War Cry September 2016

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September 2016 Vol. :17 / No. : 9


September 19th - The Gateway to India Major William Chacko India South-Western Territory


Territorial Level Writers’ Seminar India South-Eastern Territory & Integrated Mission Work India Northern Territory

Jeevan Asha India Western Territory

Lieut. Colonel Baby Sarojini India National Secretariat, Kolkata

International News

What Ca I do? Women’s Ministry Seminars India Central Territory & Workshop on Chlorine drop making India Northern Territory Bible Study

SPEAK OUT give hope! Poem

a Freedom Prayer



Rio 2016 - Cheering on ‘ Team Refugees’

Sunday school book preparation for the year 2017 & The History of Booth Tucker Hall India South-Eastern Territory



‘No one can do everything, but every one can do something’

Medical Fellowship Sunday - Southern Division India Eastern Territory Testimony Empty Chairs in Lords Temple by Sornam Paul


19th September 1882, The Salvation Army laid its foundation in India. We still remember the great sacrifice of our pioneer 'Servant of India' Major Frederick Tucker. He denied name, fame and worldly treasures for the sake of his Master. As a result, The Salvation Army celebrates 134 years of its ministry in India. There is an interesting article in this issue 'September 19th- the Gate Way to India' where you can read different names of our pioneer.

Officers’ Refresher Course India Western Territory & League of Mercy - Nellore Division India Central Territory

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et me take the opportunity to wish all the Teachers as they celebrate 'Teacher's Day' on 5th of September which is birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a philosopher and a teacher par excellence, and his contribution towards Indian education system.


Welcome and Installation service of Colonels Nihal & Rohini Hettiarachchi, Territorial Commander & TPWM India South-Western Territory




Modern Slavery Lieut. Colonel Indumati G. Christian Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministry India South-Western Territory

September 2016 THE WAR CRY


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We always feel proud about ‘Our Society’, 'Our' means 'whatever in it is belongs to us'; so we are accountable for its good or worst. By the time I am preparing my editorial, I was very much disturbed by hearing the news about shocking incidents which took place in our country. Rape, atrocities on Dalit are growing now a day. A horrific one was mother and daughters were raped by a gang in Uttar Pradesh. It was so painful and we condemn strongly. Apart from this every day we hear about missing of children, young girls and also married women. It's none other than Human Trafficking, the world's fastest growing crime. Present situation of India proves the report of United Nations Organization on drugs and crimes, the most common form of human trafficking (79%) is sexual exploitation. The victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly women and girls. The issue needs our special attention, to protect and develop our society. As American author Helen Keller says, “until the great mass of people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained”. Every year final Sunday of September, The Salvation Army observes 'Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking' world widely. This year on 25th September we are getting ready to observe with the theme 'Speak out, give hope!' This issue comes to you with some information on Human Trafficking and our response towards our society. Please read without fail. A person alone can do something but together we can do great things. Let's fight against the social evil that creeping our society. It's our society and whatever happens in it we are accountable, so let's take it seriously and 'Do Something'. If you need more information to use it on 25th September please go t h ro u g h t h e S a l va t i o n A r m y w e b s i t e www.salvationarmy.org/ihq/antitrafficking and conduct awareness programmes in your corps/institutions/centres/divisions. Speak out in order to bring hope for those who have lost hope in their lives. Don't forget to send your reports to us which will inspire others. “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.” Psalm 82:3.

Yours in His Service

Major Jashiben Khristi Editor and Communications Secretary





9th September 1882 is the unforgettable day of Indian Salvation Army by Commissioner Booth Tucker and his colleagues stepped to a new task in India on stepping ashore at Mumbai, 'The Gate way of India'. This day was the Gateway to India for the spiritual and social works in India. If we define this day is the 'day of Indianization of global humanity', it is a right and righteous definition! In this era, Commissioner Booth Tucker is the unique encouraging personality in front of us as our role model, for he renounced his royal life for Jesus. At the time of William Booth even though there were so many social reformers, revolutionists, famous religious leaders, intellects; the Founder was the symbol of 'ocean of love', inspired him to invade to India across the sea. Tucker was known in different names along his ministry. This article unveils his names' meaning and life. 1. FREDERICK LAUTOUR TUCKER: - THE LIEGE WHO GET AWAY FROM THE PALACE

The full name of Tucker is Frederick St. George de Lautour Tucker, was born at Monghyr in Bengal. His father was in the Bengal civil service of a reputed family, a family that had won high and honorable place by generation of service in the outer marches of the empire and his mother was a daughter of Count de Lautour, general in the Grenadier Guards. Tucker and his sisters brought to England, so that they knew about the love of Jesus and got the chance to love the Bible. In 1876 he passed civil service examination and also learned the law. Tucker's first appointment was at Amritsar, where he was the Assistant Commissioner. In these days he happened to know about the Salvation Army through a War Cry and attracted with the variety work of Salvation Army and he flew to London to learn more about the Salvation Army. There he met General William Booth and expressed his desire to join in The Salvation Army. At first, General refused his desire because Tucker was from a royal family and also an Assistant Commissioner. General advised him to learn more about the Salvation Army and its people, because General thought that he would turn back from his decision when difficulties come. But Tucker stood firm in his decision. So that General appointed him to start the work of The Salvation Army in India. Because of the resignation of his job, Tucker's father was unhappy with him and he did not give any family share to him. Actually he was converting his education in to dedication and really got away from the Palace. 2. MAJOR. BOOTH TUCKER: - THE SADHU WHO GET DOWN FROM THE SHIP

