Fast forward to the 21st century, Zinc Textile presents Chiaroscuro, a bold, arresting collection of weaves, prints, velvets and embroideries, unified by their monochromatism.
What better a backdrop to present these designs against, than the stunning Valke Vleug winery in Belgium, a recent project by revered architect Vincent Van Duysen. Here, expanses of concrete, dark wood and lava stone make play with light and shade.
First coined during the 16th century Italian Renaissance, the term Chiaroscuro refers to the artistic device of using clear tonal contrasts between light and shade, to maximise dramatic effect.
The 20th century saw Chiaroscuro adopted in both film and photography, again to stress drama and atmosphere.











A selection of 12 of the most graphic designs are offered as decorative scatter cushions. Square or rectangular, all come with self-piping and include a feather and down pad. CUSHIONS

Cityscape Greyscale Mayhem Dalmatian 50cmZC678/01x50cm (19.5” x 19.5”) 50cmZC681/01x50cm (19.5” x 19.5”)50cmZC471/03x50cm (19.5” x 19.5”) 50cmZC682/01x50cm (19.5” x 19.5”) Phibblestown Carbon Pentimento Graphite Ellsworth Ivory Horace 55cmZC676/01Carbonx35cm(21.5” x 13.5”) 50cmZC683/01x50cm (19.5” x 19.5”) 55cmZC236/07x35cm (21.5” x 13.5”) 50cmZC686/01x50cm (19.5” x 19.5”) 55cmZC680/01x35cm (21.5” x 13.5”) 55cmZC687/01x35cm (21.5” x 13.5”) 50cmZC628/07x50cm (19.5” x 19.5”) 50cmZC694/01x50cm (19.5” x 19.5”) Dream ChiaroscuroMoonbeamGreyscale Bermuda Dalmatian Jackie Dalmatian Falconetto Mineral Cecil Graphite 25

Our new Capsule collection is literally that – a concise offer of indispensable, affordable yet stylish textile staples. A dual purpose, suede-like velvet is accompanied by a pair of textured curtaining weaves, all offered in a broad colour palette. CAPSULE 27


SofaFrontINDEXCover:Horace Carbon Page Chairs2-5:Twillogy Ivory Bench & Cushion: Jackie Dalmatian Wallhanging: Cecil Graphite Pages 6-10 Sofa: Wigwam Graphite Chairs: Beaux Affogato Cushions: Horace Carbon, Twillogy Ivory & Cecil Graphite Page Wallhanging11: Falconetto Mineral Page 12 – 13 Curtain: Cityscape Greyscale Chair: Falconetto Mineral Stools: Porter Dalmatian & LagrangezinctextileDalmatian ZincTextile Follow us on social media for all our latest news and events. Zinc Textile Page Chairs14:Lechuza Dalmatian Curtain: Phibblestown Carbon Page Wallhanging15: Chiaroscuro Greyscale Page Wallhanging16: Wigwam Graphite Ottomans: Chiaroscuro Greyscale & Bridget Dalmatian Page Chairs17: Bertrand Dalmatian Page 18 – 19 Sofa: Dream Moonbeam Cushions: Mayhem Dalmatian, Jackie Dalmatian, Beaux Affogato, Cityscape Greyscale & Phibblestown Carbon Bench: Bermuda Dalmatian ALEXANDRA YAN WITHstudiostraf.comSTUDIOarmandjonckers.comMAISONjacarandacarpets.comJACARANDAcarineboxy.beCARINEalexandrayanwongart.comWONGBOXYCARPETSARMANDJONCKERSSTRAFGRATEFULTHANKS Page Wallhanging20: Bermuda Dalmatian Page Cushion21: Mayhem Dalmatian Page Fabric22:Dream Moonbeam Chair: Pablo Dalmatian Page Wallhanging23: Pentimento Graphite Cushion: Chiaroscuro Greyscale Page Wallhanging24: Mayhem Dalmatian Cushions: Cecil Graphite, Pentimento Graphite, Bermuda Dalmatian A special thanks to the team at Valke Vleug, Belgium.

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