Russell Sage College 2015-16 Viewbook

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When it comes to education,

MORE matters. Russell Sage’s motto since 1916 “esse. scire. facere.” expresses three timeless imperatives: “to be. to know. to do.” To celebrate our centennial, we ambitiously celebrate MORE: MORE excellence, MORE opportunity, MORE innovation, MORE of the forward thinking that has brought us to this moment. Get ready to:


Russell Sage College was founded by

Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage who in 1916 used her vast wealth, gained primarily through the railroad industry of her late husband Russell Sage, to improve opportunities for women. It was the middle of the Progressive Era, a period of social activism and political reform, and the last year before American involvement in World War I. Olivia’s words reflect the time perfectly – and still resonate today:

“You who today graduate from this new institution . . . are about to take up the serious work of life at a time when the liberty and happiness of all nations are being menaced. All activities of life must shortly be reorganized, and women must take a new place in the industries, arts and sciences. Never in the history of the world has the need been so great for trained workers, and for knowledge of how to teach others . . . May you, and all future graduates of the Russell Sage College, be a great power in the reconstruction work of the world.”


BE MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED The personal growth opportunities at a women’s college, with a coed partner campus in close proximity, are enormous. For 100 years Russell Sage has delivered on our promise of personal attention, rich in opportunity to interact with faculty, to establish meaningful connections with peers, and to network with alumnae. This is what you can expect from a 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio and average class size of 18.

THE SAGE COLLEGES • 12:1 student to faculty ratio

• average class size of





Together, The Sage Colleges—in essence a small university with multiple campuses and graduate schools—present students with MORE options than ever. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////





BE MORE OUTSIDE-THE-BOX independent. passionate. confident.

KIRSTEN ACKERMAN, RSC ’15 B.S. in Nutrition Science

“I remember exactly what I was thinking when I decided to spend four years at Russell Sage: ‘I will grow as a woman here.’ My classes gave me something to be passionate about, and I learned that it takes my initiative to make a difference.” IVANNA RAMOS FIGUEROA, RSC ’11 B.S. in Nursing


“Over the last four years I have seen myself become more open to trying new things and seizing every opportunity that came my way. I have become more independent and well-rounded through all this exposure to new activities.”


KARA HACKETT RSC ’13, Sage Graduate School ’15 B.S. in Health Sciences, minor in Psychology; M.S. in Occupational Therapy


“Many places in society today we feel, especially as young women, we have to hide who we really are. But at Sage, women are encouraged to be innovative thinkers, looking outside of the box, creating change and influence.”

“Since my first day on campus, Sage has given me a sense of community that I was missing because I was so far away from home. The staff, faculty, and other students have encouraged me to come out of my shell and strive for success, whether academically or socially. Without them, I would not be able to say that this shy girl is the president of student government.” TANESHA BEEBE, RSC ’16 B.A. in Biology


ACHIEVE MORE + BE INSPIRED hen you enroll at Russell Sage, you join the ranks of a long line of accomplished W women. They are heads of state and national agencies, ambassadors, CEOs and presidents, owners and inventors, teachers and health care professionals, authors and scientists.

“People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.” ELEANOR ROOSEVELT, RSC HONORARY DEGREE ’29 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Politician, diplomat and activist, Mrs. Roosevelt was also the longest-serving First Lady of the U.S. She gave speeches at Russell Sage, was awarded the college’s first-ever honorary degree in 1929, and served on the Board of Trustees at the end of World War II. The college regularly draws from Eleanor’s inspirational life and works in its courses and academic events, particularly her human rights achievements.


