Student Life: The Year in Review 2015-2016

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The Year in Review | 2015-2016



Sage Student Life Executive Summary This Annual Report is meant to share with you the 2015-2016 accomplishments of The Sage Colleges’ Student Life Division. Using both direct and indirect assessment measures, we hope to demonstrate how students at Sage have benefited from a rich extracurricular experience flush with learning, leadership, and fun! This report allows us to reflect upon what we have done well and to welcome the challenges and opportunities to do better. As Student Life continues to evolve and our services become increasingly linked to learning both in and out of the classroom, we will continue to work to ensure the growth and satisfaction of our students.

Sage Student Life Vice President’s Goals for 2016-2017 »» Design and implement programs, services, and systems that increase student persistence and retention. »» Offer co-curricular programming and services that support the core academic experience. »» Ensure that diversity and inclusion are hallmarks of student life planning, programming, and service delivery.

Trish Cellemme Vice President for Student Life

Table of Contents

Executive Summary.................................................. Vice President’s Goals.............................................. Student Life Mission...............................................1 Dean of Students Office: Sage College of Albany......2 Student Activities: Sage College of Albany...............4 Dean of Students Office: Russell Sage College.........6 Student Activities: Russell Sage College..................8 Wellness Center.....................................................10 Residence Life........................................................12 Athletics................................................................14 Recreation & Fitness..............................................16 Office of Disabilities Services.................................18 Office of Career Planning........................................20 Title IX...................................................................22 We Heard You.........................................................24

Sage Student Life Mission

Sage is a community of scholars committed to empowering students.

To Be: To provide the individual student with the opportunity and means to develop and advance personally and professionally, and thus to be successful in achieving life goals. To Know: To contribute to the larger society a group of diverse, thoughtful, and competent citizenleaders who continue to be engaged in the pursuit of lifelong learning. To Do: To translate learning into action and application, recognizing the obligation of educated persons to lead and to serve their communities.


Dean of Students at Sage College of Albany

providing paths and support Our Mission

The mission of the Dean of Students Office is to serve as the hub for all issues concerning students. Our role is to provide paths and support for their involvement, development, and success. With a number of services and functions, the Dean of Students serves as a first stop for students when managing issues or concerns, and for faculty and administrators eager to assist students in need.

What We Do

What Students Are Saying “I started the sessions thinking that I did not deserve to be there as much as other people. By the end of the year I felt that I had more than a right, I had a responsibility. And that if I did not feel in the beginning like I belonged, I was going to make sure that by the end there was no doubt in people’s minds that I belonged in Sage SELECT.” “I think the idea of being civilly minded was most important. I could really begin to see what styles of leadership were ineffective. I learned that you cannot just be right, or be on the right side, you have to be able to show others why their differing opinion is valuable, and still try to convince them to see it your way.” “As a result of Orientation Leader Training I feel better prepared to help new students navigate Sage College of Albany.”


»» Oversee student development/student activities »» Act as the advisor to student government »» Educate students in community standards, including the Code of Conduct »» Serve as the liaison between students, faculty, staff, and the administration

2015–2016 Highlights

»» The Sage Votes mock election attracted over 300 participants across both campuses, as well as local media coverage for the event. »» The Sage SELECT program commenced with 53 students participating in a year-and-a-half long leadership program. »» IMPACT your world week challenged Sage College of Albany students to give back and resulted in the collection of over 100 pounds of clothing. »» Sage College of Albany students founded “It’s On Us” – an organization designed to educate students on issues of sexual assault and prevention.

2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes


Provide commuter students with opportunities for increased interaction and integration to Sage College of Albany.


Research the transfer student experience at Sage College of Albany and make recommendations for enhancement.

3 4

Provide a comprehensive co-curricular student experience for Sage College of Albany. Create more efficient and multi-pronged avenues to communicate with Sage College of Albany students.



of commuter students are on campus four days a week.

76% of these students leave by 5:00 pm.

Created a commuter

Grab-and-Go lunch series targeting when these commuters are on campus.

The Dean’s Summer Reading program brought all firstyear students together to attend Warren St. John’s talk about his book, Outcasts United: An American Town, A Refugee Team, and One Woman’s Quest to Make a Difference.

New Transfer Orientation Program

80% 90%

of students in the Sage SELECT Leadership program completed all of the requirements of the first year. of students in the Sage SELECT Leadership program indicated that they were excited about being a part of the program.

of transfers indicated



a preference for a single day on-campus orientation experience– a practice that will commence for Fall 2016.

