Tuesday, June 21, 2022
San Juan The
Star 50¢
Making Working Conditions ‘More Attractive & Safer’
Governor Signs Labor Reform into Law P5
Sustainable Energy Coalition Touts Short-Term Benefit of Canceling LUMA Contract P3
Gustavo Petro Is Elected Colombia’s First Leftist Leader
UN Panel Votes for PR’s Right to Self-Determination for the 40th Time P5
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star, the only paper with News Service in English in Puerto Rico, publishes 7 days a week, with a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with h d ediƟ diƟon, along l i a Weekend EdiƟon to cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Queremos Sol touts short-term benefit of canceling LUMA contract
By JOHN McPHAUL jpmcphaul@gmail.com
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he coalition Queremos Sol proposed on Monday that a rate hike of five cents per kilowatt-hour (KWh) can be circumvented in the short term if the cancellation of the LUMA Energy contract proceeds. The increase, which is due to rising fossil fuel costs, could be offset by money Sustainable energy proponent Queremos Sol says a 5% increase increase Puerto Rico continues to spend on the in the electricity bill, which is due to rising fossil fuel costs, could be LUMA Energy contract, the coalition says. offset by redirecting the money Puerto Rico continues to spend on the “Under the LUMA Energy contract, we LUMA Energy contract. have paid $115 million this year to cover the profits and high salaries of the comachieve a stable and affordable rate is large-scale pany’s executives. On top of this, LUMA exceeded investment in renewable energy to end dependence its budget by $40 million in the first three quarters on fossil fuels. That has also been recognized by the of this fiscal year,” said Ingrid Vila Biaggi, president Financial Oversight and Management Board in the of CAMBIO PR and spokesperson for Queremos latest fiscal plans for PREPA, although neither LUMA Sol, in a written statement. “Comparing these [costs] Energy nor PREPA proposes to use any part of the bilwith the increase of $183 million, it is evident that lions of dollars in funds from the Federal Emergency we would have a lower rate without LUMA Energy.” Management Agency for renewable energy or storage. The engineer added that the LUMA Energy CAMBIO PR has conducted modeling that demcontract has also cost the island more than $1 bil- onstrates the feasibility of reaching 75% distributed lion allocated to the reserve funds for LUMA Energy renewable energy within 15 years with modest imand in its expenses during the transition year prior to provements to the distribution system. The modeling, June 1, 2021. That money would have been available which used PREPA’s own data, revealed that if $9.6 today to mitigate rate increases as a result of rising billion in federal funds is used for the mass installafossil fuel prices, she said. tion of battery-powered rooftop solar panels, a stable In addition to the direct costs of the LUMA rate of about 15 cents per KWh could be achieved. Energy contract, the coalition pointed to the frag“As long as this alternative of installing phomentation of power system management resulting tovoltaic systems on roofs with batteries continues from privatization. “The fight between LUMA Energy to be ignored, it will continue to be at the expense and the Electric Power Authority [PREPA] is produc- of the uncertainty in the costs of fossil fuels,” said ing worse service for the country,” said Adriana Ruth Santiago, another spokesperson for Queremos González of the Sierra Club and also a spokesperson Sol. “And if we do not use federal funds for a masfor Queremos Sol. sive investment in rooftop renewable [solar] energy “Right now, LUMA Energy and the Electric panels to provide resilience and lower system costs, Power Authority cannot agree on the budget for we will end up with two unequal electrical energy next year, which could result in yet another rate systems: one based on those who can acquire their increase,” she added. “And the lack of coordina- own photovoltaic systems and another centralized tion has also delayed access to federal funds for the and vulnerable on which low-income people and electrical system.” communities will depend, who do not have the reAccording to the coalition, the only way to sources to install the [solar] systems on their own.”
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
House members: Planned transfer of acquisitions office may threaten federal education funding By THE STAR STAFF
ouse Education Committee Chairwoman Deborah Soto Arroyo and Rep. Sol Higgins Cuadrado are urging Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia to take action in the face of the threat of an apparent loss of federal funds allocated for students. The call from the legislators came as a result of a letter sent by the U.S. Department of Education to island Education Secretary Eliezer Ramos Parés warning of the existing danger of transferring the Central Office of Acquisitions (OCA by its Spanish initials) from the commonwealth Education Department (DE) to the General Services Administration (ASG). Based on federal Education Department criteria, the transfer would put at risk funds directed to the DE from the U.S. Department of Education. “We are dismayed that, despite the fact that there have recently been questions about the way in which ASG carries out certain transactions, the governor insists on giving the state Department of Education until June 30 to make the transfer, going against the recommendations of the federal government,” Soto Arroyo said. “So the question we have to ask is: Why so much insistence on transferring those responsibilities to the General Services Administration, even with the warning of a possible loss of federal funds?” Soto Arroyo referred to some of the concerns highlighted in the letter by the federal Department of Education
House Education Committee Chairwoman Deborah Soto Arroyo regarding transferring the OCA from the DE to the ASG. “The concerns set forth in that letter are more than valid, and they are quite emphatic in highlighting the risk of funds being lost,” she stressed. “Our exhortation to the governor is to explain his insistence, and if he is going to assume responsibility in the event that this happens.” Meanwhile, Higgins urged Pierluisi to put the students of Puerto Rico above all consideration, and she quoted
a line in the letter from Phillip R. Juengst, the deputy assistant secretary, Office of Grants, Acquisitions, and Risk Management, of the U.S. Department of Education. “According to the information presented, the federal Department of Education believes that the transfer of the OCA to the ASG would not be the best for Puerto Rico or the student population of the Department of Education.” “They could not have been clearer in that letter, to which we had access,” Higgins Cuadrado said. “For that reason, Pierlusi should give up on that idea, since, in the end, it will be our students who will pay the consequences.” Higgins said those who would be most affected by the possible cuts and interruption of services would be the children and young people in the districts outside the San Juan metropolitan area. “Perhaps for the governor and the secretary of Education putting those federal funds at risk is not so alarming, but for students who come from low-income families, especially outside the metropolitan area, the fact that services are affected could be chaotic,” Higgins Cuadrado said. Soto Arroyo announced that the Education Committee will be summoning ASG Administrator Karla Mercado Rivera and Ramos Parés to a hearing on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in order to clarify information related to the transfer. Likewise, they said they also hope that the Education chief can clarify questions that have emerged publicly regarding the hiring of consultant Alvaro Pilar.
PIP leader says his silence on cases of alleged sexual harassment has been misinterpreted By JOHN McPHAUL jpmcphaul@gmail.com
uerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) Secretary General Juan Dalmau Ramírez said Monday that the public has misinterpreted his silence in the wake of complaints of alleged harassment and sexual harassment in the party. “The recent determination of the PIP to delegate to compañera María de Lourdes Santiago, vice president of the PIP, to inform the country of the actions taken so far by the party and the new actions that would be taken to address the accusations of harassment that had arrived before us and of others that we became aware of in the last few days through social networks, has been taken as silence on my part,” Dalmau Ramírez said in a written statement through his social networks. “By not commenting, some people have thought that I was avoiding expressing myself. That was not the intention, but I apologize to those who have interpreted it that way. The intention has nothing to do with what could be interpreted and I will learn from it.”
“It is critical that the PIP focus on not only continuing to respond quickly to the claims of these colleagues through an impartial investigation, but also effectively integrating the processes and protocols that the workplace and sexual harassment laws stipulate to guarantee safety for all women within the party,” he added. “I have absolute confidence in the professionalism and capacity for justice of Jessica Martínez Birriel, Yahaira Velázquez Correa and Dr. Nellie Zambrana Ortiz, members of the Special Commission that has been created. This commission now needs the space and independence to do the very delicate and important work that has been assigned to them.” “The situation opens the space to establish a necessary dialogue and help us to learn and unlearn attitudes that help us to be fairer, more equitable and better personally, as a party and as a country,” Dalmau Ramírez said. Last Wednesday, Santiago announced the creation of an investigative commission for allegations of workplace harassment and harassment within the ranks of the PIP. “This commission will have the task of evaluating the facts of each case and issuing recommendations on
actions to be taken in each instance,” she said. “In addition, it will be responsible for establishing guidelines and protocols that help ensure that militancy spaces are safe spaces for all.”
Puerto Rican Independence Party Secretary General Juan Dalmau Ramírez
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
For the 40th time, UN panel votes for PR’s right to self-determination
The resolution in favor of Puerto Rico’s self-determination was presented by Cuba and co-sponsored by Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Syria, Russia, and Antigua and Barbuda. By THE STAR STAFF
he United Nations Decolonization Committee approved on Monday -- by consensus -- a resolution calling for Puerto Rico’s right to self-determination and independence. The vote marked the 40th time the committee has called for a self-determination process to allow Puerto Rico to select its political status. It comes as the U.S. House of Representatives has agreed to vote on legislation that would allow Puerto Ricans to choose between statehood, free association and independence. A demonstration was slated to take place in front of the United Nations headquarters to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the debates on Puerto Rico in the Special Committee on Decolonization, which have not managed to advance to the General Assembly of the organization. Puerto Rico has been a U.S. commonwealth since 1952, a status that allows it some self-governance in tax matters but is subordinated to U.S. jurisdiction in most other areas. Pedro Luis Pedroso, the Cuban ambassador to the U.N., presented the resolution, arguing that the colonial status of Puerto Rico “is not an internal matter of the United States.” “It is up to the Decolonization Committee and the entire
international community,” Pedroso said. The resolution was co-sponsored by Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Syria, Russia, and Antigua and Barbuda. There were also remarks of support from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), represented by Argentina, and the Non-Aligned Movement, presented by Azerbaijan. “CELAC reaffirms the Caribbean and Latin American identity of Puerto Rico,” said the representative of Argentina. Jorge Arturo Reyes, minister counselor of the Venezuelan mission, said the support of the Latin American and Caribbean region for the cause of decolonization “has been firm and unwavering.” As in previous years, the session of the Special Committee on Decolonization was attended by dozens of Puerto Rican and international organizations, institutions, and political and social forces to express their support for the island and discuss the issue. The resolution asked for the General Assembly to call again upon the United States government to address the Puerto Rican people’s urgent economic and social needs, which have been aggravated by hurricanes, earthquakes and the coronavirus pandemic. The text notes with concern that the prevailing political and economic subordination in which Puerto Rico operates is compounded by virtue of the decision by the United States Congress, under the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act, known as PROMESA, which created the Financial Oversight and Management Board. Gregorio Igartúa, a pro-statehood lawyer, was one of more than 40 witnesses who sent written testimonies because they were given between three to five minutes to speak. Igartúa said that notwithstanding the conflicting views of the legal and political relationship of Puerto Rico to the United States, its gradual assimilation since 1898 by Congress in transit to statehood cannot be ignored. In 2022, the ties between the United States and Puerto Rico have strengthened and evolved in such a way, and with such constitutional significance, that the island is definitively a de facto incorporated territory of the United States on its way to statehood, one where the fullness of the U.S. Constitution applies, just as the U.S. Supreme Court did in 1954 by deciding
Brown v. Board of Education, “The theory of a permanent non-incorporated territorial status does not fit within the U.S. constitutional framework,” the San Juan-based attorney said. “Discriminatory treatment of the 3.3 million American citizens of Puerto Rico will only be eliminated when Congress adopts a resolution certifying Puerto Rico as an incorporated territory of the United States and in transit to statehood with a definite date of admission. This resolution most certainly will be required a priori to the Act of Statehood. The adoption of such a resolution is 124 years overdue.” Similarly overdue, Igartúa said, is a resolution by the Decolonization Committee demanding that the United States comply with its international obligations under treaty law and grant the 3.3 million American citizens of Puerto Rico their full constitutional rights, including their right to vote in federal elections, so that they be afforded their right to have government by consent of the governed. He said the fact that Puerto Rico has not been declared an incorporated territory, nor a state, has created great confusion among legal scholars, legislators, government officials and federal judges as to what Puerto Rico’s legal status is. “Moreover, if one considers the participation in this debate of clever politicians who attempt to propose answers without any legal and or economic basis in support, many decisions affecting Puerto Rico are based on what Puerto Rico might be, and not on what it is,” Igartúa said, “Nevertheless, Puerto Rico is more assimilated into the federal government today than were many other territories before becoming states. Your Committee must consider support based on what we are, American Citizens, not on what hypothetically we can be, as some members of your Committee pretend.” “The appearing witness has been defending the incorporation of Puerto Rico as the only legally viable status that fits into the U.S. constitutional framework for the past 40 years,” he added. “This statement explains, justifies and evidences this legal fact using various judicial opinions and other authorities in support. The time is due for Congress to declare that Puerto Rico has met all of the requirements to be an incorporated territory in transit to statehood at this time …, and for the American Citizens in Puerto Rico to be granted full constitutional rights.”
Governor signs Labor Reform bill into law By THE STAR STAFF
ov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia announced on Monday that he signed into law House Bill 1244, the Labor Reform, which extends rights to workers in the private sector. The governor thus rejected the position of the Financial Oversight and Management Board that he was prevented from signing the legislation and that it would have an adverse effect on the economy. “I announce that I have decided to sign the labor reform bill that increases rest time, fringe benefits, and employment protections for workers in the private sector in Puerto Rico,” the governor said in his message. “This new law makes it more
attractive and safer to enter the workforce at a time when the vast majority of companies are looking for employees and when we need more workers to advance the reconstruction of Puerto Rico.” Pierluisi added that “an employee must have the right to a reasonable period of vacation per year, because that increases -- not decreases -- their productivity.” He noted that he worked along with the leadership of the Legislative Assembly to achieve a more balanced and beneficial bill for everyone on the island. In particular, the governor said, modifications were achieved in provisions that would otherwise have hindered small and midsize businesses, and that could have discouraged employee recruitment.
Ray A. Ruiz Licensed Real Estate Broker • Lic.19004 rruizrealestate1@gmail.com
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Affordable Housing Index drops in March By JOHN McPHAUL jpmcphaul@gmail.com
he Affordable Housing Index, prepared by Estudios Técnicos Inc. (ETI), decreased in March after the continuous increase in house prices and a deterioration, due to inflation, of the purchasing power of consumers, making it difficult for them to qualify for loans and mortgages, the think tank announced Monday. Economist Leslie Adames, director of analysis and economic policy at ETI, reported in a written communication that “in recent months the Affordable Housing Index has deteriorated, reaching 69 percent in March 2022, a reduction of 31 percentage points since March 2020.” “In other words, the typical family has only 69 percent of the income needed to qualify for a home loan, considering a 20 percent down payment,” the ETI said. The Affordable Housing Index, prepared
Economist Leslie Adames, director of analysis and economic policy at Estudios Técnicos Inc.
by ETI, measures whether or not a typical family that contributes a 20% down payment toward the purchase of a home qualifies, based on median income, for a mortgage loan. A value equal to 100% means that the family has the necessary income to qualify for a mortgage loan based on the prevailing average price in the market. A value above that threshold assumes a family has more than enough income to qualify for a mortgage loan, while values below the threshold reflect the opposite. Adames noted that the Index stood at 61% in January 2011 and had been gradually improving, reaching a maximum value of 100% in March 2020. “This improvement is attributed to the historically low interest rate levels that prevailed in the market during this period, as well as the correction in prices experienced by the real estate market,” he said. “Without a doubt, the increase in the
average price of homes and deterioration in purchasing power due to inflation already affect the ability of people to buy homes,” the economist continued. “Figures released by the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions [OCIF] show that total home sales contracted from 3,286 in the first quarter of 2021 to 2,776 in the first quarter of 2022, primarily attributable to an 18% contraction in unit sales of used homes.” Adames highlighted that the Index reflects that the most recent figures published by OCIF as of March considered an average sale price of $193,813 and a 30-year fixed interest rate of 4.17% for March. “The outlook could be complicated in the next year if the upward trend in the interest rates of mortgage loans with 30-year fixed rates continues,” Adames said. “This rate has already exceeded 6% and will be an additional factor that will add pressure on housing affordability in the local market.”
Discover Puerto Rico promotes island food & drink at Colorado expo By THE STAR STAFF
iscover Puerto Rico showcased Puerto Rican culture, gastronomy and cocktails over the weekend during the Food & Wine Classic in Aspen, Colorado, an event that each year attracts more than 4,000 attendees and dozens of major U.S. publishers, some of them specialized in travel, culture, or tourism, according to a statement Monday. As part of the exhibition, renowned Puerto Rican chef Mario Pagán prepared a series of dishes, some with rum or coffee infusions, for the food enthusiasts to ex-
perience. Discover Puerto Rico also partnered with Rums of Puerto Rico to showcase drinks and cocktails made with some local brands like Bacardi, Don Q, and Ron Barrilito. The Don Q brand offered a tasting of their most exclusive rum, “Reserva de la Familia,” which has a limited production. Samples of Puerto Rican coffee were also provided. “We are sharing what Puerto Rico offers luxury travelers and visitors motivated by the gastronomy, cocktails, and cultural experiences of our island,” said Leah Chandler, chief marketing officer of Discover Puerto Rico, in a statement.
Puerto Rican flavors fuse diverse cul- leisure trips a year and average an annual tural heritage and traditions that make the income of $800,000. island’s food and cocktails unique. “Puerto Rico produces more than 70% of the rum consumed in the United States,” said Maite Jordán, director of Rums of Puerto Rico. “However, that is not what makes us the capital of rum, but rather it is the quality of the products we make and the vast experience of our specialists who know every detail that makes our rum stand out for its flavor and aroma, among many other qualities.” It was the second year that Puerto Rico has participated in the Food & Wine Classic. It was the second year that Puerto Rico has Attendees of the event, on average, take three participated in the Food & Wine Classic.
Job fair slated for Wednesday at Roberto Clemente Coliseum By THE STAR STAFF
he job fair “Work Close to You,” an initiative of the Department of Labor and Human Resources (DTRH by its Spanish initials), will be held Wednesday at Roberto Clemente Coliseum in Hato Rey with 4,000 vacancies available for citizens seeking a new professional opportunity. The DTRH secretary noted that,
although the most recent statistics on the island reflect a historic increase in the number of people employed, industries and employers are constantly in need of recruitment in service or specialized areas. “This fair is an extraordinary project with which we have impacted thousands of citizens,” Labor Secretary Gabriel Maldonado González said in a written statement. “On this occasion, those at-
tending … will also receive job training and resume preparation workshops, valuable tools in the face of the unprecedented changes that the market has faced with the digitization of services, the pandemic, and the generational changes that are taking place.” Companies from industries such as insurance, recruitment, pharmacy, hospitality, security, restaurants, non-profit
institutions, telephony, sales and maintenance are just some of the more than 70 employers that will be part of the event that will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. To participate, it is mandatory to wear a mask. Likewise, candidates are urged to bring their updated resume and photo identification. For more information, call 787-645-7900, extension 2218, or write to feriaempleos@trabajo.pr.gov.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Republican drive to tilt courts against climate action reaches a crucial moment By CORAL DAVENPORT
ithin days, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court is expected to hand down a decision that could severely limit the federal government’s authority to reduce carbon dioxide from power plants — pollution that is dangerously heating the planet. But it is only a start. The case, West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, is the product of a coordinated, multiyear strategy by Republican attorneys general, conservative legal activists and their funders, several with ties to the oil and coal industries, to use the judicial system to rewrite environmental law, weakening the executive branch’s ability to tackle global warming. Coming up through the federal courts are more climate cases, some featuring no- A group of tourists stop to take photos of the Supreme Court of the United States in Washvel legal arguments, each carefully selected ington on May 11, 2022. for its potential to block the government’s ability to regulate industries and businesses group True North Research and a former branch could not consider the economic that produce greenhouse gases. senior Justice Department official. “They costs of climate change when evaluating The plaintiffs want to hem in what are teeing up the attorneys to bring the whether to approve a new oil pipeline or they call the administrative state, the EPA litigation before the same judges that they similar project or environmental rule. and other federal agencies that set rules hand-picked.” Those limitations on climate action and regulations that affect the U.S. ecoThe pattern is repeated in other clima- in the United States would quite likely nomy. That should be the role of Congress, te cases filed by the Republican attorneys doom the world’s goal of cutting enough which is more accountable to voters, said general and now advancing through the emissions to keep the planet from heating Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, a lower courts: The plaintiffs are supported up more than an average of 1.5 degrees leader of the Republican group bringing by the same network of conservative do- Celsius compared with the preindustrial the lawsuits. nors who helped former President Donald age. That is the threshold beyond which But Congress has barely addressed Trump place more than 200 federal judges, scientists say the likelihood of catastrophic the issue of climate change. Instead, for many in position to rule on the climate hurricanes, drought, heat waves and wildecades it has delegated authority to the cases in the coming year. dfires significantly increases. agencies because it lacks the expertise The ultimate goal of the Republican At least two of the cases feature an possessed by the specialists who write unusual approach that demonstrates the activists, people involved in the effort say, complicated rules and regulations and aggressive nature of the legal campaign. is to overturn the legal doctrine by which who can respond quickly to changing In those suits, the plaintiffs are challenging Congress has delegated authority to fedescience, particularly when Capitol Hill is regulations or policies that don’t yet exist. ral agencies to regulate the environment, gridlocked. They want to preempt efforts by President health care, workplace safety, telecommuWest Virginia v. EPA is also notable Joe Biden to deliver on his promise to pivot nications, the financial sector and more. for the tangle of connections between the the country away from fossil fuels, while at Known as the “Chevron deference,” plaintiffs and the Supreme Court justices the same time aiming to prevent a future after a 1984 Supreme Court ruling, that who will decide their case. The Republican president from trying anything similar. doctrine holds that courts must defer to plaintiffs share many of the same donors reasonable interpretations of ambiguous The stakes for climate behind efforts to nominate and confirm five Victory for the plaintiffs in these cases statutes by federal agencies on the theory of the Republicans on the bench — John would mean the federal government could that agencies have more expertise than Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett not dramatically restrict tailpipe emissions judges and are more accountable to voters. Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. The Chevron deference has long because of vehicles’ effect on climate “It’s a pincer move,” said Lisa Graves, nor force electric utilities to replace fossil been a target of conservatives, according executive director of progressive watchdog fuel-fired power plants. And the executive to Michael McKenna, a Republican energy
lobbyist who worked in the Trump White House. “The originalist crew has been steadily moving toward significantly rewriting Chevron for years,” he wrote in an email. “They are about to be rewarded with a substantial and material victory.” Filling the bench The roots of that victory were planted in 2015, when Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., became the Senate majority leader and led his party in a sustained campaign to deny President Barack Obama the opportunity to appoint federal judges. He refused to confirm nominees, waiting for a Republican administration to fill the courts with judges who shared his belief in minimal government regulation. McConnell’s effort ensured that Trump inherited not just an open Supreme Court seat but 107 additional judicial vacancies. In stepped Leonard Leo, then executive vice president of the Federalist Society, the conservative legal group that helped secure the appointments of Roberts and Alito to the Supreme Court. Some of the many donors to the Federalist Society include Koch Industries, which has fought climate action; and Chevron, the oil giant and plaintiff in the case that created the Chevron deference. Leo worked with Don McGahn, Trump’s White House counsel and another longtime Federalist Society member, to vet and recommend judicial candidates to the president. Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices, 54 appeals court judges and 174 district court judges. By comparison, Biden has, to date, appointed 68 federal judges. Tangled connections In 2020, Leo stepped down as head of the Federalist Society to run CRC Advisors, a right-wing political strategy firm. In that role, he has operated at the center of a constellation of advocacy groups and undisclosed donors that share a similar goal: Use the courts to advance conservative and libertarian causes. One of CRC Advisors’ biggest clients is the Republican Attorneys General Association. Another is the Concord Fund, the advocacy group that is the latest in
Continues on page 8
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Heat wave to shift east after posing dangerous conditions in the plains
A Dallas resident wipes his face while working outside on June 15, 2021. Heat continues to build in the Northern and Central Plains of the United States, with more than 15 million people there under heat alerts on Sunday, June 19, 2022. By CHRISTINE CHUNG
eat continues to build in the northern and central Plains of the United States, with more than 15 million people there under heat alerts Sunday.
Temperatures in Minnesota and Nebraska were expected to climb to the triple digits. The National Weather Service said that heat indexes could top 100 degrees Sunday, from the Gulf Coast to near the Twin Cities in Minnesota, where it was expected to be
“dangerously hot and humid.” A heat dome that scorched the Southwest last week and brought record-high temperatures to more than a dozen cities has lingered, moving steadily eastward and settling in the Plains on Sunday, said Marc Chenard, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service. The heat wave is expected to continue into the week. “The heat is certainly related to the general pattern we’ve been seeing over most of the U.S. going back a week,” Chenard said. “And it’s actually going to continue for another week or so as well.” A few records were set Saturday along the central Gulf Coast, where the temperature reached 98 degrees in Tampa, Florida, and 101 degrees in Mobile, Alabama, according to weather service data. Starting Monday, the heat dome was expected to move across the Mississippi Valley and the mid-South, the weather service said. By Tuesday, it will shift to the Great Lakes and the Ohio and Tennessee valleys, and then into the Southeast by Wednesday, Chenard said. Temperatures across a large portion of the country will hover above average through the week, Chenard said, adding
that “quite a few potential record highs” could be set across Texas and into much of the Southeast. The heat wave has since broken in the Southwest, where “early-season monsoonal moisture” was expected to cause flash floods and scattered thunderstorms Sunday, the weather service said. Temperatures in California and Nevada were significantly lower Sunday, with potential record lows dipping to 40 degrees just a week after both areas baked under the heat wave. On Sunday, red flag warnings covered large parts of Arizona and Utah. Six wildfires, encompassing a total of almost 83 square miles, remained active in Arizona, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. Fire conditions were expected to improve Monday, the weather service said. Heat waves are more frequent and hotter and last longer than in previous decades, and are part of an overall warming trend worldwide, scientists say. The average number of heat waves in the United States has tripled, from two per year in the 1960s to six in the 2010s, according to the federal National Climate Assessment. The heat wave season is also 45 days longer than it was in the 1960s.
Republican drive to tilt courts against climate action reaches a crucial moment From page 7 carnation of the Judicial Crisis Network. The fund is also the largest financial backer, by far, of the Republican Attorneys General Association. Since 2014, the Judicial Crisis Network, now the Concord Fund, has poured more than $17 million into the campaigns of the Republican attorneys general. In the current electoral cycle, the Concord Fund has contributed $3.5 million, several times more than the next biggest donor, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce with $800,000. Leo and McGahn did not respond to requests for interviews. McConnell declined an interview request. Neomi Rao, 49, is typical of the judges given lifetime appointments by
Trump with support from Leo and his network. Following discussions with McGahn, Rao was nominated in 2018 to replace Kavanaugh on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit after he was elevated to the Supreme Court. The D.C. Circuit Court hears challenges to federal environmental, health and safety regulations. Rao had never served as a judge and had never tried a case. But she had impeccable conservative credentials and a dislike of government regulation. In 2017, she was tapped by Trump to run the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. From that perch, she oversaw an aggressive regulatory rollback, including the weakening or elimination of more than 100
environmental rules. A new legal approach Of the 27 Republican attorneys general, a core group from fossil fuel states is leading the coordinated legal challenges: Patrick Morrisey of West Virginia, Daniel Cameron of Kentucky, Todd Rokita of Indiana, Ken Paxton of Texas and Landry from Louisiana. Lined up behind the West Virginia power plant suit is another case in the D.C. Circuit Court brought by 15 attorneys general challenging a 2021 federal rule designed to cut auto pollution by compelling automakers to sell more electric vehicles. Should that challenge succeed, more than a dozen Democratic-governed states are expected to impose tougher state-level auto pollution standards. But the Republican attorneys general have
already filed a suit in the D.C. Circuit court seeking to block states’ authority to do that. While no single case is aimed at overturning Chevron, a string of victories would essentially hollow it out. Sally Katzen, co-director of the Legislative and Regulatory Process Clinic at New York University School of Law, said that a Supreme Court victory this month for the Republican attorneys general and their allies would just be a taste of what’s to come. “The Federalist Society has put a lot of time and energy into this and a lot of intellectual power,” said Katzen, former head of the White House office of regulatory affairs in the Clinton administration. “All that effort has paid off. But I don’t think this is the culmination of their agenda. I think it’s just the beginning.”
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
COVID cases surge, but deaths stay near lows By BENJAMIN MUELLER
or two years, the coronavirus killed Americans on a brutal, predictable schedule: A few weeks after infections climbed so did deaths, cutting an unforgiving path across the country. But that pattern appears to have changed. Nearly three months since an ultra-contagious set of new omicron variants launched a springtime resurgence of cases, people are nonetheless dying from COVID-19 at a rate close to the lowest of the pandemic. The spread of the virus and the number of deaths in its wake, two measures that were once yoked together, have diverged more than ever before, public health researchers said. Deaths have ticked up slowly in the northeastern United States, where the latest wave began, and are likely to do the same nationally as the surge pushes across the South and West. But the country remains better fortified against COVID-19 deaths than earlier in the pandemic, scientists said. Because so many Americans have now been vaccinated or infected or both, they said, the number of people whose immune systems are entirely unprepared for the virus has significantly dwindled. “In previous waves, there were still substantial pockets of people who had not been vaccinated or exposed to the virus, and so were at the same risk of dying as people at the beginning of the pandemic,” said Dr. David Dowdy, a researcher at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Those pockets don’t exist anymore.” That turn in the pandemic has nevertheless left many Americans behind. Older people make up a larger share of COVID-19 deaths than they did last year. The virus continues to kill unvaccinated people at much higher rates than vaccinated people, despite many unvaccinated people having some protection from prior infections. And those with weakened immune systems also face greater risks. COVID-19 is still killing an average of 314 people daily, one-tenth the number who were dying every day in January 2021, but, even so, an awful toll. At that rate, the virus is killing more than twice as many Americans every day as are suicides or car crashes. And many of those who survive the virus are debilitated, some of them for long
after their infections. With the country’s resources for fighting the virus drying up and many Americans forgoing booster shots, the decoupling of cases and deaths may not last. Immunity will wane and a more evasive variant could cut into people’s residual protection against severe disease. “As the time since people got vaccinated becomes longer and longer, the efficacy of the immune response will be lessened,” said Dr. Abraar Karan, an infectious disease physician at Stanford University. “We can be caught off guard later this year.” The link between COVID-19 cases and deaths started weakening over the winter, scientists said, but the sheer volume of Americans getting infected meant that fatalities still soared. This spring, COVID-19 has been killing fewer Americans daily than during any period except the summer of 2021. The country is now recording 10 times as many cases as it was at that time, indicating that a smaller share of cases are ending in death. By some estimates, the case fatality rate — the share of recorded COVID-19 cases that prove deadly — is one-third lower than it was last summer and one-quarter lower than it was in December. Recorded cases always understate actual infection levels, and the prevalence of at-home testing these days has made that especially true. To account for those problems, Dowdy looked at the proportion of reported test results that are positive, a figure known as test positivity. That measure, too, is imperfect, but it reflects the enormous numbers of Americans who recently contracted the virus. Some scientists estimate that the current wave of cases is the second-largest of the pandemic. By his rough calculations, Dowdy estimated that the ratio of deaths to test positivity fell threefold from the early days of the pandemic to January 2022, and fourfold from January 2022 to this spring. “What we’re seeing is that the average case of COVID-19 is becoming much milder,” he said. That is a better reflection of gains in immunity than it is of any intrinsic weakening of the virus, scientists said. Government estimates of the share of Americans who have contracted the virus jumped from one-third in December 2021 to well over one-half two
months later. The country paid a staggering price: Some 200,000 people were killed by COVID-19 this winter and large numbers beyond that were seriously sickened. But those who survived infections emerged with immune systems that had learned to better deal with the virus. “Our level of community immunity heading into this wave was much higher than it’s ever been due to the combination of infection and vaccination,” said Dr. Joe Gerald, an associate professor of public health at the University of Arizona. “A lot of people who weren’t vaccinated, and were infection-naive — most of them were infected with omicron over the period from January to early March.” There are a number of possible reasons that COVID-19 deaths have not fallen even further. With infection levels so high and few precautions being taken, the virus is inevitably reaching people who are more vulnerable because of their vaccine status, age or underlying conditions. And even as some people gain immune protection during the pandemic, others become more susceptible to bad outcomes as they age or develop weakened immune systems. The country’s stagnant booster campaign has also left many older people at a long distance from their last shot and so vulnerable to the effects of waning immunity.