Russell Sage


A SAMPLING OF ALUMNAE: Diane O’Brien Murphy Graduating in 1998, Diane finessed her English degree with early experiences in computer technology to land her dream job at Facebook. She works at the famous Menlo Park campus in California as a content strategist, helping to design features and tools on Facebook, including the new “social resolution” feature. Diane cites the small classes and collaborate environment at Russell Sage as instrumental to her career. “I work in small teams, and I’m expected to be a team player and to contribute.” /////////////////////////////

Dr. Jessica M. Wilson With her B.S. in Environmental Science (RSC ’05), Jessica went on to earn her doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and to conduct important water-related research in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Manhattan


College. Her work explores the environmental impacts of disinfection by-products in drinking water and brine (salt) for ice control on roadways, as well as many critical topics within the energy-water nexus. Jessica is the recipient of several awards and grants, including the National American Water Works Association best dissertation award (second place) and a research grant from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. /////////////////////////////

Samantha Hall-Saladino Samantha is both the Fulton County, New York Historian and the Education Director at the Shaker Heritage Society and Museum in Albany. Her dual major—in English and History—served her well for these coveted positions, but Samantha credits the enthusiasm and support of her professors at Russell Sage for encouraging her to follow her heart. Today, she loves her multifaceted

work: “Working at a small museum gives you so much more flexibility and diversity in the roles you can play.” /////////////////////////////

Dr. Kristy M. Quackenbush-Orr Passionate about reducing mental health stigma and bringing awareness to mental health issues in her community, Kristy works as a psychologist in Florida specializing in anxiety, depression and biofeedback. A 2005 Russell Sage graduate, she went on to earn masters’ degrees in Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Psychology and her doctorate in Clinical Psychology. During her doctoral internship at Danville State Hospital, she assisted a treatment team with providing mental health services which led to her team being presented with the Team Innovation Award by the Governor of Pennsylvania and the Department of Public Welfare.

KNOW MORE ABOUT THE WORLD ussell Sage’s curriculum is grounded in both theoretical and practical learning—the perfect mix R for today’s careers. Its experiential approach is interdisciplinary, crossing disciplines and Sage’s two campuses. Whatever major you choose, you will acquire a solid foundation in liberal arts while pursuing in-depth study and active learning in your chosen major. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

“Russell Sage College has inspired me to become a better version of myself. It is more than just classes here; it is a community of people motivating each other to reach their highest potential. It is about setting goals, and conquering them. I have taken a strong interest in new topics and matters around the world. I have learned about issues I never knew existed, and I strive to learn more. My education is important, and I am positive that choosing to attend RSC has empowered me and helped mold me into a more well-rounded and intelligent woman.” CAITLIN BAILEY, RSC ’18 B.S. in Nutrition Science

Women in the W.O.R.L.D.

Women Owning Responsibility for Learning and Doing

Not your grandmother’s General Education This highly regarded Russell Sage program sets first-years on a path together to become citizens of the world. The course sequence culminates in a WORLD conference where students share their service learning projects in the community. WORLD 101: Reading Women’s Voices and Developing Our Own WORLD 201: Researching Girls’ and Women’s Lives Across the Curriculum WORLD 401: Women Changing the World


MORE pathways to higher degrees




MORE SUPPORT FOR YOUR SUCCESS Russell Sage students take advantage of the academic support provided by the college: individualized assistance with study skills, time and stress management, writing, and presentations. What’s MORE, Sage provides Career Planning from your freshman year on to help you find meaningful internships and employment – even after you graduate.

MORE collaborative research opportunities.

Ever dream of making an original intellectual or creative contribution to a subject? The Kathleen A. Donnelly Center for Undergraduate Research will be your stop. Students can partner with faculty in substantial research, and each spring, Russell Sage proudly celebrates these accomplishments at the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

MORE off-campus study locations.

Whether you choose a summer, semester or full year, study abroad experiences are essential to gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in today’s global society. The only question is: Where will you go? To study European art in London? Economics in China? Spanish in Seville? Choose from dozens of Sage-sponsored and affiliated study abroad programs and exchanges at other U.S. campuses.

MORE for the highly motivated.

Looking to be challenged and engaged with the Sage academic community? The Russell Sage Honors Program is just the avenue. A member of the National Collegiate Honors Council, the program fosters intellectual and creative risk-taking and cross-disciplinary approaches to learning and research. Participate in a conference, attend special colloquia, or even live in the special honors community house.

