Part 2 .......................................3-15 Sabbath Addendum The Sabbath Remains ........... 15-29
VOLUME 2 by Joseph Miller PART 2 Paul started Colossians 2:16 with the words, ''Let no man THEREFORE judge you...'' This word, 'therefore,' implies that there is a prior thought spoken of here before this particular verse. With inveigling subreption, Nelson's, Tyndale's, and other translations, delete this adverb: 'therefore,' which appears conjunctionally in the Greek as Strong's #3767 'oun'. Then with effrontery, they restate Col. 2:16 as, ''So let no one judge you...'' As previously mentioned, these editors then capitalize upon this idea with their notes which state, ["We should not let ourselves be judged by the opinion of others, because Christ has set us free ...Old Testament laws, holidays and feasts pointed toward Christ. Paul calls them a shadow of the reality that was to come - Christ himself. When Christ came, he dispelled the shadow. If we have Christ, we have what we need to know and please God.'' (Tyndale's Life Application Study Bible.)] Yes, this ideology does please the, ''God of this world'' -2 Cor. 4:4, but does not please our Heavenly Father Yahweh. ''Letting no one judge you'' stands to totally contradict the other Scriptures we have earlier detailed and no verse will ever disagree with another. As Peter valiantly stated, ''Because the time has come that judgement must begin at the house of Yahweh; and if it first begins with us, what will be the end of the ones disobeying the good news of Elohim.'' -1 Pet. 4:17. Not being able to harmonize Yahweh's Word - His Scriptures - will always lead to a plethora of false teachings, as these popular versions have proven to promote. Colossians 2:14 In order to properly analyze Col. 2:16-17, while reading it in context, we need to back up a few verses and distinctly decipher the preceding text, specifically Col. 2:14. The KJV renders this verse, which is a continuaYahshua’s Witness Magazine
tion of 2:13 as, "blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.'' Tyndale's notes say, ["The handwriting of requirements that was against us was the legal demands of the Old Testament Law.''] The interpretation of just what these legal demands were has led some to wrongfully associate this as being any and every law contained in the Old Testament. A so-called scholar of the Bible, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, who touts his credentials from Columbia and Dallas Theological Seminary, is one who does exactly that. ["What did God write on that cross? He wrote the ordinances - He wrote the Ten Commandments. He wrote a law which I cannot keep...why should you go back to a law that you couldn't keep in the first place...Let me give you an illustration. A man once came to me and said, ''I'll give you a $100 if you show me where the Sabbath day has been changed." I answered' "I don't think it has been changed Saturday is Saturday, it is the seventh day of the week, and it is the Sabbath day...The seventh day is still Saturday and is still the Sabbath day." He got a gleam in his eye and said, "Then why don't you keep the Sabbath day if it hasn't been changed?" I answered, "The day hasn't changed, but I have been changed. I've been given a new creation. We celebrate the first day because that is the day He rose from the grave.'' That is what it means when it says that the ordinances which were against us have been nailed to the cross.'' (p.159, Thru the Bible Commentary Series, Vol.48, Thomas Nelson Publishers.)] As we have already proven within Volume 1, the Sunday resurrection is a fallacy inside and out and is only taught as doctrine through forced interpretations and mistranslations like Acts 20:7. It is quite pathetic that he has to circle back to this illegitimate rationale in order to attempt to substantiate his claim, but what else 3
should one expect from this leaven of Herod? Have the Ten Commandments really been ''nailed to the cross'' as Dr. ''Lawless'' McGee with all his seminary degrees has so emphatically stated or was something else written there? Quoting from the Hebraic Roots Bible and starting at 2:13 we read, "And you, who were once dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has granted to live with Him, having forgiven you all your sins, (v.14) and by His mandates, He cancelled the legal contract of our sins, which existed against us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His torture stake.'' -Col. 2:13-14. The footnote which appears after the words "legal contract" explains, ["This word in both Aramaic and Greek is a legal contract that we owe Yahweh for the penalty of our sins. When someone was crucified in ancient times they would literally carry the cross beam to the crucifixion site and it would be nailed above them to the tree that was being used. The penalty of what they were being crucified for was written on the beam for all to see (Joh 19:1920). This scripture is stating that as we are buried with Him in our baptism, He is also taking the penalty for our sins and applying His sacrifice to our penalty, so when we come up from the water our sins are completely paid for by the shed blood of Yahshua Messiah.'' (HRB)] It is the penalty for breaking the law, the death sentence, which has been ''nailed to the cross'', not the law itself! Upon reading the sagacious treatise entitled 'The Messiah is the End of the Law', in explaining this very misconception, Elder Jerry Healan draws attention to what was first prophesized about the Messiah to come, ["But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and Jan—Mar.. 2023
Yahweh hath laid on Him the iniquity (sin) of us all.'' -Isa. 53:5-6. ...What were the handwriting of ordinances against us? It says SINS, INIQUITIES, TRANSGRESSIONS. What is sin? Isn't it the transgression of the law? (1Jn. 3:4). Doesn't sin earn the penalty of death? Isn't death the end of one's life? "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of Elohim," Ro. 3:23 "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.'' Ro. 5:12. We were born into this world with a law of sin in our members which causes us to earn the penalty of sin of which the END is DEATH!" (Freely request and read this article in its entirety from Y.E.A.]) To further expound upon the topic of this death penalty for our sins, Elder Dave Ganton contributes the following, ["Death is a permanent condition that lasts for all eternity. There is no provision in the law for a resurrection. There is no provision in the law for eternal life. There are just temporal rewards pertaining to this life for obedience and a death sentence for disobedience, death-eternal. If we obey the law it is powerless in regards to us in that we are not under the penalty of death. We empower the law when we disobey. When we sin we give the law power over us, and it can now demand a penalty to be paid. That penalty (wages of sin) is our death, Rom. 6:23. This is eternal death from which there is no escape. Remember, there is no provision in the law for a resurrection. If we have sinned but once, the death penalty stands against us. There is no provision in the law for our forgiveness. From that point on, if we obey the law to perfection the death penalty for that one infraction still stands against us. It must be paid before we are right with Yahweh. It requires us to be dead forever. That is the state we are in with the law and without Yahshua. Dead for all eternity. What would we gain by paying the penalty for our own sins? We are dead forever and separated from Yahweh. What would Yahweh gain from this? Nothing. Just billions of eternally dead people whose whole existence was pointless from both positions. Question: can the Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
law make us righteous? Answer: no, it can only instruct us and demand a penalty if we fail to heed its instructions. Can you see how pointless it would be for us to pay the penalty for our sins? We would be dead for all eternity with no hope of living again. Therein lies the curse of the law that Paul speaks about in Gal. 3:13: the death penalty that hangs over everyone. He said in Col. 2:13 that we were dead in our trespasses. Paul fully understood the condition of mankind without Messiah. In Col. 2:14 he talks about a cheirographon or legal bond which stands against us. This scripture has been translated in various ways: King James: handwriting of ordinances, New International: having cancelled the written code with its regulations, Revised Standard: having cancelled the bond which stood against us. All these phrases are translated from a single Greek word, cheirographon. It means a legal bond of indebtedness. This cheirographon stood against us. This legal bond of indebtedness was the penalty that the law demanded to be paid, the death penalty for our sins. Yahweh held this bond that was against us. We could not pay this debt ourselves. We have already seen the futility in that. Salvation in Yahshua - Enter Messiah Yahshua! He became cursed on our behalf Gal.3:13. He paid the cheirographon or Bond that was against us and set us free from the laws curse. This cheirographon was marked paid and symbolically nailed to the tree with Messiah, Col. 2:14. Messiah accomplished what we on our own could not do. We are now justified before Yahweh, Rom. 5:9-10. We are reconciled to the Heavenly Father. Take special note: This is not the completed salvation process. This is the beginning of the salvation process! ...Now that Yahshua has paid the penalty the law demanded which began the salvation process in us, the law is still required to show us what is right in Yahweh's eyes. Those who love Yahweh still want to do His will after they are converted and baptized.''] As I am paraphrasing segments from Elder Ganton's article, I want to close with perhaps one of the most perspicacious explanations I have read regarding the precariously popular, 4
''law done away with," prevaricated presumption. Continuing, Elder Ganton brings this point home for us. [''The general erroneous teaching of those religions professing Christianity is the law was done away and nailed to the stake. Let's take this concept to its ultimate conclusion. Assume for a moment that this is true, that the law is done away. 1 John 3:4 says sin is the transgression of the law. If then, there is no law there can be no sin. Then there can be no penalty. Paul said, where there is no law there is no transgression, Rom. 4:15; 5:13. Where does that leave us in relation to Yahshua and His sacrifice? If there is no law, then sin was cancelled at the stake. Since sin is the transgression of the law and it was cancelled, then every one born after that time has not sinned and has incurred no penalty needing forgiveness because there is no law. Therefore, Yahshua did not die for your sins or mine as we haven't committed any, as we were born after He died and got rid of the law, and to this day we have not sinned, according to the "no law teachers." That is the ultimate conclusion to the law done away with concept. In that case we are not under grace because it is not necessary. There can be no other conclusion. How does this concept square with scripture? 1 John 1:8 says, if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. John wrote this statement some 50-65 years after the death of Yahshua. He also said sin was still in the world, (1 John 1:10) if we say we have not sinned we make Him a liar and the truth is not in us. So what are we saying by the law done away statement? We are calling Yahshua a liar and the truth is not in us. Read the scripture again. That is what it says!" (freely request this article entitled, 'Yahweh's Law Applies Today', from Y.E.A.)] There is another school of thought, even amongst the Assemblies, that teaches that the ''handwriting of ordinances that were against us'' -Col. 2:14, were man made traditions and burdensome regulations such as those found in the Talmud. While Paul does draw reference to these ''commandments and doctrines of men,'' in Col. 2:20-22 and also in Col. 2:8, which definitely were ''contrary to Jan—Mar.. 2023
us,'' what was symbolically nailed to the stake unmistakably was the death penalty for our sins, paid in full by Yahshua. Colossians 2:8 reads, ''Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Messiah.'' This same thought was spoken first to the Galatians wherein Paul wrote, "Even so when we were in bondage under the elements of the world..." -Gal. 4:3. In fact, the word ''elements'' found here and in Gal. 4:9, is the same word found in Col. 2:8 and 2:20 translated as "rudiments." The underlying word behind all occurrences is Strong's Greek word #4747 'stoicheion'. Returning to Nelson's NKJV Study Bible, the un-studious footnote found in this version for Gal. 4:3 once again takes aim at denigrating Yahweh's Covenant Torah Laws, including His Sabbath's, and sends one back to riding the Ferris wheel all over again. ["Paul's use of this word elswhere (Col. 2:8, 20), favors an understanding of elements as ''elementary principles or regulations,'' perhaps the Jewish law or aspects of it ...These elements are described as weak and beggarly in v.9 and are linked to what appears to be Jewish calendar observances in v. 10."] Again, Yahweh's Torah is His Law not the Jews. In proper terminology, there is a ''Jewish Law,'' however the distinction needs to be clarified that this would be indicative of the burdensome Oral Law of the Pharisaical Rabbis, i.e. the Talmud. When this fact is left out, those unlearned attempt to associate the ''Jewish Law'' with all of the Old Testament or what some will call ''the law of Moses,'' which is exactly what these ''philosophers'' purpose and desired effect is. Add this together with our already established examination of Gal. 4:9-10 and we can come to the conclusion that this circular reasoning, which employs suggestive and speculative words such as ''perhaps'' and ''what appears to be," is nothing more than the ''philosophy and vain deceit'' Paul was warning us of to beware of! The mini-study entitled 'Colossians 2 and the Law' has this to say in regards to Col. 2:8. ["This passage does not refer to Yahweh's CommandYahshua’s Witness Magazine
ments. His laws are not "after the tradition of men," nor are they "after the elementary teachings of the world." Paul can only be referring to pagan worship of idols, former heathen customs, and materialistic philosophies. Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament says rudiments of the world refers to ceremonialism practiced in asceticism, pagan symbol mysteries, and initiatory rites.'' (] Consider also the following footnote from the RSB concerning Gal. 4:3, ["Paganism as well as political Judaism influenced the Galatians (v.8), as they did the Colossians... The term elements (rudiments, Col. 2:8, 20) was likely the worship of heavenly bodies which were known as elements of the universe by early church fathers (Justin Martyr, Polycrates, and Epiphanius). In this context the heathen worshipped angels in association with the heavenly bodies (Col. 2:18), which were thought of as animated heavenly beings (Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible, "Element," p. 682).] To this we could add, since Satan disguised himself as an angel of light, as Paul foretold us in 2 Cor. 11:13-15, it is no great thing if Satan's ministering demons would also be transformed into seminary degree holding ''ministers of (un)righteousness." One should be very alarmed with red flags raised when your own trusted Bible has concocted references which provide nothing but misdirections and/or study notes that are easily proven to be nothing but lies. ''No lie is of the truth.'' -1 John 2:21. A Good Understanding Are Yahweh's Old Testament Covenant Laws which He commanded, really ''against us'' as Tyndale has proposed. Are these the same Old Testament Laws, including the Sabbath, from which Martin Luther says, ''the people are free from'' keeping? Have Yahweh's benevolent perpetual Torah laws that are to last for a thousand generations (see Deut. 7:9, Psa. 105:8, 1 Chr. 16:15) become nothing but ''weak and beggarly elementary teachings'' as Nelson's NKJV postulates? If so then either the authors of Deuteronomy, Psalms and Chronicles were uninspired, making them false prophets, or Yahweh was off in His timing by 5
850 generations! ''And Yahweh's anger was kindled against Israel, and He made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation that had done evil in the sight of Yahweh was consumed.'' -Num. 32:13. As the RSB note provides, this passage defines, [''the measure for one generation.''] If a generation is 40 years, and we are nearing 6000 years since creation, then roughly, only 150 generations have passed since Adam. When a socalled seminary degree holding theologian, pastor, chaplain or study Bible author makes these false claims that stand to be anti-scriptural, they in fact become anti-Yahweh. Any words that speak against the Truth of Yahweh and His Torah are satanic. Those that teach this demonic doctrine become ministers of Satan. Let’s fall back on some muchneeded Scriptural clarification. The works of His hands are truth and judgment: All His commandments are true, standing firm forever and ever. They are done in truth and uprightness. He sent redemption to His people. He commanded His Covenant forever. Holy and awesome is His Name. The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: All who practice His commandments have a good understanding, Psalm 111:7-10. Consequently, if you are NOT practicing keeping His commandments, which include His Sabbaths (both seventh day and seven annual), and His dietary laws, because you think they have been blotted out, because supposedly “they were against us” and, therefore, have been “nailed to the cross,” then you DO NOT HAVE A GOOD UNDERSTANDING AT ALL! The law of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of Yahweh is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of Yahweh is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of Yahweh is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of Yahweh are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward, Psalm 19:7Jan—Mar.. 2023
11. If Yahweh’s law is “perfect,” His statutes “right,” His commandments “pure,” and His judgments “true and righteous altogether,” THEN HOW COULD THEY POSSIBLY EVER BE THOUGHT TO BE “CONTRARY TO US,” AND “AGAINST US?” It is better to trust in Yahweh, than to put confidence in man, Psalm 118:8. (and man’s study Bible footnotes!) Adding or taking away any words, or adding notes for that matter, that purposefully pit Scripture against Scripture, disharmonizing Yahweh’s Word, is strictly forbidden. You shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you remove from it, that you may keep the commandments of Yahweh your Elohim which I command you, Deuteronomy 4:2. If this didn’t sink in, it is repeated for us in Deuteronomy 12:32, What thing so ever I command you, observe to do it; you shall not add thereto, nor diminish [withdraw] from it. Proverbs 30:6 also tells us to add you not unto His words, lest He reprove you, and you be found a liar. And finally, the book of Revelation closes the entire body of Scriptures with the same message in verses 22:18-19, with some added, stern warnings. Righteous Judgement Within our lives almost all of us have come into the presence of either a lie we were told, or perhaps told to someone else ourselves. We all therefore know then that in order to continue this lie, more lies have to follow. All Scripture is given by inspiration of Yahweh, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 1 Timothy 3:16. Did you read anything there about “not judging anyone?” On the contrary, ALL SCRIPTURES, not just the New Testament, are to be used for instruction and teaching unto righteousness. Righteousness is synonymous with law-keeping, obedience! In order to live a righteous life on an obedient course, we need the True Body of Messiah that can provide correct instruction and teaching, meting out righteous judgment. In fact, righteous judgment is commanded in John 7:24, Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. Yahshua was Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
