A publication of Yahweh’s Evangelical Assembly A branch of the Messianic Assemblies of Yahweh 7th day, Nairobi, Kenya The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
Issue #1—June 2013
Compliments of Y. E. A. P. O. Box 31 Atlanta, Tx. 75551 Phone 903-796-7420 or 903-796-7511 Fax 903-796-76511 Email Or This booklet is offered free of charge in the interest of public education and is not to be sold. Inside this issue:
EDITOR: Jerry Healan
Creation Vs. Evolution Answering Evolution Consider the Egg
Page 4 Page 12 Page 15
The Laws of Thermodynamics Disprove Evolution Did Elohim Create Everything That Exists? Scientists Forced Into a U-Turn The Great Witness of DNA Consider the Giraffe The Battle For The Cell Consider the Camel Human Mutation Clock Confirms Creation Human Evolution Speeding Up Evolutionists Admit That Most Human Mutations Occurred In Last 5,000 Years
Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 26 Page 30 NOTE: We utilize the true Page 33 names of the Creator and Savior in all of our publicaPage 36 tions. The Creator’s name is from the Hebrew Page 39 Yahweh hwhy, and the Savior’s name Page 40 is Yahshua (English =
PROOFREADERS: Frances Healan, Jerry Healan,
Page 41
Joshua) from the Hebrew [vwhy. For information concerning this, please call, write, or email us. The information is provided above.
For comments or inquiries please write to YEA, P. O. Box 31, Atlanta, TX 75551. In Kenya contact Messianic Assemblies of Yahweh 7th day, P. O. Box 79007 Nairobi, Kenya Visit or Internet site at: Or The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
Issue #1—June 2013
CREATION OR EVOLUTION? Science is researching and finding out some of the most marvelous things about the world and universe that we live in. The creation is declaring the glory, the honor, the magnificence, the power, the masterful intellect of our great Creator, yet, far too many simply fail to listen, to look, to learn, to wonder at our most amazing world. One of our last articles in this issue is entitled “The Battle For The Cell.” It reveals the marvelous intricacies of the cellular world, and the daily battle that goes on continually, twenty four hours a day, three hundred sixty five days a year in each and every person alive in this world. As this author has thought on this battle, he has been led to understand more about the battle for the mind. Of course, if you have given your mind over to the evolutionist world, then your battle is all but over. The evolutionists look at the most amazing and remarkable things, and proclaim that it all evolved. The evolutionists mock, make fun of, deride, and reject any who would wake up to the fact that the creation is just that, the creation, created by an all-wise Creator. They can look at the intricacies of the cell, and proclaim that it evolved through billions of years from one single cell, to the trillions, upon trillions, upon trillions of the most marvelous cells that are in today’s world. Arranged into plants, trees, fishes, birds, wings, animals, men, women, and children….. To them, all cells, everything came from a primordial spark, a big bang, that came from nothing to fill the heavens and the earth as we find them today. This is absolutely preposterous! In reality, it is blasphemous! When will the believers wake up and demand that the evolutionists explain to us how the first intricate cell came about and then evolved into the countless number of cells that are in existence today? When will we learn to challenge them to explain to us how it all came together and learned to work in the most intricate and awesome manners? I am sure that if the evolutionists learn about our endeavor, they will relentlessly attack us, belittling us, mocking us, etc. Maybe their great minds can wrap around this evolutionary concept, but my little mind simply can’t conceive of a great devastating explosion that produced a purposeless creation. If there is no purpose, then why is it here? If we have no purpose, then why do we live our lives with purpose? Why struggle to get to the top? Why do we care for children, families, genealogies, etc.? Why do we seek to acquire a home, property, business, bank accounts? The questions are endless! If you have been convinced that evolution is real, then you have been robbed! You have been deceived by the greatest deceiver in existence. You are seeking nothing more than vanity, uselessness, hopelessness, purposelessness. We will question evolution! We have a great Creator and it is our purpose to reveal Him to you and ourselves as much as we possibly can; as much as He will allow. The science of cymatics (sound) will confirm that we are nothing more than sound waves. Scripture says that our great Creator spoke everything into existence. The Scriptures confirm that the Savior is the Word that created all things (Psa. 33; Jn. 1). Furthermore, the book of Hebrews declares that He upholds all things by the power of His word (Heb. 1). Finally Colossians 1:17 says that by Him all things “consist.” The word “consist” means “held together.” So we are spoken into existence by the power of His Word; upheld by the power of His word, and held together by the power of His word. Therefore, we must declare Him and His greatness, and we must withstand the blasphemous teachings, concepts, and ideas of evolution. The British call it “eviloution.” That is exactly what it is, EVIL! This magazine will not be published on a regular basis. This is Issue #1, and we don’t know when, Issue #2 will be published.. But there are many more things to look into in order to learn of as many of Yahweh’s marvels as we possibly can. There are many more questions to ask, research to be done. Please pray for us and our success. We appeal to Yahweh that He will give us the energy, the intelligence, and the ability to continue this project. We know that Yahshua said that the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. This is so true. Pray with us that Yahweh will provide more laborers for the harvest. JH
The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
Issue #1—June 2013
By Jerry Healan I was a member of a “Creation forum” to which I had to pay a great deal of attention at one time. My attention was drawn to the forum when one of the members posted a remark that evolutionists are intolerant. It seems that Patrick Henry College, a Christian college that was established to serve home school graduates, has been denied accreditation by the national group of colleges because of their stand on creationism. At issue is the school's Statement of Biblical Worldview, in which professors agree that all courses will be taught with the understanding that [Elohim] created the world in six 24-hour days. In a letter, academy President Jeffrey D. Wallin told Patrick Henry that the statement conflicts with the requirement that "liberty of thought and freedom of speech are supported and protected, bound only by such rules of civility and order as to facilitate intellectual inquiry and the search for truth."
freedom, its a matter of teaching the facts. Religious creation myths belong in the classroom of Comparative Religions 101 and not in the science department. There is a vast distance between the academic and the religious. Schools and universities are not churches.”
Now isn’t it amazing that if one focuses on creationism and/or teaches it in their schools, it is regarded as being against liberty of thought and freedom of speech, intellectual inquiry and even the truth! Of course, if schools ban creationism (which the great overall preponderance do) it isn’t considered to be against liberty of thought, freedom of speech, intellectual inquiry and truth.
information couched in the language of science, creationism is a religious belief system based on bronze age myths. There is no "data" to give science students about non-existent global floods or talking snakes in fruit trees in a legitimate educational institution other than to say "the bible says so.”
ENTER AN EVOLUTIONIST One man posted this comment: “It is not a matter of academic The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
Again, he posted, “Intelligent design" (if that means "evolution is correct but God did it"), is not provable. The elements of biological evolution ARE provable. There is no such thing as "data" or "basic understanding" of "creation" and "creation" is NOT a scientific theory. It has nothing to do with the interests of science since it is NOT science. Despite the futile attempts of the ICR to present
….creationism is a religious belief system based on bronze age myths.
“I am no more opposed to anyone who wants to believe the Genesis account as "fact" any more than I am opposed to those who want to believe the moon is made out of green cheese, the earth is flat, Elvis is alive and kidnapped by 4
UFOs or that the earth is the center of the universe. I am only opposed to attempts to invade the classrooms with these beliefs. America is shamefully and humiliatingly behind Japan and European countries in education as it is, particularly in science and mathematics. Most college students cannot tell you where Lithuania is and think Plato is Mickey Mouse's dog. The tragic state of American primary and secondary education is a direct result of the influence on school boards by the religious right as well as the lack of interest and funding of education by the political right.” “At the end of the day, however, "creationism" is a religious principle that has no role in publicly funded education and will never get past the Supreme Court unless the political right is successful in its long battle to deconstruct the Constitution or at least unravel the 1st amendment.” Well, these statements, and many, many more caused me to get involved with this man who, I must admit, is much more highly educated than I am. However, as we know, if Yahweh is with us, who can be against us? Even though this man is of much higher intelligence than I am, there is no comparison between the intelligence that Yahweh possesses and what this man possesses. Therefore, how can I fear him? What if he makes me look like a fool? Isn’t it better to be a fool for Yahweh and His purposes than to take up the tomfoolery of the world’s wisIssue #1—June 2013
dom? He decries the fact that America is shamefully and humiliatingly behind Japan and the European nations in education, but when we had the supremacy over them, we did believe in a Creator, and prayer and Scriptural beliefs, including creationism, were allowed in the schools. Could it be that the reason that we are lagging behind is because we have thrown our Creator and the power of His marvelous works out the window? And a man like this works fervently to keep it that way. THEORY Here is what this man posted concerning the word “theory”: “Let me explain that the scientific definition of a THEORY is not the same as the colloquial use of the word that most people think is "guesswork." A THEORY in science is an explanation that fits ALL of the known proven, verified, tested and testable FACTS of an issue. ALL of the elements of the Theory of Evolution are FACTS that have been proven just as ALL of the elements of the Theory of Relativity are proven FACTS...just ask anyone who was in Hiroshima 56 years ago.” The word “theory” means contemplation or a speculative idea or plan as to how something might be done. When one looks up the word “speculative” he finds out that it means “uncertain, risky.” This would be the colloquial use of the word to the general population. However, as JK (we’ll call him this for identification purposes only. We will leave his true name out of the picture.) says, the word “theory” implies considerable evidence in support of a formulated The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
general principle explaining the operation of certain phenomena. This would be the meaning of the word “theory” as applied to science.” Now, I must admit that I don’t get into the in-depth scientific research and books as this man does. While I do love (true) science and much of its data, I simply don’t read the supposed intricate detailed works of the world’s science books. I’m probably more like everyone else, I read a lot of my science out of Time Magazine or some other journalistic publication. But the articles are still quite revealing in their nature concerning the words of the scientists and the attempts of the scientific and journalistic world to pawn off their “theory” to the general population. AN EVOLUTIONARY ARTICLE For instance, Time Magazine ran
The word “theory” means contemplation or a speculative idea or plan as to how something an article in the July 23, 2001 edition entitled “One Giant Step for Mankind” and the caption under the title read “Meet your newfound ancestor, a chimplike forest creature that stood up and walked 5.8 million years ago.” When I saw the magazine on display, I knew that I had to have it because the magazine cover depicted the face of an ape (named Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba) with huge captioned letters “HOW APES BECAME HUMAN.” When one reads the article, he 5
learns that it is presented as factual. Science has definitely found a missing link to the evolutionary staircase. There is no other conclusion. Science has the facts and the facts support the “Theory of Evolution.” But reading the article closely, one finds the first statement of the second paragraph, “And it was here too that nature indulged in what was perhaps her greatest evolutionary experiment.” PERHAPS?!!! NATURE DID IT? EXPERIMENT?!!! Here are the last two sentences of that same paragraph, “But while it wouldn’t happen until millions of years in the future, this new primate’s evolutionary descendants would eventually develop a large, complex brain. And from that would spring all of civilization, from Mesopotamia to Mozart to Who Wants to be a Millionaire.” What a great leap! No wonder the caption under the title spoke of “One Giant Step for Mankind!” In one paragraph composed of five sentences the author goes from “perhaps” to a definite, emphatic statement. Isn’t this what our scientists do? After reading the article several times with a highlighter and a pen for underlining purposes, I discovered the truth concerning the emphasis that scientists put on their scientific “facts” and their use of the word “theory.” The word “probably” was utilized five times, “almost certainly” once, “what appears to be” once, “may well have been” once, “somehow” once, “suspects” once, “mystery” once, “presumably” once, and “maybe” twice. Doesn’t this show that the scientific use of the word “Theory” is really and truly the same as the colloquial use, but they are just too Issue #1—June 2013
blind and arrogant to admit it? OTHER PROBLEMS The article says, “Haile-Selassie and his colleagues haven’t collected enough bones yet to reconstruct with great precision what kadabba looked like.” Yet, the artistic depictions of this supposed ape-like, hominid creature make it look like a very stately, tall creature that has the characteristics of both ape and human. While stating that the creature was more chimplike in stature and size, they state, “But unlike the chimp or any of the other modern apes that amble along on four limbs, kadabba almost certainly walked upright much of the time.” Then in the next paragraph they say, “Exactly how this hominid walked is still something of a mystery, though with a different skeletal structure, its gait would have been unlike ours.” Does “almost certainly” convey fact or does it only speculate? If how they walked is still “something of a mystery” does that convey fact or does it only speculate? Interestingly, this statement is made, “But armed with knowledge about our ancestor’s physical attributes and the environment that surrounded them, scientists have come up with several theories.” SEVERAL THEORIES?!!! My, my, my it sounds as if there PROBABLY are about as many theories about this creature as there are scientists. It sounds like several scientists have taken the same basic “FACTS” and have interpreted them differently. DISAGREEMENT CAMP
One Paleontologist presented this scenario, “If you’re moving The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
into more open country with grasslands and bushes and things like this, and eating a lot of fruits and berries coming off low bushes, there is a hell of an advantage to be able to reach higher. That’s why the gerenuk [a type of antelope] evolved its long neck and stands on its hind legs, and why the giraffe evolved its long neck. There’s strong pressure to be able to reach a wider range of levels.” A giraffe needs a long neck to eat off of low bushes? A gerenuk needs a long neck and to be able to stand on two legs to eat off of low bushes? Just how low were those bushes? And why didn’t man evolve to be much taller and stronger with a longer neck and arms and legs so he could compete with creatures like the giraffe and the gerenuk? Besides, why didn’t the giraffe or the gerenuk just evolve into apes and monkeys and then they could climb up to the higher places if
Does “almost certainly” convey fact or does it only specuthey needed to stretch for their food? The statement made by this certain paleontologist wasn’t the brightest of statements, but then she is the scientist and scientists can get away with silliness because, after all, they are the higher educated. They are the ones who are able to take all of the facts and make brilliant conjectures, speculations and theories based on those facts, and no matter if they all disagree with each other and they all have their own idea or theory, different from the other scientists, but based on the same facts; it just isn’t kosher to allow someone 6
who hasn’t been taught at the feet of the world’s college and university professors to have any say in the matter. Especially if we lesser species of the human race believe in something as mythical as the Holy Scriptures. Other scientists disagree with the deductions of Mr. Selassie concerning his supposed important find. It is stated, “But not everyone buys the story. Indeed, the French and Kenyan team that presented a 6 million-yearold fossil last December insists that theirs, known as Orrorin tugenesis (or, more familiarly, Millennium Man because it was announced in 2000), is the true human ancestor and that Ardipithecus is nothing more than a monkey’s uncle—or a chimp’s great-great-grandfather, anyway. They even dismiss Lucy and her close kin, about as firmly entrenched in the human lineage as you can get, as evolutionary dead ends that left no living descendants.” Of course, once again, only scientists are allowed to disagree and denounce the veracity of the findings and even reveal the real truth of the matter. It is taboo to allow a non-scientist to look at the various statements concerning the evolutionist’s pet ideas and speak ill of it. What the scientists are struggling for, but, of course, don’t want this truth to come out, is they are competing for the distinctive honor of making some great discovery in order to be awarded a Nobel Prize. Therefore, there will be, and has been, a lot of in-fighting as has been revealed here. But this infighting between them will help to reveal the real truth. There will be charge and counter charge, each desiring to exalt his own personal find and idea over Issue #1—June 2013
the other and if the public will just learn to read between the lines and pay heed to the statements made, they will learn the truth of the matter. NATURAL SELECTION Evolution teaches that everything evolved through “natural selection.” but let’s look at some statements made about this subject creature, “And while the ability to walk on two legs probably started out as an increasingly frequent behavior, evolution demands an explanation for why it persisted. On first blush, bipedalism just doesn’t make much sense. For our earliest ancestors, it would have been slower than walking on all fours, while requiring the same amount of energy. Says Lovejoy bluntly: ‘It’s unnatural. It’s bizarre.’” UNNATURAL?!!! BIZARRE?!!! But I thought that evolution comes about through NATURAL SELECTION, not something that is UNNATURAL and BIZARRE! Isn’t it interesting that the scientists can step out of their own realm of natural selection and declare something to be unnatural once in awhile, and still teach the idea of NATURAL SELECTION?! The article goes on to say, “Yet the advantages of walking upright were somehow so great that the behavior endured through thousands of generations. Indeed, the anatomy of our ancestors underwent all sorts of basic changes to accommodate this new way of moving. Many of the changes help the body stay balanced by stabilizing the weightbearing leg and keeping the upper torso centered over the feet. Lovejoy, who studies the anatomy and biomechanics of locomotion, thinks the changes may have improved coordination as The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
well. ‘To walk upright in a habitual way, you have to do so in synchrony,’ he says, ‘If the ligaments and muscles are out of synch, that leads to injuries. And then you’d be cheetah meat.’” Isn’t it amazing! There had to be changes in the skeletal structure, especially the spine, pelvis, leg bones, foot bones, etc. On top of all that there had to be muscular changes and the balance of the body had to be changed. Then, to finish it all off, it all had to be properly synchronized. It really does sound UNNATURAL and BIZARRE doesn’t it? Now the question is, Without the knowledge to make and utilize complex tools, without the ability to even begin to gather, recognize and utilize the knowledge that man has available today, how did some unintelligent creature, some animal, decide to redesign itself in order to fulfill different needs? And these creatures had to be able do this without even
There are all sorts of hypotheses,’ she says, ‘and they are all fairy tales really because you can’t prove anything. knowing what they were doing to begin with. With all of the knowledge and ability that man has today, why can’t we just decide to redesign ourselves to fit the needs that we face on a daily basis? After all, some of the modern day evolutionist are beginning to speculate that many of the supposed changes that took place in the distant past did so much more quickly than the much slower rate of change over millions of years taught in earlier years. 7
Remember that this statement was made, “...evolution demands an explanation for why it persisted. So why don’t evolutionists demand the explanation? Why don’t evolutionists demand an explanation for something UNNATURAL to have taken place through a process they call NATURAL SELECTION? AN IMPORTANT SION
One of the most important paragraphs of the whole article states, “...if you’re going to bring home the bacon, or the Miocene equivalent, it helps to have your hands free to carry it. Over time, female apes would choose to mate only with those males who brought them food— presumably the ones who were best adapted for upright walking. Is that the way it actually happened? Maybe, but we may never know for sure. Leakey, for one, is unconvinced. ‘There are all sorts of hypotheses,’ she says, ‘and they are all fairy tales really because you can’t prove anything.’” Now here is an honest statement, the proof of the pudding, and the real truth of the matter. As we have seen, there are many so-called theories, which are deducted by different scientists who have their so-called facts before them. We have already seen that in reality, their Theories of Evolution really fit the colloquial use of the term “Theory” rather than the declared scientific version. To review, the colloquial version of “Theory” means to contemplate, speculate, uncertain, risky, etc. The scientific version of “Theory” means a formulation of apparent relationships or underlying principles of certain observed phenomena which has been verified to some degree. Issue #1—June 2013
