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On August 7, 2012 you will have the opportunity to decide how to fund 9-1-1 service in Calhoun County. Your choice: An all device surcharge not to exceed $2.25 per month, or municipal tax dollars generated from millages.
����������������������������������� For the per iod of July 1, 2013 thr ough June 30, 2022 both inclusive, sha ll Ca lhoun County, Michiga n be a uthor ized to a ssess a county 9-1-1 cha r ge on monthly billings to ea ch ser vice user loca ted within Ca lhoun County a t a r a te no t to e xceed $2.25 ea ch mon th (if a pprov ed, re pla cing the cur r ent $.60 sur cha r ge ), subject to a nnu a l a ppr ova l by the Ca lhoun County Boa r d of Commissioner s, to be used exclusively for the funding of 9-1-1 emer gency telephone call ans werin g a nd dispa tch serv ices within Ca lhoun Count y, includ ing fa cilities, equipm ent a nd ope r a tions ? ������������������������� ��������������������������������� The original five year funding plan for the consolidated 9-1-1 center expires at the end of 2013. CCCDA believes the method of telephone surcharge is a fair, equitable, and stable funding solution for 9-1-1. This fee for service is based upon access to the 9-1-1 network. If you have a device that can access the network by dialing 9-1-1, you have access to immediate emergency & public safety services. In addition, 9-1-1 surcharge monies are collected by telephone service providers and remitted to CCCDA on a quarterly basis therefore, there are no collection/remittance fees incurred by CCCDA.
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NO -The proposal in 2004 was a millage request to fund a $15 million capital (consolidation) project and a new consolidated dispatch center’s yearly operational budget of $4.8 million. Local government officials came up with an alternative funding mechanism to consolidate the dispatch centers. The alternative provided funding for the consolidated dispatch center for 2009 thru 2013. The three dispatch centers were consolidated in March 2010 for less than $1.4 million; approximately 90% less than the 2004 proposal. The average operational budget for the center ranges from $3.3 to $3.7 million; 25% less than the 2004 proposal.
In 2011, CCCDA: · Received 112,086 9-1-1 Calls · Received 260,007 Non-Emergency Calls · Approx. 80% are from wireless phones
O n April 10th, the CCCDA Governing Board of Directors passed a resolution asking local units of government to declare their intent of any general fund savings realized as a result of an affirmative vote by you for the 9-1-1 surcharge proposal. Your local unit of Government’s response to this request can be found on CCCDA’s website at
August 7th
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������������ �������$3,308,731 · · 68% Personnel & Fringes · 24% Equipment & Maintenance/ Support · · 8% General Operations
������������������������� under Funding the Future—What About Current Monies? We will continue to update this page as municipalities adopt various resolutions.
CCCDA maintains 14 tower sites throughout the county for public safety communications. All incidents requiring a public safety response, are dispatched (originate) by CCCDA.