The Salesman: Central, Eastern & Heart O'Lakes - December 30, 2012

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Jackson YMCA 127 W. Wes ley, J ackso n 517- 782- 0537 www.jackso nymca. org

Tripps Auto Shop, Knutson’s Sporting Goods & JB Customs present the

6th Annual

Outdoor Adventure Expo & Swap Meet


awarded every 20 minutes all day!

Sat. Jan. 12th, 2013 � 9am-5pm American 1 Fair Events Center at Jackson County Fairgrounds

For A SEMINARS ALL DAY Display Any Buck$ 00 Enter your Deer, Turkey, Bear or Elk into Chance To Win 5 AM 1450

from ESPN Radio

Commemorative Bucks of Michigan Record Book

Winner of the “Show Us Your Rack Contest” will be announced!

Admission $5 per person All kids 17 under are FREE!

Plus see these fine businesses and more... Schupbach Sporting Goods � The Beef Barn � Auto Images � JJ Meats Anderson Distributing � JT Guns � Bill Krueger’s State Farm Insurance Krupa’s Boat Mart � Superior Industrial Sales & Service The Jackson County Outdoors Club � Delta Waterfowl/Brooklyn Chapter Habitat Solutions/Dr. Jim’s Scentbuster Dust � Knutson’s Sporting Goods Larry’s RV - Hawken Energy � Tripp’s Auto Shop � Michigan Sport Fishing Commemorative Bucks of Michigan � Bath Fitter � Papa Johns Pizza Absolute Best Gutters � Jackson Chapter of Pheasants Forever Klotz Lake Camp � Quiet World Sports � Brooklyn Ford � Massive Mineral Mix

Every person thru the door will be entered to win a Canadian Fishing Trip for 2 at Klotz Lake Camp in Ontario Canada (

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