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May 22, 2020 | Vol. 8, Number 20 | www.eastchesterreview.com

Homemade With COVID-19 impacting the restaurant industry and food shortages a growing concern, one local chef has taken matters into his own hands building a greenhouse in the backyard of his Bedford home. For more, see page 6.

Virtual Memorial Day services highlight sacrifice By MIKE SMITH Sports Editor Even as several counties in the Hudson Valley are scheduled to begin the reopening process this week, ongoing restrictions due to the coronavirus outbreak conspired to force widespread changes to annual Memorial Day observances scheduled around Westchester County for May 25. But even though municipalities were unable to hold their traditional parades and public remembrances in honor of the men and women who gave their lives while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, many found other ways to express their gratitude to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation. While some municipalities invited residents to stagger visits to war memorials located inside the communities, others—including the cities of New Rochelle, Rye and White Plains—held virtual events to celebrate our fallen soldiers and their contributions to our country. Nicole Levitsky, Rye TV’s public access coordinator, helped put together one such event once it became apparent that social-distancing measures would

necessitate a different approach. “In Rye, Memorial Day is always a huge deal,” Levitsky said. “If you look at 2019, you can see how many people we had on the village green, not to mention in the parade.” Rye TV worked with city officials, as well as members of the American Legion Post 128—including Commander Fred de Barros—to produce a 30-minute video that streamed online at 10 a.m. and aired throughout the day on the city’s public access channel. “We had talked about possibly doing a service on zoom, but ultimately decided to videotape everyone separately,” Levitsky said. The service featured a reading of the names of Rye residents who have died while serving in the armed forces, as well as appearances by Rye Mayor Joshua Cohn and Westchester County Executive George Latimer, among others. Latimer commended the nation’s fallen heroes during his speech and said the day is a solemn reminder of the cost of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. “The plaque outside [Rye] City Hall represents the names of those who did not come back,” Latimer said. “That’s why Memorial Day exists, so we can re-

The memorial plaque outside of Rye City Hall is adorned with flags to commemorate Memorial Day. On May 25, Rye—and several other municipalities—were forced to honor fallen servicemen and women virtually. Photo/Mike Smith

member them, so that their sacrifice can never be forgotten.” As Americans grapple with a national health crisis that has claimed nearly 100,000 lives— more than were lost in the Korean and Vietnam wars combined—Latimer also spoke of the sacrifices made by countless Americans during the current pandemic and said that Memorial Day should be a reminder of one’s duty to the well-being of the nation at-large. “Every generation is called

to take some action that is over and above themselves. Now our generation has a different type of sacrifice in front of us, but on Memorial Day we have to remember what the ultimate sacrifice means,” he said. “The ultimate sacrifice is not just a sacrifice of our economic strength, it’s not the sacrifice of doing the things we’d like to do, it is a sacrifice of life; of everything we hold dear.” Contact: sports@hometwn.com

Mid-Hudson OK’d to reopen region, economy By CHRISTIAN FALCONE Editor-in-Chief After more than two months battling the deleterious effects of COVID-19, Westchester County took its first steps toward restarting the economy on Tuesday. The county, part of the Mid-Hudson Valley region, began “Phase One” of a reopening plan developed by New York State labeled “NY Forward.” The May 26 phased reopening, announced by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, at his May 23 press briefing, comes on the heels of the region reaching all seven metrics put in place by the state. The final hurdle was identifying enough contact tracers to meet the those guidelines. The entire state had been at a standstill ever since Cuomo put into effect “NYS on PAUSE,” on March 22, shutting down all non-essential business and services as well as implementing a statewide stay-at-home order to minimize the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and protect a vulnerable healthcare system. “The numbers are going down every day and we’re making real progress to stop the spread of this virus, and now we’re focusing on reopening,” Cuomo said. «We don›t want a region to reopen before its ready, and the Mid-Hudson Valley Region has now met all the criteria necessary to begin reopening.” The Mid-Hudson Valley joins the Capital Region, Western New York, Central New York, North Country, Finger Lakes, Southern Tier and Mohawk Valley regions, all of which are already in the first phase of reopening. Cuomo is optimistic that the Long Island region, with its number of deaths dropping and contact tracing coming together, could begin to reopen as soon as May 27, after press time. If so, that would leave just New York City as the remaining region still

on pause. But the hope is that region—the country’s epicenter for the contagion, accounting for roughly 16 percent of the 99,459 deaths nationwide—would begin its own reopening by mid-June. Now, as the state begins to try and piece itself back together, Westchester will restart by reopening just construction, manufacturing and supply chain jobs, retail stores for curbside pickup and drop-off or in-store pickup as well as agriculture, forestry and fishing.

“We’ve had a steady slow decline… we are now on the down slope. What we hope is to continue to show the metrics we need to show in order to justify, for the governor’s purposes, the ability to open the Hudson region.” – Westchester County Executive George Latimer

For the region to move into the second of a four-phase plan, major indicators—hospitalization rate and infection rate, most notably—cannot start to trend in the wrong direction. Each phase would run for a minimum of two weeks to serve as an assessment period, according to Westchester county officials. The latest data, as of May 22, showed that there were still 1,862 active COVID-19 cases in the county, according to Westchester County Executive George Latimer. But that number was down by about 100 from the day prior, a continued reduction in the numbers providing a sense of optimism for government officials in recent weeks. “Statistically, we continue to see trends in the same direction we have over the last seven ECONOMY continued on page 7

2 • THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020

THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020 • 3

Latimer lauds EMS for work during pandemic As EMS Week begins across the nation, Westchester County Executive George Latimer is saluting all paramedics and emergency medical technicians for the extraordinary work they have done during the COVID-19 crisis. “The people of Westchester are enormously grateful to our EMS providers for the courage and commitment they have demonstrated throughout this pandemic. On a daily basis, our EMS personnel—from commer-