After got married Emma, the daughter of General William Booth, Tucker received the name 'Booth Tucker' before leaving to India,

Major Tucker planned a vast idea to implement in India. They decided to travel on the deck of the ship for avoid excess travel expenses. The very important decision was to follow the Indian customs, have the Indian food and wear the Indian dresses. They wear red jersey like Indian monks, turbans and sandals. Really they were seemed like the sages. They had no special shelter; always they slept on the shadow of trees and travelled as barefoot. Once in Gujarat, Tucker and Colonel Weerasoorya were practically expelled from a village when they reached it. The people they did not want to hear them or know anything about them. But when the villagers saw the wounded feet of that sage while they were sleeping, it hurt their heart. 3. FAKEER SINGH: - THE GOD'S LOVE WHICH GET IN TO THE SKIN OF INDIA

Before Tucker leaving to India, General William Booth advised him that "Get in to the skin of the people in India'’

Caste was one of the main problems, dividing the people in to over a thousand sections, shut apart from each other by almost impassible even though invisible, barriers. At the top was the Brahmin, So exclusive that where he had sufficient influence others dared not even be on the road when they passed. At the bottom were the out caster, the "untouchables", sixty millions in number, living apart in the u t m o s t s q u a l o r a n d p o v e r t y, unpermitted even to let their shadow pollute the food of others, condemned to the lowest and most disagreeable work for the poorest wages, and forbidden by tradition to use the common wells, to send their children to school, or to share in any common life, abject slaves, even if no formal, legal bonds bound them. But Booth Tucker closely communicated with these people and got in to the skin of the people by loving them and conquered India with the love of Jesus. In this time let us bow down our head before the sacrificial life of Commissioner Booth Tucker and his colleagues.

Major William Chacko is corps officer of Cherukole East Corps, Mavelikara Division, India South-Western Territory

THE WAR CRY September 2016



Human Trafficking (modern slavery): It is defined as 'any person who is recruited, transported, transferred, harboured or received for the purpose of exploitation, either within or outside a country'. In India child trafficking is more. There have been many cases where children just disappear overnight, as many as one every eight minutes, according to the National Crime Records Bureau. Women and young boys are also trafficked. Types of Human Trafficking :

Labour: People are often trafficked for bonded labour, and domestic work, and are worked far beyond what is allowed in the country. They are often forced to work, in the use of contraptions that bound them to be unable to escape and then forced to submit to control. Others may be bound by abuse whether physical, emotional, or sexual. Those forced into labour lose all freedom, being thrown into the workforce, essentially becoming slaves, and losing their childhood. Illegal activities: Children, over adults are often chosen to be trafficked for illegal activities such as begging, smuggling and organ trade as they are seen as more vulnerable. Not only are these children being forced to beg for money, but a significant number of those on the streets have had limbs forcibly amputated, or even acid poured into their eyes to blind them by gang masters. Those who are injured tend to make more money, which is why they are often abused in this way. Organ trade is also common, when traffickers trick or force children to give up an organ.

Sexual exploitation: Sexual exploitation is an issue that is faced among many developing countries and is defined as “the sexual abuse of children and youth through the exchange of sex or sexual acts for drugs, food, shelter, protection, other basics of life and money� Often young girls are taken from their homes and sold as items to become sex slaves and even forced into prostitution. This may seem bad enough, but sexual exploitation is not always forced. Out of desperation, some parents will even sell their kids off to be sexually abused, in order to be able to acquire the basic necessities of life. As the parents are likely to have been sexually abused as children, generations to come are forced to live in this seemingly never-ending cycle of selling their children into sexual exploitation and abuse. Reasons for human trafficking:

Human trafficking varies from country to country, but it usually preys on vulnerable situations. People in vulnerable and precarious situations are looking for a way out and in their desperation can fall


September 2016 THE WAR CRY

prey to human traffickers. We see these in multiple different circumstances. The following four scenarios are examples of the conditions people may be fleeing.

1. Poverty: Many victims want to get out of their situation so they risk everything to leave the place that sees them mired in poverty. This gives the human traffickers bait to lure victims to move to a different country. Traffickers lie, promising jobs and stability in order to recruit their victims. Upon their arrival to another state or region, captors take control. More often than not, they are held in places where victims did not to want to make their home. Some parents, living below the poverty line sell their children, not just for money, but in hope that their children may escape poverty and have a better life with more opportunities. 2. Political conditions: Political instability, militarism, generalized violence or civil unrest can result in an increase in trafficking as well. The destabilization and scattering of populations increase their vulnerability to unfair treatment and abuse via trafficking.

3. War: Armed conflicts can lead to massive forced displacements of people. War creates large numbers of orphans and street children who are especially vulnerable to trafficking. Their families have either passed away or are fighting a war, complicating child-rearing. 4. Social and Cultural practices: Many societies and cultures devalue, abuse and exploit women and girls, creating perilous living conditions for these women. With little opportunities of upward mobility and with little value placed on women and girls, they are more vulnerable to human trafficking. What can we do?

By giving awareness to the women and children in our Communities/ churches, teaching the merits and demerits of media, educating the women, increasing family income through skill trainings we can protect them from this evil. Teach your children about the dangers of contacting with unknown people. Lead them towards Godly life. The Lord will protect them from this evil (Psalm 121:7).