indirectly quoting from Deuteronomy 16:18 with regards to the judges and officers at the gates that were to “judge the people with just judgment.” The word just here is Strong’s Hebrew word #6664, tsedeq, meaning: “the right (natural, moral or legal) … that which is all together just, righteous.” Only with morally right, legal, righteous judgment, what is natural based on the Word of Yahweh, which is “ALL SCRIPTURE,” are people to be judged according to Yahshua. "Evil men understand not judgement: but they that seek Yahweh understand all things.'' -Prov. 28:5. Anytime the phrase “the Word of Yahweh” is used in the New Testament, it is referring only to the Old Testament writings. The same applies to Paul’s writing to Timothy detailing “ALL SCRIPTURE.” The body of collected New Testament writings were not even accepted as being part of the official Holy Scriptures until around the third century. Those that insist the Old Testament has been done away or “nailed to the cross,” are sadly mistaken and violating Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, and Revelation 22:18-19. And I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you that work iniquity, Matthew 7:23. Iniquity is defined as lawlessness or the violation of the law, the opposite of righteousness. The latter part of the verse is a quote by Yahshua directly from Psalm 6:8. To say that the Old Testament has been done away would mean that a considerable amount of the New Testament which contains direct quotes from the Old Testament, would have to be done away! If one is in doubt that Yahweh’s laws are still to be kept, maybe a quick refresher course should be started upon the reading of Psalm 119. Within this chapter, which is the longest chapter in the entire Bible, we confirm that, All Your commandments are righteousness, Psalm 119:172. And it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do all these commandments before Yahweh our Elohim, as He has commanded, Deuteronomy 6:25. A judge is defined as “one who declares the law” according to Webster’s Dictionary. With the anti6
scriptural idea that the Old Testament laws have somehow been done away, we have no compass left to enact “righteous judgment” as Yahshua has decreed. Sin is by definition, transgression of the law. Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law, 1 John 3:4. For by the Law is the knowledge of sin, Romans 3:20. If there is no longer any law, then following this logic, there could also no longer exist any form of sin, which is the transgressing of the law. Correct? If that’s the case, then those who make the very unscriptural statement that, “Only ‘G-d’ can judge me,” are contradicting themselves in more ways than one! Just what exactly will this ‘G-d’ base his judgment upon? On one hand, those who feel we are freed from the law because we are now under grace will say that the Old Testament laws have been “nailed to the cross,” but then they will also be the same ones to question, “Who are you to judge? Only ‘G-d’ can judge me!” Situation ethics allow antinomians to seemingly create their own idea of just who the “G-d of their world” is, and what he allows and doesn’t allow. The false premise that “only G-d can judge me,” stems from an incorrect interpretation of Matthew 7:1, Judge not lest you be judged. If that is the only Scripture you can use to justify this notion, then this may fly by the masses as plausible. However, the correct understanding takes form when we continue reading Matthew 7:2-5, For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged ... You hypocrite first cast out the beam out of your own eye and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother’s eye. Plainly spoken, we see the lesson is that we should not impose hypocritical judgment if we correctly have read these verses in context. For example, I am not going to be telling the world to keep the Sabbaths and dietary laws if I am not already correctly observing them according to the humble direction I have learned from the True Body of Messiah. Only those living in obedience to Yahweh’s Covenant Laws have the authority to instruct and reprove, casting righteous judgment. Jan—Mar.. 2023
If we have no law to judge upon, then how are we to discern between spirits, whether they be of Yahweh, or of the enemy, as stated in 1 Corinthians 12:10? How are we to discern between Yahweh’s prophets and those “false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing” mentioned in Matthew 7:15? The very definition of the word discern from the Greek word #1253 (diakrisis) in Strong’s Greek Dictionary is “judicial estimation.” It is from the root word #1252, diakrino, which carries the meaning of: “to separate thoroughly, to oppose, withdraw from, contend, discern, doubt,” and last, but not least, “to JUDGE.” With this Scriptural knowledge, it is thereby clear and justified by His Word to expose these false teachers who have come in the form of Bible scholars, with their anti-scriptural socalled “study Bibles” who are promoting disobedience, a disobedience, as we will see, that is quite defiling, and an issue of salvation. To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them, Isaiah 8:20. After exposing, we are also to, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them, Romans 16:17. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate,” says Yahweh, “and touch not the unclean thing: and I will receive you,” 2 Corinthians 6:17. Paul is quoting Isaiah 52:11 and reiterating that we must come out of the false forms of worship and religious apostasy and rid our lives of this poisonous leaven. Those “unlearned and unstable,” 2 Peter 2:16, those unwilling to “study to show themselves approved,” 2 Timothy 2:15, unable to discern between these false teachers and teachings, will not be excused of their grave error when they bow before Yahshua, Who will make the FINAL JUDGMENT, John 5:22. It becomes visibly obvious that if one were to take an honest step back and away from the cultural conditioning that almost all of us in the world have come to discern as truths, that they should humbly be able to accept the fact that they indeed have been deceived. This should be no marvel, for Satan has deceived the whole Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
world, Revelation 12:9. A License To Sin? We learn from Scripture that Yahweh’s way of truth which leads unto life is so narrow that only a few will find it (Matthew 7:14). And conversely, the majority which historically is always wrong, will follow the broad way which leads to destruction (Matthew 7:15). So why does our human nature think that we have truth and strength in numbers? Deuteronomy 7:7, Yahweh did not set His love upon you, nor choose you because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people. Surely Yahweh does not change (Malachi 3:6), for in Luke 12:32 we read that the little flock inherits the Kingdom. The portal through which this deception has enveloped the masses has been through those whom we have been taught to trust most—pastors who, in fact, were just false prophets in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). These are those of whom Jude forewarned, who had started this twisting of Scripture almost as soon as it had been written. For there are certain men crept in unaware, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, wicked men, turning the grace of our Elohim into lasciviousness, and denying the only Sovereign Yahweh and our Master Yahshua Messiah, Jude 1:4. They deny both Yahweh and Yahshua by their very clever unscriptural sermons and study Bibles which misdirect us through false interpretations and even mistranslations. These venal profligate libertines are humanist in disguise, who have left their trusting patrons without Yahweh’s moral compass. Lasciviousness, or licentiousness is defined as “excessive indulgence of liberty; contempt of the just restraints of law.” In other words, this verse could be rendered, “turning His grace into a license to sin.” Now Scripture does indeed say in Romans 6:14 that, you are not under law, but under grace. However, has anyone that has ever quoted this Scripture to promote disobedience, ever read any of the surrounding verses? Clearly not, for Romans 6:15 asks us, What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law, but under grace? Certainly not. If one properly under7
stands the preceding verse in Romans 6:13, you would realize that we are not to give our bodies over to becoming instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but on the contrary, we are to yield ourselves to Yahweh as instruments of righteousness. Isaiah 51:7, Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, you people in whose heart is My Torah [law]. The Institute of Scripture Research (ISR) states within their ‘Explanatory Notes under Righteou ness,’ [“However, before we start doing righteousness (the commands) we first need to be ‘declared right,’ by belief. We first need to have our sins forgiven, we first need to come to belief, to come into a covenant relationship with the Most High through His Son Yahshua. On this point, Sha’ul repeatedly spoke in Romans chs. 3, 4 and 5. In his day, many Yehudim thought that because they were the descendants of Abraham, and were trying to keep the law their way, that they were righteous. No! They were putting the cart before the horse. We first need to believe and accept Yahshua and His forgiveness, and only then does it become our privilege, and duty, to obey Yahshua, as He commands us: ‘Go and sin no more.’”] What shall we say then, is the law sin? Certainly not. Nay I had not known sin but by the law, Romans 7:7. We have been redeemed from the ‘PENALTY’ of the law by the most merciful and loving Father in the world, Yahweh. Yahshua His Messiah has paid the ultimate penalty for us—to have our sins forgiven—so we can go on to righteous living and obedience. Yahweh did not send His only begotten Son to die for our sins so that we could keep on sinning! Yes, we are free from the law of sin and death, Romans 8:2, which was the penalty of “the law” spoken of in Romans 6:15. ''So indeed the Torah is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good.'' -Rom. 7:12. The Hebraic Roots Bible (HRB), has the following footnote, ["The problem was never with the perfect Torah of Yahweh, but the inability of the people to keep it, (Heb 8:8) as it can teach you right from wrong but it doesn't change the heart; only the Holy Spirit can do this.''] Jan—Mar.. 2023
Concerning Romans 6:2-11, the HRB footnote clarifies that within, [ ''Verses 2-11, ten times Paul states that the believer is to die to sin, never once did he ever say a believer is to die to Law (Torah)."] If Paul taught against the Old Testament Torah, why are there more than 80 quotes in the book of Romans alone, directly from the TaNaK? (The TaNaK is commonly known as the Old Testament.) If, however, after we have accepted Yahshua’s perfect atonement for our past sins, which was the unmerited kindness and favor of Yahweh, His grace, we then revert back to yielding ourselves to a life of unrighteousness, which is law-breaking, a.k.a “sin,” and continue in this direction, we no longer become eligible for Yahweh’s pardon. For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins … He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses. Of how much sorer punishment, suppose you shall he be thought worthy who has trodden under foot the Son of Elohim, and has counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing, and has done despite unto the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10:26-29. The very unscriptural theology of “once saved-always saved” is predominantly to blame for this error in thinking that we “cannot lose our salvation,” but Scripture readily tells us the opposite. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Master and Saviour, Yahshua Messiah, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them, 2 Peter 2:2021. If you believe that Yahshua died to do away with the law, then in your reality, Yahweh sent Yahshua to legalize sin! Yahshua came to do away with LAWLESSNESS, not the LAW! ''That He might redeem us from all lawlessness and purify a special people for Himself, zealous of good works.'' -Titus 2:14. Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
Imagine when you were a child. Hopefully you had guidelines dictated to you by your loving parents. Some of these basic rules may have included not to lie, steal, or cheat and to be in before the street lights went out. These standard ethical laws were honored by you through your obedience, which in turn showed your love to your parents. As you grew older it became time to go to school. The school added more rules with which you were to comply. Along with these new responsibilities, the world counters with many distractions, and giving in to these temptations, you begin to be tardy and then start skipping school altogether. After several unexcused absences pile up, you are finally given a detention for truancy. This, however, doesn’t correct your problem, and after a few more detentions, YOU ARE FINALLY SUSPENDED. Now your parents are given notice and enact their own “added law”—being grounded for a month. Out of their love for you, they want you to correct this problem. So for the next month, you are to come directly home from school, go to your room, doing all your homework, only coming out for dinner. You are not permitted to visit with or talk to friends on the phone or watch television. Your parents strictly enforce this grounding for the entirety of the designated time. Finally, the tedious dayto-day month of strict living is over, and your term of grounding is now over. By their grace, and their trust in you that you have learned your lesson, they lift this “added law.” Would your parents now say to you, “Well you made it through this period of being grounded, so you are now free to skip school whenever you please”? Exactly what lesson would you have learned and what would have been the point of the punishment if you were now free to go back to breaking the same rules that got you into trouble at school in the first place? Where there is a double standard, there is a hidden agenda. Which Law? There are many verses in the New Testament, specifically written by Paul in his various epistles, that do suggest that certain laws have been set aside. However, it should be under8
stood that when Paul was using the word “law,” he could have been referring to one of several different applications. An incorrect deduction of which laws Paul is referencing is usually assumed when we proof-text a suggested verse, without reading the surrounding Scriptures in their collective context. To properly study your Bible inductively one should always understand the time and life setting of the particular context. Who is speaking to whom and what particular issues are being addressed, which usually are not comparable to situations of today. For example, we don’t overhear others at Walmart in the meat section wondering if certain cuts have been sacrificed to pagan idols. This was something prevalent in Paul’s time, which was addressed to several of the assemblies. When study Bibles point to other verses for proof to supposedly clarify what they are, sometimes purposefully misdirecting us to believe, easy mistakes are made when only these individual verses are read without reading the surrounding verses or even the surrounding chapters. If I were to try to convince you that we are not under the law any more, I would purposefully start you off on this negligent journey with a few pre-selected verses which, when read alone, would support this idea. We should comprehend however, that where the word “law” is used by Paul, he could be referencing one or a combination of the following:
Yahweh's Perpetual Moral Covenant Laws. Added 'Levitical' Law (i.e. sacrifices, priesthood, temple). Law of Sin and Death Oral law of the Rabbis as found in their Talmudic Literature. Until one has actually read some of the specific tracts written within the Babylonian Talmud, you could never quite understand how antithetical to Scripture these ''commandments and doctrines of men,'' -Col. 2:22, were. Within these dastardly pages, pedophilia is upheld and condoned, while prohibitions and capital punishment are invoked for anyone vocalizing and pronouncing Yahweh’s Name. The framework of the Noahide laws, Jan—Mar.. 2023
which declare that the Gentiles need only keep seven, not all ten commandments, are also found in these pages. Yahshua is referred to as “Yeshu,” an acronym for “Yimah-ShemoWezikhro,” meaning “may his name be blotted out” and claims that Yahshua “practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy,” Sanhedrin 43a. In fact, one is guilty of idolatry according to the Talmud under the Noahide laws, for believing in Yahshua, which is punishable by death. Without entering the name debate here, it should also be noted that the name “Jesu(s)” partly stems from the Talmudic “Yeshu,” with the added (s) being the nominative masculine singular ending in the Greek. Remember the Greek has no “sh” letter, unlike the Hebrew letter “shin.” Is it any wonder why Yahshua accused the Pharisees of being the seed of Satan (John 8:44) and of the generation of vipers (Matthew 3:7)? Paul was schooled in these Talmudic interpretations and understood them better than any other Apostle, which is why he was the chosen vessel to speak out against them. Paul understood that blasphemy, as the Talmud taught, which was simply vocalizing Yahweh's Name (in reading, praise, or worship), was in fact discordant and totally contradictory to the Torah command of Exo. 20:7. Clarification of Paul’s realization that the blasphemy was in fact the opposite of what the Talmud taught, can be found in Acts 9:21; 26:11. Retracting the usage and pronunciation of Yahweh’s name, which is actually forbidden in the third commandment, is how Paul “compelled them to blaspheme” in Acts 26:11. Gallio knew of this Talmudic literature as written in Acts 18:13-15 stating: But if it be a question of words and names, and of your law, look you to it, for I will be no judge of such matters. With this added knowledge of these various apportionments and broad usage of this word “law,” we can now better understand our writer, Paul, and what issues he may or may not have been addressing. We will elaborate further upon all of these horrific and blasphemous Talmudic ''traditions'' in Parts 4, 5 and 6.
Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
To Fulfill The Law Yahshua HaMeshiach reassured us that He did not come to destroy the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill, Matthew 5:17. The word fulfill is from the Greek word pleroo, Strong’s #4137, and means ''to establish'' by becoming the pattern model and example. The same word 'pleroo' is used in Mat. 3:15 conveying the reason Yahshua allowed John to baptize him, ''to fulfill all righteousness.'' Thus Yahshua became the pattern model for us to follow His example and also be baptized. If the translators had wished to communicate that the ''Law and prophets'' were totally done away with, then a different Greek word would have been used. Ironically we find this word (G1096) in the very next verse also translated as ''fulfilled''. "For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot (yod) or one tittle (stroke) shall in NO wise pass from the law til all be fulfilled (G1096).'' -Mat. 5:18. Here ''fulfilled'' has been translated from Strong's Greek word #1096, 'ginomai' which does mean to be finished and ended. In essence, Mat. 5:18 is saying that as long as the heavens and earth remain in existence, so does even the smallest letter and stroke of the pen, as has been eternally written in the Torah (Law) and words of the Prophets. Romans 13:8 says that ''he who loves his fellow man has fufilled (G4137) the Torah.'' Does this mean the Torah has been rendered null and void? Of course not! As Paul wrote in Rom. 8:4, we ''fulfill'' (G4137) the law, becoming righteous, by obeying it! In Matthew 5:19 Yahshua then speaks out against anyone who, ''breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men to do the same shall be called least in the kingdom.'' The HRB includes the following footnote which should serve as a severe warning to all the ''no-law'' theologians, preachers, and chaplains. ["Some have wrongfully thought this verse simply means that the ones who teach that it is permissible to break the Torah will be in the Kingdom but will have the lowest position, but this verse is stating to teach against the the absolute worst thing that could be thought of, and those who did so would NOT be there (Math 9
7:23)."] In fact the word used for ''least'' in the KJV is better translated as ''worst'' as it is in the Aramaic rendering of the HRB. Where does this position of "least/worst" qualify you to be found then? Malachi answers, "And ye shall tread down the wicked; FOR THEY SHALL BE ASHES UNDER YOUR FEET.'' -Mal. 4:3. This book and chapter then closes with the prophetic caveat for our current ''end of days'' enjoining one to, ''Remember the law of Moses,'' -Mal. 4:4, which is referring to the first five books of the Bible that Moses wrote called the Torah. Again these were not Moses's laws or ideas he came up with! These are the statutes, laws and commandments that Yahweh gave him, ''written by the finger of Elohim.'' -Exo. 31:18, (see also, Exo. 32:16). As Moses recorded, ''Yahweh delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of Elohim on them was written according to all the words, which Yahweh spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.'' -Deut. 9:10. Clearly, these were not his own laws Magnification! As was prophesized in Isaiah 42:21, ''Yahweh is well pleased for His righteousness sake; He will magnify the law and make it honorable.'' Yahshua came to magnify the law and He is the embodiment of the living Torah. Yahshua took the law from ''thou shall not do'' to ''thou shall not want to do,'' by adding the spirit (thought) to the letter (action). We see this idea expressed through His teaching in Mat. 5:20 in that our righteousness (law obedience) must exceed even that of the scribes and the Pharisees. To correctly explain the concept of ''the letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law'', expressed in Mat. 5:21-22, I'll quote from one of my favorite illustrations. ["The letter of the law says ''thou shalt not kill,'' but he said that even if you are angry toward your brother without a cause, then you have committed murder. The law says ''you shall not commit adultery.'' Yahshua said that if you even lust after a woman in your mind, then you have already committed adultery. Those are hard words. It does not sound like he is doing away with the law, but actuJan—Mar.. 2023
ally making it harder. As stated in verse 17 [Mat. 5:17], he is adding to or filling it up. The letter of the law was incomplete, as it only dealt with physical actions and not the intent of the heart. The spirit of the law deals with issues of the heart. You can keep the letter without the spirit, as the Pharisees proved, but you cannot keep the spirit without the letter. That is why Yahshua plainly stated in verse 20 that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees (putting the letter with the spirit), you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Yahweh. The law can only tell you right from wrong, it cannot change your heart. Only by true repentance (turning back from breaking Yahweh's law) and belief in Yahshua as the Son of Yahweh, for the forgiveness of sins, can you receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit that changes the heart. Once you receive the gift of grace, you are no longer under the penalty of law. You are completely forgiven. Your covenant has changed from one of law to one of faith in Yahshua. But that does not change or alter the law one bit. As a matter of fact, now with a new heart of the New Covenant, you should want to obey Yahweh with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Faith does not do away with the law. (Romans 3:31). ...Paul was trained as a Pharisee. He had learned the letter of the law without the spirit, and he saw that the letter kills but the spirit gives life. [2 Cor. 3:6]. The letter without the the spirit is only self righteousness [Rom. 2:29], but the spirit without the letter is empty. It has no substance. It is only theory and not reality. Faith without works is dead. Listen to what the Apostle Paul says about the law. Rom 7:12 ''Wherefore the law is Holy and the commandment Holy, and just and good.'' (vs. 14) ''For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.'' The problem was not with the law but with our inability, in our weak carnal flesh, to obey Yahweh's perfect law of liberty.'' (pgs.87-89, The Great Falling Away, Don Esposito)] Redeemed From The Curse We must clearly study our Bibles without a closed mind to understand which laws we assume Paul is referYahshua’s Witness Magazine
ring to, and thereby excuse ourselves of keeping. This is of utmost importance, and incorrectly understanding Paul’s writings and/or taking someone else’s word for it could cost you greatly. If Paul’s epistles were easily understood, then there would have been no need for this warning from Peter. Even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you; as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things HARD TO BE UNDERSTOOD, WHICH THEY THAT ARE UNLEARNED AND UNSTABLE WREST [pervert] as they do also the other scriptures, UNTO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION (2 Pet. 3:15-16). This is quite a price to pay indeed for not studying to show yourself approved! As stated earlier, if one were to purposefully lead someone astray into thinking that the law was done away, then someone who is not firmly rooted in sound doctrine could be led and directed into this destructive downward spiral, starting perhaps with Galatians 3:23-24, which says, But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us into Messiah, that we might be justified by faith. We are indeed justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Messiah Yahshua, Romans 3:24. However, Paul continues to say, Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not: Yes, we establish the law! (Romans 3:31) Has Paul lost it? Now what is he talking about? Indeed, these are more of the same scriptures Peter spoke of that are ''hard to be understood'' that those who are "unstable'' (unlearned, not certain, not yet established in the faith and sound doctrine of the truth), "twist unto their own destruction,'' (2 Pet. 3:16). Now we see Paul speaking about a law that we were kept under, before faith, that would bring us to Messiah (Gal. 3:24), but yet there is also an Established Law that has not been made void through this same faith (Rom. 3:31). How do we make sense of all this? Next, we come across another us10
age of the word 'law' that is described as being a 'curse.’ ''Messiah has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us...''-Gal. 3:13. Once again those unstable will say, ''See the law is a curse and anyone trying to keep it is under a curse.'' As Paul would answer these same antinomians, ''Is the law sin? Certainly not for I had not known sin but by the law.'' -Rom. 8:7. The law itself was not the curse. The curse Paul is referring to here is again, the death penalty in association with the ''law of sin and death,'' -Rom. 8:2, which Yahshua Messiah has paid once and for all. Because all of humanity has sinned (Rom. 3:23), the price to pay for sin is death, (Rom. 6:23). However, ''it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sin,''Heb. 10:4, and because no animal's life is equal to that of a human's, Yahweh, as our loving Father, sent His only begotten Son to become this perfect sacrifice and pay this death penalty ''curse'' for all who choose to accept it. This exemplifies Yahweh's grace, and this perfect atonement is our only Justification before Yahweh. ''For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse'' -Gal. 3:10. More words for the unstable to twist. So how do we interpret this passage? Here, Paul is addressing those who are both rejecting, and (or) are in denial of Yahshua's atonement of our sins, who instead are attempting to be righteous before Yahweh by their own law keeping. As the RSB note reflects, [''Paul reveals that unless one is able to keep all the works of the Law, one is cursed. Because no one but Yahshua has, all must put their faith in Yahshua, who was able to obey in all points.''] These who deny the Messiah are denying His forgiveness and no amount of law-keeping will ever be able to justify them before Yahweh. Remember the Explanatory Note from the ISR earlier sourced? ["We need to be 'declared right' through belief. We first need to have our sins come into a covenant relationship with the Most High through His Son Yahshua...many Yehudim... were trying to keep the law their way (thinking this made them righteous). They were putting the cart before the horse. We first need to beJan—Mar.. 2023
lieve and accept Yahshua and His forgiveness, and ONLY THEN DOES IT BECOME OUR PRIVILEGE, AND DUTY, TO OBEY YAHSHUA, AS HE COMMANDS US, ''GO AND SIN NO MORE.'' ('Righteousness', The Scriptures)] The purpose of Yahweh's grace (through Yahshua's sacrifice), was to lead us to repentance so that we would turn away from sin (disobedience, transgression of the law). This is Yahweh's gift of eternal life through our Faith in Yahshua. Once we have accepted Yahshua's sacrifice and repented, then we can press on, working out our salvation by living a life led by the Spirit walking in obedience. We either accept Yahshua's sacrifice becoming a servant of ''obedience unto righteousness,'' or we don't, and instead pay our own penalty for our sins, ''becoming a servant of sin unto death.'' -Rom. 6:16. To which will ye yield yourself? The purpose of the New Covenant was for one to live a converted life with Yahweh’s laws written on our hearts and minds. This is declared in Hebrews 10:16 which was prophetically spoken first in Jeremiah 31:33. However, Yahweh, from the beginning, desired this conversion to be voluntary on our behalf, showing our love to Him by our obedience. And you shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your minds. And these words, which I command you this day, shall be in your heart: And you shall teach them diligently unto your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the posts of your house, and on your gates, Deuteronomy 6:5-9. Going back to Galatians 3:23-24, in order to properly analyze just which law is being spoken of here— “our schoolmaster under which we were kept”—we should follow our inductive study behavior by reading the entire chapter. We find in Galatians 3:19 that there was a “law that was added BECAUSE OF TRANSGRESSIONS.” Where there is no law there can be no transgression (sin). Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
We continue reading that this added law was to be kept, “until the seed should come to whom the promise was made.” This, therefore, is the “law” that we were in custody under, our schoolmaster, to bring us unto Messiah. We can begin to see clearly then that there was already a law in existence that was transgressed (Galatians 3:19), upon which additional laws were imposed. Going further back to Galatians 3:16-17, we read that there was also already an agreement to a set term of laws (a covenant) made with Abraham. In Galatians 3:17, it says very candidly that this (added) law came 430 years AFTER the covenant that was confirmed beforehand in Abraham. It goes on to state that these added laws “CANNOT DISANNUL” (invalidate; make of no effect) this pre-existing “covenant that was confirmed before of Elohim in Messiah.” 430 Years So what exactly happened 430 years after Abraham? In Exodus 12:40 -41 we find the answer. ''Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the self same day it came to pass, that all hosts of Yahweh went out from the land of Egypt.'' Directly following the Passover (Exo.12:612:29), this ''exodus'' occurred on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. "And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of the Egyptians.'' -Num. 33:3. The first Biblical month of Yahweh's Sacred Year (Exo. 12:2) is called ''Abib'' in Deut. 16:1, meaning ''green ears'', and is associated with the spring barley harvest, corresponding to our March-April. By the time we get to Exodus 19:1 we see that it is the third month which would be nearing the time of the summer wheat harvest. In 19:5-6 we read, ''IF ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep My covenant, THEN ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto Me above the people for all the earth. And ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priest...'' Here we see that Yahweh's intentions 11
were for ALL of the tribes to serve as a Kingdom of Priest to the surrounding nations...but what happened? Mosheh is instructed in 19:10-11 to have all of the people sanctified and then ready for the third day. Upon this ''third day,'' speculated to have been the Sabbath, EVERYTHING recorded from Exo. 19:16 to 24:3, was recited to all of Israel. This included not only the 10 Commandments in Exo. 20, but also many divers laws and precepts (Exo. 21-22), and instructions to keep the Feast in 23:14-16. With one voice all the people answered, ''All the words which Yahweh hath said we will do.'' -Exo.24:3. In Exodus 24:4 Mosheh rose up early and wrote down all of these same words he had just verbally delivered the day before. Now they are codified and the people have a written record so that no one can say they hadn't heard of this law or that. Next, Moshe reads the entire contents ''in the audience of the people, and they all once again declare, ''All that Yahweh hath said will we do, and be obedient.'' -Exo 24:7. This should be our mantra today, 24-7 all day everyday our actions and demeanor should reflect this type of mindset. Taking the blood from from the earlier peace offerings, half of which he'd already sprinkled upon the altar (24:5-6), Mosheh now takes the other half and sprinkles it upon the people saying, ''Behold this is the blood of the covenant, which Yahweh hath made with you concerning all these words.'' -Exo 24:8. Here we have the ratification of this Covenant. Traditionally this is thought to have occurred on Shavout (Pentecost), when the letter of the law was given. In the future, on another Pentecost, the Spirit is given to help us keep the letter. In answering the question posed above, as to what happened? Next we see that after Mosheh leaves Aaron in charge, he and Joshua go back up to the mount of Elohim, where they stayed for 40 days and 40 nights. In this short amount of time, not knowing where Mosheh was and if or when he'd return, the people insist that Aaron make a deity they can see before their faces. Giving in to the demands, out of the fire comes a golden calf. Already we see that this covenant was broken and the idea of ALL the tribes Jan—Mar.. 2023
serving as a Kingdom of Priest had failed. But it wasn't the idea, it was the people who had failed, which was a pattern that would repeat itself (Heb. 8:7-8). Now only one tribe will be chosen to be the mediator and priest between the people and Yahweh and this selected tribe was Levi. By ancient Israel's transgressions against this covenant they had just made at Sinai, their rebellious sin had to be dealt with. Known as the Levitical Law, we now have a new stricter attachment ADDED to this Covenant made with Israel. We see Paul detailing these ADDED laws in Gal. 3:19, ''Why then the (Levitical) Law? It was (placed beside the Torah) ADDED for the sake of transgressions, until the seed should come to whom the promise was made.'' The HRB includes these words in parentheses here and also the following knowledgeable footnote, [''Paul cannot possibly be talking about the whole Torah here as he plainly states that whatever law was added, that it was not there 430 years previously when Yahweh made covenant with Abraham [Gal. 3:17] ...The only law that was added to the Torah at Mount Sinai was the Levitical priesthood with its sacrifices, which was temporarily set next to the Torah for the Levitical priesthood to be a temporary mediator for Israel until the reality of the Melchizedek priesthood would come through Yahshua. The Levitical sacrifices could not take away the penalty of sin, but merely remind them of it (Heb. 10:1-4). This was also the purpose of the ceremonial law, which being part of the Levitical system was also fulfilled and no longer binding Heb. 9:914."] Before the Added law was imposed, this original Covenant made with Israel in Exo. 24:7-8, was merely an extension of the Covenant of moral laws made 430 years prior with Abraham. While we don't have the written codification listing exactly what these laws were that Abraham obeyed, we know they existed, nonetheless. Genesis 18:19 alludes to Abraham and his children ''keeping the way of Yahweh,'' and Yahweh further stated, in Gen. 26:5, ''Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes and My Laws.'' Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
Noah is one who ''found grace in the eyes of Yahweh.'' -Gen 6:8, for being a ''just and perfect man.'' -Gen. 6:9. The word ''just'' has been translated from Strong's Hebrew word #6662, 'tsaddiyq' which is defined as being, ''lawful or righteous.'' Not only does this show grace already in effect, but in order to be just, righteous, and lawful, there obviously had to have been a set requirement of standardized laws, being passed down generation to generation, that were being obeyed in order to obtain this perfection! This same perfection is still commanded of us today as we are told in Mat. 5:48, ''Be you therefore perfect even as Your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” This admonition has also been consistent from the beginning, for Yahweh told Abraham, ''I am El Shaddai; walk before Me and be perfect.'' -Gen. 17:1. Some are quick to say that “no one is able to keep these laws perfectly and that’s why Yahshua did them for us, so that we don’t have to do them.” However, it should be noted that Yahshua Himself never once made a single sacrifice. Also saying, “no one can keep the law…” is another blatant outright anti-scriptural (satanic) lie because Scripture clearly confirms that both Zachariah and his wife Elisabeth were both righteous before Elohim, walking in all the commandments and judgments of Yahweh blameless, Luke 1:6. The Goal of the Law Others that will ineptly promulgate the notion that our Savior Yahshua ended the law will also sometimes quote this scripture to others: For Messiah is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes, Romans 10:4. This vacuous philosophy, however, only proves to be just another futile canard. The word end here is from the Greek word telos, Strong’s #5056 and is better defined as: “to set out for a definite point or goal; properly, the point aimed at as a limit…” In James 5:11, we come across this same word, You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end [telos] of Yahweh. If you want to justify that the Messiah was the END of the law, then with this illogical mentality, you must also now say that Yahweh came 12