2016–2017 Goals

1 2 3

Through collaborative work with faculty 100% of firstyear students in ITD155 participated in the screening of The Hunting Ground, a film highlighting sexual assault survivors who are employing a Title IX legal strategy to fight back.

Create a more inclusive and culturally rich student experience at Sage College of Albany. Inventory available affinity groups at Sage College of Albany and investigate the connections between affinity groups and student success. Improve the reach and impact of Sage College of Albany Student Government.


Students across both campuses participated in the Sage Votes mock election and attracted local media coverage for the event.


Student Activities at Sage College of Albany

a growing, active Sage community Our Mission

The mission of the Office of Student Activities is to create a well-rounded college experience by providing our students with the opportunities to grow through community involvement, leadership, social, educational, and diverse programming from orientation to graduation.

2015–2016 Highlights

»» Over 100 students attended SCA International Foodfest, an annual educational and collaborative event that provides free access to cultural cuisine from ethnic restaurants in the surrounding Albany community. »» Upgrades in Freddie’s Lounge included a Wii U, new ping pong table, and a refurbished pool table. »» Freddie’s Lounge saw an increase in usage of 68.2% over the 2014-2015 academic year. »» Sage College of Albany hosted Therapy Dogs International as a stress reliever for students during finals. »» Over 40 Sage College of Albany students attended a Proctor’s performance of Disney’s The Lion King.


2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes


Increase quality training and skill building opportunities for student club leaders and evaluate club management, membership, satisfaction, and impact.


Develop a stronger technology presence for Sage College of Albany Student Life.


Define the Sage College of Albany experience through signature programming exclusive to the Albany campus.




of student respondents were

able to identify at least one Sage College of Albany

signature event or program.



of respondents felt the

Sage College of Albany Leadership Getaway experience was impactful, important, and relevant to

them and their leadership role. Expand the student life experience through increased programming and visibility.


of Sage College of Albany club and organization leaders indicated that participation in trainings contributed to

their knowledge, skills, or leadership development.

Student Activities Social Media

What Students Are Saying Student Activities Facebook page had

“I love Sage and it is because of the programs and activities that are offered to us!”

Facebook posts 112 monthly active generated 1.7 daily


– Sara VanAernem, Class of 2018

“The Brooklyn Duo was amazing at Family Day! Excited to see what you do next year.” – Cassie Hemming, Class of 2017

“Leadership Getaway was an eyeopening experience! Everyone was open and vulnerable and it made me look forward to working with these student leaders.” – Afton Beattie (Orientation Leader), Class of 2018

likes and 0.84 feedback per share.

2016–2017 Goals

1 2 3

Build tracks within Student Activities at Sage College of Albany that help students identify and choose affinity groups. Embed succession planning as a priority within the leadership of Sage College of Albany clubs and organizations. Increase co-curricular programming through collaborations with Academic Affairs.


Dean of Students Office at Russell Sage College

preparing students to be successful Our Mission

The Dean of Students Office at Russell Sage provides programs, services, opportunities, and outreach to engage students in educationally purposeful experiences increasing student engagement and preparing students to be successful leaders and responsible citizens. Specifically, the Russell Sage College Dean of Students Office: »» Oversees areas promoting successful student engagement including student activities, spirituality, orientations, traditions, and leadership »» Leads and supports efforts around safety »» Executes The Sage Colleges’ Commencement »» Serves as a liaison between students, faculty, staff, and administration »» Leads support and outreach to students in need

2015–2016 Highlights

»» Provided a greater level of service from the Sage Shuttle by adjusting runs for peak times and adding weekend transportation for local shopping. »» Led the second annual transfer-specific fall orientation program. »» Implemented two commuter lunches to welcome and seek input to better serve our commuter populations. »» Held two diversity open forums.


2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes


Increase the quantity and quality of experiences available to students around issues of diversity, issues of difference, and acceptance.


Provide additional opportunities and experiences for seniors to value their final year at Sage and be prepared for life beyond college.


Provide strong services to students via the Dean of Students Office including answering questions, supporting students in need, and processing leave of absences and withdrawals from Sage.

Developed several programs designed to address diversity and inclusivity, including World 420 Diversity Panel, Sage Talent Show, speakers, and dialogues.



