navigate and seize the opportunities that lie ahead

Embrace the journey with an open heart and a curious mind Cherish the memories you’ve made here, but also look forward with excitement to the adventures that await you And know that no matter where your path may lead, you will always have a home here at Roeper, and a family of fellow alumni cheering you on every step of the way

Congratulations to the Class of 2024! Welcome to the Roeper alumni community, where your journey is not over — it’s just beginning

* Delivered at the 2024 Junior/Senior Dinner


graduate presenter


























Kelly McDowell

Michelle Stamler

Michal McConville

No Speech By Choice

Patricia Bostwick

Cori Hatcher

Dan Jacobs

Steven McGhee

Barb Lasecki-Webb

Kevin Kildea

Scott Carmona

Michelle Stamler

Dan Jacobs

Michal McConville

Steven McGhee

Matt Vallus

Unable to Attend

Kevin Kildea

Tyler Pemberton

Steven McGhee

Kevin Kildea

Amy Cova

Barb Lasecki-Webb

Kevin Kildea

Dan Jacobs




Laura Moore

Andrew Blechman




Kelly McDowell

Scott Carmona









Kevin Kildea

Laura Sobieralski

Andrea Collins

Michal McConville

Brian Hewitt

Brian Hewitt

Scott Vartanian






Scott Vartanian

Amy Cova

Barb Lasecki-Webb

Logan Parkison

Relationships are important at Roeper. Each senior chooses an adult member of the Roeper community to present them at commencement. Speeches are factual, humorous and poignant, with words drawn from student records, friends, family and staff members.

Historically, George Roeper spoke a few minutes about each graduate, and upon his retirement, the Upper School Director assumed that commitment. As the classes grew larger, it became a daunting task for one person to undertake, so in the mid-’80s a group of five or six teachers was designated by each graduating class from which the seniors could choose. In the early ’90s the choice was widened to include any current or former staff member. It is considered an honor to be invited to present.

Graduation order is determined by the student’s length of time at The Roeper School. The newest student to Roeper graduates first; the student who has attended the longest is presented last.


No matter what kind of day I am having, I can always count on a smile, a friendly greeting, and an inquiry about how I am doing from Graycin Bleiberg Graycin is generous in spirit — always ready with a compliment, words of encouragement, or sincere understanding She is always ready to be called into action in support of others She is one of the most caring individuals I know

Graycin exhibits great empathy and generosity in class She deeply considers theoretical and philosophical concepts with an inherent humanism and striking humility She is invested in her education because she cares deeply about it, just as she cares about the people around her For Graycin, it is not about grades, but about growth and transformation — personal and social

Her intellectual ability is directly connected to her social consciousness She relates to identities and experiences outside of her own and approaches difference with an open mind, eager to explore the possibility of human connections

Homeroom teacher Michal McConville, says: “Graycin has embraced Roeper with open arms She is open-minded and courageous When anyone says they’re working toward a goal in our homeroom, Graycin is the first to ask if they need help and volunteer time or resources She has a generous spirit and strives to honor all of the things that people around her care about ”

Graycin’s generosity is born of the nurturing foundation of her family … a foundation based on love with lots of room for joy, humor, and learning Her parents, Marvin and Erin, acknowledge that the most important lesson they have learned from their dear Gracie is the meaning of unconditional love They say, “Our love for her and hers for us will never diminish ” Their wish for her is “… the insight to realize that her most valuable asset is time We hope that she spends her time wisely and makes great memories ”

Graycin’s favorite theorist, Hannah Arendt,



says: “We are free to change the world and start something new in it ” In the fall, this is exactly what Graycin will do as she pursues political science at Elon University

Congratulations, Graycin Henrie Bleiberg!

Graycin’s parents are Erin and Marvin Bleiberg; she attended Roeper for two years.

It’s been a fantastic two years. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything.


presented by Michelle Stamler

At the southern tip of India on a 30-acre campus in the foothills of the Velliangiri Mountains, Vijval V spent his 8th grade year This time at Isha Home School catalyzed beliefs informing who V is today, and those at Roeper fortunate to be in V’s orbit, are the recipients of all V absorbed from this profound experience

Roeper was chosen by his family to surround V with positive influences and foster personal growth V landed here in 10 th grade, entering BC calculus that year Though known as a math kid, V’s English teachers also claim him for his writing skills, but his real love is science His science teachers praise his intellectual prowess and thorough work

Usha V, his mother, says V found many new interests and passions at Roeper while reinforcing his love of physics Inspired by Spiderman, V took journalism for fun and impressed with his thoughtful article topics

If you read V’s article in last year’s Tuna Talk, you know he loves skiing but hates the cold

He manages with five layers V participated in robotics and forensics, excelling in the impromptu category I told V he was fearless; he said he’d

try anything once, like his job as a host at Olga’s, meeting a cross-section of humanity (that he would not have otherwise encountered) Caleb says V is quick-witted and loved their creative writing collaboration Tina loved homeroom with V, adding he always has a nice haircut

At Isha, communal sharing was the norm, and V’s kindness reflects this Tina said V’s generosity in offering data to classmates in AP Bio was touching V’s brothers said he ensures others are taken care of He recently gave his room to visitors from India and lived in a closet for a week without the guests knowing

Roeper means much to V, who values its open community, a place he says values listening, where one can argue and express freely V thanks his family for Roeper and for giving him freedom

When asked if excited to graduate, V said he felt prepared, not excited, as there’s more he’d like to do here But MSU’s Physics department awaits, allowing him to pursue his dream in quantum computing

Vijval is the son of Usha and Norris Nandigala of Waterford; he attended Roeper for three years.

Thanks, Roeper, for being Roeper.

MELISSA D. OLNEY presented by Michal McConville

Although Melissa Olney has only been at Roeper for the past three years, her presence at the school has been felt in almost every area of campus life As a student, friend, and athlete, Melissa seemed to be everywhere at once: saying yes to every new opportunity, performing at the top of her game, and handing you a batch of cupcakes that she baked in the meantime

It’s hard to believe that this complete sweetheart can make players cower with fear when it comes time for competition On the Volleyball court,

Melissa’s intensity and skill as libero earned her respect and fear from opponents, while her dedication to mastering every position led Coach Barb Lasecki-Webb to dub her an unofficial assistant coach Similarly, as Captain of the Soccer team since sophomore year, Melissa’s competitive drive and inclusive leadership style have made her a role model for teammates, noted Coach Simon Roennecke “Amidst whatever may be going on in school or her personal life, she is the same leader every single day ”

Melissa thrives in the classroom, tackling the most demanding courses and consistently achieving top grades Her senior project with Endless Pawsibilities showcased her passion for animals and her ability to lead and collaborate effectively

Melissa’s caring nature extends to her hobbies in what she affectionately calls the “granny arts,” where she raises funds for animal charities and supports friends through difficult times with wisdom and empathy Her friend Lennon Ragland praises Melissa’s unwavering support and Clara Calderwood highlights her ability to brighten anyone’s day with her infectious positivity

Next fall, Melissa will continue her journey at Michigan State University’s Honors College, pursuing Animal Science with aspirations of becoming a veterinarian Melissa’s kindness, dedication, and leadership, ensure she will continue to make a difference wherever she goes

Melissa is the daughter of Shirley and Pat Olney of Bloomfield Hills, and she attended Roeper for three years.

Roeper, thank you for giving me a home after I had been moved around so frequently. The memories and lessons I have learned here are invaluable.


Van, child of Shant Saroukhanian and Erica Bokatzian attend Roeper 7th – 10 th grade, and 12th grade While at Roeper, Van participated in Cross Country and Track & Field Van will attend Michigan State University in the fall The Roeper School is pleased to honor Van and extend our heartfelt congratulations

Melissa: competitive, caring, supportive

Edona: intuitive, artistic, kind


presented by Patricia Bostwick

“If there were one way to describe Edona Haziri, it would be the personification of art itself,” says her friend Laine Ostheimer, and it’s the first line of her recommendation letter Upon meeting Edona, one notices her unique fashion style Edona is fancy but not frivolous She describes herself in contradictory terms: silly but serious, pessimistic but sunny, an “artsy diva,” and a natural psychologist with an intuitive ability to understand people

In Albanian, her name, Edona, means “Love,” Haziri means “Warrior ” Edona is a Warrior for Love Her creativity is evident in projects like the miniature fairy forest she created and her senior project, a magical storyline with complex characters and intricate fashions Edona is ethereal yet grounded, a serious academic with compassion for the exploited Her Health class presentation on human trafficking was both compelling and sensitive


WALELA JARMAN presented by Corinne Hatcher

Grace is a knitter She is always knitting Even though I knit continental and she knits English style, Grace and I have learned a lot from each other these past four years High school, much like knitting, is a tapestry of unique stitches contributing to our lives Grace has worked hard to create a tapestry she can be proud of, and knitting reveals much about her journey

Grace: silly, committed,


Edona is esoteric but authentic, with conversations that flow like a stream of consciousness, with underlying wisdom She believes in the deep universal truth that “Artists can encapsulate thoughts and ideas from the metaphysical to the physical ” Art drives her soul, but she has practical ambitions, aiming to create a franchise like Harry Potter with comics, movies, and designer clothing She even discussed a business venture with her math teacher Kevin, which they have named “Haziri-Kildea” — because it has a nice ring to it

Edona is a “normal” young person, fun and brimming with creative ideas, empathetic, and kind to all Her “superpower” is connecting with people through her art, inspired by her Albanian heritage Her parting message to her classmates was, “Live your life, and be your true cosmic diva! Dress in avant-garde fashion and draw fabulous outfits! See you in shining lights!!!”

Edona, you will always be seen in shining lights, because you will always create your own light

Edona is the daughter of Denise and Shab Haziri of Royal Oak and attended Roeper for four years.

I will miss you all, you all are fabulous!!!!

Consistency in knitting requires even tension throughout a project Similarly, the sentiments about Grace from the community are consistent Many describe her as a calming presence Eli Miller states, “When I’m fuming with upset, she finds a way to calm me down without telling me to calm down I think of her as steady and grounded ” Her passion is evident in everything she does Hasan Humadi says, “No one is more committed to learning from homework errors than Grace ” Ben Fisher notes, “Grace is passionate about doing the right thing and is driven to find out what that right thing is ” Her friends describe her as “tuned in” to social justice and imagine her future in advocacy

There are also moments of challenge in knitting when we encounter the purl stitch — the reverse of what we’re used to, requiring us to adapt and persevere in the face of adversity It hasn’t always been easy for Grace at Roeper, but she has left a legacy She was an important member of Read-nFeed, taught a high school class on Anishinabek quilling, and created the tradition of hiding a gnome in the library every week for the past three years

Many describe Grace as silly and easy to laugh Oskar Zakonjsek appreciates her earnest, goofy sense of humor We all agree on Grace’s gifts to the world — she’s grounded, passionate, and silly — the stitches she made here have been steady and even

Next, Grace will be transferring her stitches to needles at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, where we expect even more beautiful projects

The daughter of Kirsten Carlson and Dwayne Jarman of Troy, Grace attended Roeper for four years.

