May 12, 2017 | Vol. 5, Number 19 | www.ryecityreview.com
Rye PD anonymous tip program proves successful By FRANCO FINO Staff Writer
Ken Jenkins, left, and George Latimer pause for a moment during the Westchester County Democratic Committee Convention on May 10. The two candidates are vying for the party’s nomination for county executive. For story, see page 9. Photo/Jen Parente
Sack proud to run on record, seek second term By CHRISTIAN FALCONE and FRANCO FINO Rye City Review Staff Saying there is still work to be done, Joe Sack will look to win another four years as mayor in November’s Rye City Council election. The Review confirmed his decision to run again in an exclusive interview with the mayor this week. “With the support especially of my wife and daughters, and with the utmost faith in the unlimited potential of our great city,” said Sack, a Republican, “I am proud to announce that I will seek a second term as mayor of Rye.” If re-elected, Sack told the Review he would like to focus his
next term on increasing field space and adding more parking options, including giving consideration to a parking deck behind the businesses near Smith Street and Purdy Avenue in the city’s shopping district. “People have been talking about parking for decades and no one has ever done anything about it,” he said. “I’d like to be the mayor that finally does something about it.” After missing out on an opportunity to purchase vacant land across from Rye Country Day School last year from the Thruway Authority that could have been transformed into new field space, Sack now plans to push harder to make it a reality. “I think we can work out a deal where the city doesn’t have to front so much money, maybe in a
partnership with Rye Country Day School,” he said. The mayor also hinted at the possibility of putting in a turf field at Sterling Field and reconfiguring Disbrow Park to create more field space. “I’d like to play a leadership SACK continued on page 8
The Rye Police Department’s anonymous crime tip program that was established by the public safety commissioner last July is steadily picking up steam as police continue to successfully utilize it to address the city’s drug and alcohol troubles. According to Public Safety Commissioner Michael Corcoran, the program was used in one of the Police Department’s latest busts on April 29 at 6 Barberry Lane, at the residence of Ron Goldstein and Joan Babchak, where approximately 30 under-aged individuals were observed drinking alcohol in and outside the private home. “The anonymous tip line has been really successful since last summer and has yielded some fruitful information in some of our ongoing investigations, including this one,” Corcoran said. During the investigation, several minors were detained and identified, including an unnamed 17-yearold male that was observed possessing an open container of beer. The public safety commissioner said the Police Department hasn’t handed out any charges in that investigation as of yet, but it expects to issue charges to a number of individuals that allegedly violated New York’s Alcoholic Beverage Control laws, which prohibits the sale of alcohol to minors. Corcoran, who joined Rye to serve as the city’s police commissioner in the beginning of 2016 from the West Orange Police Department, added that with the help of a number of other anonymous tips submitted through the
department’s tip line, city police are involved in several ongoing narcotic and alcohol-related investigations. He couldn’t elaborate on how many investigations were ongoing or detail how many individuals have been arrested as a result of the program, but said it’s ultimately aiding the department in its battle against drug and alcohol abuse. The Police Department’s bust at Barberry Lane was followed up with yet another incident on May 5 where officers arrived at 87 Hix Ave., and observed approximately 20 underage individuals drinking beer. In that incident, the homeowner’s 18-year-old son, James Chabot, was issued an ABC violation for Possession of Alcohol under 21 with intent to consume. Chabot’s mother, the homeowner, has not been issued any charges, as of press time. The anonymous tip program was established after a growing concern over a drug surge in the city. Since 2014, six former Rye High School students have died of drug and alcohol related causes. The program’s success marks a turnaround from the previous police administration, which was not keen on accepting anonymous tips, according to City Manager Marcus Serrano. The department allows residents to send tips multiple ways, including texting, emailing and via a link on the department’s website or Facebook page, to which all tips are relayed through a third-party provider, Citizen Observer. Corcoran said the program co mes in addition to a “zero tolerance”
INSIDE City develops immigration enforcement Story on page 5.
PD continued on page 11