“Overall, the people who’ve been coming through with COVID are much, much less sick than they were even this winter,” said Dr. Megan Ranney, an emergency physician at Brown University. “It feels like almost a different disease for folks, with the exception of people who are really old, who are unvaccinated or who are immunosuppressed.” Disparities in access to booster shots and antiviral pills have also put some Americans at higher risk. Black and Hispanic people eligible for boosters have received the shots at lower rates than white people have, reflecting what some public health researchers describe as limited efforts in some states to put boosters within easy reach. Patients who do not have primary care doctors, or who live far from pharmacies, can also struggle to get antiviral pills. The number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients is still climbing nationally, making it likely that increases in deaths will gradually follow, public health researchers said. It is unclear how hard the wave will hit less-vaccinated regions, such as the South, where immunity from past infections has also grown. “Unfortunately, vaccination rates in many southern states are among the lowest in the country,” said Jason Salemi, a professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida. “But there is certainly a lot of immunity built up through prior infection.”
The United States remains better fortified against COVID deaths than it has ever been, scientists said.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
Texas Republicans approve far-right platform declaring Biden’s election illegitimate airing internal rifts. In 2012, Gov. Rick Perry was loudly booed at the state Republican convention when he said he was backing the powerful lieutenant governor over Ted Cruz in a contested primary for Senate. On Friday, Cornyn — a key negotiator in the gun talks with Democrats — was booed by conventiongoers during a speech in which he tried to assure Republicans that the new legislation would not infringe on the rights of gun owners. The state party’s resolution embracing the baseless 2020 stolen-election claims stated that “substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of” Biden. The state party, the resolution continued, rejected “the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.” The resolution encouraged RepubliSen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about cans to “show up to vote” in November, and to “bring your friends and family, gun violence on Capitol Hill in Washington on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. volunteer for your local Republicans and By AZI PAYBARAH and DAVID MONT- votes were still pending Sunday, but We- overwhelm any possible fraud.” State Rep. Steve Toth, a Republican GOMERY solek said it was rare for a plank to be voted down by the full convention after who represents part of Montgomery County, a Houston suburb, said he left the he Republican Party in Texas made being approved by the committee. a series of far-right declarations as The resolutions adopting the fal- convention before voting on the resolupart of its official party platform se claims that former President Donald tions, but he expressed support for them. over the weekend, claiming that President Trump was the victim of a stolen elec- He said he hoped the Biden resolution Joe Biden was not legitimately elected, is- tion in 2020 as well as the other decla- would “encourage Republicans and Desuing a “rebuke” to Sen. John Cornyn for rations were the latest examples of Texas mocrats to come together and to call for a his work on bipartisan gun legislation and Republicans moving further to the right forensic audit” of the 2020 election. Jason Vaughn, 38, a Republican dereferring to homosexuality as “an abnor- in recent months. Republicans control mal lifestyle choice.” both chambers of the Legislature, the legate from Houston, claimed credit for The platform was voted on in Hous- governor’s mansion and every statewide adding the “show up to vote” language ton at the state party’s convention, which office, and have used their dominance to in the Biden resolution. “My fear is that if concluded Saturday. push tough anti-abortion legislation, crea- we keep telling people the election was The resolutions about Biden and te supply-chain problems by temporarily stolen, they’re going to not go and vote,” Cornyn were approved by a voice vote of adding additional state inspections at the Vaughn said. Mary Lowe, a delegate from the Fort the delegates, according to James Weso- border and renominate the Trump-baclek, communications director for the Re- ked state attorney general over a member Worth suburbs who was focused on edupublican Party of Texas. The statements of the Bush family in a primary runoff in cation issues at the convention, said she was surprised the 2020 election results about homosexuality — as well as addi- May. tional stances on abortion that called for Wesolek disputed the notion that were a focus of attention by her Republistudents to “learn about the Humanity of the declarations were tied to the state can colleagues. But, she added, “I don’t the Preborn Child” — were among more party’s rightward tilt. “That was the will of know too many people that felt that Bithan 270 planks that were approved by the body,” Wesolek said Sunday. “We pri- den won.” Lowe, chair of the Tarrant County a platform committee and voted on by de ourselves on being a grassroots party.” State party conventions in Texas chapter of a group known as Moms for the larger group of convention delegates using paper ballots. The results of those have at times been venues for publicly Liberty, said she was among those dele-
gates openly critical of Cornyn. But she added that she was embarrassed by the booing and did not participate in it. “I don’t believe that booing is polite,” Lowe said. “I feel elected officials should be treated with proper decorum.” Jamie Haynes, 47, a Republican delegate who lives in the Texas Panhandle with her husband and who says that, together, they own “a lot of guns,” said the boos directed at Cornyn showed there was a “resounding strong opinion that Republicans do not want their gun rights shaved — not just taken away — but even just shaved in any form.” The resolution rebuking Cornyn that passed at the convention opposed redflag laws, which allow guns to be seized from people deemed to be dangerous. Those laws, according to the resolution, “violate one’s right to due process and are a pre-crime punishment of people not adjudicated guilty.” The homosexuality plank passed the platform committee by a vote of 1714, according to Vaughn, an openly gay member of the committee who voted against it. “It does nothing to move us forward as a party and gain voters,” he said in a video of the committee meeting. Vaughn said the shift at the convention was the result of a small number of people who “make the process miserable because they want to do all this extreme, far-right stuff.” Toth disagreed, saying that on abortion, gay rights and the 2020 election, the Republican Party has been consistent in sticking to its conservative principles. “Defense of marriage? Abortion? Second Amendment? Where have we moved to the right?” he asked. “The Republicans have always been strong defenders of constitutional family values.” One Texas congressman and Democrat, Rep. Colin Allred, called the Republican Party’s actions regressive. “The Texas Republican Party is trying to take us back to a time when women couldn’t make decisions about their own bodies and when Americans lived in fear that they would be punished for being themselves,” Allred said in a statement.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
All-inclusive Vista Azul Hotel opens in Aguadilla By THE STAR STAFF
tomer service manager. “The Vista Azul Hotel opens its doors to Puerto Rican families looking to have a fun and enjoyable experience in the same place. We are the only purely Puerto Rican chain that offers an all-inclusive on the island.” Regarding the facilities, Márquez noted that “the accommodation has a total of 4 swimming pools for adults and children, 1 restaurant, 1 nightclub, a games room, a bar specializing in the preparation of mojitos, and an entertainment staff, among other surprises.” The investment in the new hotel was significant and has created about 80 direct jobs and an estimated total of about 120 jobs, while some 125 indirect jobs were created in the remodeling process. Currently the hotel is looking to fill its staff in the kitchen and restaurant area, so anyone interested in being part of the team can send their resume to: hotelvistaazulpr@gmail. com. Reservations can be made at (787) 882-5959, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
he Vista Azul Hotel will open its doors this Thursday in the western island town of Aguadilla. The hotel has 72 rooms, of which 44 have a balcony with a sea view that have been completely remodeled, giving it a modern and attractive touch for the families that stay there, according to a statement. Vista Azul shares the all-inclusive concept of the Vista Verde Hotel in Yauco. Vista Azul’s “all-inclusive” package will include breakfast, lunch, dinner and unlimited drinks. Among the fixed and varied activities that will be offered at the hotel are magic shows, appearances by children’s characters, artistic activities, live music including jazz nights, and karaoke, according to a statement released Monday. “We enthusiastically welcome the opening of our new family hotel in Aguadilla,” said Eneida Márquez, the hotel’s cus-
Apple workers at Maryland store vote to unionize, a first in the US By TRIPP MICKLE and NOAM SCHEIBER
pple employees at a Baltimore-area store have voted to unionize, making it the first of the company’s 270-plus stores in the United States to join a trend in labor organizing sweeping through retailers, restaurants and tech companies. The result, announced over the weekend by the National Labor Relations Board, provides a foothold for a budding movement among Apple retail employees who want a greater voice over wages and COVID-19 policies. Employees of more than two dozen Apple stores have expressed interest in unionizing in recent months, union leaders say. In the election, 65 employees at Apple’s store in Towson, Maryland, voted in favor of being represented by the union, known as the Apple Coalition of Organized Retail Employees, while 33 voted against. It will be part of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, an industrial trade union that represents more than 300,000 employees. “I applaud the courage displayed by CORE members at the Apple store in Towson for achieving this historic victory,” said Robert Martinez Jr., president of IAM International, in a statement. “They made a huge sacrifice for thousands of Apple employees across the nation who had all eyes on this election.” Tyra Reeder, a technical specialist who has worked at the Towson store a little over six months, said that she was “elated” with the outcome and that she hoped a union would help increase workers’ compensation; stabilize the store’s scheduling, which has been strained by recent COVID-19 cases; and make it easier for workers to advance within the company. “We love our jobs. We just want to see them do better,” Reeder said. The outcome is a blow to Apple’s campaign to blunt union drives by arguing that it pays more than many retailers
and provides an array of benefits, including health care and stock grants. Last month, it increased starting wages for retail employees to $22 an hour, from $20, and released a video of Deirdre O’Brien, who leads Apple retail, cautioning employees that joining a union could hurt the company’s business. Apple declined to comment. Employees in Towson said in a video before the union vote that Apple’s anti-union campaign there was “nasty” and included management telling workers that unions once prohibited Black employees from joining their ranks. In the weeks before the vote, O’Brien visited the store and thanked everyone for their hard work. Soon after, employees said their managers began encouraging staff to air their concerns in meetings and help come up with solutions to their grievances. They also started to pull employees into one-on-one meetings where managers highlighted the cost of union dues, said Eric Brown, a Towson employee active in the union effort. Earlier this month, employees at a store in Atlanta abandoned a planned election when support for the union fizzled after Apple’s moves to increase wages and highlight the benefits it offered. The union organizers in Atlanta have filed a formal charge with the NLRB, accusing Apple of requiring workers to listen to anti-union messages during mandatory meetings. The board has not yet determined if the charge has merit. Reeder said that workers in Atlanta had helped prepare union supporters at the Towson store to defuse the company’s talking points. “We kind of got some insight from the Atlanta store on things that were coming,” she said, citing the company’s suggestions that employees could lose certain benefits during a contract negotiation if they unionized. “For that to happen, a majority of us have to agree,” Reeder added. “I don’t think any of us would agree to lose so-
mething we love dearly, that benefits us.” At Starbucks, one of the companies where organizers have gained the most momentum, employees credited a vote to organize at a store in Buffalo, New York, with helping to spur other stores to file for union elections. Since that vote in December, more than 150 of the company’s roughly 9,000 corporate-owned stores in the U.S. have voted to unionize, according to the NLRB. Workers at stores that later unionized reached out to employees in Buffalo for advice on how to navigate the process. “Workers gain interest and courage if workers elsewhere prevail,” said William Gould, a law professor at Stanford University and author of “For Labor to Build Upon: Wars, Depression and Pandemic.” “Many watch to see: Can workers succeed? Will they band together? If the answer is affirmative, it will encourage other workers to take a step toward collective bargaining.” The ability of workers to win a contract may hinge on whether the campaign spreads to other stores. Union supporters at Starbucks have said that one of their largest sources of leverage over the company is the fact that they continue to win elections around the country. Amazon workers who helped unionize a warehouse in the New York City borough of Staten Island in April have also said they would benefit if more warehouses followed suit. The company is challenging the outcome of that vote before the labor board. With only one U.S. location that has formally unionized, the company can focus resources on opposing the union there. Apple employees are also organizing at the Grand Central Terminal store in New York and a store in Louisville, Kentucky. Those stores are building support before they ask for an election. Organizers in Atlanta have said that they plan to revive their election in the future.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
Starbucks executive, prominent in push against union drive, will leave She spent many hours in stores, asking employees about concerns they had at their workplaces and tarbucks said late last week even pitching in on tasks like that an executive who played throwing out garbage. a key role in the company’s But some workers said the response to a growing union campresence of such a high-ranking paign would leave by the end of official in their stores was intimidathe month. ting and even “surreal.” In a letter to employees, Labor experts also raised whom Starbucks calls “partners,” concerns that Williams and other the company’s chief operating offiStarbucks officials deployed to the cer said that Rossann Williams, stores could be violating labor laws president of retail for North Ameriby intimidating workers and effecca, would be leaving after 17 years tively offering to improve working at the company. The letter said the conditions if employees voted agadecision was “preceded by disinst unionizing. cussion about a next opportunity The NLRB later issued a comfor Rossann within the company, plaint against the company along which she declined.” these lines, after investigating and John Culver, the chief opefinding merit to the accusations. rating officer, added in the letter The company denied that it that Williams “has not only been a fierce advocate for our partners, Rossann Williams outside a Starbucks store in Toronto in 2015. She will leave her post as president had violated the law and has long said that it is seeking to address but she has been a champion of our of retail for North America. operational issues like understaffing mission, our culture and operational exand inadequate training, efforts it cellence.” said had preceded the organizing camSince December, when a store in paign. Buffalo, New York, became the only one In response to a question about of Starbucks’ roughly 9,000 corporate- whether she or the company might be owned stores with a union, the cam- undermining the conditions for a fair paign has spread rapidly across the cou- union election, Williams said in an inntry. terview in October that she had no The union has won over 80% of choice but to intervene. the more than 175 elections in which “If I went to a market and saw the the National Labor Relations Board has condition some of these stores are in, and declared a winner, and workers have I didn’t do anything about it, it would be formally sought elections at more than so against my job,” she said at the time. 275 stores in all. “There’s no way I could come here and After workers at three Buffalo- say I’m not going to do anything.” area stores filed for union elections in Culver’s letter said that Williams August, Williams went to the city and would be replaced by Sara Trilling, who spent much of the fall there leading the most recently oversaw the company’s company’s response to the campaign. operations in the Asia-Pacific region. By NOAM SCHEIBER
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
13 Stocks
Explainer: What’s new with the Fed’s bank stress tests in 2022
he U.S. Federal Reserve will release the results of its annual bank health checks on Thursday. Under the “stress test” exercise established following the 2007-2009 financial crisis, the Fed tests banks’ balance sheets against a hypothetical severe economic downturn, the elements of which change annually. The results dictate how much capital banks need to be healthy and how much they can return to shareholders via share buybacks and dividends. How well a bank performs dictates the size of its “stress capital buffer” - an extra cushion of capital the Fed requires to weather the hypothetical downturn, on top of regulatory minimums required to support daily business. The larger the losses under the test, the larger the buffer. Here are the highlights of this year’s tests: THE ROLLOUT The Fed is expected to release the results after market close on Thursday. Rather than passing or failing lenders, it typically publishes each bank’s capital ratios and aggregate losses under the test, with details on how their specific portfolios - like credit cards or mortgages - fared. Banks are not allowed, however, to announce their plans for dividends and buybacks until the following Monday, June 27. The country’s largest lenders, particularly JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Citigroup Inc (C.N), Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N), Bank of America Corp. (BAC.N), Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) and Morgan Stanley (MS.N) are closely-watched by the markets. A TOUGHER TEST? The Fed changes the scenarios each year. They take months to devise, which means they risk becoming outdated. In 2020, for example, the real economic crash caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was by many measures more severe than the Fed’s scenario that year. The Fed devised this year’s scenario before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the current hyper-inflationary outlook. Still, the 2022 test is expected to be more difficult than last year because the actual economic baseline is healthier. That means spikes in unemployment and drops in the size of the economy under the test are felt more acutely. For example, the 2021 stress test envisioned a 4 percentage point jump in unemployment under a “severely adverse” scenario. In 2022, that increase is 5.75 percentage points, thanks largely to rising employment over the past year. As a result, analysts expect banks will be told to set aside slightly more capital than in 2021 to account for expected growth in modeled losses.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
Town becomes a flashpoint in Russia’s campaign to seize the Donbas By THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF
small town has become a flashpoint in Ukraine’s struggle to defend a slowly shrinking pocket around two strategically important cities that stand between Russia and its control of more of eastern Ukraine. Reports over the weekend said Russian forces had broken through the Ukrainian front line in Toshkivka, a town roughly 12 miles southeast of the metropolitan area of Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk. It was a troubling development for Ukrainian forces defending a swath of territory roughly 30 miles wide that has come to be known as the Sievierodonetsk pocket — where Ukraine’s leaders say the fate of the country’s Donbas region could be decided. The pocket is about three-quarters encircled by Russian forces, leaving only a small gap — traversed by a mix of country
roads and highways buffeted by artillery fire — where Ukrainian forces can shuttle supplies and troops into Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk. The twin cities, at the northernmost edge of the pocket, are the last major population centers in the Luhansk province of Donbas not to have fallen to Russia, as Moscow’s forces intensify their push to seize more of eastern Ukraine. Sievierodonetsk is almost completely controlled by Russian forces, while Lysychansk, which lies on higher ground on the western bank of the Siversky Donets River, is preparing for an all-out assault. On Sunday, Ukrainian troops had dug fresh defenses in parts of Lysychansk and were emplacing destroyed vehicles to create chokepoints on some roads. As of Monday afternoon it was still unclear which side held control of Toshkivka. Russian forces claimed to have captured it,
with the pro-Moscow leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, proclaiming its “liberation” in a post on Telegram, the messaging app. The claim could not be immediately verified. The small town has served as a key Ukrainian defensive line in the southeastern side of the pocket. If Russian forces control Toshkivka, it would bring them that much closer to Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk — and more important, closer to threatening the Ukrainian supply lines to both cities, leaving thousands of Ukrainian troops at risk of being cut off. Videos posted online in recent days showed a column of what were apparently Russian tanks advancing into the western edge of Toshkivka. Ukrainian military officials said that they expected the Russians to continue to advance from Toshkivka westward toward the village of Myrna Dolyna, bringing them to within 3 miles of the edge
of Lysychansk. Ukrainian soldiers on the ground in the Donbas, a region of rolling hills and industrial towns where Toshkivka lies, told The New York Times on Sunday that the town had fallen, despite Ukrainian officials’ assurances that the Russian advance had been thwarted. Serhiy Haidai, the regional military governor, acknowledged that the Russians had “had success” in the Toshkivka area Sunday but added that Ukrainian artillery had halted their advance. Hours before Haidai’s statement on Telegram, Ukrainian tanks and rocket launchers were seen barreling toward the front line around Toshkivka. Haidai also confirmed that Russian forces had seized Metolkine, just east of Sievierodonetsk, after Moscow claimed Sunday that it controlled the town. He described the situation in the area as “hell” amid a blizzard of Russian shellfire, with battles flaring “in multiple villages” around the two cities.
Representatives from Finland and Sweden meet with Turkish officials to discuss NATO By EDUARDO MEDINA, SAFAK TIMUR, JOHANNA LEMOLA, CHRISTINA ANDERSON and MONIKA PRONCZUK
inland and Sweden failed to break the deadlock over Turkey’s objections to their bids to join NATO in a meeting Monday with Turkish officials in Brussels, but all sides vowed to keep negotiating about what would be the alliance’s most ambitious expansion in decades. Spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the two Nordic countries last month applied to join NATO, but that move would require unanimous agreement by all 30 member nations. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has threatened to block it, citing Swedish and Finnish support for Kurdish militants whom Turkey sees as terrorists. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg invited senior representatives from the three countries to Brussels on Monday in an attempt to overcome the impasse. They met for more than five hours, focused on security concerns raised by Turkey, NATO officials said. Petri Hakkarainen, the Finnish representative to the talks, said that although there was clear progress on certain matters, “there is still
more to be done” in order to “reach mutual understanding.” But Ibrahim Kalin, Erdogan‘s spokesperson, told reporters in Brussels after the meeting that further progress now depended “on the
direction and speed at which these countries will take steps” regarding Ankara’s demands. Stoltenberg said the meeting was “constructive” and called Ankara’s objections “legitimate security concerns over terrorism that
Secretary of State John Kerry, center, with Milica Pejanovic, Montenegro’s defense minister, left, at a session in Brussels welcoming Montenegro into NATO this month.
we need to address,” adding that the talks will continue in the coming days. He said over the weekend that the alliance took seriously the concerns of the Turkish government, but he did not offer details on a possible resolution. Leaders of NATO countries are set to meet for a high-level summit next week in Madrid. Turkish resistance to Sweden and Finland joining the alliance has slowed a process that other members have been keen to fasttrack, as the West seeks to demonstrate unity in the face of President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. But Turkey’s deputy foreign minister, Sedat Onal, told reporters in Brussels, “We do not consider ourselves bound with a deadline.” The discussions Monday come as Russia continues to pummel eastern Ukraine with strikes, resulting in mounting losses of life on both sides in a war that Western leaders have warned could last years. Foreign Minister Ann Linde of Sweden urged patience, telling Swedish news agency TT in comments published Monday, “I hope that the negotiations will go well, but we are also prepared that this is a process that can take a long time.”
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Gustavo Petro wins the election, becoming Colombia’s first leftist leader By JULIE TURKEWITZ
or the first time, Colombia will have a leftist president. Gustavo Petro, a former rebel and a longtime legislator, won Colombia’s presidential election Sunday, galvanizing voters frustrated by decades of poverty and inequality under conservative leaders, with promises to expand social programs, tax the wealthy and move away from an economy he has called overly reliant on fossil fuels. His victory sets the third-largest nation in Latin America on a sharply uncertain path, just as it faces rising poverty and violence that have sent record numbers of Colombians to the United States border; high levels of deforestation in the Colombian Amazon, a key buffer against climate change; and a growing distrust of key democratic institutions, which has become a trend in the region. Petro, 62, received more than 50% of the vote, with more than 99% counted Sunday evening. His opponent, Rodolfo Hernández, a construction magnate who had energized the country with a scorchedearth anti-corruption platform, won just over 47%. Shortly after the vote, Hernández conceded to Petro. “Colombians, today the majority of citizens have chosen the other candidate,” Hernández said. “As I said during the campaign, I accept the results of this election.” Petro took the stage Sunday night flanked by his vice-presidential pick, Francia Márquez, and three of Petro’s children. The packed stadium went wild, with people standing on chairs and holding phones aloft. “This story that we are writing today is a new story for Colombia, for Latin America, for the world,” Petro said. “We are not going to betray this electorate.” He pledged to govern with what he has called “the politics of love,” based on hope, dialogue and understanding. Just over 58% of Colombia’s 39 million voters turned out to cast a ballot, according to official figures. The victory means that Márquez, an environmental activist who rose from poverty to become a prominent advocate for social justice, will become the country’s first Black vice president. Petro and Márquez’s victory reflects an anti-establishment fervor that has spread across Latin America, exacerbated by the
pandemic and other long-standing issues, including a lack of opportunity. “The entire country is begging for change,” said Fernando Posada, a Colombian political scientist, “and that is absolutely clear.” In April, Costa Ricans elected to the presidency of Rodrigo Chaves, a former World Bank official and political outsider, who took advantage of widespread discontent with the incumbent party. Last year, Chile, Peru and Honduras voted for leftist leaders running against candidates on the right, extending a significant, multiyear shift across Latin America. As a candidate, Petro had energized a generation that is the most educated in Colombian history, but is also dealing with 10% annual inflation, a 20% youth unemployment rate and a 40% poverty rate. His rallies were often full of young people, many of whom said they feel betrayed by decades of leaders who had made grand promises but delivered little. “We’re not satisfied with the mediocrity of past generations,” said Larry Rico, 23, a Petro voter at a polling station in Ciudad Bolívar, a poor neighborhood in Bogotá, the capital. Petro’s win is all the more significant because of the country’s history. For decades, the government fought a brutal leftist insurgency known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, with the stigma from the conflict making it difficult for a legitimate left to flourish. But the FARC signed a peace deal with the government in 2016, laying down their arms and opening space for a broader political discourse. Petro had been part of a different rebel group, called the M-19, which demobilized in 1990 and became a political party that helped rewrite the country’s constitution. Eventually, Petro became a forceful leader in the country’s opposition, known for denouncing human rights abuses and corruption. On Sunday, in a wealthy part of Bogotá, Francisco Ortiz, 67, a television director, said he had also voted for Petro. “It’s been a long time since we had an opportunity like this for change,” he said. “If things will get better, I don’t know. But if we stick with the same, we already know what we’re going to get.” The win could also test the United States’ relationship with its strongest ally in
Latin America. Traditionally, Colombia has formed the cornerstone of Washington’s policy in the region. But Petro has criticized what he calls the United States’ failed approach to the drug war, saying it has focused too much on eradication of the coca crop, the base product in cocaine, and not enough on rural development and other measures. Petro has said that he embraces some form of drug legalization, that he will renegotiate an existing trade deal with the United States to better benefit Colombians and that he will restore relations with the authoritarian government of president Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela, all of which could create conflict with the United States. About 2 million Venezuelan migrants have fled to Colombia in recent years amid an economic, political and humanitarian crisis. Petro believes the economic system is broken, overly reliant on oil export and a flourishing and illegal cocaine business that he said has made the rich richer and poor poorer. He is calling for a halt to all new oil exploration, and a shift to developing other industries. He has also said he will introduce guaranteed work with a basic income, move the country to a publicly controlled health system and increase access to higher education, in part by raising taxes on the
“What we have today is the result of what I call ‘the depletion of the model,’ ” Petro said in the interview this year, referring to the current economic system. “The end result is a brutal poverty.” His ambitious economic plan has, however, raised concerns. One former finance minister called his energy plan “economic suicide.” Petro’s critics, including former allies, have accused him of arrogance that leads him to ignore advisers and struggle to build consensus. When he takes office in August, he will face a deeply polarized society where polls show growing distrust in almost all major institutions. He has vowed to serve as the president of all Colombians, not just those who voted for him. On Sunday, at a high school-turnedpolling station in Bogotá, Ingrid Forrero, 31, said she saw a generational divide in her community, with young people supporting Petro and older generations in favor of Hernández. Her own family calls her the “little rebel” because of her support for Petro, whom she said she favors because of his policies on education and income inequality. “The youth is more inclined toward revolution,” she said, “toward the left, toward a change.”
Supporters of Rodolfo Hernández react to the news that he lost the presidential election in Bucaramanga, Colombia, on Sunday, June 19, 2022.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
Fears of gridlock in France after Macron is left with fragmented Parliament
President Emmanuel Macron voting in Le Touquet, northern France, on Sunday. His centrist coalition secured 245 seats in the 577-seat National Assembly. By CONSTANT MEHEUT and AURELIEN BREEDEN
resident Emmanuel Macron’s ability to govern effectively was in question Monday after he lost his absolute majority in the lower house of parliament in France, with opposition groups threatening to block his legislative agenda and openly calling for the resignation of his prime minister. After nationwide voting Sunday, Macron’s centrist coalition finished first overall, with 245 seats, but it fell far short of the absolute majority that it enjoyed in the 577-seat National Assembly during his first term, fueling fears of political gridlock. “Ungovernable!” read the front page of Le Parisien, a daily newspaper. Much was still uncertain Monday after the elections, which produced a complex and fragmented political landscape with three main opposition groups: a left-wing alliance, the far right, and mainstream conservatives. All won enough seats to potentially hamstring Macron’s legislative agenda, but they are also deeply opposed to each other in various ways, limiting the prospect of a broad, tenable anti-Macron coalition. Still, this much was clear: After five years of relatively smooth sailing in a National Assembly dominated by his party and its allies, Macron’s second-term agenda is in for a rough ride.
“My biggest fear is that the country will be blocked,” Olivia Grégoire, a spokesperson for Macron’s government, told France Inter radio Monday. She said that a coming bill to help French households deal with rising inflation was a top priority and would be a first test of the weakened majority’s ability to build consensus. Macron must now contend with parliamentary constraints that he had mostly been able to circumvent during his first term. His party will not be able to readily dismiss opposition amendments, for instance, and legislative debates could be much harsher. “It’s like going from a very strong presidential regime to a parliamentary regime,” said Chloé Morin, a political scientist at the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, a progressive think tank. “It moves the center of power to the National Assembly.” But, she added, unlike other European nations, where political parties are used to hammering out coalitions and compromises, that “is neither the culture of politicians nor of the French people.” “We have a culture of verticality,” she said, with extensive presidential powers, and after five years of Macron’s top-down governing style, none of his opponents appeared inclined to work with him. Instead, Morin predicted months of gridlock in the National Assembly, which could prompt Macron to dissolve the body and call new parliamentary elections
some time next year. France’s presidents can rule by decree on some issues, and they have a relatively free rein to conduct foreign policy. But major domestic overhauls promised by Macron during his reelection campaign this year require a bill in parliament, such as his contentious plans to raise the legal age of retirement to 65 from 62, which Macron had vowed to get done by the summer of 2023. The fate of such bills is now in jeopardy. Macron will most likely be forced to seek a coalition or build short-term alliances with opposition forces if he wants to push through legislation. A natural fit would be Les Républicains, the mainstream conservative party, which, on paper at least, could back some of Macron’s probusiness policies. “It’s not completely blocked, it’s a suspended parliament,” said Vincent Martigny, a professor of political science at the University of Nice, adding that Macron “is now completely in the hands of Les Républicains.” But leaders from Les Républicains, some of whom are worried that a long-term coalition with Macron would incur the anger of their political base, have already ruled out a partnership. “We campaigned in the opposition, we are in the opposition and we will remain in the opposition,” Christian Jacob, the party’s president, said Sunday night. “Things are very clear.” The two largest opposition forces in parliament — a broad coalition of left-wing parties, which secured 131 seats; and Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally, which took 89 — have all but promised to challenge Macron’s government relentlessly. It was unclear what Macron, who has not yet said anything publicly about the results, would do in the short term. He had vowed that ministers who lost their parliamentary races would have to quit. Three fall into that category and will need to be replaced, if Macron follows through. The president could decide to address voter frustrations by reshuffling his Cabinet more extensively. Opposition forces are now expected to control key committees, such as the powerful finance committee that oversees the state budget, and to fill strategic positions in the National Assembly. “They can do everything that Emmanuel Macron doesn’t like, that is, force his hand on some amendments, force him into debates,” Martigny said. Le Pen, who was handily reelected to her own seat in the National Assembly, managed to bring with her a record number of lawmakers, who are now about 10 times as numerous as they were during Macron’s previous term. That will enable the party to officially form what is known as a parliamentary group, giving the National Rally more speaking time, as well as specific legislative powers such as the ability to create special committees, further anchoring the party in the political mainstream.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
More than 200 feared dead in Ethiopia massacre By ABDI LATIF DAHIR
n Ethiopian rebel group massacred more than 200 members of the Amhara ethnic group Sunday, according to officials and news reports, the latest atrocity amid a civil war that threatens to tear apart Africa’s second-mostpopulous nation. Witnesses and officials told The Associated Press that at least 230 people were killed when members of the Oromo Liberation Army attacked Tole, a village in Oromia, Ethiopia’s largest region. The Oromo Liberation Army, a rebel group known as the OLA that is designated as a terror organization by the Ethiopian government, denied carrying out the killings and said they were committed by a militia aligned with the regional government supporting Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The attack was among the worst ethnic violence to roil the country since November 2020 when the government and its allies began trying to suppress a rebellion that began in the northern region of Tigray. The Tigrayans, an ethnic minority that long held outsized political power in the country, revolted against efforts by Abiy to do away with the country’s system of ethnic federalism. The conflict soon exploded into a civil war, cleaving the country along ethnic lines and leaving thousands dead and injured and millions hungry and displaced. Fighters on both sides of the conflict have committed war crimes, including ethnic
cleansing, mass killings and sexual violence. As the war has dragged on, human rights groups have documented various transgressions — including extrajudicial killings and attacks on refugees — that have been carried out by both government forces and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. “The Abiy regime is again blaming the OLA for atrocities committed by its own retreating fighters,” Odaa Tarbii, international spokesperson for the rebels, said in a statement posted on Twitter. The OLA, which joined forces with the Tigrayans against the government, has previously been accused of targeting civilians and government officials. The Oromia regional government held the OLA responsible, too, saying in a statement that the group “killed people and destroyed property” because it “couldn’t withstand the operations launched against it by security forces.” In late March, Ethiopia’s government announced a “humanitarian truce” in Tigray, just weeks after it lifted the state of emergency provisions that were used to round up people of Tigrayan descent. But there have been few concrete steps toward ending the conflict in the landlocked nation of 115 million people. Abiy has also faced challenges consolidating power among myriad ethnic groups. This has particularly been true of the Amharas, who are the country’s second-largest ethnic group. In recent weeks, authorities have arrested thousands of
people in the Amhara region, including members of the Fano militia who were instrumental in helping Abiy fight the war in Tigray. At least 13 journalists have also been arrested in the Amhara region, leading the Committee to Protect Journalists to warn that the government was “spreading fear and engendering self-censorship among journalists who’ve seen far too many of their colleagues thrown behind bars in recent weeks.” Last Tuesday, Abiy announced the establishment of a committee to negotiate peace with the Tigrayans. Among the
thorniest issues likely to be discussed is the question of West Tigray, an area that both Amharas and Tigrayans claim as their own. But as the committee deliberates what is up for negotiation, worries persist about heightened interethnic animosity. On Sunday, Daniel Bekele, chief commissioner for the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, urged authorities in a post on Twitter to undertake all “necessary measures” to protect civilians. “All law enforcement operation should exercise maximum caution to avoid direct or indirect targeting of civilians,” he said.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia addressing the Parliament in Addis Ababa in June. Last week, Mr. Abiy announced the establishment of a committee to negotiate peace with the Tigrayans.