Thank you, Roeper.


presented by Dan Jacobs

Welcome to Caleb Hoover’s imagination

You might think this is Caleb Hoover standing next to me; no The real Caleb is sketching you, us, this space, this experience We are already future pieces of art, lines of code, his next 3-D models He spawns art in a continuous stream, weaving it around us on whiteboards and scraps of paper, laptops and notebooks, in creative writing and conversations

Caleb explains, “In everything I’ve ever created, I exist in revisions I never really finish ” Jaffar called him “an irascible perfectionist,” but Caleb says, “To me, it’s the opposite of perfectionism It’s fuelism I work on something until I am out of fuel for it ”

Caleb plans to go to Grand Canyon University to study animation for video games And so, my fellow characters, welcome to Caleb’s imagination

Caleb is the son of Doneise Hoover of Pontiac and attended Roeper for four years

Goodbye!!! I will miss the school that so easily embraces minds like mine.


presented by Steven McGhee

I will start a new D&D character for Sam:

Name: Samsonite the Tall and Merciful

Race: Primarily human, possibly half-elven

Age: 18 (66 if half-elven)

Level: XP set to 0 Alignment: Neutral Good (with a little Chaotic Good when bored)

Class: TBD

Even traditional assignments shimmer into something bizarre He once turned in a paper about how insignificant I was in the grand scheme of “an infinite infinity of infinitely clustered timelines,” signing off with, “Have fun sleeping tonight!” When Ben assigned an essay on symbolism, Caleb wrote his paper in symbols he made up

Michelle put it well: “It would’ve been impossible for Caleb to approach any of his creative projects, and even some lessons, in a conventional way Caleb did not always have to break the rules, but whenever possible he delighted in doing so ” He moves comfortably within absurdity When Caleb chose to perform a piece from the surreal show Welcome to Night Vale for his forensics piece, I thought he liked it for its bizarre humor But now I know it’s the kind of place he would love to live

Assistant Forensics Coach Jaffar says, “He brings everything to the table — to the point that the table is in danger of buckling ”

First possible class: A type of spellcaster that uses charms and cures He could eventually learn “Detect Thoughts” and “Charm Monster” spells and unlock teleportation magic He prefers hooded robes over pointy hats Bonuses to Arcane Knowledge and Perception skills

Sam is constantly exploring, questioning, and evolving He finds joy in small details and is a fine listener His contributions in class discussions are wise and gentle Susannah said: “Sam makes you want to rise to a higher level in his presence He is thoughtful about the world around him … and compels you to do the same ”

Second possible class: A compassionate protector, like a druid or paladin A great arbiter of debates and fierce advocate for quieter creatures This guy might be accompanied by an endangered folkloric beast The only class to get a bonus to influencing dragons through his knowledge of Beast Lore, Natural Remedies, and ability to cast the Soothe spell

Caleb: creative, independent, introspective
Sam: protector, skilled, wise

Sam’s family is important to him His mom shared that because Sam is he oldest of five, he learned to care for himself by retreating to recharge His friend Vee admires his self-talk under pressure, responsibility, and having necessary conversations Sam is a stalwart and steadfast anchor to his friends

Third possible class: A wise and merry bard He’d need to be proficient with a bit of everything, but particularly skilled at wielding his voice and some sort of accompanimental instrument, such as a tiny travel-sized tuba He’d be the guy to boost party morale, cause monsters to flee, and soothe minor scrapes of the spirit with a song An excellent leader and storyteller, his charisma score would be through the roof

Sam is well-suited to all these fantasy classes He’s a natural leader, eager performer, and creative artist Sam will attend Hope College and continue to grow You’re a wizard, Sam!

Samuel is the son of Molly and Seth Kimball of Ferndale He attended Roeper for four years

See y’all! I’m glad I got four years with you. Hope you do well.


presented by Barb Lasecki-Webb

In 2020, amidst social distancing and masking and toilet paper rationing, Trevor Rogers joined the Roeper family Starting at a new school during such a challenging time made it tough for Trevor, initially quiet and reserved, to connect with others Who could really blame him? He was in a new place, with new people trying to make connections through a mask, a plastic shield, and a mandatory six feet of social distancing It’s no wonder it took almost a year for us to get to know the full Trevor

Over four years, Trevor transformed, shedding his shyness and becoming the Roughrider Mascot, attending athletic events with energy and school spirit

Trevor is honest, loyal, funny, and a no-nonsense straight shooter Like his personality and level of comfort, his academic journey saw significant

growth over four years at Roeper AP English teacher Kelly McDowell admired Trevor’s hardworking yet approachable nature, while AP Biology teacher Logan Parkison noted his dedication and maturity in the classroom

Trevor credits joining the baseball team for helping him break through the barriers of 2020, providing support and a sense of community Coaches Todd Dunfield and Brian Hewitt recall his impact, including a game-tying hit as a freshman and driving in the winning run to clinch the league title as a junior

Trevor’s composure, focus and confidence shone during these high-pressure moments, revealing his full potential This is the full Trevor we now know, as a second semester senior, a status he reminded me of often in homeroom

Next fall, Trevor will be a new face at Michigan State University While this transition may bring nerves and require adjustments, his ability to break barriers and maintain focus and composure under pressure will serve him well

Four-year attendee Trevor is the son of Barb and Mark Rogers of Bloomfield Hills and the brother of 11th grader Luke

Thanks for bringing out the best in me, Roeper.


presented by Kevin Kildea

Reese has a passion for musical theatre, beginning in sixth grade with her role as Freida in You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown Her favorite role was Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz Over the years, she has performed in 12 shows, including 10 musicals and two plays, with six during high school

Abha, her 9th grade Choir teacher, praised her potential and determination: “Reese is a delightful young person with a bright future Her aural skills were exceptional, and she provided a steady, consistent presence for the chorus ”

Reese showcased her versatility by taking on roles as a student director and crew member She participates in Concert Choir and Small Choir Under Dr Rachel Andrews’s guidance, she has refined her vocal talents and found immense joy

Her hard work paid off with her acceptance into the University of Michigan’s School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, a testament to her exceptional talent

Besides theatre, Reese chaired the Junior-Senior Dinner, demonstrating her event-planning skills She served as STUCO Vice President and Head Editor of The Muse, showcasing her leadership and editorial skills

During her sophomore year, Reese often spent free time in my classroom, where she formed a close-knit friend group Johnathan recalls, “After our Dungeons and Dragons sessions on Zoom, Reese and I would stay on call, turning it into a competition for who could stay on the longest ”

Reese volunteers at the Royal Oak Library, sings in a local church choir, and attended Upland Hills Farm Camp, where she discovered her obsessive love for pygmy goats Ten years from now, we won’t be surprised if she has her own little goat herd!

Congratulations, Reese, future star of the stage May your future be as bright as your voice, and may you always find joy in the music of life

Reese is the daughter of Stephanie and TJ Stevens of Royal Oak. She attended Roeper for four years and has two alumni siblings — Jaspar Thewes ‘08 and Mika Thewes ‘09.

Dear Roeper, thank you for the memories and the friendships. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

presented by Scott Carmona

Leo understands the responsibilities, sacrifices, and character it takes to be a leader He knows that as a leader, the needs of the group come before your own His four years at Roeper have been

a testament to his character and dedication to serving others before himself Leo’s familial ties to Roeper — his father Brian ’83 and siblings Andrew ’17, Rachel ’20, and Claire ’20, all alumni — underscore his connection to the school’s values and community

As a new freshman, Leo navigated new surroundings and personal obstacles, compounded by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic That is when I had my first contact with Leo My takeaway from our meeting was that this young man was personable, intelligent, and funny As a coach, those are attributes you want in a student athlete

Leo’s pragmatic approach extends to his academic pursuits, balancing a rigorous course load, competitive golf commitments, and friendships His upcoming enrollment in the honors college at the University of Michigan to study physics reflects his resilience and determination Leo said, “My time in physics this year has been very difficult, and there were countless times I wanted to quit My friends were always there for me to help me see and reach the finish line ”

Leo’s transformation in golf — from initially struggling to complete nine holes to becoming a top competitor in our league — illustrates his growth and dedication His leadership as a twotime captain and decision to prioritize family over personal accolades during a crucial championship match earned him respect throughout the league

Leo’s intelligence, hard work, and goodness are only part of who he is He has an incredible sense of humor It is said that the Roeper philosophy is to create complete citizens ready to contribute to society In the case of Leo, Roeper can rest assured they have succeeded

Leo, the son of Debra Meier of Birmingham and Brian Dietz ’83 of Bloomfield Hills, attended Roeper for four years He has three alumni siblings — Andrew ‘17, Rachel ‘20 and Claire ‘20

Thank you, teachers.

JAMES ALEXANDER DRAKE presented by Michelle Stamler

Urban legend at Roeper claims some people have

Reese: talented, leader, versatile
Leo: hardworking, intelligent, funny

James: creative, athletic, loyal

never heard James Drake speak Nonsense You just need to lean in a little closer and listen

James speaks volumes through his artwork Janet Szeto said James’s painting of a pizza storefront at night demonstrates his attention to detail Sarah Mendez noted James’s success experimenting with colors and textures in prints and dry point etching Ben Fisher saw that “possibly more impressive than your essays, are the insights you provide to others in response to their work ” Creative writing teacher Rebecca Nelson appreciated the simple but vivid language in his poetry

James’s friendships and team sports are symbiotically interconnected He has fished with Conor, skateboarded with Jacob, watched basketball films with Alexi, and on the field or court, James’s actions speak for him Alexi says James is competitive for the team, not himself

James, who attended Roeper for five years, is the son of Eleni Burduvali and Christopher Drake of Farmington Hills.

Thanks for everything.


presented by Dan Jacobs

In 2021, I received a Professional Development grant to create Roeper’s Future Problem-Solving class Please don’t let the grant committee know, but Finn Axelarris did most of the work in developing and running the class Finn gave lectures, assignments, and personalized feedback, asking students about their thought processes before suggesting improvements His guidance led a group of four students to first place at the state level and qualification for the international tournament This individual attention is typical of Finn

Finn: leader, supportive, visionary

Basketball coach Ryan Zinser ’10 called James the most committed Roeper athlete he has ever seen Arriving at 7:00am to practice, James often didn’t see Ryan observing One dark spring day, Ryan found James hitting baseballs in a dangerously dark gym Ryan turned on the lights, and James, startled, revealed he didn’t know where the switch was but continued practicing regardless

When James came to Roeper in 8th grade during the pandemic, it wasn’t love at first sight, but that changed quickly James loved meeting students in the Commons, loved the options in class selection, loved the fact that teachers’ doors were always open, and that teachers made it easy to succeed

James’s mother Eleni said his greatest happiness comes from the relationships he formed and his participation in sports This intense sportsman is not a one-dimensional powerhouse James is a deep thinker who knows what is important to him and goes after it

Next year when James attends Michigan State University, I hope his classmates take a moment to lean in a little closer and listen

Natalia, a soccer teammate, said, “When I’ve had a rough game, he talks me through it and helps with my mindset He’s the first to praise an amazing play or offer advice on nutrition and hydration ” Ed pointed out that “Finn has always put the team first He stepped into defense his junior year and focused on relays in senior year, sacrificing individual records to help his team Finn is a quiet leader who leads by example ” Jacob Patricyn disagrees, “He’s definitely not quiet when he’s on the field yelling at his brother Leif ”

Friends and family note that Finn acts against injustice and supports others, including his senior project auditing energy use at the Birmingham campus His presentation was detail-oriented, constructively critical, and hopeful about improving the world

Finn also writes award-winning science fiction about future challenges in technology, the environment, and society He says, “Learning about resource scarcity has shaped who I am and who I strive to become: someone working towards resource access for all in a changing climate The people in my stories and their real-world counterparts motivate me ”

Finn will study mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan, aiming to apply it to environmental issues Whether you’re a person, a team, a building, or a planet, Finn probably has some useful advice to help you

Finn is the son of Katherine and Lyle Axelarris of Bloomfield Hills and brother of junior class member Leif. Finn attended Roeper for five years.