“Dean Baumgardner is one of the most accessible and attentive staff members on the Sage campus. I can speak openly with him and know that my well-being is of utmost importance to him. I appreciate how actively involved he is with the student body and I’m proud to go to a school where the Dean of Students is so involved!” “I enjoyed having lunch with my fellow commuter friends! Great break in the week, especially on a tight budget and schedule!” “I love the gym lockers (available to commuter students in Buchman), and I also enjoy using McKinstry Student Center for lunch and studying.”

communications were helpful.


of students indicated that they strongly agreed or agreed that they: “Would feel comfortable


of students attending the commuter luncheon indicated that they strongly agreed or agreed that: “As a result of the


What Students Are Saying

of graduating students indicated that increased

returning to the Dean of Students office in the future if they needed to.”

commuter luncheon I felt I was able to meet and interact with other commuters who share some of the same experiences as me.”

2016–2017 Goals

1 2 3 4

Improve graduation experience for May 2017 participants. Increase, enhance, and improve communications with parents and family members. Improve the transfer student experience. Create a plan for delivering and assessing Community Standards for incoming firstyear students.


Student Activities at Russell Sage College

entertaining, educational, and diverse Our Mission

The mission of the Student Activities Office is to provide students with the opportunity to attend programs that are entertaining, educational, and diverse, and to provide a student center space that is welcoming and engaging for our students.

What Students Are Saying “Thanks to Russell Sage College’s stellar Orientation program, I was able to feel comfortable walking into my first year with lasting friends by my side.” Thanks to the outstanding orientation leaders I met, their leadership skills sparked an interest in me to become a leader for future Sage students. I will never forget it.” “The events are amazing!” “The commuter lounge is awesome! It makes a perfect spot for commuters to hang out in between classes! The library is not always free with spots to hang out, and the commuter lounge is perfect for it!”


Specifically, the office of Student Activities: »» Plans and implements events for Russell Sage College students »» Oversees all aspects of the McClellan Student Center »» Coordinates the Russell Sage College Traditions with student leaders »» Coordinates and implements New Student Orientation »» Coordinates and implements Family Day Weekend »» Oversees all aspects of SageFest (Russell Sage College Annual Street Fair) »» Supports and guides student clubs and organizations »» Partners with other departments to design a rich extra-curricular experience »» Member of the Sage SELECT Leadership Program Committee

2015–2016 Highlights

»» Held first annual Commuter Spirit Week. »» Improvements made to the commuter lounge: »» New furniture »» Two additional computers »» New printer »» Launched “Stay & Play” weekend programming. »» Rally raised $5,432 this year for charity! This is 90% increase over last year’s total of $2,850.


2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes

1 2 3

Commuter students will feel a sense of belonging through the enhancement of programming designed specifically for them.

Of those surveyed,

90% agree that

Enhance the experience of the Russell Sage College resident students by collaborating with other Student Life departments to offer more weekend programming.

the “Stay & Play” initiative is a good way to entertain and keep students on campus.

Russell Sage College students will be exposed to a rich extra-curricular experience through collaboration with other departments.

Increased collaborative programming by

100% over last

year by collaborating with faculty and other Student Life areas to bring Huffington Post Columnist and AwardWinning Actress, Amy Oestreicher, to perform her autobiographical musical Gutless & Grateful, and author Marianne Schnall of What Will it Take to Make a Woman President?


increase in participation at commuter events.




increase in programming specifically designed for the commuter student.

increase in weekend programming.

McKinstry Student Center visits per academic year

2016–2017 Goals

1 2 3

Increase knowledge and skills of student club leaders by implementing training programs for budget and event planning. Enhance the “Stay & Play” initiative for weekend activities.


5,080 (130% increase)

Enhance commuter relations including services and programs.




Wellness Center

optimal level of health & wellness Our Mission

The goal of the Wellness Center is to assist all Sage students in reaching their optimal level of health and wellness through direct treatment and prevention including medical care, counseling services, nutrition advice and guidance, peer education, and other health promotion outreach programming. Most services are free for all Sage students.

Services include

What Students Are Saying “My counselor is the best. I’ve been meeting with her since the fall semester and our sessions always leave me feeling empowered. We talk about anything that comes to mind and she never cuts me off. I definitely think our sessions have greatly benefited me thus far.” “The NP always listens to when I have a problem with any illness/sickness. She is a great NP and cares for her patients always. She has a lot of empathy.” “I really like the Wellness Center. I feel very comfortable there with everyone. I feel like I’m more than just a patient to them. Out of everywhere on campus that is where I feel the most comfortable and welcomed.”


