January 2013 Issue

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Official Newsletter of Mast Key Club/ New Jersey District/ Division 8 Volume 1 Issue 6

THE SANDY KEYS In this issue!

January 2013 Issue Letter From the Officers Dear MAST Key Clubbers, This year’s New Jersey Key Club’s District Convention is just around the corner! Whether you are a new member anxious to find out more about the club or a seasoned member going for the excitement and rewards of the weekend, I strongly urge everyone to come and find out what DCON is all about! This year’s convention will be held on the weekend of April 5th through the 7th at the Ocean Place Resort in Long Branch. All students will leave school in the afternoon and board a bus with some of your closest friends to a weekend celebrating a year of service! Upon arrival, our club will receive our room assignments for the weekend at the hotel. After learning about and celebrating the service that

has been completed during the daytime, opportunities to meet people and enjoy fun activities extend far into the night. From attending District Convention last year, I can tell you that there is never a dull moment at DCON. Whether you are learning about the various organizations that Key Club supports, or meeting loads of new people who share a common interest in service and helping others as you do, DCON simply has something for everyone and makes it a truly unique experience for any Key Clubber! I strongly encourage anyone who is considering going, to give it a shot!

From the Officers. .......1 DCON Fundraiser........2 CSH...............................2 March of Babies .........3 Pasta Dinner ................3 Eliminate Games ........4 Project Paul .................4

Past Events • •

• •

Yours in Caring and Service, The Officers

CSH Rec Therapy- Dec 15 Salvation Army Bell Ringing- Dec 15 Key Leader- Dec 14-16 Eliminate GamesJan 5

January 2013 Issue DCON Fundraiser By Danielle Ciaurro and Becky D’Albero Key Clubbers, DCON is soon approaching. You know what that means: the annual Candy Sale! This year DCON will be the weekend of April 5-7 at the Ocean Place Resort in Long Branch again, but with a 1920s theme this year! In preparation for DCON, every Key Clubber at MAST sells candy during February and March. The first box every member sells goes to the ELIMINATE Project and every box they sell after that goes to their cost for DCON so that member has to pay less to go. This year there’s also going to be more variety with the candy besides the usual KitKats, Reese’s, Twizzlers, and Hershey’s bars. Get ready to sell candy; the season od Convention has officially begun! Also, look out for the next newsletter to read more about DCON! See you all there! CSH Recreational Therapy By Danielle Ciaurro So for those who don’t know by now, Alex Gordon and I coordinate a volunteer group to go to a children’s hospital every month on the third Saturday. These kids have many disabilities and struggle with things we find ordinary and a part of our daily lives that goes unnoticed. We do Recreational Therapy with the kids so they can socialize and meet new people, have

fun, be kids, and play, while doing activities that help stimulate their brains and senses. Because of the flu outbreak, we decided going to CSH would not be in the children’s best interest this past Saturday (the 19th), because they need a sterile environment and we don’t want to bring germs into the hospital. However, if you do want an opportunity to go volunteer at CSH, they will be holding an event on Saturday, February 9th. It’s the Saturday after Midterms, and it’s an event for the children of the hospital and their families and they need a lot of volunteers. The time shifts are from 11:00 am-1:00 pm for setting up, 1:00-3:30 for the event, and 3:30-4:30 for cleaning up afterward. Please let Alex or myself know if you’re interested in this event, Rec Therapy, or you just want to know more about CSH in general.


January 2013 Issue March of Babies By: Adam Rubin This year will be the second year that I have been in charge of our Key Club’s involvement in the March for Babies. The March for Babies is an event organized by the March of Dimes that raises money to help fund research that treats sicknesses associated with premature birth, like Cerebral palsy. This research aims to help the half million babies born prematurely every year, and since the year 1970 have raised two billion dollars. Last year we had two weeks to prepare for the March for Babies and, with six people, raised 200 dollars. The walk is a 4-mile walk at the end of April, and this year, with more time to prepare, and more people participating, hopefully we can raise a lot more money for this cause.

Pasta Dinner By: Shannon Cassaro Attention all Key Clubbers, we will be hosting our annual Kiwanis Pasta Dinner on Wednesday, January 23rd. This is the third year the proceeds will be going to the education of a girl named Glory. Glory is a Tanzanian orphan who has been attending the recently established Tumaini (meaning “hope”) school for the past several years. MAST Key Club has been funding her tuition, over $1800 total, for the past two years. The tuition provides her

witheverything she’ll need: her uniform, room and board, food, and school supplies. She greatly appreciates what we do for her The pasta dinner on Wednesday will be from 5 – 8 pm at St. Joseph’s. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to join in on dinner served by the members of Key Club. Tickets cost $10 each. If you would like to attend, please give your forms to Mr. E, Senorita, or myself ASAP! Also, if you would like to volunteer, please see me about signing up for a shift. (The shifts run from 2:40 – 5:30, 5:30 – 7:30, and 7:30 – 8:45) We’re still looking for volunteers! See you there!

The Eliminate Games By: Tracy Vollbrecht On Friday January 18th, Division 8 and Division 9 held their divisional ELIMINATE Games together at The Marine Academy of Science and Technology in Keyport. Everyone present had a great time! Together, we raised over $400 for the ELIMINATE Project! This means that we saved over 222 mothers and all of their future babies! The ELIMINATE Games consisted of eight Minute-to-Winit challenges in which the competitors participated in. Competitors were eliminated after each round until only one competitor from each division remained. The challenges included stacking apples vertically, keeping two balloons in the air for the longest time, and stacking cups in a pyramid.




January 2013 Issue The Eliminate Games By Tracy Vollbrecht The favorite challenges were Frankenstein, in which competitors hard to balance ruler sticks with batteries on the ends on their arms, and Ready Spaghetti, where competitors partnered up to stack soda cans into a pyramid using only two sticks of spaghetti. Another favorite was Chocolate Unicorn; competitors had to stack 5 moon cakes on their foreheads and balance them. The final challenge was Mad Dog. This final challenge determined the winners. For this challenge, competitors had to get all of the tic tacs out of two boxes. The catch? The tic tac boxes were taped to rulers that the competitors had to hold in their mouths! The winners of this challenge were Ryan McGlennon of MAST and

Steven Ayala of Keyport! These two winners will go on to represent their divisions in the District-wide ELIMINATE Games as Tributes! Congratulations Ryan and Steven! Keep an eye out for more information on the District-wide ELIMINATE Games coming soon! Support your tribute to give him or her bonus time, just like in the Huger Games! See you at the District Games! “May the Service Be Ever in Your Favor!”

MAST Key Club Officers Ashley Hann President Jackie Lowenstein Vice President Dan McCormack Treasurer Katie Henry Secretary

Project Paul By: Alyssa Van Doorn Project Paul was founded in 1980 as a food pantry in Keansburg NJ. It originally fed about 25 families but has grown to feed people all over Monmouth County. MAST's Key Club is currently collecting donations of non perishable food for Project Paul. They are in great need as a result of the hurricane. Donations are appreciated and can be placed in a box located in the cafeteria.

Danielle Ciaurro Co-Editor Becky D’Albero Co-Editor Leor Golan Co-Editor

Alison Pham Co-Editor

Alyssa van Doorn Co-Editor and Co-Webmaster

Joe Nardone Co-Webmaster

Tracy Vollbrecht LTG Division 8

Señorita Mancini Advisor

MAST Key Club a Kiwanis-family member


Mr. Ellithorpe Advisor


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