The Salesman: Western - March 10, 2013

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GREAT to hold annual meeting The Grand River Environmental Action Team (GREAT) will hold their annual meeting at 7 p.m. at Steve’s Ranch, 311 Louis Glick Highway, in downtown Jackson, on Wednesday, March 20. The guest speaker will be Dave Drullinger, a marine biologist and a specialist for the Michigan Department of En������������ ���������� �����

of Environmental Assistance, whose topic will be “What Makes a Good River?” The presentation will be very relevant as the headwaters of Michigan’s longest river, the Grand River, are in Jackson County, and he will suggest actions which can be done to develop the land more wisely to lessen the negative impacts on the health of the river.

All members and friends ��� ������ ���� ������ ��� ������ and the public is welcome. Dinner will be available at 6:30 p.m. for a small fee, payable at the door, but dinner reservations are necessary. RSVP for dinner at 517-416-4234 or at by Monday, March 18. There will be ����� �������� ���� ������ ���� ���� guests.

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Concord Elementary School


Mon. & Tues., April 15th & 16th Children who will be 5 years old by November 1, 2013 are eligible to sign up!

A parent meeting will be held on Thursday, March 21st at 6pm in the elementary cafeteria PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Please call Deb Bada Concord Elementary Office at 517-524-6650 Ext. 1300 to pre-register

-Wanted AutomotiveBREWER SALVAGE, 517-8030288. Buying junk cars, convertors, batteries and all non- ferrous metals. Paying top dollar. 517803-0288 T & B HAULING & METAL RECYCLING. We buy cars and miscellaneous scrap metal. Free pick up. 3004 E. South St., Jackson, 517-414-8925

WANTED- need reliable vehicle for one parent family of three and disabled elder male, very limited income, $1000. Call 517-740-9303. CASH FOR running, repairable junk cars and trucks. 517-7196242

-Automobiles2009 HONDA CIVIC Hybrid, 70,000 miles, $14,900, very good condition, new tires. 517-787-9154



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SELL YOUR CAR! Get second week FREE when you place your ad in all editions of the Morning Star and The Salesman. Call or mail your ad today. The Salesman phone numbers are 517-524-8540, 517-783-4080, 517-592-5886 or 517-788-5962. Bring your ad to 102 N. Main St., Concord; 1101 Greenwood Ave., Jackson; 129 S. Main St., Brooklyn. The Morning Star phone number is 517-629-2127 or bring your ad to 125 E. Cass Street, Albion, MI 49224.

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1994 CHEVY 1500- 6” Pro Comp suspension lift with a 3” body lift. 35-14.5-15 Super Swampers, auto transmission. $8500 OBO. 517-414-2042 2004 DODGE RAM 1500 SLTquad, $9200, clean inside and out, grey interior, good tires, power doors and windows, tow package, cruise control, CD single disc, 95,000 miles. 517-740-2522 DEADLINE FOR DISPLAY ADS is Wednesday, 5pm. Classified deadline is 7pm Wednesday. THE SALESMAN, 517-524-8540, 517-788-5962, or 517-563-8860 (toll free from Jackson and Bundy ����������������������������������� MORNING STAR 517-629-2127.

FOR SALE- retired fire truck chassis, 1975 International model 2010A tandem axle, 549 Ci V8 gas, Allison auto trans, 15,000 miles, runs good, has new radiator, good rubber. Contact Ken Watson 517-202-4391. -Sport Utility Vehicles2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZERgood condition, good gas mileage, rebuilt transmission, $4800. 517-589-5374 TIRED OF MOVING UNUSED ITEMS FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER? Sell or trade easily with a classified ad in THE SALESMAN or MORNING STAR. 517-524-8540, 517-783-4080, 517-592-5886 or 517-629-2127.

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