Lieut. Colonel Indumati G. Christian is Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministry in India South-Eastern Territory


By the Grace of God, a three days territorial level 'Writers' seminar' was conducted under the leadership of Colonel Edwin Masih, Territorial Commander at AAR Royal Residency, International Hotel, Sankarankovil during 4 - 6 July 2016. Including 24 men and 6 women, there were 30 officers from various divisions were attended in this seminar.


he Seminar was inaugurated by Lieut. Colonel Gabriel I. Christian, Chief Secretary followed by the lecture given on Writing the Evangelism by Lieut. Colonel T. Alfred, Secretary for Programme Administration; Social Media and Spirituality by Major Babu Samraj, Educational Secretary; Tools for Effective Writing by Major Jashiben Khristi, Editor, All India War Cry; Elements of Writing by Lieut . Colonel P. Suthananthadas, Secretary for Personnel Administration; Christian Writing by Lieut . Colonel Paramdhas, Divisional Commander of Azhagiapandiyapuram Division; Value of Writing by Major Ebenezer, Editor, ICT;

P h o t o Journalism and Effective Software skill by M r. I . Christopher, IT Coordinator; Interview and Psychology of Communication by Major Sam Raj, Divisional Commander of Palayamcottai Division and finally Journalism and News Writing by Major Ashok Sundar, Editor. Delegates were received spiritual strength by the morning devotions conducted by Major G. Christopher Selvanath, D ivisional C ommander , Tenkasi division and by Editor.

Through this seminar delegates were motivated to write Bible messages, songs and reports. Territorial Leaders were the chief guests for the spiritual meeting. Finally delegates were awarded with certificates.



t was a great experience for me to visit some of our programmes and to meet the people personally during the visit of Mr. Clinton, Australia Territory under the banner of Integrated Mission work to know the impact of the programme at particular community on 18-21 July 2016. During this programme we visited different areas of New Delhi, Orissa and Kolkata. We had visited our newly started community empowerment programme area at Vasant Kunj, New Delhi to facilitating the community women to develop their economical and social status. As a result many beneficiaries

have opened their small business through self help group's (SHGs). Last two year back Army had started the tailoring programme at Bhubaneswer, Orissa through this training programme many women get training successfully starts their own small or big business which is remarkable. Every woman in the tailoring center had good relationship with the Salvation Army programme centre and they are attending morning devotion, this given them a good discipline. For last many years areas at Angul, Orissa community empowerment programme has been going successfully and presently most of the SHGs are dynamic, self sustained, unity to access Government schemes, supporting other groups who were weaker and to develop as well as to create good relationships with bankers. Starting tailoring shops, manufacturing of plastic bags, banana farming, poultry farms and accessing the government loans were the significant impacts of this SHGs in the communities. The Veer

Territorial Commander concluded the seminar with the prayer and benediction. We are very much grateful to the Territorial Leaders , all f aculties and delegates who have participated in the Writers' Seminar. Major P. Ashok Sundar Editor India South-Eastern Territory Project was another part of the integrated mission work for the betterment of the street children by proving them basic education and creative activities are going on nearby Howrah Railway Station at Howrah. This programme will help the children to bring back in their normal life and for the development of the community.

We are very much thankful for our territorial leadership for thinking to upgrade the standard of the buildings of social institutions to support for the needy people and to set up a good relationship with community. Major Prakash Chandra Pradhan Projects Officer, India Northern Territory

THE WAR CRY September 2016



Regd. No. 69291/97 September 2016 Volume: 17 Number: 9

William & Catherine Booth André Cox


ewly appointed Territorial Leaders Colonels Nihal and Rohini Hettiarachchi were welcomed and installed on 24th July 2016 at Trivandrum Central Corps by Colonels Alister Venter, Territorial Commander and Mari e ke Venter, TPWM, Sri Lanka Territory.

This was the remarkable day in the history of India South - Western Territory because the dream came true to welcome the new Territorial Commander Colonels Nihal & Rohini Hettiarachchi, TPWM after waiting two and half months. The Colonels are originally from Sri Lanka. The Church was packed with THQ staff, divisional l eaders, i nstitutional officers, soldiers and young soldiers who were eagerly waiting to welcome their new leaders. At the commencement of the meeting, introductory speech was given by Lieut-Colon el Vanlalfe la, Chief Secretary, and soon after the Chief Guests has taken the auspicious time to install the new Territorial Leaders in the name of triune God. Colonel Marieke Venter has presented the letter of General from IHQ. Lieut. Colonel K. M. Solomon, Secretary for personnel Administration felicitated

the new leaders on behalf of the territory. While the songsters of central corps presented a special number, the Territorial Leaders were honoured with shawls by the officers and soldiers. In her response Colonel Rohini Hettiarachchi expressed her gratitude to God and the Salvation Army and requested the prayerful support of the territory. An inspirational message shared by Colonel Nihal Hettiarachchi, Te r r i t o r i a l C o m m a n d e r emphasising on the personality and mighty works of God with reference from St. Mat t hew 16:13-17. At the closing of the meeting some of the soldiers and officers rededicated their lives at the mercy seat. The meeting was concluded with the prayer and benediction of Colonel Alister Venter. May God bless the new Territorial Commander and TPWM of India South-Western Territory.

