Puertas p9
Fall 2013 Program Guide
About the Roundhouse FolloW us @RoundhouseCC facebook.com/ TheRoundhouse
ContaCt us
Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre 181 Roundhouse Mews Vancouver, BC V6Z 2W3 Tel: 604-713-1800 Fax: 604-713-1813 info@roundhouse.ca www.roundhouse.ca
roundhouse vision & mission
in September of 1996 the Roundhouse Advisory Committee, composed of neighbourhood representatives, heritage supporters, members of the arts community and Park Board staff, undertook a retreat to work through a vision for the Roundhouse. The following is the result of those discussions: The overall mission is to celebrate diversity...of people, values, ideas and activities. This mission is made up of three key elements:
the roundhouse as ProJeCt
All of us who work or play or socialize at the Roundhouse will be active participants in an evolving project to find new and creative ways to integrate the arts, community, culture and sports.
the roundhouse as oasis
The Roundhouse is located in the centre of one of the largest urban experiments in history, transforming a few hundred acres of mostly vacant lots into one of north America’s densest and most diverse urban sites. The Roundhouse will be an oasis in the centre of this dynamic mix, enabling people to use their creativity and energy (at whatever level) to rejuvenate themselves and to be better equipped to face a blizzard of challenges and opportunities around them.
the roundhouse as ConneCtion
hours oF oPeration
The Roundhouse exists to identify and serve the needs of widely divergent communities. To do this the Roundhouse must reach out to the places and situations where those communities feel comfortable. These relationships will grow into Roundhouse programs through sponsorships, partnerships, and our own productions.
aug 31-seP 2
getting to the roundhouse
Mon - Fri 9 am-10 pm Sat & Sun 9 am-5 pm Our front office is closed 30 minutes prior to building closure. Where We are the roundhouse The Roundhouse is located at the corner of Davie & Pacific • The Yaletown-Roundhouse Canada Line Station is 100 feet from us, and Buses C21 & C23 stop within feet of the Roundhouse. • is Closed on
Labour Day weekend Walking from Granville Street, head east five blocks down Davie • Underground pay parking is avail(reopening on Tue Sep 3) able (access off Drake) for $2/hour; $12 max/7am-6pm weekends and holidays and $3/6-11pm oCt 14 everyday. The underground parking closes at 11pm but shows that run later than 11pm will have Thanksgiving access through the Roundhouse. nov 11
Remembrance Day deC 24 noon-Jan 1
Christmas Break (reopening Jan 2)
PUBLiSheR Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Society CiRCULATiOn 10,000 DiSTRiBUTiOn Free throughout downtown Vancouver eDiTOR/DeSiGneR hanne Lene Dalgleish COPY eDiTOR Roma ilnyckyj
thank you to our business neighbours
Dairy Queen, Fresh Slice, Benjamin Moore, Sciué italian Bakery Caffé, Yaletown Photography, Salsa and Agave Mexican Grill, Urban Fare, Blink Optometry, Subway, Starbucks, novus.com, Bojangles Restaurant, hurricane Grill, Reckless Bike Shop The Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre is jointly operated by the Vancouver Board of Parks & Recreation and the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Society. For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
roundhouse staFF
Front Desk
604-713-1800 press 2
tAble of contents
Daisy Chin
Arlene herauf
Marie Lopes Cyndy Chwelos
604-713-1856 604-713-1806 604-713-1807
kathryn Sweetapple TBA
604-713-1810 604-713-1805
Diana Guenther
Diana VanderVeen
Roy Liu
Percy nacario
604 713-1800
Silvia Rubino
604 -713-1803
Michele Mateus
hanne Lene Dalgleish 604-713-1872 RenTAL LiAiSOn
Joe Oliveira
Maria Castillo
Matt Frankish
kayce honey
604-713-1812 604-713-1809 604-713-1808
2012-13 board oF direCtors
PReSiDenT Craig Giles PAST PReSiDenT Dr. Setty Pendakur 1ST ViCe PReSiDenT Leslie Adams 2nD ViCe PReSiDenT Marika kocaba TReASUReR Prabhat kulshreshtha SeCReTARY Sarah Muff MeMBeRS Christine Baudry, Cory eden, evan hilchey,
Maryann kamphuis, kathleen Laverty, khaira Ledeyo, Jalal Mehr, Matt Parker, Wendy Soobis
roundhouse advisory CounCil
ingrid Alderson Robert Dewey, Susan Gordon, Adam hunter, Joslin kobylka, Ralph Mcknight, keith McMyn, Michael noon, Raj Sihota, elizabeth Snow ChAiR
about the roundhouse 2 Vision & Mandate, Getting to the Roundhouse, Social Media, Contact Information, Hours of Operation, Closures messages 4 event highlights 5 artists' residenCies 7 volunteer/Call For submissions 6 events 8-20 Courses 21-57 PRenATAL 21 POSTnATAL 21-23 inFAnT/PReSChOOL 23-28 ChiLDRen 28-34 Elsie Roy School 28 YOUTh 35-36 ADULT 36-51 Free Community Courses 36 Education & Development 37 Language, Creative Arts, Gardening 39 Pottery, Woodworking 42 Arts , Music, Dance 44 Dance Fitness 46 Group Fitness, Fitness 47 Yoga, Pilates 48 Martial Arts 47 Sports 50-51 Badminton, Basketball, Ball Hockey, Pickle Ball, Soccer, Volleyball OLDeR ADULT/SeniORS 52-57 registration 58 Program Subsidies, Wait-lists, Refunds, Cancellations, Payment PoliCies/rentals 59 Room Use, Rent the Roundhouse PoliCies/Fees 60 OneCard, Equipment Use, Leisure Access Cards, Access and Special Needs, Personal Information gym & danCe studio sChedules 61-62 Course index 63 Free/neW Courses 64
vanCouver Park board liaison
Trevor Loke
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
PResident's messAge The Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre is unique as a community centre. not only are we situated in a beautiful piece of Vancouver's history, but we are part of a city-wide initiative to promote arts and culture. This means we serve not only the local community, but the city as a whole. This is a very important time for the Roundhouse, as we are presently in negotiations with the Park Board to rewrite our Joint Operating Agreement, which will determine how we continue to operate as a centre. We have recently signed an interim Agreement with the Park Board that reflects our previously stated and initial position of making all community centres more equitable and accessible. Please take the time to become educated on this important issue that will affect your community centre for years to come. We at the Roundhouse have put together another season of exciting and innovative programs to keep us healthy and fit and to enhance our enjoyment of Vancouver’s cultural diversity. Some of our programs this season include winter gardening, self-defence classes, and the introduction of more adult language classes. The Roundhouse celebrates many festivals and there will be a number of great events surrounding halloween, Diwali, and Christmas, so be sure to add them to your calendar. Look to join us for Sports Day in Canada where we will be organizing a community participation passport program that will get the community out and active both within and outside of the centre. We are also very proud that the Winter Solstice Lantern Festival is having its 20th anniversary at the Roundhouse—it shouldn't be missed. i want to thank our volunteers, who set an example of constructive contribution to their communities. Do tell your friends to volunteer at the Roundhouse. Volunteering can be fun. Contributing your talent and energy to your community is a tenet of Canadian society, and the opportunity is yours for the asking. if you or your friends are interested, please contact the Roundhouse and you will be directed to our Volunteer Coordinator. The Roundhouse is yours to enjoy, so please ask your friends to also participate. And don't forget about Beerlesque, our annual fundraiser on September 20th, which pairs craftbrewed beer with wild entertainment. This is an event not to be missed, and tickets will be limited. Craig giles President, Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Association
Roundhouse society's AnnuAl geneRAl meeting All Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Society members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on nov 13, 2013 at 7pm. Please join us at the Roundhouse and hear what we've been up to for the past year. Full details will be available at www.roundhouse.ca closer to the date.
Ahh... morningZeRo coffee! WAste At the Roundhouse Make recycling part of your morning routine.
Zero Waste started at the Roundhouse in March, 2013, and we're very pleased to see the community helping us to reach our target of diverting 90% of our waste from the landfill by sorting your waste into the appropriate receptacle. if you have any questions, our front desk staff will be happy to help. For full details about the Greenest City 2020 Action Plan, please visit www.vancouver.ca/green-vancouver/greenest-city-2020-action-plan
Next time, remember to use a reusable mug. To learn more, visit: vancouver.ca/greenestcity
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
cAll foR nominAtions foR RemARkAble Women honouring Women in the year oF reConCiliation*
event highlights
Tell us about the remarkable women in your community who have helped build understanding and empathy between people. Please participate by providing a photograph and description of the woman you are nominating. Tell us in 150 words or less why you value her role in the community and why you would like to acknowledge her contributions. A representative selection of the nominated women will be highlighted in a poster series, on the website, and at the international Women's Day celebration on March 8, 2014 at the Roundhouse Community Centre. Send your nominations to arts.info@vancouver.ca by December 1, 2013. View all the past Remarkable Women posters at www.vancouver.ca/people-programs/remarkable-women.aspx *reconciliation: definition from Reconciliation Canada Reconciliation is an opportunity for all Canadians to renew relationships, based on a shared understanding of our histories and our cultures and walk a path together for a shared tomorrow. To ‘reconcile’ is to weave a stronger and more vibrant social fabric, supported by the unique and diverse strengths of Canadians and their communities. The city of Vancouver is embracing reconciliation through a year-long effort that seeks to heal from the past and build new relationships between Aboriginal peoples and all Vancouverites.
the gReen teAm The City of Vancouver Green Team is comprised of volunteer staff members from community centres throughout the city. The team champions environmental responsibility and energy conservation in the workplace and throughout their local communities. here are some tips from the Green Team on how to conserve energy in the workplace/at home:
‘5 minutes to save’ energy Conservation tiPs at the end oF the day:
_Turn off unnecessary lights _Turn off and/or unplug equipment _Close doors & windows left open _Close blinds (keep heat in during winter and out during summer)
_Turn off monitors when out for 10+ minutes _Unplug chargers when not actively charging _Turn off printers, TVs, etc. when not in use _Remove screen savers from computers _enable your computer settings to go into sleep mode during periods of inactivity _Stop using space heaters
_Work by natural light (consider if lighting needs to be turned on at all) _Consider if lower watt bulbs are an option _Turn off display case lighting at night
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
_Proof twice, print once _Consider if it needs to be printed at all _Print in B&W and print double-sided _Go paperless _Reuse paper, then recycle
greenest City
Participate in a program marked with this symbol and help Vancouver become the greenest city in the world by 2020. Learn more about Vancouver's Greenest City 2020 Action Plan at vancouver.ca/greenestcity
volunteeR At the Roundhouse Volunteers at the Roundhouse are an essential part of our thriving community. Without the endless hours of volunteer service offered to the Roundhouse by our community members, we would not be able to do the wonderful work that we do. Volunteers contribute to our programs, special events, board and committees, and to various environmental and cultural events. Currently, over 150 volunteers continue to give their time and commitment to the Roundhouse, and these volunteers are as varied as the programs we offer. From engine 374 to pottery studio volunteers, volunteers play an active role at the Roundhouse, and we truly could not do the work we do without their support.
Join us! are you
• Over the age of 14? • Comfortable engaging with a diverse group of people? • interested in arts and culture? • Able to commit up to 6 months of volunteer service? • Able to work as part of a team? • Looking to be physically, socially, and mentally active? • Ready to have some fun?!
Door prize winner, Tara (right), accepts her gift from We hoPe to meet you soon Michele at the Volunteer Appreciation night. Photo if that describes you, then we want to hear from you. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator about by volunteer photographer, setting up a time to meet and discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities and how you can get Jilian Ong (DT). involved.
For more details please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Michele Mateus, at michele.mateus@ vancouver.ca or call her direct line at 604-713-1857. You can also visit www.roundhouse.ca and click on Volunteer Opportunities, or go to http://tiny.cc/pwardw directly and sign up.
roundhouse board
The Roundhouse Board recruits twice a year, in fall and spring. Please contact Michele for further information michele.mateus@vancouver.ca
WinteR solstice lAnteRn festivAl dec 9-20, exhibition hall: Work with artists and help make lanterns. tue dec 17, 6:30 -8:30pm, exhibition hall: Volunteer Orientation dec 21, Assist with festival activities (Labyrinth of Light, hot chocolate, processions, hosting, cleaning up etc.) and help make the magic happen. Contact the Roundhouse volunteer coordinator, Michele Mateus michele.mateus@vancouver.ca or 604-713-1857. For further information, email volunteer.secretlantern@gmail.com
documentAtion And blog teAm The Roundhouse volunteer program has launched two exciting new groups: the Documentation Team and the Blog Team. The Documentation Team is made up of volunteer photographers who take fantastic photos of Roundhouse events and programs. You'll see some of their work in this program guide (look for the DT after their name) and on our Flickr page at www.flickr.com/roundhousecc The Blog Team is comprised of volunteer bloggers and editors who are passionate about RoundVancouver Draw Down 2013. house events and programs and explore them in more depth. Read, comment on, and share their Photo by Riz herbosa De articles at www.roundhouse.ca/blog
Guzman (DT).
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
ARtists' Residencies
Cultivate Cultivate is the first annual exhibition in the series State of the Practice, a Park Board project that highlights themes and issues in contemporary social and community engaged arts practices in Vancouver. See page 10.
Culture + Community: urban reneWal
What is a roundhouse artist in residenCe?
Participate in a FRee Artists’ Residency and collaborate with professional artists get PhysiCal With radix theatre on projects that build Join Radix for Physical Theatre workshops gently inspired by The Tibetan Book of the Dead. See creative community. page 45. The Artists in Residence program is an important remember a hiPPer vanCouver at the memory Festival part of our commitment explore a 1970s Vancouver art scene where artists turned their backs on the institutional world of to community cultural galleries and museums to take their work to the streets with invention and irreverence. See page 16. development: promoting diversity, interdisciplinary make art With your Family Make it Mondays is a drop-in family-focussed art workshop on the third Monday evening of every activity, innovation month. For families with children aged 3-8. Generously sponsored by Alan Financial. See page 23. collaboration and involvement. danCe This is your opportunity Check out two new community dance residencies led by artists Julie Lebel, Miriam Colvin and to create original naomi Brand. Co-presented by the Vancouver Park Board and Made in BC: Dance on Tour. See theatre, music, dance page 46. and visual art with some of Vancouver’s most make art in our Parks renowned artists. Visit over 30 artists making work in Park Board field houses. Visit www.vancouver.ca/parksrecreation-culture/field-house-studio-residencies-in-parks.aspx for details. roundhouse Listen, watch, debate, and consider community arts, social practice, and the city at a conference for community-engaged artists and social practitioners. See page14.
WatCh youth aCt out! know any youth who like to act? Send them to audition for a unique theatre project. See page 13.
artist in residenCe Programs are Free For PartiCiPants
Thanks to funding from the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation. For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
events Aug-seP
summeR on the tuRntAble
Aug 2-seP 22
A Roundhouse special event series Fri Aug 2-Sun Sep 22 Roundhouse Turntable Plaza FREE Take the Turntable for a spin this summer. From improv dance to yoga to art workshops, there’s something for everyone. Fri Aug 2, 7pm, COnTinGenCY PLAn improv dance & live music performance Sat Aug 3, 12-2pm, TAPeSTRY FOR The SenSeS an eco arts workshop Fri Aug 9, 6-8pm, OPen ART STUDiO try drawing & painting en plein air Sat Aug 17, 9:30-11am, TAi Chi ChUAn DeMOnSTRATiOn CLASS (drop-in for regular students only) Sun Aug 18, 2-4pm, DAnCinG & DRAWinG in The AiR live model drawing with aerial dancers Sun Sep 22, 11am-1pm, heALThY LiVinG, heALThY MOVeMenT try yoga & learn about healthy eating
Aug 12-17
A Roundhouse partnership Mon Aug 12-Sat 17 Summer on the Turntable. Drawing by hanne Lene Exhibition Hall Dalgleish. FREE INFO www.papergirlvancouver.com Papergirl is an inclusive, non-commercial art project connecting members of the community through the sharing of art. Artists of all ages and skill levels are invited to contribute their pieces, which are then distributed to unsuspecting members of the public in the style of the American paperboy.
Mon Aug 12-Sat 17 The Papergirl Art exhibition will feature this year's contributing artists of various ages and skill levels. it will be open for public viewing and will include work spanning different mediums such as ink, acrylic, collage, and comics and poetry.
OPeninG niGhT
Tue Aug 13, 6-9pm Join us in celebrating the diverse range of art donated this year. All are welcome to this free event.
Thu Aug 16, 6-9pm FREE for volunteer cyclists We will be holding a party for this year's volunteer cyclists. if you would like to attend this awesome soirée, you must first sign up to be a volunteer for Papergirl. Applications are up on our website at www.papergirlvancouver.com under "Get involved."
Sat Aug 24 Our cyclists will be riding out with bags of art work through Stanley Park this year as part of Celebrate! Stanley Park. if you'd like to join as one of our cyclists, check out our website. Otherwise, make sure to keep watch—perhaps YOU will be gifted with a piece of art.
Papergirl Vancouver Ride Out 2012. Photo by eryne Donahue.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
kickstARt 5 festivAl
Aug 27-seP 13
A Roundhouse partnership Tue Aug 27-Fri Sep 13 Performance Centre, Exhibition Hall TICKETS FREE and ticketed events INFO www.kickstart-arts.ca, info@kickstart-arts.ca An international festival of disability arts and culture, kickstart 5 offers a public forum, performances, artist talkbacks, art exhibits, workshops and laboratories with an emphasis on process and collaboration in multidisciplinary and disability-informed work.
bluebiRd noRth
events Aug-seP
seP 10
A Roundhouse partnership Tue Sep 10, 7:30pm Performance Centre TICKETS $15 door, discount for SAC members INFO www.songwriters.ca, 604-224-6201 hosted by Shari Ulrich. Featuring Reid Jamieson, Danny Davies and kate Reid. Vancouver’s most popular songwriters’ showcase returns from summer hiatus with two fall dates featuring four gifted artists from widely varying musical genres in an informal, "unplugged" atmosphere. Presented by the Songwriters Association of Canada and produced and hosted by Shari Ulrich, this one-of-a-kind concert series is one of the city's best showcases for both local and national Canadian songwriting talent. every evening is unique, magical, and not to be missed!
seP 13
A Roundhouse partnership; presented by Caravan World Rhythms & Fiona Malena Flamenco Ensemble Fri Sep 13, 8pm Performance Centre Bluebird north. TICKETS $25 early, $30 door, $35 VIP, $220 group rate (10 people) Online: www.brownpapertickets.com, 1-800-838-3006 INFO www.fionamalena.com, info@caravanbc.com, 778-886-8908 Direct from Spain. explosive and passionately creative, dancer Fiona Malena and her live music Flamenco ensemble engage in a rich new work exploring the influence of indian, Arabic, Jewish, and Latin cultures. enhanced by world instruments, video projection, digital technology, and the entrancing sounds of Flamenco guitar, the dancers and musicians tell a story of each culture in a beautiful artistic dialogue.
beeRlesQue iii
seP 20
A Roundhouse fundraiser in partnership with Vancouver Craft Beer Week Fri Sep 20, 6-11pm Exhibition Hall TICKETS $55 Adults (19+) Price includes wild burlesque, crazy variety shows, live music, and all the beer. Purchase at www.beerlesque3.eventbrite.com INFO www.roundhouse.ca, 604-713-1800 Two of Vancouver’s favourite pastimes, beer and burlesque, come together for one naughty night: more than 15 local craft brewers and the burlesque community gather for an evening of craft beer and provocative dancing. Featuring: ken Lawson as MC, The Danger Thrill Show with neil e. Dee, Rebel Valentine, Lola Frost, Burgundy Brixx, callio p cock, Lydia DeCarllo, nicky ninedoors, and a nicky ninedoors. Photo by Shimona henry. hot drag show. Raffle draws, door prizes, and prize for best costume. For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
events seP-oct
seP 24-27
A Roundhouse partnership with Ray-Cam Cooperative Centre, Vancouver Community College, and the Vancouver Police Department. Tue Sep 24 – Fri Sep 27, 10am-9pm Tue Sep 24, 5-8pm, Opening Exhibition Hall FREE INFO www.naskarz.com for workshop times nASkARZ is an award-winning program designed to promote social inclusion of young people from Vancouver's Downtown eastside through automotive, social, and educational opportunities. nASkARZ youth will exhibit their creations of 35 Ford and Daytona kit car projects. Members of the BC hot Rod Association will attend with their cars to interact with the public.
seP 30-oct 10
Mon Sep 30 – Thu Oct 10 Thu Oct 3, 6-8pm, Opening Reception Exhibition Hall FREE The demise of the honey bee, up-purposing green waste, urban bird habitat; artists’ projects inform social, ecology activism that calls us all to change. Cultivate features the work of artists who draw on urban ecology as subject-matter and material to explore environmental concerns and the city. Cultivate is the first annual exhibition in the series State of the Practice, a Park Board project that highlights themes and issues in contemporary social and community engaged arts practices in Vancouver.
Cultivate: Community WorkshoPs and Programs Visit www.roundhouse.ca to find out about more workshop offerings
Fri Oct 4, Mon Oct 7, Tue Oct 8, 11am-1pm Exhibition Hall Those of us who lived before the digital age must deal with paper, books, letters, and other cherished objects that cannot be saved forever. Transform our paper gleanings into handmade paper, embed petals and seeds of bee plants, and give them away to friends and family to be planted in bee sanctuaries and gardens. Snacks will be served. instructors: Lead artist Lori Weidenhammer, with artist Catherine Shapiro as paper-making consultant.
Sat Oct 5, 1-4pm Exhibition Hall INFO www.urbanweaverstudio.blogspot.ca Weave, learn and share ideas and techniques with other weavers and textile artists. Join community weaver Joy Witzsche, who comes from the Urban Weaver, a project that aims to connect weavers with nature in the city. Weavers of all levels are welcome.
inVASiVe BiO-neTTinG
Oct 5, 6, 10-2pm Stanley Park Nature House (SE shore of Lost Lagoon, under viewing plaza at north end of Alberni St) As a part of the Stanley Park ecology Society’s 2013 Forest Defragmentation Project, artist Sharon kallis and SPeS will install erosion control bio-netting made with local repurposed and dried invaCultivate. sive plant species. Community members are welcome to assist with the installation. For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
Wed Oct 9, 9-11am Exhibition Hall Quick—can you name three different local bird or insect species that weave their own homes? Get a bird’s-eye view of our urban environment and find out what it takes to weave with natural materials like they do. Led by artist Rebecca Graham.
events oct
Presented by Community Arts Council of Vancouver Wed Oct 9, 7-9pm Room C eco-arts salons bring together artists whose work is informed by their concern for the environment with community members and groups interested in using art to advance environmental and social goals. These events are meant to educate, invite dialogue, and be fun.