To all my teachers, coaches, teammates, and friends — thank you for everything.


presented by Michal McConville

Every so often, a student comes along who is so sincere in their pursuit of knowledge, so earnest with each question they ask, and so transparent about their goals that it knocks you off your axis As a new eighth grader, Alli Margolis was a tiny, bottomless pit of questions Practical questions, analytical questions, and philosophical questions that reached toward profound

Alli’s teachers consistently marvel at her blend of discipline and fervent curiosity Matt Vallus described her as “intensely focused” and “meticulous”, while Kevin Kildea admired her “confidence and positive attitude” in overcoming challenges Kelly McDowell praised her as “the best kind of intellectual always curious, always questioning, always listening, always striving ”

Journalism provided a natural outlet for Alli’s inquisitiveness Michelle Stamler recalled her plethora of article ideas, noting she wrote about personal topics with universal appeal In English class, Susannah Nichols observed Alli refine her core beliefs with thoughtful deliberation Alli’s brother Max admires her diligence and kindness, qualities echoed by her cousin Annalise, who highlighted Alli’s unwavering support for loved ones “She will always brighten your day and check in on you when you need it ”

I, too, have benefited from an Alli check-in Intense dissections of Met Gala fashions, nostalgic recollections of family anecdotes, or harsh critiques of society’s unrealistic beauty ideals for women; talking with Alli has always been full of thoughtful musings that I continue to ponder long after the conversation is over

From leadership roles in Student Government to the Jewish Student Union, Alli balanced inquiry with attentive listening to drive meaningful change Her efforts included a campus-wide campaign against gun violence and gaining experience as a medical assistant to pursue her passion for Women’s Health

At George Washington University, Alli will continue to navigate life’s complexities with discernment and dedication to causes close to her heart

Alli is the daughter of Amy and Michael Margolis of Birmingham and sister of Roeper 11th grader Max. She attended Roeper for five years.


were pages turned and bridges burned.” Taylor Swift. You’re on your own kid.


ALAYNA POLK presented by Steven McGhee

Audrey once joked about her college essays, saying she felt like simply writing: “I’m funny and mean Please take me ” This anecdote from Kelly reveals a recurring theme in preparing this speech Kelly elaborates: “She is also one of the most caring individuals I know Audrey exudes empathy and generosity — always sensitive to the views and concerns of others and never inclined to “one up” others to show off her impressive intellect Her theatre training and acting experience have played a significant part in her ability to relate to identities and experiences outside her own

Audrey’s time at Roeper and her future in acting will continue to reflect her curiosity, humility, and empathy Many of you have seen her as Fräulein

Alli: curious, focused, supportive
Audrey: curious, generous, encouraging
Char: sparkly, supportive, positive

Schneider in Cabaret, Mopsa in Head Over Heels, or Pearl White in her senior project production of Ghost Quartet, her first project as a director and producer

Her mother, Lisa, recalls Audrey’s 8th grade Choir solo: “Audrey let out a strong, full voice I hadn’t heard before After Gabi Nielsen sang, Audrey jumped up and down, hugging Gabi I was so proud of how selflessly she celebrated for her friend ”

Audrey’s friends appreciate her brutal honesty and genuine nature She refuses to try to be likable because she’s too busy being herself

In the clever words of Alex:

Are you a natural on stage?

Is your humor too dark?

Dare you look at a king? Would you sit on his throne?

Can you say of your bite that it’s worse than your bark?

Are you surrounded by friends when you think you’re alone?

When you fall on your head, do you land on your feet?

Are you tense when you sense there’s a storm in the air?

Do you call yourself mean, when the truth is you’re sweet?

(Does this reference reveal to you just how much I care?)

Because Audrey Polks can and Audrey Polks do, Audrey Polks are, and Audrey Polks will. Break a leg, kiddo!

Audrey is the daughter of Lisa Marckini of Milford and attended Roeper for five years.

Bye :)


presented by Matt Vallus

Char is best described as sassy, sparkly, majestic, silly, honest, earnest, genuine, creative, entrepreneurial, a trend-setter, and a positivity powerhouse Friend Caleb summarizes, “Char is a real one, yo ” Being around Char lifts everyone’s spirits All people feel better around Char

Friends consistently say Char is the most supportive friend Isabella and Edona emphasize Char’s talent for pep talks and making people feel perfect Tina adds, “Char is the most nonjudgmental person who is so easy to talk to ” Char values creating connections supporting human rights, evident in personal interactions and large-scale efforts Mom Jodi shares that Char’s support “was the strength she needed to travel to Ukraine” to provide urgent humanitarian aid

Char is the right person to cross cultural barriers Uncle Vance recalls one favorite memory of Char at a young age traveling through Chinatown in NYC on a quest to find a durian fruit all while speaking near perfect Chinese, along with some haggling High school teacher Kelly praises Char’s perseverance and kindness, noting Char’s empathy and strength Teachers admire Char’s writing, filled with personality and creativity Teacher Roz recalls being captivated by Char’s storytelling Friend Edona accurately says that “some people that have one through tough times take it out on other people … not Char Challenges only make Char more compassionate

Char’s unique personality and entrepreneurial spirit suggest a future in niche businesses or fashion Tina predicts Char will pursue aesthetic-based hobbies Char’s journey will undoubtedly be accompanied by the best new wave soundtrack, including Duran Duran and Depeche Mode

One thing is for certain, Char will continue to dabble in almost everything while uplifting everyone along the way Friend Edona sums up Char’s influence: “Char contributes vibes to the world … zebra print, sparkly hot pink vibes ”

Char is the daughter of Jodi Puchalski of Royal Oak.

Unable to attend

Tina Yuan, daughter of Gongshin Qi and Jacy Weng, attended Roeper for five years While at Roeper, Tina was involved in Debate, Fashion Club, SAGE, Basketball and the Gidas Club Tina plans to attend Rutgers, New Brunswick in the fall The Roeper School is pleased to honor Tina and extend our heartfelt congratulations

Keep exploring what you like.


ADAMS presented by Kevin Kildea

It’s been quite a journey with Grace She’s a student who once thought she was bad at math and was surprised to learn that all mammals have belly buttons — a delightful reminder of her inquisitive nature

Grace, as you prepare to attend Michigan State University’s Lyman Briggs program, majoring in biomedical engineering, your future is as bright as your past has been colorful Your activities have been diverse, from Golf team member to leading a bake sale for Harbor Impact Ministries

Her Spirograph masterpieces, strategically placed high enough in homeroom to remain untouched, will forever decorate Room 108 Her senior project, a mural celebrating Roeper’s diversity, is a lasting testament to your creativity and dedication to our community

Beyond school, Grace works at Cherry Creek Golf Course, dedicates time to Girl Scout day camps, and has a passion for making Christmas cookies She envisions a future filled with cats, dogs, and beach days — a perfect picture of happiness Her friend Alivia captures her essence: “Grace is one of the most kind and loving people ever, everything she does is straight from her heart ”

Alivia’s cherished memories with Grace, from deep conversations to playful antics, paint a picture of a true friend

Kelly added, “Analytical, artistic, and funny … Grace is a beam of light in any room It is a joy to know someone who is equal parts intelligence, creativity, and wit ”

Grace, has often expressed gratitude for her parents, who have supported her education and dreams Her parents and brother are proud of the amazing human she’s become

Years ago Grace told me I had changed her life But that works both ways She has also changed my life Her presence has been a source of inspiration and joy to me and many others

Grace is the daughter of Cheryl and Craig Adams and sister of alumnus Clayton ’21. She attended Roeper for six years.

Thank you for the incredible journey of growth and learning. As I graduate, I carry with me cherished memories and lessons that will forever shape my future. Goodbye and best wishes to all.


Claudia’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring I had the privilege of coaching Claudia She embodies hard work, leadership, dedication, and friendship From the first practice, Claudia’s presence was felt Her dedication to the team and her studies set a standard for all She never shied away from challenges, whether burning the midnight oil for exams or taking on new challenges in soccer Claudia’s hard work always shone through

Grace: inquisitive, joyful, authentic

Claudia’s journey was not just about personal achievement She has an innate ability to lead, inspire, and bring out the best in those around her Claudia’s leadership was marked by consistency, exemplified by her consistently bad dance moves at practice She led by example, always ready to lend a helping hand and guide her peers Her

Claudia: leader, dedicated, loyal

ability to listen, empathize, and motivate others has left an indelible mark on The Roeper School community

Dedication is another hallmark of Claudia’s character Whether in academics, sports, or extracurricular activities, Claudia’s dedication was evident She balanced her responsibilities with grace and always found time to support others

Claudia is a friend to all Her kindness, warmth, and genuine care have made her a cherished community member She has been there in times of joy and need, offering support and friendship unconditionally Claudia understands that the essence of friendship lies in being present, sharing moments, and creating memories

As we stand on the brink of new beginnings, let us reflect on the qualities Claudia exemplifies Her hard work teaches perseverance, her leadership shows the power of consistency, her dedication reminds us to pursue our dreams with passion, and her friendship highlights the importance of human connection

Claudia, you have excelled and touched our lives in profound ways Your Roeper journey is an inspiration, and we are confident you will continue to achieve great things

Claudia is the daughter of Melissa Fernandez and Jordi Carbonell of Huntington Woods. She attended Roeper for six years.

Thank you Roeper for the last six years!

GABRIELA EVA NIELSEN presented by Steven McGhee

What good is sitting all alone in your room?

Come hear the music play!

Life is a cabaret, old chum, Come to the cabaret!

There’s a lot of value in sitting alone in one’s room, and I think Gabi would agree

My classroom, when not used for rehearsals, was quiet, and Gabi spent a lot of time there Unless practicing an instrument or singing, I rarely knew what she was working on unless she shared or

asked a question These moments led to long, deep conversations about Music theory, books, architecture, religion, languages, history, families, travels, goals, fears, and frustrations

What sets Gabi apart from other students isn’t her zeal for learning or that she pauses frequently to make sure she has the wording just right for what she wants to say It’s that she listens, engages, remembers, and takes time to process the discussion Her teachers and friends note her intellect, humility, wisdom, and penchant for clever wordplay and fun

On stage, Gabi shines Those who saw her in Ghost Quartet or Head Over Heels know her captivating presence Her solo in the Senior Showcase concert, Love Me or Leave Me, was unforgettable And who could forget her portrayal of Sally Bowles in Cabaret?

If you’ll permit me a rewrite:

I had a student colloquially known as “Gabi”, A quiet, old soul, whose wit is rather snappy, To some she might have seemed a shrinking blossom

But we’ve seen her thrive, and she’s just freakin’ awesome.

Her humor’s adept, her intellect a marvel

But patience, friends! for brilliance can be larval, It takes time to gather thoughts and find cohesion,  And Gabi’s light will show itself in its own season. And when we, lucky mortals, see her up on stage like a queen, We should rejoice, for Gabi will steal our hearts in every scene.

Gabi is taking a gap year to research medieval Danish church architecture And like a true fanboy, I cannot wait to see what she does next!

Gabriela, a six-year Roeperian, is the daughter of Holly and Curt Nielsen of Farmington.