Captain Jose P. Mathew TYS & Candidate Secretary India South-Western Territory

Have you read the War Cry ? Please visit our website www.salvationarmy.org/india


September 2016 THE WAR CRY

: Founders : General

International Headquarters 101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4EH, UK

Colonel Wilfred Varughese Lieut-Colonel Daniel Raju Dasari Major Jashiben Khristi Mr. Buddha Dev Bramhachary

: Publisher : National Secretary : Editor & Communications Secretary : Designer

The WAR CRY is published monthly. Single copy . 8.00 Annual Subscription India . 96.00, USA $ 18.00, UK £. 8.50

Money order or Demand Draft in favour of “THE SALVATION ARMY INDIA NATIONAL SECRETARIAT, KOLKATA” Postal Address: National Secretary The Salvation Army India National Secretariat 37, Lenin Sarani (1st Floor) Post Box. - 8994, Dharamtala Post Kolkata - 700013, West Bengal, India Phone: Fax:

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India National Website: www.salvationarmy.org/india

Our Mission




he Territorial Officers' refresher course was conducted under the leadership of Commissioner M. C. James, Territorial Commander at Anand, Gujarat from 6-7 July 2016 with themed “Growing in Christ”. 40 corps officers were selected from seven divisions and five extension areas of Gujarat. The programme was supported by Lieut. Colonel Jashwant T. Macwan, Secretary for Personnel Administration, Gujarat. Territorial Commander gave keynote address followed by Bible study from Titus 1: 7-9 where he was explained the characteristics, duties and responsibilities of ministers of the G o s p e l . D u r i n g t h e p r o g ra m m e Secretary for Personnel Administration, Gujarat explained about the relationship with family, leaders, fellow Church


members and with non-Christians. In his lecture he had g i ve n m u ch importance on “ B u i l d i n g Relationship” as we are engaged in our full time Church ministry.

All the participants were interviewed on the basis of four questions, on their spiritual growth and its signs, efforts for their personal development, any area they need improvement in their lives and their challenges. Territorial Commander taught the subject on “Outreach Evangelism” and explained that how we can reach to the unreached with a great example of Jesus who had triangle ministry preaching, teaching and healing. He had explained the objectives, action plan, i m p l e m en t a t i o n , e va l u a t i on an d achievements of outreach evangelism. In Second day Territorial Commander had continued his Bible studies from Titus 1:7-9. The programme continued with the lecture on “Spiritual Ministry

LEAGUE OF MERCY - NELLORE DIVISION eague of Mercy visitation and distribution programme was organ ised by Colone l Mallika, TPWM at Nellore Division on 27th July 2016. Prior to distribution programme, TPWM gave significant and appropriate Bible message. After that they distributed Horlicks and Oats to 90 sick and aged people; approximate 135 needy aged women, men and poor young boys received sarees, dhotis, towels and shirts & pants respectively.

among young people” by Lieut. Colonel Rasik Cristian, Secretary for Programme Administration (Gujarat) was emphasize how to make Salvation Army strong in future and we need to be creative in youth activities at our Sunday school so it may attract the youth. Territorial Commander shared his own experiences and thoughts on “Spiritual Formation” and its process. Then he challenged to all the officers to select a day and examine their spiritual life, the day when they first dedicated their life and then to check one by one incident taken place in their life and their impacts on spiritual life. D u r i n g f i n a l s e s s i o n Te r r i t o r i a l Commander was preached about the “Spiritual Gifts” from 2 Timothy, 1: 1 -7. He did challenge all officers to check the Bible, find out the gifts and make a list and use those gifts for the glory of God. Further he challenged all participants to keep their lamps burning and let not to put them off. In response of two days teaching of various subjects and Bible study, all officers rededicated their lives to God. After the two days course every officer departed with renewed spirit.

Major Jayanti G. Macwan HRD Secretary, Anand, Gujarat India Western Territory

You share ... We publish Is your corps/centres/ institutions/division/territory conducted new programmes ? Is there any new enrolments in your corps /outpost? share your joy with us by sending a good picture with brief note.

Thanks to God for His grace and support of the leaders. Lieut. Colonel Yesumma Territorial League of Mercy Secretary India Central Territory

Have you blessed by reading any message/article or report please write to us now. When you send any picture to publish in the War Cry please make sure it should be high resolution, meaningful and programme oriented picture. Send to us in .jpg format.

THE WAR CRY September 2016



slavery. There was one more prime concern to rescue minor girls from the trade. “I know the plans I have for you, Declares the Lord, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, Plans to give you hope�

of these children stayed in the institution.

Yes, every person is God's child, whether he/she is forced, trapped, sold or trafficked. God never planned them to be trapped in sexual slavery, but He does have plans for everyone to have a wonderful life, a life without harm and destruction. We can be a channel of help for them, to help them find dignity, prosperity and a life that is far better than the dreadful situation.


he Salvation Army, Mumbai began working in the Red Light Area, Kamathipura, Mumbai during 1989 as a response to HIV/AIDS by creating awareness amongst the women in Red Light Area, encouraging them for counseling and testing so that they may be referred to hospitals for m edical care. They were given education about how to take care of other women living with HIV/AIDS. During visitation we found that mainly these women were concerned about the future of their children and asked to do something to take their children away fr om t he Red l ig ht area. Responding to their concern for their children, and considering their request, we arranged to accept 40 children into our Children homes. To our surprise, at the end of one year we found that none


September 2016 THE WAR CRY

Thus it was clear that it is difficult for children from the Red Light Area to adjust to the dis ci pli n ed li fe style of boarding schools. This urged us to make efforts to help the children to find hope and a future away from the Red Light Area. We could not just dismiss the concern that the mothers had for their children. Hence, we began working closely with the children and the mothers. In the year 1999, the Salvation Army Mumbai started health care services for women within the area by the visit of a doctor and counselors, same time they concentrated on children. As a result, in the year 2000, the Salvation Army set up a drop-in-centre in the Kennedy Bridge area for children and women.