“Every year during EMS Week, local communities come together to honor the selfless dedication of our medical personnel… This year EMS Week has taken on a whole new meaning, as we recognize that Westchester County’s EMS professionals are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. Now more than ever it is crucial that we celebrate our EMS professionals, and thank them for their continued efforts to support the health and well-being of Westchester County.” County Executive George Latimer

cial and career agencies to members of our Volunteer Ambulance Corps’—have put themselves at great risk to provide care to our citizens.” Latimer said EMS personnel have responded to numerous calls for service that involved persons who were suffering from

the COVID-19 virus. In addition, every response in recent months carried with it the potential for exposure to the coronavirus. “These EMS heroes have truly been at the forefront of our response to this pandemic. They have our admiration, appreciation and respect for the difficult and dangerous work they have been doing for months,” he said. Commissioner John M. Cullen of the Department of Emergency Services said the challenges facing the EMS community have never been greater. “Before this pandemic, our EMS personnel were already operating in highly stressed and physically demanding environments,” he said. “Then they were required to perform above and beyond their duties, caring for critical Covid-19 patients while delivering treatment in full Personal Protective Equipment. After each call they spent precious time decontaminating themselves and their equipment in order to prepare for the inevitable next Covid-19 patient requiring their treatment and transport. They regularly put their own health and safety secondary to patient care.”Latimer and Cullen also recognized the important service provided to the EMS community by the dispatchers at the county’s Emergency Communications Center, ECC, also known as 60 Control. The ECC provides dispatch services to the majority of EMS agencies in the county and coordinates all requests for EMS-related mutual aid. “The 60 Control Emergency Communication Operators are

obtaining and conveying pertinent patient information and pre-arrival instructions to responding Emergency Medical Service units. This ensures our EMS responders will don the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment prior to contact and care for a suspected Covid-19 patient,” Cullen added. EMS Week, which began on Sunday, May 17, was established in 1974 to celebrate EMS practitioners and the important work they do in our nation’s communities. Latimer noted that many businesses and residents all around Westchester have been paying tribute to EMS workers in multiple ways, including providing meals, posting signs of support, making donations and helping provide sanitizers, PPE and other critical supplies to their local agency. “EMS Week is the perfect opportunity for all of us to continue to say thank you to the EMS workers in our communities,” Latimer said. (Submitted)

4 • THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020

THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020 • 5

Letters to the Editor

Schleifer’s gun reform plan is our only hope

I’m voting Schleifer for Congress

To the Editor: I am a member of the Lockdown Generation. We are the generation of students who practiced pulling the blinds and hiding under desks as frequently as we “stopped, dropped and rolled.” We were the kindergarteners who sat in dark classrooms and giggled through stern shh-es, as we competed in a strange and unfamiliar silent game. We are the students who expect each new school year to bring presentations of the active shooter plan—and who know just how real the threat of an active shooter is. But most importantly, we are the human beings who are tired of being afraid. In his recent op-ed, congressional candidate Adam Schleifer revealed his understanding of what it means to be a member of the Lockdown Generation. Adam has experienced the spine-chilling fear of an active shooter threat, as one of his first-grade classmates pressed a loaded handgun into him and pretended to shoot. He has demonstrated his passion for keeping our communities safe from gun violence, has removed illegally possessed and illegal guns from the hands of dangerous criminals as a federal prosecutor. And Adam Schleifer’s gun reform plan, “STOP,”Securing Threats and Ongoing Protection, may just be our only hope. Schleifer’s plan includes five key actions: instituting universal background checks; implementing a ban on assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and other weapons of war; implementing red-flag laws that permit authorities to remove guns from those who are not deemed fit; regulating “ghost guns,” which are dangerous, untraceable weapons made by individuals using kits or 3D printers; and holding gun manufacturers accountable for their role in perpetuating gun violence. There is no escaping the abhorrent impact that gun violence has on our community. More than 100 Americans are killed by guns each day, and firearms are the leading cause of death for American children and teens. As students, parents, teachers and human beings, it is our responsibility to elect leaders that will respond to the extreme threat of gun violence with urgency, efficiency and strength. Adam Schleifer knows how to fight gun violence and protect our schools and public spaces. That’s why, on June 23, I’m voting to elect Adam Schleifer for Congress.

To the Editor: am writing to urge my fellow residents of New York’s 17th Congressional District to vote for Adam Schleifer for Congress in the upcoming New York primary on June 23. Adam believes passionately in treating climate change with the urgency it deserves, adopting sensible national gun control laws, eliminating Trump’s tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and restoring deductions for state and local taxes. He also has a great national service plan for helping young people give back to the community and earn free years of college in the process. I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Adam during the course of this campaign and am convinced that he is the most qualified of the many candidates vying for the seat being vacated by Nita Lowey. Like most of the other candidates, Adam is super smart and super informed about the issues. Unlike most of the other candidates, Adam combines genuine caring with the steely toughness of a former prosecutor. He will fight passionately for all of us and get things done. Please vote for Adam on June 23rd. You can get more information about him at https://adamschleifer.com.

Carley Lerner, New Rochelle

Brendan Marx, Briarcliff Manor

Schleifer is most qualified candidate To the Editor: Having just watched the Women’s League of Voters Congressional Town Hall panel of candidates, I am convinced that Adam Schleifer is the No. 1 person to work for the same principles of the outgoing incredible Congresswoman Nita Lowey. Adam will do all in his power to stand up for the rights of every citizen in the 17th District. His experience as a former federal prosecutor and consumer protections regulator gives him the ability to fight against the bullies and fraudsters, as he fought against fraud and abuse. He knows we need a recovery plan after this pandemic, which includes fighting for assistance for small business, reforming the SALT act (restrictive tax deductions), keeping people employed and healthcare for all. Adam will make sure our country is prepared in case there is a second round of COVID- 19 because he is aware of the catastrophic disaster the virus caused when it was shown our government wasn’t prepared to deal with it. He will also fight for climate change and gun control. He will fight for all and rebuild our capacity to respond to anything that comes our way. Harriet Zeller, Mount Kisco

6 • THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020


REVIEW P.O. Box 485 White Plains, N.Y. 10602 Tel: (914) 653-1000 Fax: (914) 653-5000

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Letters The community’s opinion matters. If you have a view to express, write a letter to the editor by email to chris@hometwn.com. Please include a phone number and name for verification purposes. Community Events If you have an event you would like to share with the community, send it to news@hometwn.com. Delivery For home delivery or to subsribe, call (914) 653-1000 x27. Classifieds & Legals To post your notices or listings, call (914) 653-1000 x27. Postmaster Send address changes to The Review c/o HomeTown Media Group, P.O. Box 485 White Plains, N.Y. 10602 Visit us online www.hometwn.com

The Review is published weekly by Home Town Media Group for an annual subscription of $45. Application to mail at the periodicals postage rate is approved at White Plains, N.Y., 10601. Periodicals postage paid at White Plains and additional mailing offices.