I’ve been incredibly lucky to be a part of the Roeper community for the past six years. More than anything, I’d like to thank all the Roeper teachers I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from for their unending kindness, dedication and generosity. Gabi: intentional, talented, curious


It is my pleasure to speak about Zoe, a graduate who has touched the hearts of everyone around her with her infectious smile, unwavering determination, and excellent hair color

Her friend Grace put it best: “Zoe has always been a beautiful beaming light Happiness literally radiates off of her The thing I love most about Zoe is how willing she is to just bring you into her family ”

Zoe’s time at Roeper has been enriched by the wonderful friends she has made These friendships have provided her with support, laughter, and countless cherished memories, like the unforgettable (and painful) Hot Wheels incident during homeroom

Zoe demonstrated her versatility and talent in various activities at Roeper, including the Golf team, Choir, and Middle School plays Outside of school, she committed 14 years to competitive dance, showcasing her perseverance and passion This same perseverance was evident in her academic and extracurricular pursuits

Her mom shared a story illustrating this trait: During middle school, Zoe felt ill before a band concert Instead of asking to go home after being sick, she successfully completed the concert, showcasing her resilience and dedication A friend’s parent said, “Zoe is a friend to all, making everyone feel special and important, displaying an inclusiveness that draws all manner of people to her ”

While working as a host at the White Horse during COVID, Zoe anonymously gave her $500 COVID Relief grant to another worker who was struggling Zoe’s gratitude for her friends and family, especially her parents, speaks volumes about her character and is deeply touching

As Zoe steps into this new chapter at Miami University in Ohio, may she always remember the values and lessons that have guided her Her hard work, dedication, and joyful spirit have left an indelible mark on all of us

Zoe is the daughter of Amy-Beth and Mark Fleischer of Oxford. She attended Roeper for nine years.

Thank you for all the memories! I’ve made some of my best friends here, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.


Despite an extremely challenging year, Montgomery McIntosh is resilient, empowered, and triumphant Your strong sense of justice, incomparable moral compass, and courage to stand up for your convictions are praiseworthy I am in awe of the remarkable, compassionate human before me How fortunate we are to be in community with you, to learn from you, and to witness your open, honest expression guided by duty and truth

When you speak, people listen Sandra says, “Montgomery is bold, brilliant, and confident People hang on every word, knowing it’s said with intention and deep consideration You feel safe around Montgomery, secure enough to cry and cackle She uplifts and grounds simultaneously ” Patrick shares, “Montgomery is quiet, but a storm nonetheless Elected as President of the Black Student Union, she led the largest class of Black Middle School students Roeper has seen in years Her leadership, care, and ability to create a space for everyone have helped a new generation of Black Roeperians feel seen and heard ”

Montgomery understands the value of community and the effort it takes to support and grow a safe, productive space for its members Since joining Roeper in 6th grade, she has been an integral member of the Dance Department, valuing and taking care of the studio space

Alyssa recalls a climate rally in Lansing where Montgomery confidently spoke to lawmakers, inspiring with her passion for activism Remember the words of Toni Morrison, “Don’t let anybody convince you this is the way the world is and therefore must be It must be the way it ought to be ”

Montgomery will attend Yale University in the fall, majoring in Ethics, Politics, and Economics on a

Zoe: compassionate, joyful, grateful

Montgomery: wise, advocate, honest

prelaw track She plans to become an environmental lawyer and advocate for underrepresented communities

Montgomery is the daughter of Yvette Fails McIntosh and Charles McIntosh of Detroit and attended Roeper for seven years

Roeper is supposed to encourage students in their journeys of becoming citizens of the world.


presented by Barb Lasecki-Webb

Laine: dedicated, positive, passionate

In the fall of 2017, Laine Ostheimer joined Roeper seeking a community where she could be herself and explore free thought, where learning and education were not just things to be done, but rather springboards for immersion Laine did not hesitate to dive in

Laine embraced a growth mindset early on, learning from math teacher Sheh Yi that work doesn’t have to be perfect, just your best Sheh Yi called Laine “a true Roeper Kid” and praised her as a dedicated and inspiring life learner who knows what she wants

Laine’s involvement at Roeper included significant contributions to SDAC, the student SEED program, organizing mix-it-up day events, and DEIJ workshops with Stage IV students Carolyn Lett admired Laine’s ability to bring substance and importance to the surface, calling her a “shining star” and natural leader who positively impacts everyone around her

Friend Maddie Francis described Laine as having infectious positivity, a genuine smile, and a contagious laugh Clara Calderwood noted Laine’s dedication and hard work, highlighting her roles as Class President and member of Student Government, managing it all with grace

Laine’s co-Senior project, SASJ (Science and Social Justice), reflected her passion for interdisciplinary curriculum and her perspective as a citizen of the world The project, presented alongside Sandra Smith-Johnson, showcased professionalism and depth, leaving the audience inspired Sandra characterized Laine as “bright,” praising her contributions, dedication, and ability to listen and show love through actions

Laine’s chill time on the yellow couch has come to a close, but new challenges and adventures await as she studies biochemistry at the University of Michigan

Laine, calm and capable, eager and energetic, positive and passionate, you are a student with a brilliant mind and a solid heart — a place where kindness holds dominion It was clear from the beginning that you not only found your home at Roeper, but you enhanced it

A seven-year Roeperian, Laine is the daughter of Heidi Ostheimer and Anthony Salciccioli of West Bloomfield.

Roeper community, I cannot thank you enough for showing me love, support, and providing me a safe space to learn and grow.


AIDAN PETRYCIA presented by Kevin Kildea

Of all the students I have known, very few have grown as much during high school as Jacob Petrycia Jacob went from a carefree freshman, sometimes seen skateboarding instead of attending homeroom, to one of the most dedicated and hardworking individuals I have ever known

Kelly told me you are one of the biggest success stories she has witnessed, and you achieved this through hard work and dedication Your journey from a freshman finding his way to a senior ready to take on the world is inspiring

Sports have been a major part of your high school life As a member of the Roeper Golf, Soccer, Basketball, and Track teams, and playing hockey

outside of school, you’ve shown incredible athletic versatility Sports have shaped your character and forged lifelong friendships

Leo thanks you for being a great teammate, and Conor says, “Jacob is a hardworking guy who can pour all his effort into anything he sets his mind to His commitment is evident in his running and exercise journey He’s become strong and fast, definitely a beast ”

Laine summed it up perfectly: “Jacob is one of the sweetest people I know He has such a big heart and always goes out of his way to support someone in need He is incredibly empathetic, understanding, and funny His positivity is contagious Anyone would be lucky to have a person like Jacob in their life ”

As you embark on your adventure at Oakland University, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, your future is wide open None of this would be possible without the support of your parents and friends We are all incredibly proud of you Keep that positive attitude, sense of humor, and work ethic that has brought you so far

Jacob is the son of Julie Chappell and John Petrycia of Lake Orion. He attended Roeper for seven years.

Made some great memories and had fun playing sports.

Eli and I have worked together for around seven years and tend to get straight to the point A

typical exchange might be: “You’re behind on the last three assignments, so I’ve broken it down into a prioritized checklist with due dates and expectations Email me upon completion of each part ” I respond, “Okay, Eli — I’ll get it done Just don’t call my dad …”

Eli explains: “I got interested in disability and accessibility when I was nine, contacted the Head of School, and said, ‘Yo your school’s messed up ’ I made a checklist of accessibility needs, put it on a clipboard, and toured the campus with him, saying, ‘You gotta fix it ’” According to Eli’s mom, this “you gotta fix it” is the grown-up version of “Mygot it” which was heard often from child Eli My earliest memory of Eli is of them as a 10-yearold lying on the computer lab floor to ease joint pain In a 7th grade poem, Eli compared themselves to their doll Toe Joe: “I’ve been lost and found, I feel stitched together, falling apart at any moment, … cautious I’ve had to find myself so many times ”

Eli’s participation in the Roeper Forensics Team has been crucial to their self-discovery They’ve been a team leader, judge, and peer coach Reflecting on a 9th grade performance, Eli said, “My strengths were not in line with the play, and my weaknesses very much were But I had so much fun with it — but because we were measuring by joy, it was wonderful ”

Eli’s public speaking skills have fueled their advocacy for disabled and neurodiverse people Their senior project, Disability Civility, involved praiseworthy presentations on disability

Eli will attend the University of Toledo on the prestigious Presidential Scholarship for a degree in Disabilities Studies

Eli, whether we grade your time at Roeper on your work or joy, you get an A+

Eight-and-a-half-year Roeperian Elyse/Eli is the child of Sarah and Kenny Miller of Farmington Hills. Their sister Alexa is a member of the Class of 2020.

Thanks Roeper. Good knowing ya’.

Eli: activist, straightforward, retrospective

ELYSE MARIA MILLER presented by Dan Jacobs

Alyssa: artistic, resourceful, philanthropic


presented by Kevin Kildea

Alyssa’s crafting abilities are magical Give her a glue gun, time, and a few supplies, and she could create a masterpiece out of seemingly nothing In homeroom, when tasked with creating crafts for school projects, Alyssa would unveil creations that belonged in an art gallery I’m convinced that if we had an emergency and needed a spaceship built, Alyssa could whip one up with popsicle sticks and glitter

Alyssa is an excellent student who is high-achieving, creative, attentive, well-mannered, and kind Her dedication to her studies and her extraordinary intelligence have always stood out Her ability to take feedback, ask clarifying questions, and turn criticism into revision is a testament to your resilience and commitment to excellence

Alyssa also has a gift for humor — specifically, dad jokes Her knack for dad-like humor kept everyone on their toes and brought a sense of lightheartedness to the classroom It’s hard to imagine our class without her interactive personality and infectious laughter

I am eternally grateful for the many people who supported me over the years so that I could get to this point. Until next time, take care, Roeper!


EVERETT ROYCRAFT presented by Laura

Kid — you are going to make this difficult …

I should explain my use of the term “kid ” In my husband’s family, the word is affectionately used to address one’s child, and for me, this term easily applies to the students I coach At Roeper, our amazing students become our “kids

So, what makes up this “kid”? Knowing Vee would be amused if I incorporated science into this speech, let’s consider the scientific evidence of Vaughn “Vee” Roycraft’s “kidness ”

Vee: enthusiastic, positive, empathetic

Beyond academics, Alyssa joined the Varsity Basketball team on a whim and took on Cross Country because of her genuine passion for running Alyssa has also been involved in clubs like SASJ, the Beekeeping Club, Permaculture, and Girls Mentoring Among these, she takes the most pride in her contributions to the Beekeeping Club, where she helped fundraise to implement a beehive at the Lower School campus

Alyssa’s generosity extends beyond school She has donated knit and crochet beanies to Knots of Love, showcasing her crafting skills and big heart She has also been known to forage for fungi, hike, bike, and pick cicada shells off trees … always finding joy in the outdoors

Alyssa plans to pursue an environmental engineering degree at the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering this fall

Ten-year Roeper veteran Alyssa is the daughter of Julie Fracasso of Lake Orion and David Fracasso of Rochester Hills and sister of alumnus Ethan ‘21.

The word “kid” literally means “child ” Scientific proof one: Vee is the child of Kimberly and Stuart Roycraft Kim describes a young Vee as smart and creative, led to Roeper by curiosity and a love of learning Proof one — actual kid? True

The word “kid” can also describe a baby goat Goats seem stubborn because they are extremely intelligent Evidence? Barb Lasecki-Webb says, “Vee is one of the most authentically inquisitive students,” and Logan Parkinson adds, “Vee’s insights are always profound!” Vee’s deep understanding of science is overwhelming, proving “baby goat-like determination based on extreme intelligence” is fulfilled in Vee

“To kid” means “to joke around good-naturedly ” Evidence? Kelly McDowell says, “In conversations with Vee, I’ve laughed until my sides ached ” Peers note this humor is always positive Ruby McKeever says Vee’s “empathy is off the charts,” and Harrison Hunger adds, “Vee genuinely cares ” Proof three — a sense of humor balanced with empathy — proved

Lastly, “Kid in a candy store” means “happily reacting with extreme enthusiasm ” This describes Vee perfectly Vee’s energy at tournaments led to a

“no bouncing until after Semis” rule Proof four — kid in a candy store energy — undeniably true

Based on these loosely scientific proofs of “kidness,” we come to one overarching proof — Vee is undoubtedly a #RoeperKid — taking Spanish all 10 years, lighting up the Roeper stage, helping lead the Forensics team to a State Championship, and possibly taking every Science class offered at Roeper Congrats!