RAincity RAP
oct 3-5
A Roundhouse partnership with MISCELLANEOUS Productions Thu Oct 3 – Sat Oct 5, times TBA Performance Centre All events at The Roundhouse are all-ages, free, and first-come, first-served INFO www.miscellaneousproductions.ca, www.facebook.com/miscellaneousproductions, @ElaineCarol3 MiSCeLLAneOUS Productions' Raincity Rap 2013 is a unique multidisciplinary conference and festival focusing on the art of Canadian hip hop. events will take place at the Roundhouse, Calabash Bistro, and Fortune Sound Club in downtown Vancouver. This innovative biennial event includes panels, workshops, networking events, showcase performances, and club engagements, bringing together Canadian hip hop artists, industry professionals, academics, and youth. Raincity Rap at the Roundhouse will feature interviews with urban music stars, an industry panel, a panel with women in hip hop, and a performance by MiSCeLLAneOUS Productions' Kutz & Dawgs.
oct 8-12
A Roundhouse partnership with Kokoro Dance Tue Oct 8 – Sat Oct 12, 8pm Tue Oct 8, 2:30pm, Open dress rehearsal, 8pm Preview performance Thu Oct 10, 2pm, Lecture Demo Fri Oct 11, Post-show talkback Performance Centre TICKETS $32, $25 student/senior Online at www.vidf.ca/tickets or 604-662-4966 INFO info@kokoro.ca, 604-662-7441 This premiere performance is a poignant exploration of the passage of time, the body’s aging, mortality, and the creation of art through and with all that. Life recalls the joy of discovery and the pain of loss in a journey we all share, from the moment of our birth to the instance of our passing. Supported by: Canada Council for the Arts, British Columbia Arts Council, Province of British Columbia, City of Vancouver, Vancouver Foundation, and The Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation
Barbara Bourget with kokoro Dance. Photo by Peter eastwood. For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
events sustenAnce oct A Roundhouse partnership
Community partners and supporters: Vancouver Coastal Health, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Ministry of Children and Family Development, Watari, Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts Council, Province of British Columbia, Vancouver Foundation, Vancouver School Board, Peernet BC, Methotical Productions
oct 9-21
Oct 9 – 21 Events throughout the city INFO www.sustenancefestival.ca Greenest City 2020: A Bright Green Future? What does this really mean for Vancouverites? how do we interpret words like “sustainability” and terms like “environmental footprint” or “eating locally” and then move into action? how do we make positive choices more often even though in the moment they may feel insignificant within the grander goal of saving the earth? Can we make the connection that changing the way we live can also contribute to a better living experience with our fellow humans? Whether you are a social-enterprising, organic city farmer or a new Canadian simply wanting to learn more about all of this ‘green talk’, there exist common goals around a Bright Green Future that can also benefit the social health of our society. The 2013 Sustenance Festival, celebrating its 5th year, will include a pop-up incubator of ideas, spurring dialogue about how individuals, communities, and community centres can work together to strengthen our environment and our local food system. Join us and become part of the solution, because together —and only together— will we create a Bright Green Future.
OPeninG niGhT - BRiGhT GReen FUTURe
Wed Oct 9, pop-up location Join us at our pop-up location (TBA) for the opening night of our Bright Green Future Pop-up with art exhibits, delicious food and drinks, and inspirational people that are making our city’s future bright green. Sustenance 2013...the conversation starts tonight.
Oct 9 – 21, pop-up location Five artists, each with five pieces to stimulate your appetite. View this art through thoughtful eyes and then tell us: What does sustainability mean to you? Our blackboard is ready for your green thoughts and ideas.
Oct 9 – 21, various locations Join us for a variety of pop-up events throughout the City of Vancouver, including the Good Food Revolution, the kitchen Table, Five Ways to Reduce Your eco-footprint, Re-sharing and Re-purposing, Test kitchen, vegan cooking and nutrition classes, and reducing, recycling and redistributing food waste.
WoRld indigenous dAy, yeAR of ReconciliAtion oct 13 Sun Oct 13, 12-5pm Exhibition Hall FREE INFO www.cfcdi.ca, info@cfcdi.ca, 604-338-7206 World indigenous Day is an event celebrating the beauty of indigenous culture, bringing people from all communities together in the hopes of building relationships and acknowledging our pride and diversity. This 2013 being the Year of Reconciliation, we hope to celebrate with the public our shared understanding and awareness of history is paramount to both the indigenous and local communities. Our community partners are an inspiring reminder of the amazing events that can happen when we work together. The afternoon will include workshops, panel discussions, traditional foods, music and cultural dance, drumming, and much more. now in its second year, the World indigenous Day Celebration has joined forces again with the World indigenous Day, Year of Sustenance Festival.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
youth theAtRe Residency PRoject
oct 15-17
A Roundhouse residency with Some Assembly and Vancouver Coastal Health
Auditions: Oct 15, 16, 17, 4-9pm Workshops and rehearsals for the creation of a new play begin november 14 and take place every Thursday from 6-9:30pm until May 2014. Daytime and evening shows are in the first week of May. (School will be missed for daytime shows.) if interested and able to fully commit, contact Valerie info@someassembly.ca Some Assembly theatre artists Valerie Methot, ken Lawson, Chandra Lesmeister and Jeremy Baxter. With guest artists Anna Talbot and Allen Morrison. Since 2002, this award-winning youth theatre project engages youth with professional theatre artists in the collaborative creation and performance of new plays for public audiences. This project has seen many talented teens with stellar performances of artistic and thought-provoking plays. We invite all interested youth to audition for our new project.
events oct Supporters: Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Ministry of Children and Family Development, Watari, Vancouver School Board, PeernetBC, Province of British Columbia, Methotical Productions, Vancouver Foundation, BC Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, City of Vancouver
Celebrating its 16th anniversary, Dance Allsorts is Vancouver’s 605 COLLeCTiVe most eclectic dance A Roundhouse partnership; pesented by New Works series. in partnership with the Roundhouse Sun Oct 20, 2pm Community Arts & Performance Centre Recreation Centre, new TICKETS By donation at the door one hour before performance Works’ Dance Allsorts Suggested donation: $5-20, FREE for children 10 and under series introduces all sorts INFO www.newworks.ca, 604-893-8875 A double bill featuring excerpts from New Animal, a ferocious work suffused with raw, unbridled of dance to all sorts of energy and groove as well as a new commission from Vancouver-based theatre company Theatre people. These intimate, Replacement. in this work in progress, five dancers will collaborate and translate theatre-based memorable shows feature dances of all concepts into a hyper physical dance language. traditions and customs DAnCe WORkShOP and are accompanied Sat Oct 26, 11:45am-1:15pm by a workshop on the Creekside Community Centre following Saturday. All INFO www.newworks.ca shows are one hour and Open to all ages and abilities. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. appropriate for all ages. Visit www.newworks.ca/ for more RiPe oct 20 presentations info.
dAnce AllsoRts
oct 20
In partnership with the Sustenance Festival Sun Oct 20, 4-8pm (World Chefs’ Day) Exhibition Hall TICKETS $75, $15 for children under 12. Tickets will be available at all weekly Vancouver Farmers Markets and online. INFO VFM website www.eatlocal.org. RiPe presents a casual, family-style meal of seasonal food prepared by local chefs in celebration of the harvest, and will be a featured event of the 5th Annual Sustenance Festival. The evening begins with a series of delicious appetizers followed by a sit-down feast of market fare. Signature cocktails, BC wine, and local micro-brews are featured, along with a silent auction and live entertainment. Funds raised will help pay for educational programming at the markets, operational expenses at our six weekly locations, and new market research and start-up. For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
events oct
ReAdy, set, leARn
oct 23
Oct 23, 4-6pm Exhibition Hall FREE This family fair will highlight the services and programs in the elsie Roy hub that support children 3-5 yrs old and their families as they prepare for kindergarten.
cultuRe + community: uRbAn ReneWAl
oct 25-26
A Roundhouse residency Fri Oct 25 – Sat Oct 26 Location TBD TICKETS & INFO marie.lopes@vancouver.ca Listen, watch, debate, and experience community-engaged arts and social practice. The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation is pleased to partner with emily Carr University and City of Vancouver Cultural Services to present this two-day conference on community-engaged arts practices and the city. includes one day of live-streaming from the Creative Time Summit in nYC, featuring keynote speaker Lucy Lippard. Day two includes panel discussions, debate, and arts encounters of the urban kind.
thRill vAncouveR 2013
oct 26
A Roundhouse partnership with Vancouver Improv Anywhere Sat Oct 26, 4pm, SPFX makeup application from 12:30-3:30pm Exhibition Hall and Turntable TICKETS By donation at the door, $5-10 suggested INFO www.improvanywhere.ca/thrill-vancouver-2013
Oct 15, 22, 25, 7-9pm Exhibition Hall Optional SPFx Make-Up: $10, Basic Zombie Makeup; $20, Basic + 1 small prosthetic (gunshot or bite with some blood, etc.),;$40, Basic + 2 prosthetics (large laceration, cheek bone showing, etc.) it's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking...in Vancouver! Calling all zombie dancers! Dust off your dancing shoes, practise your Thrilling moves and get ready for Vancouver's annual Thriller Dance. Learn the dance online… grab your friends, your family, and your neighbours to practice Thrill the World. together, then join us for Thrill Vancouver.
the little chAmbeR music seRies thAt could Artistic Director: Mark haney (Falaise Park Field house Artist in Residence, Vancouver Park Board) Generously supported by: the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, the Canada Council for the Arts, the SOCAN Foundation
oct 26
A Vancouver Park Board residency Sat Oct 26, 8-10pm Performance Centre TICKETS $20 adults not in costume, $10 adults in costume/students/ artists/seniors, free for children 12 and under. www.brownpapertickets.com or littlechambermusic@gmail.com INFO littlechambermusic@gmail.com it’s a halloween new music rave/dance party! To celebrate our relaunch we've invited nicole Lizée, one of Canada's most exciting and innovative composers, and her ensemble SaskPower to Vancouver. Put on a costume, move to the music, and celebrate the return of the Little Chamber Music Series That Could. For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
kids' movie At the Roundhouse
oct 27
A Roundhouse special event Sun Oct 27, 10:30am-12:30pm* FREE Performance Centre INFO www.roundhouse.ca, 604-713-1800 Bring your kids to the Performance Centre and spend your early afternoon with us, and watch a fun movie with others in your neighbourhood. Movie title TBD. Registration required. *After the movie on Oct 27, we have Pumpkin Carving in our exhibition hall ($3/pumpkin); separate registration required.
PumPkin cARving
events oct
oct 27
A Roundhouse special event Sun Oct 27, 1-4pm* TICKETS $3/pumpkin Exhibition Hall INFO www.roundhouse.ca, 604-713-1800 Come and carve a pumpkin to get into the halloween spirit. Get your creative juices flowing and transform your pumpkin into a spooky jack-o’-lantern. We’ll provide the spooky music. Some carving tools and stencils will be provided. Please pre-register by Friday, October 18 to reserve your pumpkin and space. Children must be supervised by an adult. *Before Pumpkin Carving there is a FRee kids Movie in our Performance Centre, movie TBD; separate registration required.
tRick oR tReAt Route thRough yAletoWn
oct 31
A Roundhouse special event Thu Oct 31, 3:30-5:30pm FREE INFO www.roundhouse.ca, 604-713-1800 The Yaletown Business improvement Association, in partnership with the Roundhouse, is organizing the 12th Annual Trick or Treat Route through Yaletown. Trick or Treat at participating Yaletown businesses then come back to the Roundhouse for the Annual halloween Carnival. Pick up a Trick or Treat Route Map at the Roundhouse Front Desk on Wed Oct 30. For more information, or if you are a local business interested in participating, visit www.yaletowninfo.com. no registration required.
hAlloWeen cARnivAl
oct 31
A Roundhouse special event Thu Oct 31, 4:30-7:30pm TICKETS $6 child Exhibition Hall INFO www.roundhouse.ca, 604-713-1800 Dress up in your creepiest costume and participate in ghoulish games and creepy crafts. Come and explore our “Creepy hollow” forest full of spooky surprises and other fun activities. Children must be supervised by an adult. Pre-registration required, drop-ins permitted OnLY if space is available.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
events nov
diA de los mueRtos—dAy of the deAd
nov 1
A Roundhouse partnership Fri Nov 1, 5:30-8pm 6pm, Presentation Room C FREE, registration required Register at www.dayofthedeadroundhouse2013.eventbrite.com INFO info@culinaryencanto.com november 1 marks the beginning of a vibrant, colourful celebration of life and death. This tradition is rooted in ancient Mesoamerican cultures and is very much alive today throughout Mexico and many countries in Latin America. it is a time to remember and honour our ancestors with lovingly set altars or ofrendas, offerings. Join us in this family-friendly event, and discover everything that The Day of the Dead is about. Visit our Community Altar, where you will be able to honour the memory of your own ancestors. There will be a special presentation by Chef Rossana Ascencio, who will be talking about the important role of food during this celebration. Savour a slice of sweet bread known as pan de muerto while you sip a cup of authentic Mexican hot chocolate.
diWAli fest
nov 2
A Roundhouse partnership with Diwali Downtown Sat Nov 2, 3-9pm Roundhouse Community Centre TICKETS By donation, $5 suggested INFO www.diwalifest.ca Celebrating 10 years of multiculturalism, join Diwali Fest (formerly Vancouver Celebrates Diwali) for the 10th Anniversary Diwali Downtown celebration. Discover Diwali, at this cultural extravaganza, through traditional and contemporary song and dance performances, rangoli designs, diya painting, family workshops, and more. Get a taste of something new at the Diwali Fest food fair, or find something unique and handmade in our vendor bazaar. Diwali Fest offers all-inclusive education, inspiration, and entertainment for all ages. The biggest celebration yet, Diwali Fest 2013 and Diwali Downtown offers cultural fun for all ages. Come light your spirit and discover Diwali.
Oct 1, 7-9pm; Oct 6, 2-4pm; Oct 22, 7-9pm See page 40 for details.
vAncouveR memoRy festivAl
nov 4-10
OFF The GRiD: AnTi-ART in VAnCOUVeR, 1970-80
A Roundhouse residency, and Roundhouse partnership with Geist Magazine Mon Nov 4 – Sun Nov 10 Exhibition Hall, Performance Centre FREE INFO geist@geist.com, www.memoryfestival.tumblr.com The 2013 Memory Festival explores the anti-art movement in Vancouver in the seventies with an exhibition of Peter Daglish's My ABC Colouring Book, a series of original lithographs coloured by Western Front artists of the 1970s, some of who will be present to discuss the work. The festival will also feature talks, slideshows, and performances. Supported by the City of Vancouver. My ABC Colouring Book (detail) by Peter Daglish.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
bluebiRd noRth
nov 5
A Roundhouse partnership Tue Nov 5, 7:30pm Performance Centre TICKETS $15 door, discount for SAC members INFO www.songwriters.ca, 604-224-6201 hosted by Shari Ulrich. Featuring Mark Perry, Jory nash and Bow & Antler (Melissa Bandura & Mimi Mahovlich See page 8 for series details.
eAst & West PhotogRAPhy exhibition
events nov-dec
nov 13-21
A Roundhouse partnership Wed Nov 13 – Thu Nov 21 Exhibition Hall FREE The Group Of Five photographers—Ben Chan, Yui hung Cheng, Jonathan Lau, John Leun, and William Zhou—present a collection of recent photographs taken in Vancouver and across BC, the United States, Asia, and europe. They include landscapes and cultural activities.
excePt in the unlikely event of WAR
nov 15-30
A Roundhouse partnership with Pi Theatre and Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Theatre Nov 15, 8pm, Preview Nov 16-30, 8pm (no shows Nov 18, 25) Performance Centre TICKETS, INFO www.pitheatre.com, 604.872.1891, www.horseshoesandhandgrenades.ca inspired by the best-selling 1967 publication The Report from iron Mountain (dubbed the “greatest literary hoax of all time”), and by the modern media phenomenon known as “controlling the Group of Five. message,” this astonishing new play by Sean Devine is a scathing satire on society’s dependency on war, the oppressive threat of control, and the mutability of truth. except in the Unlikely event… bends the lines between theatre, film, and reality to explore media, the message, and who is really in control. #artisaweapon Supported by British Columbia Arts Council, Government of BC, City of Vancouver, Canada Council for the Arts, the Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation
nov 24-dec 1
A Roundhouse partnership with Ismaili Council for BC Sun Nov 24 – Sun Dec 1 Exhibition Hall FREE INFO 778-908-8289 This interdisciplinary exhibition, designed around the concept of artistic encounters, showcases the exchange of ideas between artists from the ismaili Muslim community and the broader arts community.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
events nov-dec
sPoRts dAy in cAnAdA & jeRsey dAy
nov 29-30
FREE INFO www.participaction.com/programs-events/programs/sports-day-in-canada For more details, visit www.roundhouse.ca closer to the event date.
Nov 29 Show your love and support for sport by wearing a jersey, team, or club uniform to school, work, or play. From municipal council chambers to office buildings and classrooms across the nation, we envision a sea of Canadians wearing their hearts on their sleeves on national Jersey Day.
Nov 30 The 4th annual Sports Day in Canada is a national celebration of sport, from grassroots to highperformance levels, in communities across the country. The vision of Sports Day in Canada is to reach out to all Canadians to build, solidify and celebrate the role of sport in our country through a dynamic, energetic and influential movement that inspires Canadians to move more. Sports Day in Canada is presented by ParticipACTiOn, CBC and True Sport, working with national sporting organizations and their networks of coaches, athletes and enthusiasts across the country. it’s an opportunity for all Canadians to celebrate the power of sport to build community, fortify our national spirit and facilitate healthy, active living.
inteRnAtionAl dAy of PeRsons With disAbilities dec 3 A Roundhouse partnership Tue Dec 3, 1pm Gym, Exhibition Hall, Performance Centre FREE INFO www.vancouverdisabilitiesday.ca Join us for the 2013 international Day of Persons with Disabilities. This free public event celebrates the talents and achievements of persons with disabilities in arts, culture, and other areas of endeavour. We look forward to seeing you. The event is hosted by the City of Vancouver, in partnership with community members and City departments.
dARk Room
dec 4-5
A Roundhouse partnership with Body Narratives Collective Wed Dec 4 – Thu Dec 5, 7:30pm Performance Centre TICKETS $20 door, $15 students/seniors/CADA/BC members INFO www.bodynarrativescollective.wordpress.com, bodynarratives@gmail.com Dark Room is a groundbreaking performance piece which weaves together music, dance, science, technology, and photography. Using the theatre as a photographic studio and dark room to reveal the process of creating photographic images as a performance medium, Dark Room challenges the way we experience moving bodies and time. Body narratives Collective (BnC) is a Vancouver-based collective with an interdisciplinary focus. Co-directors Meghan Goodman and Julia Carr view the world through the lens of dance but are committed to researching performance practices that integrate different artistic disciplines in order to discover something contemporary. Body narratives Collective.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
chRistmAs lunch And dAnce
dec 6
Fri Dec 6, 12-3pm Exhibition Hall TICKETS $8 INFO www.roundhouse.ca, 604-713-1800 enjoy the sounds of live music at our fun-filled Christmas lunch and dance. Tell your friends about this social event. no partner is needed for the dance. For ages 55+.
bReAkfAst With sAntA
events decembeR
dec 8
A Roundhouse special event Sun Dec 8, 10am-12pm Exhibition Hall TICKETS $6 child, $6.75 adult, free for children under 1 year INFO 604-713-1800 Santa’s coming to the Roundhouse. Come join him and his helpers for a pancake breakfast and take part in many fun-filled activities such as face-painting, arts and crafts, and much more. Preregistration required; drop-ins permitted OnLY if space is available. Children must be supervised by an adult.
dAnce AllsoRts
dec 8
A Roundhouse partnership; presented by New Works Sun Dec 8, 2pm Performance Centre TICKETS By donation at the door one hour before performance Suggested donation: $5-$20, FREE for children 10 and under INFO www.newworks.ca, 604-893-8875 Out innerspace Dance Theatre, in collaboration with Modus Operandi, will present research material and excerpts of works in progress. Artistic Directors David Raymond and Tiffany Tregarthen will share a glimpse into the unique genre-bending character-based contemporary dance style they are known for. This program will also showcase a selection of work from Modus Operandi's aspiring professionals.
Sat Dec 14, 11:45am-1:15pm Creekside Community Centre INFO www.newworks.ca Open to all ages and abilities. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
events 20th AnnuAl WinteR solstice lAnteRn festivAl decembeR One FeSTiVAL, FiVe neiGhBOURhOODS
A Roundhouse partnership with the Secret Lantern Society Sat Dec 21, 6-10pm The Roundhouse The winter solstice marks the longest, darkest night of the year. This dance of sun and earth has inspired celebrations of the human spirit throughout the ages. The Winter Solstice Lantern Festival illuminates the night with a multicultural array of lanterns, fire, singing, dancing, music, and storytelling.
LABYRinTh OF LiGhT experience a visually beautiful and meditative walk through an ancient labyrinth lit with over 700 pure beeswax candle,s from 6-11pm.
solstiCe volunteer oPPortunities See page 6 for details.
seCret … Collect moist leaves in the fall when they are at their most colourful and place flat in zip-lock bags in your freezer. They will be ready to use when the lantern workshops begin.
WORkShOPS DeC 10 -21 Sign up for a workshop to prepare for Dec 21 and join the glowing constellation of lanterns in your community. See page 41 for detailed workshop information. Workshop/Lantern Making Information Solstice Processional Drumming Workshops Family Lantern Making Workshops Communal Lantern Project Volunteer Lantern Making
GiFT LAnTeRnS Beautiful lanterns are available for seasonal gift-giving at the front desk of the Roundhouse throughout December. Support this community event with your purchase and give the gift of light.