“Russell Sage has inspired me to be an attentive student, an independent single mother and a compassionate community member. I have a strong drive for acquiring knowledge, which has been nurtured by the exceptional staff, faculty and resources available at the college. As a result, I am better able to act as an effective advocate for myself, as well as for others in need.” KIMBERLY PLUMADORE, RSC ’16 Transfer Student B.A. in Psychology

MORE IN-DEPTH EXPLORATION Opportunities to delve into unique subjects of inquiry and to participate in various cultural projects are abundant at Sage. SAGE CLIMATE CRISIS EDUCATION CENTER Dr. Steven Leibo, Professor of Modern International History & Politics at Sage and head of the Climate Crisis Center, is one of only 1,000 Americans chosen to participate in former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore’s Climate Project. Dr. Leibo was personally trained by Al Gore to give updated versions of the slideshow featured in the Academy Award-winning film An Inconvenient Truth. ///////////////////////////////////////////////

MOHICAN TRIBAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Russell Sage is now home to a collaborative effort with the Munsee Mohican Tribe from Bowler, Wisconsin and Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Artifacts from the tribe were discovered in 2012 in Troy, the location of a series of Mohicans villages along the Hudson River for thousands of years.

ACADEMY FOR CHARACTER EDUCATION The Academy helps school districts integrate Character Education—which aims to foster in students the positive character and behavior traits of responsibility, civility, respect, honesty, fairness, trustworthiness and citizenship—into formal and informal curricula, and provides leadership training for students, character education training for teachers and staff, and specialized programs for family, civic organizations, businesses and government.

DAWN LAFFERTY HOCHSPRUNG CENTER FOR THE PROMOTION OF MENTAL HEALTH AND SCHOOL SAFETY Dawn was the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and a member of Sage’s doctoral program in Educational Leadership. She and 25 others were victims of one of the nation’s most tragic school shootings. The Center explores, develops and shares solutions that support the mental health of children and safe school environments.



SUSAN ODELL TAYLOR SCHOOL This highly regarded private school in Troy houses a “lab school” for students in grades 5-8 on our Troy campus. Russell Sage students in education and related subject areas provide after-school care, and other innovative ways to bring young students and college mentors together are on the horizon.

HELEN M. UPTON CENTER FOR WOMEN’S STUDIES Founded in 1990 as the intellectual and community focal point for women’s studies and women’s issues, this center oversees the women’s studies minor, serves as a clearinghouse for scholarship on women, and co-sponsors the WORLD Speaker Series.

MORE invested. One of a kind at a women’s college campus, INVEST—the Incubator for New Ventures in Emerging Sciences and Technologies—rocks as a center for innovation and entrepreneurship. INVEST operates three facilities on campus, including 21 wet-lab workstations suitable for nanotechnology, energy, pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients. It affords Russell Sage students cutting-edge internships with companies involved in technology development ranging from nanotechnology to alternative energy generation to biotechnology to IT.


“This is your unique time in history, and you have the ability and the duty to make the world a better place.”

“This year my students were involved in educational experiences in Ghana and Uganda and spearheaded an initiative to help war-traumatized Afghani children overcome speech defects. As a “woman of influence” I am using my knowledge as a microbiologist and educational researcher to carry out a Fulbright project at the University of Botswana in southern Africa. I hope that my work there will help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.” DOROTHY MATTHEWS, PH.D.

of faculty hold terminal degrees.

“Sage faculty work with students in a cooperative search for solutions to 21st century problems.”

“My courses, such as Hamlet in Hyperspace, encourage students to think beyond the traditional boundaries of undergraduate education. My scholarship, whether dealing with medieval religious literature, Shakespeare, or current trends in higher education, reflects that fact that I teach at a dynamic, engaging and vibrant academic institution.” DAVID SALOMON, PH.D.

Professor Salomon directs three programs: the Kathleen Donnelly Center for Undergraduate Research, the General Education program, and Study Abroad. He is the author of numerous works, primarily on religion and literature of the Middle Ages and English Renaissance. Salomon’s most recent title, Redefining the Paradigm, explores faculty models to support student learning.


