NJ DCON 2013

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Volume 2 Issue 1

Official Newsletter of the MAST Key Club/New Jersey District/Division 8

THE SANDY KEYS 2013 NJ District Convention Special Issue Letter From Adam Rubin, Division 8's New LTG!

In this issue: Letter from LTG..................................1 Highlights of DCON..........................2 Keynote Speaker..............................2 New Executive Board......................3 DCON First Timers.............................3 ELIMINATE..........................................4 Talent Show......................................4 Photo Page!!!...................................5

Dear Marine Academy of Science and Technology Key Club, It is my absolute honor, and privilege, to be serving as the 20132014 Lieutenant Governor of Division 8 in the absolutely dazzling New Jersey District. I am amazed and humbled by our district’s passion for service almost every day. In the following paragraphs I hope to share with you some insight about my own personal Key Club experience as well as my goals for the upcoming service year. I joined Key Club my sophomore year of high school because I wanted to be able to say on my college résumé that I had done community service throughout my high school career. Very quickly I discovered that Key Club was so much more than just community service. Key Club meant service, fun, and family. I attended Fall Rally that year and discovered that Key Club was a huge organization that extended beyond my home club. I continued to attend events, until District Convention that year changed everything. I saw the work we had done for the ELIMINATE Project, and what other clubs, both large and small, had achieved in their local communities. I realized for the first time that I myself wanted to be a part of the New Jersey District Board of Trustees. That brings us to the present. After having been elected, and attending Midwinter Training Conference as well as this year’s District Convention, I am now serving as a Lieutenant Governor. What does that mean for my division? Well, since I have joined Key Club I have always wanted more and more people to be involved with the club. I have wanted to bring our division together as a closer, and more family-like network. Yours in caring and service,

Adam Rubin Lieutenant Governor of Division 8

MORE INFO! Check out http://njkeyclub.org/ the New Jersey District Key Club website Also check out http://marineacademykeyclub.com our school's Key Club website

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DCON Highlights By Danielle Ciaurro In case your head is still spinning

Keynote Speaker By Maddison Stokes During the Friday Evening

from everything that happened at this

Keynote Session, all key clubbers in

year’s District Convention, here are all

attendance at DCON had the

the highlights of the weekend!

opportunity to hear the Keynote Speaker

Friday was the Keynote Session, where we heard from former Key Club District Governor Monica Gupta Jain. Caucusing for District Board candidates began around 9, and afterward was the black-and-white dance. Saturday started with the

of the convention, Monica Gupta Jain, a former Key Club District Governor, share her story. Monica began her address by sharing an anecdote of the triumphs and tribulations in the difficult life of a cartoonist named Walter. In the end of

Appreciation Session where club officers

the story, Monica shared that Walter was

were recognized. After the awards Key

Walt Disney. Through telling Disney’s

Clubbers attended workshops. Following

struggles she relayed her message to

was the Meet the Candidates Session,

never give up on your dreams because

where all of the candidates running for a

anything is possible.

District Board position gave speeches. Later, awards were given out at the Recognition Session, including the Key of Honor to Mr. Ellithorpe and award given to District Governor Nicole Ventrone. The night ended with the Governor’s Ball and Board auctions. We kicked off Sunday morning in

Monica then went on to share a more personal story from her own life. A traumatizing experience in which a man entered her apartment with a shot gun and knife and robbed her of her possessions and sense of security. After the robbery, she had to overcome the

the best way possible: a walk for the

struggle of feeling in constant danger

ELIMINATE Project! Following was the

and move forward in her life.

Farewell Session; Nicole Ventrone gave

Monica ended her amazing

her farewell address, Adam Rubin and

speech with a message to all: You are

the other 2013-1024 LTGs were installed,

the future and you can make a

and the 2013-2014 District Board was

difference. If you chase your dreams, like

revealed. Altogether, the weekend was

Walt Disney, and do not give up you can

amazing, and even more so for MAST as

achieve great things. Monica Gupta

the home club of the now-ImmediatePast District Governor.

Jain’s keynote address was truly captivating and inspiring.