In reality, their “theories” are “hypotheses” as Leakey stated, which imply an inadequacy of evidence in support of an explanation that is tentatively inferred, often as a basis for further experimentation. Isn’t it amazing that these scientists accuse creationists of believing in some Bronze Age myths, and yet, they will admit that they can’t prove anything, so what they are believing in is nothing more than FAIRY TALES?!! MORE ADMISSIONS The Time article quotes, “In the case of Ardipithecus, days Donald Johanson, professor of anthropology and director of the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University (and the man who discovered Lucy back in 1974), ‘when you put 5.5 million-year-old fossils together with 4.4 million-year-old ones as members of the same species, you’re not taking into consideration that these could be twigs on a tree. Everything’s been forced into a straight line.? (pp. 60-61) Once again, a very revealing statement! The truth of the matter is that scientists are FORCING this blasphemous evolutionary on themselves and the unsuspecting, uneducated public when they themselves don’t even know how it fits into the scheme of things. As JK said, they have all the FACTS, but then he says that they don’t have ALL THE FACTS. I understand what he means by making this paradoxical statement. He means that, while they don’t have all the facts, all the facts that they do have points to evolution. However, his own colleagues admit that there are all sorts of hypotheses, which are really fairy The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
tales, because they can’t prove anything. Then another colleague admits that they are taking the facts and FORCING them into whatever suits their fancy without taking other realities into consideration. Such is the science (falsely so-called) of evolution. The article continues, “Beyond that, he’s dubious about categorizing the 5.2 million-year-old toe bone with the rest of the fossils: not only is it separated in time by several hundred thousand years, but it was also found some 10 miles away from the rest. If Orrorin turns out to be a hominid, the same skepticism will apply to any claims about its pivotal position on the family tree. According to University of Tokyo paleontologist Gen Suwa, a co-discoverer of the 4.4 millionyear-old Ardipithecus ramidus ramidus, Orrorin could well be ancestral to the new Ardipithecus remains, rather than the
By their own admissions, they have found no proof and all they can do is speculate, theorize (the colloquial use) other way around. ‘There is nothing in the fossils, he says, ‘that would preclude such a position. But which side of the chimphomonid split Orrorin occupies can be determined only by further analyses and new finds.’ Indeed, suggests Haile-Selassie, while Orrorin may be one of the earliest chimps or an ape that became extinct, it could also turn out to be the last common ancestor of humans and chimps—a creature paleontologists have been dreaming of finding for dec8
ades. (p. 61) Notice that! They are dreaming finding the last common ancestor of humans and chimps. They have been dreaming of this for decades and still haven’t found it. As a matter of fact, science has been dreaming up this theory of evolution for decades and that’s exactly what it is, A DREAM! By their own admissions, they have found no proof and all they can do is speculate, theorize (the colloquial use) and dream. Continuing with the article, “One of the most intriguing questions the new discoveries raise, says Bernard Wood, a professor of human origins at George Washington University, is whether bipedalism should still be considered the defining characteristic of being human. After all, all birds have wings, but not all creatures with wings are birds. It’s already clear that eastern Africa was bubbling with evolutionary experiments 6 million years ago. Maybe two-legged walking evolved independently in several branches of the primate family. Says Wood: ‘This might be the first example of a creature it’s not possible to label as hominid ancestor or chimp ancestor. But that doesn’t make it the last common ancestor of both. I think it’s going to be very hard to pin the tail on that donkey.” (p. 61) Six million years ago eastern Africa was bubbling with evolutionary experiments? How does he know that these were evolutionary experiments? What about all of the animals that are lower than man? Are they still experimenting to become equivalent or superior to man? Notice his statement that all birds have wings. How true, but some of the birds with wings Issue #1—June 2013
can’t fly. Why do they still have wings? According to the Evolutionary Theory, if something is needed, then the creature can create whatever is necessary to fulfill that need. When something is no longer needed, then it eliminates it. Why is it that when man finds ancient apelike bones he always tries to fit the creature into a relative of man’s past? There is a surprising answer to this which you will find out if you continue to read this article. MAN’S CREATION The Scriptures (Yahweh’s Word, in case any scientists happen to read this article) say that man was created in the image of His Creator, “And Elohim said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.’ So Elohim created man in His own image, in the image of Elohim created He him; male and female created He them,” Gen. 1:26-27. Scream and kick and deny as the scientists will, this is a true scientific statement. Much more true than their speculations that they have been dreaming up. Man was made in His Creator’s image and likeness and given dominion over the earth. Isn’t that what happens when man moves into an area of the earth. Doesn’t he begin to dominate or rule over it? Doesn’t man exist as male and female? If man descended from a lowly amoeba or some other socalled simple single celled creature, how did he evolve into the male and female sex, and why do that since it would be much more The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
convenient to just multiply by dividing like those cells do. We always hear the statement, “There is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH,” even though there may be some in our society who believe that there is, because they are on the receiving end. But those on the giving end understand the truth of the matter, don’t they? Well, if we understand that there is really no such thing as a free lunch, then how can we also believe that SOMETHING (the creation as it exists) comes from NOTHING? And if what we see today, did come from something (and it did), then how did it get here and develop into the organized world that we are living in? Science postulates that everything came forth from some kind of “BIG BANG” billions upon billions of years ago, but the problem is that by their own calculations, if everything we see in the
Scream and kick and deny as the scientists will, this is a true scientific stateheavens and earth were all collected into one huge body, the gravitational pulls would be so great that it wouldn’t be able to escape, but it would rather collapse in upon itself. There had to be some power behind it all and the Scriptures reveal that the power behind it all was Yahweh and His Word. The Scriptures truthfully and scientifically state, “By the Word of Yahweh were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth...For He spake and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast,” Psa. 9
33:6, 9. Again, it says, “Thou sendest forth Thy spirit, they are created: and Thou renewest the face of the earth,” Psa. 104:30. Now, the scientists can charge that these statements are nothing more than Bronze Age myths and have nothing to do with science, but if they are true (and they are) then they are TRUE SCIENCE! And the scientists are all wet behind the ears. ENTER CONFUSION Man truly lives in a state of frustration and confusion in today’s world. Yes, there is confusion, much confusion in religion. There is disagreement and confusion concerning what the Scriptures mean and say. But we also have confusion and disagreement in the scientific world. The article that we just dealt with reveals the disagreement and confusion in the scientific world. There are scientists who do believe in the Creator, but evolutionary scientists disbelieve and discount their words, as much as they will the religionists. But what does Yahweh’s Word say about the confused state that the world lives in today? Let’s look at the account in Gen. 2 which says, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed,” verse 25. The word “ashamed” is translated from the Hebrew word “buwsh.” It is defined as, a primitive root; properly, to pale, i.e. by implication to be ashamed; also (by implication) to be disappointed or delayed, but this same word has also been translated as “confound (-ed), confuse (-sion).” Therefore, verse 25 could also be translated as, “They were both naked, the man and his wife, and Issue #1—June 2013
were not confounded (or confused).” Does this apply? Well, after the man and his wife took of the forbidden fruit, what was the first thing that they did? They covered themselves (Gen. 3:7). This would mean that they were ashamed and now wanted to be covered so that their nakedness might not appear. But didn’t they also become confused? How can I say that? Because they sewed FIG LEAVES together making aprons for themselves. How does this show that they were confused? Try picking figs off of a fig tree. The leaves will irritate tender and delicate skin and Adam and Eve covered their most delicate areas of the body with these leaves. Besides, how long will fig leaves remain in their natural fresh green state after being plucked from their source of life? Not very long at all. Man rebelled against his Creator, disobeyed His word, His command, and has turned to vanity, emptiness, chaos and confusion. The Scriptures reveal that today’s world is truly called Babylon the Great! Babylon comes from the Hebrew word babel which means confusion. Man’s religion, government, education, science, etc. is in a state of confusion! ENTER THE MONKEYS Yahweh had created man in His own image and His own likeness. He wanted man to be like Himself, but man chose to be unlike his own Creator. Yahweh had commanded Abraham to be perfect (Gen. 17:1). He commanded Israel to be perfect (Dt. 18:13). He also commanded them to be “holy” because He was “holy,” (Lev. 11:44). The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
The Hebrew word for “holy” is qodesh/qadowsh (vwdq). The first letter of this word is the Hebrew letter “kuf” (@wq).
what man should be, he is hardly better than a primate.” (The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet by Rabbi Michael L. Munk, p. 198)
Here is what the Jewish rabbis have to say about this letter and this word, “The spelling of the letter @wq is the same as that of @wq, monkey. Twice in Biblical times when men forfeited their own image of the Creator and denied His existence, their physiognomy changed and they came to resemble apes. The first time this occurred was in the generation of Enosh (Bereishis Rabba 23:5), when people began to make idols and call them gods (Targum Yonasan, Bereishis Rabba 4:26). The second time was when people built the tower of Babel and tried to gain mastery over the entire human race (Chizkuni) and to dispense with God (R’ Hirsch). Subsequently they lost their potential share in the World to Come and turned into apes, spirits, and demons
“The nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is q, spelled @wq. The numerical of q is 100 and its energy intelligence is that of growth and holiness. Growth and holiness are related to a pulsating unabridled force of the letter a, whose numerical value is 1, thrust into cosmic existence. And it is related to the energy intelligence of spirituality, y, whose numerical value is 10. The word @wq means monkey or ape….When man does not elevate himself beyond the ordinary, when man does not act in a way to create sacredness, when man does not endow his situation with holiness, man is no more than an ape.” (The Inner Meaning of the Hebrew Letters by Robert M. Haralick, p. 269)
Man’s religion, government, education, science, etc. is in a state of confusion! (Sanhedrin 109a). The fact that the same letter q represents both kedushah and an animal that is a parody of humanity offers a deep insight about man’s role. Man is created in the image of God and is only a little lower than the angels (Psalms 8:6). Though he can never attain God’s holiness, he is charged with emulating Him and is assured that he can scale celestial heights. But he can do so only if his efforts are concerted and sincere. If man acts as an “image of God,” his potential is boundless. If he is merely a poor imitation of 10
“The word kuf means @wq, ‘monkey’; hp@h, ‘to surround’ or ‘touch’l and @qt, ’great strength.’ In Aramaic it means apwq, ’the eye of a needle.’ The Arizal explains that the monkey is the intermediate state between animal and man. (So do there exist intermediate states between the inanimate and vegetable, and between vegetable and animal. The concept of the ‘intermediate,’ more fully expounded in Chassidut, is one of the basic secrets of Creation, the power of ‘continuum’ hidden within the ‘quantum leaps’ of nature). The Midrash states that the descendents of Cain (who murdered his ‘human’ brother, Abel) ‘degenerated’ into monkeys. A monkey is a false imitation or ‘copy’ (from the Hebrew @wq) of man. The book of Ecclesiastes (Kohelet, tlhq, which begins with a kuf; the two subsequent letters, Issue #1—June 2013
lh, allude to lbh, ‘vanity’) begins: ‘Vanity of vanities said Kohelet, vanity of vanities, all is vanity.’ This alludes to the seven vanities of this world (according to the principle: ‘the plural indicates at least two,’ ‘vanity of vanities’ implies three vanities; ‘vanity of vanities’ implies another three vanities; ‘all is vanity’ brings the total number of vanities to seven). According to one interpretation of the Sages, these seven vanities refer to seven periods, or seven ‘worlds,’ through which one passes in life. In each world one is likened to a different creature. First, when born and placed in a crib, one is like a king, to whome all come to bow down and give homage. At the age of two, one crawls the floor sticking his fingers into filth like a pig. Later, at the age of ten, one jumps and plays like a goat. At eighteen one combs his hair and runs after a mate like a horse. After marriege one bears the burden of earning a livelihood as a donkey. Later, with a large family to support, one barks after livelihood with insolence, like a dog. Finally comes the difference: if, through one’s first six worlds of vanity, one remained close and devoted to Torah, one ends his life on earth as a king, this time a real king (though, the Torah of this world, before the coming of Mashiach, is itself considered ‘vanity’ relative to the inner truth of the Torah, the inner essence of malchut [kingdom] inherent in Torah to be revealed by Mashiach). If, however, one strayed from Torah, one ends his life like a monkey. Thus, the monkey symbolizes the epitome of the vanity of this world.” (The Alef-Beit [Jewish Thought Revealed through the Hebrew Letters] by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, p. 286) The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
So now we know why man always tries to fit apes and monkeys into our ancestry. When man turns his back on His Creator and casts His word behind him, the end result is a vain way of thinking. When man denies that there is a Creator, he turns to the physical creation and instead of reaching for the higher goals of morality and righteousness, as outlined in the Scriptures, he turns himself into an animal and adopts animalistic and even sub-animalistic behavior. The Apostle Paul reveals, “For the wrath of Yahweh is revealed from heaven against all impiety and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Because that which may be known of Yahweh is manifest in them; for Yahweh hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that
So now we know why man always tries to fit apes and monkeys into our ancestry. are made, even His eternal power and headship; so that they are without excuse: because that when they knew Yahweh, they glorified Him not as Elohim, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible Elohim into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beast, and creeping things. Wherefore Yahweh also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their 11
own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of Yahweh into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature (creation) more than the Creator, Who is blessed for ever. Amen,” Ro. 1:18-25. The theory of Evolution actually proves that Yahweh’s word is true. Since man corrupted the image of his Creator not only into the corruptible image of man, but also the world’s creatures that are lower than man, the Creator has given him over to a mind that corrupts his own image and background to that of the animals. These men school themselves intensely in the educational system of this world and profess themselves to be the wise all the while looking down upon the creationist (who may not be as highly educated, but does confess and believe in the Creator) with contempt and scorn should that person question their findings, theories, postulations, etc. Evolution is worshipping and serving the creation as its own creator. Oh, even some of the scientists and evolutionists say that they believe in God, but their god has to fit into their own parameters. JK even admits that he is searching into the physical creation in order to find a “window” to God. Even though the creation is a witness to the powerful creative acts of Yahweh, JK and his other scientist colleagues will deny that power and feverishly search and search into the far reaches of outer space and the inner depths of the Earth, but he will never find that window, until he repents, confesses that he is and has been in error, and turns to the Creator’s own word, embracing them with all of his heart. Issue #1—June 2013
I met a brother at the feast one year who had an excerpt from a science book that he had found in a public school. Here is what the excerpt said: IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS NOTHING. It was a "nothing" so profound that it defies human comprehension. Space did not exist. Time did not flow. There was no matter, no radiation. Then it all changed. From nothing, a tiny speck of light appeared. It was almost infinitely hot—and inside this fireball was the whole of space. With the creation of space came the birth of time: 13.7 billion years ago, the great cosmic clock began to tick. Ever since, our universe has been expanding. There was no "before" the big bang. No one knows why it happened except—that it did. And the infant cosmos had another little trick up its sleeve. Like any young creature, it had more energy than it knew what to do with. Fractions of a second after forming, it embarked on a dramatic growth spurt. Had this "cosmic inflation" not taken place, the universe might have collapsed back on itself. The energy in the primordial fireball was so concentrated that matter spontaneously started to appear. At this stage, atoms could not exist in the raging inferno. Instead, subatomic particles like quarks and bosons seethed and crashed into one another sometimes building up a stable relationship, sometimes not. After three minutes, the frenzied young universe had calmed down sufficiently to create the elements hydrogen and helium. But it would be over 200 million years before the first galaxies were born. These came together from humble beginnings. Clumps of stars—like our The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
By Jerry Healan present-day globular clusters— assembled themselves into bigger edifices. These galaxies started to swarm together in groups and clusters, creating the architecture of the universe as we know it today. (end of excerpt) WOW! What a story! So this is the science of evolution!!!!! I want to ask the question, What is science? What is the definition for science? Webster's New World Dictionary defines science as 1. the state or fact of knowing; knowledge 2. systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied 3. a branch of knowledge or study, esp. one concerned with establishing and systematizing facts, principles, and methods as by experiments and hypotheses. 4. a) the systematized knowledge of nature and
There was no "before" the big bang. No one knows why it happened except—that it did. the physical world b) being any branch of this 5. skill or technique based upon systematized training. So we find that science, supposedly, is knowledge obtained through observation, study, experimentation, facts, principles, etc. Since science is knowledge, let’s utilize knowledge (science) to see if we can determine if that little article, as well as scientists (those who know, have knowledge) are following the guidelines of knowledge (science). Let's take a look into the definition for "nothing." Once again we will go to Webster's New World Dictionary for the definition. 1. a) no thing; not anything; naught b) no part, element, 12
trace, etc. 2. a) nonexistence; nothingness b) insignificance; unimportance 3. a thing that does not exist . Furthermore, "nothingness" is defined as: 1. the quality or condition of being nothing or not existing; nonexistence or extinction 2. lack of value, worth, meaning, etc.; uselessness, emptiness, insignificance, etc. 3. unconsciousness or death 4. anything that is nonexistent, worthless, insignificant, useless, etc. By the way, let's also look at Webster's definition of "profound." 1. very deep or low 2. marked by intellectual depth 3. deeply or intensely felt 4. thoroughgoing 5. unbroken. This" nothing" that the little so-called scientific article presented at the beginning was a "profound" (deep, or intense) "nothingness" (nonexistence, worthlessness, uselessness). Nothingness is even a state of death. But this deep, profound, nothingness, nonexistence suddenly sparked to life and began creating! Is this not the most far out "profound" fairy tale ever told? Now, for scientists (those who have knowledge through observation, study, and experimentation) to call themselves such, is somewhat ridiculous because not one (that's no one; which would be equivalent to nothing) was there to study, observe, and experiment with the beginning of everything. All they can do is study, observe, and experiment with what is already here. Therefore, their knowledge about the beginning is nothing more than erroneous speculation. Aren't we taught mathematic knowledge (science) in school? What is nothing times nothing? Isn't it still nothing? What is any number times naught, zero, or nothing, such as 5 x 0? Isn't it still zero, naught, nothing? This is knowledge. This is science. Issue #1—June 2013
But to claim that something, indeed the most awesome, marvelous, and mind-boggling creation came from nothing is not science, is not knowledge, it is fantasy, fairy tales! Let's notice some other things. It says, "From nothing, a tiny speck of light appeared." How can "nothing" bring forth light, when there is NOTHING there to cause light in the first place? Light has to have a source. Okay, so let's look at this definition for "source." 1. a spring, fountain, etc. that is the starting point of a stream 2. that from which something comes into existence, develops, or derives. 3. a) any person, place, or thing by which something is supplied b) a person, book, document, etc. that provides information 4. the point or thing from which light rays, sound waves, etc. emanate. This is all very interesting to me. #2 says "that from which something comes into existence..." Isn't there an old saying that goes like this; "You can't get something from nothing."? #3 correctly states that a person, place, or thing has to be the supplier of SOMETHING. NOTHING can't supply anything, because NOTHING has NOTHING with which to begin SOMETHING. Next, the article speaks about the CREATION OF SPACE. So let's define "creation." 1. a creating or being created 2. the universe and everything in it; all the world 3. anything created; esp., something original created by the imagination; invention, design, etc. To create something, one has to be "creative" so let's define "creative." 1. creating or able to create 2. productive 3. having or showing imagination and artistic or intellectual inventiveness 4. stimulating the imagination and inventive powers. Let's finish this series up with the definition of the word "create" since a creation has to be created, and whatever or whoever creates must be creative. 1. to cause to come into existence; bring into being; make; origiThe Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
nate; esp., to make or design (something requiring art, skill, invention, etc.) 2. to bring about; give rise to; cause 3. to invest with a new rank, function, etc. 4. to be the first to portray.