Westchester chef builds greenhouse to help prevent food shortages Whether he’s in the kitchen, penning his cookbooks—or working the stove in one of his eight-and-growing establishments, Chef Rafael Palomino is the consummate creator and astute businessman. Today his many restaurants—his menus and his success—represent the culmination of his artistry and business savvy; he knows food, and he knows how people relish their dining experiences. Palomino is living testament to his own motto, “If you dream it, you can live it!” Open any of

his cookbooks, or enter any of his establishments, and you’ll soon see—and taste—the successful combination of Palomino-style ingredients. With the onset of COVID-19 vastly impacting the restaurant industry, many chefs and restauranteurs are challenged to think outside of the box when it comes to running their business. With food shortages around the corner, Palomino built an 800-squarefoot greenhouse—complete with its own sprinkler system—in the backyard of his Bedford home to

ensure the quality and freshness of his ingredients. Growing items like beets, eggplant, tomatoes, chives, cilantro, radicchio, carrots and corn allow him to continue to source and stock his restaurants, including Sonora in Port Chester, with local produce. In a few short months, many items on his menu—from his Street Corn (roasted corn on the cob topped with light mayo or queso fresco) to his Eggplant Meatballs in Romesco sauce—will benefit from the Palomino greenhouse. (Submitted)

THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020 • 7 ECONOMY from page 1

Westchester County Executive George Latimer appears on MSNBC with Katy Tur on March 10 to discuss the initial spread of COVID-19 in the city of New Rochelle.

weeks,” said Latimer while providing a virtual press briefing on May 22 from Mount Kisco. “We peaked in the latter part of March, the first week of April when those were the worst set of numbers... we’ve had a steady slow decline… we are now on the down slope. What we hope is to continue to show the metrics we need to show in order to justify, for the governor’s purposes, the ability to open the Hudson region.” But the toll the public health crisis has taken on the Westchester community has been immeasurable. In total, 1,319 county residents, as of May 22, have died of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. “[On May 21] we lost six Westchester residents. The

night before it was eight…. That compares to its peak of 45, 50 people dying,” Latimer said. “So, the rate of fatalities is dropping but there is still a spread of this disease that we have to deal with.” As Westchester restarts its economy, paramount for county leaders is balancing loosening restrictions while making sure there isn’t an additional spike of COVID-19 cases. One of the biggest decisions was to open county beaches to Westchester residents only for the Memorial Day Weekend, beginning on Friday, May 22. Latimer said Westchester-owned beaches—Playland Beach and Croton Point Beach—would close on Tuesday, May 26 through Thurs-

day, May 28 so county officials could assess how the opening weekend went. Beachgoers were expected to maintain social distancing and wear masks when using the restrooms or walking along the premises of the beach or parking lot. “If we can manage that over the course of this weekend we would plan to keep those beaches open next weekend,” he said. Typically, county beaches don’t open during weekdays until the end of the school year in late June, but since schools have already canceled the remainder of the year, Latimer said opening beaches sooner is something being considered. CONTACT: chris@hometwn.com

8 • THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020

League cancels BOE candidate forums

Due to COVID-19 concerns, The League of Women Voters of Rye, Rye Brook and Port Chester will not be hosting Board of Education candidate forums this year prior to June 9 election vote. In keeping with our mission to educate the public on candidates and policy issues that impact our communities, we are pleased to have offered candidates from each of the four corresponding school districts (Rye City, Rye Brook, Port Chester and Rye Neck), the opportunity to present themselves to the public. All candidates were sent a list of questions to answer. Submissions in video or written will be posted to the League Website: https:// my.lwv.org/new-york/rye-ryebrook-port-chester and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ LWVRRBPC.

The questions sent to the candidates are: 1. Qualifications: How would you best describe the current state of your district and why should voters elect you to lead its future? 2. Student issues: How have and/or would you improve the quality of teachers, the curriculum, and school facilities in your district? 3. Financial issues: Property taxes remain the most important issue to voters. How can you provide relief to the taxpayers and ensure a balance between property values and the quality of education? 4. Challenges: What do you feel are the major decisions the board has made in the last year and will make in the coming year, and what is your position on those decisions?

5. What do you propose the district should do to address the new normal in delivering quality education post the COVID-19 crisis? This includes, lost schooling, new learning alternatives, and a healthy and safe environment. Pursuant to Gov. Cuomo’s executive order on April 24, all eligible voters will be mailed an absentee ballot application for the presidential and local primary elections being held on June 23. These mailings will include a postage paid return envelope. If you do not receive the application by June 1, call the Westchester County Board of Elections at 995-5285. More information and voter registration forms can be found at www.elections.ny.gov/ votingregister.html. Additional information about school board elections and state and federal primary elections can also be found on the league website, my.lwv.org/new-york/ryerye-brook-port-chester. For questions, please contact Douglas French, vice president, or Robyn Weintraub, director. (Submitted)

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THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020 • 9

Rye City & Harrison Home Sales Listings provided by the office of Westchester County Clerk Timothy C. Idoni Photos courtesy Zillow.com, Trulia.com, Hotpads.com, Spotproperty.com & Maps.google.com

