Healing an Orphan Heart
The Omaha-based organization Child Caring Institute House of Prayer Philippines (CCIHOPP) outlines how their ministry and sponsorship is transforming the life of a young Filipino orphan, Kirvy Sanchez. Hello, reading audience. It is our pleasure to introduce you to Kirvy Sanchez! This young man has experienced the heart of Jesus Christ through the ministry Child Caring Institute House of Prayer Philippines (CCIHOPP). CCIHOPP is focused on teaching how to live a dynamic, constant lifestyle of prayer and on healing the hearts of orphans in the Philippines.
Who is Kirvy? Kirvy (pronounced like "Kirby") is 12 years old and lives in the town of Dau. His mother died in a car accident, and his father was never in the picture. Kirvy lives with an aunt; however, his aunt has six children of her own to care for, and the family is very poor, so it is difficult for her to provide all that this precious boy needs. Through the amazing love of a local church that partners with CCIHOPP, The First Baptist Church of Dau, Kirvy does NOT live like an orphan anymore! First Baptist provides a meal for Kirvy every day, thanks to CCIHOPP's sponsorship. Church leader Robert Tiglao and his family reach out to Kirvy on a regular basis, acting as the hands and feet of Jesus. They recently took him to buy new sandals, a small thing many of us in America would take for granted. They also do things like take him out to get a snack. Even the Senior Pastor of the church, Jimmy Fundar, reaches out to Kirvy.
Pastor Jimmy says, “At first, when CCIHOPP began to help Kirvy, he was very shy. He didn’t know who was helping him; he only knew he could go to school and eat every day now. We had to pick him up for church, and he would not talk to anyone at all. Now, he comes to church on his own, and he is bringing his cousins, his neighbors, and anyone he meets on the way to church! "He also stays after the service and helps to clean the pews and different areas of the building. It is such a blessing to watch the Lord work though CCIHOPP.”
What’s Next for Kirvy? CCIHOPP has successfully funded two years of "Complete Sponsorship" for Kirvy. He just entered into 2nd grade (he is 12, so he is behind overall scholastically, but catching up quickly). CCIHOPP is continuing its effort to finish fundraising for three more years. This should allow Kirvy to finish a major educational step-graduating from primary school. After Kirvy graduates from primary school, CCIHOPP will likely assist him to transition into the workforce or provide seed money for a business that utilizes his strengths. Another option may be for Kirvy to begin secondary school or even college to study for a specific professional career. CCIHOPP hopes to invest spiritually in Kirvy’s life over the next few years to find out where God is leading him, and what God’s life purpose and assignment is for him. In addition to the love he receives at his new home church, First Baptist, Kirvy will eventually be introduced to key evangelistic programs of CCIHOPP. Fresh Start (see cover story on page 20), the Clifton Strength Finders, several life-purpose exercises, and personal one-on-one mentoring are some of the main tools and ministries he will experience. All of these heart-healing ministry tools, and especially the introduction to a lifestyle of prayer, are all on the near horizon for Kirvy in the Lord’s timing, when he is ready to receive more.
After Kirvy? CCIHOPP is on fire to provide sponsorship for more orphans than just Kirvy. They have a vision to reach
a whole generation of orphans, one soul at a time. The immediate goal is to raise money in advance for three more years of sponsorship. Once funds are in place to provide for Kirvy, funds will be raised to sponsor other orphans as well.
Allan Pettit believes that in the Lord’s timing, CCIHOPP will plant orphanages (referred to as "child caring institutes" in the Philippines) in several key areas of the country where orphanism is prominent (See page 41 for more details on the orphan epidemic in the Philippines).
Kirvy lives in Dau, which
He also believes that the capital o someday, God will even use CCIHOPP to help broker adoptions for American couples in America, and possibly other countries.
Now What? The small staff of CCIHOPP does their best to hear the heart of God and respond. Kirvy Sanchez is this faith in action. CCIHOPP currently raises just $770 per year to provide what they call "Complete Sponsorship" for Kirvy. Complete sponsorship includes: $50 - Annual school tuition and books, plus one uniform $720 – A daily meal for 365 days a year (about $2 per day).
What is the Value of your Money? What do you spend $50 on? A tank of gas? A new outfit? For the price of little more than going out to eat at a steak house, a complete year of schooling is provided, an investment with lasting impact in the life of an orphan like Kirvy. That is an investment that will last for eternity where no rust can destroy or moth can eat! (See Matthew 6:19-21.)
Why $2/Day? The Philippines is a Third World nation, so the American dollar goes five times* farther than in the United States. In the town of Dau, where Kirvy lives, $2 can purchase a full meal that includes a plate of rice, delicious meat, a side, and even a drink.
h is a few hours north of Manila, of the Philippines.
CCIHOPP provides only one meal daily because Kirvy lives with family that takes care of his other needs. As Kirvy grows older, he will be encouraged to work to provide for his other daily meals and transition into self-sufficiency.
The truth is, however, many of us here in Renewal America (or anywhere in the world) have orphan hearts as well, even though we have living parents. “Our life purpose, as I see it, is to love Father God, live with Jesus, and watch Him work the Holy Spirit,” says CCIHOPP founder, Allan Pettit. “God created us to enter into relationship with Him. If we live our own lives, we forfeit that purpose and wonder why we are left feeling empty. After I finally implemented and maintained a real lifestyle of simply talking to God without stopping, my life has never been the same." This is a taste of what Jesus said: "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." - John 10:10 (Amplified Bible) Are you a spiritual orphan? To learn more about what it means to be a spiritual orphan, be sure to read the future issues of Salt Magazine!
*- estimated value based on 2012 conversion rates.
If orphans are sponsored in the future with a different living situation, then they may receive a different number of meals. For more information about CCIHOPP (including how to donate), email
Not Just Orphans are Orphans CCIHOPP is dedicated to healing the lives and hearts of orphans in the Philippines.
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