PROFESSORS GIVE MORE OF THEMSELVES HERE Yes, Russell Sage professors are distinguished researchers, published authors, Fulbright scholars, business and government professionals, and community leaders. MORE significantly, they love to teach, help students explore, and share their curiosity with others. They are the heart of our small college community.

“For me, teaching at Sage is a bit like being a student at Sage in that its small class sizes allow me to grow intellectually by teaching a wider variety of courses—from Modern China to Climate Change to Modern Middle East—than would be possible elsewhere. Just as importantly, this reality allows me to create a much broader intellectual experience for my students.”

“The best part of my day is spent in the classroom. I make every effort to help my students succeed, and they in turn reward me with their respect and genuine enthusiasm for learning. I know my students enjoy my classes because most of the time they are smiling, even after an exam. I believe that at Russell Sage, the professor and student are partners. Together we can do MORE than either of us can do alone.”


A former Fulbright scholar, Professor Leibo specializes in the relationship between Asia and the West and is the author of many works—from academic titles to documentary films to historical fiction. He is named a Harvard Associate in Research at Harvard’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, focusing his work on climate and energy issues as they relate to developments in East Asia. Leibo is also a popular commentator on WAMC Northeast Public Radio.


Professor Marinello leads Sage’s Nutrition Science Department and shares her interests in nutritional genetics, sports nutrition and weight management both with her students and in the community. Her column, “The Healthy Professor,” appears regularly in the Times Union, and she organizes the college’s annual Nutrition Lecture Series.

“My research on a soil bacterium and its influence on anxiety behavior in mice, as well as my research on crayfish aggression behavior and spotted hyena social behavior, allow me to mentor many research students. It not only enriches my teaching, it empowers students to gain skills to “be more, know more and do more” — whether or not they go on to a research career.”


Professor Jenks has a joint appointment in the Biology and Psychology departments, teaching such interdisciplinary courses as Biopsychology, Motivation, and Special Topics in Biopsychology (for example, Sex, Stress and Strategy: The Evolution of Reproductive Behavior). She has done postdoctoral work at the University of California-San Francisco and at UC-Berkeley, where she earned a National Research Service Award fellowship and managed an evolutionary genetics lab at their Museum of Paleontology. She has worked in a variety of educational settings including the Bronx Zoo and an environmental education nature center.

troy, NY


• more adj. [mohr] 1. “to a greater degree.”

Russell Sage College takes full advantage of its coalition with the coed Sage College of Albany by offering an even wider range of majors. Students can choose from all majors offered on BOTH campuses. Simply hop the Sage Shuttle for the seven-mile ride to the charming Albany campus with its sprawling green spaces—and study what you want.


EDUCATION Childhood Education [B.S.] Physical Education [B.S.] HEALTH SCIENCES Health Sciences [B.S.] Nursing [B.S.] Nutrition Science [B.S.] Occupational Therapy: 3+2 [B.A. or B.S. + M.S.] Physical Therapy: 3+3 [B.A. or B.S. + D.P.T.] or 4+3 [B.A. or B.S. + D.P.T.] Pre-Medical Studies


BUSINESS + TECHNOLOGY Accounting [B.S.] Business Administration [B.B.A. or B.S.] Computer Information Systems [B.S.]


ART Graphic + Media Design [B.F.A.] Fine Arts [B.F.A.] Interior Design [B.F.A.]

MORE campus Sage College of Albany is your campus too.


In addition to more majors and courses available to you across The Sage Colleges, take advantage of all the Albany campus has to offer, including the new M&T Bank Stock Trading Simulation Room, the world-class exhibits at the Opalka Gallery, and the Art & Design Technology Center where you can find—and use—cool design tools, such as a Wacom Cintiq interactive displays, a 3-D printer, and pen tablets for checkout.

LAW Accelerated Juris Doctor Program [B.A./J.D.] Law and Society [B.S.] Pre-Law Studies PERFORMING ARTS Musical Theatre [B.S.] Theatre [B.A.]



HUMANITIES + SOCIAL SCIENCES Creative Arts in Therapy [B.A.] English [B.A.] History [B.A.] Interdisciplinary Studies [B.S.] Psychology [B.A.] Public Affairs and Public Policy [B.A.] Public Policy, Advocacy + Civic Engagement [B.A.] Sociology [B.A.] Writing & Contemporary Thought [B.S.]