1 Honeysuckle Lane, Rye 4/15/20 $1,920,000

1 Landmark Square, Port Chester 4/22/20 $215,000

10 Haines Boulevard, Port Chester 4/13/20 $623,000

1062 Boston Post Road, Rye 9/23/19 $940,131.88

11 Glendale Road, Harrison 4/2/20 $1,650,000

112 Columbus Ave., W. Harrison 4/20/20 $615,000

114 Wesley Ave., Rye 3/3/20 $302,500

12 Belle Fair Road, Rye Brook 4/3/20 $959,000

12 Flagler Drive, Rye 4/3/20 $1,800,000

121 Carroll Ave., Rye 4/13/20 $822,500

13 Loch Lane, Rye Brook 3/12/20 $700,000

133 Grandview Ave., Rye 3/20/20 $2,825,000

14 Pheasants Run, Harrison 3/18/20 $3,865,400

159 Franklin Ave., Harrison 4/16/20 $578,000

17 Lavender Lane, Rye Brook 4/24/20 $1,114,036

2 Cricklewood Lane, Harrison 4/20/20 $999,999

10 • THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020

Don’t miss out virtual events in Westchester staying in doesn’t mean losing out! For easy access to the below information please visit: https://tinyurl.com/HomeTown-May-Virtual Hudson Valley Writers Center

Sunday, May 24 from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Craft and Self in Poetic Forms with Cynthia Manick via Zoom Join poet, teacher, editor and curator Cynthia Manick as she returns to HVWC (via Zoom) to teach another incredible craft class/poetry workshop. Space is limited. Sign up now. Manick is the author of “Blue Hallelujahs” and editor of “Soul Sister Revue: A Poetry Compilation.”

Tuckahoe Public Library

Qigong and Tai Chi has been shown to very beneficial for balance, coordination, blood circulation and general health and well being, something that is vital in these times. Shifu Alex Lamas has been training and teaching Kung Fu and Tai Chi for 20 years, in 2001 he became an instructor at Kwan’s Kung Fu. As a Kung Fu and Tai Chi teacher, Sifu Lamas has brought his program to schools, campuses, Buddhist temples and senior centers across Westchester County. He has also been studying meditation for 20 years and is an official tour guide at Chuang Yen Monastery in Kent, New York. Please register https://zoom.us/ meeting/register/tJUuc-GqqTIuGdNWtsckpiEKj-ENdpDtqNh9

Wednesday, May 27 from 11 a.m. to 11 a.m. Online Pre-K Yoga Ages 2.5 - 5 years

Tuesday, May 26 from 11 a.m. to 11 a.m. Online Babytime, ages 0-2

Please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/ meeting/register/tZIkdeCrqD8tHdarI2Gxk42pkQvBgg2rytYD

Please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpde2tpzgjH9IvOhzc26zwZ0QwNj_kCe4N

Friday, May 29 from 11 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Tuesday, May 26 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Virtual Meditation

Please register https://us02web. zoom.us/meeting/register

Are you interested in starting a meditation practice? Come join us for an informative and experiential session on starting your own meditation practice. Discover this ancient method for transforming the mind and its wide applications to personal growth and health care. Learn about free online resources available to you to develop your practice (from the Westchester Library System and from the internet). A Mindful Meditation will be practiced. Hosted by Linda Ahern, TPL reference librarian, Reiki master, yoga and meditation student and enthusiast. The Meditation Group will be a continuing series devoted to the practice of meditation. Look for our newsletter to find future offerings, dates and times. Registration is required. The link to the Zoom class will be sent to you before the Meditation class!

Thursday, May 28 from 2 p.m. to 2 p.m. Zoom Preschool Storytime with Ms. Teresa

Please register at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/ tJUodOGgrTsiGNGiPNgD9XMrxWxODHbhTFBk

Tuesday, May 26 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. After Work Hour Online Qigong & Taichi with Shifu Alex Lamas

Online Kid’s Story Time

Eastchester Public Library

Join Ms. Teresa for a fun Zoom storytime as we will read a few favorite picture books and then we will have sing-alongs together. We’ll have a “take-home” activity after our reading. Sign up via email to the listed contact. This is a one-time registration for the semester, you don’t need to sign up again if you have signed up for the previous session. Once registered, you’ll receive a Zoom link around 8 p.m. the night before. Contact Teresa Chang at tchang@ wlsmail.org.

Rye Free Reading Room

Monday, May 25 from 7 p.m. to 7 p.m. Neighborhood Game Night

Join us for a virtual, all-ages game night! You will compete against others in fun games for victory! We’ll also meet in Zoom so we can all ‘hang out’ while we play! Please put the age(s) of any child(ren) playing in the notes section to help us pick an age-appropriate game. The Jackbox games pictured are

ideal for ages 10+! Details about which games will be played and the Zoom meeting link will be sent the day before. Contact Sarah Prosser at sprosser@ryelibrary.org.

Monday, May 25 from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Grown-up Game Night Grab a laptop and a phone/tablet/ or other mobile device, and settle in with a beverage of your choice for a game night of Jackbox hosted by one of our librarians! The details for joining the game via Zoom will go out the day before, so please register with an email address you check regularly. Contact Sarah Prosser at sprosser@ryelibrary.org.

Tuesday, May 26 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Rye Dish: Cookbook Discussion Group Join a new, virtual cookbook and food discussion group! Pick a recipe (or two!) of your choice, prepare it at home, and join in with the group to talk about it. This week we are featuring recipes from popular food blog “Smitten Kitchen.” Try your hand at one of her “pantry” recipes (great for quarantine!), 5 ingredients or fewer recipes, or even a weeknight favorite! Register with an email you check regularly so we can send the information for joining the Zoom meeting! Contact Lisa Dettling at Ldettling@ryelibrary.org.

Thursday, May 28 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wine Down with Rye Free Reading Room Pour yourself a glass of wine, (or beverage of your choosing) and join us as we listen to a podcast and chat about it afterwards. Stay tuned for podcast and zoom details! Contact Susan Aufrichtig at 845-276-4358 or Saufrichtig@ ryelibrary.org.