Do you think he may have been afraid to expose his identity? I honestly do not know who he is to this day. But we did have a go at each other.
NOTHING is nothing. NOTHING can't be creative, can't have intellect, can't make or design or invent. NOTHING can't bring about anything or something because it has NOTHING to do anything with.
FROM Shadoe: "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." Charles Darwin.
I have no doubt that the universe as we know it today was created. What about you? If it was created, then it had to have come from something or someone. NOTHING could never have done it. Thus, we can't have creation without a CREATOR. The CREATOR was/is full of the greatest power and intellect. He designed the whole creation because of the greatness of His own imagination, and inventive intellect and prowess. The point is that human scientists may be the cream of the human crop and the most intelligent. But when they try to sway us with their great swelling words, we must utilize knowledge,
I have no doubt that the universe as we know it today was created. science to try them to see how accurate they are because, as we all know, to err is human!
Jerry Healan wrote: Shadoe, The problem that we have is that "Knowledge puffs up," 1 Cor. 8:1. Men who have a little more knowledge than others feel superior to the others and eventually feel so superior that they think that they can deny their great Creator and His creative powers. Another man warned, "Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" Isa. 5:21. You have quoted a man whom you love and trust in, but that man had no power to understand the whole creation. No man understands it all. All men can do is seek to specialize in a particular field, but even in their own fields, they do not understand all there is concerning that one field that is their specialty. There are always mysteries that they simply can't fathom and they will never figure out how it is all put together or how everything works together in the whole creation.
There is a great Creator Who proclaims that He is the One Who made all things. Creation demands a Creator. NOTHING has no imagination, no ability to design, no ability to create. If a scientist wants to be accurate, then let them cover the gamut of knowledge and they will discover that we are here for a purpose and a reason. NOTHING can have no purpose, nor reason.
If all men with all their knowledge could get together, they still could never match the creative powers and works of the Almighty Creator Yahweh.
Sometime ago I had a discussion with an evolutionist. I am presenting our arguments below. It was between myself, Jerry Healan, and one who hid himself behind a pen name of Shadoe.
Your hero, Charles Darwin, is dead and in the grave. My Hero, Yahshua the Messiah, Who is the Word that created all things, came down from His lofty abode, suffered and died, was resurrected and now has power
Another problem is that those who think that they know so much that they can deny their Creator may have a lot of knowledge, but they lose all common sense.
Issue #1—June 2013
over the grave. He upholds everything by the power of His Word (Heb. 1:14). When you can find a man who can match the creative powers of Yahweh and Yahshua, let me know. When you can find a man who has power over the grave and death; When you can find a man who has the power to resurrect all from their graves into life everlasting, please let me know. You can belittle faith, but no matter who you are, you can never match the creation that exists by the mighty hand of Yahweh, nor can you ever understand it. All you can do is brag and boast about your little bit of knowledge which will eventually fail you and you also will enter the grave. It's too bad that you are so smart and have so much knowledge that you can now deny the Very One Who brought you into this awesome creation. The situation is that there is an even better creation coming in the future, but if you continue to deny your Creator and Elohim, you may possibly miss out on it. But one thing about Him is that He is merciful, even to braggarts like you. If and when He reveals and bestows His mercy upon you, you will have a lot of crow to eat. Jerry Healan From a third party: Wow...Perfect reply sir....God is awesome and when He in His infinate wisdom sends someone along with a perfect reply like you gave sir, it's awesome is the only word I can come up with...Praise God... FROM Shadoe: Why do you believe that Evolution is a "lie"? And I mean by that, how do you find it scientifically flawed? From Jerry Healan: BELIEVE? Come on, Shadoe. It is a lie and will never be proven. From Shadoe: How do you reconcile the statement that evolution is a "lie" with the fact that evolution has been observed? The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
From Jerry Healan: It has never been observed. Man can't live long enough to observe it. According to evolutionists, it takes millions and billions of years for evolution to take place. The only one who could observe such a thing is someone who has lived long enough to do so. There is only one being who has lived long enough and he says that He Created it. From Shadoe: Why do you feel that you are more qualified to judge what is good science than thousands of accredited scientists that work in the field on a daily basis? From Jerry Healan: There are thousands of other "qualified scientists" who proclaim that evolution is bogus. These are the ones who believed in evolution until they came to understand that it is a lie. You should try listening to some of them. You might learn the truth for a change. FROM Shadoe: Why do you feel all public schools are "perverted"? FROM Jerry Healan: Have you been in one lately? Illicit sex, drugs, violence, erroneous teachings, teachers seducing students and vice versa, homosexuality, etc., etc. From Shadoe: Too many people try to Home school or, get their chidren in Christian schools...LOL...They will go after controlling those next...but, they can't lie then and say it's a "free country" and that Christians and The Bible isn't being targeted and attacked, while they shove a down right unproven lie down our children's throat as fact‌ (Note: He is speaking of creationism.) From Jerry Healan. The problem is that evolutionists have been given the opportunity to shove their lie down everyone's throat for decades without a whimper. Freedom means that both faith in Elohim and faith in evolution be presented and then the people can determine for themselves. Even though one (evolution) is a great lie. Your statement reveals that you really don't believe in freedom because you don't want to give one minute's opportunity for the truth about creation to 14
be presented. It reveals that you are afraid that your lie will be discovered by the people and they will turn to the truth (which would jeopardize your standing). Frankly, Shadoe, you shouldn't worry about your standing because the TRUTH of the matter is that people had rather believe a LIE than the TRUTH. It's built into our nature. It's certainly built into yours. Since you believe the lie, you are mainstream. Presently, the majority rules, so your standing is assured, but the truth will be revealed in the end and your standing will be shown for exactly what it is, sand. When you stand upon sand, it crumbles under your feet. From Shadoe: What good do you think it will do children to be homeschooled in beliefs rather than public schooled in science? From Jerry Healan: The fact of the matter is that people who believe in a Creator, live longer, are blessed and happier. Homeschoolers have also been shown to be better achievers in the schools of higher learning. My oldest daughter was homeschooled only to the 10th grade and made one of the highest GED scores that has ever been made. Your science is "science falsely so-called." From Shadoe: Do you think it does children good to be shielded from their society? How do you think they will handle it when they eventually find out what's out there? What effect do you think they will have on society once they emerge from their protective shell? From Jerry Healan: Parents who don't shield their children from the dangers and falsehoods are abdicating their parental responsibility. Frankly, they are better able to shield themselves from the dangers of society and are much more productive when they have the proper goals of life in sight. Your statements are utterly benign and past being "stupid," Shadoe. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Issue #1—June 2013
Because of the theory of evolution, a popular question that was going around when I was a young man was, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” If someone responded, “The chicken, of course!” The comeback would be, “But you can’t have a chicken without first having an egg.” If someone responded, “The egg, of course!” The comeback would be, “But you can’t have an egg without a chicken!” This little dialog was for the purpose of confusing people. Well…..we do know where confusion comes from, don’t we? If we believe the Scriptural account of creation then we understand that Yahweh created the animals, which then began the process of life and living. But the evolutionists want to play little psychological games in order to confuse the issue. Let’s take a little look at the egg and see if there aren’t some hard questions for the evolutionists to give an answer to. By Jerry Healan Thinking about it, what animal, bird, to figure things out the way they are. forth.” The evolutionists try to refish, reptile, insect, etc. doesn’t come There is no intelligent Creator. There spond with their pitifully unsure confrom an egg? Even humans come is no intelligent design. But there is a tradictory statements that will never from eggs. So here is the first question most wondrous Intelligent One Who stand up in a TRUE court of justice. for the evolutionists, since everything claims that He made everything after FERTILIZATION evolved from the same starting point his kind, his sort, his species, and, The egg that we want to focus on is (according to your theory), how is it whether you like it or not, kind reprothat of the chicken. Now we know that kind reproduces after kind? Scrip- duces after kind. that there are various brands of chickture says, “And Elohim said, Let the If all of the active life, fish, birds, ens, but any chicken can reproduce waters bring forth abundantly the animals, reptiles, even insects, come after its kind. So a Leghorn and moving creature that hath life, and from eggs, why is it that there is a Rhode Island Red can cross breed. fowl that may fly above the earth in special “key” that is needed for the But I’ve never seen a canary, or robin, the open firmament of heaven. And sperm to unlock the entrance to the or mockingbird cross breed with a Elohim created great whales, and egg and perform the job of fertilizachicken. Have you? Aren’t they all of every living creature that moveth, tion? How did this just happen? the fowl species? Don’t they all lay which the waters brought forth abuneggs? dantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and EloNow the question would be, how did him saw that it was good. And Elohim nothingness, darkness and ignorance blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and (the beginning stages of evolution/ multiply, and fill the waters in the evilution) figure out the far more adseas, and let fowl multiply in the vanced fertilization process that exists earth. And the evening and the morntoday? You know… that so-called ing were the fifth day. And Elohim simple single celled amoeba (the early said, Let the earth bring forth the livstages of life) that reproduce their speing creature after his kind, cattle, Frankly, evolutionists are still strug- cies by just splitting in two (when it’s and creeping thing, and beast of the gling with the ultimate question, convenient, of course). How did they earth after his kind: and it was so. And “How did it all come about?” They later figure out that they could beElohim made the beast of the earth postulate, they theorize, they might come male and female and develop after his kind, and cattle after their find something that they feel helps to sperm, eggs, etc.? And if they did get kind, and every thing that creepeth piece together their puzzle, but have it figured out, why are amoeba still in upon the earth after his kind: and you really listened to the scientists existence today? If we evolved from Elohim saw that it was good,” Gen. when they speak of their evolutionary protozoa, amoeba, or some other so1:20-25. concepts and ideas? You will hear the called simple single cell, then why do The Hebrew word for “kind” is miyn, most powerfully positive words such they continue to exist? How did they which means portion, sort, species, as; “We think,” “We believe,” “It is get left behind? kind. Now here is Scriptural authority possible,” “It could have taken place Have you looked into the fertilizathat everything was brought forth after this way,” “probably,” etc. tion process at all? Have you ever its kind, its sort, its species. In the While Yahweh states powerfully and thought about it, other than the times evolutionary scheme of things unintelpositively, “I created the heavens and that you have had that certain desire, ligence, no-intelligence, has been able earth. I made life and brought it or lust, and followed through with the
Frankly, evolutionists are still struggling with the ultimate question, “How did it all come about?”
The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
Issue #1—June 2013
process yourself? You know, the most that the greater part of the population thinks of after sex, is to worry whether a pregnancy occurred or not. Most people have the idea that “if it feels good…do it.” Some may be more concerned about pregnancy, or disease, or bodily defilement, but many give in to the drive and worry about the consequences later. But few, probably very few, have ever considered what actually takes place during and after the fact. Did you know that the fertilization process is so complicated that interruption of any step in the chain will almost certainly cause failure? Did you know that even though thousands or even millions of sperm may be ejaculated, that only one wins the prize? Fertilization by more than one sperm – polyspermy – almost inevitably leads to early embryonic death! In order to prevent polyspermy and its consequences, once a sperm binds with the egg, the egg rapidly undergoes a number of metabolic and physical changes called egg activation. The egg reacts by almost instantly hardening (I am putting this in simple terms) so that no other sperm can bind with it. This prevents polyspermy. But since before existence there was nothing, there was darkness, there was ignorance, how did nothingness, darkness, and ignorance figure all of this out? Was it by experimentation? Was it all developed in the lab of experimentation? Did ignorance, darkness, nothingness set up a lab of experimentation? How did it do that since there was nothing but nothingness, darkness, and ignorance? How many experiments ended in failure? Remember that this all took place before man existed, before there was language, before there was knowledge, before there were textbooks, schools, colleges, universities, etc. Why is it that man is the only creature in existence that can inspect, research, figure things out, and then come to understand what he thinks took place? Did evolution/evilution know that someThe Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
day it would have to bring man forth so that man could explain how smart and intelligent nothingness, darkness, and ignorance really was/is? So that man could glorify evolution’s/ evilution’s great intelligence? Oh yes, I forgot, we can’t speak of “Intelligent Design!” There is no “intelligence” to it, it’s all done by nothingness, darkness, and ignorance! So why even go to school? It seems that we were smarter when we were so-called “ignorant” than we are today with all of man’s intelligence put together! Oh yes, I forgot once again, even though we are intelligent, so intelligent that we don’t need a Maker, or Creator, we still are not totally intelligent as to how it all came about. After all, evolution/evilution is still a theory, and no matter what the scientists and the high-minded aloof professors, and teachers say about it, a theory is still a theory until it can be said to be FACTUAL. So we still are in a great deal of ignorance as to how and what really happened and how we got here, which works for some people, and I guess I may have just proven that nothingness, darkness, and ignorance
(-s) that must be fertilized through a rather amazingly difficult and complicated process. Wow! Isn’t unintelligence (which is ignorance) something?!!!!! Just to say male and female is actually an understatement. There are male and female plants, fish, birds, animals, humans, etc. Each species (kind) has its own code to unlock the door to the egg so it can be fertilized. If evolution/evilution is true, the male had to figure out what kind of code that would unlock the door to the female of like species, and the female had to develop a door to her egg that would only allow the sperm of her kind, her species to enter and fertilize, thus continuing the species, sort, kind. She also had to figure out how to prevent polyspermy so that her pregnancy wouldn’t fail. But don’t worry about it folks, it happened, it’s factual, it exists in spite of the unintelligence (ignorance) of evolution/evolution, and we wouldn’t have known how all of this takes place if we hadn’t had an inquisitive mind….wherein we desired to know as much as we could about it.
But since before existence there was nothing, there was darkness, there was ignorance, how did nothingness, darkness, and ignorance figure all of this out?
The Creator said that He made us male and female. He made the creatures after their kind, but He made man after his own kind. Man is the last to appear according to Scripture, and guess what! Evolution/evilution agrees with the Creator! Well… least in this one instance. Of course, Yahweh reveals that man refused to give Him the honor and glory that He deserves and turned to serve the creation and creature rather than the Creator Who is blessed forever! Amein! (Ro. 1:18-32)
are still extant so we just continue to evolve (in evil) without understanding how. MALE AND FEMALE So we have evolved somehow without intelligent design into male and female and without intelligent design appointed the male to be the sperm donor while the female carries the egg 16
The male and female are a necessary set for procreation, the continuation of the species (the kind) no matter what the corrupted, perverted world around us believes and seeks to force on others. Read Romans chapter one closely and you will discover why the world has become so confused, corrupted and perverted. Isn’t it amazing how so many people in this day and age are so fearful, so Issue #1—June 2013
afraid that many of our various species, kinds, are nearing extinction, but let’s take the case of roosters and hens. If roosters only prefer roosters, and hens only prefer hens, then there won’t be any little chicks running around to perpetuate the species anymore. Of course that would be bad news for Kentucky Fried Chicken, Church’s Fried Chicken, Chic-fil-a, and other businesses that depend on the continuation of that particular species for their income, and….what about all of those hungry stomachs of the customers, even those who have embraced lesbianism, homosexuality, etc.? Oh well….. The fact of the matter is that male and female were created to perpetuate the species. Do you think that evolution/evilution could have ever figured all of that out? Does ignorance really know anything? How did the sexless amoeba figure this out? Did an amoeba just one day divide into two and all of a sudden there was male and female? The fact of the matter is that the process couldn’t have taken place over eons. It couldn’t have happened through any kind of experimentation. Go back and read the process of fertilization again. Study into it yourself. It is complicated and has to work just right every time or disaster is the rule. ANATOMY OF THE EGG The egg itself is a marvelous wonder. It consists of three main parts, the shell, the egg-white, and the egg-yolk. We have provided a diagram of an egg so you can see its make-up. The shell is a chemical compound called calcium carbonate (CaCO3). It has an outer coating called a “cuticle” that is a barrier to keep out dust and bacteria. Now I have to ask another question, How did the chicken figure out that dust and BACTERIA would be a danger to the egg? Remember that the evolutionists don’t like to utilize the words “Intelligent Design.” That would mean that there is a greater Being, a greater Power that intelligently designed the egg beThe Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
cause He knew what the dangers to the egg would be.
nessing to what un-intelligence can do?
Man, the most intelligent creature on earth, of course, knew about dust, but didn’t have any idea about bacteria, germs, etc. until he developed the microscope and began to look a little closer into a world that is hidden from our human eyes. But someone else knew about the hazards not only of dust, but bacteria before our little minds could fathom such a thing. Of course, we didn’t know anything about paramecium, amoeba, bacteria, etc. until the microscope either.
The next thing is the egg white portion. The egg white is known as the albumen, which comes from albus, the Latin word for “white.” Four alternating layers of thick and thin albumen contain approximately 40 different proteins, the main components of the egg white in addition to water. As a matter of fact, the egg white is composed of 92% water. It surrounds the egg yolk as another layer of protection.
