Morning Star - October 24, 2010

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inanceÊorÊreÞnanceÊyourÊvehicleÊloan*ÊatÊUnitedÊEducationalÊCreditÊUnionÊandÊgiveÊhigh ratesÊtheÊboot!ÊÊWeÕllÊsteerÊyouÊrightÊwithÊaÊloanÊthatÊworksÊforÊyourÊbudgetÊandÊhave youÊsquaredÊawayÊinÊappleÊpieÊorder.

WeÕreÊofferingÊaÊreward!ÊÊEachÊmemberÊÞnancingÊorÊreÞnancingÊaÊvehicleÊloanÊatÊUECUÊwill beÊÞxedÊupÊwithÊaÊ$25ÊOmahaÊSteaksÊgiftÊcard,ÊandÊaÊchanceÊtoÊwinÊoneÊofÊthreeÊgreat additionalÊprizes:

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% SoÊrattleÊyourÊhocks,ÊthisÊofferÊendsÊOctoberÊ31,Ê2010.ÊÊPrize drawingÊwillÊtakeÊplaceÊonÊorÊbeforeÊNovemberÊ10,Ê2010. WinnersÊwillÊbeÊcontacted.

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115 Rive r side Dr ive Ba ttl e Cr eek 269- 660- 1370 800- 494- 6970

415 N . Willow br oo k Rd . !"#$%&'( *+, -.,/ -01*/ )

200 W . C ass S t . Albion 517- 629- 3100

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