to an ‘END.’ Of course, with the knowledge of the more exact definition supplied, we can now see that telos here should have been better translated as GOAL of Yahweh and not END of Yahweh! 1 Peter 1:9 also uses this word: ...the end [telos] of your faith, even the salvation of your soul. Properly comprehended, faith in Yahweh never ends, but is the point aimed at, which brings our soul salvation through Yahshua. Remember that this faith alone is unable to save you, for even the demons believe! (James 2:14-19) Through our faith the law is established (Romans 3:31) and our obedience in keeping this law, through our works, justifies our faith in Yahshua. And through repentance, having turned from the transgression of the law (sin) we strive to live a converted life of obedience to Yahweh, which shows our love to Him. If you love Me, keep My commandments, John 14:15. For this is the love of Yahweh, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome, 1 John 5:3. Is this love the END (telos) of the commandments (1 Timothy 1:5)? NO! The GOAL in keeping the commandments was from the beginning: Love, out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned [sincere], 1 Timothy 1:5. And this is the love, that we walk after His commandments. This is the commandment, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it, 2 John 1:6. All of this proof texting that is discourteously sown like a “sleight of hand” parlor trick to those less studied, to justify that the law has been done away, proves to be the very opposite! Paul did not tell us to “let someone else study so they can trick you, showing yourself to be unapproved.” He told us to study to show ourselves approved unto Elohim, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, 2 Timothy 2:15, and to prove all things, 1 Thessalonians 5:21. With this admonition, “proof” that the specific laws that we are no longer under are the same set of “added laws” (Galatians 3:19) that were our schoolmaster (Galatians 3:24), can be found in the book of Hebrews. After all, the author of HeJan—Mar.. 2023
brews understood that this particular audience of ethnic Hebrew Israelites was the specific group of people to whom these laws were added! True Yahudim As covered in Volume 1, there was never a previous covenant with the Gentile populations to whom Paul addresses in his other epistles. This New Covenant only dealt with the “House of Israel” (the ten northern tribes) and “the House of Judah,” (Hebrews 8:8) who collectively represent “the Hebrews.” However, just as the blood on the door stood between life and death for the children of Israel in Egypt, Yahshua the Messiah, having become our Passover sacrifice (1 Corinthians 5:7), has now sealed this New Covenant with His perfect shed blood, and also has broken down the middle wall of separation, Ephesians 2:14, allowing Gentiles to be grafted into the same promise given to Abraham. The unnatural branches grafted in do not supplant Israel, but they become the “Israel of Yahweh.” Romans 11:11-25. Remember, ''They are not all Israel, which are of Israel.'' -Rom. 9:6. Further explanation is given in the following footnotes in the HRB, ["Paul is making the point that simply being born an Israelite does not make you a covenant child as spoken about in Chapter 8, as out of 2.8 million who left Egypt with Moses only 2 people over 20 years old actually entered covenant relationship with Yahweh and entered the Promise Land.''] ''Not the children of the flesh are children of Elohim, but the children of the promise are counted as descendants.'' Rom. 9:8. [''One must not simply just have the Israelite DNA for salvation but must be actively and willingly submit to Yahweh in faith in all things as Abraham did and it was accounted to him for righteousness. (Gen 26:4-5, Rom 4:3)" -HRB] Seconding and complimenting this understanding is the RSB footnote from Rom. 9:6, [''Regardless of physical ancestry, those who obey Yahweh and hold to Yahshua's testimony are defined as True Israelites or children of the promise.''] "Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.'' -Gal. 3:7 "For Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
it is not the one who is outwardly a Jew that is a real Yahudim nor is circumcision that which is seen in the flesh; but he is a Yahudim that is one inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart, in the Spirit...'' -Rom. 2:28-29. Above, the ''Jew'' is identified as those, who both then and still today, teach against speaking the Name which Paul reveals to be blasphemy, ''For the Name of Yahweh is blasphemed among the Gentiles THROUGH YOU (JEWS)..." -Rom. 2:24. The ''Yahudim'' are the True Worshippers who vocally declare, share and praise Yahweh by Name worshipping Him in Spirit, Truth and Righteousness. 'Yahudim' is the plural form of the singular name 'Yahudah' which literally means "Now I Praise Yahweh'' -Gen 29:35. For in Messiah Yahshua, neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy upon the Israel of Yahweh, Galatians 6:15-16. Yahshua, the “Perfect Tabernacle,” (Hebrews 9:11) has also, abolished in His flesh the enmity [hatred] even the laws of commandments contained in ordinances, Ephesians 2:15. The ''ordinances'' here are the same rabbinical laws contained in the Talmud that we detailed in Part 1 that invoked and provoked this racial division. Gentiles are, no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of Elohim, Ephesians 2:19. The shed blood of the Messiah now symbolizes a new doorway for both Jew and Gentile, which upon entering and accepting and following the Father’s commandments through love and obedience, all may receive eternal life. The blood on the doorpost still stands between life and death in this New Covenant Assembly of True Worshippers, those who are, walking in spirit and in truth, John 4:23-24. Scriptural Proof Upon reading Hebrews chapters 810, one will discover that the ceremonial ritual laws (pertaining to the Tabernacle, priesthood and sacrifices), were the specific ''added laws,'' having their fulfillment in Yahshua. These were the Levitical laws that were add13
ed to the first Covenant that Israel had broken through their idolatry in making the golden calf. ''Who changed the the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever and ever Amen.'' -Rom. 1:25. Initially these sacrifices and ceremonial ritualistic offerings were not even attached to this Covenant that Mosheh broke before them, Exo. 32:20. Do we have proof of this? Yes! For I spoke not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: But this thing I commanded them, saying, “Obey My voice, and I will be your Elohim, and you shall be My people, and walk you in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.” But they listened not nor inclined their ear, but walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart … Yet they listened not unto Me, nor inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff: They did worse than their fathers, Jeremiah 7:2226. The HRB footnote reminds us, [''When Israel first left Egypt Yahweh had intended for them to be a kingdom of priest to Him Ex 19:5-6. However, due to the golden calf incident Yahweh chose Levi to be a mediator for Israel (Ex 32:26-30) with the sacrifices and ceremonial law until Messiah would come and rightfully return the priesthood of Melchizedek.''] We too know that Yahweh also never even desired these sacrifices. ''Hath Yahweh delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of Yahweh? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.'' -1 Sam. 15:22. The RSB includes this exemplary footnote: [''This goes to the heart and purpose of ancient sacrifice. Yahweh was teaching obedience to Israel as well as today by showing that a sacrifice is mandated when we disobey. Anciently it was an animal, today it is Yahshua's blood. The ultimate lesson sacrifices teach is obedience. If Israel would have obeyed, they would not have needed the added law of sacrifice. Galatians 3:19."] ''For I desired mercy and NOT sacrifice; and the knowledge of Elohim more than burnt offerings.'' Hos. 6:6. ''To do Justice Jan—Mar.. 2023
and Judgement is more acceptable than sacrifice.'' -Pro. 21:3. These daily sacrifices and the ritual system of laws pertaining to the Temple (tent, tabernacle) were never able to truly convert the sinner’s heart. Hebrews 9:9-10, …while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: which was a figure [symbolic parable] for the time then present in which were offered both gifts [offerings] and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience; which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances [#1345, dikaimo, not to be confused with #1378, dogma] imposed on them until the time of reformation. This shed blood of animals only provided a temporary covering for sins, being unable to completely remove them and circumcise the heart. These sacrifices reminded the Israelites constantly of their sins and their need for a savior, whose blood would finally sanctify and release them from the penalty of sin, which is death. For the law [added law] having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect…But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year, Hebrews 10:1-3. This “shadow of things to come” spoken of here is identical to “the time of reformation” spoken of in Hebrews 9:10, which is referring to Yahshua’s sacrifice. It becomes transparently clear by reading these verses that these “added laws” were the specific and only laws put into abeyance. Had Yahshua done away with the Sabbaths and dietary laws, it would have been explicitly explicated here also! Two Sets of Works It is recorded in Ephesians 2:8, ''For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of Yahweh: (2:9) Not of works lest any man should boast.'' This is yet another proof-texted passage thrown around by antinomians in their vainglorious attempt to say that Paul did away with the law. However, when we read the very next verse, a different message is brought forth. Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
"For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yahshua unto good works, which Yahweh hath before ordained that we should walk in them.'' -Eph. 2:10. Here we see two sets of works that have come into focus. The "works" mentioned in Eph. 2:9, is the same law which came ''430 years after,'' -Gal. 3:17, and the same law, ''added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made.'' Gal. 3:19. This is the same added law/works, that was ''our schoolmaster to bring us to Messiah.'' -Gal. 3:24. Paul calls these same works of the law, ''dead works'' in Hebrews 9:14. Before the sacrificial and temple set of Levitical ''added laws'', we see again the evidence emerge of an already existing set of moral laws, which as Ephesians 2:10 declares, were ''ordained before'' that we should ''walk in,'' i.e. ''keep following.'' This second set of ''good works'' is the same set of ''works'' James, (properly Jacob), speaks of keeping. ''You see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only'' -2:24. He plainly stated in 2:17-18, ''faith without works is me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works.'' In other words he's saying, ''how are you going to show me your faith/belief by being disobedient? I'll prove my faith/belief is sincere by my obedience.'' The proof of your confession and faith is found in your obedience to keep His already ''before ordained'' commands, (''good works''). YRM's RSB has the following note at James 2:20, reminding us, ['' justifies the man and works justify faith. Paul wrote that obedience comes through faith Rom. 1:5, and that the law is established through faith, Rom. 3:31."] Furthermore, we will be rewarded ''according to our works'' -Rev. 2:23, (how well we kept them). In fact we will be called ''OVERCOMERS'' for KEEPING THESE WORKS, ''And he that overcometh and KEEPETH MY WORKS unto the end, to them will I give power over the nations.'' -Rev. 2:26. However, let the Scriptures be clear. No amount of law keeping, whether good works/moral law, or dead works/added law, can ever earn us eternal life and justification before 14
Yahweh. We still need to believe that Yahshua's blood covering has washed away our sins in turn paying the death penalty that was held over us. Only by having absolute Faith in Yahshua's sacrifice and atonement can we achieve this. ''Where is the boasting then? It is excluded, By what, law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude then that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.'' -Rom. 3:27-28. Paul's explanation here reiterates this and he goes on to elaborate this idea through the analogy of Abraham's faith. ''For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory (a reason to be proud); but not before Elohim. For what sayeth the Scripture? Abraham believed Elohim and it was counted unto him for righteousness.'' -Rom. 4:2-3. The question we now have is this: Isn't this contradictory in light of what James records in 2:21, ''Was not Abraham our Father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?'' Well, how does James harmonize these ideas? He answers this apparent contradiction within the next verse: ''Seest thou how faith wrought (worked together) with his works (his obedience), and that BY HIS WORKS WAS FAITH MADE PERFECT.'' -Jam. 2:22. Abraham's obedience here was the evidence of his faith. Again, James had already incorporated this idea when he reiterated in 2:20, ''FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD.'' The RSB note at Romans 4:2 helps explain, [''if Abraham were justified by works - This passage does not contradict James 2:21 as James explains in verse 22 that it was Abraham's works that made his faith perfect. Abraham's faith justified him, Gen.15:6. Faith does not negate works, but works justify and prove faith.''] Their preceding note at Romans 3:28 also assist us to infer, [''While believers are neither justified nor declared sinless through their works, they are sanctified or set apart by the life they live. Works are an essential part of a believers life because by them the individual develops the same character and mind of Messiah...''] Remember, in Romans 3:31 Paul says that in no way is the law done away Jan—Mar.. 2023
with through our faith. Rather by our faith, we establish the importance of walking in obedience and keeping His commandments. The HRB note at Rom 3:31 expounds, [''In all of Paul's epistles the argument is never whether one should obey the Torah. The argument is how we get justified before Yahweh. Is it through the sacrificial system with ceremonial functions or is it strictly through the blood of Yahshua? The Torah sanctifies a believer after he is justified and teaches him right from wrong, Ps 119:105. Obedience is the evidence of one's faith.''] Quoting the Puritan minister Samuel Bolton (1606-1654), ''The law sends us to the gospel for our justification, the gospel sends us to the law to frame our way of life.'' Once we have repented and accepted Yahshua's sacrifice through the confession of our lips that He is our risen Savior, are we then considered worthy to proceed forward and take the next step of immersion into Yahshua's Name. Only now are we justified in Yahweh's sight. From this point on it now becomes our privilege and humble honor to walk forward in sanctification, glorifying Yahweh by our obedience to His Covenant Torah. The DOERS, not the hearers, are now justified before Yahweh, Rom. 2:13. Our faith comes first and is our first step forward. Like one foot before the other, our next step proves our belief is sincere by walking in obedience unto these “good works which Yahweh ordained before.” True faith is believing EVERY WORD of Yahweh. If you believe that the “handwriting of ordinances that was against us, that was nailed to the cross” (Colossians 2:14), were the Old Testament laws, then you are exhibiting that you have no faith in Yahshua, and that you do not believe Yahweh’s Word to be perfect, as He said in Psalm 19:7. Assuming that the Sabbaths, both the seventh day and the seven annual, were also done away, takes having faith in man and in man’s false interpretations within man’s very unscriptural study Bibles, because NOWHERE within the entire contents of the Scriptures is this thought ever spoken. Instead, we find the Messiah and Paul both keeping these days as examples for us. We even find the command for Gentiles to Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
keep the Sabbath in Acts 15:21. It would be here on the seventh-day Sabbath, where the True Body of Messiah, those worshipping both in spirit and in truth, could further edify these new converts. As the saying goes, “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.” This statement is solidified in Scripture to be a reality as, the whole world is deceived, Revelation 12:9. Through clever counterfeits and the twisting of Scripture, something our adversary has done from the beginning, we can begin to see the unseen hand behind the curtain, pulling the strings in his clandestine play upon humanity. As we will continue to prove however, there is a most amazing truth to be discovered in keeping these commands, if the enemy has worked this hard to make you think they no longer exist! The Sabbath Remains In the Berith Chadasha (New Covenant), True Worshippers who have studied to show themselves approved, will have found yet another command to actually Keep the Sabbath. Furtively hidden behind this iniquitous translation are more fingerprints left behind by the ''lying pen of the scribes,'' -Jer. 8:8. Now ask yourself the following question. What would be the collective goal of this clandestine machination that has and continues to be used to promote ignoble disobedience by design? Adding all of this surmounting evidence together points to only one thing. Keeping Yahweh's Sabbaths must be of paramount importance to Him if the enemy has worked this hard to try to erase this understanding from every passage in the Scriptures that support it! The KJV, and the majority of all the popular Bibles that follow suit in circulation today, deceptively translate Hebrews 4:9 into English as, ''There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of Elohim.'' However, the underlying word in the Greek here is Strong's #4520, 'sabbatismos'. An honest translation, such as the, HRB ('Hebraic Roots Bible', 3rd Edition, © 2015, published by the 'Congregation of YHWH', Jerusalem,, based off of the various Aramaic translations of the Peshitta text, renders this verse, ''It is therefore the duty 15
of the people of Elohim to keep the Sabbath.'' The footnote here reads, [ ''The Sabbath is still clearly a requirement in the New Testament as it is the very sign of identity to being a child of YHWH (Ex 31:12-19). In both the Aramaic and the Greek text, the word for Sabbath in this verse is used as a verb that is something the believer must 'be doing', not simply believing.”] Validation of this claim can also be found on page 565 of 'Thayers Greek Lexicon', which defines #4520, 'sabbatismos' as: ''a keeping sabbath''. As we have previously attempted to demonstrate, our inductive study behavior should implore us to read the surrounding verses and chapter(s) in order for us to understand Hebrews 4:9 in its proper context. In doing so one will find that the word ''rest'' also appears in Hebrews 3:11, 18 ; 4:1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11. As written above, the majority of Bible versions, such as the KJV, will furtively conceal 'sabbatismos' by translating it simply as ''rest'' in Heb. 4:9. Now this ''rest'' blends right in to all the other ''rests,'' but they are not all translated from the same underlying words! By examining the exhibit we have provided within the Appendix, (taken from... Appendix 2, (taken from Jay P. Green's, 'Interlinear Greek-English New Testament', 3rd Ed.), one can easily authenticate that the source word behind ''rest'' in all these other verses is from either, Strong's Greek word #2663 'katapausis', or #2664 'katapauo'. These words are both used in a general sense, indicative of a more lengthy permanent ''rest,'' typified by the millennial rest in the coming kingdom. We can trace this Greek word from Hebrews 3:11 and 4:3, which are both quoting Psa. 95:11, back to the Hebrew root word 'menuwchah', recorded by Strong's as word #4496. The definition reads, [''repose or (adverbially) peacefully; figuratively, consolation (specifically, MATRIMONY; hence (concretely) an abode :- rest 15x, resting place 2x, comfortable 1x, ease 1x, quiet still 1x.''(emphasis mine)]. For Israel, entering into Yahweh's 'menuwchah' meant to be able to dwell safely and peacefully in the land of Canaan. However because of their disobedience Yahweh said, ''So I Jan—Mar.. 2023
sware in My wrath, they shall not enter into My 'menuwchah'.'' -Psa. 95:11. Conditionally, we have an even greater opportunity to enter this 'menuwchah' today. If we enter into His New Covenant and remain faithful through our loving obedience, then our reward will be the abode of the Kingdom enjoined in matrimony to Yahshua. Entering into His 'menuwchah' has been His desire for us all along. We can have a small taste of this each and every Sabbath, if we 'sabbatismos' and keep His Sabbath correctly. In the pictorial Hebrew, our word 'menuwchah' looks like this, [ehfnm]. From right to left these letters are, Mem-Nun-Waw-Chet-Hey. Only when we enter Yahweh's 'menuwchah' will we finally ''behold [e] the safety and security [h] that has been established [f] for His heirs [n] through His Spirit [m].'' Said in another way, ''His Spirit guided [m] life [n] will establish [f] the protection [h] revealed [e] in His coming Kingdom!'' Applause and HalleluYah! Back to current day planet earth...Today's Herodian ''Christian'' study Bibles abundantly overflow with a cornucopia of commentary abrogating this reminder in Hebrews that this command to keep the Sabbath is perpetual. By example, the NIV Study Bible ©2020, will actually quote 4:9 as, "There remains, then a Sabbathrest for the people of God.'' Their footnotes permeating with leaven will then follow explaining away the importance of keeping Yahweh's Sabbath command, [''God's rest may still be entered by faith in his Son."] ''Faith Alone'' as Martin Luther decried! Further rescinding any connection to actually keep the justified Sabbath that remains, while disconnecting the student from the actual differences between 'sabbatismos' vs 'katapauo', are the NIV's surrounding footnotes at Hebrews 4:3 and 4:10. [''4:3 - 'we who have believed enter that rest.' Just as entering into rest in Canaan demanded faith in God's promise, so the ultimate "Sabbath-rest'' (v.9) is entered only by faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. 'his works have been finished since the creation of the world,' God rested from his work on the seventh day of creation (v.4; Ge 2:2), and thus Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
