September 3, 2021 | Vol. 9, Number 33 | www.ryecityreview.com
Hochul provide update of state COVID numbers Gov. Kathy Hochul updated New Yorkers on Aug. 31, on the state’s progress combating COVID-19. “COVID-19 continues to spread across New York State and threaten the lives of New Yorkers, and we’re committed to driving vaccination rates up across the state,” Hochul said. “We’re working to get the vaccination
numbers up and requiring universal mask use to keep our children and school professionals safe, but we still need to reach New Yorkers across the state who haven’t received the shot. This pandemic is not over and the vaccine has now received full approval from the FDA, so don’t delay and get your shot right away.” (Submitted)
Data from Tuesday, Aug. 31 is summarized: • Test Results Reported - 95,579 • Total Positive - 3,789 • Percent Positive - 3.96% • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 3.35% • Patient Hospitalization - 2,234 (+48) • Patients Newly Admitted - 232 • Patients in ICU - 484 (+16) • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 247 (+18) • Total Discharges - 192,839 (+185) • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 22 • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 43,573
No looking back! Players from Rye and Lourdes battle for possession during a preseason scrimmage on Aug. 30, 2021. The Garnets are looking to contend for another title this season. For story, see page 8.
Photo/Mike Smith
Westchester County Youth Bureau calls for proposals The Westchester County Youth Bureau is requesting proposals from qualified proposers to conduct a countywide Community Needs Assessment specific to children, youth and families. The Needs Assessment will serve to identify existing resources, assess persistent needs, emerging trends and detect gaps in services. The proposal due date is Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. “Given the ripple effect of Covid-19 and the ongoing needs of children, youth, and families,
the Needs Assessment is timely and needed,” Westchester County Executive George Latimer said.“It is always our mission to better understand the needs of Westchester County’s residents which is why our leadership within the Youth Bureau and other departments are examining various aspects of the community.” Recognizing the breadth of this project, the Youth Bureau has created a workgroup comprised of Youth Board members and community stakeholders that
will collaborate with the selected contractor to support the Needs Assessment. “The Youth Bureau is committed to ongoing learning and informed decision making,” said Dr. DaMia Harris-Madden, Youth Bureau director. “For the past three years, we have planned and implemented policies to improve the quality of youth service delivery; yet, the Needs Assessment designed with a participatory evaluation lens, will strengthen our aims and identify the vast
strengths and opportunities where children, youth, and families are concerned.” The link to the proposal may be found at: https://rfp.westchestergov. com/rfp/extDetails/42380 Should a proposer have official questions regarding the RFP, they must submit their questions in writing to WCYBRFP@ westchestergov.com. General questions may be directed to the Youth Bureau at 995-2745. (Submitted)
The Health Electronic Response Data System is a New York State Department of Health data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only. • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 55,602 T his daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings. • Total vaccine doses administered - 23,665,694 • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 46,143 • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 367,128 • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 77.0% • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 69.9% • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 79.7% • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 71.6% • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 64.9% • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 58.5% • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 67.3% • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 60.0%