But the egg shell is also semipermeable, meaning that moisture and air can pass through it because it contains as many as 17,000 pores. Lying between the eggshell and egg white are two transparent protein membranes which provide even more efficient defense against bacterial invasion. If you give these layers a tug, you’ll find they’re surprisingly strong. They’re made partly of keratin, a protein that’s also in human hair. Wow! More bacterial protection! How did ignorance and unintelligent
Each species (kind) has its own code to unlock the door to the egg so it can be fertilized. design figure this out? I just don’t understand! I guess it’s because in my life (as yours also, I am sure) I have had to be taught about these things (just as I am learning about the egg). You see, I was ignorant concerning these things. Oh, I knew about eggs. They are those things that I eat many mornings for breakfast. They are used in so many, many things such as cakes, pies, bread, etc. I just took them for granted. Yes, I did appreciate their benefit for food, etc. But I never looked into their make-up until now. Now, as I am learning about them, am I coming to understand that they are very intelligently designed, or am I just increasing in ignorance, and wit17
But notice also that there are two rope-like items called “chalaza.” These were “Intelligently Designed”….Ooops, I’m sorry, the evolutionists say that there is no such thing as “intelligent design” as far as the creation is concerned….And if we imply “intelligent design” they might become offended….and you know when you offend such people, they like to file law suits in order to keep the truth suppressed….Oh no! I did it again, but I won’t apologize anymore….These “chalaza” were “Intelligently Designed” to keep the yolk in place. They are rope-like connections that are attached to the yolk and to the membrane holding the yolk in place. You know how sensitive the yolk is when you break the egg. They are so easy to scramble up in the skillet, but you can shake and shake the egg in its shell and you won’t be able to burst the yolk because it is ANCHORED in place! Who figured this out? Was it the chicken? Was it the egg? How did they know? Please Mr. evolutionist, explain this to me! Is this design or not? If it is design, was that design done by intelligence, or ignorance? I demand answers! Next comes the “vitelline membrane” which is a structure directly adjacent to the outer surface of the egg white (plasma membrane). It is composed mostly of protein fibers, with protein receptors needed for sperm binding which, in turn, are bound to sperm plasma membrane receptors. The species-specificity between these receptors contributes to Issue #1—June 2013
earth out of the water, and also bring forth plant life. Then it took another set of three days to bring forth the sun, moon, and stars (fourth day), fish in the waters, and fowls to fly through the heavens (fifth day), and on the sixth day He brought forth the land creatures including man. Of course, evolutionists/evilutionists don’t want to listen to this. They are too busy denying, contradicting, and searching the expanse of the heavens, and the depths of the earth to see if they can figure out another way to explain how it all came about.
prevention of breeding between different species. As soon as the spermatozoon fuses with the ovum, signal transduction occurs, resulting in an increase of cytoplasmic calcium ions. This itself triggers the cortical reaction, which results in depositing several substances onto the vitelline membrane through exocytosis of the cortical granules, transforming it into a hard layer called the “fertilization membrane”, which serves as a barrier inaccessible to other spermatozoa. This phenomenon is the block to polyspermy. NOTE: If you think that this author is so intelligent that he figured these things out himself, you have another think coming. He had to go to those who have intelligently searched these things out, and posted the information in books, on the internet, etc. Much of what is stated here is taken from an article online entitled “Anatomy of an Egg.” Other information is taken from a small booklet entitled God In Creation by Bob Devine. Finally, comes the yolk which contains less water and more protein than the white, some fat, and most of the vitamins and minerals of the egg. These include iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium, thiamine, and riboflavin. The yolk is also a source of lecithin, an effective emulThe Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
sifier. Yolk color ranges from just a hint of yellow to a magnificent deep orange, according to the feed and breed of the hen. FERTILIZATION PLISHED
Once the hen has been fertilized she begins to lay about an egg per day until she amasses the amount that she can cover and incubate. The incuba-
Ooops, I’m sorry, the evolutionists say that there is no such thing as “intelligent design” as far as the creation is concerned. tion period for chickens is twenty one days. In math, that’s three times seven. Seven is a very important and significant number with Yahweh. It is the number that completes the week. Yahweh established the seventh day Sabbath for rest, blessings, and holiness in the beginning. Of course, three is an important number with Yahweh also as it takes three sides to complete a triangle. In the creation account, it took a series of three days to bring forth the 18
The hen has to get up occasionally to feed, but another most important task is that she must turn each egg over daily to keep the chick inside from sticking to the membrane next to the shell. It is so amazing how they figured out how to develop eggs, and then figure out how to get them fertilized correctly, but she can’t see inside the egg, so how did she figure out that she needed to turn them every day so her young wouldn’t stick? Do they go to school to learn about the birds and bees like we humans do? I have seen plenty of hens with their chicks, but I have never seen the little chicks go to school except for the fact that she does show them how to peck around for food, and she does lead them around, and cluck at them all of the time, unless they take time out for a nap. But I just haven’t seen any textbooks for them to read out of. The process would be called “instinct,” I suppose, which is man’s way of saying it’s an inborn tendency to behave in a way characteristic of a species; that is, a natural unacquired mode of response to stimuli. (Webster’s New World Dictionary). Paul puts it this way, “For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of Yahweh knoweth no man, but the Spirit of Yahweh,” 1 Cor. 2:11. So what we can determine from this is that there is a spirit of man which imparts to him the things of a man. There would be the spirit of the Issue #1—June 2013
chicken which imparts to it the things of a chicken. Every species has its own spirit of understanding. A chicken can’t understand the things of the spirit of man, nor can a cow understand the things of a chicken, or a man. But neither can man understand the things of Yahweh, the things of Elohim (God to most people), unless he has the spirit of Yahweh in him. That’s why the evolutionists/ evilutionists can’t understand the things of the creation through the spirit of Yahweh Elohim. They don’t have the spirit of Yahweh, so they are only looking at the creation through the eyes of the spirit of man. Man is considering himself to be at the top of an evolutionary chain because he can only see things through the eyes of a man. So many are rejecting the things of Yahweh because they don’t have the spirit of Yahweh. Just as a cow can’t understand the things of a man, they can’t understand the things of Yahweh. HOW THE EGG BREATHES Life requires oxygen. Did you realize that an egg must be able to breathe if the chick inside is to survive and develop? But just like anything that breathes, the process is oxygen in, carbon dioxide (CO2) out. As the chick (embryo) develops there must be an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. One of the things that we haven’t touched on yet is the air cell between the two membranes at the larger rounded end of the egg. It is quite obvious in hard boiled eggs. That air cell is what supplies oxygen to the developing chick inside. As the chick grows, carbon dioxide builds up in the egg. If it couldn’t be eliminated, the chick would die. But the egg, as we have already noted, contains as many as 17,000 pores in the shell, plus the two membranes also are very porous. The question would be, how does the excessive carbon dioxide exit the egg while oxygen enters? There is a scientific law called “the law of diffusion”. As the carbon dioxide builds up in the The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
egg, there is less oxygen in the egg than outside, while there is more carbon dioxide in the egg than on the outside. The law of diffusion states that the larger amount of oxygen (or any gas) wants to join with the lesser amount. The same things goes for the carbon dioxide. There is more in the egg than on the outside, so the larger amount wants to join the lesser amount on the outside. So because of this “law of diffusion” the oxygen flows into the egg while carbon dioxide flows out. Did you know that the body of the Congress of the United States is called “lawmakers?” Do you realize that the existence of law requires a lawmaker? Again, we have to ask, how can nothing (nothingness), darkness, and ignorance, unintelligence (evolution’s beginning) figure something like this out? And if nothingness, darkness, ignorance, and unintelligence (evolution’s beginning) did this, why would it have taken what we now call an intelligent scientific mind, through the process of observation, and experimentation to figure this out and then inform the rest of us? Since we
They are too busy denying, contradicting, and searching the expanse of the heavens, and the depths of the earth to see if they can figure out another way to explain how it all came about. were ignorant of the process that had been taking place for thousands of years, why didn’t we just automatically know this, just like nothingness, darkness, ignorance, and unintelligence did? Here is one for the scientists, professors, teachers, the super intelligent of 19
mankind etc., How is it that with all of your so-called intelligence that you still have to search for answers to the question of how it all began? There is One Who proclaims, “Because that, when they knew Yahweh, they glorified him not as Elohim, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened (with the nothingness, darkness, and ignorance of evolution). Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,” Ro. 1:21-22. This is the indictment of the evolutionary believing scientists, professors, teachers, etc.! Amazingly, in the twenty-one days of development, the egg will take in a little over six quarts of oxygen (6 liters), and expel around four and three fourths quarts (4-1/2 liters) of carbon dioxide. That is a huge volume for such a small item as the average size (volume) of an egg is about one and three fourths ounce! That is one and one-half gallons of oxygen, and one gallon and almost a quart of carbon dioxide! But there is more! EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT When the chick is five days old it develops a pair of lungs, but they don’t begin to take in air until the nineteenth day. It must get air in order to live so two blood veins grow from the chicks body (we could call this the “umbilical cords”) branching out into many tiny capillaries and attaching themselves to the membrane. The chick has also developed a heart that pumps the oxygen filled blood from the membrane to the chick, and carries the carbon dioxide to the membrane for release. While the heart and blood are doing the job of furnishing oxygen for the chick, two more blood vessels have grown from the chick’s body and entered the yolk, the yellow part of the egg. They also branch into many tiny capillaries so now the chick has air, and food. This also takes place on the fifth day. It is interesting that in the spiritual significance of numbers, five Issue #1—June 2013
is the number for grace. As the fat in the yolk is utilized, it is replaced with water vapor. Now another problem takes place. The water vapor can drown the chick, but once again the wondrous “law of diffusion” goes to work because there is less water vapor outside the egg than inside, so the water vapor also passes through the eggshell into the surrounding air. During the twenty one day development of the chick, the embryo loses eleven and a half quarts (or eleven liters) of water vapor! That’s almost three gallons of water vapor! The water vapor is also replaced with oxygen and nitrogen. Think of it! This little 1-3/4 oz. (volume) egg handles six quarts of oxygen (that’s 192 ounces), 4-3/4 quarts of carbon dioxide (that’s about 152 ounces), and 11-1/2 quarts of water vapor (that’s 368 ounces). Isn’t that just mind boggling? As the chick grows inside the egg, so does the air cell because the larger the chick gets, the more life giving oxygen it requires. By the eighteenth day the air cell has grown to 15 percent of the egg size. Keep in mind that if any of these things, any step, didn’t take place, there would be no chick. But by the nineteenth day there is no longer enough oxygen being supplied by the egg to keep the chick alive! By this time the chick has a beak, but because it is cramped in the egg, it can’t draw its head back and peck a whole in the egg. However, the Great Creator Yahweh knew about all of this in advance, so He caused a small triangular item to form on the chick’s bill called an “egg tooth.” It looks like an upside down “V.” When the chick begins to run short on oxygen, it begins to struggle. All it takes is a little push upward with the egg tooth which creates a hole large enough for the chick to receive the required oxygen. The chick remains in the egg for another twenty-four to thirty-six hours during which time its lungs finalize their development and The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
its capillary system ceases to work. Finally, on the twenty-first day, the chick pushes with the egg tooth one more time, the brittle shell breaks and the chick steps out into another world. A couple of days later, the egg tooth falls off, because the chick doesn’t need it anymore. INTELLIGENT DESIGN From existence of male and female, to fertilization, to the development of the embryo, to the final hatching, every process has to be accomplished flawlessly, or there would be no male, no female, no sperm, no egg, no fertilization, no development, no creature at all! Now we have to ask (as if we haven’t been asking this all along), could unintelligence do this? Could nothing do this? Could darkness do this? Could ignorance do this? Could all of this be of unintelligent design? Can unintelligence design anything as marvelous and complicated as this? Did this just happen by accident? If the creation began with a big bang, a big explosion from something that was so small that it wouldn’t fit on the
Did you realize that an egg must be able to breathe if the chick inside is to survive and develop? head of a pin, as the evolutionists believe, how did everything develop as it is? What explosion have you seen that creates? All explosions that we have ever seen do nothing but destroy. But look at the whole creation that supposedly came from something smaller than the head of a pin. While we do know what a small seed can do, yet we are looking at something so extremely voluminous that there are no seeds that we know of that could grow to such great proportions. How did it get organized the way it is? How did our solar system develop in the perfect manner that it did so that 20
the third planet from the sun could be watered, could support life, and then bring life forth? Without our sun and the perfect distance from it, the earth wouldn’t be able to support life. Without the moon, the earth wouldn’t be able to support life as we know it. How did it all happen? Did it come about through some mindless, purposeless, unintelligent process? There is One Who proclaims that He created it all by the power of His word! (See Genesis 1 & 2; Isaiah 45:18; John 1:1-14, etc.) If nothingness, darkness, ignorance, and unintelligent design did all that we see, according to the evolutionists, how did it do it? Of course, that is what the evolutionists are frantically searching for, the origins, how it all came about. But if we refuse to go to the One Who declares that He began it all, then we must foolishly, and ignorantly declare that it all came from nothing. As Romans 1 states, “….professing ourselves to be wise, we have become foolish.” Man has intelligence. Through man’s intelligence we have been able to accomplish some of the most amazing things. We have even developed space programs that have brought about all kinds of intricate things, such as the computer that is being utilized to formulate this article, research the internet, etc. But as intricate as the things are that man has been able to do, he/ we have never been able to intelligently design and engineer something that seems as simple as an egg. It looks and seems simple on the outside, but when we look deeper into it, it becomes more delicate and awesomely configured than we could ever have believed! Someone of far greater intelligence, ability to design, and bring forth to reality, has done this. His name is Yahweh Elohim. Let us give due benevolence, honor, praise, glory, and obeisance to the one Who deserves it. In His own word He says, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no Elo(Continued on page 21)
Issue #1—June 2013
him. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good,” Psa. 14:1. (See also Psa. 53:1) Notice that, He says that if you believe there is no Elohim, then you are a fool. He also says, “The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction,” Prov. 1:7. “The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding,” Prov. 9:10.
The Apostle John was a holy man, made so by the calling, the ministry and shed blood of Yahshua the Messiah. Therefore, he was writing under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So let’s do what is suggested above and not just take the writings of the Apostle John because there are other holy men, made so by the calling, the ministry, and shed blood of Yahshua the Messiah who were witnesses of Yahshua’s creative power.
The Apostle Paul was inspired to write, “Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of Yahweh given unto me by the effectual working of his power. Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of the Messiah; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in Yahweh, who created all things by Yahshua the Messiah: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the
The purpose of this work is to witness to our wondrous and glorious Savior Yahshua the Messiah. The Apostle John witnesses of Him that He is the One Who created all things, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. The same was in the beginning with Elohim. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not…. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of Elohim, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of Elohim. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth,” Jn. 1:1-5, 1014. Now we know and understand that there are those who disbelieve these Scriptures and contradict what is said here. Therefore, we must understand and do what the Apostle Peter declares, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of Elohim spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit,” 1 Pet. 1:20-21. The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
Now we know and understand that there are those who disbelieve these Scriptures and contradict what is said here. manifold wisdom of Yahweh, According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in The Messiah Yahshua our Sovereign: In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him,” Eph. 3:7-12. Again, Paul writes of Yahshua, “Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of 21
sins: Who is the image of the invisible Elohim, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence,” Col. 1:12-18. The book of Hebrews proclaims, “Elohim, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high,” Heb. 1:1-3. There is one other Scripture that I want to quote from before I put it all together, “By the word of Yahweh were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses. Let all the earth fear Yahweh: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast,” Psa. 33:6-9. John reveals that Yahshua is the Word, and that He is Elohim, and only Yahweh is Elohim according to the Scriptures. Yahshua not only spoke everything into existence by the power of His word, but He upholds it all by that same power according to the book of Hebrews, and according to Paul by Him everything consists or is held together. This is all done by the power of the Creator Yahshua the Messiah. Whether something is held together by gravity, by magnetism, by electroIssue #1—June 2013
The world is being led down the primrose path to destruction through the teaching of atheism and evolution. Almost all colleges, universities, schools, etc. are now in the process of emphasizing on these subjects. People are becoming trained to become mindless robots who can’t think for themselves. This magazine and the ministry behind it is dedicated to the purpose of proclaiming the awesome greatness of our Creator Yahweh. We are searching into creation everywhere we can to reveal the ignorance, and idiocy of those who hold these doctrines of demons. By Jerry Healan The world is being taught and led to believe that the Holy Scriptures are nothing more than ancient fables which have nothing to do with our world today. Nothing could be further from the truth! Daniel was led to prophesy, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased,” Dan. 12:4. We are living in those days! Knowledge is increasing extremely rapidly and many are running to and fro! Paul says that man will be, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” 2 Tim. 3:7. How true are all of these words! We live in a world of lies, lies, lies! We are being taught lies in our schools, colleges, universities, etc. We are being lied to continually by our leaders (politicians [professional liars]). The advertising world thinks up, dreams up all kinds of lies in order to push their products. The movies and television shows are nothing more than dreamed up skits and programs with no truth to them. If there is any truth at all, it is so surrounded with drama, that the truth wouldn’t be recognized anyway. There is one who is called the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). He is the one who originally deceived Eve (Gen. 3), is the father of lies (Jn. 8:44), and has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). He and his henchmen, angels, etc. are in the process of producing lie, after, lie, after lie, ad infinitum. There is no truth in him. His lies are not only for the purpose of deceiving, but also The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
cause murder. Evolution is a blasphemous lie! Paul says that the invisible things of our Creator are clearly seen through the things that are made! He says that even though they knew Him as Elohim, yet they weren’t thankful and turned away from Him into vanity! We exist in the physical world by laws. The laws of Thermodynamics emphatically disprove evolution! FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The first law of thermodynamics implies that energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed. This essentially means that creation is no longer
We are being taught lies in our schools, colleges, universities, etc. occurring. This is in line with what the Scriptures say, “And Elohim saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day Elohim ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made,” Gen. 1:31, 2:1-2. Yahweh had completed the physical creation and it was so perfect and complete that nothing needed to be added to, or taken away from it. SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Evolution teaches that everything 22
started from something that was so small, and compact that it should have fallen in on itself rather than exploding in a Big Bang. What big explosion has ever ended up in creating rather than destroying? Evolution implies that everything is increasingly becoming organized and complex in the universe and is in effect a doctrine of continuous creation. The second law of thermodynamics states that the original creation is decreasing in organization and complexity. This complies with the Scriptures as we read, “For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now,” Ro. 8:20-22. Do you get that? The creation is in the “bondage of corruption!” The second law of thermodynamics agrees with the Scriptures! Evolution is in absolute denial of the second law of thermodynamics! Evolution requires a universal principle of upward change, whereas the second law of thermodynamics is a universal principle of downward change. Evolution is in trouble. No matter how enthusiastically it tries to sell its speculations, something in nature keeps standing up and saying No! The two great universal principles of thermodynamics—energy conservation and deterioration—bear witness to the scientific necessity of an origiIssue #1—June 2013
Does evil exist? Did Elohim create evil? A University professor at a well known institution of higher learning challenged his students with this question. "Did Elohim create everything that exists?" A student bravely replied, "Yes he did!" "Elohim created everything?" The professor asked. "Yes sir, he certainly did," the student replied. The professor answered, "If Elohim created everything; then Elohim created evil. And, since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are, then we can assume Elohim is evil." The student became quiet and did not answer the professor's hypothetical definition. The professor, quite pleased with himself, boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth. Another student raised his hand and said, "May I ask you a question, professor?" "Of course", replied the professor. The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?" "What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The other students snickered at the young man's question. The young man replied, "In fact, sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy and heat The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 F) is the total absence of heat and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat." The student continued, "Professor, does darkness exist?" The professor responded, "Of course it does." The student replied, "Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact, we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors
“And, since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are, then we can assume Elohim is evil." and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present."
already said. We see it everyday. It is in the daily examples of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil. To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of Elohim. It is just like darkness and cold...a word that man has created to describe the absence of Elohim. Elohim did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have Elohim's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when there is no light." The professor sat down. The young man's name -- Albert Einstein
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Finally the young man asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course, as I have 23
Issue #1—June 2013
By Jonathan Gray
We've made an awful mistake!" Dismay was in Dean's voice. "A student has knocked our theory to bits!" Dr Dean Kenyon, Professor of Biology (Emeritus) at San Francisco State University, was one of the leading chemical evolution theorists in the world. He co-authored "Biochemical Predestination", which claimed 1. that the evolution of life was inevitable… 2. that proteins to produce living cells were formed directly by forces of attraction between their parts… 3. that proteins are just formed together (self-assemble) in chains, directly from amino acids, without any DNA assembly instructions. His theory was accepted with enthusiasm by the evolutionary scientific community. But within just five years after publishing, Kenyon suddenly had serious doubts. It began when one of his students asked, “How could the first proteins have been assembled without the help of genetic instructions?” (Proteins were the necessary information to build the first cell.) And then DNA was discovered. This would prove fatal to Kenyon’s molecular evolution theory. Kenyon confesses, “The more I conducted my own studies, including a period of time at NASA-AIMS Research Center, the more it became apparent there were multiple difficulties with the chemical evolution account. “And further experimental work showed that amino acids do not have the ability to order themselves into any biologically meaningful sequences. “The more I thought about the alternative that was being presented in the The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
criticism, and the enormous problem that all of us who had worked on this field had neglected to address, the problem of the origin of genetic information itself, then I really had to reassess my whole position regarding origins.” (Unlocking the Mysteries of Life) What he now had to address was this: What was the source of the biological information in DNA? “If one could get at the origin of the messages, the encoded messages within the living machinery, then you would really be onto something far more intellectually satisfying than this chemical evolution theory.” (Ibid.) The astonishing fact is that inside every microscopic-sized cell, machines work together to accomplish specific jobs and are shepherded by other specially shaped machines to precise locations where
What was the source of the biological information in DNA? they are needed. Learning this, Kenyon exclaimed, “This is absolutely mind-boggling, to perceive at this scale of size, such a finely tuned apparatus, a device, that bears the marks of intelligent design and manufacture!” OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE OF A MASTER DESIGNER This is observable evidence of thoughtful, programmed designing by some Superior Mind. Evidence of intelligently organized patterns. MUSIC IN GENES Something else. Did you know this? It was recently discovered that DNA is linked to music! 24
If you like music, but think that you can’t carry a tune, you may be wrong. Respected geneticist, Susumo Ono, believes he’s discovered music in genes – particularly human genes, fish genes and rabbit genes. Susumo is a researcher in DNA. He asked himself, If we were to assign a musical note to each chemical on the DNA strand and string those notes together and play them, what would DNA sound like? So he did this – and the result was amazing. He discovered musical patterns of notes, that again reveal intelligence. Susumo Ono was so astonished that he took his findings to musicians. And musicians, in turn, were astonished to hear echoes of Bach, of Schubert, of Mozart in DNA music. Using the same formula for converting DNA into music, Dr Ono worked backwards and translated Chopin's funeral march into chemical symbols. It came out cancer! Skeptics naturally point out that these strands of DNA produce only a string of single notes; it is the musicians who fill in the rhythm and the harmony. But the bottom line is this: Whichever way you look at it, the PATTERNS of single notes testify to intelligence as the source of DNA. Certainly it is not from a blind, accidental force in nature. IDENTICAL TO WRITTEN LANGUAGE But there’s more, much more. Scientists at Bell Laboratories conducted studies on the mathematical language in the DNA molecule. And what did they find? Its mathematical pattern is identical to that of Issue #1—June 2013
conversational language.