his rest is already a reality. The rest God calls us to enter (vv. 10-11) is not our rest but his rest, which he invites us to share.''] [''4:10 - 'rests from their works.' Believers cease from their efforts to gain salvation by their own works and rest in the finished work of Christ on the cross.''] ''No works whatsoever! ...This Jewish sabbath was nailed to the cross,'' says the antinomian inebriated on Herodian leaven. As discussed in Part 1, this is an example of those who demean and deprecate Torah obedience, (while at the same time promoting Torah disobedience) by and through what they have termed as, ''works-righteousness'' or ''workssalvation.'' In proper contrast, there are actually ''Two Sets of Works'' as we have already demonstrated. Continuing the conforming and confusion of the masses come the 'Kairos Prison Ministry' who distribute their ''easy to read version'' (ERV), mimicking this same disconnected demonical ideology. Within this bible, complete with their vesica-pisces, sixsigma branding, they translate Heb. 4:9 as, ''This shows that the seventhday rest for God's people is still to come.'' Their footnote follows, [''4:9 seventh-day rest, Literally "Sabbath rest,'' meaning a sharing in the rest God began after he created the world.'' (ERV, ©2017 Bible League International)] After writing about these Constantinian soldiers of Kairos in Volume 1, I encountered some backlash by a few who still promote going to their ''subjugation'' gatherings, saying I'm all wrong because, ''there's nothing but love and forgiveness being promoted there.'' My retort however was this, ''what kind of love or forgiveness is being promoted when defiling disobedience by design is taught within their very own Bibles?'' Don't be fooled by these fiendish charlatans for this same Kairos Bible translates these previously dissected verses, as follows. Acts 20:7, [''On Sunday we all met together to eat the Lord's Supper...''] They pull off a ''two for one'' here. Not only does this mistranslation advocate sun-day keeping, but their footnotes attempt to delusionally sway their patrons into believing this occasion was to ''eat the Lord's Supper.'' In Acts 20:6 we have just read that this 16
was ''After the days of Unleavened Bread.'' The Passover, which occurs before the Days of Unleavened bread (Lev. 23:5-6), has already taken place as plainly divulged in Acts 20:6! To Catholicism/Christianity, Passover is a ''Jewish custom'' and term they refrain from even using. Instead they name this occasion, 'the Lord's Supper,' which of course they have perverted further into todays ''communion'' which they do ''as often'' as they feel like, instead of at the prescribed, once a year, commanded time of the Passover memorial. Should you question a Kairos ringer dressed in sheep’s clothing about this aberrant derangement they'll turn you right to their deviating mistranslation in Col. 2:16-17, and read to you, [''So don't let anyone make rules for you about eating and drinking or about Jewish customs (festivals, New Moon celebrations, or Sabbath days). In the past these things were like a shadow that showed what was coming. But the new things that were coming are found in Christ.'']. Handing you a bag of cookies, they'll send you on your way. If you should ask if these were made with lard (''semisolid white fat product obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of a pig'' Wikipedia), they'll simply refer you to read their translation at Mark 7:19, [''When Jesus said this he meant there is no food that is wrong for people to eat.''] Coming back to the matter at hand, sadly, there are even Sacred Name translations that will also attempt to profess that Hebrews 4:9 is only speaking of a future millennial rest in the kingdom. Regrettably, YRM's RSB footnote does just that, [''In the current context, 'sabbatismos' refers to the blessed rest from toils and troubles pictured by the coming of the kingdom.''] No! As explained above, this is what the word 'menuwchah' describes! Within the 'Aramaic English New Testament,' (AENT) 5th Ed., Hebrews 4:9, is translated, ''For there remains a Shabbat for the people of Elohim.'' Author, Andrew Gabriel Roth, translates this Aramaic to English version from a combination of the Eastern Peshitta, Khabouris Codex and the 1901 Critical Edition Peshitta. Roth's exegetic footnote here confirms our Jan—Mar.. 2023
research while further establishing the correct understanding of this verse. ["Lamsa also targums this more properly in terms of direct intention/ meaning. ''It is therefore the duty of the people of Elohim to keep the Sabbath.'' The fact is, though, neither the Aramaic nor the Greek has ''Shabbat rest''; the word ''rest'' was added by replacement theologians in a bid to twist the Seventh Day Shabbat into a futuristic fulfillment. Paul teaches that the Kedoshim (Set Apart people) who enter into Shabbat here and now, are entering into the work of the Ruach haKodesh, but also towards the eternal Shabbat of the Olam Haba (World/Age to Come). Paul is writing to a Jewish audience; he need not explain the joy of Shabbat, but he magnifies haMishchah (the anointing) received on Shabbat that is a taste of the Olam Haba. The Ruach haKodesh (Shabbat Bride) in the Spirit of Mashiyach makes Shabbat a very special time. Because a person goes to church on Saturday does not necessarily indicate that they automatically enter into Shabbat. For some, ''Sabbath'' is a denominational or doctrinal theology, rather than weekly set apart time to wait on Yahweh and His Mashiyach. The Fourth Commandment, to remember the Shabbat, is from Yahweh; the theology to not observe Shabbat originates with early Christo-Pagans who integrated Christian values into calendars that were based on sun worship. Theological attempts to use this verse to abolish Shabbat are founded on both pagan and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Notice that in Greek Bibles the term sabbatismos is sandwiched between the katapauo (vs 8) and katapausis (v 10) which is a common Greek term for ''rest.'' In reality Greek speakers have clarified the meaning of sabbatismos as the observance of Shabbat. See Justin, Dialogue with Trypho 23:3; Epiphanius, Adversus Haereses 30:2:2; Martyrium Petri et Pauli 1; Apostolic Constitutions 2:36:2. However, in an interesting response to these assertions, some have suggested that the Aramaic equivalent word in question, lmashbato, is in infinite form as a verb. To their mind, that suggests a meaning closer to Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
''rest'' as opposed to ''the Shabbat'' as a formal time of the week, i.e., as a proper noun. However, even if this were granted the root for the ''rest'' is still shbt, which brings us back to Shabbat as a seventh (also shbt) interval or (possibly) in the sense of an annual occasion that counts as ''Shabbat'' irrespective of the day of the week it falls on. Either way, though, we are still talking about continual moedim (sacred occasions) patterns derived from Tanakh and mentioned in a letter written to the Hebrew people! So ''if it is keep Shabbat'' as in ''keep the rest'' it still brings us to that seventh/sacred interval and the sense of ''keep (counting) the sevens (to) rest.'' The proof of this matter, however, resides in the fact that another verb for ''rest'' is used all over this passage. The word anikh/atnikh, which is derived from the root nkh, and clearly denotes a generic ''rest,'' appears in Hebrews 4:1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 11. It is only with the connection of the phrase ''people of Elohim'' that Rav Shaul then deliberately brings in the root of seven, shbt, so either by pshat or more esoteric reckoning the seventh day is certainly intended. In fact, such a tactic can even be shown to be part of his writing style. Why else would he in verse 4 use the words ''Shabbat'', ''seventh'' and ''rest'' all in one sentence, knowing these were derived from the exact same root? Finally it is worth noting how both Murdock and Etheridge have basically transposed the infinitive phrase so that it has the effect of a noun in a practical sense in English. Etheridge writes in his notes, ''Lemashbothu. Inf. Aphel of shabath, Quievit, celebravit diem sabbath''. He has translated it somewhat ambiguously, though not in a contradictory manner as, ''Therefore yet to enjoy a shabathism is confirmed to the people of Aloha (Eloha/ Elohim), '' even though the Latin he provides clearly reads as ''celebrate the Sabbath day.'' Please also note that he admits the word is in ''inf. Aphel'' (infinitive) form which again speaks to continuous/eternal celebration of the Shabbat. Etheridge also includes the ''rest'' meaning for completeness, but as a noun in English, even though he lists it as an Aphel verbal form which is technically cor17
rect from the Aramaic. This idea seems confirmed lastly, with Murdock, who then has the interesting reading of, ''Therefore it is established, that the people of Elohim are to have a sabbath.'' Clearly Murdock then also thought that the infinitive form of lmashbato should be rendered in English as the noun ''a Sabbath'' and not as a generic verb meaning ''to rest''; the former approach employed by Lamsa is also retained here.''(pgs. 404-405, AENT)] Neither Gentiles, nor blood born Israelites for that matter, can decide or tell the Root, what commands fit their personal beliefs or lifestyle. Once again, ''you do not bear the root, The Root Bears You.'' -Rom. 11:18. "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.'' -Mar. 2:27. The correct understanding of this verse is that this Sabbath was made for us (mankind), not for us to be able to dictate to the Sabbath what day it is and whether or not we need to keep it and or how. ''And Elohim blessed the seventh day, (not the first) and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which Elohim created and made.'' -Gen. 2:3. Here we see that the Sabbath rest was instituted, sanctified and kept for our example, by Yahweh Himself, at creation, for ALL MANKIND, not just for the Jews. It was given for the manservant, maidservant, stranger within thy gates and even the animals (Exo. 20:10)! The Sabbath is a much-needed break and time away from the world that helps develop our physical, mental and spiritual health. An Evil Allegation In their dementedly fiendish feeblemindedness, many of lately have attempted to unconscionably make the devilish claim that the Sabbath no longer needs to be kept because as they say, ''Jesus broke the Sabbath...and in doing so He did away with it.'' This idea presents quite a problematic double standard because if their ''Christ'' did break the Sabbath, then He definitely ''transgressed the law'', which is defined in 1 John 3:4 as ''sin.'' If this is the case then this "Jesus" figure you claim is your savior is not the prophesied ''spotless lamb without blemish'' -1 Pet. 1:19, ''who did no sin'' -Isa. 53:9. Neither could Jan—Mar.. 2023
he have been ''perfect becoming the author of eternal salvation unto all who obey Him.'' -Heb. 5:9. Those who garrulously go about repeating this pernicious calumny are not only bringing themselves to open shame, but through their traducement, they have denied the only Messiah that qualifies to pay the penalty for their own sins. How are you going to confess a blood covering atonement from the unclean sacrifice of an alleged savior who you admit has sinned? These impenitent men effectually have become incendiary antimessiahs by and through their own deleterious demagoguery. Thank you, Yahweh, that you have called me (John 6:44) to know your True Messiah Yahshua. ''And ye know that He was manifested to take away our sins; and in Him is NO SIN.'' -1 John 3:5. The Institute for Scripture Research (ISR), who have produced their translation known as 'The Scriptures', have honorably provided the following quality research within their Explanatory Notes under: ''Alleged Sabbath-breaking by Messiah.'' [''In the 'Dictionary of New Testament Theology' (Editor Colin Brown) vol. 3 p. 410, after the author had criticality examined all the alleged Sabbathbreaking texts, he says in conclusion, ''We may conclude then, that though Jesus broke through rabbinic traditions about the sabbath, there was no annulling of the observance of the day.'' In 'Mishnah' Shabbath 7, 2, we find a list of 39 additional laws on Sabbath-keeping which the Pharisees added, thereby making a burden of the Sabbath. In fact the addition of these extra laws is against Scripture (Deb. 4:2 etc.). Yahshua was indeed opposing the Pharisees who had made the Word of Elohim of no effect with their burdensome oral tradition. They had sought to make the observance of the Sabbath much more rigorous than Yahweh had ever commanded. 'The New Bible Dictionary' 1st Edition, p. 1111, explicitly refutes the allegation that the Messiah broke the Sabbath, and referring to what Messiah and his taught ones did, says as follows, ''It was not wrong to eat on the sabbath, even if the food must be obtained by plucking corn from the ears. Nor was it wrong to do good on the sabbath day.'' Furthermore, if Yahshua was Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
guilty of sabbath-breaking, it would have been used against Him at His trial.''] The 39 prohibited activities mentioned above, as found in the Talmud, Mishnah Tractate Shabbat 7:2 are descibed by as follows. [''There are thirty-nine general categories of labor that are forbidden on Shabbat. Each of these categories include a range of derivative laws and activities, some of which are described in ''The Shabbat Laws.'' The melachot are generally divided into six groups, classified according to the Mishkan's activities with which they are associated.''] Note: 'Melachot' is the plural word for H4399 'melakah', translated into the English as ''work''. 'Mishkan' is H4908, specifically the Tabernacle; also the Temple. As we continue with these prohibitions remember that some of these were associated with the required 'melachot' necessary for the construction, (building up and taking down, transporting), of the 'Mishkan.' There are some today who excuse themselves from keeping Shabbat, saying no one can keep this day by taking these prohibitions out of context while attempting to misapply them to modern day scenarios. By example, one man who must have read these told me, ''you can't even tie your shoelaces on Sabbath!'' However, common sense allows us to see that most of these proscriptions are still very applicable and would definitely be considered ''work'' today. Here are the groupings as listed by [''Field Work - sowing, plowing, reaping, binding sheaves, threshing, winnowing, selecting, grinding, sifting, kneading, baking. Making Material Curtains - shearing wool, cleaning, combing, dyeing, spinning, stretching the threads, making loops, weaving threads, separating the threads, tying a knot, untying a knot, sewing, tearing. Making Leather Curtains - trapping, slaughtering, skinning, tanning, smoothing, ruling lines, cutting. Making the Beams of the Mishkan - writing, erasing. The Putting up and Taking down of the Mishkan - building, breaking down. The Mishkan's Final Touches - extinguishing a fire, kindling a fire, striking the final hammer blow, carrying.'' (
chot.htm)] 'The Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies' separates these 39 prohibited Sabbath activities into four groups, [''The first 11 categories are required to bake bread. The next 13 categories are activities required to make a garment. The next 9 categories are activities required to make leather. The final 6 categories are activities required to build a structure or building.''] The list of these 39 actions are identical except for the comments surrounding the ''carrying of the Mishkan,'' to which they specify as [''transporting an object between a private domain and a public domain, or for the distance of 4 cubits within the public domain.''] They also add in explanation to the writing and erasing that this was specifically ''two or more letters''. Can you write/erase two or more letters on Shabbat? Well our own Scriptures testify in Exo. 24:4 that ''Mosheh wrote down all the words of Yahweh.'' It is traditionally understood that this was on Shavuout, so this would have been on an annual Sabbath. However, the majority of these 39 prohibitions we could indeed justify as being ''melachot'' that we could be doing on the other 6 days He has given us. Regarding the restriction of ''kindling a fire,'' we do find this command in Exo. 35:3, "Ye shall not kindle a fire.'' Because of its close proximity in the Scriptures following the commands to build the tabernacle (Exo. 25-30), most scholars associate this with blacksmithing work (hence a ''hammer blow'') related to the metalworking involved in the construction of the Tabernacle. This verse has been horribly misunderstood and taken out of context by many who through diaspora would literally almost freeze to death rather than keep their fires burning. This would sometimes lead to their demise, for all their persecutors needed to do was look for a chimney with no smoke coming out. Even today, ultra Orthodox Jews will not turn on a light switch or appliances as to make a spark. According to the JPS Torah Commentary, the Jewish sectarians known as the Kairites spent this day in complete darkness. Does Yahweh want His children to get hypothermia or sit in complete darkness on His Sabbath? I know I Jan—Mar.. 2023
sure wouldn't get much reading done or be able to ''call the day a delight.'' (Isa. 58:13). And this certainly doesn't harmonize with scriptures like, ''My yoke is easy and My burden is light.'' -Mat. 12:7. In our homes today however, if our heat is provided by fire, we should have this prepared before hand, having firewood nearby to add throughout the day. We should be able to comprehend that we should not be out cutting, splitting, and carrying loads of wood on the Sabbath. What about picking up sticks? In Num. 15:32 we see that a man was put to death for doing so. On the surface this doesn't seem to warrant capital punishment. However when we look at the underlying Hebrew a clearer picture emerges. ''Gathered'' is from 'qashash,' Strong's Hebrew #7197, and has to do with ''foraging'' and or ''assembling.'' ''Sticks'' is from Hebrew word #6086 'ets,' which defined is a ''tree, used for wood and carpentry.'' So was this man simply picking up sticks or was he gathering lumber to build a log cabin? Either way we look at it, he certainly was in open violation of this command, doing something he had six other days to do this on. This became an example for all of Israel that this rebellious spirit would not be tolerated and needed purged from the Body. Beyond this imprecation of ''Yahshua breaking the Sabbath so that we don't have to keep it'' being irreverently impious, it also shows to prove that these deniers are completely unstudied when it comes to the Scriptures surrounding these accounts. Having acquired these lists of the extra 39 prohibitions, let us now go onto examine the (8) Scriptural records of this ''alleged Sabbath breaking'' proving for ourselves the malefaction of this claim. I. - Mat. 12:1-8 In our first account, Yahshua and His disciples are found to be ''plucking ears of corn,'' as you'd read in the KJV. In the Aramaic however this is translated as plucking ''heads of grain.'' Since there was no corn in the Holy Land, this was either barley or wheat. Most likely the action of them rolling the grain in their hands as to separate the kernels from the chaff was what made the Pharisees accuse Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
