Morning Star, December 31, 2011

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In Ja n u ary, h ere is wh at’s hap pening at Oak law n for a h ealth ier you .

Wh ere It’ s Happ en in g

Fitn ess a nd Ex erci se

For a ll OLIC m embership a nd cla ss informa tion , go t o Oakl aw n Hos p ita l the ser vices ta b on the Oa kla wn Web site, then click 20 0 N. Mad ison , Mar sh all on Life Impr ovement Center. To register for a cla ss 26 9. 781. 4271 or for more in forma tion , plea se ca ll 2 6 9 .7 8 1 .7 5 8 5 .

Wrig h t Med ical Bu ild in g 21 5 E. Man sion , Mars h all

OLIC S ta ffe d H ours Mon da y- Th urs day Frida y Sa tu rd a y Sund a y

5 :30 a m-9: 00 5:30 a m-8 :00 8: 00 a m-4 :00 11: 00 am- 4:00

pm pm pm pm

Hol ida y Ho u rs OLIC is clos ed Decemb er 3 1 an d Janu a ry 1 . 24 hr . acc ess m embers MAY use t hei r cards .

Life Imp rov em en t C en t er O p en H ou se Wedn es day , Jan u ar y 11 , fro m 4: 00- 8: 00 p m. Mee t our d eg reed • tnes s inst ruc tors, and to ur the faci lity in clu din g th e gym an d th e poo l. See wh at make s OLIC di ffer en t th an th e re st.

Oakl aw n Life Imp rov emen t Cen ter ( OLIC) 13 697 15 Mile Road , Mars h all 26 9. 781. 7585 Oakl aw n Sleep Cen ter 40 1 E. Mich igan Ave., Mars h all 88 8. 288. 0854 Rickets on Med ica l Bu ild in g 103 E. Man sion , Mars h all

Pren atal He alth & Fitne ss Class Ongoin g w ee kly pre n ata l wate r act ivity clas s ope n to ex pecta nt m oth ers meets Mo n day s a t 6 :30 pm . Weekly session of • exibility, stren gth , circu lation , balan ce, brea th ing aw aren ess and posture str eng theni ng . Cost: $1 20 w ith fu ll 8 -wee k OLIC m embers h ip or $ 48 for 8- we ek OLIC pu n ch car d.

Arth ritis E x erc ise Cla s s Mondays a nd Wednesdays, Ja nu a ry 9 - Febru a ry 13, at 4 :0 0 pm. Rick etson Medica l Bu ilding. Th is sixweek grou p ex erc ise progr am i s l ed by AFEP trai n ed inst ruct or s. The pr og ra m i s desi gned to hel p thos e wh o h a ve join t a n d/ or mu scle problems a ch ieve im proved join t m obility. Cos t: Free of ch a rge for OLIC m ember s, $ 3 pe r clas s for n on -m ember s.

Zum ba, Yoga & Pilat es Zu mba - Mon days an d Wedn esdays at 5:30 pm. Yoga - Mon da ys a n d Wedn es da ys a t 6 :3 0 pm a n d Tu es da ys a n d Th u rs da ys a t 9 :3 0 a m . Pila tes - Tu es da ys a n d Th u rs da ys a t 6 :3 0 pm . Cost: Free with OLIC membersh ip.

Ev ents , Se mi n ars an d Sup port Gro up s Hosp ice Ber ea ve me nt Soci al Club Mon day, Jan u ary 9, sh owin g closest to 4:00 pm. Movi e Nigh t at th e Bogar Th ea tre, 22 3 E. Mich . Ave. Movie to be an n ou nce d. Cost: $5. 50 Friday, Jan u ary 27, from 1:00-3:00 pm. Lu n ch at Ch arlie's Grill & BBQ, 924 W. Han over St., Marsh all. Cos t: Menu Prices . For an yon e w h o wis he s to s h ar e socia l a ctivities with oth er berea ved in dividu a ls. Th is a ctivity requ ires RSVP to th e Berea vem en t Coordin a tor a t 2 6 9 .7 8 9 .3 9 3 9 , by Ja n u a ry 7 .

Tu esday, Jan u ar y 31, from 5:00-7 :00 pm. Ricketson Medical Bu ildin g Con feren ce Room. Scrap booki n g with Laur a Miller. New m em bers a re a lwa ys welcom e. Cost : Free o f cha rge. F or m ore info rmation ca ll 269. 789. 3962.

Ma t ern a l a n d Ch ild Hea lt h All Ma tern a l a n d Ch ild Hea lth cla sses meet in th e th ird • oor cla ssroom of the Wright Medica l Buildin g. Reg is t r a t io n is r e q u ir e d fo r a ll cla s s e s . For more informa tion or to register for cla sses, ca ll th e Oa kla wn Hospita l Birth Center a t 269.78 9.3929 or visit our Web site.