Concerning DNA, Charles Thaxton states: “A structural identity has been discovered between the genetic message on DNA and the written messages of a human language.” (Charles Thaxton, “A New Design Argument,” Cosmic Pursuit 1, no. 2, Spring 1998)
KENYON: “No. Just as the chemistry and physics of ink and paper do not determine the order of symbols in a printed text, but that order must be impressed on the ink from the ‘outside’, so also the order of the bases, or sub-units, in DNA [adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, or A, T, G, and C as commonly represented] is not determined by the known chemical tendencies of these individual sub-units, but instead appears to have been impressed from the ‘outside’ on the sub-units to create just those sequences that make biological sense.
Hupert Yockey explains: “There is an identity of structure between DNA (and protein) and written linguistic messages. “Since we know by experience that intelligence produces written messages, and no other cause is known, the implication, according to the abductive method, is that intelligent cause produced DNA and protein. “The significance of this result lies in the security of it, for it is much stronger than if the structures were merely similar. ”We are not dealing with anything like a superficial resemblance between DNA and a written text. ”We are not saying DNA is like a message. Rather, DNA is a message. True design thus returns to biology.” (Hubert P. Yockey, “Journal of Theoretic Biology”) Since there is no doubt in anyone’s mind it takes intelligence to write a language, it is evident that it took intelligence to write the DNA code. INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED ‘ SENTE NCES’ IMPRESSE D FROM THE OUTSIDE
The fantastic complexity and orderliness of the DNA code – condensed into an incredibly tiny size – suggests the work of a brilliant intellect rather than chance processes. It suggests that much thought has gone into their design – just as human beings use intelligence to design and construct computers, Jumbo jets, space craft and other intricate equipment. If radio signals were to be received
Since there is no doubt in anyone’s mind it takes intelligence to write a language, it is evident that it took intelligence to write the DNA code.
Dean Kenyon was asked if DNA comes in intelligently designed ‘sentences’.
from outer space, they would be understood as evidence of an intelligent source.
INTERVIEWER: “And is it true that when scientists peer into the microscopic world of DNA, they find not mere random arrangements, but wellwritten ‘instruction books’?”
Why then should we not regard the message sequence on the DNA molecule as prima facie evidence of an intelligent source?
KENYON: “Yes. Masterpieces of immense intricacy and subtlety.” INTERVIEWER: “And you argue that these biological ‘sentences’ in DNA could not have arisen merely by material means, as evolutionists sugThe Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
So that genes can be accurately copied, each gene consists of two parallel strands of DNA held together by links between the code letters of one strand and those of the other strand. The two strands are not identical. That is, A’s do not link to A’s, and so on. Instead, they are complimentary. A’s always link to T’s; C’s always link to G’s. Donail MacDonaill of Trinity College, Dublin, studied that pattern of linkages between letters. And he found that they form a parity code similar to computer codes, to minimize mistakes during the electronic transfer of information. (Nature science update, September 18, 2002) Now is the moment of truth. No one would be so naïve as to believe modern electronic parity codes could have evolved by chance. They were carefully planned by software designers. The parity code found in DNA is further evidence the genetic code was deliberately created. It also reminds us that DNA is designed to maintain accurate copies and avoid changes in the information it carries. This means it was designed to NOT evolve. But rather to reproduce its own kind forever. Come to think of it, wouldn't that make evolution scientifically impossible? Our follow-up to this article is on the next page. JH
DESIGNED NOT TO EVOLVE But that is not all! Gene code letters have built in error protection! Genes store information in long strings of DNA, in the form of chemical letters, called A, T, C and G. 25
Issue #1—June 2013
Are you beginning to understand the awesomeness of our GREAT CREATOR? Isn’t it fantastic and awesome that the DNA chemical letters are A and T? Do you realize what this means? The A is equivalent to the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the aleph (), and the T is equivalent to the last Hebrew letter, the tau ()! (Pictorial Hebrew) Yahshua said that He is the aleph and tau (Rev. 1:8)! Being the aleph and tau means that He is the beginning and ending, the first and the last. The discovery of DNA and its letters marks us as belonging to Him! We are His creation! DNA is a most powerful witness and sign that such is absolutely true! Furthermore, the C and G letters of DNA are another testimony. Both of these letters are equivalent to the third Hebrew letter, the gimel () (Pictorial Hebrew). Take a close look at this letter! Does it not look like a strand of DNA!? The representation of the gimel as revealed in the preceding paragraph is a much more ancient representation than the more typical gimel that looks like a foot in its other Pictorial Hebrew representation (), and the later Paleo Hebrew (g). There are special hidden meanings here. The more ancient usage () was abandoned in favor of the second representation (). But it is interesting that on the computer keyboard, the () symbol is represented by the letter “C”, while the more ancient representation is represented by the letter “G”. HIDDEN MEANINGS This author has been led to discover so many, many marvelous things in Yahweh’s word, and His creation. (No bragging here, but humility, because I understand that I was born totally ignorant. I had to learn the The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
things of this world, which, of course, is Yahweh’s creation. Then I have had to learn the things of Yahweh. My Master and Teacher is Yahweh. What I have learned is not for the purpose of lifting myself up, but to reveal the glorious wonders of Yahweh, and all that has been done through Yahshua the Messiah.) What has been revealed to this author is that the DNA is a tool, an instrument of Yahshua, Who is the Aleph, and, Tau () to bring forth life (). A former article and research that I did on the science of cymatics revealed that various images could be created with an instrument called a tonoscope wherein sand or iron filings, etc. could be placed on a plate and with various sounds, tones, frequencies, etc. certain shapes would appear. This led the scientists to deduct that everything in existence, exists via sound waves (YWM Jul.-Aug.
Yahshua, the Aleph (), and Tau (), spoke, sang, the creation into exis2005). Now, we find that DNA is linked to music! Here is an excerpt from our article on Cymatics, “In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did not generate the same result! How is this possible? Did the ancient Hebrews and Indians know this? Is there something to the concept of "sacred language," which both of these are sometimes called? What qualities do these "sacred lan26
guages," among which Tibetan, Egyptian and Chinese are often numbered, possess? Do they have the power to influence and transform physical reality, to create things through their inherent power, or, to take a concrete example, through the recitation or singing of sacred texts, to heal a person who has gone "out of tune"?” (YWM, Jul.-Aug. 2005, p. 15) The original Scriptures prove that Hebrew is the heavenly language. Cymatics proves that only Hebrew and Sanskrit vowels form images. Yahshua, the Aleph (), and Tau (), spoke, sang, the creation into existence. The DNA proves that only the A and T (aleph and tau) combine, and the C and G (the two letters for the gimel) combine together. If we take the aleph and tau, and combine them we get (Eth, pronounced et). But there is a Hebrew word that also describes this combination. That is the Hebrew word for “sign” which is the Hebrew word “owth” (, pronounced like “oat”). The waw () is the Hebrew letter that serves as a conjunction or hook. Now, let’s look at the more general form of the gimel in the pictorial Hebrew (), and the Paleo Hebrew (g). Here is what this teaches this author. There is nothing that exists before the aleph, nor after the tau. The aleph-tau () brought forth the creation, and life in that creation through the power of His word (which includes all of the Hebrew letters). The life (DNA) would be represented by the more ancient form of the gimel (). The more general form of the gimel is in the form of a foot (). The earth is Yahweh’s footstool (Isa. 66:1; Mt. 5:35). Scripture reveals that Yahshua empIssue #1—June 2013
tied Himself of the power, honor, esteem, glory, etc. that He had as Creator Elohim and descended to the earth (Phil. 2:5-8). It is interesting to note that Yahshua descended to earth (Yahweh’s footstool) during the time of the great, and dreadful, and terrible beast (Dan. 7), which was the Roman Empire. The form of Italy is that of a foot or boot. The Paleo Hebrew gimel (g) is likened to the head of a camel which represents something that is lifted up. Yahshua said that He came to be lifted up as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness (Jn. 3:14). The Hebrew for “Redeemer” is ga’al (lag, Paleo Hebrew). This form would give us the general idea that we are redeemed by the “lifting up El” since the term for El is la in Paleo Hebrew (this is equivalent to the English word God)! The Aleph and Tau (Yahshua as Yahweh in His pre-existent heavenly state) descended from heaven, becoming flesh, in order to be combined with the Tau at the end of His life so He could create a way of escape for His people who had come under the curse of sin and death. Thus the sign (/owth) was that the Aleph () and Tau () were joined, nailed, hooked () together. In His descent to the earth () from heaven, and being lifted up (g), we are given life (). The Aleph and Tau combine, and the gimels combine. GIMEL’S MODERN DAY FORM The modern day form of the gimel looks like this: g. L. Grant Luton writes, “Traditionally, gimel’s form—g—is said to resemble a man, head bent, determined to make his way from the second letter to the fourth (which is the dalet [d] the picture of a door). What is the gimel’s mission? The Sages teach that gimel (g) came from inside the b (beit, the “house”), and is on an important mission to dalet (d), the fourth letter. They describe gimel’s mission as one The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
of mercy to bring food and nourishment to (d). But, should dalet (d, the door of our minds and hearts) prove stubbornly closed to gimel, then punishment will result. (The possibility that gimel may bring punishment is due to the fact that gimel’s name may also be pronounced g’mal, meaning “recompense.”) The name of the dalet (d), the letter to which gimel is traveling, literally means “door.” From these four letters a story begins to unfold: The Father (ba) and His Son (b) sent forth someone (g) to nourish one who lives behind a closed door (d). Aside from being a picture of a door, dalet’s name comes from the root word dahl, which means “weakness” and “poverty.” Could an illustration of the gospel be any plainer? It is amazing to think that when God designed the Hebrew alphabet, He did so with the message of the gospel in mind….In our discussion of gimel (g), let us not neglect its relationship to the two letters that precede it, the a and b, which together spell ba (Av, “Father”). Yahshua said, “When the Counselor (g) comes, whom I will
send to you from the Father (ba), the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, He will testify about Me (b).” (In His Own Words, pp. 40-41) The representation above shows the flow of the gimel, which is coming out of the Father’s house (b), heading towards the dalet or door (d). “The gimel is composed of a vav (w waw), representing an erect man, with a lower yud (y), a foot in motion,” The Alef-Beit by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, p. 54. “The shape of the g resembles a lmg [gamal], camel, with its long neck,” The Wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet, by Michael Munk, p. 71. Are you beginning to understand that the Hebrew Alphabet, in its three forms, Pictorial, Paleo, and Modern, 27
is explaining Yahweh’s plan of salvation in His Son Yahshua the Messiah? His plan is revealed in His word (the Scriptures, in the heavens above (as revealed in our booklet entitled The Heavens Declare Yahweh’s Glory), in the Hebrew alphabet, and even in our own bodies, our DNA!!!!! YAHWEH’S KINDNESS Michael Munk writes, “The camel received its name because it is like a ‘weaned’ child and can go for a long time without drinking (R’ Hirsch, Genesis 21:8). Furthermore, the camel is equipped physically to endure tremendous stress, which enables it to help travelers survive the perils of the desert. Thus the camel is a gomel chessed, a performer of kindness.” (The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet, p. 71) Robert M. Haralick writes, “As a noun lm'GI (gimal) means remuneration and lmeG" (gamel) means mature. There is the verb root lm'GI (gimal), meaning to drive a camel. The associated noun lm'G" (gamal) means camel and lm'G: (gamal) means camel driver. But there is more than this, for the camel received its Hebrew name lm'G" not only because its long neck resembles a g, but because it can go for a long time without drinking just as a weaned child can go for a long time without drinking. The energy intelligence of g is then able to bring the desires of the conscious mind into being by nourishing until completely ripe, weaning it from the realm of desire or thought until it is in the realm of complete manifestation. It is thereby able to manifest the wealth of the conscious mind even if that means driving a camel through the desert or through the wilderness of the abyss. The shape of g is that of a w that represents the erect man with a y for its feet in motion. Why are the feet in motion? They are in motion to enable the man to run and find those poorer than he is so that he may give them Issue #1—June 2013
nourishment. Because it is fitting for the benevolent to run after [seek out] the poor. And this is the meaning of ~ydsx twlymg (gemylut chesadim), the practice of loving kindness or the practice of loving deeds.” (The Inner Meaning of the Hebrew Letters, p. 46) Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh also writes, “The English word ‘camel’ derives from the name of the Hebrew letter gimel. The camel symbolized the motion of travelling through the desert, the journey of life on earth. Carrying the burdens of life as well as rewards, the camel stores within itself the waters of kindness necessary to exist in th e dry desert. The camel brings life into the lifeless desert…” (The Alef-Beit, p. 58) King David wrote, “O Yahweh, rebuke me not in thy wrath: neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure. For thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore. There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger; neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin. For mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me. My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness. I am troubled; I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long. For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh. I am feeble and sore broken: I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart.,” Psa. 38:1-8. Our great burden (-s) is the sins that so easily beset us. But the Psalmist encourages, “Cast thy burden upon Yahweh, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved,” Psa. 55:22. Yahshua came to bear our sinful burdens, “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of Elohim, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and Yahweh hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth,” Isa. 53:1-9. Our sinful lives are like being in an empty and barren desert, or wilderness. Yahshua, as the gimel (g), is the One Who administers the loving kindness of Yahweh to us all. THE FLOW Robert Haralick writes, “...the g has a head on top, and is like a pipe. Just like a pipe, the g draws from above through its head, and disperses
As explained above, the gimel is in a state of motion, primarily downward, to infuse the previously lifeless body with life: ‘And He blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living creature’.” (The AlefBeit, pp. 54-55) through its tail. This is the g. Rabbi Kaplan interprets this to mean that g draws wisdom from above and dispenses wisdom through its tail. (The Inner Meaning of the Hebrew Letters, p. 48) Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg writes, “The 28
foot of the gimel (g), symbolized by the yud (y), is the ability to give a part of oneself to another. The yud, the smallest yet most compact and concentrated of the letters, represents a point of essential self, a seed of reproduction. Its lower position, as the foot of the gimel, is the secret of actual giving to another. In Kabbalah, we are taught that the head symbolizes receiving; the body, integrating with oneself; the feet (including the brit), giving to another. When the yud of the gimel, the rich man or male, is given to the dalet (d), the poor man or female, the dalet becomes an impregnated hei (h). This explains the sequence of these three letters: the gimel, the rich man, running after the ‘static’ dalet (as a door, merely able to turn on its hinges, to open or close), the poor man, in order to fill his needs, the hei. At the level of worlds, the run of the rich to the poor, the full to the empty, is engraved in the laws of nature. Water (the masculine power of chesed [lovingkindness and charity]) runs down to fill the lowest, empty basin. Higher energy states run to lower energy states. In living creatures, parents bear and thereafter care for and feed offspring. The gimel gives life, the pulse of ‘run and return,’ fully to become manifest in the letter chet (x), the letter of life, as will be explained. As explained above, the gimel is in a state of motion, primarily downward, to infuse the previously lifeless body with life: ‘And He blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living creature’.” (The AlefBeit, pp. 54-55) What is being said here? This is all wrapped up in mysteries of the kingdom of heaven! When Yahshua, the Word of Yahweh, created the heavens and the earth, including the man (Adam), a door was opened. Yahshua breathed into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life and Adam and Eve became living souls/beings/ Issue #1—June 2013
creatures. The name Adam is constructed to reveal the true meaning in the Hebrew. His name consists of aleph (a), dalet (d), and mem (~), the final form of the letter m (mem). This tells us that Adam is the first, chief, head of men (a), who is the door (d), of all who are born into this physical, fleshly, carnal world. The mem (~/m) is the picture of water in the Pictorial and Paleo Hebrew (/m). Yahshua likened water to the Holy Spirit in John 7:37-39. The English word for spirit, is generally translated from the Hebrew word ruach, which is also variously translated as breath, air, etc. There is the “spirit” (breath/ruach) in man, and the “spirit” (breath/ruach) of Yahweh/ Elohim. All men came under the “sting of death” through their forebears Adam and Eve (Gen. 3; Ro. 5), which left us all in a dry, empty, and hopeless desert of death. The door to spiritual life was closed. But Yahshua, Who is the Word of Yahweh, the One Who spoke the heavens and earth into existence, Who has always been with the Father (Psa. 336-9; Jn. 1:1-14; 17:5, etc.), entered into this world through the door (d), the womb and matrix of the virgin Miriam, so that He could bring grace (represented by the number 5, and the hei [h] in the Hebrew alphabet) to mankind. y
The idea that the Modern Hebrew presents is that the hei (h) is a combination of the dalet/door (d) that has been impregnated with the yod (y) d. Yahshua came from heaven (Jn. 3:13, 31; 6:33, 38, 42; Eph. 4:9). He was rich and most powerful as Elohim, but He humbled Himself, descended from heaven, becoming poor so that He might give of Himself to us making us rich also (Phil 2:7-8). Yahshua became the second Adam (1 Cor. 15:45), which makes Him the door (Jn. 10) through Whom we are The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
able to enter into a new immortal, incorruptible life. When Yahshua completed the work of redemption, He returned to the place from whence He came, that is, the right hand of the Father (Jn. 17:4-11; Heb. 1:1-3, etc.). CLOTHING SION
Amazingly, the second, third and fourth letters of the Hebrew alphabet (dgb), form the Hebrew word beged, which is the word for clothing! (2 Cor. 5:1-4) Yahshua came to clothe us with the garments of righteousness, humility, and eternal life. Robert M. Haralick writes, “The concealed meaning of g can be revealed by understanding lm, which when written lm' is an alternate to lWm, which is the root meaning to circumcise, to cut off. What to cut off is apparent from the spiritual meaning of circumcise, which is to purify one’s heart.” (The Inner Meaning of the Hebrew Letters, p. 50) Paul writes, “Beware lest any man
Robert M. Haralick writes, “The concealed meaning of g can be revealed by understanding lm, which when written lm' is an alternate to lWm, which is the root meaning to circumcise, to cut off.
