The Salesman - Heart O'Lakes - May 23, 2010

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Spring Sale

a t Michigan

Car and Truck

‘08 Chrysler Sebring






‘09 Chrysler 300

4 cyl., gre a t ga s milea ge , ba lance of LX e dition, V6, powe r, ba lance of fa ctory wa rra nty, 35k miles. 5 yr./100k mile fa ctory wa rra nty, 33k miles. $ 16,495 $


‘08 Chrysler Sebring

‘07 Chevy Malibu LT

Touring e dition, conve rtible , V6, powe r, XM sa te llite ra dio, re a dy for summe r fun! 52k miles. $

‘06 Ford Mustang

LX conve rtible, re a dy for sumV6, power, premium pkg., Shaker me r cruisin’! 50k miles sound s ystem , s ummer fun! 41k miles.





5 pass. seating, full power , 6 cyl., auto., cruise, well Power sliding door , 7 pass. ������� seating, 66k miles, rear V6, wing, wheels, full only 29k miles, come see maintained, only 52k miles � this one. ����� DVDplayer power, 45k miles � � � ������ ������ ����� All V ehicles Have CARF AX Reports� Financing available for everyone. Bankruptcy welcome.

2000 W. Ganson St., Jackson � 517-783-6011


Become an even stronger woman this summer. Try our 30-minute circuit that works every major muscle group two muscles at a time, and can burn up to 500 calories. All with a trainer to teach and motivate. And come see how Curves and TNTare going to inspire you this summer.

���������������������� Non-me mb e rs only. Limite d to thre e visits. Not valid with any othe r offe r. Valid only at p articip ating locations throug h 8/28/10. © 2010 Curve s Inte rnational, Inc. The TNT log o, TNT and WE KNO W DRAMA are trad e marks of Turne r Broad casting Syste m, Inc. All Rig hts Re se rve d .



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517-592-2878 000-000-0000 000-000-0000 000-000-0000 000-000-0000 000-000-0000 317 S. Main St. Local Ad dLocal re ss Ad dLocal re ss Ad dLocal re ss Ad dLocal re ss Ad d re ss Brooklyn , MI 49230 Local Ad dLocal re ss Ad dLocal re ss Ad dLocal re ss Ad dLocal re ss Ad d re ss



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