»» Mental health counseling »» Routine physicals, throat cultures »» Alcohol and drug education (mandated for some students with alcohol violations) »» Gynecological exams »» Health promotion and outreach

Counseling Mission

»» Medical care »» Mental health counseling »» Nutrition advice and guidance »» Peer education »» Referrals to outside agencies »» Sexual assault care and counseling (partner with local agencies)

We provide short-term supportive services in order to maximize students’ academic performance and personal experience. Our therapists provide assessment, brief counseling, and referral to community providers when indicated.

2015–2016 Highlights

»» Held flu shot clinics for all health science students required to have flu immunization for their clinical rotations. »» Distributed “stress free bags” during finals to support Russell Sage College and Sage College of Albany students. »» Worked with residence life to develop an “in house” assessment for first time drug and alcohol conduct violations.

2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes

1 2 3

Provide exceptional service to students through customer service, clinical services, education, and health promotion.

85% of surveyed

Foster the practice of self-inquiry that leads to self-care and self-responsibility, as well as an enhanced sense of community responsibility.


Work collaboratively and strategically to design activities and offer programming that directly impacts Sage students.

students reported that the level of comfort with their counselor was excellent or above

82% of surveyed

students reported that the quality of care they received from medical providers was excellent.

We saw a 66% increase in Twitter followers from 2014-2015.

a 32% increase in Facebook page likes from 2014-2015.

81% 92%

Number of Counseling Sessions 1200

1,173 1,034





of respondents to the patient satisfaction survey indicated that they would be interested

in attending programming about stress. of students are able to identify stress areas and initiate self care and/ or take care of a friend after the Wellness Center presentation in the First-Year experience course.

The Wellness Center attended both Founders Day and Sage seminar resulting in

outreach to 100% of firstyear students at The Sage Colleges.



2016–2017 Goals











Develop targeted programming in order to foster the practice of self-inquiry and increase connections with the Wellness Center.


Develop and improve resiliency in students.


Increase effectiveness and efficiency in delivery of services to students.


Residence Life

safe, healthy, & comfortable living environment Our Mission

What Students Are Saying “It has been a wonderful year with my RA. She has made it a joy to be her resident.” “My RA created an inviting atmosphere to Sage and living in Kellas since the beginning.” “My floor is quiet, pretty clean, and everyone is friendly and kind. We are available for each other if needed, and don’t argue.”


The Sage Colleges’ Office of Residence Life strives to enhance the educational mission of the College by providing a safe, healthy, and comfortable living environment for all residential students. This experience includes fostering and appreciating diverse cultures and lifestyles, and teaching students the importance and role of community living and standards and personal responsibility. Other functions include: campus mailbox distribution, meal plan assignments and changes, room assignments, and overseeing Resident Assistants.

2015–2016 Highlights

»» Successful first year with POMCO with the distribution of over 400 personal safety devices. »» Instituted new RA/RD weekly reports improving communication and addressing residence hall needs. »» Centennial “100” program challenge gathered 100 cans of food for a local shelter in Troy. »» Initiated “See Something, Say Something” poster campaign to encourage bystander intervention practices. »» 739 Russell Sage College students attended RA /Residence Life sponsored programs this past year.

2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes


Evaluate the Student Code of Conduct, effectiveness of sanctions, and overall conduct process.


Create training and leadership development opportunities for professional and student staff.


Improve the student resident experience through increased programming and services.

We saw a 45% decrease

in the number of on campus conduct violations between Spring 2015 and Spring 2016.

75 51 41

cases | Spring 2015 cases | Fall 2015

cases | Fall 2016

After January 2016 RA Training

95% of the RA

staff felt they could



articulate the goals and expectations of the RA position at Sage.

After January 2016 RA Training


94% of the

of BETA Team members feel like BETA makes a


of BETA team members responding indicated they agreed that the online tracking sheet with real time updates and color codes was efficient and


RA staff felt that they could assist

students on campus with on campus and community resources.

2016–2017 Goals


Collaborate with campus stakeholders to make improvements to the residence halls and improve resident experience.


Continue to develop and evaluate the Leadership and Development program for Resident Assistants and Resident Directors.


Evaluate Residence Life programming and implement recommendations to engage resident students outside the classroom.

RAISE (Resident Assistant In Service Event) attendance increased from 75% in 2014-15 to 95% in 2015-16.