them of doing what was ''unlawful on the Sabbath.'' -Mat. 12:2. Since reaping constituted collecting the item in some sort of container, this action was probably considered threshing and winnowing, which violated the Talmud, not the Torah. As an invariable constant, we know that Yahshua was without sin. With this foundation laid we should therefore be able to understand that His actions were always in compliance with and admissible in the Torah. We find this verified in Deut. 23:25. ''When thou comest into the standing grain of thy neighbor, then thou mayest pluck the ears with thine hand; but thou shalt not move a sickle unto thy neighbor’s standing grain." This Scripture also dismisses any illogical idea that ''they were stealing'' as some possessed have said. In Yahshua's retort (Mat. 12:3-5), He goes on to question the Pharisees, ''have you not read of how David and his men ate of the shewbread when they were hungered (1 Sam. 21:6) and how also the priest who serve in the temple preparing and offering sacrifices on the Sabbath (Num. 28:9-10) are blameless?'' ''But I say to you, That in this place is one greater than the temple. But if ye had known what this meaneth, I WILL HAVE MERCY AND NOT SACRIFICE (Hos 6:6), ye would not have condemned the guiltless.'' -Mat. 12:7. Then Yahshua authoritatively declared, ''the Son of man is Master even of the Sabbath.'' -Mat. 12:8 The Restoration Study Bible includes an invaluable and principal footnote here applicable to all (8) of our findings. [''mercy and not sacrifice - A key teaching about the Law is brought out in this Sabbath incident. Yahshua explains that there are exceptional times when extreme necessity and therefore needed mercy trump the letter of the Law, as when David's famished men were allowed to eat of the shewbred in the Tabernacle, v.4. Furthermore, Proverbs 6:30 says men don't despise a thief when he steals to satisfy his hunger. And this was not even stealing, as to take a little from a neighbor's grain field is permitted as long as grain is not harvested. It was the timing of the deed on the Sabbath that had the Pharisees so roiled. Yahshua explained that the priest who 19
work sacrificing animals all day on the Sabbath are blameless from breaking the Sabbath. Temple worship justified and even required such labor. Because Yahshua was greater than the temple and was the master of the Sabbath, He had total and complete authority when it came to Sabbath conduct. Beyond that he didn't change any aspect of the Sabbath law but only showed that there are times when mercy plays into the day, such as when a Pharisee’s ox falls into a pit on the Sabbath and the Pharisee pulls it out to save it, Luke 14:5.'' (RSB, 3rd Ed. p. 1440,] The remainder of these (8) ''alleged Sabbath breaking'' accounts now consist of (7) of the many miraculous healings that Yahshua performed. II. - Mat. 12:9-14 On this same Sabbath Yahshua went on into their Synagogue and here the Pharisees asked if it was lawful to heal a man who had a withered hand. According to their Talmudic traditions the rabbis prohibited such healing on the Sabbath unless the victim's life was in jeopardy. In this entrapment they sought to accuse Yahshua. His intrepid riposte followed with this analogy, ''What man among you should have one sheep that would happen to fall into a pit on the Sabbath and you would not rescue it out? (Mat. 12:11) ''How much more valuable is a man than a sheep? Wherefore IT IS LAWFUL TO DO WELL ON THE SABBATHS.'' -Mat.12:12. With this magisterial proclamation, the Master of the Sabbath has summed up all of these false allegations in one Righteous sentence, ''IT IS LAWFUL TO DO WELL ON THE SABBATHS.'' Interestingly, in the parallel account of Mark this statement was recorded as a question, ''Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath or to do evil? To save life or to kill. But they held their peace.'' -Mark 3:4. We have been provided here additional information that the Pharisees could not answer this rhetorical question proffered. After giving them this opportunity to respond, Yahshua then restored this man’s hand making it whole like the other, (Mat. 12:13, Mark 3:5). If healing this man violated the Sabbath now would have been their Jan—Mar.. 2023
opportunity to pronounce this verboten violation, but they could not. Their silence self admittedly shows that their incriminating accusations were unjustifiable. The actions of both plucking the grain and now Yahshua healing this man are thereby vindicated as Scripturally permissible. Since the remainder of these accounts all have to do with these same miraculous acts of healing, we can already conclude that Yahshua is now completely exonerated of any ''alleged Sabbath breaking'' and is righteously able to heal whomever and however many people he wants to heal on the Sabbath! Now after the Pharisees retreated in defeat, they consulted with the Herodians as to how they might destroy Him, (Mark 3:6). Do you find it ironic that these same ''Herodians'' are still around today vilifying Yahshua with these same false and maligning accusations! They are still attempting to destroy His reputation today through this leavenous character assassination. III. - Mat. 12:15 Yet on this same Sabbath, Yahshua knowing their intentions, withdrew Himself and a great multitude followed and He healed them all! In Mark's account it is recorded that this multitude with many plagues only had to press upon Him and touch Him in order to be healed. And when these unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Yahshua crying in confession, ''Thou are the son of Elohim.'' But Yahshua charged these spirits that they should not make His identity known (Mk. 3:10-12). Luke's account adds that this healing occurred because ''there went a virtue (miraculous force of power) out of Him.'' -Luke 6:19. IV. Mat. 12:22 Apparently still on this same Sabbath, a man was then brought to Him possessed with a demon, both blind and unable to speak Yahshua healed him. Similarly, but not on the Sabbath, Yahshua had already healed another man unable to speak in 9:32-34. In both occurrences the Pharisees said He was only able to cast out demons because He was Beelzebub the prince of the demons. Now in Mat. 12:25-26, Yahshua knowing their thoughts finalYahshua’s Witness Magazine
ly said to them, ''Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. And if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?'' V. - Luke 13:10-17 After teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath Yahshua encounters a crippled woman whom for 18 years has had a spirit of infirmity not allowing her to stand up straight. After Yahshua laid His hands upon her she was made straight and glorified Elohim. Then with indignation, the ruler of the synagogue attempted to chastise Yahshua saying, "There are six days in which men ought to work: in them come and be healed but not on the Sabbath.'' Yahshua's response? ''Thou hypocrite, doth not each of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or his donkey from the stall, and lead him away to watering? And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound these 18 years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?'' Upon this castigating pronouncement ''all His adversaries were ashamed'' -Lk. 13:17, and once again, had nothing to say! VI. - Luke 14:1-6 Our next occurrence happens as Yahshua is eating at the house of one the chief priest on the Sabbath. And behold a certain man appeared before them with dropsy. Also known as edema, this is a condition where an abnormally excessive amount of serous (watery substance) accumulates in a part of the body causing one to become dropsical (turgidly swollen). Yahshua then asked the lawyers (experts in the law) and Pharisees, ''Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day? Like the time before (Mark 3:4), they held their peace. Yahshua then took the man, healed him, and let him go. He then follows this miracle by delivering nearly the same analogy that He gave in our first account (Mat. 12:12). Instead of a sheep, now He asks, ''which of you shall have a donkey (HRB reads: 'son,’ NIV 'child') or an ox fall into a pit on the Sabbath and will not immediately pull it out?" ''And THEY COULD NOT ANSWER HIM AGAIN TO THESE THINGS.'' 20
Mat. 14:6. Once again, there is not a single violation that even these ''lawyers'' could accuse Him of. VII. - John 5:1-15 Known as the healing at the pool of Bethesda, here many diseased, blind, crippled, lame and withered people were laid near the water of this pool. We read in John 5:4 that ''at a certain season an angel would descend and stir the water and whosoever was first to step into the water was made whole.'' Now Yahshua saw a man who had been crippled for 38 years whom He knew had been there waiting to be healed for a long time. He asked the man, "Do you desire to become whole?" The man replied that he has no one to lift him up and into the water after the angel has stirred it and another gets healed before he can get to the water. This man certainly would have developed a great deal of patience and character from having that happen over and over. Now the famous words spoken by Yahshua, ''Rise up, take thy bed and walk!" We read that this man was immediately made whole and taking up his mat he departed, ''and on this same day it was the Sabbath.'' -John 5:9. In his departure, possibly as he was going back to his family to tell them of this miracle, some Jews saw him carrying his mat. "It is not lawful to be carrying your mat around with you on the Sabbath,'' they say. The man responds professing that a man has healed him and then commanded him to do so. The Jews then inquired as to who was complicit in ''their'' Sabbath violation. As Yahshua had disappeared into the crowd, the man was unable to point Him out. Yahshua finds this man later in the temple and tells him, ''Behold thou art made whole: SIN NO MORE lest a worse thing come upon you.'' John 5:14. Herein we are left to assume, that in this case, this man was crippled with this curse because of some type of sin that Yahshua had both forgiven and delivered Him from. Curses like this can be the result of disobedience, which is sin, (Deut. 28:15-68; Lev. 26:14-46). We then read that this man uses his two newly healed legs to walk right back to the Jews just so he could tell on Yahshua! (5:15). This must have been done to serve a purJan—Mar.. 2023
pose for surely if this was not intended the man would have been crippled again right there on the spot. Perhaps the meaning of Bethesda has something to do with it? This translates to House of Mercy, kindness or favor, (H1004 Beth + H2617 Checed). Even in our sins, Yahweh in His forbearance waits patiently, (just like this man did for 38 years), for us to return to Him. ''Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the loving kindness of Yahweh.'' -Psa. 107:43. By now, having this report of Yahshua having healed yet another person on the Sabbath, these Pharisees had become quite perturbed. What was unlawful about this? This time this man specifically had violated their Talmudic restriction of ''transporting an object more than 4 cubits within the public domain.'' Let's be clear, this was not a transgression of the Torah, which defined, is sin (1 John 3:4). Yahshua would never have commanded the man "to go and sin no more" while making him sin in the process! But to those who pass along this agitprop, perpetuating the lie that, ''He broke the Sabbath so we can watch (or play) football, basketball, softball etc., today,'' this must be your logic. VIII. - John 9:1-41 For the grand finale of these miraculous Sabbath healings, we have a man who has been blind since his birth. With the man at the pool of Bethesda still fresh in their minds, His disciples ask, ''who did sin, this man or his parents?" -9:2. After their inquiry, Yahshua explains that neither this man nor his parent’s sin have caused this curse. Confirming our hypothesis from the last scenario, sins can and do bring debilitating curses such as these. Yahshua then explains that this has come about so that ''the works of Elohim might be revealed in him'' -9:3. Yahshua proceeds to explain that He must work the works of Him who sent Him while it is yet day, because no one can work when it is night. ''As long as I am in the world I am the Light of the world,'' -9:5, something he had already proclaimed to the Pharisees in 8:12, (see also 12:35, 46) Next Yahshua spat upon the Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
ground and mixing His saliva with the earth, He made a clay compound. He then took this mixture and ''anointed (H4886 mashach, the root of H4899 Mashiach) the eyes of the man with it and said unto him, ''Go wash in the pool of Siloam'' which is by interpretation 'Sent.' 9:6-7. What is significant about this pool of Siloam? In Hebrew this phrase is 'Breikhat HaShiloach.' Shiloach is Strong's Hebrew word #7975, derived from its root #7971 'shalach,' defined as, [''to SEND AWAY, FOR or OUT, CAST (away, out) ... FORSAKE, PUSH OUT, PUT OUT...''] According to the 'Archeology in Scripture' review located in the Restoration Study Bible at John 9, this location has been recently discovered by archeologist Eli Shukhron. Included here are several pictures and additional details. In biblical times this was an established gathering place for many Israelites making their way to Jerusalem where they'd utilize this freshwater reservoir (an acre in size) as a ceremonial cleansing bath (Mikvah), before being allowed into the Temple. Isaiah 8:6-7 makes mention of Israel, ''refusing the waters of Shiloach that go softly.'' Instead, they are PUSHED AWAY, CAST OUT, FORSAKEN and given over to the Assyrians, who are typified as a troubling strong and abundant river of water. What about you? Will you refuse Yahshua's baptism and instead be drowned in the overflowing sea of humanities cast aways who have also forsaken Him? ''Love not the world'' 1 John 2:15-17, neither be a friend of it (Jam. 4:4), or proverbially you'll go down sinking with the ship. This man did not refuse the soft flowing water of Yahshua's instructions. Being SENT, He went into the water, was washed and came up out of the water cleansed and COULD NOW SEE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! But then what happened? The news spread quickly and ''the friends of the world'' (humanity) saw and heard what had happened and refused to believe that he, this former beggar, blind from birth, was now able to see! They rejected this man’s testimony that Yahshua had healed him (9:11). They rejected the Light and the Truth as they still do today when we tell them about Yahshua the True Messi21
And like the Orwellian nanny state today, they then brought him to the Pharisees as if to turn him in. We are now informed that this event had occurred once again, on the Sabbath (9:13-14). After their examination, the man explained how and who healed him. And, like the times before, the Pharisees accused Yahshua of breaking the Sabbath, repeating the lie, just like the conformed ''friends of the world'' still do today. ''Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.'' Adolph Hitler. "This man is not of Elohim because he keepth not the Sabbath Day.'' (Essentially, they're saying ''this man is a sinner,'' which is what you're confessing today when you repeat this lie). However, the voice of reasoning finally awakens and we read, ''Others said 'How can this man that is a sinner do such miracles? and there was a division among them.'' 9:16. Now the Jews did not believe that he had been blind and continued their cross examination. Now bringing this man's parents before them we read that these Pharisees reputation preceded them. ''Is this your son whom you say was blind from birth, how can he now see?'' The confession came that he indeed had been blind from birth, but they would not confess who and how he had been healed. ''Ask him yourself, he is of age,'' was their simple reply. His parents ''spake these words because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that He was the Messiah, he should be PUT OUT (CAST AWAY, FORSAKEN) from the synagogue.'' 9:22. Attempting to extinguish the Truth from being known by intimidation, retaliatory tactics and violence is something the friends of the world have certainly mastered! The truth does not need to threaten with violence, only the lie does this so it can continue and prevail for a short time. Then they called the man back once more. ''Give Elohim the praise for we know this man is a sinner,'' said the interrogation squad. His jubilant response, ''Whether he be a sinner or not I don't know, one thing I do know is that once I was blind but now I can see.'' The Pharisees pressed on Jan—Mar.. 2023
wanting to know how his eyes were opened. ''I have told you already did you not hear me the first time? Do you wish to become a disciple of Him also?'' With excoriation they reviled him, "Thou art His disciple but we are Mosheh's disciples for we know who spoke to Mosheh but of this man we know not.'' Surely having the Spirit of Truth speak through him, the man inspirationally replies, ''It is a marvel that you cannot comprehend from who or where this Man has come from that has opened my eyes. For we know that Yahweh does not hear sinners, but IF anyone is Elohim fearing, DOING His will, HIM WILL HE HEAR. From eternity until now no one has ever opened the eyes of one born blind. If this One was not from Elohim He could do nothing.'' 9:30-33. Many today go to prayer share, write requests and put them in a box thinking someone else's prayers will be more effective than their own, while yet others offer prayers for segmented hours at a time! Do you want your prayers to be heard? Well that certainly is why many worship today and at least devote that one hour a week to go to ''church.'' So are your prayers heard? Wisdom answers from Proverbs 28:9, ''IF you turn away from hearing the Torah, THEN your prayer will become an abomination.'' If you don't want to listen to Yahweh, why should He listen to you? But, the effectual fervent (active, one who is a doer) prayer of the righteous (obedient) man availeth much (will be heard and accomplished according to His will)'' -Jam.5:16. The pompous Pharisees being absolutely livid, rebuked the man, ''You were born in sin, and yet here you are trying to teach us? And they CAST HIM OUT.'' -9:34. Have you been CAST AWAY from your coworkers, friends and even family for simply telling them the truth about Yahweh? ''If the world hates you, know that it hated Him before it hated you. If you were of the world the world would love you...but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.'' -John 15:18-19. Remember, it’s not the ''faith once delivered to the saints,'' -Jude 1:3, unless you're striving and having to contend (fight) with the world just in order to observe it! Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
My brothers in bonds know exactly what this means. Yahshua knowing what had happened, found the man and asked him for this confession, "Do you believe in the Son of Yahweh?" ''Who is He'' said the man. Yahshua spoke, "You have seen Him and He speaking with you is that One.'' ''I believe My Master and he bowed and worshipped Him.'' 9:35-38. Then Yahshua said, ''For judgement I am come into the world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.'' And some of the Pharisees which were with Him heard these words and said unto Him, ''Are we blind also?" Coming to the crux of the matter, Yahshua delivers our closing verse, ''If you were blind ye should have no sin, but now ye say, We see, therefore your sin remaineth.'' -John 9:39-41. The RSB footnote follows reading, [''While sin is always present, one is not condemned in cases of blindness or ignorance.''] ''If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have had no sin, but now they have no cloke for their sin.'' -John 15:22. [''Once a person goes from blindness to enlightenment, he or she is accountable for sin.'' -RSB.] Does not this final act point to Yahweh's final righteous and merciful act of judgement at the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-13)? At this time those who never had the chance to know Yahweh, what the law or sin was, will be judged by Yahshua who will search their hearts to determine what and how much they knew. ''For when pagans, not having the Torah, do by nature the things contained in the Torah, they not having the Torah are a law unto themselves, who show the work of the Torah written in their hearts, their conscience witnessing with them, and their thoughts either accusing or even excusing one another; in a day when Elohim judges the hidden actions of men, as my good new teaches, through Yahshua Messiah.'' -Rom. 2:14-16 HRB. The footnote follows, [''This time is the white throne judgement where each person will be judged by the accountability of what they knew and understood based on the 10 commandments (Ecc. 12:13). There are many gentiles who have never understood the bible yet 22
they have chosen to not steal, lie or commit adultery and they will be rewarded at this time or punished if they are sinners.'' HRB]. If you have come to know this sacred knowledge and instead have turned away from this Way to pursue the pleasures of this world, you do not fall into this category of being shown mercy because you were simply uninformed. ''And that servant which knew His Master's will and prepared not himself, neither did according to His will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not and did not commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.'' -Luke 12:47-48. Ignorant or not (Acts 17:30), if you're still alive and breathing, you still have an opportunity to repent! The Verdict Is In From the first Sabbath up until this last Sabbath, as we declared from the beginning, Yahshua has been equitably exonerated and acquitted of this alleged crime. He is also hereby honorably exculpated of this smear campaign of lies charging Him with breaking the Sabbath. The Pharisees had every opportunity to respond to Yahshua who asked them each time if it was lawful or not to heal on the Sabbath. But, each time ''they held their peace'' -Mark 3:4; ''and again, they could not answer Him to these things.'' -Luke 14:6. As our note from the 'The New Bible Dictionary' read earlier, neither did they or could they accuse Him of violating the Sabbath at His future trial. They could not say a thing because they were obviously in the wrong! If you are one who is being fed from this ''leaven of Herod and the Pharisees,'' -Mk. 8;15, and are therefore repeating this defaming and slanderous fallacy, what will you say as you bow before Yahshua at your trial? Will your aspersing be so easily absolved? The men whom I have personally heard repeating this injurious lie are doing so for the purpose of misleading others. ''Therefore whoever loosens one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men Jan—Mar.. 2023