Vee, who attended Roeper for 10 years, is the son of Kimberly and Stuart Roycraft of Lake Orion.

This community has meant the world to me, it’s been my life for a decade now, and I’m simultaneously sad to have to (sort of) say goodbye and excited to go new places while maintaining my Roeper friendships. But so they say, once a Roeperian always a Roeperian. Mark my words, I shall return!


I met AJ during his sophomore year when he took Electrical Engineering He always had a wide-eyed, puppy-dog look, constantly nodding at everything I said I knew he was either eager to learn or struggling with his mask Either way, I felt an immediate affinity for him

As COVID restrictions slackened, I learned more about AJ and his drive for knowledge He later told me that Electrical Engineering sparked his appreciation for math’s real-world applications Whether asking about Knot Theory or sparking a war over “Rationalizing the Denominator,” AJ’s curiosity was boundless

Kevin Kildea describes AJ as “a very genuine person who loves and welcomes a challenge He is persistent, does not get discouraged easily, and understands that failure is just a path to understanding ” English teacher Kelly McDowell notes, “When I asked AJ what he looks forward to doing at college, he said: ‘Exploring and eating ’

This answer is quintessentially AJ He never takes himself too seriously ”

AJ’s favorite pastimes are centered around friends, whether bowling, going to Cedar Point, or running to Chick-fil-A for “real food” after crashing an hors d’oeuvres restaurant Fellow graduate Luke Stibor recalls AJ’s kindness and support, including creating a comic to help study physics

AJ’s passions extend beyond school For his Eagle Scout project, he worked at the E L Johnson Nature Center and attended the Boy Scout Sea Base summer program in Boston, discovering his love for being on a boat AJ also became a leader on the track field, proudly helping his Cross Country team qualify for the State tournament and becoming team captain

This fall, AJ will attend the Colorado School of Mines, exploring physical science, math, or industrial engineering — preferably outside, on a boat, with a well-stocked kitchen

An 11-year Roeperian, AJ is the son of Susan and Jon Owen of Bloomfield Hills and brother of rising senior Matthew.

Thanks to all the teachers and staff who supported me through my time at Roeper!

LUKE JACOB STIBOR presented by Kevin Kildea

If it was a Friday at the beginning of lunch, you would hear this booming voice over the PA announce, “Fun, Fun, Fun meeting in Kevin’s room ”

Today, we celebrate the graduation of the person behind the voice, a truly remarkable individual whose journey through high school has been as entertaining as it has been inspiring

Luke is heading to the University of Michigan, still deciding on a course of study During his time here, Luke was an active member of the “Fun, Fun, Fun Club,” ran Cross Country, participated on the Track team, and sang in the Choir Outside of school, he spent many hours playing Minecraft,

AJ: curious, driven, hungry Luke: enthusiastic, creative, funny

Christopher: kind, compassionate, humorous

creating worlds as intricate and imaginative as his future promises to be

Who could forget the time Luke and his friends surprised Johnathan with birthday shirts? Or the infamous April 16 Pepper Incident? And the time Ben spilled your entire thermos full of soup on the floor, and you helped clean up the mess, telling Ben that everything was OK

Luke’s teachers have nothing but praise for him Andrew said, “I really appreciate your attitude and excitement, including your interest in Physics Club and leadership in the problem-solving groups we set up in class You have come a very long way ” Todd added, “You gave your best and always looked to improve You have shown tremendous growth and sportsmanship ”

Luke’s sense of humor has brightened many days Who could forget his performance of Baby, It’s Cold Outside during the Senior Showcase? His comedic timing and charm were on full display

Luke, whether you stay in Michigan or venture beyond, we know you’ll approach it with the same enthusiasm, intelligence, and humor that you’ve shown here at Roeper Here’s to a future filled with endless possibilities and, of course, lots of Fun, Fun, Fun!

Luke is the son of Shanon and Fred Stibor of Bloomfield Hills and brother of 9th grader Sydney. He attended Roeper for 11 years.

It has been such a wonderful experience attending the #1 oldest private school for gifted individuals in the country. I will apply all the community-building lessons I learned here to my everyday life.


presented by Kelly McDowell

In English classes, we stress the importance of brevity The primary role of writing is communication We should express our ideas clearly, concisely, and simply So in a word, Christopher Bonde is kind And that is everything But in writing, we also stress “show, don’t tell ” So let me demonstrate how Christopher’s kindness manifests in his life and others’ lives

Close friend Reese Stevens recounts needing regular rides home from school Christopher offered without being asked Reese says, “I’m incredibly thankful to have a friend like Christopher to rely on in unexpected moments His kindness is what makes him special ”

When you’re friends with Christopher, you feel like family His oldest friend, Vee Roycraft, describes their friendship: “We met in Stage III I didn’t make a friend until I met Christopher We quickly became best friends, and our families became besties too Christopher and I became “siblings” in a wide family-friend web It’s been 10 years Other friends came and went, but there was always Christopher and me ”

These close relationships are born of the strong family foundation supporting him Brother Adam says, “He cares what others think — in a good way ” Adam adds that Christopher is always willing to drive and hang out, demonstrating his compassion and generosity

Parents, Jennifer and Chris, recount stories revealing Christopher’s kindness and humor Mom, Jennifer, describes his Stage III passion project on Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Falling Water ” Inspired, they toured it with Christopher as their tour guide Realizing his family’s support, the next year, he chose Disney World for his project, showing his intelligence and humor

Dad, Chris, tells of adopting their dog, May, who had health concerns Christopher wrote a persuasive essay, convincing his family to adopt her The “Save May” campaign is a beautiful and clear picture of Christopher’s kindness

In the fall, Christopher will take his kindness, humor, and generosity to Elon University

Christopher, a 12-year Roeperian, is the son of Jennifer and Chris Bonde of Birmingham. His brother Adam is in the 11th grade.

Thank you for all the wonderful memories, friends and experiences Roeper has given me. I am especially grateful for the supportive teachers and my peers. I’m proud to be a part of the Class of ’24, and congratulations to my classmates.


Webster’s dictionary defines compassion as a sympathetic awareness of others’ suffering coupled with a desire to alleviate it When asked about Ben, his family, friends, and coaches all echo this sentiment Lysa, Ben’s mother, attributes his compassion to his upbringing in the Roeper community saying, “Ben had a strong foundation of growing up amidst the security and fun of a village of people who were all invested in each other ”

Try hard but still be able to have fun.


Ben took this lesson to heart as he has grown into a confident, caring young man

Ben’s father, Jason, highlights the role of Roeper Athletics in Ben’s growth, noting how coaches encouraged enjoyment and excellence without undue pressure Ben excelled in sports, earning accolades in soccer and earning the nickname “Scrappy” for his tenacity and skill despite his size Ben treasures his favorite Roeper memory of winning the soccer league, emphasizing his dedication to team success Coach Ed Sack affirms Ben’s commitment to his team, noting his willingness to sacrifice personal preferences for the team’s needs, a trait that defines Ben’s competitive spirit

Looking ahead, Ben plans to study Marketing at Michigan State University, excited about new friendships and experiences His friend Cameron praises Ben’s fun-loving nature and selflessness, traits that ensure lively moments whenever Ben is around “Ben’s best trait is his availability because he puts others before himself ”

I have watched this young man grow and could not be prouder to be his coach The challenges of golf can be swing to swing, but through it all, I will remember Ben’s smile, laughter, and his constant desire to improve One area that needs no improvement is his compassion for others and the way he treats his fellow man

Ben is the son of Lysa Stein of Huntington Woods and Jason Postula of Bloomfield Hills. He attended Roeper for 12 years.

Laine Ostheimer professes she could “write a novel about what makes Sandra incredible,” and she’s right! Sandra is a heroine any reader would adore, with experiences and accomplishments so inspiring they deserve to be shared with the world My “Cliff Notes” of her story will barely scratch the surface of this extraordinary young woman, determined from a very young age to make the world more equitable and just Sandra’s mother, says, “the Roeper spirit permeates her body; she embodies the Roeper philosophy ” Matt agrees: “Over the last 10 years, I have never had a student more consistently and actively engaged in making the world a better place Her unwavering academic dedication and influential leadership are inspiring ”

Sandra co-taught a Stage III class, Dance as Activism, leading discussions on leadership and activism, and created a video focusing on equity vs equality Sandra’s empathy, kindness, and star power shine through every encounter She’s a radio star, Forensics award winner, leading actor, compelling dancer, and stunning singer, captivating audiences with her performance of Bob Dylan’s The Times They Are A-Changing

As President of Roeper Student Government and the Co-ettes Club, Vice President of AKA-Teens, and member of the Black Student Union and Student Diversity Council, Sandra always leads with compassion She co-founded the Banana Splits, an affinity group for students impacted by divorce or deceased parents Her Senior project with Laine, Science and Social Justice, engaged Upper School student mentors in creating lesson plans for younger students Sandra also volunteered at Brilliant Detroit and Motor City STEAM and shadowed Judge Qiana Lillard ’94 for more than 100 hours

Sandra will attend Harvard University to double major in History and Science and African

Ben: confident, caring, scrappy
Sandra: driven, compassionate, inspiring

American Studies She will undoubtedly continue to live her life with purpose, striving to become a Human Rights lawyer and ultimately a Supreme Court Justice

Sandra, a 12-year student at Roeper, is the daughter of Adanna Smith of Detroit.

Goodbye ,Roeper; thank you for this beautiful community! You taught me to find my voice.

Johnathan: kind, secure, leader Lennon:


presented by Kevin Kaldea

Who is Johnathan Dinneweth? That’s a question many have asked, but only a few have had the courage to answer Today, we delve into this intriguing question

Showcasing his creativity and talent, Johnathan was in the Band and Choir from Middle School through 12th grade and part of the Forensics team in Middle School and his senior year His leadership skills shone as President of the Fun, Fun, Fun Club, a Moderator in Student Government, and a Student Trustee on the Roeper Board

Johnathan worked part-time during his junior and senior years Despite his busy schedule, he always found time for fun and camaraderie He fondly remembers events like Dunk Tank, Mafia Nights, and Volleyball Tournaments He will miss the close-knit bond shared among students in his AP Physics and AP Chemistry classes and dodging pencils in Calculus class

Two standout memories are singing Baby, It’s Cold Outside at the Senior Showcase and delivering a Forensics piece on Federal Income Taxes His coach, Laura Moore, recalls, “He made taxes sound fun His enthusiasm and ability to command a room earned many accolades ”

Teacher Kelly McDowel says, “Johnathan inspires people to be better He inspires me to be a better teacher and human being ” Eulalia adds, “Johnathan is a perfect combination of intelligence, kindness, hard work, and humor He’s always ready to help ” His dad writes, “He’s both a unique character and a man of character ”

So, who is Johnathan Dinneweth? He’s the person everyone wants to be around, bringing joy to every heart he encounters As he attends the University of Michigan to study Industrial and Operational Engineering, we know he will continue to spread his exuberance and positivity

Johnathan, thank you for making us laugh, keeping us calm, and being the amazing person that you are And, of course, thank you for my Barbie Dreamboat

Johnathan is the son of Daniel Dinneweth of Lake Orion He attended Roeper for 13 years along with his sister Alexa, a member of the Class of 2021

I would not be who I am today without Roeper. Thank you for everything.