Desde que abrimos nuestras puertas en 1970, nuestro servicio de alto nivel, el compromiso contigo y el país se mantienen igual de sólidos.
Tuesday June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
Hence, Mike Pence By MAUREEN DOWD
he fate of a sycophant is never a happy one. At first, you think that fawning over the boss is a good way to move forward. But when you are dealing with a narcissist — and narcissists are the ones who like to be surrounded by sycophants — you can never be unctuous enough. Narcissists are Grand Canyons of need. The more they are flattered, the more their appetite for flattery grows. That is the hard, almost fatal, lesson that Mike Pence learned Jan. 6 when he finally stood up to Donald Trump after Trump asked for one teensy favor: Help destroy American democracy and all we stand for. Two new photos shown at a hearing of the House committee investigating Jan. 6 tell a shocking story — one of the most incredible in our nation’s history. In one, Karen Pence is protectively pulling a goldfringed curtain shut in the vice president’s ceremonial office in the Capitol, off the Senate floor, as Mike Pence — sitting beneath a large gilded mirror — stares off into space, probably wondering where it all went wrong.
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We learned this week that when the vice president fled down the stairs, followed by an Air Force officer carrying the nuclear launch codes, the marauding mob was a few feet from him. In a second picture, taken after Pence was brought to a secure location in an underground garage, his daughter Charlotte is anxiously watching him. He is holding a phone to his ear as he stares at another phone showing a video of Trump professing love for the crowd, which included some who carried baseball bats and zip ties and chanted, “Hang Mike Pence!” In the early afternoon, as the crowd tore down barricades and fought police, White House staffers worried things were “getting out of hand,” as Sarah Matthews, a Trump aide, testified. They thought that the president needed to tweet something immediately. At 2:24 p.m., they got a notification that the president had indeed tweeted. But it was not the calming tweet they had hoped for; it was one designed to drive the rioters into a frenzy. “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify,” Trump tweeted. “USA demands the truth!” As Matthews recalled in her deposition, “The situation was already bad, and so it felt like he was pouring gasoline on the fire by tweeting that.” Trump was still steaming from the contentious morning phone call when he failed to persuade the vice president to reject some of the states’ electors so they could be replaced with fake electors who supported Trump. He had railed at Pence with emasculating epithets. As Trump recalled in a speech Friday in Nashville, Tennessee, “I said to Mike, ‘If you do this, you can be Thomas Jefferson.’ And then, after it all went down, I looked at him one day and said, ‘I hate to say this, but you’re no Thomas Jefferson.’” In the same speech, Trump had another line that was strikingly delusional, even for him. “For the radical left,” he said, “politics has become their religion. It has warped their sense of right and wrong. They don’t have a sense of right and wrong, true and false, good and evil.” Trump sparked the mob to seek vengeance against Pence the same way Henry II sparked a crew to murder Thomas Becket, the archbishop of Canterbury, in 1170. According to legend, after Becket defied Henry by excommunicating bishops supportive of the king,
Henry muttered something to the effect of, “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Four knights immediately rode to Canterbury Cathedral and sliced up Becket. The line became a famous example of directing loyalists with indirection, cloaking an order as a wish. Who will rid me of this meddlesome vice president? A New York Times video, showing how the Proud Boys breached the Capitol, underscored that within the confederacy of dunces, there was an actual organized conspiracy. The group began plotting even before the election to take up arms for Trump. When Trump barked, “Stand back and stand by,” about the Proud Boys during his debate with Joe Biden, the Proud Boys felt as if they had received a directive, like Henry’s knights. With each hearing, it becomes clearer that Trump has no plausible deniability. He put the lives of the vice president and his family at risk, as well as the lives of lawmakers, by sending a crowd, stewing in lies, into a frenzy. Pence did not have the power to do what Trump wanted, and it’s good that he resisted the insane, illegal and unconstitutional plan of the narcissist in the Oval. But Pence still wants it both ways. He has steered clear of the committee. He wants to become president by staying on the good side of Trump supporters, but they’re never going to forgive him. At the end of the day of infamy, John Eastman, the nutty lawyer trying to help Trump overturn the election, sent an email imploring Pence to adjourn the congressional certification so sympathetic state legislators could help with Trump’s fairy tale of a rigged election. When Greg Jacob, Pence’s counsel, showed the email to the vice president, Pence said, “That’s rubber room stuff.” The fate of a sycophant is never a happy one.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Celebran los logros de más de 300 estudiantes en UPR Aguadilla POR EL STAR STAFF
GUADILLA – Luego de dos años sin haber podido celebrarse presencialmente, el pasado viernes se conmemoraron los logros obtenidos de más de 300 estudiantes en la Cuadragésima Novena Colación de Grados de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Aguadilla (UPRAg), en el Coliseo Raymond Dalmau Pérez, Quebradillas. Resaltando el esfuerzo y la resiliencia de la clase graduanda 2022, tras haber pasado por varias dificultades como el Huracán María, temblores, apagones, pandemia del Covid-19 y demás, se considera que este grupo de estudiantes es el más resiliente de todos los tiempos. “Ustedes son parte de la historia de una generación
resiliente, que le ha tocado vivir huracanes, temblores, pandemias, y cambios en todo el quehacer como pueblo. Han demostrado el valor de alcanzar sus metas y les han hecho más resistente para los próximos retos en su caminar”, resaltó la rectora de la UPR en Aguadilla, Dra. Sonia Rivera González. La clase #49 de la UPR Aguadilla se compuso de 339 estudiantes entre ellos, 192 féminas (56 por ciento) y 147 varones (44 por ciento). En su mayoría obtuvieron su Grado de Bachillerato: 139 representaron al Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; 123 al Departamento de Administración de Empresas; 50 al Departamento de Tecnología y Ciencias Aplicadas; 12 al Departamento de Sistemas de Oficinas; 9 del Departamen-
to de Educación y 6 del Departamento de Inglés. A su vez, 33 estudiantes obtuvieron su Grado Asociado en el programa de Aeronáutica y Aeroespacial, abriéndose campo en esta creciente industria.
Salud a la espera de las vacunas COVID-19 para niños de 6 meses a 4 años POR CYBERNEWS
AN JUAN – El secretario del Departamento de Salud (DS), Carlos Mellado López dijo el lunes, que se encuentra a la espera de recibir las primeras mil dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, asignadas a la Isla, para comenzar a inocular a niños de seis meses a cuatro años. “Se han estado afinando todos los detalles para comenzar un proceso ordenado y escalonado. El Plan consiste en brindarle primeramente un adiestramiento a los proveedores que por lo regular vacunan niños con la intención de que sea un doctor pediatra o un profesional de la salud el que realice el proceso por ser bebés y así atender las preocupaciones o reservas de los padres y tutores en cuanto a la seguridad de las vacunas, los beneficios y la importancia de inmunizarlos contra el virus. Estamos preparados y listos para comenzar la jornada de inmunización’’, expresó López en declaraciones escritas.
Una vez las vacunas sean recibidas, se despachará a los proveedores que hayan recibido y aprobado un adiestramiento que se llevará a cabo el martes, 21 de junio, a las 8:00 de la mañana.
El adiestramiento será brindado por la principal oficial médico, Iris Cardona, y especialistas del Programa de Vacunación del DS. Las vacunas recibidas serán distribuidas alrededor de la Isla de forma equitativa. La próxima semana se esperan recibir sobre 10 mil dosis de vacunas, y así sucesivamente, hasta cumplir con la totalidad de las vacunas necesarias para inocular a los 106 mil niños entre las edades recién autorizados por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, siglas en inglés). Las vacunas aprobadas son Pfizer y Moderna para atender esa población. Moderna se administra como una serie de dos dosis primarias con un intervalo de cuatro semanas y Pfizer intervalo de 3 a 8 semanas entre las primera y segunda dosis y 8 semanas entre la segunda y tercera dosis. Los padres o tutores que tengan dudas sobre la vacuna o el proceso deben conversar con sus pediatras.
352 hospitalizados en informe preliminar COVID-19 POR CYBERNEWS
AN JUAN – El informe preliminar de COVID-19 del Departamento de Salud (DS)
reportó el lunes 352 personas hospitalizadas. El total de muertes atribuidas es de 4,478. Hay 308 adultos hospitalizados y 45 me-
nores. El monitoreo cubre el periodo del 3 al 17 de junio de 2022. La tasa de positividad está a 32.27 por ciento.
Mujer es atropellada en incidente de violencia doméstica POR CYBERNEWS
RUJILLO ALTO – Una mujer fue arrollada a eso de las 9:40 de la noche del domingo, en medio de un incidente de violencia doméstica, en la calle Adelina Hernández del barrio Las Cuevas en Trujillo Alto, in-
formó la Policía. Según el reporte de las autoridades, se recibió una llamada a través del Sistema de Emergencias 9-1-1 sobre un peatón que había sido arrollado en el lugar. Cuando los agentes llegaron al lugar, se les informó que la mujer había sido atropellada por su expareja
quien abandonó la escena. La mujer fue llevada al Hospital de la UPR Dr. Federico Trilla en Carolina y se desconoce su condición de salud. Agentes del Cuerpo de Investigaciones Criminales de Carolina investigan.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
Andy Garcia is the father of the bride in more ways than one By CARLOS AGUILAR
ndy Garcia still believes in the American promise of prosperity for all. “If you come here and you work hard, there’s a future for you,” he said. “There will always be obstacles, but the opportunity is there.” In more ways than one, the Cuban-born Garcia, 66, understands the worldview of Billy Herrera, the patriarch he plays in the new Latino-centric take on “Father of the Bride,” streaming on HBO Max. The poignant reinterpretation highlights the generational plight that immigrants and their American-born children face as they try to communicate with one another. The comedy, from director Gaz Alazraki and screenwriter Matt Lopez, also manages to avoid depicting Latinos as a monolith. For his latest lead role, the veteran actor best known for his turns in “The Untouchables,” “The Godfather Part III” and “Ocean’s Eleven,” portrays a proud, self-made Cuban architect whose oldest daughter is about to marry her Mexican sweetheart. At the same time, Herrera’s wife, Ingrid, played by singer Gloria Estefan (Garcia’s longtime friend and fellow Cuban exile), announces she wants a divorce, leading Billy to reexamine his inflexible beliefs about masculinity, the work ethic and marriage. On a recent sunny afternoon at a golf club in the Toluca Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles, Garcia looked appropriately casual chic in a light-blue button-down shirt and beige slacks. Occasionally enhancing his anecdotes with words in Spanish, he spoke about his father’s thoughts on his profession, breaking ground before inclusion was a Hollywood priority, and staying on the entertainment industry “menu.” These are excerpts from our conversation. Q: You achieved substantial success long before conversations on representation were as prominent as they are today. What was it like for you at the onset of your career? A: It was very difficult for someone with a Hispanic surname because you were never considered. There were exceptions to the rule like Raul Julia, and José Ferrer before him. But for people who weren’t established, it was very hard to be considered for anything other than a Hispanic part. When I started in ’78, there were only about five studios, three networks and PBS; there was no cable. You were typecast and the parts they were writing for Hispanics were predominantly gang members and maids. But they wouldn’t consider me for the gang member roles because I wasn’t physically right: In their minds, gang members were only, in the case of Los Angeles, Chicanos. Q: When did it feel like you were starting to break through despite the roadblocks? A: I was lucky to begin getting some work because I was a member of an improvisational theater group. Casting directors would see me there, and I would land a little thing here and there. But it was very hard to get it going. It took a long
time, from ’78 to ’85, to get a part that was integral to the story. When I got “The Untouchables” (1987), I didn’t have to work as a waiter anymore. Before that I was also doing walla groups, which provide all the incidental dialogue in movies. That was my first post-waiter job. It kept my only child back then in Pampers. Q: Were your parents encouraging or concerned by your choices? A: My father was very concerned about me leaving the family [fragrance] business, which I had worked in all my life and was growing rapidly. As a lawyer by trade and a farmer who worked hard all his life to give his kids opportunities and trained his children to take over the business, it was very difficult for him to see that I was going off in another direction. Q: There’s a scene in “Father of the Bride” where your character and Gloria’s talk about the difficulty of passing along your native language, Spanish, to your American-born children. Did that dialogue speak to you personally? A: Yes. Growing up we spoke Spanish at home, but we also grew up in Miami, where everybody spoke Spanish. My children have had a harder time with it because no matter how much Spanish we spoke, they always favor English because of the environment. They become The actor Andy Garcia in New more AmeriYork on May 18, 2022. canized. In more ways than one, the Cubanborn Garcia, 66, understands the worldview of Billy Herrera, the patriarch he plays in the new Latino-centric take on “Father of the Bride,” streaming on HBO Max.
They can understand and speak it, but they’re not as fluent. If you’re not on top of it every day and practicing it, the language suffers. We as parents are as much at fault for not ingraining it as much as we should have, because we fall into the pattern of speaking English. We could probably be doing this interview in Spanish, but we’re talking in English. Q: Have you become the father of the bride in your own family? A: Two of my daughters are getting married. [There was] a wedding on June 11, then the movie, and I have another wedding on July 9. I’m the father of bride three times within a 30-day period. When we saw the movie together, my youngest daughter said, “Dad, you’re nothing like this guy in the movie.” And I go, “Really?” That was her impression. Q: Do you agree with her or does Billy and his mentality remind you of yourself? A: He’s an amalgamation of everybody I’ve ever known, including myself, and the traditions of people who come from a conservative background. There’s a psyche that happens with the immigrant populations — in our case we’re political exiles — that you come to this country with a basic understanding that it is a place, with all its flaws and warts, where you’re free to express yourself and to pursue your dreams. We fled, with my parents, like many Cubana to this day fleeing, to seek freedom and opportunities for their families. And when you come here, there is a certain responsibility that you have to honor that freedom and have a strong work ethic and better yourself and your family. That is prevalent in all immigrant stories. Q: That’s a heavy burden to carry. A: My brother René and I, we always kid that because we come from this situation where everything was taken away from our family in Cuba there’s a part of us that always says, “We have to work hard and save because one day they’re going to come and take everything away from us again.” We all have these trigger points subconsciously that become behavioral patterns. They’re ingrained in you since childhood depending on your journey. Q: You are a prolific performer, playing leads, as in “Father of the Bride,” as well as numerous supporting parts. What’s your philosophy on longevity? A: I had a conversation with Tom Hanks at an event one time. We were talking about the business and I said, “Tom, I just want to stay on the menu.” When you open the menu, just let me be one of the choices: an appetizer or a main course. If you can stay on the menu, then you can provide for your family and explore your art form. If you’re off the menu, it’s hard to get ordered. If you’re fortunate, you might be the flavor of the month for a moment, but then you’ve got to keep yourself on the menu. Be there for the long haul, for a body of work.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
In ‘First Kill,’ hunter and prey fall in love
Hook’s Juliette, left, comes from a family of vampires; Lewis’s Calliope from a clan of monster hunters. By VALERIYA SAFRONOVA
hen Victoria Schwab sat down to write a short story for an anthology about vampires in 2019, she already knew that she would adapt whatever she wrote for television. So one of the first questions the author, better known by her pen name, V.E. Schwab, asked herself was: What kind of vampire show did she want to watch? “I would want the ‘Buffy’ that I didn’t have, that makes space for queer characters,” Schwab said in a video call from Los Angeles last week, referring to “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” “Not at the edges, but in the center of the story.” Schwab had traveled to Los Angeles from Edinburgh, Scotland, where she lives, for the premiere of “First Kill,” the Netflix series based on her short story of the same name. Schwab is a prolific fantasy author who writes books, stories and graphic novels for adults and teens, including the 2020 bestseller “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.” She has developed several television and film adaptations of her works, but this is the first one to reach the screen. “‘Buffy,’ ‘Supernatural,’ ‘Charmed’ — they didn’t let me down, but they were of their time,” Schwab said. As she wrote the short story and the pilot based on it, she sought to “capture that campy, angsty fun, but for a new generation.” “First Kill” follows two high school girls who are in love but have a big problem standing in the way of their romance: They’re supposed to destroy each other. Calliope Burns, a monster hunter played by Imani Lewis,
wants to prove herself to her family by making her first kill. At the same time, Juliette Fairmont, a vampire played by Sarah Catherine Hook, needs to drain a human’s blood in order to enter adulthood. When the two girls kiss for the first time inside a pantry during a house party, their commitment to their duties starts to crumble. The show follows the structure of a classic teenage drama, interspersed with fantastical plot twists. Meaningful glances full of longing and awkward social interactions in school hallways live side by side with scenes of ghouls raging in graveyards, vampires erasing their victims’ memories and monster hunters sparring in the garden. Since its premiere, “First Kill” has been among the top 10 most popular shows in the United States on Netflix. Calliope and Juliette join a burgeoning crop of TV heroes who are following in Buffy’s footstep. Recent series such as “Warrior Nun,” “Teenage Bounty Hunters,” “Legacies,” “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” and “Motherland: Fort Salem” endow their young, sometimes awkward and confused female leads with powers such as witchcraft, super-strength or an uncanny ability to track down people. One difference between these shows and their spiritual predecessors is that they cater to audiences who crave more representation. Felicia Henderson, showrunner, head writer and executive producer of “First Kill,” is an industry veteran who worked on shows such as “Family Matters,” “Moesha” and the original “Gossip Girl.” In a recent call, she described “First Kill” as an offspring of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” But, she added, “your
children are never just like you — they go off to do their own thing.” “First Kill” is a show, Henderson said, “where we normalize queer love, where we normalize a Black family being in the genre space, where we get to further normalize kick-ass young women. We get an opportunity, as artists, to make the world like it should be.” Although she grew up watching and loving “Buffy,” Schwab said, “as an out gay woman, ‘Buffy’ doesn’t always serve you very well.” Schwab, 34, came out in her late 20s, and she believes that the show “probably contributed to how long it took me to realize I was gay, because I didn’t identify with Willow,” a gay witch character who was Buffy’s best friend. “She was so nurturing and so sweet and so kind,” Schwab said. Because Schwab lacked other examples of queer characters on screen or in books, she said, she assumed if she was not like Willow (or her girlfriend, Tara, who is even sweeter and kinder), she must not be gay. It took years for Schwab to find a series that offered queer female characters that she was excited about. “I loved ‘Killing Eve,’ specifically Season 1,” she said. The British series, which debuted in 2018 and wrapped up this spring, follows a globe-trotting psychopath assassin who favors Vogue-worthy outfits and the brilliant, single-minded MI6 investigator who becomes obsessed with her. “It’s very rare that we get to see female antiheroes, especially ones that are operating from a place of ambition and self-involvement,” Schwab said. “Men get to be self-driven, get to be self-obsessed, and women are told they have to be sacrificial.” One of the big points Schwab took away from “Killing Eve” when writing the pilot of “First Kill” was that the two leads should be on equal footing while competing against each other. “This is not a show about a victim and an aggressor,” she said. “The vampire is not the predator, and the hunter is not the prey or vice versa. It’s almost a constant vying for strength.” What appealed to Henderson about Schwab’s “First Kill” pilot was its potential for rich portrayals of Black girls and other traditionally underrepresented groups. She compared Laura Winslow, one of the main characters on “Family Matters,” a sitcom Henderson worked on in the 1990s, to Calliope Burns. “Most of her stories were about finding a boyfriend of her own, or dealing with Urkel’s obsession with her or being the good daughter,” Henderson said of Laura. “Then you get all the way to Calliope Burns, and, yes, she’s in high school, yes, she’s in love with the wrong one, but she’s also completely in control of her destiny.” She added: “We’re seeing a young Black girl go from running from her obsessive next-door neighbor to a young Black girl who fights vampires in the middle of the night to keep the world safe.” For Henderson, making the show was personal. “I have young women in my life who needed this,” she said. She talked about her goddaughter, who struggled deeply with coming out when she was 16. The show, Henderson said, is for girls like her, wherever they are.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday June 21, 2022
Love your dog, but beware of your homeowners’ insurance By JANE GOTTLIEB
hen Brian English applied for renters’ insurance a few years ago, he described his dogs, Venom and Jean, as “mixed breed.” — a category that certainly covers pit bulls. Another time on an application, he wrote, “American Staffordshire terrier,” a fanciersounding name for a type of pit bull. “They said, ‘Oh, OK,’” said English. “In their mind, it’s a terrier.” Ken Foster said when he was shopping for insurance that would cover any damage from storms, insurance firms were not enthusiastic about his three pit bulls and Rottweiler. “So if I’d had roof damage from a storm they could deny coverage based on a dog that looked like a certain kind of dog?” said Foster, 57, a freelance writer, a dog advocate and an author. “A roof and a dog are not related to each other.” Insurance companies, which the Insurance Information Institute said paid out more than $881 million in dog-bite claims in 2021, have long been reluctant to offer homeowners’ or renters’ policies to households with pit bull varieties and several other breeds they say are most likely to cause injury. In most states, the companies can deny coverage or charge more for dogs considered dangerous, most often Doberman pinschers, Chow Chows, Rottweilers, sometimes German shepherds and mastiffs, and always pit bulls. But in New York under a law that went into effect in January, insurance companies in the state can no longer use dog breed to decide on coverage, set rates, renew or cancel homeowners’ policies. New York joins a handful of other states, including Pennsylvania, Nevada and Michigan, in requiring the breedblind insurance. “Until now I’ve had to say ‘I’m sorry, unfortunately our guidelines prohibit us,’” said Don Ferlazzo, of Clifton Park, an Albany, New York, suburb, who wears sometimes-disparate hats as insurance agent and dog advocate. “It’s a tough conversation on a number of levels. We want to insure people. But more important, it’s a shame to prohibit someone who has res-
Felicia and Brian English walk their pit bulls in Washington Park, near their apartment in Albany, N.Y., June 5, 2022. cued this animal, given it medical attention and love from making it part of the family.” The new law represents a significant victory for supporters of the formidable breeds they say are unfairly tarnished by a killer-dog image. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Humane Society of the United States and other influential groups say insurance barriers force too many dogs to spend their lives in shelters. Emerging science, they maintain, proves a dog’s behavior is determined largely by how it is treated, not its breed. Many people, however, continue to push for more restrictions for pit bulls and other breeds that have been associated with high-profile attacks and even deaths. The New York Insurance Association warns that forcing companies to insure homes with dogs with aggressive tendencies will only spread costs to all policyholders. New York already recorded the highest average cost per dog-bite claim last year, $68,203, said Mark Friedlander, director of corporate communications at the Insurance Information Institute, based in New York City. Some property insurers might decide to discontinue homeowners’ insurance in New York, he said.
English, 37, an Army veteran who now works as a business development representative for a car dealer, and his wife, Felicia English, 35, a graphic artist, hope renters’ polices will eventually be addressed by state lawmakers. The couple, who live in Albany, have owned three pit bulls. Comic-book lovers, they have a tradition of naming their pets after their favorite characters, starting with Peter Parker and now with Jean, named for Jean Grey, the telepathic mutant of X-Men fame, and Venom, one of Spiderman’s many nemeses. “It seems like every time you say you have a pit bull, magically, extra fees get attached,” Brian English said. “I wish these insurance companies and apartments that say no to pit bulls could meet them and see just how loving they are. I get upset about the stigma against them.” ‘Our sister Ginger’ The new law reflects a decadeslong debate about what constitutes a dangerous dog and how dogs have evolved from farmer’s helper to backyard pet to beloved family member fed homemade meals. There are now about 1,000 local breed restrictions in 37 states. These range from muzzles and prohibitions from public parks to outright bans on pit bulls and
other breeds considered aggressive, said Erin Henry, an assistant clinical professor of shelter medicine at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The New York City Housing Authority, which once allowed dogs up to 40 pounds, now limits them to 25 pounds and prohibits Dobermans, pit bulls and Rottweilers. Supporters of the maligned breeds have now convinced dozens of towns and cities to overturn restrictions, which have also been criticized as discriminatory because several of the breeds, including pit bulls, are embraced by Black residents in urban areas. In 2021, Denver replaced a 30-year pit bull ban with an evaluation process. In New York, Assemblywoman Deborah Glick, a Manhattan Democrat, sponsored the legislation that ushered in the state’s new law. She had heard so many stories — significantly higher insurance rates for certain dogs, a family with a quiet Rottweiler unable to line up insurance to live in a building that allowed a yappy small dog — that she proposed the breedblind law for homeowners’ insurance. (A separate measure covering renters’ policies is in the works, she said, although Friedlander said the new law already applies to such policies. ) Glick said the insurance industry has not provided the information needed to show that whole breeds are particularly threatening. Their practices, she said, are out of touch with how humans and dogs now coexist. When Gov. Kathy Hochul signed the New York legislation in October, the assemblywoman released a statement that included her reflection on her mother’s dog. “In her later years, my mother had a fearsome looking German shepherd as her companion. We were happy people would think twice when my mother was alone. She was the sweetest and most gentle dog, and my sisters and I called her our sister Ginger.” In a recent interview, she said, “These are members of people’s families. If we said, ‘We’re not sure we want to give you insurance for your 15 year-old son,’ you’d say, ‘What?’’’ she said. “We strongly believe that, properly trained, a
The San Juan Daily Star dog doesn’t present a threat to anybody except a burglar coming through a window.” National companies are moving away from targeting specific breeds and opting instead to look at a dog’s bite history, Friedlander said. Although the new law in New York still gives companies the ability to deny coverage or set higher rates if a dog is deemed dangerous, it is on a case-bycase basis and the process is so onerous that it is ineffective, he said. ‘We hear from their victims every day’ The push for looser restrictions for pit bulls and other certain other breeds has irked groups that say such dogs warrant more controls, not fewer, because they are so aggressive. In 2014, Mia Johnson co-founded National Pit Bull Victim Awareness to track attacks in Canada and the United States, after a pit bull mutilated and killed her miniature Pinscher, Yuri, who was a service dog for her adult daughter who has Asperger’s syndrome and anxiety disorder. “If there’s a make of car that tends to explode at high speeds, do you talk about educating the owners of those cars? Do you say the cars are misunderstood?” she asked. “It’s the car that’s the problem. It’s the type of dog that’s the problem. We hear from their victims every day.” But no one seems to have an official count on how many dogs of which breeds cause injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts dog bites that send people to the emergency room, but does not record the dog’s breed. The New York State Department of Health tracks only bites involving rabid dogs. The Insurance Information Institute reported 17,989 dog-bite claims in 2021, but also doesn’t parse them by breed. But DogsBite.org, a group dedicated to telling the stories of those hurt or killed by dogs, reports that from 2005 to 2020, dogs killed 568 Americans, and that 380 deaths, or 67%, were caused by pit bulls. The organization gathers its data through media accounts and hospital records and uses photographs to verify the breed of dogs. Animal welfare groups dismiss their findings as biased and anecdotal. Many groups say numbers mean little without also knowing if a dog acted on impulse, was provoked, mistreated or protecting its owner from an assault. “Pit
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
bull attack” reports, they say, are often wrong, since pit bull is not a breed but a collection of the stocky, square-headed dogs that includes the American Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier and mixes. At the Hudson Mohawk Humane Society in Menands near Albany on a recent afternoon, 80 or so dogs filled the shelter, their barks and howls were nearly deafening as it was getting close to dinner time. Among them was Louie, a jowly 80-pound stray found in Schenectady, New York, who was scheduled to meet a prospective family the next day. “We’ll say, ‘He is strong, but he’s sweet. He walks well on a leash,’” Nancy Haynes, the shelter’s behavioral expert said of the animated Louie, a mixed breed who stood to her shoulders as he awaited a treat. “It’s not about the breed. It’s about what we know about him. What we’ve seen.” Pit bulls, mastiffs, Rottweilers, King Corsos, Dobermans, German shepherds and Chow Chows are surrendered more frequently, and stay longer, than the poodles and retrievers, the shelter staff said. The breeds’ prevalence in low-income households is a factor, particularly as many dog owners lost jobs during the pandemic. Their reputation as dangerous fighting dogs also makes them less adoptable. “Unfortunately, these bully mixes aren’t the dogs everyone is looking for because of this myth that they are aggressive. Then, when pet owners need to surrender an animal, we don’t have space,” said Ashley Jeffrey Bouck, CEO of the shelter, which euthanizes animals only with debilitating and painful medical conditions. “When people do want to open their homes to our dogs, insurance can be a reason not to.” Desperate for insurance More than a decade ago, Karen and James Porpeglia, of Schenectady County, New York, adopted Cole and Duke, two Dobermans, and searched for property where the dogs could roam on 5 acres. They said their insurance company agreed to continue their homeowners’ coverage, until they revealed that the dogs were Dobermans. Several more companies said no, leaving the family in house limbo, having sold one and purchased another. Finally they landed a policy, but the runaround was frustrating.
“We were both angry. We didn’t know what to do,” said Karen Porpeglia, 53, a high school Spanish teacher. “It seems like people are overly cautious about dogs like ours because of the things they hear. But our dogs are our dogs.” Foster was living in New Orleans when his insurance company dropped him after he filed a claim for storm-related damage. He quickly learned that no one was eager to write a policy for a household with four dogs, three of them pit bulls. He was so desperate to insure his shotgun home in the Lower Ninth Ward that he offered to accept a policy that excluded claims regarding Bananas, Paul, Douglas and Rooney, whom he’d rescued from the streets. His idea was rejected. A Doberman-owning insurance agent finally took pity on him, he said. Her solution: multiple policies pieced together at more than $7,000 a year. Cost was a factor in his decision seven years ago to leave New Orleans for the Hudson Valley, which offers green space for his dogs and easy access to friends and clients in New York City. State Farm Insurance — not available in New Orleans when Foster lived there — offered homeowners’ coverage without even asking about pets. He pays about $1,500 a year for his four dogs in Newburgh, New York. “There are a lot of people who
would go through all of this but can’t,” Foster said. “If you don’t have that agent who wants to help and you can’t find an apartment that takes the dog, or you can’t afford the coverage, you might take the dog to the shelter.” Finding an apartment is always a challenge for the Englishes, and now Brian English has a number of strategies to impress a landlord. These include offering to take obedience classes with his dogs, and getting renters’ insurance, or trying to. He sees people around the neighborhood who have a hard time controlling their pit bulls, or who crop their ears in a signal that they are to be feared, and he feels frustrated. He does not want Jean and Venom to come across as scary. He wonders why the good dog owners like him get treated like bad ones. After being rejected many times, he finally discovered USAA, an insurance company that covers veterans like himself, with or without dogs. English makes it a point to let landlords know that he also served in the military. “I’d even put on my old uniform if I had to!” he joked. Now he can put the hassle and hustle behind him, thanks to the new law. “Once this lease in this place is up we’re going to get a home,” he said. “I was so happy when I found out about the law. Getting a house has always been the goal, now it’s more so.”
Many companies have long been reluctant to offer homeowners or renters policies to households with pit bulls and other breeds considered more dangerous, but laws in New York and other states now say that insurers can no longer use breed to decide on coverage, set rates, or renew or cancel policies.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star
A Chinese telescope did not find an alien signal. The search continues. By DENNIS OVERBYE
t was a project that launched a thousand interstellar dreams. Fifty years ago, NASA published a fat, 253-page book titled, “Project Cyclops.” It summarized the results of a NASA workshop on how to detect alien civilizations. What was needed, the assembled group of astronomers, engineers and biologists concluded, was Cyclops, a vast array of radio telescopes with as many as 1,000 100-meter-diameter antennas. At the time, the project would have cost $10 billion. It could, the astronomers said, detect alien signals from as far away as 1,000 light-years. The report kicked off with a quotation from astronomer Frank Drake, now an emeritus professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz: “At this very minute, with almost absolute certainty, radio waves sent forth by other intelligent civilizations are falling on the earth. A telescope can be built that, pointed in the right place and tuned to the right frequency, could discover these waves. Someday, from somewhere out among the stars, will come the answers to many of the oldest, most important and most exciting questions mankind has asked.” The Cyclops report, long out of print but available online, would become a bible for a generation of astronomers drawn to the dream that science could answer existential questions. “For the very first time, we had technology where we could do an experiment instead of asking priests and philosophers,” Jill Tarter, who read the report when she was a graduate student and who has devoted her life to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, said a decade ago. I was reminded of Cyclops and the work it inspired last week when word flashed around the world that Chinese astronomers had detected a radio signal that had the characteristics of being from an extraterrestrial civilization — namely, it had a very narrow bandwidth at a frequency of 140.604 MHz, a precision nature doesn’t usually achieve on its own. They made the detection using a giant new telescope called the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, or FAST. The telescope was pointed in the direction of an exoplanet named Kepler 438 b, a rocky planet about 1 1/2 times the size of Earth that orbits in the so-called habitable zone of Kepler 438, a red dwarf star hundreds of light years from here, in the constellation Lyra. It has an estimated surface temperature of 37 degrees Fahrenheit, making it a candidate to harbor life. Just as quickly, however, an article in the state-run newspaper Science and Technology Daily reporting the discovery vanished. And Chinese astronomers were pouring cold water on the result. Zhang Tong-Jie, the chief scientist of China ET Civilization Research Group, was quoted by Andrew Jones, a journalist who tracks Chinese space and astronomy developments, as saying, “The possibility that the suspicious signal is some kind of radio interference is also very high, and it needs to be further confirmed or ruled out. This may be a long process.”
