December 23 & 30, 2016 | Vol. 4, Number 52 |
December 23 & 30, 2016 | Vol. 4, Number 52 |
City settles $4M RM Staffing lawsuit Manager Marcus Serrano, has yet to be determined as well, but will be the subject of an upcomAs a result of a yearlong class ing decision by the City Council. action lawsuit, the city of Rye Members of the council, inwill pay out $1 million to a group cluding Sack, have alluded to a of former Rye Golf Club wait- previous settlement of $1.55 milstaff who sought unpaid over- lion, awarded to the city this year time and tips. after a lawsuit filed against its The tentative settlement agree- insurance carrier, as a potential ment—which was reached between source of that settlement award. city4,and more than52 50 former The lawsuit, which was origiDecember 23 & 30, 2016 |the Vol. Number | employees last week—will punc- nally filed in 2013, relates to montuate an era of fallout relating to the ies stolen by Yandrasevich—who embezzlement of at least $250,000 was convicted in 2015 of grand in city funds by former club general larceny and falsifying records and manager, Scott Yandrasevich, over has since been released on parole a six-year period. after serving one year in state “We are very pleased to have prison—over a six-year period this agreement in principle in between 2007 and 2012. place,” said Mayor Joe Sack, Using “RM Staffing,” Yandraa Republican. “Once the writ- sevich billed the city for fabriten agreement is signed, we will cated services provided by nonhave successfully put behind us existent employees, meanwhile, the last remnant of the Rye Golf other real waitstaff employed by Yes, 2016 was a memorable year in more ways than one for the city of Rye. For a recap Club scandal.” Yandrasevich went unpaid. Previously, Pelton and the Over the course of the negoof the defining issues that helped shape the local community, see page 6. class sought $4 million in dam- tiations between the two parties, ages relating to the unpaid wages disgruntled waitstaff involved in and tips that weren’t disbursed to the litigation has picketed outside employees working under Yan- of Rye City Council meetings, one of his shell replete with signs and chanting, December 23 & 30, 2016drasevich | Vol. 4, for Number 52 | not specify what that distance need to revise the language of of a school unless the weapon is staffing companies, “RM Staff- on what they felt has been an unBy COREY STOCKTON will be. According to Village the law, as state and federal laws unloaded and stored in a locked ing”; the $4 million also account- due wait in compensation. Staff Writer Now, with both the class action Administrator Chris Bradbury, which regulate gun licensing and case, a provision within the law ed for hardship and interest. According to City Attorney suit and litigation against the city’s After proposing a local law to Rye Brook is seeking input from distribution could pre-empt the allows gun shops to operate Kristen Wilson, just how much, insurance carrier in the rear view, regulate where gun stores would the Planning Board on whether local law. within the 1,000-foot zone. be permitted to open within the the distance should be 400 feet The law was proposed as a Harrison officials have said and when each participant in the according to Sack, the city will village, the Rye Brook Board of or 500 feet. The law would give proactive measure after a gun they are also considering legis- suit will be paid, has yet to be de- now work to mend both residents’ Trustees referred the draft legis- additional discretion to the vil- store in Harrison opened last lation to regulate the location of cided, but will likely happen after and employees’ relationship with lation to the Planning Board for lage board to approve or deny month on Halstead Avenue less gun retailers, although it is un- discussions between both parties, the club by hosting a gathering at further input on Tuesday, Dec. 13. the location of a gun store. than 1,000 feet away from one clear whether that law would ap- and a subsequent ruling by a judge. Whitby Castle this summer. Where the city money will In its current form, the law “What we’ve tried to do is to of the town’s elementary schools ply to the Halstead Avenue store, come from, according to City CONTACT: would amend a section of village create a law that regulates but and a local church, which L&L Sports. law to prevent commercial stor- doesn’t prohibit,” said Village prompted an online petition that However, according to Jonage and display of firearms, am- Attorney Edward Beane, adding has accumulated nearly 3,500 athan Kraut, an attorney for munition and explosives within that it would be a violation of the signatures as of press time. Harrison, there is currently no a certain distance from schools Second Amendment to prohibit Although the federal Gun- law related to gun shops in the Mayor Sack chronicles 1966 and religious buildings. The the sale of guns villagewide. Free School Zones Act prohibits See page 10. LAW continued on page 8 most recent draft of the law does But village attorneys may still carrying a gun within 1,000 feet
By JAMES PERO Staff Writer
Rye Brook proposed gun law shipped to Planning Board
December 23 & 30, 2016 | Vol. 4, Number 38 |