As a teacher I recall an uncomfortable moment on a frigid winter’s day in 2015

That winter, a fierce business had been forged on Roeper’s playgrounds, mining the rare commodity of ice There were alliances, distribution centers, and an entire business district Naturally, with ice having such a high value, trade wars ensued On one of these days, Lennon, a remarkably successful entrepreneur, had a squabble with a competitor As the mediator, I decided to chat with him and bridge a peace treaty That conversation did not go as planned I asked Lennon, “Why didn’t you get

LENNON RAGLAND presented by Laura Sobieralski

an adult to help you?” He responded, “Because teachers always make it worse ”

That moment gave me pause Would we have helped? Most likely not At that point my goal was often to get kids to say “sorry” — they rarely meant it

Lennon was one of my first “I have some work to do” moments as a teacher

When thinking about what to say about Lennon, it hit me Lennon makes those around him better by sharing his gifts of respectful honesty, genuine interest in others’ well-being, and creative problemsolving

Todd said, “He’s the nicest kid I have ever met ” Griffin shared, “Without Lennon, Roeper would be a dark, lonely place ” In four years, I have not been to a Varsity Basketball game without seeing Lennon there to support his classmates Conor shared, “On the baseball field, ‘Wheels’ will always encourage his teammates, and give the game his all ”

When I asked Lennon why he has the best attendance record at Roeper his answer was instantaneous “My parents sacrificed a lot so I could stay at Roeper I am incredibly grateful to them for this opportunity, so I wanted to make the most of it ”

Lennon, thank you for making our Roeper Community a kinder, more caring place, and thank you for helping me become a better teacher As a Spartan Alumni, I am honored to share a school with you

Lennon, a 13-year Roeper “lifer,” is the son of Billie and Michael Ragland.

Thanks, Roeper!

presented by Andrea Collins

Have you ever experienced something coming to you effortlessly, where everything just flows naturally? That’s exactly how I feel when talking about Lily If you haven’t met her yet, do so now because she is destined for greatness! Lily is a once-in-a-lifetime athlete, student, and individual She captivates everyone in any room

Lily’s character, composure, kindness, leadership, competitiveness, intelligence, resilience, and courage are remarkable After practices, Lily would wait with me until everyone was picked up, ensuring I got to my car safely This act of care speaks volumes about her

Lily’s Golf coach, Scott Carmona, says, “When I think of Lily Stafeil, the word smile comes to mind She always seems upbeat and smiling Her work ethic and positive outlook are what every coach looks for As an athlete, her game knowledge and 100% effort are why she’s so successful She’s an even better person Truly one of my favorite players ”

Her homeroom teacher says, “I love Lily She is quiet by nature but has opened up to show a silly, (even goofy) side She’s a dedicated student, often helping peers She cares more about everyone succeeding than just her own achievements ”

Lily’s Chinese teacher, Lily Zhu, says, says “Lily is a student who may feel nervous at the beginning when she runs into a challenge, but she will never run away from it On the contrary, she will work hard and will not be shy to look for all the help she can use to overcome it ”

Lily, you have left a big mark on many people, and I know you will continue to do so at William & Mary University The sky is the limit, Kid! If you ever need anything, I’m always one phone call away!

Lily is the daughter of Rachel Stafeil of Birmingham and Jeff Stafeil of Bloomfield Hills. She attended Roeper for 13 years and is the sister of two Roeper alumni — Ben ‘20 and Dylan ‘21.


Lily: thoughtful, quiet, composed



presented by Michal McConville

Clara Calderwood’s Stage I report reads, “We can count on Clara to help someone feel welcome in our class When a visitor comes, she is quick to take them under her wing ” This skill, which already stood out more than 12 years ago, continues Anytime you see a group of girls, you will see Clara right in the middle, inviting them in with her warm presence, keeping them laughing with her sardonic humor, and making them feel at home From a very young age, she has never known a stranger

Her friend Maeve Stott recalls Clara’s immediate kindness when they first met at Volleyball practice, highlighting Clara’s natural affinity for camaraderie Throughout her years, Clara has excelled both on the field as a dedicated Volleyball and Soccer player and off the field as a leader admired for her hustle and positivity Barb Lasecki-Webb praises Clara’s energy and team spirit, while friend Maddie Francis describes her as a vibrant force, igniting enthusiasm wherever she goes

Beyond her infectious enthusiasm, Clara’s openness and empathy make her deeply relatable Friend Laine Ostheimer notes Clara’s ability to create a safe space for authenticity in conversations As a member of UMatter Club, Clara has been a staunch advocate for mental health, enhancing support systems and fostering inclusivity at Roeper Clara’s passion for social justice is evident in her advocacy efforts, fearlessly addressing tough issues and standing up for what’s right Her brother Alex Calderwood ’20 admires her unwavering commitment to her beliefs, while Maddie anticipates Clara’s future impact in breaking barriers and fighting inequality

Next fall, Clara will embark on her journey at DePauw University, studying Political Science on a Pre-Law track Her dedication to creating positive change promises a future marked by leadership and advocacy

A 15-year “lifer,” Clara is the daughter of Christina and Bert Calderwood of Rochester Hills and sister of alumnus Alex ‘20.

Roeper shaped who I am today, and I’m forever grateful for the community it provided me.


presented by Brian Hewitt

Conor, it feels like yesterday you were in front of my 7th grade Science class with Ben, cracking jokes Over these seven years, you’ve created lasting memories and made a significant impact on Roeper that will endure long after you’ve left

I first met Conor when he joined Middle School Baseball We faced challenges that first year, but it was a learning experience for Conor and his teammates As our bond strengthened, our team chemistry grew, leading to more success in their second Middle School season Conor’s potential as an athlete became evident, like during a crucial baseball game against Inter-City Baptist where his strategic plays secured a win for Roeper

Conor evolved into a standout three-sport athlete, excelling as one of the area’s top Soccer goalies and playing a pivotal role in Basketball His dedication shone through, notably in Basketball where he contributed significantly to a league championship team

My closest connection with Conor was through Baseball, where he had numerous standout moments, from hitting his first varsity home run to clutch performances in critical games His stats speak volumes: a 373 batting average, 62 RBIs, and 65 runs scored over four years

Conor is a humble and considerate young man He was not only a good role model for younger athletes but also provided guidance when appropriate I witnessed him take a young baseball player under his wing and not only provide him with guidance on the diamond, but made sure he had rides to all our games and practices

From the memories we formed on the diamond to our big white water rafting win at Ohiopyle, I will fondly look back on our time together Conor plans on heading to Wayne State University to major in Criminal Justice Conor is one of the most driven and coachable athletes I have ever come across


These attributes made you successful on the athletic field and will continue to serve you well no matter which field you pursue

Conor is the son of Erin and Jayson Field of Bloomfield Hills, and he attended Roeper for 15 years.

Thank you for all the memories. It was a good time.


Over the past seven years, I’ve learned a lot about Alexi, and one thing stands out: Alexi is not a morning person I can vividly recall your sleepy entrance into my 7th grade Science class, only to see you fully awake and lively later in homeroom, wrestling with Oscar and Noah — our Halloween party antics captured forever in a photo on my phone

Yet, amidst this, I discovered something remarkable: when motivated, Alexi excelled I witnessed this in Biology, where complex topics like photosynthesis and cellular respiration didn’t faze you Your drive to understand these concepts, spurred on perhaps by friendly competition, showcased your strong work ethic and determination

Our bond deepened further on the Baseball field Watching you evolve as a student-athlete has been a privilege Memories include the infamous car incident during Stan Olson’s hit (and yes, I still half-blame you for that) to your resilience after being run over at first base, then dominating on the mound Your pitching prowess — consistently

clocking 85mph or higher — resulted in impressive stats: 215 strikeouts out of 627 batters faced, with only 13% reaching base via hit

Your skills weren’t limited to pitching; your arm strength shone in the field, too I remember two standout plays: doubling up a baserunner from center field, and a remarkable throw from deep center against Oakland Christian, despite missing an earlier catch

Your achievements culminated in being named league MVP junior year, boasting stellar stats both offensively and on the mound, leading Roeper to a league championship

Next fall, Alexi will be taking his talents to Kalamazoo College where he plans to continue his baseball career

Alexi, I know the lessons you learned at Roeper will serve you well in the future, no matter what field you intend to pursue Best of luck!

Alexi, son of Kathrina Spyridakis and Scott Simecek of Waterford, attended Roeper for 14 years

So long, and thank you for the memories.


presented by Scott Vartanian

Griffin Akkasian, friend, athlete, and good sport, is moving on to bigger things Knowing him for 15 years, my first memories are of a shy, intelligent three-year-old standing behind his sister Fortunately, Oscar was invited into his world early I had the pleasure of teaching Griffin for four years When he was seven, he decided he wanted to be a Vulcan, devoid of emotions However, Griffin is far too caring to be emotionless If I had to give him an identity, it would be Shrek, as ogres have many layers, and so does Griffin

Layer one is family If you are an Akkashian, family is your priority During football season, you’ll find Griffin in the basement rooting for the Cardinals with his family This bond shows in his daily life; though he may pretend to be unemotional, he

Alexi: athletic, determined, driven

Griffin: caring, intelligent, calm

deeply cares for his friends Griffin provides a safe space for people to be themselves

Layer two is friendship Griffin has a unique ability to make others feel comfortable He took care of Alexi during their transition to Stage III, showing his caring nature Despite his Vulcan aspiration, he deeply values his friends’ well-being

Layer three is sports Griffin loves sports, especially basketball and baseball He spent his free time being competitive, whether it was football, basketball, wiffle ball, or Gaga Baseball has been a constant in his life, bringing him joy Initially afraid to stand at the plate despite being a good pitcher, he grew out of this fear, bringing joy to those around him His varsity coaches saw his relaxed side, indicating his growth

Griffin, I am proud to have been your teacher Watching you grow into a remarkable human has been a pleasure Your next stop is East Lansing For you, Griffin, I’ll say this only once — Go Green!

Griffin, the son of Andrea and Brian Akkashian of Troy, spent 15 years at Roeper along with twin sister Marin. Brothers Evan and Justin are members of the Class of 2020.



presented by Amy Cova

driven, passionate, confident

Marin Akkashian is the most dedicated, passionately driven dancer I have ever worked with Her innate ability, kinesthetic virtuosity, and intense drive have propelled her into a league of her own If you have witnessed her perform, you’ll remember how her ethereal movements captivate with power and grace She is also a remarkable choreographer, creating complex, interesting movement phrases that rival any professional artist Marin is not only physically and artistically exceptional but also brilliant and kind, simply irreplaceable

A humble leader in the Dance Department and a role model to peers and younger students, Marin

has been teaching and mentoring since she was a three-year-old at Hill House, showing early signs of her nurturing spirit She began assisting, teaching, and choreographing at Juliana’s Academy of Dance at 15 Studio teacher Morgan Lansky shares that Marin is “at the studio every day, working with younger dancers who look up to her immensely She is self-driven, trustworthy, loyal, and admired by students, teachers, and guest artists alike ”

Marin’s talent, passion, and drive have earned her numerous awards, scholarships, and performance opportunities Most notably, she has been a top scholarship winner, Velocity MVA+, Pro Reveler, and ASH Assistant, selected to work with internationally renowned choreographers and perform in prestigious showcases and galas

Marin discovered her gift for movement at Roeper Her Stage II teacher, Sarah, remembers her first talent show performance and her “unwavering quiet strength, confidence, and passion for dance” even as a six-year-old It is with the same determination, and dedication to craft that Marin has built her present and future path as a professional dance artist

Marin’s tenacity, grit, and dedication will undoubtedly impact the Commercial Dance program at Boston Conservatory at Berklee and the professional dance community beyond

Marin, sister of alumni Evan ‘20, Justin ‘20, and Griffin ‘24 and daughter of Andrea and Brian Akkashian of Troy, attended Roeper for 15 years

I could not have imagined growing up anywhere other than Roeper. I have learned so many valuable life lessons from faculty and students that I plan to carry with me throughout my future. Roeper is truly such a special place, and I cannot wait to see what its future holds.