SCIENCE Applied Biology [B.S.] Biochemistry [B.S.] Biology [B.A. or B.S.] Chemistry [B.S.] Chemistry-M.B.A. Accelerated Program [B.S. - M.B.A.] Environmental Studies [B.A.] Forensic Science [B.S.]


• Troy + Albany, New York


VERMONT TROY parks Washington Park, Riverfront Park, Frear Park, Prospect Park NYC BOSTON







• 3 hours from the heart of the Capital District to New York City, Boston + Montreal







Washington Park


map not drawn to scale








Jennings Landing Waterfront Park






to NYC




DO MORE THAN YOU THOUGHT POSSIBLE One of the most vibrant aspects of life at Russell Sage, in fact, is all there is to do! Sage students participate in clubs, sports, theatrical productions, and community service projects. With more than 60 clubs and organizations between the two campuses, there’s something for everyone. Become a class officer, write for The Quill, join the Dance Ensemble, lift your voice with the Sage Singers, or deepen your involvement in your major through a subject area group like the Biology or Nutrition Club.


Are you a Purple Cow, Golden Horseshoe, Red Devil or Blue Angel?

Traditions at Russell Sage go back 100 years and bond students and alumnae together in special and memorable ways. To observe the ritual of the Banner Ceremony, to compete fiercely during Rally, or to find out what happens at the stroke of midnight on Sweater Night, you need first to be a student at Russell Sage College.

“To me, Sage really does have it all: competitive sports, great professors, and awesome student activities and traditions.” VICTORIA BUNK, RSC ’16 B.A. in Political Science


“Sage Theatre students are extremely motived to learn in the classroom and then test their knowledge in the working world. I’m proud every time they audition, apprentice, or are cast in a production, bringing their expertise to the art form. They are the best ambassadors for the work of our department.” DAVID BAECKER, M.F.A.

Director, actor, and professor of theatre, Baecker has led more than 20 productions at Sage, several of which have won the “Best of Local Theatre” awards. He is also a communications coach with the New York State Defenders Association.

THE PLAY’S THE THING If you love theatre, you’ll love Russell Sage. The Theatre Institute at Sage provides tremendous opportunities for Russell Sage students as performers, directors, technicians, and teachers. TIS has not one but three performance spaces on campus—each dedicated to providing quality live theatre and arts-in-education programming to the Capital Region.


DO MORE OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Russell Sage student and Afghan native Wasima, RSC ’16 is studying to become a doctor to help her people. She is the founder of the Speech Therapy Project which educates Afghan parents and their society about childhood speech impediments. Wasima has taught English to doctors and midwives in Afghanistan and spent two months accompanying 29 children to the U.S. for serious medical treatment. The Pre-Med major has interned as an Emergency Room and Operating Room assistant in North Carolina, then in the CARE Hospital for Women and Children in Kabul, Afghanistan. Her passion is to promote equal access to quality medical and education services in Afghanistan, and her education and experience are making her dreams possible.

Margaret Brenenstuhl, RSC ’16 traveled to Tha-Tum, Thailand thanks to Sage fellowship support. In this “Elephant Province,” she volunteered with an elephant study center that works with the community to create sustainable economic development and a humane environment for the elephants. She also spent a full summer of immersion experiences at an environmental education and action program in the Catskills. She did field work and met with government leaders and grassroots activists on topics such as global food supply and natural resource management. Not surprisingly she landed a prestigious internship with the New York State Assembly.

“The best part was being able to ride the elephants to the river twice a week to bathe them. I was able to develop a special bond with the elephant that I rode, Num Shoke.” MARGARET BRENENSTUHL, RSC ’16

MORE immersed. Internships, faculty-mentored research, service learning, and field experiences lie at the heart of a Russell Sage education. The college promotes “real world” learning and stands behind this commitment through its active Office of Career Planning. And because of its location in New York’s Tech Valley and near the state’s capital city, Russell Sage excels at providing meaningful out-of-the-classroom experiences—from high-tech placements to rewarding government and civic positions.