Still another area mothers were concerned about their children's safety and education, needed a place away from the area where children could h a v e a n opportunity to see life from a better perspective. The S a l vat io n A rm y also had a dream of a 24-hour shelter to meet the needs of children in the area and, at the s am e tim e, work with the mothers so that they could find a way ou t o f th e

So, with the support of the people of the Salvation Army in Australia and the e n c o u ra ge m e n t of s om e o f t h e organizations, we started the Jeevan Asha Programme in September 2004 with spiritual inspiration from Jeremiah 29:11. Main aim of Jeevan Asha is to improve the lives of vulnerable women and children involved in the sex trade through rescuing from the human trafficking, looking for long term rehabilitation and strengthen them through vocational training.

Through this programme the Salvation Army provides numerous services that includes formal and informal education, medical, nutritional, counseling, safe shelter for boys and girls, recreational, referral and rehabilitation, economic empowerment through SHGs and vocational training.

At present Salvation Army SAWSO is supporting the programme, as a result we are able to reach more than 3000 women and 500 children in the area, 250 women rehabilitated out of area and 300 children referred and rehabilitated. Your prayer support will strengthen us to carry on the God given responsibility through Jeevan Asha to give hope to the people who live without hope. Major Anilkumar K. Macwan Manager – CARE Programme Centre Mumbai, India Western Territory





uman Trafficking is a global issue, people are transporting from one place to another place by forcefully, by fraud or ignorantly for commercial sex. UNICEF estimated 2 million children are trafficked each year, majority of them are girls under the age of 18 years. International Border victims are Men, Women and Children out of them 50% are Children and Youth. Human trafficking is the trade of humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and oval removal. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation.

If we read in Amos 2: 6 & 7, it says, They sell into slavery honest people who cannot pay their debts, 'selling the innocent, needy and poor (v 6), The rich trampling the weak and helpless (v 7), denying justice to the oppressed (v 7) by this we understand that this issue is in existence since long back. These sins are all related to social injustice which includes exploiting the poor, treating them in human. But the Lord says, “I will not turn back my wrath.”

The Salvation Army globally works on this issue and observes last Sunday of September as Prayer for victims of Human Trafficking. The Founder of the Army General William Booth had great concern for the poor, destitute and oppressed people. In his last public address in the Royal Albert hall, London, in May 1912, Founder stated that he would fight to bring justice to those in need. “While women weep, as they do now, I'll fight; While little children go hungry, as they do now, I'll fight; While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I'll fight; While there is a drunkard left, While there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, While there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I'll fightI'll fight to the very end!” Let us follow our Founder's words by taking a firm decision individually and collectively to fight against Human Trafficking in order to protect our present and future generation. Let us lift our hands and join with the rest of the world in Prayer for the Victims of Human Trafficking. "Rescue the poor and helpless from the grasp of evil men" Psalm 82:4

Human Trafficking In India

According to police and trafficking experts, at least 300,000 children across India are drugged, beaten and forced to beg every day, in what has become a multi-million rupee industry controlled by human trafficking cartels. There are many provisions made for the safety to women and children in our constitution, however, the issue is remained unsolved.

Lieut. Colonel Baby Sarojini is Administrator & Chaplain of the India National Secretariat, Kolkata

THE WAR CRY September 2016




he Salvation Army Medical Fellowship (SAMF) members of Southern Division of India Eastern Territory were gathered and planned to observe the forthcoming SAMF Sunday as special event under the leadership of Major Lalfakzuali, DDWM. They put their hard efforts in raising the funds well in advance to meet the expenses for free clinic, same time they are also searching for the availability of doctors free clinic.

On 10th July, 2016 SAMF members divided into different corps within the Lunglei area accompanied by officers and led Holiness meeting and shared the words from the Bible. Furthermore they recited the meaning of SAMF and the meaningful works of the group. The soldiers were appreciated the services of SAMF and enjoyed the day spiritually. Soon after the meeting there was free health check up by SAMF members. The group is having great commitment and kind heart to support the people. We are thankful to Dr. Zolianthanga CT and Mr. H. Lalmalsawma for their great support. It was remarkable day and incredible blessed Sunday for the Southern division.

Major P. C. Vanlalchhuangi DSWM, Southern Division India Eastern Territory

Thank you for being there... As a Teacher, a friend, a guide, an inspiration.. For making us find ourselves

Happy Teacher’s Day 10

September 2016 THE WAR CRY

News / Testimony


Sornam Paul, BSN, Saudi Arabia was born and brought up in a nonCh ri sti a n fa mi l y a nd wo rshi p in g numerous Gods was predominant. Praise God I was chosen as a first generation Christian. At the age of 18 years, I got an opportunity to study Nursing at Salvation Army hospital. I admired a missionary, Late (Dr.) Major Hazel Scott and her dedicated services, the kindness she showed for poor and needy and which led me to commit myself to become a soldier. I dedicated myself on youth council meeting to fill the empty chairs in God's Temple. My dream was to be servant of God however; I was not able to fulfill my desire due to poor condition of my family.