ROUTe MAPS AnD FeSTiVAL inFORMATiOn Pick up a detailed festival flyer in December at participating community centres: Roundhouse, Britannia, Strathcona, False Creek, and Creekside. The festival takes place on Granville island, the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Yaletown, Strathcona and the east Side. Please check www.secretlantern.org for updates.
gReen thumb theAtRe: the edge PRoject
dec 12-14
A Roundhouse partnership with Green Thumb Theatre Thu Dec 12 – Sat Dec 14, 8pm, matinee Sat Dec 14, 2pm Performance Centre TICKETS $15, $5 students INFO www.greenthumb.bc.ca, info@greenthumb.bc.ca, 604.254.4055 A collective creation designed, written and performed by over 75 high school students from lower mainland schools. Mentored by a team of professional theatre artists, the students will present their entirely original show that reflects the views and voices of their generation.
kids’ movie At the Roundhouse
dec 15
A Roundhouse special event Green Thumb Theatre: The Sun Dec 15, 12-2pm edge Project. Performance Centre
FREE, registration required INFO 604-713-1800 Bring your kids to the Performance Centre for a fun free movie. Spend your early afternoon with us, and watch a movie with others in your neighbourhood. Movie title TBD. Registration required.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
PRenAtAl/ PostnAtAl
PRenAtAl Childbirth PreParation/Prenatal WorkshoP (16+)
information on every aspect of pregnancy, labour, and infant care. A strong emphasis on the social component of having a baby. Topics include: optimal fetal position, stages of labour, relaxation, massage,breathing, knowledge of birth options, breastfeeding, and infant care. The registration fee is per couple. Su | Sep 15 | Oct 27 | 10am-4pm | $117.50/sess (per couple) | 44985.401-2 RH | 16+ | Multimedia Rm Instructor: Karen Evers, The Birth Place, www.thebirthplace.ca
Cloth diaPers 101 (19+)
Learn what you need to get started with cloth diapering, including a checklist for a kit to help you succeed. Get your hands on several types of diapering systems to see how they work and feel. We | Sep 11 | Nov 6 | 7:30-9pm | $17.50/sess | 45570.401-2RH | 19+ | Rm C Instructor: Jessi Connaughton, New & Green Baby Company, www.newandgreen.com
Fit4tWo: Prenatal Fitness (16+)
Prenatal Pilates (16+)
Prenatal yoga (16+)
Connect with other moms-to-be in your community while reducing prenatal discomforts like lower back ache and swelling. Your certified pre and postnatal fitness specialist will lead you through pregnancy-safe cardiovascular, strength training, and flexibility exercises. All trimesters welcome to participate. ParMeD-x Form required (forms at www.fit4two.ca or the front desk). We | Sep 11-Oct 16 | Oct 23-Nov 27 | 7-8pm | $89/6 sess | 44070.401-2RH | 16+ | Dance St Instructor: Fit4Two Fitness, www.fit4two.ca This class will leave you feeling more toned and graceful in all trimesters of your pregnancy. improve posture through core strength, stability and proper alignment. Learn breathing exercises that will help prepare you and baby for labour. no class Oct 14 Mo | Sep 16-Oct 28 | Nov 4-Dec 16 | 6-6:45pm | $61.50/6 sess | 44272.401-2RH | 16+ | Rm C Instructor: Diana VanderVeen
Prenatal & Postnatal Programs Prenatal and Postnatal programs encourage healthy and active living in the months during and after your pregnancy. Please ensure that you consult your family physician before starting any prenatal or postnatal fitness program. if you are unsure if a particular program is suitable for you, please stop by before the beginning of any class and have a quick chat with the instructor. They will help recommend some options for you. All instructors have the appropriate training/certifications for providing specialized instruction for their programs.
nurture yourself and your growing baby with gentle hatha Yoga. Learn yoga poses and relaxation techniques to alleviate the common discomforts of pregnancy and to prepare for your labour and delivery. Register to attend twice per week and receive a discount. no class Oct 24 Tu | Sep 10-Oct 22 | 5:45-7:15pm | $79.50/7 sess | 44370.401RH | 16+ | Rm C Tu | Nov 5-Dec 17 | 5:45-7:15pm | $79.50/7 sess | 44370.402RH | 16+ | Rm C Th | Sep 5-Oct 31 | 5:45-7:15pm | $90.75/8 sess | 44374.401RH | 16+ | Rm C Th | Nov 7-Dec 19 | 5:45-7:15pm | $79.50/7 sess | 44374.402RH | 16+ | Rm C Twice-a-week registration Tu Th | Sep 5-Oct 31 | 5:45-7:15pm | $140/15 sess | 44370.403RH | 16+ | Rm C Tu Th | Nov 5-Dec 19 | 5:45-7:15pm | $130/14 sess | 44370.404RH | 16+ | Rm C Instructor: Lori Lucas, www.yogawithlorilucas.com
PostnAtAl baby & me yoga (16+)
Relax and learn hatha yoga with other moms. Benefit from gentle stretching and strengthening, increase your body awareness, and feel the benefits of improved digestion, enhanced circulation, and hormonal balance. no class Oct 24 Th | Sep 5-Oct 31 | 12:30-2pm | $88/8 sess | 44371.401RH | 16+ | Rm C Th | Nov 7-Dec 19 | 12:30-2pm | $77.50/7 sess | 44371.402RH | 16+ | Rm C Instructor: Lori Lucas, www.yogawithlorilucas.com For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Pilates For moms & babes (19+)
this playful class moms participate with their newborn to pre-crawling babies while learning Postnatal inPilates movements that help restore core strength and optimal posture. Midwife's or doctor's approval required (4-6 weeks post-delivery recommended). vanCouver Coastal health We | Sep 18-Oct 23, Oct 30-Dec 4 | 10:30-11:30am | $65/6 sess | 44271.401-2RH | 19+ | Rm A VCh provides a full range Instructor: Ferial Ahmadzadeh, Neomama, www.neomama.com of health care services Fit4tWo: mom & baby Fitness (16+) $15/droP-in ranging from hospital Get a great workout and attend to baby’s needs at the same time. Class provides a full body worktreatment to community- out: cardio, muscular endurance, core work, and flexibility. Pre-mobile babies only (4 wks – 10 based residential, home mos). health, mental health and Mo We | Sep 9-Oct 2 | 9:45-10:45am | $103/8 sess | 44075.401RH | 16+ | Dance St public health services. VCh operates the Three Mo We | Oct 7-Oct 30 | 9:45-10:45am | $90/7 sess | 44075.402RH | 16+ | Dance St Mo We | Nov 4-Nov 27 | 9:45-10:45am | $90/7 sess | 44075.403RH | 16+ | Dance St Bridges Community Mo We | Dec 2-Dec 11 | 9:45-10:45am | $52/4 sess | 44075.404RH | 16+ | Dance St health Centre at 1292 Instructor: Fit4Two Fitness, www.fit4two.ca hornby St which offers a variety of community Fit4tWo: inFant massage WorkshoP (neWborn – 6 mos) health programs. info: infant massage helps baby sleep better, relaxes and soothes, aids digestion, contributes to developwww.vch.ca ment, encourages bonding, and improves communication. Mats, oil, and handouts are provided. Please bring a blanket for baby. Pre-mobile babies only please. vanCouver Su | Oct 27 | 10-11am | $25/sess | 14860.401RH | Mezz Mtg Rm soCiety oF Instructor: Fit4Two Fitness, www.fit4two.ca Children’s
VSOCC’s mission is to design, develop, and deliver an integrated and comprehensive continuum of high quality child and family services that reflect community, family, and children’s values, needs, and interests. They offer a variety of licensed childcare and family programs in the downtown peninsula. More info: www.vsocc.org
knit + one (19+)
Wish you knew how to knit that super cute baby stuff for your little one? Bring your little one and learn to knit with other moms (pre-mobile babies only). Learn basic knitting skills, choosing a project, pattern reading, and beyond. includes starter knitting kit worth $20. We | Sep 11-Oct 2 | 1:30-3pm | $109/4 sess | 42838.402RH | 19+ | Mezz Mtg Rm Instructor: Astor Tsang, KnittingAstor Design Ventures, www.knittingastor.com
CroChet + one (19+)
Bring your little one and learn basic crochet stitches, choosing a project, crochet pattern reading, and beyond. One set of crochet hooks and sample yarn included. We | Oct 9-Oct 30 | 1:30-3pm | $97/4 sess | 42838.401RH | 19+ | Mezz Mtg Rm Instructor: Astor Tsang, KnittingAstor Design Ventures, www.knittingastor.com
baby sign language (19+)
Did you know that babies can understand and communicate long before they can speak? Learn basic American Sign Language (ASL) hand gestures through fun songs and games. newborns up to 2 years. no class nov 11 Mo | Oct 28-Dec 2 | 2-2:45pm | $69/5 sess | 15065.401RH | 19-50 | Rm B Instructor: Sheri Kauhausen, www.intoyoga.ca
is your baby sleePing through the night? (19+)
Come learn about the biology of sleep in babies, why babies wake up at night, and what you can do to create healthy sleep habits that will last a lifetime. Sa | Sep 28 | 2-4:30pm | $31.25/ sess | 45574.401RH | 19+ | Multimedia Rm Instructor: Bonnie Davis, www.birthcontinuum.com
What's going on inside that neWborn’s brain anyWay? (19+)
Tune in to what your baby is communicating to you. Learn how to create an optimal environment for your baby's brain development in the first year of life. We | Oct 16 | 6:30-9pm | $31.25/ sess | 45574.402RH | 19+ | Board Rm Instructor: Bonnie Davis, www.birthcontinuum.com
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
do you understand your toddler? (19+)
Make sense of your toddler's behaviour. Discover how toddlers’ brains are wired and how they mature. Learn strategies for approaching difficult situations so you can enjoy your toddler more and have a happy child. We | Nov 27 | 6:30-9pm | $31.25/ sess | 45574.403RH | 19+ | Board Rm Instructor: Bonnie Davis, www.birthcontinuum.com
develoPmental Play With babies (19+)
Learn ways to enhance your baby’s emotional, cognitive, and physical development through singing, dancing, and playing. Learn about their brain development and take home helpful information each week. Tu | Oct 1-Nov 19 | 10:15-11:15am | $96.50/8 sess | 45574.402RH | 19+ | Dance Studio Instructor: Bonnie Davis, www.birthcontinuum.com
basiC First aid & CPr: babies & Children (13+)
Short, informative and interactive course provides basic first aid and CPR skills to treat babies and children. Cover common emergencies such as choking, SiDS, allergic reaction and more. This course is non-certifying. Children are welcome, but we recommend that parents find childcare if possible. Sa | Sep 21, Oct 26, Nov 23 | 1-4pm | $66.50/sess | 45410.401-3RH | 13+ | Multimedia Rm Instructor: Community Care First Aid, www.communitycarefirstaid.com
ARt art 4 all (1-5)
Young artists will create messy and fun art, building motor skills through activities like fingerpainting, gluing, colouring, stamping, patterning, and more. Activities will explore storytelling through art. no class Oct 14, nov 11 1-3 yrs Mo | Sep 16-Dec 2 | 9:30-10:15am | $103.25/10 sess | 12329.401RH | 1-3 | Arts & Crafts Rm 1-5 yrs Mo | Sep 16-Dec 2 | 10:30-11:30am | $103.25/10 sess | 12329.402RH | 1-5 | Arts & Crafts Rm Instructor: Siobhan Barker
doodleblobz (1-3)
infAnt & PReschool
$10/droP-in (iF sPaCe Permits)
Your little one will get creative with a variety of simple painting techniques and pattern-making with unusual objects like tennis balls, sponges, play dough, leaves and more. Parent participation required. Drop-in space based on availability. Th | Sep 19-Dec 5 | 9:30-10:30am | $114.50/12 sess | 12328.401RH | 1-3 | Arts & Crafts Rm Th | Sep 19-Dec 5 | 10:45-11:45am | $114.50/12 sess | 12328.402RH | 1-3 | Arts & Crafts Rm sometimes great New Instructor: Aramika Kliavin, Doodleblobz Fine Arts
make it mondays!: a droP-in Family arts night (2-8)
$2/droP-in (suggested donation Per Person)
This family art program invites parents and children aged 2-8 years to learn about making art. explore art media, mark making, and much more in fun, open-ended creative activities that will inspire the whole family. Registration not required. Generously sponsored by Alan Financial Mo | Sep 16, Oct 21, Nov 18 | 6:30-8:30pm | $2/per session| 12327.401RH | 2-8 | TBD
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Classes are CanCelled
Don’t wait until the last minute to register, or you may be disappointed to hear that the class was cancelled. Program decisions to run or cancel a program are generally made 3-5 days prior to the start date. Programs are cancelled or postponed if there are not enough registered participants.
Infant & dAnce preschool baby’s First danCe (8 Wks – Pre-CraWlers)
A lively and informative class exploring movement with your baby. Developmentally appropriate movement is vital to the wiring of the baby's brain and sets the foundation for a healthy life. Learn how to participate and support your baby's first year of growth through fun exercises and playful activities. no class Oct 11 Fr | Sep 27-Dec 6 | 10-10:45am | $88/10 sess | 11113.401RH | 16+ | Rm C Instructor: Marcia Wakarchuk Jones, Inner Dancer, www.innerdancer.ca
toddler & Parent Creative danCe (ConFident Walkers – 2 yrs) help build the brain and body of your toddler through fun activities that explore movement and dance. Use a wide variety of music, props, and rhythm instruments to support your toddler through their physical and emotional development. no class Oct 11 Fr | Sep 27-Dec6 | 11:15-12pm | $88/10 sess | 11113.401RH | 16+ | Rm B Instructor: Marcia Wakarchuk Jones, Inner Dancer, www.innerdancer.ca aCrobatiC danCe (3-5)
A creative and playful class that combines fundamental dance principles with rhythmic and classimarCia cal gymnastics. Using fun routines, creative movement, games and stories, and props dancers will WakarChuk Jones achieve balance, coordination, awareness, and strength. Dance Instructor Th | Sep 26-Nov 28 | 3:15-4pm | $80.75/10 sess | 11665.401RH | 3-5 | Dance St Marcia is a Certified Instructor: Celeste Lyon (guest instructor for Fall season) Movement Analyst ballet danCers (3-5) $9.50/droP-in (CMA), Developmental Calling all little dancers (boys and girls welcome). Children will learn basic ballet techniques such Movement educator, as development of balance and coordination and the ability to work together. They must be able to and founder of inner Dancer - classes, private participate without their parents. practice and professional 3 yrs seminars. She has been We | Sep 25-Nov 27 | 2:15-2:45pm | $80.75/10 sess | 11663.401RH | 3-3 | Dance St studying movement for 4-5 yrs over 16 years and holds a We | Sep 25-Nov 27 | 3:10-3:55pm | $80.75/10 sess | 11663.402RH | 4-5 | Dance St certificate in integrative Instructor: Celeste Lyon (guest instructor for Fall season) Body Psychology. She Creative ballet (3-4) $9.50/droP-in specializes in enhancFocus on posture, tempo, shapes, and space usage combined with basic movement and ballet skills. ing early childhood Activities are set to a wide range of music with stories, rhythm, and games. Appropriate dress will development with Laban be addressed in the first class. no class Oct 12, nov 2, 9 Movement Analysis, Body-Mind Centering® 3-4 yrs Sa | Sep 14-Dec 14 | 9-9:45am | $88.75/11 sess | 11660.401RH | 3-4 | Dance St and Brain Compatible Sa | Sep 14-Dec 14 | 9:50-10:35am | $88.75/11 sess | 11660.402RH | 3-4 | Dance St Dance education. 4-5 yrs Sa | Sep 14-Dec 14 | 10:40-11:25am | $88.75/11 sess | 11660.403RH | 4-5 | Dance St Instructor: Serena Aroon
Family danCe (2-12)
$11/2 PPl, $14/3 PPl
A family that dances together stays together. A lively and fun dance flow to energize and bring smiles to you and your young ones. Great world music to inspire imagination and the desire to move together. Tu | Sep 24-Nov 26 | 4:15-5pm | $75.50/10 sess (parent & child) | $122.75/10 sess (3 family members) | 24333.401RH | 2-12 | Dance St Instructor: Lineke Elena Van Kleek (guest instructor for Fall season)
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Infant & preschool
music brightstars PerForming arts: level 1 (2-3)
This introductory course will enlighten and educate your child through the wonderful world of performing arts. Students will learn early dance and important movement skills, singalongs and literacy, and play acting to activate their imaginations and self-confidence. Level 1 for new students only. *intended as a non-adult participation course. Please inform staff at time of registration if your child has any physical limitations given the demands of the program. We | Sep 18-Dec 4 | 11-11:30am | $80.75/12 sess | 11112.401RH | 2-3 | Dance St Instructor: Jordan Thomson
brightstars PerForming arts: level 1+2 (2-3)
Open to both beginners and returning students. Students will continue learning early dance and important movement skills, singalongs and literacy and play acting to activate their imaginations and self-confidence. Please inform staff at time of registration if your child has any physical limitations given the demands of the program. We | Sep 18-Dec 4 | 11:45am-12:15pm | $80.75/12 sess | 11112.402RH | 2-3 | Dance St Instructor: Jordan Thomson
musiC togetherÂŽ is Fun! (0-4)
enjoy 45 minutes of pure fun with your child every week. Come dance and sing to happy village folk songs, korean lullabies, Cuban rainforest songs, and much more. You'll find bells, triangles, train whistles, shakers, rhythm sticks, and instruments galore. Parent participation is required. Siblings 6 months of age and under can attend for free; over 6 months, please pay the reduced siblings' fee. no class Oct 12, nov 2 Sa | Sep 21-Dec 7 | 9:30-10:15am, 10:30-11:15am, 11:30-12:15pm |11125.401-3RH We | Sep 25-Nov 27 | 9:30-10:15am, 10:30-11:15am, 11:30-12:15pm | 11122.401-3RH Th | Sep 26-Nov 28 | 9:30-10:15, 10:30-11:15am, 11:30-12:15pm | 11123.401-3RH Cost:$156.75/10 sess | 0-4 | Multimedia Rm (We, Sa) | Music Rm (Th) Instructor: Noa (Wed), Rachel(Thu/Sat), WestSide Music Together, www.westsidemusictogether.ca
orFF musiC (1-3)
A fun-filled class for toddlers and parents to sing, play music, and dance together using rhythm instruments, puppets, andscarves. Song sheets will be provided so you can sing at home with your child. Parent participation required. 1-2 yrs Tu | Sep 17-Nov 26 | 9:30-10am | $85.75/11 sess | 11035.401RH | 1-2 | Rm C 2-3 yrs Tu | Sep 17-Nov 26 | 10:10-10:40am | $85.75/11 sess | 11035.402RH | 2-3 | Rm C 1-3 yrs Tu | Sep 17-Nov 26 | 10:50-11:20am | $85.75/11 sess | 11035.403RH | 1-3 | Rm C Instructor: Tonia Allen
our Partners in Childhood develoPment
WeST COAST ChiLDCARe ReSOURCe CenTRe WCCRC supports the healthy development of community seRvice PRogRAms children, families and their communities by providing vCh Parent and inFant droP-in (0 – 8 mos) child development and This program is led by community health nurses from Vancouver Coastal health (VCh), and is a child care information, place for you to share your experiences with other parents of infants. Dates subject to change. referrals, training, support Th | Sep 19-Nov 7 | 10:30am-12pm | Free | 14901.401RH | Rm B with subsidy applications, Instructor: Teri Albus, VCH - 3 Bridges and resources for parents, caregivers and others who provide services to children and families. More info: 604-709-5661, www.wstcoast.org For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Infant & preschool
the essential adhd WorkshoP (19+)
This highly informative one-day workshop will explore ADhD in full, looking at everything from its history, diet, side effects of medications, and everyday non-medicinal coping strategies. We | Oct 2 | 6-9pm | $45/sess | 45571.401RH | 19+ | Rm C Instructor: Karen Ryan
sPeciAl events halloWeen Carnival (0-11)
Dress up in your creepiest costume and participate in ghoulish games and creepy crafts. Come and explore our "Creepy hollow" forest full of spooky surprises and other fun activities. Children must be supervised by an adult. Pre-registration required; drop-ins permitted OnLY if space is available. Th | Oct 31 | 4:30-7:30pm | $6/child | 25661.402RH | 0-11 | Exhibition Hall
halloWeen PumPkin Carving (all ages)
Come and carve a pumpkin (or two) to get into the halloween spirit. Get your creative juices flowing and transform your pumpkin into a spooky jack-o’-lantern. We'll provide the spooky music, some carving tools, and stencils. Create a superhero, your favorite villain, or even a pop star. Please preregister by Friday, October 18th to reserve your pumpkin and space. Children must be supervised by an adult. Su | Oct 27 | 1-4pm | $3/pumpkin | 25661.401RH | All ages | Exhibition Hall
halloWeen triCk or treat through yaletoWn (all ages)
The Yaletown Business improvement Association, in partnership with the Roundhouse, is organizing the 12th Annual Trick or Treat Route through Yaletown. Trick or Treat at participating Yaletown businesses then come back to the Roundhouse for the Annual halloween Carnival. Pick up a Trick or Treat Route Map at the Roundhouse Front Desk on Thursday October 31st. For more information or if you are a local business interested in participating visit www.yaletowninfo.com. no registration required. Th | Oct 31 | 3:30-5:30pm | Free | 25661.403RH | All ages | Yaletown
kids' movie at the roundhouse – oCt & deC
Bring your kids to the Performance Centre and spend your early afternoon with us to watch a fun movie with others in your neighbourhood. For more info, please call 604-713-1800. Movie titles announced closer to the date. Check www.roundhouse.ca. Registration required for this event. Su | Oct 27 | 10:30am-12:30pm | Free | 25610.401RH | Performance Centre *After the movie on Oct 27, there will be Pumpkin Carving in our Exhibition Hall (3$/pumpkin); separate registration required Su | Dec 15 | 12-2pm | Free | 25610.402RH | Performance Centre
breakFast With santa (6 mos – 12 yrs)
Santa's coming to the Roundhouse. Come join him and his helpers for a pancake breakfast and take part in many fun-filled activities such as face-painting, arts and crafts, and much more. Preregistration required; drop-ins permitted OnLY if space is available. Children must be supervised by an adult. Free for children under 1 year. Su | Dec 8 | 10am-12pm | $6/child, $6.75/adult | 29100.402RH | 6 mos - 12 yrs | Exhibition Hall
lAnguAge suPer sPanish (3-4)
Say hola to Spanish. Give your children the opportunity to learn the basics of this beautiful language with games, songs, and crafts. no drop-ins. Parent participation is optional for this class. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 2 | 2:30-3:15pm | $93.75/10 sess | 15023.401RH | 3-4 | Rm C Instructor: Gloria Alonso
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Infant & preschool
sPoRts & fitness Parent & tot gym time droP-in (0-5)
$2.75/droP-in, $21/10-session Card
have fun in this supervised indoor environment. Discover climbing on trestle equipment, tumbling on mats, riding on toys, and jumping in our bouncy castle. A great opportunity to meet new friends and connect with services offered to families in our community. Parent or care giver participation required. no class Sep 3, Oct 14, nov 2, nov 11, Dec 3, 7, 21 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 1-3:30pm | 13 sess | 13870.402RH | 0-5 | Gym Tu Th | Sep 5-Dec 19 | 9:15-11:45am | 30 sess | 13870.404RH | 0-5 | Gym We | Sep 4-Dec 18 | 12:30-2:30pm | 16 sess | 13870.403RH | 0-5 | Gym Sa | Sep 7-Dec 14 | 9:15-11:45am | 13 sess | 13870.405RH | 0-5 | Gym Facilitator: Dragana Djurasic
tumbling tots gymnastiCs (3-4)
Learn elementary gymnastic skills in a safe, comfortable, and energizing setting. Children will join in activities including jumping, climbing, rolling, and balancing. Parent participation required. no class Sep 27, Oct 25, nov 22 Fr | Sep 13-Dec 13 | 2:15-3pm | $94.50/11 sess | 13860.401RH | 3-4 | Gym dragana Instructor: Natalie Boryniec, Kitsilano Gymnastics dJurasiC Parent & Tot Drop-in me & my dad (or mom) With sPortball (2-3) Moms, dads, aunts, and uncles—all welcome. have a direct hand in your preschooler’s develop- Supervisor ment through seven different ball sports. Teach your children important introductory physical skills Dragana has been an and help them to develop confidence in their abilities. Adult participation required. no class Oct 13 active member of the RhCC as a Parents & Su | Sep 15-Oct 27 | 9-9:45am | $106/6 sess | 13043.401RH | 2-3 | Gym Tot drop-in program Su | Nov 3-Dec 8 | 9-9:45am | $106/6 sess | 13043.402RH | 2-3 | Gym supervisor for 10 years Instructor: Sportball and has coordinated the multisPort With sPortball (3.5-5.5) community outreach to Multisport is a fun and functional fitness program that will help young kids improve their overall strengthen and developfitness and health in a comfortable environment. This integrated functional training program will ment services and prohelp to build flexibility, stability, and strength. grams for the Centre. She has also been an Active Th | Sep 12-Oct 24 | 3:30-4:30pm | $123.25/7 sess | 13045.401RH | 3.5-5.5 | Rm B Partnership Coordinator Th | Nov 7-Dec 12 | 3:30-4:30pm | $106/6 sess | 13045.402RH | 3.5-5.5 | Rm B and is now a Project CoorInstructor: Sportball dinator for TeDxkids@ multisPort With sPortball (3.5-5.5) BC. Owner of Radiant This creative, non-competitive, and self-esteem building program prepares all children for a future Minds and a Mind Mapof confident sports participation. We focus on skill development in eight different sports: floor ping® instructor Dragana hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, golf, and football. not a parent participation teaches individuals of all program. no class Oct. 13 ages to “think, learn and Su | Sep 15-Oct 27 | 10-11am | $106/6 sess | 13044.401RH | 3.5-5.5 | Gym create better”. Su | Nov 3-Dec 8 | 10-11am | $106/6 sess | 13044.402RH | 3.5-5.5 | Gym Instructor: Sportball
Parent & tot With sPortball (2-3)
have a direct hand in your preschooler’s development through seven different ball sports. Teach your children important introductory physical skills and help them to develop confidence in their abilities. Adult participation required. Th | Sep 12-Oct 24 | 4:30-5:15pm | $123.25/7 sess | 13047.401RH | 2-3 | Rm B Th | Nov 7-Dec 12 | 4:30-5:15pm | $106/6 sess | 13047.402RH | 2-3 | Rm B Instructor: Sportball
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Infant & West end soCCer aCademy (2-5) to the Fall & Winter Season of the West end Soccer Academy. Join us every Saturday and preschool Welcome learn skills and play some small sided games. The academy is put together of children from all 3
communities, West end, Coal harbour and Roundhouse. no refunds after Oct 19. Fall season: Sep 21-Dec 14, 2013, Winter season: Jan 11-Mar 8, 2014. no class Oct 12, nov 9, Feb 8. Parent participation required. Visit www.facebook.com/coach.glyn for updates. 2-3 yrs Sa | Sep 21-Mar 8 | 9:15-10am | $152/19 sess | 13346.401RH | 2-3 | King George Field 3-4 yrs Sa | Sep 21-Mar 8 | 10-10:45am | $152/19 sess | 13346.402RH | 3-4 | King George Field Instructor: West End Community Centre, Glyn Roberts
tennis: indoor (4-5)
Activities will be organized to help develop athletic and tennis skills. Classes will have a 4:1 child to instructor ratio. We | Oct 2-Nov 6 | 3:05-3:35pm | $58.75/6 sess | 13343.401RH | 4-5 | Gym We | Nov 13-Dec 18 | 3:05-3:35pm | $58.75/6 sess | 13343.402RH | 4-5 | Gym Instructor: Gayle Dobson
elsie Roy noon houR PRogRAms
childRen elsie roy noon hour Programs elsie Roy noon hour Programs are a partnership between the Roundhouse Community Centre and elsie Roy elementary School. Our aim is to ensure that we provide meaningful and engaging activities for school children during their lunch hour.