A photo provided by NASA shows a book published 50 years ago titled “Project Cyclops,” summarizing the results of a NASA workshop on how to detect alien civilizations. China’s astronomers have been initiated into the search for extraterrestrial intelligence with the kind of false alarm that others in the field have experienced for decades. Dan Werthimer, of the University of California, Berkeley, who is among the authors of a scientific paper on the signal, was more blunt. “These signals are from radio interference; they are due to radio pollution from earthlings, not from E.T.,” he wrote in an email. This has become a familiar story. For half a century, SETI, or the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, has been a game of whack-a-mole, finding promising signals before tracking them down to orbiting satellites, microwave ovens and other earthly sources. Drake himself pointed a radio telescope at a pair of stars in 1960 and soon thought he had struck gold, only to find out the signal was a stray radar. More recently, a signal that appeared to be coming from the direction of the sun’s closest stellar neighbor, Proxima Centauri, was tracked down to radio interference in Australia. Just as NASA’s announcement last week that it would make a modest investment in the scientific study of unidentified flying objects was intended to bring rigor and practicality to what many criticized as wishful thinking, so, too, was the
agency’s Cyclops workshop held at Stanford University over three months in 1971. The conference was organized by John Billingham, an astrobiologist, and Bernard Oliver, who was the head of research for Hewlett-Packard. The men also edited the conference’s report. In the introduction, Oliver wrote that if anything came of Cyclops he would consider this the most important year of his life. “Cyclops was, indeed, a milestone, largely in pulling together a coherent SETI strategy, and the clear calculations and engineering design that followed,” said Paul Horowitz, an emeritus professor of physics at Harvard University who went on to design and start his own listening campaign called Project Meta, funded by the Planetary Society. Movie director Steven Spielberg (“E.T.” and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”) attended the official opening in 1985 at the Harvard-Smithsonian Agassiz Station in Harvard, Massachusetts. “SETI was for real!” Horowitz added. But what Oliver initially received was only a “Golden Fleece” award from Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., who crusaded against what he considered government waste. “In my view, this project should be postponed for a few million light years,” he said. On Columbus Day in 1992, NASA did initiate a limited search; a year later, Congress canceled it at the behest of Sen. Richard Bryan, D-Nev. Denied federal support ever since, the SETI endeavor has limped along, supported by donations to a nonprofit organization, the SETI Institute, in Mountain View, California. Recently, through a $100 million grant, Russian entrepreneur Yuri Milner set up a new effort called Breakthrough Listen. Horowitz and others have expanded the search to what they call “Optical SETI,” monitoring the sky for laser flashes from distant civilizations. China’s big new FAST telescope, also nicknamed “Sky Eye,” was built in 2016 partly with SETI in mind. Its antenna occupies a sinkhole in Guizhou in Southwest China. The size of the antenna eclipses what was the iconic Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico, which collapsed ignominiously in December 2020. Now FAST and its observers have experienced their own trial by false alarm. There will be many more, SETI astronomers say. The generation of astronomers who were inspired by the Cyclops report is getting old. Billingham died in 2013. Oliver died in 1995. Tarter retired from the SETI Institute in 2012, proud that she had never sounded a false alarm. Those who endure profess not to be discouraged by the Great Silence, as it is called, from out there. They’ve always been in the search for the long run, they say. “The Great Silence is hardly unexpected,” said Horowitz, including because only a fraction of a percent of the 200 million stars in the Milky Way have been surveyed. Nobody ever said that detecting that rain of alien radio signals would be easy. “It might not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen,” Werthimer said.
The San Juan Daily Star el OESTE, en trece metros con cincuenta centímetros, con la ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO calle seiscientos cuatro. InscriDE PUERTO RICO TRIBU- ta al folio “257” del tomo “959” NAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA de Carolina, finca “39,131”, SALA DE CAROLINA Registro de la Propiedad de FIRSTBANK Puerto Rico, Sección II de Carolina. Dirección física: Urb. PUERTO RICO Villa Carolina, 225-46, Calle Demandante Vs. 406, Carolina, Puerto Rico. En ANGEL MANUEL relación a la finca a subastarse ENCARNACION se establece como tipo mínimo COLON, CARMEN de licitación en la Primera SuLYDIA SANCHEZ Y LA basta la suma de $52,429.13 SOCIEDAD LEGAL DE según acordado entre las parBIENES GANANCIALES tes en el precio pactado en la Escritura de Modificación #884 Demandados otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Civil Núm.: FCD2017-0100. Rico, el día 26 de octubre de (902). Sobre: EJECUCIÓN 2012, ante la Notaria Magda V. DE HIPOTECA Y COBRO DE Alsina Figueroa, la cual consta DINERO (VÍA ORDINARIA). inscrita al folio “137” del tomo EDICTO DE SUBASTA. ESTA“1’500” de Carolina, finca núDOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA, mero “39,131”, inscripción 9na. EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESLa PRIMERA SUBASTA se lleTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRIvará a cabo el día 2 DE AGOSCA, ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIATO DE 2022, A LAS 11:15 DE DO DE PUERTO RICO, SS. LA MAÑANA, en mis oficinas A: ANGEL MANUEL sitas en el Tribunal de Primera ENCARNACION Instancia, SALA SUPERIOR COLON, CARMEN DE CAROLINA. En relación a la LYDIA SANCHEZ Y LA propiedad a subastarse, la canSOCIEDAD LEGAL DE tidad mínima de licitación en la Primera Subasta será la suma BIENES GANANCIALES; de $52,429.13. Si la primera AL PUBLICO EN subasta del inmueble no proGENERAL HAGO SABER: dujere remate, ni adjudicación, El Alguacil que suscribe, anun- se celebrará una SEGUNDA cia y hace constar que en cum- SUBASTA el día 9 DE AGOSplimiento de Mandamiento de TO DE 2022 A LAS 11:15 DE Ejecución de Sentencia que LA MAÑANA, en el mismo sitio me ha sido dirigido por la Se- y servirá de tipo mínimo las dos cretaría del Tribunal de Primera terceras partes del precio pacInstancia, SALA DE CARO- tada para la primera subasta, LINA, procederé a vender en o sea, la suma de $34,952.75. pública subasta y al mejor pos- Si la segunda subasta no protor, de contado y por moneda dujere remate, ni adjudicación, del curso legal de los Estados se celebrará una TERCERA Unidos de América. Todo pago SUBASTA el día 16 DE AGOSrecibido por el (la) Alguacil por TO DE 2022, A LAS 11:15 DE concepto de subastas será en LA MAÑANA en el mismo lugar efectivo, giro postal o cheque y regirá como tipo de la tercecertificado a nombre del (de la) ra subasta la mitad del precio Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera pactado para la primera, o sea, Instancia. Todo derecho, título, la suma de $26,214.57. Dicha participación e interés que le Subasta se llevará a cabo, para corresponda a la parte deman- con su producto satisfacer a la dada o cualquiera de ellos en parte demandante el importe de el inmueble hipotecado objeto la Sentencia dictada a su favor, de ejecución que se describe a a saber: Dicha venta se llevará continuación: URBANA: Solar a efecto, para con su producto cuarenta y seis del bloque dos- satisfacer a la parte demancientos veinticinco, radicado en dante el importe de su Sentenla Urbanización Villa Carolina, cia, a saber: la suma principal Puerto Rico, situada en el Ba- de CUARENTA Y SIETE MIL rrio Hoyo Mulas de Carolina, OCHOCIENTOS OCHENTA Y Puerto Rico, con un área de TRES DOLARES CON SETENtrescientos veintitrés metros TA CENTAVOS ($47,883.70), cuadrados con quinientos no- más intereses convenidos al venta y tres milésimas de me- OCHOPUNTO CINCUENTA tro. En lindes por el NORTE, en PORCIENTO (8.50 %) anual, veinticuatro metros, con el solar desde el 1ro de septiembre de cuarenta y cinco; por el SUR, 2016, más aquellos intereses en veinte metros con ochenta y que se devenguen hasta el cuatro centímetros, con los so- cobro de la Sentencia, más la lares cuarenta y siete y cuaren- cantidad de DOS MIL NOVEta y ocho; por el ESTE, en trece CIENTOS SETENTA Y TRES metros con doscientos cuarenta DOLARES CON SESENTA Y y seis milésimas de metros, con UN CENTAVOS ($2,963.61) el solar cuarenta y nueve; y por y la suma líquida y estipulada
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 de CINCO MIL DOSCIENTOS CUARENTA Y DOS DOLARES CON NOVENTA Y UN CENTAVOS ($5,242.91) por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado, en virtud de las disposiciones de la Escritura de Hipoteca y del Pagaré Hipotecario. Para más información, a las personas interesadas se les notifica que los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado, estarán de manifiesto en la Secretaría del Tribunal, durante las horas laborables. Este EDICTO DE SUBASTA, se publicará en los lugares públicos correspondientes y en un periódico de circulación general en la jurisdicción de Puerto Rico. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito del ejecutante continuaran subsistentes. Se entenderá, que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. Se procederá a otorgar la correspondiente Escritura de Venta Judicial y el Alguacil pondrá en posesión judicial al nuevo dueño, si así se lo solicita dentro del término de veinte (20) días, de conformidad con las disposiciones de Ley. Si transcurren los referidos veinte (20) días, el Tribunal podrá ordenar, sin necesidad de ulterior procedimiento, que se lleve a efecto el desalojo o lanzamiento del ocupante u ocupantes de la finca o de todos los que por orden o tolerancia del deudor la ocupen. Se informa que la propiedad objeto de ejecución se adquiere libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores. Expedido en CAROLINA, Puerto Rico, a 17 de mayo de 2022. HÉCTOR L. PEÑA RODRÍGUEZ, ALGUACIL PLACA #278.
Parte Demandada Civil Núm.: CA2019CV04180. Sala: 408. Sobre: COBRO DE DINERO Y EJECUCIÓN DE HIPOTECA POR LA VÍA ORDINARIA. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA, EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, EL ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO, SS. AVISO DE PÚBLICA SUBASTA. El Alguacil que suscribe por la presente anuncia y hace constar que en cumplimiento de la Sentencia dictada el 30 de diciembre de 2021, la Orden de Ejecución de Sentencia del 16 de mayo de 2022 y el Mandamiento de Ejecución del 17 de mayo de 2022 en el caso de epígrafe, procederé a vender el DÍA 3 DE AGOSTO DE 2022, A LAS 10:15 DE LA MAÑANA, en mi oficina, localizada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Centro Judicial de Carolina, Sala Superior, en la Avenida 65 Infantería, Carretera Número Tres (3), Kilómetro 11.7 (Entrada de la Urbanización Mansiones de Carolina) Carolina, Puerto Rico, al mejor postor en pago de contado y en moneda de los Estados Unidos de América, cheque de gerente o giro postal a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal; todo título, derecho o interés de la parte demandada sobre la siguiente propiedad: URBANA: PROPIEDAD HORIZONTAL: Apartamento Número 703. Apartamento residencial de forma irregular que está localizado en la Torre 1, Piso Séptimo del Edificio Condominio Coral Beach, situado en la Carretera Estatal Número 187, kilómetro 0 hectómetro 9, esquina a la Calle Boulevard, Barrio Cangrejo Arriba, Carolina, Puerto Rico. Que mide 32’ 6” de largo por su parte más larga medida desde la puerta de entrada hacia el fondo por 51’ 10” de ancho por su parte más ancha, frente del apartamento, que hacen un área de 1,471.07 pies cuadrados, aproximadamente, equivalentes a 136.72 metros cuadrados. Sus linderos y distancias son los siguientes: por el NORTE, en distancia total de 32’ 6”, con el espacio exterior que mira hacia el Océano Atlántico, separado por pared y baranda de la terraza; por el ESTE, en distancia total de 51’ 10’’ con el espacio exterior que mira hacia el Hotel Ameri-
(787) 743-3346
25 cana, separado por barandas de las terrazas; por el SUR, en distancia total de 32’ 6” con el espacio exterior y escalera común número uno, separado por pared de carga; y por el OESTE, en distancia de 4’ 10” con espacio exterior, separado por baranda de la terraza y en 47’ 0” con espacio exterior y corredor común, separado por pared de carga y la puerta de entrada. Este apartamento consta de foyer, sala-comedor, dos (2) habitaciones con walk-in-closet y baño cada una, tres (3) closets, cocina y dos (2) terrazas. A este apartamento se le asigna el área de estacionamiento número (#22). Inscrita al folio 169 del tomo 530 de Carolina, Finca Número 20628, Registro de la Propiedad de Carolina, Sección I. La hipoteca consta inscrita al folio 198 del tomo 967 de Carolina, Finca Número 20628, Registro de la Propiedad de Carolina, Sección I. Inscripción decimacuarta (14ta). DIRECCIÓN FÍSICA: COND. CORAL BEACH TOWER I, 5869 AVE. ISLA VERDE, APT. 703, CAROLINA, PR 009795713. Número de Catastro: 20-041-077-003-25-091. SUBASTAS: FECHAS: PRIMERA: 3 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:15 DE LA MAÑANA. TIPO MÍNIMO: $416,000.00. SEGUNDA: 10 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:15 DE LA MAÑANA. TIPO MÍNIMO: $277,333.33. TERCERA17 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:15 DE LA MAÑANA. TIPO MÍNIMO: $208,000.00. El tipo mínimo para la primera subasta será de $416,000.00. De no haber adjudicación en la primera subasta se celebrará una SEGUNDA SUBASTA, el DÍA 10 DE AGOSTO DE 2022, A LAS 10:15 DE LA MAÑANA, en el mismo lugar, en la cual el tipo mínimo será de dos terceras partes del tipo mínimo fijado en la primera subasta, o sea, $277,333.33. De no haber adjudicación en la segunda subasta, se celebrará una TERCERA SUBASTA el DÍA 17 DE AGOSTO DE 2022, A LAS 10:15 DE LA MAÑANA, en el mismo lugar, en la cual el tipo mínimo será la mitad del precio pactado, o sea, $208,000.00. Si se declarase desierta la tercera subasta, se adjudicará la finca a favor del acreedor por la totalidad de la cantidad adeudada si ésta es igual o menor que el monto del tipo de la tercera subasta, si el tribunal lo estima conveniente. Se abonará dicho monto a la cantidad adeudada si ésta es mayor. Dicho remate se llevará a cabo para con su producto satisfacer a la demandante el importe de la Sentencia por la
suma de $313,203.52 de principal, intereses sobre dicha suma de 6.25% anual desde el 1 de abril de 2019 hasta su completo pago, más $512.28 de recargos acumulados, más la cantidad estipulada de $41,600.00 para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogados, así como cualquier otra suma que contenga el contrato del préstamo. Surge del Estudio de Título Registral que sobre esta propiedad pesa el siguiente gravamen posterior a la hipoteca que por la presente se pretende ejecutar: Aviso de Demanda: Pleito seguido por Banco Popular de Puerto Rico Vs. Sucesión de James Devaney también conocido como James Francis Devaney, compuesta por Micaela Devaney Darling también conocida como Micaela Darling, Ludmila Paskal, Fulano y Mengano de Tal, Departamento de Hacienda por conducto de la División de Caudales Relictos y el Centro de Recaudaciones Municipales (CRIM), ante el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Carolina, en el Caso Civil Número CA2019CV04180, sobre Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Hipoteca, en la que se reclama el pago de hipoteca, con un balance de $313,203.52 y otras cantidades, según Demanda de fecha 28 de octubre de 2019. Anotada al Tomo Karibe de Carolina, Anotación A. Se notifica al acreedor posterior o a su sucesor o cesionario en derecho para que comparezca a proteger su derecho si así lo desea. Se les advierte a los interesados que todos los documentos relacionados con la presente acción de ejecución de hipoteca, así como los de Subasta, estarán disponibles para ser examinados, durante horas laborables, en el expediente del caso que obra en los archivos de la Secretaría del Tribunal, bajo el número de epígrafe y para su publicación en un periódico de circulación general en Puerto Rico por espacio de dos semanas y por lo menos una vez por semana; y para su fijación en los sitios públicos requeridos por ley. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito del ejecutante, continuarán subsistentes; entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate y que la propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores tal como lo expresa la Ley Núm. 2102015. Y para el conocimiento
de los demandados, de los acreedores posteriores, de los licitadores, partes interesadas y público en general, EXPIDO para su publicación en los lugares públicos correspondientes, el presente Aviso de Pública Subasta en Carolina, Puerto Rico, hoy 20 de mayo de 2022. HÉCTOR L. PEÑA RODRÍGUEZ, ALGUACIL, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA, CENTRO JUDICIAL DE CAROLINA, SALA SUPERIOR.
Parte Demandada Civil Núm.: CA2021CV03336. Sala: 408. Sobre: COBRO DE DINERO Y EJECUCIÓN DE HIPOTECA POR LA VÍA ORDINARIA. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA, EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, EL ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO, SS. AVISO DE PÚBLICA SUBASTA. El Alguacil que suscribe por la presente anuncia y hace constar que en cumplimiento de la Sentencia en Rebeldía dictada el 16 de marzo de 2022, la Orden de Ejecución de Sentencia del 3 de mayo de 2022 y el Mandamiento de Ejecución del 5 de mayo de 2022 en el caso de epígrafe, procederé a vender el DÍA 3 DE AGOSTO DE 2022, A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA, en mi oficina, localizada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Centro Judicial de Carolina, Sala Superior, en la Avenida 65 Infantería, Carretera Número Tres (3), Kilómetro 11.7 (Entrada de la Urbanización Mansiones de Carolina) Carolina, Puerto Rico, al mejor postor en pago de contado y en moneda de los Estados Unidos de América, cheque de gerente o giro postal a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal; todo título, derecho o interés de la parte demandada sobre la siguiente propiedad: URBANA: PROPIEDAD HORIZONTAL: Apartamento Número 2604. Apartamento residencial de forma irregular localizado en la segunda planta del edificio letra J del Condominio Villas del Parque Escorial, situado en el Barrio San Antón del término municipal de Carolina, Puerto Rico. El área aproximada del apartamento es de 1266.25 pies cuadrados, equivalentes a
117.64 metros cuadrados. Son sus linderos por el NORTE, en un máximo de 45’ 6” con el apartamento número 2603; por el SUR, en un máximo de 34’ 11” con área exterior común; por el ESTE, en un máximo de 35’ 9” con área exterior común; y por el OESTE, en un máximo de 35’ 9”, con área exterior común. La puerta de entrada de este apartamento está situada en su lindero Este. Consta de sala-comedor, cocina, lavandería, tres (3) dormitorios, balcón y dos (2) baños. Le corresponden dos (2) espacios de estacionamiento identificados con los números 250 y 251, localizados en la décima área de estacionamientos del condominio. Este apartamento tiene una participación de 0.4340% en los elementos comunes del condominio. Este apartamento goza del uso exclusivo de un balcón con área aproximada de 70.13 pies cuadrados equivalentes a 6.52 metros cuadrados. La propiedad y la escritura de hipoteca constan inscritas al folio 119 del tomo 1252 de Carolina, Finca 53729. Registro de la Propiedad de Carolina, Sección II. Inscripción primera. DIRECCIÓN FÍSICA: VILLAS DE PARQUE ESCORIAL, APT. 2604-J, CAROLINA, PR 00985. Número de Catastro: 20-088032-324-02-210. SUBASTAS: FECHAS: PRIMERA: 3 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA. TIPO MÍNIMO: $115,300.00. SEGUNDA: 10 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA. TIPO MÍNIMO: $76,866.66. TERCERA: 17 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA. TIPO MÍNIMO: $57,650.00. El tipo mínimo para la primera subasta será de $115,300.00. De no haber adjudicación en la primera subasta se celebrará una SEGUNDA SUBASTA, el DÍA 10 DE AGOSTO DE 2022, A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA, en el mismo lugar, en la cual el tipo mínimo será de dos terceras partes del tipo mínimo fijado en la primera subasta, o sea, 76,866.66. De no haber adjudicación en la segunda subasta, se celebrará una TERCERA SUBASTA el DÍA 17 DE AGOSTO DE 2022, A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA, en el mismo lugar, en la cual el tipo mínimo será la mitad del precio pactado, o sea, $57,650.00. Si se declarase desierta la tercera subasta, se adjudicará la finca a favor del acreedor por la totalidad de la cantidad adeudada si ésta es igual o menor que el monto del tipo de la tercera subasta, si el tribunal lo estima conveniente. Se abonará dicho monto a la cantidad adeudada si ésta es mayor. Dicho remate
26 se llevará a cabo para con su producto satisfacer a la demandante el importe de la Sentencia por la suma de $62,868.19 de principal, más intereses sobre dicha suma al 6.5% anual desde el 1 de septiembre de 2019 hasta su completo pago, más $988.89 de recargos acumulados, los cuales continuarán en aumento hasta el saldo total de la deuda, más la cantidad estipulada de $11,530.00 para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogados, así como cualquier otra suma que contenga el contrato del préstamo. Surge del Estudio de Título Registral que sobre esta propiedad pesa el siguiente gravamen posterior a la hipoteca que por la presente se pretende ejecutar: Aviso de Demanda: Pleito seguido por Banco Popular de Puerto Rico Vs. Annette Torres Collazo, también conocida como Annette Torres, ante el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Carolina, en el Caso Civil Número CA2021CV03336, sobre Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Hipoteca, en la que se reclama el pago de hipoteca, con un balance de $62,868.19 y otras cantidades, según Demanda de fecha 9 de diciembre de 2021. Anotada al Tomo Karibe de Carolina, Anotación A. Se notifica al acreedor posterior o a su sucesor o cesionario en derecho para que comparezca a proteger su derecho si así lo desea. Se les advierte a los interesados que todos los documentos relacionados con la presente acción de ejecución de hipoteca, así como los de Subasta, estarán disponibles para ser examinados, durante horas laborables, en el expediente del caso que obra en los archivos de la Secretaría del Tribunal, bajo el número de epígrafe y para su publicación en un periódico de circulación general en Puerto Rico por espacio de dos semanas y por lo menos una vez por semana; y para su fijación en los sitios públicos requeridos por ley. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito del ejecutante, continuarán subsistentes; entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate y que la propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores tal como lo expresa la Ley Núm. 210-2015. Y para el conocimiento de los demandados, de los acreedores posteriores, de los licitadores, partes interesadas y público en general, EXPIDO para su publicación en los lugares públicos correspondientes, el presente Aviso de Pública Subasta en Carolina, Puerto Rico, hoy 20 de mayo de 2022. MANUEL VILLAFAÑE
Certifico y Hago Constar: Que en cumplimiento con el Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia que me ha sido dirigido por el (la) Secretario(a) del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Fajardo, en el caso de epígrafe procederá a vender en pública subasta al mejor postor en efectivo, cheque gerente, giro postal, cheque certificado en moneda legal de los Estados Unidos de América al nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, en mi oficina ubicada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Fajardo, el 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022, A LAS 10:30 DE LA MAÑANA, todo derecho título, participación o interés que le corresponda a la parte demandada o cualquiera de ellos en el inmueble hipotecado objeto de ejecución que se describe a continuación: URBANA: Solar radicado en la Urbanización Alturas de Rio Grande situada en el barrio Ciénaga Baja del término municipal de Río Grande, Puerto Rico, marcado con el número 259 del bloque F, con un área de 312.00 metros cuadrados. En lindes por el NORTE, en 13.00 metros con el solar 244 del bloque F; por el SUR, en 13.00 metros con la Calle Número 6 de dicha urbanización; por el ESTE, en 24.00 metros con el solar 258 del bloque F y por el OESTE, en 24.00 metros con el solar 260 del bloque F. En el inmue-
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
ble antes descrito enclava una casa de una sola planta de concreto reforzado y bloques de concreto para fines residenciales. Consta inscrita al folio 10 del tomo 136 de Rio Grande, finca número 6870, Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección III de Carolina. Propiedad localizada en: Urb. Alturas de Rio Grande, F259 Calle 6, Rio Grande, PR 00735. Según figuran en la certificación registral, la propiedad objeto de ejecución está gravada por las siguientes cargas anteriores o preferentes: Nombre del Titular: N/A. Suma de la Carga: N/A. Fecha de Vencimiento: N/A. Según figuran en la certificación registral, la propiedad objeto de ejecución está gravada por las siguientes cargas posteriores a la inscripción del crédito ejecutante: a. AVISO DE DEMANDA del 3 de enero de 2020 seguido en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de San Juan, en caso civil número RG2020CV00003, sobre cobro de dinero y ejecución de hipoteca; Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, demandante v Wylder Llanos Torres, Dinorah Enid Corahanis Vélez y Sociedad Legal de Bienes Gananciales compuesta por ambos, demandados. Por el mismo se reclama el pago de $52,823.37, más otras sumas. Anotado el 27 de marzo de 2020 al Tomo Karibe, finca 6870 de Rio Grande, anotación “B”. b. AVISO DE DEMANDA del 3 de enero de 2020 seguido en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de San Juan, en caso civil número RG2020CV00003, sobre cobro de dinero y ejecución de hipoteca; Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, demandante v Wylder Llanos Torres, Dinorah Enid Corahanis Vélez y Sociedad Legal de Bienes Gananciales compuesta por ambos, demandados. Por el mismo se reclama el pago de $52,823.37, más otras sumas. Anotado el 20 de octubre de 2020 al Tomo Karibe, finca 6870 de Rio Grande, anotación “C”. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad de la propiedad y que todas las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes al crédito ejecutante antes descritos, si los hubiere, continuarán subsistentes. El rematante acepta dichas cargas y gravámenes anteriores, y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. Se establece como tipo mínimo de subasta la suma de $77,300.00, según acordado entre las partes en el precio pactado en la escritura de hipoteca. De ser necesaria una SEGUNDA SUBASTA por declararse desierta la primera, la misma se celebrará en mi oficina, ubicada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Fajardo, el 9 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022, A LAS 10:30 DE LA
MAÑANA, y se establece como mínima para dicha segunda subasta la suma de $51,533.33, dos terceras (2/3) partes del tipo mínimo establecido originalmente. Si tampoco se produce remate ni adjudicación en la segunda subasta, se establece como mínima para la TERCERA SUBASTA, la suma de $38,650.00, la mitad (1/2) del precio pactado y dicha subasta se celebrará en mi oficina, ubicada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Fajardo, el 16 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022, A LAS 10:30 DE LA MAÑANA. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo para, con su producto satisfacer a la parte demandante, el importe de la Sentencia dictada a su favor ascendente a la suma de $52,823.37 de principal, intereses al tipo del 7.500% anual según ajustado desde el día 1 de junio de 2019 hasta el pago de la deuda en su totalidad, más la suma de $7,730.00 por concepto de honorarios de abogado y costas autorizadas por el Tribunal, más las cantidades que se adeudan mensualmente por concepto de seguro hipotecario, cargos por demora, y otros adeudados que se hagan en virtud de la escritura de hipoteca. La venta en pública subasta de la referida propiedad se verificará libre de toda carga o gravamen posterior que afecte la mencionada finca, a cuyo efecto se notifica y se hace saber la fecha, hora y sitio de la PRIMERA, SEGUNDA Y TERCERA SUBASTA, si esto fuera necesario, a los efectos de que cualquier persona o personas con algún interés puedan comparecer a la celebración de dicha subasta. Se notifica a todos los interesados que las actas y demás constancias del expediente de este caso están disponibles en la Secretaría del Tribunal durante horas laborables para ser examinadas por los (las) interesados (as). Y para su publicación en el periódico The San Juan Daily Star, que es un diario de circulación general en la isla de Puerto Rico, por espacio de dos semanas consecutivas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre ambas publicaciones, así como para su publicación en los sitios públicos de Puerto Rico. Expedido en Fajardo, Puerto Rico, hoy día 25 de mayo de 2022. DENISE BRUNO ORTIZ, ALGUACIL AUXILIAR #266, ALGUACIL DE SUBASTAS, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA, CENTRO JUDICIAL DE FAJARDO, SALA SUPERIOR. JORGE A. ORTIZ ESTRADA, ALGUACIL REGIONAL INTERINO #622.
MIDFIRST BANK Demandante Vs.
El que suscribe, Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Fajardo, hago constar que en cumplimiento de la Sentencia dictada con fecha de 26 de agosto de 2021 y por edicto el 1 de septiembre de 2021 , de la Orden de Ejecución de Sentencia emitida el 27 de octubre de 2021 y el Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia expedido el 28 de octubre de 2021, procederé a vender y venderé en pública subasta y al mejor postor la propiedad que se describe a continuación: URBANA: Solar número diez (10) del bloque cuatro “L” (4-L) de la Urbanización Alturas de Monte Brisas, localizado en el Barrio Quebrada Fajardo, del municipio de Fajardo, Puerto
Rico, con un área superficial de trescientos treinta y ocho (338.0) metros cuadrados. En lindes por el NORTE, con el solar número once (11), en una longitud de veintiséis (26.0) metros; por el SUR, con el solar número nueve (9), en una longitud de veintiséis (26.0) metros; por el ESTE, con el solar número cuarenta (40), en una longitud de trece (13.0) metros; y por el OESTE, con la calle número siete (7) en una longitud de trece (13.0) metros. Enclava edificación. FINCA NÚMERO: 11,525, inscrita al folio 70 tomo 278 de Fajardo, Registro de Fajardo. Esta hipoteca consta inscrita al folio #130 del tomo #460 de Fajardo, finca #11525, inscripción 5ta. La dirección física de la propiedad es: Urbanización Alturas de Monte Brisas, Calle 7 #4-L10, Fajardo, Puerto Rico. El producto de la subasta se destinará a satisfacer al demandante hasta donde alcance, la suma de $69,464.35 que compone la deuda del principal, más el interés anual de 7.00% sobre el balance del principal calculado desde el 1 de agosto de 2018, hasta el pago de la deuda en su totalidad. Los intereses continuaran devengándose hasta el pago total y completo de la deuda. Los demandados adeudan los cargos por mora, equivalentes al 4.0% de todos los pagos atrasados más de 15 días de la fecha de vencimientos y los créditos adelantados hechos de acuerdo con el pagaré hipotecario y la escritura de hipoteca; además de una cantidad equivalente al 10% de la deuda principal expuesta en el pagaré hipotecario y la escritura de hipoteca, o $9,723.10 para cubrir las costas, gastos y horarios de abogados. La venta en pública subasta de la referida propiedad se verificará libre de toda carga o gravamen POSTERIOR que afecte la mencionada finca. La PRIMERA SUBASTA se llevará a efecto el día 10 DE MARZO DE 2022 A LAS 3:30 DE LA TARDE, en la sala del referido Alguacil, sita en el edificio que ocupa el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Fajardo. Que el precio mínimo fijado para la PRIMERA subasta es de $97,231.00. Que de ser necesaria la celebración de una SEGUNDA SUBASTA la misma se llevará a efecto el día 17 DE MARZO DE 2022, A LAS 3:30 DE LA TARDE, en la oficina antes mencionada del Alguacil que suscribe. El precio mínimo para la SEGUNDA subasta será de $64,820.66 equivalente a dos terceras (2/3) partes del tipo mínimo estipulado para la PRIMERA subasta. Si no se produce remate ni adjudicación en le PRIMERA ni en la SEGUNDA subasta, se celebrará una TERCERA el día 25 DE MARZO DE 2022, A LAS 3:30 DE LA TARDE, en
la oficina antes mencionada del alguacil que suscribe. El precio mínimo fijado para esta TERCERA subasta es la mitad de la suma pactada para la PRIMERA subasta a saber $48,615.50. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titulación del inmueble y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsistente. Entendiéndose que el rematante lo acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de estos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. No constan inscrito en el Registro de la Propiedad acreedores que tengan derechos o cargas sobre el bien hipotecado con anterioridad a la inscripción del crédito del ejecutante. Se les advierte a los licitadores que la adjudicación se hará el mejor postor, quien deberá consignar el importe de su oferta en el acto mismo de la adjudicación, en moneda curso legal de los Estados Unidos de América, entiéndase en efectivo, cheque certificado o giro postal a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal. Tome conocimiento la parte demandada y toda aquella persona o personas que tengan interés inscrito con posterioridad a la inscripción del gravamen que se está ejecutando; y para conocimiento de los licitadores y el público en general, se publicará dos (2) veces en un periódico de circulación diaria en la Isla de Puerto Rico y se fijará, además, en los lugares públicos correspondientes. Una vez efectuada la venta de dicha propiedad, el Alguacil procederá a poner al licitador victorioso en posesión física de la propiedad dentro del plazo de veinte (20) días contados a partir de la venta en pública Subasta. Además, el Alguacil procederá a darle posesión del material al adjudicatario, en los casos que fuere necesario, proceda el lanzamiento del demandado o terceras personas de la propiedad subastada y forzar puertas o ventanas, romper cerraduras, candados, cortar cadenas y tomar cualquier otra medida propia. De igual forma, el Alguacil sacará cualquier propiedad mueble o personal de los demandados o de terceras personas que se encuentren en la mencionada propiedad. Además, los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado estarán de manifiesto en la secretaría del tribunal durante las horas laborables. EXPIDO, el presente EDICTO, en Fajardo, Puerto Rico, a 2 de noviembre de 2021. SHIRLEY SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, ALGUACIL REGIONAL #161. SANDRALIZ MARTÍNEZ TORRES, ALGUACIL AUXILIAR #737, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA, SALA SUPERIOR DE FAJARDO.