of the Messiah: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of Yahweh, who hath raised him from the dead,” Col. 2:8-12. Are you able to see the power of the Word of Yahweh? Yahshua is the Aleph (a) and Tau (t), the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. Yahshua told His disciples that He is the way, the truth, and the life (Jn. 14:6). He, as the Aleph (—Pictorial Hebrew), and Tau (—Pictorial Hebrew), and the life (, —Pictorial Hebrew). Our own DNA bears witness to this fact. People don’t see it, but even the Scriptures bear the mark of the Aleph and Tau. Yahweh shows that the heavens and earth are marked with the בראׁשית ברא אלהים את הׁשמים ואת הארץ׃ Aleph and Tau in His own word. In the book of Genesis we read, “In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth,” Gen. 1:1. The Hebrew of this verse looks like this: Converting the Hebrew into the English, it reads from right to left, “Bereshiyt bara Elohim et (aleph-tau) hashemayim ve et (aleph-tau) ha erets.” The aleph-tau is replete throughout the throughout the Scriptures just as the A and T is replete in our own DNA. This is a testimony to this author that confirms Yahshua as the One Who created it all. HalleluYah!!!!!
spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after the Messiah. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Headship bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision 29
Issue #1—June 2013
Hello everyone, my name is George the giraffe. I have been asked to speak to you about the evolutionary process that brought me to the point that I exist today. Honestly, we have been able to do some marvelous things in the process. This is the story that I want to relate to you. Evolution is such an amazing thing. It has taught our species to do so many things that are seemingly impossible in today's world. I am a big bull giraffe that stands 18 feet tall! I can reach as high as 22 feet! It would take a pretty long ladder for you to reach my height. Some people wouldn’t be able to make it that high as they are afraid of heights. I must say that it is a good ways to the ground from up here. Evolutionists claim that we had to grow this tall in order to reach those tasty scrumptious leaves that grow on the taller bushes and trees. Now, please don't ask me to answer any questions as to why the answer to our problems of food for our survival caused us to grow this tall. After all, you know....we just live for today and the moment. We don't say much of anything so when someone doesn't talk much, it's really hard to keep the history of our origins in the forefront of our minds. We just don't talk about what happened yesterday, as a matter of fact, we don't even think of yesterday, and we certainly don't make any plans for tomorrow. You know, we just take things as they come. It is strange though, that we evolved our height to reach those leaves while other vegetarian creatures like monkey, etc. just learned to climb up that high. My neck is 10 feet long! At least, that's what I have been told by men who are able to utilize rulers and measuring tapes. Let's see, if I had gone to school and learned some arithmetic, I would have been able to figure this out for myself, but who The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
cares about school and learning. I had rather wander among the trees, my favorite place because that's where my food is. Anyway, it is an engineering marvel. Pretty good for someone who has never looked at a drawing board, never been to school, never learned to count, never learned my A,B,C's, etc. right? In reality, for us to be able to design and engineer ourselves without the knowledge to do so is such an amazing thing! Speaking of counting, did you know that I only have seven neck bones? You also have seven neck bones, and the tiniest mouse has seven neck bones. How did we all figure that one out together? Did you know that seven is a very important number? There is the Scriptural account where Elohim created the heavens and earth in six days, and rested on the seventh. There are seven annual holy days that reveal to Yahweh's people His plan of salvation and completion.
Speaking of counting, did you know that I only have seven neck bones? I think that there may be some spiritual implications concerning the head of a body sitting on seven neck bones. The neck connects the head to the rest of the body. I think that the Scriptures say that Yahweh the Father is the head of the Messiah, Who is, in turn, the head over the men, and the men are to be the heads over the women (1 Cor. 11:3). Furthermore, the assembly of believers is the body (Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:24). The neck, with its seven neck bones could be a type of Yahshua, Who is the Mediator between heaven and earth (1 Tim. 2:5). He joins the head (the Father) to the body (the assembly). He has seven one thousand year days (Peter says a thousand years is as one day, and a 30
day as a thousand years [2 Pet. 3:8]) to complete His plan and to bring forth a new heavens and earth wherein dwells righteousness (See Rev. 21 and 22). At that time the assembly will be given an incorruptible, immortal body that the Father, through Yahshua can dwell with and in for all eternity. OTHER AMAZING WORKS! In order to pump the all important blood to our brains, we giraffes had to perform another marvelous miracle. We had to develop a huge heart to do the job. Our hearts are about 2 feet long and weigh about 25 pounds! (All of these numbers, weights, and measures are making me dizzy.) But my heart has to be large and strong in order to pump the blood up to my brain. As big and strong as our hearts are, you would think that we would suffer from high blood pressure, or that it would blow out our brains, but the law of gravity helps to adjust the pressure so that the pressure is just right by the time it reaches our brains. I wonder where this law of gravity came from. You know, there is a body of lawmakers in Washington D.C. There are bodies of lawmakers in all of the 50 states. Men make laws for men to live by. If there was no body of legislators, then there would be no law for men to govern themselves by. This means that where there is no lawmaker, there is no law. The existence of law demands a lawgiver. The law of gravity wasn't made by men. It existed before men. So there has to be a greater lawmaker than man. This works well for us while our heads are extended high above our bodies reaching for leaves in the branches of the trees, but what happens when we have to lower our head to get an all important drink of water? Won't the excessive pressure blow our brains out? Well, thankfully our ancestors learned to work around this problem by devising a system of valves in the arteries so that when we Issue #1—June 2013
lower our heads the valves automatically shut the blood flow and pressure down. But what about the blood that is beyond the last valve that is just entering the brain? It still has the normal strength of the pressure on it, but once again, my ancestors devised a spongy "wonder net" of blood vessels under our brain that automatically soaks up any extra blood, and takes the pressure off of the brain. The "wonder net" then slowly empties the blood into our brain so that we don't get dizzy, or pass out, or suffer a stroke. But then our ancestors had to deal with another problem. Since the heart has to produce strong pressure to send the blood to the brain, what about the blood that comes out of the brain traveling to the rest of the body? You know, the lungs, kidneys, and even the heart itself. (I have never had a course in anatomy so I'm not sure how I know all of these things.) The pull of gravity, in combination with the pressure from our heart, should cause the blood to rush down our necks and blow out our other organs. It just so happens that we developed another system of valves in the veins so that they would regulate the blood rushing back down from the head to the rest of the body. I have no idea how many of our ancestors died over the millions of years evolutionists say that we took to evolve as we are today. Which ancestor was it that was able to figure all of this out? Which ancestor figured that we needed long necks to reach those leaves way up there? How did he know that he needed a large superpowerful heart to pump blood up so high? How did he know that we only needed seven bones in our neck? How did he know that we needed a system of valves in our arteries to cut the blood pressure down when we lowered our heads? How did he know that we needed a "wonder net" to absorb the extra blood to keep us from getting dizzy and even passing out. How did he know that we needed a system of valves to regulate the blood pressure going back down our necks to the The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
rest of our bodies? It really isn't something that could just slowly develop over time because everything has to be designed to work perfectly all at the same time or we just die. Everything had to be put together suddenly, all at one time. It had to work perfectly from the start. When I was born into this world, I didn't have to think about how I was made. I am so glad that one of my ancestors was so wise and intelligent that he was able to design us from the beginning. Or was it my ancestors? I never went to school. I never learned anything that has to do with design, engineering, etc. My first ancestor would have been just like me. He never was schooled, never looked at a drawing board, never took courses in anatomy, science, math, design, engineering, etc. (I'm getting dizzy again! HELP!!!!!) I think that the only way that I could ever have come into existence with the attributes that I have for life and survival is if a super intelligent Creator placed my ancestors here. As a matter of fact, our make-up demands a super intelligent Creator.
Evolution may appear to be wise to man, but it will soon be made to be utterly foolish and empty. I think that there is a Psalm that applies here. It goes like this, "Praise ye Yahweh. Praise ye Yahweh from the heavens: praise him in the heights. Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens. Let them praise the name of Yahweh: for he commanded, and they were created. He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass. Praise Yahweh from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word: Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars: Beasts, and all 31
cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl: Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth: Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: Let them praise the name of Yahweh: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven. He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye Yahweh," Psa. 148:All. Yes, I will praise Yahweh for all of His marvelous wonders! My own existence declares His praise, His power, His honor, His esteem, His glory, His marvelous infinite intelligence! Evolutionists are going to wake up one day, and they are going to understand how their wisdom has been made foolish, "For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not Yahweh made foolish the wisdom of this world?" 1 Cor. 1:19-20. Do you really want to be wise, or do you want to be foolish? Scripture says, "The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: And the knowledge of the holy ones is understanding," Prov. 9:10. Evolution may appear to be wise to man, but it will soon be made to be utterly foolish and empty. So how about you? Do you want today's wisdom that is really foolishness, and passes away, or do you want the wisdom that endures for all eternity? Follow the Proverb, follow Yahshua, follow Yahweh's word, give Him the praise that He deserves, and live. As for me, I'm getting weak hunger, and am still dizzy from this thinking. Wow! Look at delicious leaves on that tree there! Dinner, here I come!
from all of those over
By Jerry Healan
Issue #1—June 2013
THE BATTLE FOR THE CELL The following is a program that appeared on one of the documentary television programs recently. It has to do with a battle that goes on every day of every person's life throughout the world. Of course it is presented from the standpoint of evolution, but there are so many marvelous wonders that are revealed here, which reveal the impossibility of evolution. Let's get into the program and see what we can find out about the Creator's awesome intellect. Jerry Healan This is the final stage in an epic battle in one of the longest wars in human history. It's a battle that rages inside of each one of us every single day, a trillion times over. This battlefield was once a healthy human cell. Now, its disintegrating into tiny pieces. A virus has overrun its defenses and unleashed an army of clones. An army whose sole purpose is to reproduce and destroy as many cells in our bodies as possible resulting in disease, or even death. Now, using the latest scientific research, Curiosity exposes this once invisible world, revealing as never before, the life and death battle for a human cell. These are healthy human cells. The fundamental units of life. Each of us has a 120 trillion of them. Over 200 different types build brains, muscles, and organs. Each one is so small that 40,000 of them can fit on the head of a pin. But the complex world beneath this cell's surface is only now beginning to give up its astonishing secrets. Once thought to be a simple structure containing an outer shell and an interior no man's land, and a nucleus at its core, science has now discovered a world more complex than any city, more surprising than any work of science fiction. Here millions of specialized proteins build astonishing structures, and keep our cells functioning smoothly. COMMENT: Isn't it amazing! Scientists have had to change their minds about the so-called simple cell. What they just considered as something simple, just like an egg; there is the eggshell, the egg white, and the yolk. Simple stuff, right? But now they have discovered that the cell, just one cell, The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
is more complex than any city. Get that!? ANY CITY! This includes the greatest and most complex cities in the whole world! How many complex cities are there in the world that man has built? Yet only one cell in our bodies is more complex than any of the great cities that we have built for ourselves, and we have 120 trillion of these most complex cells in our bodies! How has this happened? If our greatest and most complex cities have been built by man, by man's intelligence, then isn't it logically reasonable that a tiny cell, so small that we can't even see it with the naked eye; so small that 40 thousand of them can fit on the head of a pin, yet more intricate and complex than any great city they have discovered that the cell, just one cell, is more complex than any city. Get that!? ANY CITY! that man has built, or can build, doesn't the logical, and sound reasoning cry out that a most wonderful and awesome intellect has designed and created these cells? Each protein has its own assignment handed from the most important molecule in our body located within the nucleus of every single cell....DNA, the book of life. This chain of chemicals is responsible for everything about us. Our eye color, our height, even basic aspects of our personality. All of the activity within this bustling metropolis is powered by billions of tiny batteries constantly recharged by floating power stations. They power every heartbeat, 32
every movement we make, every thought. Outside, our cells are constantly being monitored. White blood cells patrol our bodies looking for signs of damage or infection and communicating with the cells that make up the surrounding tissue. COMMENT: What a description! A bustling metropolis!? (120 trillion of them) Billions of tiny batteries!? Floating power stations!? Monitoring by patrolling white blood cells!? DNA - the book of life!? But we are constantly under attack, and this skin cell is about to engage in an epic battle for survival. A battle that starts with an event so every day that you won't even realize that it has started at all. Carried in on the droplet of a sneeze, millions of invaders pass through weak spots in the eyes, the mouth, and the nose. It's an enemy that has been studying our cells for eons. Each of these alien intruders is a cunningly simple and deadly machine. This is the adenovirus. One of twenty families of virus that can affect you. It is responsible for a wide range of illnesses from a simple cold to pneumonia. Within its armored shell is a handful of simple instructions. Its breach a cell's outer defenses and make its way to the nucleus. Once there, anyone of these viruses can take control of the cell's healthy DNA and replace it with its own destructive DNA. But our cells will do everything in their power to stop them from reaching the nucleus. This virus targets a cell in the lining of our nose, but beIssue #1—June 2013
fore it reaches the outer wall of its target, it is met by a cloud of resistance. These white antibodies patrol the no man's land between cells. Their job is to identify and neutralize viruses. Recognizing an old enemy, they clamp to the armored shells. By handcuffing viruses together, they prove easier prey for the massive roaming white blood cells that feed on the invading virus. The antibodies provide a good first line of defense, but they are simply outnumbered. Hundreds of thousands of viruses reach the outer surface of the skin cell. Phase two of the invasion is about to begin. An army of viruses reach the outer surfaces of the cell. The sophisticated barrier forms a second line of defense. Nothing should get through here unless the cell recognizes it as useful. The surface is made of an interlinked skin of fatty molecules. Small molecules like water and oxygen easily seep in and out. Other molecules like sugars, needed for energy, enter through special pumps, but the largest traffic, nutrients and other proteins need a special key that fits into mobile locks patrolling the surface. COMMENT: Notice it, more patrolling by antibodies, special pumps, special keys that fit into mobile locks patrolling the surface! But over billions of years of conflict, the adenovirus evolved a copy of this highly specialized key. Antibodies disable thousands of these virus keys, but many escape detection. One by one, locks all over the cell's surface are tripped. The virus army slips inside. The original Trojan horse. Fooled into thinking that its an important nutrient, protein workers beneath the surface prepare to receive the virus. Drawing the surface down, they create a bubble of cellular membrane and wrap the virus inside. A separate protein squeezes the bubble free, delivering the virus into the interior. If any of these viruses reach the nucleus, they will take over the cell, and The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
create an army of clones. Inside and out, this machine has everything it needs to complete its deadly mission. A viral army tricks its way inside this skin cell. But the cell has a formidable array of defenses to stop the advance. Every package delivered into the cells interior is immediately imprisoned in sorting stations called endosomes. The cell begins to process the incoming supplies, including the virus, preparing them for delivery throughout the cell. The first step is to break them down. The walls of the endosomes are fitted with specialized protein pumps. The pumps draw in charged hydrogen atoms making the interior highly acidic. The acid is needed to break down nutrients into smaller molecules that are easier for the cell to transport and digest. The acid eats away at the viruses outer shell. The virus begins to break apart. It should spell disaster for the adenovirus. But, in fact, the invader counts on the acid as part of its escape plan. The bonds holding the virus fibers to
Notice it, more patrolling by antibodies, special pumps, special keys that fit into mobile locks patrolling the surface! the cell are the first to be eaten away. But their disintegration releases a special protein from inside the virus that targets the wall of the station. The odd shaped protein tears the membrane apart. The virus is set free. But not every virus is successful. In a nearby sorting station, antibodies cling to the surface holding the shell together, preventing the escaped protein from being released. Thousands of viruses are literally destroyed in these sorting stations, but many escape. And now, they float freely inside the cell. Having broken free from its endosome prison, the virus army is now one step closer to its goal of reaching the nucleus, but 90% will go no fur33
ther. Although they are a mere 5 thousandths of a millimeter from the nucleus, for many, they may as well be a million miles away. Although they are constantly encircled by the constant bustle of the cellular activity, the invaders have no way of moving themselves. And they have no way of utilizing the energy created by the cell's power stations, the mitochondria. Throughout each cell, hundreds of mitochondria feed energy to power the network of proteins that keep the cell moving. So far, the virus has relied on the internal currents of the body to bring it this far. Now, it needs help. Just beneath the cell's surface, large numbers of transportation workers called motor proteins wait for the nutrients processed inside the endosomes. Any molecule with the right connectors is grabbed by these motorized legs, and hauled along microtubules, the cell's highways, to its ultimate destination. COMMENT: Motorized legs!? With connectors!? Transportation system!? Highways!? The virus is nothing if not adaptable. In this billion year game of cat and mouse, the virus evolves the exact coupling system to attract the motor proteins. These legs, powered by the cell's batteries unwittingly aid the virus on its march toward the nucleus. COMMENT: Billion year game of cat and mouse!? Is my mind too simple to grasp and understand what the scientists take for granted every day? But how can we just take these things for granted? These are awesome things that are taking place in our own bodies, and we don't even have any control over them. They take place every moment, every second, every minute, every hour of every day! We are oblivious to that which is taking place in our own bodies. We never even think of these things. Armies locked in mortal combat in ourselves! Motor proteins are a wonder of the natural world. At six thousand steps per minute, this action must be slowed down over thirty times to see it. Their Issue #1—June 2013
journey to the nucleus is equivalent to running two marathons, 52 miles at the speed of an Olympic sprinter. Speed isn't everything. The cell's microtubule highways lead to the nucleus. But the route is littered with countless obstacles, and the transporters can only haul cargo in one direction. The virus once again appears helpless. Here...a microtubule blocks its path. But a recent discovery has forced scientists to rethink everything they know about the cell's transportation system. It turns out that motor proteins have more than one pair of motorized legs and they are capable of traveling in reverse. Together, these two sets of specialized legs can navigate around most obstacles. Once again, the virus is on its way. And behind it is an army of hundreds. COMMENT: Motor proteins.... wonders of the natural world!? Fifty two miles in a cell so small that it takes 40 thousand of them to fit on the head of a pin!? Fifty two Miles!!!??? Recent discovery!? How many discoveries will it take before they begin to realize that it has taken someone far, far, far greater than their own intellect and abilities to jumpstart this whole process? Its been under an hour since the adenovirus first attacked the skin cell in the lining of the nose. And it will take another hour to reach the nucleus where it looks to create an army of clones. Until recently, scientists thought that once the virus army was this far along, nothing could stop it. But new research reveals a previously unknown line of defense within the cell. Researchers discovered that a special protein lies in wait along the cell's highway system constantly on the lookout for anything carrying antibodies, like those attached to the virus at the cell's surface. The proteins now attach themselves to the cell's antibodies. This initiates a reaction that attracts other specialized proteins, ultimately marking the virus for destruction. COMMENT: More recent discoveries! Can't anyone see and understand The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
the fact that the cell was created with its own protection system!?
the arms guarding the nuclear core. The virus is ripped apart.