elsie roy noon hour: PiCkleball (7-13)
Pickleball combines badminton, tennis, and table tennis all in one. kids will develop basic skills and hand-eye coordination and will have tons of fun. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 16 | 12:25-12:55pm | $84/12 sess | 23330.401RH | 7-13 | 1/3 Gym Instructor: Paul Talbot
elsie roy noon hour: basketball (7-13)
This fun and exciting program will serve as an introduction to the sport of basketball. Topics include: dribbling, shooting, defence, nutrition, and the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 16 | 12:25-12:55pm | $84/12 sess | 23331.404RH | 7-13 | 2/3 Gym Instructor: Zaheed Bakare
elsie roy noon hour: kiCk Fit (6-12)
Designed to give kids direction in creating a stronger body and a stronger mind. Using safe techniques, kick Fit is a dynamic workout for kids with a fun approach. Children will learn a path of respect, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle that they can apply to every aspect of their lives. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 16 | 12:25-12:55pm | $84/12 sess | 21038.401RH | 6-12 | Dance St Instructor: Jameel Hosseini,Universal MMA
elsie roy noon hour: Feature Film (7-12)
Construct your own characters and scenes, and then use stop-motion technology, cutting edge digital video cameras, MacBook computers, expert instruction from film makers, and your imagination to make your own hollywood blockbuster stop-motion film. each student will receive a DVD copy of their film, have their films online, and have an opportunity to be a part of our film festival. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 16 | 12:25-12:55pm | $91.50/12 sess | 22062.401RH | 7-12 | Rm C Instructor: The Directors Cut
elsie roy noon hour: soCCer (6-10)
Skill building in soccer through drills and practice. We'll finish off each day with a fun game that will help everyone feel part of the team. no class Dec 3 Tu | Sep 17-Dec 10 | 12:25-12:55pm | $77.50/12 sess | 23332.401RH | 6-10 | Gym Instructor: Paul Talbot For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
elsie roy noon hour: gymnastiCs danCe (4.8-11)
Spend your lunch hour grooving and playing games with hula hoops, balls, acro mats, ribbons, and more. Learn to cartwheel, somersault, skip rope, do a handstand, and other exciting stuff. Tu | Sep 17-Dec 10 | 12:25-12:55pm | $84/13 sess | 22031.401RH | 4.8-11 | Dance St Instructor: Jordan Thomson
elsie roy noon hour: CharaCters to ComiC books (6-11)
Focus on hand drawn characters and caricatures from cartoons etc. as you learn to create and draw your own comic stories. Projects will include hand-drawn animations (cartoons), or comics and then make your own printed comic book. Tu | Sep 17-Dec 10 | 12:25-12:55pm | $84/13 sess | 22030.401RH | 6-11 | Arts & Crafts Rm Instructor: Kenten Bowick
elsie roy noon hour: yoga (4.8-9)
Learn fun poses that incorporate yoga techniques that help build strength and flexibility, as well as a sense of relaxation that they will carry with them throughout their lives. Drop-ins permitted if space allows. We | Sep 18-Dec 11 | 12:25-12:55pm | $90.75/13 sess | 24330.401RH | 4.8-9 | Rm C Instructor: Celeste Lyon (guest instructor for Fall season)
elsie roy noon hour: Chess (6-11)
Beginners will have the opportunity to learn how to play chess. kids who already know the moves will go through famous games from past world champions and solve puzzles. We | Sep 18-Dec 11 | 12:25-12:55pm | $84/13 sess | 22033.401RH | 6-11 | Rm B Instructor: James Chan
elsie roy noon hour: Jams & bands (4.8-7)
This program introduces students to acoustic and electric guitar, hand drums, tambourines, and shakers. Students will be taught guitar scales, basic chords, timing for percussive instruments, composition, songs, and some basic theory. We | Sep 18-Dec 11 | 12:25-12:55pm | $111/13 sess | 22035.401RH | 4.8-7 | Music Rm Instructor: Paul Talbot
elsie roy noon hour: hoCkey (8-12)
Learn skill-building in hockey through drills and practice. each day includes a fun game that will help everyone feel part of the team. Th | Sep 19-Dec 12 | 12:25-12:55pm | $84/13 sess | 23331.401RH | 8-12 | Gym Instructor: Paul Talbot
elsie roy noon hour: CraFting & JeWellery making (4.8-12)
Make beautiful pieces of jewelry or a fun and unique craft in each 30-minute class. Jewelry includes necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. You'll also learn how to make crafts such as greeting cards and paper flower bouquets. All basic materials included. Th | Sep 19-Dec 12 | 12:25-12:55pm | $99/13 sess | 22836.401RH | 4.8-12 | Arts & Crafts Rm New Instructor: Aramika Kliavin, Fine Arts Doodleblobz
elsie roy noon hour: briCks 4 kidz (7-12)
hands-on, project-based classes where students use and develop problem solving and critical thinking skills to build machines, buildings, vehicles, and other creations. kids will use specialized LeGO速 pieces and unique model plans designed by Bricks 4 kidz. no class Sep 27, Oct 25, nov 22 Fr | Sep 20-Dec 13 | 12:25-12:55pm | $86/10 sess | 22063.401RH | 7-12 | Rm C Instructor: Bricks 4 Kidz
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
elsie roy noon hour: Clay time (6-12)
explore polymer clay techniques as well as a variety of project options. Participants use their imagination to make several unique pieces in an accepting and artistic environment. no class Sep 27, Oct 25, nov 22 Fr | Sep 20-Dec 13 | 12:25-12:55pm | $85.25/10 sess | 21035.401RH | 6-12 | Arts & Crafts Rm Instructor: Samantha Knopp
elsie roy noon hour: hoCkey (6-8)
Learn skill building in hockey through drills and practice. each day includes a fun game that will help everyone feel part of the team. no class Sep 27, Oct 25, nov 22 Fr | Sep 20-Dec 13 | 12:25-12:55pm | $65/10 sess | 23331.403RH | 6-8 | Gym Instructor: Paul Talbot
sociAl RecReAtion aFtersChool kids Club (4.8-11)
This program keeps kids busy after school in a safe, fun, and supervised environment. Activities include games, cooking, arts and crafts, sports, outdoor play at the park, and general play. For students of elsie Roy elementary. no class Sep 27, Oct 14, 25, nov 11, 22 Mo-Fr | Sep 3-Dec 20 | 3-5:45pm | $1,125.50/74 sess | 25900.401RH | 4.8-11 | Arts & Crafts Rm Instructor: Silvia Rubino & Jen Uppal
Pro d day dayCamP (4.8-12)
hang out with our energetic and fun leaders for a day of sports, arts and crafts, and more. Please dress appropriately for the day's activities, which may include small out-trips to the park and playground. Please register early. Fr | Sep 27, Oct 25, Nov 22 | 9am-3pm | $29/sess | 26096.401-3RH | 4.8-12 | Arts & Crafts Rm Instructor: Silvia Rubino
cReAtive ARt ComiCs & Claymation (6-12)
Bring your own characters to life in comic and Claymation videos for YouTube. You will create your own characters, learn to draw them from different angles and poses, and bring them to life in comic form. Tu | Sep 17-Dec 3 | 3:30-5pm | $110.75/12 sess | 22061.401RH | 6-12 | Mezz Mtg Rm Instructor: Kenten Bowick
Pottery: Creative Clay (8-12)
Learn a variety of hand-building techniques and wheel-throwing. Learn the basics of decorating with coloured clay slips and glaze your own work. All supplies included. After the third class please see instructor for permission to register. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 2 | 3:15-5pm | $118/10 sess | 22221.401RH | 8-12 | Pottery St Instructor: Cheryl Stapleton
sPoRts & fitness kidzCan gymnastiCs (5-7)
A fun, positive, and safe environment for children to develop body awareness, coordination, and personal confidence while exploring progressive gymnastics skills including rolls, balances, cartwheels, and handstands. no class Sep 27, Oct 25, nov 22 Fr | Sep 13-Dec 13 | 3:15-4:15pm | $94.50/11 sess | 23860.401RH | 5-7 | Gym Instructor: Natalie Boryniec, Kitsilano Gymnastics
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
basketball skills (7-12)
Learn team work, skills and the fundamentals of Basketball. Our goal is to make this experience unique, motivating and memorable for everyone. kids will learn dribbling, shooting, defense, and proper nutrition as well as the importance of Sportsmanship. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 23-Dec 9 | 3:45-5pm | $102/10 sess | 26051.401RH | 7-12 | Gym Instructor: Zaheed Bakare
West end soCCer aCademy (5-12)
Welcome to the Fall & Winter Season of the West end Soccer Academy. Join us every Saturday and learn skills and play some small sided games. The academy is put together of children from all 3 communities, West end, Coal harbour and Roundhouse. no refunds after Oct 19. Fall season: Sep 21-Dec 14, 2013. Winter season: Jan 11-Mar 8, 2014. no class Oct 12, nov 9, Feb 8. Parent participation required. Visit www.facebook.com/coach.glyn for updates. 5-6 yrs Sa | Sep 21-Mar 8 | 10:45-11:45am | $190/19 sess | 23346.401RH | 5-6 | King George Field 7-12 yrs Sa | Sep 21-Mar 8 | 11:45am-1:15pm | $199.50/19 sess | 23346.402RH | 7-12 | King George Field Instructor: West End Community Centre, Glyn Roberts
For all levels. The lessons will cover basic skills in drills and game-like settings.
tennis: indoor (6-8)
We | Oct 2-Nov 6 | 3:35-4:35pm | $93/6 sess | 23343.401RH | 6-8 | Gym We | Nov 13-Dec 18 | 3:35-4:35pm | $93/6 sess | 23343.402RH | 6-8 | Gym Instructor: Gayle Dobson
tennis: indoor (9-13)
We | Oct 2-Nov 6 | 4:35-5:45pm | $100/6 sess | 23343.403RH | 9-13 | Gym We | Nov 13-Dec 18 | 4:35-5:45pm | $100/6 sess | 23343.404RH | 9-13 | Gym Instructor: Gayle Dobson
dAnce aCrobatiC danCe (6-10)
ballet danCers (6-8)
Creative ballet (5-7)
A creative and playful class that combines fundamental dance principles with rhythmic and classical gymnastics. Using fun routines, creative movement, games and stories, and props, dancers will achieve balance, coordination, awareness, and strength. Th | Sep 26-Nov 28 | 4-4:45pm | $80.75/10 sess | 11665.402RH | 6-10 | Dance St Instructor: Celeste Lyon (guest instructor for Fall season) Calling all little dancers (boys and girls welcome). Children will learn basic ballet techniques such as development of balance and coordination and the ability to work together. They must be able to participate without their parents. We | Sep 25-Nov 27 | 4-4:45pm | $80.75/10 sess | 11663.403RH | 6-8 | Dance St Instructor: Celeste Lyon (guest instructor for Fall season) Focus on posture, tempo, shapes, and space usage combined with basic movement and ballet skills. Activities are set to a wide range of music with stories, rhythm ,and games. Appropriate dress will be addressed in the first class. no class Oct 12, nov 2, 9 Sa | Sep 14-Dec 14 | 11:30am-12:30pm | $92.50/13 sess | 11660.404RH | 5-7 | Dance St Instructor: Serena Aroon
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
hiP-hoP danCe (6-8)
latin Funk danCe For kids (6-10)
Dance to funky music while learning simple hip-hop moves in a fun and exciting environment. Tu | Sep 24-Nov 26 | 3:15-4pm | $70.25/10 sess | 11666.401RH | 6-8 | Dance St New Instructor: Lineke Elena Van Kleek (guest instructor for Fall season)
Learn funky Latin dances like salsa, merengue, mambo, cumbia, cha-cha-cha and the rumba all mixed with some hip-hop steps. Learn choreography routines, partner dance, rhythm, styling, and dance combinations through fun games and exercises. Fr | Sep 13-Nov 29 |3:45-4:45pm | $70.25/12 sess | 11667.401RH | 6-10 | Dance St Instructor: Gustavo Ferman
lAnguAge suPer sPanish: beginner (5-10)
Say hola to Spanish. Give your children the opportunity to learn the basics of this beautiful language with games, songs, and crafts. no drop-ins. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 2 | 4:30-5:30pm | $93.75/10 sess | 15023.403RH | 5-10 | Rm C Instructor: Gloria Alonso
suPer sPanish: intermediate (5-10)
Say hola to Spanish. Give your children the opportunity to learn the basics of this beautiful language with games, songs, and crafts. no drop-ins. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 2 | 3:30-4:30pm | $93.75/10 sess | 15023.402RH | 5-10 | Rm C Instructor: Gloria Alonso
FrenCh For Children: beginners (8-12)
This program will teach students how to listen, write, and speak French. You will speak French from the first day and carry on conversations only in French. This program has been made easy for you to learn French. Textbook included. no class nov 11 Fr | Sep20-Nov 29 | 4:30-5:30pm | $93.75/10 sess | 25026.401RH | 8-12 | Rm C Instructor: Jean Jacques Bosco, French4Everyone, www.french4everyone.com
serbian language serbian language: beginner 1 (7-9) This course is for absolute beginners or kids whose knowledge of Serbian language is limited. Your details Must commit to 6 months of lessons. Payment schedule: Sep – Dec payment due at time of registration. Payment Jan – Mar due by Dec 14.
child will learn basic communication, Serbian Cyrillic alphabet, pronunciation, and language structure. no class Dec 18, 25, Jan 1 We | Sep 25-Mar 12 | 5-6pm | $302.50/22 sess | 25022.401RH | 7-9 | Board Rm Instructor: Natasa Nikolic
serbian language: intermediate 2 (9-13)
Basic knowledge of Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet is required. This interactive course will improve your child's spoken, written, and communication skills. Serbian Latin alphabet will be introduced. no class Dec 19, 26, Jan 2 9-11 yrs Th | Sep 26-Mar 13 | 5-6pm | $302.50/22 sess | 25022.402RH | 9-11 | Rm A 10-13 yrs Th | Sep 26-Mar 13 | 6-7pm | $302.50/22 sess | 25022.403RH | 10-13 | Rm A Instructor: Natasa Nikolic
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
mARtiAl ARts karate
$11/droP-in (Children), $13/droP-in (adults)
The focus for all karate classes is to learn discipline, gain confidence and flexibility, develop a sense of cooperation, and have fun. This class is for kids new to karate and those at the beginner level. Please note that there are additional fees for karate BC membership and the purchase of a uniform and testing for belts. Program fees are due on the first class of each month. Instructors: Hamid & Hana Tarighatbin
karate Fun (4-7)
Mo Fr | Sep 6-30, Oct 4-28, Nov 4-29, Dec 2-16 | 3:30-4:30pm | $56/mo | 23460.401-4RH | 4-7 | Rm B
karate (8-10)
Mo Fr | Sep 6-30, Oct 4-28, Nov 4-29, Dec 2-16 | 4:30-5:30pm | $56/mo | 23461.401RH | 8-10 | Rm B
karate (11yrs+)
Mo Fr | Sep 6-30, Oct 4-28, Nov 4-29, Dec 2-16 | 5:30-6:30pm | $56/mo | 23462.401-4RH | 11-17 | Rm B
selF-deFenCe: street smarts (8-15)
This popular self-defence class is designed to empower all ages with life skills, including streetproofing and bullyproofing. Featuring krav Maga and Combat Jujutsu, this program is not a traditional martial art class. Two multi–black belt instructors (male and female) teach you how to defend yourself from attacks. Join at any time. Tu | Sep 24-Nov 26 | 4:30-5:30pm | $80.75/10 sess | 25418.401RH | 8-15 | Rm B Instructor: James & Louisa, Hit and Run Self-defence, www.hitandrunselfdefense.com
selF-deFenCe: street smarts: Free trial Class (8-15)
Tu | Sep 17 | 4:30-5:30pm | Free | 25418.400RH | 8-15 | Rm B
selF-deFenCe WorkshoP: street smarts For Families (11+)
Streetproof and bullyproof yourself and family this year. This popular self-defence workshop (as seen on TV's Urban Rush) includes exciting demos, interaction, and theory. Learn how to not be chosen as a victim, your body's arsenal, key striking targets, improvised weapons, practical selfdefense moves, and the best release and escape methods for even the smallest person. instructors are both male and female. Su | Oct 27 | 11:30am-2pm | $45/sess | 45418.402RH | 11+ | Dance St Instructor: James & Louisa, Hit and Run Self-defence, www.hitandrunselfdefense.com
music voiCe With asheida (6+)
Unlock the potential of your voice! Asheida is a voice major and certified iVA Vocal instructor who helps students develop more ease, connection, and power in their voice. Specific exercises are used for effective singing and non-singing applications. Singers, non-singers, actors and public speakers are all welcome! Private lessons are 30 minutes long, and group lessons (up to 6 people) are 90 minutes long. no class nov 12 Private Lessons Tu | Sep 10-Oct 22 | 4-5:30pm, 1/2hr sess | $241/7 sess | 61051.401-3RH | 6+ | Practice Rm Tu | Oct 29-Dec 17 | 4-5:30pm, 1/2hr sess | $241/7 sess | 61051.404-6RH | 6+ | Practice Rm Group Lessons Tu | Sep 10-Oct 22 | 6-7:30pm | $270.75/7 sess | 21051.401RH | 6-16 | Practice Rm Tu | Oct 29-Dec 17 | 6-7:30pm | $270.75/7 sess | 21051.402RH | 6-16 | Practice Rm Instructor: Asheida, Asheida MusicCo
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Children musiC lesson etiQuette These simple guidelines will help you to have a good experience with your lessons and to be respectful of your own and each other's lesson time. Parents remember to: • ask your questions at the start of your child's lesson time. • be quiet when you arrive and leave your child’s lesson time so the class in session is undisturbed. • be at the classroom door before the end of your child's lesson to pick them up on time.
guitar With Justin (13+)
Students will learn the skills necessary to play their favourite songs and be introduced to new music from a wide variety genres including pop, rock, and classical. Lessons are designed to encourage musical and personal growth, with emphasis on a positive and exciting learning experience. Students must be able to bring their own instrument to each lesson. Th | Sep 12-Dec 5 | 4-8pm, 1/2hr sess | $242/13 sess | 61041.451-58RH | 13+ | Music Rm Fr | Sep 13-Dec 6 | 3:30-9pm, 1/2hr sess | $242/13 sess | 61041.401-11RH | 13+ | Board Rm Instructor: Justin Gorrie
violin With breigin (8+)
Breigin is offering a one-on-one, half-hour lesson in learning/improving playing the violin or fiddle. She uses a range of teaching methods, with an emphasis on ear training and a rich musical environment. RCM and traditional fiddle study available. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 2 | 4-6pm, 1/2hr sess | $204.70/11 sess | 61046.401-4RH | 8+ | Board Rm Instructor: Breigin McGurk
Piano With graCe (5-13)
A fun and practical approach to learn how to play the piano. Lessons cover dexterity, listening, rhythm, and theory. Royal Conservatory Music students are welcome for examination preparation. These private lessons are 30 minutes in length. no class nov 2 Fr | Sep 6-Dec 6 | 2:30-9pm, 1/2hr sess | $280/14 sess | 21040.401-13RH | 5-13 | Practice Rm Sa | Sep 7-Dec 7 | 9:30am-4pm, 1/2hr sess | $260/13 sess | 21040.421-33RH | 5-13 | Practice Rm Instructor: Grace Ng
Piano With ambre (5-13)
Ambre has a background in both jazz and classical piano. Ambre has a diploma in jazz music and a Bachelor of Music Therapy degree (BMT). She has been teaching privately for eight years to various ages but primarily children. A core value in her teaching approach is to encourage enjoyment of piano. These private lessons are 30 minutes in length. no class Mon Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 9 | 3-8pm, 1/2hr sess | $240.15/12 sess | 21049.401-8RH | 5-13 | Practice Rm Instructor: Ambre Rippon
Piano With asheida (5-16)
Asheida has been playing piano and writing music for the past 20 years and holds a Bachelor of Arts in music. Lessons include easy playing/practice techniques, sight-reading, ear-training and theory application. Asheida has lots of experience and interest teaching those with different learning styles as well as special needs and abilities. These private lessons are 30 minutes in length. no class nov 13 We | Sep 4-Dec 18 | 4-7:45pm, 1/2hr sess | $299.75/15 sess | 21050.401-7RH | 5-16 | Practice Rm Instructor: Asheida, Asheida MusicCo
biRthdAy PARties birthday Parties For kids (2-8)
have your birthday at the Roundhouse. Parent participation is required. Party packages are not suitable for children under the age of two or for parties larger than 20 children, due to space constrictions. no parties available nov 2, Dec 7. We will provide you with: • A fun and energetic leader to help lead and supervise activities • Decorations and balloons • An arts and crafts project • 45 mins of gym time with play equipment • Access to the Train Pavilion Sa-Su | Sep 14 – Dec 15 | 11:30am-1:30pm | $130/ sess up to 14 children or $198/sess for 15-20 children Refunds must be requested 10 days in advance of party date to receive full refund.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
ARt & cultuRe arts droP-in For street youth (15-25)
Guinevere and Diana's goal is to create a fun, safe, and thought-provoking atmosphere for disadvantaged, street-involved, and marginalized youth. Drop-in sessions will explore methods of block-printing, jewellery making, silk-screening, sewing, and fabric painting for wearable art. Other art materials and guidance will be available for self-directed drawing and painting projects. Snacks will be provided. Tu | Sep 10-Dec 17 | 6:15-9:15pm | Free | 32001.401RH | 15-25 | Arts & Crafts Rm Community Artists/Youth Workers: Guinevere Pencarrick and Diana Guenther
radix PhysiCal theatre Workout (16+)
Join Radix Theatre Associate Billy Marchenski for exercises and activities to build movement, sound and text ideas for theatre performers. The next Radix production takes inspiration from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and this ancient text will at times be used to trigger ideas and discussion. no theatre experience necessary. This class will enhance physical, vocal, creative, and ensemble skills. FRee thanks to funding from the Vancouver Park Board but please register. Class size is limited. Sat | Sep 28-Nov 30 | 2:30-4:30pm | Free | 40901.401RH| 16+ | Rm B Instructor: Billy Marchenski
hiP-hoP Culture: Program For youth (14-25)
Free and unique program about hip-hop culture. Learn and share knowledge about the four elements of hip-hop culture: MC, turntablism, b-boying, and graffiti. everybody is welcome, from the most experienced to beginners. Bring your elements to the table and together we will work on building a hip hop community. Parental consent form mandatory for b-boying and out-trips. We | Oct 2-Dec 18 | 6:30-8:30pm | Free | 32800.401RH | 14-25 | Arts & Crafts Rm Community Artists/Youth Workers: Matt L’Ariko (Mattias Boon) and Gurl Two Three (Larissa Healey)
sociAl RecReAtion youth gym (vCh PartnershiP) (14-24)
Youth Gym for youth with concurrent disorders. Partnership with Vancouver Coastal health. Referral only. For more info contact curtis.yamada@vch.ca Tu | Sep 10-Dec 17 | 4:15-5:45pm | Free, 16 sess | 35801.401RH | 14-24 | Gym Instructor: Curtis Yamada
thursday aFternoon Pre-teen/youth oPen gym (8-18)
Gym for pre-teens from 3 to 4:30 pm, open gym for youth (all ages) 4:30 to 6 pm. Come and play floor hockey, basketball, volleyball, and other sports. All welcome. Th | Sep 5-Dec 19 | 3-6pm | Free | 35802.401RH | 8-18 | Gym Youth Worker: Namy Lee
Friday night youth droP-in (10-18)
FRee drop-in includes open gym from 5 pm onwards, and weekly games or arts workshops from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Come and meet your friends, learn new skills or just chill. no Youth Gym nov 1 Fr | Sep 6-Dec 20 | 4-9pm | Free | 35903.401RH | 10-18 | Gym Youth Workers: Diana Guenther, Jason Buckle, Sunera Samarakoon, Stratos Charalambides
saturday youth oPen gym (12-18)
Youth Open Gym is a FRee drop-in program. Come down and shoot some hoops and hang out in the gym. Ages 12-18 only. no Youth Gym nov 2 Sa | Sep 7-Dec 14 | 1:15-4:45pm | Free | 33801.402RH | 12-18 | Gym Youth Worker: Stratos Charalambides Art by Gurl Two Three
Hip Hop
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Drop-in Program for Youth (14 +) Free Every Wednesday 6.30 to 8.30 pm at the Roundh With Gurl Two Three and Matt L’Ariko
Youth Consent & eQuiPment SkATeBOARD Parental consent form and safety equipment— helmets, knee and elbow pads are mandatory. Skateboards and some protective gear are available at no extra cost. Please contact the youth worker with your request for an equipment loan, as supplies are limited.
