Morning Star - March 24, 2013

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“I feel that co m ing to Te nde rcar e Marsh all Healt h an d Re hab Ce nte r he lpe d m e gain the st rengt h I ne e de d by participat ing in the ir the rapy. I fe lt e ve ryo n e t re a te d m e w it h kin d n e s s a n d re s p e ct . If I we re to ne e d the rapy ser vice s ag ain, I’d be hap py to co m e back to Tend e rcar e Marsh all.”

–Quince Arnold, Rehabi litat ion Graduat e

879 E. Michigan Ave nue Marsh all, MI 49068 269.781.4251 w w w.Te nde rcar e Marsh m S t o p in t o d a y t o s e e f o r y o u r s e lf t h e k in d a n d car in g t e a m t h a t s o n ly m in u t e s a w a y . ...he lping pe ople live be tte r

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