Recycling machines called proteasomes are dispatched to the scene to destroy it. Tipped off by antibodies, the alliance of special proteins, and the recycling machines, can destroy an army of viruses in just a few hours. But it only takes a single virus to bring down an entire cell, and this one virus escapes detection. Without antibodies, it is invisible to the cell's recycling machines. Now, nothing can stop this virus from reaching its target.
COMMENT: THINKING!? Motor proteins think? Arms that guard the nuclear core?
The virus is now just one thousandth of a millimeter from the nucleus. But to achieve its goal, it first has to get inside. The nucleus of the cell's core is a million time larger than the virus, and it is protected by a skin similar to the cell's outer wall, but even tougher to breach. There is only one way in. Entry into this world is controlled by unique gateways called nuclear pores. Across the surface, protein arms search for molecules to draw inside the pores. Through these gateways, billions of chemical messages and
DNA machines that constantly attend to our body's instruction maninstructions pass between the DNA and the cell. COMMENT: Billions of chemical messages and instructions!? Gateways!? Nuclear pores!? We can receive messages and instructions every day because of our intellect, but how did the cell develop the intelligence to issue chemical messages and instructions? The virus must get inside to finish its job. But it needs permission to enter. Once again, the viruses' shell carries the appropriate pass, but it needs permission to enter. But the invader is too large. The virus is not deterred. Thinking they have reached another obstacle, the motor proteins reverse direction creating a tug of war with 34
What looks like a catastrophe for the virus is its master stroke. This has released the viruses' cargo into the heart of the cell's command and control center. At every stage of this invasion, the virus uses the cell's own mechanisms to overcome its defenses. It now attempts to take that strategy to its ruthless conclusion. Inside the nucleus lie DNA machines that constantly attend to our body's instruction manual. Some read the instructions and create special blueprints for building specific proteins. These machines have no way of telling the difference between the Cell's DNA and the DNA of the virus. They unwittingly begin converting the deadly viral code into thousands of instructions for the cell's workers to follow. Blueprints for a deadly army designed to spread infection throughout the body. COMMENT: DNA machines that constantly attend to our body's instruction manual? Everything that we acquire these days, comes with an instruction manual, don't they? We must read the instructions in order to properly care for, and operate at maximum efficiency that which we have purchased. My father and mother in law couldn't read. Why? They never went to school to learn how to. We have to go to school in order to learn the alphabet, to read, write, figure, etc. Who taught these DNA machines how to read and prepare blueprints? Reading blueprints takes a special skill that must be acquired, you know. The ability to prepare blueprints requires another skill, which must be taught, acquired. Now, these instructions from the virus flood out of the nucleus through the pores and back into the cell. Here, an army of mobile protein factories called ribosomes intercept the plan. Normally, these machines conIssue #1—June 2013
vert our DNA blueprints into proteins important to the cell. Now, fed with viral instructions, they start building the raw materials for a new virus army. Each new protein is carefully folded into its precise shape. Piece, by piece, they build all parts needed to construct an army. But the pieces themselves aren't assembled out here. The new virus army is built back inside the nucleus closer to the cell's DNA machines. The pieces are drawn back into the cell through the nuclear pores. With its mission underway, the virus turns its attention to the cell's DNA. It shuts down any of the normal processes it doesn't need. The entire focus of the DNA is on building viral clones. Everything else will die. But before all normal activity stops, a motor protein makes its way to the surface. It's carrying an important message, a warning to surround cells. With a viral invasion nearing success, the stricken cell sends a warning to the outside world. These parcels usually contain healthy protein fragments that are carried to the surface telling the outside world that the cell is healthy. Now, they carry discarded fragments of the viral army. At the surface, the parcel unwraps, and the enemy fragments are exposed. These are a warning to the body's immune system. A dying message is spreading across the cell's surface that it is under attack. If the viral fragments are spotted by the body's patrolling white blood cells, they will destroy the cell along with the viruses inside. If not, the infection will spread from cell, to cell, to cell. COMMENT: What an awesome warning system! How did the cell know that there is an outside world? Because of the materials that it receives from it? But how did it figure out and acquire the ability to signal danger? In a single day, the virus takes complete control of the skin cell. With the DNA paralyzed, the cell falls into decay. The only activity taking place is building the virus army. Piece by The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
piece, the parts snap together inside the nucleus. The viral shell self assembles. Already built into its surface are the connectors for it to attach to the motor proteins, the cell's transporters. New fibers arm them with the keys to unlock other cells. But the shell is just the delivery mechanism, useless without its cargo. Finally, thousands of copies of the enemy DNA are delivered to the army. Every strand over 200 times the length of the virus shell is neatly folded into the tiny space inside. Here, it lies in wait until it can infiltrate another nucleus, and start the whole process over. This army is just the result of one strand of DNA delivered by a single virus. The nucleus, once the center of cell organization, now houses an army of 10,000 deadly clones. Each ready to spread out and infect as many cells within our body as possible. It's been two days since the virus entered the body. Now, the new army prepares to escape its dying host. Before it can be unleashed, the army has two barriers to overcome. The wall
With a viral invasion nearing success, the stricken cell sends a warning to the outside surrounding the inner nucleus, and the outer membrane of the cell itself. It has evolved ruthless solutions for both. The virus instructs the protein builders outside the nucleus to prepare the way. First, proteins are instructed by the virus DNA to target the support structures that hold the cell together. The effects are cataclysmic. The cell's outer membrane starts to disintegrate. Tearing down the wall that surrounds the nucleus is a much tougher proposition. A second protein is built to attack its thick skin. Named the adenovirus protein, it burrows into the membrane. The weakened nucleus can no longer contain the bulging army. The nucleus disintegrates. The 35
virus army is free. The cell is now a devastated wasteland, unrecognizable from the bustling harmonious community that it was just 48 hours ago. There is nothing here to stop the virus army from flooding into the surrounding tissue, attacking neighboring cells, spreading infection throughout the body. The battle for this single skin cell is lost. But the war is far from over. While the virus is busy inside the cell, antibodies regroup, and now return in full force to take on the escaping army. Even in these numbers, it cannot stop every virus, but they do not work alone. The cell's warning to the outside world is not in vain. The heavy artillery arrives. The giant white blood cells devour the escaping virus. Taking no chances, they also engulf nearby cells vulnerable to the infection. Some surrounding cells make the ultimate sacrifice. They destroy themselves to stop the virus. It is at this state that we become aware of the battle taking place inside us. Blood flow increases, bringing more white blood cells to the battleground. It inflames our nasal tissue. This is what we experience as a congested nose. Working together, the body's immune system finally prevents the infection from spreading. Today, the body has won. Beyond the battleground lie other cells unaffected by the war. Inside, they hold identical copies of our DNA. These are the latest editions of the book of life copied from our parents and their parents. Over generations, our DNA connects us to a family tree, reaching back over three billion years, to the very first cell. A cell that existed long before humans. Long before mammals. Long before the dinosaur. It tells us that every living plant and creature on earth is descended from that single first ancestor, a cell containing a single strand of DNA that started it all. But the adeno(Continued on page 42)
Issue #1—June 2013
Moody Press has published a research article concerning the camel’s characteristics which prove that it was engineered and created, rather than having evolved. We have taken this article and have embellished upon it to not only prove the same, but to show more of Yahweh’s characteristics. By Jerry Healan If you ever doubted that God, Elohim, Yahweh exists, meet the very technical, highly engineered dromedary camel. Yahweh thought so much of me that He fashioned and named the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet after me. That letter is the gimel, which looks like this in the more ancient Pictorial Hebrew, and like this g in the Paleo Hebrew. Originally, the gimel looked more like a leg and foot symbolizing activity, walking, running, etc. Later, the alphabet was changed from the Pictorial Hebrew to the Paleo Hebrew, which made it to look more like the head of a camel, which is held up high. As a matter of fact, the English word “camel” comes from the Hebrew word gamal, or gamel, which is their word for me. The Hebrew word for the third letter is gimel (lmg), and the Hebrew for camel is lmg. Do you see any difference? It’s all the same isn’t it? That is why the letter is likened to me, the camel. When I'm hungry, I'll eat almost anything- a leather bridle, a piece of rope, my master's tent, or a pair of shoes. My mouth is so tough a thorny cactus doesn't bother it. Because of his disobedience, the original man Adam and his descendants, who were made to till the earth, caused a curse to be brought upon the earth. Thorns and thistles were to be brought forth, which crowd out the earth’s productivity. Man has to work hard, sweating profusely in order to keep those thorns and thistles from taking over his gardens, but I don’t mind. I can eat those thorns because of the toughness of my mouth. If evolution is true, I wonder The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
why man hasn’t re-engineered himself to be able to eat those thorns and thistles! However, I do also love to chow down grass and other plants that grow here on the Arabian desert. I'm a dromedary camel, the one-hump kind That lives on hot deserts in the Middle East . My hump, all eighty pounds of it, is filled with fat — my body fuel — not water as some people believe. My Mighty Maker (Yahweh Who became Yahshua the Messiah [See John 1:1-18, Heb. 1:3, etc.]) gave it to me because He knew I wouldn't always
My hump, all eighty pounds of it, is filled with fat — my body fuel — not water as some people believe. be able to find food as I travel across the hot sands. When I don't find any chow, my body automatically takes fat from the hump, feeds my system, and keeps me going strong. This is my emergency food supply. If I can't find any plants to munch, my body uses up my hump. When the hump gets smaller, it starts to tip to one side. But when I get to a nice oasis and begin to eat again, my hump soon builds back to normal. I've been known to drink twentyseven gallons of water in ten minutes. My Master Designer made me in such a fantastic way that in a matter of 36
minutes all the water I've swallowed travels to the billions of microscopic cells that make up my flesh. This certainly proves that Rebekah was a very hard and diligent worker because when the servant of Abraham came to Mesopotamia looking for a bride for his son Isaac, and met her at the well, she gave him water to drink and then moved with haste to water the ten camels that were with him. Wow! That would be 270 gallons of water. Of course, we don’t know how long it took her to satisfy the camel’s thirst, but if her pitcher held five gallons of water, which would weigh about 40 pounds, or more, that means that she would have made fifty-four trips back and forth to water the camels. (See Genesis 24:10-22) We certainly can tell from this account that she wasn’t lazy. Naturally, the water I swallow first goes into my stomach. There thirsty Issue #1—June 2013
blood vessels absorb and carry it to every part of my body. Scientists have tested my stomach and found it empty ten minutes after I've drunk twenty gallons. In an eight hour day I can carry a four hundred pound load a hundred miles across a hot, dry desert And not stop once for a drink or something to eat. That is a very heavy burden to bear, but even though I am strong and can carry so much so far, think about the burdens that Yahshua can bear when He said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light,” Mt. 11:28-30. In fact, I've been known to go eight days without a drink, but then I look a wreck. I lose 227 pounds, my ribs show through my skin, And I look terribly skinny. But I feel great! I look thin because the billions of cells lose their water. They're no longer fat, they're flat. Normally my blood contains 94 percent water, just like yours. But when I can't find any water to drink, the heat of the sun gradually robs a little water out of my blood. Scientists have found that my blood can lose up to 40 percent of its water, and I'm still healthy. Doctors say human blood has to stay very close to 94 percent water. If you lose 5 percent of it, you can't see anymore; 10 percent, you can't hear and you go insane; 12 percent, your blood is as thick as molasses and your heart can't pump the thick stuff. It stops, and you're dead. But that's not true with me. Why? Scientists say my blood is different. My red cells are elongated. Yours are round. Maybe that's what makes the difference. This proves I'm designed for the desert, or the desert is designed for me. Did you ever hear of a design without a Designer? If evolution is a fact, and there are The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
humans who live in the desert with me, I wonder why they haven’t reengineered themselves with blood cells like mine so they could face the extremes of the desert like I can. After all, aren’t humans the most intelligent creatures on this earth? Isn’t it humans who dreamed up this theory of evolution? You don’t think we camels worry about evolution do you? No, we just take life as it comes. We don’t build schools, colleges, universities, etc. If man is so smart and capable, why can’t he adapt his body to his environment through evolutionary change? That way he wouldn’t have to have special clothing for the various environments that he lives in. After I find a water hole, I'll drink for about ten minutes and my skinny body starts to change almost immediately. In that short time my body fills out nicely, I don't look skinny anymore, and I gain back the 227 pounds I lost. (Wouldn’t that quick weight gain send chills through the hearts of the people associated with glamour from models, to movie stars, etc.!?) Even though I lose a lot of water on
Some people think I'm conceited because I always walk around with my head held high and my nose in the air. the desert, my body conserves it too. Way in the beginning when my intelligent Engineer made me, He gave me a specially designed nose that saves water. When I exhale, I don't lose much. My nose traps that warm, moist air from my lungs and absorbs it in my nasal membranes. Tiny blood vessels in those membranes take that back into my blood. How's that for a recycling system? Pretty cool, isn't it? It works because my nose is cool. My cool nose changes that warm moisture in the air from my lungs into water. But how does my nose get cool? I breathe in hot dry desert air, and it goes 37
through my wet nasal passages. This produces a cooling effect, and my nose stays as much as 18 degrees cooler than the rest of my body. Do you think we figured all of this out for ourselves? Remember, I didn’t go to schools, colleges, and universities. I don’t know the first thing about design and engineering, so how is it that all of these evolutionary dudes think that I am smart enough to have made myself over eons of time? I love to travel the beautiful sand dunes. It's really quite easy, because My Creator gave me specially engineered sand shoes for feet. My hooves are wide, and they get even wider when I step on them. Each foot has two long, bony toes with tough, leathery skin between my soles, which are a little like webbed feet. They won't let me sink into the soft, drifting sand. This is good, because often my master wants me to carry him one hundred miles across the desert in just one day. (I troop about ten miles per hour.) Sometimes a big windstorm comes out of nowhere, bringing flying sand with it. My Master Designer put special muscles in my nostrils that close the openings, keeping sand out of my nose but still allowing me enough air to breathe. My eyelashes arch down over my eyes like screens, keeping the sand and sun out but still letting me see clearly. If a grain of sand slips through and gets in my eye, the Creator took care of that too. He gave me an inner eyelid that automatically wipes the sand off my eyeball just like a windshield wiper. That reminds me; the Creator didn’t give man that same characteristic even though many of them do live out here on the sand. But the Savior did say that man needs to take care where, and upon what he builds his house. If that house is built upon the rock (Yahweh), then it will stand the test of time. But if he builds it upon the sand, then when the storms or wind and rain come, then that house will fall. That is the difference between those who Issue #1—June 2013
build their house of faith on Yahweh and Yahshua, Who are rocks, and upon the theory of evolution, which is sand. I think that the sand has gotten in the eyes of those people and they don’t have the special windshield wiper like I do to remove it. Sand in the eye of a man causes many problems and keeps them from seeing clearly. Some people think I'm conceited because I always walk around with my head held high and my nose in the air. But that's just because of the way I'm made. My eyebrows are so thick and bushy I have to hold my head high to peek out from underneath them. I'm glad I have them though. They shade my eyes from the bright sun. That is also why the letter gimel is associated with me. That letter pictures something that is held up, or lifted up. The Hebrew word for Redeemer is ga’al. It is spelled thusly; lag. Remember that the Hebrew reads from right to left. The first letter is the now famous gimel (g). The last two Hebrew letters are aleph (a) and lamed (l). Without the gimel they spell the primitive Hebrew word for El (God to most of the world), e.g. la. Thus, the Hebrew word for Redeemer has to do with lifting up (g) El (la)! El (la), itself, has to do with the Chief Shepherd because the aleph (a) in Pictorial Hebrew, since it is the first letter of that alphabet, just as “A” is the first letter of the English alphabet, represents that which is first in time, rank, authority, a head, leader, that which is CHIEF, etc. The lamed (l) is the picture of a rod, primarily a shepherd’s rod. It has to do with authority, etc. Therefore, the Hebrew word El (la) has to do with the Mighty One, Chief Leader, the Head of Authority, or even the CHIEF SHEPHERD. Didn’t the Apostle Peter identify Yahshua as the Chief Shepherd? “The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of the Messiah, and also The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: 2 Feed the flock of Yahweh which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; 3 Neither as being sovereigns over Yawheh's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. 4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away,” 1 Pet. 5:1-4. Didn’t Yahshua say that He is the Shepherd of the sheep? “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep,” Jn. 10:11. Didn’t He say that He had to be lifted up? “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me,” Jn. 12:32. “Then said Yahshua unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things,” Jn. 8:28. Didn’t He come to redeem us? “But when the fulness of the time was come, Yahweh sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, 5 To redeem them that were
For a long time we camels have been called the "ships of the desert" because of the way we sway from side to side when we trot. under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons,” Gal. 4:4-5. “For the grace of Yahweh that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12 Teaching us that, denying impiety and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and piously, in this present world; 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great Elohim and our Saviour Yahshua the Messiah; 14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, 38
zealous of good works,” Tit. 2:11-14. Desert people depend on me for many things. Not only am I their best form of transportation, but I'm also their grocery store. Mrs. Camel gives very rich milk that people make into butter and cheese. I shed my thick fur coat once a year, and that can be woven into cloth. A few young camels are used for beef, but I don't like to talk about that. If they would only study a little deeper into the Scriptures they would discover that they shouldn’t be eating us. For a long time we camels have been called the "ships of the desert" because of the way we sway from side to side when we trot. Some of our riders get seasick. I sway from side to side because of the way my legs work. Both legs on one side move forward at the same time, elevating that side. My "left, right left, right" motion makes my rider feel like he is in a rocking chair going sideways. When I was six months old, special knee pads started to grow on my front legs. The intelligent Creator knew I had to have them. They help me lower my 1000 pounds to the ground. If I didn't have them, my knees would soon become sore and infected, and I could never lie down. I'd die of exhaustion. By the way, I don't get thick knee pads because I fall on my knees. I fall on my knees because I already have these tough pads. Someone very great thought of me and knew I needed them. He designed them into my genes. It's real difficult for me to understand how some people say I evolved into what I now am. I'm a very technical, highly engineered dromedary camel. Things like me don't just happen. They're planned on a drawing board by Someone very brilliant, Someone very logical. That someone, of course, is Yahshua the Messiah. His, and the Father’s intelligence are found in the whole creation (Continued on page 42)
Issue #1—June 2013
Human Mutation Clock Confirms Creation Human genetics strongly confirm the Bible’s straightforward history. In studying mutation rates, geneticists have uncovered a clock-like countdown in human DNA. What does the fact that mankind’s mutation clock is still ticking imply about the timing of human origins? First, we contrast the evolutionary version of human history with the biblical version. Then we can evaluate which history best fits the clear implications from mutation studies. The most widely accepted evolutionary conjectures assert that mankind evolved from an unidentified ape-like ancestor at least 2.4 million years ago. Humans may have experienced 120,000 generations in that time.1 In contrast, Scripture tells us that there were about 100 generations from Adam to Christ.2 Considering another 100 generations since Christ, a total of about 200 generations have passed since the time of creation. Now enter the human mutation clock. Geneticists use powerful new tools to directly compare DNA sequences between family members, and computers count every DNA difference, or mutation, that appears in each generation. Mutations are like DNA typos. Because neo-Darwinists consider mutations to be keys to the supposed evolution of humans from non-human ancestors, they are keen on tracking how fast mutations accumulate. In what is by far the most extensive of these kinds of reports, geneticists tallied each new mutation in 219 people, including 78 parent-offspring trios of Icelandic families.3 They found an average of 63.2 new mutations per trio, meaning that about 60 new mutations are added to each new generation. Prior studies indicate that up to ten percent of new mutations are deleterious (harmful), most mutations cause no noticeable change, and beneficial mutations are virtually unknown. Mutation expert Alexey Kondrashov The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
reviewed the Nature study and agreed with its authors that these accumulating mutations very likely contribute to increasing incidences of diseases, including schizophrenia and autism. Additional studies confirm these claims.4 Plainly, human DNA sequence quality is relentlessly worsening. Kondrashov wrote, “Because deleterious mutations are much more common than beneficial ones, evolution under this relaxed selection will inevitably lead to a decline in the mean fitness of the population.”5, 6 An inevitable “decline” in a population’s “fitness” is certainly not what most people ascribe to “evolution”! Each new DNA typo is a tick from a genetic clock counting down to zero. And everybody knows what happens to a clock that stops ticking. Eventually, mutations render vital DNA sequences illegible to cellular machinery, and nobody but the Creator can reverse this inevitable genetic decline.
