Morning Star - July 18, 2010

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Probate Law deals with specialized legal matters including decedent estates, trusts, guardianships, conservatorships, and mental illness matters. Ge o r g e St r a n d e r is t h e o n ly ca n d id a t e r u n n in g fo r Pr o b a t e Ju d g e w it h sig n ifica n t Pr o b a t e La w e xp e r ie n ce a n d cr e d e n t ia ls!

��� �������� ��������� ��� �������������� ������ Cit izen s a n d m em b er s o f t h e co m m u n it y en d o r se Geo r g e!

George Strander, with his extensive experience in Probate law is the best choice for Probate Judge. He is the ���� ��������� who has the experience and expertise required to be an outstanding Calhoun County Probate Judge.

Je ff Sch u b e l, Battle Creek Probate Attorney

We need George for Calhoun County Probate Judge. He is highly qualified, and ���������� ����������� ��� �������� are what he stands for. Ra y a n d Ca t h y Ca m p b e ll, Albion

Paid for by George Strander for Judge ž P.O. Box 992 ž Albion, MI 49224

I have been very im pressed with George’s intellect and com passion for those he will serve as Probate Judge. He’s knowledgeable because of his work with Probate m atters for m any years, but his strongest characteristics are his honesty and integrity. Ka t h y Ta r r , Marshall

������ �������� �� �������� ��� Ba t t le Cr e e k Ar e a Asso cia t io n o f Re a lt o r s

Th e p r o fe ssio n a ls a g r e e . Probate Judges around the State who have worked with George Strander and observed his knowledge of Probate Law, integrity, fairness and dedication to Probate issues have com e out resoundingly in his favor. George Strander is a Calhoun County attorney who has spent the last 12 years focusing on Probate law. For the last seven years he has been Probate Court Administrator and Probate Register for Ingham County Probate Court in our state capital, Lansing.

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On Au gu st 3, vote for th e one ca ndida te qu a lified to be P r oba te Ju dge: Geor ge Str a nder , th e P eop le’s Ch oice a nd th e P r ofessiona l’s Ch oice.


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On Fa ce b o o k a t : Ge o rg e S t ra n d e r fo r Ca lh o u n Co u n t y Pro b a t e Co u rt Ju d g e 2 0 1 0

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