LUCAS ROBERT BAGNE presented by Scott Vartanian

Lucas Bagne, you are truly one-of-a-kind You are the most well-rounded student I have ever had the pleasure of teaching Whether it’s math, history, English, journalism, athletics, fishing, or being a friend, you excel effortlessly You always see the

positive side of every situation and have a wonderful ability to take life in stride

I’ve have rarely seen you without your crooked smile Whether in highpressure situations or at freezing cold Michigan football games, you always know how to have fun and stay optimistic You are unflappable and tackle obstacles head-on When the boys were younger and playing baseball, most would feel pressure against tricky pitchers, but not you You always knew how to counter them and shared your strategies with teammates, demonstrating an admirable quality


Roeper teacher Colleen Shelton recalls Madison as an empathetic two-and-a-half-year-old who comforted her peers This precocious threeyear-old would act as tour guide, stopping mid playtime to walk each grown-up visitor around the entire Hill House, reassuring Colleen that she “had everything in control ” Her integral role in making Roeper feel like home to all never stopped Friend and honorary sister Melissa credits Maddie’s genuine welcome and inclusion with helping her feel at home in a community where many students had known each other since Stage I

Lucas also loved and played hockey His coach, John Patrycjia, praised Lucas for his supportive nature, great sportsmanship, strong work ethic, and consistency Lucas always stood up for his teammates and brought a positive energy to practices and games

Brian Hewitt noted Lucas’s consistent performance as a pitcher, highlighted by his last varsity start where he threw a complete game with 10 strikeouts and zero walks This reliability extends to everything Lucas does The hidden ball trick he and Trevor pulled off and the picture of Lucas celebrating the league win with his arms raised are testaments to his dedication and joy

I will always picture you as a young boy at a Michigan football game, dressed obnoxiously and having a blast Your enthusiasm, consistency, and unwavering focus will carry you far in life Keep that smile, Lucas; it will take you a long way

The University of Oklahoma is lucky to have Lucas as their next star Come fall, we will see him with his hands in the air, celebrating a Boomer Sooner win at the Palace on the Prairie

Lucas is the son of Kellie and Stephon Bagne of West Bloomfield. He attended Roeper for 15 years. He is the brother of Ava ‘22 and 10th grader Sadie.

Thanks for my time at Roeper!

Coach Tyler observed her deep loyalty to her team, friends, and family Clara describes Maddie as a “ride or die friend” who brings laughter and relief to those around her Coach Simon praises her as the heartbeat of their team Laine shares that Maddie’s jokes can brighten the worst days, highlighting her sharp wit and prankster nature Teacher and coach Barb fondly recalls Maddie’s playful pranks, always keeping her on her toes

What I most admire about Maddie is her big heart and beautiful, honest emotions She has such incredible strength in her vulnerability I can count on Maddie to tell me exactly how it is, the good, the bad, and the ugly, all of the tea

Her Aunt Betty adds, “Maddie speaks up for those who can’t speak up for themselves and truly cares about others ” Her father Harold remembers her volunteer work providing Thanksgiving dinners for the unhoused in Detroit Sometimes, her lucky family members and BSU cohort get her “wicked mac n cheese,” a special recipe she learned from her mother

Maddie will major in Neuroscience at Michigan State University, aiming to become a Pediatric Psychiatrist Her gifts of empathy, communication, and care for others will undoubtedly serve her well in this pursuit

Maddie, who is another 15-year Roeper “lifer,” is the daughter of Diane Davis of Detroit and Harold Francis of Farmington Hills.

I’m forever grateful for the friends and experiences I’ve had the last 15 years. You can truly find it only at Roeper.

Lucas: positive, supportive, focused Maddie: welcoming, prankster, honest

Nick: honest, independent, thoughtful


presented by Barb Lasecki-Webb

Trying to describe the lifetime that Nick Olson has spent within the Roeper community is like trying to describe the intricacies of a colorful mosaic Each piece is unique and independent, some soft, others sharp, all equally important in summing up the portrait of the complex and brilliant thinker that is Nick

I first met Nick when he was a 9th grade student entering my homeroom He was often quiet, but never unaware He was very honest, perhaps sometimes a bit too honest If you asked Nick his opinion, it was best that you be prepared to hear it He was curious and regularly sarcastic He followed his own path at his own pace It seems this has been his MO since the beginning

January 2013, Sarah Baker DeVries — Stage II: “Nick is his own person and is very comfortable in his skin He is an independent thinker who never bows to peer pressure Nick has a strong sense of social justice He knows what he likes ”

Nick continues to move to the beat of his own drum ”

Nick, I wish you the best of luck as you continue to move to the beat of your own drum on your continued pathway at Eastern Michigan University

Nick is the son of Jen Clarkson and Christopher Olson of Bloomfield Hills and brother of alumnus Stanley ‘22. He attended Roeper for 15 years.

It’s been quite a ride, and I’m glad I could share it with everyone, but at the same time, I’ve spent more than enough time here, and I am ready to leave.

Oscar: dependable, principled, secure

After a bit of getting to know Nick, I realized that he was a student that was just going to do what he was going to do I learned to suggest rather than demand What stands out to me the most about Nick has been his maturity and transformation I remember our buddy visit to Stage II during his junior year He volunteered to read the children’s book in front of both our homeroom and Andi and Angela’s Stage II class

Andi Akkashian’s reflection of Nick: “Watching him read to our class, decorate pumpkins, and interact on our playground with our Stage II children was like a full-circle moment, showcasing his remarkable kindness and thoughtfulness ” Nick said himself one thing he loved most about Roeper was the freedom and space afforded to him to proceed at his own pace, in his own way

January 2011, Colleen Shelton — Stage I: “Bright, funny, focused, loving, — this sensitive, inquisitive guy has many sides to him that endear him to us Nick forgets nothing and has a wealth of information He is truly that gifted child who has knowledge no one remembers sharing with him

OSCAR LEWIS VARTANIAN presented by Logan Parkison

I still vividly remember meeting Oscar on October 31st, 2022, Halloween That day, three young men won “Best Costume” as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cruella de Ville Their creative, brave display of positive masculinity made me excited to start teaching at Roeper and optimistic about our children’s future I didn’t know then that Snow White was one of my students, or how fun it would be to teach him for the next year and a half

When I interviewed members of Roeper for this speech, they described Oscar as kind, principled, and personable Gloria recalled Oscar’s help at the Junior-Senior dinner, saying, “Without Oscar, I do not think I physically would have been able to make it that night; he was a lifesaver ” Scott,

Oscar’s father, highlighted his perseverance, sharing that “If obstacles are put in his way, Oscar finds a way to move forward ” As his AP Biology teacher, I witnessed this firsthand Oscar, initially worried about taking my class, ended up being a top performer, exceeding all expectations

Oscar’s perseverance extends beyond the classroom to the Baseball field He proudly overcame an injury to play again in his senior year His coach, Todd, noted, “He has come a long way from the PE days in Middle School He is going to have such a bright future ”

Beyond Roeper, Oscar is an Eagle Scout, a car and racing enthusiast, a devout Christian, a shooting sports enthusiast, and holds a blue belt in Ju Jitsu His ability to connect with children is remarkable Barb said, “It is refreshing to know someone like

Oscar is compassionate and thoughtful with your children ” Paulo Romano added, “Oscar is adored by the children he works with He listens with empathy and always goes the extra mile to ensure they have the best possible experience ”

There are a million other Oscar anecdotes like these because that is who Oscar is every single day My hope is that when I have children, they will become half the person Oscar is

Oscar is the son of Katherine and Scott Vartanian of Oxford and brother of alumna Isabelle ‘22. He attended Roeper for 15 years.

Thank you for all the memories and the things Roeper taught me. F


Whatever new toils lie ahead — and they will be there, I promise — know that you, too, are well prepared to meet them

Seniors, you’re almost there You’ve survived not only the last four years, but also the (nearly?) four hours known as Roeper Graduation

Your Upper School journey began in 2020, possibly behind a laptop camera that was turned off And in a short while, it’ll end in a flurry of photos and selfies and hugs with friends, teachers, and family

Things change, don’t they?

In my nearly 20 years at Roeper, I have seen that although each student, and each class has had a different path, unique to the individuals and the historical moment, the end is the same — a cohort of talented young adults celebrating amid a mix of emotions and taking an afternoon to listen to teachers and mentors reflect on their virtues and accomplishments

So yes, things change But as the well-worn expression rightly reminds us, they also stay the same

Like those Roeperians before you, I hope you leave this ceremony with an even greater appreciation for your peers than you entered I hope you heard a moving story about someone you’ve only known in passing I hope you heard something that challenged your impression of someone I hope that you heard something about yourself that illuminated the respect and affection that others have for you, the truths so obvious to us that you may not yet see in yourself

Something else you share with the many Roeper grads who have come before you is that you’ve all endured challenges Throughout the years, those Roeperians rose to meet the moment And whatever new toils lie ahead — and they will be there, I promise — know that you, too, are well prepared to meet them

You’ve already — in ways that are quite unlike any other Roeper class — shown you can find your way through the dark Despite that inauspicious start four years ago, one that took place largely in hybrid classes among face shields and perhaps a few too many homeroom games of Skriblio, your Upper School journey has ended here In person In celebration In an entirely new phase of your lives

And so, as we bid you farewell and wish you the best, I salute you all, no longer as seniors, but as graduates of The Roeper School Class of 2024, you did it! F



The George A Roeper Senior Project is designed to encourage and allow students to follow their personal passions — a capstone project, if you will, of their education here at The Roeper School Each senior is mentored by members of our faculty, and/or professionals in their respective areas of interest outside the Roeper community The event is more than a display of self-directed student work, but a celebration of their lives and our time spent together in them

The members of the class of 2024 who are part of this year’s Festival continue the tradition of excellence, having excelled in so many areas We’re very proud of this group of artists, athletes, actors, writers, scientists, philanthropists, and musicians They’re a young group with an already long story to tell, full of experiences that have shaped who they are today I hope that when they talk of their days at Roeper — and of their days growing up with the many opportunities afforded to them to explore anything and everything — they’ll fondly remember this night, just as we will fondly remember them

Congratulations to the Class of 2024, and thank you to their faculty advisors:

Finn Axelarris (Dan Jacobs)

Melissa Olney (Logan Parkison)

Elyse/Eli Miller (Dan Jacobs)

Grace Jarman (Sara Mendez, Sue Rieser)

Audrey Polk & Gabriela Nielsen

Benchmarking and Improving the Energy Performance of the Birmingham Campus

Endless Pawsibilities

Disability Civility

Quilting for Connection and Creativity

Production of Ghost Quartet (Alex Pedica and Steven McGhee)