75% 2014-15

95% 2015-16

Residence Life programming efforts maintained at least a 50% attendance rate or higher for every floor or house program offered in 2015-16.



sportsmanship, leadership, pride, & development Our Mission

The mission of the Athletics Department is to strive for the premier levels of competition for student-athletes, including the highest elements of sportsmanship, ethics, recognition, leadership, growth, development, success, pride, and dignity. Athletics strives to: »» Provide an outstanding Division III experience for student-athletes »» Establish the Athletics Department, its programs, and participants as an integral part of the Sage fabric and identity »» Lead Sage to be recognized locally, regionally, and nationally as a top-ranked academic and athletic institution

What Students Are Saying “Becoming a Gator was the best decision I ever made. This department has helped me not only in athletics but in my academics as well. I can truly say I’ve met lifelong friends being an athlete at Sage.” – Luis Teran, SCA ’16, Men’s Soccer “Playing volleyball gives me a daily outlet...Volleyball has helped to make me who I am and foster leadership, work ethic, and teamwork qualities that will always be applicable.” – Rachel Liebig, RSC ’17, Women’s Volleyball “Being part of the Gator family made my first year at Sage one I will cherish forever…I found a home at Sage when I was welcomed in by the entire Gator family.” – Alli Ford, RSC ’17, Softball


2015–2016 Highlights

»» 19 student-athletes were named to the Skyline 1st Team All-Conference. »» 10 of Sage’s 15 teams earned post season bids. »» Four of our teams competed in the Skyline Championship game with Men’s Soccer earning their first title and trip to the NCAA Championships. »» Three Sage coaches earned Skyline Coach of the Year honor (Kyle Clancy, Men’s Soccer; Allison Coleman, Women’s Basketball; and Bob Verhayden, Men’s Volleyball). »» The Gators combined GPA was over 3.0 for the 9th consecutive semester. »» Gators participated in hundreds of hours of community service ranging from Chompers Reading Program to hosting two “Be the Match” Marrow Donor Drives and volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House. »» Sage Athletics saw an increase in all social media followings including a 164% rise in Instagram followers this year. »» Over 20 student-athletes attended the “Guardians of the Swamp” Leadership Retreat. »» Nearly 100 alumni/ae returned to Sage, taking part in the first ever Athletics Career Panel plus five different alumni/ae games.

2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes


Develop a comprehensive Sage Athletics Sportsmanship Policy.


Develop a comprehensive Sage Athletics Marketing and Promotion Plan.


Develop a comprehensive Mental Training Program for coaches and student athletes.

As a result of concerted efforts by the Sports Information staff, all of Sage Athletics' social media platforms saw at least a 20% increase in followers since 2015, most notably Instagram with a

164% increase.

259 Fall ’15

Snapchat & Instagram Followers



0% 100%

of Sage team captains and SAAC members were aware of the

new Sportsmanship Policy

and their role in supporting it. of the Student Conduct Code portion of the Sportsmanship Policy, (serious breaches of sportsmanship), was invoked during the entire 2015-2016 academic year. of those that participated in the student-athlete Leadership Retreat indicated that as a result, they had more confidence in

their ability to act as leaders.

Mental Performance Program (MPP)


578 Spring ’16

Over 30 promotional events were

conducted during the 2015-16 year, engaging Sage students and increasing fan support. Almost 250 people attended October “Take a Kid to the Game” event and 200 Sage students attended “Midnight Madness.”

2016–2017 Goals


Revise 1st Year Student-Athlete Development Program.


Create “Life After Athletics” Program for upperclassmen.

3 4

Develop a plan to add two additional teams for the 2018-2019 academic year including financials, and present them to the appropriate bodies for approval. Create a branding campaign to demonstrate Sage’s commitment to the Division III philosophy.

of student-athletes in the MPP reported that as a result of their participation, their performance improved.


of the teams that fully participated in the MPP won regularseason conference championships and the remaining two finished in the top three.

Gators Earning 1St Team Honors within the Skyline Conference


50 40







30 20 10 0


Recreation and Fitness

fun and healthy competition Our Mission

The Recreation and Fitness Department at The Sage Colleges promotes lifelong health and wellness through diverse and comprehensive programs, while fostering a sense of identity for those in the Sage community. Through The Fit Stop, McKinstry Fitness Center, group fitness classes, intramural and club sports, and partnerships both within Sage and with outside agencies, the Recreation and Fitness Department: »» Provides fitness opportunities for people of all abilities »» Creates an environment that promotes fun and healthy competition »» Promotes leadership and team building skills for all participants »» Challenges community members to try new activities »» Encourages positive lifelong health and wellness habits »» Educates community members regarding health, wellness, and safety life skills »» Develops pride and sense of membership in the Sage community

