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The Root Bears You
Shalom! We are a NON 501(c)(3); non-profit charity, instituted and dedicated to the keeping and the teaching of the Truth! Our efforts are concentrated and devoted primarily towards ANYONE who has been recently awakened and is desiring the need for a spiritual change in both conduct and worship. We specifically wish to help those less fortunate, such as prisoners, orphans, widows, or anyone who has become fortunate enough to hear the calling and have their feet planted on the Strait and Narrow Way. THE SEAL - It is our humble heartfelt prayer that along this journey, we are able to succor your understanding of the True Names of both The Father YAHWEH, and His Messiah Son YAHSHUA our Saviour. The True Name of our Father Yahweh, is the oil (Heb. “shemen”) which provides the fuel for our lamps to be burning! THE SIGN - This OBSCURE and VERY NARROW WAY, which only a few will find (Mat 7:14), will ONLY come into view by having this “shemen” in our lamps, shining the direction upon this well-lit path, through the importance of keeping Yahweh's 7th Day Shabbat and His 7 Annual Shabbatown. With these ancient blueprints restored, may you build your foundation upon His SOLID ROCK and Chief Cornerstone, who Was from the beginning (1 John 1:1) The Word, YAHSHUA ha Mashiach.