TALIA LUSTERMAN, RSC ’17 B.S. in Health Sciences leading to M.S. in Occupational Therapy [3+2]


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“I never imagined myself having the courage to become the leader Sage has allowed me to become. I have developed great relationships with fellow students, professors, deans, and staff thereby creating an environment in which I have thrived. During my freshman year, my roommate and I co-founded a chapter of Project HEAL, a not-for-profit organization that raises funds to send people to treatment for eating disorders who otherwise could not afford it.”

“Russell Sage has given me the tools to turn my advocacy into activism— and not just be a woman of influence, but a woman who influences.” CLAUDIA GAGNON, RSC ’18 B.A. in Psychology





• T he combined cumulative GPA for Sage athletes last year was 3.07.

MORE Wins Sage Gators Take a Bite Out of the Skyline Conference

MORE in the game.

Anyone can be a Sage Gator on campus—with a host of intramural & club sports and fitness options at your feet. Watch a game of flag football at Robison Softball Field, and you’re a Gator. Join Club Field Hockey, and you’re definitely a Gator. Try out Club Lacrosse for the first time—and make Gator friends for life. Between Russell Sage in Troy and Sage in Albany, the opportunity to support both the women’s varsity teams and the Sage Gators men’s teams is all yours. Put on your Gator-green jersey, and join the enthusiastic fans on the fields and in the athletic centers of both campuses!

Varsity Teams

NCAA Division III Skyline Conference

Basketball Cross Country Lacrosse Soccer Softball Tennis Track & Field (outdoor) Volleyball //




Basketball Cross Country Golf Soccer Tennis Track & Field (outdoor) Volleyball

The Gators earned 15 First Team All-Skyline Conference Awards last year alone, including two Player of the Year and two Defensive Player of the Year honors. Eleven of Sage’s 15 teams garnered post-season spots.

NCAA Tournament Appearances Women’s Volleyball (2007, 2008, 2014) Women’s Basketball (2014) Men’s Basketball (2015) Men’s Soccer (2015)

Senior catcher Kristen Beikirch was named Sage’s Co-Female Athlete of the Year as well as a 2015 CoSIDA Academic All-America® Softball Second Team honoree and the 20142015 Skyline Conference’s NCAA Woman of the Year. Beikirch is the College’s first three time Academic All-American. The Pre-Med major was also recognized in 2014 as the Eastern College Athletic Conference’s Division III Female Scholar-Athlete of the Year.

MORE ambience.

Living on the campus of Russell Sage is like stepping onto a film set—with all your friends in tow. You’re likely to find your room located in a stately Victorian brownstone, and your seminar class conducted around a massive oak table under a chandelier. The college’s 15 acres is dotted with hidden gardens and quiet places to reflect under ancient maples. Among the courtyards and greenspaces, you’ll also find modern buildings, such as the skylight-domed Buchman Pavilion which links historic classrooms with the pedestrian Ferry Street Plaza. The newly opened Shea Learning Center is the new hub of campus with its bright, open spaces, myriad services, cafes, and even a “knowledge bar” where library staff and IT specialists serve up research and technology support.

There’s MORE to see in person. Schedule your visit today and learn MORE about Russell Sage through a personal tour or information session. To plan a visit, please call (518) 244-2217 or go to:


MORE downtown.

Birthplace of “Uncle Sam” and home of the Industrial Revolution, Troy’s history of bustle and Victorian architecture makes this mid-sized city a vibrant and eclectic community today. College students LOVE Troy—for its spirited diversity, its friendly pedestrian streets, and its calendar chock-full of colorful and unique events.

There’s always MORE to do in Troy.

Head out to Troy Night Out the last Friday of every month when downtown arts venues, musicians and performers spill out onto the sidewalks. Before final exams in early December, step out to enjoy the charm and festivities of Troy’s Victorian Stroll.

Photo Courtesy of Troy BID

Photo Courtesy of Troy BID

Photo Courtesy of Troy BID

Meet your BFFs for a meal at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, River Street Café, or Bruegger’s. Catch a rowdy hockey game at RPI.