Demandados Civil Núm.: IS2021CV00191. Sobre: COBRO DE DINERO Y EJECUCIÓN DE HIPOTECA. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA, EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO, SS. AVISO DE SUBASTA. El que suscribe, Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior, Centro Judicial de Aguadilla, Segundo Piso, Oficina del Alguacil, hago saber, a la parte demandada y al PÚBLICO EN GENERAL: Que en cumplimiento del Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia expedido el día 10 de mayo de 2022, por la Secretaría del Tribunal, procederé a vender y venderé en pública subasta y al mejor postor la propiedad que ubica y se describe a continuación: RÚSTICA: Catastro número: 007-047-187-08-000. Solar número 94 del Bloque “H” de la Urbanización Vistas de Medina (Mansiones del Atlántico) radicado en el Barrio Moro del término municipal de Isabela, Puerto Rico, con una cabida de 415.492 metros cuadrados. En lindes por el NORTE, según plano en una distancia de 15.40 y con la Calle número 6 del mismo proyecto; por el SUR, en una distancia de 15.40 metros con terrenos de la Sucesión Quevedo; por el ESTE, en una distancia de 26.98 metros cuadrados con el Solar número 93 del mismo proyecto; y por el OESTE, en una distancia de 26.98 metros con el Solar 95 del mismo proyecto. Enclava en este solar una casa de hormigón para fines residenciales de 2 plantas, conteniendo la primera planta, sala, comedor, “family room”, cocina y área de lavandería, medio baño, una marquesina abierta para 2 automóviles y las escaleras para el segundo nivel en el cual se encuentran 4 dormitorios, 2 baños y 2 balcones. Inscrita en la finca 29,292 al folio 91 del tomo 498 de Isabela, Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección de Aguadilla. La propiedad ubica en: H 94 6 St. Mansiones del Atlántico Dev. Isabela PR. El producto de la subasta se destinará a satisfa-
The San Juan Daily Star cer al demandante hasta donde alcance, la SENTENCIA 11 de marzo de 2022, notificada el 14 de marzo de 2022, publicada en un periódico de circulación general, The San Juan Star, el 21 de marzo de 2022, en el presente caso civil, a saber la suma de $196,586.12 por concepto de principal; generando intereses a razón de 6% desde el 1ro de septiembre de 2018; cargos por demora los cuales al igual que los intereses continúan acumulándose hasta el saldo total de la deuda reclamada en este pleito, y la suma de $20,927.20 para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado; y demás créditos accesorios garantizados hipotecariamente. La adjudicación se hará al mejor postor, quien deberá consignar el importe de su oferta en el acto mismo de la adjudicación, en efectivo (moneda del curso legal de los Estados Unidos de América), giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del alguacil del Tribunal. La PRIMERA SUBASTA se llevará a efecto el día 2 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA, en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior, Centro Judicial de Aguadilla, Segundo Piso, Oficina del Alguacil. Que el precio mínimo fijado para la PRIMERA SUBASTA es de $209,272.00. Que de ser necesaria la celebración de una SEGUNDA SUBASTA la misma se llevará a efecto el día 9 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA, en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior, Centro Judicial de Aguadilla, Segundo Piso, Oficina del Alguacil. El precio mínimo para la SEGUNDA SUBASTA será de $139,514.66, equivalentes a dos terceras (2/3) partes del tipo mínimo estipulado para la PRIMERA subasta. Que de ser necesaria la celebración de una TERCERA SUBASTA la misma se llevará a efecto el día 16 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA, en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior, Centro Judicial de Aguadilla, Segundo Piso, Oficina del Alguacil. El precio mínimo para la TERCERA SUBASTA será de $104,636.00, equivalentes a la mitad (1/2) del tipo mínimo estipulado para la PRIMERA subasta. Si se declarase desierta la tercera subasta, se adjudicará la finca a favor del acreedor por la totalidad de la cantidad adeudada si ésta es igual o menor que el monto del tipo de la tercera subasta, si el Tribunal lo estima conveniente; se abonará dicho monto a la cantidad adeudada si esta es mayor, todo ello a tenor con lo dispone el Articulo 104 de la Ley Núm. 210 del 8 de diciembre de 2015 conocida como “Ley del Registro de la Propiedad Inmueble del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico”. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquiere libre de toda carga
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
y gravamen que afecte la mencionada finca según el Artículo 102, inciso 6. Una vez confirmada la venta judicial por el Honorable Tribunal, se procederá a otorgar la correspondiente escritura de venta judicial y se pondrá al comprador en posesión física del inmueble de conformidad con las disposiciones de Ley. Para conocimiento de la parte demandada y de toda aquella persona o personas que tengan interés inscrito con posterioridad a la inscripción del gravamen que se está ejecutando, y para conocimiento de todos los licitadores y el público en general, el presente Edicto se publicará por espacio de dos (2) semanas consecutivas, con un intervalo de por lo menos siete días entre ambas publicaciones, en un diario de circulación general en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico y se fijará además en tres (3) lugares públicos del Municipio en que ha de celebrarse dicha venta, tales como la Alcaldía, el Tribunal y la Colecturía. Se les informa, por último, que: a. Que los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado estarán de manifiesto en la secretaría del tribunal durante las horas laborables. b. Que se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsistentes. Se entenderá, que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. EXPIDO, el presente EDICTO, en Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, hoy día 27 de mayo de 2022. ESTEBAN ATILES FELICIANO, ALGUACIL DE LA DIVISIÓN DE SUBASTAS, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA, SALA DE AGUADILLA.
Parte Demandante Vs.
El Alguacil que suscribe, certifica y hace constar que en cumplimiento de Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia que me ha sido dirigido por la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Aibonito, procederé a vender en pública subasta y al mejor postor, por separado, de contado y por moneda de curso legal de los Estados Unidos de América. Todo pago recibido por el (la) Alguacil por concepto de subastas será en efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del (de la) Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia. Todo derecho, título, participación e interés que le corresponda a la parte demandada o cualquiera de ellos en el inmueble hipotecado objeto de ejecución que se describe a continuación: RUSTICA: Solar número nueve (9), radicado en el Barrio Llanos, Carretera del término municipal de Aibonito, Puerto Rico, con una cabida superficial de quinientos cincuenta metros cuadrados con setenta y siete centímetros cuadrados, o sea catorce céntimos de una cuerda, y en lindes por el NORTE, en veinte metros con sesentidos centímetros, con el solar número ocho; por el SUR, en quince metros con sesentiun centímetros, con el Solar número diez; por el ESTE, en treinta y un metros con veintiún centímetros con un camino público; y por el OESTE, en treinta metros, con terrenos, antes del señor Calos Lafaye Torre, hoy Wiliam H. Huffman. Consta inscrita al folio 11 del tomo 102 de Aibonito, finca número 4,534. Registro de la Propiedad, Sección de Barranquitas. La escritura de hipoteca consta inscrita al folio 3 vuelto del tomo 201 de Aibonito, finca número 4,534, inscripción 9na. La propiedad objeto de ejecución está localizada en la siguiente dirección: Las Abejas, Bo. Asomante, Carr. 162, KM 0.2, Aibonito, P.R. 00705. Según figura en el Estudio de títu-
lo, la propiedad objeto de ejecución está gravada al siguiente Gravamen Preferente a la inscripción del crédito ejecutante: Hipoteca en garantía de un pagaré a favor de El Sistema de Retiro de los Empleados del Estado Libre Asociado, o a su orden, por la suma principal de $31,200.00, con intereses al 8 3/8 % anual, vencedero el día 1 de enero de 2023, constituida mediante la escritura número 135, otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el día 18 de diciembre de 1992, ante el notario Miguel A. Rivera Rivera, e inscrita al folio 1 del tomo 201 de Aibonito, finca número 4,534, inscripción 6ta. La propiedad objeto de ejecución está gravada también a los siguientes Gravámenes Posteriores a la inscripción del crédito ejecutante: Aviso de Demanda de fecha 13 de mayo de 2002, expedido en el Tribunal de Distrito, Sala de Aibonito, Caso Civil número BCD2002-0058, por concepto de Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Hipoteca, por la Vía Ordinaria, seguido por Associates International Holding Corp, también conocido como Associates Financial Services Company Inc., versus Oscar Ortíz Díaz y su esposa Carmen Nydia Rodríguez Morales y la sociedad de gananciales compuesta por ambos, por la suma de $47,699.99 y otras sumas, anotado el 13 de febrero de 2003, al folio 173 del tomo 248 de Aibonito, finca número 4,534, Anotación B. Aviso de Demanda de fecha 15 de diciembre de 2010, expedido en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Aibonito, Caso Civil número BCD2011-0002, por concepto de Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Hipoteca, por la Vía Ordinaria, seguido por Associates Finance Inc., versus Oscar Ortíz Díaz y su esposa Carmen Nydia Rodríguez Morales, por la suma de $47,699.99 y otras sumas, anotado el 24 de enero de 2012, al folio 111 del tomo 272 de Aibonito, finca número 4,534, Anotación C. Aviso de Demanda de fecha 23 de octubre de 2014, expedido en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Aibonito, Caso Civil número BCD2014-0036, por concepto de Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Hipoteca, por la Vía Ordinaria, seguido por Citifinancial Services of Puerto Rico, haciendo negocios como Citifinancial Plus, versus Oscar Ortíz Díaz y su esposa Carmen Nydia Rodríguez Morales, por la suma de $47,951.99 y otras sumas, anotado el 16 de junio de 2015, al folio 88 del tomo 282 de Aibonito, finca número 4,534, Anotación D. Se le notifica a los acreedores posteriores anteriormente identificados para que puedan concurrir a la subasta si les convenga o satisfacer antes del remate el importe del crédito, de sus intereses,
costas y honorarios de abogados asegurados, quedando entonces subrogados en los derechos del acreedor ejecutante. Se informa que la propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravamen posterior, una vez sea otorgada la escritura de venta judicial y obtenida la Orden y Mandamiento de cancelación de gravamen posterior. (Art. 51, Ley 2102015). En relación a la finca a subastarse, se establece como tipo mínimo de licitación en la Primera Subasta la suma de $47,699.99, según acordado entre las partes en el precio pactado en la Escritura de Hipoteca #600, otorgada en Caguas, Puerto Rico, el día 19 de octubre de 2000, ante el notario Elaine Villanueva Martínez, inscrita al folio 3 vuelto del tomo 201 de Aibonito, finca #4,534, inscripción 9na. La PRIMERA SUBASTA, se llevará a cabo el día 11 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:30 DE LA MAÑANA, en mis oficinas sitas en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Aibonito, el tipo mínimo para la primera subasta es la suma de $47,699.99. Si la primera subasta del inmueble no produjere remate, ni adjudicación, se celebrará una SEGUNDA SUBASTA el día 18 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:30 DE LA MAÑANA, en el mismo sitio y servirá de tipo mínimo las dos terceras partes del precio pactada para la primera subasta, o sea, la suma de $31,799.99. Si la segunda subasta no produjere remate, ni adjudicación, se celebrará una TERCERA SUBASTA el día 25 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 A LAS 10:30 DE LA MAÑANA, en el mismo lugar y regirá como tipo mínimo de la tercera subasta la mitad del precio pactado para la primera, o sea, la suma de $23,849.99. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo, para con su producto satisfacer a la parte demandante el importe de la Sentencia dictada a su favor, a saber: Suma Principal: $47,699.99, con intereses a 17.16960% anual, desde el 1 de marzo de 2001, hasta el presente y los que se continúen acumulando hasta su total y completo pago, más los cargos por demora que se corresponden a los plazos atrasados desde la fecha anteriormente indicada a razón de la tasa pactada de 5% de cualquier pago que éste en mora por más de quince (15) días desde la fecha de su vencimiento, más una suma equivalente a $9,539.99, por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado, más cualquier otra suma que resulte por cualesquiera otros adelantos que se hayan hecho la demandante, en virtud de las disposiciones de la escritura de hipoteca y del Pagaré hipotecario. Para más información, a las personas interesadas se les notifica que los autos y todos
los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado, estarán de manifiesto en la Secretaría del Tribunal, durante las horas laborables. Este EDICTO DE SUBASTA, se publicará en los lugares públicos correspondientes y en un periódico de circulación general en la jurisdicción de Puerto Rico. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los referentes, si los hubiere, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsistentes. Se entenderá que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. Se procederá a otorgar la correspondiente Escritura de Venta Judicial y el Alguacil pondrá en posesión judicial al nuevo dueño, si así se lo solicita dentro del término de veinte (20) días, de conformidad con las disposiciones de Ley. Si transcurren los referidos veinte (20) días, el tribunal podrá ordenar, sin necesidad de ulterior procedimiento, que se lleve a efecto el desalojo o lanzamiento del ocupante u ocupantes de la finca o de todos los que por orden o tolerancia del deudor la ocupen. Expedido en Aibonito, Puerto Rico, a 2 de junio de 2022. JUAN O. BURGOS BURGOS, ALGUACIL PLACA #286. *****
Demandados Civil Núm.: SG2021CV00147. Sala: 307. Sobre: COBRO DE DINERO; INCUMPLIMIENTO DE CONTRATO; EJECUCIÓN DE HIPOTECA Y GRAVAMEN MOBILIARIO. AVISO DE SUBASTA. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA, EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA, EL PUEBLO DE PUERTO RICO, S.S. YO, JOSÉ M. CRESPO NAZARIO, ALGUACIL PLACA #522, el Alguacil que suscribe, por la presente anuncia y hace constar, que en cumplimiento del Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia expedido por la Secretaria del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de Puerto Rico, procederé a vender en pública subasta y al mejor postor, quien pagará el importe de la venta en dinero efectivo, en cheque certificado o en cheque de gerente a la orden del alguacil suscribiente en moneda de curso legal de los Estados Unidos de América el día 6 DE JULIO DE 2022 A LAS 11:00 DE LA
MAÑANA, en mi oficina localizada en el Centro Judicial de Mayagüez, todo título, derecho o interés que corresponda a las partes codemandadas sobre los bienes inmuebles que se describen a continuación: “RÚSTICA: Parcela de terreno de forma irregular que radica en el Barrio Retira de San Germán, con un área superficial de mil doscientos veinte punto noventa y nueve metros cuadrados (1,220.99 m.c.), equivalente a cero punto treinta y uno cero sesenta y seis (0.31066) de cuerdas. En lindes por el NORTE, con la calle Sal; por el SUR y ESTE, con terrenos de la Corporación de Renovación Urbana y Vivienda; y por el OESTE, con la Calle “C” y una esquina del área de estacionamiento.” Inscrita al folio veintinueve (29) del tomo trescientos dos (302) de San Germán, finca número nueve mil ochenta y tres (9,083). DIRECCIÓN FÍSICA: #1 Calle Gamboa esquina con Calle Sola, San Germán, PR. AFECTA POR SU PROCEDENCIA: SERVIDUMBRE a favor de Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados de Puerto Rico. AFECTA POR SI: HIPOTECA: En garantía de un pagaré a favor de Banco de Desarrollo Económico para Puerto Rico, o a su orden, por la suma principal de $500,000.00, con intereses a razón de 2% anual, y vencimiento a la presentación, según consta Escritura #163, otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el día 22 de diciembre de 2011, ante el Notario Gil Antonio Mercado Nieves, inscrita al folio 211 del tomo 631 de San Germán, finca 9,083, inscripción 3ra. El gravamen objeto de ejecución en este procedimiento es la que surge de la Escritura de Hipoteca Número 163 otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico 22 de diciembre de 2011 ante el Notario Público Gil Antonio Mercado Nieves, en la cual se establece como precio mínimo para la primera subasta la suma de $500,000.00. De no adjudicarse la propiedad en la primera subasta, se celebrará una SEGUNDA SUBASTA, en las mismas oficinas de este Alguacil, el día 13 DE JULIO DE 2022 A LAS 11:00 DE LA MAÑANA. El precio mínimo para la segunda subasta serán dos terceras partes (2/3) del tipo mínimo de la primera subasta, o sea, $333,333.33. De no adjudicarse la propiedad en esa segunda subasta, se celebrará una TERCERA SUBASTA en las mismas oficinas de este Alguacil, el día 20 DE JULIO DE 2022 A LAS 11:00 DE LA MAÑANA. El precio mínimo para la tercera subasta será la mitad (1/2) del tipo mínimo de la primera subasta, o sea, $250,000.00. Esta subasta se hará para satisfacer a la Parte Demandante, hasta donde alcance, el importe adeudado bajo la sentencia en
este caso, que al 4 de marzo de 2021 los codemandados adeudan bajo la Sentencia a la parte demandante la cantidad total de $479,035.69, más los que en adelante se acumulen hasta el total y completo pago de la deuda a razón de $71.73 diarios; y la suma adicional de $37,402.19 por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado, según pactados. Se entiende que todo licitador que comparezca a la subasta señalada en este caso acepta como bastante la titularidad que da base a las mismas. La venta en pública subasta de las propiedades descritas anteriormente se verificará libre de toda carga o gravamen posterior que afecte dicha propiedad. Se entiende que cualquier carga y/o gravamen anterior y/o preferente, si lo hubiera, al crédito que da base a esta ejecución, continuará subsistente, entendiéndose, además, que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de estos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. POR LA PRESENTE, se le notifica a los titulares de créditos y/o cargas registrales posteriores, si alguno, que se celebrarán las SUBASTAS en las fechas, horas y sitio anteriormente señalados, y se les invita a que concurran a dichas subastas, si les conviniere, o se les invita a satisfacer, antes del remate, el importe del crédito, sus intereses, otros cargos y las costas y honorarios de abogado asegurados, quedando entonces subrogados en los derechos del Acreedor ejecutante, siempre y cuando reúnan los requisitos y cualificaciones de Ley para que se pueda efectuar tal subrogación. SE HACE CONSTAR que los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado están de manifiesto en la Secretaría del Tribunal durante horas laborables, bajo el epígrafe de este caso. Y PARA SU PUBLICACIÓN en el tablón de edictos de este Tribunal y en dos (2) lugares públicos del Municipio dónde se celebrarán las subastas señaladas. Además, en un periódico de circulación general en dos ocasiones y mediante correo certificado a la última dirección conocida de la parte demandada. EXPEDIDO el presente EDICTO DE SUBASTA en Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, a 24 de mayo de 2022. JOSÉ M. CRESPO NAZARIO, ALGUACIL PLACA #522, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA, SALA SUPERIOR DE MAYAGÜEZ.
A: JOHN DOE Y RICHARD ROE como posibles tenedores desconocidos
POR LA PRESENTE se les emplaza y requiere para que conteste la demanda dentro de los treinta (30) días siguientes a la publicación de este Edicto. Usted deberá radicar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electrónica: http://unired.ramajudicial.pr/sumac/, salvo que se presente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá radicar el original de su contestación ante el Tribunal correspondiente y notifique con copia a los abogados de la parte demandante, LCDA. MARJALIISACOLÓN VILLANUEVA, A su dirección: PO. Box 7970 Ponce, PR. 00732. Tel: 787-843-4168. En dicha demanda se tramita un procedimiento de cancelación de pagare extraviado. Se alega en dicho procedimiento que se extravió un pagaré hipotecario a favor de R-G Mortgage Corporation entidad hipotecaria actualmente inexistente ahora Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, o a su orden, por sí o como posible tenedor del pagaré por la suma de ciento veinticuatro mil doscientos dólares ($124,200.00), con intereses al siete punto uno veinticinco por ciento (7.125%), vencedero el primero (1 ro) de abril de dos mil treinta y dos (2032), según escritura número catorce (14) otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el día veintisiete (27) de marzo de dos mil dos (2002), ante la notario Lora J. Espada Medina. Inscrita al folio cuarenta y seis (46) vuelto del tomo ochocientos doce 812) de Cabo Rojo, finca número veintisiete mil trescientos treinta y siete (27,337). Registro de la Propiedad Sección de San Germán, inscripción segunda (2da) y última. 3. Que la propiedad sobre la cual se constituyó dicha hipoteca es la siguiente: URBANA: Apartamento número trescientos nueve (309). Apartamento en forma irregular, localizado
REGION JUDICIAL DE SAN de su contestaciOn en el TribuJUAN SALA SUPERIOR DE nal correspondiente y notificando con copia de la misma a la SAN JUAN. MULTIPLES MORTGAGE parte demandante a la siguiente dirección: CORPORATION BUFETE APONTE & CORTES Demandante V. LCDA. ERIKA MORALES MARENGO P0 Box 195337 ADMINISTRACION San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919 DE RETIRO DE LOS Tel. (787) 302-0014 / (787) 239-5661 / EMPLEADOS DEL Email: emarengo@apontecortes.com Usted deberá presentar su aleGOBIERNO Y LA JUDICATURA DE PUERTO gación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y RICO; JOHN DOE y Administración de Casos (SURICHARD DOE MAC), al cual puede acceder Demandados utilizando la siguiente direcCIVIL NUM. SJ2022CV02026. ción electrónica: https://unired. SALA: 906. SOBRE: Canceramajudicial.pr/sumac/, salvo lación de Pagare Hipotecario. que se presente por derecho EDICTO. ESTADOS UNIDOS propio. Se le apercibe que de DE AMERICA, EL PRESIDENno hacerlo, el tribunal podrá TE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIdictar Sentencia en rebeldía DOS, EL ESTADO LIBRE ASOconcediendo el remedio soliciCIADO DE PUERTO RICO. tado en la demanda, sin citarle A: JOHN DOE/ ni oírle. Expedido bajo mi firma RICHARD DOE y sello del Tribunal, hoy dia Quedan notificados que la 10 de junio de 2022. GRISELdemandante de epígrafe ha DA RODRIGUEZ COLLADO, radicado en este Tribunal una Secretario(a). Michelle Rivera Demanda contra ustedes como Rios, Sub-Secretario(a). co-demandados en la que se LEGAL NOTICE solicita la cancelación vía judicial de un Pagare Hipotecario ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO extraviado a favor de la Ad- DE PUERTO RICO TRIBUministración de Retiro de los NAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA Empleados del Gobierno y la CENTRO JUDICIAL DE MAYAJudicatura de Puerto Rico, o a GUEZ, su orden, por la suma principal BANCO POPULAR DE de $85,200.00 e intereses al PUERTO RICO 8 1/8% anual y vencimiento el DEMANDANTE V. 1ro enero de 2027, mediante la GABRIEL ANTONIO Escritura Número 211 otorgada MARRERO ORTIZ, en San Juan, Puerto Rico ante GRETCHEN MARIE el notario público Rafael Quiñones Vigo. El descrito Pagare MARTINEZ PADILLA Y LA hipotecario grava la propiedad SOCIEDAD LEGAL DE que se describe a continuación: BIENES GANANCIALES URBANA: Urbanización Park COMPUESTA POR Gardens de Sabana Liana. AMBOS Solar: 17-D. Cabida: 434.29 DEMANDADOS metros cuadrados. En lindes por el NORTE, en 23 metros 6 Civil Núm. MZ2022CV00333. centímetros, con la calle A; por Sobre: COBRO DE DINERO el SUR, en 12 metros 66 centí- Y Ejecución de Hipoteca por la metros, con el solar D-16; por Vía Ordinaria EMPLAZAMIENel ESTE, en 15 metros con 93 TO POR EDICTO. Estados centímetros, con el solar 18-D Unidos de América Presidente y en 16 metros, con el solar de los Estados Unidos Estado número 19-D y por el OESTE, Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. en 22 metros 24 centímetros, SS. con el solar 1-D. contiene una A: GABRIEL ANTONIO casa de concreto reforzado y MARRERO ORTIZ POR SI bloques de concreto para una Y EN REPRESENTACION familia. Afecta por su lado Sur y DE LA SOCIEDAD Oeste a una servidumbre de 60 LEGAL DE BIENES centímetros de ancho a todo lo largo de la colindancia a favor GANANCIALES de la Puerto Rico Telephone COMPUESTA CON Company y a una servidumbre GRETCHEN MARIE de 7 pies de ancho y 16 pies MARTINEZ PADILLA y 6 pulgadas de largo en su esquina noroeste a favor de la Por la presente se le emplaza Autoridad de Fuentes Fluviales y notifica que debe contestar la de Puerto Rico. Consta inscrita demanda dentro del término de a! folio 1 del tomo 416 de Saba- treinta (30) días a partir de la na Liana, finca 17,517, Registro publicación del presente edicto. de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Usted deberá presentar su aleSección V de San Juan. Se les gación responsiva a través del advierte que el presente Edicto Sistema Unificado de Manejo y se publicará en un periódico de Administración de Casos (SUcirculación general una sola MAC), al cual puede acceder vez y se le requiere para que utilizando la siguiente direcLEGAL NOT ICE contesten la Demanda de epí- ción electrónica: https://unired. -ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO grafe dentro de los treinta (30) ramajudicial.pr, salvo que se DE PUERTO RICO TRIBU- días siguientes a la publicación represente por derecho propio, NAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA del edicto, radicando el original en cuyo caso deberá presentar
al Este en la tercera planta del Edificio B del Condominio Vistamar El Combate, situado en la Carretera Estatal tres mil trecientos uno (3301) Interior, kilometro dos punto ocho (2.8), Barrio Boquerón en el Municipio de Cabo Rojo, Puerto Ríco. El apartamento tiene un área total aproximada de setecientos noventa y ocho punto cuarenta y ocho (798.48) pies cuadrados, equivalentes a setenta y cuatro punto dieciocho (74.18) metros cuadrados. Colinda por el NORTE, en una alineación de veinticuatro pies con tres pulgadas (24’ 3”), equlvalente a siete punto treinta y nueve (7.39) metros con el área exterior del edificio y las escaleras; por el SUR, en varias alineaciones que totalizan veinticuatro pies con tres pulgadas (24’ 3”), equivalentes a siete punto treinta y nueve (7.31~) metros, con el área exterior del Edificio; por el ESTE, en varias alineaciones que totalizan treinta y seis pies (36’), equivalentes a diez punto noventa y siete (10.97) metros con el área exterior de Edificio; y por el OESTE, en una alineación de treinta y seis pies (36’), equivalentes a diez punto noventa y siete (10.97) metros con el apartamento trescientos ocho (308). Esta unidad residencial consiste de una habitación con su guardarropa, un baño, sala, comedor, cocina-lavandería y balcón . La unidad tiene el uso limitado de un estacionamiento enumerado trescientos nu,~ve (309). La entrada de esa unidad residencial está localizada hacia el Norte, conectado con su escalera de acceso, una acera abierta que conduce hasta el área de estacionamíento y acezando a la entrada del Condominio Vista El Combate. Le , además, una participación en los elementos comunes, así como en la distribución de ganancias y en los gastos comunes equivalentes al uno punto ocho seis ocho por ciento (1.868%). Inscrita al folio cuarenta y seis (46) del tomo ochocientos doce ( 312) de Cabo Rojo, finca número veintisiete mil trescientos treinta y siete (27,337) . Registro de la Propiedad Sección de San Germán. SE LES APERCIBE que, de no hacer sus alegaciones responsivas a la demanda dentro del término aquí dispuesto, se les anotará la rebeldía y se dictará Sentencia, concediéndose el remedio solicitado en la Demanda, sin más citarle ni oírle. Expedido bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal en Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, a 7 día de junio de 2022 LCDA. NORMA G. SANTANA IRIZARRY, SECRETARIA(O). f/ MARITZA LEBRON ROSADO, Sec Auxiliar.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 su alegación responsiva en la secretaría del tribunal. Se le apercibe que de no contestar la demanda dentro del término aquí estipulado, se le anotará la rebeldía y se dictará sentencia sin más citarle ni oírle. Los abogados de la parte demandante son: Lcdo. Guillermo A. Somoza Colombani, P.O. Box 366603, San Juan, PR 009366603. Tel. (787) 919-0073, Fax (787) 641-5016. Expido este edicto bajo mi firma y sello de este Tribunal, hoy 10 de JUNIO de 2022. Lcda. Norma G Santana Irizarry, Secretario General. Por: f/Maritza Lebron Rosado, Secretaria Auxiliar.
pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación responsiva en la Secretarla del Tribunal Superior de Puerto Rico, Sala de San Juan y enviando copia a la parte demandante: Greenspoon Marder, LLP; Lcda. Frances L. Asencio-Guido, TRADE CENTRE SOUTH, SUITE 700, 100 WEST CYPRESS CREEK ROAD, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 , Telephone: (954) 343 6273, Frances.Asencio@gmlaw.com. Se le apercibe y notifica que si no contesta la demanda radicada en su contra dentro del término de treinta (30) días de la publicación de este edicto, se le anotará la rebeldía y se dictará sentencia concediendo el remedio solicitado en la demanda, sin más citárseles, ni oIrseles. Expedido bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, a 10 de junio de 2022. Griselda Rodriguez Collado, Sec Regional. Brenda Baez Acaba, Sec Serv a Sala.
Cascade Funding Mortgage Trust HB4 DEMANDANTE VS.
Sucesión de Carmen Milagros Sotomayor Torres t/c/c Carmen Milagros Sotomayor Martinez t/c/c Carmen M. Sotomayor Torres A: RAFAEL TOMAS t/c/c Carmen Sotomayor CARLE MATOS, LUIS Torres t/c/c Carmen CARLE MATOS, Milagros Sotomayor MARIA JESUS CARLE a/k/a Carmen M. MATOS; JOHN DOE Sotomayor t/c/c Carmen Y JANE DOE COMO Sotomayor t/c/c Carmen POSIBLES MIEMBROS M. Marín Sotomayor DESCONOCIDOS DE LA compuesta por Jose SUCESION RAFAEL JOSE Marin Sotomayor y Rafael CARLE SIFRE T/C/C RAFAEL CARLE T/C/C Marin Sotomayor; Centro de Recaudaciones de RAFAEL CARLE SIFRE; Ingresos Municipales RAFAEL TOMAS CARLE y Estados Unidos de MATOS, LUIS CARLE América MATOS, MARIA JESUS DEMANDADOS CARLE MATOS; JOHN CIVIL NUM.: BY2019CV06771. ROE Y JANE ROE COMO SOBRE: Ejecución de Hipoteca POSIBLES MIEMBROS por la Vía Ordinaria. EDICTO DESCONOCIDOS DE LA DE SUBASTA. SUCESION FLOR MARIA Al: Público en General A: SUCESIÓN DE MATOS LUGO T/C/C CARMEN MILAGROS FLOR M. MATOS T/C/C FLOR MARIA MATOS DE SOTOMAYOR TORRES T/C/C CARMEN CARLE Queda emplazado y notifica- MILAGROS SOTOMAYOR do de que en este Tribunal se MARTINEZ T/C/C ha radicado una demanda de CARMEN M. SOTOMAYOR EJECUCION DE HIPOTECA TORRES T/C/C CARMEN en su contra. Se le notifica que SOTOMAYOR TORRES deberá presentar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema T/C/C CARMEN Unificado de Manejo y Adminis- MILAGROS SOTOMAYOR tración de Casos (SUMAC), al A/K/A CARMEN M. cual puede acceder utilizando SOTOMAYOR T/C/C la siguiente dirección electróniCARMEN SOTOMAYOR ca: https://unired.ramajudicial.