MORE INFO! Check out http://njkeyclub.org/ the New Jersey District Key Club website Also check out http://marineacademykeyclub.com our school's Key Club website

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Meet the New Executive Board By Tracy Vollbrecht At District Convention this year, delegates from each club voted in the new executive board for the 2013-2014 service year. After hearing many speeches and the answers to various questions, the delegates cast their educated votes. The editor for this year is Pak Chu (?). Pak is from Egg Harbor Township and was the editor of EHT's newsletter The Key Chain last service year. Pak is excited to bring his skills to the Jersey Key, hoping to increase the number of readers by including more photos and graphics. The treasurer for this service year is Penny Xu from Parsippany Hills. Penny is the immediate past Lieutenant Governor of Division 19. She hopes to continue the success of immediate past treasurer Joseph. The secretary of this year is Kelly Tran, who is also from Egg Harbor Township. Kelly served as Lieutenant Governor of Division 1B last service year before running for secretary. Kelly plans to keep precise records of all district activities and assist the Governor in any way needed. Last but certainly not least . . . this year's District Governor is Ryan Clarkin! Ryan is from Vernon Township and served as Lieutenant Governor of Division 21 during the 2011-2012 service year. Ryan is ecstatic to serve the District this year. The new executive board is proud to serve each of you and welcomes any questions or comments from you! Check out the NJ Key Club website for contact information for the Exec Board and info on upcoming district events!

DCON First Timers By Morgan Sanguedolce We all remember our very first District Convention. Some of us were already planning out everything we’d do while some of us didn’t even know what to expect, but I think I can safely say we were all equally excited from the promises of making new friends, having fun, and being fancy for a change! As a first-timer at D-Con, it was like a breath of fresh air from all of my personal stresses. Everything was about Key Club, the services we were providing and what we stood for as a community. I have never felt prouder to be a part of such an amazing group as I was when I saw the posters of other club’s projects, listened to inspirational leaders give speeches about their experiences in Key Club, and was surrounded by all the happy and jovial energy that simply saturated the atmosphere. I was in high spirits for days after it ended! D-Con was truly a life changing experience, and I cannot wait for next year when I can tell the new newcomers all about it!

MORE INFO! Check out http://njkeyclub.org/ the New Jersey District Key Club website Also check out http://marineacademykeyclub.com our school's Key Club website

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DCON Talent Show

By Sarah Guss

By Cayla Jordan

As all Key Clubbers are aware, the service project for the 2012-2013 service year was The Eliminate Project. Kiwanis International and UNICEF had joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Neonatal tetanus kills one baby every nine minutes. This terrible disease kills nearly 60,000 newborn children every year. To eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the Earth, 129 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. It will take $110 million, as well as the dedication from the members of the Kiwanis family, Key Club, and the work of UNICEF. The ending of this disease means the beginning of better health for numerous families. As mentioned at DCON, The Eliminate Project is returning as the service project for the New Jersey District for the 2013-2014 service year. Our district’s true dedication to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus is one-of-a-kind. The more and more money raised, the closer and closer we come to eliminating this horrific disease from Earth! Therefore, fellow Key Clubbers, get ready for an amazing service year in the near future with the continuing goal of eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus!

The 2013 Key Club District Convention Talent Show was a smash as Key Club Members from all over New Jersey took the stage to show the judges their stuff. This year four of M.A.S.T's own Key Club members participated in the competition. Quinn Robertson played an acoustic version of Radioactive by the Imagine Dragons to accompany her and Harley Cunha while they sang. Morgan Sanguedolce and Cayla Jordan sang Defying Gravity from the Broadway play Wicked. Though all of the competitors were extremely talented only four of the many acts would continue on. The four that were chosen to preform again during the award ceremony included Zachary Zayes. He sang How to Save a Life by the Fray, accompanying himself on the guitar, and was awarded fourth place. He also won a date to the prom when he asked a girl to go with him from on stage. The performance awarded third place was another singer. Joa Shin sang Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows and accompanied herself on the guitar. Earning second place was Sam Levisay and Brittany Edinger for their performance of the song Loathing from the Broadway play Wicked. Finally the first place winner of the 2013 District Convention Talent Show was Nicole Lema for her beautiful rendition of Stay by Rihanna. Although not every performance could win each participant was awarded with spirited applause and cheers that could only come from Key Club District of New Jersey. As a participant myself it was wonderful to see how truly supportive the audience was. Congratulations to all of those who participated and to all of those who won. You put on a great show.

MORE INFO! Check out http://njkeyclub.org/ the New Jersey District Key Club website Also check out http://marineacademykeyclub.com our school's Key Club website

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MORE INFO! Check out http://njkeyclub.org/ the New Jersey District Key Club website Also check out http://marineacademykeyclub.com our school's Key Club website

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