2015–2016 Highlights

»» Updated 20 new pieces of cardio machinery across both campuses. »» Introduction of three new intramural activities (human foosball, yuki ball, spike ball) revitalized student interest in non-competitive recreational activities. »» Creation of a training program for intramural staff ensured smooth delivery of programming across the various activities. »» Development of an Employee Wellness “Couch to 5K” program led to an increase in participation from employees and the highest level of Sage participation in the CDPHP Workforce Challenge to date. »» Incorporated the Sage Centennial Celebration into recreation and fitness activities by developing and recruiting 30 student and employee participants in the 100 Miles for 100 Years program.


2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes

1 2 3

Offer enhanced programming to broaden the impact of Recreation and Fitness at Sage through collaborations with Academic Affairs and Student Life offices. Increase the impact of Recreation and Fitness programming by growing the intramural program (offer at least four new intramural activities). Expand the Sage ALLIES program through the creation of a Sage ALLIES Programming Committee to ensure enhanced and diverse programming.



of respondents said they were





of respondents said they were highly satisfied

with the delivery of the intramural program.

of respondents said they were highly satisfied

with the group fitness offerings.

100% of participants in the student wellness program indicated they would continue

in the program.

highly satisfied with the offerings of the intramural program.


(Sage's All Inclusive Safe Zone Program) New curriculum and assessment for Fall 2016 will expand the skills and knowledge of ALLIES.

2016–2017 Goals


Lead student and staff participation in the Centennial 5K with goal of 10% involvement.


Implement assessment tool for all group fitness classes and intramurals.


Develop 3 year strategic plan for Recreation and Fitness.


Hold monthly Recreation and Fitness Staff meetings.

What Students Are Saying “It was great to have all new cardio equipment.” “More spikeball! It was so much fun.” “The human foosball table was the best part of Sage Olympics.” “The atmosphere of McKinstry Fitness Center is great. Fun and unintimidating.”


Office of Disabilities Services

providing equal opportunity Our Mission

The Sage Colleges is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and full participation for students with disabilities, as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Office of Disabilities Services is committed to providing support services and reasonable accommodations when requested by students who qualify for them, and to assist faculty and administrators in meeting the reasonable accommodation needs of students.

What We Do

»» Provide pre-admission counseling to respond to inquiries about support services to applicants and their families »» Assist students in developing self-advocacy skills »» Assist with suitable housing, alternative testing, and reasonable academic accommodations »» Provide auxiliary aids and services »» Assist with resolving issues and concerns and the development of an education plan »» Facilitate academic and career advisement

2015–2016 Highlights Success Student Development »» New Disability Housing Accommodation Policy »» Revised Disabilities website

College Access Collaborated and compared new WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ) and 508 standards with campus IT to identify web accessibility and technology issues and developed a centralized solution with checklist.


2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes


Provide successful skill development and promote students with disabilities toward competency, independence, and advocacy necessary to fully participate to attain their educational goals.


Coordinate and deliver comprehensive professional development opportunities to faculty concerning disability students to enhance understanding of various student barriers.

3 4

Serve as a resource on disability access and promote dialogue between students with disabilities and the college community. Ensure that students with disabilities have comparable access to the college by addressing physical, attitudinal, technological, and communication barriers.


of students are satisfied with overall Disability Experience.


of disabilities students were identified as having self

% %

advocacy skills.

100% of new Increased faculty meetings by


faculty understood the ADA process and the reasonable accommodation process.

Student Retention Rates Fall 2015 - Spring 2016


What Students Are Saying “I am extremely thankful for the separate location and time and a half accommodations that I received this semester. They helped lower my anxiety and increase my overall success with test taking!” “I like that the Disabilities Awareness Fair has information for all students. The stress tips helped me during exams.” “I like the mobile apps Disabilities Services has available to assist students’ needs. I found them helpful to get organized, better manage my time, and with studying!”

Russell Sage College

87% Sage College of Albany

2016–2017 Goals


Improve learning, engagement, and selfadvocacy skills of students with disabilities.


Evaluate disabilities services delivery to enhance and support The Sage Colleges disabilities students.


Strengthen faculty training and knowledge of disabilities services.