Yo, MARIBEL LANZAR VELAZQUEZ, Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Bayamón, a los demandados, acreedores y al público en general con interés sobre la propiedad que más adelante se describe, y al público en general, por la presente CERTIFICO, ANUNCIO y HAGO CONSTAR: Que el día 14 de julio de 2022, a las 9:30 a.m. en mi oficina, sita en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Bayamón, Bayamón, Puerto Rico, procederé a vender en Pública Subasta, al mejor postor, la propiedad inmueble que más adelante se describe y cuya venta en pública subasta se ordenó por la vía ordinaria mediante Sentencia dictada en el caso de epígrafe, la cual se notificó y archivó en autos el día 30 de junio de 2021. Los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado, estarán de manifiesto en la Secretaría durante horas laborables. Que en caso de no producir remate ni adjudicación en la primera subasta a celebrarse, se celebrará una segunda subasta para la venta de la susodicha propiedad, el día 21 de julio de 2022, a las 9:30 a.m.; y en caso de no producir remate ni adjudicación, se celebrará una tercera subasta el día 4 de agosto de 2022, a las 9:30 a.m. en mi oficina sita en el lugar antes indicado. Que en cumplimiento de un Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia que ha sido liberado por la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Bayamón, en el caso de epígrafe con fecha de 5 de abril de 2022, procederé a vender en pública subasta y al mejor postor, todo derecho, título e interés que tenga la parte demandada de epígrafe en el inmueble de su propiedad ubicado en: 1225 Road #2, Suite 4260, Alborada Unit 212, Bayamón PR 00961, y que se describe a continuación: PROPIEDAD HORIZONTAL: Apartamento número 212. Apartamento residencial número 212 de forma irregular, constituido por 1 nivel, localizado en la primera planta del Edificio G de Alborada, El Condominio, que está situado en la Carreterra número 2, kilómetro 8.6, Bayamón, Puerto Rico. Consta de un nivel, siendo sus linderos los siguientes: por el NORTE, con el apartamento número 211 y corredor de uso común; por el Sur, con el apartamento número 111; por el
ESTE, con área común general; y por el OESTE, con área de uso común general y con corredor de uso común. Consta el mismo de 3 habitaciones con sus respectivos “closets”, una sala-comedor, cocina, 2 baños equipados con bañera, lavamanos y servicio sanitario. Se incluye bidet en el baño del cuarto principal. El área total del apartamento es de 137.64 metros cuadrados. La puerta de entrada de este apartamento está situada en el lindero OESTE y por ella se sale a la escalera y al área de circulación del proyecto. Se provee una entrada posterior con acceso al lindero Este que se considera como acceso al área común general y es parte de la fachada del edificio. Este apartamento tiene una participación de 0.3482%, en los elementos comunes generales del Condominio. De modificarse o enmendarse la escritura matriz de Alborada, El Condominio a los efectos de añadir 150 unidades de vivienda adicionales, el por ciento de participación de este apartamento en los elementos comunes generales del Condominio será de 0.2196%. Le corresponde y se le asigna a este apartamento como elemento común limitado los estacionamientos identificados con los números 3 y 4. Property Number 72,353 filed at page 151 of volume 1,732 of Bayamón Sur, Registry of the Property of Puerto Rico, Section I of Bayamón. La subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer, hasta donde alcance, el importe de las cantidades adeudadas a la parte demandante conforme a la sentencia dictada a su favor, a saber: $167,957.62, incluyendo intereses y otros gastos acumulados hasta el 31 de octubre de 2020, y los cuales continúan acumulándose a razón del 5.060% por ciento anual, hasta su completo pago; más la cantidad de $23,850.00, equivalente al 10% de la suma principal original pactada, estipulada para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado; más recargos acumulados hasta la fecha en que se pague la deuda; más cualquiera suma de dinero por concepto de contribuciones, primas de seguro hipotecario y riesgo, así como cualesquiera otras sumas pactadas en la escritura de hipoteca, todas cuyas sumas están líquidas y exigibles. La hipoteca a ejecutarse en el caso de epígrafe fue constituida mediante la escritura número 13 otorgada el día 1 de noviembre de 2013, San Juan, Puerto Rico, ante el Notario Público Laura Mia Gonzalez Bonilla y consta inscrita al folio 93 del tomo 1818 de Bayamón Sur, finca número 72,353, Registro de la Propiedad de Bayamón Sur, Sección I de Bayamón. Por la presente se notifica a los acreedores que tengan inscritos o anotados sus derechos
The San Juan Daily Star sobre los bienes hipotecados con posterioridad a la inscripción del crédito del ejecutante o acreedores de cargos o derechos reales que los hubiesen pospuesto a la hipoteca del actor y a los dueños, poseedores, tenedores de o interesados en títulos transmisibles por endoso o al portador garantizados hipotecariamente con posterioridad al crédito del actor que se celebrarán las subastas en las fechas, horas y sitios señalados para que puedan concurrir a la subasta si les conviniere o se les invita a satisfacer antes del remate el importe del crédito, de sus intereses, otros cargos y las costas y honorarios de abogado asegurados quedando subrogados en los derechos del acreedor ejecutante. Entiéndase: Hipoteca en garantía de un pagaré a favor del Secretario de la Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano, o a su orden, por la suma principal de $238,500.00, vencedero el día 2 de diciembre de 2100, constituida mediante la escritura número 14, otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico el día 1 de noviembre de 2013, ante el notario Laura Mia Gonzalez Bonilla, e inscrita al folio 93 del tomo 1918 de Bayamón Sur, finca número 72,353, inscripción 4ta. Que la cantidad mínima de licitación en la primera subasta del inmueble antes descrito será la suma de $238,500.00 según se establece en la escritura de hipoteca antes relacionada. En caso de que el inmueble a ser subastado no fuera adjudicado en su primera subasta se ordena la celebración de una segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, en la cual, la cantidad mínima será una equivalente a 2/3 parte de aquella, o sea la suma de $159,000.00; desierta también la segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, se ordena la celebración de una tercera subasta en la cual, la cantidad mínima será la mitad del precio pactado para la primera subasta, es decir la suma de $119,000.00. La propiedad se adjudicará al mejor postor, quien deberá satisfacer el importe de su oferta en moneda legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América en el momento de la adjudicación, entiéndase efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, y que las cargas y gravámenes preferentes, si los hubiese, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsistentes, entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. La propiedad no está sujeta a gravámenes anteriores y/o preferentes según surge de las constancias del Registro de la Propiedad en un estudio de título efectuado a la finca antes descrita.Una vez efectuada la venta de dicha
propiedad, el Alguacil procederá a otorgar la escritura de traspaso al licitador victorioso en subasta, quien podrá ser la parte demandante, cuya oferta podrá aplicarse a la extinción parcial o total de la obligación reconocida por la sentencia dictada en este caso. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores. Si el producto de la venta fuere insuficiente para satisfacer la cantidad reclamada, se procederá a la ejecución de la sentencia en contra de la parte demandada por el remanente de las sumas no satisfechas, mediante embargo y venta en ejecución de cualesquiera otros bienes propiedad de la parte demandada en cantidad suficiente para dejar cubierta y totalmente satisfecha a la parte demandante cualquier deficiencia o parte insoluta de la sentencia dictada a su favor según dispuesto en la sentencia dictada en este caso. Se dispone, conforme con la sentencia dictada en este caso que, una vez efectuada la subasta y vendido el bien inmueble, los adjudicatarios sean puestos en posesión del mismo dentro del término de veinte (20) días por el Alguacil de este Honorable Tribunal y los actuales poseedores lanzados del referido inmueble. De ser ello necesario, el Alguacil podrá diligenciar el Acta de Subasta que se expida en horas laborales, de día, los 5 días de la semana y podrá romper cualquier cerradura o candado que dé acceso al inmueble objeto de este desalojo. Y para la concurrencia de licitadores y para el público en general, se publicará este Edicto de acuerdo con la ley, mediante edicto, en un periódico de circulación general en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, una vez por semana, por espacio de dos (2) semanas consecutivas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre ambas publicaciones, y para su fijación en tres (3) lugares públicos del municipio en que ha de celebrarse la venta, tales como la Alcaldía, el Tribunal y la Colecturía, y se le notificará además a la parte demandada vía correo certificado con acuse de recibo a la última dirección conocida. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, expido el presente Edicto de Subasta para conocimiento y comparecencia de los licitadores, bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, en Bayamón, Puerto Rico, a 13 de junio de 2022. MARIBEL LANZAR VELAZQUEZ, ALGUACIL, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA SALA DE BAYAMÓN.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 Funding, LLC
Juan Antonio Iglesias González, t/c/c Juan Iglesias González, t/c/c Juan Iglesias por sí y en representación de la Sociedad Legal de Gananciales que compone junto a María Concepción Gómez t/c/c María Concepción, t/c/c María Concepción de Iglesias; María Concepción Gómez t/c/c María Concepción, t/c/c María Concepción de Iglesias por sí y en representación de la Sociedad Legal de Gananciales que compone junto a Juan Antonio Iglesias González, t/c/c Juan Iglesias González, t/c/c Juan Iglesias; y a los Estados Unidos de América
DEMANDADOS CIVIL NÚM.: BY2021CV04264. SOBRE: Ejecución de Hipoteca In Rem. EDICTO DE SUBASTA.
Yo, MARIBEL LANZAR VELAZQUEZ, Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Bayamón los demandados, acreedores y al público en general LEGAL NOTICE con interés sobre la propiedad ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO que más adelante se describe, DE PUERTO RICO TRIBU- y al público en general, por la NAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA presente CERTIFICO, ANUNCIO y HAGO CONSTAR: Que SALA DE BAYAMÓN. el día 14 de julio de 2022, a las Reverse Mortgage
9:45 a.m. en mi oficina, sita en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Bayamón, Bayamón, Puerto Rico, procederé a vender en Pública Subasta, al mejor postor, la propiedad inmueble que más adelante se describe y cuya venta en pública subasta se ordenó por la vía ordinaria mediante Sentencia dictada en el caso de epígrafe, la cual se notificó y archivó en autos el día 10 de febrero de 2022. Los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado, estarán de manifiesto en la Secretaría durante horas laborables. Que en caso de no producir remate ni adjudicación en la primera subasta a celebrarse, se celebrará una segunda subasta para la venta de la susodicha propiedad, el día 21 de julio de 2022, a las 9:45 a.m.; y en caso de no producir remate ni adjudicación, se celebrará una tercera subasta el día 4 de agosto de 2022, a las 9:45 a.m. en mi oficina sita en el lugar antes indicado. Que en cumplimiento de un Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia que ha sido liberado por la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Bayamón en el caso de epígrafe con fecha de 17 de marzo de 2022, procederé a vender en pública subasta y al mejor postor, todo derecho, título e interés que tenga la parte demandada de epígrafe en el inmueble que se describe a continuación: URBANA: Solar radicado en la Urbanización “Palacios de Marbella”, localizado en los Barrios Piñas y Ortiz del término municipal de Toa Alta, Puerto Rico, que se describe en el Plano de Inscripción, con el número área y colindancia que se relacionaran a continuación: Número del solar: tres del Bloque “F” (F-3). Área del solar: cuatrocientos cincuenta metros cuadrados (450.00m.c.). En lindes por el NORTE, con la calle número tres (3), en una distancia de quince metros (15.00); por el SUR, con la Avenida Marbella, en una distancia de quince metros (15.00); por el ESTE, con el solar número cuatro del Bloque “F” (F-4), en una distancia de treinta metros (30.00); y por el OESTE, con el solar número dos del Bloque “F” (F-2), en una distancia de treinta metros (30.00). En este solar se ha construido una vivienda de bloques y hormigón reforzado para una familia. Finca número 24,554, inscrita al folio 47 del tomo 489 de Toa Alta. Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección de III Bayamón. Dirección de la Propiedad: F3 (203) Andres Segovia (3) St. Toa Alta, PR 00953. La subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer, hasta donde alcance, el importe de las cantidades adeudadas a la parte demandante conforme a la sentencia dictada a su favor, a sa-
ber: $198,759.04, de principal, con interés al 3.80% anual, más intereses acumulados al 29 de octubre de 2021, más la cantidad de $24,700.00, equivalente al 10% de la suma principal original pactada, estipulada para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado; más recargos acumulados hasta la fecha en que se pague la deuda; más cualquiera suma de dinero por concepto de contribuciones, primas de seguro hipotecario y riesgo, así como cualesquiera otras sumas pactadas en la escritura de hipoteca, todas cuyas sumas están líquidas y exigibles. La hipoteca a ejecutarse en el caso de epígrafe fue constituida mediante la escritura número 391 otorgada el día 16 de septiembre de 2008, San Juan, Puerto Rico, ante el Notario Público Luis Rafael Rodriguez Velez y consta inscrita al folio 48 del tomo 489 de Toa Alta finca número 24,554, Registro de la Propiedad de Toa Alta, Sección III de Bayamón. Por la presente se notifica a los acreedores que tengan inscritos o anotados sus derechos sobre los bienes hipotecados con posterioridad a la inscripción del crédito del ejecutante o acreedores de cargos o derechos reales que los hubiesen pospuesto a la hipoteca del actor y a los dueños, poseedores, tenedores de o interesados en títulos transmisibles por endoso o al portador garantizados hipotecariamente con posterioridad al crédito del actor que se celebrarán las subastas en las fechas, horas y sitios señalados para que puedan concurrir a la subasta si les conviniere o se les invita a satisfacer antes del remate el importe del crédito, de sus intereses, otros cargos y las costas y honorarios de abogado asegurados quedando subrogados en los derechos del acreedor ejecutante. Entiéndase: Hipoteca en garantía de un pagaré a favor del Secretario de la Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano, o a su orden, por la suma principal de $370,500.00, con intereses al 3.80% anual, vencedero el día 11 de marzo de 2094, constituida mediante la escritura número 392, otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico el día 16 de septiembre de 2008, ante el notario Luis Rafael Rodriguez Velez, e inscrita al folio 48 del tomo 489 de Toa Alta finca número 24,554, inscripción 6ta., Que la cantidad mínima de licitación en la primera subasta del inmueble antes descrito será la suma de $247,000.00 según se establece en la escritura de hipoteca antes relacionada. En caso de que el inmueble a ser subastado no fuera adjudicado en su primera subasta se ordena la celebración de una segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, en la cual, la cantidad mínima será una equivalente a 2/3 parte de aquella, o sea la suma de $164,666.67; desierta
también la segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, se ordena la celebración de una tercera subasta en la cual, la cantidad mínima será la mitad del precio pactado para la primera subasta, es decir la suma de $123,500.00. La propiedad se adjudicará al mejor postor, quien deberá satisfacer el importe de su oferta en moneda legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América en el momento de la adjudicación, entiéndase efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, y que las cargas y gravámenes preferentes, si los hubiese, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsistentes, entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. La propiedad no está sujeta a gravámenes anteriores y/o preferentes según surge de las constancias del Registro de la Propiedad en un estudio de título efectuado a la finca antes descrita. Una vez efectuada la venta de dicha propiedad, el Alguacil procederá a otorgar la escritura de traspaso al licitador victorioso en subasta, quien podrá ser la parte demandante, cuya oferta podrá aplicarse a la extinción parcial o total de la obligación reconocida por la sentencia dictada en este caso. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores. Si el producto de la venta fuere insuficiente para satisfacer la cantidad reclamada, se procederá a la ejecución de la sentencia en contra de la parte demandada por el remanente de las sumas no satisfechas, mediante embargo y venta en ejecución de cualesquiera otros bienes propiedad de la parte demandada en cantidad suficiente para dejar cubierta y totalmente satisfecha a la parte demandante cualquier deficiencia o parte insoluta de la sentencia dictada a su favor según dispuesto en la sentencia dictada en este caso. Se dispone, conforme con la sentencia dictada en este caso que, una vez efectuada la subasta y vendido el bien inmueble, los adjudicatarios sean puestos en posesión del mismo dentro del término de veinte (20) días por el Alguacil de este Honorable Tribunal y los actuales poseedores lanzados del referido inmueble. De ser ello necesario, el Alguacil podrá diligenciar el Acta de Subasta que se expida en horas laborales, de día, los 5 días de la semana y podrá romper cualquier cerradura o candado que dé acceso al inmueble objeto de este desalojo. Y para la concurrencia de licitadores y para el público en general, se publicará este Edicto de acuerdo con la ley, mediante edicto, en un periódi-
co de circulación general en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, una vez por semana, por espacio de dos (2) semanas consecutivas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre ambas publicaciones, y para su fijación en tres (3) lugares públicos del municipio en que ha de celebrarse la venta, tales como la Alcaldía, el Tribunal y la Colecturía, y se le notificará además a la parte demandada vía correo certificado con acuse de recibo a la última dirección conocida. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, expido el presente Edicto de Subasta para conocimiento y comparecencia de los licitadores, bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, en Bayamón, Puerto Rico, a 13 de JUNIO de 2022. MARIBEL LANZAR VELAZQUEZ, ALGUACIL, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA SALA DE BAYAMON.
Yo, MARIBEL LANZAR VELAZQUEZ, Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Bayamón, a los demandados, acreedores y al público en general con interés sobre la proDEMANDANTE VS. piedad que más adelante se Sucesión de Aida Luz describe, y al público en geneGonzález Rivera t/c/c ral, por la presente CERTIFIAida L. González Rivera, CO, ANUNCIO y HAGO CONSTAR: Que el día 14 de julio de t/c/c Aida González 2022, a las 10:15 a.m. en mi Rivera, t/c/c Aida L. oficina, sita en el Tribunal de González, t/c/c Aida Primera Instancia, Sala SupeGonzález compuesta por rior de Bayamón, Bayamón, Héctor Rivera Gonález, Puerto Rico, procederé a venCarlos Rivera González, der en Pública Subasta, al meNorberto Rivera González, jor postor, la propiedad inmueble que más adelante se Juan Rivera González, describe y cuya venta en públiFulano de Tal y Sutano ca subasta se ordenó por la vía de Tal; Sucesión de ordinaria mediante Sentencia Juan Rivera Matos, t/c/c dictada en el caso de epígrafe, la cual se notificó y archivó en Juan R. Matos, t/c/c autos el día 12 de abril de 2022. Juan Rivera compuesta Los autos y todos los documenpor Héctor Rivera tos correspondientes al proceGonález, Carlos Rivera dimiento incoado, estarán de González, Norberto Rivera manifiesto en la Secretaría duGonzález, Juan Rivera rante horas laborables. Que en caso de no producir remate ni González Fulano de Tal adjudicación en la primera suy Sutano de Tal; Centro basta a celebrarse, se celebrade Recaudaciones de rá una segunda subasta para la Impuestos Municipales; y venta de la susodicha propiea los Estados Unidos de dad, el día 21 de julio de 2022, a las 10:15 a.m.; y en caso de América no producir remate ni adjudicaDEMANDADOS ción, se celebrará una tercera CIVIL NÚM.: NJ2021CV00118. subasta el día 4 de agosto de SOBRE: Ejecución de Hipoteca 2022, a las 10:15 a.m. en mi In Rem. EDICTO DE SUBASoficina sita en el lugar antes inTA. dicado. Que en cumplimiento Al: Público en General de un Mandamiento de EjecuA: SUCESIÓN DE ción de Sentencia que ha sido AIDA LUZ GONZÁLEZ liberado por la Secretaría del RIVERA T/C/C AIDA L. Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Superior de Bayamón, en GONZÁLEZ RIVERA, Sala el caso de epígrafe con fecha
30 de 20 de mayo de 2022, procederé a vender en pública subasta y al mejor postor, todo derecho, título e interés que tenga la parte demandada de epígrafe en el inmueble que se describe a continuación: RÚSTICA: Parcela de terreno de forma física irregular radicada en el Barrio Cedro Arriba del término municipal de Naranjito, Puerto Rico, con una cabida superficial de dos mil seiscientos diez metros, sesenta y siete decímetros cuadrados (2,610.67m.c.). En linderos: por el NORTE, y OESTE, en varias alineaciones distintas que suman un total de 92.209 metros, con el caso número 77-42-G559 BPL; por el SUR, en dos alineaciones distintas, una de 18.059 metros y la otra de 61.116 metros, con el remanente de la finca principal; y por el ESTE, en 54.559 metros, con terrenos de María Rivera. Enclava una casa de concreto techada del mismo material que mide 45 pies de frente por 47 pies de fondo dedicada a residencia, con balcón, sala, comedor, cuatro cuartos dormitorios, cocina y cuarto de baño. Finca número 7,104, inscrita al folio 178 del tomo 99 de Naranjito, del Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección de Barranquitas. Dirección de la Propiedad: KM 12.4 SR 152, Ferrer Wd., Naranjito PR 00719 La subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer, hasta donde alcance, el importe de las cantidades adeudadas a la parte demandante conforme a la sentencia dictada a su favor, a saber: de $116,618.98, incluyendo intereses y otros gastos acumulados hasta el 23 de octubre de 2021, y los cuales continúan acumulándose a razón del 5.300% anual, hasta su completo pago; más la suma estipulada para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado en caso de reclamación judicial; intereses y cargos por demora posterior a dicha fecha; más la suma equivalente al 10% de la suma principal original pactada, estipulada para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado; más recargos acumulados hasta la fecha en que se pague la deuda; más cualquiera suma de dinero por concepto de contribuciones, primas de seguro hipotecario y riesgo, así como cualesquiera otras sumas pactadas en la escritura de hipoteca, todas cuyas sumas están líquidas y exigibles. La hipoteca a ejecutarse en el caso de epígrafe fue constituida mediante la escritura número 232 otorgada el día 14 de mayo de 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico, ante el Notario Público Dinorah Collazo Ortiz y consta inscrita al folio 90 del tomo 239 de Naranjito, finca número 7,104, Registro de la Propiedad de Naranjito, Sección de Barranquitas. Por la presente se notifica a los acreedores que tengan inscritos o anotados sus derechos
sobre los bienes hipotecados con posterioridad a la inscripción del crédito del ejecutante o acreedores de cargos o derechos reales que los hubiesen pospuesto a la hipoteca del actor y a los dueños, poseedores, tenedores de o interesados en títulos transmisibles por endoso o al portador garantizados hipotecariamente con posterioridad al crédito del actor que se celebrarán las subastas en las fechas, horas y sitios señalados para que puedan concurrir a la subasta si les conviniere o se les invita a satisfacer antes del remate el importe del crédito, de sus intereses, otros cargos y las costas y honorarios de abogado asegurados quedando subrogados en los derechos del acreedor ejecutante. Entiéndase: Hipoteca revertida en garantía de un pagaré a favor de the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, o a su orden, por la suma principal de $138,000.00, con intereses al 5.30% anual, vencedero el día 22 de diciembre de 2092, constituida mediante la escritura número 233, otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el día 14 de mayo de 2011, ante la notario Dinorah Collazo Ortiz, e inscrita al folio 90 del tomo 239 de Naranjito, finca número 7,104, inscripción 9ª. Que la cantidad mínima de licitación en la primera subasta del inmueble antes descrito será la suma de $138,000.00 según se establece en la escritura de hipoteca antes relacionada. En caso de que el inmueble a ser subastado no fuera adjudicado en su primera subasta se ordena la celebración de una segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, en la cual, la cantidad mínima será una equivalente a 2/3 parte de aquella, o sea la suma de $92,000.00; desierta también la segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, se ordena la celebración de una tercera subasta en la cual, la cantidad mínima será la mitad del precio pactado para la primera subasta, es decir la suma de $69,000.00. La propiedad se adjudicará al mejor postor, quien deberá satisfacer el importe de su oferta en moneda legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América en el momento de la adjudicación, entiéndase efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, y que las cargas y gravámenes preferentes, si los hubiese, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsistentes, entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. La propiedad no está sujeta a gravámenes anteriores y/o preferentes según surge de las constancias del Registro de la Propiedad en un estudio de título efectuado a la finca antes descrita. Una vez
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
efectuada la venta de dicha propiedad, el Alguacil procederá a otorgar la escritura de traspaso al licitador victorioso en subasta, quien podrá ser la parte demandante, cuya oferta podrá aplicarse a la extinción parcial o total de la obligación reconocida por la sentencia dictada en este caso. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores. Si el producto de la venta fuere insuficiente para satisfacer la cantidad reclamada, se procederá a la ejecución de la sentencia en contra de la parte demandada por el remanente de las sumas no satisfechas, mediante embargo y venta en ejecución de cualesquiera otros bienes propiedad de la parte demandada en cantidad suficiente para dejar cubierta y totalmente satisfecha a la parte demandante cualquier deficiencia o parte insoluta de la sentencia dictada a su favor según dispuesto en la sentencia dictada en este caso. Se dispone, conforme con la sentencia dictada en este caso que, una vez efectuada la subasta y vendido el bien inmueble, los adjudicatarios sean puestos en posesión del mismo dentro del término de veinte (20) días por el Alguacil de este Honorable Tribunal y los actuales poseedores lanzados del referido inmueble. De ser ello necesario, el Alguacil podrá diligenciar el Acta de Subasta que se expida en horas laborales, de día, los 5 días de la semana y podrá romper cualquier cerradura o candado que dé acceso al inmueble objeto de este desalojo. Y para la concurrencia de licitadores y para el público en general, se publicará este Edicto de acuerdo con la ley, mediante edicto, en un periódico de circulación general en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, una vez por semana, por espacio de dos (2) semanas consecutivas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre ambas publicaciones, y para su fijación en tres (3) lugares públicos del municipio en que ha de celebrarse la venta, tales como la Alcaldía, el Tribunal y la Colecturía, y se le notificará además a la parte demandada vía correo certificado con acuse de recibo a la última dirección conocida. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, expido el presente Edicto de Subasta para conocimiento y comparecencia de los licitadores, bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, en Bayamón, Puerto Rico, a 13 de JUNIO de 2022. MARIBEL LANZAR VELAZQUEZ, ALGUACIL, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA SALA DE BAYAMÓN.
Queda emplazado y notificado de que en este Tribunal se ha radicado una demanda de EJECUCIÓN DE HIPOTECA IN REM en su contra. Se le notifica que deberá presentar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electrónica: https://unired. ramajudicial.pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación responsiva en la Secretaría del Tribunal Superior de Puerto Rico, Sala de San Juan· y enviando copia a la parte demandante: Lcda. Adela Surillo Gutiérrez, Bufete Collazo, Connelly & Surillo, LLC., P.O. Box 11550, San Juan, P.R. 00936-8212, Tel. (787) 625-9999, Fax (787) 705-7387, E-mail: asurillo@lawpr.com. Se le apercibe y notifica que si no contesta la demanda radicada en su contra dentro del término de treinta (30) días de la publicación de este edicto, se le anotará la rebeldía y se dictará sentencia concediendo el remedio solicitado en la demanda, sin más citárseles, ni oírseles. Expedido bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, a 13 de junio de 2022. Griselda Rodriguez Collado, Sec Regional. f/Brenda Baez Acaba, Sec Serv a Sala.
LEGAL NOTICE Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico TRIBUNAL GENERAL DE JUSTICIA Tribunal de Primera Instancia Sala Superior de CAGUAS.
(Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto) EL SECRETARIO(A) que suscribe le notifica a usted que el 10 de JUNIO de 2022 , este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debidamente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notificación. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedimiento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edicto de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edicto. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 13 de JUNIO de 2022. En CAGUAS , Puerto Rico , el 13 de JUNIO de 2022. F/ LISILDA MARTÍNEZ AGOSTO, Secretaria Regional. F/ MARTA E. DONATE RESTO, Secretario(a) Auxiliar.
LEGAL NOTICE Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico TRIBUNAL GENERAL DE JUSTICIA Tribunal de Primera Instancia Sala Superior de CAGUAS.
Demandante v.
contados a partir de la publicación por edicto de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edicto. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha 9 de mayo de 2022. En CAGUAS, Puerto Rico, 9 de junio de 2022. LISILDA MARTINEZ AGOSTO, Secretario. DAMARIS RODRIGUEZ GUZMAN, Secretario(a) Auxiliar.
(Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto) EL SECRETARIO (A) que suscribe le notifica a usted que el 9 de junio de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debidamente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los diez (10) días siguientes a su notificación. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedimiento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días
El Alguacil del Tribunal que suscribe anuncia y hace constar: A. Que en cumplimiento del Mandamiento que me ha sido dirigido por la Secretaria del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de Puerto Rico, Sala de Caguas, en el caso de epígrafe, venderé en pública subasta y al mejor postor de contado y en moneda de curso legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América y cuyo pago se efectuará en efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, todo derecho, título o interés que tenga la Parte Demandada en el bien inmueble que se describe a continuación: URBANA: Parcela de terreno identificado como solar número 3-F de la Urbanización Arbolada radicada en el Barrio Bairoa de Caguas, Puerto Rico, con cabida superficial de 310.500 metros cuadrados. Colinda por el NORTE, en una distancia de 13.500 metros, con el solar número 24; por el SUR, en una distancia de 13.500 metros, con la Calle número 4; por el ESTE, en una distancia de 23.00 metros, con el solar número 2; y por el OESTE, en una distancia de 23.00 metros, con el solar número 4. Contiene casa. Dirección Física: Urb. Alborada 3-F Calle Tabonuco (4), Caguas, PR 00725. Finca 41,112,
inscrita al folio 222 del tomo 1,178 de Caguas, Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección Primera de Caguas. B. Que los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado están de manifiesto en la Secretaría del Tribunal durante las horas laborables bajo el epígrafe de este caso. B. Q u e se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito ejecutante, continuarán subsistentes, entendiéndose que el rematente los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores. C. Que la Propiedad se encuentra afecta los siguientes gravámenes posteriores a la hipoteca que se ejecuta en la presente causa de acción. Hipoteca en garantía de un pagaré a favor de Firstbank Puerto Rico, o a su orden por la suma principal de $75,000.00, con intereses al 12% anual, vencedero a la presentación, constituida mediante la escritura número 146, otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el día 11 de junio de 2009, ante el notario Frederick James Baraga Huyke, e inscrita al folio 138 del tomo 1,709 de Caguas, finca número 41,112, inscripción 6ta. Aviso de Demanda de fecha 17 de agosto de 2011, expedido en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia de Puerto Rico, Centro Judicial de Caguas, Sala Superior, en el Caso Civil número ECD20111055, sobre Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Hipoteca, seguido por Firstbank de Puerto Rico versus Mario Prieto Batista y Xiomara Bermúdez Flores, por la suma de $75,000.00, más intereses y otras sumas adicionales o en su defecto la venta en Pública Subasta, anotado el día 12 de agosto de 2020, al tomo Karibe de Caguas, finca número 41,112, Anotación “E”. Embargo a favor del Estado Libre Asociado Puerto Rico, contra Mario A. Prieto Batista y Xiomara Bermúdez Flores, seguro social número xxxxx-8995 y xxx-xx-2248, por la suma de $31,025.22, por concepto de Contribución sobre Ingresos, según Certificación de fecha 21 de junio de 2017, Embargo número CAG-170179, presetado el día 12 de julio de 2017, anotado al Asiento 2017-006537-FED del Sistema Karibe. D. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer a la parte demandante el importe de la sentencia que ha obtenido ascendente a $96,932.12, balance de principal del pagaré, los intereses que al tipo convenido del 6.875% anual devengado sobre dicha suma desde el 1 de agosto de 2013,
The San Juan Daily Star y los que se devenguen hasta el total y completo pago del principal, los cargos por demora incurridos hasta esta fecha y los que se devenguen hasta el total y completo pago de la deuda, cualesquiera adelantos hechos por la demandante para el pago de primas de seguros y contribuciones y la suma de $14,100.00 para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado del demandante según pactados en el pagaré, así como en el contrato de hipoteca y cualesquiera otros adelantos para contribuciones y pólizas de seguro hechos por la demandante. La primera subasta se celebrará el día 7 de julio de 2022 a las 9:15 AM en la Oficina del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de Caguas por el tipo mínimo de $141,000.00. De declararse desierta dicha subasta se celebrará una segunda subasta el día 14 de julio de 2022 a las 9:15 AM en el mismo lugar antes mencionado. El precio para la segunda subasta lo será 2/3 partes del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $94,000.00. De declararse desierta dicha segunda subasta, se celebrará una tercera subasta el día 21 de julio de 2022 a las 9:15 AM en el mismo lugar antes mencionado. El precio para la tercera subasta lo será 1/2 del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $70,500.00. Y PARA QUE ASÍ CONSTE, y para su publicación en un periódico de circulación general y por un término de catorce (14) días en los sitios públicos conforme a la ley, expido la presente bajo mi firma y sello de este tribunal, hoy 14 de junio de 2022 en Caguas, Puerto Rico. ANGEL GOMEZ GOMEZ, ALGUACIL.