Enjoy fresh produce and stock up on your favorite home-baked goodies at Troy Waterfront Farmers’ Market.


Go bowling at Uncle Sam Lanes.

CHRIS CHURCHILL, reporter for the Times Union

Check it out:


Get your cup o’ joe at the Daily Grind, Superior Merchandising Company, or Spill’n the Beans.


Find that perfect gift for a friend’s birthday at Broken Mold, River Rocks or many other eclectic shops.

“No city around here is MORE endlessly interesting.”

• 90% of Russell Sage students receive some form of financial aid.

MORE for less.

When it comes to making a quality education affordable, we take it personally. Russell Sage students and parents receive one-on-one counseling sessions that include a full review of financial aid, price and cost. Types of financial aid may include: • Sage merit scholarships • Sage need-based grants • federal and state grants • campus work-study programs • federal and educational loans $21.3 million was awarded in scholarships and grants by The Sage Colleges in 2014 Learn more at:



Sage is committed to educating the whole person. Because we see you as more than just a number, Sage is


MORE Handy Tools Estimate the bottom-line cost of a Sage education using the Net Price Calculator at


WOMEN’S COLLEGES DELIVER MORE Graduates of women’s colleges comprise more than 20% of women in Congress and 30% of rising women in corporate America, according to Businessweek. Given that only 2% of female college students attend women’s schools, these percentages take on even MORE significance.


academic challenge


interaction with faculty

MORE involved

with their college after graduation



likely to take on leadership roles

Students at women’s colleges report lots of “MOREs” compared to those in coed settings


likely to take part in internships

active participation in the classroom

Data from Comparative Alumnae Research Study Hardwick-Day, 2012

“Coming to an all-women’s college had its challenges but it has made me more aware of my surroundings. I have become more aware of various cultures and the many cultural views of men and women globally. Sage has made me feel powerful just because I am a woman. This school has proved to me that anything is possible. I know with my nursing degree from Sage, I will be able to do exactly what I aspire to do: become a traveling nurse educating women around the world and their children about various illnesses and diseases. To Be, To Know & To Do: I am going to be the nurse I aspire to be. I am going to know where resources are to spread awareness, and I am going to do whatever it takes to get me there. Russell Sage is definitely one of the best choices I have made. KAMIAH TURMON, RSC ’16 B.S. in Nursing






98% go on to earn higher degrees or employment



Troy, NY

President Susan Scrimshaw, Ph.D.

3 hours north of New York City

Dean Deb Lawrence, Ph.D., RSC ’88

3 hours west of Boston 3.5 hours south of Montreal CAMPUS:

within 6 months of graduation ACCREDITATION: Middle States Commission


on Higher Education

800 (150 in accelerated bachelor’s

National Association of Schools

& master’s programs)

of Art and Design (NASAD), Inter-

40 buildings on a 15-acre campus

national Assembly for Collegiate

of historic buildings and hidden


Business Education (IACBE), Ac-


23% diversity

creditation Council for Education in

80% freshmen live on campus

Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND), the


Accreditation Council for Occupa-

Esse. Scire. Facere.


tional Therapy Education (ACOTE),

(To be. To know. To do.)

18 students

Commission on Accreditation in

12:1 student

Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE),

to faculty ratio

National Council for the Accredita-


tion on Teacher Education (NCATE), ACADEMIC PROGRAMS:

Commission on Collegiate Nursing


44 undergraduate

Education (CCNE)

Sage Gator

22 graduate 17 linked and accelerated


RANKING: Top tier of National Liberal

“There is a spot to memory dear/


Arts Colleges, U.S. News

Our hearts return there year by

60+ clubs and organizations

and World Report

year./ ’Tis there ‘to be, to know, to do’/ became for us our motto true.”

ATHLETICS: 15 NCAA Division III teams


EXPLORE INQUIRE VISIT Call (518) 244-2217 to schedule a visit APPLY • $0 application fee • “Common App” member institution • Early

Action deadlines Dec.1 & Feb. 1




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