skateboard Class (8-18)
The class meets at the Roundhouse and walks together to the Skate Plaza (Union/Quebec Street). Alternate skate spot underneath the Cambie Street Bridge depending on weather/skill level. Suitable for beginners to intermediate. Sa | Sep 7-28 | 10am-12:30pm | $40/4 sess | 33533.401RH | 8-18 | Skate Plaza (Union & Quebec) Instructor: Mattias Boon
Adult fRee PRogRAmming & WoRkshoPs Crazy Coyote runners (19+)
Run along the Seawall, False Creek and kits Beach while keeping your runs consistent and motivating. experienced leaders share training tips especially suited for Sun Runners. All levels welcome, absolute beginners should join at the beginning of each season. no run on long weekends, Oct 12, nov 2, 9 Sa | Sep 7-Nov 30 | 9:30-10:30am | Free | 44060.401RH | 19+ | Cafe Lobby Instructor: Susan Bernardino
ChroniC Pain selF-management (19+)
Learn information and strategies to help take control of symptoms, better manage pain, and work more effectively with health care providers. increase motivation and confidence. The CPSMP is implemented by the University of Victoria and the BC Ministry of health Services. For information: karen hannah at 604-940-3568. Registration required. no class Oct 13 Su | Sep 22-Nov 3 | 1-3:30pm | Free | 44870.401RH | 19+ | Music Rm Instructor: University of Victoria
PhilosoPhers' CaFé
Thinking the unthinkable, imagining the impossible, and discussing the improbablein this series of informal public discussions. Sep16 – “Digital media as surveillance”, Oct 21 – “Where Does mathematics come from?”, and nov18 – “is there room for both science and religion in our lives?” Mo | Sep 16, Oct 21, Nov 18 | 7-9pm | Free | 42062.401RH | 19+ | Mezz Meeting Rm Instructor: PhilosopherCafe, SFU, www.philosopherscafe.net
ess: introduCtion (16+)
When disaster strikes, eSS volunteers assist those who have been impacted. Volunteers are trained to operate reception and group lodging centres, which provide basic needs to evacuees including food, clothing, lodging, and pet services. Volunteers can also participate in a variety of committees such as the Volunteer, Pet, Public education and exercise planning committees. Registration required. Th | Oct 10 | 7:30-9pm | Free | 45424.402RH | 16+ | Rm B Instructor: NEPP, www.vancouver.ca/emerg/NEPP
vanCouver volunteer CorPs (vvC): orientation (16+)
Are you interested in helping your community? The VVC is a new volunteer program that trains people in Vancouver to help at a variety of special events in Vancouver. Learn about our emergency Program and other emergency preparedness volunteer opportunities. Registration required. We | Oct 2 | 7:30-9pm | Free | 45424.401RH | 16+ | Music Rm Instructor: NEPP, www.vancouver.ca/emerg/NEPP
nePP: aPartment living earthQuake PreParedness (16+)
Apartment and condo dwellers have unique challenges when preparing for disasters like earthquakes. This session will teach you how to develop an emergency plan, conduct a hazard hunt, and keep yourself safe in an apartment or strata. Registration required. Th | Oct 31 | 1-2:30pm | Free | 45424.403RH | 16+ | Rm B Instructor: NEPP, www.vancouver.ca/emerg/NEPP
real estate oPen house inFormation sessions (19+)
Thinking of buying or selling? Whether you plan to make a move now or in the future, visit our open house–style information session. industry professionals will be on hand to answer your questions about market conditions, new developments, financing, etc. Tu | Sep 24, Nov 5 | 7-8pm | Free | 45572.402-403RH | 19+ | Board Rm For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Adult educAtionAl And develoPmentAl WoRkshoPs dog obedienCe: beginner (19+)
Friendly, positive reinforcement training techniques. Praise/play reward training without using food treats. A program for new puppies, dogs with unwanted behaviours, or for owners who would like a better understanding of their dogs and stronger leadership skills. no class Oct 13 Su | Sep 8-Oct 20 | Nov 10-Dec 15 | 11:30am-12:30pm | $170/6 sess | 45444.401-2RH | 19+ | Rm B Instructor: Nina Houghton, www.alpha-dogtraining.com
dog obedienCe: intermediate (19+)
intermediate obedience class for owners wanting to take their dogs to the next level with more advanced techniques. This course also offers agility training as a fun way to teach your dog new commands and build athletic ability. Prerequisite: Basic Obedience training. no class Oct 13 Su | Sep 8-Oct 20, Nov 10-Dec 15 | 1-2pm | $160/6 sess | 45445.401-2RH | 19+ | Rm B Instructor: Nina Houghton, www.alpha-dogtraining.com
selF-deFenCe WorkshoP: street smarts For Families (11+)
Streetproof and bullyproof yourself and family this year. This popular self-defence workshop (as Dog obedience. Photo by seen on TV's Urban Rush) includes exciting demos, interaction, and theory. Learn how to not be Carman kwan (DT). chosen as a victim, your body's arsenal, key striking targets, improvised weapons, practical selfdefense moves, and the best release and escape methods for even the smallest person. instructors are both male and female. Su | Oct 27 | 11:30am-2pm | $45/sess | 45418.402RH | 11+ | Dance St Instructor: James & Louisa, Hit and Run Self-defence, www.hitandrunselfdefense.com
selF-deFenCe: street smarts For adults (16+)
This popular self-defence class is designed to empower all ages with life skills including street & bullyproofing. Featuring krav Maga & Combat Jujutsu, this program is not a traditional Martial Art class. Two multi black belt instructors (male & female) teach in a fun setting how to defend from attacks including stand-up, ground, multi-attacker, weapons and more. Join at any time. Tu | Sep 24-Nov 26 | 5:30-6:45pm | $105/10 sess | 25418.401RH | 16+ | Rm B Instructor: James & Louisa, Hit and Run Self-defence, www.hitandrunselfdefense.com
the essential adhd WorkshoP (19+)
This highly informative one-day workshop will explore ADhD in full, looking at everything from its history, diet, side effects of medications, and everyday non-medicinal coping strategies. We | Oct 2 | 6-9pm | $45/sess | 45571.401RH | 19+ | Rm C Instructor: Karen Ryan
manology: exPloring 21st Century masCulinity (19+)
$13/droP-in explore how ideas about masculinity influence the physical, mental, and spiritual journey of Manhood. This is a friendly, safe and soulful place for men of all stages, viewpoints, orientations, and ethnicities to connect. Sessions are interactive and experiential, not lecture-based. it's an easy way to break out of patterns of emotional and social isolation. Drop in, or register to save money. First session is free for new members. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 2 | 7-9:30pm | $136/11 sess | 44820.401RH | 19+ | Rm B Instructor: David Hatfield, www.manologyvancouver.com
stress busting mindFulness meditation (19+)
Reduce stress and anger with breath meditation and loving-kindness contemplation. Learn stepby-step mindfulness meditation plus a variety of stress-reduction teachings that can enhance your connection to others, morale, and well-being. Tu | Nov 12-Dec 3 | 7-9pm | $64/4 sess | 44838.401RH | 19+ | Board Rm Instructor: Brian Ruhe, www.theravada.ca For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
your ComPass Within (19+)
Designed to support you in maintaining a restorative, fulfilling lifestyle aligned with your values, emotions, and choices. Find your own authentic direction in life by asking yourself five fundamental questions derived from established research-based methods. Su | Sep 22 | Oct 20 | Nov 17 | 1-4pm | $35/sess | 44837.401-3RH | 19+ | Board Rm Instructor: Ivan Tucakov
is your baby sleePing through the night? (19+)
See page 22 for details.
What's going on inside that neWborn’s brain anyWay? (19+)
See page 22 for details.
do you understand your toddler? (19+)
See page 23 for details.
roundhouse Poetry CirCle (55+)
examine poetry, what it means, and why it is still relevant today with this challenging discussion group that looks at some of the great Canadian Poets. The group meets the fourth Thursday of every month. Please register. Space is limited. www.roundhousepoetrycircle.wordpress.com Th | Sept 26, Oct 24, Nov 28 | 12:45-2:45pm | Free | 55084.401RH | 55+ | Multimedia Rm
memoir Writing: the stories you need to tell (25+)
have a story to tell? in this beginner's writing class, Regan guides you to tap in to your memories and assists in organizing and writing your stories. The class will be very supportive and you will be given a variety of writing prompts. Discover what motivations lie behind the desire to write a memoir. Tue | Sep 17-Oct 22 | 6-9pm | $95/8 sess | 55085.401RH | 25+ | Board Rm Instructor: Regan D'andrade
lAnguAge sPanish For adults: beginner (16+)
Learn the basics of Spanish and have fun. You’ll converse in Spanish as you discover Latin American culture. We | Sep 18-Dec 4 | 6-7:30pm | $192/12 sess | 45021.401RH | 16+ | Mezz Mtg Rm Instructor: Gloria Alonso
FrenCh For adults: beginner (16+)
Learn how to listen, write and speak basic French comfortably after only 10 sessions. You will speak French from the first day and carry on the conversation OnLY in French. Textbook included. no drop-ins. no class nov 1 Fr | Sep20-Nov 29 | 6-7pm | $129/10 sess | 45026.401RH | 16+ | Rm C Instructor: Jean Jacque Bosco, French 4 Everyone, www.french4everyone.com
fiRst Aid red Cross babysitting (11-16)
This course is a nationally recognized program designed to prepare your growing teen to develop selfassurance, knowledge, and skills required for babysitting duties. Su | Sep 22 | 9:30am-4:30pm | $61.50/sess | 45416.401RH | 11-16 | Multimedia Rm Su | Oct 20 | 9:30am-4:30pm | $61.50/sess | 45416.402RH | 11-16 | Mezz Mtg Rm Su | Nov 24 | 9:30am-4:30pm | $61.50/sess | 45416.403RH | 11-16 | Music Rm Instructor: Community Care First Aid, www.communitycarefirstaid.com
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
red Cross emergenCy ChildCare: CPr b/aed (13+)
This course is approved for daycare and day home providers in BC by the BC Provincial Childcare Facilities, covering major emergencies in babies and children. Three-year certification upon completion. Su | Sep 29, Oct 20, Nov 17, Dec 14 | 9am-4:45pm | $108/sess | 45413.401-4RH | 13+ | Multimedia Rm Instructor: Community Care First Aid, www.communitycarefirstaid.com
red Cross emergenCy First aid & CPr: C/aed (13+)
First aid and CPR level C, covering common emergencies in adults, children, and babies, including heart attacks, bleeding, choking, and more. Certificate valid for three years is provided with course completion. Sa | Sep 14, Oct 6, Nov 3, Dec 8 | 9am-4:45pm | $108/sess | 45412.401-4RH | 13+ | Multimedia Rm Instructor: Community Care First Aid, www.communitycarefirstaid.com
basiC First aid & CPr: babies & Children (13+)
Short, informative and interactive course provides basic first aid and CPR skills to treat babies and children. Cover common emergencies such as choking, SiDS, allergic reaction and more. This course is non-certifying. Children are welcome in this class, but we recommend that parents find childcare if possible. Sa | Sep 21 | Oct 26 | Nov 23 | 1-4pm | $66.50/sess | 45410.401-3RH | 13+ | Multimedia Rm Instructor: Community Care First Aid, www.communitycarefirstaid.com
cReAtive ARts CroChet For beginners (19+)
Get hooked onto crochet. in just a couple of hours participants learn basic crochet skills including foundation chain, single to triple crochet, turn, and crochet in the round. One crochet hook and sample yarn included. Tu | Sep 17 | 7-9pm | $38/sess | 42862.401RH | 19+ | Mezz Mtg Rm Instructor: Astor Tsang, KnittingAstor Design Ventures, www.knittingastor.com
knitting/CroChet lessons: Private & semi
$48/hr (Private), $38/hr (semi-Private, Per Person)
Learn to knit or crochet, or take your skills to the next level on your own schedule. Bring your questions and all the materials you need to a private or semi-private knitting/crochet lesson. Call 604713-1810 to arrange your private lesson. Mom and baby in knitting Mo-Su | Sep 1 - Dec 20 | time to be arranged class together. Instructor: Astor Tsang, KnittingAstor Design Ventures, www.knittingastor.com
making knitting Possible (19+)
Want to learn to knit but think you have two left thumbs? here is your opportunity to learn how. Astor has been teaching "know-nothing" beginners in the Vancouver area for years. everyone can knit, and her teaching methods have been known to be unconventional. A starter knitting kit worth $20 will be included. Th | Oct 3-Oct 24 | 7-9pm | $138/4 sess | 42863.401RH | 19+ | Mezz Mtg Rm Instructor: Astor Tsang, KnittingAstor Design Ventures, www.knittingastor.com
knit + one (19+)
See page 22 for details.
CroChet + one (19+)
See page 22 for details.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
danish Christmas deCoration WorkshoPs (8+)
Danes are known for their love of Christmas and hygge —coziness, warmth and welcome — and julepynt, Christmas decorations, are an important part of the season. Learn to make 3D Danish paper stars, woven paper heart baskets, and felt hearts. Materials provided. Children must be accompanied by a parent. Wkshp 1: 3D Danish Stars Mo | Dec 2 | 6-8pm | $15/sess | 65422.401RH | 8+ | Rm B Wkshp 2: Woven Paper Heart Baskets, Felt Hearts Mo | Dec 9 | 6-8pm | $15/sess | 65422.402RH | 8+ | Rm B Instructor: Hanne Lene Dalgleish
gARden/hoRticultuRe Winter vegetable and herb groWing (19+)
Take advantage of our mild West Coast climate this winter, and learn how to grow some vegetables and herbs on your balcony or garden. Take home some seeds to start your winter garden. Danish 3D stars and felt We | Sep 18 | 7-8:30pm | $24/sess | 45420.401RH | 19+ | Rm C hearts. Instructor: Radina Jevdevic
herbs For healthy living (19+)
Aromatherapy and growing your own herbs. Learn the ancient knowledge of herbs and plants, so you can grow and use them in your everyday life. We | Nov 13 | 7-8:30pm | $24/sess | 45420.402RH | 19+ | Rm C Instructor: Radina Jevdevic
holiday arrangements (19+)
express your creative side and learn how to make a unique floral decoration to brighten up your holiday table. Please bring a pair of sharp scissors to the class. Take away a wonderful arrangement for your home. Sa | Dec 7 | 2-4pm | $60/sess | 45422.401RH | 19+ | Rm B Instructor: Radina Jevdevic
cooking diWali Fusion kitChen Cooking Class (16+)
Discover Diwali with Diwali Fest's 10th Anniversary cooking classes. Join the Fusion kitchen to learn how to make some tasty traditional Diwali dishes. each class includes a cooking demonstration, tasting, and cookbook. Come light your spirit with Diwali Fest and the Fusion kitchen. Registration only. Tu | Oct 1 | 7-9pm | $26/sess | 41101.401RH | 16+ | Kitchen Su | Oct 6 | 2-4pm | $26/sess | 41101.402RH | 16+ | Kitchen Tu | Oct 22 | 7-9pm | $26/sess | 41101.403RH | 16+ | Kitchen Instructor: Sonam Swarup, with guest instructors, www.thefusionkitchen.com
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
WinteR solstice lAnteRn WoRkshoPs
dec 10-21
Secret Lantern Society artists will work with you to create your own lantern. Participants are encouraged to bring their lanterns, friends, and families to add their special light to the celebration Winter solstiCe on Dec 21. Pre-registration required. All basic materials provided. Children must be accompanied lantern Festival by an adult. DeC 21, 6-10PM Instructor: Naomi Singer Please see page 20 for solstiCe Communal lantern ProJeCt (all ages) details, or visit the Secret Drop in and work with Secret Lantern Society artists to create the Tree of Life. Be part of the magic Lantern Society website and gain experience in this larger-than-life project every day leading up to winter solstice. www.secretlantern.org Mo-Fr | Dec 10-20 | 1-8pm | Free | 45604.411RH| All ages | Exhibition Hall solstiCe Sa-Su | Dec 14-15 | 11am-4:30pm | Free | 45604.412RH| All ages | Exhibition Hall volunteer
solstiCe Pin-PriCk lantern (all ages)
These easy-to-make lanterns are great for smaller kids. Price is per lantern. Th | Dec 12 | 7-8pm | $10/sess | 45604.401RH | All ages | Exhibition Hall Su | Dec 15 | 10-11am | $10/sess | 45604.402RH | All ages | Exhibition Hall
See page 6 for details.
solstiCe globe lantern (all ages)
Made on a balloon, very simple and fun. Price is per lantern. Fr | Dec 13 | 7:30-9:30pm | $15/sess | 45604.403RH | All ages | Exhibition Hall Sa | Dec 14 | 9-11am | $15/sess | 45604.404RH | All ages | Exhibition Hall
solstiCe star lantern (all ages)
Bamboo frame; can be completed in less than 5 hrs. Price is per lantern. Sa | Dec 14 | 12-4:30pm | $25/sess | 45604.405RH | All ages | Exhibition Hall
solstiCe Create a lantern oF your oWn design (all ages)
Drop in and make a lantern at your own pace. Su | Dec 15 | 12-4:30pm | $25/lg, $10/sm | 45604.406RH | All ages | Exhibition Hall
solstiCe last-minute Fast lantern (all ages)
These pin-prick lanterns can be made very quickly. Drop-in, first come, first served. Make your lantern and head right out into the procession. Sa | Dec 21 | 4-6pm | $10/sess | 45604.409RH | All ages | Rm C
solstiCe labyrinth (all ages)
experience a visually beautiful and meditative walk through an ancient labyrinth lit with over 700 pure beeswax candles. To assist with the closing ritual from 11-midnight, please speak with the Labyrinth host. Find information on how to pre-register for a timed ticket at www.secretlantern.org Sa | Dec 21 | 6-11pm | Free |All ages | Gym Instructor: Secret Lantern Society
solstiCe ProCessional drumming WorkshoP (16+)
Rhythm, one of the most universal forms of communication, brings the community together in the dark of winter. Learn a variety of rhythms and help lead the solstice processions. All levels welcome. Su | Dec 8-15 | 2:30-4:30pm | Free | 45604.408RH | 16+ | Music Rm Instructor: Josh Bloomfield
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Adult Pottery studio time (19+)
droP-in: $9/2hrs (While Course in session), $90/mo
Pottery Studio drop-in is mainly intended for those enrolled in Roundhouse pottery classes or for those who currently have drop-in storage space assigned to them. To add your name to the drop-in wait-list, contact Cheryl Stapleton cheryl.stapleton@vancouver.ca. Wait-lists are not carried over indefinitely; please re-apply every six months. Class participants get priority. no studio on nov 2 We | Sep 4-Dec 11 | 10am-9:30pm | $9/ drop-in or $90/mo sess | 42200.401RH | 19+ | Pottery St Su Sa | Sep 7-Dec 15 | 12:30-4:30pm | $9/ drop-in or $90/mo sess | 42200.402RH | 19+ | Pottery St
Pottery: throW, throWing, throWn With nora (19+)
nora will take you to the next stage of your skills in centering, altering, trimming, decorating, and glazing pots. Come and see how your skills progress. This class is for students who have taken at least one clay class. You do not need to know how to center to take this class. no class Oct 24 Th | Oct 3-Nov 28 | 6:30-9:30pm | $173/8 sess | 42220.404RH | 19+ | Pottery St Instructor: Nora Valliant
Pottery: Wheel throWing & hand building With sue (16+)
Learn the basics of hand-building , wheel throwing, glazing, and firing techniques. This class is for beginners and those who want to continue to learn. You are welcome to focus on functional or sculptural forms. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 23-Dec 9 | 6:30-9:30pm | $198.10/10 sess | 42220.401RH | 16-90 | Pottery St Tu | Oct 1-Dec 3 | 1:30-4:30pm | $198.10/10 sess | 42220.402RH | 16+ | Pottery St Tu | Oct 1-Dec 3 | 6:30-9:30pm | $198.10/10 sess | 42220.403RH | 16+ | Pottery St Instructor: Sue Griese
WoodWoRking about the urban WoodWorker hand tool Courses
Urban Woodworker courses in hand tool woodworking are “unplugged� learning experiences perfect for the city woodworker with limited space to work with wood. Building furniture with hand tools is fun and satisfying, a great stress reliever, and a perfect path to self actualization. Students will work with the heirloom-quality tools produced by Lie-nielsen Toolworks.