God is faithful to run my race & to solve my family problem, but He remembered my desire. We are six sibling in our family. I learned to read Bible & slowly the Lord opened my spiritual eyes. He has forgiven my sins and I could experience the love of Grace. Slowly the darkness turned to light in my life. The power of light touched my family one by one to become a catapult to His house. He provided me an opportunity to serve the Lord through various Salvation Army hospitals in India. Many opposed my faith saying that the Salvation Army doctrine was incomplete. It was like the crippled lady who was in the synagogue, bent forward for 18 years unable to look up the spiritual part. I replied boldly to many that our Founder's vision and motto was true and alive, applicable to anyone who needs salvation through the Christ. Christ's last command is our first concern. Jesus said if you honor me I will honor you. The Lord God enabled me to be a witness today like the maid-servant of Naaman who witnessed about the living Lord of Israel to her mistress. She is an instrument to heal Naaman's leprosy. Slavery and bondage was not an obstacle to witness about her God. There are many who have received help, education and support from The Salvation Army who have since left their chair empty, but as for myself and my children are still in service of the Lord. The Lord fulfilled his call on my life on April 16th 2016, He sent me to Haggai leadership training for evangelism in Maui, USA. While I was in Maui the Lord’s faithful call was received to attend The Salvation Army Sunday services at Kahului Corps.

The Lord blessed me at the corps through the officers who asked me to share my testimony with grateful heart. I thank Captains Robert and Jill Steiner and CSM Mark Saxon and other church leaders who prayed their blessings over me and on my missionary journey prior to my convocation at Haggai Institute. Through this witness, as a Salvationist how many of us ready to take a step to march to gather souls to fill the EMPTY CHAIRS in Gods Temple? Who needs Christ! Let us make His last command our first concern. Salvation begins in our house. I am blessed with husband, two children (girl and boy) both of them are medical students in His healing ministry.

News Feature: International News



01 August 2016

ECAUSE The Salvation Army meets human needs in 127 countries worldwide, it has historically proved difficult to be partisan when it comes to supporting national teams at the Olympic Games. This year's sporting showcase is a little different, as a team of refugees – from Africa and the Middle East – will be competing under the Olympic flag. In recognition of this, The Salvation Army will be supporting Team Refugees. Ten top athletes, forced by conflict and persecution to flee their homes, are being given a chance to compete in the 2016 Rio Games in Brazil. At a time when more than 65 million people are displaced – many of them children – the participation of a Refugee Olympic Team sends a powerful signal of hope to refugees around the world. The initiative has been developed by UNICEF and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, in partnership with many other agencies. Lieut-Colonel Dean Pallant, Director of T h e S a l vat i o n A r my ' s International Social Justice Commission which liaises with the UN in New York explains: 'The Salvation Army is deeply concerned that millions and millions of people are today displaced from the ir homes by conflict and persecution. This global tragedy is not receiving enough attention. Solutions are needed now. Amid the misery and suffering, the participation of 10 worldclass refugee athletes in the Rio 2016 Olympics is a reminder that refugees are people with abilities, skills and God-given talents.' He continues: 'The International Social Justice Commission encourages everyone to support the all-refugee team as a small sign of our support for all the women, men, girls and boys who are refugees and asylum seekers.’

Meanwhile, more than 100 Salvation Army volunteers are gathering in Rio to undertake mission activities in venues

across the city. With international team members representing countries as far afield as Australia, Iceland and Canada, sport will be the 'common language' as the life-changing message of the gospel is taken to the favelas.

Vânia Quintão is a Salvationist from Niterói who is keen to be participating in August's mission. She was part of similar outreach campaigns at the Pan American Games in 2007 and at a number of Rio's famous carnivals. 'I am looking forward to the arrival of the Olympic Games and being part of this great team of volunteers,' she says. 'I believe [this] is a strategic way … to fulfil our mission as The Salvation Army.’ Elisa Moura, also from Niterói, agrees. 'To the vendors, people coming in and out of sports events, and the street people we can show Jesus.’

As well as meeting practical and spiritual needs, The Salvation Army's Rio 2016 mission seeks to extend some of the fun and enjoyment of the sporting spectacle to these communities. Musical performances, dance events and even treasure hunts are planned to ensure that entire families can participate. More information about The Salvation Army's Rio 2016 sports ministry and outreach can be found at http://sar.my/rio2016 and by using the #SARio2016 hashtag across social media Details about Team Refugees, including videos and more information about UNHCR and UNICEF can be found at http://sar.my/otr

The Salvation Army continues to respond to the ongoing refugee situation in Europe – see http://sar.my/europerefugees for information. taken from IHQ International News

Captain Ionara Tebas is the corps officer (church minister) and manager at The Salvation Army's church and community centre in Méier, which has established itself well in the neighbourhood. 'It's a case of visiting the people who might need our help,' she explains. 'We go to them and get to know the whole family.' Some of the families Captain Tebas is in contact with have significant needs; a l c oh o l a n d dr u g d e pe n d e nc y i s widespread, with a serious knock-on effect on family income. THE WAR CRY September 2016





onsidering the spiritual development of children and youth, a special programme was conducted for Sunday School Book Preparation 2017 at Red Shield House, Muttom from 25th to 27th July 2016 by the Territorial Youth Department.


Beginning of the programme, Territorial Youth Secretary gave n e c e s s a r y instructions regarding the significance of the Sunday School Books which should be emerged for the spiritual formation of the children and youth. It has been decided to prepare the lessons according to the age limit of the students. The officers were divided into three groups and have been asked to write lessons as per the title 'HISTORY OF ISRAELITES’ for the primary section, ‘TABERNACLE AND TEMPLE’ for the intermediate section and 'ANGELS AND DEMONS' for the Bible group children.


