Morning Star - February 10, 2013

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Adul t Day Care Adult day ca re provide s act ivities, m edi cal m onitoring, and c aregiver res pite for s en iors o uts ide o f the ir home. Mar ia n E. Bur c h Adult Da y Car e Ce nte r 269-962-175 0

Dental Services Den tures , ext ract ion s, !l lings, and o ther den tal se rvices a re availabl e to low-inco me se niors with no o the r de ntal ins uranc e. Fa m ily He a lth C ent er 517-629-6540 in Albio n 269-966-2625 in Ba ttle Creek

Bene • ts Cou nse ling One-on-o ne c ouns eling helps s eniors d etermine be s t opt ions for pres cript ions a nd health care. Ca l. C o . Of• c e o f Sr. Se rvic e s 26 9- 781 -08 46 o r 87 7- 645 -52 43 Reg ion 3B Area Agen cy on Aging 26 9- 966 -24 50 o r 80 0- 803 -71 74 Fo rks Se nio r Ce nt e r 51 7- 629 -38 42

Reg ion 3B Area Age ncy on Aging 269 -966- 2450 or 866- 64 2- 458 2

Health Care Resource s The Heal th Assistan ce Fund helps sen iors ob tain need ed healt hcar e giving the recip ient the opportunity to ret urn a portion of what they have receiv ed to the com munity throu gh volunteer work. ��������������������provides healt h services throu gh a healt h cov erage plan for the uninsured sen ior. �������������������������������� 269-9 69-6494

Elde rly pe ople in need of assi st ance managing their pe rso na l and ! na ncial a ffairs are appo inted a guardian by the proba te c ourt.

Fo unt a in Clinic 269-781-0952

Hear ing and Vision Services

Home Heating Assist ance

Low-inco me se niors withou t ins uran ce co verag e ca n receive hearing sc reening s, he aring aides, eye exa ms, an d g las s es that help t he m m aintain or increas e their inde pe nden ce.

Low-income s eniors m ay receive up t o $750 pe r ye ar for ho me heating fue l o f a ny type to insu re the y c an remain in the ir homes .

MEALS: Congregat e an d Home Delivered

Frail s eniors des iring to remain in their home have acces s to pers on- centered comprehe ns ive care management and in- ho me s ervices .

Gua rdianship Service s

Gua rd ia n Fina nc e & Advo c a c y Se rvic e s 26 9- 963 -32 53 o r 86 6- 963 -32 53

Ca lhou n C o. Pu blic He a lth D e pt . 269-969-6463

Care Management & In-h ome Sup p ortive Services

Legal Assi st ance Seniors receive as s is tanc e with legal que s tions and attorne y as s is tanc e whe n ne eded. Le g a l Se rvic e s o f So uth Ce ntra l Mic hig a n 269 -965- 3951 or 800 -688- 3951

Co m muni ty Ac tion 26 9- 965 -77 66 o r 87 7- 422 -27 26

Money Management Assistance

Mino r Home Repair

Co ng re g at e : Nutritious meal s in g rou p s ettings. Com m uni ty Act io n 269-96 6-2466 o r 877-422-2726 Hom e D e live re d: Nutritious mea ls for ho mebo un d se niors . Seni o r S e rvic e s of S WMi 866-20 0-8877 or Com m uni ty Action 269-96 6-2466 or 877-422-2726

Mino r home repairs a re provided to low-income seni or ho meowners t o increas e their ability to remain sa fe a nd he althy in t heir o wn ho mes.

Low-income s eniors work with a trained c oach who helps them s olve ! nancial problems , c omplete ins urance forms a nd addres s any other related problems . Gua rd ia n Fina nc e a nd Advo c a c y Se rvic e s , Inc . 269 -963- 3253, ext. 437 or 866 -963- 3253

Co m muni ty Ac tion 26 9- 965 -77 66 o r 87 7- 422 -27 26

Personal Emergen cy Resp onse Systems

Senior Cent er Activity

Hom ebo und low-inco me s en iors ar e provide d a pe rso nal e lectronic de vice to s ec ure help in an e mer ge ncy to help them remain sa fe in their homes . Fo r Elig ib ility S c re e ning ca ll Are a A g enc y o n Ag ing 269 -966-2450

Albion area se niors can pa rticipa te in recreationa l, e nrichment and ! tne ss programs . C all for addit iona l program information.

Whole Per son Wellness

Prescrip tio n Resources

Prescrip tion Assistance

Seniors ca n pa rticipat e in health edu cat ion, g uide d exe rcise, a s well as health s cree ning s a nd ong oing pr ogr ess mon itoring at s ites t hroug ho ut the Co unty. Seni o r He al th Pa rtner s

Prescrip tion Discount Ca rd

Se niors gain acces s to ne eded pres criptions throug h Pres cription Vouchers or he lp with completing Drug Acces s Program applications for free medicines throug h pha rmaceutical companies .

A com munity p artne rs hip o f Brons on B attle Cree k, C en traCa re, Reg ion 3 B Area Agenc y on Aging, and Sum mit Point e. 269-44 1-0 948

Tra nsp ortation Tran sportat ion is provided to med ica l ap pointmen ts, shopping an d other ac tivities . Availab le cou nty-wide throu gh a cen tral dispat ch system . Se nior Tran sp orta tion Disp at ch 269-565-4144 or 800-994-9876 Tran sportat ion services are provided by Com munity Act ion an d Region 3B Area Agen cy on Aging.

Fo rk s Se nio r Ce nt e r – Albio n 51 7- 629 -38 42

Re side nts of all ages in Ca lhoun Co un ty witho ut prescr iption drug co verag e are eligible for this presc ript ion disco unt car d. Ca lho un Co . He a lth D e p t. 26 9- 969 -63 63

Fo unta in Clinic – Ma rs ha ll – 269 -781- 0952 Co mm unity He a lthCa re Co nne c tio ns – Ba ttle Cre e k – 269 -969- 6494

3 1 5 We s t G r e e n S t r e e t , M a r s h a ll, M I 4 9 0 6 8 Of• ce : ����������������Tol l Fr ee :����������������Fax : 269- 781- 0770 w w w.c a lh o u n c o u n t ym i.g o v/ s e n io r s e r vic e s

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