WoodWorking: hand tools demystiFied: level 1 (19+)
Chris James
Woodworking Instructor A graduate of Camosun College's Fine Furniture program, Chris has focussed on building and designing high-end custom furniture and cabinetry for the last 15 years. he is looking forward to teaching this fall and to meeting new people who share his enjoyment of woodworking in a safe, creative environment.
introduction to the fundamentals of using hand tools in woodworking. Learn techniques for using planes, saws, chisels and layout tools. hand out instructions provided to make a jig that will be the mainstay of your sharpening routine at home. Mo | Sep 9-30, Dec 2-23 | 6:30-9:30pm | $249/4 sess | 42840.401-2RH | 19+ | Rm A We | Oct 16-Nov 6 | 6:30-9:30pm | $249/4 sess | 42840.403RH | 19+ | Rm A Instructor: Jeremy Tomlinson, www.urbanwoodworker.com
WoodWorking: Carved & sCulPtured vessel: level 2+ (19+)
Create a beautiful contemporary design vessel out of a single piece of premium hardwood. Learn to use a carving gouge, block plane and card scraper, methods in sharpening curved edges and scraper burnishing. Materials included. Pre-requisite: hand Tools Demystified. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Oct 7-Nov 25 | 6:30-9:30pm | $349/6 sess | 42840.406RH | 19+ | Rm A Instructor: Jeremy Tomlinson, www.urbanwoodworker.com
WoodWorking: making a lidded box: level 2 (19+)
expand your knowledge of wood as a medium and the use of hand tools. Create an heirloom, building on the skills learned in hand Tools Demystified. A complete kit of premium grade hardwood is included in the fee. Pre-requisite: hand Tools Demystified. We | Sep 4-Oct 9 | Nov 13-Dec 18 | 6:30-9:30pm | $349/6 sess | 42840.404-405RH | 19+ | Rm A Instructor: Jeremy Tomlinson, www.urbanwoodworker.com For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
WoodWorking: assessment test (inFormation) (19+)
For the advanced woodworker. instructors evaluate your experience and overall understanding of woodworking. it can take over an hour to complete. To write an assessment test, come to any dropin session. Once you have passed the written exam with a high level of competency you will be contacted to register for a Woodworking Safety Orientation session. Su | 1:30-4:30pm | We | 6-9pm | Free | 42943.400RH | 19+ | Woodworking St
WoodWorking: droP-in (19+)
For advanced woodworkers who wish to work on their own projects and with demonstrated high degree of competency with the tools. Must pass assessment test and attend a safety orientation session, or complete Level 2. extended drop-in session, add $6. no discounts. no class Sep 22, 29, Oct 13, 20 We | Sep 11-Dec 18 | 6-9pm | $12/hr | 15 sess | 42944.402RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Instructor: Trevor Osborn Su | Sep 15-Dec 15 | 1:30-4:30pm | $12/hr | 11 sess | 42944.401RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Instructor: Chris James
WoodWorking: saFety orientation (inFormation) (19+)
The safety orientation to shop tools is for experienced woodworkers who would like to access the Woodworking Drop-in and have completed the qualifying assessment test with a high level of competency. Safety orientations are scheduled as needed, take two hours and require a minimum of two participants. Bring paper and pencils for notes. By appointment | $36/sess | 42942.400RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Instructor: Trevor Osborn
WoodWorking: level 1 (19+)
For beginners and those with little woodworking experience. Acquire basic woodworking skills and learn how to safely operate a number of power tools. no class Sep 21, Oct 14, 19, nov 2, 11 Mo | Sep 9-Oct 21 | 2:30-5:30pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.401RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Mo | Sep 9-Oct 21 | 6:30-9:30pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.402RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Mo | Oct 28-Dec 9 | 2:30-5:30pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.403RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Mo | Oct 28-Dec 9 | 6:30-9:30pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.404RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Instructor: Trevor Osborn We | Sep 18-Oct 23 | 2:30-5:30pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.405RH | 19+ | Woodworking St We | Oct 30-Dec 4 | 2:30-5:30pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.406RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Instructor: Trevor Osborn Sa | Sep 14-Nov 9 | 10am-1pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.407RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Sa | Sep 14-Nov 9 | 1:30-4:30pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.408RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Sa | Nov 16-Dec 21 | 10am-1pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.409RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Sa | Nov 16-Dec 21 | 1:30-4:30pm | $214/6 sess | 42939.410RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Instructor: Jeremy Tomlinson
FiRST CLASS is mandatory for all levels. ReFUnDS must be requested 72 hours in advance of the start date. PReReQUiSiTeS Level 1 – none Level 2 – Level 1 or beginner Level 3 – Level 1 & 2 MATeRiALS Level 1 – included Level 2 & 3 – not included ReGiSTRATiOn in-person or phone-in
WoodWorking: level 2 (19+)
note: Class stops about 15 minutes before the scheduled end of the day's activities to clean up the shop.
Builds on skills learned in Level 1 with a stronger focus on joinery techniques. Students must complete a project determined by the instructor. no class Sep 17 Tu | Sep 10-Nov 19 | 6:30-9:30pm | $322/10 sess | 42940.401RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Instructor: Jeremy Tomlinson
WoodWorking: level 3 (19+)
Working with the instructor, students will design and craft their own project. Bring project designs and/or materials to the first class. no class Sep 22, 29, Oct 13, 20, 24 Th | Sep 26-Dec 5 | 6:30-9:30pm | $290/10 sess | 42941.401RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Su | Sep 15-Dec 15 | 10am-1pm | $290/10 sess | 42941.402RH | 19+ | Woodworking St Instructor: Chris James
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Adult voiCe With asheida (6+)
Unlock the potential of your voice! Asheida is a voice major and certified iVA Vocal instructor who helps students develop more ease, connection, and power in their voice. Specific exercises are used for effective singing and non-singing applications. Singers, non-singers, actors and public speakers are all welcome! Private lessons are 30 minutes long. no class nov 12 Tu | Sep 10-Oct 22 | 4-5:30pm, 1/2hr sess | $254/7 sess | 61051.401-3RH | 6+ | Practice Rm Tu | Oct 29-Dec 17 | 4-5:30pm, 1/2hr sess | $254/7 sess | 61051.404-6RH | 6+ | Practice Rm Instructor: Asheida, Asheida MusicCo
guitar With Justin (13+)
Students will learn the skills necessary to play their favourite songs and be introduced to new music from a wide variety genres including pop, rock, and classical. Lessons are designed to encourage musical and personal growth, with emphasis on a positive and exciting learning experience. Students must be able to bring their own instrument to each lesson. Th | Sep 12-Dec 5 | 4-8pm, 1/2hr sess | $254.50/13 sess | 61041.451-58RH | 13+ | Music Rm Fr | Sep 13-Dec 6 | 3:30-9pm, 1/2hr sess | $254.50/13 sess | 61041.401-11RH | 13+ | Board Rm Instructor: Justin Gorrie
violin With breigin (8+)
Breigin is offering a one-on-one, half-hour lesson in learning/improving playing the violin or fiddle. She uses a range of teaching methods, with an emphasis on ear training and a rich musical environment. RCM and traditional fiddle study available. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 2 | 4-6pm, 1/2hr sess | $215.85/11 sess | 61046.401-4RH | 8+ | Board Rm Instructor: Breigin McGurk
Piano With graCe (14+)
Grace has over 30 years of experience teaching piano, music theory, and advanced harmony with students from beginners to advanced levels. A fun and practical approach to learn how to play the piano. Lessons cover dexterity, listening, rhythm, and theory. Royal Conservatory Music students are welcome for examination preparation. These private lessons are 45 minutes in length. no class nov 2 Fr | Sep 6-Dec 6 | 1:45-2:30pm | $538/14 sess | 41040.401RH | 14+ | Practice Rm Sa | Sep 7-Dec 7 | 4-4:45pm | $499.75/13 sess | 41040.402RH | 14+ | Practice Rm Instructor: Grace Ng
ARts WaterColour Painting (20+)
The course provides basic watercolour experience in a loosely structured, enriching, and supportive studio setting. Participants will be encouraged to work on personal projects to develop their own voice and personal style. Please be prepared to purchase painting supplies. We | Sep 11-Dec 11 | 12-2pm | $96/14 sess | 55025.401RH | 20+ | Rm B Instructor: Bill Miloglav
guided oPen art studio (19+)
$13/droP-in, $71/6-session Pass
Refine your skills, explore new ideas, and work on your own projects in a supportive studio setting. This is self-directed studio time with professional artist facilitator, ian Forbes. Some basic drawing and painting materials will be provided to get you started. There will be weekly demonstrations of new techniques for those who want to explore new things. Get constructive feedback on your work from enthusiastic peers and the workshop leader. Some restrictions may apply due to space and facilities available. no class Oct 13, nov 10 Su | Sep 15-Dec 15 | 2:30-4:30pm | $142/12 sess | 42015.403RH | 19+ | Arts & Crafts Rm Instructor: Ian Forbes
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
introduCtion to draWing and Painting (19+)
explore the basics of drawing and painting: see, interpret, and express. This studio is focused on exploring the expressive use of simple drawing materials and water-based paint in a calm and enjoyable setting. Stimulate your creativity and love of colour, and learn to draw what you see with easy-to-follow hands-on projects and demonstrations. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Oct 28 | Nov 4-Dec 16 | 6:30-9pm | $125.50/6 sess | 42015.401-2RH | 19+ | Arts & Crafts Rm Instructor: Ian Forbes
theAtRe radix PhysiCal theatre Workout (16+)
Join Radix Theatre Associate Billy Marchenski for exercises and activities to build movement, sound and text ideas for theatre performers. The next Radix production takes inspiration from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and this ancient text will at times be used to trigger ideas and discussion. no theatre experience necessary. This class will enhance physical, vocal, creative, and ensemble skills. FRee thanks to funding from the Vancouver Park Board but please register. Class size is limited. Sat | Sep 28-Nov 30 | 2:30-4:30pm | Free | 40901.401RH| 16+ | Rm B Instructor: Billy Marchenski
dAnce adult ballet (16+)
Get fit and have fun while learning the art of ballet. Ballet is the foundation for all dance forms. improve strength, posture, poise, balance, and control. Class will introduce students to basic ballet vocabulary. Ballet shoes recommended. Perfect for beginners. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 2 | 7:30-8:30pm | $87/10 sess | 41663.401RH | 16+ | Dance St Instructor: Laura McNaught, www.lauramcnaught.com
aerial danCe: Cradles beginner WorkshoP (19+)
Unsure about taking an aerial cradles class? Sign up for this sample workshop and get a taste for movement in the air. Tu | Sep 10 | 7:30-9:30pm | $20/sess | 41810.403RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Kira Schaffer, Firebelly Performance Society
aerial danCe: Cradles – beginner and Continuing (19+)
explore the excitement of dancing suspended on long loops of fabric. This class focusses on developing improvisational skill in aerial movement. Basic aerial technique, poses, and transitions between the ground and air are covered. Some partnering skills and group work. no previous experience required. if you're not sure aerial dance is the right thing for you, try the one-day introductory workshop. Tu | Sep 17-Oct 22, Nov 5-Dec 10 | 7:30-9:30pm | $98/6 sess | 41810.401-2RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Kira Schaffer, Firebelly Performance Society
danCes From Cameroon With live drumming (19+)
Learn dances and songs from several tribes in Cameroon. Dance and sing to live drumming— what can be better than that on a Sunday morning? African dance can help us deepen our sense of togetherness. Come express your joy and appreciation for life. Su | Sep 15-Oct 20 | 12:45-2:15pm | $79/6 sess | 44013.401RH | 19+ | Dance St Su | Nov 3-Dec 15 | 12:45-2:15pm | $89/7 sess | 44013.402RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Jacky Essombe, www.JackyEssombe.com
danCes From Cameroon: Free trial (19+)
Su | Sep 8 | 12:45-2:15pm | Free | 44013.400RH | 19+ | Dance St
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
soukouss aFriCan danCe For Women (12+)
This contemporary music and dance style from the Congo is popular in African nightclubs worldwide. Soukouss is all about your hips and your playful attitude. Sign up now and show off your voluptuous hip movements at the next African dance party you attend. Past Soukouss students receive a 10% discount on registration. Su | Sep 15-Oct 20 | 11:15am-12:30pm | $69/6 sess | 44012.401RH | 12+ | Dance St Su | Nov 3-Dec 15 | 11:15am-12:30pm | $79/7 sess | 44012.402RH | 12+ | Dance St Instructor: Jacky Essombe, www.JackyEssombe.com
soukouss aFriCan danCe For Women: Free trial (12+)
Su | Sep 8 | 11:15am-12:30pm | Free | 44012.400RH | 12+ | Dance St
sWing danCe (15+)
Come on out for a swingin' good time. This is for singles and couples. Professional entertainer and dance choreographer Gustavo Ferman will teach you the basics of West Coast and east Coast swing in a cool, fun, and easy dance class. Learn basic cool footwork, funky turns, and spins with a Charleston twist. no class nov 1 Fr | Sep 13-Nov 29 | 7:15-8:15pm | $101.55/11 sess | 41667.401RH | 15+ | Dance St Instructor: Gustavo Ferman, www.latinfunkdance.com.
enjoying Swing Dance on the Turntable this summer. Findings/trouvailles: a Community danCe ProJeCt (19+) Photo by Michelle Peters (DT). Discover the unknown dances within and invent new ways to engage with our surroundings
through dance. Our process begins with introductory movement workshops. next, we collaboratively design playful public space explorations/installations. Together, we will collect dance ideas and create choreography. The project will culminate in a performance in Spring 2014. no dance experience necessary, just a willingness to explore. FRee thanks to funding from the Vancouver Park Board but please register. Class size is limited. Su | Sep 22-Dec 82 | 2:30-4:30pm | Free | 41637.201RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Julie Lebel and Miriam Colvin
dAnce fitness ballet Fit (19+)
This ballet-inspired workout uses the principles of classical dance to tone and sculpt your body. Using non-traditional electronic music, you will utilize elements such as barre work, cardio, core and flexibility. no dance experience necessary. no class Oct. 11 Fr | Sep 13-Oct 25, Nov 8-Dec 13 | 6-7pm | $64/6 sess | 44170.401-2RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Suzy Kaitman
ballet Fit: Free trial (19+)
Fr | Sep 6 | 6-7pm | Free | 44170.403RH | 19+ | Dance St
latin Funk danCe速 (15+)
Latin Funk Dance速 is an original high-energy dance program created by dance choreographer/ instructor Gustavo Ferman in 1996. A cool mix of eight Latin styles (salsa, merengue, mambo, cumbia, cha-cha-cha, reggaeton, bachata and rumba) with a colorful splash of funky, jazzy moves. This class focusses on proper dance technique, dance frame, styling, and cool dance choreography. A quality dance class that makes you into a dancer. no class nov 2 Sa | Sep 14-Nov 23 | 12:45-1:45pm | $110.50/10 sess | 44062.401RH | 15+ | Dance St Instructor: Gustavo Ferman, www.latinfunkdance.com
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
zumba® (19+)
Using fitness principles of interval and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning, and total body toning, Zumba uses a variety of styles including cumbia, soca, merengue, salsa, African, reggaeton, flamenco, funk, and belly dance. We | Sep 11-Oct 23, Nov 6-Dec 18 | 5:45-6:45pm | $76.50/7 sess | 41774.401-2RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Kate Douglas, Zumba Vancouver, www.zumbavancouver.ca
zumba®: Free trial (19+)
We | Sep 4, Oct 30 | 5:45-6:45pm | Free | 41774.403-4RH | 19+ | Dance St
zumba® at noon (19+)
Using fitness principles of interval and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning, and total body toning, Zumba uses a variety of styles including cumbia, soca, merengue, salsa, African, reggaeton, flamenco, funk, and belly dance. Fr | Sep 13-Oct 25, Nov 1-Dec 13 | 12-1pm | $76.50/7 sess | 41773.402-3RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Luglio Romero, Zumba Vancouver, www.zumbavancouver.ca
gRouP fitness Zumba at noon with Luglio. Photo by Julius Reque.
grouP Fitness: gentle Fit (55+)
Geared towards older adults looking for a lower-impact fitness class, providing cardio, balance, and strength training for an overall body workout. increase fitness confidence and strength. no class grouP Fitness Sep 2, Oct 14, nov 11 PriCing Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 11-11:45am | $5.50/sess | 54163.401RH | 55+ | Dance St Participants must Instructor: Diana VanderVeen complete a PAR-Q form grouP Fitness: get Fit & keeP Fit (19+) for health screening Total body conditioning for all ages, using body ball, steps, weights and bands to get a great overall purposes. workout. Space and equipment are limited; class size is at the discretion of the instructor. no class Sep 3 $5.50/drop-in Tu | Sep 10-Dec 17 | 9:15-10:15am | $5.50/sess | 54160.401RH | 19+ | Dance St $3/drop-in 55+ Instructor: Harry Wong $45/10-class pass $24/10-class pass 55+ grouP Fitness: Posture PerFeCt (55+) Geared towards older adults, this class includes cardio warm up, weights, stability ball for core strength and abs, spine work, and stretches. Men and women are welcome. Focus on strengthening the upper body, core, back, and legs in order to improve balance, agility, strength, and posture. Th | Sep 5-Dec 19 | 11:15am-12:15pm | $5.50/sess | 54162.402RH | 55+ | Dance St Instructor: Ferial Ahmadzadeh
grouP Fitness: Cardio Core – loW imPaCt (19+)
This class has a focus on both bringing your heart rate up and then working your core through muscle conditioning. This class is geared towards active and fit older adults. Suitable for all ages. Fr | Sep 6-Dec 20 | 11-11:45am | $5.50/sess | 54160.403RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Edouard Beaudry
exeRcise clAsses strength and stretCh (19+)
This classes helps to reduce stress and targets your core to improve posture, flexibility and muscle strength. improved flexibility enhances range of motion and has several health benefits, not only strengthening muscles, but also helping to heal them. Tu | Sep 17-Oct 29, Nov 5-Dec 10 | 6-6:45pm | $62.75/7 sess | 44173.401-2RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Jessica Schlegel
strength and stretCh: Free trial (19+)
Tu | Sep 10 | 6-6:45pm | Free | 44172.404RH | 19+ | Dance St For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
indoor bootCamP (19+)
Boot camp is for all fitness levels and will help to improve strength and cardiovascular fitness. Achieve your goals in a fun, encouraging, and supportive environment. Work your body by challenging yourself with a variety of functional exercises that will work all major muscle groups. Th | Sep 19-Oct 24, Nov 7-Dec 12 | 6-7pm | $54.25/6 sess | 44172.401-2RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Jessica Schlegel
indoor bootCamP: Free trial (19+)
Th | Sep 12 | 6-7pm | Free | 44172.403RH | 19+ | Dance St
yogA iyengar yoga: level 1 & 2 (19+)
$18/droP-in (W/instruCtor aPProval)
Physically energizing, deeply relaxing, and emotionally uplifting, this program offers instruction in classical yoga with an emphasis on self-awareness and development of strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, breath and body awareness, postural alignment, and relaxation. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 9 | 5:30-7pm | $180/12 sess | 44361.401RH | 19+ | Dance St Th | Sep 12-Nov 28 | 9:30-11am | $180/12 sess | 44361.402RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Claudia MacDonald
karma yoga (19+)
Vinyasa yoga. A carefully arranged sequence of postures that is instructed from one pose to the next on an inhale or an exhale. emphasis on one breath, one movement. The result: a smooth, flowing class that becomes almost dance-like. Drop-in only. no class nov 2, Dec 7 Sa | Sep 7-Dec 14 | 9-10:30am | $5 drop-in, 13 sess | 44367.401RH | 19+ | Rm C Su | Sep 8-Dec 15 | 9:30-11am | $5 drop-in, 15 sess | 44368.401RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Kathryn Turnbull
mixed levels yoga (16+)
yoga For haPPy hiPs & a healthy sPine (16+)
Come stretch, strengthen, and detoxify during this 90 minute hatha Yoga class. With hatha Yoga the body becomes toned yet supple, strong, yet flexible and graceful. All levels welcome. Tu | Sep 10-Oct 22, Nov 5-Dec 17 | 7:30-9pm | $79.75/7 sess | 44263.401-2RH | 16+ | Rm C Instructor: Lori Lucas, www.yogawithlorilucas.com With our modern lifestyles (sports, ageing, desk jobs, etc.) many of us have excessively tight bodies and our tightest areas are often our hips and spine. This yoga class can help reestablish the normal range of motion to the lumbar spine and increase blood flow and synovial fluid to the joint tissues. no class Oct 24 Th | Sep 5-Oct 31 | 7:30-8:45pm | $90.75/8 sess | 44264.401RH | 16+ | Rm C Th | Nov 7-Dec 19 | 7:30-8:45pm | $79.75/7 sess | 44264.402RH | 16+ | Rm C Instructor: Lori Lucas, www.yogawithlorilucas.com
gentle yoga (19+)
$13.25/droP-in (adults), $7/droP-in (55+ With id)
experience the joy of a gentle hatha yoga class with a balanced creative approach. Focus is on breath and visualizations while stretching and experiencing freedom of movement for improved body awareness, flexibility, and core strength. Registration fee listed is 55+ price. Adult price $129. no class Oct 12, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 9 | 9:30-11am | $66/12 sess | 54360.401RH | 19+ | Rm C We | Sep 11-Dec 11 | 9:30-11am | $76.50/14 sess | 54360.402RH | 19+ | Rm C Instructor: Natalia Nimetz
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Chair yoga (25+)
$13.25/droP-in (adults), $6.75/droP-in (55+ With id)
Chair yoga is for students of all ages and abilities that find traditional yoga inaccessible for whatever reason. The chair replaces the traditional yoga mat and allows for greater accessibility and stability. Chair yoga increases your strength, flexibility, concentration and balance. Come explore the benefits of chair yoga. Fr | Sep 20-Dec 6 | 1-2pm | $66/12 sess | 54362.402RH | 25+ | Rm B Instructor: Annette Wertman
PilAtes Pilates: beginner (16+)
Beginner Pilates is for women and men who want to try a different method of fitness in an nonthreating atmosphere. The instructor will modify the exercises to meet differing needs while still keeping the many benefits of the Pilates method, which increases levels of strength, balance, flexibility, muscle tone, stamina, and well-being. This is a fun and inviting seniors exercise program. We | Sep 11-Dec 18 | 2:30-3:15pm | $90/15 sess | 54081.402RH | 16+ | Rm B Instructor: Diana VanderVeen
Prenatal Pilates (16+)
See page 21 for details.
mARtiAl ARts karate: green belt and above (11+)
This program is for green, blue and purple belt students. Please note that there are additional fees for karate BC membership and the purchase of a uniform and testing for belts. Program fees are due on the first class of each month. Mo Fr | Sep 6-30, Oct 4-28, Nov 4-29, Dec 2-16 | 6:30-7:30pm | $65/mo | 43464.401-4RH | 11+ | Rm B Instructor: Hamid Tarighatbin
selF-deFenCe: street smarts For adults (16+)
This popular self-defence class is designed to empower all ages with life skills, including streetproofing and bullyproofing. Featuring krav Maga and Combat Jujutsu, this program is not a traditional martial art class. Two multi – black belt instructors (male and female) teach you how to defend yourself from attacks. Join at any time. Tu | Sep 24-Nov 26 | 5:30-6:45pm | $105/10 sess | 45418.401RH | 16+ | Rm B Instructor: James & Louisa, Hit and Run Self-defence, www.hitandrunselfdefense.com
selF-deFenCe: Free trial For adults (16+)
Tu | Sep 17 | 5:30-6:45pm | Free | 45418.400RH | 16+ | Rm B
selF-deFenCe WorkshoP: street smarts For Families (11+)
See page 37 for details.