Office of Career Planning

assisting students in achieving goals Our Mission

The Sage Colleges Office of Career Planning teaches individuals to understand and use the career development process as they seek local, national, and global employment opportunities. Through collaborative and innovative programs and services, our office empowers students to become thoughtful and competent citizen leaders who contribute to the everevolving world of employment. The Office of Career Planning offers the tools and insight to shape meaningful internship and employment experiences and serves as a critical resource by assisting students in engaging their passions and achieving their personal missions.

2015–2016 Highlights

What Students Are Saying “I met with a staff member from Career Planning to go over my resume and personal statement. It was a wonderful experience. I learned so much! I only wish I had met with the Office of Career Planning sooner. I will definitely utilize their resources again in the near future!” “Our presenter was enthusiastic and very encouraging for students to come into the Career Center. I was unaware of all of the services Sage provided. Thank you for providing such helpful services!”


»» Hosted the Professional Etiquette Dinner, Sage Athletics Alumni Panel, and the Careers in Non-Profit Panel, where students were able to meet and network with alumni and enhance the skills necessary to build their own professional networks. »» Created “Career Closet” in an effort to remove barriers and provide our students and alumni with the opportunity to acquire gently worn professional attire. »» Launched “Pop-in To Career” marketing campaign where popcorn was handed out at campus events to advertise office hours and increase visibility on campus.

2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes


Career Planning will increase its visibility and awareness of services and partnership opportunities with our internal and external constituents.

2 3

As a result of classroom presentations the

Career Planning will evaluate and implement best practices to enhance program effectiveness.

Office of Career Planning had the opportunity to engage and interact with 100% of the first-year students on the Albany and Troy campuses.

Sage students will learn about and adopt the career planning process, understand their role in this process, and be able to apply their knowledge.

We saw a

100% of students


20% increase

in the number of walk-in’s at the Career Centers from Fall 2016 to Spring 2016.

surveyed who attended the

Professional Etiquette Dinner felt that they will be able to use the information gained through the event in their future work and professional and leadership roles.



of students that attended the Professional Etiquette Dinner in the spring of 2016, stated that the event helped them to further establish their professional relationships.





of students surveyed who attended the School of

Management Internship Panel, stated that they learned about potential internship and job opportunities at the organizations that were a part of the panel.

of respondents feel they are better prepared to apply the techniques learned at a career planning workshop to their own career planning.

Through Sage Engaged, the students on both campuses had the opportunity to connect with their greater community by giving back through service.

2016–2017 Goals

1 2 3

Career Planning will increase its visibility and utilization of services offered. Career Planning will assist in the development of tools and skills needed for students and alumni to engage in the career planning process. Career Planning will grow and strengthen its internal and external partnerships to increase its impact on the Sage community.


Title IX

providing a safe and secure environment Our Mission

The Sage Colleges takes very seriously its obligations and its commitment to provide a safe and secure environment for our students and other members of the college community. To that end, Sage is actively engaged in educating students about interpersonal violence, preventing its occurrence whenever possible, and remedying its effects.

2015–2016 Highlights



BACK the




STARTS IN SAGE PARK (OR KELLAS QUAD IN CASE OF RAIN) RPI students: meet behind Greene building at 6:30pm to walk down to Sage together. A shuttle will return to RPI at 9:30 pm.

ENDS WITH A SPEAK OUT IN KELLAS QUAD FREE Take Back the Night t-shirt for the first 50 people to arrive

presented by


»» Hosted Jaklyn Van Manen from the One Love Foundation to deliver the “Escalation Workshop,” a film and prevention education program which aims to raise awareness about the warning signs of relationship violence and activate change. »» Co-sponsored the 6th Annual Rensselaer County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Training Conference at Hudson Valley Community College, “Joining Forces: Reducing and Responding to Sexual Assault Across Disciplines,” a training opportunity for students and professionals from health care, law enforcement, counseling, advocacy, higher education, and prosecution from throughout New York State. »» Co-sponsored The Mask You Live In film screening and panel discussion at SUNY Albany, Fall 2015. The film follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America’s narrow definition of masculinity.

2015–2016 Goals and Outcomes



Haven, an online sexual assault prevention training program was completed by 58% of Sage Graduate Schools students, 84% of Russell Sage College first-year students and 56% of Sage College of Albany first-year students. 100 percent of first-year undergraduate students were trained on Title IX, affirmative consent, bystander intervention strategies, Sage policies, and on/off campus resources at Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 Orientation.

89% of students

believe they can play a role in preventing

relationship violence

at Sage.