A: Perla Del Mar Rodríguez Fernández
POR LA PRESENTE se les emplaza y requiere para que conteste la demanda dentro de los treinta (30) días siguientes a la publicación de este Edicto. Usted deberá radicar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SU-
MAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electrónica: http://unired.ramajudicial.pr/sumac/, salvo que se presente por derecho propio , en cuyo caso deberá radicar el original de su contestación ante el Tribunal correspondiente y notifique con copia a los abogados de la parte demandante, Lcdo. Roberto C. Latimer Valentín, al PO BOX 9022512, San Juan , P.R. 00902-2512 ; Teléfono: (787) 724-0230. En dicha demanda se tramita un procedimiento de cobro de dinero y ejecución de hipoteca bajo el número mencionado en el epígrafe. Se alega en dicho procedimiento que la parte Demandada incurrió en el incumplimiento del Contrato de Hipoteca, al no poder pagar las mensualidades vencidas correspondientes a los meses de diciembre de 2020, hasta el presente, más los cargos por demora correspondientes. Además adeuda a la parte demandante las costas, gastos y honorario s de abogado en que incurra el tenedor del pagaré en este litigio. De acuerdo con dicho Contrato de Garantía Hipotecaria la parte Demandante declaró vencida la totalidad de la deuda ascendente a la suma de $231,808.53, más intereses a razón del 5.375% anual, desde el lro de noviembre de 2020 , hasta el presente, así como todos aquel los créditos y sumas que surjan de la faz de la obligación hipotecaria y de la hipoteca que la garantiza, incluyendo una suma equivalente al 10% de la suma principal, por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado todo según pactado. La parte Demandante presentará para su inscripción en el Registro de la Propiedad correspondiente, un AVISO DE PLEITO PENDIENTE (“Lis Pendens”) sobre la propiedad objeto de esta acción cuya propiedad es la siguiente: URBANA: Horizontal Property : Apartment unit number two tho usand two hundred eight (2208), part of Fairlakes III, Condominium, is located at Ocean Orive Road, Palmas del Mar, Municipality of Humacao. This unit built with reinforced concrete and concrete blocks is located at the seco nd tloor of building number two (2) and it is one leve! unit. The total area is one thousand four hundred eighty three point thirty seven (1,483.37) square feet, equivalent to one hundred thirt y seve n point eighty one (137.81) square meters. The main en trance to this unit is located on its East Side and leads to a cornmon elements which provides access to the same. The maxirnun length is forty seven feet with four inches (47’4”) and the maximum width is thirty eight feet with one inches (38’1”). lt’s boundaries by the NORT , in a distance of forty seven feet with four inches (47’4”) with unit ex-
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 terior wall, common area and unit number two thousand two hundred seven (2211 ); by the SOUTH , in a distance of forty seven feet with four inches (47’4”) with unit exterior wall, common arca and unit number two thounsand two hundred seven (2207); by the EAST, in a distance of thirty eight feet with onc inches (38’1 “) with common area and unit exterior wall; y por el OESTE, in a distance of thirty eight teet with one inches (38’1”) with unit exterior wall. This unit contains a living-dining room, a kitchen, a terrace and a laundry closet, an air conditioning closet, a bathroom and a balcony, a second bedroom with a terrace , a bathroom, a lavator y and walk-in closet, in a construction area of one thousand fifty four point ninety five ( l454.95) square feet, equivalent to one hundred thirty five point seventeen (135.17) square meters. Owner’s closet eight (8): Part of this unit is an owner’s closet located outside ofthe units main premises at ground floor with a construction area of twenty eight point forty two (28.42) square feet, equivalent to two point sixty four (2.64) square meters. This unit percentrag e share of the undivided intere st in the common elements reg ime is equal interest in the common elements of the Regime is equal to one point five zero six five one three percent ( 1.506513%). Parking space: the parking space is considered a limited common element destined for the exclusive use and enjoyment of the unit appearing belovv· number two thousand two hundred eight (2208) parking number four ( 4) and twenty one (21 ). Consta inscrita al folio 86 del tomo 589 de Humacao, finca número #27,011, Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección de Humacao. SE LE ORDENA a usted a que dentro del término legal de treinta (30) días, contados a partir de la fecha de notificación de la presente Orden , acepte o repudie la participación que le corresponda en la herencia de la DE LA SUCESION BENJAMÍN RODRIGUEZ COTTO. De no hacerlo dentro de dicho término , se dará la herencia por aceptada. SE LE APERCIBE que de no hacer sus alegaciones responsivas a la demanda dentro del término aquí dispuesto , se le anotará la rebeldía y se dictara sentencia, concediéndose el remedio so licitado en la Demanda , sin más citarle ni oírle. Expedido bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal en Humacao, Puerto Rico. A 16 de junio de 2022. Dominga Gomez Fuster, Sec Regional. Keila Perez Figueroa, Sec Aux del Tribunal.
LEGAL NOTICE Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico TRIBUNAL GENERAL
DE JUSTICIA Tribunal de Primera Instancia Sala Superior de San Juan.
EL SECRETARIO (A) que suscribe le notifica a usted que el 14 de junio de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debidamente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los diez (10) días siguientes a su notificación. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedimiento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edicto de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edicto. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 16 de junio de 2022. En San Juan, Puerto Rico, el 16 de junio de 2022. GRISELDA RODRIGUEZ COLLADO, Secretaria Regional. F/ MARTHA ALMODOVAR CABRERA, Secretaria Auxiliar.
del término de (30) días en torno a su aceptación o repudiación de herencia, se tendrá por aceptada. Lcdo. José Antonio Lamas Burgos Número del Tribunal Supremo 15693 221 Ponce de León Ave., Suite 900, San Juan, PR 00917 Tel: 787-296-9500 Correo Electrónico: jlamas@lvprlaw.com Expedido bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, hoy 16 de JUNIO de 2022. Lcda. Marilyn AponDemandados CIVIL NÚM: CA2022CV00464. te Rodriguez, Sec Regional. SOBRE: INTERPELACIÓN; Maricruz Aponte Alicea, Sec COBRO DE DINERO Y EJE- Auxiliar. CUCIÓN DE GARANTÍAS. EMLEGAL NOTICE PLAZAMIENTO POR EDICTO E INTERPELACION. ESTA- IN THE UNITED STATES DISDOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA TRICT COURT FOR THE DISEL PRESIDENTE DE LOS ES- TRICT OF PUERTO RICO. TADOS UNIDOS EL ESTADO BAUTISTA REO PR CORP. LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERPlaintiff, v. TO RICO.
ANA MARTÍNEZ ESTÉVES A: YONAEL VEGA A/K/A ANA MARGARITA GAUTIER, por conducto MARTÍNEZ ESTÉVES de su tutor y/o A/K/A ANA M. MARTÍNEZ representante legal el Sr. ESTEVEZ, AND ÁNGELES Jonathan Vega YOVAN MERCEDES MARTÍNEZ MENDEZ GAUTIER ESTÉVEZ APT. A-201 LOMAS ALTA Defendants VILLAGE COND. Civil No. 3:20-cv-01318 (PAD). CAROLINA, PR 00987 COLLECTION OF MONIES, FORECLOSURE OF MORT(nombre de la parte GAGE. NOTICE OF SALE. demandada que se TO: DEFENDANTS AND emplaza) GENERAL PUBLIC Se le emplaza y requiere que conteste la demanda dentro de los treinta (30) días siguientes a la publicación de este edicto. Usted deberá presentar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electrónica: https://unired. ramaiudicial.pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación responsiva en la secretaría del tribunal. Este caso trata sobre Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Garantías en que la parte demandante solicita que se condene a la parte demandada a pagar: la suma principal de $106,296.11, más la suma de $37,784.36, que incluye intereses según pactados, cargos por demora y otros cargos, que se acumulan diariamente hasta su total y completo pago, más la suma de 10% del principal, por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado hipotecariamente asegurados. Se le apercibe que, si dejare de hacerlo, se dictará contra usted sentencia en rebeldía, concediéndose el remedio solicitado en la demanda, sin más citarle ni oírle. Se ordena a los herederos a que dentro del mismo término de treinta (30) días contados a partir de la fecha de notificación, ACEPTEN O REPUDIEN la participación que les corresponda en la herencia del causante REBECCA GAUTIER RODRIGUEZ. Se les apercibe que de no expresarse dentro
On January 27, 2022, the Court entered Judgment in favor of plaintiff, Bautista Cayman Asset Company, now Bautista REO PR Corp. (“Bautista REO”) and against defendants, Ana Martínez Esteves a/k/a Ana Margarita Martínez Esteves a/k/a Ana M. Martínez Estevez, and Ángeles Mercedes Martínez Estevez (“Defendants”). Defendants were ordered to pay plaintiff the total outstanding principal balance of $135,546.79, plus interest at a rate of $36.71 per annum as of November 5, 2021, plus accrued late charges and any other advance, charge, fee or disbursements made by plaintiff on behalf of defendants, in accordance with the mortgage deed, plus costs, and 10% of modified mortgage note principal balance for attorney’s fees. The interest continues to accrue until the debt is paid in full. Pursuant to said judgment and/or the Order of Execution of Judgment, the undersigned appointed Special Master was ordered to sell, at public auction for U.S. currency in cash or certified check, without appraisement or right to redemption, to the highest bidder, at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, Room 150 - Federal Building, Carlos Chardón Avenue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, or at any other place designated by said Clerk, to cover the sums adjudged to be paid to the plaintiff, the following property: URBAN: Lot of land located in Del Carmen Street, Betances corner, of the Municipality of
Morovis, with surface area of 202.35 square meter. In borders by the NORTH, in a distance of 10.65 meters, with a lot occupied by Mrs. Carmen Diaz; by the SOUTH, at a distance of 10.65 meters, with Del Carmen Street; by the EAST, at a distance of 19.00 meters with a site occupied by Machargo Hermanos; and by the WEST, at a distance of 19.00 meters, with Betances Street. It has a house, on two levels. The property describe above is recorded at page 1 of volume 50 of Morovis, property number 3,495, Registry of Property of Manatí. The property is subject to the following liens: By its origin: Free of Liens. By itself: MORTGAGE: in guarantee of note in favor of Centro Hipotecario de Puerto Rico, or to its order, in the principal amount of $163,500.00, with a yearly interest rate of 7.5%%, due on August 1, 2020, as per Deed No. 147 executed in Barceloneta, on July 22, 2005, before Notary Public Ivonne Vergne López, recorded at page Movil of volume 248 of Morovis, property 3495, 14th Abbreviated inscription. MORTGAGE MODIFICATION: The object of this modification is the Mortgage for $163,500.00, which arises from the 14th inscription; Appears: Holder and Doral Bank as holder of the promissory note, and agree to modify the terms thereof in the following respects: The new principal will be $156,731.88; monthly payments will be interest only at an annual interest rate of 1.425% with a monthly interest payment of $182.21 beginning April 1, 2011 through March 1, 2012; Beginning April 1, 2012 through March 1, 2013, monthly payments will be interest only at an annual interest rate of 7.500%, with a monthly interest payment of $959.01; and beginning April 1, 2013 until the last payment, your monthly payments will be principal and interest in the amount of $1,052.23 at an annual interest rate of 7,500%; This mortgage and the promissory note will expire, and will be payable on August 1, 2045, with a last payment of $32,645.05. The mortgage is partially canceled in the amount of $6,768.12. as per Deed No. 99 executed in Morovis, on February 24, 2011 before Notary Public Gadiel O. Rosario Rivera, recorded at page 109 of volume 328 of Morovis, property 3495, 15th inscription. MORTGAGE MODIFICATION: The object of this modification is the Mortgage for $163,500.00, which arises from the 14th registration; and modified in the 15th registration for $156,731.88; Appears: Holder and Doral Bank as the holder of the promissory note, and agree to modify the terms thereof in the following respects: The maturity will be upon presentation, in accordance with
the provisions of Article 145 of the Mortgage Law, the term 20 years will begin from the date of the deed of modification; will accrue interest from the date of this modification until its total payment at a fixed annual rate of 10.00%. the total repayment of the principal and interest will be due and payable upon presentation. In the event of a judicial claim, the debtor agrees to satisfy the sum of $ 15,673.18 to cover the costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees that the creditor must incur, the sum of which will be due with the mere filing of the Claim. as per Deed No. 99 executed in Morovis, on February 24, 2014 before Notary Public Gadiel O. Rosario Rivera, recorded at page 109 of volume 328 of Morovis, property 3495, 16th inscription. JUDGMENT: Against Ana M. Martínez Esteves followed by Banco Popular de Puerto Rico in the amount of $ 26,382.61 for debt, account #101-00106057490106 followed in the Court of First Instance, room of Ciales dated September 12, 2013, Judgment #TD2009489 presented and annotated on November 4, 2013 at entry # 3 of page 106, volume 2 of Manatí. Potential bidders are advised to verify the extent of preferential liens with the holders thereof. It shall be understood that each bidder accepts as sufficient the title and that prior and preferential liens to the one being foreclosed upon, including but not limited to any property tax, liens, (express, tacit, implied or legal), shall continue in effect. It being understood further that the successful bidder accepts them and is subrogated in the responsibility for the same and that the bid price shall not be applied toward their cancellation. The amount of $156,731.88 shall serve as the minimum bidding amount for the first public sale, as set forth in the mortgage deed. Said sale to be made by the appointed Special Master is subject to confirmation by the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico and the deed of conveyance and possession to the property may be executed and delivered after the judicial sale. Upon confirmation of the sale, an order shall be issued canceling all junior liens. THEREFORE, public notice is hereby given that the appointed Special Master, pursuant to the provisions of the Judgment herein before referred to, will, on the 9th day of September, 2022, at 11:15 a.m., in the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, Federal Building, 350 Chardon Avenue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the property described herein, the proceeds of said sale to be applied in the manner and form provided by the Court’s Judgment. Should the
32 first judicial sale set hereinabove be unsuccessful, the second judicial sale of the property described in this Notice will be held on the 16th day of September, 2022, at 11:15 a.m., in the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, Federal Building, 350 Chardon Avenue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. Should the second judicial sale set hereinabove be unsuccessful, the third judicial sale of the property described in this Notice will be held on the 23rd day of September, 2022, at 11:15 a.m., in the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, Federal Building, Federal Building, 350 Chardon Avenue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. The records of the case and of these proceedings may be examined by the parties at the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, Federal Building, Chardón Avenue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. In San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 7th day of June, 2022. AGUEDO DE LA TORRE, APPOINTED SPECIAL MASTER.
Demandada CIVIL NÚM.: HU2019CV01984. SALA: 205. SOBRE: EJECUCIÓN DE HIPOTECA “IN REM”. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO. SS. AVISO DE SUBASTA. El que suscribe, Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior, Centro Judicial de Humacao, Humacao, Puerto Rico, hago saber, a la parte demandada y al PÚBLICO EN GENERAL: Que en cumplimiento del Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia expedido el día 13 de mayo de 2022, por la Secretaría del Tribunal, procederé a vender y venderé en pública subasta y al mejor postor la propiedad que ubica y se describe a continuación: URBANA: Lote de terreno localizado en la Calle dos de la Urbanización Palma Royale en el Barrio Río del municipio de Las Piedras, Puerto Rico, identificado en el plano de inscripción de la Urbanización aprobado por la Administración de Reglamentos y Permisos para la Urbanización como Solar 198. El mismo tiene una cabida superficial de 300.04 metros cuadrados. Colindando por el NORTE, con Solar 197; por el SUR, con Solar 199; por el ESTE, con la Calle dos (2); y por el OESTE, con Solares 179 y 180. En el Solar enclava una
estructura de hormigón armado y bloques. La misma consta de tres (3) cuartos dormitorios, dos (2) baños, sala, comedor, cocina, marquesina doble y demás dependencias. El Solar está afecto por una servidumbre de paso de 1.52 metros de ancho equivalente a 5 pies en colindancia con la Calle dos (2) para infraestructura de cable y telefonía. Inscrita al tomo Karibe de Las Piedras, finca #16,464. Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección de Humacao. La propiedad ubica en: Solar #198 en la Calle 2 de la Urb. Palma Royale, Barrio Río, Las Piedras, Puerto Rico. El producto de la subasta se destinará a satisfacer al demandante hasta donde alcance la SENTENCIA dictada a su favor el día 31 de marzo de 2022, notificada el 31 de marzo de 2022, por la cantidad de: $121,991.06 por concepto de principal, más los intereses sobre dicha suma a razón del 3.50%, anual desde el 1ro de diciembre de 2018, hasta su completo pago, más las primas de seguro hipotecario, recargos por demora y cualesquiera otras cantidades pactadas en la escritura de primera hipoteca, desde la fecha antes mencionada y hasta la fecha del pago total de las mismas, más la suma de $14,081.60 para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado; y demás créditos accesorios garantizados hipotecariamente. La adjudicación se hará al mejor postor, quien deberá consignar el importe de su oferta en el acto mismo de la adjudicación, en efectivo (moneda del curso legal de los Estados Unidos de América), giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del alguacil del Tribunal. LA PRIMERA subasta se llevará a efecto el día 11 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022 A LAS 11:30 DE LA MAÑANA, en la oficina del referido Alguacil, localizada en el Centro Judicial de Humacao, Humacao, Puerto Rico. Que el precio mínimo fijado para la PRIMERA SUBASTA es de $140,816.00. Que de ser necesaria la celebración de una SEGUNDA SUBASTA la misma se llevará a efecto el día 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022 A LAS 11:30 DE LA MAÑANA, en la oficina antes mencionada del Alguacil que suscribe. El precio mínimo para la SEGUNDA SUBASTA será de $93,877.33, equivalentes a dos terceras (2/3) partes del tipo mínimo estipulado para la PRIMERA subasta. Que de ser necesaria la celebración de una TERCERA SUBASTA la misma se llevará a efecto el día 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022 A LAS 11:30 DE LA MAÑANA, en la oficina antes mencionada del Alguacil que suscribe. El precio mínimo para la TERCERA SUBASTA será de $70,408.00, equivalentes a la mitad (1/2) del tipo mínimo estipulado para la PRIMERA subasta. Si se
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
declarase desierta la tercera subasta, se adjudicará la finca a favor del acreedor por la totalidad de la cantidad adeudada si ésta es igual o menor que el monto del tipo de la tercera subasta, si el Tribunal lo estima conveniente; se abonará dicho monto a la cantidad adeudada si esta es mayor, todo ello a tenor con lo dispone el Articulo 104 de la Ley Núm. 210 del 8 de diciembre de 2015 conocida como “Ley del Registro de la Propiedad Inmueble del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico”. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquiere libre de toda carga y gravamen que afecte la mencionada finca según el Artículo 102, inciso 6. Una vez confirmada la venta judicial por el Honorable Tribunal, se procederá a otorgar la correspondiente escritura de venta judicial y se pondrá al comprador en posesión física del inmueble de conformidad con las disposiciones de Ley. Para conocimiento de la parte demandada y de toda aquella persona o personas que tengan interés inscrito con posterioridad a la inscripción del gravamen que se está ejecutando, y para conocimiento de todos los licitadores y el público en general, el presente Edicto se publicará por espacio de dos (2) semanas consecutivas, con un intervalo de por lo menos siete días entre ambas publicaciones, en un diario de circulación general en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico y se fijará además en tres (3) lugares públicos del Municipio en que ha de celebrarse dicha venta, tales como la Alcaldía, el Tribunal y la Colecturía. Se les informa, por último, que: a. Que los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado estarán de manifiesto en la secretaría del tribunal durante las horas laborables. b. Que se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsistentes. Se entenderá, que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. EXPIDO, el presente EDICTO, en Humacao, Puerto Rico, hoy día 31 de mayo de 2022. Jose Luis Rodriguez Hernandez, Alguacil División de Subastas Tribunal de Primera Instancia Sala Superior de Humacao.
Demandados CIVIL NÚM. CA2019CV02678. Sobre: COBRO DE DINERO Y EJECUCIÓN DE HIPOTECA. EDICTO DE SUBASTA. LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS E.E. U.U. EL ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO. SS. Yo,MANUEL VILLAFAÑE BLANCO, Alguacil del Tribunal Superior de Puerto Rico, Sala de Carolina, al público HAGO SABER: Que en cumplimiento de un Mandamiento de Ejecución de Sentencia que se me libró con fecha de 3 de junio de 2022 por la Secretaria de este Tribunal, en el caso de epígrafe, venderé en pública subasta y al mejor postor con dinero en efectivo, cheque de gerente o letra bancaria con similar garantía, todo título, derecho o interés de la parte demandada de epígrafe sobre la siguiente propiedad perteneciente a la parte demandada, la cual se describe a continuación: URBANA: Propiedad Horizontal: Apartamento novecientos tres (903) ubicado en el tercer y cuarto piso del módulo número nueve (9) del Edificio Número Nueve-Diez (9-10), cual edificio está localizado en el inmueble sometido al Régimen de Propiedad Horizontal, conocido como Condominio Brisas de Parque Escorial, ubicado en el Barrio San Antón del Municipio de Carolina, Puerto Rico, cuya entrada y salida dan hacia el área de estacionamiento está construido de hormigón reforzado y bloques de hormigón con un área de piso aproximada de mil setecientos veinticinco pies cuadrados con dos centésimas de otro (1,725.02 p.c), equivalentes a ciento sesenta metros cuadrados con dos mil quinientos noventa y seis diezmilésimas de otro (160.2596 m.c.). Su forma es aproximadamente rectangular y consta de dos niveles; el primero ubicado en el tercer piso y el segundo en el cuarto piso, que a su vez da acceso a la terraza tachada parcialmente. Su entrada está localizada en el tercer piso orientada hacia el Oeste y da acceso directamente al vestíbulo de dicho piso que a su vez da acceso a elementos comunes generales de la propiedad a través de los pasillos, escaleras y acera para llegar a la vía pública. El primer nivel, ubicado en el tercer piso del edificio, está dividido en los siguientes elementos: una cocina, una sala-comedor, un medio baño, un closet para lavandería, un balcón y unas escaleras interiores, que dan acceso al segundo nivel ubicado en el cuarto piso del edificio. La sala-comedor, a su vez, da acceso al balcón. Contiene un
calentador de agua y gabinetes de cocina. El primer nivel tiene una cabida de setecientos diecinueve pies cuadrados con ochenta y cinco centésimas de otro (719.85p.c), equivalentes a sesenta y seis metros cuadrados con ochocientos setenta y seis milésimas de otro (66.876m.c); en lindes por el NORTE, en treinta y cinco pies (35’0”) con espacio exterior; por el SUR, en treinta y cinco pies (35’0”) con el apartamento número 904; por el ESTE, en veintiún pies con tres pulgadas (21’3”) con área común (escaleras y vestíbulo) y espacio exterior; por el OESTE, en veinte pies con dos pulgadas (20’2”) con espacio exterior. El segundo nivel ubicado en el cuarto piso está dividido en los siguientes elementos: tres cuartos dormitorios con sus closets, unidos por un pasillo central, dos baños, uno con acceso al pasillo central y el segundo ubicado dentro del área del cuarto dormitorio principal y unas escaleras interiores con acceso a la terraza y la otra que le da acceso al primer nivel. A este apartamento le corresponde, como elemento común limitado, la terraza sujeto a las disposiciones de la ley y sujeto a las limitaciones contenidas en la escritura de Constitución del Régimen de Propiedad Horizontal. El segundo nivel tiene una cabida de mil cinco pies cuadrados con diecisiete centésimas de otro (1005.17 p.c), equivalentes a noventa y tres metros cuadrados con trescientos ochenta y tres milésimas de otro (93.383 m.c.); en lindes por el NORTE, en treinta y nueve pies con dos pulgadas (39’2”) con espacio exterior; por el SUR, en treinta y nueve pies con dos pulgadas (39’2”) con el apartamento número 904; por el ESTE, en veintinueve pies con cinco pulgadas (29’5”) con el apartamento número 1003; y por el OESTE, en veintidós pies con cuatro pulgadas (22’4”) con espacio exterior. Le corresponde también, como elemento común limitado, dos espacios de estacionamiento, los cuales están debidamente identificados en el plano de estacionamientos que forma parte del Plano de Inscripción del Condominio y se identifican con el mismo número de apartamento. Le corresponde a este apartamento el punto cinco cero cuatro nueve cero cuatro por ciento de participación (.55049004%) en los gastos, ganancias y derechos en los elementos comunes del Condominio. Inscrita al folio 118 del tomo 1,454 de Carolina, Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección Segunda (II) de Carolina, finca número 59,277. Dirección Física: Apt 903, Cond. Brisas de Parque Escorial, Barrio San Antón, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00987. La finca 59,277 está gravada con la si-
guiente hipoteca cuya ejecución se solicita en la subasta objeto de este edicto: Hipoteca en garantía de un pagaré a favor de Rendon Mortgage Bankers Corporation, o a su orden, por la suma principal de $165,918.00, con intereses al 4.00% anual, vencedero el día 1 de noviembre de 2039, constituida mediante la escritura número 300, otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el día 22 de octubre de 2014, ante el notario Pedro Juan Caride Cruz, e inscrita al folio 141 del tomo 1540 de Carolina Sur, finca número 59,277, inscripción 6ta. La propiedad está afecta a los siguientes gravámenes: A. Aviso de Demanda de fecha 22 de julio de 2019, expedido en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Carolina, en el Caso Civil número CA2019CV02678, sobre cobro de dinero y ejecución de hipoteca, seguido por Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc., contra Sucesión de Alfredo Zabala Duran también conocido como Alfredo Zabala, Jr. y como Alfredo Zabala Cardona, compuesta por Sandra Elena Roesler también conocida como Sandra Elena Roesler también conocida como Sandra Elena Zabala, como Sandra Elena Zabala Cruz y como Sandra Elena Zabala Roesler; Lylyana Marie Fawlie también conocida como Lylyana Marie Zabala Cruz, Alfredo Zabala, III, también conocido como Alfredo Zabala Cruz, Fulano de Tal, Sutano de Tal, como posibles herederos desconocidos e Isa Yadira López Rivera también conocida como Isa López en la cuota viudal usufructaria, Wanda Iris De Jesús Fernández también conocida como Wanda I. De Jesús Fernández; CRIM, por la suma de $150,651.52, más intereses y otras sumas, anotado el día 25 de septiembre de 2019, al tomo Karibe de Carolina Sur, finca número 59,277, Anotación A. La venta se llevará a cabo para con su producto satisfacer a Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. por la hipoteca de $165,918.00, total o parcialmente. La venta se llevará a cabo para con su producto satisfacer a Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. total o parcialmente el importe de la Sentencia emitida el 14 de febrero de 2022. El importe de la Sentencia dictada en el caso de epígrafe asciende a las siguientes cantidades: $150,651.52 al 1 de agosto de 2018. Dicha cantidad continuará acumulándose a razón del 7% hasta el completo pago de la deuda. La demandada adeuda, además, una cantidad equivalente a $16,591.80 por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado, $16,591.80 para cubrir cualquier otro adelanto que se haga en virtud de la escritura de hipoteca y $16,591.80 para cubrir intereses adicionales a los garantizados por ley, según
pactado. El precio mínimo de licitación con relación a la antes descrita propiedad y la fecha y hora de cada subasta es como sigue: Primera Subasta: Se celebrará el día 4 de agosto de 2022, a la 1:30 p.m. Tipo mínimo: $165,918.00, suma pactada entre los contratantes en la escritura de constitución de hipoteca. Si no se produce remate ni adjudicación en la primera subasta se celebrará la Segunda Subasta el día 11 de agosto de 2022, a la 1:30 p.m. Tipo Mínimo: $110,612.00 dos terceras (2/3) partes del precio pactado entre los contratantes en la escritura de constitución de hipoteca. Si tampoco se produce remate ni adjudicación en la segunda subasta se celebrará una Tercera Subasta el día 18 de agosto de 2022, a la 1:30 p.m. o Mínimo: $82,959.00, la mitad (1/2) del precio pactado entre los contratantes en la escritura de constitución de hipoteca. Las subastas de dicha propiedad se llevarán a efecto en mi oficina situada en el local que ocupa este Tribunal en el Centro Judicial de Carolina, advirtiéndose que el que obtuviere la buena pro de dicha propiedad consignará en el acto del remate el importe de su oferta en moneda legal, en adición a los gastos de la subasta, siendo éste el mejor postor. En cualquier momento luego de haberse comenzado el acto de la subasta, el Alguacil podrá requerir de los licitadores que le evidencien la capacidad de pago de sus posturas. Del producto obtenido en dicha venta, el Alguacil pagará en primer término los gastos del Alguacil, en segundo término las costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado hasta la suma convenida, en tercer término los intereses devengados hasta la fecha de la subasta, en cuarto término las sumas establecidas en la Sentencia para el pago de recargos por demora, contribuciones, seguros y en quinto término la suma principal adeudada conforme con la sentencia dictada. Disponiéndose que si quedara algún remanente luego de pagarse las sumas mencionadas, el mismo deberá ser depositado en la Secretaría del Tribunal para ser entregado a la parte demandada, previa solicitud y orden del Tribunal. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante el título del inmueble y las cargas o gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes al crédito del ejecutante, si los hubiere, continuarán subsistiendo, entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda responsable de los mismos sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. Se le apercibe a los tenedores de gravámenes posteriores al que se ejecuta que, para proteger cualesquiera derechos que tengan sobre el inmueble, deberán comparecer a la subasta, pues de no hacerlo así y de no igualar el
precio de venta del gravamen hipotecario que se ejecuta, el Tribunal ordenará la cancelación de todos los gravámenes posteriores. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquiere libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores. Si se declara desierta la tercera subasta se adjudicará la finca a favor del acreedor por la totalidad de la cantidad adeudada si ésta es igual o menor que el monto del tipo mínimo de la tercera subasta, si el Tribunal lo estima conveniente. Se abonará dicho monto a la cantidad adeudada si ésta es mayor. Los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento del caso de epígrafe están disponibles en la Secretaría del Tribunal Superior de Puerto Rico, Sala Superior de Carolina durante horas laborables. Para conocimiento de la parte demandada y de toda persona que tenga interés inscrito con posterioridad a la inscripción del gravamen que se está ejecutando, si alguna, y para la concurrencia de licitadores y para el público en general el presente edicto se publicará en un diario de circulación general en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico una vez por semana por un término de dos (2) semanas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre cada publicación. Se fijará además, en tres (3) lugares públicos del Municipio donde ha de celebrarse la subasta, estos lugares serán la Alcaldía, el Tribunal y la Colecturía de dicho Municipio. Se notificará a la parte demandada copia del edicto de subasta mediante correo certificado con acuse de recibo a su dirección que obra en autos. Una vez efectuada la correspondiente venta judicial, otorgaré la escritura del traspaso al licitador victorioso, quien podrá ser la parte demandante, cuya oferta podrá aplicarse a la extinción parcial o total de la obligación reconocida por la Sentencia. Colocaré al licitador victorioso en posesión física de la Propiedad mediante el lanzamiento de los ocupantes en el término legal de veinte (20) días desde la fecha de la venta en pública subasta y para ello procederé a romper candados de ser necesario. Si transcurren los referidos veinte (20) días, el Tribunal podrá ordenar, sin necesidad de ulterior procedimiento, que se lleve a efecto el desalojo o lanzamiento del ocupante o ocupantes de la finca o de todos los que por orden o tolerancia del deudor la ocupen. El Registrador de la Propiedad cancelará, libre de derechos, todo gravamen posterior a la fecha en que se otorgó la hipoteca que ha sido ejecutada mediante esta acción, y procederá a la inscripción de la venta a favor del comprador en subasta libre de todo gravamen posterior a la fecha en que se otorgó la hipoteca que ha sido
The San Juan Daily Star ejecutada mediante esta acción. Expido el presente edicto bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Carolina. En Carolina, Puerto Rico, a 7 de JUNIO de 2022. MANUEL VILLAFAÑE BLANCO, ALGUACIL TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA SALA SUPERIOR DE CAROLINA.
POR LA PRESENTE se le emplaza para que presente al tribunal su alegación responsiva dentro de los treinta (30) días de haber sido diligenciado este emplazamiento, excluyéndose el día del diligenciamiento. Usted deberá presentar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electrónica: https://unired. ramajudicial.pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación responsiva en la
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
secretaría del tribunal. Si usted deja de presentar su alegación responsiva dentro del referido término, el tribunal podrá dictar sentencia en rebe1día en su contra y conceder el remedio solicitado en la demanda, o cualquier otro, si el tribunal, en el ejercicio de su sana discreción, lo entiende procedente. Se le apercibe a los herederos antes mencionados que de no expresarse dentro de ese término de treinta (30) días, en tomo a su aceptación o repudiación de herencia, la herencia se tendrá por aceptada. También se le apercibe a los herederos antes mencionados que luego del transcurso del término de treinta (30) días antes señalado, contados a partir de la fecha de publicación de este edicto, se presumirá que han aceptado la herencia del(los) causante(s) y, por consiguiente, responden por las cargas de dicha herencia conforme dispone el Artículo 1,578 del Nuevo Código Civil, 31 L.P.R.A. sec. 11,021. Representa a la parte demandante, la representación legal cuyo nombre, dirección y teléfono se consigna de inmediato: BUFETE FORTUÑO & FORTUÑO FAS, C.S.P. LCDO. JUAN C. FORTUÑO FAS RUA NUM.: 11416 PO BOX 3908, GUAYNABO, PR 00970 TEL: 787- 751-5290, FAX: 787-751-6155 E-MAIL: ejecuciones r@fo1tuno-law.com Expedido bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, hoy 16 de junio de 2022. Luz Mayra Caraballo Garcias, Sec Regional. f/Glorivee Morales Baez, Secretaria Aux del Tribunal.