Officers were spiritually strengthened by the morning and evening devotions conducted by the selected officers. Bible commentaries and other translated Bible were supported for preparing the lessons. Readers are requested to remember the youth ministry in your earnest prayers. Major Y. Joseph Territorial Youth Secretary India South-Eastern Territory

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning

– Brad Henry



he History of the Booth Tucker Hall is unique. Instead of a hall becoming a necessity for an already established corps, what had actually happened was the other way rounds Until the year 1923 the Officers and soldiers of the old Cape Divisional Headquarters, the Men's and women's Training Homes, the W o m e n ' s S e w i n g Ta i l o r i n g Department, the Boy's and Girls Boarding Schools as well as the English and Vernacular Middle Schools used to gather for meeting as the old palmyra-leaf-thatched shed stylishly known as the Central Hall situated in the training College premises.


September 2016 THE WAR CRY

When General Bramwell Booth visited Nagercoil in the month of December 1922, he felt the need of a Territorial Central Hall . During the great public meeting held in the English Middle School Compound, sanctioned substantial amount of `.15,000/. The hall was eloquently named o f B o o t h Tu c k e r a f t e r Commissioner Booth Tucker (Fakir Singh the pioneer Indian Leader) was dedicated on the 15th October 1923 by Commissioner Arthur Blowers (Sukh Singh) the then Southern India Territory, Madras.

The Social uplifting changes that affected the people in general resulted in many Salvationist migrating to the Nagercoil town from the outlying villages of South Trava ncore. Q u it e a n um ber of Salvationists, both men and women on gaining-required educational qualifications found employment in the town area, and in course of time the now well known Vetturnimadam centre b e c o m e t h e J e r u s a l e m o f Ta m i l Salvationism. Now ninety percent of the 300 or more Salvationist families enrolled in the Booth Tucker Hall originally came

ou t of wh at we k no wn as t h e Kulasekharam, Marthandam, Thuckalay, Cape North, Valliyoor, Radh ap uram a nd Pal ayamcottai divisions.

Quite a number of Christian friends reguiariy attend our Sunday and weekday meetings. The Booth Tucker Hall as always, for the Glory of God, and for the Salvation of Souls.


Study the Scriptures

• Read Matthew 22:37-40. How do Jesus' words direct our response to the issue of human trafficking?

• Read Psalm 9:1-20. Consider what this Psalm means to Christians today within the context of our response to the issue of human trafficking. What does it mean that "the Lord is a refuge for the oppressed," (v. 9) and what part do we play in creating a refuge for the oppressed?

• Read Psalm 82:3-4 and Am os 5 :1 -27. These Scriptures speak very strongly on God's behalf. If we ignore the cries of those imprisoned, we fail to support the cause of justice in this world. But if we heed God's voice, we will "let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" (Amos 5:24) How important do you think it is that the Church stand for the defenseless and take a lead role in "breaking the chains?" Educate Yourself

global scourge

Learn the common signs of persons being trafficked. Speak Out!

• Legislation is pending both locally and nationally around the rapidly unfolding issue of human trafficking. What can you do? Write a letter and send it to your legislators!

• When you see someone who you are concerned may be a trafficking victim, report it immediately. Tell Your Friends • Look for opportunities to share what you've learned with your friends, family, and others in your circle of influence. Even today, so many know so little about the issue!

• Join causes on Facebook, so that your Facebook friends will see them and become more aware! Pray for...

• a heart that is broken by the plight of trafficked people; • those trafficked around the world, for profit and exploitation; • those trafficked in our own neighborhoods, such as migrant workers and our own children at the hands of sex traffickers; • those organizations working to free them; • people to rise up and stop trafficking in their own neighborhoods and countries; • the healing and restoration of rescued victims; • the traffickers, that they will repent; • about how God wants you to respond.

• Find local and global trafficking information at Polaris Project.

• Learn how human trafficking is now a global issue: Human trafficking: a misunderstood

source from The Salvation Army, International Website

Home league members of Bengalore District, Karnataka State, conducted Home League spiritual retreat on 2nd July 2016, India Central Territory

THE WAR CRY September 2016




DDWMs’ Seminar Two d ay s D DWM s ' s em i n ar was organised under the leadership of Territorial President of Women Ministry Colonel Mallika Mony, supported by Lieut. Colonel Ruth Mahida and women's ministry staff at Tissot Training Centre, Bapatla started on 22nd July 2016. Main purpose was to discuss about forth coming women congress which will be held in the month of October 2016, the theme of seminar was “Joyfully His”. 40 delegates were attended in this seminar. The seminar was commenced with formal welcome and prayer offered by TPWM. Devotion was led by TSWM and spiritual message was shared by TPWM from Proverb 12:11. She explained about purpose of ministry and blessings of God for hard working without discrimination.

There was u s e f u l discussion happened with all DDWMs regarding forth c o m i n g w o m e n ' s congress. They came up with their valuable suggestions and promise of cooperation.

In addition, TPWM conducted cooking classes and she taught about how to prepare and use raw vegetables and pulses without losing its vitamins yet healthy food for everyone including children and aged. Women learned many new preparation from this task. Women Local Officers' Seminar N e x t d a y around 200 delegates including women local officers and some soldiers with wel l d r e s s e d uniform, along with DDWMs,

attended the seminar. The seminar started with devotion conducted by THLS and Bible message was given by DDWM of Bapatla division. Then there was keen discussion with participants to serve the purpose. It was very us eful and encouraging for everyone to go forward and onward to hoist the flag for the congress to glorify His name. Spiritual meeting was conducted by TPWM. Many women shared inspiring testimonies. Territorial Commander gave Bible message on 1 Corinthians 11:1-12 which was moving and every one received divine blessings as a result many women came to mercy seat and re-dedicated their lives to God. The Territorial Commander concluded the programme by prayer and benediction.