tai Chi Chuan: beginner (19+)
Learn traditional Chinese exercises for self-defence and health. The movements emphasize softness, slow motion, concentration, and relaxation. The exercises relieve stress and improve health. All ages welcome, no experience necessary. no class nov 2 Sa | Sep 14-Oct 19 | 11:30am-1pm | $72.50/6 sess | 43463.401RH | 19+ | Rm B Sa | Oct 26-Dec 14 | 11:30am-1pm | $84/7 sess | 43463.402RH | 19+ | Rm B Instructor: Laurens Lee
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Adult sPorts droP-in ProCedures • The gym supervisor reserves the right to recommend appropriate players to each program. First priority is given to those who are registered. Registered participants are given 10 minutes after start time to show up. After 10 minutes no-show spots will be sold to drop-ins. • Drop-in participants may call the morning of the program date, starting at 10:30am, to sign up for a drop-in spot over the phone. if the program is full, we will start a wait-list in the order of sign up. if there is space in the program, the drop-in can guarantee their spot for that day by paying the drop-in fee over the phone. • Callers can sign up only two people per call. • Drop-ins who have already paid over the phone have 10 minutes after start time to show up and check in with the Gym Supervisor. Otherwise, their space will go to the next person on the wait-list, with no refunds. • 10 minutes after start time, the Gym Supervisor will announce the names from the wait-list. Those players whose names have been called can purchase a drop-in ticket as a result of the registered no-shows.
tai Chi Chuan: intermediate (19+)
This course builds on skills learned in the beginner class and encourages further development. The movements emphasize softness, slow motion, concentration, and relaxation. The exercises relieve stress and improve your health. no class nov 2 Sa | Sep 14-Oct 19 | 9:30-11am | $72.50/6 sess | 43465.401RH | 19+ | Rm B Sa | Oct 26-Dec 14 | 9:30-11am | $84/7 sess | 43465.402RH | 19+ | Rm B Instructor: Laurens Lee
sPoRts badminton (19+)
$5.75/ droP-in
badminton (19+)
PiCkleball (19+)
basketball: reCreational (19+)
All levels welcome. Four courts and equipment available. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 8-10pm | $66/13 sess | 43038.401RH | 19+ | Gym All levels welcome. Four courts and equipment available. Th | Sep 12-Dec 19 | 6-7:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43038.402RH | 19+ | Gym
Pickleball combines badminton, tennis, and table tennis and is played on a doubles badminton court. Four courts and equipment available. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 6-7:45pm | $65.80/13 sess | 43052.401RH | 19+ | Gym Recreational level of play that will give you a great workout. Game supervision and team assignment will be done by the gym supervisor. Tu | Sep 10-Dec 17 | 6-7:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43041.401RH | 19+ | Gym Th | Sep 12-Dec 19 | 8-9:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43041.402RH | 19+ | Gym
ball hoCkey: reCreational (goalie only) (19+)
This is a goalie-only spot and therefore free-of-charge. You may only play goalie with this registration. if you want to play another position you must pay the drop-in fee. equipment is available or bring your own. Su | Sep 8-Dec 15 | 3-4:45pm | Free | 43042.404RH | 19+ | Gym
ball hoCkey: advanCed (goalie only) (19+)
This is a goalie-only spot and therefore free-of-charge. You may only play goalie with this registration. if you want to play another position you must pay the drop-in fee. equipment is available or bring your own. For players who have a solid skill background and good fitness level, and can be competitive in this advanced environment. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 10:15-11:59pm | Free | 43042.405RH | 19+ | Gym We | Sep 11-Dec 18 | 10-11:45pm | Free | 43042.406RH | 19+ | Gym
ball hoCkey: advanCed (19+)
ball hoCkey: reCreational (19+)
enjoy a fast-paced workout while honing your hockey skills. The games are co-ed, non-contact, competitive, and friendly. Games are organized by the gym supervisor. eye/face protection is strongly recommended. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 10:15-11:59pm | $65.80/13 sess | 43042.402RH | 19+ | Gym We | Sep 11-Dec 18 | 10-11:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43042.403RH | 19+ | Gym Recreational: for players of all levels who want to have fun in a non-competitive, non-contact, and friendly environment. Games are organized by a gym supervisor. equipment is available or bring your own. eye/face protection is strongly recommended. Su | Sep 8-Dec 15 | 3-4:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43042.401RH | 19+ | Gym
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
indoor soCCer: intermediate (19+)
indoor soCCer: reCreational (19+)
intermediate: for players with intermediate to advanced skills and knowledge who want a more competitive game. To ensure fair play, safety, and consistency, games will be supervised and teams will be assigned by the gym supervisor. Tu | Sep 10-Dec 17 | 8-9:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43046.401RH | 19+ | Gym Th | Sep 12-Dec 19 | 10-11:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43046.402RH | 19+ | Gym
For players who want to improve their skills and have fun in a non-competitive environment. The games are moderately competitive. To ensure fair play, safety, and consistency, games will be supervised and teams will be assigned by the gym supervisor. Su | Sep 8-Dec 15 | 1-2:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43046.403RH | 19+ | Gym
volleyball assessment
To ensure the consistency of play and safety for all participants, a skill evaluation will be required for both registered and drop-in players attending the intermediate and competitive sessions by the gym supervisor who reserves the right to recommend appropriate players to a different level.
volleyball: reCreational (19+)
volleyball: intermediate (19+)
$5.50/droP-in no excessive arguing or
For players of all levels who want to have fun in a non-competitive and friendly environment. We | Sep 11-Dec 18 | 6-7:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43047.401RH | 19+ | Gym Su | Sep 8-Dec 15 | 5-6:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43047.403RH | 19+ | Gym
roundhouse adult sPorts Code oF ConduCt be a good sport
For players who have developed basic skills and are able to pass, set, and serve with consistency. complaining There is some friendly competition and players are expected to be able to maintain consistent rallies. Control your temper Su | Sep 8-Dec 15 | 7-8:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43047.404RH | 19+ | Gym no yelling, ridiculing or volleyball: ComPetitive (19+) $5.50/droP-in criticizing another player For players who have a solid volleyball foundation and are able to pass, set, serve, spike, and block or staff member with proficiency. Players need to show that they are competitive in this advanced environment. be respectful no foul language, no Volleyball systems of play such as a 5-1/ 6-2 should come as second nature. touching another player We | Sep 11-Dec 18 | 8-9:45pm | $75.50/15 sess | 43047.402RH | 19+ | Gym or staff member volleyball skills CliniC: all levels (19+) (exception: incidental Learn, develop and perfect basic volleyball skills. emphasis will be on the technical components sport contact) of the forearm pass, overhead pass, serving, hitting, and blocking. Drills and scrimmages will be Play fair incorporated to help you challenge yourself and increase your knowledge. no aggressive or dirty play Su | Sep 29-Nov 3 | 5-6:30pm | $110.50/6 sess | 43150.401RH | 19+ | Gym govern yourself Instructor: C/O Drago DJTN Solutions Fouls called on you by the volleyball skills CliniC: intermediate & ComPetitive (19+) opposing team must be Skills covered will include putting spin on a ball to increase control, reading players when set- respected ting, anticipating on the court, reaching and extending when hitting, and timing a set. Learn why you should watch the hitter when blocking, how to play defence behind a block, why you should Play Priority broad-jump into the set, how to snap a ball instead of hitting it, how to pop your serves, and the inFormation First priority for play is for fundamentals of communication. registered participants Su | Nov 10-Dec 15 | 5-6:30pm | $110.50/6 sess | 43150.402RH | 19+ | Gym who have until 10 minInstructor: C/O Drago DJTN Solutions utes after start time to show up, or their spot will be sold to drop-ins. When you register for this Adult Gym Sport you agree to abide by the Sports Code of Conduct. See your receipt for details. For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Older Adult
dRAWing & PAinting WaterColour Painting (20+)
The course provides basic watercolour experience in a loosely structured, enriching, and supportive studio setting. Participants will be encouraged to work on personal projects to develop their own voice and personal style. Please be prepared to purchase painting supplies. We | Sep 11-Dec 11 | 12-2pm | $96/14 sess | 55025.401RH | 20+ | Rm B Instructor: Bill Miloglav
dAnce ballroom danCe: instruCtion & soCial (55+)
Learn ballroom dancing in the relaxed and social atmosphere of our bright, spacious dance studio. Please wear proper footwear and loose clothing. no partner or experience necessary. if Diane and David can't make it, class will be led by our volunteer, Albert. Fr | Sep 13-Dec 12 | 1:45-3pm | $24/13 sess | 51683.401RH | 55+ | Dance St Instructor: David Yates & Diane Garceau
line danCing (55+)
Ballroom Dance class. Photo by Julius Reque.
Join Phillis in our beautiful dance studio and learn the elements of line dancing, a wonderful form of dance and fitness. Wear comfy clothes and your dancing shoes. no experience is needed. Th | Sep 5-Nov 21 | 12:45-2pm | $74/12 sess | 51780.401RH | 55+ | Dance St Instructor: Phillis Lim
roundhouse ageless danCers: a Community danCe ProJeCt (55+)
This project is for movers of all abilities, ages and backgrounds who are interested in exploring dance and movement as a means of artistic expression. Participants will experience the thrill of the creative process in a safe and supportive atmosphere. Dancers will delve into their own creativity using different sources of inspiration for dance making. The project will work towards creating an original piece of choreography and culminate in a public performance. FRee thanks to funding from the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation. Please register. Space is limited. We | Sep 11-Dec 4 | 12:30-2pm | Free | 51782.401RH | 55+ | Dance St Instructor: Naomi Brand
cReAtive ARts/music exPress your voiCe Choir (55+)
Led by a professional singer, composer, and musician, we create sound, sing, and listen deeply as we delve into the world of vocal expression. Participants will shape this project together as they follow their own interests in a creative and collaborative choir. Must have experience with the choir to register. Tu | Sep 17-Dec 10 | 1-3pm | 13 sess | Free | 52980.401RH | 55+ | Rm B Instructor: DB Boyko For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
discussion gRouPs & book clubs disCussion grouP For gay senior men (55+)
An open-topic format for gay men of age 55+ facing the realities of aging. The group leader uses the 'check-in topics' as the evening's agenda. We | Sep 18-Dec 11 | 7-9pm | Free | 13 sess | 55883.402RH | 55+ | Board Rm Instructor: Volunteer
roundhouse Poetry CirCle (55+)
Older Adult the bC Centre For elder advoCaCy and suPPort (bCCeas)
provides programs and services that support, educate and advocate on behalf of older adults. Call the Seniors Advocacy and information line memoir Writing: the stories you need to tell (25+) at 604-437-1940 if have a story to tell? in this beginner's writing class, Regan guides you to tap in to you need information your memories and assists in organizing and writing your stories. The class will be or assistance about very supportive and you will be given a variety of writing prompts. Discover what elder abuse or you are motivations lie behind the desire to write a memoir. a victim of a crime. Tue | Sep 17-Oct 22 | 6-9pm | $95/8 sess | 55085.401RH | 25+ | Board Rm Instructor: Regan D'andrade
examine poetry, what it means, and why it is still relevant today with this challenging discussion group that looks at some of the great Canadian Poets. The group meets the fourth Thursday of every month. Please register. Space is limited. www.roundhousepoetrycircle.wordpress.com Th | Sept 26, Oct 24, Nov 28 | 12:45-2:45pm | Free | 55084.401RH | 55+ | Multimedia Rm
educAtionAl / develoPment digital PhotograPhy (55+)
Learn the basic rules of taking good photos and understand how to use your digital camera. You will learn camera parts, usage of the flash, dial modes, downloading and editing your photos with Picasa (a free computer program), and downloading to multi-media such as Facebook. Please bring your own camera; the instructor will contact you prior to the class to see what type of camera you have. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 30-Nov 18 | 1:15-3:15pm | $44/6 sess | 52881.401RH | 55+ | Rm A Instructor: Nona Thompson
mandarin: grammar based (55+)
Must be able to speak a small amount of Mandarin to take the course. You will learn the Chinese Pinyin system of romanization, which will help you with proper pronunciation. This course is for seniors. no class Oct 14, noc 11 Mo | Sep 16-Dec 9 | 11:15am-12:45pm | $25/9 sess | 55050.403RH | 55+ | Rm B Instructor: Lily Wong
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
mandarin For beginners (55+)
Older Adult Learn Mandarin in a non-threatening atmosphere. The course is for older adults. Please register. table tennis Tu | Sep 10-Nov 12 | 11:15am-12:45pm | Code oF ethiCs $28/10 sess | 55050.402RH | 55+ | Mezz Mtg Rm be a good sport Instructor: Lily Wong Verbal, visual or physical abuse will heAlth & Wellness not be tolerated morning tai Chi exerCise/yuen gi danCe (19+) be respectful of everyone is welcome to our friendly morning movement group. energize your others morning with Tai Chi exercise and Chinese-based dance. instructions are in CanTreat others and their tonese and english. Volunteer instructors will vary. Ongoing Mon-Fri throughout belongings, as you would expect to be the year. Best free cultural experience doubling as exercise. This is a free drop-in program, but please register at front desk. Room may change without notice. treated. Mo-Fr | Sep 3-Dec 20 | 9:30-11am | Free | 54081.401RH | 19+ | Rm B Play Fair Govern yourself and Instructor: Volunteer your game. Play fairly fitness and respectfully. be inclusive seniors raCQuet sPort (55+) include all players in Bring your racquet and friends, and enjoy playing table tennis and badminton in a every circumstance. social setting at your own pace. All levels from beginner to advanced are welcome. **A more detailed These sessions are facilitated by Roundhouse volunteers and the racquet sports Code of ethics will be program is subject to the Roundhouse Code of ethics. no class Oct 14, nov 11 posted in the gym for Mo We Fr | Sep 4-Dec 20 | 9-11:55am | 47 sess | 53301.401RH | 55+ | Gym your reference seniors exerCise: Joint mobility (55+) **The Building For men and women with arthritis, osteoporosis, and mobility issues. instructor Supervisor reserves keno takes participants through light exercises that keep bodies moving and limthe right for final call ber. Men and women are welcome. This is a great class for those just starting or on all disagreements getting back into fitness. Great class if you are recovering from an injury. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 3:30-4:30pm | $54/13 sess | 54086.401RH | 55+ | Dance St seniors raCQuet sPort Instructor: Keno Kinoshita PriCing
seniors exerCise: osteoFit (55+)
Seniors play Monday, Osteofit is specifically designed for our aging population. instructor keno takes Wednesday, Friday. participants through exercises that are geared for individuals with osteoporosis, arthritis, or joint-mobility problems or those wanting light exercise to keep them 55+ moving. Great for men and women. $1.75/drop-in $11/10-class pass Fr | Sep 6-Dec 13 | 9:15-10:15am | $60/15 sess | 54085.401RH | 55+ | Dance St Instructor: Keno Kinoshita Mondays–Mixed ages (19+)
adult $2.75/drop-in $21/10-class pass
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
fit WAlking, hiking, geocAching Pole Walking CliniC (16+)
improve posture, get outside, and learn the techniques of pole walking from a qualified instructor. Safe on your joints—hips, knees, and ankles. You will not believe the workout with poles in your hands. Walking rain or shine. Poles are provided. Bring your own poles if you have them. We | Sep 11-Oct 9 | 10-10:45am | $20/5 sess | 54080.402RH | 16+ | Cafe Lobby Instructor: Diana VanderVeen
gRouP fitness
Older Adult
grouP Fitness PriCing
Participants must complete a PAR-Q Geared towards older adults looking for a lower-impact fitness class providing form for health cardio, balance and strength training for an overall body workout. increase fitness screening purposes. confidence and strength. no class Sep 2, Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 11-11:45am | $5.50/13 sess | 54163.401RH | 55+ | Dance St adult $5.50/drop-in Instructor: Diana VanderVeen $45/10-class pass
grouP Fitness: gentle Fit (55+)
grouP Fitness: get Fit, keeP Fit (19+)
Total body conditioning for all ages using the body ball, steps, weights and bands 55+ to get a great over-all workout. Space and equipment are limited. Class size is at the $3/drop-in $24/10-class pass discretion of the instructor. no class Sep 3 Tu | Sep 10-Dec 17 | 9:15-10:15am | $5.50/15 sess | 54160.401RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Harry Wong
grouP Fitness: Posture PerFeCt (55+)
Geared towards older adults, this class begins with a cardio warm-up, and uses weights and stability ball for core strength and abs, spine work and stretches. helps to correct postural problems. Men and women are welcome. Th | Sep 5-Dec 19 | 11:15am-12:15pm | $5.50/16 sess | 54162.402RH | 55+ | Dance St Instructor: Ferial Ahmadzadeh
grouP Fitness: Cardio Core: loW imPaCt (19+)
Cardio Core brings your heart rate up and works your core through muscle conditioning. This class is geared towards active and fit older adults. Suitable for all ages. Fr | Sep 6-Dec 20 | 11-11:45am | $5.50/16 sess | 54160.403RH | 19+ | Dance St Instructor: Edouard Beaudry
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Seniors excercise class. Photo by Julius Reque.
Older Adult
yogA & PilAtes Chair yoga (25+)
$13.25/droP-in (adults), $6.75/droP-in (55+ With id)
Chair yoga is for students of all ages and abilities that find traditional yoga inaccessible for whatever reason. The chair replaces the traditional yoga mat and allows for greater accessibility and stability. Chair yoga increases your strength, flexibility, concentration and balance. Come explore the benefits of chair yoga. Fr | Sep 20-Dec 6 | 1-2pm | $66/12 sess | 54362.402RH | 25+ | Rm B Instructor: Annette Wertman
gentle yoga (55+)
$13.25/droP-in (adults), $6.75/droP-in (55+ With id)
experience the joy of a gentle hatha yoga class with a balanced creative approach. Focus is on breath and visualizations while stretching and experiencing freedom of movement for improved body awareness, flexibility, and core strength. Registration fee listed is 55+ price. Adult price $129. no class Oct 12, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 9 | 9:30-11am | $66/12 sess | 54360.401RH | 55+ | Rm C We | Sep 11-Dec 11 | 9:30-11am | $76.50/14 sess | 54360.402RH | 55+ | Rm C Instructor: Natalia Nimetz
Pilates For beginners (16+)
Beginner Pilates is for women and men who want to try a different method of fitness in a non-threatening environment. Pilates increases strength, balance, flexibility, muscle tone, stamina, and well-being. This class is a fun and inviting senior’s exercise program. We | Sep 11-Dec 18 | 2:30-3:15pm | $90/15 sess | 54081.402RH | 16+ | Rm B Instructor: Diana VanderVeen
sociAl RecReAtion bridge droP-in (20+)
$2/droP-in, $20/10-session Pass
enjoy an evening of contact (standard) bridge. All equipment is provided. This course is drop-in. Participants must register. if you are interested in learning bridge, please join our bridge instruction class. if you have a pass, the volunteer will punch your card at the start of class. Tu | Sep 3-Dec 17 | 7:05-10pm | 16 sess | 55883.401RH | 20+ | Rm A Instructor: Volunteer
bridge instruCtion For beginners (20+)
Participants will receive instruction in contact (standard) bridge from our volunteer instructor katherine. All equipment is provided. Beginners are welcome. Please contact kathleen at tonykath@novuscom.net or Seniors Worker, Diana at 604-7138104 if you need more information. Tu | Sep 10-Dec 10 | 5:30-7pm | $52/14 sess | 55884.401RH | 20+ | Rm A Instructor: Volunteer
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
mah Jong (20+)
Mah Jong originated in China and is a game played with a set of 136 tiles based Older Adult on Chinese characters and symbols. Tables and pieces included. Those interested in instruction please contact the Seniors Worker, Diana at 604-713-1814. Monday's class ends at a new time:12:45pm. no class Oct 14, nov 11 Mo | Sep 9-Dec 16 | 9am-12:45pm | Free | 55990.401RH | 20+ | Rm A Tu | Sep 3-Dec 17 | 9am-4pm | Free | 55990.402RH | 20+ | Rm A Instructor: Volunteer
karaoke (55+)
Join other members for fun with karaoke. equipment is provided. Songs are both in english and Chinese. Please register for this program. Tu | Sep 10-Nov 26 | 1:15-4:15pm | $2 drop in | 55982.401RH| 55+ | Rm C Instructor: Volunteer
senioRs sPeciAl events this PaPer Was onCe my heart
Those of us who lived before the digital age must deal with paper, books, letters, and other objects that carry meaning for us but cannot be saved forever. We will transform some of our paper gleanings into handmade paper, embed the petals and seeds of bee plants in the new paper, and give them away to friends and family to be planted in bee sanctuaries and gardens. Snacks will be served. Fr Mo Tu | Oct 4, 7, 8 | 11am-1pm | Free | Exhibition Hall Instructors: Lead artist Lori Weidenhammer, with artist Catherine Shapiro as paper-making consultant
Christmas lunCh and danCe (55+)
enjoy the sounds of live music at our fun-filled Christmas lunch and dance. Tell your friends about this social event. no partner is needed for the dance. Fr | Dec 6 | 12-3pm | $8/sess | 55682.401RH | 55+ | Exhibition Hall Instructor: Diana VanderVeen
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
For registration www.vancouver.ca/roundhouse-rec
Seniors Dance in the exhibition hall. Photo by Barbarah Senez (DT).
RegistRAtion RegistRAtion chAnges online registration Fall registration OnLine ReGiSTRATiOn * Mon Aug 12, 9am ADULT SPORTS ReGiSTRATiOn All Adult Gym Sports Online Mon Aug 12, 9am PhOne /in-PeRSOn ReGiSTRATiOn Tues Aug 13, 9am * Online Registration requires an account. Visit www.roundhouse.ca/ register and click “how to register”.
hours oF oPeration
Mon - Fri, 9am-10pm Sat & Sun, 9am-5pm Our front office is closed 30 minutes prior to building closure.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, debit, cash and cheques (not American express). All phone registrations are by Visa or Mastercard only. Registration receipts will be emailed to you. Credit card receipts may be picked up at the front desk upon request, otherwise they will be shredded. For all online registration, please print a receipt for your records. Please register early. Classes may be cancelled if there is insufficient registration. Payment is due at time of registration. We do not hold spots without payment. Valid iD must be shown for all cheque payments. nSF cheques will be charged a $20 nSF fee plus a $5 bank charge for each returned cheque.
adult sPort registration
mon aug 12, 9am for all programs except except Online registration starts Mon Aug
Birthday Parties, Private Music Lessons, ALL Woodworking Levels 2 & 3, Afterschool kids Club, and all free programs. Online registration requires an account. Please visit www.roundhouse.ca/register and click “how to register”. Online accounts can also be created by our front desk staff. Call 604-713-1800 and press 2 for assistance.
12, 9am Registration for all Adult Gym Sports is now available online.
Phone /in-Person registration
tues aug 13, 9am during regular office hours, 9am-9:30pm. Call 604-713-1800 and press 2.
PRogRAm subsidies Subsidies are available by request when you register or drop in for a program at the Roundhouse. You MUST have a OneCard with a valid Leisure Access Card (LAC) to be eligible for a subsidy. The LAC will give you up to 50% off your registration or drop-in fee for one program, per season, per person, per centre. Some programs are exempt from the subsidy policy (e.g. pottery and woodworking programs, private music lessons, and birthday parties). To be eligible for a daycamp subsidy, you must be a resident living within the catchment area boundaries of the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre. Please inquire at the front desk for more information. if you require an additional subsidy beyond what is available upon registration, you must make an appointment with the supervising programmer. For more information on how to obtain an LAC, please see page 60.