so, he shall be called the worst in the kingdom of Heaven.'' -Mat. 5:18 HRB. As recorded, telling lies and bearing false witness, is an abomination in Yahweh’s eyes. Besides being one of the Ten Commandments, (Exo. 20:16), several of the seven abominations listed in the book of Proverbs, have to do with deceit and sowing deception, which Yahweh abhors. ''These six things doth Yahweh hate, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, A LYING TONGUE, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be running to mischief, ''A FALSE WITNESS THAT SPEAKETH LIES, and he that soweth discord among brethren.'' -Prov. 6:1619. Our lives should be a reflection of His Word and these are abominations we should abhor and hate as well. ''Deliver my soul from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.'' -Psa. 120:2. "I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love.'' -Psa. 119:163. This same thought is consistent into the New Covenant, repeated by Yahshua in Matt 19:18 ''Do not bear false witness"; Paul ''walk honestly'' -Rom 13:13. From my research on this subject of ''dishonesty'', you can also read that this same thought is conveyed in all the following: [Prov 12:22; 14:5, 25; 19:5, 9; 26:28; Psa. 119:29; Rom 13:9; Eph 4:25; Col. 3:9; 1 Tim 1:10; 2 Tim 3:3]. With that being said, perhaps you might better understand how much I abhor and hate falsehood myself and especially hearing those repeat one of the most abominable and evil lies ever told, "Yahshua broke the Sabbath so that we don't have to keep it.'' ''That we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro, and be carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight [G2940 -artifice or fraud] of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love may (we) grow up into Him in all things ...wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.'' -Eph. 4:14-15, 25. Where will Yahshua put these liars? ''For those loving a lie and doing falsehood cannot enter into life everlasting.'' -Rev. 22:15. ''But to the cowYahshua’s Witness Magazine
ardly and unbelieving, and those having become sinful, and to murderers, and fornicators, and those who enchant with drugs, and idolaters, and TO ALL LIARS, their part will be in the Lake burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.'' Rev. 21:8. For Our Understanding We come to conclude then that Yahshua specifically chose the Sabbath to perform these (7) miracles, so as to show by example what this 7th Day foreshadows, His coming Millennial Kingdom when Spiritual Perfection, Restoration and Healing will take place. ''Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the desert.'' -Isa. 35:5-6. ''For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and wipe away all tears from their eyes.'' Rev.7:17. In recalling our fifth account (Luke 13:15), Yahshua referenced loosing the animals on the Sabbath and leading them to water. The man in John 9:7 was SENT to the water for healing. Yahshua is the Master NETCASTER (Mat. 13:47-48) who has SENT OUT His fishermen to gather His children for His Great Regathering (Jer. 16:16). The total number of (8) occurrences relates to the Brand New Beginning that will then occur after the Millennium and the Great White throne judgement. ''And I saw a new heaven and a new earth...and a new Jerusalem coming down from Elohim out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a voice out of heaven saying, Behold the tabernacle of Elohim is with them, and they shall be His people, and Yahweh Himself shall be with them, and be their Elohim. And Elohim shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.... He that overcometh shall inherit all these things'' -Rev. 21:1-7. Make today your brand new beginning, ''work out your salvation with both fear and trembling'' -Phil 2:12, 23
toward a brand new ending and become known as an Overcomer! To Both Remember and Keep The fourth commandment tells us to ''remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy.'' -Exo. 20:8. The erroneous modern day thought to most Sun-day keepers is that this just simply means, ''yes we remember that the 7th Day Sabbath used to be holy on Saturday.'' Others have been led to believe that Sun-day or any day they choose can be their Sabbath. They draw these illogical conclusions from misappropriated ''Ferris wheel verses'' like Rom. 14:5, as we covered in Part 1. Ironically, out of these Ten Commandments this is the only one we're told to ''remember'' and specifically the first one people are told to forget all about! Then there are of course those who say they do remember and honor the day, but are they keeping it the way Yahweh wants it to be kept? After all, what is the point of doing anything unless you're doing it the right way? You should be either cold or hot. The state of being ''lukewarm'' will have Yahshua rejecting you, ''vomiting thee out of (His) mouth.'' Rev. 3:16. Zakar As is most often the case, our English translation loses a major part of the flavor and relevance from the underlying source language of the original Hebrew. Behind our translated word ''remember'' in Exo. 20:8, we find the word 'zakar', which Strong's references as Hebrew word #2142. By reading the definition, we see that not only are we to simply ''remember the Sabbath,'' but in order to accurately reverence and venerate Yahweh per His command, and 'zakar' the Sabbath, we should, ''properly MARK (so as to RECOGNIZE) [this day, being forever] MINDFUL [of His Day as we] RECOUNT, [keeping count of every Sabbath, becoming a] RECORD(ER), MAKING [His Sabbath] to be REMEMBERED, [by] BRINGING, CALLING [ourselves and others to keep coming by continuously] KEEPING [this day as our] REMEMBRANCE [of Him as our Creator and Redeemer].'' In the pictorial Hebrew 'zakar' looks like this, [rkz]. The 'zayin' [z] is Jan—Mar.. 2023
a mattock (plowing instrument), while the 'kaph' [k] is the palm of the hand, and the 'resh' [r] represents the head of a man/mankind. To 'zakar His Shabbat properly, means that we [r] His faithful workers in the field, will have both hands [k] on the plow [z] for the purpose of bringing forth nourishment, which will ultimately yield a bountiful kingdom harvest for Yahshua. ''Pray ye therefore the Master of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.'' Mat. 9:38. These Ten Commandments are then repeated in the 5th chapter of Deuteronomy. I once asked Elder Jerry Healan the question, ''What was the significance/difference between when the Ten Commandments were first given in Exo. 20 and then when they were repeated in Deut. 5?'' On 1/7/19, his erudition was shown with this perspicacious response: [''Exodus 20 of course is when Yahweh descended upon the mountain to pronounce to Israel His covenant which were to be the primary laws of His kingdom. It was given to the generation that came out of Egypt. In Deuteronomy 5, Moses is reiterating Yahweh's commandments to the 2nd generation who were either born in the wilderness, or were younger than 20 when they left Egypt. The 2nd generation in the wilderness were NOT circumcised in the flesh. All who left Egypt were circumcised. This reveals to me that just because a person is physically circumcised, it doesn't mean that they are in a covenant relationship. Those who are baptized in Yahshua are the ones in the covenant relationship. I think there is also another hidden meaning because the 1st generation failed to keep Yahweh's covenant, but the 2nd generation had the covenant confirmed to them through Moses, but one named Yahshua (son of Nun) is the one who circumcised them and led them into the promised land.''] Both enlightened and intrigued, further studies of mine took me to the exploration of this Fourth Commandment repeated here in Deuteronomy 5. Instead of "remember the Sabbath'' (as it read in Exo. 20:8), we now see the command reads, ''keep the Sabbath'' -Deut. 5:12. Then, this Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
same phrase is repeated for emphasis at the closing of 5:15, ''therefore Yahweh thy Elohim commanded us to keep the Sabbath day.'' By using an interlinear, one can see that there are in fact, two different Hebrew words behind the translated word ''keep'' in these two verses. Once again, through the following exploration, the depth and intense richness of the Hebrew unearths the fact that we have certainly been kept in the dark as to the true intention of what it means to ''Keep the Sabbath. '' Shamar In 5:12 we see ''keep'' is translated from 'shamar' which Strong's lists as Hebrew word #8104. As a primitive root this word is used as a verb in a wide variety of senses. Upon reading the definition, we see that in association with ''keeping the Sabbath'' this means to: ''HEDGE [this day] ABOUT WITH THORNS, i.e. GUARD, PROTECT & ATTEND TO [this day], etc., :- beward, be circumspect, take heed (to self) keep, mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save...WAIT (FOR) [this day and become a] WATCH(MAN)'' [over His Sabbath Command!] Shamar in the pictorial Hebrew [rms] has the idea of ''restoring/ returning'' [s], ''the spirit'' [m], ''to mankind'' [r]. We could also decipher this to understand that when we 'shamar' this day correctly, "man's" [r] ''chaos'' [m] is ''destroyed'' [s]. Indeed, the 6 days of the world are quite chaotic! Why not 'shamar' the Shabbat by returning to Yahweh, allowing your spirit to be rejuvinated, refreshed and renewed, and the chaotic spirit of the world to be destroyed. Asah Returning to Deuteronomy 5:15, we find that our other word translated ''keep'' is Strong's Hebrew word #6213, 'asah'. Again, the vast and immense totality of our underlying Hebrew word is only absorbed through reading the definition of this primitive root. Paraphrasing the definition provided by Strong's, 'asah' in respect to the Sabbath means to, ''ACCOMPLISH, ADVANCE, [and] 24
BRING FORTH [His Shabbat by] certainly, HAVING THE CHARGE of, COMMITTING [to this Day by] FOLLOWING, FULFILLING, [and] GOVERNING [His Day by becoming a governor of His Shabbat by], being INDUSTRIOUS, [even if you have to] journey to keep [this Day], LABOUR [to] MAINTAIN... [and] OBSERVE, being OCCUPIED, [by] being an OFFICER [for Yahweh by], PERFORMING, [through] PRACTISING, PREPARING, PROCURING [and always] PROVIDING [for this Day to keep it set apart, this is how we] REQUITE [repaying Him the only way we can, through our] SACRIFICE [to both honor and] SERVE [Yahweh] ...SPENDING [and defending this Day] THOROUGHLY [as both a] WARRIOR [and] WORKMAN [as we humbly] YIELD [to Yahweh's sanctified Day of rest]." Another enlightening footnote drawing the comparison between the 4th Commandment, found in both Exodus and Deuteronomy, is located in the HRB at Deut. 5:15, ["In Exodus, the Sabbath commandment reverts back to creation, whereas here it is to remember their slavery. This shows us the two-fold commission of the Sabbath day to revere Yahweh as creator and look forward to His soon coming Kingdom when it will be as it was in the Garden of Eden. Secondly, it also reminds us every 7th day of the bondage that our sins brought us into and we give reverence to Yahshua Messiah (Mk 2:28) from saving us from that spiritual bondage by paying the penalty of our sins. Keeping these two most important aspects in remembrance is vital for true covenant believers and clearly shows the Sabbath is important to keep and is still a commandment today."] In the pictorial Hebrew 'asah' looks like this, [eso]. From right to left, the 'ayin' picturing an eye, [o], is recorded in Strong's as Hebrew word # 5869. By reading this definition we see that other than the literal meaning of ''an eye'', 'ayin' in the figurative sense has to do with, ''by analogy, a fountain:- affliction...[being] humble [d] , knowledge, sight.'' The letter 'shin' [s] once again, as two front teeth press together, has to do with ''returning, or bringing together,'' or Jan—Mar.. 2023
''consuming.'' Lastly, the letter 'hey' [e] represents, ''behold, something revealed, revelation.'' So what is being revealed here? Reading this one way we could interpret that when we 'asah' His Sabbath, we are REVEALING our RETURN to bring ourselves back to Him to obtain the KNOWLEDGE He imparts to us through His Spirit on this Day. We can also understand that in keeping this day correctly, we are delivered from our former AFFLICTION of being in bondage to the chaos and confusion of this world, only when we RETURN to the REVELATION of His magnificent plan that has been revealed to us. Said yet in one more way, we REVEAL that on His Sabbath, in RETURNING to His Covenant Sign, we can drink from His Eternal FOUNTAIN of Living Waters. ''Yahshua stood and cried, if any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.'' -John 7:37. Having His Spirit, we are they who believe on Him as the Scriptures have declared, ''out of His belly shall flow rivers of living water.'' -John 7:38. We can now CONSUME from this ''FOUNTAIN of Living Water'' Jer. 17:13, this, ''well of water springing up into everlasting life" -John 4:14-15, be refreshed and rejuvenated each and every Sabbath, and never be thirsty again. An example of both of the words (SHAMAR/ASAH) in action, is found in Exo. 31:13-16, ''Verily My Sabbaths ye shall 'SHAMAR' for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that ye may know that I am Yahweh that doth sanctify you. Ye shall ' SHAMAR ' the Sabbath therefore, for it is Qodesh for you; the profaners of it shall surely be executed; for everyone doing work (melaka) in it shall be cut off from the midst of his people. Six days may work (melaka) be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest Qodesh to Yahweh...Wherefore the children of Israel shall ' SHAMAR ' the Sabbath, to 'ASAH' the Sabbath, throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant.'' The HRB footnotes here expound, ["Exo. 31:12-19 clearly shows the eternal Sabbath covenant that Yahweh has made to His children for eternity, which shows who He is as Creator Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
and His blessing of rest to those that enter His family covenant. The word for doing means to expand and work is 'melaka' which is a form of the Hebrew word for Kingdom, so we are not to expand our own kingdom.''] From this we can ascertain that by working or pursuing our own pleasures on Yahweh's Sabbath, we are in rebellion, rejecting His Way and instead mimicking Satan. We are to be building up and advancing Yahweh's Kingdom not Satan's. Miqra Qodesh If you are one who has, ''joined yourselves to Yahweh, to serve Him, to love His Name, to be His servants, and are keeping the Sabbath from polluting (and have taken) hold of His Covenant.'' -Isa. 56:6, then by His Covenant Torah, we have been commanded to assemble for a ''holy convocation'', each and every seventh day and on each of His seven annual sabbaths. "Yahweh spake unto Moses saying...Concerning the feasts (H4150 moedim) of Yahweh, which ye shall proclaim to be holy (H6944 qodesh) convocations (H4744 miqra), even these are My Feasts (H4150 moedim). Six days shall work (melaka) be done: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of rest, an holy (H6944 qodesh) convocation (H4744 miqra), ye shall do no work (melaka) therein: it is the Sabbath of Yahweh in all your dwellings. These are the Feasts (H4150 moedim) of Yahweh, holy (H6944 qodesh) convocations (H4744 miqra), which ye shall proclaim in their seasons (H4150 moedim).'' -Lev. 23:2-4. By reading the rest of this chapter, one will find the command to also have a 'Miqra Qodesh' on each of His seven annual Holy Days, (Lev. 23: 7, 8, 21, 24, 27, 35, 36). As stated, this phrase, 'holy convocation', in Hebrew, is ''qodesh miqra'' and legislates a sacred, set apart, separate from the world, assembling of like-minded believers together. This is a wonderful day that we can come before our Creator, as His creation, and show Him the honor He has commanded and deserves through our obedient love. In Volume 1 we reciprocated that when we gather at these commanded 'Miqra Qodesh', on Yahweh's Sab25
baths, (both annual 'moedim' and 7th Day), we are in fact rehearsing for our upcoming Wedding with Yahshua! These Seven Annual Sabbaths are known as 'moedim' in the Hebrew and we see above that this word has been translated both as ''Feasts'' and ''seasons'' in Lev. 23:2; 4. We come across this word first in Gen. 1:14, "Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons (H4150 moedim), and for days and years.'' The days of the week are known by His sun giving us His 7th Day Sabbath (His Sign), while the ''seasons'' are governed by His moon. Because the moon was created on the 4th day, our lunar cycle cannot possibly be used to determine His 7th Day Sabbath. 'Moedim' is the plural form of the singular 'mo'ed' which Strong's lists as Hebrew #4150 with the definition, [''from 'ya'ad' (3259); properly an APPOINTMENT, i.e. a fixed time or season, specifically a festival...also a signal (as appointed beforehand), appointed (sign, time, place of, solemn) assembly, congregation... '']. The definition of the root word #3259 'ya'ad' is, ['' fix upon (by agreement or appointment); by implication, to meet (at a stated time) ENGAGE (FOR MARRIAGE) ...assemble, BETROTH...''(emphasis mine)]. The word ''Holy'' has been translated from Hebrew #6944 'qodesh'. Strong's definition for this word is, [''from 'qadash' (6942), a sacred place or thing... sanctity:- consecrated, dedicated, hallowed, (X most) holy (thing)..."] Man cannot consecrate any other ''days, months, times and years.'' Only what Yahweh says is set-apart (Holy) is that which is sanctified and nothing else! Furthermore, Strong's defines the Hebrew word #4744, miqra, as [ ''from qara (7121); something called out...a REHEARSAL: assembly, calling, convocation...''] Hopefully by now you've been able to stitch this all together! We as the remnant bride have had these FIXED APPOINTMENTS SET from creation to be REHEARSALS for OUR WEDDING ENGAGEMENT with the Lamb of Yahweh, Yahshua haMashiach. We have been called out of this world to be betrothed to Jan—Mar.. 2023
Yahshua and we should earnestly be waiting with anticipation at each and every 'Miqra Qodesh', ready to meet with Him! Each one of these appointed days gives us the set apart time away from the world we need, to truly be able to focus on and get to know who Yahshua, our Husband/Kinsman Redeemer truly is. As we practice obediently rehearsing these days each year, Yahweh's magnificent grand plan of salvation is revealed. HalleluYah! Unless you're fortunate enough to be living near an Assembly, today believers are finding themselves separated from the flock, being spread very thin, far and wide. Being hundreds of miles away from the nearest ''Miqra Qodesh'', they do not have this opportunity to gather with others. However, most have taken advantage of the internet and are at least able to live stream Sacred Name Sabbath services. This fulfills this command, but where the opportunity presents itself, we should strive to be in attendance, getting to know our Spiritual family in person, while also being nourished from Yahweh's Word through His appointed messengers. As effective witnesses we are present as commanded, advancing Yahweh's kingdom, not our own. The first and greatest commandment is to ''love Yahweh thy Elohim with all thy heart, and soul and mind.. and the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,'' -Mat. 22:3740. When we honor Yahweh's command to keep a 'Miqra Qodesh' on His Sabbaths we are fulfilling both of these. ''That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.'' -Rom.8:4. In our humble attendance we put Yahweh first while at the same time we are there for our brothers and sisters. Only through up close and personal relationships are we able to build up and encourage the body. We can do this through the sharing of our own testimonies or just by bending our ear to listen to others. Who are you putting first on Yahweh's Sabbath? If Yahweh has been so gracious to provide you with the opportunity to attend a 'miqra qodesh' and instead you choose to isolate yourself, who's kingdom are you actually promoting? Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