Friday, May 22 and 29 from 10 a.m. to 10 a.m. Story Time with Ms. Sam! Baby time Join Ms. Sam for some entertaining and engaging stories for babies. Facebook Live.

Friday, May 22 and 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Story Time with Ms. Sam! Toddler time Join Ms. Sam for some entertaining and engaging stories for Toddlers+. Facebook Live.

Saturday, May 23 and 30 from 2 p.m. to 2 p.m. Baby-wearing dance class Join Ms. Sam & Baby Hunter on Facebook live, or follow along afterward to get your weekend workout with baby! Wear comfy clothes and your favorite babywearing device. Don’t forget your water! Shout out to all our rock star parents out there. Take a break from the work-from-home groove and bust a move! Contact Samantha Mairson at Smairson@ryelibrary.org. Facebook Live

starring Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Willem Dafoe, Kristin Scott Thomas and Colin Firth, anytime before May 29 on our free HOOLPA streaming service. The film is rated R. To join Reference Librarian Paul Doherty for this live online discussion through Zoom, request an invite by logging onto https://www.larchmontlibrary.org/ programs/film-screening-and-discussion-with-paul-doherty-onzoom/

Town of Pelham Public Library

Tuesday, May 26, and Wednesday, May 27 from 10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Saturday, May 23 Online Story Time with from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Yoga with Damien Germino online Mr. Oz on Facebook Live! Join Mr. Oz online for storytime via through Zoom Larchmont Public Library

Damien is back on Saturdays! Instructor Damien Germino guides participants to understanding the poses and breathing techniques that will bring peace and beauty to relieve stress while you stretch. When practiced regularly, yoga can have profoundly positive physical effects. To join Damien for this live online Yoga class through Zoom, request an invite by logging onto https://www.larchmontlibrary.org/ programs/yoga-with-damien-germino-online

Tuesday, May 26 from 2 p.m. to 2 p.m. Celebrating the Sketchbook with Frank Connelly on Facebook Live Join Reference Librarian Frank Connelly and celebrate Washington Irving’s “The Sketch Book” and the 200th anniversary of its publication. To join the event, visit https://www.larchmontlibrary.org/ programs/celebrating-the-sketchbook-with-frank-connelly-on-facebook-live-2020-05-12/

Friday, May 22 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Triumph of Woman Suffrage with David Osborn on Zoom 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of women earning the right to vote. Join Historian David Osborn for a live online presentation about the history of the Women’s suffrage movement. Osborn is the historian at the St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site in Mount Vernon. To join Osborn for this live online discussion through Zoom, request an invite by logging onto https:// www.larchmontlibrary.org/ programs/triumph-of-woman-suffrage-with-david-osborn-on-zoom/.

Friday, May 29 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Film Screening and Discussion with Paul Doherty on Zoom Watch the 1996 Academy Award winning film “The English Patient”

Facebook Live. Go to this event on our Facebook page and click the red “live” button. We will also be archiving Mr. Oz’s story times on Facebook.

Saturday, May 23 from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Virtual Spanish Language Story Time via Zoom Led by Pelham resident Michelle Simon, this program for pre-schoolers will include Spanish language read-alouds and songs. Please email Children’s Librarian Mr. Oz beforehand for the Zoom link to enter at ocotochang@ wlsmail.org.

Down to Earth Larchmont Farmers Market

Saturday, May 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Larchmont Farmers Market

The Down to Earth Larchmont Farmers Market is now operating on a pre-order and pick up basis only. Schedule a pickup time slot. 1) Download the WhatsGood Marketplace app order seafood, meat, eggs, bread, baked goods, pickles, cheese, fruit, vegetables, olive oil and more by 11:59 p.m. on the Thursday before the market. 2) Schedule a pick up time slot and pick up at the front of the Metro-North parking deck on Saturday between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Time slot assignments help us spread pickups throughout market hours to avoid crowding. They are not appointment times. You may be asked to wait in line. Please maintain 6 feet of distance between you and the people around you. Please wear a mask. No dogs in the market area. Unless a shopper requires physical assistance only one person should come to pick up the orders to avoid crowding. Bring both a confirmation of your pick up time registration and your order details to facilitate entry and pick up. You will be picking up packages directly from the vendors so you will move through the market more quickly if you know where you need

to go. Follow us on Facebook at @ LarchmontFarmersMarket or sign up for our weekly email at http:// eepurl.com/dl6I7 for market alerts.

Westchester Circus Arts

Wednesday, May 27 at 4 p.m. Mr. Amazing’s Circus Corner

Join Mr. Amazing in the Circus Zoom Room for 30 minutes of circus, vaudeville, magic and making stuff. The only live, interactive circus event of its kind where kids get to learn new skills in real time, creating their own circus props and learning the art of balancing, focus and how to learn to learn anything! MATERIALS TO BRING THIS WEEK: Bring 4-6 sheets of blank paper, a pair of scissors, Scotch/ masking tape. But this time, color or decorate half of each page with crayons, paints or cut and paste your favorite images on each page. We have a special surprise we are going to make. The first 100 kids get in to the Circus Zoom Room! Get there early to hear our circus music on the pre-show. And bring your questions for Mr. Amazing. He wants to hear from you! Meeting ID: 964 3865 6235 Password: Circus123 FREE OR DONATE: Venmo @ MrAmazings CircusCorner

Thursday, May 28 at 12:30 p.m. Conditioning: Grounded Aerialist Workout Sign up https://app.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule. php?owner=19423395&template=class All classes and virtual lessons are through the ZOOM app. Classes are donation basedVenmo: @Miss360 Paypal: miss360hoops@gmail.com

Thursday, May 28 at 3 p.m. Hooping for kids Sign up https://app.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule. php?owner=19423395&template=class All classes and virtual lessons are through the ZOOM app. Classes are donation basedVenmo: @Miss360 Paypal: miss360hoops@gmail. com. Free!

Community listings for the month of May have been provided courtesy of Burbio. For more information, please visit burbio.com.

THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020 • 11


Urgent call to establish a federal office of men’s health Nearly every person in America is affected in one way or another by the COVID-19 pandemic. However men and women in some minority groups are dying at the highest rates. In the U.S., males are almost 50 percent more likely to die from coronavirus. And that jarring gender disparity is reflected in other countries as well, with male death rates ranging from 60 percent in China to 70 percent in Italy. The public health impact of this is broad. The increased illness rates for men is dominating ICU space, creating enormous medical expense and endangering medical staff. Male workers in areas vital to the economy are being lost to illness and death. The economic slowdown is heavily leveraged by men being too ill to work, workplaces no longer being safe and the likelihood of mens’ jobs being lost. Sicker men means more contagion from men to everyone else. It is time for an Office of Men’s Health because preventable male death and illness is decreasing the quality of life for everyone. The magnitude of the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 in males may come as a surprise to some. But it shouldn’t. The fact is that males have had higher death rates than females in many previous epidemics and pandemics, including SARS, MERS and the iconic flu epidemic of 1918. Scientists have yet to pinpoint the exact causes of this difference, but they’ve identified four important factors. 1. Men have weaker immune systems than women. This is part of our genetic makeup and can’t be changed. As a result, males, from conception through old age, are generally less able to fight infections than females, leaving them more susceptible to getting sick from the coronavirus or any other disease-producing microbe. It also means that males will generally have more severe reactions to diseases and will more likely die. 2. Boys and men in America live shorter, sicker lives than girls and women, dying at younger ages and in larger numbers from nine of the “The magnitude of the disprotop 10 causes of death. The causes of higher male death rates include high-blood pressure, diabetes and lung disease; the very same ones portionate impact of COVID-19 in that are considered high-risk factors for severe illness and death with males may come as a surprise to COVID-19. This has been true for more than 50 years. As bad as this some. But it shouldn’t…. Boys is for males in general, men of some minority groups with pre-exist- and men in America live shorter, ing conditions, and socioeconomically disadvantaged men, have even sicker lives than girls and womhigher rates of disease and death. 3. Males are more likely than females to engage in behaviors that en, dying at younger ages and in increase their risk of illness. For example, more males than females larger numbers from nine of the smoke and males tend to wash their hands less frequently and not as top 10 causes of death.” completely as do females; yet another factor identified as a hazard during pandemics. 4. Males are half as likely as females to seek medical attention early on in a medical condition. This undoubtedly contributes to the fact that more women are testing positive for coronavirus (if you don’t get tested, you don’t get counted). It also means that instead of being quarantined and treated or hospitalized, boys and men with the virus are remaining in their communities where they are likely to infect others. Ironically boys and men are also disproportionately affected by the most effective pandemic

preventive: social distancing. Overall, males have fewer social networks than females and are more likely to feel socially isolated. At the same time, men who lose their jobs, particularly those in lower socioeconomic areas, are likely to respond by self-medicating with drugs and/or alcohol. In healthy economic times with low unemployment rates, American males already account for 66 percent of opiate-related deaths and 75 percent of suicides. In times of economic crisis and high unemployment, the number of deaths is sure to rise. Many fear that we must also prepare for another pandemic, one of mental health issues and suicide, especially among males. One of the most important actions that can be taken in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is to shore up this nation’s ability to address the fundamental health status of all men and boys. This can be done by assessing structural and policy deficiencies in our health care infrastructure and by launching programs to specifically address the deadly gender disparities that affect men and boys. Preventable male death and illness is decreasing the quality of life for everyone. Men’s Health Network, MHN, and the National Black Men’s Health Network, the oldest and largest not-for-profit advocacy and education organizations in the world focusing on the wellbeing and health of boys, men and their families, believe that the most efficient way to effect this type of change is for Congress to create an Office of Men’s Health within the Department of Health and Human Services, HHS. The Office of Men’s Health would coordinate national initiatives and existing government programs, and allocate resources to address the health disparities seen in boys and men. It could also fund research, public policy initiatives, and educational outreach to boys, men and their loved ones aimed at enhancing their overall health and wellbeing. The Office of Women’s Health in HHS was created in 1991 and has had resounding successes in advancing the understanding of health issues in girls and women and in better serving their wellness and health needs. In the ensuing years, a number of other equally effective offices and agencies dedicated to women’s health have been formed. There is, however, not one single office within HHS or anywhere else in the federal government focusing on men and boys. MHN applauds the success of these women’s health entities in our government. We believe now is an opportune time to establish such capabilities to help address the health and wellness challenges faced by our nation’s boys and men not only during times of emergencies and pandemics like we face today, but all the time. Ana Tomšić, Vice president Men’s Health Network Jean Bonhomme,Founder and chairman, National Black Men’s Health Network Salvatore J. Giorgianni, Jr, Sr. science advisor Men’s Health Network Chair-Emeritus, American Public Health Association, Men’s Health Caucus Armin Brott, Men’s Health & Wellness author and advocate

To the brave “healthcare heros” who watch over my family and friends...

Thank you!

12 • THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020

Advertising that gets results Attorney BOY SCOUT COMPENSATION FUND - Anyone that was inappropriately touched by a Scout leader deserves justice and financial compensation! Victims may be eligible for a significant cash settlement. Time to file is limited. Call Now! 844-587-2494 Lung Cancer? And Age 60+? You And Your Family May Be Entitled To Significant Cash Award. No Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket. For Information Call 877-225-4813

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THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020 • 13

legal notices NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 5/1/2020. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 41 Forest Circle, New Rochelle. NY 10804. Notice of Formation of Bergogh Partners LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Purpose: any lawful activity.

NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 04/13/2020. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 44 Cortlandt Ave, New Rochelle. NY 10805. Notice of Formation of New Rochelle United For Business, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Purpose: any lawful activity.