97% of students

can identify warning signs of abuse in dating relationships.







of students are aware of resources for people who have experienced sexual assault or relationship violence at Sage.

of students say they would

respect someone who intervened to prevent a sexual assault (86% feel that others would respect someone who intervened – perceived norm).

of students are aware of the opportunities to get involved in sexual assault prevention efforts at Sage.

2016–2017 Goals

1 2

The Title IX web page was added to Sage’s website in Fall 2015. It had 1,370 pageviews with 1,158 unique views.

Provide training and education for all new undergraduate and graduate students, with a goal of 100% participation. Demonstrate the explicit link between alcohol and sexual violence as a part of training in an effort to decrease risk and promote awareness.

What Students Are Saying “I want to get more involved on campus and want it to be in a good positive way that can help prevent somebody from getting hurt.” “I know that [sexual assault/ relationship violence] has been a growing issue over the years and I want to help stop the violence.” “I want people to learn to treat others with respect and dignity no matter who they are. I think that is the start to preventing sexual assault.”


Sage College of Albany Dean of Students

• The Sage SELECT Leadership program was developed and implemented for the 2015-2016 academic year.

• The commuter programming series is

• A separate transfer orientation day is being

being redesigned to provide more relevant and accessible activities for Sage Albany commuters.

developed for the Albany campus.

Russell Sage College Dean of Students • Installed healthy vending options at Russell Sage College in response to students requesting healthier options.

• Provided two Russell Sage College Commuter lunches for commuter students to meet each other, learn more about Sage, and enjoy a meal.

• Implemented a diversity panel and two open forums aimed at addressing issues of diversity and inclusion, as well as social justice.

Sage College of Albany Student Activities

• Supported Student Government with implementing a frozen yogurt machine in the Shea Learning Center.

• Adjusted Sage Shuttle schedules multiple times to meet with needs and wants of students for curricular and cocurricular needs, as well as to go to Crossgates Mall and Crossgates Commons and transportation hubs on weekends.

Russell Sage Student Activities

• Extended Freddie’s Lounge hours Monday through Friday to include morning hours for commuter students. This allowed access to the facility for an additional 12.5 hours per week.

• The Association of Campus Events (ACE) held an

additional six diverse events per semester.

• Made improvements to the commuter lounge including: two computers, a printer with capability to charge student IDs, and new furniture.

• Developed and launched the “Stay & Play” initiative to ensure weekend programming for students who remain on campus.


Recreation & Fitness

Athletics • Collaborated with other Student Life Offices on “Stay & Play” weekend events. • As a result of student-athlete requests for more off-field training, we developed

the Mental Performance Program and hosted our first Athletics Career Panel.

• Implemented more promotional events and programming at Russell Sage College, including

Career Planning

• In response to student and employee requests, a lease plan was developed to

• Hosted one Professional Etiquette Dinner on each campus instead of just one dinner.

provide new cardio equipment to both campuses every three years.

• In response to student requests for a greater variety of classes, two new classes (Insanity and HIIT) were introduced and increased the number of overall classes across both campuses.

Rally Night at Women's Volleyball.

Wellness Center

• Hosted six specialized workshops on each campus with topics such as LinkedIn, Interviewing and Career Negotiations, and Elevator Pitches.

• Implemented “Walk-in Wednesdays” on both campuses in an effort to get more students to use the services provided.

Residence Life

• In response to requests for therapy dogs on campus, Zander became a part of the Wellness Center team in the fall of 2015 and is often on the Troy campus!

• As a result of on campus events and student feedback, Residence Life

increased program offerings on campus in the areas of Diversity and Health and Safety by 29% from fall

• The Wellness Center now has greatly expanded their

2015 to the spring 2016.

social media presence to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and regularly posts

• In response to a high number of students reporting stress, RAs created the “Mid Term Survival Jar” program to reduce stress and anxiety. • In response to student concerns about safety on campus, RA staff created the “Slice of Safety” program.

about activities and services.

Title IX

Disability Services • In response to student feedback we plan to continue the Mentors

• Students requested food during Disabilities Awareness workshops and pizza,

in Violence Prevention

(MVP) program, as well as the Escalation

cookies, and candy were


• Graduate student • Specialized trainings for subgroups: Student Leaders, LGBT, athletes, etc.

feedback resulted in adding Haven Plus in Fall 2016 which is specifically designed for students 21+.

• In response to


student feedback, the

Disability Services

webpage and brochures have been revised.

Your words, our actions! Thanks for your feedback!

Trish Cellemme, Vice President of Student Life Kahl Campus Center 145 | (518) 292-1753 |

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