Which spirit is your impetus? The Ruach haQodesh, which is the Spirit of Truth and Righteousness, or an unclean rebellious spirit of the world which influences you to compromise this command by your disobedience? Most affected by this demographically are those who find themselves in the prison system. Without a volunteer available to come in, most inmates are prohibited to gather per this command. As we have requested many times before, Pray that Yahweh sends forth laborers into His Harvest. In contrast, there are 100's of Constantine's Christian volunteers, beating down the doors of the prison, ''desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm,'' -1 Tim. 1:7. Themselves, having only ever consumed spoiled and rotten milk, have never been able to, ''exercise their senses to discern good from evil,'' Heb. 5:14, nor do they ''know the spirit of truth from the spirit of error,'' - 1 John 4:6. But yet here they are, with the other Christian chaplains, occupying 95% of the chapel space and time. Said best by a wise man, these [''Institutions of religions are created by blind guides thinking themselves somewhat in conference and skillful in making proselytes. But being unskillful in the Word of Righteousness, they corrupt, deceitfully handle, and make private interpretations of the Word of Yahweh and deceive the hearts of the simple.'' (May 5, 2021, Minute Meditations,]. These are equivalent to whom Yahshua spoke of who are nothing but, ''hypocrites, compassing land and sea just to make one proselyte, and when he is made he is two fold more the child of Gehenna than themselves.'' -Mat. 23:15. Fine Tuning Bringing all of our words: 'zakar' 'shamar' - 'asah', sharply into focus, while further integrating our proper conduct at our 'Miqra Qodesh' and throughout the entirety of our 24 hour Sabbath observance, is the reflection of this command found in Isa. 58:1314. ''IF thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my Holy Day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the Holy of Yahweh, hon26
ourable; and shalt honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: (v.14) THEN you shall delight thyself in Yahweh; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of Yahweh hath spoken it.'' This is a big IF! Conditionally, only IF and when this prescription is followed can we perfect our observance of His Day. Only THEN can the blessings this verse promises be fulfilled in our lives. Refining our Sabbath keeping ensures that we are being Scripturally obedient as loving children. One can be certain they have industriously optimized this 24 hour period by making this enriching adjustment. Here in Isaiah 58:13, we have REPEATEDLY been given the INSISTENT plain and simple avouchment to NOT BE DOING, OR FINDING, (PERSUING) OUR OWN PLEASURES, nor are we to be DOING OUR OWN WAYS. This word 'pleasure' has been translated from Strong's Hebrew word #2656, 'chephets'. The definition provided shows this has to do with willingly, pursuing our own matters and desires, or doing our own purpose. Certainly, we have already shown by example how this is applicable when we attempt to advance our own kingdom over Yahweh's, on His Day. In the modern day, specifically western world, the 7th day is seasonally devoted to watching college football and/or attending other sporting events for children, etc. Where I am from, if you told someone they needed to be keeping the Sabbath, they'd say, ''are you crazy, the Buckeyes are playing on Saturday.'' For the livelier, younger generation, (myself once included), the last thing on your systematically programmed mind is opening up your Bible when the Sabbath begins Friday at sunset. Instead when this Qodesh time is commencing, the spirit of this world awakens those within its grasp, provoking one to kick off the weekend by letting loose. Then by the time the sun rises on Satur-day, you're either still awake continuing the party, or you're sleeping off the previous nights hangover. What do you put before Yahweh Jan—Mar.. 2023
and His Sabbath Days He has told us to set apart? The Buckeyes or any college/professional sports team are not going to Seal you for protection with the only Sign that shows you are set apart, or provide you with any kind of SALVATION whatsoever! If you've already taken the brave step away from these bread and circus distractions and understand that Yahweh's Sabbath's, (both Seventh Day and Seven Annual) are His Sign (Exo. 31:13,17; Eze. 20:12, 20) and were never done away as the false church teaches, then you've at least started your journey and are now on your way down His strait and Narrow path. To those who find themselves in this category, there are still false teachings misleading one from enhancing this special set apart time. At one prison I've been to there is a Messianic Rabbi who tells his audience (some with itching ears), that in keeping the Sabbath, they are still free to play softball, and other sports on this Day. He even tells them that when they get out it's permissible to weed their gardens, wash their car, and even work at a side job as long as this job is not their main source of income! This is heretical apostasy! This is certainly called ''doing your own ways'' and ''finding your own pleasures,'' (will, desires, purposes) by advancing your own kingdom! He has given us ''six days to labor and do all thy work''- Exo. 20:9, 31:15; Deut. 5:13; which includes all of these other activities and pleasures. How are you resting and or focused on Yahweh when you're still engaged in the everyday mundane activities of the world? Some of these same people who say they know the importance of this day, claiming they honor the Sabbath, still cannot turn off their secular music or (babysitter) television, and take the time to truly seek Yahweh with all their heart mind and soul. As we covered earlier, some of our definitions of 'shamar' and 'asah' were to be a WARRIOR and WATCHMAN over this Day. What are you watching on Yahweh's sanctified day? Whether you're watching sports, etc., on TV or in person, you certainly are NOT watching Yahweh or guarding His Day. Instead, you're devoting your time and attention to Satan's kingdom Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
through his programming portal of misled people breaking the Sabbath. Several men have asked me over the years, ''I know I shouldn't be playing softball/basketball on the Sabbath, but is it okay to go and support/watch my team? My answer has not changed. "Why would you want to go and support other people break the Sabbath by WATCHING them?" We are to ''abstain from the appearance of evil.'' -1 Thes. 5:22, not relish others in their disobedience. ''Let not thy heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear (reverence) of Yahweh all the day long.'' -Pro. 23:17. Unless you're streaming a Sabbath service online or watching one on a DVD, your PC's and TV, should be off and resting too. In one sentence, proper Sabbath keeping can be described, ''If your focus is on anything of this world, then you're not WAITING as a WATCHMAN for Yahweh.'' It is recorded in Proverbs 20:8, "A king who sits on the throne of judgement does not look upon any evil with his eyes.'' The HRB footnote follows, ["If this was said of an ancient king, how much more for the covenant believer in Yahshua, including TV and internet."] There is nothing on television that will not still be there later waiting for you after the Sabbath! With the level of demonic content even on this dimensional portal nowadays, how many malignant spirits are both speaking to you through this idiot box, while also tempting the lust of the flesh through provocative and seducing imagery, produced to do just that? Why not completely turn off the world and instead tune into Yahweh up on His mountain. When we effectively do so we can destroy the chaos of this present age of darkness. Only then do we enter His true rest. ''Make your calling and election sure ...Escape the corruption that is in the world through lust.''- 2 Pet. , 1:10; 1:4. One of the hardest things I've found for both newcomers and even those who say they've been keeping the Sabbath (for years before me), is engaging in IDLE CONVERSATIONS. While seemingly innocent on the surface, small talk about what's happened throughout the week, what's going on at your job, what the 27
score of the game is, what's on TV later etc., should be eschewed. In accordance with our injunction, this is called SPEAKING OUR OWN WORDS, and as already demonstrated, works to aid in advancing our own kingdom. As Ya'aqov, (James) devoted almost an entire chapter to this subject, indeed the most difficult member of our body to control is the tongue. "Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of good CONVERSATION his works (obedience) with meekness of wisdom.'' -Jam. 3:13. ''He that hath knowledge spareth his words...even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.'' -Prov.17:27-28. ''My son if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.'' -Pro. 1:10. An easy way to avoid these situations altogether is to follow our orders of who we keep company with in the first place, (Psa. 1:1, 1 Cor. 5:9-11, 2 Cor. 6:14-17, Jam. 4:4). ''Be not deceived, evil communications (companion ships) corrupt good manners.'' -1 Cor. 15:33. If we stay amongst fellow believers on the Sabbath, we should be able to both guard our speech, and those in our circle around us. Remember, we are to be sharpening the countenance of our brothers and sisters, (Pro. 27:17). It is both commendable and justified to remind them about this stricture, and it is commanded (1 Cor. 5:12). ''Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. For their heart studieth destruction. and their lips talk of mischief.'' -Prov. 24:1. If the telephone rings on the Sabbath, tell them you'll call them back later, or simply don't answer it in the first place. There are of course "ox in the ditch'' emergency situations, but for the most part, the person calling hasn't done so to talk about Yahweh. Here's a tip which works with a phone call or a real life conversation. Start talking about how much you love escaping the world on the Sabbath and how much Yahweh has blessed you in your sincere devotion to Honor Him through the keeping of His Commandments and this Day. They'll either intently listen and hopefully fellowship with you, or will nevJan—Mar.. 2023
er bother you again on the Sabbath! Give Yahweh the respect this Day deserves and have the integrity to tell others that you do not engage in idle conversations on the Sabbath. Most people will respect you more for telling them this. Should the occasion arise, this also gives you an opportunity to witness to them. How do you witness to others? By and through everything you do, they are always watching and listening to you. Consider also these admonishments given by the Apostles. ''Let no corrupt communications proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.'' Eph. 4:29. ''Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking or jesting, which are not convenient (proper): but rather giving of thanks.'' Eph. 5:4. ''Charging them before the Master that they strive not about words to no profit...But shun profane and vain babblings (fruitless discussions): for they will increase unto more wickedness.'' -2 Tim. 2:14, 16. ''For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lust of the flesh...'' -2 Pet. 2:18. Those who do so are called ''busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.'' -1 Tim. 5:13. ''Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.'' Gal. 5:16. ''But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation: Because it is written, BE YE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY.'' -1 Pet. 1:15-16. If we are to frame our words in this mannerism daily, how much more so should we be on guard over what comes out of our mouth on the Sabbath? ''In the multitude of words sin does not cease, but he that refraineth his lips is wise.'' -Prov. 10:19. The HRB has a most profound footnote here which reads, [''The wise are commanded to be quick to hear and slow to speak (Ja 1:19). Due to the evil nature of man, those who continually are talkers, usually will be saying negative things and gossiping.''] Now, how true and relevant does Yahshua's reminder become in light of this. ''But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy Yahshua’s Witness Magazine
words thou shalt be condemned.'' Mat. 12:36-37. ''Set a watch, O Yahweh, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.'' -Psa. 141:3. Traveling & Commerce By combining the phrase ''turn back your foot'' in Isa. 58:13 with the command in Exo. 16:29 ''abide ye every man in his place,'' the prohibition of traveling was imposed by the rabbis. Today we still read of this Talmudic restriction called a ''sabbaths day journey'' in Acts 1:12. This distance was demarcated as 2000 cubits which is about 7/8 of a mile. Within some translations, Isa. 58:13 will even read ''If you turn back your foot from travel on the Sabbath..." (Concordant Literal Version 2.1.). If we focally analyze this through the lens of biblical times, we can see that this restraint was somewhat justified. Whether you were on foot or using a donkey, mule, or camel, neither you nor the animal were ''resting.'' However today with the modern advancement of the automobile, traveling obviously takes the animals out of the picture. The question of where you're actually going is the deciding factor. If you're traveling to an Assembly for a Holy Convocation then as long as you've prepared ahead to not have to stop and buy gasoline, then this is obviously acceptable. Many Elders and other volunteers travel many miles on Shabbat so they can provide inmates the opportunity for a Holy Convocation. At one time Elder Jerry Healan was traveling hundreds of miles once a month in order to deliver sermons to inmates in three different Texas prisons. Where and what you're traveling for should be the precursory factor before heading out the door. Are you setting your foot to ''go your own way'' or Yah's Way? As mentioned above all commerce is prohibited on the Sabbaths. These instructions have been given to us by reading Nehemiah 10:31. ''And if the people of the land should bring goods or any food to sell on the Sabbath, we would not take from them on the Sabbath or on the Holy Days...'' By reading on into Neh 13:15-21, we see the example set forth of a True Sabbath 28
WATCHMAN, who both GOVERNED and PROTECTED this Day as any True WARRIOR of Yahweh should still be doing today. The HRB footnote here reads, [''Verses 15-21 These verses clearly show that no buying or selling or normal bartering should be taking place on the Sabbath day and Nehemiah was even threatening to physically harm them if they came with their wares on the Sabbath again. Today you have many preachers selling their wares and false doctrines on the Sabbath day and even selling DVD's, books and other material on the Sabbath day, which is a direct violation of the commandment.''] In Neh. 13:19 we see that when the gates became shaded as the sun was setting, they were commanded to be shut before the Sabbath began and not opened again until after the Sabbath ended. Along with reading Lev. 23:32; Gen 1:5, these verses clearly show us that the Sabbath begins and ends at sunset. Some have recently tried to get around this sanction by buying gift cards or vending machine cards ahead of time, and then just using them on the Sabbath. Sorry, but common sense should tell you this is still engaging in the act of commerce through the interchanging and trading of goods and services. Now It Is Up To You Who is the ''mouth of Yahweh'' who has spoken this command in Isa. 58:13-14? In Part 1 we unveiled that the very word 'Aleph' which is spelled, 'Aleph-Lamed-Peh', [pla], reveals that Yahshua is the ''mouth [p] of EL'' [la]. If you consider yourself a member of the True Body of Messiah, being a part of His Remnant Bride, then we see that Yahshua, our Husband and Kinsman Redeemer, both the 'Dabar' (Word) and 'Aleph' (Mouth) of Yahweh is specifically giving us the exact rubric here to properly perfect these set apart times. At His behest as the ''Aleph,'' these are His directives to keep His Covenant ''Taw.'' After all, Yahshua is the ''Aleph of the Taw,'' -Rev. 1:8. ''For not the hearers of the law are just before Elohim, but the Doers of the Law shall be Justified.'' -Rom. 2:13. This is how His Doers get things Done. Jan—Mar.. 2023
Are you a workman worthy of his wages? Are you the prescribed warrior, waiting, watching, guarding, and governing over these Days? Have you made the necessary sacrifice to prepare, procure, hedging these Days about with thorns, in order to preserve these special times so that you can properly observe, yield, commit to, and accomplish Yahweh's Sabbaths? Or have you been shown this Sacred knowledge and importance of the Sabbath, and have fallen back into the conformed majority of those who disgrace it through defiling acts? If you have succumbed to desecrating this day by doing odd jobs around the house, playing, watching sports (in person or on TV) etc., on Yahweh's Sabbaths (annual included), then you are by comparison the worthless servant who has buried his talent in the ground. Your Sabbath has now become like those that Yahweh hated in Isa. 1:13-14. Which kind of servant do you want to be called, ''the wicked, slothful, and unprofitable" or ''the Good and faithful?" (Mat. 25:14-30). "He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly...and shuts his eyes from looking at evil; He shall dwell on high: his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him: his waters shall be sure." Isa. 33:15-16. If we are to be conducting ourselves in this manner every day, how much more should we adhere to this pattern model on His Sabbath? ''That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust and be renewed in the
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Spirit of your mind and that ye put on the new man which after Elohim is created in righteousness and true holiness.'' -Eph. 4:22-24. ''From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth, from the laziness that is content with half-truths, from the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth, oh Elohim of truth deliver us.'' -Ancient Hebrew Prayer. On His day, our thoughts, words and actions are focused exclusively on Yahweh and Yahshua. This is an entire day where we can forget about the world and all its troubles and instead, spend it up on Yahweh's mountain at His feet, learning from and reading His Word, as His ruach ha'qodesh (holy spirit) leads us into all manner of truth and righteousness. An entire day spent in devoted fellowship, studying, absorbing and reflecting on His word without being distracted by the toils of this present dark world? No wonder Satan doesn't want you to keep it! Those who do keep this day correctly, in its entirety, (from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday), get a refreshing taste of what His secure, peaceful, kingdom life is like every Sabbath! This is what this day points to, as the ''SHADOW OF WHAT IS TO COME'' -Col. 2:17. Isn't it now obvious as to why Satan has developed his world, (John 12:31; 2 Cor. 4:4), and his kingdom, (Mat. 4:8-9), to have the most distractions during this 24-hour period? What day is payday, that for most has their money burning a hole in their pocket? What day are we taught by example in Neh. 10:31, is
NOT to be a day of commerce? The Sabbath, as the misled Luther wrote, is not something negative that we should look at as needing to be, ''free from'', on the contrary, we are free from Satan’s world and his clutches, when we keep it properly. Egypt typified sin and living in bondage. If you were forced to work a continuous seven-day week, monthly, then yearly, then maybe you could appreciate the Sabbath commandment and why it was given for our protection and preservation. You are enslaving yourself to Egypt along with the confusion, chaos, and bondage to sin all over again, by denying the keeping of the Sabbath and Yahweh’s moral laws. For forty years (forty being the number of probation) Yahweh reinstituted His divine sacred rhythm of rest by providing double portions of manna on the sixth day, so that the seventh day could be kept. That’s 52 Sabbaths a year for 40 years, totaling 2,080 Sabbaths! Would Yahweh do all this just to say, “Oh well, they’ll never learn so I’ll just sacrifice my perfect Son to die for their sins so they can be free and keep on sinning”? According to murmurings still existent, this proves to be the popular opinion of insurgency. Yahweh is still, proving them, whether they will walk in His law or not, Exodus 16:4. Freely request, The Sabbath Magazine, from for more history and details.
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In this ''labor of love" -Heb. 6:10, in which we spend and are spent, we do not profit from selling this work being done for Yahweh's Name, Reverence and Honor. This is a wedding gift to Yahshua, offered to the Bride and freely given to the poor, because we obedienty follow His commands. ''Buy the truth sell it not.'' -Prov.23:23; ''Freely ye have received, freely give.'' -Mat. 10:28. ''So that I may make the Good News of Messiah free!'' -1 Cor. 9:18-19. ''For we are not as the many peddling the word of Elohim, but according to the truth, as men of Yahweh we speak through Messiah in the sight of Elohim''-2 Cor. 2:17. To aid in the furthering of our efforts while ensuring that more of this work can be freely offered to the men and women in prisons, whom we are to ''remember as if being bound with them'' -Heb.13:3, please send donations to: The Root Bears You | P.O. Box 264 | Van Buren, OH 45889 Copyright © 2023 The Root Bears You
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Jan—Mar.. 2023