Lieut. Colonel Usha Rani Territorial Senior Home League Secretary India Central Territory

WORKSHOP ON CHLORINE DROP MAKING – INT Gilchrist and Mr. Zahoor from Safe Water International Mission. There were 2 2 m em be r s attended in the workshop.


erritorial Women's Ministry Department organised a half day informative workshop to make liquid chlorine on 29th June 2016. The training was given by Dr.


September 2016 THE WAR CRY

The workshop was com me nc e d wi th prayer at 4:00 p.m. a t t h e Wo m e n ' s Ministry office. Resource persons demonstrated that how to make chlorine drops with a machine. They explained about seriousness of the water borne diseases and how chlorine drops prevents the water borne diseases and makes our

lives healthy and safe. Chlorine drops makes drinking water safe, clean and sanitize the kitchen, freeze, house floor and cooking vessels; bleach white cloths, remove stains and whiten the cloths, useful for swimming pool, cleaning the vegetables also. Chlorine also useful in school, hospital, clinic, public water system, hostels, colleges and ponds, water storage tanks. The purification system will be follow by everyone in coming days. We are very much thankful to Dr. Isaac Masih and Mr. Bhaskar facilitated the workshop.

Lieut. Colonel Kabitha Sahu Territorial Home League Secretary India Northern Territory

Bible Study


Genesis 20

n this story we are presented with an opportunity to focus on the characters of Abraham, Abimelek and Sarah, and to ask some simple, yet useful, questions. It is a story that perhaps we feel is distant from the realities of human trafficking. FEAR is paralysing. It can stop a person in their tracks. We know that fear is something most victims feel - fear of authority and fear of those who help. In Job 4:14 we read of how Job was seized by fear. It's painful and can be a debilitating emotion. The psalmist writes in Psalm 55:5: 'Fear and trembling have beset me.'

Out of fear, Abram [Abraham] told a lie - and not for the first time. It was the same lie as before (see Genesis 12:10-13). It seems it was easy for Abraham to return to his old ideas of fixing a situation. He tried to deal with it himself instead of asking for help and trusting God. 1. How does fear affect you? 2. Have you ever tried to manipulate a situation instead of allowing God to lead and others to help? 3. How easy is it to slip into old ways?

TRUTH is not always easy to hear. As President Barack Obama said, regarding talks on climate change: 'Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm.’

Abraham's fear had pushed him to tell lies and put Sarah in danger. Abimelek - a pagan king with a harem of many women - heard the voice of truth during his sleep. Clearly the voice of God spoke to him and told him of his error. Truth was made known. In the Bible, when truth is spoken we see lives changed. Psalm 25:5 states: 'Guide me in your truth'. It's not a given that we know the way of truth. We need direction and help to navigate the untruths. It's a relationship and a discipline. Here is the important part - God spoke up for Sarah, the victim.

Abimelek was set free from a heavy punishment by God. Jesus tells us in John 8:32: 'You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.' 1. What truths do we need to hear daily from God? 2. What truth could set us free? 3. Who do we allow to speak truth into our lives? HOPE. Abimelek, a pagan king, had a harem, into which arrived Sarah, aged 90. Both were placed into a situation where things could go wrong. • Abimelek - a victim who could change a stuation and give hope; • Sarah - a victim who received hope for the future.

Abimelek's name means 'father of a king' - a common name similar to that of Pharoah - and the Philistine pagan king was among the


early settlers in Gerar. He was a king who heard and acted upon the voice of God, offering hope even through punishment to Sarah.

Every victim of human trafficking needs someone to offer them hope and the opportunity to change the situation. Someone must speak up and give hope, and in this passage, a non-believer heard the voice of God and spoke up. 1. When have we heard God speak? 2. How have we heard God speak? 3. What situation can we speak out about to bring hope to someone today?

RESTORATION for the victims. The dream is that every victim of human trafficking will be fully restored to live an abundant life. The Bible tells us about the restoration in individuals' lives. In Job chapter 42, we read: 'After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before' (v 10).

The Hebrew word used was rD' (yakach) - 'set right'. Sarah had been wronged and was set right, or 'found right' as some commentators suggest, because of her humility. Both are true. Restoration comes through trust and a renewed belief in God. Through a healing touch or meeting, Jesus restored people to health. It's about health. • • •

Sarah was restored to Abraham; Abraham was given value; Abimelek was seen and 'noted by God'.

Like Sarah, we must humble ourselves to be restored. Have we experienced this?

Is there a situation - relationship, friend, colleague, partner or service user - where we can bring hope by allowing them to encounter God?

source from The Salvation Army, International website

THE WAR CRY September 2016


source: The Salvation Army International Website


September 2016 THE WAR CRY

Printed & Published by Colonel Wilfred Varughese on behalf of The Salvation Army at 37, Lenin Sarani, Kolkata - 700013 Printed at Alpha & Omega Printers, 12, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata - 700016, Published on 14th August 2016 Editor : Major Jashiben Khristi, email: IND_Secretariat@ind.salvationarmy.org, Published at : 37, Lenin Sarani, Kolkata - 700013

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