For ad dition al in format ion , e-n ews, dire ctory Pr ep a red Chi ld birth Ed uca t ion Cla ss of serv ices, map s or to re gister for an even t or Tu es d ay s, Ja nu a r y, 10, 17, 24 a n d 31, from 6 :0 0 8 :0 0 pm. Cost: $40 per cou ple. clas s, visit www .oa kla wn h os pita l.or g Re fr es he r Chi ld bi rth Ed uc ati on - Tu esday, Ja nu a ry 17, from 6 :00-8 :00 pm. Cost: $10 per couple.

New Y ear' s Res ol uti on M em be rs hip Spe cia l Is you r New Year's resolu tion to get • t? OLIC h as ev er ythi ng yo u need for succ ess inc lud ing: degr eed • tne ss spec iali st s, • t n ess c las ses, pool classes, open an d lap swim, free ch ild care, 24-h ou r access an d n o h idde n fees . Pu rch ase a n ew OLIC member sh ip in Ja n u a ry a n d receive a free 1 5 - m in u te ch a ir ma ssa ge. Ma n y membersh ip types a re a va ila ble in clu din g discou n ted ra tes for sen iors, stu den ts a n d corpora tion s.

Sur v iv in g & Thr iv ing Breas t Canc er Sup p or t Group

Rest !!"#$%&

Br eas t- fe ed in g Clas s - Thu rsday, Ja nu a r y 12, from 6 :0 0 - 8 :30 pm . Cos t: $10 per cou ple ; free wh en en rolled in Prepa red Ch ildbirth Edu cation. Ne w born Ca re Cla ss - Tu esday, Ja nu a r y 31, from 6 :0 0 -8 :0 0 pm. Cost: $10 per cou ple, registra tion in clu ded wh en en rolled in Prepa red Ch ildbirth Edu cation Cla ss.

Oak lawn S leep C ente r Fre e S leep D is orde r S creeni ngs Tu es da ys , from 9 :0 0 a m - n oon , a n d Th u rs da ys , from 4 :0 0 - 7 :0 0 pm . Th e Oa k la wn Sleep Cen ter in vites th e gen eral pu blic an d exi stin g pat ien ts to s top by for a free s leep dis order s creen in g, pu ls e oxygen a n d blood pres s u re ch eck s , a n d CPAP a s s is ta n ce. No a ppoin tm en t or ph ys icia n referra l re qu ired f or th is screen in g. For mo re in form atio n call 269. 789.81 34.

Look in g Ah ea d

Pre p a re d Ch ild birth Ed u ca ti on Cla ssOn e Da y Ev en t- Sat u rday , Febr u ar y 4, from 8:30 am- 2: 30 pm. All th e eleme n ts of th e series con solidat ed in to a 6- h ou r even t. Space is limi ted. Register ear ly. Cost: $4 0 per cou ple.

Joint P ai n S emi n ar Kn ee or Hip Pa in ? Com e t o ou r Free Sem in a r. Thurs day, Janua ry 2 6, f ro m 1:00-2:3 0 pm. Oak law n Hos pita l Boa rd Room , lower level of th e Wrigh t Medica l Buil ding . A “Joint Camp” r egist ered nur se will lead gr ou p dis cu ssion wh ile cov eri n g s ome of th e cau ses an d lat es t tre atm en ts fo r kn ee an d h ip pa in , in clu din g i n formation a bou t medication s, nut rition, exercise a nd sur gica l options . Cost : Free of ch arg e. Free Valet Pa rki n g is available a t Wrigh t Medical Bu ildin g en tran ce. Call 888. 227. 2202 to re gis ter.

Partne rs in Can cer Re cov ery Group

www.oak law n h os pital .or g

Tue sday, Janu ar y 1 7, from 6 :00-8 :00 pm. Ricketson Medica l Bu ildin g Con feren ce Room . For a n yon e experien cin g ca n cer - pa tien t or s u pport pers on . Cos t: Free of ch a rge. For m ore in form a tion , ca ll 2 6 9 .7 8 9 .3 9 6 2 .

Look Good ...F eel Be tte r Tue sday, Janu ar y 2 4, from 1 :00-3 :00 pm. Oak law n On cology Clin ic, Wrigh t Medica l Bldg., Ste. 2 E. Provid ing cos met ic ad vice w ith h and s-on m ake u p, sk in ca re, h a ir ca re a n d n a il ca re in stru ction to wo men ba ttlin g canc er. Cost: Free of cha rge . Ple as e reg iste r b y Ja n. 1 0, by ca llin g 800 .2 27.23 45.

Brin gin g Oak law n car e clos er to h om e. www.oak law n medical group. or g

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