DE LOS E.E.U.U. EL ESTADO ten, para darle cumplimiento el LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUER- ArtIculo 1578 del nuevo Código TO RICO. Civil de Puerto Rico, 31 L.P.R.A. A: LIZBETH CINTRON, § 11021, entendiéndose que, si no se expresan dentro de dicomo heredera de cho término, aceptan el caudal REYNALDO TORRES relicto; Ia renuncia se hará por CINTRON t/c/c REINALDO instrumento público o por escriTORRES CINTRON a: to judicial. La parte demandada deberá presentar su alegación URB. BONNEVILLE responsiva a través del Sistema VALLEY, 24 CALLE Unificado de Administración y CORPUS CHRISTI, Manejo de Casos (SUMAC), al CAGUAS, PR 00727-4814. cual puede acceder utilizando A: FULANO Y MENGANO Ia siguiente dirección electrónica: https://unired.ramajudicial. DE TAL, posibles herederos desconocidos pr, salvo que se represente par derecho propio, en cuyo caso de REYNALDO TORRES deberá presentar su alegación CINTRON tic/c REINALDO responsiva en Ia secretarIa TORRES CINTRON con del Tribunal. Se le advierte identidades y direcciones que si no contesta Ia demanda, radicando el original de Ia desconocidas. Queda usted notificado que en contestación en este Tribunal este Tribunal se ha radicado y enviando copia de Ia contestación a Ia abogada de Ia pardemanda sobre ejecución de te demandante, Lcda. Belma hipoteca por Ia via ordinaria Alonso Garcia, cuya dirección en Ia que se alega se adeuda las siguientes cantidades: es: P0 Box 3922, Guaynabo PR $91,144.00 de principal, más 00970-3922, Teléfonos: (787) intereses sobre dicha suma al 789-1826 y (787) 708-0566, correo electrónico: oficinabelma4% anual desde el 1 de noviembre de 2020 hasta su completo alonso@gmaiI.com, dentro del pago, más $285.77 recargos término de treinta (30) días de acumulados, más Ia cantidad Ia publicación de este edicto, estipulada de $9,820.10 para excluyéndose el dIa de Ia publicación, se le anotará Ia rebeldía costas, gastos y honorarios y se le dictará Sentencia en su de abogados, asi como cualquier otra suma que contenga contra, concediendo el remedio solicitado sin más citarle ni el contrato del préstamo. La oírle. EXPEDIDO baja mi firma propiedad que garantiza hipotecariamente eI préstamo es Ia y el sello del Tribunal, hay 7 siguiente: URBANA: Solar mar- de junio de 2022, en Caguas, cado con e/ #31 del bloque “LL” Puerto Rico. Lisilda Martinez de Ia urbanización denominada Agosto, Sec Regional. Brenda Bonneville Heights, Sección L Torres Perez, Sec Auxiliar. Dos B del termino municipal de Caguas, Puerto Rico, con cabida superficial do 315.075 metros cuadrados. En lindes por el NORTE, en 12.603 metros, con Ia calle #32; por el SUR, en 12.603 metros, con los solares #57 y 58; por el ESTE, en 25.00 metros, con el solar #30; por el OESTE, en 25.00 metros con el solar #32. Enclava una casa de hormigón armado compuesta de sala, comedor, cocina, marquesina, balcon, tres dormitorios y un baño. Inscrita al folio 78 del tomo 815 de Caguas, Finca 26837, Registro do Ia Propiedad de Caguas, Sección I. La hipoteca consta inscrita como asiento abreviado al folio 2541 del tomo 1793 de Caguas, Finca 26837, Registro de Ia Propiedad de Caguas, Sección I. Inscripción 10ma. La modificación de hipoteca fue presentada al asiento 442 del diario 1176 de Caguas, Finca 26837, Registro de Ia Propiedad de Caguas, Sección I. La demandante es Ia tenedora por endoso, por valor recibido y de buena fe del referido pagaré objeto de Ia presente acción. Se interpela a los demandados para que acepten o renuncien a Ia herencia de Ia causante dentro de los 30 días subsiguientes a Ia fecha que fuesen emplazados o requeridos que contes-
DE RECAUDACION DE FULANO y MENGANO DE INGRESOS MUNICIPALES TAL, posibles herederos Demandados desconocidos
POR LA PRESENTE se le emplaza para que presente al Tribunal su alegación responsiva a la demanda dentro de los treinta (30) días a partir de la publicación de este edicto. Usted deberá presentar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electrónica: http://unired. ramajudioial.pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberé presentar su alegación responsiva en la secretaria del tribunal. Sí usted deja de presentar su alegación responsiva dentro del referido término, el tribunal podrá dictar sentencia en rebeldía en su contra y conceder el remedio solicitado en la demanda, o cualquier otro, si el tribunal, en el ejercicio de su sana discreción, lo entiende procedente. Greenspoon Marder, LLP Lcda. Frances L. Asencio-Guido R.U.A. 15,622 TRADE CENTRE SOUTH, SUITE 700 loo WEST CYPRESS CREEK ROAD FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 Telephone: (954) 343 6273 Frances .Asencio@gmlaw. corn Expedido bajo mi firma, y sello del Tribunal, en Carolina, Puerto Rico, hoy 9 de junio de 2022. Lcda. Marilyn Aponte Rodriguez, Sec Regional.
A: FULANO Y MENGANO DE TAL, posibles herederos desconocidos de WANDA MORALES SANTIAGO t/c/c WANDA MORALES t/c/c WANDA SANTIAGO con identidad y dirección desconocida.
Queda usted notificado que en este Tribunal se ha radicado demanda sobre ejecución de hipoteca por la vía ordinaria en la que se alega se adeuda las siguientes cantidades: $40,680.67 de principal, más intereses sobre dicha suma al 7.95% anual desde el 1 de febrero de 2020 hasta su completo pago, más $61.35 de recargos acumulados, los cuales continuarán en aumento hasta el saldo total de la deuda, más la cantidad estipulada de $5,600.00 para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogados, así como cualquier otra suma que contenga el contrato del préstamo. La propiedad que garantiza hipotecariamente el préstamo es la siguiente: URBANA: Solar #4 del bloque A de la Urbanización Villas del Coqui radicado en el Barrio Pueblo Sur del Munícioío de Aibonito, Puerto Rico, con cabida de 250.00 m. c. Colinda por el NORTE, en 20.00 metros con el solar A -3; por e/ SUR, en 20.00 metros con el solar hipotecaA -5; por el ESTE, en 12.50 metros con Municiality of Aibonito; por el OESTE, en 12.50 metros, con la calle #4. Afecto a servidumbre de un 5’ a favor de la Puerto Rico Telephone Company a lo largo de sus colindancia Oeste. Contiene casa de hormigón, bloques y otros materiales dedicada a vivienda. La propiedad y la hiooteca constan inscritas al folio 41 del tomo 267 de Aibonito, Finca 13871. Registro de la Propiedad de Barranquitas. Inscrioción 2da. La demandante es la tenedora por endoso en blanco, por valor recibido y de buena fe del referido pagaré objeto de la presente acción. Se interpela a los demandados para que acepten o renuncien a la herencia de la causante dentro de los 30 días subsiguientes a la fecha que fuesen emplazados o requeridos que contesten, para darle cumplimiento el Artículo 1578 del nuevo Código Civil de Puerto Rico, 31 L.P.R.A. § 11021, en-
tendiéndose que, si no se expresan dentro de dicho término, aceptan el caudal relicto; la renuncia se hará por instrumento público o por escrito judicial. La parte demandada deberá presentar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Administración y Manejo de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electrónica: httis://unired.ramajudicial.pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación responsiva en la secretaría del Tribunal. Se le advierte que si no contesta la demanda, radicando el original de la contestación en este Tribunal y enviando copia de la contestación a la abogada de la parte demandante, Lcda. Belma Alonso García, cuya dirección es: PO Box 3922, Guaynabo PR 00970-3922, Teléfonos: (787) 789-1826 y (787) 708-0566, correo electrónico: oficinabelmaalonso@gmaiLcom, dentro del término de treinta (30) días de la publicación de este edicto, excluyéndose el día de la publicación, se le anotará la rebeldía y se le dictará Sentencia en su contra, concediendo el remedio solidtado sin más citarle ni oírle. EXPEDIDO bajo mi firma y el sello del Tribunal, hoy 10 de junio de 2022, en Aibonito, Puerto Rico. Elizabeth Gonzalez Rivera, Sec Regional. Aida Merly Garcia, Sec Auxiliar del Tribunal I.
de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notificación. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedimiento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edicto de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edicto. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 14 de JUNIO de 2022. En CAGUAS , Puerto Rico , el 14 de JUNIO de 2022 . F/ LISILDA MARTÍNEZ AGOSTO, Secretaria Regional. F/ MARTA E. DONATE RESTO, Secretaria Auxiliar.
LEGAL NOTICE Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico TRIBUNAL GENERAL DE JUSTICIA Tribunal de Primera Instancia Sala Superior de VEGA BAJA.
A: CARLOS ENRIQUE DÍAZ FEBUS Cond. Chalets de la Playa Este Apt. 519 Vega Baja, PR 00693
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico TRIBUNAL GENERAL DE JUSTICIA Tribunal de Pri- (Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto) mera Instancia Sala Superior EL SECRETARIO(A) que susde CAGUAS. ISLAND PORTFOLIO cribe le notifica a usted que 9 de junio de 2022 , este Tribunal SERVICES, LLC COMO ha dictado Sentencia, SentenAGENTE DE ACE ONE cia Parcial o Resolución en este FUNDING, LLC caso, que ha sido debidamente Parte Demandante VS. registrada y archivada enautos donde podrá usted enterarse MADELINE CARRASQUILLO GÓMEZ detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación Parte Demandada se publicará una sola vez en un Civil Núm. GR2021CV00152 periódico de circulación general (705). Sobre: COBRO DE DIen la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro NERO. NOTIFICACIÓN DE de los 10 días siguientes a su SENTENCIA POR EDICTO. notificación. Y, siendo o repreA: MADELINE sentando usted una parte en el CARRASQUILLO GÓMEZ procedimiento sujeta a los tér– URB VALLE ENSUEÑO minos de la Sentencia, Senten407 VALLE COSTERO cia Parcial o Resolución, de la GURABO PUERTO RICO cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación den00778-2741 tro del término de 30 días con(Nombre de las partes a las que se le tados a partir de la publicación notifican la sentencia por edicto) EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus- por edicto de esta notificación, cribe le notifica a usted que el dirijo a usted esta notificación 10 de JUNIO de 2022 , este que se considerará hecha en la Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, fecha de la publicación de este Sentencia Parcial o Resolución edicto. Copia de esta notificaen este caso, que ha sido debi- ción ha sido archivada en los damente registrada y archivada autos de este caso, con fecha en autos donde podrá usted de 9 de junio de 2022 En VEGA enterarse detalladamente de BAJA , Puerto Rico, el 9 de julos términos de la misma. Esta nio de 2022. LCDA LAURA I. notificación se publicará una SANTA SANCHEZ, Secretaria. sola vez en un periódico de MARITZA ROSARIO ROSAcirculación general en la Isla RIO Secretario(a) Auxiliar.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
At US Open, Matt Fitzpatrick’s first PGA Tour win comes at a major
Matt Fitzpatrick of England celebrating with the U.S. Open Championship trophy after winning on Sunday. By BILL PENNINGTON
his year’s U.S. Open began as the setting for an unprecedented showdown between golfers who had remained loyal to the established PGA Tour and a breakaway pack of ex-colleagues who recently joined the new, rebel Saudi-backed LIV Golf series. But the anticipated confrontation at the Country Club in Brookline, Massachusetts, outside Boston, fizzled in the first round on Thursday when golfers from both camps got along without friction. The LIV Golf-aligned players also faded from contention early. By Sunday, the ongoing split in men’s professional golf was hardly settled, but it was overshadowed by a riveting final-round shootout among three of the sport’s best young players: Matt Fitzpatrick, 27, of England, and 25-year-old Americans Will Zalatoris and Scottie Scheffler. In the end, Fitzpatrick, who won the U.S. Amateur at the Country Club nine years ago, survived the crucible, claiming his first win at a major golf championship and on the PGA Tour with a fourth-round 68 that made him 6 under par for the tournament. Fitzpatrick earned $3.15 million for the victory. Zalatoris and Scheffler finished one stroke back.
The pivotal moment, as is common at major championships, arrived as Fitzpatrick stood on the final tee of the 72-hole, fourday tournament while leading by one stroke. Known for his meticulous precision — he has for many years charted the finite details and the outcome of every shot he hits in competition — Fitzpatrick had missed only two fairways to that point in his round. But his 3-wood on the 444-yard, par4 18th hole was ripped left and landed in the center of a yawning bunker just off the fairway. His ball was 156 yards from the hole, which was positioned on a plateaued green protected in the front by a cavernous bunker that has ruined many a golfer’s round for decades. As Fitzpatrick later said, he had been struggling to hit competent shots out of fairway bunkers all year. “It’s the one place I didn’t want to be — No. 1 on that list,” Fitzpatrick said. But Fitzpatrick, who tied for fifth at last month’s PGA Championship and tied for 14th at this year’s Masters Tournament, has a wealth of elite golf experience. Moreover, he felt comfortable all week since he had only happy memories of competing at the Country Club because of his 2013 victory in the U.S. Amateur. “I’m a fast player, and when I look back, it just all happened so fast,” he said of
his second shot at the 18th. “It was like just kind of let natural ability take over.” He pulled a 9-iron from his bag and imagined he was a junior player again. “I thought: try to hit it close,” Fitzpatrick said, smiling. The shot soared over the perilous high lip of the bunker he was in and above the crest of the vast bunker guarding the 18th green. “It was amazing to watch,” said Fitzpatrick, who knew at that instant that he would almost certainly make a par, which he did with two cautious putts. Zalatoris, Fitzpatrick’s playing partner, had a 14-foot birdie putt at No. 18 that would have set up a playoff. But the putt drifted less than an inch to the left of the hole. The victory, which was Fitzpatrick’s first on American soil (he has won seven international events), could be a breakthrough for a quiet and popular player in the closeknit circuit of pro golfers. In the past year, Fitzpatrick, now No. 10 in the men’s world golf rankings, has worked tirelessly off the course to increase the speed of his swing, which leads to greater distance, and usually to lower scores. Quiet and unassuming, Fitzpatrick also has an easy smile that hides a fierce competitive streak. Late Sunday night, Fitzpatrick admitted as much. “Although it doesn’t come across, because I like to be quite reserved, I just love beating everyone,” he said. “It’s as simple as that. Just love winning. I want to beat everyone.” While Saturday’s third round was played in gusting winds that made the greens firm and fast — and produced only seven rounds under par — Sunday’s conditions were benign in comparison. As a result, the field could be more aggressive, especially if a tee shot landed on the fairway. Zalatoris began the day tied for the lead with Fitzpatrick at 4 under par but faltered early when he three-putted from 67 feet below the second hole for a bogey. Then, on the next hole, he sent his second shot into a greenside bunker, which led to a second successive bogey. But Zalatoris rarely appeared rattled. He steadied himself with three consecutive pars and at the par-3, 158-yard sixth hole, he
drilled his tee shot 2 feet from the flag for an easy birdie. Zalatoris’ approach shot to the par-4 seventh green from 164 yards skipped onto the green and rolled just an inch left of the hole. His tap-in birdie brought him back to 4 under par for the tournament. When Zalatoris sank a 17-foot birdie putt on the ninth hole, he made the turn at 5-under par, just one stroke behind Fitzpatrick. After a steady par on the 10th hole, Zalatoris played it smart and safe on the downhill par-3 11th hole, which was playing just 108 yards on Sunday (with a dastardly difficult back left hole location). Zalatoris left his tee shot below the hole and rolled in an 18-foot putt for birdie to move to 6 under, which gave him the tournament lead briefly. But a missed fairway off the 12th tee led to a layup short of the green and ultimately a bogey. After watching Zalatoris fall back to 5 under, Fitzpatrick attacked. Standing over a 48-foot putt for birdie on the 13th hole, he rolled a snaking, left-to-right putt slowly but confidently into the hole to tie Zalatoris. Like everyone at the top of the leaderboard Sunday, Fitzpatrick’s round had its inconsistencies. He started strong with three pars and two birdies in his opening five holes. But his tee shot on the par-3 sixth hole was excessively long, sailing 66 feet past the hole, which led to a bogey. Fitzpatrick rallied with a comfortable birdie on the par-5 eighth but like many on Sunday he could not sustain the positive momentum. He stumbled on the 10th hole when a lengthy second shot was short of the green and led to another bogey. Then the tiny 11th tormented Fitzpatrick as a 7-foot par putt skidded past the hole for a second successive bogey. Scheffler appeared to take a commanding lead in the tournament Saturday with a sparkling front nine, but then gave it all back with a string of bogeys on the back nine. On Sunday, Scheffler carved up the front nine again, with four birdies in his first six holes. But Scheffler’s putting stroke deserted him on the back nine when he bogeyed the 10th and 11th holes when he needed three putts to get his ball in the hole on both greens. That dropped him to 4 under for the tournament. Scheffler stayed in the battle though with five successive pars from the 12th through the 16th holes.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
FINA restricts transgender women from competing at elite level By MATTHEW FUTTERMAN
he world governing body for swimming has effectively barred transgender women from the highest levels of women’s international competition, intensifying a debate over gender and sports that has roiled state legislatures and increasingly divided parents, athletes and coaches at all levels. The vote on Sunday by FINA, which administers international competitions in water sports, prohibits transgender women from competing unless they began medical treatments to suppress production of testosterone before going through one of the early stages of puberty, or by age 12, whichever occurred later. It establishes one of the strictest rules against transgender participation in international sports. Scientists believe the onset of male puberty gives transgender women a lasting, irreversible physical advantage over athletes who were female at birth. World swimming would also establish a new “open” category for athletes who identify as women but do not meet the requirement to compete against people who were female at birth. More than 70% of FINA’s member federations voted to adopt the policy, which was devised by a working group set up in November that included athletes, scientists and medical and legal experts. The policy will go into effect Monday, just days after the start of the world swimming championships in Budapest, Hungary. “We have to protect the rights of our athletes to compete, but we also have to protect competitive fairness at our events, especially the women’s category at FINA competitions,” Husain al-Musallam, president of the federation, said in a statement. There are no transgender women competing at the world swimming championships, and only one transgender woman, a Canadian soccer player, is known to have ever won a medal at the Olympics. The move, however, came just three months after Lia Thomas became the first transgender woman to win an NCAA Division I swimming championship — she won the 500-yard women’s freestyle — putting a spotlight on the issue. She has said little about her win, but recently told Sports Illustrated: “I’m not a man. I’m a woman, so I
belong on the women’s team.” She has also said she hopes to try to qualify for the U.S. Olympic team in 2024. Under the new rule, she would not be eligible to compete there. During Thomas’ championship season, USA Swimming, the sport’s national governing body, passed new rules that allowed transgender women to compete if they had taken medication that had sufficiently suppressed their testosterone levels continuously for 36 months. The rule put the organization in line with numerous other governing bodies, from track and field to cycling, that have relied on measuring testosterone levels to determine who gets to compete against athletes who were female at birth. FINA’s rules apply only to international competitions but could guide the thinking of other sports federations dealing with the issue. Tim Hinchey III, CEO of USA Swimming, did not respond to a message for comment Sunday. Advocates on both sides of the issue said the international swimming body’s move could advance the growing movement to prevent transgender women from competing even in recreational sports while undercutting efforts to provide full access to sports for people regardless of the gender they were assigned at birth. Sports federations have sought to produce policies that try to balance science with fair play, inevitably angering people at every level of sport. “It’s very unfortunate that FINA has made this ruling,” said Joanna Harper, a medical physicist who has written extensively on gender and sport and advised several international sports federations, including the International Olympic Committee. “Trans women are not taking over women’s sports, and they are not going to.” Alejandra Caraballo, an instructor at Harvard Law School and an expert on transgender issues, said the FINA rule would give the green light for other bodies to pass similarly restrictive bans and also require athletes to produce as many as 10 years or more of invasive medical records and blood tests. “This is an incredibly discriminatory policy that is attempting to fix a problem that doesn’t exist,” Caraballo said, adding, “This is the result of a moral panic because of Lia Thomas.” Anne Lieberman, director of policy
and programs at Athlete Ally, a group that supports the rights of LGBTQ athletes, called the regulation “deeply discriminatory, harmful, unscientific” and out of step with the IOC’s guidelines on fairness and inclusion. She said the regulations would “not be enforceable without seriously violating the privacy and human rights of any athlete looking to compete in the women’s category.” Athletes can appeal the ruling at the Court of Arbitration for Sport, the world’s top sport court, which is based in Switzerland. The court has in the past upheld the rights of international sports federations to set rules on the classification of athletes based on their testosterone levels. In 2019, the court upheld the world track and field federation’s regulations on athletes born with both male and female genitalia that had prohibited them from competing unless they took medication to suppress their testosterone levels. In November, the International Olympic Committee ceded eligibility rules in women’s sports to the governing bodies of individual sports. But it also said that “until evidence determines otherwise, athletes should not be deemed to have an unfair or disproportionate competitive advantage due to their sex variations, physical appearance and/or transgender status.” FIFA, soccer’s world governing body,
this year said it would continue to allow transgender women to compete. World Rugby has barred transgender women from international competitions since October 2020. Peer-reviewed studies show that even after testosterone suppression, top-level transgender women retain a substantial edge when racing against top biological women, according to Michael J. Joyner, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who studies the physiology of male and female athletes. Men on average have broader shoulders, bigger hands, longer torsos, greater lung and heart capacity and their muscles are denser. “There are social aspects to sport, but physiology and biology underpin it,” Joyner said in an interview with The New York Times this year. Ross Tucker, a sports physiologist who consults with World Athletics, the world governing body for track and field, has called Thomas the perfect symbol for what can happen if sports allow transgender women to compete with no restrictions. That said, there has been relatively little scientific study of elite transgender athletes. And while testosterone’s role in physical strength and stamina is robust, studies have not been able to gauge its precise impact on performance.
Lia Thomas, a transgender woman, swimming at the Ivy League women’s swimming and diving championships in February. The new FINA policy will bar swimmers like her from elite women’s competitions.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
‘We want to know whose brain is healing and why.’
Seven years after his N.F.L. career ended, Jonathan Martin worries that his anxiety and depression are linked to the concussions he got while playing. By KEN BELSON
onathan Martin believes he is doing most things right. A former offensive tackle with the Miami Dolphins and the San Francisco 49ers, he retired at 26 before the subconcussive head hits that are the hallmark of his position could do more damage. He shed 50 pounds, took up yoga and meditation and, after bouncing from job to job, enrolled in an MBA program at the University of Pennsylvania. But Martin, now 32, figures he had potentially dozens of concussions playing football and has had bouts of anxiety and depression, all symptoms associated with chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the degenerative brain disease that has plagued football players and was found posthumously in a former teammate who died at 26. Martin’s concerns led him, in 2019, to join a study at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore that could help scientists develop treatments for the symptoms and illnesses linked to brain trauma and CTE. “I wanted to be at the forefront of a solution,” said Martin, who was the target of a teammate’s bullying that made headlines in 2013. “There should be more awareness around head injuries. I want to know how I can keep my mind lubricated.” The study, now finishing its second
phase, looks at why the brains of former football players continue to work overtime to repair themselves years after the athletes stopped playing. Using PET scans, researchers track the brain cells known as microglia, which remove and repair damaged neurons. Those cells are typically active after trauma, including concussions, and become less so as the brain heals. “The microglia and the molecule they’re working with are basically the sanitation workers of the brain,” said Jonathan Lifshitz, the director of the Translational Neurotrauma Research Program at the Phoenix Children’s Hospital who is not involved in the study at Johns Hopkins. “They’re like FEMA: They’re on high alert, and when they’re needed, they’ll come in and act.” Active microglia are normally welcomed as they help the brain repair itself, but their remaining active so long after trauma has ended may mean that other problems are emerging. The activity of those microglia has been found in others who have sustained brain trauma — people in car crashes, for instance — but those groups can be hard to find and track through the duration of a time-consuming study. NFL players, though, are a discrete group who can be easy to identify and, like Martin, can be eager to take part. Dr. Jennifer Coughlin, an associate
professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the study’s lead researcher, first observed the overtime work of the reparative brain cells in a pilot of the study that began in 2015. Testing four active NFL players and 10 former pros whose careers ended within 12 years, Coughlin’s team found higher levels of a biomarker that increases as microglia activity does. That chronic activity, she said, might be a sign that players are at risk of developing other problems linked to brain trauma, such as deteriorating memory, mood disorders or Alzheimer’s disease. “We want to know whose brain is healing and why,” Coughlin said. “That could inform new treatments.” To get more clarity, Coughlin and the researchers focused the study’s second phase on younger former players, who were less likely to have vascular disease or other indications that might independently muddy the interpretation. Martin, who since the bullying scandal had battled depression that deepened after he left the NFL, wondered if football played a part. He reached out to the Concussion Legacy Foundation to learn more about any potential links, and the group pointed him to the Johns Hopkins study. “Based on some of my behavior, the question came to mind: Is there something wrong with me beyond just normal depression?” Martin said. “Anyone who plays football knows that smashing your head isn’t good for you.” He was first examined in late 2019 and, after a delay to the study because of the coronavirus pandemic, returned to Baltimore in March for two days of follow-up tests. On the first day, Martin answered questions about changes in his cognitive abilities and mental health since his first visit. The next morning, he returned for a PET scan, an imaging test that would monitor his brain activity by tracking a chemical injected into his arm. During the 90-minute scan, Martin meditated to get over the claustrophobia of having his head inside a tightfitting metal cylinder for so long. Karen Edmonds, a nuclear medicine technician, fitted him with a wet mold that, once hardened, would keep Martin’s head still. “Once it’s molded, it fits like a glove,” she said.
An anesthesiologist then put a catheter in Martin’s left arm for the 35 or so blood samples that would be collected during the scan. Once in the PET scan room, Martin lay on his back on a table with a blanket draped over him and was slid backward until his head was inside the scanning tube. Then the tracing agent was injected into his right arm, and Edmonds watched its progress on a monitor. “The goal is to see how much of the radio tracer lights up in the brain,” Edmonds said. “There’s just one dose at the beginning, and then we monitor to see how fast it deteriorates.” After the test ended, Edmonds pulled the table with Martin out of the tube. “I have claustrophobia, but I just breathed through it,” Martin said. “You’re definitely bored, but it’s finite.” Coughlin arrived to remove the arterial catheter, which took about 15 minutes. Coughlin has tested 22 former NFL players and 25 other athletes, and she hopes to test 70 participants in all, better to isolate potential factors that cause the brain activity. Genetics, other medical conditions, the player’s position on the field and when he started playing football could all be contributors, Coughlin said. “This will allow us to parse through to determine what factors there are for people with persistent brain injury,” she said. Even with Martin and other players’ participation, the Johns Hopkins study is still a relatively small one and is just beginning to understand how traumatized brains behave. But it has the potential to help identify the early onset of illnesses and symptoms linked to head trauma, not just in football players but in people previously involved in bicycle accidents, car crashes and other collisions. “Right now, there’s no real good way to diagnose Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease early,” said Jay Alberts, a neuroscientist at the Center for Neurological Restoration at the Cleveland Clinic. “It’s so important to be able to raise a yellow flag or red flag.” The study is blind, which means Martin and the other participants are not told the results of their individual tests. But Martin said participating was about helping others as much as himself. “It’s all part of being part of research that I’m passionate about to make the game better,” he said.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Sudoku How to Play: Fill in the empty fields with the numbers from 1 through 9. Sudoku Rules: Every row must contain the numbers from 1 through 9 Every column must contain the numbers from 1 through 9 Every 3x3 square must contain the numbers from 1 through 9
Answers on page 38
(Mar 21-April 20)
Today’s Quarter Moon brings your imagination into play, and can see you weighing the possible against the unlikely. With the Sun in Gemini, a logical perspective may tell you that an idea is just out of reach. Current aspects suggest that there is more to life than facts, and that mysterious forces might be at work, helping you to bring something exciting and wonderful into existence.
(April 21-May 21)
(May 22-June 21)
If you can be open to guidance, wherever it comes from, the coming days may bring you valuable solutions and creative possibilities. And the conversation of friends could be revealing, even if they are joking around. Their words might act as a catalyst for a stream of thoughts, that result in fascinating and useful insights. Have unused talents, Taurus? This is the time to explore them.
Today can be a turning point, as a potent lunar phase encourages a decision. You’ll need to combine the wisdom of your head and heart, if you’re to do the right thing though. If you have ignored your feelings, then acknowledging them may help you know what to do next. This might seem obvious Gemini, but what you think you want isn’t necessarily best for you right now.
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
(June 22-July 23)
(Sep 24-Oct 23)
The desire for a taste of freedom may clash with a need to please. The Gemini Sun might be the reason you’re tempted go off on an adventure. Yet if someone is depending on you, you can put your own plans aside to avoid feeling guilty. It’s a balancing act Libra, as you certainly deserve a chance to unwind as much as everyone else. Don’t put yourself last on the list over coming days.
(Oct 24-Nov 22)
As the Sun and Moon angle towards each other, your hobbies could prove very healing if they allow you to channel potent feelings. You may not even realize just how strong your emotions are, until you allow your creativity to flow or get involved in other activities you enjoy. This might become your go-to method to relax your mind and recharge your batteries, Scorpio.
(Nov 23-Dec 21)
(Dec 22-Jan 20)
Home comforts can tempt, and may be the reason that you refuse to get involved in other activities. A movie or a really good book that piques your imagination, could keep you very happy. Keen to connect with someone interesting? The Mercury/Jupiter link might bring someone refreshing into your orbit. Their many adventures can whet your appetite for more.
Interesting thoughts may appear when daydreaming or in your night reveries, and these might spark a chain of imaginative ideas. If you’ve been confused lately, then such insights could change your thinking, and help you to see new possibilities. Plus, Mercury’s uplifting link with Jupiter, can coincide with an idea that amazes you and your superiors. It may get you noticed.
Someone’s advice could upset your plans, so don’t take their words at face value. They may have your interests at heart, but what they say might go against your instincts. If you need help, then choose your adviser wisely, as the right person can help you to succeed. A relationship could become closer too Capricorn, if an increase in trust emboldens you to share your feelings.
(July 24-Aug 23)
(Jan 21-Feb 19)
Today’s Mercury/Jupiter line-up, could find you eager to sample a new and exciting experience. If it has a little risk attached to it, you’ll be even more delighted. Plus, you may be offered an opportunity that won’t be repeated any time soon, so take advantage. And with a Quarter Moon on the cards, your instincts might be warning you not to be too complacent, Leo. Stay on the ball.
Today’s Quarter Moon in your personal money zone, can see you being generous to others. This might push you to share your time and resources, even if you lose out. In addition, opportunities for outings and some relaxation may be on the agenda. Don’t end up too depleted to do something nice, Aquarius. The best way to recharge is to do what you love most.
(Aug 24-Sep 23)
You may need to keep close tabs on someone, to make sure they follow through on a commitment. If you don’t, there’s a chance they’ll forget or can’t be bothered. With the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Pisces, your reputation might be linked to the successful conclusion of this idea or project, so you’ll need them to play their part. A little bribery could work wonders.
(Feb 20-Mar 20)
This can be a good time to discuss a domestic project, with a view to bringing it to completion. With the Sun forging an angle to the Moon, there may be differences of opinion. But if you find a way to compromise, then things might move forward in a pleasing way. This is also a time of ideas, and even the most daring could be very possible Pisces, if you’re willing to be bold.
Answers to the Sudoku and Crossword on page 37
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Speed Bump
Frank & Ernest
Scary Gary
Wizard of Id
For Better or for Worse
The San Juan Daily Star
Tuesday June 21, 2022
The San Juan Daily Star