Look what ’s h appening at Oaklawn for a he althier y ou . Wh er e I t’ s H a pp en in g
Fit ne s s and Ex er cis e
For a ll OLIC m embership a nd cla ss infor ma tion , go t o ���������������� the ser vices ta b on the Oa kla wn Web site, then click 200 N. Mad ison St. , Mar sh all on Life Impr ovement Center. To register for a cla ss 269. 781. 427 1 or for more in forma tion , plea se ca ll 2 6 9 .7 8 1 .7 5 8 5 .
����������������������� 215 E. Man si on St., Mars h all
������������������� Mond ay- Thur sd ay Frida y Sa tu rd a y Sund a y
5 :30 a m- 9:0 0 p m 5 :3 0 a m-8:0 0 pm 8:0 0 a m-4 :00 pm 11: 00 a m-4 :00 p m
������������������ Mond ay ��December 2 4
����������������������� 15217 W. Mich igan Ave. , Mars h all 269. 789- 387 3 �������������������������������������� 13697 15 Mile Road , Mar sh all 269. 781. 758 5
5:30 a m-3: 00 pm Tuesd a y, De cem ber 25 Closed �������������������� Mond ay , De cem ber 3 1 5:3 0 a m-3:00 p m 401 E. Mich igan Ave. , Mar sh all Tuesd a y, Ja nua ry 1 Closed 24 hr . ac cess a va ila ble. A sk our st a ff for d eta ils. 888. 288. 085 4 �������������������������� �������������������������������������������� 103 E. Man si on St., Mars h all
5:00 -8 :0 0 pm Frid ay, Decem ber 7. Th e p art y i s open to stud en ts age 7 -1 2, and incl ud es pizza, mo vie "Toy For ad dition al in for mat ion , e-n ews, direc tory of se rvi ces, maps or to re gist er for an even t or Sto ry 3" an d op en s wimmi ng . Cost: OLIC me mbe r class , visit ww w.oa kla wn h os pita l.or g $8 ea ch , $ 15 fa mi ly ma ximu m. Non -membe r $ 10 each, $ 18 fa mil y maxi mu m. Plea se call to r egiste r.
��������������������� Give th e gift of h ealth y livin g! Good for an y OLIC ser vice incl u din g: pers on al tra ini ng , ma ssage, swim lesson s, pro-sh op items an d membersh ip.
������������������������������� 6:3 0 pm Mond ay s. Week ly pren ata l w ater activ ity class o pen to ex pectan t mo the rs . Week ly session of • exi bility, str en gth , ba lan ce, circu lation , breath in g awaren ess an d postu re stren gth en in g. Cost: $120 with fu ll 8 - week OLIC m em bers h ip or $ 4 8 for 8-w eek OLIC pu nc h card.
��������������� 10: 00 a m Satu rda ys . Fo r moth er s with th eir chi ldren from 8 w eek s to 1 ye ar old. Clas s is led by a ph ysi cal th er apist ass ista n t. Cos t: $3
��������������������������� Cardio - Mon da y, Wedn es da y, a nd Fr ida y Mu scle Conditio n in g - Mon da y Zu mba - Mon da y an d Wedn es da y Yoga - Mon da y th rou gh Th u rs da y Cardio Kickb oxi n g - Tu es da y Pilate s - Tu es da y an d Th ur sda y Spin - Wedn es da y an d Th u rs da y
Ma te rn a l a n d Ch ild H ea lth All Ma tern a l a n d Ch ild Hea lth cla sses meet in th e th ird-• oor cla ssroom of the Wright Medica l Buildin g. Reg is t r a t io n is r e q u ir e d fo r a ll cla s s e s . For more informa tion or to register for cla sses, ca ll th e Oa kla wn Hospita l Birth Center a t 269.78 9.3929 or visit our Web site.
������������� 6:00-7:00 pm Mon da y, Decem ber 10, Cost : $10 per fa mily. Th is class is h eld in th e Birth Cen ter Con fere n ce Room.
�������������������� 6:00-8:30 pm Thu rsday, Decem ber 13. Cost: $10 per cou ple; free wh en en rolled in Prepared Ch ildbirth Edu cation .
Look in g Ah ea d �������������������������- Tu esdays, Ja nu a r y 8, 15, 22, a nd 29. Life Improvement Center cla ssroom. Cost is determ ined by wh at ser vices a re needed. To register or for more in form ation , ca ll 269.789.8972.
Ev en ts , Se m ina rs a nd Su p p ort Grou p s
6 :00-8 :00 pm Tu esdays, Ja nu a r y 8, 15, 22, a nd 29. Cost: $40 per cou ple.
4:00 pm Mon day, Decem ber 10. Movie Nigh t at th e Boga r Th ea tre, 2 2 3 E. Mich iga n . Ave., Ma rs h a ll. Cost: $5.50 b.y.o.bag / free popcorn . 1:0 0 pm Frida y, Decembe r 28. Lu nch at Sch u ler's, 115 S. Eag le St. , Mars h all. Cost: Men u Prices. Pleas e RSVP by callin g 269.789.3939.
�������������������� No Decem ber meeting. See you aga in in 2013!
������������������������������ 6 :00-8 :00 pm Tu esday, Ja nu a r y 15. Cost: $10 per cou ple.
������������������ 6:00-8:00 pm Tu esday, Ja nu a r y 29. Cost: $10 per cou ple, registration in clu ded wh en en rolled in Prepared Ch ildbirth Edu cation Cla ss.
����������������������� 7:00-8 :00 pm Mond ays, Decemb er 3,10, and 17. December classes Women’s Health, Men’s Health , an d QiGon g. Cost: $10. For more in form ation or to register, ca ll 269.789.3873.
������������������ ������������������������������Free �������� No se minar in December. H ave a h appy an d sa fe ho liday s eas on . S ee you in J anuar y.
��������������������� Free �������������������������� 9:0 0 am -1 2:0 0 n oon Tue sday s, an d 4:0 0-7 :0 0 pm Th u rs day s. Th e gen eral pu blic an d existin g patient s are inv ited to stop by for a free sleep disorder screen in g. No ap poin tm en t or ph ysician refe rral requ ired for thi s s creenin g. For m or e inf or mat ion , call 269.789.8134 or 888.288.0854.
Th e Oa k la w n "fa m ily " w is h es y ou a n d y ou r fa m ily a h a p p y a n d h ea lt h y h olid a y sea s on .
��������������������������� Aqu ag ility - Mon da y an d Wedn es da y Hi-Tide H 2 O - Monda y - Thu rsd ay Hydr o- Fit - Tu es da y an d Th ur sda y H 2 O Splash NStr etch - Fr iday Lap Swim - Daily Fami ly Swim - Friday, Sa tur day , and Su n day Cos t: Free w ith OLIC • tn es s c lu b memb er shi p or ask a bou t a pu n ch ca rd.
Brin gin g Oa kla wn ca re clos er to h om e.
www .oa kla wn h os pita l.or g
www .oa kla wn medica lgroup.org
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