NY Security of State (SSNY) on 04/10/2020. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of Small Steps Solution LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 81 Pondfield Rd, Suite D 1134, Bronxville, NY 10708. Notice of Formation of Small Steps Solution, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Purpose: any lawful activity.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Eastchester will hold a public hearing on TUESDAY, JUNE 9th, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the Town of Eastchester Town Hall, 40 Mill Road, Eastchester New York on the application of Gjon and Nora Nikolla for area variance to approve a rear addition with an excess floor area of 327 sq. ft. affecting the premises known as Section 51, Block 3, Lot(s) 11on the Tax Map of the Town of Eastchester, New York and known as 80 Grand Boulevard.

Notice of Formation of The Hardy Garden, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 03/30/20. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 175 Lincoln Ave, West Harrison, NY, 10604. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of MMZAK Holdings LLC Name: MMZAK Holdings LLC Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on March 13, 2020. Office Location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228 Purpose: to engage in any and all business for which LLCs may be formed under the New York LLC law. Notice of Formation of RLL Home Care Services , LLC. Arts of Org. filed with NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 03/11/20. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1 Renaissance Square Apt. 21BC White Plains NY 10601. Purpose: any lawful activity. NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 3/25/20. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 142 Woodland Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10805. Notice of Formation of Sheneka Dalmage Nurse Practitioner in Family Health, PLLC. Arts of Org. filed with Purpose: any lawful activity. NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 3/26/2020. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 65 Rockledge Rd. Suite TH, Bronxville, NY 10708. Notice of Formation of KRM Junk Removal Services, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of AutoGlass Solutions, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 02/21/20. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 133 Waverly Street ,Yonkers. NY 10701. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Customized Fitness, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with NY Secy State (SSNY) on 4/16/2020. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Catherine Florakis, 329 Stuart Drive., New Rochelle, NY 10804. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of Lightpath Search, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 3/26/2020. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1 Consulate Drive Apt. 3B Tuckahoe,NY 10707. Purpose: any lawful activity.


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NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 5/14/20. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 89 Park Lane West Harrison, NY 10604. Notice of Formation of SL Performance Consulting, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Purpose: any lawful activity. The Annual Return of the Arthur J. Gavrin Foundation, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2019 is available at its office at 1865 Palmer Avenue, Suite 108, Larchmont, NY for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days hereof. Principal Manager of the Foundation is David M. Gavrin. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Architectural Review Board of the Town of Eastchester will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 at 7:00pm at the Eastchester Town Hall, 40 Mill rd, Eastchester New York on the application of Adamo Maiorano for Architectural review approval to construct a 2 story rear and side addition, affecting the premises known as Section 56, Block 4, Lot(s) 24 on the tax map of the Town of Eastchester, New York and known as 100 Johnson rd, Scarsdale NY 10583. Notice of Formation of Malone Services, LLC. Dba Purely Clean Services. filed with NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 5/12/2020 Office location: Westchester County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 31 Parcot Ave., New Rochelle. NY 10801. Purpose: any lawful activity. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF THE SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEES OF THE MAMARONECK UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing of the qualified voters of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District, Westchester County, Mamaroneck, New York, will be held remotely at May 26, 2020 at 6:30 PM for the presentation of the budget document. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting and Election of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District, Westchester County, Mamaroneck, New York, will be held on June 9, 2020 for the purpose of voting upon: Adoption of the budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year; and Election of two members of the Board of Education for full three-year terms, beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2023, to succeed Sam Orans and Steve Warner. The vote will be exclusively by absentee voting. The canvassing of votes will occur at 5:00 PM on June 9, 2020 at Mamaroneck High School in the Post Road Gym. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any resident of the school district who wishes to be a registered voter for this election may register with the board of elections by submitting an on-line application for voter registration with the Department of Motor Vehicles at https://dmv.ny.gov/more-info/electronic-voter-registration-application. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that petitions nominating candidates for office of member of the Board of Education must be filed in the Office of the District Clerk, 1000 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York by 5:00 p.m. on May 11, 2020. Nominating petitions filed by email, fax or mail will be accepted. The District Clerk’s email address is jrice@mamkschools.org. There is no minimum number of signatures required on the nominating petition. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that copies of the text of any resolution which will be presented to the voters at this Annual Election and a statement of estimated expenses for the ensuing year will be completed and may be viewed on the District’s website on each day during the fourteen days immediately preceding said Annual Election, to wit, May 26, 2020 to June 9, 2020, inclusive, and also on said Annual Election Day. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any and all further propositions to be placed upon the ballot shall be by petition filed in the Office of the District Clerk not later than thirty days preceding the day of election, to wit, May 11, 2020, and shall be subscribed by not less than 93 qualified district voters. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the District Clerk will mail an absentee ballot to any identified qualified voter by no later than six (6) days before the election. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that military voters who are not currently registered may apply to register as a qualified voter of the school district. Military voters who are qualified voters of the school district may submit an application for a military ballot. Military voters may designate a preference to receive a military voter registration, military ballot application or military ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail in their request for such registration, ballot application or ballot. Military voter registration forms and military ballot application forms must be received in the office of the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 14, 2020. No military ballot will be canvassed unless it is received by the office of the District Clerk by no later than 5:00 p.m. on election day. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a Real Property Tax Exemption Report prepared in accordance with Section 495 of the Real Property Tax Law will be annexed to any tentative/preliminary budget as well as the final adopted budget of which it will form a part; and shall be posted on the District’s website. By order of the BOARD OF EDUCATION Joanne Rice / District Clerk

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14 • THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020

County announces $3.2M in federal COVID-19 funding Westchester to host virtual HS graduation ceremony A high school graduation ceremony is a rite of passage that occurs only once in a lifetime for students, as they close the chapter on their high school years and embark upon their college careers. It is a time of accomplishment, a time of reflection, a time of hope for a promising future— and a celebration for all who have worked so hard to earn their high school diploma. Although the COVID-19 pandemic may have altered high school graduations as we know them, county government wants to make sure that all hopes are not dashed for a 2020 graduation ceremony for Westchester’s seniors. We are asking all community leaders, teachers, parents, grandparents and siblings to record a short video on your smart phone to say congratulations and best of luck to the high school senior in your life. The video does not have to be long, and it is an easy way to get the entire community involved in a “virtual” graduation ceremony. Our high school seniors deserve to hear your words of praise, and know you are proud of all they have achieved.