WAit-lists, Refunds, cAncellAtions, PRogRAm chAnges • Refunds and transfers must be requested prior to the day of the third class unless special arrangements are made with the supervising programmer (some exceptions may apply—see below). eligible refund requests for programs are pro-rated for any classes that have passed. Programs that cost $20 or more are subject to a $10 administration fee (taxes included). • Birthday party refunds must be requested ten days before the party date to receive a refund. • Refunds for special events and workshops must be requested 72 hours in advance of the start date. • Refund requests for all woodworking courses and cooking classes must be requested 72 hours prior to the start date. There will be no refunds issued if you miss the first class. • Refunds for daycamp programs must be requested 7 days prior to the week in which your child is registered in order to receive any refund. Requests made after that point will be subject to programmer approval and forfeit of any admission costs for out-trips. • Refunds for tennis lessons must be requested 7 days prior to the start of the lesson set. • Our wait-list policy is first-come, first-served. The entire wait-list will be called if a spot opens up. The first person on the wait-list to respond gets to register (some exceptions may apply). • Programs are subject to change or cancellation on short notice. Full refunds will be issued for all programs cancelled prior to the start date of a program. Pro-rated refunds, based on the number of classes that have passed, will be provided for classes cancelled after the start date where instruction has been provided. Anyone who is unable to attend a program due to a change of date or time will be provided with a full refund for the value of that class.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
Roundhouse Room use Policy
Rooms And RentAls
All patrons can drop in and use the following rooms for up to a maximum of two hours. The first hour is FRee, and the second hour or portion thereof is $5. Rooms available for member use are Rooms A, B, C, Arts & Crafts Studio, Dance Studio, Board Room, Multimedia Room, and Large Music Room. The following conditions apply for each person: • Room(s) cannot be reserved in advance. Use is granted on a first-come, first-served basis. • To utilize a room you must have a valid OneCard—to be turned in to and picked up from the front desk after each use. A current OneCard is required for each person using the room. • no direct financial gain to the member may result from the patrons’ use of the space. • Use of rooms is not a means of establishing and promoting the patrons’ own activity or programming on an ongoing basis. • The number of people using the space may not exceed the maximum occupant capacity stipulated by the City of Vancouver. • The room is to be used during hours of operation and vacated at least 15 minutes before building closure or another scheduled use. • The room will be cleaned and restored to the original condition it was found in. • Attachments or adjustments to walls, lighting, or floor may be made only in consultation with the Building Supervisor or their delegate. • The activities of the patrons in the space conform to the Universal Declaration of human Rights. • The use of the space does not disturb or conflict with other patrons’ or renters’ use. turntable Plaza • Patrons are responsible for the replacement or repair of any Roundhouse equipment lost or damaged during and/or due to their use of the equipment. • The Roundhouse only provides the room space and tables and chairs that are in the room at the time of use. Patrons must bring any additional equipment they require. • Patrons cannot leave or store their materials or art work in the Roundhouse. • Roundhouse staff reserves the right to ask patrons to vacate the space if the above regulations are not met, or if the staff has any unforeseen or emergency needs for programming space. • Failure to comply with this policy or follow the directions given by Roundhouse staff will result in immediate loss of access to Roundhouse rooms and may lead to cancellation of room use in the future. exhibition hall
Rent the Roundhouse Located in downtown Vancouver, close to hotels, parks, the Seawall, shopping, theatres, restaurants and more, the Roundhouse offers an exciting and unique venue for hosting a variety of events. From casual and private, to formal and public events, we are likely to have the right space for your particular needs. The refurbished 1886 Roundhouse is located in one of Vancouver’s newest neighbourhoods and provides some beautiful spaces which may be rented when not in use for one of our many exciting programs. Our experienced staff offers professional expertise, allowing us the flexibility to host a PerFormanCe Centre wide range of events, from small meetings and birthday parties, to large weddings, private parties, conferences, festivals and professional theatre, dance and music. notable recent events at the Roundhouse include performances by the Broadway Chorus, the Vancouver international improv Festival, and the Urban Wedding Gala trade show. The Roundhouse Production team has the experience and resources to meet a variety of different expectations. Spaces that may be rented include a multi-functional performance centre, versatile exhibition/festival hall, dance studio, multimedia room, and full gymnasium. For information, rental rates and space availability contact Joe Oliveira, our Rental Liaison, at 604713-1811 or rentals@roundhouse.ca multimedia room
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
onecARd, fees, Policies
onecARd A free Park Board OneCard can be picked up at any community centre and acts as a single card for all centre programs and facility use. Your picture will be taken for our records but will not displayed on the card itself. The card will be issued at no cost. The card will replace the existing Leisure Access Card (LAC) and Flexipass for fitness centres, pools, ice rinks, and membership cards. (Those not wishing to have their picture taken will need special permission from the supervisor). Your personal information, including address, phone number, email, and date of birth, will be recorded just as it was with our previous membership card system. A OneCard, with reloadable programs and subsidies, can be issued to each family member.
leisuRe Access Policy Leisure Access Cards (LAC)(now included in the OneCard) are provided by the Vancouver Park Board to Vancouver residents with limited income, so they have access to basic Park Board programs and services. The Roundhouse shares this philosophy and gives discounts to LAC-holders of up to 50% off registration or drop-in fees for one program, per season, per person, per centre. To learn more about the LAC program, please visit the Park Board website at www.vancouverparks.ca and click on the “Access Services� link or call the LAC office at 604-257-8497. Application forms are available at the Roundhouse front desk or any Vancouver Park Board community centre or pool.
Access And sPeciAl needs All of the facilities and programs offered in this guide are considered opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. Volunteer support may be available should you or a family member require support to participate in any of our programs. Before registering, please call the integration Program Assistant at 604-718-5853.
eQuiPment use Policy During room use, the following equipment may be rented to patrons at a charge of $5 per use: piano ($5/hr), TV/VCR, slide projector, overhead projector, and flip chart stand. Please bring your own pens and paper. An office supplies kit is available for rent at $10 (Rental Supplies kit). All equipment is dependent on availability. Note: Requests for equipment must be made through the front desk on a first-come, first- served basis and may not be pre-booked. If the equipment you are requesting is available, it will be issued in exchange for your OneCard and applicable fee. Your card will be returned after the equipment is brought back to the front desk. Patrons are responsible for any loss or damage.
PeRsonAl infoRmAtion PRotection in the course of providing programs and services, the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Society collects personal information from our members and other individuals participating in classes, workshops, projects, events, or renting the facility. This information may be used for communication regarding current or upcoming events, processing payments, statistical or human resource purposes, or for the provision of programs or services. We respect the importance of protecting the personal information that we collect. For information on our privacy policies and practices, or to contact our Privacy Officer, please call 604-713-1800 or drop by the front desk.
For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
Gym Schedule
gym schedule: sePtembeR – decembeR 2013
9am-12pm Seniors Racquet Sports (19+)*
9:1511:45am Parent & Tot Gym Time*
9am-12pm Seniors Racquet Sports*
9:1511:45am Parent & Tot Gym Time*
9am-12pm Seniors Racquet Sports*
9:1511:45am Parent & Tot Gym Time*
9-11am Sportball
12-1pm Elsie Roy Programs
12-1pm Elsie Roy Programs
12:302:30pm Parent & Tot Gym Time*
12-1pm Elsie Roy Programs
12-1pm Birthday Parties
12-1pm Birthday Parties
1:15-4:45pm Youth Open Gym*
1-2:45pm Indoor Soccer REC
1-3:30pm Parent & Tot Gym Time*
3-5:45pm Indoor Tennis (4-13 yrs) (registered program)
1:45-4:45pm Tumbling Tots & Kidznastics
3:15-6pm Pre-Teen Gym* 3:45-5pm Basketball Skills
4:15-5:45pm Youth Open Gym*
4:45-5:45pm Youth Open Gym*
3-4:45pm Ball Hockey REC 5-9pm Youth Sports Night*
5-6:30pm Volleyball Clinics (registered program) 5-6:45pm Volleyball REC
6-7:45pm Pickleball
6-7:45pm Basketball REC
6-7:45pm Volleyball REC
6-7:45pm Badminton
8-10pm Badminton
8-9:45pm Soccer INT
8-9:45pm Volleyball COM
8-9:45pm Basketball REC
10-11:45pm Ball Hockey ADV
10-11:45pm Soccer INT
10:1511:59pm Ball Hockey ADV
Closures Aug 31-Sep 2 Oct 14 nov 2, 11 Dec 21 Dec 24-Jan 1
7-8:45pm Volleyball INT
* Drop-ins accepted, space permitting All drop-ins require a fee; please pay at the front desk.
Co-ed Programs are co-ed unless otherwise indicated.
gym set-uP At times, the gym will be divided 1/3 and 2/3 to accommodate activities.
sChedule key ReC Recreational inT intermediate ADV Advanced COM Competetive * Drop-ins accepted, space permitting (see above)
all sChedules available For doWnload at WWW.roundhouse.Ca sChedule is subJeCt to Change at any time Without notiCe For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
Dance STuDio dAnce studio schedule: sePtembeR – decembeR 2013 ScheDule Closures Aug 31-Sep 2 Oct 14 nov 11 Dec 24-Jan 1
droP-ins * Drop-ins accepted, space permitting All drop-ins require a fee; please pay at the front desk.
9:4510:45am Fit4Two™ Stroller Fitness
9-10am Group Fitness: Get Fit, Keep Fit *
9:4510:45am Fit4Two™ Mom & Baby Fitness
9:30-11am Iyengar Yoga: Beg & Int
9:15-10:15 Senior Exercise Osteofit*
9am12:30pm Creative Ballet*
9:30-11am Karma Yoga*
11-11:45am Group Fitness: Gentle Fit*
10:1511:15am Developmental Play with Babies
11am12:30pm Bright Stars
11:1512:15pm Group Fitness: Posture Perfect*
11-11:45am Group Fitness: Cardio Core*
12-1pm Elsie Roy Noon Hour Program
12-1pm Elsie Roy Noon Hour Program
12:30-2pm Seniors Dance Move It!
12:452:15pm Line Dancing*
12-1pm Zumba at Noon*
12:451:45pm Latin Funk Dance *
12:452:15pm Dance is for Cameroon
1-3pm Dance Residency
2-2:45pm Family Yoga
2:15-4pm Ballet Dancers *
1:45-3pm Seniors Ballroom Dance
2-4:30pm Dance Allsorts Workshops
2:30-5pm Roundouse Community Dancers
3:304:30pm Senior Exercise Joint Mobility
3:15-4pm Hip Hop
5:30-7pm Iyengar Yoga: Beg & Int*
5:456:45pm Stretch & Strength
5:456:45pm Zumba*
7:308:30pm Adult Ballet*
7:159:30pm Aerial Cradles
7-8:15pm Fit4Two™ Prenatal Fitness *
3:15-5pm Acrobatic Dance
3:304:30pm Kids Latin Funk Dance
5:456:45pm Indoor Bootcamp*
6-7pm Ballet Fit
4:15-5pm Family Dance
11:15am -12:30pm Soukouss African Dance*
7:15-8:45pm Swing Dance
all sChedules available For doWnload at WWW.roundhouse.Ca
sChedule is subJeCt to Change at any time Without notiCe For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
Acrobatic Dance (3-5) 24 Group Fitness: Gentle Fit (55+) 47 Acrobatic Dance (6-10) 31 Group Fitness: Get Fit & keep Fit (19+) 47 Adult Ballet (16+) 45 Group Fitness: Posture Perfect (55+) 47 Aerial Dance: Cradles – Beg & Continuing (19+) 45 Guided Open Art Studio (19+) 44 Aerial Dance: Cradles Beginner Workshop (19+) 45 Guitar with Justin (13+) 34, 44 Afterschool kids Club (4.8-11) 30 halloween Carnival (0-11) 26 Art 4 All (1-5) 23 halloween Pumpkin Carving (all ages) 26 Arts Drop-in for Street Youth (15-25) 35 halloween Trick or Treat Through Yaletown 26 Baby & Me Yoga (16+) 21 herbs for healthy Living (19+) 40 Baby’s First Dance (8 wks – pre-crawlers) 24 hip-hop Culture: Program for Youth (14-25) 35 Baby Sign Language (19+) 22 hip-hop Dance (6-8) 32 Badminton (19+) 50 holiday Arrangements (19+) 40 Ballet Dancers (3-5) 24 indoor Bootcamp (19+) 48 Ballet Dancers (6-8) 31 indoor Soccer: intermediate (19+) 51 Ballet Fit (19+) 46 indoor Soccer: Recreational (19+) 51 Ball hockey: Advanced (19+) 50 introduction to Drawing and Painting (19+) 45 Ball hockey: Advanced (Goalie Only) (19+) 50 is your Baby Sleeping through the night? (19+) 38 Ball hockey: Recreational (19+) 50 is Your Baby Sleeping through the night? (19+) 22 Ball hockey: Recreational (Goalie Only) (19+) 50 iyengar Yoga: Level 1 & 2 (19+) 48 Ballroom Dance: instruction & Social (55+) 52 karate (8-10) 33 Basic First Aid & CPR: Babies & Child'n (13+) 23, 39 karate (11yrs+) 33 Basketball: Recreational (19+) 50 karate Fun (4-7) 33 Basketball Skills (7-12) 31 karate: Green Belt and above (11+) 49 Birthday Parties for kids (2-8) 34 karma Yoga (19+) 48 Breakfast With Santa (6 mos – 12 yrs) 26 kids' Movie at the Roundhouse – Oct & Dec 26 BrightStars Performing Arts: Level 1+2 (2-3) 25 kidzCan Gymnastics (5-7) 30 BrightStars Performing Arts: Level 1 (2-3) 25 knit + One (19+) 22, 39 Chair Yoga (25+) 49 knitting/Crochet Lessons: Private & Semi 39 Childbirth Preparation/Prenatal Wkshp (16+) 21 Latin Funk Dance® (15+) 46 Chronic Pain Self-Management (19+) 36 Latin Funk Dance for kids (6-10) 32 Cloth Diapers 101 (19+) 21 Line Dancing (55+) 52 Comics & Claymation (6-12) 30 Make it Mondays!: Family Arts night (2-8) 23 Crazy Coyote Runners (19+) 36 Making knitting Possible (19+) 39 Creative Ballet (3-4) 24 Mandarin: Grammar Based (55+) 53 Creative Ballet (5-7) 31 Manology: exploring Masculinity (19+) 37 Crochet for Beginners (19+) 39 Memoir Writing (25+) 38, 53 Crochet + One (19+) 22, 39 Me & My Dad (or Mom) with Sportball (2-3) 27 Dances from Cameroon (19+) 45 Mixed Levels Yoga (16+) 48 Danish Christmas Decoration Workshops (8+) 40 Multisport with Sportball (3.5-5.5) 27 Developmental Play with Babies (19+) 23 Music Together® is Fun! (0-4) 25 Digital Photography (55+) 53 nePP: Apartment Living earthquake Prep (16+) 36 Discussion Group for Gay Senior Men (55+) 53 Orff Music (1-3) 25 Diwali Fusion kitchen Cooking Class (16+) 40 Parent & Tot Gym Time Drop-in (0-5) 27 Dog Obedience: Beginner (19+) 37 Parent & Tot with Sportball (2-3) 27 Dog Obedience: intermediate (19+) 37 Philosophers' Café 36 Doodleblobz (1-3) 23 Piano with Ambre (5-13) 34 Do you Understand Your Toddler? (19+) 23 Piano with Asheida (5-16) 34 Do You Understand Your Toddler? (19+) 38 Piano with Grace (5-13) 34 elsie Roy noon hour: Piano with Grace (14+) 44 Basketball (7-13) 28 Pickleball (19+) 50 Bricks 4 kidz (7-12) 29 Pilates: Beginner (16+) 49 Characters to Comic Books (6-11) 29 Pilates for Moms & Babes (19+) 22 Chess (6-11) 29 Pottery: Creative Clay (8-12) 30 Clay Time (6-12) 30 Pottery Studio Time (19+) 42 Crafting & Jewellery Making (4.8-12) 29 Pottery with nora (19+) 42 Feature Film (7-12) 28 Pottery with Sue (16+) 42 Gymnastics Dance (4.8-11) 29 Prenatal Pilates (16+) 21 hockey (6-8) 30 Prenatal Yoga (16+) 21 hockey (8-12) 29 Pro D Day Daycamp (4.8-12) 30 Jams & Bands (4.8-7) 29 Radix Physical Theatre Workout (16+) 35, 45 kick Fit (6-12) 28 Real estate Open house info Sessions (19+) 36 Pickleball (7-13) 28 Red Cross Babysitting (11-16) 38 Soccer (6-10) 28 Red Cross emerg. Childcare: CPR B/AeD (13+) 39 Yoga (4.8-9) 29 Red Cross emerg. First Aid & CPR: C/AeD (13+) 39 essential ADhD Workshop (19+) 26, 37 Roundhouse Ageless Dancers (55+) 52 eSS: introduction (16+) 36 Roundhouse Poetry Circle (55+) 38, 53 express Your Voice Choir (55+) 52 Saturday Youth Open Gym (12-18) 35 Family Dance (2-12) 24 Self-Defence: Street Smarts (8-15) 33 Findings/Trouvailles: Dance Project (19+) 46 Self-Defence: Street Smarts for Adults (16+) 37, 49 Fit4Two: infant Massage Workshp (0 – 6 mos) 22 Self-Defence Workshop: Families (11+) 33, 37, 49 Fit4Two: Mom & Baby Fitness (16+) 22 Serbian Language: Beginner 1 (7-9) 32 Fit4Two: Prenatal Fitness (16+) 21 Serbian Language: intermediate 2 (9-13) 32 French for Adults: Beginner (16+) 38 Skateboard Class (8-18) 36 French for Children: Beginners (8-12) 32 Solstice Communal Lantern Project (All Ages) 41 Friday night Youth Drop-in (10-18) 35 Solstice Create Your Own Design (All ages) 41 Gentle Yoga (19+) 48 Solstice Globe Lantern (All ages) 41 Group Fitness: Cardio Core – Low impact (19+) 47 Solstice Labyrinth (All ages) 41 For information www.roundhouse.ca 604.713.1800
Course index Solstice Last-Minute Fast Lantern (All ages) 41 Solstice Pin-Prick Lantern (All ages) 41 Solstice Processional Drumming Wkshp (16+) 41 Solstice Star Lantern (All ages) 41 Soukouss African dance for Women (12+) 46 Spanish for Adults: Beginner (16+) 38 Strength and Stretch (19+) 47 Stress Busting Mindfulness Meditation (19+) 37 Super Spanish (3-4) 26 Super Spanish: Beginner (5-10) 32 Super Spanish: intermediate (5-10) 32 Swing Dance (15+) 46 Tai Chi Chuan: Beginner (19+) 49 Tai Chi Chuan: intermediate (19+) 50 Tennis: indoor (4-5) 28 Tennis: indoor (6-8) 31 Tennis: indoor (9-13) 31 Thu After'n Pre-Teen/Youth Open Gym (8-18) 35 Toddler & Parent Creative Dance (confident walkers – 2 yrs) 24 Tumbling Tots Gymnastics (3-4) 27 Vancouver Volunteer Corps (VVC) (16+) 36 VCh Parent and infant Drop-in (0 – 8 mos) 25 Violin with Breigin (8+) 34, 44 Voice with Asheida (6+) 33, 44 Volleyball: Competitive (19+) 51 Volleyball: intermediate (19+) 51 Volleyball: Recreational (19+) 51 Volleyball Skills Clinic: All Levels (19+) 51 Volleyball Skills Clinic: int & Comp (19+) 51 Watercolour Painting (20+) 44, 52 West end Soccer Academy (2-5) 28 West end Soccer Academy (5-12) 31 What's Going on inside that newborn’s Brain Anyway? (19+) 22, 38 Winter Vegetable and herb Growing (19+) 40 Woodworking: Assessment Test (19+) 43 Wdwk'g: Carved & Sculptured Vessel: Level 2+ (19+) 42 Woodworking: Drop-in (19+) 43 Wdwk'g: hand Tools Demystified: Level 1 (19+) 42 Woodworking: Level 1 (19+) 43 Woodworking: Level 2 (19+) 43 Woodworking: Level 3 (19+) 43 Wdwk'g: Making A Lidded Box: Level 2 (19+) 42 Woodworking: Safety Orientation (19+) 43 Yoga for happy hips & a healthy Spine (16+) 48 Your Compass Within (19+) 38 Youth Gym (VCh Partnership) (14-24) 35 Zumba® (19+) 47 Zumba® at noon (19+) 47
fRee couRses
fRee couRses
Arts Drop-in for Street Youth (15-25) 35 Ballet Fit: Free Trial (19+) 46 Ball hockey: Advanced (Goalie Only) (19+) 50 Ball hockey: Recreational (Goalie Only) (19+) 50 Chronic Pain Self-Management (19+) 36 Crazy Coyote Runners (19+) 36 Dances from Cameroon: Free Trial (19+) 45 Discussion Group for Gay Senior Men (55+) 53 eSS: introduction (16+) 36 express Your Voice Choir (55+) 52 Findings/Trouvailles: Dance Project (19+) 46 Friday night Youth Drop-in (10-18) 35 halloween Trick or Treat Through Yaletown 26 hip-hop Culture: Program for Youth (14-25) 35 indoor Bootcamp: Free Trial (19+) 48 kids' Movie at the Roundhouse – Oct & Dec 26 Mah Jong (20+) 57 Morning Tai Chi exercise/Yuen Gi Dance (19+) 54 nePP: Apartment Living earthquake Prep (16+) 36 Philosophers' Café 36 Radix Physical Theatre Workout (16+) 35, 45 Real estate Open house info Sessions (19+) 36 Roundhouse Ageless Dancers (55+) 52 Roundhouse Poetry Circle (55+) 38, 53
Saturday Youth Open Gym (12-18) Self-Defence: Free Trial for Adults (16+) Self-Defence: Street Smarts: Ttrial Class (8-15) Solstice Communal Lantern Project (All Ages) Solstice Processional Drumming Wkshp (16+) Soukouss African Dance for Women: Trial (12+) Strength and Stretch: Free Trial (19+) This Paper Was Once My heart Thu Aft'n Pre-Teen/Youth Open Gym (8-18) Vancouver Volunteer Corps (VVC) (16+) Woodworking: Assessment Test (19+) Youth Gym (VCh Partnership) (14-24) Zumba®: Free Trial (19+)
neW couRses 35 49 33 41 41 46 47 57 35 36 43 35 47
neW couRses Baby’s First Dance (8 wks – pre-crawlers) 24 Basketball Skills (7-12) 31 Chair Yoga (25+) 49, 56 Dances from Cameroon: Free Trial (19+) 45 Dances from Cameroon (19+) 45 Danish Christmas Decoration Workshops (8+) 40 Developmental Play with Babies (19+) 23 Discussion Group for Gay Senior Men (55+) 53
elsie Roy noon hour: Bricks 4 kidz (7-12) 29 Feature Film (7-12) 28 Gymnastics Dance (4.8-11) 29 Pickleball (7-13) 28 essential ADhD Workshop (19+) 26, 37 French for Children: Beginners (8-12) 32 Guided Open Art Studio (19+) 44 hip-hop Dance (6-8) 32 Latin Funk Dance for kids (6-10) 32 Radix Physical Theatre Workout (16+) 35, 45 Self-Defence: Free Trial for Adults (16+) 49 Self-Defence: Street Smarts (8-15) 33 Self-Defence: Street Smarts for Adults (16+) 37, 49 Self-Defence: Street Smarts: Trial Class (8-15) 33 Strength and Stretch (19+) 47 Strength and Stretch: Free Trial (19+) 47 This Paper Was Once My heart 57 Toddler & Parent Creative Dance (confident walkers – 2 yrs) 24