At 60 new mutations per generation, evolution’s 120,000 generations would produce 7,200,000 mutations among the three billion letters that comprise the human geThis process sets a reasonable maximum limit to the total number of possible human generations. At 60 new mutations per generation, evolution’s 120,000 generations would produce 7,200,000 mutations among the three billion letters that comprise the human genome. This greatly exceeds the human genome mutation tolerance.7 Without invoking a miraculous and extremely long suspension of mutational buildup, the human mutation rate alone precludes evolutionary his39
tory. In contrast, the biblical estimate of 200 generations would have produced about 12,000 non-lethal mutations by now—enough to cause increasing diseases, but not yet enough to ruin the human race. The mutational countdown is steady and relentless. The reason we have not yet reached the end must be because we began our journey recently—only thousands of years ago. References 1. Assuming 20 years per generation. Average the numbers of generations listed in Mary’s genealogy from Matthew 1 plus those given in Genesis 5 with the number of generations listed in Joseph’s genealogy from Luke 3. 2. Kong, A. et al. 2012. Rate of de novo mutations and the importance of father’s age to disease risk. Nature. 488 (7412): 471-475. 3. Tennessen, J. A. et al. 2012 Evolution and Functional Impact of Rare Coding Variation from Deep Sequencing of Human Exomes. Science. 337 (6090): 64-69. 4. Kondrashov, A. 2012. The rate of human mutation. Nature. 488 (7412): 467 -468. 5. Even tight selection, wherein the four least fit out of six hypothetical children die and only the two most fit survive, could never reverse mutational buildup, since mutations are overwhelmingly nonbeneficial and for other reasons. See Sanford, J. 2008 Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Human Genome, 3rd ed. Waterloo, NY: FMS Publications. One study estimated human genome collapse after 32,800 years in a population of 1011 and a 1.5 percent fitness decline per generation. See Williams, A. 2008. Mutations: evolution’s engine becomes evolution’s end! Journal of Creation. 22 (2): 60 -66. * Mr. Thomas is Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research. Cite this article: Thomas, B. 2012. Human Mutation Clock Confirms Creation. Acts & Facts. 41 (11): 17. By Brian Thomas M.S.
Issue #1—June 2013
Tue Dec 11, 9:04 AM ET CHICAGO (AFP) - The world may feel more and more like a global village, but its residents are increasingly genetically diverse thanks to the rapidly accelerating pace of human evolution, a study said Monday. Geneticists say the huge explosion in our numbers in the past 40,000 years, since Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to other continents, has resulted in a much faster pace of evolution compared to the previous six million years. The pace of change has increased 100 -fold in modern times compared to our distant past, and most notably since the Ice Age, 10,000 years ago, and has led to increasing diversification between the races. COMMENT: We have been drilled continuously concerning the slow pace of evolution, which took millions and billions of years to take place, and now, all of a sudden, evolution has sped up? It seems that the evolutionist scientists can break their own rules any time it is convenient to do so. "We are more different genetically from people living 5,000 years ago than they were different from Neanderthals," said John Hawks, an anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who collaborated on the study. COMMENT: This is an interesting statement, especially concerning the 5,000 years. It was about 5,000 years ago that Adam and Eve appeared on the scene through the aid of the great Creator Yahweh Elohim. (Gen. 1 & 2) They were made the sovereigns, the masters over the earth, but they disobeyed their Creator’s command and ate of the forbidden fruit, thus corruption set in. (Gen. 3) Yahweh creates everything perfectly, so through 5,000 years of corruption, The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
and genetic mutations, we certainly are different from our first parents, as they were able to live almost 1,000 years. (see Human Mutation Clock Confirms Creation, p. 39) The findings are based on analysis of data from an international genomics project. A team of scientists examined DNA from 270 individuals in four ethnically different populations to see how genetic variations or SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) evolved over time. Contrary to conventional wisdom, which holds that human evolution has slowed to a crawl or even stopped in modern humans, the researchers' analysis suggested that the process of natural selection has sped up. COMMENT: Do you get that!? Contrary to conventional wisdom! The fact of the matter is that corruption has sped up. Yahshua, Himself said, “And except those days should be
Contrary to conventional wisdom, which holds that human evolution has slowed to a crawl or even stopped in modern humans, the researchers' analysis suggested that the process of natural selection has sped up. shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened,” Mt. 24:22. We will either destroy ourselves in the most terrible form of warfare, or we will even come to the point that corruption will annihilate the whole human race. 40
"Rapid population growth has been coupled with vast changes in cultures and ecology, creating new opportunities for adaptation," the authors wrote in the paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. COMMENT: Check out the articles on the Giraffe, and Camel. If man is able to adapt so easily to his environment, genetically, why hasn’t he? "The past 10,000 years have seen rapid skeletal and dental evolution in human populations, as well as the appearance of many new genetic responses to diet and disease." Human migrations into new European and Asian environments created selective pressures favoring less skin pigmentation (so more sunlight could be absorbed through the skin to make Vitamin D), adaptation to cold weather and dietary changes. One example of a genetic adaptation to human culture involves the gene that makes the milk-digesting enzyme lactase. The gene normally stops activity about the time a person becomes a teenager, but northern Europeans developed a variation of the gene that allowed them to drink milk their whole lives -- a relatively new adaptation that is directly tied to the introduction of domestic farming and use of milk as an agricultural product. COMMENT: Man was put here to dress and keep the earth. So he has always been a farmer, shepherd, and hunter. The Industrial Revolution began in the early 1800’s, which began to take people off of the farms. Milk is still a most important product to so many people in the world. "Human races are evolving away from each other," said Henry Harpending, an anthropology professor at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. (Continued on page 42)
Issue #1—June 2013
Evolutionists Admit That Most Human Mutations Occurred In Last 5,000 Years From Creation Revelation According to the prevailing evolutionary theory, modern humans evolved about 200,000 to 250,000 years ago. If evolution were true, one would expect that there was an abundance of mutations in the human genome during that time and afterwards. But according to recent research, that is not the case. In fact, the new study indicates that at least 90% of the deleterious mutational variants in the human genome occurred in the last 200 to 400 generations (5,000 to 10,000 years). Researchers from the University of Washington conducted a genetic study involving about 4,300 EuropeanAmericans and 2,200 black Americans. Their study concentrated on a single-letter variation within the human DNA of all of the study subjects. What they found is that the vast majority of mutations found happened fairly recently and were not spread over a couple hundred thousand years as they had expected. In commenting about their results, Joshua Akey, one of the researchers involved in the study said: Recent human history has profoundly shaped patterns of genetic variation present in contemporary populations. Our results suggest that ~90% of evolutionary deleterious variants arose in the last 200-400 generations. There’s an enormous amount of recently arisen, rare mutations that’s directly attributable to the explosive population growth over the last two to four generations. The researchers said they could also see evidence of mass die-offs such as the Black Plague that killed nearly one third of the European population around 1350 AD. Events like this are known as genetic bottlenecks as they can have a major influence in reducThe Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
ing the number of genetic variations passed on. From the study, they determined that every person has an average of about 150 new mutations that their parents
What they found is that the vast majority of mutations found happened fairly recently and were not spread over a couple hundred thousand years as they had expected. didn’t have. This many new mutations can have a significant effect on the local population, depending upon the size of that population. As the populations continue to grow and expand, it creates opportunities for even more new mutations to occur. The faster a population grows, the greater the rate of mutations such as a population explosion that they say occurred about 5,000 years ago. This is where I started to get really 41
excited about their study and their findings. They talked about a population explosion that started most of the increased mutation rate happening about 5,000 year ago. Interestingly, they didn’t offer any definition of what caused that population explosion. Perhaps I can shed some light on it for them. When I turn to God’s Word in Genesis 6-8, I read about a flood that destroyed all human life on earth except for 8 people. We have no idea of what the earth’s population was prior to the Flood, but many creation scientists believe it was in the millions. According to Genesis chronology, the Flood occurred around 1,656 years after Creation. If you follow the rest of biblical chronology and the work done it by Archbishop James Ussher, Creation occurred in 4,004 BC. Doing the math, that places the Flood, which would have been the greatest genetic bottleneck in history, about 4,360 years ago. If you take into account the rapid population explosion that took place after and then account for the dispersion of people to all parts of the world from the Tower of Babel, (Continued on page 43)
Issue #1—June 2013
(Continued from page 35)
virus is also descended from that cell. That is why the virus is able to breach our defenses. This dark distant relative evolves alongside of us. The eternal arms race is more than just a game of cat and mouse. It drives our evolution. We have both grown stronger as a result. We would not be what we are today, without this never ending battle with our ancient enemy. Every minute of every day, the battle with the virus rages within every person on the planet. Though we are rarely aware of it. COMMENT: A single cell that came about billions of years ago has grown to create all life that exists? While this program has revealed the marvelous inner workings of a single cell, as well as its battle with an invading virus, the evolution part is nothing more than one of the greatest fairy tales and hoaxes foisted upon mankind. If more people learned to think upon these things, or learned about them, they would come to understand that without a Creator, the cell, the DNA, none of it would have ever happened. What if the original cell, in its ability to evidently reproduce (according to evolutionists) had produced the ade-
novirus right away. Wouldn't it be all over? What tripe the evolution theory is. What we need to do is begin to demand that they explain to us how this supposed cell came into existence in the first place! How did it put itself together without knowledge, intellect, knowhow? How did a single cell develop the ability to reproduce? How did it learn of DNA, chemistry, to read, instructions. How did it develop into the 200 different types of cells that make up our brain, muscles, bones, hair, skin, eyes, etc., etc., etc. ad infinitum? The Psalmist David proclaimed, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well," Psa. 139:14. What we have just read concerning the inner workings of the cell and its awesome abilities should lead us to properly honor and respect our Creator Yahweh proclaiming His marvelous and wondrous works. Again, it is proclaimed, "O Yahweh, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches," Psa. 104:24.
Furthermore, what we have read reveals the wondrous and awesome intellect and power that Yahshua possesses because He is the Word of Yahweh (Jn. 1:1-14), by Him was everything made that exists (Jn. 1:4). We also read in Psa. 33, "By the word of Yahweh were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses. Let all the earth fear Yahweh: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. Yahweh bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of Yahweh standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations," vv. 6-11. Do you get that? Yahweh brings the counsel of the heathen to nought! He brings the counsel of evolutionists to nought! Fear, honor, respect Yahweh for He made you and me. He made the body, its cells, its defense system. He has an even greater purpose for you and me. Let's serve and worship Him!
John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elo-
him." All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. The Word means "logical, intelligent One." It is too bad that the evolutionist unbelievers continue to strain out a gnat and
swallow a camel. Hey, I don’t like that saying either! They can’t swallow me, but if they really looked into me closely they might discover the wonders of their Creator. Otherwise, they are choking themselves to death with
(Continued from page 40)
tween the regions since then."
again, the beginning of civilization after the flood began in the east and then spread out to other areas of the earth.
(Continued from page 38)
of heaven and the earth.
"Genes are evolving fast in Europe, Asia and Africa, but almost all of these are unique to their continent of origin. We are getting less alike, not merging into a single, mixed humanity." COMMENT: Wow! Sounds like Apartheid, and segregation whether we want it or not! He said that is happening because humans dispersed from Africa to other regions 40,000 years ago and "there has not been much flow of genes beThe Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
COMMENT: Again, they are way off base in their assumption that all life began in Africa. Yahweh made the first man and woman, and placed them in the Garden of Eden, which was eastward, not southward. After the flood, which would have erased any signs of origination that evolutionists proclaim, society traveled from Mount Ararat, which is located in modern day Turkey, to the area of Iran/Iraq (called Ur, which has to do with the rising sun, so, once 42
The erroneous teaching that civilization is constructed to make the Scriptures appear false. This author is looking forward to the day when all of their purposeful faulty reasoning, and wisdom will be made to fail. (Comments by Jerry Healan)
Issue #1—June 2013
magnetism, by the weak or strong nuclear force, that is only man’s words to describe the power of Yahshua the Messiah. The Heavenly Father Yahweh has created all things by, through the Word of Yahweh Who is Yahshua the Messiah! Yahshua told the people of His day, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. I receive not honour from men. But I know you, that ye have not the love of Yahweh in you. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from Yahweh only? Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, (Continued from page 41)
which would have created a larger number of smaller bottlenecks, the biblical dates will fall within the parameters of the researchers conclusions. However, you won’t find them making the same connection because they reject the Bible as just a collection of old stories and fairytales. But when you start with God’s perfect and true Word, you find that real science supports the Bible and makes a lot more sense than believing in hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution, but most all of the mutations found are only about 5,000 years old. COMMENT: Please allow me to aid in the Scriptural references. Corruption set in when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. (Gen. 3) The Apostle Paul writes, “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of Elohim. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?” Jn. 5:3947. Now we can understand. The atheistic, scientific, evolutionary world will not ever come to Him in order to learn of His mighty, wondrous, and awesome power. But there are also many who proclaim faith in the Scriptures who do not believe this. They seek to proclaim Torah, which the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Herodians, Essenes, etc. of Yahshua’s day did. This unbelief continues in the form of Orthodox Judaism for one. But there are also many in the so-called Messianic, and Sacred Name faith who do not believe what Moses wrote of Yahshua, and what the other Scriptures proclaim concerning Him. Let’s also not forget Christianity. Yahshua from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now,” Ro. 8:19-22. Our only hope is that the Savior Yahshua will soon intervene in this world’s affairs, establishing the glorious and wondrous kingdom of heaven on earth. Our bodies, according to scientific research are in the process of mutating (corrupting). The creation is also subject of corruption (see the article on the laws of Thermodynamics). As the author of this article said, the modern day scientists have rejected the Word of Yahweh, the Scriptures. In doing so, they will continue to relentlessly search as far out in the heavens as is possible, and as deeply into the microscopic world in order to find the origins of the universe, the earth, and life. They will never be able to solve it all until they weigh all of the evidence, and finally admit that there had to be an all wise, all knowing, awesomely, and wondrously intelligent Creator 43
would say the same thing about them as He did about the people of His day. However, this all being said, everyone will have to come to Him on their bended knees one day soon and acknowledge that they were just ignorant concerning the spiritual things about Him. The Scriptures not only say that the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7), but that it is also the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy ones. (Prov. 9:10). Let us do as we are advised. Let us fear Him so we can grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Then we can search into His awesome and marvelous creation and we will be able to give credit to Whom credit is due. Don’t allow the evil one of this world pawn off his wicked false ideas on you/us. HalleluYah!!!!! Praise Yahweh for His marvelous and aweWho designed and put it all into reality by the power of His word. In the near future, they will discover, to their amazement, that the answers were always right under their noses, and within their grasp, but they had allowed themselves to be purposefully blinded to the truth so that they would believe in the most audacious and blasphemous lies. Jerry Healan References: Human Genetic Variation Recent, Varies Among Populations, Science Daily, Nov. 28, 2012. LeBlond, Lawrence. Gene Mutations Began Showing Up In Last 5,000 Years Of Human Evolution, Red Orbit, Nov. 29, 2012 NOTE: We utilize the true names of the Creator and Savior in all of our publications. The Creator’s name is Yahweh from the Hebrew hwhy, and the Savior’s name is Yahshua (English = Joshua) from the Hebrew [vwhy. For information concerning this, please call, write, or email us at the information provided elsewhere. Issue #1—June 2013
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Inside this issue: Creation Vs. Evolution Answering Evolution
Page 4 Page 12
Consider the Egg
Page 15
The Laws of Thermodynamics Disprove Evolution
Page 22
Did Elohim Create Everything That Exists
Page 23
Scientists Forced Into a U-Turn
Page 24
The Great Witness of DNA Consider the Giraffe The Battle For the Cell
Page 26 Page 30 Page 33
Consider the Camel Human Mutation Clock Confirms Creation Human Evolution Speeding Up Evolutionists Admit That Most Human Mutations Occurred In Last 5,000 Years
Page 36 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41
The Creation Vs. Evolution Magazine
Issue #1—June 2013