Following a national trend of high school and college graduations ceremonies going virtual, Westchester County is asking all community leaders, teachers, parents, grandparents and siblings to record a short video on their smart phone to say congratulations to the high school senior in their life.

This move by the county follows a national trend of high school and college graduations ceremonies being canceled due to the coronavirus as impromptu virtual ones sprang up. The biggest of which was a two-hour CNN primetime special that aired on Saturday, May 16 to celebrate the millions of students whose graduations had been canceled. The second portion, “Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020,” was

a massive virtual commencement headlined by President Barack Obama. If you would like to participate in the Westchester County project, send your video to Communications@WestchesterGov.com. Eventually, we will have a string of congratulatory messages from citizens all over the county, in honor of Westchester County’s graduating Class of 2020. The deadline to submit a video is June 6. (Submitted)

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has notified Westchester County that there is $3.2 million in federal funding to aid in the county’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant money the county will receive will be available as soon as July.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has notified Westchester County that pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), emergency Community Development Block Grant, CDBG, and Emergency Solutions Grants, ESG, are available to aid in the county’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “On behalf of all of our local municipalities, funding from the CDBG and ESG programs will bring real relief by saving money for taxpayers who are struggling,” Westchester County Executive George Latimer said. “The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a tremendous financial strain, especially for those with low and moderate incomes. These federal dollars will go a long way towards helping our consortium communities, nonprofit organizations small businesses and micro-enterprises get back on their feet again.” The grant money the county will receive will be disbursed among the nonprofit organiza-

tions that assist residents, and small business micro-enterprises of the 27 Consortium municipalities in Westchester, with funds available as soon as July.“As New York’s first hotspot, it is imperative that Westchester County has all the tools they need to fight this pandemic on the frontlines and finally get on the road to recovery,” U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer said. “This funding is a vital first step to rebuilding, sending millions to bolster local economic growth, community revitalization, and affordable housing. These programs will deliver real results to Westchester residents—by creating good-paying jobs, delivering essential services that will help communities, and investing in affordable housing for our most vulnerable populations, which is why I fought so hard to secure these funds during the CARES Act negotiations.” Norma Drummond, commissioner of the county Department of Planning, also added, “There will be a critical need in early July to assist families with paying several months of back rent.

At the same time, offering assistance to small businesses that are the mainstay of our municipalities is also critical. We are thankful that these funds will be available to fill these gaps for so many of our Westchester families and businesses.” Available CDBG funds are as follows: • $380K available to assist nonprofits. • $400K available for emergency food distribution programs. • $1.2M available for micro-enterprise assistance. Available ESG funds are as follows: • $350K for non-profits to assist low income households with rental or utility arrears • $600K to assist low income households with short-term rental assistance Funding will be available to assist households and businesses within the 27 Consortium municipalities. The balance of funding will help to cover the administrative costs associated with these programs.(Submitted)

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THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020 • 15

Thor loser

whether or not he was justified in breaking the agreement is secondary to sports fans. BeLIVE MIKE cause Syndergaard, no stranger Mike Smith to Twitter beefs, took to social media to slam the landlord’s suit Before I begin, I’d like to of- and demonstrate a complete lack fer our readers a quick disclaimer: of awareness as to how badly I’m not a lawyer, nor have I ever us “civilians” are struggling in studied the ins-and-outs of real this pandemic. estate legalese. That being said, Syndergaard tore into the it’s my professional opinion that landlord over the weekend, tellNew York Mets pitcher Noah Syn- ing him he’d “See him in court.” dergaard is clearly guilty of being Then, on Monday, lashed out a knucklehead in the first degree. at fans who criticized him for For those that haven’t been fighting this battle publicly, paying attention, the Mets’ drawing some ill-informed comhurler has recently become em- parisons between his lease sitbroiled in another public spat— uation and the ongoing battle this time with a New York City between MLB players and ownlandlord who is claiming Syn- ers over prorated contracts that dergaard stiffed him on the rent threatens to hold up the resumpfor a $27,000 dollar-a-month tion of baseball. Surprisingly, Tribeca penthouse into which Syndergaard doesn’t seem to Thor never moved, after Tom- appreciate the irony that, in his my John surgery and the sub- own scenario, he is arguing on sequent coronavirus shutdown the side of baseball owners. scuttled the start of the MLB Ultimately, this isn’t about season. Syndergaard is being Syndergaard being right or sued for $250,000, the remain- wrong. It’s about his tone-deaf der of the lease agreement. But approach to the situation. With

more than 30 million Americans out of work, many struggling to pay the rent and relying on government assistance, the last thing sports fans want to hear about is a multi-million-dollar athlete feuding with his landlord over a six-month rental that is worth a couple of years salary for the average American. I don’t know if Syndergaard’s rants on Twitter were meant to portray him as the hero of the people in this situation, but if that was his intent, he failed miserably. He simply came across as yet another out-of-touch, whiny athlete who seems convinced that the injustices against him—be they real or imagined—are clearly of the utmost importance to the American public. Here’s a news flash for you, Noah; they’re not. It’s just another instance in which a superstar athlete proves just how little he has in common with the people who root for him. There are a lot of people in this country with more pressing problems than you at the mo-

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Over the last week, New York Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard has publicly feuded with a New York City landlord over unpaid rent on a Manhattan penthouse. The ensuing legal struggle won’t make Thor many new fans. Photo courtesy Wikipedia.org

ment, so maybe you can give the Twitter rants a rest for a bit. On the other hand, I do have to admire you for bringing the

sports world together in a time of uncertainty. After all, if you can get the common man to root for a landlord, you might just be

a special talent after all.

Follow Mike on Twitter @LiveMike_Sports






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16 • THE REVIEW • May 22, 2020

“Having my family at home in these crazy times makes me very happy! But I know one day, they will go back to work and rejoin other humans and I’m ok with that because that means I can catch up on my sleep.”

Stay positive and strong... you humans will be ok.

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