Caleb-James Hoover (Sara Mendez) 3D Modeling and Animation of Little Rose

Sandra Smith-Johnson & Laine Ostheimer Science and Social Justice (SASJ) (Barb Lasecki-Webb)

Grace Adams (Sara Mendez)

Edona Haziri

The Heart of Roeper: Illustrating Our School’s Essence Through Art

World of Vampiressa (Kelly McDowell and Sara Mendez)

The event is more than a display of self-directed student work, but a celebration of their lives and our time spent together in them
Jason McIntosh Middle/Upper Dean of Admissions

Like all other curricula at Roeper, the college selection process is individualized to meet the interests, needs and abilities of each student This freedom of choice gives Roeper students every opportunit to create a “life after Roeper” that is tailored just for them, as a Roeper graduate ready to continue to contribute as a citizen of the world


Of the 44 members of the Class of 2024, 41 will go on to college immediately and three will be taking a Gap Year. Two students were National Merit Finalists, both of whom were National Merit Scholars, and four students were Commended by the National Merit Scholarship Program. Two students were honored in the College Board Recognition Program. One student will be playing baseball at Kalamazoo College. Other students received valuable scholarships from organizations such as General Motors, Vernon E. Jordan Scholarship and John’s Crazy Socks, as well as significant scholarships from their chosen schools. Seniors reported receiving scholarship offers of more than $5,000,000. Class members from 2024 were admitted to the institutions listed below and enrolled in the colleges and universities in Bold

Albion College

American University

Arcadia University

Arizona State University

Boston Conservatory at Berklee

Boston University

Bowling Green University

Brandeis University

Butler University

California Polytechnic State University

San Luis Obispo

California State University

Case Western Reserve University

Central Michigan University

Clarkston University

College of Creative Studies Detroit

College of William & Mary

College of Wooster

Colorado School of Mines

Columbia University

University of Colorado Boulder

Denison University

DePauw University

Drexel University

Eastern Michigan University

Elon University

George Washington University

Grand Canyon University

Grand Valley State University

Hampton University

Harvard University

Holy Cross College

Hope College

Howard University

Indiana University

Kalamazoo College

Kent State University

Kettering University

Lafayette College

Lake Forest College

Loyola University Chicago

Marquette University

Miami University of Ohio

Michigan State University

Michigan Technological University

Muhlenberg College

Roosevelt University

Rutgers University, New Brunswick

Savannah College of Art & Design

Seton Hall University

Spelman College

St Louis University

Syracuse University

University of Central Florida

University of Cincinnati

University of Kentucky

University of Michigan

University of Michigan Dearborn

University of Michigan Flint

University of Minnesota Morris

University of Minnesota Twin Cities

North Carolina A&T State University

Northern Michigan University

Northwestern University

Oakland University

Oberlin College

Ohio University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Olaf College

Otterbein University

Pennsylvania State University

Point Park University

Purdue University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rochester Institute of Technology

University of Mississippi

University of Oklahoma

University of Rochester

University of San Diego

University of Southern California

University of Tennessee

University of Toledo

University of Utah

Virginia Tech

Wayne State University

Western Michigan University

University of Wisconsin

Xavier University of Louisiana

Yale University


Roeper students are not simply products of the curriculum; they are an integral part of the learning process and are encouraged to be fully engaged community participants by uncovering their passions in a myriad of venues. This important dimension allows students to experience the special rewards and self-awareness that come from exploration and mastering.

Here is a snapshot of the Class of 2024’s journey:


Claudia Carbonell


Finn Axelarris


Alyssa Fracasso

Montgomery McIntosh

Sandra Smith-Johnson

Lily Stafeil


Alyssa Fracasso

Montgomery McIntosh


Sandra Smith-Johnson


Madison Francis

Caleb-James Hoover

Montgomery McIntosh

Sandra Smith-Johnson


Grace Jarman

Samuel Kimball

Laine Ostheimer


Vijval Nandigala

AJ Owen


Alyssa Fracasso

Grace Jarman

Montgomery McIntosh


Samuel Kimball

Nicolas Olson

Vaughn Roycraft

Reese Stevens


Graycin Bleiberg

Vijval Nandigala

Gabriela Nielsen

Vaughn Roycraft

Tina Yuan


Claudia Carbonell

James Drake

Zoe Fleischer

Madison Francis

Melissa Olney

Lennon Ragland

Lily Stafeil


Edona Haziri

Tina Yuan


Grace Adams

Graycin Bleiberg

Johnathan Dinneweth

Edona Haziri

Caleb-James Hoover

Eli Miller

Vijval Nandigala

Vaughn Roycraft

Reese Stevens


Lucas Bagne

Johnathan Dinneweth

Zoe Fleischer

Grace Jarman

AJ Owen

Luke Stibor


Finn Axelarris


Tina Yuan


Reese Stevens


Grace Adams

Leo Dietz

Johnathan Dinneweth

Conor Field

Samuel Kimball


Finn Axelarris

Graycin Bleiberg

Alli Margolis

Laine Ostheimer

Benjamin Postula-Stein

Lily Stafeil


Grace Adams

Lucas Bagne

Christopher Bonde

Clara Calderwood

Claudia Carbonell

Zoe Fleischer

Edona Haziri

Reese Stevens


Oscar Vartanian


Leo Dietz


Vaughn Roycraft

Reese Stevens


Johnathan Dinneweth

Alyssa Fracasso

AJ Owen

Reese Stevens

Luke Stibor


Grace Jarman


Vijval Nandigala

Gabriela Nielsen

Vaughn Roycraft

Lily Stafeil



Johnathan Dinneweth



Grace Adams

Marin Akkashian

Alyssa Fracasso

Montgomery McIntosh

Sandra Smith-Johnson



Edona Haziri

Samuel Kimball

Gabriela Nielsen

Laine Ostheimer

Audrey Polk

Vaughn Roycraft


Tina Yuan

Jennifer Irvine Editor



Graycin Bleiberg



Alyssa Fracasso

Edona Haziri

Montgomery McIntosh


Luke Stibor


Alyssa Fracasso

Laine Ostheimer

Sandra Smith-Johnson


Madison Francis

Samuel Kimball



Griffin Akkashian

Lucas Bagne

James Drake

Conor Field

Trevor Rogers

Alexandros Simecek

Oscar Vartanian


Griffin Akkashian

Lucas Bagne

James Drake

Conor Field

Alyssa Fracasso

Montgomery McIntosh

Jacob Petrycia

Benjamin Postula-Stein

Alexandros Simecek

Lily Stafeil

Oscar Vartanian

Tina Yuan

Cross Country

Alyssa Fracasso

Montgomery McIntosh

AJ Owen

Audrey Polk

Van Saroukhanian

Luke Stibor


Grace Adams

Leo Dietz

Zoe Fleischer

Jacob Petrycia

Benjamin Postula-Stein

Lily Stafeil


Finn Axelarris

Claudia Carbonell

James Drake

Conor Field

Madison Francis

Melissa Olney

Jacob Petrycia

Benjamin Postula-Stein

Alexandros Simecek

Lily Stafeil

Oscar Vartanian

Track and Field

Finn Axelarris

AJ Owen

Jacob Petrycia

Van Saroukhanian

Luke Stibor


Clara Calderwood

Madison Francis

Alli Margolis

Melissa Olney

Lily Stafeil



Madison Francis

Laine Ostheimer

Lily Stafeil

Reese Stevens


Finn Axelarris

Claudia Carbonell

Madison Francis

Grace Jarman

Laine Ostheimer

Sandra Smith-Johnson


Johnathan Dinneweth

Grace Jarman

Alli Margolis

Laine Ostheimer

AJ Owen

Sandra Smith-Johnson

Lily Stafeil

Reese Stevens


Reese Stevens


Griffin Akkashian

Johnathan Dinneweth

Zoe Fleischer

Alli Margolis

Vijval Nandigala

Alexandros Simecek


Grace Adams

Finn Axelarris

Clara Calderwood

Claudia Carbonell

Madison Francis

Alli Margolis

Melissa Olney

Laine Ostheimer


Claudia Carbonell

Johnathan Dinneweth

Alyssa Fracasso

Samuel Kimball

Zoe Fleischer

Montgomery McIntosh

Gabriela Nielsen

AJ Owen

Audrey Polk

Vaughn Roycraft

Sandra Smith-Johnson

Reese Stevens

Luke Stibor


Griffin Akkashian

Finn Axelarris

Claudia Carbonell

Leo Dietz

Benjamin Postula-Stein


Grace Adams

Johnathan Dinneweth

Claudia Carbonell

Alli Margolis

Lily Stafeil

Reese Stevens


The Order of The Roeperian Empire

In 1975, David Jaffe ’74 proposed the creation of a new award to recognize exceptional Upper School students George accepted the proposal, and each year since, the school has awarded individuals who, by virtue of their extraordinary sharing of time, effort and self, made outstanding contributions to the Upper School community Remarkable achievements alone do not qualify a student for the award Contributing to the community is most important Richard B Morris ’72 coined the term “Order of the Roeperian Empire” for the award, and designed the official crest

2024 Recipients



George A. Roeper


The Order of The Fighting Tuna

Each year the reigning Knight or Dame Commander of the Order of the Fighting Tuna appoints a successor from the Junior Class The Order of the Fighting Tuna was established in 1985 to “protect the honor of the members of the community of the Roeper City and Country School ” Each year, the new member of the Order is knighted during a ceremony befitting the mock-seriousness of the occasion

The 2024/25 Fighting Tuna


32 nd Knight of the Order

2024 Roeper Athletic Awards


Scholar-Athlete of the Year

maddie francis finn axelarris montgomery mcintosh finn axelarris

oscar vartanian leo dietz melissa olney conor field

alyssa fracasso lily stafeil melissa olney

luke stibor lily stafeil

New Fighting Tuna Oskar Zakonjsek with Former Tuna Claudia Carbonell
Athletic Awards (L to R)
Luke Stibor, Leo Dietz, Finn Axelarris, Lily Stafeil, Maddie Francis, Oscar Vartanian, Conor Field, Melissa Olney (Not pictured: Alyssa Fracasso, Montgomery McIntosh)

The Class of 2024’s individual and collective commitment to wrestling with complications and opposing views was noteworthy and heartening, and we are grateful for their steadfast leadership


George Roeper began the tradition of giving speeches at Roeper’s Commencement exercises Throughout his time at the Bloomfield Hills Campus — before we expanded to include the Birmingham Campus — he wrote a speech for every one of the graduating seniors

On one of those occasions, George spoke to the entire assemblage and expressed:

Maybe these years have given you a sense of community with the school, a sense of having gotten values dear to you, a sense of having had meaningful relationships with friends. If that is so, I cannot see how we can ever forget each other.

In short … we cannot

The Class of 2024 exemplifies the resilience we have often ascribed to the students that are inextricably linked to the vestiges of the pandemic, but they can also be described as the folks that resisted apathy and celebrated interdependence Their individual and collective commitment to wrestling with complications and opposing views was noteworthy and heartening, and we are grateful for their steadfast leadership

In October 2024 we will welcome a cluster reunion for the 50 th anniversary celebration of the Roeper Classes of 1974, 1975, and 1976 Under the guidance of Alumni Relations Director Shani Yapa-Kimpson ’08 and a very enthusiastic alumni reunion committee, classmates, and former Roeper teachers will gather for this historic event They will reconnect and marvel at how many things have changed — and how many have stayed the same!

Dare we declare that the Class of 2024 will one day receive a similar invitation and universal reminder from the school’s founder … ”If that is so, I cannot see how we can ever forget each other ”

BRAVO, CLASS OF 2024! Please keep in touch


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